online brynteg · hsm rehearsal...

27th April 2018 27 April 2018 Issue No. 73 Cyhoeddiad 73 Online Brynteg News Newyddion Brynteg Ar lein Contents: Art Department News Design & Technology News Drama Department News English Department News Language Department News Music Department News P.E Department News Nurture News Psychology News Science Department News Fundraising News Duke of Edinburgh News Young Enterprise Pupil News Revision Tips / Exam Information Literacy Focus / Star Reader Book of the Fortnight Canteen Information Just for Fun! / Thought of the Week Photo Gallery Calendar: 01.05.2018 - Duke of Edinburgh deadline 07.05.2018 - Bank Holiday Monday 28.05.2018 - Half Term 04.06.2018 - School for all pupils 21.06.2018 - Design & Technology Exhibition 26.06.2018 04.07.2018 - Year 6 Transition Parent Evening Staff Training Days: Monday 23rd July 2018 Tuesday 24th July 2018 Brynteg Comprehensive School, Ewenny Road, Bridgend, CF31 3ER Tel: 01656 641800 Email: [email protected] Find us on Facebook and Twitter

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27th April 2018 27 April 2018

Issue No. 73 Cyhoeddiad 73

Online Brynteg News Newyddion Brynteg Ar lein


Art Department News

Design & Technology News

Drama Department News

English Department News

Language Department News

Music Department News

P.E Department News

Nurture News

Psychology News

Science Department News

Fundraising News

Duke of Edinburgh News

Young Enterprise

Pupil News

Revision Tips / Exam Information

Literacy Focus / Star Reader

Book of the Fortnight

Canteen Information

Just for Fun! / Thought of the Week

Photo Gallery


01.05.2018 - Duke of Edinburgh deadline

07.05.2018 - Bank Holiday Monday

28.05.2018 - Half Term

04.06.2018 - School for all pupils

21.06.2018 - Design & Technology Exhibition


04.07.2018 - Year 6 Transition Parent Evening

Staff Training Days:

Monday 23rd July 2018

Tuesday 24th July 2018

Brynteg Comprehensive School, Ewenny Road, Bridgend, CF31 3ER Tel: 01656 641800

Email: [email protected]

Find us on Facebook and Twitter

Art Department News Newyddion Yr Adran Gelf

Below are some examples of the range of excellent artworks produced by our year 11 art students in their 10 hour GCSE Art exam.

A reminder that the deadline for coursework is Friday 11th May!

Information supplied by: Mrs S Pearson

Design & Technology Department News Newyddion yr Adran Dylunio a Thechnoleg

Creative Exhibition of GCSE and A Level Product Design

GCSE and A Level pupils from Brynteg School will be exhibiting their coursework projects at Cardiff University’s Creative Exhibition 2018.

This will take place between 21st June - 26th June 2018 at 15:00 hrs at the Cardiff Metropolitan University, Llandaff

Campus, 200 Western Ave, Cardiff CF5 2YB. The event will also showcase the work from other schools and will provide an excellent opportunity for pupils and their parents to see their work in a professional exhibition and to take a tour of the universities facilities. For more information contact Mr C Harper Head of Design Technology and Engineering

Engineering Education Scheme Success!

The ‘energy recovery’ team produced a number of solutions including a method of recovering electricity from wasted heat in the company’s paint curing ovens and a method of using ‘Linear Electrical Generators’ that they developed themselves to generate electricity from the vertical motion of the machine presses.

The ‘patination’ team worked with Swansea University and Hexigone Inhibitors Limited to develop the chemical process needed and also designed a rotational, computer controlled dipping system to apply the chemical to the brass material needed.

The Engineering Education Scheme offers pupils the opportunity to work in conjunction with a local company on an STEM based project. This year some of our year 12 pupils have been working with SAS International, who manufacture metal ceiling systems and tiles for commercial applications, on real projects set by their engineers. The first of these was to find a way of extracting wasted energy from their production processes and recycling it back into the factory systems. The other project was to find a way of chemically aging (patinating) a brass tile and to design a process where that could be applied in a large scale in a safe way. This project was proposed as a result of the company needing to supply a large number of these tiles for the redesign of the interior of Goldman Sachs Bank offices in London and New York. The two project groups have worked for many hours on top of their studies to produce innovative solutions to the problems set.

Having written extensive project reports, the teams then travelled to Parc Y Scarlets in Llanelli on Thursday 19th April to present the projects to the competition judges alongside 75 other school and college groups. As always, this was a fantastic opportunity for the pupils to explain their ideas and solutions to others and to see what other projects all the other schools have been working on, as well as put themselves in line some of the 12 awards on offer.

Both teams impressed the judges with their projects, with the Energy Recovery team being nominated for two awards, ‘The Best Application of Engineering and Technology’ and the ‘Most Innovative Solution to the Problem’. The Patination team was also nominated, and won the award for the ‘Best use of Chemical Engineering’. For this they won a prize of £500, half of this for the school and the other half to split between themselves, giving them £50 each.

These projects have also enabled two of the team to establish work experience placements with SAS International during the summer term, and two of the Patination team have impressed Hexigone Inhibitors so much that they have been asked to assist with finalising the chemical process when SAS International need to take the project to the next step.

Images: The team responsible for the energy recovery project, Leah Marie-Sims, Ben Sullivan, Ben Jones, Morgan Hall and Iwan Wheeler together with Geraint Lewis and David Edwards from SAS International at the presentation day in Llanelli.

Information supplied by: Mr P Webber

Please note the different end times for rehearsals. Please listen to the stage version of the songs on YouTube before singing rehearsals so you are familiar with it.

HSM Rehearsal Schedule


27th April

Lunch Room 22 Thespians, Jocks,

Cheerleaders, Chad, Troy,

Zeke, Gabriella, Taylor,


Counting On You



30th April


After School

3.30 – 4.30

Room 19

Lower School Hall


ALL CAST (No Chorus)

Status Quo


Page 51 – 64



1st May

After School

3.30 – 5

Lower School Hall CHORUS Dance



2nd May


After School

3.30 – 5

Room 19

Lower School Hall


ALL CAST (No Chorus)

Status Quo


Pages 64 – 77


Thursday 3rd


Lunch Room 19 Thespians, Sharpay and


Auditions: Bop to the

Top/What I’ve Been

Looking For



4th May

Lunch Room 22 Zeke, Chad, Taylor,

Kelsi, Cheerleaders,


We’re All in This




8th May


After School

3.30 - 5

Room 22

Lower Girls


ALL CAST (No Chorus)


We’re All In This

Together (Reprise)


Status Quo /

We’re All In This

Together (Reprise)



9th May


After School

3.30 – 5

Room 19

Lower School Hall

Brainiacs, Jocks,

Cheerleaders, Troy, Zeke,

Chad, Taylor, Gabriella,

Kelsi, Sharpay and Ryan

ALL CAST (No Chorus)

Bop to the Top


Pages 77 – 94



14th May


After School

3.30 – 5

Room 19

Lower School Hall




Page 94 – end


Drama Department News

Newyddion Yr Adran Ddrama


As a valued partner of Brynteg School I write to invite you to become one of our key sponsors of the above event.

You may have possibly heard of the success of the high quality shows associated with Brynteg School. This success has been in no small measure down to the support and generosity of our sponsors. Next academic year again, the School is taking its Production out to Porthcawl’s Grand Pavilion, to again raise the profile of the school and the Show. The funds will enable us to buy Set materials, costumes, fundraising and rehearsal t shirts, and props, along with paying for the License and Musical Rights.

In return for your sponsorship gift of £250 (or more) the school can offer the following:-

A full page A4 advertisement in the programme Up to 4 complimentary tickets in the Centre Balcony for the evening of your choice in the Grand Pavilion. An invitation to you and your guests to the Conference room at the Pavilion for drinks prior to the show and at the interval. Notice of your sponsorship in the Pavilion foyer and the show programme. The opportunity for you to place any literature relating to you company on the seats at the Pavilion.

I should be extremely grateful if you would agree to become a key sponsor of this high profile event within the town of Porthcawl.

