or - lincoln county archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... ·...

·Fergusson waa $Clltt1uleit .:.:. · ... at iRw•ll .If . , .. .. , . · ·sttutl, Mel J}!e . . •. l:if: ·. · . · · .. ·.Ol(f J\ly •. , PJu·v. · t»an• "'· · ··ttaltu,.,.. .... i1U ,Oy!r.tb" .• e1lltiu .. 4 : . .c:otllici'e$-'.llls .muttedug ., ·builaea·r;rr: '}kept 'U.t> llis .. ... . . tht bdt. · , .. · must · . . tb(! .. [\tU ·n. · .. · l,u}. " .. · turned :tltiagll ·loon, kJl.!>w1rurJr hi! ·tna\lt;'' Jl.ili' ... ttte:cutlf:1l"re .. .. ' ·. wcl£•re or '.J · · •· ' · atln . whlfn M to. · '· . els Acre.. . · UJing roQt · . 'i>Eyer.ryerir !iM gratn said ne tp N!tws ltio.n. \hili d•n.tl.f;. !dQ ·uot prufestl ·to \lo. 1\ .• Wi!C:k't. nr bi\Vt'l' 1 At'Y: f•hnerl' iu acieutltiC' Carmc:r; 1 krtow tount1• n.nd 1ta\'a ·l'lever .no C::(H!ntrl (jJt <>aftll a mall .b.ad-. tlet;lre lC! ·Cl!.n ifcpem\ Ppon auurc Qr bll" l nave bcerr convlncc.ul aU .cbt: ger rcttn·ua !or • . time. l couhl riQt gQ e1lle .. il!ttounlofwork. -. wb.er(f:aml: fin\l :t!qtter ·c.opaftJS)rjs •. ' ia :luy )'el\t l llf tc.{ Qr ·" . mY anif\l'!· two agre.(!!!tblli' to ·itJ. I

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Post on 15-Mar-2018




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Page 1: or - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · drlnk.,r, llha tbo married mnn, llh only ocoma lonaar. South AmorlcllD rllllt71l)' tralDo

,-~~~~o~-~L~~i~ii~f~»~~~f~~tw~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~·:~~F~~~fir~~ID~~l£1,,blU~1ma~~~~PI·~~~iffiij~eii l'ow.~·Jasl·'Fric1ii}:,~lit1;·.·'J.to:nilJ~(ij•m;eiil.'nir~·~, ·Fergusson waa $Clltt1uleit t~

.:.:. ~-· · ... iuw·.~~ct: at iRw•ll .JIMJL~~ .If . , ~rbl~.- .. OJ~l, J~t?lter,l'.iuv}qtt'~ootu.notion ;1~111.m ..

, . · ·sttutl, Mel 1!Ct''lb~1lttte ;ull.t.~ni1 holt~.'P,h!!Ad J}!e . . q~~r'tti.otnia(f •. _··.M~ ~eiitu.u~u ~~n~·iJi l:if: ~uto ·. · . · ·

~;,t.o.;;,;,.o,......,.....;a. :a~J'()"- .tl1J~OU1lto/..:.ttd;/~t;~U,UIUC1,1. A,tft~CJiJ.t,d:QI~-;:;~~ ~- :.,~~"' ~ .. ·.Ol(f J\ly •. , PJu·v. •pr~a'd 11~ · bt~.~'-~!1tHut t»an• "'· · ··ttaltu,.,.. .... rne.nllm'"'~~·'"

i1U ,Oy!r.tb" .• e1lltiu ~'Jtt AiboUllt~'.tt:~'k~.N~YH'!l!r)lU~ .. .'.~ 4 : . .c:otllici'e$-'.llls ~· .muttedug autl~pltlJ~~~va~~tork~.i\., • t:ni,P.lt.;....~,~ttp~~...,:, ., ·builaea·r;rr:

~ ':1J!~c.U~t~.llltdntt;fl\cir~·f?;ttwf~'t ~f,~ l>lt~~'L ~-·· '}kept 'U.t> llis Fttf~tJU•tt;~ ,»n,til·r~ ~~ • .. •tlt/wlic;~1'int.... ... . . ~ tht buckc!Ul:u~\~e clown:~.nir g:ave·~~ ~~e·Q~'iJlt' bdt. · , .. · must

· . . .tl\ln~r ~ tb(! s!~i4 'l~ting: _;l.\m!l~l.~ .. [\tU .ll~l!r~ ·n. jus~ · .. ~ · l,u}. *1l~. " .. · turned :tltiagll ·loon, kJl.!>w1rurJr hi! ·tna\lt;'' Jl.ili' ~ea~l\!llf • ... ttte:cutlf:1l"re

:th~ p()pU~it' ~tttcUq:uiU;he~d: lu&.·i~,-iO,l<Uftti,lre~lf. .. ~ .. ' ·. wcl£•re or '.J · · •· ' · atln

. whlfn M mov~d to. · '· . els p~r Acre.. . · UJing roQt · . 'i>Eyer.ryerir lludngtha~ tim~~"" !iM gratn ctop~ha$ yiel~e,\'ab~n~

said ne tp TJI~ N!tws ltio.n. \hili d•n.tl.f;. !dQ ·uot prufestl ·to \lo. 1\ .• Wi!C:k't. nr bi\Vt'l' 1At'Y: f•hnerl' iu acieutltiC' Carmc:r; bU~ 1 krtow o£ Lincolt~, tount1• n.nd 1ta\'a ·l'lever .no C::(H!ntrl (jJt <>aftll w~ete: a mall .b.ad-. tlet;lre lC! l~~>·an~ bee~"~t;' ·Cl!.n ifcpem\ Ppon auurc Qr bll" l nave bcerr convlncc.ul aU .cbt: ger rcttn·ua !or • . re••on~l}l!l time. th~£', l couhl riQt gQ e1lle .. il!ttounlofwork. -. wb.er(f:aml: fin\l :t!qtter ·c.opaftJS)rjs •. ' ''hl~u.i<.it ;be!Iev~ tbir~ ia :luy On~ )'el\t l hiltt•·tqt~~.t f~ilure llf li~nltldcr eli~~ tc.{ Qr ·" mor~

