onward · 2020-06-17 · asia 2011 issue 10 / june 2011 onward mica (p) 062/03/2011. ... events...


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Page 1: Onward · 2020-06-17 · asia 2011 issue 10 / June 2011 Onward MICA (P) 062/03/2011. ... events such as the annual Lo Hei luncheon, beer bash at IMDEX, ... 14 our people 15 us operations

royal thai navy amphibious ship launches st marine Goes to imDeX asia 2011

issue 10 / June 2011

OnwardMICA (P) 062/03/2011

Page 2: Onward · 2020-06-17 · asia 2011 issue 10 / June 2011 Onward MICA (P) 062/03/2011. ... events such as the annual Lo Hei luncheon, beer bash at IMDEX, ... 14 our people 15 us operations

For quite some time now, I have emphasised the importance of building a stronger customer-focused attitude and culture in the company. The continuous support from our valued customers is exactly the reason why we even exist. Hence, ST Engineering’s pursuit of Service Class Excellence Certification by SPRING Singapore in May 2011 could not have come at a more appropriate time. The Service Class Framework enhances the building of a Customer Centric Culture in the company where our activities, programme, capabilities and directions are geared towards meeting the needs of our customers. With the changing face of the economy and market, it’s important to interact closely with our customers at different levels so that our efforts are pivoted around them to help them win in the market place. Last year, the company received a total of 216 customer feedback and compliments with a favourable feedback score of 7.5 to 9 (out of a maximum of 10). There is always room for improvement and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their feedback and support to ensure that we remain ‘Your Trusted Partner’.

For departments such as Information Technology, Human Resources, Legal and Operations Development, despite not having external customers, the respective Heads of Department are also constantly reminded to treat their colleagues in the frontline departments as their valued customers.

As a small token of our appreciation, the Company has since last year, been organising several customer appreciation events such as the annual Lo Hei luncheon, beer bash at IMDEX, and most recently The Lion King musical at Marina Bay Sands. The events would also allow more opportunities to engage with our customers. We are very encouraged by the response from our customers in these events and are spurred to continue to organise more of such events to foster stronger ties for a lasting partnership.

I am happy to report that on 16 June, we secured a S$171 million contract to build and outfit four Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels (AHTS) for our esteemed customer, Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO). SPO will furnish the major equipment for ST Marine’s installation and this includes main engines, thrusters, switchboard and automation, systems cranes, A-frame, stern rollers and deck machinery. Work commences immediately with the first AHTS, measuring 92m by 22m, expected to be delivered by 1H2013 and the fourth by 1H2014.

In 1Q2011, the Marine Sector delivered a comparable Profit Before Tax of $24.2 million versus 1Q2010 with 6% higher revenue due to increased shiprepair activities. In the last three months, the sector secured a bundle of contracts in shipbuilding, repair and conversion. In shipbuilding, VT Halter Marine secured a new contract to build an Articulated Tug Barge Offshore Tug for Bouchard Transportation Co., Inc. (Bouchard) with delivery expected in the second half of 2012. On the repair and conversion front, one of the interesting projects awarded was for the conversion of a decommissioned jack-up rig into a Mobile Offshore Production Unit by Garuda Energy – the project looks set to be completed by end of June, on schedule. Another conversion contract, awarded by Trinity Offshore Pte Ltd, will see ST Marine converting the

accommodation vessel Trinity Supporter to a multi-purpose offshore vessel. Volvox Terranova, Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger from Van Oord ACZ is undergoing a major upgrading.

In this issue, besides highlighting our product development in the area of hybrid diesel electric patrol vessels and how we are sharpening our Engineering Design Centre’s capability with the build up of a System Integration Department, a few celebratory milestones were recorded. On 20 March, we successfully launched the Landing Platform Dock for the Royal Thai Navy and delivered our first Seismic Survey Vessel as a newbuilding to Swire Pacific Offshore on 28 March. On 11 June, we had a naming ceremony for our first Dive Support Vessel (DSV), the vessel was christened as Skandi Singapore by its Godmother, Mrs Fiona Brown; we’re on course to delivering this DSV to DOF Subsea by end June.

I would like to warmly welcome Mr Jway Ching Hua and Mr Goh Chee Beng who have joined us in May this year as SVP (Projects) and VP (Product Development) respectively. Before joining ST Marine, Jway was overseeing the weapons and vehicles programme at ST Kinetics. Jway’s experiences will be an asset to the Projects team as the ‘chief integrator’ among the departments supporting the execution of the newbuilding projects, namely Production and EDC, so as to ensure that our customers’ requirements are met unflinchingly. Goh, on the other hand, was the General Manager of the Automotive Technique Division at Jebsen til he joined us. With his rich experience, Goh will surely elevate the high standard of our Product Development team to another level.

In the coming month of August, there will be two national holidays: Singapore’s 46th year of independence and Hari Raya Puasa – a prominent Muslim festival. During Hari Raya Puasa, aside from celebrations, it is also the tradition to seek for forgiveness, and a time for strengthening ties between family and friends. I feel we can all learn from this tradition and foster stronger ties with not only our family and friends, but also our colleagues, whom we probably spend more time with in the office. Here, I want to wish our Muslim friends “Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri” and all Singaporeans “Majulah Singapura”.

Best wishes,Sing Chan

Dear Customers, Associates and Colleagues,

02 your trusted partner

Singapore teChnologieS Marine ltD (Regn No: 196800180M)

16 benoi road, Sngapore 629889Tel : (65) 6861 2244Fax : (65) 6861 3028www.stengg.com

“Onward” is a publication by Singapore Technologies Marine Ltd for our customers, associates and staff. We appreciate your feedback, please email to comms [email protected]. No parts of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the company. we would like to thank Alvin Tan, Lee Chuen Fei, Melvyn Lim, Edmund Huiand Yeow Xian Ching for their contributions.