If you agree to be a sponsor I shall be pleased to receive your advertisement and your cash donation /cheque prior to the show. Would you please indicate on the attached return slip the night for which you will require tickets. Please return the slip by the end of June 2018. Thank you in anticipation for your support and I look forward to seeing you.

If you feel that you would like merely to make a smaller donation of £50 for a smaller advert in our programme that would also be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely Paula Beesley (Head of Drama)

Please return below: Cheques payable to :

‘Brynteg School Fund’

To: Mrs Sue Thomas, Administration ,Lower School Office, Brynteg School, Ewenny Road, Bridgend I accept your invitation to the school's production of ‘High School Musical’, and would like ____ tickets for the evening indicated:

Wednesday 24th

Oct Thursday 25

th Oct

Friday 26th Oct

I will enclose £250 Towards the Production of ‘High School Musical’ and attach a cheque for the above amount OR

I accept the opportunity to advertise in your programme. I am unable to attend a performance and attach a cheque for the sum of £50. Signed: ................................................................ Printed: .......................................

Please print and return

English Department News Newyddion Yr Adran Saesneg

Of Mice And Men On Wednesday 18th April a large number of pupils from year 9 and year 8 travelled to Swansea to watch Selladoor’s production of John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ in The Swansea Grand Theatre at 11:00. The performance started with music and soon the two main characters entered the stage. These were George Milton played by Richard Keightley and Lennie Small played by Mathew Wynn who trained at The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff. The story begins with the two travellers who arrive in a piece of deserted land en route to the ranch where they were heading the next day to find work. They settled down and we were introduced to the characters, their characteristics and the relationship between the two men. Having never read the book or event read anything about the story before watching the production I went into the theatre blind as to what would happen, so all would be new. I do now feel though that having the first time experience and seeing it happen live on stage in front of me will help with my GCSE course next year, when I have to read and it should help me visualise it. After the first scene ended and we discovered Lennie’s love of small soft things such as mice we were effortlessly transported to the ranch with a superb set change guided with more of Mark Aspinall’s music, who is now the Musical Director of the UK Tour of the Take That musical The Band. 3 sets of long grass were pushed off, the lighting effect of using lights behind the set backdrop really helped and with bunk beds being pushed out and parts of the backdrop’s set being pulled out, the stage was alive and the captivated audience were transported to a Californian ranch. I must add here that the workers who were also on stage during this change along with the machinery sound of the music reminded me a little bit of Les Misérables .

On Wednesday 18th April the English department led an educational visit to the

Swansea Grand theatre for a live performance of the key GCSE text 'Of Mice and

Men', written by John Steinbeck. We took 163 pupils from years 8, 9 and 10 and it

was a fantastic experience of live stage theatre for them. Their behaviour, without

exception, was superb, and they represented Brynteg in the wider community

extremely positively. One theatre staff member approached me at the end to praise

our pupils' behaviour, saying that with the sheer numbers we took, they were a

credit to us. The pupils will have taken a lot out of the experience and it will certainly

help them in their study of the novel in their English classes.

Here are some reviews of the performance by some of our pupils.

Mr Gibson

“A thrilling new production of the most iconic and powerful story in American literature. Set in the trying times of the Great Depression, Of Mice and Men is a powerful portrait of the American spirit and a heart breaking testament to the bonds of friendship.” - Grand Theatre Swansea

When we were in the ranch we were introduced to more of the characters, all with their different quirks including Candy played by Andrew Boyer who we learn is very affectionate towards his beloved old dog, that he says he had since he was a pup. The Boss, played by Robert Ashe also enters in this scene and shows his seniority and kindness towards the two new workers George and Lennie. As the play progresses Candy joins George and Lennie in their dream to buy a cottage they once saw and make it their home and create a farm and Lennie can look after rabbits all after an unexpected dispute by two workers in the ranch. Curley who is the boss’s son played by Kamran Darabi-Ford could be described by me as a sly and mischievous character only caring about himself and wanting to be the best of the best also arrives and seemed keen to cause disruption with anyone who might step one foot out of line so when his Wife played by Rosemary Boyle enters the scene all of the men seem almost horrible towards her as they don’t want Candy seeing that they have been near her and get in to fight. However the second act dramatically closed with just that. After the interval, the second act opened with Crooks in the barn and Lennie joins him. George and his new friends had gone into town and when they arrived back they then all leave rather soon. The next day in the play Candy’s wife announces her departure to only Lennie who is sat on his own worrying about how he just killed a mouse and what George might think. Lennie, who is a complex character is played very well throughout the play and from very quickly into the show you forget that actors are playing it and it was a real life story unfolding in front of eyes. This goes for most of the cast as well who also all had very good American accents and clothing, again helping to make it even more convincing! Back to the play, this encounter between the two of them does not end smoothly and yet again another twist occurs and then gives Lennie even more to contemplate and worry about making him flee the scene.

Candy and George then just so happen to be out for a stroll and walk past the scene of which Lennie fled and are most shocked to see what happens so then call the other ranch workers including Curley who is mortified and angry and orders guns to be found and they hunt for Lennie as he expected he was the suspect. All of this was very, very fact paced and kept you alert and wanting to know what happened next. The final scene then takes place back where the first scene takes place and you clearly see the relationship between George and Lennie unfold in front of you before a dramatic end which probably very hard for the actors to do but nonetheless executed it well. A strong round of applause then echoed around the walls of The Swansea Grand Theatre once the performance came to end. All of the pupils who attended the trip would like to thank Mr Gibson for organising the trip to see the production so it will hopefully help with our GCSE English exam on Of Mice and Men next year! Written by: Joe Elliott

On Wednesday 18th April, we visited Swansea Grand Theatre to watch the production of John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’. The theatre production was a great representation of the book, the characters’ personalities were accurate and the idea of Lennie Small being a handful was certainly portrayed. The story on the ranch was a definite insight to life in the 1930’s in America as the characters go from place to place earning little or no money with no job security. George, who looks after Lennie knows that his friend would not cope on his own, however he sticks by him even though he could just go out and get drunk wasting the little money earned. In my opinion it was very enjoyable and the fight scene between Lennie and Curley was intense. Overall it was a great experience and after watching the play it should help us in year 10 when we study the novel for our English Literature GCSE. Written by: Rhys Dearman

On Wednesday 18th of April, year 9 had the pleasure of witnessing an incredible performance of ‘Of Mice and Men’. This was a great experience that gave us a good insight into what we will be studying next year, for our English Literature GCSE. The performance was held in the Swansea Grand theatre. ‘Of Mice and Men’ is one of the most iconic stories in American Literature. It is set in America in the 1930’s, during the Great Depression, and highlights, in a thrilling way, how powerful friendship can be. This is shown in the special bond between the characters named George and Lennie, portrayed by two outstanding actors. The content of the story had many different themes and moral meanings, which can be interpreted in different ways. This is what makes ‘Of Mice and Men’ so interesting as people have different views on the captivating storyline. This opens up opportunity for discussion, and therefore enhances our learning ready for GCSE. We thought that the production was excellent, because the story line was extraordinary and unpredictable, which kept us engaged and excited to see the next scene. After consulting with other pupils, we have come to the conclusion that year 9 thoroughly enjoyed this memorable experience and will use it to help them next year during GCSE. Written by: Georgina Fredericks and Willow Hughes

Brynteg pupils enjoyed making the news for real as they took part in the BBC News School Report on 15th March. The year 9 class had the opportunity to watch their classmates play in a recent rugby Welsh cup final and in true journalistic style they made notes and then created their own news reports. Excellent work was produced, well done to all those involved!

Information supplied by: Miss K Jones

Language Department News

Newyddion Yr Adran Ieithoedd

Brynteg French Exchange Visit March-April 2018

On Monday 12th March, a group of year 10 and year 11 students flew to Bordeaux for a week to take part in

our annual French exchange visit. The visit is organised through the Bridgend Town Twinning Committee.

From Bordeaux, the group travelled a short distance to Villenave d’Ornon, Bridgend’s twin town to spend a

week immersed in French culture and daily life.