. mY anif\l'!· two ot~~:rJZc:~r.B agre.(!!!tblli' e1iftla~e to Hv~ ·itJ. I

Page 2: or - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · drlnk.,r, llha tbo married mnn, llh only ocoma lonaar. South AmorlcllD rllllt71l)' tralDo

ff~ to a breczo ftcm ~ AQrtb (:rult~ · ono from tbo FJll!Ut!l or WC!il~ Jncrot ncc:optnblo. ------No, Rollo, Ulo b~Jti'JOo; ot C~ummct .· ba:J not bcon br~~~-motQiy Q. chUI nu:mtns op Ito opln.o. •

flomo pe-opio \'/ho br.wo DOVOl' \'Torkel! In o barvcGt Ooll! \'TDDdor at Ulc CSC(U'clty ot bnrvoat banda • .

_Jl_t,llllo~~rul.Q Aro Pl<Pl!lO \!M SO m!t. launcboo mthout ll oufilotoot oup,ply ~Uno to brtna tbom booll.

"t:l:artbqulllloD," oayo a pbyclelau, "e~ro GOOd tor tho Uvor." Jl you bova 11 wco!t Jlyor, movo to fl!m Ji'rop. rtaco.

Jlnmmer thr<mtntS obould bo oncour­oaod tn ovot7 town, athlotJeo or not Throw It Into tho 11vor. Don't tmoch, booot

Ohio womo.b, olnet7-one ycnra old. borusta tbnt oho never bll!l bocn ldllllod. but It wunda more llko 11 contcoolon thAn o boaot.

It ID elalmoa thnt (lollt'o mllh '1'1111 prolona uro, but t.o tho aont'o mllb drlnk.,r, llha tbo married mnn, llh only ocoma lonaar.

South AmorlcllD rllllt71l)' tralDo ora reported t.o bo otuch In onowdrltto Ollp thlo under tho ov~t-bnnl! ol your hat Dlld !loop oool.

Tho •OClloty for tho oupprcaoton o1 onnoc=oory nol.aoo Cllllo IIPolt tho otoloair~ CODiff<::lD. Tbo VOf7 llllmf lo on unii~®POI')' rwlco. '·

Ono lntl)' hope that DO mllDf ol thoD<J no.., otylo nlchola wUI bo loon~ lhAt o ni.Ghol wUI n.lwnyo bo hlwth ..,bon tho tolophooo lo to bo uocd.

Wa oN! Informed tha.t e'llory lim• "'o oU"a.t o !17 "'O lrtll 100,000,000 bno t.orto.. Our notion of no )ob on o hot Cloy to to count 100,000,001> blletcrlo..

A "omno.mbullat In Ponna7hra.nlt 't70IIl0d to U"orll In bl.o a:loop Thlo II tho Drat lnotnnc.c on record In t7bld o oloop t7a.lllor OYor did onytblna UDO tul

'Wo bnvo not noUcod tho bo~ rocb llro thlo ooOJlon ponlculorb', bot tbr poroon 'Q'bo amohoo l'lanrottoo lD b'ld bna beaun to Oauro In tbo c.tl.Dun.ltJ ltatA

Evory Umo U"O nttond o bQU ao.ma 't7CJ nrc led to wonder bot7 tbo ma.o aaor bolelo hlo :ob ~:~boo lbaro nrc oc mnn y aupCJrtor bBAObnU aonorlllo 1.1 tbo bl<::lehOTil

A i);)D MolDoo cllnlr loft 1.11 tn he acroonod to bldo tho ctnaon~' nnhlC!!o Muffiar11 might nlao bo provided toa huntlna-clloa ..-ntch covarD If tho IICJ' mono run long

A oMontlat tallo UD tbnt Q IIfaDI) boppor ron Jump aoo tlmoo Ito 0\'7D J.,aath. but It bOD oothlna on tho J:)OIJ ll<'ltm wboo tho tlmo romc:1 to Juml on tbo bAnd '"t:~ann. __ :___ __ _

A No\'7 JOMIOT "'omnn. to aot rtl! ol flloa, aot tbom drunlt on wblohy. !Jb4 aoya tbot abo vont on tho prlnclpll thllt ll ClruohO!l 07 0011 lllto 1:1 drunhCIIl mnD-<l!lll7 to bandlo.

Womno In Nov Vorh \'71UJ otrucll bJ llahtnlna Dlld <'tlrod of bor rhoumllllam. but vo do not Ollpo<'t to coo on:v rbgu. oAtto iiuUoron trotha around t7ltll lltlbtDina redo (lll tbotr b~

Tbo cmnll boy, not7 a bta ono, t7hll yc:uru II® voo otornly ropl'O?Oa, It ool m<"ro vtaoroa111T punlabcd, for cotctliDQ Oleo lo eburt!b lnJU~ o1 I!DtcnUlg to tbo Pormuo lo at laot vtotllcat.W.

lAJlOICLClY·-Now, no ~ my rou cet IJ,Otblna but rooJ~ GOJluJno h.o~ coo!:lng. ·

Mr. Nawlyt7od-Won~t do. Wo'rc brenltlncrup bounoltesp1og juot to nvoltl homo coo4Jnrs. .;.......;;......-.,_.. __

