once upon a kingdom: chapter 1

A Build a Royal Kingdom Challenge ONCE UPON A KINGDOM

Upload: animeangel1983

Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Once Upon A Kingdom: Chapter 1

A Build a Royal Kingdom Challenge


Page 2: Once Upon A Kingdom: Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a brave prince who had gone off to war one day, his father’s kingdom came under siege and was utterly destroyed. The people,

believing their prince had perished in the siege, fled the ruined kingdom in search

of a new home. When their prince returned, he learned that he was the sole survivor of his bloodline, he tracked down his people and reunited them in their new

home, the kingdom of Hyperia. Now as king, he had the future of his people resting on his shoulders; three noble

families who had been loyal to his father, came with him and pledged their loyalty

to the new king.The story of Hyperia now begins, under the rule of King Henry

Rothgate and his lovely queen Celia they begin the next chapter…

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In addition to the rules of this challenge I have a few of my own:

• Each family must have 3-6 children, two of the six must be male. If however, there is no second male child then a seventh tie-breaker child will be born. If the seventh child is not male and the family only has one male, they remain at the same class level. If they do not have two male children in the seven pregnancies, the family will be knocked down a class.

• Only Royalty and Noble classes are under the 3-6 kid rule, Peasant and Merchant classes have a 10 kid limit.

• I am using the alternative choice for community lots, for every 4 families there is one community lot placed. Right now, I have four houses so they get one community lot, a clothing store. (far left corner)

• Simselves placed here get instant Noble family status.• The only modern technology that is allowed are refrigerators, phones, a computer (for

job hunting only) and the lower end telescope.

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In the royal bedchambers of Hyperion Castle, King Henry and Queen Celia had been discussing their futures. He knew he needed sons to carry on the family name, and he made that the law throughout the kingdom. All families must have a male heir to carry on their family

names, if this new kingdom was to survive. The enemies that plagued his father, King Charles, before him were still out there and it was now up to him to maintain the security of his people. And for that he needed men to fight in his army. A king is expected to set an example for his

subjects, so getting started on a royal heir was essential.

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His queen fell pregnant quickly, and Henry could not be happier. He knew that she was carrying a son, he felt it in his heart. Henry made

sure Celia was as happy and comfortable as possible while they awaited the arrival of the royal heir. The birth of his son would become a holiday in the kingdom of Hyperia, a celebration for his people and a chance for them to rejoice along with their king. Henry could not wait to teach his son everything he knew about being a king and a warrior,

and to truly become a hero for his people.

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Henry: I shall call a meeting of the three Noble houses, we must make arrangements for our son’s new bride.

Celia: My Lord, he is not even out of the womb yet, surely you do not propose to plan out his entire future already?

Henry: One can never be too prepared; look at what happened to me.

Celia: Can we at least wait until he is born before we start planning his future bride?

Henry: As you wish my love, I do not want to cause you undue stress so close to delivering.

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Celia: I am not stressed as such, rather more bored than anything. Why can I not go out and sit in the lovely garden you made for me? It is dreadfully boring being

cooped up inside this stuffy old castle.

Henry: My love, it is nearly winter; you’ll catch your death out there in this cold. I do not want to lose you or my heir.

Celia: Very well, but promise me my Lord that we may host a ball once the baby is born, I feel I am losing touch with the Noble families in this kingdom.

Henry: Whatever you wish my dear; it shall be done.

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It was soon apparent that the queen would not be so bored anymore, the first signs of labour began to show just as she finished asking for a royal ball. King Henry, being the only one around had no choice but to witness the birth. It coincided with the midwife’s day off, which did not

please Henry much. What was he to do?

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Henry: I do not know what I should be doing…


Henry: Oh blast, what was it the midwives say in this situation…umm push? Breathe?

Celia: AHHH!!!!

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The king had no idea what to, he tried being helpful and supportive but Celia yelled at him to leave her be. However, as it turned out it was a

good thing he stayed; for Celia had birthed twin boys. Two sons on the first try!!

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Henry: Celia, my love, let the boy grow up.

Celia: He is adorable my Lord…I cannot help it.

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King Henry held his first born son, his heir Prince Derek. Prince Derek’s twin brother, Prince Xander was held by his mother. Henry had planned to instruct both boys in the art or war as soon as they were of

age to learn.