During the week, students attended lessons and experienced food in the school canteen. Various activities

were laid on including a visit to the city of Bordeaux and a visit to a wine museum. Students also had the

opportunity to taste oysters at the oyster museum and climbed up the Dune du Pyla, the highest sand dune

in Europe. This was quite a feat as the usual steps had been taken away until the holiday season and we also

faced a sand storm!

Brynteg students also prepared and delivered a presentation in French about our school and the area we

live in. The French pupils were fascinated to learn a little about Welsh culture and had many questions

which were confidently responded to by the group. They were particularly interested in our uniform as

they don’t wear one and were surprised at how short our school day is (they usually start at 8.00am and

finish at 5.00pm). Although the presentations were quite nerve-wracking, the students were all glad that

they had done them and it was a huge boost to their confidence.

They had an amazing experience with the family, made new friends, tried new things and grew in

confidence both personally and linguistically. They should all be very proud of themselves!

The French students arrived in Bridgend on 14th April for a week to stay with their Welsh friends.

They were very excited to meet up.

The French pupils were treated to a packed week of activities including visits to St Fagan’s and the

Principality Stadium as well as attending lessons. The French pupils also acted out a short presentation

to some of our classes, giving insight into French history and cultural life. Evening activities included a

bowling night and a party in the Tennis Club. They enjoyed the Welsh sunshine and the beautiful landscape

of the area.

Many friendships have been formed over the last six weeks and we look forward to returning to

Villenave d’Ornon for a week with a new group of Year 10 and 11 pupils in the new academic year.


Bridgend Town Twinning Association Fashion Show

Without the help of the Bridgend Town Twinning Association, our exchange would not be the success it is.

Through their financial support, we are able to keep our costs down to a minimum and students have

benefitted greatly through their generosity. The Bridgend Town Twinning Association is holding a fund

raising Fashion Show, presented by Samantha B of Ewenny on Friday 27th April, 7.00pm at Oldcastle

Primary School, South Street, Bridgend. Tickets cost £5 and include a free glass of wine or juice. Tickets

are available from Samantha B (01656 658388), Carol James (01656 652273) or Mrs Walsh in school.

For more information please visit:

Congratulations to all those pupils who successfully passed their ABRSM exams at Easter.

Our Annual Summer Proms Concert will be held on Tuesday 3rd July.

Congratulations for Megan Hooper (year 12 - tenor horn), Dafydd Rees (year 10 - trombone) and Joe Elliot (year 9 - trombone) for successfully auditioning with Brynteg Symphonic Brass to perform the National Music For Youth Festival in Birmingham. They will be performing with other youth musical ensembles from around Great Britain at the Centre for the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra on July 4th.

Information supplied by: Mrs Z Fender

Music Department News Newyddion Yr Adran Gerddoriaeth

PE Department News Newyddion yr Adran Addysg Gorfforol

During the Easter holiday pupils from years 8, 9 and 10 enjoyed a five day a ski trip to

Alpendorf Austria. It was an absolute pleasure to take all 52 pupils on this trip. The

pupils were wonderful ambassadors for the school with their behaviour exemplary

throughout the trip. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed and I am sure that these pupils know

that they were part of a very special experience.

Senior Welsh Cup Final 2018 @ Principality Stadium

Ysgol Brynteg v Ysgol y Preseli

It was a very cagey affair to begin with as both teams over played and made some mistakes. Brynteg attempted to play an expansive style early on in the match but the opposition dominated possession and kept the ball very well. The Preseli team were forward orientated and carried the ball very aggressively into the heart of the Brynteg defence. The Brynteg boys defended heroically and kept the score 0-0 until 25 minutes where some ill-discipline allowed Preseli to take the lead 3-0. Further infringements from Brynteg at the tackle area gave Preseli opportunities to extend their lead but their Outside Half could not capitalise. After a long period of pressure from Preseli, Brynteg managed to turn the ball over and launch a great counter attack from captain Joe Patterson linking with Number 8 Thomas Davies which relived the pressure.

Brynteg came out firing after half time and a surging run from left winger Joe Davis forced the Preseli full back into a try saving tackle, before they twice turned down three points in favour of close range scrums. The second time around it paid dividends, as after some resilient defence prop Chris Crumpton powered over and centre Harry Hopkins converted. Following the first try Brynteg dominated possession and a tiring Preseli defence struggled to keep up with the fast tempo play. After a few minutes in the Preseli 22m Matthew Hobby threw a superb miss pass to find Oran Harry in the wide channel who bundled over taking 2 defenders with him to make the score 12-3. Preseli fought back with period of play in the Brynteg half but mistakes at the line out cost them possession and allowed Brynteg to build another attack.

The day had finally arrived. The Brynteg Senior Rugby Team were playing Ysgol Y Preseli in the Senior Welsh Cup Final at the Principality Stadium. After a superb season, Joe Patterson’s men and fellow year 13 players looked to conclude their successful Rugby careers in Brynteg in the right fashion, by defeating a traditionally strong Preseli side.

Cameron Lewis drove the Brynteg attack up to the Preseli try line where a few try saving tackles kept them from scoring. From the resultant ruck Matthew Hobby looked up to a execute a speculative cross field Kick which after some re adjustment was taken by Oran Harry to step inside and score his second of the match! The metronomic Hobby slotted the extras from the touch line to take the score to 19-3 with 15 minutes to go. Preseli fought their way back into the match by continuing their hard carrying by their forwards which gave them momentum to kick start their late surge. The relentless power game from Preseli paid off with a late try under the posts and conversion making it 19-10 going into the last 10 minutes of the match. Brynteg’s good defence and improved discipline kept the Preseli attack at bay and ate into the remaining time. The ball was eventually kicked out and the final whistle went! Brynteg are the Senior Welsh Cup Champions! Well done to Jo Patterson’s men on a this great achievement and for their undefeated League Campaign.

Huge thanks goes to: South Wales Wood Recycling who continue to sponsor our Jerseys, Sarah at Ethical Property who sponsored the T shirts, Gwyn Jones buses and Belief Sports for the quality service and Rhod Davies our Physiotherapist for the continued support throughout the whole year. Also Many thanks to Mrs Howley and Café No 11 for the good luck and coffee before the match. Thank you to Josh Navidi, Rob Howley and Josh Turnbull for the good luck messages and Rhys Webb for paying us a visit earlier on in the week and signing our Brynteg Lions Jersey adding to the list of 8 former pupils who have played for the British and Irish Lions.

Information supplied by: Mr A Rosser / Mr J Gatt

A big thank you to former Swansea City player Lee Trundle for visiting our Ty Seren

Nurture pupils on 17th April. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed interviewing Lee on his

education and career and then took part in trialling some football tricks during an

indoor football session.

Nurturing our pupils

Information and photographs supplied by: Miss B Roberts


START: 3.30pm FINISH: 4.30 pm



Mr Harris


Sports Hall Mr Rosser


ALL YEARS GIRLS TENNIS Tennis Courts Mrs Hopkins


Miss Welsford


Lower Fields Mr Harris / Mr Rosser/ Mr Ince / Miss Welsford / Mrs Hopkins



Lower Fields Mrs Geary


Lower Field Mr Gatt


Psychology News Newyddion Seicoleg

We even managed to have a photo with Dr Zimbardo and Dr. Maslach

Science Department News Newyddion yr Adran Gwyddoniaeth

On Tuesday 27th March parents and carers received a fantastic opportunity to experience science learning and teaching first-hand by sitting in on a lesson with their child. The evening ran proved to be very successful. Thank you to all that attended the session.

Science Open Evening Year 8 Science Evening Tuesday 27th March

The ' Spectroscopy in a Suitcase' event on 16th April delivered by the University of South Wales was a most valuable experience for our year 12 chemistry students. Following an interactive seminar on Spectroscopy, delivered by Dr Kean, pupils were able to apply their knowledge in a challenging compound identification task. Our students also had hands on experience of using the spectroscopy equipment, which really made the concept come to life. The event included a seminar from Dr Kean, pupils were then able to solve an 'identifying compounds challenge' by analysing given spectroscopy data. Pupils were also able to have a go at using the analytical technique themselves.

