on going evaluation to complete

Experimental Photography Stephanie Yarrow 1

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Experimental Photography

Stephanie Yarrow

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Picture 1

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I used a picture of my mum pretending to run for the tram as we were playing about at the museum and she was doing something like a flip book so she was running to the tram.

In order for me to get the person running into different parts of the tram museum I needed to copy a section from the picture then put it over the person I want to make into that picture and then right click and click Create clipping mask then you will get this pattern and you can move the picture which is now part of the other picture to whatever area you want so it can become any picture that you want it to be.

After I had done it to all of the people I tried it out with different things like drop shadow and without anything at all but this is the one I liked best so I cropped it down so then you had the main section instead of the whole picture.

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This idea was completely out of the blue as I was just playing around with colours, layers, effects and pictures in general. I love the result that has come out of it though, even though it was just a tryout with different effects. At first I cut out the person and then colored them in black with colour overlay to make them look like shadows but it didn’t look right. So I asked my tutor and he gave me the idea of putting patterns into the people to make them look like cut outs in the pictures. He started to put patterns in them like the patterns from the banners that hung from the ceiling. I decided that I didn’t look right so I decided to take bits from the trams that we had seen and ridden on. The qualities of my work have many different things. I chose this one to make a discovery photo as 1) it is a museum and you can discover many different things and 2) it was the first time I had been to that museum so it was a first time experience for me and I fully enjoyed that day. The look is ok but there is probably more that I could have done but I like it how it is as I could have had it with a drop shadow or a stroke around it. I could decided on which one was better but in the end I chose the stroke one. I like the way the people have parts of the tram pictures in them and how they blend into the background really well. The strongest points is that the tram pictures have worked really well is the pictures within the pictures but one thing that I maybe change in the picture is the black post on the left hand which isn’t really doing anything. The technical qualities of the work is that it is really well done I think. The strongest element is the pictures of the tram in the people, but on the other hand I could have done different designs in the people as they are all trams and I could have done other things that were there at the museum. I could have cropped it a bit better than I have, and also maybe moved the people more so then I don’t have the black line on the left hand side. There maybe could have been more light on some of the pictures. The exposure time on the background picture of the tams were 1/22 and so was the people before I changed the picture. The aperture of the person was 3.1 but the background picture has a aperture of 3.5. The Persons focus length was 4 but the focus length for the background image was 6.7.

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The improvements I could make would be maybe crop it in a different way so then it is more different than just cropping it down to the main area of the picture. I could also get rid of the black box that is on the left hand side of the picture. I could also use different pictures from the same trip instead of all of them having pictures of the trams that were in the museum and the one we rode on. At the beginning I just had the people with a colour overlay of black like they were shadows but that didn’t look right so then I changed them to the patterns of the trams that had pictures of. Once I was happy I added a stroke around the people and I also tried it with a drop shadow but it looked to much. I think if I did any more work to it then it maybe ruined and it would have too much on it.

I used lots of the same shape as that was the shape I wanted to use, that shape was the person and I just duplicated the layer and then added a new picture to it by clipping mask. The patterns were from different pictures that I had taken and then I copied part of the certain picture then transferred it over to this picture and then did the clipping mask so then the picture would be within the picture. The colours are the colours from the trams and backgrounds from red, green and other colours. The theme is discovery which this could be anything from first time experiences to museums to yourself. In my picture this was a tram museum which was also a first time experience for me. They are experimental photography as they have parts of other photos in this one picture and it also looks like some one has cut the pictures out of the background picture.

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This picture is experimental as there is 2 pictures in this picture. There is the picture of the background and then the picture of the person and they are both from different pictures but I have made them look like on photo.

In this photo I just used the picture of the person which happens to be a family member so its ok. For the picture that I have created I just cropped the person out and then put it onto the other picture. I made the person bigger so then it wouldn’t be a small picture on the page.

This is the background picture. To this one I haven't done anything to it I have just left it how I took it. The person that I had cut out of the original picture I placed onto the other picture.

This how I got the picture within the picture. I got the picture that I wanted and then copied part of another picture and then made it big enough for the other picture. Once I had done that I right clicked on the other picture layer and then clicked create clipping mask and then you got the picture in the picture. Once I was happy with the picture then I just placed it on the background picture and then duplicated the person so then there 5 across the screen.

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Picture 2

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Double exposure

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These pictures are the pictures that I used to create this picture I put the tree in front of the bird and then press overlay and got this picture.

