old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/sag harbor ny corrector/sag...

< I /' * 83K- f I -! PfSW Ptj ^~^~1 —" . -fts i . -I. :•' -.. *•• 8ATUBDAT, MIX 22, 1875. ;,. - J.Tilden . and one of its correa- (has been infcerriawing on the subject. Thia a what Measra. Prince and Oakley .aay : An opinion from the "bosom friend" .-• of William Cullen Bryant—1^. Bradford Jbiinm, ft Republican member /rom Queens ^ Cooxrty—waa^ obtap^i. Wfcea asked- »h*t «e mon^iit of the Daily Gsaphic nom- he said : "Well, really, lamftBepub- ,on that queation. I think the matter a lit- . tie prenujnre. Let me see, it taft year or mo/e Jbefore the people elect a President. So many changes may occur to us as a peo- • .pie in that lime that what seems quite pxob- .able to-day may be injpojjrble tl^ec. A prediction at this time from any person jyouH bo of little valne, I apprehend." On U±Q &>kev hauil Mr. Prince's colleague, ; Janes 1L Oakley, said : "1 regard the nom- nation of Governor Tildea as possibly dangerously premature, -bat I heartily favor him for ifce Presidency upon his record as a reformer. J. was under the impression that perUaps -the action of the next Congress might shape the course of events in deterni- ining the coming man.** ? -VIM «|—IMS» m m. ftf t-, •• A new time table took effect on the Soafch- ,_rn Railroad of this faJ£tt4 on Mond&x last. The road under ita new management has the confidence of the people, and will re- ceive a commeuanrate patr^age. The re- ceipts for "the month of April amounted to 480,080 03. It is proposed j to lay 1800 tons of steel puis and 17000 ties this summer. During Mm winter 500 tons of new iron have been put down, seven new engines, three dum- mies, forty.nine house cars, twenty-five flat cars, and twenty-six passenger cars rebuilt and made*as good as new. '-* Babylon is the present terminus of the Southern Road, toe extension east to- Patch- ogue being run by the; Flashing, North Bide and Central up., bnt both roads are under the same management. The President of the road is Adolph Pop- ; the General Manager H. C. Pop- ; the General Superintendent I. IX and Ass-'t Sup.'t J. J. Barr. j* 1 Tke Mmwmm s«ppiy am. the annual Supply Bill of the State Assembly it wns cut down some then jhat of 1874, or in fact bill for the past tea years. prat Barton, M> that now the 8800,000 is nearly blotted out. That grave and venerable body,where the Republican leaders have a majority, hare added the small sum of $780,000 to information t 9 be obtained. On .a week .from Monday next the'.Qsusus nujnerators will.commence their dutfea. It it intended Jfcat the census taken this ^ear shall be the most perfect .^TQT taken in ,the State, #nd if each one of the appointees follow out the rides and requirements laid down by Secretary Wilier* there can be no doubt that the statistical information ob- tained gpM be both onnjplete and valuable* The censes will be taken by election dis- tricts, and the whole enumeration must be finished during the month of June. The Secretary invites the voluntary as- sistance of citizens in procuring complete and correct returns. The willingness or readiness of those questioned to answer the enumerator, will goiar to lighten and per- fect his task. Although every one resisting the proper questions of the census man is anbject to a heavy fine, yet the disposition to aid him in his task will be appreciated by all well i^eaaing; citizens. The questions he will ask are quite num- erous, and are intended to supply the fol- lowing array of facts as to our population, increase, business, resources, and growth. The number of dwellings in ^ each district, the material of which built, and value ; the name of every person in the family, the age, sex, color, relationship, where born, whether married, widowed or/single, pro- fession or occupation, place of employment, native, naturalized, or alien, whether a freeholder, if over 21, whether able to read and write, whether"4«W, dumb, blind, in- sane or idiotic. The marriages during the year v nama of husband and wife, age,'condition, previous civil condition, dftte of marriage, place where and by whom married. Deaths during the year} name, age, sex, color, civil condition, date of deftth, nativity, occupation, disease or cause. The agricultural statistics to be obtained will enumerate, the number of acres of land improved! aha 1 in wood, timber or meadow, the number of farms, buildings, stock, tools, gross sales, nfowepj' agres!, $pres of wheat, spring and whiter, oata t rye, hay, etc.,bush- els harvested, and a comparison of the two past years. Industries other than agricultural will be inquired into, the business, capital, mater- ial used, ampunt produced, motive power, number of' persons employedi average monthly wages, etc. The miscellaneous statements will include p . . . . the number of places of worship, pnblic li- braries; . hotels, stores, domestic animals for use in cities and villages ; the mortality of the year past; the* wages of laborers and .mechanics. It will be seen from the above that in the obtaining information, an,d the prepara- tion of hys blanks, the census enumerator Kaa.ti/i lirrht l**\. apd in alLtho. larger, dia. Long Island WB. ~ Morichea improving LOQQ,-to-paw jthe Assam- £ Company :ers last 3V Suffolk daj last ... v £e* pf,' Woodbridge nilding a summer jreshj^nce at QUOJ ... .Mrs. Jebiel Raynor o: fell and broke her arm las F. L. Juddise: the Southold Hotel. The bill appropriate war ,of tSl% claims has fi Wy. . , .The Simmons Pont caught nearly 400,030 f week. .... The Old Cove J: ieine drew in a haul of 450,000 ... .Lawyer T. Mv<|J3fflin«l«mod eun ff aud reconstructing the old G^g Mansion at Riverhead. ... .John S. Davis has brougjf Hiram S. Tuthill at Port Jefferson the typo) house property" for $9,375. .... Mr. B. H. Bokh of ithold was thrown from & wagonon-Mondsjpd severe- ly but not seriously i ijured. . . . T h y bill authoiizing thJGommon Council of Brooklyn to expend 10,000. for the completion of the Hempstei Reservoir, has been signed by tl eGovera .i,. .Elinor son of Josiah Smitl Southold while playing about Terry & B Sash and Blind Factory had the fingers \ his right hand taken off by a bhzz saw. J . The Traveler says Mr, Isn Peck has rented the Oak Lawn blub Ho| tp Capt. Selina Scovel of Conn. Also AT Boses, REASONABLE PBIOES. ^ yarbena[s, Pansies, FLOWERltffc PLANTS of all And CHOICE jundsatthe JiEWGREEN fiag Harbbrl May S2nd« 16^5 STTMMEB 10ANGEMBNT. I>.STEWA|RT, HIGH ST. " 51tf SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING. CHABLCS JUi8b«[BUKBIX» tke store of C.iW.--. ,---, ., wbere heiwiU be pleased to see Ms the public generally, jiay Uh, 1875. . ; Ct4 >ld patrons an< 49tf H BOARD OF HBAJLfTH, J0W0F Eli HAMPTON *• & meetinir of the^Board of Health of the Town of Salmon has sold his trotting it A. M. are Josie before ueemed fust and reasonable for the proper management ci the State. So that if tbf sum appropriated, shall seem large the people will have no "difficulty where to place the responsibility. The SfM«r Bifl-at Wnr. The diflkmlty between the cystermen of Brookhavcn and Inlip towns does not seem 50 00m• any nearer a settlement. At a late meeting of the Town Trustees of Brook ha ren it was resolved to lease lots'for growing and plant; a% q£Afc&Bi of six acres to one person a eitisetf m the town for the an- nnal rent of g3.0(). _^ The same meeting reumved to charge the residents of eastern 1*1 ip a toleration fee of $10.0). The Advmre ha5 information that the lin&ifprs have held an indignation" meeting, and q/a U»,ey will not pay's cent of tolera- tion »lvr)ve what the Broojthtavenites do,snd that they will not wllow loU opposite Islip \o be leased, and that trouble is ahead. time al^ows<$ by law. He will need also, as we have said before, the voluntary assistance o\ the citizens and every well disposed man will render it. The census returns are the property of the State upon which to judge of its growth, prosperity, consequence, resources, and fu- ture needs as a great and vigorous common- wealth. « Glover to Edward Edwards, ofPatchogne for$l t 500, Capt. N, Floyd Wiggins, ofJreenpart, has received the appointmen master of Ex-Com. Osgood schooner yacht FleeUoin(j t N. "SlY. C, and will shortly join her at Northprt, This makes eight captains of Club hailing from Greenpb rfc, and m e to hear from.-^j?7ood and Field. ... .Hferidan Lodge F, & D. M.,tf Islip en- tertained about thirty members of South Side Lodge of Patcho jue on MoHay Even- ing of last week. Th e third Agree was worked and a collation spread; I The loss upon E. H^m.} j,on Mul- ford's barn, granary, carriage onse and contents at Orient, destroyed h fire last weuk, is estimated at 153,000. witl small in surance. Thefireis supposed tc have been of incendiary origin. At a spelling match consisting ofbetween 30 and 40 in Southold, week before last, Miss Emma Squires came out the victor. The words were chosen from the; works of Snoe^teor of said town, on the 19th day of May, 1875, S^hwS BrDaytonwas elected BealthOfflcer, and the follofrinjr regulations were adopted; .• ^ . 1. No person shall spread or deposit any fl»h in an/ Tard. or reread or bury them In anyfleldwithin forty rods of any dwelllnflr, church, or school house. • . 2. No person shafl allow any dead beast of his tp re- main exposed within forty rods of any public highway, church, dwelling or school house. ,.> 8. Any personwho shall violate or refuse to obey any order or regulation made and published by this Board of Health, or any order made and served or posted, shall be subject to afineoffiftydollars for each offence. 4 Upon;complaint to the health!officer appointed by this Board of any infringement of the above reguUv- tjbns, he Is hereby authorized to cause the sunls to be; removed to accordance with the provisions of the Stat- ute in such case made and provided. If upon examina- tion he deems the cause of the complaint a violation of any of the aforesaid regulations. The Board of Health recommend and request 1st. Thatwhere fish shall be spjread^n anyfiledat a jrreater distance from any dwelling than that named, in the above regulations,'they be burled or plowed under ^ a Tna , tSSprlvy'vaultflbe disinfected, and that all cesspools and drains be kept as clear as possible^ of_ all jfUttrmSorH. to OrfejrjL.Or«enp©ri, Shelter I s l a n d , a u t d Sag* H a r b o r . i^mmencing M<»NDAT, MAY L7TH, THE FAVOatTE STEAMER CAFE. ACKLEY, R„ at 5 P. Mi, on ^e V'lU Jeave Pier Ifi, E, Wacsuay«, Ttour«d*r»» •»* «iturda.y«, Returning, wiU leave Sag-Harbo^on Mondays, W«dnes<l»y*» and ** 4 v. M„ Gre^portat J g *, geUer; loavs, 5:15 & Suffolk at 9 A.M. •--. : M THE OLD LI^^BWBEN OBIENTV GBEEN- PORT, SHKM3BE IsnAlTD, SA0 HARBOR AND NEW SUFFOLK. l THE STEAMER of sailing splendid CAPT. GEO. C GIBBS WiU leave New York, Pier 16, Hast River, at foot of Wall Street, e\ery Tuesday, Tlwuraday, and Saturday, at 5 P . M . Returning, leaves Sa^ Harbor on Monday, Wednesday, and JFtiday, At 4 o'clock, P. Mj, and leaves Sag Harbor for New Suffolk .; Mondays and Fridays. MESSRS. H. & S. FRENCH, Agents at Sa£ Harbor RACKETT. BROTHERS, Office 114 Wall st. FLUlt> EXTRACT w IS THE ON^Y KNOWN KEMSDT FOR ^RIGHTS DISEASE. ]• AND i. posrnvE BEHEDY FOR GOfT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIABETES, DYS- PEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROPSY, FEMJfcLE COMPLAINTS, J Noi-Retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, Innamatlon, or Ulceration of the I' Bladder and Kidneys, SpJrmatorrho&a, Leticorrhoea or Whites. In - ^^ °l Paijalal Menses, Bearing Down, Chlorosis, SUrility and All Complaint* Incident to Females ARNETS EXT. BUCHU Foir Stone in the Bladder, Calculus Gravel or Brickdos Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and Diseases of the Prostate Gland. :EARNETS EXT. BUCETU ,res Diseases Arising from Imprudences^Habits of ipatlon, Etc., in all their stages, at little expense, e or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no wsure. It causes a frequent desire, and- gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Uretha, Allay- ing Pain and Innamatlon, and expelling, all Poisonous m&ttcr Used*by persons in the deoline or change of' life; after confinement or labor pains, bed-wetting in ecu- 'prof! Steele says: "One bottle of Kearney's Extract Bachu Is worth more than all other Buchusxomblned. *- Agents atj New York. Alh.rfc fnumber down." N. Y. Herald: If the "liifo bl Christ" J i <•** ' l i t . " 'i has gone higher than a kite, and the North- ern Pacific Railroad higher than, ti\e "Life of Christ," whereabouts is Sam Witkenson ? Richmond Inquirer: "They say Grant's grandfather loaded his gun twice at Lex- ington and fired succe^a^i^ ; bat when he fired it the third time the old blunderbuss -bust' and killed him. The grandson should be warned and not load for a third sjiot." The Chicago Post is great ^'historic coincidences." It says: "On t*ae yery spot where, one hundred years ago Maj. Pitoaim stirred, his brandy with hiafinger,and tkxeate^ed to "thus stir (the Yankee blood before night," Rockwood Hoar and G. "W. Curtis atirred theirs with a silver spoon." ^ Willi am KicoU, £aqi f of In lip, calls atten- tion to the frequency of fires In the woods at this scaaon, and also the unexousablc CftXeleMueaa by which they are often caused referring also to tne law of 1863 on th* sub- ject, which we jriT* below. Tt will repay attention,and its observation may B^+O, Ptpeuse and 1 tro'ubie. \S A.CT for the preservation of w^.odh»nd in Suffolk County from destruction by fire. Paaaetl May 2.1863. three-flftttA being John C. Breckinjpid^Oj. e^-Vice President of the U. S.. and a General of the Southern forces during the civil war, died at his home at Lexington, Ky.^ on Monday, at the age of 64 years. His was a brilliant public record up to the'time of the rebellion. Since the war he has been sincerel^ in favor of peaceful relations an4 a tmer,ecpnci,Ua,tion. of well edujeated people '(4 went Mrs. Dr. Thompson of Islip, was thrown out of a carrh\ge, on Tuesday, her horses taking fright at an approaching train. She was taken up insensible. A young lady with her was uninjnrel PTJZZLBS.—The following Latin puzzle has been given to the higher Latin class in the Port Jefferson public school: Sus est mea mater mala. Tjbo grammar classes are trying to analyze and parse these two senr tences: He said that fiat that that that boy used was a pronoun—. 'He that hath ears to hea^r, let him hear."—L. i. Leader- *-• 1 TH^ PATCHOQTJTB FIBB.—The Advance sums pp r the loss in the iate Patchogue fire as follows; , Roe & Mills, stose inj wxe& for $1,500. Loss on goods not covered) oy insurance $3,200. Loss upon office not} qoyecedby insjurance $200. Loss upon Eagle Hall above insurance S1,50Q. Sd. That all Bubstancesthat'afe believed proUflc causes of disease. * JEHIAL K. PARSONS, Supervisor. V HENRY B. TUTHILL, 1 Justices Bo ^ rd MERRY A. PARSON^ I "g»g O - SYLVANUS M. OSBORN, f pi £1 HeaUa - BRINLEY D. SLEIGHT, J e ' J Sec: 15, Title 6, chap. 14, Part •%& of the RevisedI Ftat- utes,(Mh edition), "Every person who shall willfully vlbUite any regulation made and published by any such Board of Health shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor; and on oonvlction thereof, shall be subjected to a fine or Imprisonment, or both, in the' discretion of the c<mrt, such fine not to exceed one thousand dollars nor such Imprisonment two years." East Hampton, May 19,1878. 51 w3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . i .•__• Preparation Of J u r y JLiats. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBBK'S OFFICE,) RIVKBHE-D, May 10,18T6".. ) To the Supervisor. Town Clerk, and Assessors of each of the Towns In Suffolk County: GENTLEMEN :—This being the year for preparing a list of persons to serve as Jurors for the ensuing three years, your attention Is respectfully directed to the Provisions of the statute in the premises—which are, In brief, as follows: The Supervisor, with the Town Clenc and Assessors, meet on the flrst Monday of July, in such place in their respective towns as the Supervisor, or in his absence the Town Clerk, may appoint for the purpose of mat inc a list of persons to serve as Jurors^ When assem- bled they prooeed to select from the names of those assessed on. the last assessment rolls of the town, suit- able persons to serve as Jurors. They must selbct male inhabitants ol the town, who are not exanjipt from Jurv service, between the ages of twenty-one and Blxty years, who are assessed of personal property; to their own right, to the amount of two hundred andjflfty dol- lars or a freehold in the estate In the county in. their own right, or the right of their wives, to the]valne of one hundred andflfty dollars, who are also inj possess- ion, of their natural faculties, and not inflfin or de- -aS-tt-ww* fri\e <M^rW)Ur~o.nJUl.Jgg_l-J_lCgPtlOP8._Pt The following persons, in addition to those under twenty-one and over siJcty years of age, are exempt by law: Keepers of poor houses; onlcers, members,- and musicians of any uniformed military company, and such as have certiflcatesof honorable discharge; mem- bers of any company of firemen—(by the charters of many incorporated villages, persons serving ithe time prescribed therein as lirenicn are exempt forever thereafter) ^ person's, in the actual employment of any glass, cotton, linen. w&<«Hen or iron manufacturing com- pany ; ministers of the gospel, school teachers, practis- ing physicians, telegraph opera.tors^ and po3timasters. Duplicates of each list prepared must be filed within ten days after the firat Monday of Jqilj—one in. the of- fice of the County Clerk and the other with the Town Clerk. ! ' . ; ff^HPlease write plainly the name of each : juror in full.^i GEQ. C. t CAMPBELL, COUKTX CLEB5. 51vs5 i ' MQBTGAGR SALE, W HEREAS, default has. b£en. made in the payment of the money s.ecured by a mortgage, dated the 8th day ot May, 18T1 j executed by August Ilassler and WUhelmina IJassier. his wife, of the Town of South- \. amjpton,'County of Suffolk, aud State of New! York, to Henry II. Gillette, of the Village of Sag Harbor, in said Town, County and State, and which mortgage was re- corded in the Clerk's office of said County, in Liber 102 of Mortgages, page 326, on the 23d day of May, 1871, at one o'clock r. M. And whereas tha said\mortjfag6 has, by an indenture of assignment, dated the 20th day of May, 1872, and which indenture of assignment was re- corded In the Clerk's office of Said County, in Liber 107 ofMortgages, page 207, on the 21at day of May, 1872, at 3 pjologk P. M M been duly assigned to Hannihal French an<,l Stephen B. French, of tlie Village o'j Sag Harbor, Town, County and State aforesaid." aud the same- Is now owned by them. AND.whereas thje.a,nignnt claimed to be d-e.mpon said mhrtgage^ at the time of theflrstpub-: THE CONNECTICUTRQUTE. June lkt, 1875, the old and favorite STEAMER On or about PORT ROYAL, Will commence making regular^trips! betweeni Sag Harbor, Greenport^S^ter Ud. an^ ^nnecric^ 49tf. lakin.. .._;, Shelter Island, as heretofore. Particulars of time will be given hereafter. KEARNEYS EXT. MOHU Permanently cures all affectiomi of the Bladder, Kid- neys, and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men, women and Children, no matter whafetbe age. Ask for Kearney's. Take no other. PSICE ONE DOUUAB PER BOTTLE, OR SIX BOTTLES FOB FIVE DOLLARS. DEPOT, 104 _>uANE STREET, NEW YORK. A Physician, ^attendance to answer correspondenca and give advice gratis. Send stamp for Pamphlets free. For Sale by Druggists everywhere. New Spring Goods! Th* Peopl* of the Stat* of AVK? York, rep- resented in Senat* a*d Assembly do enact a$ Sacra* V U v ©rv p«Taou in the County of Snffulk. *ciUM; ?$9 tft or kindling a fire oa hia own woocL brq^k. ( V low » or other land, who ah*l.Bnffiir anch liW ^6 extend bfrnndhw o-o Un.l, *hjxl\ deenied'and **& Io ha«« draw* «<, ifrgliGenily, and shaXf h« liable in danxage. to the party injured tb«rrby, unban the P*rty kindling su«?h a Are as aforesaid, fhall ahow beyond"every doabt that there w_* no negligence' on hid part, and th*t vbe i^ «x^nded from hia 9wn U#A {rom, cft^€^ e^tire^ beyond hu own QDotroi> ' $V N'o perac^ i? the County of SuSFo^ aliall a«4 ftre to iny wood, ornab, falfcw or oiherlaodtaaH imidaw eicepted) in ike day tima. be^re fAur o'eiock h ib* altor- f"w«. •» ^«$M^ hrte aqd i^Rlemen^ neoMeaxy to oontrol and. nr_, and ••ery beraon io offending ahall be deemed guilty if a laiwkfc—nnr, and oat oonriedon ahaU impriaoument, or Tftm Vaasraaa Hrxxrxo e0 nianing timt on record | ^ IfffgrXaaifeetMt, Ife., Wy Scarcfi«r, . im*b***4*rrihjJ„n\Bkoim. The mSmt +•* -aad» is the unpreoedented iime a t l & f K t l * ' S-nthalf mile being in .o^, \jj m^i'nwXm) fb 101 •mtwija The futont ft^e..r»i1na<we» Itiit by Grey Planet, in We bavo r e i v e d the first number of Fhoflaud Fiefyl, a weekly journal, devoted to Field Aquatic sports and the summer re- sor^s of XxNDg Island and published by John D. Xeill at Groenport. It is of saaqjl qqar- to form, and is full of every varieky of local intelligence and miscellany in its peculiar sphere. Long Island is certainly the home of field and aquatio sports, and if Flood and, Field is always* as good as its first number it ought'to experience the full measure of success. A bill has been iutrodu~?$d> by Senator Woodin at the instance of Air. Bergb, re- quiring butchers to conceal their operations from the vublic view, and forbidding any children under fifteen years of age to be employed or admitted to a slaughter-house under a penalty of not less than $o fine or ten days'imprisonment. i 1 >,'"• , rii, j It appears (rpm facts handeci in to us by an esteemed friend, that the people of Long Island, are at present at present ob- serving or jnaking laws passed seventy-five years ago. Our informant says that on the 20th c^ Aprflf 1955. * »urvey was ordered by the Eitate between Gravosend bay, Ja- m^ica b^y, Great South bay, Southampton bay, and across. Canoe Place to fjputhold bay, en Long Isl^d. On the loth of April, 1S2S, an act of incorporation was, passed, authorizing Abram O. Thompson" and others to make a canal from Gravesend bay to Tire Island Inlet, to be made tea years. Verfly hjttory is repearing itsett.^Jhtttei. in.' t M A SUBJECT TOR psw'pgNi-ii HONORS.—The oldest -woman in Suffolk County is said to be Mrs. Sarah Young of Bay Shore who has passed her 99th birtiday. Perhaps the census takers will do better next mouth and scare up a genuine Centenarian, in which case it would be proper-tp celebrate the fact along with Mecklenbrxg, Bunker Hill, the Declaration op Independence and other centennial sports. GRUBBING ENOUGH FOUONI, MAN—-The Patchogue correspond ont of the Suff. Co. Journal says: "M. D. Robinson, a resident of West Hamilton, age 55 years,. is yet healthy and strong, he s cut 6,500 cords of wood, opened/800,000 slams, done ditehing 12 miles long and 5 fe^t wide, 2 feet deep, dug 75 cellars from lO^to 4_ feet square, and 4 feet deep. ]&e bg£ <3 one labor by the day also; he can, walk 2O0 f m$ea iu 8 days, he has sprouted up 500 acres of land, &,u# ?00 loads of stumps and ca ught, 5 tops of eels in his day, and will run any man of his age 10 miles. I say, gentl amen of, his age, go for him." Qh no. He's done enough. Let him step down and^Qjifc. * * • *. .Mr. Cimries Hallel ;t, with a spirit oi en- terpri4ft possessedJMC.iew indiyiduak un- fortunately, has fnrflfctb_d those inhabitants of Griffmg Avenue, flBVup as his house, with water, by laying p^es from the old mill fiuma to that pointy intending to torce the water op by means of an hydraulic rain placed at the. mill. T .is will furnish the people of a portion of the avenue with an abundant supply of water during the dry spells, and nothing a< ids more to a fine garden to say nothing about the comfort, than a generous. 4oppl r of soft water. This introducing wa^er. by j lipes into the Tillage forma epoch in tfee hit tbry of the village,"— Jtivcrhead News, AN ANCIENT SXKEO.—Horace P. Clark of Far Bock away owns a horse claimed to be 42 years of age and sti 1 sound and in con- stant use. CKVe the old nag a ejb Pnrcnasers will OnO examine the it for their interest to call and HEAfY STOC May 21st, 18.T5. K of NKW GOODS Jnst purchased by GEO.B. EROW2T & SON. 61 KING S FOR OSWEGO P'S AND Silver Closs Starch, Fon T H E LAUNDRY. Manufactured by T. lingsford & Sbn, THE BEST STARCH IN THE WtOBIiD, Gives a beautiful finish to the linen, and the differ- ence in cost between it and common starch is scarcely half a cent for an ordinaryi washing. Ask your Grocer for it. ' v : licatton of this notice, is t,ho.sui_.of Two Hundred and Eighty-eight Dollars and sixty cents, to wit: $225.00 of principal, and $63.60 of/interest, and which is the whole •'rench, containing Twenty-eight acres. Assignees. amount claimed to be.unpaidon said mortgage. NOwy therefore, hotloe is hereby given, that by vir- tue of the power, oi sajte; qoutalped in said mortgage, arid duly recorded as aforesahl, and m" pursuance i>f the statute in such case made ano> proTlded, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises thereia described, at public auction, in front of-the omce of E. A. Carpenter, on Main Street, in, the Village of Sag Harbor, Town of Southampton, In" the County Of Suffolk, on the 14th day ot August next, at two and one-half o'clock, In the afternoon of that day. I The aaid- premises. ascajescribQd In said mortgage as follows: ; 'ALL that certain farm and tract anqi parcel Vof land, situate and lying-in the Town of- Southamp- t o n , Suffolk County. Bounded as follows, viz :!ln front "on the East by the Sag Harbor and Bull's Head Tuni- "nike; On the South l?y land of Henry McLane and "James Kelly ; On the West by land of'Charles Doug-' "lass ; And'onthe North by land ot'Cfcartes Dpuglass "and Hannibal F "more or less." Dated.the 22nd day of May, 1S7QL i HANNIBAL-FRENCH, v STEPHEN?. FRENCH, i E. A. CARPENTER, Attorney for Assignees of Mortgage. Cltf MORTGAGE, SALE. W HEREAS, default has been made in tho payment of the money secured by -a mortgage, dated the the 9th day of April, 1S71, executed by Wilhelmina Hassler, and August Hassjer, her husband, of the Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, and State of New- S >rk, to Hannibal French and Stephen B. French,both the.village of Sag Harbor, in said Town, County and State, d^d. which mortgage waB recorded in the Clerk's office of said County in Liber No. 103 of mortgages, page 321, o_t the'23b?day of May, 1871, at 1 o'clock P. M. AND whereas the amount claimed to be due upon said mortgage, at the time of the first publication of this nb- { Uce is the sum of Seven Hundred and Thirty .lour dol- lars and Seventy-three cents, to wit: $572.13 of princi- ple, and $162.60 of interest J and which is the'whole amount claimed to be unpaid ^n said mortgage. Now, therefore, notice is! hereby given, thafby virtu* of the power of sale contained in said -mortgage, and duly recorded as aforesaid, and in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mort- g " ge will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein scribed, at public auction, in front of the office of E. A. Carpenter, on MaJn st., hi tho yillage of Sag Harbor Tbwn of Southampton, in the County of Suffolk, on the 14th day of August next at two o'clock in the after- noon of that day. . The said, premises arc described in said mortgage as f0II0W8: "ALL that certain lot and tract of land, with "the buildings thereon erected situate, lying, and.be- "Ingln the Town of Southampton, Suffolk County, and "State of New York, formerly part of the tract known "as "Old Farm," late the property of Arnojd. Edwards, "deceased, and bounded and described according to "the survey made by E. Z. Hunt,' Marcl_ 19th, 1668T as '•follows: On the North by land formerly of John Ed- Vwards and land formerly of Levi Howell;Easterly andf "In front by the Sag Harbor and Bull's Head Turnpike '•Road; South by lands of Henry McLane and' Jbhn "Sullivan." "Also, part of said "Old Farm." conveyed- to- the- par- "tles of the flrst part herein, by deed dated, 1.86 : "and Westerly by a passing road, and land formerly of "John Edwards, the tract hereby conveyed con- •fkJnlng according to satd eurvey. by measurement, "twentv-«eY.en acres and one hundred and forty "three rods (27 acres and 143 rods); and known as lot •'No. i, being the tame premises conveyed to the said '"August Hassle?, by the executors 0 nAtnoM Edwards, deceased.* Dated the «M da/ of MayjlSTS. KINGSFORD'S 1 OSWEGO CORN ST4ROH> FOR PUDDINGS, BLANC MANGE, ICE CREAM, Is the original—Established in 1S4S. Aind preserves its reputation as purer, stronger and more delicate than any other article of the kind offered, either of the same name or with other tiitles, Stevenson Macadam, Ph, D., &c, the highest chemi- cal authority of Europe, carefully analyzed this Corn Starch, andsays Lt la a most excellent article, of diet and in chemical and feeding, properties is fully equal to the best arrow root. , Directions for making Paddings^ Custards, &c. s ac- company each one pound package. 5lm5 FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS GJROCERS. I . S. B. kALSEY v WATEJZ M^LLS, SUFFOLfi CO- GENERAL AGENT FOR THfc Sri w r Tongue' Organ, MADE BY E/PT NEEDHAMJ % These truly Democratic Instruments ar,e always readv. They will pi ly for the Admhiisttawon or any other party. Twenty-three of them lately sold. Also General Agent for the KNABG PIANO) so j highly'recommende'ti by Thalberg, Gottschalk, Geo W.' Morgan, and others. 44tf ijhlrty-one Organs sold in Suffolk County. AVOID QUACKS AND. IMPORTERS.. No Charge for Advioe and Consultation. DB J B. Dvorr, graduate of Jefferson Medical Col- lege, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Uri- nary Or_ans.(which he has made an especial study) either In male or female, no matter from what cause orhdnatlng or of how long standing. A practice or io- years enables him to treat diseases with.success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable,. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the Guide to Health. Price 10 cents. J. B DYOTT, M. 5>i, Physician and tfurgeOH,. ^y^ * xw Duane Street. New York. . Western Apple Sweet Cidler S3tf 30 Cts per Gallon, at GEORGE'S PLACE. ctiBNtrxara iaxx Guana, iU\ T LARGE Oil SMA LL QUANTITIES! at i»E8s PK;CK than charged by the Agents of the Peru-J vlan Government. Circulars with references, testimonials, and full par- ticuiacs, mailed free on application to-. P..O. R BAsLOAZAR, No. 53 Beaver St. Box 129. NeW-YorK 43m3 Bottled La^er Beer! f AN SUPERIOR: ARXWLE, ffO>rc F A M I L Y USE. 22tf Eor sale at GEORGE'S PLACE. Foreign Exchange. The undersigned-offers to sell in sums of FIVE DOL-. LARS AND UPWARDSv drafts payable in ad the va- rious Countries of Europe, and more than Two Ilun- dred.Ctties,,at the most fayorable rates, and to transact all busineaa-intjiis line. Wtf S..B. FRENCH. OYSTERS hi ETKKY STYfcK, AND SERVED Iff THE BEST MANNER at GEORGE'S PLACE; . ^ tf Main Street, Sag-Harbor. BOAROIQF HEApLT^ Tcwn of Southampton. At a meeting of the Board of Healthy of the town of Southampton, held at the office of the Sipervisor of said town, on the 3d day of May, 1S75, th <i following regulations were ad( bted 1. No person sliall bury fish for fertllizilug purposes In any barnyard, 05.spread or bury them in any field within thirty rods oj any dwelling, church;, or-_chool- house. 3d. No person shall bury or allow any dejad beast of his to remain witbii thirty,'rods of any dwelling, church, or school-house, or within thirty rods of any public road. Upon complaint tcj the Health Officer, appointed by the Board, of any alleged infringement of the above regulations, he is hereby authorized to cause the same to be removed, according to the provision! of Sec. 2, Cha,p. 790, of laws of 1S6T, if upon examination he deems the cause of complaint a, violation of any of them. The Board fuath er recommend :^ 1st. Thatwhere fish/ball bespread, on.ary fleld at a a greater distance from any dwelling than tljat nam- ed in tho above regulations, they beburietl or plowed under as soon as possible. 2. That the proprietors of Flsh-oili-orks desist from the manufacture of fisb-pil, guano and scraps within one hundred rods of any! village, aid that the greatest care be used In other localities irijhln said town, to preyent the accumulaton of suet matter as will tend to induce, disease. 1 3d. Tat all privy-vaults be properly disinfected, and all cess-pooia and drains be kept as clear, at possible of &U substances that are believed to be prolific causes of disease DEALERS IN OUT OOOI1% GROCERIES, CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS WARE?, CARPETS, <$c FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. Main Street S^Harbor, L. L CIGAR WM. R. POST, Supervisor. R. J P. R. JENNINGS, 11 JONES LUDLOW, MABCCS E. GRIFFIN, JAMES BL FOSTER, Justices ( I of f the j Peace. fljoard ol HeaMh, »ee. ;*: '™.-fr, *______________• i»nce to rest, Hor- HANNIBAL FKENCH, and STEPHEN B. FRENCH. E.A.CABPENTER, AUorneT for Mortgsgef* SECTION 15, Title 6, Chapter 15. Part lat, of the forty .(• Revised Statutes, (8th edition,) } 'Every parson who ahaUjwilfully violate any regulation made and pub- t_e* 9 rafcMe*of 1 1 - lhed ** **& 8Ucn Bo * r<1 of HeiJt ^ •-* J 1 m g-ilty of '"*' a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be I subject' to a fine or imprisonme!' t t, or both, in the dis- STORES AKD MANUFACTORY l OF B. J. HAURAND, MAIN ST. SAG-HARSpR, L. L SOUTH OF LYON & CO f * DEAJ^ER IN IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARS Try aoy new brands of E ^EN»S, PARTIGAS, FIGAROS. ESPAMOLAS, FLORA DEL FTJIMAS. ^ W liand all kinds of Smoking A ChW mg Tobaccos, Snuff, Fancy Articles, <fcc. for sale at wholesale and retail at the lowest possible rates, IX^ja't fail to give us a call., D. EDGAB PAES0ITS, I PITTSJ'OJK?. MONROE CO..N. ij. DEALER IN Frafc and Ornamental Treesr, Shrubs, Roses, &c,^ Froa^the oldest, largest, and most reliable iNnrseries i_ XT H? lted States. Mount Uope Nnrserlos of noches- ter, N. Y. HKFCBXXCKS. HON. HEXST P. H_DOES Bridge-Hampton. HON. I_T_!__NB. FRENCH RaffUubor. DATtO H. HCNTTINO, ESQ.... F.ast-HaznptOE, J. K. PARSONS, ESQ £a*t-Hamptoo, •nd many others wtio nave bad trc«* of me for rwo «oc- ceasive years. «f Mortgagtes cation of the Court, such fine thousand years dollar-, nor eurh not to exceed '.i-piiRonqient 0? 1L CLOTH8 r—Fl»t-\ Table and Malr CHI Cloth*. A large a_sorti_e_t }tuu received at BEO*NS. , lsra, one two 50wS O YST^EPH by the quart cr b«_*h»*I at ' CKOROJCS Ptict, J _ 1 " IM Mam«reet- Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/Sag Harbor NY Corrector/Sag Harbor NY... · The President of the road is Adolph Pop-; the General Manager H

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• *



I -!

PfSW Ptj ^~^~1 — " • .




-I .

:•' -..

* • • 8ATUBDAT, MIX 22, 1875.

• ;,. • - •

J.Tilden . and one of its correa-

(has been infcerriawing on the subject.

Thia a what Measra. Prince and Oakley .aay : An opinion from the "bosom friend"

.-• of William Cullen Bryant—1^. Bradford Jbiinm, ft Republican member /rom Queens

^ Cooxrty—waa^ obtap^i. Wfcea asked-»h*t «e mon^iit of the Daily Gsaphic nom-

he said : "Well, really, l a m ft Bepub-

,on that queation. I think the matter a lit-. tie prenujnre. Let me see, it taft year or mo/e Jbefore the people elect a President.

• So many changes may occur to us as a peo- • .pie in that lime that what seems quite pxob-.able to-day may be injpojjrble tl^ec. A prediction at this time from any person jyouH bo of little valne, I apprehend."

On U±Q &>kev hauil Mr. Prince's colleague, ; Janes 1L Oakley, said : "1 regard the nom-nation of Governor Tildea as possibly dangerously premature, -bat I heartily favor him for ifce Presidency upon his record as a reformer. J. was under the impression that perUaps -the action of the next Congress might shape the course of events in deterni-ining the coming man.**

? -VIM « | — I M S » m m. ftf t-, • •

A new time table took effect on the Soafch-,_rn Railroad of this faJ£tt4 o n Mond&x last. The road under ita new management has the confidence of the people, and will re­ceive a commeuanrate patr^age. The re­ceipts for "the month of April amounted to 480,080 03.

It is proposed j to lay 1800 tons of steel puis and 17000 ties this summer. During Mm winter 500 tons of new iron have been put down, seven new engines, three dum­mies, forty.nine house cars, twenty-five flat cars, and twenty-six passenger cars rebuilt and made*as good as new. '-*

Babylon is the present terminus of the Southern Road, toe extension east to- Patch-ogue being run by the; Flashing, North Bide and Central up., bnt both roads are under the same management.

The President of the road is Adolph Pop-; the General Manager H. C. Pop-; the General Superintendent I. IX and Ass-'t Sup.'t J. J. Barr. j*1

Tke Mmwmm s«ppiy am. the annual Supply Bill of the State

Assembly it wns cut down some then jhat of 1874, or in fact

bill for the past tea years. p r a t


M> that now the 8800,000 is nearly blotted out. That grave and venerable body,where the Republican leaders have a majority, hare added the small sum of $780,000 to

i n f o r m a t i o n t 9

b e o b t a i n e d .

On .a week .from Monday next the'.Qsusus nujnerators will.commence their dutfea. It it intended Jfcat the census taken this

^ear shall be the most perfect . TQT taken in ,the State, #nd if each one of the appointees follow out the rides and requirements laid down by Secretary Wilier* there can be no doubt that the statistical information ob­tained gpM be both onnjplete and valuable* The censes will be taken by election dis­tricts, and the whole enumeration must be finished during the month of June.

The Secretary invites the voluntary as­sistance of citizens in procuring complete and correct returns. The willingness or readiness of those questioned to answer the enumerator, will goiar to lighten and per­fect his task. Although every one resisting the proper questions of the census man is anbject to a heavy fine, yet the disposition to aid him in his task will be appreciated by all well i^eaaing; citizens.

The questions he will ask are quite num­erous, and are intended to supply the fol­lowing array of facts as to our population, increase, business, resources, and growth. The number of dwellings in ^ each district, the material of which built, and value ; the name of every person in the family, the age, sex, color, relationship, where born, whether married, widowed or/single, pro­fession or occupation, place of employment, native, naturalized, or alien, whether a freeholder, if over 21, whether able to read and write, whether"4«W, dumb, blind, in­sane or idiotic.

The marriages during the yearvnama of husband and wife, age,'condition, previous civil condition, dftte of marriage, place where and by whom married.

Deaths during the year} name, age, sex, color, civil condition, date of deft th, nativity, occupation, disease or cause.

The agricultural statistics to be obtained will enumerate, the number of acres of land improved! aha1 in wood, timber or meadow, the number of farms, buildings, stock, tools, gross sales, nfowepj' agres!, $pres of wheat, spring and whiter, oatat rye, hay, etc.,bush­els harvested, and a comparison of the two past years.

Industries other than agricultural will be inquired into, the business, capital, mater­ial used, ampunt produced, motive power, number of' persons employedi average monthly wages, etc.

The miscellaneous statements will include p . . . .

the number of places of worship, pnblic li­braries; . hotels, stores, domestic animals for use in cities and villages ; the mortality of the year past; the* wages of laborers and

.mechanics. It will be seen from the above that in the

obtaining information, an,d the prepara­tion of hys blanks, the census enumerator Kaa.ti/i lirrht l**\. apd in a lLtho . larger , d i a .

Long Island WB.




LOQQ,-to-paw jthe Assam-

£ Company :ers last

3V Suffolk daj last

. . . v £ e * pf,' Woodbridge nilding a summer jreshj^nce at QUOJ

. . . .Mrs. Jebiel Raynor o: fell and broke her arm las

F. L . Juddise: the Southold Hotel.

The bill appropriate war ,of tSl% claims has f i Wy. . , .The Simmons Pont caught nearly 400,030 f week. . . . . The Old Cove J: ieine drew in a haul of 450,000

. . . .Lawyer T. Mv<|J3fflin«l«modeunff aud reconstructing the old G^g Mansion at Riverhead. ... .John S. Davis has brougjf Hiram S. Tuthill at Port Jefferson the typo) house property" for $9,375. . . . .Mr. B. H. Bokh of ithold was thrown from & wagonon-Mondsjpd severe­ly but not seriously i ijured. . . . T h y bill authoiizing thJGommon Council of Brooklyn to expend 10,000. for the completion of the Hempstei Reservoir, has been signed by tl eGovera .i,. .Elinor son of Josiah Smitl Southold while playing about Terry & B Sash and Blind Factory had the fingers \ his right hand taken off by a bhzz saw. J .

The Traveler says Mr, Isn Peck has rented the Oak Lawn blub H o | tp Capt. Selina Scovel of Conn. Also




yarbena[s, Pansies,

FLOWERltffc PLANTS of all And CHOICE jundsatthe

J i E W G R E E N

fiag Harbbrl May S2nd« 16^5



" 51tf


tke store of C.iW.--.,---, . , wbere heiwiU be pleased to see Ms the public generally,

jiay Uh, 1875. . ; •

C t 4

>ld patrons an< 49tf



J 0 W 0 F E l i HAMPTON *• & meetinir of the^Board of Health of the Town of

Salmon has sold his trotting it A. M. are Josie

before ueemed fust and reasonable for the proper management ci the State.

• So that if tbf sum appropriated, shall seem large the people will have no "difficulty where to place the responsibility.

T h e S f M « r Bifl-at W n r .

The diflkmlty between the cystermen of Brookhavcn and Inlip towns does not seem 50 00m• any nearer a settlement.

At a late meeting of the Town Trustees of Brook ha ren it was resolved to lease lots'for growing and plant; a% q£Afc&Bi of six acres to one person a eitisetf m the town for the an-nnal rent of g3.0(). _^

The same meeting reumved to charge the residents of eastern 1*1 ip a toleration fee of $10.0).

The Advmre ha5 information that the lin&ifprs have held an indignation" meeting, and q/a U»,ey will not pay's cent of tolera-tion »lvr)ve what the Broojthtavenites do,snd that they will not wllow loU opposite Islip \o be leased, and that trouble is ahead.

time al ows<$ by law. He will need also, as we have said before,

the voluntary assistance o\ the citizens and every well disposed man will render it.

The census returns are the property of the State upon which to judge of its growth, prosperity, consequence, resources, and fu­ture needs as a great and vigorous common­wealth. «

Glover to Edward Edwards, ofPatchogne for$lt500,

Capt. N, Floyd Wiggins, ofJreenpart, has received the appointmen master of Ex-Com. Osgood schooner yacht FleeUoin(jt N. "SlY. C , and will shortly join her at Northprt, This makes eight captains of Club hailing from Greenpb rfc, and m e to hear from.-^j?7ood and Field.

. . . .Hferidan Lodge F, & D. M.,tf Islip en­tertained about thirty members of South Side Lodge of Patcho jue on MoHay Even­ing of last week. Th e third Agree was worked and a collation spread; I

The loss upon E. H^m.} j,on Mul-ford's barn, granary, carriage onse and contents at Orient, destroyed h fire last weuk, is estimated at 153,000. witl small in surance. The fire is supposed tc have been of incendiary origin.

At a spelling match consisting of between 30 and 40 in Southold, week before last, Miss Emma Squires came out the victor. The words were chosen from the; works of

Snoe^teor of said town, on the 19th day of May, 1875, S ^ h w S BrDaytonwas elected BealthOfflcer, and the follofrinjr regulations were adopted; .• .

1. No person shall spread or deposit any fl»h in a n / Tard. or reread or bury them In any fleld within forty rods of any dwelllnflr, church, or school house. • .

2. No person shafl allow any dead beast of his tp re­main exposed within forty rods of any public highway, church, dwelling or school house. ,.>

8. Any personwho shall violate or refuse to obey any order or regulation made and published by this Board of Health, or any order made and served or posted, shall be subject to a fine of fifty dollars for each offence.

4 Upon;complaint to the health!officer appointed by this Board of any infringement of the above reguUv-tjbns, he Is hereby authorized to cause the sunls to be; removed to accordance with the provisions of the Stat­ute in such case made and provided. If upon examina­tion he deems the cause of the complaint a violation of any of the aforesaid regulations.

The Board of Health recommend and request • 1st. Thatwhere fish shall be spjread^n any filed at a jrreater distance from any dwelling than that named, in the above regulations,'they be burled or plowed under ^ aTna , tSSprlvy'vaultf lbe disinfected, and that all cesspools and drains be kept as clear as possible^ of_ all

jfUttrmSorH. t o Orfe j r jL .Or«enp©ri , S h e l t e r • I s l a n d , a u t d Sag* H a r b o r .

i^mmencing M<»NDAT, MAY L7TH,


CAFE. ACKLEY, R„ at 5 P . Mi, on

^ e

V'lU Jeave Pier Ifi, E, W a c s u a y « , T t o u r « d * r » » • » * « i t u r d a . y « ,

Returning, wiU leave Sag-Harbo^on M o n d a y s , W«dnes<l»y*» a n d

** 4 v. M„ Gre^porta t J g * , geUer ;

l o a v s , 5:15 &

Suffolk at 9 A . M . •--. : M





of sailing splendid


WiU leave New York, Pier 16, Hast River,

at foot of Wall Street, e\ery Tuesday, Tlwuraday, and Saturday,

at 5 P . M . Returning, leaves Sa^ Harbor on Monday, Wednesday, and JFtiday,

At 4 o'clock, P. Mj, and leaves Sag Harbor for New Suffolk .;

Mondays and Fridays. MESSRS. H. & S. FRENCH, Agents at Sa£ Harbor RACKETT. BROTHERS,

Office 114 Wall st.







Noi-Retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, Innamatlon, or Ulceration of the

I' •

Bladder and Kidneys, SpJrmatorrho&a, Leticorrhoea or Whites. I n - ^ ^ °l Paijalal Menses, Bearing Down, Chlorosis, SUrility and

All Complaint* Incident to Females

ARNETS EXT. BUCHU Foir Stone in the Bladder, Calculus Gravel or Brickdos

Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and Diseases of the Prostate Gland.

:EARNETS EXT. BUCETU ,res Diseases Arising from Imprudences^Habits of ipatlon, Etc., in all their stages, at little expense,

e or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no wsure. It causes a frequent desire, and- gives

strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Uretha, Allay­ing Pain and Innamatlon, and expelling, all Poisonous m&ttcr

Used*by persons in the deoline or change of' life; after confinement or labor pains, bed-wetting in ecu-

'prof! Steele says: "One bottle of Kearney's Extract Bachu Is worth more than all other Buchusxomblned.


Agents atj New York.

Alh.rfc fnumber down."

N. Y. Herald: If the "liifo bl Christ" J i • <•** ' l i t . " ' i

has gone higher than a kite, and the North­ern Pacific Railroad higher than, ti\e "Life of Christ," whereabouts is Sam Witkenson ?

Richmond Inquirer: "They say Grant's grandfather loaded his gun twice at Lex­ington and fired succe^a^i^ ; bat when he fired it the third time the old blunderbuss -bust' and killed him. The grandson should be warned and not load for a third sjiot."

The Chicago Post is great o£ ^'historic coincidences." It says: "On t*ae yery spot where, one hundred years ago Maj. Pitoaim stirred, his brandy with hia finger, and tkxeate^ed to "thus stir (the Yankee blood before night," Rockwood Hoar and G. "W. Curtis atirred theirs with a silver spoon."

• ^

Willi am KicoU, £aqif of In lip, calls atten­tion to the frequency of fires In the woods at this scaaon, and also the unexousablc CftXeleMueaa by which they are often caused referring also to tne law of 1863 on th* sub­ject, which we jriT* below.

Tt will repay attention,and its observation may B^+O, Ptpeuse and1 tro'ubie. \S A.CT for the preservation of w .odh»nd

in Suffolk County from destruction by fire. Paaaetl May 2.1863. three-flftttA being

John C. Breckinjpid^Oj. e^-Vice President of the U. S.. and a General of the Southern forces during the civil war, died at his home at Lexington, Ky.^ on Monday, at the age of 64 years. His was a brilliant public record up to the'time of the rebellion. Since the war he has been sincerel^ in favor of peaceful relations an4 a tmer,ecpnci,Ua,tion.

of well edujeated people ' ( 4 went

Mrs. Dr. Thompson of Islip, was thrown out of a carrh\ge, on Tuesday, her horses taking fright at an approaching train. She was taken up insensible. A young lady with her was uninjnrel

PTJZZLBS.—The following Latin puzzle has been given to the higher Latin class in the Port Jefferson public school: Sus est mea mater mala. Tjbo grammar classes are trying to analyze and parse these two senr tences: He said that fiat that that that boy used was a pronoun—. 'He that hath ears to hea r, let him hear."—L. i. Leader- *-•

1 •

TH^ PATCHOQTJTB FIBB.—The Advance sums pprthe loss in the iate Patchogue fire as follows; ,

Roe & Mills, stose inj wxe& for $1,500. Loss on goods not covered) oy insurance $3,200.

Loss upon office not} qoyecedby insjurance $200.

Loss upon Eagle Hall above insurance S1,50Q. •

Sd. That all Bubstancesthat'afe believed proUflc causes of disease. * JEHIAL K. PARSONS, Supervisor. V

HENRY B. TUTHILL, 1 Justices B o ^ r d

MERRY A. PARSON^ I " g » g O - SYLVANUS M. OSBORN, f p i £ 1 H e a U a -BRINLEY D. SLEIGHT, J ™ e ' J

Sec: 15, Title 6, chap. 14, Part•%& of the RevisedI Ftat-utes,(Mh edition), "Every person who shall willfully vlbUite any regulation made and published by any such Board of Health shall be deemed guilty of a misde­meanor; and on oonvlction thereof, shall be subjected to a fine or Imprisonment, or both, in the' discretion of the c<mrt, such fine not to exceed one thousand dollars nor such Imprisonment two years."

East Hampton, May 19,1878. 51 w3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — . — . — • — — — i

. • _ _ • P r e p a r a t i o n Of J u r y JLiats. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBBK'S OFFICE,)

RIVKBHE-D, May 10,18T6".. ) To the Supervisor. Town Clerk, and Assessors of each

of the Towns In Suffolk County: GENTLEMEN :—This being the year for preparing a

list of persons to serve as Jurors for the ensuing three years, your attention Is respectfully directed to the Provisions of the statute in the premises—which are, In brief, as follows:

The Supervisor, with the Town Clenc and Assessors, meet on the flrst Monday of July, in such place in their respective towns as the Supervisor, or in his absence the Town Clerk, may appoint for the purpose of m a t inc a list of persons to serve as Jurors^ When assem­bled they prooeed to select from the names of those assessed on. the last assessment rolls of the town, suit­able persons to serve as Jurors. They must selbct male inhabitants ol the town, who are not exanjipt from Jurv service, between the ages of twenty-one and Blxty years, who are assessed of personal property; to their own right, to the amount of two hundred andjflfty dol­lars or a freehold in the estate In the county in. their own right, or the right of their wives, to the]valne of one hundred and flf ty dollars, who are also inj possess­ion, of their natural faculties, and not inflfin or de--aS-tt-ww* fri\e <M^rW)Ur~o.nJUl.Jgg_l-J_lCgPtlOP8._Pt

The following persons, in addition to those under twenty-one and over siJcty years of age, are exempt by law: Keepers of poor houses; onlcers, members,- and musicians of any uniformed military company, and such as have certiflcatesof honorable discharge; mem­bers of any company of firemen—(by the charters of many incorporated villages, persons serving ithe time prescribed therein as lirenicn are exempt forever thereafter) ^ person's, in the actual employment of any glass, cotton, linen. w&<«Hen or iron manufacturing com­pany ; ministers of the gospel, school teachers, practis­ing physicians, telegraph opera.tors^ and po3timasters.

Duplicates of each list prepared must be filed within ten days after the firat Monday of Jqilj—one in. the of­fice of the County Clerk and the other with the Town Clerk. ! ' . ;

ff^HPlease write plainly the name of each : juror in fu l l .^ i



WHEREAS, default has. b£en. made in the payment of the money s.ecured by a mortgage, dated the

8th day ot May, 18T1 j executed by August Ilassler and WUhelmina IJassier. his wife, of the Town of South-

\. amjpton,'County of Suffolk, aud State of New! York, to Henry II. Gillette, of the Village of Sag Harbor, in said Town, County and State, and which mortgage was re­corded in the Clerk's office of said County, in Liber 102 of Mortgages, page 326, on the 23d day of May, 1871, at one o'clock r . M. And whereas tha said\mortjfag6 has, by an indenture of assignment, dated the 20th day of May, 1872, and which indenture of assignment was re­corded In the Clerk's office of Said County, in Liber 107 ofMortgages, page 207, on the 21at day of May, 1872, at 3 pjologk P. MM been duly assigned to Hannihal French an<,l Stephen B. French, of tlie Village o'j Sag Harbor, Town, County and State aforesaid." aud the same- Is now owned by them. AND.whereas thje.a,nignnt claimed to be d-e.mpon said mhrtgage^ at the time of the flrst pub-:

THE CONNECTICUTRQUTE. June lkt, 1875, the old and favorite

STEAMER On or about

PORT ROYAL, Will commence making regular^trips! betweeni Sag Harbor, Greenport^S^ter U d . an^ ^ n n e c r i c ^


lakin.. .._;, Shelter Island,

as heretofore. Particulars of time will be given hereafter.

KEARNEYS EXT. MOHU Permanently cures all affectiomi of the Bladder, Kid­neys, and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men, women and Children, no matter whafetbe age.

Ask for Kearney's. Take no other.



A Physician, ^attendance to answer correspondenca and give advice gratis. Send stamp for Pamphlets free.

For Sale by Druggists everywhere.

New Spring Goods!

Th* Peopl* of the Stat* of AVK? York, rep­resented in Senat* a*d Assembly do enact a$

Sacra* V Uv©rv p«Taou in the County of Snffulk. *ciUM; ?$9 tft or kindling a fire oa hia own woocL brq^k. (V l o w» o r other land, who ah*l.Bnffiir anch liW 6 extend bfrnndhw o-o Un.l, *hjxl\ V» deenied'and **& Io ha«« draw* «<, ifrgliGenily, and shaXf h« liable in danxage. to the party injured tb«rrby, unban the P*rty kindling su«?h a Are as aforesaid, fhall ahow beyond"every doabt that there w_* no negligence' on hid part, and th*t vbe i ^ «x^nded from hia 9wn U#A {rom, cft^€^ e^tire^ beyond hu own QDotroi> ' $V N'o perac^ i? the County of SuSFo^ aliall a«4 ftre to iny wood, ornab, falfcw or oiherlaodtaaH imidaw eicepted) in ike day tima. be^re fAur o'eiock h ib* altor-f"w«. • » ^ « $ M ^ hrte aqd i^Rlemen^ neoMeaxy to oontrol and. nr_, and ••ery beraon io offending ahall be deemed guilty if a laiwkfc—nnr, and oat oonriedon ahaU

impriaoument, or

Tftm Vaasraaa Hrxxrxo e 0 nianing timt on record | ^ IfffgrXaaifeetMt, I f e . , Wy Scarcfi«r, . im*b***4*rrihjJ„n\Bkoim. The mSmt +•* -aad» i s the unpreoedented iime a t l & f K t l * ' S-nthalf mile being in .o^, \jj m^i'nwXm) fb 101 •mtwija The futont ft^e..r»i1na<we» I t i i t by Grey Planet, in

We bavo r e i v e d the first number of Fhoflaud Fiefyl, a weekly journal, devoted to Field Aquatic sports and the summer re-sor^s of XxNDg Island and published by John D. Xeill at Groenport. It is of saaqjl qqar-to form, and is full of every varieky of local intelligence and miscellany in its peculiar sphere. Long Island is certainly the home of field and aquatio sports, and if Flood and, Field is always* as good as its first number it ought'to experience the full measure of success.

A bill has been iutrodu~?$d> by Senator Woodin at the instance of Air. Bergb, re­quiring butchers to conceal their operations from the vublic view, and forbidding any children under fifteen years of age to be employed or admitted to a slaughter-house under a penalty of not less than $o fine or ten days'imprisonment.

i1 >,'"• , r i i , j

It appears (rpm facts handeci in to us by an esteemed friend, that the people of Long Island, are at present at present ob­serving or jnaking laws passed seventy-five years ago. Our informant says that on the 20th c^ Aprflf 1955. * »urvey was ordered by the Eitate between Gravosend bay, Ja-m^ica b^y, Great South bay, Southampton bay, and across. Canoe Place to fjputhold bay, en Long Isl^d. On the loth of April, 1S2S, an act of incorporation was, passed, authorizing Abram O. Thompson" and others to make a canal from Gravesend bay to Tire Island Inlet, to be made tea years. Verfly hjttory is repearing itsett.^Jhtttei. in.'

t M

A SUBJECT TOR psw'pgNi-ii HONORS.—The oldest -woman in Suffolk County is said to be Mrs. Sarah Young of Bay Shore who has passed her 99th birtiday. Perhaps the census takers will do better next mouth and scare up a genuine Centenarian, in which case it would be proper-tp celebrate the fact along with Mecklenbrxg, Bunker Hill, the Declaration op Independence and other centennial sports.

GRUBBING ENOUGH FOUONI, MAN—-The Patchogue correspond ont of the Suff. Co. Journal says: "M. D. Robinson, a resident of West Hamilton, age 55 years,. is yet healthy and strong, he s cut 6,500 cords of wood, opened/800,000 slams, done ditehing 12 miles long and 5 fe^t wide, 2 feet deep, dug 75 cellars from lO to 4_ feet square, and 4 feet deep. ]&e bg£ <3 one labor by the day also; he can, walk 2O0fm$ea iu 8 days, he has sprouted up 500 acres of land, &,u# ?00 loads of stumps and ca ught, 5 tops of eels in his day, and will run any man of his age 10 miles. I say, gentl amen of, his age, go for him."

Qh no. He's done enough. Let him step down and Qjifc. *

* • *. .Mr. Cimries Hallel ;t, with a spirit oi en-terpri4ft possessedJMC.iew indiyiduak un­fortunately, has fnrflfctb_d those inhabitants of Griffmg Avenue, flBVup as his house, with water, by laying p^es from the old mill fiuma to that pointy intending to torce the water op by means of an hydraulic rain placed at the. mill. T .is will furnish the people of a portion of the avenue with an abundant supply of water during the dry spells, and nothing a< ids more to a fine garden to say nothing about the comfort, than a generous. 4oppl r of soft water. This introducing wa er. by j lipes into the Tillage forma epoch in tfee hit tbry of the village,"— Jtivcrhead News,

AN ANCIENT SXKEO.—Horace P. Clark of Far Bock away owns a horse claimed to be 42 years of age and sti 1 sound and in con­stant use.

CKVe the old nag a ejb

Pnrcnasers will OnO examine the

it for their interest to call and


May 21st, 18.T5.


of NKW GOODS Jnst purchased by



P ' S


Silver Closs S t a r c h , Fon T H E L A U N D R Y .

Manufactured by

T. lingsford & Sbn, THE BEST STARCH IN THE WtOBIiD,

Gives a beautiful finish to the linen, and the differ­ence in cost between it and common starch is scarcely half a cent for an ordinaryi washing. Ask your Grocer for it. ' v :

licatton of this notice, is t,ho.sui_.of Two Hundred and Eighty-eight Dollars and sixty cents, to wit: $225.00 of principal, and $63.60 of/interest, and which is the whole

•'rench, containing Twenty-eight acres.


amount claimed to be.unpaidon said mortgage. NOwy therefore, hotloe is hereby given, that by vir­

tue of the power, oi sajte; qoutalped in said mortgage, arid duly recorded as aforesahl, and m" pursuance i>f the statute in such case made ano> proTlded, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises thereia described, at public auction, in front of-the omce of E. A. Carpenter, on Main Street, in, the Village of Sag Harbor, Town of Southampton, In" the County Of Suffolk, on the 14th day ot August next, at two and one-half o'clock, In the afternoon of that day. I

The aaid- premises. ascajescribQd In said mortgage as follows: ; 'ALL that certain farm and tract anqi parcel Vof land, situate and lying-in the Town of- Southamp­t o n , Suffolk County. Bounded as follows, viz :!ln front "on the East by the Sag Harbor and Bull's Head Tuni-"nike; On the South l?y land of Henry McLane and "James Kelly ; On the West by land of'Charles Doug-' "lass ; And'onthe North by land ot'Cfcartes Dpuglass "and Hannibal F "more or less."

