etc. - lincoln county · good fortull8...

....... ' .. \ <J ... .. ,. (\ .. 1oOl:X CO. Bobert. E. Lu Sll:LORI J.T L.LW. ,N.M W, N W MXXICO. AT .A.yv, N')tw )J:u ( ... I " '1

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Page 1: Etc. - Lincoln County · Good fortull8 h~snol;forsaken ox:- To the already well equipped job Watches••Tewelry; -Clocks,

....... '

.. \






1oOl:X CO.

Bobert. E. Lu





t'1'OfnN)~'t" AT .A.yv,N')tw )J:u ( ...





Page 2: Etc. - Lincoln County · Good fortull8 h~snol;forsaken ox:- To the already well equipped job Watches••Tewelry; -Clocks,








NEW.!lEXJ.d.JI1ES KIBBEE, l.'roprietQl'.


~. OEON:I:N.,


RO~EN\!:!.~L.&..~~,~. __. ,­

General Merchandise, Etc.

Str_ictly First~ Class.



Of the Sonthwaat.

A01r.HT l'OK '


, SD6dalllttentlon triTOn 'to lloofl~c1<hi. HIJ.vo nOw on hnnd the Most Oomplete nnd Best AS90rted IItook of GanllOd

enlIrooIrooW~..:..lU:IlHllDO of Acri Im":f;. Merchandiso in Lincoln county, cousistin~of _

Ql II, .............. _powers, .tll, rite tor



N e-e:vv :hI.J:e:x:i.oo..


- ,

~ ., •• ~_ ~L.........,...__ ~ _., ~

y- -~--~-----~•• -~ -,~,

'Rt'ng Dally Etch 'V~y.Goorl Tenlns, Comfortaole

BacKil', Fllst Time.IHMBggLL $;; ROMmRO,.

~ . NEW l\ht3:ICO.


E.epl.JbHcl\llism in J.ttl. Tru,ston. prolnineht nepub!icanpdliticl#tl' and -attorney of the Uilton,Pl.iciflllJ tlllM'Jtiy stated tPl!1- b~ stou4allDost s10rte ill the- stll.te in f~orint~tIl0 present high pTO tee ti vetariff. Ex-Seuntor V~tl Wyatt, 45tthat$tate; Id\'ises the Farm.ers' AI-

There seems to be flO limit to~the .'illquillith'enaas of our modern in. B. B. ADAMS,quisitors, the oensus colloctors, The Contractor,~nte~t device is II. ciroular to uoctors, . ArchitectIssued from the Census Bureau at "WHshin~toll" asking' for nnrnes and and Builder.I1dtlra.sses of all their pntients who Plans lind Spllcltlcatlons furnished forars 6ufi'erjn~ from Reute or ohronio Buildings. 0

disease from insnnitv or mentnl de. All klndll ot )1111 Work,, • .;... • !ltnlng !{nchlnlll'Y,

faot, Or from physlcnl deformIty. If d II F I I Ilty ",. .' .. 0 lin envy raID ng II. spec II. ,

tillS Insane effort to pry Into the WON 'U'

t f ' 1 . • t I BIU AXil/ • ,••,secre II 0 prl\'nto 10meB IS not sop-

ped in timo It IS to be hoped that at "AN'I"\$' 'L BROS. '~~ CO.least tho Ilames of the doctors who a J,j oIoIi ~ ~

comply with tho request will boJrIado publio. Then their neghborsand patients will h.we a chance to HARDWARE HOUSEahow their diElg'llst at such Il. viula- ~

tioll of confidence and to protectthemsahoes l1S{ainst a repetition of C1

tho offenses by tho sarno perSOll9.,

Thorou<Yhbrel1 cattle \'alues 11.1'0 A mad dOJ{ \Vas killed a few' dllYsstiffenill~~ • ago at Rutoll.