Information supplied by: Mrs M Hughes

On Monday 26th March Brynteg supported raising awareness for epilepsy. Purple ribbons were sold during registration, break and lunchtime for a donation and there was also a cake sale at break and lunchtime…..Yum there was a fabulous selection

of cakes on sale. There was also a large cake donated by Mrs K Evans. All the proceeds will be going to the epilepsy society.

Thank you to all who supported this worthy cause. The total raised was £435.00 with the online appeal by Mrs M Thomas still gaining momentum!

Information supplied by: Mrs M Thomas

On Friday 20th April a group of year 13 Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award pupils set off to complete the Welsh Three Peaks.

The pupils arrived safely in Llanberis and refuelled ready for the weekend challenge!

The pupils enjoyed the 1st peak - Snowdon with two more peaks to go they enjoyed the sunshine and the good company.

Then still singing the second peak - Cadair Idris was completed. With that tough one conquered the pupils were south bound to the remaining peak - Pen Y Fan.

What an awesome effort from the Gold Duke of Edinburgh group. They have completed the Welsh Three Peaks in excellent spirits and they have been so supportive of each other along the way - Great memories made!

Congratulations to all involved a special thanks to Mr Brown, Mrs Bevan and Mrs Perna for their support as well.

Information supplied by the Brynteg DofE Team


For those year 10 pupils taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award please be aware that that the deadline for completing the Skills, Physical and Volunteering is 1st May 2018. Pupils must fully complete the assessor reports for each section on eDofE.

Should any pupils be experiencing problems with completing these tasks please see Mr V Brown during a lunch time in room 303. In addition pupils should receive an email with dates of walks for this term and next term.

Mr V Brown Duke of Edinburgh Award Coordinator

Well done to our Student-built Social Enterprise

Diverge Brynteg after attending the South

Wales area Trade Fayre competition at the

University of South Wales in Newport.

Our Young Enterprise company Diverge will

now go through to the Welsh final on 11th June

having won two awards: The Innovation Award

and Best Company.

Information supplied by: Mr J Catton

Press Release – Thursday 29th March 2018

Student-built Social Enterprise Diverge brings carrier bag problem to a halt with invention of Eco-Toes

A group of secondary school students from Brynteg School in Wales have created a way to transform waste plastic to improve the lives of other young people in developing countries.

Waste plastic is continually a prominent story in the news and clearly a large global problem. With this as a starting point, we began to consider ways that we could turn waste plastic bags into a product. We considered the problems that we as young people face in our everyday lives and how we could find a way to solve them. But something didn’t feel right. We thought not just about ourselves but about young people in other countries and it quickly became clear that their problems were often substantially more pressing than ours! It was at this point that we thought about children walking to school with bare feet and the implications this can have on their health and well-being. By combining both problems of plastic bag waste and the wellbeing of underprivileged children, we have developed our idea of Eco-Toes. We began by experimenting with waste plastic bags, by collecting donations from the local area. We have now refined a simple process and have created a kit that will allow schools globally to transform waste plastic bags into shoes for their children.

By using the kit as little as eight waste plastic carrier bags are transformed into a pair of shoes. The kit contains simple components and with no special skills needed anyone can turn waste plastic into real tough, durable, wearable shoes. We have created and refined the process with the aim of making the kit accessible to those in need by working with partner organisations both here in the UK and overseas. Eventually, we hope to see many children in the African continent wearing Eco-toes. We are currently processing kits to send off to schools in areas of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Ethiopia so diseases like Podoconiosis are a thing of the past. As a non-profit social enterprise company working as part of Young Enterprise we are actively working to develop links with sponsors to help us develop the distribution and production of this potentially life changing idea and get our kits to those who need it.

We firmly believe no child should be without shoes!

We would love to tell you more about the project, we really believe we can make a difference! You can get in touch with Diverge here : [email protected] 07592 691239 01656 648810 Jon Catton (Young Enterprise Centre lead at Brynteg School)

Pupil News Newyddion Disgybl

Pictured (left): Hannah with her trophies for runner up in her age category and the 'duo' category

Congratulations to Hannah Norman (year 10) who has recently been awarded runner up in the Welsh Factor contest in both the duet and solo categories'. Hannah continues to go from strength to strength with her singing talents, these awards being the latest in a long line of success for Hannah over the years. Brynteg wishes Hannah all the very best in the future. Hannah's journey to the Welsh Factor Final started back in March 2017, with heats running through to January 2018. The heats culminated in the Welsh Factor Final that took place on the 15th April in Llanelli where Hannah performed in front of over 1,000 people. She took on Jennifer Hudson's classic 'And I am telling you I'm not going' for her solo performance and Christine Aguilera's Candyman in her duet. Hannah had plenty of practice for her solo performance when performing in the school Eisteddfod.

The Welsh Factor is the largest talent competition in South Wales that was launched in 2009, and as well as running talent competitions for acts of all descriptions, it also supports charities in the Community and it has its own TV music show to help promote unsigned artists which are aired on an internet based TV station - Showboat TV based in Pembrokeshire.

Information supplied by: Mr L O’Brien / Mrs J Norman

Pupil News - Newyddion Disgybl

We are always interested to hear from pupils that have excelled both in and out of school. If you

have some news that you would like featured in the Brynteg School E-Bulletin please email:

admin@[email protected] marking it for the attention of Mrs J L Davies

Year 10 revision for the GCSE Religious Studies

examination paper on Monday 14th May.

1. Use the four departmental revision booklets on:

Good and Evil Christianity Judaism Life and Death

Focus on learning the key terms and the key religious teachings on all issues.

2. Use Bitesize Religious Studies,

WJEC for useful information and


3. Attend additional lunchtime revision

sessions. These are held on a

weekly basis and are organised by

the class teacher.

4. The WJEC revision book contains

some useful information and example

questions. This costs £9.99.

Year 10 students have their first GCSE Religious Studies examination on 14th


This accounts for 50% of the total GCSE grade. We recommend that all students

start to revise now by using a range of resources. Here are some revision tips.

5. Complete past paper

questions, summary template

sheets and lotus diagrams.

These will be distributed by

the class teacher.

6. Use the departmental revision

mind maps which summarise

each topic on a page. Read

and highlight the key terms

and religious teachings.

Information supplied by: Mrs L Florence

EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS REGULATIONS AND GUIDANCE SUMMER 2018 Dear Parent\Carer I would be grateful if you could read the following regarding the external exams your child will be sitting this Summer. 1. Most Year 10 students will have some GCSE exams. There is no study leave. They will return to their normal lessons after each exam. 2. Students must read the ‘Notice to Candidates’ and ‘Warning to Candidates’ posted inside and outside the examination rooms. 3. School uniform must be worn at all times in the examinations. No student should enter the site for any reason in this period unless dressed

appropriately in the full school uniform. Normal uniform and school jewellery rules still apply. Alternative arrangements may have to be made for any student who does not comply with the above.

4. In the case of a possible absence from an examination for medical reasons, the school should be notified immediately. A doctor’s certificate

must be submitted as soon as possible in a case of illness and no later than five days after the absence. Failure to turn up for an examination, without a doctor’s certificate, will result in an invoice for the cost of the examination being sent to the parent/carer for approximately £35 to £40 per subject. Exams must be sat on the day and at the time specified by the exam board. If an exam is missed, for any reason, then the student will not be able to take the exam until the next scheduled session, which could be November, January or next summer, depending upon the subject.

5. Full details of dates, times and examination venues are on the individual timetables provided. Morning examinations will commence at

9.00am and afternoon examinations will commence at 1.00pm unless otherwise indicated on the timetable. Candidates must ensure that they know exactly when and where each of their examinations is. Students must check their timetable carefully each day.

6. All candidates must be in their examination rooms ten minutes before the starting time of the examination. No student will be allowed to

leave before the scheduled end of any examination. 7. Students must check that they know all the equipment that they will be required to bring – for example a calculator for some maths and

science exams. A black pen is needed for all written exams. Calculator lids should be removed before entering the exam room, all labels taken off water bottles and only transparent pencil cases are allowed. Once in the examination room we cannot guarantee that equipment will be supplied to students.