Contents02 president’s

Message03 Marine news05 environmental

Business06 edC08 product

development10 project update14 our people15 us operations15 Visits17 events20 spotlight

preSiDent’S MeSSage

issue 10 / June 2011

president's Message

Page 3: Onward · 2020-06-17 · asia 2011 issue 10 / June 2011 Onward MICA (P) 062/03/2011. ... events such as the annual Lo Hei luncheon, beer bash at IMDEX, ... 14 our people 15 us operations

03your trusted partner

St Marine bagS neW ContraCtS

ingapore, 24 May 2011 – ST Marine today announced that it has bagged several newbuild, repair and conversion contracts including variation order for an existing upgrading project.

Its US shipyard, VT Halter Marine, secured a new contract to build an Articulated Tug Barge Offshore Tug for Bouchard Transportation Co., Inc. (Bouchard). This tug will be similar to

others built for Bouchard in previous years by the yard. Measuring about 34.1m by 10.6m by 5.2m, the 4,000hp tug is classed by ABS as A1 Towing Vessel, Dual Mode, and it will be equipped with an Intercon Coupler System. Construction of the vessel will begin in mid 2011, with delivery expected in the second half of 2012. The vessel will enter into Bouchard’s fleet service in New York, N.Y.

On the repair and conversion front, ST Marine was awarded a contract by Garuda Energy to convert a decommissioned jack-up rig into a Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU). The MOPU comes ready with a 2+1+1 year lease. ST Marine will be responsible for the extension of the MOPU legs by 18m as well as other major work including the installation and assembly of production modules on the platform, the fabrication and installation of new piping, electrical and instrumentation systems onboard.

Another conversion contract, awarded by Trinity Offshore Pte Ltd, will have ST Marine convert the accommodation vessel Trinity Supporter to a multi-purpose offshore vessel. The work scope includes the fabrication and installation of a new heli-deck and bulk tanks, and modification of existing tanks to increase their cargo-holding capacity. New cranes and tweendecks will also be installed in order to provide better operational flexibility.

Aside from the conversion contracts, ST Marine was awarded a contract for a major upgrading on a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger, Volvox Terranova, from Van Oord ACZ. Additional work was also contracted by Saipem (Portugal) Comercio Maritimo (Saipem) for its semi-submersible pipe-laying vessel, SEMAC 1.

All the repair and conversion contracts will be completed by the third quarter of 2011.

ST Marine is converting a decommissioned jack-up rig into a Mobile Offshore Production Unit for Garuda Energy.


“We are extremely pleased to forge new and strengthen existing relationships with major offshore industry players like Garuda Energy, Trinity Offshore and Saipem. Van Oord continues to be our key customer from the dredging industry. In the US, we are delighted to renew our relationship with Bouchard, a total service oil barging company incorporated since 1918. Their trust in ST Marine and VT Halter Marine is a testament to our quality services and we are confident that we will perform to the satisfaction of our customers and exceed their expectations.”~ NG Sing Chan, President, ST Marine

issue 10 / June 2011

Marine news

Page 4: Onward · 2020-06-17 · asia 2011 issue 10 / June 2011 Onward MICA (P) 062/03/2011. ... events such as the annual Lo Hei luncheon, beer bash at IMDEX, ... 14 our people 15 us operations

04 your trusted partner

issue 10 / June 2011

Marine news

ingapore, 15 June 2011 – ST Marine announced today that it has won a shipbuilding contract worth about S$171m from Swire Pacific Offshore Operations (Pte) Ltd (SPO), a wholly owned subsidiary of Swire Pacific Limited.

The contract entails the building and outfitting of four Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessels. SPO will furnish the major equipment for ST Marine’s installation and this includes main engines, thrusters, switchboard and automation, cranes, A-frame, stern rollers and deck machinery. Work commences immediately with the first AHTS, measuring 92m by 22m, expected to be delivered by 1H2013 and the fourth by 1H2014.

The four vessels will be able to support the latest generation of semi-submersible rigs operating in deep water and harsh environment. They will also have adequate tank capacities and clear deck space of about 650m2 for other offshore applications. The vessels will adopt the latest Dynamic Positioning technology and will be Special Purpose Ship 2008 compliant.

In March this year, ST Marine successfully delivered Pacific Finder, a 68-metre Seismic Survey Vessel to SPO. The vessel is successfully deployed for marine seismic survey in shallow waters for oil and gas clients in the Asia-Pacific region.


St engineering’SWinS S$171M ContraCt to bUilD foUr offShore SUpply veSSelS

“Swire Pacific Offshore is committed to owning and operating a modern fleet of offshore support vessels. The recent order with ST Marine is testament to our commitment for quality, reliability and environmentally friendly fuel efficiently designed vessels. ST Marine is our shipyard of choice for these new building orders based upon their previous performance, commitment and dependability to deliver on time. We are very pleased to be working with the ST Marine team.”~ Brian TOWNSLEY, Managing Director, Swire Pacific Offshore

“We are delighted and honoured to be entrusted with this opportunity to work with Swire Pacific Offshore again. Swire, one of the world’s largest owners and operators of Offshore Support Vessels, is a forward-looking and very professional company and we are thankful for the role to enhance and grow their fleet to support their customers in the burgeoning offshore oil and gas industry. This contract is not only a testament to ST Marine’s capability as a shipbuilder of choice but an affirmation that our partnership with Swire Pacific Offshore is growing from strength to strength.”~ NG Sing Chan, President, ST Marine

Marine arM

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05your trusted partner

Uday (extreme right) having a laugh with his teammates.

n our second instalment of “Our Unsung Heroes”, we speak to Anand Uday Man, our engineer from STSE. Uday is currently stationed in Brunei, with the task of overseeing the construction of the Integrated Waste Management

System, a Design, Build and Operate project awarded by the Brunei Economic Development Board in collaboration with the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation. This system is energy efficient and boasts a transfer station, a Sludge and Restaurant Grease Treatment Facility and an engineered landfill. 1 What are your responsibilities in Brunei? Are you handling other projects? If yes, where else?I am presently stationed here as the Project Manager of an energy efficient waste management system project. My responsibilities include design planning, coordination with our consultants, management of the construction team, liaising with the client, tracking and control of the project budget, and ensuring that the project is completed with quality within specified budget and schedule. At the moment, I am not handling other projects but I assist the Singapore office with other tenders and planning as and when required.

issue 10 / June 2011

enVironMental Business

oUr UnSUng heroeS

– StSe ColleagUeS in brUnei

I 2 How often are you dispatched for overseas assignments? Has it helped to broaden your horizons? I travelled a lot last year, but this is my first long-term assignment. My earlier assignments were more on problem solving and planning but not site works supervision. To me, being able to work in different countries helps to broaden my knowledge base but it could get quite troublesome as we are not familiar with local regulations. More often than not, a number of unforeseen issues crop up when we are involved in governmental work.