205 ~wr Avo., Dotro1t, l:llch.­"Bomo tftDQ Js!at. aummor I 't".IQD tlllrQD with cuoma. Jt began ln mr hoJr nrot with rod blotehoo, tbon ccnJy, oproadtns to mr fllco. Tbo blotcboc w-oro red 011 my facet, dry nud c:ecl11 not larco; on my ccn.lp thoy wero lnroor. como ccabby. Thoy cnmo on my handc. Tbo lnoldo of m:v banda woro all lltUo lumpo no though fuJI of ahot about ooo-alxtccnth of an loch under tho chin. Thon thoy wont to tho outotdo and bot\7con and all ovcz my flncoro. Jt oleo beGUn on Ulo bot­tomo of m:v foot ODd tho colvco ot llU' tccrn. nnd ftob, oh, mrl J novor had oo:vtbtng llho It llDd bopo l novor \7111 ncotn. Tho ltehlna t7D.D torrthlo. MY b011do aot DO I could ocarcoly 't".lorll,

'1 trlod dlfloront OC%01Dil olntmcnto but mlbout reoulto I aiDO tool!. mcdl· clno tor It but It did no cood. I ont7 tho n4vMUUtnont ror a Mmplo or CuUcnrn Olntmont end GC:lp and coot for ODO. Thoy d14 mo co mucb cooo I bouabt Ci)tno moro, nolna thoro Lie per dl~tlon11, 11nd lD about tbrco OIX!ho I \7Qa t7011 acutn. CutlctJrG-00® cod Ointment ontlroly cured mo." (OIBtlcd) DonJ. Pnooacro, Apr. 1!. 1012.

C'uttcurn Boop nod Olntmont cold lbrouallout tho world. !Jnmplo of ooch troo, mtb lnl·p. stttn noott. Addr02a PfX)t-cnrd "OutJc'OfQ, D:lpt. 4 Doaton."

Unucuol Ocourrcmco. Rlcbllr4 IJnrdlna Davia, durinG bla

Atlnn&:lo Clcy bonO}'moon, Dllld Ill o Co.h luncheon:

'1 oonfcoD that I om not plcllDcd 1:7ltb tho modorn U'Ond of Delton. Tho no\7~t flct!on lcavc:~ n bad tllllt4 In tho mouth. It Ia run or double on· tondro-lll!o tho p:uolo7 mo.ld'o romorlL

u A aooUomDD ,CilmQ 4o'\'111 to brcllh· fAat ono momma mlb bloodohot oyca. Uo drnnh a!Wlt altu~oco of leo wlltar hurrtcdly, thon bo muUOI'Od bOllrooly to tho prcttr p:1rlor m£114:

A 'Toll mo. Adalo, did 1 I"<IOCb homo lllllt nl!tht very much undor tho vcatb­or'"

u 'ln4~ JOU 414, lltr.' tho ~d roo plllld. 'Why. olr, you hloocd Ulo tnJa. lila!' ·-W!U!hlnaton Otnr

Domootlo Combat. til Trot7hrldl;o tl:ulo. amndcnn ol

tho poot ~allot7, \7bO vao roccnUy morrlod In C'.nmbrfdno \'7Ith o bl!llUtl· tul rltun.l of hlo Ot7tl t:OmpanU1on. c.::1ld Lho ntbor do.1 to n rnt:Mtcr • ·

"II llll cooploo aavo to morrloae tho ~trotound thoucbt nnd TOVo:rcnco thllt my 'L7lto nnd l c:ovo to tt thoro would bo tower mlat::!ot.l.ol;:n.

"Tbo nvoroca mnmca pelt. ll oomo­Umoo ocomo to mo. nro lltro tbo ntottcGll.

" 'PQ, • CElld UtUo Tommy ntohn ono <ltu•. 't7bnt'o a t7CjlJ:)OD'l"

" • A trcnpon, my cun.' Din !to no· a\7orod. •to oomotblnll to OgJ:l( \'rttll. •

'"'fbon," ~· llllld IIUlo Tommy, 'to CO your \'7(lllJ:)OO f' a

Mhdno tho I'Jamoa. Mayor Dnchnn;~ch of AUctotlc CJIY

nt n illnnor at tho l4Ar10016uab·Rhatl' holln, told of 11 fi',U::lmor t:1tlt

"On tbo ba:lcll ln tho ::.nc:Jlltlllt." bo ll!lld. "a youth claopcd a II'.AI<loo ~g..

A a ollcllooao tolla uo that thoro 1.11 o atonutol7 to bto bTcaot and ctll'curcd! Ocb In tho vlclnlll' ot llnt7all I!Doqo OJ "'Do you lovo r.lo, <!arltna1' tbo bumubumumt~nuiiUl.l.Pillm. " 'YaO:-cll.. l'~ ":l1¢alntltllr' Uoro -cod proo~~ant .ootU· ~d:tO'·~to-tiltrrtf():::l. --~-- ·oo · ~.,,_,_. c·-<

b011r of tllo bumubucumuonlnJatrull!l.

Ao It to nald tflllt rntD eanoot t;q llapt frora porto, Emd tbat thoy Cl!ll' m. trodoco tho Plllauo. vhf do oot tho vc=alD oaopt tho t'{)ClC'.df of a p0Uco fcfliQ or cnto or rnt torrtoru to cctd:! tbo I'OOonto lo tho no.turn.l t7llf?

·~o<;k..::C>""'"'"" --

Wbon tbo hlna or Ocrcdgo oofll. mnndc('l tbo prcaobco nt tllo roylll po.laco of ltlo lDdlan ntblclto vho ~w tbo cll.a.rouoa c.thloUc cbnmptolllltllil Dl tbo Ol~rntllo CQt:lCill, tbo t?IO.DOI t'{)fucod to ao. 'i'tlo alttllltlon tO' 00. prceodcntc(J, crul tbo tttonor'o ~"). fulnoeo tllll:l Ulro't".ltl tbo ro¥UJ ontctll'o oao lnto a QC{lt Ot 1:\.t tbo tacm ot n mntl'o r:~llottlns btCI o~n lncllnAtJo® to trux.a tho Dteccaot~ of rorot f)lt:l,o. uro •

. ;.. ~f ~ '·'f<';"1'


'I'tcqtoll.ll'l?' ln\tll tbG yn-uttl ln d ntun!cll volco. 'YC".l m~ CJoronco. aoo't you, acol'!'