I tried it out different ways like the bird underneath the tree but it didn’t look as good as this one. This was my first try of double exposure.

I also tried it as black and white but it took out the colours of the birds so I saved it to show that I had tried it out but it didn’t look as good as the coloured ones.

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This was my first double exposure picture that I had done and I had this idea in my head but it didn’t come out as I planned it too. This one to say it was my first one is ok but I know that I can do better with some different pictures of my own and if I play around a bit more with the pictures then maybe have more of a better picture and maybe have changed the pictures that I was using. This one isn’t the best one out of all of them. The idea for this picture came as I took the picture of the waxwing last February but when I had taken I didn’t realize that it came up with 2 waxwings but when I took the picture there was only one waxwing, which I found really weird and to this day I still don’t know how I did it. The qualities of the pictures are great but they just don’t look right. There is either something missing or there is something not right about the pictures that I have chosen. The picture doesn’t look as good as it could be. The weakest element of the pictures is that that they don’t really work and that even when they are overlaid on each other it still doesn’t look right there is something about the picture that doesn’t look right, the strongest element of the picture is maybe the colours on the bird and the tree, but its mainly in the bird. If I had to chose something that I like it would be the the colours and the branches that are at the bottom of the screen but otherwise I don’t really like this picture. The picture is well done but it’s just the pictures I don’t think they go together as they look really weird together. The strongest element is again the colours in the bird and the branches as they stand out more in the picture, but to develop it I would use completely different pictures to go with these 2 pictures. The exposure time for the bird picture was 1/267 seconds and the f-stop is 5.9, also the ISO speed was 80. There was no flash and the dimensions of the picture is 1944 x 2592 pixels. The exposure time for the tree picture is that the dimensions for the picture is 2472 by 3296 pixels. The f stop for it is 2.7 and the exposure time is 1/77 seconds. The ISO speed was 200, and the max aperture is 2.86 .

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The improvements I could make to this picture is maybe crop it down so it is just the bird with a background and see how that looks, and maybe change the pictures so make the bird go with another picture and the same with the tree. The development could be that be that I make the picture lighter or make the tree black and white and leave the bird with all of its bright colours and it’s amazing wings. I could also maybe use the same picture s but maybe copy the background image to make it more than one tree or more than 2 birds etc. I would undertake more experiments like I said I don’t really like this on so if I was doing this again then I think I would choose some different photos and maybe do one with the tree like its leaves and bark etc. and then do one with the bird with its wings and colours etc.

I used lots of the same shape again but in any picture there is shapes , colours and the colours on the bird don’t really go with the green. There are shapes in the birds wings and in the trees if you look closer. There are lots of mini triangles in the tree from the leaves to the bark. On the bark there is many different shapes. The developments that I could do is maybe mess around with the lighting and maybe make one part darker than the other or lighter than the other. Even maybe mess around with the black and white setting or mess around with different setting that could make the picture look experimental. They match the brief and the theme though even though I don’t really like them as it is the first time I’ve seen waxwings and the first time I’d been to Northumberland and plus they are both nature so anything can be discovered in nature. They are experimental as they are double exposure pictures so I have taken 2 pictures and overlaid them on top of each other to make them look like the pictures I have got.

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Cropped idea

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To get this picture you needed to get two pictures that you wanted to use and then you open one of them and then when you are happy with the size of the picture you click File> Place and then you chose the picture that you want to put on top of the other. Once you have done that you need to make it to the the size. In my case my second picture is covering the first picture.

Once you are happy with the size of both pictures you go to the side where all of your layers are and then click on the box that says normal. Once you have click it with will come up with this and you click overlay and then you picture will end up something like this…

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Picture 3

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Double exposure

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These pictures are the pictures that I used to create this picture.

I tried it many different ways but I think that this one is the best as its colours stand out and there is more colour in them unlike the others

I also tried it as black and white but it took out the colours of the birds so I saved it to show that I had tried it out but it didn’t look as good as the coloured ones.

