old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/sag harbor ny corrector/sag...

tEa,t :lusive O. WI D, ground in oil, Manufacturer's ; 5 sod » Bi».cuil; Baskets -*-|- ior art*. Eaflheo aod Wooden Ware; t he tmbsc libers in Mr In 10. WI.C W.:fc be j M. An Jl^ri\u}nl of feEISDfc Looking^ men! also, most |kinds of k^ep «|k baoa||£^ feave to mftj»tejlhej^habitai|t»^s4. an ionary era iwf *g H|p4r Filom One dollar fif. iais. ' kpHf'j&» j< ; " SAG! fN£t* Cabinet lishta in ike House next Morty CharUk Lockett (Oct. *fJ-Sw j i D8 *l commenced in the ajbpve b etail tidily inform? the and the! East of sorted Drop* \ eneral* ll«.] tbet batif opemd Mfcupt«4 b* Tiffany. & H «r»: keep on band a ciionary Goodn^ icheap aid good - l - experience it unlry and in Eof they can produce cjountry thp following: irfe-Sossr Pt!»mb» ^inail idd do CWow^y COfnfil* AonWd tfdl SW^ar ^ booed iiortit do A M N|npsreil*|' Y tiow do JJ fa i do. £ re *t» I do Mot foeif \*tif» vdjree* £ $ mill barley jCandy; !^oi I'hfeekerbtfrry do| anut Cak«j (it Cucoatbat l«> *ll*a, t*ef peindnt, Erigf:*h do Imitation^ fcla* lafifas. F.ngtiLh do' lm :at-.on t*>« u»n, Ei»sjii*l [Ml ImUitlion s b< dewberry. English d!» Imitation is gen, Eosiish d»' Imitation' * So re, Engfuh 4 > fmiihtktn \ 4b) •**•. £*$**{{» Its'* . lnih»\toH Aut4nc*a Lozenge* asses, : thai *r ahd put to X he t an :ellen< It is alio tee- th->.sfc Who OS* singing a great o clear theiir voice |ta ingtediejnts are Also: ou v s and colid 'hysieian talking entfenefy seness uj»ar andf Vegetables md*. q\\ . |i I 8 , W^uljd Inform the public, id their txders to tbci above be inwmedtaielv.auended te. bove articles can be sopphed r orders (cftdh enclosed) at a mkiullv received, and articles tO^BRr^CATS, .., UUOMAii SJMPSOJT. , April 23|, 839; be subsciiit era wilt buye coo- [all sortil ^f Family|Cakes Jreama; And Wedding Cake article tn; tie'above li»e» war »ny. l\ A I lOOtf H|tLLyjij* pEAK£g> T^Stri C S - All >l,„. e i udebtidlo £ p a | X ^ e T *- T lb» !»te firm of B«virh A j fiffany; wo ! Note f B<*>4d account are rMp}e«tedUnic»u'«bd awttto .. »aao«|wittioat dolay. <|EO. Bi HKUW.Nj Jo|jy'24.*I8ay. -Board X 0. Wit|KHAM 839. PrintsJ CO. bril 2-5. ikir truitt* From his lung expedience ir| the pr^c tica i paft of the snnje be H irtff Sel enabled jto fnn nsh them with- ar y a rticle wtj kman.-hip and patterns, aod un< ersold in any pari jcula r. I I All orders thankfully received! and duly attended to. F. S. i"ndert«kir»» as usual at any h on the mo.-.t reaaeonl le jte rme. $»g Harbor. OJcll. E83C! / ;" j Harbor lllisp^iiisary. JJrpgs '^tifKedian^ The aubscriher rt apjeqifully, in|tnutj£s L the inhabitants of S ig iwrbor ^od the etkt end of Long lajttnd in aeneral, thai b> hL noir completed bis; arrangements jin i be a bo EsiabliKbment. land, bejying fetid in eid re new sfocfcl ol' D.RjlpGS. of me ehjotcest quality^ is fully prep^rea te u n- Bvivr ordere fori sue l ; tittle Jes ai* aria* c o n m<>.'»ly kept by i persotisi in his line r > is wtjjl as with many 0" jbe . mprc p< puUr PATENT MUDU1HBS of the ; 4«y.f- Hp begs, at tbe sainti limf, to nj*otion, tb E>( bejliadnot only Imd tiiC; advanjiage of bt ing a regularly bred Drog»ist, but »h»t maty years' experifucej bas ipade bin thoijonehly acquainted with the most appro r ed; t set buds of coinpo in&tf g the various Pha ' mat ulical preparStiot s po nv in use, and ful y awake to the greai ii*s|>onsibjiiy ,of bs situption and the cmt(iuu neteKsary to ti prbier ejteicise of iti duties ; those, ther lbr«i who may from tim^ tujiirue trtjll atjthe _ p«y»>arv eilber with liitnrlyiiecipesi or prescr tu»ns ffun) ibeir respective Pbysfeiuti^ "-fy de;> -n<i oo there'be*. »g oii all occu»it>na pr| - ;;ar« d by biinself, wnh tin-^reate.sl po^Kl^'e car^r ai»ii wub gtfbdijyite*ftjibe best drscii Item, m» Boy "*** und< r his own »»fa jdangerou »H«4ed to; assist hiIt nbr to deal out medicines natur|r. •] |..- : .{ !dr H _ Who will haW 'gkta 1 5(0 Common Sc mul. Aimanacs v ai o*. cent each, containing valuable statistics, aiil hints on Education, I >r sate by , j O. 0. -l|V'!CkH|Ai^-t^GO. Hbntitfgtongarble Factor^ Tpe subscribers hiivinji entered into par, - nersbip under tbefirrjiof E. B. Pi cks, i\ (ocks. JN0.1BECKW|TH, ! G, arBHiowN. r ula by i, tacaj. iVoticfe. t , bf JE^!?JGS& C6. ietbis by floutyifl LonsenfL Alt per to the sinuvk", are requested to :ounts wubiut delay. : »s will hertalier be dinducjled ' H. &1 1>{ A. JKSiSGSL S3&' i :••- * Fearers. Feathers^ t%r Nile at t ad rpho.sfer's Est ) Book Stu SHSSM T J2. i f ice 41 Co. i ; i ill i i l t b itK. in the M A B B L E i j U S i N l j s i at tbe Maud ol P. Hill, in r- untinwtdu, would inft the. mblic tbat they intend carry it g on t above business in *\\ its parts. Great care will •>> taken to procure g mas jle/and work note in the best style a on ieasonable terms. .^ :| 11. B. All orders tent by rhall, or left wi either of our Agents will be poilctuallv att ded to. A GENTS.—JOHK N.SCHfLUKG- Sa|; Harbor; Simor W. Cooper, Babylo Doctor Norton, Cor >m ; General J6hn SaBsrly, Setauket; Catt. Carles Hallo<| St.jnyBroot; Jame» R. DaVis, Esq. Pjj t Jeferson; James B L Fanoibg, Esq. Mcjfl- cb#s { Doctor Natht niel Wilier, Fireplace Jafob Horton, Patcl logue : Henrv Brewst Esb. [slip ; Col. Bet jamin Case, Cutcho D»|vid Warner; Esq. Aquebogue; seJ Wells, WatJing Hiver; M.cah How^ Baiting Hollow j; Cpnklm & Aidricb, River hes d ; Leeris Tei ry, Franklirt ville ; j WilH isi H.| Wells, Soufhold,; Jobn (Clarkl ^nii pun; Augustus G^iCn, E*V Orient, U Oyitterponds; Alaison Topping, >'P» Bridgehampton; Benjamin Foster; Soi|jb| artlplon; J. P. Howell, Quogee. ElijAH PftltSi : > PlijlLO PWCE. JHuoting^n, ^ U g. 13, I83f9t Matches* IClark's. and ( balin and! Phil'ipV Fncli^ 3 * •MjitcheK, fur >ale n| \hc lowest prices, b ApM6.tf Q. 6.1 Wic)8 , { J e w Cron K*Nr n », tor isle" by G. b. ,BRO *^ October 2«. [J '. ' <****** M -> k_.J., J. *. r *w^ipi fi|JR is paper will be published Semi " ^ ^ y j ^ e d n e g d a y and["^»at i thefollowingterras : ' ! -\ C^IPI'ION, $3peryefirl WfeEKl-if-rr-on Saturday 2,50 A ^ E R t l S J B M E N T ^ one tali ft-fla^qttarevjwiH]beHtserted'one w(?»k ;or 50 cents ; T>.* h whole square, 75 cents, andfojrjev ;ry succeeding in«jer- *tt«n, 25 c^nts, Urgei Adyertisemdnts v In tbe Same proj; ortion. Tfaoae ;whrt a dvertise jn no. other pTtper, wiR !»e ; e ititled to have their ^<hre»rttserii«nU in both papers, at fee v same charge. I i / . , All COMlMtNICATIONSrhMt i tbe post-paid and directed to the Hdi- *or of. Tbe Cormclor, 5ag.Harbdf. ' Interest char« sd onaff delinquents, and no paper discontinued unlH; all AltREAHA^E 5 are paid except f be Editor. m —•liiTtcTTH-i ij,* i. •; I • • / ;•'"' -" . ' i ill -• > 1 FOR ;CijHj JpLUM ZVAN[S> To w |Tb^ passage iiiog Syrupj, jLbHEN 'l-EETHi^p. l|/o fAcrs an<£ JVwriesj ', o tne teeth through tbe gums; ^pr^diicfts tre^b; e< ome and dangerous syuip*| turns. It is ktijwn by mothers that there is great .irritaridn \ n tbe mouth aodgujns during! tbils process. | UThegums swell v ,tbejsecretion of the saliva is In :reased, the child is seized .with '.frequent fai id sUddea fits of crying, waitching, siarttpj in its sleep, and spasms of'peculiar parti} the child shrieks with ex- treme! violence,|u iid thrusts its fingers jntoj its mouth. If illese precursary Symptoms are njot speeatlyi illeviated, spasmodicr. coo yulsions uuijver»»liy supervene, and soon cause; the dissuju ion of the infant. Ifmoth- e r i wpo havtl tht t little babes afflicted-ywith thesedistressing symptoms would htiply the . celebrated American Soothing Syn>p\ ' which •has preserved lundreds of iofamrtf.' whenj thought paslj recovery, from being [ suddeiilyil attacked with tht I fatal malady convulsions.; JTBIS infallible remedy has preserved hun- <lr^dsj when l thought past recovery, from convulsions, i A * soon hs the syrup is rubbed on!the gums.fine child uill recover. This preparation is/so innocent. s<> efticacious, iind so pleasant, ;that no child will: refuse to letiits gums be rubbed with iti When infants 1 are at the age.of four months, though there is no appearaiucej'of teeih, one Ootlle of the be bsed on the gums to operi Parents should never jje without thej syrup in ! tbeT nursery where I there are young chtldrtjn ; [for if a child wakles iu .the nigjhtjwitb .p^i" \o tbe gums, the Syrup im-i ted, the infant is preserved [from subseqbe fever, inflatulaiiouylispasmUdi: cough, twijic ing'.cftepdo'na, croup, cahk H", anjd Cv>nv siooH, displaying their fatal consequence If mothors 7 , {nurses;pr gtiarduins, have the|r babes tortured wttb painful and 'protract dentiuon, and this notice at.trJictstheir attei ! tionihey should not be detened freni.purcluj- singa bottle of theJAmerican poolmng 8$ up for Children Teething, tho incomparable virtue of which in completely relieving th| most distressing cases (when appjieid to tb| infant's gums as directed) b invaluable.