"Grolllo'f o~cctlf, otro nootllld clol!or. 'Tio~ o.tnvld ot mol I ~no thlotrtna IC 't".IM tho ~otx onl'l! "-Clrobonao.

Tolllao tho AQ<Hif a, Noma •. " -~ 1l® Of .a.~~ bQ. ~uaalltl

by tho llPJ!~!'lflmco ot tbo tnotb fy.). un tbq U1w.tl' ll"Jftil.(JO ct tllo tn·

ekoru u boUott fo to to !leon Jn thO youoa t¢0~fi. t:ti.tctl. nut <llthmdlllU Un'c~t;b Wo ~Ilolo .crubotllt<co. tliltum'f. 11 t7tam out uttb tho \tc~? ~~" tliil tooth, nt:lil no g. Ci'.l~ttli.t¢t4b'ID ac~o ot tpaultlrltr IX!.~ro ln tbo ~::ttfpj n~~' to l:\11 -ttorc;;~, n OOQ h~nn. wtoot• ca -~ ll l:lttl<lr0ht-%t<JI'tuti of nao.


1.4rao Cumo ot Monoy ~JXJndc:d for Mcdolo Dcatroyed oo ObJect

Le=on rot Gunnoro.

Not With Him. Moolt-lJllD Sldnly nllf COil!)ClGDCG? Je~cl!-lt coul4 c:u:Uy provo tm o.llbl.


tin. ~ Coothtea O.Y1"Qp to7 Ollttaroo I<>Otbloa, c;nl\cD<I tho auz:>4, redo~ ti>Docnn"" u-. <>llA,Ja p:ofn. c"""' 'OFI.X>d c:ollc. 0<3 o boule>.

Tho Moln tmprol)olon. "Whnt did tho mln1Dtcr tltlh obout

lJl blo D!.lf'IJlQD th1tJ mnmlnl:tt'' WA!xmt nn hour."

It Ooomod Oo, · "'t o'o ll IDDll of Partn." "Dut QJ'CD't tho Important onco mtoo­



,&::,- ..,....__

IDnd Lod,--What Cllttectl you to adopt tb!o t7ay ot lh'lna?

Hobo-It \'7ClD 00 cnvln' llliiPQ:JIUoo. I !tOt Into do habit o1 Cl!IVID' mollOU CD

much t7ortr ao poootblo, and I couldn't QUit lt.




Page 3: or - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · drlnk.,r, llha tbo married mnn, llh only ocoma lonaar. South AmorlcllD rllllt71l)' tralDo

,. -,.

Bit Line .. of.: WIALK ov·ER ··sHOES Now·. on k--···. --.-----~ .. .:....._ifM.-;~__._;_ • .;;r-•--............ :-,.,.--:-·~···:A'H~-Style.s·L~at1d. · St;z~ ~for; :. Lattie.s·.~ .. c~nd · · ·

·. ··· ·· ··.·. ;:~··;; 7ieritl~menr ~· · · :·~ ::--~=;.-CO'=~"=~;=;;=~~~


Our Big. Sale· of Men~s

or tr · " • 1 Mrs. Thom:ts L"ste.r ha,1 been nt 4

·on th~ Ji<:k list lllt wc"k an1l ii re• ___ .:_ __ :...:...:.~. punea:quile serious1y.iU!:---- .:. -.-1 •d":ex,:~u-.:nt

--~ ' J\lstrec J. r_., Junes- of Cor()lHl J. was in to\v-n t!l.i~J week lonkirfg 4

- - ttfter :maner~ oefote tlte County

.... ':-

bee It tho balaui:e. ready-fo toot lo()~ ,

• ~- ~. -: -- 7 Rev., n. B.: ~VItti!!. 1ett' -il;l\lnj.li()'

lor Lis Cruces- t() atf.!nd tbe .,. . Mexico cclnler~>ttc~ 1>£ the- M •. -

cburclt4 t~ow in sessioif -there! • ,expected t~ oe g(Ji:l~ ~ll.week.

t. - PoWell Bti:IUey wlli «X:'<!UpJ . ___ , ____ : .... :p..:tlp~t ;ttt:xfSundiy* . · -·- - -.·. -·•· -w~ w-.. st~dtfrlatt~ . . . I .

'f' • • ;


' .


·­-•, = ·-­- NeW'MexicO

""th•l~tlll~ Ji'ltl' fl!ol(ffll!t<t leu .£!1•1~.-ltaii ad JttiW,.l.-Hitall

•. IMitiiiJ aJ imerlllt · Itt jf,-,..ffot J.Wt)fJ "Wtft (1iitrl~~>t~J,)I'.l! L

tOW•t!OVlioO'i' M.\Kl!k . Only tlr~t etn.u tc~t.bcr used.

I<"u in!lun:d. Terms. trs.oo tle• _ po~rt. -blilitnec: wb~it dcliv~rcd.-l'rit<!"'·~ ~l(}j{)()' 10: .$f3.6o.- -------.

