open museum a mobile enriched pass for art enthusiasts

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City A mobile enriched Pass for art enthusiasts Università Roma "La Sapienza" Master UX - User Experience Open Museum: A mobile enriched Pass for art enthusiasts

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Page 1: Open museum a mobile enriched pass for art enthusiasts

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the CityA mobile enriched Pass for art enthusiasts

Università Roma "La Sapienza"

Master UX - User Experience

Open Museum:A mobile enriched Pass

for art enthusiasts

Page 2: Open museum a mobile enriched pass for art enthusiasts

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

The Capitoline Museums in Rome are the most ancient public gallery in the world.

Context: a cultural landscape

The Musei Capitolini in Rome are regarded as the most ancient public gallery in the world.

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Context: a cultural landscape

Their collections feature classical art, bronzes and sculptures, Etruscan vases, mural decorations, Renaissance paintings

The main mission of the Museums is to preserve art and culture and to spread it to the people, raising a sense of respect and ownership of the common heritage

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Context: a cultural landscape

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

All the area is protected by the Unesco and represents the quintessence of the Italian heritage.

The Museums are located in the Campidoglio area, near to the Colosseum and to the Roman forums.

The field is complex, crowded and very very famous

500.000 visitors / yearfor the Capitoline Museums only

Page 5: Open museum a mobile enriched pass for art enthusiasts

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

What do the museum stakeholders say:

"The museum is a city "It is alive, always changing,It may need some time to get accustomed

"The museum is a lens"It should help people to see

The museum is also a business. It has employees, stakeholders, money constraints

"Artworks should be speaking"There is a world of stories in every single vase

(source: interviews with stakeholders)

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(source: interviews with users)

Emerging profiles:

* Users with a focus on Art, experts * Users in Rome for the first time, sometimes feeling "overwhelmed" by the place * Users perfectly aware of the context, but having time or logistics constraints * Users looking for emotions to live and tell

What do users say:

"Wonderful""Perfect""Overwhelming""It's a relevant museum!""I was just walking.. ""We bought a guide and started planning the tour""It's all so beautiful""I'm lost!"

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How could this experience be better?

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Visitors are generally delighted by the Museums. Even so they could use more support in

spatial and cognitive orientationorient themselves in and out of the museums and be aware of the path they are following

be sure that they dont' miss anything that could interest them and they are able to find what fullfills their interest

time management, comfortbe able to have a pleasant visit even in a short lapse of time .. or be comfortable during a long one

keeping memoriesgive them back something to help remembering and sharing their experience (pictures, moments, information)

sharing emotions collectively, as a modern version of a guestbook.

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Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Our Mission

Our idea is to build a system made of simple services, each one adding a value to the visit. The system gives more sense to the whole


Our vision regards users as a treasure: they are truly a part of the richness of the museum

Our mission is to enhance visitors experience through a establishing a connection with the city and to help museums offering a great experience not only to the many tourists that are visiting Rome for the first time, but also to the returning ones and to citizens

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Roma Open Museum is a mobile enriched pass for art . The pass allows visitors to extend conveniently the time of their visit, providing pragmatic solutions to logistic issues and allowing them to discover reach and explore the museum seamlessly, as a part of the city.

It is delivered through a mobile app which provides orientation, personalization and augmentation of the museum experience.

It is "sensible" to the museum internal context (people, spaces, artworks, services): it is capable to inform users about the status of the museum and to gather visitors preferences in order to narrate the museum to the city

Our concept

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Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

● Open Museum Pass● city and museum Maps● museum Guide● Services and benefits● generated Projections ● experience Diary

How do we do itThe components

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Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Users can download the app for free and use it to buy an Open Museum Pass

User can learn about...

Museum Information

Artworks catalog

Temporary exhibitions

News and Events

Outdoor and indoor localization, collections, artworks tracking, personalized itineraries and other tools

Welcome view

The APP is the basic layer

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More museumsMore timeMore services

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

The PASS extends the visit experience

Priority access, advantages on public transportation, extended visit options, discovery of the museums network

Service touch-points are physical and digital: Website - Appstore - Infopoint - Open Displays - Ticket Office (device rental)

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The Maps make the visit easy

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Localization of artworks and facilities, highlighting of masterpieces, panoramic spots and services


Finding specific artworks

Exploring Room by Room

Following a tour

Users can always find the position of a particular artwork in the museum

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In front of an artwork, users can choose the intensity and the "style" of the interaction with the Guide.

The Guide provides all the content

Basic Identificationvisual identification of the artwork, basic information,room localization

Information● in-depth readings ● audio contents ● image/video gallery with details and


InteractionUsers can add content and preferences. Common actions such as taking a picture or making an annotation can be done directly from the app.

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

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You may need more details and info, or simply want to stare at the artwork..

In the museum space

Research insight: one of the most important part of the tour is the emotional experience that one lives in front of the artwork.

Design challenges: 1. can we give users the possibility to preserve this emotion without breaking the visit flow?2. could users engagement influence potential visitors outside the museum?

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A single action allows the user to save in diary all the info about an artwork.

The same gesture is also a preference which can be used by the museum.