—1 This remedy has restored thtiusands of chili j dren when on'the verge of tht grave, to rh 'embraces again off .their dis racted parents attfacked with tbat aWful and JnOrtiferous mnl ady—Convulsions syrup should the! ppres. try M;A *b*mm. [iwin.*4 {{jwJwfcsiJisija mrfu^ar tl II !3*i4rA»tnJ%a*'J IV"4 oocn «•*> ]• iTbts proposition derives weight fronrtbe cooaideraiion VTUyCriH^I » mCaadKC-j j^ftheiBxpenseof trarisportin| offenders from distant Fe^iv-Citizens,of Hie Sinai { t and Jissz'hibly he experience the most perfect forih of go] Invoied condition of]»ociety |n pain with their^ put a litttle off with the finger] for two;or three It must not be for tne milk When children bigin to be teeth, shootijng in their gums, the syrup in a tea-spoon, and leti the child's gumsjbe rubbed minutes, thijee times a.day •put.to the breast immediate!), would take jtbe syrup off too soon. When the teeth are just coming through thvkr g u m s | ao ^ mothers should immediately vp^lv the syrup ;Jan it Will prevent the/children having Ji fever J aW undergoing that painful operation of lan-f| cing the gums, whifrh always makes/the ne tooth muertjoardch n come th'»ugh,and sovnf- times cause-s deal bit ./ / j^J- Entered according of| tiie pa.*t year 7 teaches \\ia that iveruinent and tfas most cannot exerrpt u's.-from ^8$[s;y9,49 /. The ajn^unt received IV .«alt'do|^8 h4« gres mediately gives.ease, by opening.jtbe poreslj, r "''j*""J ; '["•* - and iealing the! gums; thereby Juevontmif; —-'•--'-——F Convilsioos, Ub evers, cic. : 1 ^ il i ! * •»»«"-• ij i^*. p n c e K , Icjjr s a l e |To the Agent bf the Ame Syrur; Dear! §ir|—The great Hcl oJ/Uqn Be jparticutar that the label on the box expresses such. t\ The genuine is vended by tigetUs only, £$* Suljl at 100 Chathjim street, Yoiii. Jtxent-rjp. O. Wftckham S'oothingf New |& Co. Sag ttar- a tbpa.Hiind, prices, l(j>r sale by ( ast>tjeel:Shovela| .Fjor satelby the flianat'ac'.urers IG'. B. B R O W N . 1 . Oetober & Spades DERllNG & CO. March ?|I : T "~~i<QM BT TH$ 6 »'i as For sale by i Nov.-12ih, The roy j\lcNi»h &. Arnold Vai Convenient Sag.Har BOX. ie'e at 6d pei pbond, for sale by B. BROWN. }$e}icri JScifiws, ! DERIIX^G & (to. r imertcan! v^u..mg beii^nt afforded | '^fo in^suffeittig infant by your Stidthmg 'sy.rJ up, ti^a case of protracted aud painful denti- tion, must convince every feeling raarCht howjl | essential an ejarlu application of such an in- valuable medjeine is; to relieve infant misery! and) torture. | M^ infant while teething, expe- rienced such acute sufferings that it was at i tacked with Convulsions and my wife and! family supposed tjbatj death/ would sotm re-ji t lease:the babe from anguish till weT procure a bjottjleof your syrup •/ which as spun.as ap.-j j plied to tbe gums, a j wonderful change .was] produced, and af er a few applications, the- j 'child .displayed OD.VIOUS relieL/aiid by contin- .uin-j MI its pse, i am [glad 'to/miorin! you, th(: j ^ChiidJjaseotuple.e^ylreco/ered, and no ie- curre.ncc pi" tuut iwfiW ^complaint faa.-< since occurred ; -Uie^sib are emanating daily, and! the cmld enjoys j^eri'ect health, ljgive youl my j cheerful berlnisSion lo make' this ac-jj kr.owiedgmeni public, and wijj ."gladly giveli, any information <n thjis ctrcumstauce. j] r f< - " an( ' ' ( f 4 n i h o h a s mad^ .trial of the| i\'KVV ^ A C ^ E l f E L / C ^ U F I i s H j j / a l s o ms Si I for i A-NSli f. Oct >or. n ^fSi»,ii('r3 12. bbin^ aa eicett over ihoisejof tlije jr IOUH y Cj»r of §ti( ,233 57. respectfully relei you tb t/>e repprt which ' vill be subjoined by the C(nrimissi/Dner<« of the cany fund detailed iwlbrm 1 uon -c/ncerning thai fuid-and operations of U12 con/mNsiotiers. The ilmoont Dolls', inc.l'ufJinj: 1 ates/of aurptus water and so 1(8 canals during the List fiscal yeai, ing an incroase ovsr.' the jousf year of »I65,-JU2 J5 The Ie amount oj ch irgp* upon tbe canal*, excepting rest on I6F. ns, w« 8 > the receipt*, lo T/be amount of charge*hi m been [7aduririf; tho-past year t y pay of legislative direction Hir the n, for the' improvement of the nds, on jail the $l.65ri902 II ipts of the prev 1,057,80^74, jfhBed'f |3'J.lll mf|:lf»,' in pursuance) R' 1 meijjjtf! unfierjspecial ijc l!S38{ ' MLKT. over the sti(>re occupied by npson, ciiv'sf. Xexj door Said ro v »ms fa|m(ily. Apply to r sa S. BROWN,, On the pFemisles. 17.1639 FINE i:Cl\OH l Elb SHIPPERS r by. Ij. MEAL, [first quality- jj[0, iBECKfViTH, -Aft. I y y i W . Sfperio^ Pafnt CofTeje Mills.Tor^le by Nov. 1st. in Sag Harbor, ^s5trt April, ad vet Used in another column, is a highly use-j jg lore< situated ful article for tbe j purposes for which it isjjl Building intended. Highly respectable persons, atl'i <•* > any rajte, who |ha\ie made use of it, do irot; hesitate to give its virtues tbe sanction of -^7 e a '^ B 'r^ r T U e r ' t U Q" ldesolved,blmuiua ffr>\4stotrtc^toj Teelhtn gi tctth4heS W n-\ i)cioher '^ A ' ^ E ^ t ^ ^ h ^ " W * ^ Ijfirm are leiuested to make [ment, and all having) requested to present BIEEYEN & Pfc can SbolliiagjSyiibip, pirs. AlcPherson resid ji»k«tJNo, y,IMifdisoji...Street, called a fewjj 1 ; days since at jtbe Medical Office <>( Dr. W f Eyani|, 100r pbntbam Street, N.I Y., and purchased a bottle of the Syrup forlber child, who was sufferin ; excruciating pain during the process of de;itition, being mdmenlarily) threatened with c tmvulsioas, its bowels too were exceeding loose, and no food could be jeiained on tb^ tjlomaph. Almos^ immedi- | slock, comprises anlexcellett assort|tnenf ately On its applitjationj tbe alarmipg. symp-Jjhe season, consisting as usual, oi rived jfL gentlem, , ,cel*brated soqtbi|g syrup in his family^, (milNI>iAN case of a teething child) wishes us to state tbaj be found it entirely effectual in relieving pain in-the gums,; and. preventing the conse-j quences which sdmetiim'es follow. Wecbeer-i,—c. , . . , . . , . fullHompJly ijritbjhis request.—Sun. 5/ ;|| Mr. FreueriCK I rocket fe We believje it jis generally ackhowi^ .;: SURGEON' DEJ^TJST, edgjedj by tho4e v^ho fcjave tried it,; that thd j Hals removed hfisliffice from the ExchUge soolbing syrup Uf_ Chjtafien Cutting Teeth,; ] Building, to| the foOiii- over (riffany & IfdrVs not| are th to very fe MESTJBJR. J Uf GF:<|). B. BROVfN Jvi ajor Jlildreth's i^rick MT1CE r h c firtnjof RIEEVES & PULLETREAU, consent persons 1839. , on the indebted to immediate demands against it the snmje for settlenl LETHE m, 1831 V. Sag Harbor, Nov ANSON S. BRJO^'N announce friends, and the public tbat ' from [New Ytrh; with tJeen paitLdurihgl i^e sarne period, to contributing j . -UAL' J L«'J rl .t. J C M ^ on account oWidertds. 29,6^1 51; I 8 j too rift^n deprived of] the advantages of our He improvement! wp bi-oresof the"^tate, vhile it most be highly |rati'fy*- j of prejudices ar u our fellow citizens, will, I bope, only epnduce hgUa^e Or'reii«»ib xi eaier »cunoiti) ii the managemeei ofj public 1 '^ tt ' ' ** lop: ff |, .-.--: 1 gotten jthat the public! fhje fourth instaln en of IbeTJ. S, surplusjvivende, j'conc^jned in th lei wa«directed to I e distributed arnong^hla slates] our/own childV wh by of Ke statb ;inl act of CongVe.is, if still withheld that insln'nreni'd ie t» this slate is $1,338,17$ 5' lying upon promr. l pi >y ment of that instalment, the was said r are ent. wit »an 8051 inc stru exp tion 1 Ant yea year he has; just tion of G^ODS,! Wbich, jvilh hts totliMntirel/ce^d'^ d b ^ of Almost ejery desjcription; Grcjce uMlL J As a |ribu|e of gratitude fjrjtbe betie- Ijries^ Crocke|ry, b l ard-ware, iju:; &c..!&.c. irrij^ted and inflajned condition of ,lhc parts i of cure] lo soften, it is effec- —tfcjerefore the principal indicatio are to abate the inflammation, and •ooibe, and relax tbegutjns. If lb fit jalffojrded tbo clild. t^e mother e^npie of her; I His goodls were bought with due lelerefc* own accord, and ree|? sanctioned' publicity to the pressure [of;ilW times, and will !b.e olp to the above, i B ^|«fticular in applying at! ed at ucprecedentedly low price^.' lOOidbatham! stent, i s !fo«re ara several; Sag Harbjor, No\j. 8, 183f counterfeits ad vet tised. 