. . , ~"""':·':""??:"''•J:r:!~ ~L-r·r~~·_.H:,.~ ... ,"' ~.~·~k...-,.,,•.~.,-•-..~r..,,>l"'~-- ~~~..-"~-"~'1<"\~'"l'-"c "*"'"· "',-.-~-:..- • .,, .. ~,_,...,,,...~...,_,.' ·M'.:-~:..-1"' . .._,. ~,~~ .... : .-,o;,..-~~~·;;- •. ~~-,.,.~._., *"'"'"'';........._,_,.,.;: "t:-=·:; >.-!".io!o '"~"


Page 4: or - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · drlnk.,r, llha tbo married mnn, llh only ocoma lonaar. South AmorlcllD rllllt71l)' tralDo

. .. . . . . . t\UOriH~Y ;J, E'. · ~V·~ariO!J. of oEl ·· - . fl,!lio1 wa~; In town . a few daylf . -· -~· ~ ·-~+tilt'Wcc'k' atlcndiu~r. co~rt---:." · ··tbJrH~>Ifnlt-r<lri¥''11/'Xtillnr,,r

· it¢~"• one of 1M .~liter~

W.OMfN'S N IW ··.f1\lr SUITS!: .. _ .. JJ2·~so-a.ild .. $x8~oo!

,.- ~ . . ' . . o sth11uJate· ~arly ·

AUTQl'-iQBlLB ·. :(lARAOJl. . T~ANsP.oQTAi'•·oN To ~ti.:.ifolNTs· sy Au:roMoan .. ~. . . . .. ·AU fl.~w .Cars an4 f~rJ"t"'.~-~A s.erv;f'e-~~ ,Pr-ompt ·t.lttt9-thm · . :

•.. l~Y~.f1J:lJJ 1~Jf:.P1!0J:ttt~&!li~ ...... J;~JIP.tf~Yr'..!l..:::fh~!l~ .~Q.,J!k..:.~"'·;-_:..~· · -· ....•.• ," ' ' < ,' • < "' '.

···tuAs~~ .l]Jf\'BS,~PtOPrielef. ..... ~ c- -, ..

CARR1ZO~O, .;-'> ---r"'":~ . . ~T~~~---~ .. ·.-.~~ :~:·";;..··


The fX(han~e Bank,. ·carrizozo/ .~ew .MeXi(o • Tran~tncbl a General Dankfng Busin~~$< •

. baJ.:u~a D.ru!ta oq ~ll Prihdp~tl CHi~lf Qf the Wodd, · • Ac.:t>rdK. fo Borrow~r$ ev~ry .uc.co.mm<.fdation collSi:it~n.t whh

C«ny .. ·: .. Acoou·u ts_ s.oiJcUrp ~

H·UMPHR.EY ·BROS. <'V""'""~' ~· -~ ~ Wlfol~iite'l\n'd Retalr'~~- '"~·

· · Deider.s ·In ~- · "

·pt()ur, H'tty, Orain, Feed Stuff-s " Etc

. ' • < ' -

. .

Wood ~nd WlliteOaksCotll Catri~ozo, l'f.M. ~·"

--~-=+Y:IJtitert'oattf·a.fid: ___ SKlrfs~.:a"ntt a~~-~~,=~IIWIW••tM~rtlild•lfi' .. ·~ 4 . . .................. .

Fun ·Line oi t.adies"t, Misses1 and • -- v< ~_....,-~~· •

Cbtldre11's · Underwear, Union ~

·suits !tnd Two..-Piece· . .sults. .. '

Page 5: or - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · drlnk.,r, llha tbo married mnn, llh only ocoma lonaar. South AmorlcllD rllllt71l)' tralDo

I .q



Anothor Or11nd.· Ue· pudl1enl:v put hlo llanct In bla

'\7/l.J~t«:o:J~ lll:l«:'I&Q.t nnd drew out tbrco . bt(il'I(!U • clcraro. · .

'fbtln he loolted (It hto beat slrl vttb ~ .t'oltaLiiJnG nmlle. ~Wlor de Kfns Alronnoo," bo nlrlr

OCIId. "FitLy ccDtll A ll.undrcd. But. ;7liij' COrcCI ?''

• "Let me oco tbcm." tmld the Gll'l Sh.o fnllpected tlle tragmenta cloacly. "Y«J/' abo quietly announced,"tbot'o

tho lt.fod papa nhvayu buys wben bo'o nmn!lla tor ottJce. 1 Jtnow the odor. t.-.:..:::;--:;.::;~.:,.::~;~1.v~::;...-::~i.::.t: li'ivo ~ollaro n. lhounobd. Somebody bno tooled you, George."

Bho wnn a wloe (;lrl ond ahc did not. amflo. •

Po Knowo. Wllllo--Paw, what dOt's

monn? Pnw-Picltlncr out a omnll mQD

wbcn you are loo!IIng for trouble.

Thtn Rllpld Age, -"!IHD!Uhlml'n rrontJ lfttlu boy fi'!!ltf to

bnvo bill bntb nO\T?" "Qb, mnw, cut out tbo GOody, (tl)OCO'

opml I 'Vhcn n chup•o llllr YAilra old 11 o tlmo to !!\he btm out of tbc ltlndcl'all.r­ten clWlo. I'll tnh•• my oplnllb In tbo tub trbcn l"vo hod ll omoha ..

M,., Otllnton'c Ropt)l to Groolcy Tbero \Tno ooro a pn~~!lngt> flt nrmv

bottJtlt:D .ll:ll%nbcth Clld7 su~nton, tho tmJnent 1.Vornon uutfhlglllt, ond llotllCO Orooloy on tho OCC.tl!llon of c. dtccouno by tho rormor on tho rlabto of "t?omoo to t.bc ballot. In tbo mldot of her lll.lll Oroola,y Interpelled lu b.lo htgb pitched lllloetto volco:

"Wil1)t would yon do tn Umo ot 't?M It y~ had tbo oullraao!"

Tbt.G Deemed Ulto c. voccr, but tbo !rufy hod been before the public teo ions .o bo dtaeoncortcd by on unO:IJlOI> teet qoectlcn nnd abe prompUy rGtJUcd

"Jtllit \That you hnve dono, Mr. Ore<> lcy--t,JtOy nt bo:m,o n,nd urso othcro, to go and fltrbt.~

--.---Goo~ Frldpy,

Jolln n. llockot .. nor, Jr. dtaruaotna with h1D blblo c1CIIln tho folly of tn!U'ry• tnr: on on inndoQuato .Income, tohl oo Ealltcr otory .