Dated.the 22nd day of May, 1S7QL i HANNIBAL-FRENCH, v


Attorney for Assignees of Mortgage. Cltf


WHEREAS, default has been made in tho payment of the money secured by -a mortgage, dated the

the 9th day of April, 1S71, executed by Wilhelmina Hassler, and August Hassjer, her husband, of the Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, and State of New-

S>rk, to Hannibal French and Stephen B. French,both the.village of Sag Harbor, in said Town, County and

State, d^d. which mortgage waB recorded in the Clerk's office of said County in Liber No. 103 of mortgages, page 321, o_t the'23b?day of May, 1871, at 1 o'clock P. M. AND whereas the amount claimed to be due upon said mortgage, at the time of the first publication of this nb-

{ Uce is the sum of Seven Hundred and Thirty .lour dol­lars and Seventy-three cents, to wit: $572.13 of princi­ple, and $162.60 of interest J and which is the'whole amount claimed to be unpaid ^n said mortgage.

Now, therefore, notice is! hereby given, thafby virtu* of the power of sale contained in said -mortgage, and duly recorded as aforesaid, and in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mort-g" ge will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein

scribed, at public auction, in front of the office of E. A. Carpenter, on MaJn st., hi tho yillage of Sag Harbor Tbwn of Southampton, in the County of Suffolk, on the 14th day of August next at two o'clock in the after­noon of that day.

. The said, premises arc described in said mortgage as f0II0W8: "ALL that certain lot and tract of land, with "the buildings thereon erected situate, lying, and.be-"Ingln the Town of Southampton, Suffolk County, and "State of New York, formerly part of the tract known "as "Old Farm," late the property of Arnojd. Edwards, "deceased, and bounded and described according to "the survey made by E. Z. Hunt,' Marcl_ 19th, 1668T as '•follows: On the North by land formerly of John Ed-Vwards and land formerly of Levi Howell;Easterly andf "In front by the Sag Harbor and Bull's Head Turnpike '•Road; South by lands of Henry McLane and' Jbhn "Sullivan."

"Also, part of said "Old Farm." conveyed- to- the- par-"tles of the flrst part herein, by deed dated, 1.86 : "and Westerly by a passing road, and land formerly of "John Edwards, the tract hereby conveyed con-•fkJnlng according to satd eurvey. by measurement, "twentv-«eY.en acres and one hundred and forty "three rods (27 acres and 143 rods); and known as lot •'No. i, being the tame premises conveyed to the said '"August Hassle?, by the executors 0 nAtnoM Edwards, deceased.*

Dated the «M da/ of MayjlSTS.



Is the original—Established in 1S4S. Aind preserves its reputation as purer, stronger and more delicate

than any other article of the kind offered, either of the same name or with other tiitles,

Stevenson Macadam, Ph, D., &c, the highest chemi­cal authority of Europe, carefully analyzed this Corn Starch, andsays Lt la a most excellent article, of diet and in chemical and feeding, properties is fully equal to the best arrow root. ,

Directions for making Paddings^ Custards, &c.s ac­company each one pound package. • 5lm5




Sri w r Tongue' Organ, MADE BY E / P T NEEDHAMJ %

These truly Democratic Instruments ar,e always readv. They will pi ly for the Admhiisttawon or any other party. Twenty-three of them lately sold.

Also General Agent for the K N A B G P I A N O ) soj highly'recommende'ti by Thalberg, Gottschalk, Geo W.' Morgan, and others. 44tf

ijhlrty-one Organs sold in Suffolk County.


No Charge for Advioe and Consultation.

DB J B. Dvorr, graduate of Jefferson Medical Col­lege, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Uri­nary Or_ans.(which he has made an especial study) either In male or female, no matter from what cause orhdnatlng or of how long standing. A practice or io-years enables him to treat diseases with.success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable,. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage.

Send for the Guide to Health. Price 10 cents. J. B DYOTT, M. 5>i, Physician and tfurgeOH,.

^y^ * xw Duane Street. New York. .

Western Apple Sweet Cidler


30 Cts per Gallon, at GEORGE'S PLACE.

ctiBNtrxara iaxx Guana,

iU\T LARGE Oil SMA LL QUANTITIES! at i»E8s PK;CK than charged by the Agents of the Peru-J vlan Government.

Circulars with references, testimonials, and full par-ticuiacs, mailed free on application to-.


R BAsLOAZAR, No. 53 Beaver St.

Box 129. NeW-YorK


Bottled La^er Beer! f AN SUPERIOR: ARXWLE,

ffO>rc F A M I L Y U S E . 22tf Eor sale at GEORGE'S PLACE.

Fore ign Exchange. The undersigned-offers to sell in sums of FIVE DOL-.

LARS AND UPWARDSv drafts payable in ad the va­rious Countries of Europe, and more than Two Ilun-dred.Ctties,,at the most fayorable rates, and to transact all busineaa-intjiis line.



a t „ GEORGE'S PLACE; . ^ t f Main Street, Sag-Harbor.

BOAROIQF HEApLT^ Tcwn of Southampton.

At a meeting of the Board of Healthy of the town of Southampton, held at the office of the Sipervisor of said town, on the 3d day of May, 1S75, th<i following regulations were ad( bted

1. No person sliall bury fish for fertllizilug purposes In any barnyard, 05.spread or bury them in any field within thirty rods oj any dwelling, church;, or-_chool-house.

3d. No person shall bury or allow any dejad beast of his to remain witbii thirty,'rods of any dwelling, church, or school-house, or within thirty rods of any public road.

Upon complaint tcj the Health Officer, appointed by the Board, of any alleged infringement of the above regulations, he is hereby authorized to cause the same to be removed, according to the provision! of Sec. 2, Cha,p. 790, of laws of 1S6T, if upon examination he deems the cause of complaint a, violation of any of them.

The Board fuath er recommend : 1st. Thatwhere fish/ball bespread, on.ary fleld at a

a greater distance from any dwelling than tljat nam­ed in tho above regulations, they beburietl or plowed under as soon as possible.

2. That the proprietors of Flsh-oili-orks desist from the manufacture of fisb-pil, guano and scraps within one hundred rods of any! village, a id that the greatest care be used In other localities irijhln said town, to preyent the accumulaton of suet matter as will tend to induce, disease. 1

3d. Tat all privy-vaults be properly disinfected, and all cess-pooia and drains be kept as clear, at possible of &U substances that are believed to be prolific causes of disease





Main Street S^Harbor, L. L


WM. R. POST, Supervisor. R. J P . R. JENNINGS,


Justices ( I of f the j Peace.

fljoard ol



;*: '™.-fr,


i»nce to rest, Hor-



AUorneT for Mortgsgef*

SECTION 15, Title 6, Chapter 15. Part lat, of the forty .(• Revised Statutes, (8th edition,)} 'Every parson who

ahaUjwilfully violate any regulation made and pub-t_e*9rafcMe*of 1 1- l h e d ** **& 8 U c n Bo*r<1 o f H e i J t ^ •-*J1 m g-ilty of

'"*' a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be I subject' to a fine or imprisonme!'tt, or both, in the dis-





IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARS Try aoy new brands of


^ W liand all kinds of Smoking A C h W mg Tobaccos, Snuff, Fancy Articles, <fcc. for sale at wholesale and retail at the lowest possible rates, IX ja't fail to give us a call.,



Frafc and Ornamental Treesr, Shrubs, Roses, &c,

Froa^the oldest, largest, and most reliable iNnrseries i_ XT H? l t e d States. Mount Uope Nnrserlos of noches-ter, N. Y. •

HKFCBXXCKS. HON. HEXST P. H_DOES Bridge-Hampton. HON. I_T_!__NB. FRENCH RaffUubor. DATtO H. HCNTTINO, ESQ.... F.ast-HaznptOE, J. K. PARSONS, ESQ £a*t-Hamptoo, •nd many others wtio nave bad trc«* of me for rwo «oc-ceasive years. « f

Mortgagtes cation of the Court, such fine thousand years

dollar-, nor eurh not to exceed '.i-piiRonqient

0? 1L CLOTH8 r—Fl»t-\ Table and Malr CHI Cloth*. A large a_sorti_e_t }tuu received at B E O * N S .

, lsra,

one two

50wS OYST^EPH by the quart cr b«_*h»*I at

' CKOROJCS P t i c t ,


• _ 1 "

IM Mam«reet-

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