1$6 other| place jin thejcitV haa tlie g )nuind for sale ' : Jfmmm\ to \Motkm^CbiW^n prally suffer a uch uneasiness from cut- o([ their teetbL Wbat ever darlgerous or sjfmptoma at teod tMs peocoss bf natufe^ aiie produce! tnyariibly from the highly Nov. 7, ]M ACKERSL. for sale by 1839. !; i a choipe sefec his former for heci iiihcj the putj ice} eri C. i . Bit()WN WALKIM -sB&ibs. 200 pair leather, tjounowa 100 do liband do 75 do fur Ho 75 do •ale by Nov.2(0 3 .1,- ':.'. •;••' ' |gai|er|b^uts;just 1839. ednesday^y:JM4 ]4fi a«$a 18 Saturday, 19 Sunday, 20 Miontfa^V 2 1 Tuesday, 22 Wednesd 23 Thursday 24 Ffday;, 4 «iMa$ 614 iMJRiasft31 ftl''5" i4ld'l« '.he y icissitudcs of lift, •' We have neverihelesk,:great cause of ibahUfulheM to the Univeraal Father. 'Phe seasons have been .propitious; vve have bem free from the ravages of [ estiience and tbe calan itie*»ol wa ' ; the earth has yielded, abundant fruits, and not' withstanding the embarrassments which lia 1 e been felt fy every class of lociety, ihc comforts of Ii "e were ne\er more equally or more profusely di»t ibuted/ Industry has nob bten diverted from ills pursuits and, nulaal ponfiijencp, although temporarily. n'huUeu, prevalence of tporalitjy c|ition of have 'iju-reaceuj during t|ie ion <futie| ncrea^e as I till a firim su ipo t in the anc ihe supjremaiy < f the li»|va,. The credit of thje state remains u.niii.p; ir«d, wnld its cuTKticy his in a- gres. degree escaued tllb evils which have elsjwheie-l prov 2d disastrom, • Peacelul!. relations hav« been martained with fort ign couiJlr.ies, and tbe hurmony of the stat« s ha; nit been dis'.urlied. iThj safeguardsef our; lib srty remap; all the elements (jif our nations prosper !y have we t re pl?ru|ilted|to r «joice witjh incceased conKdencje in l i e durability of I he Unionj andjthe ptjrpejuity ijif republican ijj>iitu>.inn i ' *|he officer having charge of'the (fiscal depf rtmeijit •lay before yoa full infortiaticn concerning the the Tieasory. Tiie revenues of the fiUal year. Tl e * have Jam.mntedjto ^ 5 . 4 0 1 , 8 4 , being over tjiose of tl|e preceding ./ear | f I m f • • F&m Feed ei awaridai and El icoit Cr«;* r €anaC«t»d thq Ifrie Cana' r.dw*«j c h l i r ^ y ^ ' f u l k Q ^ ^ preceding yeai'a terdedactirigthe<;xtrimdinaTy ] ehfdowe'd," and" b'^ ent forjtho Giei ti s Falls Feedeu*ere $'ib*2,3l5 j •„ y^ t O ' cca sioii fo^tHej benevolent and enlighiene showing a ditoirnition in the oidi<iary charges i ac ti or /of the leirislaUmi, Thcadvontages of edaca jiK the la-t fiscal y< ar of $10S;3s!7 73- \ ! tioh H.ftir previous liabilities;! counties, and the cost of maintning them in a popu- lous city, and will.donfcijUesi* receive at your bands the discriminating favor to which it is justly enthled\ / ' T h 6 Institution- for \(he ln-*trnction- of tpe Blind continues to dis^-.harge «•« respoosibilitie* i^iih good | succe*8. ,It hsi 66 pupils, pf whom 59':{are state' pupilsj and there are pd vacancies to befiJlefjfrom the dirtereiit cojiMits', ip'pursuance of the law lpa»«ed ar Jho tail session.^ The Institutio« for thefeoafand Dumbj administers, its inestimable bohefits to one hundred and seventy pupils, maintains its higli reputation, and enjoys the unmeasured confidence and kindness of the community ampng wiom it is located 1*it) of these pupiln, being the ful number allowed by law, are supported at tlie eijienso the state. ! • ' ''.'.'. , j •"•'..••' .• | " • • I transmit a ,1^0 port of the commissioners appointed to superinieiid the erecticn of the Lunatic j Asylum, from which ypu will learn that they are prosecuting their imprrrtarit duties with e(Hca<-y . * j Ourji-cientrfic institutions conjinoe to maintain their high reputation.. tfS students were gracipated at Colnmibia College dunrfg Hie year, and that institotion li.w, »«L i»>u JI 4.-1. 'in.- .11. s eighty. The instituUnn con has DOIV 138 niembers-. The iiirnber of grajdunies at the Universityjkif the city of .New York was 28, and its present, number of under grarlu ales grammar school connected with ttmt lains 260 pupils. ]0G8tident« rec^ivn.d their, first degiWat Union eoHege.atid itht s now 278members Ttyere«fe UvJftrident*.at rl»myU>n College, and 17 weie giraduat^d wi|hiu thk year. Geneva College has 63 istudents, s f i The'state is a creditor of] the Wni versify of the -city of New V'orlt for materials furnished- by the slate prison at Mount Pleasant, and u*d to/ the construction of the]collegiate f b'uildir/gs, -The/trustees of rhat institution will apply form relinq'uisnmentbf the debt { have great pleasure in. transmjUina to yy»-* <t«»cu ^, M ment ciintainirfg a vi^sw of the rise,progress a/nd pre-. ,m sent copdition'of .tho.Uaivjersity. The hbe/al prin- •?$•, . -y>> ••••••^'> T""": "~-TWi •',':: ciriles jpport which itL wa« eslab^ished, the munificent U»atufest/iit| unjust aod UpS?.t8| djsti eodowriients of its Jbunders and < patrons aud die intelligence; and virtue of fneoeonle/and-Jt r^rse^rence with w§i.«n it.b» &*«$*»»W»J I wantiof d + W « l t o " J n e l a c W f e of tfee f gr ( eat einbarrassmen^s.as well.as UiepromMe of its ^ 1; . . t j^ji f* ••<• - T- , •«*-., P^'V ' ' f The lavys by wnicb judges of tb <our,its nf«rli authorised fo interferp debt.; board of;s|ipervisprsiu (he .appoint TZV. I corp^ntssioners of} dee^/.cppfHy lirtj countfy Ku^ierin 1 edd<mis of e improvemeniioi tiie ( uon j,, mosl parta 0 f t ty ,i ate , and the measures have eks, and for Hit Black been adopted,rtipprsdance of nri act passed at the iatr-e«der f .and Jy pay , a8t ' f, e ^ 10tif t0 fjectiie an erncient;visitation of the ? avm S j coromo^ school*, ie pruduetit/o CM iital of the: Common h'chb'ol I at iheVlose of il ie fiscal year, was $!,9j32#431;..- ertls . ori , ome to which,'has since-beep^udrifd the ijum "*" |647 64, makina^a 1 aggregate of $1,978,06 I 63.; 'phjeir ihtelleci revenne durin » the year, including ^^fcSf.O'^O ' ^bprinted from lie income ol>the United; States psite. Fonil to-fh^ -uppojrt of common schools, adling the value <|f njiarble furnished for tbe cor|- j OCCa^i[>nS Jeldo.-il ctisn oftiie new miituijes. includ .olfthe prison for|te««jale convicts, and the oxpen hd ipf t^anjsportalion, of (j number of ur!n is 665. TH ^•^2,472 27/. The amount paid out oflthe Ut^ry was $^75,00.1,000, ie capital/of/tle LtteratuVe Fund is $268jl64 The revenue during the year, including ij§28.000 apdlrbpriated from ihe income of the Unlted;Stares Deli isito Fund, was Sfe.109 07 froili "this revenue WJ'S 47 U78 46, lie Bank Fund his venue during t|i.e 1'he amount paid is a capital of $818.820T>9.— j numbers in Our year was ^ l i W ^ 20^ There | an( j j n jh e vicini icb has taken place injaH the) system' of publi ng lor the estibli- ,.-,-,. ,.--.. ,.,.., j • L " school districts ha«i-Jbaej carried into successful opera-) m«sionersOI de^ds by ; 'tne.;ne«f "The itrmrisonmeiii.'of*non resident debiors aWhinst wbr|m nofraqdnfeut practice! or inherit ii alleged, bperat i esiniiiribu*iv.to nelihtocest- gjieat jKiticifele was established tb tpi*">tafej that the personal liberty 6f/ltie honest but ur> fortrihaie debtor ought, not to. b3 suiyected io the caprice or cupidity of a a'unfeeling cre'dit<ir. 1 .. , '•': t A Fdreignors entitled to be ua:turalized, and desirous of jthe privilege of citizet iship, ought rather; to befencouraged than deterrea, as they ently are by the onerous charges at- ng ibl requisite lezal pro< eediogs^..—- abililioHJiq relation to the acquisition and aljebja'.tioti.01 real estate by resident foreign- ers a>e a renmaht of fedua.l principles, bfe- lieyed to bj/; not only unhecessiry for tne security' op| the state^ but inconsistent with the spipf^of bur constitution^ iind «tijulrious to worthy of your ought to be'iocurisd t'i maqy, especially in our large cities,, whom orphanage, the deprayity of par* ertts, or *ome form of accident Or misfortune seems to 1 have dopmed lo nopelejiis poverty and ignorapce.— ieir ihtelleds ire a*j suscepUtile of expansion, of provejrnent, of Refinements of elevation and of di{ vaot indslwhich tn'rdwgb the favorr"pf improvement rectioh, ,H8 those; Providence are iermiiled to develo'pe themselves) under the influence of hetter.foiituhes; they inherit the common lot to struggle against temptatiojtr» neces- sities and vices; tli^v are t>» assume the MmS^dpm^^ic. soci-il arid political retail ins; and they are born to the] the flame ultimate ilestirrrv The!children of fpreionersyfoundingreat populous cities andlowns n^y.ofj our public works, are ; edij cation, in consequence | the general |rosperiur.. It w Limn- f*r\rr\ 111 rT« t*« r\ n (X / i f i I Q H . I -. ^wL» .^ 1 An *.'