"Z'lo ;zmma wtr~>," be onld, "-M»l bo t;uty bll.ppy If llho ID owervbclmed 'tl'lth bOUJ:o worll ·l:l'ltb tb., WOJlblng o1 clotbc:J, tho orru bbln3 of front awp4. •

!Jr. R.ocltotnUor omfk>d CUI oddod: "1 (;.JCQ ll!l!d tn n tunc btl)" u 'Whnt do 1011 ltnoo a.b<•ut Oood

l?rflby?' "'Ho VOD tbo fPII<>r ..,. bat dono

Roblrlcon CtllllO'n hounovorlt,' tbo lit. tlo. ~ JtltlllfXl:• -----

What Obrtod lt. THo lllto O<l:nernl F. D. Grunt. npro­

Pnll <Jf Ulo w:elc::nn= of Arbllradon t1t:1 <lltCmJ!IIfloo Jo tbn cm:o of tho TUf. fto-ltrilftm 'I'Ttlr, c:lfd lo Nl'"' Vorh:

"it roclndo roo of c. ntorr o Acoord· tna to thin atnry, o oar qru~ r;otog on and m:o clay tbo Pll~J;JTD lrolng tuJI of tho crtm dotllllo of n bloody bnttle, 4 "'omtm llllld to her hoobruJd · - "-~ nl:logbtQT 14 oboclltnl;': n~ flcndbh. Cntl nothfna bo dono to atnp ltf>

.,-i'c ntrota c.ot; b~l' tltllltmnd :m. ~

Ph71'lel<ln Moont Woll En<>uoh but Ho &d Loft--tho -Mot11ffll!l1t Gotioutl>

1y Handfczrwo::l. ·

Fr:ulh E. Pn7tl0. a mombcr ot tho ntato rallf0:14 oommtanton, C!l14 whon lllvcou~ e1 tJ:ol!Qy C~Ceh2ont ro­eontb', ho va.a told Of a motormll!l on a. WQ11t c!U' who \TCII! runnlna a~ hlab apood \7hon tbo truolm loft tho rallo bocn.uoo of ono~ and alcot, nod tho ror wno thrown to tho olGo of tho rlaht or \Til)', brtnstnc up Qlltl.inat o tolo­pbono polo.

"Tho mowrmnn \71111 not coTloullly burt, bul '111111 cut and brutne4 nboul tho brod 1111«1 tD.co by n:rtna etnan. no l7tl!l cnnjcll to a. Ph7Dicla.n'o <Glco c:rb()l'o btn vounc1o 1:1oro dn::::~c4 nnd bnndQGo4. Whon Ulo p!lyatcJao W pine~ tho {not pin, . bo hnltc:d tho 17oundcd man 1t ho folt lllto ho clluld D'nllt.

" ·auio, 1 allJ vnu, n11 rlltbt.' ~'~> lutne4 tbo 1):1Uant. 'btlt J 'I.Tta!l yon would Ill tbollO b:::Ulc1~ co I etUl leo.'

.. "Wb,y, mo.n.• rolurnc4 tho pbycl­dtm. 'I loft cmo or :vour oy(l!l oocovcrcd for tho PUJ'llOllo..'

"Dot. doc., that oyo you lcl\ unwv· orw · tlJ n ctrura o-no.'--tlldtMavultu ~0\70..

lto.epfna Wntor Cold. ft you aro In tbo lrnbtt o1 Ultitna u

p1lcllcr or ltt.tl t?otcr to vaur room oo roUrloa, t17 tblo: Procnro o O(ltl!U'tl

t:llltobrulrd boot 1 mtb lld). aufilclcmtt:v l.flt't:tJ to bola yonr ptutlor, lm!1 atvo U tt7o or tliroo co.a.fil of vnm!Gh oo tho rmtn14i!, ~ ~ eMf w dt7 thcnr.:ln!Jhr. Plll.co your pltcllCl? of 'I.Ttl­tcr ln th1G bolt on rcurtna. tmttlna tbo tid OD. tJnhtl1. and YOU nro tiuro of

~la llmiTtltla uawr tm:v botn' ot tbo c.leht. .

Ot:lnloy In thv Arobhm Mahto. llorutlUln DUUtlld on on tbo forty

t.b1evco. "'TTiey .... m fxl "'Wth omro otter

thgy aro d!J:;col~d." 11ho cncd.-Nov \'orh Stm.

.. ~l' don1. ootb llld~ coma too TNIRTGGN Vl!ARO cctt..."f ana tlrblltnto?' Jlho erlc:l. Unlc:clty Um:l!:er fcf' Oil~ Wcr.um.

.. ~ ~bOoO!d. '1'00? d!d-'~7 't:1m In JGJJG. Tlmt'o tmt7 tha «<J. Tho «;ill~Ut,J t7blltbor tbo n=~ <lnmc;l thlilg ntllm:l. • " '"13 .. 111 KADy t::wro tmtocl:y tooo a.n:v

Wh..t or10 Wal'ftCd. 011';01" tlooOOr bno tlOVa b~n cantlttily C..-ttldl.

.Jib:l 1Jmm 'l1!l!l en b1o . ...1-~ . .Jl:lk ~ cltar ~ -frGr;1"(;b~ Wit 'CG'J}~ fm1tr'fll'ttr:'f """'-r.i·CO- .,.._.,. :l>,i!f;!,'f;.T,.;,,. ......,...-..;,.,.