8. Please note that the possession of any electronic equipment whether it be MP3/4 device, smart watch, mobile phone or a calculator with storage facility could result in instant disqualification. If a student has a mobile phone, make sure it is switched off and given to the invigilator for safekeeping until the end of the exam. Even if switched off, a phone kept in the pocket could result in being

disqualified and this has happened to pupils of this school in recent years.

9. Textbooks are to be handed in to individual subject teachers at the end of the last examination in that subject. It is the responsibility of every student to return books personally to the subject teacher who will then record that the textbook has been returned. Failure to do so will result in the parent/carer being invoiced for the cost.

10. Full and further details about access to examination scripts, remarks and aggregation will be available on Results Day.

11. Results Days are as follows: A/AS 16th August

GCSE 23rd August

Results will only be available from 10.00am. Results will only be issued to pupils or nominated adults with written authorisation from a parent/carer. Stamped addressed envelopes must be provided for any pupil who is unable to collect their results.

12. The school expects that the usual high standard of behaviour in Brynteg will be maintained up to and including the last day of the examinations. Unacceptable behaviour could have serious consequences. It could result in a disqualification from the

examination. It could also affect the student’s long term future in this school.

13. Please sign the reply slip below. This should be returned to your child’s Form Tutor by Thursday 3rd May.



I …………………………………………………………………….. the parent/carer of …………………………………………………………………….. in Form ……….. have read and fully understood and support the examination arrangements and regulations. I give my consent for my child to attend school in accordance with the points laid out above. SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………… DATE: ………………………


Dear Parent\Carer

I would be grateful if you could read the following regarding the external exams your child will be sitting this Summer.

1. The last school day for Year 11 students is Friday 25th

May. However, due to the constraints of the timings of the examinations, they will have a Leavers’ Assembly on the afternoon of Monday 21

st May to celebrate their

time at Brynteg. The GCSE exams begin on Tuesday 8th

May. However, all students will attend lessons up until Friday 25

th May unless they are in an examination. They will need to bring revision material for use in

those lessons where they have completed all the examinations in that subject. With effect from Monday 4th

June, students will attend school only for their examinations. They may of course use the school facilities between examinations for study periods and revision. Parents/Carers are responsible for their children in all other circumstances.

2. Students must read the ‘Notice to Candidates’ and ‘Warning to Candidates’ posted inside and outside the examination rooms.

3. School uniform must be worn at all times in the examinations. No student should enter the site for any reason in this period unless dressed appropriately in the full school uniform. Normal uniform and school jewellery rules still apply. Alternative arrangements may have to be made for any student who does not comply with the above.

4. In the case of a possible absence from an examination for medical reasons, the school should be notified immediately. A doctor’s certificate must be submitted as soon as possible in a case of illness and no later than five days after the absence. Failure to turn up for an examination, without a doctor’s certificate, will result in an invoice for the cost of the examination being sent to the parent/carer for approximately £35 to £40 per subject. Exams must be sat on the day and at the time specified by the exam board. If an exam is missed, for any reason, then the student will not be able to take the exam until the next scheduled session, which could be November, January or next summer, depending upon the subject.

5. Full details of dates, times and examination venues are on the individual timetables provided. Morning examinations will commence at 9.00am and afternoon examinations will commence at 1.00pm unless otherwise indicated on the timetable. Candidates must ensure that they know exactly when and where each of their

examinations is. Students must check their timetable carefully each day.

6. All candidates must be in their examination rooms ten minutes before the starting time of the examination.

No student will be allowed to leave before the scheduled end of any examination.

7. Students must check that they know all the equipment that they will be required to bring – for example a calculator for some maths and science exams. A black pen is needed for all written exams. Calculator lids should be removed before entering the exam room, all labels taken off water bottles and only transparent pencil cases are allowed. Once in the examination room we cannot guarantee that equipment will be supplied to students.

8. Please note that the possession of any electronic equipment whether it be MP3/4 device, smart watch, mobile phone or a calculator with storage facility could result in instant disqualification. If a student has a mobile phone, make sure it is switched off and given to the invigilator for safekeeping until the end of the exam. Even if switched off, a phone kept in the pocket could result in being disqualified and this has

happened to pupils of this school in recent years.

9. Textbooks are to be handed in to individual subject teachers at the end of the last examination in that subject. It is the responsibility of every student to return books personally to the subject teacher who will then record that the textbook has been returned. Failure to do so will result in the parent/carer being invoiced for the cost.

10. Full and further details about access to examination scripts, remarks and aggregation will be available on Results Day.

11. Results Days are as follows: A/AS 16th


GCSE 23rd


Results will only be available from 9.00am. Results will only be issued to pupils or nominated adults with written authorisation from a parent/carer. Stamped addressed envelopes must be provided for any pupil who is unable to collect their results.

12. The school expects that the usual high standard of behaviour in Brynteg will be maintained up to and including the last day of the examinations. Unacceptable behaviour could have serious consequences. It could result in a disqualification from the examination. It could also affect the student’s long term

future in this school.

13. Please sign the reply slip below. This should be returned to your child’s Form Tutor by Thursday 3rd




EXTERNAL EXAMINATION ARRANGEMENTS I …………………………………………………………………….. the parent/carer of …………………………………………………………………….. in Form ……….. have read and fully understood and support the examination arrangements and regulations. I give my consent for my child to attend school in accordance with the points laid out above. SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………… DATE: ………………………


Dear Parent\Carer

I would be grateful if you could read the following regarding the external exams your child will be sitting this Summer.

1. Year 12 AS exams start on Monday 14th May. The last day for formal Year 12 AS lessons will be Friday 25


May. Staff will be available during normal lesson times and students will be expected to attend the lessons in each subject until they have completed all the examinations for that subject. The usual 24 hour study leave prior to an exam will apply. Lessons will continue during this period for BTEC Engineering. There will be no lessons in Art and Photography as they have already completed their examination. On Monday 18

th June A2

lessons will commence. It is essential that Year 12 students return to school on this day in order to continue with their studies where they will be expected to continue with their four subjects until the end of term. Year 12 students who do not return for lessons at this stage will NOT proceed on to the A2 courses in Year 13. The "work experience window" is from 25

th June to 20

th July where students are expected to have organised and

verified a self-placement for a week’s work related experience.

2. Students must read the ‘Notice to Candidates’ and ‘Warning to Candidates’ posted inside and outside the examination rooms.

3. School uniform must be worn at all times in the examinations. No student should enter the site for any reason in this period unless dressed appropriately in the full school uniform. Normal uniform and school jewellery rules still apply. Alternative arrangements may have to be made for any student who does not comply with the above.

4. In the case of a possible absence from an examination for medical reasons, the school should be notified immediately. A doctor’s certificate must be submitted as soon as possible in a case of illness and no later than five days after the absence. Failure to turn up for an examination, without a doctor’s certificate, will result in an invoice for the cost of the examination being sent to the parent/carer for approximately £35 to £40 per subject. Exams must be sat on the day and at the time specified by the exam board. If an exam is missed, for any reason, then the student will not be able to take the exam until the next scheduled session, which could be November, January or next summer, depending upon the subject.

5. Full details of dates, times and examination venues are on the individual timetables provided. Morning examinations will commence at 9.00am and afternoon examinations will commence at 1.00pm unless otherwise indicated on the timetable. Candidates must ensure that they know exactly when and where each of their

examinations is. Students must check their timetable carefully each day.

6. All candidates must be in their examination rooms ten minutes before the starting time of the examination.

No student will be allowed to leave before the scheduled end of any examination.

7. Students must check that they know all the equipment that they will be required to bring – for example a calculator for some maths and science exams. A black pen is needed for all written exams. Calculator lids should be removed before entering the exam room, all labels taken off water bottles and only transparent pencil cases are allowed. Once in the examination room we cannot guarantee that equipment will be supplied to students.