«•!. JL» ' ^vtuCu.1* * t. Lf kt sing ;.v 1 ^he portirin hiir ei. ha? .loaned an equivalent sum lo her citizen; 1 cannot doubt that you will insist upon the fulfillment of 1 hi 1 pledge of the let era! government, and will, at the same time, prol >BUgainst the withdrawal of tne insiatiiieitts already ectived. -j I, 1'wo. hundred ard r ine ; convicts were "received, lirr tbe year, into th 5 state prison at-Mount Fie The whole number of convicts, in that prison is Tbe amount ectived for labor during jthe pa^t mb impaired |] minify'in the "ma| >y *ery general com ish ment pf off] pnnjsbijnent, should Vict if sbal 1 ftlso kiclg shojes, U\ .dp iio \ dp received land f]>r HESTER. % ^pP u. rivite you* t item cour|ty jkils. The baleful atioi s is tap often fro molted by the defects in their contraction, and the experience ihcy furnish is calci ilati d to destroy spirit o» virtuous tnJti correction, not? less upon die ground of economy from considerations of humanity, and if 'we |d ii|t falltntd a|comn|oh errdr. we should, seek than| won torfeilaiiatewhardeiiedofendersbycornvatingtheirl j. confidently/anticipatelthal.it will not only I mon I Veilings while we are. dispeDsingjlhe punisb-l - • - -•''' - T men aw irded to their^imp* In will leain. fmn ihb floasjeof Refqg4ih^ the a siuiilar .jj^l-i prot 101b the reformation you wi 1 bestow eai|ly at the present system prot] and isidn be made bj law) n|nd Tori supplying from difference ofilan- t Ought never to be for welfare is as! deeply education as in-/that of do not hesitate, therp fore, tio recothrjnend the establi^htnen|/of schools in which ihey may be instructeo by teachers speaking, thij same language with j themselves, and professing" the same filth. There! would be no inequality in such a measure, since (1 circumstances, if not frpm choice, that the responsibilities of education are in nn?st in- stanced ennfined by us to native citizens, and sarins sekiorn offer for a trial of our itati hall, was $73,^03 34, Thje j magnamityby cbViiniltiing that trust jo per- ng moneys paid for thoco.npleM qor , g Offering frofn ourselves in language or female convicts, and thejexpjeosjs j ,. . 1 . 0 v ; , y.^j ._.,._.. onviicls, were / ?3,449 6i. con/icts in ihe stale. pjrwori^ e njumber received during. 18)228. The earnings .of'the prison during ihe were $60,161|46, and the expenditures we ( rp 51jfl7J 21. Tiie high reputation v> bich this state had acquir fiornj t ie iuiprovement ol its criminal code, and fro its nyttem of penitmtiiry discipline, has recent! religion Since jwehbve openedour country j jalkiquestib plaints riag iment of our prisons; While md( rsshould always beenforced Willi fijhiness, tr)e spjiritof the age manifestly requires thai cln ctpline slioulc be tempered with kindness, and that moral infiuencp, rjither than severe. corporal for thej hifib resp^nsibjilities beebiplcyed to'submission and if the convict, 't trust' lhat tention upon the defects of I [respectfully suggest that for the instruction of con- lliem with such books as conduce to thpiij refiijtnation. on to the condition of our influence of vicious associ cohs^deratio|ri, whether the time laslnot ar- rived for the>i adoption of a more libera? policy, and whether the temporary reliefi rom these disabilities which has heretofore beer) graht- fed] chitflv jn favor of individual *, may, not now be ma die general and permanent, j. I beg lea|e pt refer ynp to the suggestions contained in n»y last message, con< ert ing the laws regulajingjelections. It is o ' v.tal im- .pbnance'lnl the security of our irsti utions, happens from the force of ynot oulyXha| our elections siould b J conduct- ed :wi>h impartiality, and should thus ^xpfeas ^he "will oflthe iiiamnty of the pi top e, bui hat there should be entire and uniyursil con- fideuce in ijhejir puritv. The acquiescence required of •fhtjumiiiority cgnoot bt eipected jto |be Vend|r^4«rnih:chcerfuluess, if \ \ be at, oft vvhejlher the pub) c and alUts fulnesj? to tie oppressed of every )i\u\y expressed. I j cannot doubt that: you natiopy we shopld evince wisdom, equal to jjwill feel it to be yoiir duty to establish the such generosity ^>y quallifyink tb^ir children jnecessury s|ifegnards for the full ani uninter- '-»-i|r citii^iish'i m up. fupted exerjjrise of the elective fra The! time as signed for thb completion of; jail | those, whether iich are poor, nalJive or the gb<dogical survey of the staters about to'? harbrflrnzedJ whatever may be their enploy- expire/ High expectation^ of its usefulness 'j:nehi o^coiidition in |ife, to whom thqt ines- have Wen raided by the partial reports which jimuble privjih'ge is giie ran teed, have frjum time to firm beeh submitted t«» the j The cohJtitutiori provides that evjeryi'maje Legislature, v and provision; s'hould be made j Citizen of tbe age of|tweuty one yean, t?h<j> for the! preservation of tbe invaluable scren-) shall have been an Inhabitant of this state one tine treasures-which Havel been collected.— |yea"r next preceding Jny elrctioh, aod or the Kxtenslve as i!he collection is, it will-probably {lasL;six ihou|hs ^'Vesident of thecoUiity where a'i if ' icHise by Y the iu»til|otio^ have 'bceji dmpl] with; hioat eatotany resu institution ip the v^estern part ol\the state is d«sij|ed!>^avetyiar, \JJ> whatever remains of generous itivw'. Their' defects demand r/evelppe thermineril relsources of tbe state, ffeportof dm mxrjAgersroflbut wil(secpre lb a^ricujlturo its rightful con e nam ' A. Ji-: be contiin««lly increased byiievv eou ( tribntions-.' The place assigred fnr"its accommodation should, 1 therefore, lie spicious and accessible The eiicOuragemont «;'f ngrictilture, by the more general dissi vvt.ich ! it empl'oys frequ.etjt recommendations from this depart ment, and of in'tso 1 discussion in the Legis- lature, j The geologies! survey may &e re- garded as laying th J foundation of institutions for popular instruct ion h these sciences; and tninjition of the sciences has been the subject of tffll responsibilities of that Urged with effinencv and ti. The establ'.shmcrit of (sideration and influ berof our Iqtldw citizens. Tf[rf iwhrjre ; riuniljer o| stale is|i8p; 103, of] aod hoj-se aftiilery. U .,'-,.,< ki. ncej f the militia of the whith 7,4^7 are cavalry 9,256 are artillery] 160,'- (Je tnay offer bis vote.jshall bue^UtlarJ ti.vole ) ihet'vwdlir watd w|erehe pefuall Jr«aidea, •HiJh judicial authocitfef; giffiqr'm Ci > ihe leaning ofjthe wdrd : |esident^ It. j i . ^jtbin tbe! power l*t the. I>gisiatiM-e to defin)]this 1 ; anci siijotb a meipiw)re is highly n< ce sar^ eM to relieve xloubtsas to setfure tl e t;«r jdy rji^ht Of •'j Be electiye franchise to ho i e .$ our let ow-cpizena wlUse occasio^naJ or tem- prjralry employment iuths navigatibi] f o .,pur n.-jls. and rivets, atid upon our publii; wurka, produces dri|ibts conce|rning tjbei j)l« B '.'% 'here tWym : 0mmSlia votf." ; .., : \.."' «J . ,-, i|he) reorgantptionipf the court cf <i*ao- CeJ r y [thjj jcitfzen, is.'.'>.' with an abridgerrtenl of the jurisdi :ti«n and pa ronage of the Chancellor, is 1 .lil<e in- dispensable. 10 ensure the personal se< :ur ly of atid to prejse*yo ibe^barj w>i »y ^f 4^0 are^fantrjv, >jic|u^'ngJight infat try anij r'nemeit, i^nd 3p^i * Te Pffalry an4 i nijiiefy .attached-to brigades of infantry. JUi 1 mani- fest that the mi itia..system -has lost drime of the popular res| ect with which it wds once regarded, ^nd;btSjriBCeived little of that legis- lative care wbic 1 if neoessaty to,nreserve li^a usefulness and /efnetency of .all our institu- tions. This cannot be prurient, unless it is wise to forjget in peace ihe probability if wap, and in undisturb ;d tranquility jhe -dan. (or of civil cmrimotion., | trust, therefore,-th ilyojU will take''roeasur^lo bring the subj« t be- fore Congress, pi order to accomplish the necessary reform, 1 It is possible that {some of the defejets of km sy*tei.n' ( mayj>e reAct^e^ by our own legisIptiou A .. At present the rich and the fori una I e evade, in a great d*jgi^M} jthe perfonpaiice df military duty, while its expenses and sacrifices iali without apater fnenl upon those members of society whb are [unstable to bear t'hera, |f 4t be peceisary to preseryp the organization of so niaay^of bur citizens as are now enrolled, which is at least doubtful, jit ii, at all events, just an«| consonant with the spirit, of ouransUtut ans, thnt! tl>e. taxes ano burthens of tijeoBiUtia : |ervice ishould be equalized, j S •- i" L m Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/Sag Harbor NY Corrector/Sag Harbor …tEa,t :lusive O. WI D, ground in oil, Manufacturer's ;5 sod» Bi».cuil;

t E a , t :lusive O. WI

D, ground in oil, Manufacturer's

;5 s o d » Bi».cuil; Baskets


ior art*. Eaflheo

aod Wooden Ware;

t he tmbsc libers in Mr In 10. WI.C W.:fc be

j M.

An Jl^ri\u}nl of feEISDfc Looking^

men! also, most |kinds of

k^ep «|k b a o a | | £ ^ feave to mftj»tejlhej^habitai|t»^s4.

an ionary era i w f

*g H|p4r

Filom One dollar fif. ia i s .

' kpHf'j&» • j< ;

" SAG!

fN£t* Cabinet lishta

in ike House next Morty

CharUk Lockett

(Oct. *fJ-Sw j i D8*l commenced in the ajbpve b


tidily inform? the and the! East of



\ • • •

eneral* ll«.] tbet batif opemd Mfcupt«4 b* Tiffany. & H «r»:

keep on band a ciionary Goodn^ icheap aid good

- l- experience i t unlry and in Eof they can produce

cjountry thp following:

irfe-Sossr Pt!»mb» ^inail idd do CWow^y COfnfil* A o n W d tfdl SW ar ^ booed iiortit do A M N|npsreil*|' Y t iow do JJ fa i do. £ re *t» I do Mot foeif \*tif» vdjree* £ $ mill barley jCandy; !^oi I'hfeekerbtfrry do|

anut Cak«j (it Cucoatbat

l«> *ll*a, •

t*ef peindnt, Erigf:*h do Imitation^

fcla* lafifas. F.ngtiLh do' lm :at-.on

t*>« u»n, Ei»sjii*l [Ml ImUitlion

sb< dewberry. English d!» Imitation

is gen, Eosiish d»' Imitation' * So re, Engfuh • 4 > fmiihtktn \

4b) •**•. £*$**{{» Its'* . lnih»\toH

Aut4nc*a Lozenge*

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an :ellen< It is alio tee­

th->.sfc Who OS* singing a great

o clear theiir voice | ta ingtediejnts are


ouv s and colid 'hysieian talking entfenefy seness uj»ar andf Vegetables md*. q\\ . |i I 8, W uljd Inform the public, id their txders to tbci above be inwmedtaielv.auended te. bove articles can be sopphed r orders (cftdh enclosed) at a

mkiullv received, and articles

t O ^ B R r ^ C A T S , .., UUOMAii SJMPSOJT. , April 23|, 839; be subsciiit era wilt buye coo-[all sortil f Family|Cakes Jreama; And Wedding Cake article tn; tie'above li»e» war »ny. l\ A I lOOtf

H|tLLyjij* pEAK£g> T^Stri C S - All >l,„.e i udebtidlo £ p a | X ^ e T *-Tlb» !»te firm of B«virh A j fiffany; wo ! Note

f B<*>4d account are rMp}e«tedUnic»u'«bd awttto .. »aao«|wittioat dolay. <|EO. Bi HKUW.Nj


-Board X 0 . Wit|KHAM 839.

PrintsJ CO.

bril 2-5.


truitt* From his lung expedience ir| the pr^c tica i paft of the snnje be H irtff Sel enabled jto fnn nsh them with- ar y a rticle wtj kman.-hip and patterns, aod un< ersold in any pari jcula r. I I

All orders thankfully received! and duly attended to.

F. S. i"ndert«kir»» as usual at any h on the mo.-.t reaaeonl le jte rme.

$»g Harbor. OJcll. E83C! / ;" j

Harbor lllisp^iiisary. JJrpgs '^tifKedian^

The aubscriher rt apjeqifully, in|tnutj£s L the inhabitants of S ig iwrbor ^od the etkt end of Long lajttnd in aeneral, thai b> hL noir completed bis; arrangements jin i be a bo EsiabliKbment. land, bejying fetid in eid re new sfocfcl ol' D.RjlpGS. of me ehjotcest quality^ is fully prep^rea te u n-Bvivr ordere fori sue l ; tittle Jes ai* aria* con m<>.'»ly kept by i persotisi in his liner > is wtjjl as with many 0" j b e . mprc p< puUr P A T E N T MUDU1HBS of the ; 4«y.f-Hp begs, at tbe sainti limf, to nj*otion, tb E>( bejliadnot only Imd tiiC; advanjiage of bt ing a regularly bred Drog»ist, but »h»t maty years' experifucej bas ipade bin thoijonehly acquainted with the most appro r ed; t set buds of coinpo in&tf g the various Pha ' mat ulical preparStiot s po nv in use, and ful y awake to the greai ii*s|>onsibjiiy ,of b s situption and the cmt(iuu neteKsary to ti prbier ejteicise of iti duties ; those, ther lbr«i who may from tim^ tujiirue trtjll atjthe _ p«y»>arv eilber with liitnrlyiiecipesi or prescr tu»ns ffun) ibeir respective Pbysfeiuti^ "-fy de;> -n<i oo there'be*. »g oii all occu»it>na pr| -;;ar« d by biinself, wnh tin-^reate.sl po^Kl^'e car^r ai»ii wub gtfbdijyite* ft j ibe best drscii Item, m» Boy "*** und< r his own »»fa jdangerou

»H«4ed to; assist hi It nbr to deal out medicines

natur|r. •] |..-: .{


H _

Who will haW'gkta 1 5(0 Common Sc mul. Aimanacsv ai o*.

cent each, containing valuable statistics, aiil hints on Education, I >r sate by , j

O. 0 . -l|V'!CkH|Ai^-t^GO.

Hbntitfgtongarble Factor^ Tpe subscribers hiivinji entered into par, -

nersbip under tbe firrji of

E. B. Pi

cks, i\ (ocks. JN0.1BECKW|TH,

! G, arBHiowN. r ula by • i, tacaj.

iVoticfe. t , bf JE^!?JGS& C6. ietbis

by floutyifl LonsenfL Alt per to the sinuvk", are requested to

:ounts wubiut delay. : »s will hertalier be dinducjled

' H. &11>{A. JKSiSGSL S 3 & ' i :••- *

Fearers. Feathers^ t%r Nile at t

ad rpho.sfer's Est ) Book Stu

SHSSM T J2. i f

ice 41 Co.

i ;


ill i i l t b itK.

in the M A B B L E i j U S i N l j s i a t tbe Maud ol P. Hill, in r- untinwtdu, would inft the. mblic tbat they intend carry it g on t above business in *\\ its parts.

Great care will •>> taken to procure g mas jle/and work note in the best style a on ieasonable terms. .^ :|

11. B. All orders tent by rhall, or left wi either of our Agents will be poilctuallv att ded to.

A GENTS.—JOHK N . S C H f L U K G -Sa|; Harbor; Simor W. Cooper, Babylo Doctor Norton, Cor >m ; General J6hn SaBsrly, Setauket; Catt. C a r l e s Hallo<| St . jnyBroot; Jame» R. DaVis, Esq. Pjj t Je fe rson; James B L Fanoibg, Esq. Mcjfl-cb#s { Doctor Natht niel Wilier, Fireplace Jafob Horton, Patcl logue : Henrv Brewst Esb. [slip ; Col. Bet jamin Case, Cutcho D»|vid Warner; Esq. Aquebogue; seJ Wells, WatJing Hiver; M.cah H o w ^ Baiting Hollow j ; Cpnklm & Aidricb, River hes d ; Leeris Tei ry, Franklirt ville ; j WilH isi H.| Wells, Soufhold,; Jobn (Clarkl ^ n i i p u n ; Augustus G^iCn, E*V Orient, U Oyitterponds; Alaison Topping, >'P» Bridgehampton; Benjamin Foster; Soi|jb| artlplon; J . P . Howell, Quogee.

E l i j A H H« P f t l t S i :> PlijlLO P W C E . JHuoting^n, ^ U g . 13, I83f9t

Matches* IClark's. and ( balin and! Phil'ipV Fncli^3*

•MjitcheK, fur >ale n| \hc lowest prices, b ApM6.tf Q. 6.1 Wic)8 ,

{ J e w Cron K*Nrn», tor isle" by G. b . ,BRO *^ October 2«. [J ' . ' <******



k_.J., J. *.


fi|JR is paper will be published Semi " ^^yj^ednegday and[" »at

i the following terras : '!-\ C^IPI'ION, $3peryefirl

WfeEKl-if-rr-on Saturday 2,50

A ^ E R t l S J B M E N T ^ one tali ft-fla^qttarevjwiH]beHtserted'one w(?»k ;or 50 cents ; T>.* h whole square, 75 cents, andfojrjev ;ry succeeding in«jer-

*tt«n, 25 c^nts, Urgei Adyertisemdnts vIn tbe Same proj; ortion.

Tfaoae ;whrt a dvertise jn no. other pTtper, wiR !»e; e ititled to have their ^<hre»rttserii«nU in both papers, at fee

vsame charge. I i / . , All COMlMtNICATIONSrhMt i

tbe post-paid and directed to the Hdi-*or of. Tbe Cormclor, 5ag.Harbdf.