Young He~ofordbulls-thoroll"h. 'I'hero are about 1:>00 mites ofbreds-are selling ~lt $75@$lOO. railroad ttl lI:ew M.exioo, all. builtNow is the time to improve. within tho lost decade,

A sheep will fatten ql1iuker and The 1{ni~ht8of PythillB in LOl1ia·better on oats thAn on coru. .Yet iAna and TilxA8 were the largestcOJ'n is tlle ChelijlOllt' nnd halldi~st contributors to t.ho Johnstown Buff·fed. Corn is gooll enough if Iael ped ererll,along with al~alta. The mote IlJtll.lfa A youn~ man named Itnrbide lULlJ

Yl>UCall get a sheep to eat the better beon thrown into jail in :\foxico.forlt willthrhoo. playing tlPrinco" and writing a lot.

A f)ockof'OOO li'ig'h-grl1de merino ter claiming the titlo,ewes in Elbert county ha\"o drop- Lincoln countv, or l'ftther thoped 1,000 lambs the present mOillh: counties of Lincoln, Eddy and

[t is thought by their owner that Chavez, will secllro two or three rail- CENERA'L MERCHAND'ISEtbey will succee!} in raisillg fully roads during'\the present year. J08 PR1NTI' NG . ",* _

950 of theln. It is a remarkable GIn th f th S I,' t'• • enera .uoo 0 e a.a Ion LIN ....fnct that 1lI0re tWIO lambs are beJllK .l _ • t I " t II'... 1DCO n. ew ULeX1~O..' .cumyls no ,on y a J{rua evanga ...,dropped thIS year than ,"as ever but ha is also somethinu of a. finan- I_~-,!,J"'_-~ ...._ .... _known belora.-Field arm F4rJn. dar. He has oponeil :bank in Lon- -IN- M eNE'

The 'tir4t flock, at s~eep WIlS dotl' SPANISH AND ENGLISH. •• .TTLETON, ,Prof. E. A,1310u~t, lat. of the p.g- • 11.1 ALBU~ER~UE' JEWELERricultural colleWl of Colorado, has ' ,

accepted the chair of agriqulture itl HayioK just added a larJ{e qun- J: _ _ " '. ,the agrioultural college at Las tityof firat·clus 1-.Gruces. The professor i~ highly •spoken 01 by the Colorado press. NEW m::~~ERIAL DEALER IN F.INE DIAMONDS,

Good fortull8 h~snol; forsaken ox:- To the already well equipped job Watches••Tewelry; - Clocks, Solid Silverware, etc. 'Fine WatcbSenatl>r 'fom Bowen, of OOlorado, department of Tmc,INDEl'liNJ>:ENT Repairing nnd Diamond Setting. Watch -In&po iol' l ' th A T & SA. few days ,ago a rioh "'olel strike Gffice, we are now prepared tc? do F R' '0 C tt.i ~ J!I. - 0 or tl',. ,

" • • n. O. .roanUl8ctUI'er 01: ~i1igree Jewelry.

WIlS mal1e in ~ llis Golconda mine at 'All K" d fF· un;,Alamosa, ',!d $200,000 of thG' yel. ms...0 rm IT

:~:~I:~:~k~:~f~~:nrntt~:~n from i: Andwi1l'~I)arAnt~e~ao'thela:Th'e'· N',0'rth',W·0'st'Oro' !' Mu.tua'l,====;i±=======:::::t=lprompt1y And Jlati.f3r.~6ril,. as to USTAaE"LINE Btyle ana maLerial and at , LIFE INSURANCE .

