once upon a timelessness 2.0

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  • 8/6/2019 Once Upon a Timelessness 2.0


    Once upon a Timelessness by, Saad Muhammed Ismail Draft 3.0

    Once upon a time, in fact upon a timelessness

    Ask Stephan Hawking, he will bear witness.

    There was nothing, nothing at all for a timeless eternity,

    BANG! Then there came into existence everything we see.

    Scientists say: Time, space, matter and energy were created back then,

    When asked about the cause, they go: Who? What? & When?

    The sincere chaps among them,

    Humbly acknowledge that they can t explain.

    But them adamant folks you ll find many,

    Mind closed, Mouth open, toiling endlessly!

    Concocting lies after lies in a philosophical disguise,

    Unwilling to talk or compromise,

    Yet apparently, blatantly out to baptize!

    Why do they not realize?

    That the evidences of creation can only be seen by the wise.

    Those who value reality over vanity,

    And instead of stumbling in the darkness of insanity,

    Wake up and open their eyes!

    Let me summarize,

    What I want you to analyze.

    Our universe is a life permitting one,

    The fine tuning and intricate details have been marvelously done

  • 8/6/2019 Once Upon a Timelessness 2.0


    F or instance, consider the expansion rate of the universe,

    The rate at which it s elementary bodies disperse.

    If it were altered, by 4 -18seconds even,

    It would have shattered,

    Re-collapsed upon itself right then!

    Had it not been for the atomic weak force and the strength of gravity,

    The universe would contain no life, nor humanity.

    Even a change of one part in 10 100 of it s value,

    Wouldn t permit life in the universe, I tell you!

    These are but a few balances of the many,

    That hold our universe together so delicately.

    Some might argue: This balance is just there,

    And this is how things always were.

    No, this isn t due to physical necessity,

    As it doesn t depend on laws of nature, not even itty-bitty!

    Cuz if that were the case,

    (Much contrary to the reality we face,)

    We d have to admit,

    That a universe without life couldn t possibly exist!

    However that could very well be a possibility,

    And hence this premise fails in it s probability.

  • 8/6/2019 Once Upon a Timelessness 2.0


    Now if you think this could ve come about by chance,

    Think again, cuz this isn t the way our everyday lives advance.

    Yes there s a chance for everything, Yo Skeptic!

    But you argue just as an irrational fanatic!

    Cuz the probability of it coming about in this manner,

    Is so low, that it s virtually impossible without a planner!

    Ultimately, the only logical conclusion,

    Is to believe in the design of creation

    But how do we know that it was all caused by a personal being?

    How can we say that of the unseen?

    The cause could have been mechanical,

    But we can t say for sure, cuz that would be radical!

    However this we can say and shout,

    And there is absolutely no doubt.

    That there is something instead of nothing,

    Listen to what I m saying, I ain t bluffing.

    All the original conditions holding the vastness and diversity of life,

    Are so delicate, as if on the edge of a knife!

    To attribute this to chance and physical necessity,

    To continue in this circle of frivolity,

    That would be a mad man s voice,

    As this couldn t have come about, but as a result of a choice.

    So we see that life was chosen to be

  • 8/6/2019 Once Upon a Timelessness 2.0


    Choice implies will and will indicates personality!

    That personality, that personal being,

    Is generally called 'God', With almost unanimous agreeing.

    The One and Only, The Transcendent,

    The Eternal, The Immaterial,

    The Uncaused, Personal Agent. (*A separate note shall be dedicated in explanation of this stanza itself)

    A question s often posed after such a discussion:

    Who created the creator of creation?

    I could argue that that wouldn t be God by definition,

    But even if I gave it some relaxation,

    This point I mustn t forget to mention.

    That, such immature questions,

    Defy science, it s philosophy and foundations!

    Which teach that The best explanation doesn t require an explanation.

    And even if we adopt the same attitude,

    If we were to follow in this similitude,

    i.e. to question, every attempt of explaining the explanation,

    We would end up with an infinite regression!

    And that would defeat the whole purpose of science in the first place,

    Which seeks to provide an explanation for such concerns of the human race!