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Prince Derek favoured his mother in looks, he had her emerald green eyes, while Prince Xander favoured his father with the defined brow and steel blue eyes. Both princes would become handsome young men, there would be an endless parade of Noble ladies hoping to win their hands in


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The king and queen soon found out that their boys also had a stubborn streak as well.


Prince Derek (Heir) Prince Xander (Spare)Aquarius Aries7/7/5/7/8 7/10/7/3/8

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At the end of the road that led down from Hyperion Castle were the estates of the three Noble families that had followed King Henry to

Hyperia. Among them was the Noble house of Starr, a very old family that had been settled in the old kingdom nearly as long as the royal

line itself. That family line was usually the first choice when the kings before Henry went to choose a bride from. King Henry saw no reason

to break the tradition now.

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Ani-Mei: And there was not only one, but two royal princes born. The king and queen must be so thrilled.

Diamos: As are you I see, this seems to be working out well so far doesn’t it?

Ani-Mei: Stay in character Dee…you’re ruining it…

Diamos: Right. Sorry.

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Ani-Mei: And they will be coming to us first for a bride for their royal heir, I think it’s time we give them something to choose from don’t


Diamos: You don’t waste any time do you? Well you know I’m up for trying.

Ani-Mei: Family sim Dee.

Diamos: I know.

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Diamos: I remember this…been a while since I’ve seen it.

Ani-Mei: Dee…

Diamos: Right, right sorry.

Ani-Mei: You’re lucky you’re cute Dee.

Diamos: Well, I would say that we have something to offer the king now don’t you?

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Diamos: Pregnancy agrees with you my love.

Ani-Mei: *swoon*

Diamos: Now who’s breaking character?

Ani-Mei: Touche.

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Ani-Mei: We need to follow the rules too you know, we need a boy.

Diamos: I do know, and if we don’t then we can try again, and again, and again…

Ani-Mei: I thought I was the Family sim here?

Diamos: I am half; does that count?

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Ani-Mei: Do you ever get tired of that?

Diamos: Nope. But you don’t care do you little one, no you don’t…

Ani-Mei: You make this so hard to follow the story theme when you keep being cute like this.

Diamos: I can’t help it.

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Ani-Mei: I know and I wouldn’t have you any other way Dee baby. But when they do come around to visit, try to.

Diamos: Don’t worry about that, I’ll stay in character when the king comes looking for his son’s bride.

Ani-Mei: That’s my Dee.

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At the House of Starr, the arrival of their first born was about to commence. Lady Ani-Mei and Lord Diamos were ready to offer the king

a choice of bride for his son, if they had any girls.

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Ani-Mei: OWWW!!!

Diamos: I’ve done this before honey, just push!!

Ani-Mei: OHH!!!

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Ani-Mei: So you were the one kicking mommy weren’t you? I—hang on a sec…

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King Henry and Queen Celia seemed to set a trend for twins in this kingdom, it was good for population growth, which in turn would be

better for Hyperia in the long run.

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The House of Starr was pleased to announce the arrivals of baby Tyler and his twin sister Violet to Hyperia. Tyler took after his father with the same mysterious purple eyes and black hair while his twin favoured her mother’s eyes and hair instead. Both parents and children are doing fine

and are healthy.

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Diamos: We do good work together don’t we?

Ani-Mei: Yes we do Dee, must be your incredible genes.

Diamos: Both of ours honey, both of our incredible genes.

Ani-Mei: Family trait I suppose.

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Diamos: They’re both so cute.

Ani-Mei: I know, Tyler will be a handsome little boy won’t he?

Diamos: And little Violet will make a beautiful princess too.

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Tyler StarrPisces


Violet StarrAries


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Diamos: So we need another one don’t we?

Ani-Mei: Yes, we need at least two boys which is why I’m studying Parenting. What about you?

Diamos: Fire Safety. I know fires are kinda needed to open new careers and all but I’d still rather not see one.

Ani-Mei: The challenge is just beginning Dee honey, I haven’t even gotten to the Merchants and the Peasants yet.

Diamos: I see.

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Ani-Mei: It’s only the beginning…

Hope you enjoyed this, my first chapter for my Royal Kingdom challenge. Next chapter we visit the other two Noble houses and see

what`s in store for Hyperia next time.

Until then. ^_^