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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Open Data Open Knowledge Prakash Neupane Ambassador [email protected] Nepal

2. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal What do we mean by open? 3. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal A piece of data or content is open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and/or sharealike. - 4. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Open Data 5. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Public Data 6. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Public DataOpen Format 7. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Public DataOpen FormatMachine Readable Format 8. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Public DataAccessible 9. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal What means Open Data? Open data involves the proactive disclosure of information; the internet being the primary medium for such disclosure; information being made available for access and for reuse free of charge and; information being made available in a machinereadable format to enable computerbased reuse. 10. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal 11. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal 12. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Open Data is the Way 13. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal 14. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal 15. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal 16. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Open data is fashionable. Developers and hackers are making smartphone apps based on datasets held by the public sector, and activists are discovering the value of Open Data for defending their causes. 17. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Who are the Open Knowledge Foundation? 18. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal We are a global movement to open up knowledge around the world and see it used and useful. We bring together a diverse community, building a network of individuals and organizations, founded on key principles. We create change by educating, empowering, evangelising and making. We promote open access, open content, and open data, and the public domain. 19. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Who can join? Anyone no special restriction on sector, racial, technical etc How? Join us in Facebook: Twitter: Group email: Website: 20. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal We want to see open by default in DNA of knowledge society 21. Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal Prakash Neupane Ambassador Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal