omssa 2011 membership survey results

OMSSA 2011 Membership Survey Report

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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OMSSA 2011 Membership

Survey Report

About the Survey

– This is an omnibus survey conducted every 5 years.

– Feedback is solicited from all OMSSA members on their satisfaction with all of OMSSA’s current products and programs, as well as their suggestions for future direction.

– We conducted this year’s survey completely online.

Who Responded…

• Survey sent to:– voting members –

approximately 390

– OMSSA Networks– Junior staff

through senior leaders

• 261 responses (up from 187 in 2005!)

Housing 38%

Homelessness 40%

Children’s Services


Employment 70%

ESS 41%

Other (long term care, EMS etc)


Respondent Profiles

– Senior and Middle Management (52%),

Front line (43%)

– More respondents from rural (54% vs 49%), southern (27% vs 18%) and small (31% vs 27%)

organizations– Age Range – 36 – 60 years (32% in the 36 -

45 age group)

– 71% female and 21%male respondents

Respondents’ Education Profile

Years to Retirement

• Less than 5 years - 18%

• 5 - 10 years - 27%

• 10 - 15 years - 26%

• More than 15 years - 28%

Close to 45% set to retire in the next 10 years.

Use of Social Media

25% have access from


11% have access from


5% have access from


Use of Social Media

15% have access from


14% have access from


25% have access from


Satisfaction with OMSSA Services

Service Value to Members(% who rated service value high)

OMSSA’s Performance(% who rated performance high)

Policy and Advocacy 59% 60%

Professional Development Events & Workshops

84% 62%

Networking Opportunities 68% 63%

Communications 62% 73%

We asked members to rate OMSSA Services by their value and our performance

Policy and Advocacy

• Members placed high value on the need to communicate with provincial ministries and other relevant provincial stakeholders.

(85% indicated this as important to critical).

• Communicating with stakeholders at the federal level was considered only slightly less important.

(60% indicated it as important).

Policy and Advocacy:What More Can We Do

Three Common Themes in Responses:– Increase advocacy for integration at

provincial level. – Develop a storehouse of tools, data,

best practices for members to use in their studies or reports.

– Sector specific advocacy suggestions – such as living wage, better child care, national housing strategy etc.

OMSSA Communications

Members placed high value on OMSSA reports, QUICK CONNECT and ED LETTER

– 60 – 64% indicated a high level of satisfaction.

– Lower satisfaction with webinars as many respondents were not aware of OMSSA webinars.

Other communication

sources OMSSA members use:– Ministry


– Websites– AMO– Network


OMSSA Communications: What More Can We Do

– Increase communication to reach staff at all levels – many respondents had not heard of OMSSA’s communication vehicles such as Quick Connect or of OMSSA webinars.

– Social Media such as blogs or RSS feeds suggested.

Zones and Networks

– 61% respondents have not attended an OMSSA Zone event in the last 3 years.

• Reasons included no time, content not relevant, no active zone…

– 40% respondents have not attended an OMSSA Network meeting in the last 3 years.

• Reasons include no time, content not relevant, or not encouraged by organization to attend…

Zones: Future Focus

Respondents would like to see the following provided at their zone level:

• Training and professional development workshops

• Networking opportunities

• Local area specific issues

Networks: Future Focus

– Respondents would like to see the following on network meeting agendas:

• Best practice sharing• Emerging trends and issues

• Engage with provincial staff• Cross-sectoral updates

Content specific suggestions also made (addictions, LTAHS, etc).

Events and Workshops

• 75 - 78% attend Conferences while 60 - 64% also send staff.

• 54% attend OMSSA workshops while 72% send staff.

Professional Development: Future Focus

• Members are interested in Leadership Training - for all positions.

• Interest in Management Training is highest among middle managers and supervisors.

• Interest in Organization Development Training is high among all management positions.

Professional Development: Future Focus

• 78% of respondents would like to see OMSSA training lead towards an accreditation such as an OMSSA Diploma, or credit towards a professional accreditation or a degree.

• 39% would like courses to provide a certificate of completion.

Critical Issues

In the Next 5 Years, members anticipate the following issues to be of critical importance:•Succession Planning

•Fiscal Environment


•Changing demographics•Work-life balance

•Time, Stress, Workload Management

ConclusionWe now have:

–General profile of our members – age, education, work environment.

– An understanding of what services members value.– Key suggestions to help strengthen our networks and zones, guide future steps in policy, and develop future education programs.

–General understanding of marketplace – competitors, opportunities to collaborate.

Next Steps:How This Data Will be Used

– Feedback re Network Meetings will be shared with Networks.

– Feedback re Zones will inform Zone Reinvigoration Work.

– Feedback re Professional Development will guide future education development.

– Demographic Information will help us tailor our courses and products according to the audience.

Feedback will be used to generate continuing data and feedback from members!