OZa......TE & C' , " ' .- REASONA13LE PBICESi 'Writea the HEST po1toytortbepOlIOY.hotde~~~~~~!:PJUlYtJlnd~,ftJ,l' 0., _ ' <, tUrns from ~6 to 100 per cent larger dideltndil than any other Cempauy. 'hi al

. " ' We Bolicit,; trIal from merchants other Compaplt,'f are, ", i, - Proprietors. I1t ,t~e cou~tyt ,alld will be 'P~"sed '," 0" ::E$",A~';t;-=;'- ::E:i".':e2-~~';Gr ,:5:1 %:)

RunS' dl\.i1y ftom Ollrthaj;(e to fl)rnl~h ••tlm&t.,. Oil all kind. of to p~odl1cG lu·,comparison poJici08otsnme date,sge lUldklnd~ " , .Whittt OaIt!!; NOJ{at, F,t. Star.ton "ork, ' TM I:N:TENDING lNS'UREH cannot AFFORD to ~.LIFE INbtTRAllca /J!l1ld Lincoln,ln couneotion ~ilh rail· in any other company, when he clln gotltlIHl1e ," ,,_y'rffili;;~~l:~agent A. T. & S, F, R.. Northwestern; the Stronge$t,s~rest an~'.el£R., nt CarthR~6,or to lIgl1nte 'of tbe JESSE 11'. WHEELOCK~tilg. CQJt1pally at points, Uti theIr' . ' Gouerll1 Agent 10r R~W lrr::i:lcQ.hoe. ~ . E. S~ KCPUEll.S01'1.LINeOlN &. ROSWELL ~ 5~clli1,Agent

!::L==Jillt.~===~.i!i' Illi,(:!=,.1.;=:;c~J~=~======~==1iIt:!::.


The present'iudications nro thattho congressional committee. thlltWDJ)t ~o inves~I.'{lIte the Claytoll mllr·deJ' out. in A rluLIISllSJ will dividestrictly on party lines in ~nldllg'

their report. Then the country willInlOW jllsf$boqt 119 much abont. it tlS

it did bofoJ'o thuy starteu.-Dem­ocral,

It will be ol~tertninlllg' to thosofilham phillUlthropisls who felt- so SOl'.

ry for tho capti\'e Apaches bpcause,the government ,wCllddll't· allQ\Vthem to be r~1Do\'ed to Fort Sill, tolourn that the Indians 'who murderedMr. IJorlry H/lrqie a few,daYIl sinoenear rOil) bstone, Ari7,onll, were of Apachos who were parl1c>lledfrom the U. S. military prison b~'

Presic1cn t QliH'olalld, They wereufl~rwn,c1s captured by tho civilauthorities and ~"ntellced to behanged, but. escaped while OJ) theway to the pellitentinry.-(Jitizen.

:H ill reasonable to p're~ume thatthe man' 'Who was ru n ciut of herltoQse. at Sprin~er, by n. married'lV01llll,11, for maktng' indellent reo

\>marl,s, will not Ii,gain be a candidate-lor dele~ate to eon;:tress on anytlcket.~Opei17~

~~~~,The war corresponpents oE the

, Kalj~ijohy papers hA"6 be-all oruerodout; The Barlan count" inhalilt.luH5hav4! ~on1trt'enced tlleir ;ptJng,plaut-~ng.""""GanupElk. 0 •

-TUIl: Pecos Yalley edition of THE

LllfCOL~ lNDBPZ~UJtNT is now an

.assured succeils. They nrc n. live llet

of people, those Pecos Valley folki.

The)· ill1\'ce a grulld country and are

wJUinO' to encotlrac.e anv le f7idmntl'l'" ..... ~.

enterpriso which wjU he beneficial

to their sootion. The dal(l of .tbt

special edition ba9 be,cn postpormd

until on Or about July Jijtb, III order

to give pll.'uty of time to secure first­

clas. illustrations. These will be or

thA finest class of photu-el)grn.vingl'Jlearly as large as tho oriKlIlal

photos. There will bo enouS{h of

them to ~ive a '1ery clear idea of

the character of the country, the

~l'e:J,t irrigation enterprIses, noted'

ranches, farms, ot.o. The dc.scriptil'c

'mattor of t~e edition ,will be concise

Ahd truthtul, a~d may Le relied.. up,

on. Taken alto~.ethar it witl be the.

4 ,=W, S, CODEAN, t;he new Uegistor

of tho Roswell-Land Offica, is mak­

ing an efficient aud hard working

TlI~ Sisters of Oharity have bo­

gun legal proceedings in BernuHllo

oOJ1nty IJgai!lst tho S" hool Trustees

of di!ltrict No. 12 for '~1,467, dueupon Pol) 0111 contJ.'~ot, ,Of C01lrst\

th" Sister,!! kopt thl> COl) Iract, but

the mon arJ3 o1licer~ jn Bernalillo


~~'\NTO~ llb~;lLIC, the veteran

politiCian, has wri'tten a Jottal:' to the

New'York' Wo"lclon the 8ubject"of

bimetAlism. HI) says Y0ij. oan't pla.y

poker when ~hit~ and blue chips

have at. indalinite relath'e ,'nlue." - .... It l::f=~==:!:~

';FRIDA-Y, JUNE 6, 1890. 'r


'T~tE 'Mexican Senate Il~B passed

a 'bill 'grll.otlrlg' an indefi'lite term to

.tb~ presiden~t Tb~re'U soo/). - be

Ther~ nevel', Was' a more mixedstnte of railroacI affairs than at pres·~tlt exhstillf,t tn the' wesl~I'Ji piUjsell­It.or ~).1l$ii'lel\8 •

.,.. • ..... -'I"-~fI-"""'''':~' ·1flrty ytnm ago ,4\V;I) Adams be'

.gan with: a carpet bllg tb~ bUllill'o$S'




" \


1(/~"t I ~~_;;-

Page 3: Etc. - Lincoln County · Good fortull8 h~snol;forsaken ox:- To the already well equipped job Watches••Tewelry; -Clocks,

1> I



L ...

'"¥ ~Goo~ Reasons


BecauseU10I1'"Yve In Lincoln C,llnty••r owitproperty In the COUDty, or have nny {nter- '"eats ill tho county, it II} necessary for )'0.o tllke a good loclllpaper. published at thecounty seat. Esp&eiaU1 it that paper .isIi live, wide-n'Walro, interesting alieOf; allfor 02 a 'lur.



N OtlCO orPUblication.LAlIIl O:rJIOJ: AT ROSWELL, !t. lIf.

:MtIl8tbf 1800.NoUoe Is heteby rivel1 tbnt IheloUowlnlf.llalnM