' Interest char« sd onaff delinquents, and no paper discontinued unlH; all AltREAHA^E 5 are paid except —

f be Editor. m

—•li iTtcTTH-i ij,*

i. •; I • • / ;•'"' -" . ' i i l l -• • > 1

FOR ;CijHj


To w |Tb^ passage

iiiog Syrupj, j L b H E N ' l - E E T H i ^ p . l|/o fAcrs an<£ JVwriesj ',

o tne teeth through tbe gums; ^pr^diicfts tre^b; e< ome and dangerous syuip*|

turns. It is ktijwn by mothers that there is great .irritaridn \ n tbe mouth aodgujns during! tbils process. | UThegums swellv,tbejsecretion of the saliva is In :reased, the child is seized

.with '.frequent fai id sUddea fits of crying, waitching, siarttpj in its sleep, and spasms of'peculiar parti} the child shrieks with ex­treme! violence,|u iid thrusts its fingers jntoj its mouth. If illese precursary Symptoms are njot speeatlyi illeviated, spasmodicr. coo yulsions uuijver»»liy supervene, and soon cause; the dissuju ion of the infant. Ifmoth-e r i wpo havtl tht t little babes afflicted-ywith thesedistressing symptoms would htiply the

. celebrated American Soothing Syn>p\ ' which •has preserved lundreds of iofamrtf.' whenj thought paslj recovery, from being [ suddeiilyil attacked with tht I fatal malady convulsions.;

JTBIS infallible remedy has preserved hun-<lr^dsj when l thought past recovery, from convulsions, i A * soon hs the syrup is rubbed on!the gums.fine child uill recover. This preparation i s / so innocent. s<> efticacious, iind so pleasant, ;that no child will: refuse to letiits gums be rubbed with iti When infants1

are at the age.of four months, though there is no appearaiucej'of teeih, one Ootlle of the

be bsed on the gums to operi Parents should never jje without

thej syrup in ! tbeT nursery where I there are young chtldrtjn ; [for if a child wakles iu .the nigjhtjwitb .p^i" \o tbe gums, the Syrup im-i

ted, the infant is preserved [from subseqbe fever, inflatulaiiouylispasmUdi: cough, twijic ing'.cftepdo'na, croup, cahk H", anjd Cv>nv siooH, displaying their fatal consequence If mothors7, {nurses;pr gtiarduins, have the|r babes tortured wttb painful and 'protract dentiuon, and this notice at.trJictstheir attei!

tionihey should not be detened freni.purcluj-singa bottle of theJAmerican poolmng 8$ up for Children Teething, tho incomparable virtue of which in completely relieving t h | most distressing cases (when appjieid to t b | infant's gums as directed) b invaluable.—1 This remedy has restored thtiusands of chili

j dren when on'the verge of tht grave, to rh 'embraces again off .their dis racted parents attfacked with tbat aWful and JnOrtiferous mnl ady—Convulsions

syrup should the! ppres.

try M;A

*b*mm. [iwin.*4



t l II !3*i4rA»tnJ%a*'J IV"4 o o c n «•*> ] • iTbts proposition derives weight fronrtbe cooaideraiion V T U y C r i H ^ I » m C a a d K C - j j^ftheiBxpenseof trarisportin| offenders from distant

Fe^iv-Citizens,of Hie Sinai{t and Jissz'hibly

he experience the most perfect forih of go] Invoied condition of]»ociety

|n pain with their^ put a litttle off with the finger] for two;or three It must not be

for tne milk

When children bigin to be teeth, shootijng in their gums, the syrup in a tea-spoon, and leti the child's gumsjbe rubbed minutes, thijee times a.day •put.to the breast immediate!), would take jtbe syrup off too soon. When the teeth are just coming through thvkr g u m s | a o ^ mothers should immediately vp lv the syrup ;Jan it Will prevent the/children having Ji fever J aW undergoing that painful operation of lan-f| cing the gums, whifrh always makes/the ne tooth muertjoardch n come th'»ugh,and sovnf-times cause-s deal bit . / /

j^J- Entered according

of| tiie pa.*t year7 teaches \\ia that iveruinent and tfas most cannot exerrpt u's.-from

^8$[s;y9,49 /. The ajn^unt received IV .«alt'do|^8 h4«


mediately gives.ease, by opening.jtbe poreslj, r"''j*""J ; '["•* -and iealing the! gums ; thereby Juevontmif; —-'•--'-——F Convilsioos, Ub evers, cic. : 1 ^ il i

J« ! * •»»«"-• ij i ^ * . p n c e K , Icjjr s a l e |To the Agent bf the Ame

Syrur; Dear! §ir|—The great

Hcl oJ/Uqn Be jparticutar that the label on the

box expresses such. t\ The genuine is vended by tigetUs only,

£$* Suljl at 100 Chathjim street, Y o i i i .

Jtxent-rjp. O. Wftckham



|& Co. Sag ttar-

a tbpa.Hiind, prices, l(j>r sale by

( ast>tjeel:Shovela| .Fjor satelby

the flianat'ac'.urers IG'. B. BROWN.

1 . Oeto ber

& Spades

DERllNG & CO. March ?|I:

T "~~i<QM BT TH$ 6 »'i


For sale by i Nov.-12ih,

The roy j\lcNi»h &. Arnold Vai Convenient


BOX. ie'e at 6d pei pbond, for sale by


}$e}icri JScifiws, ! DERIIX^G & (to. r

imertcan! v^u..mg beii^nt afforded |

' fo in^suffeittig infant by your Stidthmg 'sy.rJ up, ti^a case of protracted aud painful denti­tion, must convince every feeling raarCht howjl | essential an ejarlu application of such an in­valuable medjeine is; to relieve infant misery! and) torture. | M^ infant while teething, expe­rienced such acute sufferings that it was at i tacked with Convulsions and my wife and! family supposed tjbatj death/ would sotm re-ji t lease:the babe from anguish till weT procure a bjottjleof your syrup •/ which as spun.as ap.-j j plied to tbe gums, a j wonderful change .was] produced, and af er a few applications, the- j

'child .displayed OD.VIOUS relieL/aiid by contin-.uin-j MI its pse, i am [glad 'to/miorin! you, th(: j ^ChiidJjaseotuple.e^ylreco/ered, and no ie-curre.ncc pi" tuut iwfiW ^complaint faa.-< since occurred ; -Uie^sib are emanating daily, and! the cmld enjoys j^eri'ect health, ljgive youl my j cheerful berlnisSion lo make' this ac-jj kr.owiedgmeni public, and wijj ."gladly giveli, any information <n thjis ctrcumstauce. j] rf<- " a n ( ' '(f

4 n i h o h a s mad^ .trial of the| i\'KVV ^ A C ^ E l f E L / C ^ U F I i s H j j / a l s o

ms Si

I for i A-NSli

f. Oct >or.

n ^fSi»,ii('r3 12. bbin^ aa eicett over ihoisejof tlije jr IOUH y Cj»r of §ti( ,233 57. respectfully relei you tb t/>e repprt which ' vill be

subjoined by the C(nrimissi/Dner<« of the cany fund detailed iwlbrm1 uon -c/ncerning thai fuid-and operations of U12 con/mNsiotiers. The ilmoont

Dolls', inc.l'ufJinj: 1 ates/of aurptus water and so 1(8 canals during the List fiscal yeai,

ing an incroase ovsr.' the jousf year of »I65,-JU2 J5 The

Ie amount oj ch irgp* upon tbe canal*, excepting rest on I6F. ns, w« 8 > the receipt*, lo

T/be amount of charge*hi m been [7aduririf; tho-past year t y pay

of legislative direction Hir the n, for the' improvement of the

nds, on jail the $l.65ri902 II

ipts of the prev

1,057,80^74, jfhBed'f |3'J.lll

mf|:lf»,' in pursuance)

F »


meijjjtf! u n f i e r j s p e c i a l ijc

l!S38{ '

MLKT. over the sti(>re occupied by npson,


Xexj door Said rov»ms

fa|m(ily. Apply to

r sa

S. BROWN,, On the pFemisles.

17.1639 FINE i:Cl\OHlElb SHIPPERS

r by. Ij.

MEAL, [first quality-j j [ 0 , iBECKfViTH, -Aft.

I y y i W . Sfperio^ Pafnt CofTeje Mills.Tor^le by Nov. 1st.


Sag Harbor, ^s5trt April,

ad vet Used in another column, is a highly use-j j g l o r e < situated ful article for tbe j purposes for which it isjjl Building intended. Highly respectable persons, atl'i <•* > any rajte, who |ha\ie made use of it, do irot; hesitate to give its virtues tbe sanction of

- ^ 7 e a ' ^ B ' r ^ r T U e r ' tU Q " ldesolved,blmuiua ffr>\4stotrtc^toj Teelhtngitctth4heSWn-\i)cioher ' ^ A „

' ^ E ^ t ^ ^ h ^ " W * ^ Ijfirm are leiuested to make [ment, and all having) requested to present


can SbolliiagjSyiibip, pirs. AlcPherson resid ji»k«tJNo, y,IMifdisoji...Street, called a fewjj



days since at jtbe Medical Office <>( Dr. W fEyani|, 100r pbntbam Street, N.I Y., and purchased a bottle of the Syrup forlber child, who was sufferin ; excruciating pain during the process of de;itition, being mdmenlarily) threatened with c tmvulsioas, its bowels too were exceeding loose, and no food could be jeiained on tb^ tjlomaph. Almos^ immedi- | slock, comprises anlexcellett assort|tnenf ately On its applitjationj tbe alarmipg. symp-Jjhe season, consisting as usual, oi


jfL gentlem, , ,cel*brated soqtbi|g syrup in his family^, (mi lNI>iAN case of a teething child) wishes us to state tbaj be found it entirely effectual in relieving pain in-the gums,; and. preventing the conse-j quences which sdmetiim'es follow. Wecbeer-i,—c. , . . , . . , . fullHompJly ijritbjhis request.—Sun. 5/ ;|| M r . F r e u e r i C K I r o c k e t

fe We believje it jis generally ackhowi^ .;: SURGEON' DEJ^TJST, edgjedj by tho4e v^ho fcjave tried it,; that thd j Hals removed hfisliffice from the ExchUge soolbing syrup Uf_ Chjtafien Cutting Teeth,; ] Building, to| the foOiii- over (riffany & IfdrVs

not| are

th to very


GF:<|). B. BROVfN

Jvi ajor Jlildreth's i^rick


consent persons


, on the indebted to immediate

demands against it the snmje for settlenl

L E T H E m , 1831 V. Sag Harbor, Nov

ANSON S. BRJO^'N announce friends, and the public tbat '

from [New Ytrh; with

tJeen paitLdurihgl i^e sarne period, to contributing j . -UAL' J L«'J rl .t. J C M ^ on account oWidertds . 29,6^1 51; I 8 j too rift^n deprived of] the advantages o f our

He improvement! wp bi-oresof the"^tate, vhile it most be highly |rati'fy*- j o f prejudices ar u our fellow citizens, will, I bope, only epnduce hgUa^e Or'reii«»ib xi eaier »cunoiti) i i the managemeei ofj public1'^ tt ' ' ** lop:

ff|, . - . - - : 1 gotten jthat the public! fhje fourth instaln en of IbeTJ. S, surplus jvivende, j'conc^jned in th lei wa«directed to I e distributed arnong^hla slates] our/own childV wh

by of Ke statb

;inl act of CongVe.is, if still withheld that insln'nreni'd ie t» this slate is $1,338,17$ 5' lying upon promr. l pi >y ment of that instalment, the



r are ent.