3 What are the sacrifices and adaptation you had to make? In my opinion, Singapore is a much better and convenient place to stay. Brunei ultimately is not so bad but I feel that it is not as convenient as Singapore. Also, the pace here is rather slow so we need to adapt to Brunei’s pace and culture and learn to have more patience.

4 How has being overseas helped you in your job in ST Marine?I have not been back in Singapore yet as the assignment is not complete yet, so difficult to answer the question as I don’t know what might happen next.

5 What are your feelings about working overseas?It is definitely a good exposure for me as the working condition, site conditions and regulations are different in different countries so it gives us more experience and knowledge when it comes to working in that particular country.

6 Is there any specific event which has given you fond memories of the project or country?I will remember a number of things regarding the beginning of this project, such as the discussions with the consultants and the client, and contract negotiations.

7 What is your impression of Brunei so far?The public transport in Brunei is rather irregular, so I walk to my office most of the time since I don’t know how to drive. Sometimes I get a lift from my colleagues to and from work. Something very interesting that happens in Brunei is that everyday during school hours, traffic is very intense because almost all parents go to drop their kids to school and fetch them back, so even meetings are adjourned because someone has to pick up his child.

8 Tell us more about yourself.I am an Indian national and I have been living in Singapore for approximately 5 years. I have a wife and a 6-month-old daughter. My family is in Brunei with me and we are living in a rented apartment which is close to my office. My ambition is to be a good professional and handle a larger project one day. My ultimate dream is to be featured in the National Geographic channel’s programme called "Extreme Engineering".

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06 your trusted partner

issue 10 / June 2011

engineeringdesign Centre

ContriButed By siM Chee Chong

SySteM integration ManageMent

3 February 2010, ST Marine formalised its System Integration (SI) Department in Engineering Design Centre (EDC). Along with the other EDC departments, Naval Architecture, Marine Systems, Electrical Systems, Weapons and Electronics, Automation, the SI department was set up with the objective of providing system integration effort for naval as well as commercial programmes. Having an in-house SI department allows ST Marine to sharpen its edge as a turnkey naval solutions provider and be more competitive in foreign naval programmes.

The capabilities of the SI department are:

plATForM SySTeM-To-plATForM SySTeM InTegrATIon



The system integration work undertaken by the SI department can be summarised into the following five key areas:

1 System Interface Management – Integration Review (IR) meetings are conducted where interface specifications between the various Combat Systems (CS), Navigation Systems and Communication System are discussed and properly defined in the Interface Design Specifications (IDS).

2 Integration Testing – Shore-Based Integration Tests (SBIT) are conducted to verify the integrity and correctness of the IDS and identify interface problems in the early stage for rectification. The objective of having SBIT is also to reduce integration time onboard vessel.

O 3 Installation & Checkout Management – Various installation activities of Combat Systems are planned and managed in order to ensure proper installation of the foundations, cables and combat systems equipment onboard the vessel. The SI team also plans and manages checkout activities comprising cable and power supply checks as well as Setting to Work of the respective system in the Combat Systems suite to ensure that the equipment is ready for integration activities.

4 Integration & Testing Management – Integration and Testing activities involve progressive validation of the physical and functional integration of the Combat Systems suite, starting with pair-wise integration checks, scenario level integration checks and finally weapon-to-sensor calibration and alignment. This is followed by testing as well as functionality and performance verification of both standalone system and Combat System suite under controlled and operational scenarios.

5 live Firing Trial Management – Planning and managing the Live Firing Trial (LFT), which is the final stage of verification for the sensor to weapon integration. This stage of system integration work tests overall gun firing accuracy.

System Integration is not new to ST Marine. Our SI capabilities have been proven via the following programmes:• Turnkey solutions through the acquisition and integration of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance equipment for the Submarine Support & Rescue Vessel (SSRV) and Kuwait Coast Guard (KCG) Landing Craft. • Installation and check out activities of Combat Systems onboard RSN vessels such as the Frigates, Landing Ship Tanks (LST) and Patrol Vessels (PVs).• Integration of Ship Control Management System (SCMMS) on most RSN vessels.

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07your trusted partner

SySteM integration ManageMent

Figure 1: Combat System Integration Reviews held in ST Marine. SI and EDC engineers, together with Combat System Suppliers and representatives from RTN Inspection Committee, participated in the meetings to resolve integration issues collectively.

Figure 2: (Right) CMS testing at

supplier’s premises in Denmark. (Top and Middle) The CMS-FCS-30mm

gun SBIT#2 conducted at

supplier’s premises in Norwich, UK.

ST Marine System Integration works also extends to the commercial shipbuilding programmes. These include the integration of Navigation, Communication, Dynamic Positioning, SCMMS and other systems. EDC Automation and Electrical Systems departments manage these integration works.

The latest programme undertaken by the SI department is the Landing Platform Dock (LPD) for Royal Thai Navy (RTN), whereby the SI department took on the role of System Integrator, taking the lead in the Combat System-to-Combat System as well as Platform System-to-Combat System integration works.

To date, the SI team has completed the three key milestones of the LPD programme, namely: the Combat System Integration Reviews (IR), Shore Base Integration Testing and Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT). The team is currently involved in the Installation, Checkout, Integration and Testing (ICIT) of the LPD. The delivery schedule of the LPD is in mid-2012 upon the successful completion of the Live Firing Test (LFT).

In addition, the SI team is also supporting the various EDC departments on the tendering of new projects such as Royal Navy of Oman (RNO) Patrol Vessel (PV) as well as other upcoming tenders such as the Logistic Support Vessel (LSV) for KCG and other RSN projects.

Through active participation in the various Combat Systems (CS) Preliminary and Critical Design Reviews, IR meetings, SBIT and FAT, ST Marine is proud to note that our SI team has enhanced their System Integration knowledge and capability built-up, which will be extremely useful in future projects.

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08 your trusted partner

issue 10 / June 2011

produCt deVelopMent

ContriButed By VinCent lee (idg), tng wee Chong (edC), nigel Koh (idg), glen Koh (idg)

fearleSS-75 patrol veSSel

he use of electric propulsion on ships to reduce noise and to optimise space usage for cargo is well-known. However, the use of fully electric or hybrid propulsion systems has the potential to make ships more efficient through optimised use of the diesel engines and environmentally friendly, whether they are military or commercial ships.

In anticipating the needs of the future, ST Marine has been developing designs with electric propulsion system as

part of its effort to promote “green” shipping. Military platforms which were made “greener” include the Fearless series of Patrol Vessels and Endurance series of Landing Platform Docks Vessels. For the Fearless Series, a version using hybrid propulsion system is now in the suite of our Fearless series platforms.

In the commercial ship segment, ST Marine has done the detailed and production design on a full electric propelled dive support vessel which has very stringent requirements on safety, reliability and fuel efficiency.

On ships with diesel engine propulsion, the diesel engines perform most efficiently when operating at a single defined condition. However, due to the wide range of speeds to meet different operational needs, the engines are not operated at the most efficient load condition. Thus, switching to a hybrid propulsion system would, depending on the actual operation profile, extend the range of efficient operation profile as multiple power sources can be included.


A hybrid propulsion system is a fully integrated mechanical and electric propulsion system. Some key drivers for hybrid propulsion designs include:

Mode A – Electric motors functioning as the direct drivers (Source: Siemens)

what is hyBrid propulsion?

A hybrid propulsion system offers increased operation flexibility where the electric motors can be configured to perform power Take In (pTI) or power Take off (pTo) functions. The different modes of propulsion configuration are illustrated here.

Fearless-75 hyBrid

In e-mode, only the electric motors are used to drive the propulsors. Typically the vessel will operate in this mode when power demand is low, i.e., patrolling, loitering, etc.

Mode A (E-ModE)

With hybriD propUlSion

Figure 1: A typical load operation profile of hybrid propulsion. (Source: Siemens)

A typical operational load profile of a vessel with hybrid propulsion

is shown in Figure 1 below.

• Large variations in propulsion and vessel service power demand.

• Maximum power demands for propulsion and vessel service systems are not simultaneous.

• Need for propulsion power to satisfy largely different operating conditions.

• Significant amount of low propulsion power demand.

The Fearless-75 Hybrid Patrol Vessel, premised on the indigenously designed and built Fearless-55, is highly versatile and capable of operating with different payloads. The vessel uses a hybrid propulsion system such as the Siemens Eco Prop hybrid system, which is based on proven designs, for a compact range of electric motors and frequency converters. The Fearless-75 Hybrid is designed with E-mode and PTI-boost mode.

Figure 2: Fearless-75 Patrol Vessel

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09your trusted partner

Mode B – Electric motors functioning as generators, driven by the main diesel engines (Source: Siemens)

Mode C – Electric motors functioning as boost drivers to the main diesel engines (Source: Siemens)

Mode D – Feeding electric power from one electric motor to the other (Source: Siemens)

The Eco Prop hybrid system (Figure 3) consists of two similar propulsion trains. Each train is made up of two compact permanent magnet electric motors connected in tandem and coupled to one main diesel engine through a gearbox, and drives a controllable pitch propeller. As each motor is driven by its respective frequency converter, each set of two are connected to each other via a DC link.

The incoming side of the converters consists of a diode front end and a filter module, which is, in turn, connected to the vessel’s mains through a two-winding phase shift transformer to achieve a 12-pulse converter configuration. This design helps to minimise the harmonic level on the main switchboard to meet Classification requirements.

The Fearless-75 Hybrid requires less space for engine room compared to a conventional layout with two diesel engineers. With the hybrid propulsion, the vessel is capable of achieving a cruising speed of up to 15 knots when in E-mode and a top speed of at least 25 knots when in the PTI-boost mode.

Our study has shown that hybrid propulsion is feasible. Depending on operation profile and the equipment configuration, significant savings in fuel can be achieved compared to a 2-diesel engine configuration.

The table below (Figure 4) shows that an estimated fuel saving of 7% is achievable based on a varied operating profile on an annual basis.

In generator mode, the main diesel engines operate at an efficient level to drive the propulsors as well as the electric motors, which function as generators to provide additional power to the vessel services.

In pTI-boost mode, both electric motors and main diesel engines drive the propulsors. Typically the vessel will operate in this mode when power demand is high, i.e., high speed transit, chase, etc.

In electrical cross connection mode, there is a possibility that feeding electric power from one electric motor (functioning as a generator) to the other (functioning as a motor) is required. This provides redundancy so in case one main diesel engine is out of operation, the means to power the connected propulsor still remains.

Mode B (gEnErator ModE)

Mode C (PtI-Boost ModE)

Mode d (ElEctrIcal cross connEctIon ModE)

Figure 3: System

Layout for the Siemens

Eco Prop Hybrid System

(Source: Siemens) Figure 4: Estimated Fuel Saving

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10 your trusted partner

issue 10 / June 2011

proJeCt update

The lion dance troupe presents auspicious scrolls to Mr Steve Brown and Mr Ng.

Our guests listening with rapt attention as Mr Ng gives his speech.

Mrs Brown receives a token of appreciation for gracing the event as Godmother of the vessel.

n 11 June 2011, invited guests, partners, suppliers and staff members of DOF Subsea and ST Marine gathered at the Marina@Keppel Bay to celebrate the christening

of DOF Subsea’s newest addition to its burgeoning fleet of vessels – the Skandi Singapore, a Diving Support Vessel.

The ceremony started with a grand entrance of the senior management of DOF Subsea and ST Marine. Mr Steve Brown, EVP (Asia Pacific), DOF Subsea, gave a short opening address and welcomed Mr Ng Sing Chan, President, ST Marine, to the stage to give his speech.

In his speech, Mr Ng gave his heartfelt thanks to the management and project team of DOF Subsea for their support throughout the construction of the vessel. He then invited Mrs Fiona Brown, Godmother of Skandi Singapore, to give her blessings and to officially christen the vessel. It was a proud moment which everyone basked in as the launch button was pressed and the champagne bottle smashed against the hull of the vessel in a magnificent spray of golden bubbles. The lion dance troupe which was hidden behind the shrubs along the dock, sprang up into a dance, much to the delight of our guests.

Tours of the vessel commenced shortly after, with ST Marine guides on duty to explain the ship in detail to our guests.

As night started to fall, everyone was treated to an awe-inspiring display of strength, unity and agility in a Zingo


ChriStening of SkanDi Singapore

drum performance. The performance was received with thundering applause and our guests proceeded to an air-conditioned marquee for a sumptuous three-course dinner prepared by the award-winning chefs from Fairmont Hotel Singapore.

During dinner, Mr Brown in his speech spoke about how joyful and proud he felt when he saw Skandi Singapore. He then went on to thank ST Marine for the hard work through the project to ensure that the designing and production process went on smoothly and raised his wine glass in a toast to ST Marine. A short gift-giving presentation took place after the speech.

Once dinner ended, the tables and chairs were swiftly cleared and taken away to reveal a dance floor. Our guests, together with the staff members of DOF Subsea and ST Marine, danced the night away to the beats of an in-house DJ.

As this event is ST Marine’s first christening ceremony to be held outside her yards, it was a refreshing change which our guests, partners and staff enjoyed. We look forward to working with DOF Subsea again soon!

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11your trusted partner

The Zingo drummers enthralling our guests before dinner. Mr Ng presents to Mr Brown a painting of Skandi Singapore,

painted by a famous local artist, Mr Yong Cheong Thye.

Mr Brown raised his wine glass in a toast to ST Marine.

Mr Brown presented a US$5,000 cheque to Make A Wish Foundation (Singapore) — a charity named by ST Marine. The cheque was received by Mr Tan Kim Hock, Senior Project Manager.

The senior management of DOF Subsea and ST Marine takes a picture with Skandi Singapore before commencing on their tour of the vessel.

Mr Ng presents a bouquet of fresh blossoms to Mrs Fiona Brown, Godmother of Skandi Singapore, in appreciation for her christening of the vessel.

The bottle of champagne is smashed against the hull to bless the vessel.

ChriStening of SkanDi Singapore

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Admiral Khamthorn Pumhiran, Commander-in-Chief, Royal Thai Navy, arrived accompanied by Mr Ng Sing Chan, President, ST Marine.

Admiral Khamthorn thanked the RTN

Inspection Committee and ST Marine’s project

team for their hard work.

Admiral Khamthorn starts the religious ceremony.

Mrs Duangporn Pumhiran, Lady of Honour, anointing the ship’s bow with a sachet of powder.

Monks from Thailand’s Ananad Metyarama Temple bless guests.

Mr Ng Sing Chan thanked Admiral Khamthorn in his welcome address for his leadership and vision of strengthening the

amphibious capability of the Royal Thai Navy through the acquisition of this 141m LPD.

Before the ship is launched,

Admiral Khamthorn and Mrs Pumhiran take a picture with

ST Engineering and ST Marine senior executives, along

with the project team from the RTN

and ST Marine.

12 your trusted partner

issue 10 / June 2011

proJeCt update

royal thai navy aMphibioUS Ship laUnCheS

March 2011 was a joyous day for the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) and ST Marine. Both companies had worked tirelessly together for the last two years, so the

launching ceremony for the RTN Amphibious Ship at ST Marine’s Benoi Yard was met with much anticipation.

Our guest list included the Ambassador of Thailand to Singapore, HE Mr Nopadol Gunaviboon, CEO and President of ST Engineering, Mr Tan Pheng Hock, Deputy CEO and President of Defence Business of ST Engineering, Mr Seah Moon Ming, as well as Defence Attaches from various countries such as Indonesia, New Zealand, South Africa, Brunei, Vietnam and Sweden.

The milestone event commenced with a traditional Thai religious ceremony led by Admiral Khamthorn Pumhiran, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy, followed by formal speeches from Mr Ng Sing Chan, President of ST Marine, Admiral Khamthorn and Vice Admiral Polowat Silodom, Chairman of the Amphibious Ship Project Management Committee and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Royal Thai Navy.

The elegant Lady of Honour, Mrs Duangporn Pumhiran, had a major part in the significant event as she anointed the ship with powder and hung a huge 10kg garland on the ship to signify safe and successful completion of the ship.

At precisely 12.09pm, Mrs Pumhiran launched the vessel. To the delight of our guests, the champagne bottle was broken onto the top-deck of the vessel and the yellow and blue dancing tubes, which are the colours of the RTN and ST Marine respectively, rose up, creating a joyous atmosphere.

This was followed by a gift presentation of a scaled model of the RTN amphibious ship to Admiral Khamthorn and a token of appreciation to Mrs Pumhiran for gracing the event as Lady of Honour.

The celebration ended with prayers by the monks of Ananad Metyarama Temple and our guests and friends from the RTN adjourned to the lunch reception prepared for them.

Despite the overhead drizzle and looming grey skies, the event was well-received and thoroughly enjoyed by our guests. We look forward to working with our friends from RTN on more projects to come and we thank them for their immense support and help throughout these years!


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The vessel is launched at precisely 12.09pm.

Mrs Pumhiran signs the Launching Certificate.

In appreciation of the RTN’s

support throughout the project, Mr Ng presents a scaled

model of the ship to Admiral Khamthorn.


In addition, to thank Mrs Pumhiran for blessing and launching the vessel, Mr Ng presents a gift to her.

Guests helping themselves to the sumptuous lunch spread.

13your trusted partner

On 28 March 2011, ST Marine successfully delivered its first Seismic Survey Vessel to Swire Pacific Offshore Operations (Pte) Ltd (SPO), a wholly owned subsidiary of Swire Pacific Limited.

In December 2008, ST Marine announced the S$30m contract to provide detailed design and to construct the 68-metre Vessel for SPO. Work commenced in 2009. The contract from Swire was awarded on the back of a charter

which Swire secured with a major player in the seismic market. Swire provided the basic design and major equipment, including the seismic survey equipment for the Vessel.

The 68.0m by 17.4m Vessel, equipped with 2 units of medium speed diesel engines of 2880KW each was designed and constructed in compliance with the rules and regulations of American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). The Vessel, named Pacific Finder, carries the ABS Class Notation +A1, +AMS, ACCU, E and Ice D0. The Vessel also complies with the latest International Maritime Organization (IMO) MSC.266 (84) Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008.

“On behalf of the management and staff in Swire Pacific Offshore, I would like to thank everyone at ST Marine involved in the building of Pacific Finder for their commitment and professional attitude throughout the building programme. The Pacific Finder is a true testament to the high quality and skill which ST Marine has produced in delivering this state-of-the-art shallow water seismic survey vessel.”– Brian TOWNSLEY, Managing Director, Swire Pacific Offshore

“This is our first shipbuilding contract with Swire Pacific Offshore. We are happy that we have not let them down. We are indeed very honoured and thankful to be able to play a role in Swire’s strategy to grow in the seismic market when they formed the Seismic Services Division in 2008. We look forward to being a long-term trusted partner of Swire in their future fleet expansion programme.”~ NG Sing Chan, President, ST Marine

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14 your trusted partner

n February 1971, Cecilia Tham had her job expectations met when she entered ST Marine as a Programmer. To her, ST Marine gave her a feeling that it was a good company to work in as it offered a stable job working with nice and helpful bosses and colleagues.

In those days, the Benoi Yard did not have an administration building to house the administrative officers and for many months, a small office in the HSBC building along Collyer Quay was the company’s General

Office and what Cecilia called her workplace.Cecilia’s fond memories of ST Marine was the time she

spent working with Dr Chang Jin Aye, then-General Manager, who taught her to write computer programmes for the Olivetti accounting machine. Her colleagues were extremely helpful and friendly and the joy which they felt while working in the small office infected her.

Cecilia marvels at how the company has bloomed and grown along the way, from building dumb barges in the early days to delivering world-class frigates and award-winning commercial vessels which the company is designing and producing today.

Now the Vice President of ST Marine’s Finance Department, Cecilia’s proudest moments in ST Marine includes the successful implementation of the HP3000 computer system in the company and the witnessing of the many vessel launching ceremonies. When asked if any particular person helped her become the person she is today, Cecilia is hard-pressed to name anyone as so many people have influenced her and inspired her. To Cecilia, the loyal support from her subordinates and colleagues contributed to her satisfying career with ST Marine through the years as they overcame many obstacles together along the way.

Ever the family-oriented lady, Cecilia loves to hone her culinary skills and spend time with her loved ones at every opportunity. To her former and present bosses, colleagues and friends, Cecilia has these heartfelt words to say, “Thank you to all my bosses for your patience and guidance and thank you to all my colleagues for your help and cooperation. All of you have made ST Marine a great place for me to work in!”

pioneerS of St Marine –

Cecilia, (first row, fifth from left), celebrating

her birthday with her family.


issue 10 / June 2011

our people

ICeCilia thaM

“Thank you to all my bosses for your patience and guidance and thank you to all my colleagues for your help and cooperation. All of you have made ST Marine a great place for me to work in!”

n 22 January 2011, a team of five men from ST Marine: Ganesan, Jason Quek, Lee Sai Mun, Hadiruddin & Rajandran was sent to Kockums SE in Karlskrona, Sweden, for 2 weeks as part of their training to update their current job capabilities in outfitting and Glass-Reinforced Plastic (GRP) fabrication works. The team has

since returned home and put their experience to good use by training fellow colleagues to prepare for future refit and modification work in this area.

ContriButed By Jason QueK

Hej froM SWeDen!


“We thank our Managers and VPs who were very supportive and adequately prepared us for the

trip by providing us with work and travel-related advice, especially on how to better cope with

the cold climate over at Sweden! We are grateful for the support and learning opportunities the

company has provided us with!” – Ganesan, Jason Quek, Lee Sai Mun, Hadiruddin & Rajandran

From left to right:

Hadiruddin, Ganesan,

Rajandran, Lee Sai Mun, Jason Quek

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15your trusted partner

navy leagUe Sea-air-SpaCe

2011rom 11 to 13 April 2011, the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space opened its doors to enthusiastic exhibitors and visitors alike for the third time since its inception. Held at the Gaylord National Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland, the show is the premier exposition for the US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Coast Guard, and the US-flag Merchant Marines. As the world’s leading maritime

fdefense exposition, the expo’s theme this year was “Internationally Engaged: Ensuring Freedom of the Seas” and they saw over 150 companies registering to exhibit there.

Representing VT Halter Marine (VTHM) was its Business Development Team which attended several very informative Professional Development Seminars during the three-day event. They were “Seapower-International Security and America’s Future”, “Foreign Military Sales, Maritime Security and the Future of International Partnerships”, “Energy Opportunities – Creating Corporate Partnerships with the Sea Services”, “Naval Aviation Centennial – What is the Future of Naval Air?”, and “What is the Future of US Ship Construction and Maritime Infrastructure?”

Attendees from NAVSEA and the Pentagon were among the many distinguished visitors to the VTHM booth, providing much support for our current and future workload. We look forward to the next Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space Expo!

issue 10 / June 2011

us operations

Board of Directors from Mermaid Marine Australia Ltd in ST Marine’s Tuas Yard

n 10 January 2011, ST Marine was awarded a contract from Mermaid Marine Australia Ltd to convert one of its new barges to a fuel carrier.