settleI' lm81ilod notion of hel'tlntontion to mnkolinll1ptoo(in SIlPport of hoI' 0 nln\. lind that Btddproof. will ne .mattO before ROgiK(OI ond :Re­ceiver at ROlhvllll, N. M., on Tlllllltlrty, J'l1lT llith,1820, ,vI:: " ARlIe.,el C. lIel'61',Pro.emptton. 1I0cllli'lItor1 Stalllmlltlt No. ~flT, fortben ~ 1101'• .noJ4-sw~1;11I8 ~ 11", loY'Sec. 21tp.IGsmug" 11_t.

Sh" nlUllQ8 the jcllow1ng 'lfItUI8!1llll te prOVIl!lor 0 uol1Jl ~idel1l5O llpon .\Ind oliltivatlonor,Mid It: Jos" M. Mil4.IM. John Macke7,In tlltfts. lll:elblU'D Mnoke1, tillot LowerP M. n

WDI:raLXI, llegl,tel'.

NotIce. iNottce is .h~rcbygiven that the approv· Because

cd plat et town3hlp No.8 south of rango It is the 'IlIrlfCllt jlllperJI1 the county, alld17 MSt. hlls.thiiJ d:iybeen received from publisbes more Itcnuine fmh tl'cdlll.c

llJaltpr than any. other two papers in tl:ath9 Surveyor Generlll, and will hI) duly counly combined.filed In this office on .June 29th 189ll, In ~

accordun:le with InstrUctions from the llecauseGeneral. Land Office, after whlclL datf.' It may ~ave :l'on ml:~y doIlnrs I1Y kocpinr:filings will be rllcelv~ theretor. ,.(lU l,osted 011 allleg:1lllnd land !&dYer-

W. S. COnEAlf, ,tbemoota•Register•

• 5

;Estray:Notice. BecauseTaken up bythe.undersi~ed.a rE'sldent It b tho only paper in wblch ",ill ho

of Linco In county, New,Mexico,llnd post- pUblished all tho Ciunt". .,estray Dotioesed before T. B. McCourt,.1. p" precinct required by law to belJubUshed1n a paperNo, 8, Lincoln CO.l Nl.'w :AIoxico, accord- lit the county sea~mg to Inw. one bay marL', five yl'RrS old, . "brun~ed oYOpl1 .tho right hip, untamed, Becauseand on,; blac~colt.l0 months otd, brand- It ill DeaUr printed. and }tou 'therefore­cd oVOonrlo htluPb D HtGJrrowltn are not obllgecUo put on 8 PAir'of spec.

. 'White Ouks, N. M. ,to read 'out of It IIDd i7U.S. lit .th~ reat.May 27,18nO. . '.l

BecauseIt is a wide·awake, progrellsln. indfl­pendent county lleWsPlll'e'r

jaud will bO

worth m:IDY t1m~8 itS pr ce ovort Tear~'o II. tau it. •


BecauseIt b published at the county &eat of the

Ron. Edward Oliver 'Valcott, Inrgest county In tbe world, and Is thoUnited States Sonator tram Oolorado. only paper published at said county lIelt.

'antI Mrs. Francis Metcalf Bass, 2'daug-Mor of the late J~. P. Metc~lf,' Because\Toro married at Buffalo, .)t. Y., on It is the offit:i1l1 paper of Ihe county, Iud

h 14 h • to k~cp po&ted n o\'erytbing l'ertalDiujZ't e t Instant. to couuty maUerl1 you ,lnnat l.liko it.

,l'ItOSPJi:RITY nA.S co:uJ~

and sottled down in that favorednlley to stay as the neighbor ofevery r~sitlent thereof, and the men1rrbo o\\'n land thore are fortunat.­inde~d. T!l.e town of'" Eddy hus

Old.nowspapers are invnlunble forpacking ~Wl1Y winter clothin/{, thellrintiflg acting as It dcfiunce to the:;toutellt moth as successfully as tarpaper Qr camphor. For this r~asonnewlipapers are useful under thecarpet, laid O\'er the regular carpetpaper. 'l'he most valuable qull1ity of-ne;.,spapeI's in the .\, howeTer,is their ability to keep out air. Itis said that ice completely ell\'alppedin newspapers, so that the air is shut