8. Please note that the possession of any electronic equipment whether it be MP3/4 device, mobile phone, smart watch or a calculator with storage facility could result in instant disqualification. If a student has a mobile phone, make sure it is switched off and given to the invigilator for safekeeping until the end of the exam. Even if switched off, a phone kept in the pocket could result in being disqualified and this has

happened to pupils of this school in recent years.

9. Textbooks are to be handed in to individual subject teachers at the end of the last examination in that subject. It is the responsibility of every student to return books personally to the subject teacher who will then record that the textbook has been returned. Failure to do so will result in the parent/carer being invoiced for the cost.

10. Full and further details about access to examination scripts, remarks and aggregation will be available on Results Day.

11. Results Days are as follows: A/AS 16th


GCSE 23rd


Results will only be available from 9.00am. Results will only be issued to pupils or nominated adults with written authorisation from a parent/carer. Stamped addressed envelopes must be provided for any pupil who is unable to collect their results.

12. The school expects that the usual high standard of behaviour in Brynteg will be maintained up to and including the last day of the examinations. Unacceptable behaviour could have serious consequences. It could result in a disqualification from the examination. It could also affect the student’s long term

future in this school.

13. Please sign the reply slip below. This should be returned to your child’s Form Tutor by Friday 4th



April 2018



I …………………………………………………………………….. the parent/carer of …………………………………………………………………….. in Form ……….. have read and fully understood and support the examination arrangements and regulations. I give my consent for my child to attend school in accordance with the points laid out above. SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………… DATE: ………………………


Dear Parent\Carer I would be grateful if you could read the following regarding the external exams your child will be sitting this Summer. 1. The last school day for Year 13 students is Friday 25

th May when they will have a Leavers’ Assembly.

With effect from Monday 4th

June, Year 13 students will attend school only for their examinations. Students may of course use the school facilities between examinations for study periods and revision. Parents/Carers are responsible for their children in all other circumstances. The usual 24 hour study leave prior to an exam will apply for students resitting any AS modules between 14

th and 25

th of May.

2. Students must read the ‘Notice to Candidates’ and ‘Warning to Candidates’ posted inside and outside the examination rooms.

3. School uniform must be worn at all times in the examinations. No student should enter the site for any reason in this period unless dressed appropriately in the full school uniform. Normal uniform and school jewellery rules still apply. Alternative arrangements may have to be made for any student who does not comply with the above.

4. In the case of a possible absence from an examination for medical reasons, the school should be notified immediately. A doctor’s certificate must be submitted as soon as possible in a case of illness and no later than five days after the absence. Failure to turn up for an examination, without a doctor’s certificate, will result in an invoice for the cost of the examination being sent to the parent/carer for approximately £35 to £40 per subject. Exams must be sat on the day and at the time specified by the exam board. If an exam is missed, for any reason, then the student will not be able to take the exam until the next scheduled session, which could be November, January or next summer, depending upon the subject.

5. Full details of dates, times and examination venues are on the individual timetables provided. Morning examinations will commence at 9.00am and afternoon examinations will commence at 1.00pm unless otherwise indicated on the timetable. Candidates must ensure that they know exactly when and where each of their examinations is. Students must check their timetable carefully each day.

6. All candidates must be in their examination rooms ten minutes before the starting time of the examination. No student will be allowed to leave before the scheduled end of any examination.

7. Students must check that they know all the equipment that they will be required to bring – for example a calculator

for some maths and science exams. A black pen is needed for all written exams. Calculator lids should be removed before entering the exam room, all labels taken off water bottles and only transparent pencil cases are allowed. Once in the examination room we cannot guarantee that equipment will be supplied to students.

8. Please note that the possession of any electronic equipment whether it be MP3/4 device, smart watch, mobile phone or a calculator with storage facility could result in instant disqualification. If a student has a mobile phone, make sure it is switched off and given to the invigilator for safekeeping until the end of the exam. Even if switched off, a phone kept in the pocket could result in being disqualified and this has

happened to pupils of this school in recent years.

9. Textbooks are to be handed in to individual subject teachers at the end of the last examination in that subject. It is the responsibility of every student to return books personally to the subject teacher who will then record that the textbook has been returned. Failure to do so will result in the parent/carer being invoiced for the cost.

10. Full and further details about access to examination scripts, remarks and aggregation will be available on Results Day.

11. Results Days are as follows: A/AS 16th


GCSE 23rd


Results will only be available from 9.00am. Results will only be issued to pupils or nominated adults with written authorisation from a parent/carer. Stamped addressed envelopes must be provided for any pupil who is unable to collect their results.

12. The school expects that the usual high standard of behaviour in Brynteg will be maintained up to and including the last day of the examinations. Unacceptable behaviour could have serious consequences. It could result in a disqualification from the examination. It could also affect the student’s long term future

in this school.

13. Please sign the reply slip below. This should be returned to your child’s Form Tutor by Friday 4th





I …………………………………………………………………….. the parent/carer of …………………………………………………………………….. in Form ……….. have read and fully understood and support the examination arrangements and regulations. I give my consent for my child to attend school in accordance with the points laid out above. SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………… DATE: ………………………

Numeracy and Reading Tests Arrangements 2018 – Information for Parents/Carers

The national tests will take place from Monday 30th April until Friday 4

th May. There is a Numerical Reasoning Test,

a Numerical Procedural Test and a Reading Test. These tests will be supervised by external invigilators in the same manner as for external exams. If a test finishes before the end of a session, pupils will be dismissed and will go to whatever their timetabled lesson is for the remainder of that session. Pupils will also be in their normal lessons when they do not have a test and so they must ensure that they have the correct books etc. for these lessons.

Numerical Reasoning Test – Monday 30th

April to Wednesday 2nd


The schedule is as follows:-

Monday 30th

April Upper Hall

Tuesday 1st


Upper Hall Wednesday 2

nd May

Upper Hall Lesson 1

7B, 7R, 7Y

8B, 8R, 8Y

9B, 9R, 9Y

Lesson 2

7N, 7T, 7E

8N, 8T, 8E

9E, 9N, 9S

Lesson 3

7G, 7S

8G, 8S

9G, 9T

On arrival, pupils must line up in register order outside the Upper Hall. The actual test is 30 minutes long which follows a DVD presentation of stimulus material (approx.15 minutes). Calculators will be needed and pupils must bring their own. Pupils will then go to their scheduled lesson.

Numeracy Procedural Test – Thursday 3rd


The schedule is:

Year 7 – Lesson 1

Year 8 – Lesson 2

Year 9 - Lesson 3.

The venue will be the Sports’ Barn. The test is 30 minutes long and no calculators are allowed. Pupils will then go to

their scheduled lesson. Pupils will have the same seat number as they did for their internal exams.

Reading Test – Friday 4th


The schedule is:

Year 7 – 9:00am to 10:30am

Year 8 – 10:30am to 12:00pm

Year 9 – 12:00pm to 1:30pm (Year 9 pupils will be released from lesson 3 at 11:50am)

The venue will be the Sports’ Barn. Year 8 will miss the usual break time and so they can have their break after Lesson 1 at 10:05am and make their way to the exam venue by 10:25am. Prior to the actual test there are several practice questions which need to be done which might take approximately 10 minutes. The test itself is one hour. Pupils will

have the same seat number as they did for their internal exams.

The Welsh Government have produced a guide to the tests for parents/carers - this can be viewed from the Welsh Government website at:

Kind Regards

Mr R Martin

Assistant Headteacher

24. 04. 2018

KS3 Exams 2018 Welsh National Tests Schedule EXTERNAL INVIGILATION

Numerical Reasoning Test – Upper Hall PUPIL SEATING ON THE DAY IN UPPER HALL

Monday 30 April Year 7

Tuesday 1 May Year 8

Wednesday 2 May Year 9

Lesson 1 7B, 7R, 7Y 8B, 8R, 8Y 9B, 9R, 9Y

Lesson 2 7N, 7T, 7E 8N, 8T, 8E 9E, 9N, 9S

Lesson 3 7G, 7S + catch up 8G, 8S + catch up 9G, 9T + catch up

Numeracy Procedural Test & Reading Test – Upper Hall / Sports Barn PUPILS - SAME SEATS AS FOR INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS

Thursday 3 May Friday 4 May

Lesson 1 Year 7 Numeracy Procedural 9-10.30am Year 7 Reading

Lesson 2 Year 8 Numeracy Procedural 10.30-12.00pm Year 8 Reading

Lesson 3 Year 9 Numeracy Procedural 12.00pm-1.30pm Year 9 Reading






te t












Please note that these timetables are provisional.

Additional information : Wales National Tests for Years 7 - 9 is 25th April to 9th May 2018.

GCE Summer External Examination Timetable 2017-2018






Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Drama (GCE AS) 2690U20 1 hour 30 mins Economics (GCE AS) NEW 2520U10 1 hour 15

Film (GCE AS) Bridgend College LEGACY 1182/01 2 hours 30 Physics (GCE AS) NEW 2420U10 1 hour 30 Sociology (GCE AS) NEW 2200U10 1 hour 15

Health & Social Care (GCE AS) 1621 1 hour 30 Maths (GCE AS) 0973/01 C1 – LEGACY RE-SIT 1 hour 30 Maths (GCE AS) NEW 2300U10 2 hours 30

Economics (GCE AS) 2520U20 2 hours Religious Studies (GCE AS) NEW 2120UE 1 hour 15

English Lit & Lang (GCE AS) 2710U10 2 hours English Lit (GCE AS) 2720U10 2 hours Physical Education (GCE AS) NEW 2550U10 1 hour 45 Physics (GCE AS) NEW 2420U20 1 hour 30

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

D&T Product (GCE AS) LEGACY 1111/01 2 hours

D&T Product (GCE AS) NEW 2603U10 2 hours

Psychology (GCE AS) 2290U10 1 hour 30

Maths (GCE) FP1 0977/01 1 hour 30 Further Maths (GCE AS) Bridgend College 2305U1 1 hour 30

Geography (GCE AS) NEW 2110U10 2 hours Law (GCE AS) 2150U10 – New 1 hour 45

History (GCE AS) 2100UH0 1 hour 30

Psychology (GCE AS) NEW COURSE (also Bridgend College) 2290U20 1 hour 30 Further Maths (GCE AS) Bridgend College 2305U2 1 hour 30

Business Studies (GCE AS) NEW 2510U10 1 hour 15






Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Electronics (GCE AS) Re-sit Only 1141/01 1 hour 15

Chemistry (GCE AS) NEW 2410U10 1 hour 30 Sociology (GCE AS) 2200U20 2 hours

Maths (GCE AS) LEGACY 0974/01 C2 1 hour 30 Maths (GCE AS) NEW 2300U20 1 hour 45 Health & Social Care (GCE AS) HSC03 1 hour 30

Geography (GCE AS) NEW 2110U20 1 hour 30

APPLIED ICT (GCE AS) LEGACY COMPUTER ROOM PART A - 1641/01 1 hr PART B - 1641/02 2 hrs 3 hours Chemistry (GCE AS) 2410U20 1 hour 30 3 hours Religious Studies (GCE AS) NEW COURSE 2120U20 1 hour 45

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Welsh (GCE AS) NEW 2020U30 2 hours

History (GCE AS) NEW 2100U20 1 hour 45 Further Maths (GCE AS) Bridgend College 2305U3 1 hour 30

English Lang & Lit (GCE AS) 2710U20 2 hours English Literature (GCE AS) 2720U20 2 hours

Biology (GCE AS) NEW 2400U10 1 hour 30 Electronics (GCE AS) 1142/01 1 hour 15 Law (GCE AS) 2150U20 1 hour 30 Welsh (GCE AS) NEW 1020U50 2 hours

Business Studies (GCE AS) NEW 2510U20 2 hours






Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Computer Science (GCE AS) NEW 2500U10 2 hours French (GCE AS) NEW FN2 LISTENING 2800U20 2 hours 30 Welsh (GCE) NEW 1020U60 2 hours

Religious Studies (GCE) 1120UE0 1 hour 30

Maths (GCE) 0975/01 C3 1 hour 30 Polish (GCE) PLSH 2686 2 hours 30

Biology (GCE) NEW 1400U30 2 hours 15

Computer Science (GCE AS) COMPUTER ROOM 2500U20/01 2 hours D&T Product (GCE) 1113/01 2 hours 30 D&T Textiles (GCE) Text 3 2 hours Film (GCE A) Bridgend College 1184/01 2 hours 45 Physics (GCE) NEW 1420U40 2 hours Psychology (GCE) NEW 1290U40 1 hour 30

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Biology (GCE AS) NEW 2400U20 1 hour 30 Physics (GCE) NEW 1420U30 2 hours 15 Psychology (GCE) NEW 1290U30 2 hours 30

Chemistry (GCE) NEW 1410U30 1 hour 45 Economics (GCE) NEW 1520U30 2 hours Sociology (GCE) 1200U3 2 hour 30

Electronics (GCE) 1144/01 1 hour History (GCE) 1100UH0 1 hour 45

Business Studies (GCE) NEW 1510U30 2 hours 15 English Lit (GCE) NEW 1720U30 2 hours English Lang & Lit (GCE) 1710U3 2 hours

Geography (GCE) NEW 1110U30 2 hours

MONDAY 11 June




FRIDAY 15 June

Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Computer Science (GCE) 1500U30 2 hours Drama (GCE) NEW 1690U40 2 hours 30 Physical Education (GCE) 1550U30 2 hours Religious Studies (GCE) 1120U40 1 hour 30

Law (GCE) Bridgend College 1253/01 1 hour 30

Maths (GCE AS) LEGACY 0983/01 S1 1 hour 30 Maths (GCE) LEGACY 0984/01 S2 1 hour 30 Sociology (GCE) 1200U4 2 hour 15

Computer Science (GCE) NEW 1500U40 2 hours

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Biology (GCE) NEW 1400U40 2 hours 15 Business Studies (GCE) NEW 1510U40 2 hours 15

Chemistry (GCE) NEW 1410U40 1 hour 45 Economics (GCE) NEW 1520U40 2 hours 30 English Lang & Lit (GCE) 1710U4 2 hours English Lit (GCE) 1720U4 2 hours

Electronics (GCE) 1145/01 1 hour 30 History (GCE) 1100U10-1100U80 1 hour 45

Geography (GCE) 1110U40 2 hours

Maths (GCE) LEGACY 0976/01 C4 1 hour 30




te t












MONDAY 18 June




FRIDAY 22 June

Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Music (GCE) 1550U80 2 hours 15

Health & Social (GCE) HSC10 AQA 2 hours Maths (GCE) 0982/01 M3 1 hour 30

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Law (GCE) Bridgend College 1254/01-03 1 hour 30 Religious Studies (GCE) 1120U50 1 hour 45

Maths (GCE AS) 0980/01 M1 1 hour 30 Maths (GCE AS) 0981/01 M2 1 hour 30

MONDAY 25 June


Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Maths (GCE) 0978/01 FP2 1 hour 30

Maths (GCE) 0979/01 FP3 1 hour 30

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Please note that these timetables are provisional.