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This was another double exposure picture that I've done and I love this one. I love the final image that I came up with as it is so bright in colour and stands out. The idea came from when I decided to use the nature theme in the discovery theme. The results in my head didn’t look so good but I thought I would try it out anyway. The results I got were fantastic this one in my option this one is the best one that I’ve done in the double exposure section. The colours at first in the picture didn’t really work as they are different shades of blue. I tried something at first but it had lines in the picture from where the picture started and finished and I thought I didn’t look right but then my tutor told me that was alright as it was experimental photography. So I took the picture that is in the background and then copied it to make lots more and duplicated it so then there was lots of the picture in the background instead of just a blue background that to tell you the honest truth looked a bit boring so I wanted to improve it some how. The qualities of this piece of work looks amazing and normally I don’t think something of my work but this piece of work I’m really happy with. I like everything about it but if I had to pick something then I would say the colour that stand out in the birds from the blue background. The strongest element again is the colours in the picture. As this this bird is so colourful it stands out on the blue background and even with the red in the birds you can still make out all of the patterns and the colours in the birds. The weakest element is maybe that the background if all full of birds that are all the same type. If I did it again I could maybe do a tree full of different types of birds from small birds like sparrow to big birds like pigeons. From my point of view I think that this picture has worked really well and it has been done really well too. To develop it I could maybe use different pictures in this picture e.g. planes flying in the sky or other birds in the trees or flying.

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The exposure time:1/304.Dimensions: 1944 X 2592Focal length 104F Number: 5.9Exposure program: 2

The exposure time:1/291Dimensions: 1944 X 2592Focal length 104F Number: 5.9Exposure program: 2

The exposure time:1/939Dimensions: 1944 X 2592Focal length 104F Number: 5.9Exposure program: 2

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The improvements I could make to this picture is maybe crop it down so then you just have a chunk of the picture but to tell you the honest truth I like it how it is. I think if I carried on with the lighting and the other setting then I probably would have ruined the picture and gone to far. As with the one that I have finished with you have all of the detail. If I carried on you might not have been able to see all of the birds detail and then I think it would have just ruin the picture. I could maybe see what it looks like when if it was a bit darker or a tad lighter etc. I could just play around with different settings until I’m happy with it like I have been doing and then save a JPEG of each version and then decide which is the best one. I could also maybe change the pictures and use completely different photos.

There is many shapes in this photo as there is the shapes in the bird and in the branches. With the branched entangled it is created many different shapes in the sky. There is also many lines with the branches etc. The patterns in this picture strangely go together and they work really well together. The picture does fulfil the brief and it matches the theme of discover. This ties in with discovery as this was also on the first time I had seen waxwings and nature is full of different things to explore and discover as there is always something new to discover. There are experimental as this is still double exposure and there is more than 2 pictures in this one there is around 6 photos in this particular experimental photo but even though there is that many it still has turned out ok.

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Cropped idea

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To get this picture you needed to get two or more pictures that you wanted to use and then you open one of them and then when you are happy with the size of the picture you click File> Place and then you chose the picture that you want to put on top of the other. Once you have done that you need to make it to the the size. In my case my second picture is covering the first picture. Once you are happy with the size of both pictures you go to the side where all of your layers are and then click on the box that says normal. Once you have click it with will come up with this and you click overlay and then you picture will end up something like this…After that I did the picture was really dark so I played around with the brightness and different settings to make it all brighter or duller or darker or lighter. I saved a JPEG version of each of them and then showed them all on the PowerPoint to show that I have done different versions of this picture.

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Picture 4

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Double exposure

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These pictures are the pictures that I used to create this picture.

I also tried it as black and white but it took out the colours of the birds so I saved it to show that I had tried it out but it didn’t look as good as the coloured ones.

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This was another double exposure picture that I've done. I like this one too but it isn’t as good as number 4. The idea again was to use the pictures of the waxwings as I have lots of different pictures of the waxwings so I thought it might be good to try these out and see what made a good experimental photograph. Again I thought of the idea and thought that it may not look as good as I was thinking of but I’ll give it again. Again I was wrong as it came out looking ok after a few different effects added to it but it became a good picture. I added some black and white effects to the background to make the 4 birds in the front to be more in focus than the others. The qualities of the work is that to be honest again it looks better than I thought. I thought I will just try it out and it work really well to say that I didn’t know the outcome. The blue background makes the birds stand out even if I didn’t have the black and white effect. The weakest element is maybe that I have done several different pictures of waxwings so I could have done something different like another animal or something different that is related to nature. The strongest element is the 4 birds in the front as they are the brightest and the colours in birds are still their unique colours not colours that someone has put in and changed them to blue and green from red, yellows and oranges.