out, ",ill lu~ep a longer time thall ~undor any other Clouditions, a\ld '

, thiU a pitcher of ice \\'Ilter laid in :t

lV'~lOLEOFA\C: OF N'\T,UItK OUA.NGlC~ newspaper, with the ends of tbe 10'0there; gJ;eat Mnal!! traversing' the pllper twisted together to exclude...oountry for miles UPOIl' miles I1IH,:I the air, will remain all ni/{ht in Rny Ithrowing out. their laterals ItS fur ItS summer room with scarcely anr per~

eye can see lllld further; to\'In8 Ilre oeptible mching of the ice. Thesespringjng np hlce magic wh(lre the fIlets, if such, shoalll be utilized ~~.,.~~,.."0111 timers" 'saw the buffalo herel O.l' oftener than thl'y are ill the Clare VV ~ ..;I;;.the llnteloperetreat; settlers dottill~ of siok at higbt.the prairie with pleasant hOlllus. .where but yester!lay, ulmost, ",Ill)' When ~ mllll applies Jor a jobthe rolling' undulation:; llnd ge.ntla whero llEl is Cloertain to nlaka filtyslopes of smiling' mothe,r carth met, dollars 0. week" cllllv8ssing, hothe oye. .A lreatly every feature of should w.ear one of tbeJIforty·dollarIhe pIaliS of the mell who conceived suits lIlarkel1 down to elg-lit dQllars,"and dO\'clopocl this lJ111gnificent en-' This will ~rin~ facts nnd figurestorprise \vas llnd is nn aSlIured succeSlJ,' somowhat in to harmony.

,Wool men are Rrowing quironumerous hereaboutsf and it is esti­mated that 10:000,000- pounds of

The ceusUs enumerators of this oounty,for the several districts thereof, hit\'O been

District No.PellllllCo country.

DMrkt Nf). aa.-Fred Nymoyer. ECl.dy. •

District No. 8!.--Ed. Eubrlck. SanP2Itriclo, Ruido30, Picacho.

District No. aa.-B. J. Baca, LJncolDLas Tubtas. ' .Distn~t 26.-W. F • .Blanchard. ~ogal,

Donito, Parsons.DLitrlct 'No. 87.-Frank E. Congor,

White OakS, ned Cloud.District No. 88.-Geo. Sena. Ohayes

Co. •District No. 80.-\V'm. E. Blanchard.


"'A Card.

It 'b~lng my intention to leave FortBtllrtton about J'une 10th next, r reqnelltall persons lulebted to me tor profess-

&!jyera! lirllln loads Of new goodll atJloeenthal 8; C.'s. Call iind examino be'ion liUjin:; from old shelf.worn stocks.


Lndies' Russet Oxford Shoes at R.1rIICIlAXLlS & Co's.

Go te Rosenthal &; (1o's for :rourc1oth­lni'. Largest and 11ncst atock:.

Rosenthal & Co. have now on exhIbitionone of the largest and bestusorted stocks.f mcn'$ and boy's c1o~hing (lver ollcridlIS Lincoln couaty.

..WheInn & Co., nre putting up a new

.addItion: to tbeir hotel.

Abnndant supply of Hay And Grainauil beat attention paid to horses atWhelan.& 00'11.

Thr.eo soldiers' w'ere f?ent out from FortStanton a frJw days ago With a four mule"Wam and buckboard as a. relay for :llpart,rcomingil'om the rtlilrol\d Insteadof meetmg ~he party they dodged aroundand ke~t on to the railrOIlq. fat 'the pur­pose of deserting•. Ther cut the tel­~graph' ivil;e twice betw~en Stanton andCarthllge, aud bUJ;ely escaped on u trainjust as the order \lame for their nrrest.'The mul~s and buckboard were recovered.-