GCSE Summer External Examination Timetable 2017-2018






Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START


Year 11 Re-sits Maths (GCSE) NEW WALES UNIT 1 NUMERACY 3310U10 – Foundation 1 hour 30 3310U30 – Intermediate 1 hour 45 3310U50 – Higher 1 hour 45

Years 11 Re-sits Welsh Second Language (GCSE) 4551/01 4551/02 1 hour

Year 11 & Re-sits Maths (GCSE) NEW WALES UNIT 2 NUMERACY 3310U20 – Foundation 1 hour 30 3310U40 – Intermediate 1 hour 45 3310U60 – Higher 1 hour 45

Year 10 BTEC Engineering Online Test – computer room Unit 1: The Engineering World Please note group timings 10B/Eg1 – 9am 10C/Eg1 – 10.30am 10B/Eg2 – 12 noon 1 hour Year 11 Welsh Second Lang (GCSE) 4554/01 4554/02 1 hour

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

CIDA COMPUTER ROOM DA201 (Re-sits only) 2 hours 30






Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Year 11

Computer Science (GCSE)

4341/01 1 hour 30

Year 11


Edexcel 5IT0101

1 hour 30

Year 11

French (GCSE)


35 minutes


45 minutes

French (GCSE) READING 3800U30

1 hour

French (GCSE) READING 3800UC0 1 hour 15

Year 11


AUDIO VISUAL PAPER 3550U10 2 hours



1 hour

Year 11

Chemistry (GCSE) - Triple

NEW WALES 3410U20 Unit 2 – F 3410UD0 Unit 2– H

1 hour 45

Year 11

Chemistry (GCSE) - Double NEW WALES

3430U50 Unit 5 – F 3430UE0 Unit 5– H

1 hour 15

Year 11

French (GCSE)

WRITING - Foundation

3800U40 1 hour 15

French (GCSE)

WRITING - Higher 3800UD0 1 hour 30

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Year 10

Religious Studies (GCSE)

3120UA0 2 hours

Year 11

Biology (GCSE) - Triple

NEW WALES 3400U20 Unit 2 – F 3400UB0 Unit 2– H

1 hour 45

Year 11

Biology (GCSE) - Double NEW WALES

3430U40 Unit 4 – F 3430UD0 Unit 4– H

1 hour 15

Year 11

Religious Studies

(GCSE) 4451/01

1 hour 45

Year 11

Computer Science (GCSE)

COMPUTER ROOM 4342/01 2 hours

Year 11


3690U30 1 hour 30

Please note that these timetables are provisional.






Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Year 11 Sociology (GCSE) 4511/01 1 hour 30

Year 11 Re-sits only English Literature (GCSE) 3720U10 – Foundation 3720UA0 – Higher 2 hours

Year 11 D&T Product (GCSE) 4141/01 2 hours

Year 11 & Re-sits Maths (GCSE) NEW WALES – UNIT 1 3300U10 – Foundation 1 hour 30 3300U30 – Intermediate 1 hour 45 3300U50 – Higher 1 hour 45

Year 10 & 11 English Literature (GCSE) Option A 3720U20 – Foundation 3720UB0 – Higher 2 hours

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Chinese (GCSE) Listening KCNO/01 2 hours 10

Year 11 Geography (GCSE) 3110U10 1 hour 30

Year 11 Physics (GCSE) – Triple 3420U20 – Foundation 3420UB0 – Higher 1 hour 45 Year 11 Physics (GCSE) – Double 3430U60 – Foundation 3430UF0 – Higher 1 hour 15

Year 11 Religious Studies (GCSE) 4452/01 1 hour 45

Year 11 D&T Textiles 45701 AQA 2 hours Year 11 Sociology (GCSE) 4512/01 1 hour 30






Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Year 11 History (GCSE) 4271/04 1 hour 15

Year 11 & Re-sits English Lang (GCSE) 3700U20 – Unit 2 2 hours

Year 11 & Re-sits Maths (GCSE) NEW WALES – UNIT 2 3300U20 – Foundation 1 hour 30 3300U40 – Intermediate 1 hour 45 3300U60 – Higher 1 hour 45

Year 11 & Re-sits English Lang (GCSE) 3700U30 – Unit 3 2 hours

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Year 11 Geography (GCSE) 3110U20 1 hour 30

Year 11 Business Studies (GCSE) 4080/01 2 hours Year 11 Music (GCSE) LISTENING 3660U30 1 hour

Year 11 History (GCSE) 4272/04 1 hour 15

Please note that these timetables are provisional.

MONDAY 11 June




FRIDAY 15 June

Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Year 10

Biology (GCSE) – Triple 3400U10 – Foundation

3400UA0 – Higher 1 hour 45

Year 10

Biology (GCSE) – Double 3430U10 – Foundation

3430UA0 – Higher 1 hour 15

Year 10

Chemistry (GCSE) – Triple 3410U10 – Foundation

3410UA0 – Higher 1 hour 45

Year 10

Chemistry (GCSE) – Double

3430U20 – Foundation 3430UB0 – Higher

1 hour 15

Year 10


3420U10 Unit 1 – F 3420UA0 Unit 1– H

1 hour 45

Year 10

Physics (GCSE) – Double 3430U30 – Foundation

3430UC0 – Higher 1 hour 15

Afternoon Session 13:00 EXAM START

Year 11

History (GCSE) 4373/03

1 hour 15

Year 10

History (GCSE) 3100UG0

1 hour

Year 11

Health & Social (GCSE) 4722/01

1 hour 15

Year 11

Food & Nutrition (GCSE)

3560UA0 1 hour 30

Year 11


4162/01 1 hour

MONDAY 18 June




FRIDAY 22 June

Morning Session 09:00 EXAM START

Year 11


3820U20 - Foundation 35 minutes


3820UB0 - Higher 45 minutes


3820U30 - Foundation 1 hour


3820UC0 - Higher 1 hour 15

Year 11

Additional Maths 9550/01

2 hours 30

Year 11

Thinking & Reasoning B901/01 1 hour

Year 11


3820U40 - Foundation 1 hour 15


3820UD0 - Higher 1 hour 30

Year 11

Thinking & Reasoning B901/01 1 hour




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Literacy Focus for April Ffocws Llythrennedd ar gyfer Mis Ebrill

You can help to reinforce each literacy focus at home by:

testing your child on the definition of each literacy skill or grammar point.

asking your child to give you examples of sentences where they would use a particular literacy skill / grammar point.

asking your child to give you examples of lessons where they have used each literacy skill / grammar point.

Year 7—Verbs

A word that expresses an action or state of being. Verbs can be in different tenses. Verbs can be active or passive: ‘Owain Glyndwˆ r won the Battle of Bryn

Glas’ (active), ‘The Battle of Bryn Glas was won by Owain Glyndwˆ r’ (passive).

Year 8 - Adverbs

A word that describes or modifies a verb, e.g. ‘the river runs quickly’, ‘it floods frequently’, often ending in -ly. Adverbial phrases have the same function but use

several words, e.g. ‘less frequently than other forms of transport’, ‘less reliable than expected’.

Year 9 - Clauses and Compound Sentences

A clause is a distinct part of a sentence including a verb. There are two kinds: a main clause (e.g. ‘I stirred the solution’) and a subordinate clause (e.g. ‘until the

salt dissolved’). The main clause makes sense on its own, but a subordinate clause does not.

Each month as a school we have a specific literacy focus to improve literacy skills and help pupils gain a better understanding of different grammatical points.

Book of the Fortnight Llyfr Y Pythefnos

Being Bindy by Alyssa Brugman

Bindy, aged 15, has known her best friend Janie since they were babies and they've

been inseparable ever since. But now the unthinkable has happened - Janie's attaching

herself to a different crowd at school and she's acting as if she doesn't want to

know Bindy any more.

The new crowd is loud, bitchy, interested in boys and clothes, rebellious and daring.

All the things Bindy isn't. Added to which, things aren't great at home.

Bindy's mother, who left the family years ago, is now trying to forge a closer relationship

with her children. Bindy's brother doesn't want to know - which leaves

Bindy stuck in the middle.

To top it all, Bindy's dad has started dating Janie's mum.

This book falls in the School Genre.

School Canteen Information - April 2018

Important Information: Please will all pupils in years 11, 12 and 13 who will not be returning to Brynteg in September 2018 ensure that they use up their school cashless account balance by July 2017. Thank you.

Menu Schedule 2018

Photograph of the Week Llun o’r Wythnos

Supplied by Mr Ryan Davies - Headteacher The Head’s Blog:

Thought of the Week Meddyliad yr Wythnos

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination”. Don Williams

Here is our photo of the week. It shows some of our pupils 'slightly' excited after watching the senior rugby team being crowned champions of Wales.

Photo Gallery Oriel Lluniau

Brynteg School has a range of facilities to hire either for short term 'one-off' events or longer, more regular bookings. Facilities include:

A sport hall Gyms Halls Outside areas Classrooms

If you are interested in hiring for your event please contact us at the school and we will be only too pleased to help.

Tel: 01656 641800 Email: [email protected]