wit »an 8051 inc stru exp tion

1 Ant yea year

he has; just

tion of G^ODS,! Wbich, jvilh hts

t o t l i M n t i r e l / c e ^ d ' ^ d b^ of Almost ejery desjcription; Grcjce uMlL J As a |ribu|e of gratitude fjrjtbe betie- Ijries^ Crocke|ry, blard-ware, iju:; &c..!&.c.

irrij^ted and inflajned condition of ,lhc parts i of cure] lo soften, it is effec-

—tfcjerefore the principal indicatio are to abate the inflammation, and •ooibe, and relax tbegutjns. If lb

fit jalffojrded tbo clild. t^e mother e npie of her; I His goodls were bought with due lelerefc* own accord, and ree|? sanctioned' publicity to the pressure [of;ilW times, and will !b.e olp to the above, i B ^|«fticular in applying at! ed at ucprecedentedly low price^.' lOOidbatham! stent, i s !fo«re ara several; Sag Harbjor, No\j. 8, 183f counterfeits ad vet tised. 1$6 other| place jin thejcitV haa tlie g )nuind for sale

':Jfmmm\ to \Motkm^CbiW^n prally suffer a uch uneasiness from cut-o([ their teetbL Wbat ever darlgerous or sjfmptoma at teod tMs peocoss bf natufe^ aiie produce! tnyariibly from the highly

Nov. 7, ]M ACKERSL. for sale by

1839. !; i

a choipe sefec


former for

heci iiihcj the putj

ice} eri

C. i . Bit()WN

WALKIM -sB&ibs. 200 pair leather, tjounowa 100 do liband do 75 do fur Ho 75 do

•ale by Nov.2(03

. 1 , - ':.'. •;••' i » '



ednesday^y:JM4 ]4fi


18 Saturday, 19 Sunday, 20 Miontfa V 2 1 Tuesday, 22 Wednesd 23 Thursday 24 Ffday;,

4 «iMa$

614 iMJRias ft 31 ftl''5" i4ld ' l«

'.he y icissitudcs of lift, •' We have neverihelesk,:great cause of ibahUfulheM to the Univeraal Father. 'Phe seasons have been .propitious; vve have bem free from the ravages of [ estiience and tbe calan itie*»ol wa ' ; the earth has yielded, abundant fruits, and not' withstanding the embarrassments which lia1 e been felt fy every class of lociety, ihc comforts of Ii "e were ne\er more equally or more profusely di»t ibuted/ Industry has nob bten diverted from ills pursuits and, nulaal ponfiijencp, although temporarily. n'huUeu,

prevalence of tporalitjy

c|ition of have 'iju-reaceuj during t|ie

ion <futie| ncrea^e

as I till a firim su ipo t in the anc ihe supjremaiy < f the li»|va,. The credit of thje state remains u.niii.p; ir«d, wnld its cuTKticy his in a-gres. degree escaued tllb evils which have elsjwheie-l prov 2d disastrom, • Peacelul!. relations hav« been martained with fort ign couiJlr.ies, and tbe hurmony of the stat« s ha; nit been dis'.urlied. iThj safeguardsef our; lib srty remap; all the elements (jif our nations prosper !y have we t re pl?ru|ilted|to r «joice witjh incceased conKdencje in l i e durability of I he Unionj andjthe ptjrpejuity ijif republican ijj>iitu>.inn i

' *|he officer having charge of'the (fiscal depf rtmeijit •lay before yoa full infortiaticn concerning the

the Tieasory. Tiie revenues of the fiUal year. T l e

* have Jam.mntedjto ^ 5 . 4 0 1 , 8 4 , being over tjiose of tl|e preceding . /ear | f

I m

f • •

F&m Feed ei awaridai and El icoit Cr«;* r €anaC«t»d thq Ifrie Cana'

r.dw*«j c h l i r ^ y ^ ' f u l k Q ^ ^ preceding yeai'a terdedactirigthe<;xtrimdinaTy ] ehfdowe'd," and" b' ent forjtho Giei ti s Falls Feedeu*ere $'ib*2,3l5 j •„ y^t O'ccasioii fo^tHej benevolent and enlighiene

showing a ditoirnition in the oidi<iary charges i a ctio r /of the leirislaUmi, Thcadvontages of edaca jiK the la-t fiscal y< ar of $10S;3s!7 73- \ ! tioh

H.ftir previous liabilities;!

counties, and the cost of maintning them in a popu­lous city, and will.donfcijUesi* receive at your bands the discriminating favor to which it is justly enthled\ /'Th6 Institution- for \(he ln-*trnction- of tpe Blind

continues to dis -.harge «•« respoosibilitie* i^iih good | succe*8. ,It hsi 66 pupils, pf whom 59':{are state' pupilsj and there are pd vacancies to be fiJlefj from the dirtereiit cojiMits', ip'pursuance of the law lpa»«ed ar Jho tail session.^ The Institutio« for the feoaf and Dumbj administers, its inestimable bohefits to one hundred and seventy pupils, maintains its higli reputation, and enjoys the unmeasured confidence and kindness of the community ampng wiom it is located 1*it) of these pupiln, being the ful number allowed by law, are supported at tlie eijienso the s t a t e . ! • ' ''.'.'. , j • " • ' . . • • ' .• | " • •

I transmit a ,1 0 port of the commissioners appointed to superinieiid the erecticn of the Lunatic j Asylum, from which ypu will learn that they are prosecuting their imprrrtarit duties with e(Hca<-y . * j

Ourji-cientrfic institutions conjinoe to maintain their high reputation.. tfS students were gracipated at Colnmibia College dunrfg Hie year, and that institotion li.w, » « L i»>u JI 4 . -1 . ' i n . - .11 .

s eighty. The instituUnn con

has DOIV 138 niembers-. The iiirnber of grajdunies at the Universityjkif the city of .New York was 28, and its present, number of under grarlu ales grammar school connected with ttmt lains 260 pupils. ]0G8tident« rec ivn.d their, first degiWat Union eoHege.atid itht s now 278members Ttyere«fe UvJftrident*.at rl»myU>n College, and 17 weie giraduat d wi|hiu thk year. Geneva College has 63 istudents, s f i

The'state is a creditor of] the Wni versify of the -city of New V'orlt for materials furnished- by the slate prison at Mount Pleasant, and u*d to/ the construction of the]collegiate fb'uildir/gs, -The/trustees of rhat institution will apply form relinq'uisnmentbf the debt { have great pleasure in. transmjUina to yy»-* <t«»cu ^,M ment ciintainirfg a vi sw of the rise,progress a/nd pre-. ,m sent copdition'of .tho.Uaivjersity. The hbe/al prin- •?$•, . -y>> ••••••^'> T""": "~-TWi •',':: ciriles jpport which itL wa« eslab^ished, the munificent U»atufest/iit| unjust aod UpS?.t8| djsti eodowriients of its Jbunders and< patrons aud die intelligence; and virtue of f n e o e o n l e / a n d - J t r^rse^rence with w§i.«n it.b» &*«$*»»W»J I wantiof d + W « l t o " J n e l a c W f e of tfee

f gr(eat einbarrassmen^s.as well.as UiepromMe of its ^ 1;. . t j ^ j i f* ••<• • - T - , •«*-.,

P^'V ' '

f The lavys by wnicb judges of tb <our,its nf«rli authorised fo interferp

debt.; board of ;s|ipervisprsiu (he .appoint TZV. I corp^ntssioners of} dee^/.cppfHy lirtj

countfy Ku^ierin 1 edd<mis of

e improvemeniioi tiie ( u o n j , , m o s l p a r t a 0 f tty , i a t e , and the measures have eks, and for Hit Black b e e n adopted, rti pprsdance of nri act passed at the iatr-e«derf.and Jy pay ,a 8 t ' f,e^10tif t0 fjectiie an erncient;visitation of the

? a v m S j coromo^ school*,

ie pruduetit/o CM iital of the: Common h'chb'ol I at iheVlose of il ie fiscal year, was $!,9j32#431;..-ertls. o r i , o m e to which,'has since-beep^udrifd the ijum "*" |647 64, makina^a 1 aggregate of $1,978,06 I 63.; 'phjeir ihtelleci

revenne durin » the year, including ^ fcSf.O' O ' ^bprinted from lie income ol>the United; States psite. Fonil to-fh^ -uppojrt of common schools,

adling the value <|f njiarble furnished for tbe cor|- j OCCa i[>nS Jeldo.-il ctisn oftiie new miituijes. includ .olfthe prison for|te««jale convicts, and the oxpen

hd ipf t^anjsportalion, of (j

number of ur!n is 665. TH

^•^2,472 27/. The amount paid out oflthe Ut ry was $^75,00.1,000, i e capital/of/tle LtteratuVe Fund is $268jl64 The revenue during the year, including ij§28.000

apdlrbpriated from ihe income of the Unlted;Stares Deli isito Fund, was Sfe.109 07 froili "this revenue WJ'S 47 U78 46,

lie Bank Fund his venue during t|i.e

1'he amount paid

is a capital of $818.820T>9.— j numbers in Our year was ^ l i W ^ 20^ There | a n ( j j n jh e vicini

icb has taken place injaH the) system' of publi

ng lor the estibli- , .- ,- , . ,.--.. , . , . . , j • L " school districts ha«i-Jbaej carried into successful opera-) m«sionersOI de^ds by;'tne.;ne«f

"The itrmrisonmeiii.'of*non resident debiors aWhinst wbr|m nofraqdnfeut practice! or inherit ii alleged, bperatiesiniiiribu*iv.to nelihtocest-

gjieat jKiticifele was established tb tpi*">tafej that the personal liberty 6f/ltie honest but ur> fortrihaie debtor ought, not to. b3 suiyected io the caprice or cupidity of a a'unfeeling cre'dit<ir. 1 .. , '•': t

A Fdreignors entitled to be ua:turalized, and desirous of jthe privilege of citizet iship, ought rather; to befencouraged than deterrea, as they

ently are by the onerous charges at-ng ibl requisite lezal pro< eediogs ..—-

abililioHJiq relation to the acquisition and aljebja'.tioti.01 real estate by resident foreign­ers a>e a renmaht of fedua.l principles, bfe-lieyed to bj/; not only unhecessiry for tne security' op | the state^ but inconsistent with the spipf^of bur constitution^ iind «tijulrious to

worthy of your

ought to be'iocurisd t'i maqy, especially in our large cities,, whom orphanage, the deprayity of par* ertts, or *ome form of accident Or misfortune seems to

