oliphant science awards

Sugar content of breakfast cereals Cleo Durward Oliphant Science Awards – 2015 – Mr Rampazis

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Sugar content of breakfast cereals

Cleo Durward

Oliphant Science Awards – 2015 – Mr Rampazis

How many teaspoons of sugar are contained in an average serve (50g) of your breakfast cereal?

=1 Teaspoon

= Half Teaspoon

= Quarter Teaspoon

CornflakesCorn flakes are a popular breakfast cereal originally manufactured by Kellogg's through the treatment of corn. A patent for the product was filed on May 31, 1895, and issued on April 14,1836.

1 teaspoon

Nutri-grainNutri-Grain is a brand of breakfast cereal and breakfast bar made by the Kellogg Company. It has 16g of sugar.

3 teaspoons

Rice BubblesRice Bubbles is a breakfast cereal marketed by Kellogg's in 1927 and released to the public in 1928. Rice Bubbles are made of crisped rice (rice and sugar paste that is formed into rice shapes or "berries", cooked, dried and toasted). There are 2 teaspoons of sugar in every 50g.

2 teaspoons

Weet-BixWeet-Bix is a high-fiber and low sugar breakfast cereal biscuit manufactured in Australia and New Zealand by the Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company. It has only 2 1/2g of sugar in it.

¼ teaspoon

Uncle Toby’s Muesli Flakes

2 ½ teaspoons


The cereal with the least amount of sugar is… WEET-BIX it only has ¼ of sugar.


CornflakesNutrigrainRice BubblesWeetbixMuesli Flakes