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Impressions are made valuable

Impressions become


.. to review or to remember .. to make the experience shared

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Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Impressions saved for yourself become a value and a recommendation for others,


They are aggregated thanks to the museum and brought to life at the end of the day,

creating a projection made of IMAGES of the most loved pieces of art.

In the City Space

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Additional services: relax and recharge

During lunchtime or a coffee break on the museum terrace, or in the bookshop, users can deploy safely their devices into recharge boxes.

Open displays helps users reviewing their itineraries or discovering the service.

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Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Preserving and extending the tourThe Diary contains everything related to the user tour. Content produced during the visit is stored and can be reviewed or exported later on.

Preserving the experience: The Diary

User ContentLoved artworks

Selected Tour

Pictures and annotations

Museum Suggestions(books, exhibits)

Museum Services (cafè, shop, restrooms)

Page 21: Open museum a mobile enriched pass for art enthusiasts

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

The Museum is an actor in the process: it gives value to users actions, creating social awareness and enhancing its own visibility

qui servirebbe un diagrammino UTENTI _ SPAZI _ AZIONI del tipo:user inside: valuta opera -> opera in diariomuseo istituzione: accoglie utente, raccoglie preferenza, connette con lo spazio fuoriuser outside -> vede proiezione, acquisisce informazione (puo diventare utente dentro)

Connecting actors: new value

the Museum

connects inside and outside

welcomes visitors

collects preferences

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Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Connecting spaces: emotions and recommendations

Spaces are connected by Visitors Generated Contents, which become the key point of the of the inside-outside transition.


user inside evaluatesartworks user outside

receives info

sees video projection

Visitors contents are making museum walls transparent to the city

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Open Museum from me to we: an interpretation

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Levels of participation

- The five stages of partecipation as described by Nina Simon in "The partecipatory museum"

users meet following common preferences or planned itineraries || users naturally gather during the projections

user builds custom itineraries, takes pictures, gives preferences

user uses the open museum app / pass

user publish his collections on a dedicated platform

museums aggregates preferences: public projection

- The Open Museum scenario: a private interaction perfor- med at Stage 2, generates a public effect at Stage 3-4

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Pros: an original creation is produced every timeCons: emotional nuances are hard to represent and communicate

Emotional ratingVisitors can associate an "emotional rating" to the artworks; the system creates generative projections from the ratings

Tweet wallVisitors comments about artworks and collections are marked with an hashtag and projected outside

Pros: gives voice to visitor, promotes socializationCons: moderation may be neede; visitor effort is higher

Alternative participation scenarios

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

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Page 26: Open museum a mobile enriched pass for art enthusiasts

NFC tracking to map artwork position

Wi-fi projector for the art light-show

Sensors to detect crowd condition

Wifi localizationto navigate the museum with the indoor map

Technology overview

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

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The museum it needs to have a wifi connection. Every room and every hallway should be provided with an access point.We can track the user trough the currently associated access point.Making AP signal weak we can be sure that the user can have only one access point per room.The app will ask to the server in which room it appears to be, and the server will know which room is associated to that specific access point.

Wifi localizationto navigate the museum with the indoor map

Indoor navigation

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

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NFC tracking to map artwork position

Artworks tracking

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

We want to constantly know the position of an artworks, in the event that they are moved elsewhere for maintanance or for exhibit needs.We can map the rooms with the access point system in order to communicate to the server which artwork work is in a specific room.It just needs a NFC reader and a NFC tag on the artwork.After the initial mapping of all artworks, anytime a artwork is moved elsewhere it just need to scan it again with the nfc reader.

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All the users rating will be collected as data.These data will be processed in a video projection outside the museum.To make it possible it needs a wi-fi projector with 2.0 lens.The server will send the movie directly to the projector that will reproduce it in a public place.

Wi-fi projector for the art light-show

Wi-fi Projector

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Page 30: Open museum a mobile enriched pass for art enthusiasts

We use sensor to track the crowd state of the museum. Sensors are placed in key points inside and immediately outside the museum to detect information like:

● passive infrared (movement)● temperature● humidity● air pressure

The information about crowding is derived and provided with other real-time data to the Open Museum app users and to the server to gather statistics..

Sensors to detect crowd condition

I-Crowd system

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

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Page 32: Open museum a mobile enriched pass for art enthusiasts

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City






Business value






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feasible easy to develop a pilot

scalable expand networks and partners, internationalization

exportable apply the model in a different context

Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the CityProject: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City


Indoor map

guide and



Modularity and exportability

How could we adapt it to a different context or "cultural landscape"

adapting visual: logo avatar and color swatch

adapting contents: easily compose new sets and stories, giving priority to different media

adapting participation/projections: use a representative area in the city; personalize sharing according to "smartness" of a desired audience and flexibility of projection area;expose different user generated contents (eg: images, tweets)

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● Releasing VCG as open data and inviting digital artists to use them as a source for their creations

● Allowing users to meet through the sharing of common interests and itineraries

● Creating partnerships with other cities or making it an international network!


Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the CityProject: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City


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Project: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the CityProject: Rome Open Museum Team: Fish in the City

Eleonora BorelliAlessandra CauMarco di GennaroDaniela GaggeroSimona Perfetti

TutorAnna Maria Recupero

SupervisorAlessandra Talamo