:Rosenthal It Co. are away ahelld of aUeompetitors whel1 it comes to a completeztock 1U1d. bed roek prices..

Commiesloner's Court has been In ses­sion agnln this week for the purpose ofpRs~ing upon the tax assessments for1890. Chah'man Cronin and Commiss­ioners A. Green and T. W. Henley aro allIn attendance.


Tb;o Stanton Rouse, Lincoln. iR to the public. Frat-class accommO".(lations. Flrst-etass fare.

Our Stanton correspondent is off on the:Ruidoso this week, yanking ulI tho trout.Qut of that stream, SO look out for "1lsh,storiesl 'lIoxt week.

F01' Sale Cllcap.Ono first-rate Rucine O.lrriagoj

sprlngs; canopy top.~ ~ JOIlN H. CANNING,

• ", 'l<~.._ ....F~tautol1,N. M... .


Page 4: Etc. - Lincoln County · Good fortull8 h~snol;forsaken ox:- To the already well equipped job Watches••Tewelry; -Clocks,




, ~ .

l'ostomCllh LowerJ'1l1U\ll1l0. .nl\nl{ll. l8JJmilC() sOllth of .LoWlll'Pcnllllco

Cattle bralld.a LU(olllefhldll. :R4irDlU!t.crop nnd nnder!>l! illboLblW'll. 1l0C'll4lilnlll4~UBllt. '


SA.R..ur S. KEEN.

(J, H,- SLAT!G/ITEJ:. •

, ,G.lJ10RGB 0. 'G.4.NS.





~PoBtomce,MeDen1el'9_,N. ~I. llMllO, 1'1fllWlJlf; •Ylilley, nine ,nlilos north of Upper l'one.Qo. .(

AlsO cettlo branded G on b<tth aideD. Hor/lllll~randod tho eama an tbeuft shoulder. '

, pSIP

•!CulDl hrande<1I1&11l/l1Ul honoe.

~vin~ just &dded a lllr~o quan·tity of first· clal\3

NEW MATERIAL•'l'o 'tho alrealily '\Toll equippCld job

department of -Tli1: .IN»~l'.B:NDil:N'reffie"j we.aro now prepareJ to do





. Addrlllls,l. A. Aleoclt, WP#,Q Ollks, 111'.14.


If you WantTo aavertlBe your brands In a papeI: that •e...~ry cattle lDall and cowbOy in thecountrr re"na. r&Ter'! wee);, put them hi

l.'AcLi?'j,OQln. Incl~?c,.~nt.




A. Full' Line of Sporting Goods.!3:ille, nQto~Hnmmocks. Croquet, Fishinl;TlICklD

1Etc. T01Dl DoUs, Deby Carrlhl;es. IIX1d Rottan

(iOOUll. QueOJls\Vure, Uhlna, Tin md Gran to Wurll, IlIlU all Jdtids of HOWl,ehotd Good<..



Groceries and Dry Goods, "f,



,- ·RU;M:A.Nlll. TJ;l~N,S~ORT.A;T:J:O~ ••



i!end tor'Catalo/tUc A., 'showing Slcbtll ud3WI0l1 at latest deslKJ1, AIJDJUilI5Il,

~ '~l'M4:N, !liddlefleld, Cl.


JOon ALL IiRIFLES, Pistols :Flind Shot Cuneo J:

BaST nr TUB WOULD. Send ~for llh1litra\lld :Dtler!pllv.CIrCular.

IDEAL M"Q CO" • ,. 1f... DaYClIt (loP,

-DEALJillB IN-;;-

o Lincoln, Ne~' ll!e:dco'


C'-"HIC,.G~. 26 UNION 5QUARE,H:f.~~F~e--ISt':;;.;.otl L. _'1'oT.&.A'N:TA,liA,,,",,,,,, ~• ....,

~.~O~Is.t.IO. ,,'IjWjl4SW :>'j DALLAS.TEX,

"'0 d •• t'



Iron, Pipe, tlose and Belting. I I SAVES' SHRIN~~~E.., D. W. RIORDA.N. Gen. MnnegCl', GENEnhL. OWICE, PHENIX BUILDING, Chicago, I111noia

S I E R '& B J. n. F'Ji:RGUSON, Mmellarof Lines Boath and West of Missouri B!vcr. DenTer, Coloro.da,