'-'~~'1fio conve~CC!l of Tha u• ..........,,, ...., ... u• ............... u .. ..., lho c.."'tt!tn rlghl t®lod hfu. fo;md u vi:J:r to b:c.:lh tbo "l:lnlttclrl' to~ Wte oot71y 0L1111ecl fotlrn. btlt ~U!' '1'(;1 1.0 Joat oo loJnrtouo. t1t:1 eof­t;QO~t~ tbdrtmneyt;l«r.l, an Unnn tea ~o Jt CQtltnlo!J Clfl~ tho kllltfta ~ doonet.!G!!. Tbo t7ooon {:;ml ama fl:1 a!!oo.. rn:o vritQa: ~ o nO'tl'llpnpet cllo had ~ rrod- "For thtrt~o l7e:lttl I rm.vo boon o loa cod s:mtd td flel' bonbooa: c~oful '\'7nlct trot:~ clrtru:r:fil.a cof1c-a.

Tho Quo:~tlon. Tblo, brlctl)', tn tbo burDina QUClltlon

Of t bel hour: Sholl wo to.ho oorlouabr to tbo olabtoontb century revive! 'lllb Ito pantoro, DchUD and polot~d bodloa, or oho.IJ '1'70 conUnuc to odmlro Oo\'7· lnG drcporlc)o c1taplnytnn o.n obvlouoly rornotlcao conc11tton nnd o tlltbor 4o"· dy nnl1 cutcoodJnaly OllJI<!DDivo olm· plldtyT

BtmpUcJt::v tn hnrdly tho word for tho lltn!UCGQUO COmpl<urlll<!ll Of 'drcpOf1 vblrb coma of tho bct~t people lnoiGt (ln hnnatna on tbC!lr boneD to Grnc<l ov.,ry OCt"D.Dion lo4ooro or out of toom. Tbo7 talh of notblna but proportion, 11,11<~ nnd hArmony, Clnd to pructlco 'tl'bat lbey prench. turn tbomcolvco Into llvlna plctnrea for tho boll<!Ot of lbi) opgctlltor.

All tbi:J Ia tbr:wllo to tho dOOIIIIUI of dVJiotu who bnvo r.hocen aUitD nnc1 mtf· tun lnak.n4 of polnt and cnnvoo CI.Q D mcthod ot oxpi'Qoolon Th•lr rllcnl(',le obodc!oro 1>1 lh<> rlald untmtotnblllty of >(bo tullormpde, and rnllo lntn a. Jlv. Ina plcturo a<'home on ovory provo=­tton. cCJJlly and Ia only n trifle al:lort. Wll!Dt·

t:4. tt to pl:lrfC(ll1)' plrun. Tbo bon'd of cryetol b~ on a Proctlclll Otroot Drouog,

blnclt not foundnUon to oot nbout the Aeeonllng to tbo Dry Ooodo &-ono-bo41Cll on tho ll!llln, Juat lroiO'Q' lbo mJat. tbo lntoot cbnrmcnco nnd IX!J"Uo avell of tbo boat. Tho chlflon ovor· , 4rtnaoo brought out Cor filii obou oow ~ 1D eat ovAr t.b.lll b::Uid" QD(l oon-1· fanu,.., in tho vuy 1)f fnn..,- nJtltmi,

llnGd ot tho 'IFalnt mth onr.ro>r taclul. nn.a1:ca. boltn and dTDpcd oll-to. the Tbo clliClon openu Ill tbo loft. bnng1ng jla.at mcnttoJJod oppl.tl.n(l partlrnlnrly to atrll.labt from tb" '1'7nlvt Uno In front 1.bo clliU'tnClutO, DD aorgca do not lond tuld boclt. A allk COrd \Tttb tllll.CQlal jll':9mllo1V~II to dmplng J)UI'pl)llell, Plooto c;mlo Ia tQchCM1 to tbn 'I.Tt111U nnd UeiJ ot · o.ra p:m.t~J11rl7 good In oe~. how. tbo lert sldQ. I oVi!r. ll!ld almulntcd tunlr.o wllb plccto

'l;l!la modo], llbot7tl lo polo arc®. I t>otov nrq COIUIIdonM2 very anmrt. luuJ boon very auc<"'Oiltully dOYelopod I Sot::;Q of too charmeu~:<~ droaoeo obov to oymr<11bon \Tblto, oobatltotma rol· j mOllified pante.r oflocto bt>~nnlng nt orcd umbroldery ror tbo ~ded trtm· .,.ncl:J aloo front Jo~t,nllm't1 tho llcoo. oltll:{. Tbo um.l:lrolllcrC!I btuld 1D ooi. lbo. front of U>o okln ~untng n panel «ot vltb OOllVOilUoolll ~~ In I eflcct. vhleb alvco long llne?O to thE l!:;tbt ootoro. p1uk, bluo, lmendor and ~ lo Cl)IDO IIJDtclo~o tho modl­~o ~- A nlmllnr b:md abou:t U!tl fl<::::l p!ltller drolXJ V(!JI dam~ tovnrd 'OOtto:n o1 tb<2 atll~rr. toellcd to tb4 1bq to~ ooctton cr tbo ohlrt ln th4 undar 111de. 1D very cficcUVQ. bocll, tbao (living o polntcO auUiog,

4 ...........

FHOPER CARE OF TME FEET "nmo Opont In Dothlng, tho Uao of

LotJono ana lflr.d Atltlnelon t1cU RO{:lllSc:J~ ~

Woo-on t7bo ift@a h01U'II C:lflna ror tbclr hlmdu ~ UttJo Clttool!oo to their r~ Tbey aro wch oord "~>"orttad c:cct:lru of tho OOdy that Uley Oo­cervo tatter ~oot.

""" ... .._ ... lmESslrJG JACKET

"Do $<m lm0'\'7, I t7loil1 llo.d ft:lo of Uvor. atm::mcn, 11~-lo fur:!l, Clll'

, "00 ~-, .!;1k ~=' ~~J ~ll~k ~. ,wnt® tciot; ~~ ~d Foot aro ll..-m lwpt In dlodiUGD by

ohooo thAt Ot. 1'fever ccooomtzo clloa lc::ltbet tmO <to not Yl¢ld to vnnft1 nnd t:Of f~eai toot Iii tm~ DE:iill:. · •

~--·----i:ot'¥.l~11nd- bt:lvo--blo ~ 1 '\'70.!1 ~:rnOt1~u to 01 ~a Wn ;ti::Clll:Dp:u'llbla aol~cn ro!02' Ql Cl_¥ fm< flilt. t:l(ilJ\hll. Vlnolly ~~ <'lll~ '00 · ~---~ :l~11~~gaf~ ~~w~~~ co ttuu eot'IC3 dltlllt-4 tho lfu!l'btCt. t1G7lcl aoil-1' 'l'h~ t t:tattn uoJoa.l>~:.~ lcc~a tl1

'1tn'i; l:!tlfl." cata U:!O b~d. l'l1tln- c»Cl~t>; fr.lt t:ltri tiU~ tdlf!l_.. IW lOY

tatoll ~ilb Itt ll':leb a tcllattftr.i ttitl~ f ~ lit1att t?!mt to d~ non ~o n~"' nnd ·q-nttltlcr

o~t:nlaJtlt t:m~a ma- td br..o 011 ~nmto. · tW"a vtcl!O hftlll' l qru~~;!d)

-to fltl(l- P?l:Jtum 1 ~ott otl~ my llde:t 1clt tk:il'. it~

c!;;'!:.tcl!ltliDcl~4 IJrobr®J~'tm m~ fll:la ;tiM t >g-lJJ ~ ·~

. ~queot · t!1tlilnrt. keel? tho toot trol:l.l lJefua tlrca tm.m t~t:trutenr noa ll orovrntu rougbnc:lll t'f tl!Q 4!dn t.hllt l<t;:tc1c to t:lllotlo C'Dfl!tl. · }W~((!r, fo ~tlldl n blt Cit t:t~!)lott ~ flno. 11-~A dlc~t~oo. fa tel)tftll. Hot t::11t ~l:lltlt rae ~nut t«ta~Wna. Y'btto u vtacwJo til'bMtiJ.:: ~ltb at~hoJ t1Ul qtlr~m~ l"dltovl' .n btltoWa at';l!lo:• UC"Il. • , . Pu~ , ll.t:Qno. tlt¢11 .!W,{UQ!:Itly,

ttc¢JJ:J ili<11 6fttn nm:iro~ lC !It ()!:OeclaJ. 1lf .t,ti;.:Jc::tlr.i :utl)~ ilia heal cod on.Jho :tf.:llf cf tho t-~t, JilWta Ui...C~ \7$1~lit or fl'lo. btJJr 1-clltti lt1 ~WI\~ . • '· f·Mvcr "tilt Wa tlO.lt4 ·. ~'n.rt. cw

.. A Picture, of Contentment

All men look pleru::ed when t~ey am<?ke this choice tobacco-for till men like the ncb quo.lity and tftle. mtuml &vor of

~~~ !.;~a..~·

£' I Smoked In J)l~ by thOUODndo of mm-eveJ')'Vhao

~0\70 to clrrorettc nmo!teru CZI "the mnhln£Ill."

We tlilie unu.aool pride In Liagrll & MyUII Duke'o Mt:turc. It In our lecdlna bro.nd of arnoulntcd tobncc:cr­ond every Melt ve mnke Ia a cballenae to all ot.ber tob!lceo manufactUJ'eru, Every /k Mch of tbiD fnmouo tob:1c:co conltllrul one cmtfl a laalf ounceo of chotec arooulated toh:lceo, ln every '\7llf eqlll!J to the 6e6l you con buy at llllf price, and with ctlCb Melt you aet a boull of claarett~ p:~pm~ FREE.

II ~ hnvo cot amo!u:d \bo Dcho'Q Mlllturo ~mdo by tho ll.:gcu <r lltJm~ Tob;irco Co. o.t DurhAm, N. C., try It ~~~~m,

Got a Camcm with tho Ccupau &VCJ tho ~· With them ;you cno aet c.ll C<!rta of vnl~

obloprc:::ntn-ortlciCJJ auJtablo fOI' :vounq end cld 1 men, 1:7Cmal, boya aod atrb. You U bo dcllabtaf to lie.! 1:1iut J'OU C!ln (ltll lrco <tlth• cut cmo cent of co:ll to :vou. Oc:t out om:r IUu.otrntcami.I!IOJ. ADa~cllar, CD r:I.ll e=:I £: lrca during &:¢=:~ c::d Cktcb<:r c...ey, Your tumo oad cd~ au a pa:rtnJ '<7111 brtos It to 1ou.

a-.o. Dub'• Ut.trtan At ri' e:..1~· [,~- tto~~,drtr'\ru--~: 'Wrt:· ml'A~ ~ <t-uun L Cl~ h .. ~!S~I lj":'~_...~

rrt'fl!.9,~ . =f t:44I:T l=:r• f# ~· • ....



Page 6: or - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · drlnk.,r, llha tbo married mnn, llh only ocoma lonaar. South AmorlcllD rllllt71l)' tralDo

: -- Telepfion~ ln. the house and· . ~Qttld.'!'~lllt-up!i~ anybody at any . ' "' '

time? Costs little a,nd is mi_ghty ' ! " bandy. .

· :,call. at ·the 'Locar~· Exchange and \Ve'JI tell you _a:botit it.. . .

. ,_, ___________ .. --~~·--~J otfN'7iE--BECI: .... :~~·~---/ tSUctl.!141iiH' (o \Vhtllcld & llt>Uj . • ; '

Staple,~&~a·ncy O•·oceries:-~ · :1-"tctdt VtrJ:(:ta bfttt :frugl Mc:,.iU« · ~ :.: ·-V~tlh:y Gard~ttrll l~v(ltV W£ck~

BU114rd "'"d l>ool Patlot In connedlo~t