Mermaid Regent will be equipped with elevated walkways, each measuring approximately 120 metres and fitted with 30 fuel ISO containers, of which 27 tanks are for diesel containment, while the remaining three

tanks will hold Aviation Turbine Fuel. In addition, a SWL 3-ton deck crane will be installed for lifting of stores and provisions, as well as a work boat that will come with a davit for lowering the workboat into the water. As a fuel barge, the Mermaid Regent will have fire-fighting capability, thanks to the installation of three fire-monitoring stations overlooking all 30 fuel tanks and strategically placed push-stop buttons in case of an emergency.

Mermaid Regent will be operating within mainland Australia and regional waters. With the conservation and protection of local waters and marine life, she is customised to work on a very shallow draft and she carries no fuel storage within the vessel tank compartments. Fuel bunding around her 30 fuel containers withhold any leakage of fuel while she is at

“Our Board of Directors were all suitably impressed with the asset and the quality in which it is being finished off. I would like to thank everyone for their fantastic team effort to date.”– Glenn McPhee, Fleet Manager (Project Group), Mermaid Marine Australia Ltd.

loaDeD anD reaDy, MerMaiD regent!ContriButed By ong Zhiguan

Osea. In addition, the vessel is equipped with an oil spill containment system on board that can be effectively laid by the work boat around the vessel to contain any spillage within the vessel.

On 29 March 2011, the Board of Directors from Mermaid Marine Australia Ltd visited the yard and were impressed with the quality of work the yard has rendered and especially so when all has been completed within schedule.

On 14 April 2011, the Mermaid Regent returned to Australia all primed for her first assignment. ST Marine wishes the crew of Mermaid Regent all the best for their maiden operation and we look forward to welcoming her again for her next docking.

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16 your trusted partner

issue 10 / June 2011


Participants of the NSRP programme pose for a picture together with ST Marine's senior management.

Mr Ong and his delegation from NTUC settling down before the corporate presentation commenced.

Mr Twoon Kok Yam, SVP, Benoi Yard, explains the

workings of the CNC Pipe Bending Machine which is a

piece of ‘green’ equipment that uses CNG gas to do two-

dimensional cutting and three-dimensional tube-bending.

Mr Ong having a light-

hearted moment with our senior

management and yard


31 MarCh 201111 MarCh 2011

Mr Twoon Kok Yam showed our guests the CNC

Water Plasma Cutting Machine, which downloads line

drawings done by our Engineering Design Centre which then

proceeds to cut the plates according to

the designs.

The staff and officers from the Oman Command & Staff College with Mr Twoon.

8 april 2011

Mr Ola Alfredsson, CEO, Kockums AB, and Mr Ng Sing Chan, President, ST Marine, signing the JVA.

The key management staff

of Kockums AB and ST Marine

pose for a picture after the signing


29 april 2011

Mr Twoon Kok Yam welcomes RADM Murthy, Director-General (Project Seabird) and Commodore AK Sinha, Deputy Director-General (Project Seabird) from the Indian Navy.

RADM Murthy takes a look at how the large tubes are cut in our workshop.

Mr Twoon presents a plaque to RADM Murthy.

oman Command & staff College

Mr ong ye Kung, Board Chairman of e2i, and deputy secretary-general, national trade union Congress

signing Ceremony for the Joint Venture agreement between Kockums aB and st Marine

rear admiral Cs Murthy, director-general (project seabird) and Commodore aK sinha, deputy director-general (project seabird) from the indian navy

Mr Twoon presents a memento

to GPCAPT Nasser Hamdoon Saif

Al-Harthi Deputy Commandant of the Oman CSC.

frienDSviSitof St Marine

20 april international

shipyard Visits by the national

shipbuilding research

programme (nsrp)

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“This is just a note to thank you very much for the arrangements relating to the Musical Event The Lion King at MBS last Friday evening. Both Anne and I thoroughly enjoyed the show and it was an excellent evening out. Many thanks for all your hard work in putting this evening together, it’s much appreciated.”Best regards, Brian Townsley, Managing Director, Swire Pacific Offshore

“Thank you very much for the perfect evening last Friday. Both my wife and I were amazed by The Lion King performance and truly enjoyed your hospitality. Please send my regards to Mr Ng and thank him on my behalf.”Best regards, W. Kreijkes, Managing Director, Fugro Survey Pte Ltd

17your trusted partner

Mr Ng Sing Chan, President, ST Marine, having a lively chat with guests from Swire Pacific Offshore, Mr Brian Townsley, Managing Director, and Mr David Marren, Technical Director.

Our marketing team building rapport with our customers at our booth.

Mr Ricardo Wong, VP (Commercial), was all smiles while networking with Capt Philip Tay, Chief Executive from Apex Ship Management Pte Ltd.

issue 10 / June 2011


CUStoMer appreCiation event –

a roaring gooD tiMe



he evening of 10 June 2011 saw the floor of High Society at the Marina Bay Sands Shoppes bustling with activity. It was a Friday evening, and distinguished partners and customers of ST Marine were invited to kick back and relax with us for a night of delicious food and intriguing musical of The Lion King.

This was our annual customer appreciation event, one of the opportunities we have in the year to show our customers and partners how much they mean to us and how grateful we are for their support.

The night started with a pre-show cocktail that included an open bar and a selection of delectable canapés comprising lobster on toast sprinkled with caviar, seared scallop with special sauce, wasabi prawns, mini chocolate mousse cakes and mini raspberry macarons, to name a few.

At 7.45pm, our guests were ushered to the Marina Bay Sands Theater to watch The Lion King musical. The award-winning Broadway musical was indeed a breath-taking display of colours, stunning effects and enchanting

music which held everyone captive throughout its three-hour long performance.

n 24 May 2011, Norges Varemesse in Oslo, Norway, opened its doors to international delegates, visitors and exhibitors. A biennial event, Nor-Shipping is one of the world’s leading shipping exhibition since its first show in 1965.