.~ on '. ose rd'I"L;YMAHI8PAl. RIFLE SIGHTS ' ; ,.4.Jbuqucrqne, NClV 'Il.lf~q9' ~ra unt'ilwaUBd for HU/.l,t,nuncl 'T.ri~ GO O:e. 'W":e.:r:':,J:';IP ":P? 'r:i3=~

"~,"l~~ootl.nll:' , " :s A Z .A.. A :a-,jf' SIX~lI STREET, :E'AST LAS VEGAS,







.'j('''! 'JClJ,t Ilud nun."

"I'he plm~se to "cut and 1'1111" Ol'i~i­puted from ll. veculiul' Cllstem of tne!].'\~jfol't. i:"':\r,';pttnll fllllbt\llllel's, A low.c~L,Lll ~,;,h.:"., .. ~;" '-'UllJu.rcd to makeil}!! ~h'S~ ,iuoi~ioll in tno COl'Pse, a.p.I'o­pCBS ,\·fOW.eIJ ~..ith lUuoh supers~ltl0n;md hatred by tho people, WllO heldpH mutilnto.l's of the uetld as being' ae·~ursed. As soon as the illci::S01' madeiii!> ...~cut'''lto toole to his heels, mil'8.ut:I,lby sUeles, stoncs 1111~1 CUI'ses. ],ror lit!?living tho 1)001' wretch "cut, 'f ,nlid tp~av6 his lite he hud to '·l'.uI~."~St.jLouis Republic, '. ., .

"~r~JltiOU8 (J~rullt Compounded.

~-~-_..._. ,', - " .', ..-""-E. t. MURPHEY~CO.

V(~~h~'BAl:lP np.qL

p'1!-Y a~l· ~H jl:'M lCAL~,


T(;m,,!t~ GOODS.

w. Jlll1 ft~ attention to mell orc1MtJ, and,.~t"' Il:\tW~!l"1; to all CUlItou161'll.

t ..~lJ VCZ;n.-,,: ~ew N~':-~C!!~


1'1111 Ye-':;4Il, NeT!" ~~;d'o.

'lfn <"lM'1 thillir-~¥litml!lclmtr..,<tstock,of ,nchFI'6<'" to)", foul!l1 in thll t.lrrit,rj IU1i1 offer tJ:le,e:tml'n\

REAsoNABLE PRICES.w ... ",t'll", \.lel\llO<1 to answor mill orclentlffid

, tfllC/ " "', , • ,.

, '~~1l11¥.t:l!!" P,fJ:)lllVCU,

. .Jame{l·;L.1?<¥ln~'packcl', .Qf l?hl1adel·jphilli l~l\s:1,\ .cUl'~OUS~()ncctlOI' O,e cloy­~rsJI'0ll:l (Uf!'erent stutes, 'fhe clo:v:er~}l.l'~100UII tqd Up011 1\ card so as ,~Q r.~p-

, jl.esent u fOUL' leaved clo~·C1~. O,llAl ;1eafIf> made up of ole\;en ,f0p...1'~~~'ed c10':VOl'S, IlDotbf,I' of ~;.lUO. t).~e<l clQ.117el's,J1.iI.9the)'.o( '11l1l0 ~lX lea\"cd clovers,~m~l~bo iQlU·th.o! ~i.x: nine leaved ',clii·C','CI'S. The ~t~m IS represented by a sq.. ' ~Bn:on US llud saUdy YO">:~CU'•.;ies'o( clovel'3 contuining cup 0\' fllt,l" ' , I?loll,ea\'lls;,llnd,a,~~~el~'el'~' .c!l~l}s .Q1}..0 ----...-.-...-......--......-~.-_... j,clovel' llttvmg n~no ,C;l,Y~,~lll.l*.C,\l,p S::"LIPS8!" WINDMILLSpnd nn9th,~'t' .cIOVH1' Jl~~i.l,g It,lt,H·.Web ..\I , C;; , '" ':,' ,.~eayc~.-:.;fjhlc(\ZQ '):UlillW,


At :t'Aplcs n Inlll'bla s.tatuc of the P,:\'.triot ¥111'io Pllga"lo.1ell':e.clJ~ecl by A!,hllletl'O..31 rOl' t1:o ,COlUIDU}IO of ]3I'lUUzn;~vas Sla:~ldiJl/f rplll)Y iJj 'tJ,e Wpl'1;Hlllll'.

\ IJackcll t,(i bo sUjit to pric:l!~1 :whElI1" ••-,.#l0me boys in tho S~1011 Id}ltJl.c.d some

!I\,oo'1 to jnnke Il. fb'\} to WIl1'Il~ tIlem~okc$. ~hcr lott the \\'oiofcsUOll' with,put' ci:fjuguJ..':lbil1g' tho flre.· nl1l1 thet1amCi;i :>ill'Ol\d 'te) j.he sawdust luid 101'/.'110 statue to slide 011 whell I:l:movedpnd iu n Ilhm't tilllO tho 1i~uI:e. all hut~he head, was bU\'lleq. ~nu reduce.a tochalk. '!rhe slatue wel~hcd five tOllS,h'l<l »'as YIlJ\~.el.r at ~GJOOu !l:llllCS: .'



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