0» 1 have dopmed lo nopelejiis poverty and ignorapce.— ieir ihtelleds ire a*j suscepUtile of expansion, of provejrnent, of Refinements of elevation and of di{ vaot

indslwhich tn'rdwgb the favorr"pf improvement rectioh, ,H8 those; Providence are iermiiled to develo'pe themselves) under the influence of hetter.foiituhes; they inherit the common lot to struggle against temptatiojtr» neces­sities and vices; tli v are t>» assume the MmS^dpm^^ic. soci-il arid political retail ins; and they are born to the] the flame ultimate ilestirrrv

The!children of fpreionersyfoundingreat populous cities and lowns

n^y.ofj our public works, are

; edij cation, in consequence | the general |rosperiur.. It w Limn- f*r\rr\ 111 rT« t*« r\ n (X / i f i I Q H . I - . wL» .^ 1 A n *.'«•!. JL» ' ^vtuCu.1* * t. Lf kt sing ;.v 1

^ h e portirin

hiir ei.

ha? .loaned an equivalent sum lo her citizen; 1 cannot doubt that you will insist upon the fulfillment of 1 hi 1 pledge of the let era! government, and will, at the same time, prol >BUgainst the withdrawal of tne insiatiiieitts already ectived. -j I,

1'wo. hundred ard r ine; convicts were "received, lirr tbe year, into th 5 state prison at-Mount Fie

The whole number of convicts, in that prison is Tbe amount ectived for labor during jthe pa t

mb impaired |] minify'in the "ma|

>y *ery general com

ish ment pf off]

pnnjsbijnent, should

Vict if sbal

1 ftlso

kiclg shojes, U\ .dp iio \ dp received land f]>r


• • % ^ p P u.

rivite you* t item cour|ty jkils. The baleful atioi s is tap often fro molted by the defects in their contraction, and the experience ihcy furnish is calci ilati d to destroy spirit o» virtuous tnJti correction, not? less upon die ground of economy

from considerations of humanity, and if 'we |d ii|t falltntd a|comn|oh errdr. we should, seek

than| won torfeilaiiatewhardeiiedofendersbycornvatingtheirl j. confidently/anticipatelthal.it will not only I mon I Veilings while we are. dispeDsingjlhe punisb-l - • - -•''' - T men aw irded to their^imp*

In will leain. fmn ihb floasjeof Refqg4ih^

the a siuiilar


prot 101b the reformation you wi 1 bestow eai|ly at the present system prot]

and isidn be made bj law)

n|nd Tori supplying

from difference ofilan-t Ought never to be for

welfare is as! deeply education as in-/that of

do not hesitate, therp fore, tio recothrjnend the establi^htnen|/of schools in which ihey may be instructeo by teachers speaking, thij same language with j themselves, and professing" the same filth. There! would be no inequality in such a measure, since (1 circumstances, if not frpm choice, that the responsibilities of education are in nn?st in­stanced ennfined by us to native citizens, and

sarins sekiorn offer for a trial of our itati hall, was $73,^03 34, Thje j magnamityby cbViiniltiing that trust jo per-ng moneys paid for thoco.npleM q o r , g Offering frofn ourselves in language or female convicts, and thejexpjeosjs j ,. . 1 . 0 v ; , y . ^ j . _ . , . _ . . onviicls, were/?3,449 6 i . con/icts in ihe stale. pjrwori e njumber received during.

18)228. The earnings .of'the prison during ihe were $60,161|46, and the expenditures we(rp

51jfl7J 21. Tiie high reputation v> bich this state had acquir

fiornj t ie iuiprovement ol its criminal code, and fro its nyttem of penitmtiiry discipline, has recent!

religion Since jwehbve openedour country j jalkiquestib

plaints riag iment of our prisons; While md( rsshould always beenforced

Willi fijhiness, tr)e spjiritof the age manifestly requires thai cln ctpline slioulc be tempered with kindness, and that moral infiuencp, rjither than severe. corporal

for thej hifib resp^nsibjilities

beebiplcyed to'submission and if the convict, 't trust' lhat tention upon the defects of I [respectfully suggest that for the instruction of con-lliem with such books as

conduce to thpiij refiijtnation. on to the condition of our influence of vicious associ

cohs^deratio|ri, whether the time laslnot ar­rived for the>i adoption of a more libera? policy, and whether the temporary reliefi rom these disabilities which has heretofore beer) graht-

fed] chitflv jn favor of individual *, may, not now be ma die general and permanent, j.

I beg lea|e pt refer ynp to the suggestions contained in n»y last message, con< ert ing the laws regulajingjelections. It is o ' v.tal im-

.pbnance'lnl the security of our irsti utions, happens from the force of ynot oulyXha| our elections siould b J conduct­

ed :wi>h impartiality, and should thus ^xpfeas ^he "will oflthe iiiamnty of the pi top e, bui hat there should be entire and uniyursil con-

fideuce in ijhejir puritv. The acquiescence required of •fhtjumiiiority cgnoot bt eipected jto |be Vend|r^4«rnih:chcerfuluess, if \ \ be at,

oft vvhejlher the pub) c and alUts fulnesj? to tie oppressed of every )i\u\y expressed. I j cannot doubt that: you natiopy we shopld evince wisdom, equal to jjwill feel it to be yoiir duty to establish the such generosity >y quallifyink tb^ir children jnecessury s|ifegnards for the full ani uninter-

'-»-i|r citii^iish'i m up. fupted exerjjrise of the elective fra The! time as signed for thb completion of; jail | those, whether iich are poor, nalJive or

the gb<dogical survey of the staters about to'? harbrflrnzedJ whatever may be their enploy-expire/ High expectation^ of its usefulness 'j:nehi o^coiidition in |ife, to whom thqt ines-have Wen raided by the partial reports which jimuble privjih'ge is giie ran teed, have frjum time to firm beeh submitted t«» the j The cohJtitutiori provides that evjeryi'maje Legislature,vand provision; s'hould be made j Citizen of tbe age of|tweuty one yean , t?h<j> for the! preservation of tbe invaluable scren-) shall have been an Inhabitant of this state one tine treasures-which Havel been collected.— |yea"r next preceding Jny elrctioh, aod or the Kxtenslve as i!he collection is, it will-probably {lasL;six ihou|hs ^'Vesident of thecoUiity where

a'i if '

icH ise by

Y the iu»til|otio^ have 'bceji dmpl] with; hioat eatotany resu

institution ip the v^estern part ol\the state is d«sij|ed!>^avetyiar,


whatever remains of generous itivw'. Their' defects demand

r/evelppe thermineril relsources of tbe state, ffeportof dm mxrjAgersroflbut wil(secpre lb a^ricujlturo its rightful con

e nam

' A. Ji-:

be contiin««lly increased byiievv eou(tribntions-.' The place assigred fnr"its accommodation should,1 therefore, lie spicious and accessible The eiicOuragemont «;'f ngrictilture, by the more general dissi vvt.ich !it empl'oys frequ.etjt recommendations from this depart ment, and of in'tso 1 discussion in the Legis­lature, j The geologies! survey may &e re­garded as laying th J foundation of institutions for popular instruct ion h these sciences; and

tninjition of the sciences has been the subject of

tffll responsibilities of that Urged with effinencv and ti. The establ'.shmcrit of

(sideration and influ

berof our Iqtldw citizens.

Tf[rf iwhrjre ; riuniljer o| stale is|i8p; 103, of] aod hoj-se aftiilery.

U .,'-,.,< k i .

ncej f the militia of the

whith 7,4^7 are cavalry 9,256 are artillery] 160,'-

(Je tnay offer bis vote.jshall bue^UtlarJ ti.vole ) ihet'vwdlir watd w|erehe pefuall Jr«aidea,

•HiJh judicial authocitfef; giffiqr'm Ci > i h e leaning of jthe wdrd:|esident^ It. j i . ^jtbin tbe! power l*t the. I>gisiatiM-e to de fin)] this

1; anci siijotb a meipiw)re is highly n< ce sa r^ eM to relieve xloubtsas to setfure tl e t;«r

jdy rji^ht Of •'j Be electiye franchise to ho i e . $ our let ow-cpizena wlUse occasio^naJ or tem-prjralry employment iuths navigatibi]f o .,pur

n.-jls. and rivets, atid upon our publii; wurka, produces dri|ibts conce|rning tjbei j ) l« B'.'% 'here tWym:0mmSlia votf.";.., :\.."' «J . ,-,

i|he) reorgantptionipf the court cf <i*ao-CeJ ry

[thjj jcitfzen,


with an abridgerrtenl of the jurisdi :ti«n and pa ronage of the Chancellor, is 1 .lil<e in­dispensable. 10 ensure the personal se< :ur ly of

atid to prejse*yo ibe^barj w>i »y ^f

4^0 are^fantrjv, >jic|u^'ngJight infat try anij r'nemeit, i nd 3 p ^ i * T e Pffalry an4 i nijiiefy .attached-to brigades of infantry. JUi 1 mani­fest that the mi itia..system -has lost drime of the popular res| ect with which it wds once regarded, ^nd;btSjriBCeived little of that legis­lative care wbic 1 if neoessaty to,nreserve li a usefulness and /efnetency of .all our institu­tions. This cannot be prurient, unless it is wise to forjget in peace ihe probability i f wap, and in undisturb ;d tranquility jhe -dan. (or of civil cmrimotion., | trust, therefore,-th ilyojU will take' 'roeasur^lo bring the subj« t be­fore Congress, pi order to accomplish the necessary reform, 1 It is possible that {some of the defejets of km sy*tei.n'(mayj>e reAct^e^ by our own legisIptiouA.. At present the rich and the fori una I e evade, in a great d*jgi M} jthe perfonpaiice df military duty, while its expenses and sacrifices iali without apater fnenl upon those members of society whb are [unstable to bear t'hera, | f 4t be peceisary to preseryp the organization of so niaay^of bur citizens as are now enrolled, which is at least doubtful, jit ii, at all events, just an«| consonant with the spirit, of ouransUtut ans, thnt! tl>e. taxes ano burthens of tijeoBiUtia:

|ervice ishould be equalized, j

S • -

i" L


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