opt in - 3 steps (final)€¦ · you’re overworked, overwhelmed, stressed and absolutely...


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Post on 12-Oct-2020




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Page 1: Opt In - 3 STEPS (FINAL)€¦ · You’re overworked, overwhelmed, stressed and absolutely exhausted. Distractions and interruptions will happen throughout the day – it’s an inevitable




Page 2: Opt In - 3 STEPS (FINAL)€¦ · You’re overworked, overwhelmed, stressed and absolutely exhausted. Distractions and interruptions will happen throughout the day – it’s an inevitable



If you feel like you’re spending your days in chaos and putting fires out then it’s time to

change things up!

Every morning you sit down at your computer with the best intentions. You’re all geared up for a productive day and ready to tackle the big ideas and strategic actions that are

going to take your business to the next level.

But then real life intervenes. Your phone rings and doesn’t stop ringing. You’re dealing with customer enquiries and people needing to chat with you. You keep getting distracted by the huge amount of ‘urgent’ emails that flood your inbox. There seems to be so many

demands on your time, regardless of how organised you started the day!

Whatever is most urgent and whoever is the loudest generally gets your attention. It’s logical – deal with the most urgent issues and then eventually you’ll get to the important tasks you had planned to work on that day. Projects like strategic planning, goal setting, team growth, finances, implementing systems that will take your business to the next


But the problem is, later never happens.

It’s like you’re on a treadmill and increasing the speed – you’re running faster and trying harder but you’re not actually going anywhere and you’re also finding yourself on the

brink of burn out. You’re overworked, overwhelmed, stressed and absolutely exhausted.

Distractions and interruptions will happen throughout the day – it’s an inevitable part of business and life. There’s always going to be urgent tasks that need to be dealt with each and every day. But if you want to create a sustainable successful business and take it to

the next level as well as taking out the overwhelm and unnecessary stress then these 3 Steps will help you get there.

By implementing these 3 Steps you’ll find time to work on the important actions each day and the daily effect will be immeasurable. They will not only progress your business but also ensure that you’re finding time to look after your most important asset within

your business and YOU!

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Create a morning routine that allows you to fill yourself up first and get you in the right space and mindset for the day ahead. When you take the time (this will differ based on your own circumstances but even taking just 15 minutes will be beneficial) to work on your overall wellbeing you’ll start your day feeling, calm, focussed, happy, inspired and energised. It also allows you the time to check in with yourself on all levels, body, mind and soul to make sure that you’re living the life and feeling the way you want to. Some ideas to begin your day are:

•   Meditation

•   Journaling

•   Gratitude list – write down 5 things you’re grateful for

•   Move your Body – out in nature, gym, home

•   Listen to a podcast or read a chapter of a book

•   Personal Development

•   Check in with your vision and goals

•   Work on a fun creative project

•   Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea on the couch with no distractions

•   Breakfast at your favourite place

The benefits of taking time for yourself will flow to everyone, whether that’s your staff, your partner, your children and of course yourself. In today’s world where ‘busyness’ is worn as a badge of honour and taking time for yourself is confused as being selfish and not productive you can feel that you need to justify yourself to others when you do so. I know it’s hard to stop thinking like this when you’ve been spending the majority of your life doing so. However, you have the power to change and to start implementing healthy boundaries by respecting yourself and saying YES to ensuring that you implement time in your day to nourish yourself. Nourishing yourself is critical to your overall wellbeing. It will allow you to perform at your ultimate best in your business and live your life to its fullest potential.

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 By allocating a theme to each day you know what your area of focus will be for that day.

So when interruptions happen or if you have general daily tasks you need to deal with, you can then quickly refocus and get back on track with the tasks that will help move you closer to achieving your goals and taking business to the next level. Focus is an important part of productivity and finding a way to create structure in your business and life can lead you to do more work in less time by working smarter not harder. Everyone’s business and goals are different and so will your daily themes. Generally, your daily themes will match up with the projects and goals you have in place for your business. Below is an example of what your daily themes could be:

•   Monday – Focus on Marketing & Communications

•   Tuesday – Focus on Client Work & Delivery

•   Wednesday – Focus on Networking, Partnerships & Collaborations

•   Thursday – Focus on Sales

•   Friday – Focus on Finances (both business and personal finances)

•   Saturday – Focus on YOU and doing whatever you WANT to do for the day

•   Sunday – Focus on Personal Growth – reflections, strategy, professional

development and getting ready for the week ahead  

On each particular day, you will know what your focus is, saving you time by avoiding context switching and jumping between various unrelated tasks. When you switch between tasks it’s hard to focus on one subject and then switch to a completely different one. It’s distracting and unproductive and keeping you from taking your business to the next level. So, for instance, if your theme for Friday is Finances, you will deal with any requests from your bookkeeper, accountant, debtors, creditors, budgets, cash flows, reconciling accounts, completing BAS etc. on a Friday. Theming your days also takes away decision fatigue and makes sure that each day you’re working on areas that will grow your business. It will also be easier for you to plan, organise and schedule your week as any appointments and meetings you have that relate to the themes are booked in on those respective days.

