opening history education

Opening History Education: An Introduction to Open Educational Resources Michelle Reed, @LibrariansReed Open Education Librarian | UTA Libraries | 2.21.17

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Opening History Education: An Introduction to Open Educational Resources

Michelle Reed, @LibrariansReedOpen Education Librarian | UTA Libraries | 2.21.17

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Openness is the only means of doing education. If there is no sharing, there is no education. Successful educators

share most thoroughly with the most students. - David Wiley

“Be a champion of a cause and don't give up.”- TJ Bliss

“Research provides the foundation of modern society. Research leads to breakthroughs, and communicating the results of research is what allows us to turn breakthroughs into better lives—to provide new treatments for disease, to implement solutions for challenges like global warming, and to build entire industries around what were once just ideas. However, our current system for communicating research is crippled by a centuries old model that hasn’t been updated to take advantage of 21st century technology.”

- Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)

“Isn’t it amazing that what serves social justice

also serves effective pedagogy and is empirically supported?”

- Rajiv Jhangiani

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How much does it cost your students to purchase

the textbook(s) required in your course?

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The average student budgets

$1,249 - $1,364

on textbooks and course materials in 2015-16.

Source: College Board

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2012 2016

63.6% 66.5% Not purchase the required textbook

49.2% 47.6% Take fewer courses

45.1% 45.5% Not register for a specific course

33.9% 37.6% Earn a poor grade

26.7% 26.1% Drop a course

17.0% 19.8% Fail a course

In your academic career, has the cost of required textbooks caused you to:

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Beware the DRM

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Estimates, Spring 2017

Course Sections Students (per section)

Course Materials (per student)

Total Cost

HIST 1311 13 146 $100 $189,800

HIST 1312 15 146 $100 $219,000

Total student expenses per semester for 2 required history courses: $408,800

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OER Defined“Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. OER include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.”

- William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

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What do you know about ©opyright?

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The U.S. Constitution

“The Congress shall have the power…to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for

limited times to authors and inventors exclusive Right to their respective writings and discoveries.”

Article 1, Section 8

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Copyright (Section 106)

Copyright protects “original works of authorship” that are fixed in a tangible form of expression:

• literary works• musical works• dramatic works• pantomimes & choreographic works• pictorial, graphic, & sculptural works• motion pictures & other audiovisual works• sound recordings• architectural works

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Copyright is a bundle of rights

Rights are held by the OWNER of the work (not necessarily the creator/author). Owners may:

• Reproduce - Make copies of their works publicly or privately.• Adapt - Prepare additional works derived from their copyrighted work, (aka,

derivative works).• Distribute - Disseminate copies of their works, to the public by sale or other

transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, lending. • Perform - Perform their work publicly (at location open to the public or to

persons other than close family and social acquaintances).• Display - Display their work publicly (applies to all works except sound

recordings and architectural works).

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Length/Term of Copyright• Life of author plus 70 years• Joint work – 70 years after last surviving author’s death• Works made for hire – 95 years from year of first

publication or 120 years from year of creation, whichever expires first

• Works published before 1923 are in the public domain• Copyright slider to determine whether the work is in the

public domain -

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Also ConsiderFair Use& the Public Domain

• Purpose and character of the use: including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

• Nature of the copyrighted work: Fiction vs. Non-Fiction. Creative vs. Factual.

• Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and

• Effect on the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

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Open Educational Resources: 5 Rs1. Retain2. Reuse3. Revise4. Remix5. Redistribute

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Filter for CC-licensed material

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Much more information here:

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More open access publishingA change in how we allocate spending

Increased engagementImproved retention

Improved completion ratesImproved pedagogy

Ownership of course contentNew partnerships and collaborative opportunities

Beyond Affordability

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Open Textbooks, Open Pedagogy “I’ve spent some time talking about open pedagogy at several universities this Spring, and in each of those presentations and workshops, I have usually mentioned The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature, an OER anthology that my students and I produced last year for an American literature survey course I taught. When I talk about the anthology, it’s usually to make a point about open pedagogy. I began the project with the simple desire to save my students about $85 US, which is how much they were (ostensibly) paying for the Heath Anthology of American Literature Volume A. Most of the actual texts in the Heath were a public domain texts, freely available andnot under any copyright restrictions. As the Heath produced new editions (of literature from roughly 1400-1800!), forcing students to buy new textbooks or be irritatingly out of sync with page numbers, and as students turned to rental markets that necessitated them giving their books back at the end of the semester, I began to look in earnest for an alternative.”

- Robin DeRosa

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OER in TexasRequire disclosure of OER as textbook& searchable list of OER only courses

Establish OER grant programto encourage development of OER only courses

Conduct feasibility studyof statewide OER repository

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Thank You

Michelle [email protected]