omni channel marketing conference - andy farquharson

humanising the online experience Andy Farquharson Vice President Asia Pacific

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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  • 1. humanising the online experience Andy Farquharson Vice President Asia Pacific
  • 2. Vendors are not the enemy1 2012, LogMeIn, Inc. | CONFIDENTIAL - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
  • 3. 2
  • 4. Evolve with your customer Enhance the online CX Customers are impatient and connected
  • 6. Australian Market is evolving 9% of all Australian retail spend in 2015 will be online
  • 7. Australian Market is evolving2010 $16.9b2015 $33.3b
  • 8. Australian Market is evolvingonline presence selling online 43% 75%
  • 9. Australians are spending more 35% 26% 25% 26% 21% 22% 20% 18% 19% $750-$999 $1000-$1499 >$1500 US Europe Australia
  • 10. Australian are spending more 54%
  • 11. Australian are spending moreIm 30 if youround down.
  • 12. Australian are spending more
  • 13. Internet access is expanding
  • 14. 86% stop doing business with an organisation after one bad experience13 2011, LogMeIn, Inc.
  • 15. Changing consumer
  • 16. Changing consumer Vendors are not the enemy15 2012, LogMeIn, Inc. | CONFIDENTIAL - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
  • 17. Changing consumer Vendors are not the enemy16 2012, LogMeIn, Inc. | CONFIDENTIAL - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
  • 18. Changing consumer 12,000 175,000,000 #1
  • 19. Changing consumer #QantasLuxury #McDstories18 2012, LogMeIn, Inc. | CONFIDENTIAL - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
  • 20. 26% of customers posted a negative comment on a social networking site after a poor customer experience19
  • 21. 20 79% 2011, LogMeIn, Inc. of complaints on social channels are ignored
  • 22. The value of finding a solution Better Customer Experience drives MILLIONS in revenue $44 Hotels $825 $495Wireless Service $788 $450 provider $60 $65 Airlines $44 $481 Additional purchases Insurance $24 $203 Churn reduction providers $225 Word of mouth $12 Banks $90 $150 $- $200 $400 $600 $800 21
  • 23. humanising online engagement communication channels are evolving
  • 24. customer engagement is evolving Phone is a dying engagement channel Todays youth arent talking and we are still listening Seniors 75% 3% 9% 6% 3%5% Baby Boomers 56% 9% 15% 4% 14% 3% Phone Email Gen-X 43% 13% 28% 3% 12% 2% Web self-service Web Chat Gen-Y 45% 12% 15% 4% 23% 3% Web search Peers New Silent Gen 16% 8% 22% 26% 22% 16%23
  • 25. customer engagement is evolving Phone is a dying engagement channel Todays youth arent talking and we are still listening Seniors 75% 3% 9% 6% 3%5% Baby Boomers 56% 9% 15% 4% 14% 3% Phone Email Gen-X 43% 13% 28% 3% 12% 2% Web self-service Web Chat Gen-Y 45% 12% 15% 4% 23% 3% Web search Peers New Silent Gen 16% 8% 22% 26% 22% 16%24
  • 26. customer engagement is evolving Phone is a dying engagement channel Todays youth arent talking and we are still listening Seniors 75% 3% 9% 6% 3%5% Baby Boomers 56% 9% 15% 4% 14% 3% Phone Email Gen-X 43% 13% 28% 3% 12% 2% Web self-service Web Chat Gen-Y 45% 12% 15% 4% 23% 3% Web search Peers New Silent Gen 16% 8% 22% 26% 22% 16%25
  • 27. customer engagement is evolving Phone is a dying engagement channel Todays youth arent talking and we are still listening Seniors 75% 3% 9% 6% 3%5% Baby Boomers 56% 9% 15% 4% 14% 3% Phone Email Gen-X 43% 13% 28% 3% 12% 2% Web self-service Web Chat Gen-Y 45% 12% 15% 4% 23% 3% Web search Peers New Silent Gen 16% 8% 22% 26% 22% 16%26
  • 28. Customers preferred engagement channel70% 68%60% 54%50%40%30% 23% 21%20% 18% 12%10% 3% 2%0% Email Telephone Live Chat Social media US Europe Australia
  • 29. Customers preferred engagement channel70% 68%60%50%40% 35% 33%30% 27%20% 18% 12%10% 5% 3%0% Email Telephone Live Chat Social media US Europe Australia
  • 30. Australian customers Have you ever engaged live chat?
  • 31. Australian customers YES 38% 62% NO
  • 32. Live chat has reached a tipping point 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 2009 2010 2011 2012 Yes No31
  • 33. Chatters are good people to like 1 in 5 online shoppers are demographically desirable INCOME 74%More than $50k 64% 26% Prefer Chat Less than $50k 33% Survey Sample 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 32 2011, LogMeIn, Inc.
  • 34. Chatters shop more frequently Shopping Frequency 10%Survey Sample 32% 42% v. 12% Prefer Chat 35% 47% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% More than weekly Monthly 33 2011, LogMeIn, Inc.
  • 35. The danger of chat90% of successful Decrease in Produces MORE chats with Efficiency calls, not less Live Agents
  • 36. Business value - Efficiency A phone operator can only handle one call35
  • 37. Business value - Efficiency Average chat rep can handle 3 chats simultaneous36
  • 38. Business value - Efficiency Skilled chat rep can handle 6-10 chats simultaneous37
  • 39. Case Study INDUSTRY: Gaming/Telecommunications Why Online Chat?Reduced costs Service response time 24 hours 25% to 12 minutes
  • 40. Business value Increased Revenue believe chat is more efficient than email 86%74% believe chat is more efficient than phone39 50% reduction in abandonment rates
  • 41. Case Study INDUSTRY: Financial Services Why Online Chat?Leads generated credit specialists can now work with several56% clients at once, slashingSales increase response time to seconds from hours.22%
  • 42. replicate bricks & mortar onlineMore intelligent than Bricks & Mortar
  • 43. Case Study Dreams Retail INDUSTRY: Retail Why Online Chat?we communicate with customers as theyshop, equivalent to being helped in person in a brick and mortar store. Kevin Bates President, e-Commerce & Retail Divisions
  • 44. Case Study INDUSTRY: Apparel/Online Retail Why Online Chat? BoldChat is enabling us to provide more detailed information consumers need in a very concise and customised matter.
  • 45. Thank you!
  • 46. Questions?
  • 47. if conferences make you thirsty.
  • 48. Thank you!