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Each day set aside time to deal with putting fires out as well as time to work on the important actions. This is what is going to get your business to the next level. If you know the time of day that you’re the most productive then block out 1-3 hours (however long you have available) each day and allocate that time to working on your Daily Growth Activities (DGA). DGA’s are the most valuable activities to you and your business and the activities that you want to be spending majority of your time working on. DGA’s are non-negotiable and need to be done each day if you want to grow your business and move it closer to achieving its goals. By blocking out time in your day there will be no distractions and you’ll be able to get into a state of flow. These activities tend to be about the planning or orchestrating of something – the income generating activities or the ‘getting the market’s attention’ activities. Based on the daily themes you have set from Step 2 (which will relate to the overall goals you have set), you will choose 1-3 DGA’s to work on that day. The key is to make sure you complete one DGA before moving onto the next DGA. Below are some examples of DGA’s using the Daily Themes mentioned in Step 2: •   Mon: Create your marketing message, plan social media campaigns, video content •   Tue: Client work, create new products, new offers and new services, creating systems •   Wed: Est new distribution channels, negotiating deals, nurturing relationships •   Thu: Sales calls, planning your sales funnels, sales/prospect activities, •   Fri: Review financial position, rev streams, metrics, automating processes •   Sat: any activities that fill you up and bring you joy, fun and happiness •   Sun: Plan your week ahead (bus & personal), goal setting, new learnings, reflections In addition to making time to work on your DGA’s you also need to schedule in 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon to deal with putting out fires. The phone calls, emails, pressing problems, crises, deadline driven projects. That way you won’t find yourself spending the whole day getting lost in these tasks and not being able to spend any time working on your DGA’s. For the other activities that are important but are low value activities you want to remove these off your plate as soon as possible. These activities may include, admin tasks, bookkeeping, video editing, social media posts, graphic design and setting up phone calls etc. If they’re always the same or they aren’t your strengths or make you anxious, you can systemise or automate procedures that will free up your time and streamline your business. Or depending on your circumstances you may be in a position to delegate or outsource some of these tasks so that you can spend more time working in your zone of genius.

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By implementing these 3 Steps into your day:

•   You will become proactive and not reactive

•   You will start Playing Big in both your business and life

•   You’ll take back charge of your business instead of it being in charge of you

•   You will create the headspace and additional time to focus on the big ideas and strategic actions that will take your business to the next level

•   You’ll avoid overwhelm & burn out and instead feel calm, focussed & energised

•   You’ll start each day with self-care making sure that you spend the first part of your day focussing on YOU and your wellbeing as well as ensuring you’re living your life and running your business in alignment with your overall vision

Are you ready to take back control and be back in the driver’s seat in your business and life with the right strategies, systems, money mindset and support for more success, profit and most of all ultimate wellbeing?

Then now is the time for you to invest in yourself and get the expert support and guidance that you need to elevate your business and start thriving in all areas of your life. Curious?

 If you’re ready to start practicing a better way of doing business and living make sure you head over to www.nataliejhall.com where I share my tips, knowledge and inspiration with you about how you can balance Profit, Purpose and Wellbeing in a way that works best for you so you can take your business and life to the next level. If you’d like to find out how we can work together then I’d love to hear from you. You can check out my coaching packages at www.nataliejhall.com or get in touch with me by sending an email to [email protected]. And if you know anyone who would benefit from this guide, please send them to www.nataliejhall.com so they can pick up their own copy. I look forward to connecting with you.

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As an experienced qualified insolvency accountant and certified health & wellness coach, Natalie knows what you need to avoid the worst-case scenario in your business and wellbeing, how important it is to get on top of the numbers…but also knows that most business owners aren’t as strong in these areas and need strategy and support. She will help you capture the essence of who you are, implement strong business and personal foundations and get you to where you want to be faster without being overwhelmed and burnt out. You’ll do it from a place of ease rather than fear and stress. Natalie is passionate about working with highly driven entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals to build thriving and purpose filled businesses and lives. Her aim is to get you back in the driver’s seat in your business and life, with the right strategies, systems and support for more success, profit and most of all wellbeing. If you want to map out a plan to get you closer to achieving sustainable business growth and ultimate wellbeing, contact Natalie at www.nataliejhall.com and discover the priorities in a no obligation introductory session.