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The improvements I could have used is use completely different pictures or use different effects maybe even crop the picture so then you just get the main part of the picture. I think if I had to do anything else to it I would mess around with the effects and maybe the lighting. If I did do that then I would save them as JPEGs and also Photoshop version so then I could change any bit that I wanted to do then I could save them as another JPEG. I could also use completely different pictures and as then it would be different animals/birds or nature in general.

There is many shapes in this photo just like the others. There is many different shapes and lines in the picture from the birds to the branches. The patterns in this picture also work really well together which I didn’t think they would. This also again ties in with discovery as this was also on the first time I had seen waxwings and nature is full of different things to explore and discover as there is always something new to discover. There are experimental as this is still double exposure and there is more than 2 pictures in this one there is around 3 or 4 photos in this particular experimental photo but even though there is that many it still has turned out ok.

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Cropped idea

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To get this picture you needed to get two or more pictures that you wanted to use and then you open one of them and then when you are happy with the size of the picture you click File> Place and then you chose the picture that you want to put on top of the other. Once you have done that you need to make it to the the size. In my case my second picture is covering the first picture. Once you are happy with the size

of both pictures you go to the side where all of your layers are and then click on the box that says normal. Once you have click it with will come up with this and you click overlay and then you picture will end up something like this… After that I did the picture was

really dark so I played around with the brightness and different settings to make it all brighter or duller or darker or lighter or maybe play around with the black and white settings or any of the others I saved a JPEG version of each of them and then showed them all on the PowerPoint to show that I have done different versions of this picture.

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Picture 5

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Double exposure

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These pictures are the pictures that I used to create this picture.

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This is another double exposure picture but with a completely different set of photos and different theme for the theme discovery. This one is all about the discovery in stories and what our view is about different things like the characters, the evil villains or the good heroes and the shy characters that people don’t really notice until they save their town or the world etc. I got this idea from a book that I was reading and I thought what if you had a double exposure picture of lots of pages in the book. So I put 3 pages on top of each other and it’s really weird but you can see words from the pages that I’ve put on there. The words are all on top of each other which you think it might look really weird and strange but it looks ok you just have to look hard for the words. The quality of this picture to say that it is all words on top of each other it is ok. You can read bits and piece of the story and I like how it has turned out The weakest element maybe that there is too many pages on it so you can’t read it properly. I like this one even though it is a bit messy but it still works. Further development could be that I change the lighting or even mess around with different effects and maybe work a bit more with my own shots of my own work.

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Settings on the pictures

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To get this picture you needed to get two or more pictures that you wanted to use and then you open one of them and then when you are happy with the size of the picture you click File> Place and then you chose the picture that you want to put on top of the other. Once you have done that you need to make it to the the size. In my case my second picture is covering the first picture. Once you are happy with the size

of both pictures you go to the side where all of your layers are and then click on the box that says normal. Once you have click it with will come up with this and you click overlay and then you picture will end up something like this… After that I did the picture was

really dark so I played around with the brightness and different settings to make it all brighter or duller or darker or lighter or maybe play around with the black and white settings or any of the others I saved a JPEG version of each of them and then showed them all on the PowerPoint to show that I have done different versions of this picture.

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Picture 6

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Double exposure

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These pictures are the pictures that I used to create this picture.

I also tried it as black and white but it took out the colours of the birds so I saved it to show that I had tried it out but it didn’t look as good as the coloured ones.

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Settings on the pictures

This picture didn’t work as well as I wanted it to and I think that is because they are both landscape pictures and they both equal up very well. The only thing that I could do is change the lighting on the picture otherwise it wouldn’t work as well as I wanted it too. With the lighting brighter it makes the picture look more light a painting. The quality of the picture is good but the thing is the quality would have been better if there was different picture and they weren’t so close together in the landscape and the sky. The developments that I could do is change the pictures or maybe crop the pictures down so then you only get the good and main part of the picture.

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To get this picture you needed to get two or more pictures that you wanted to use and then you open one of them and then when you are happy with the size of the picture you click File> Place and then you chose the picture that you want to put on top of the other. Once you have done that you need to make it to the the size. In my case my second picture is covering the first picture. Once you are happy with the size

of both pictures you go to the side where all of your layers are and then click on the box that says normal. Once you have click it with will come up with this and you click overlay and then you picture will end up something like this…

After that I did the picture was really dark so I played around with the brightness and different settings to make it all brighter or duller or darker or lighter or maybe play around with the black and white settings or any of the others I saved a JPEG version of each of them and then showed them all on the PowerPoint to show that I have done different versions of this picture.