This year’s show saw exhibitors from 53 countries gather to present their finest products and capabilities to the international shipping industry. A whopping 34,000 visitors, delegates and exhibitors were also present.

ST Marine was in the thick of the action with her booth under the Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI) pavilion, together with other shipping companies from Singapore. Our display included posters detailing ST Marine’s capabilities and posters on our offshore and seismic vessels and various conversion projects which we have done before.

Nor-Shipping was indeed an excellent meeting place for exhibitors and visitors alike as we were extremely delighted and fortunate to have the opportunity to meet up with valued customers like Mr Gunvor Ulstein, CEO, Ulstein Group, Mr Geir Johan Bakke, CEO, Havyard Group, and representatives from Fugro and Farstad Shipping.

ST Marine was represented by Mr Lim Nian Hua, VP (Tuas Yard), Mr Donald Lim, Senior Regional Director (Ship Repair Marketing), Mr Jan Ho, Manager

To our customers who attended the event, thank you very much for spending your precious Friday night with us and we look forward to seeing you at our next customer appreciation event!

At the end of the event, we were delighted to see that all our customers had broad smiles on their faces and when they told us that they had enjoyed every moment of the event as we bade them goodbye.

ST Marine is also grateful to receive emails from our customers conveying their thanks to us for planning this event:

nor-Shipping 2011

(Commercial) and Ms Phoebe Lim, Manager (Commercial and Marketing), who were enthusiastically meeting with new potential customers.

Nor-Shipping 2011 lived up to its aim to bring together the best and the brightest of the shipping industry worldwide with its broader visitor base this year. Our representatives had a fruitful time at the show and they look forward to the next show in 2013.

St Marine goeS to

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Mr Ng describes the Endurance Series of Landing Platform Docks to Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defence and Leader of the House.

Guest-of-Honour, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean listens intently as Mr Seah Moon Ming,

Deputy CEO and President, Defence Business, ST Engineering, and Mr Ng Sing Chan, President, ST

Marine, talks in detail about the ENDURANCE-120.

ST Engineering’s booth at IMDEX Asia 2011.

18 your trusted partner

f rom 18 to 20 May 2011, ST Marine joined hands with her sister companies and exhibited together with them under the name of ST Engineering. The exhibits from ST Marine that were

displayed were the Endurance Series of Landing Platform Docks (LPDs), Fearless Series of Patrol Vessels (PVs), Swift Series of Interceptors, Brave Series of Fast Landing Craft, and the Submarine Support & Rescue Vessel (SSRV).

The highlight of the show was the visits by extremely invaluable and important guests, such as Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean and Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen, to name a few. Following this, another notable event for ST Engineering was the Beer Bash, a networking session for our guests, partners and customers to relax and have a good time with our senior management and staff members.

At the same time, back in Benoi Yard, Mr Twoon Kok Yam, SVP (Benoi Yard), welcomed a delegation from Kuwait, comprising Major General Marzouk Hassan Al Bader, Kuwait Deputy Chief Navy Force, COL Walled Khaled Al Bader, Director of Maintenance, and LTC Jassem Al Huttie, Patrol Boat Commanding Office; and also delegations from the Royal Thai Navy and the Indonesian Navy. The visits happened on different occasions, spanning the three days of the exhibition.

Overall, it was a good show for ST Marine, as we had the opportunity to meet new friends and discuss potential partnerships.

St Marine goeS to

iMDeX aSia 2011

issue 10 / June 2011


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Mr Tan Ching Eng, SVP (Engineering Design Centre), has his hands full answering questions from

enthusiastic visitors.

RADM Andrew Oleson from Sweden takes interest in the Endurance Series that Mr Bernard Yeo, SVP (Defence Business), is elaborating on.

Mr Tan Ching Eng, SVP (Engineering Design Centre), briefing the distinguished visitor on the Swift series.

Mr Parmesh Singh warmly welcomes the

Omani contingent.

Back in Benoi Yard, Mr Ooi Gim Hock, Senior Manager, brings our Kuwaiti guests for a tour of the yard.

Our Endurance Series proves to be very well-received exhibits among our distinguished guests as BG Tung Yui Fai, Chief of Staff, Singapore Armed Forces, is one of our numerous VIPs who took interest in them.

Back in Benoi Yard, our friends from Kuwait settle down for a presentation on ST Marine.

Beer Bash! Our guests and senior management from ST Engineering and its subsidiaries tucking into the delectable finger food.

19your trusted partner

Mr Parmesh Singh strikes a pose with our Danish friends and partners from Terma A/S.

Ms Adeline Wong, AVP (Corporate Communications), relaxes with our friends

from the media over a glass of beer.

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n 4 May 2011, distinguished guests from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and ST Electronics gathered with the ST Marine project team members of the RSS Victory for a celebratory lunch reception.

Spirits were high and wide smiles were seen across the event hall as the reception

marked the completion and delivery of the vessel to the RSN. A joint project with ST Electronics and ST Marine being the service providers, plaques and commendation were presented from the RSN to ST Electronics and ST Marine as tokens of appreciation of the teams’ hard work and great effort. ST Marine reciprocated with plaques of our own and scaled models of the RSS Victory presented to the RSN.

Celebrating the Delivery of the rSS viCtory


issue 10 / June 2011


20 your trusted partner

Mr Twoon Kok Yam presents a plaque to

Commanding Officer MAJ Eric

Tan, for the officers and

crew of the RSS Victory.

Mr Twoon receives a

commendation from MAJ Tan with delight.

MAJ Tan presents a plaque to Mr Chan Fook Weng, Manager (Ship Repair), as a token of appreciation to the ST Marine project team.

Officers from the RSN take a closer look at the scaled models of the RSS Victory.

Mr Ng Sing Chan welcoming and thanking guests and friends for taking the time to

attend the celebratory reception.

Key project team members from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), ST Electronics and ST Marine with the scaled models of the RSS Victory.