old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 8/niagara falls ny...

ge % . now'tstnblwljed by ;-.fle* if t W f e ^ ^ Mf^mUvti^fJhi] ftwl#*%MW AmeH^tJa Congrei* a«wW*J,*Tt$Sl7hrHfeu of tba* -Met'fif Uw,%e£V r» t<£, to titt: For oreiy ntigVe letter-in rnatiuscrfto or paper of any• Wmfin'%liWh' '"Inforiiutton shall be a»ked for .or cotptnuuicated in wri- ting, or by, ranks or signs, conveyed in the innij for 'Buy.distance between places in: the United States not exceeding tlirwo tfioiisand miles, .".hteo.ceuts, and for any distance e*> ceedfng lluee thousand milks, ten cents. And "/or/a double letter there shall bo charged double the rates above specified; and for a .\r9ble.' letter, treble«those rotes: ' and for a quadruple., letter, quadruple those rites I?and eVery letter or parcel not exceed- ing half an ounce in Wight shall be deemed a single letter;-and every additional weight —of lets than half .anounco, shall be.charggd with an additional single postage; and up- on all letters paving through or irOhe mail of the Uuited States, excopting such as are to or-froma foreign country, the postages a% above specified shall b« prepaid, except upon %Ut«tand^pjwkage^ad^reused, to officers.ef the "goVernn\o"nt on official biwiuess, which iballbesp -marked on the envelope.. And from and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-eir, the Postmas- ter General may TPquire. postmasters to place postage stamps upon all prepaid letters upon which such stamps may not have been placed by the writeis. _ --- And all drop-lettert, or letters placed in any post office not for transmission through the mail, but for delivery only, shall T>e charged with postage at the rate of one cent each; and all letters which shall hereafter be advertised as remaining oyer, or uncalled for, in any post office, shall be charged with one cent each, in addition to the regular postage, both to be accounted for as other postages now are: SKO. 2. Arid .be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any postmaster or other person to aclt any postage stamp or stamped envelope for any larger sum than that charged therefor by the Post Office De- partment ; and any person who shall violate this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, «hall be fined in any sum not less than ten, norSnoro than five hundred dollars. This jtct to ..lake effect and be in force from and after the commencement of the next fiscal year aflerits passage. Provided, That no- thing herein contained shall be.M> con tilled as to alter the laws in-relation to the.frank- ing privilege. . SEC. 3. And be it further enacted,Ihni for the greater security of valuable letters post- ed for transmission in the mails of trie Uni- ted States.tho Postmaster General be and hereby is authorised to establish a uniform 'plan for tho registration of such letters on application of parties posting the same, and lo require the prepayment of the postage, as well iTs a registration feo of five cents on «verv such letter or packet to ba accounted for by postmasters receiving the same in such manner as the Postmaster General -shall direct: Providtd, however, That .uch registration shrill not bo compulsory; and it shall not render the Post'Office Department or its revenue liable for the loss of such let- ters or packet* or ilia cotrt^nts-thereo Approved, March 3, 1855. .rTvro -MB.B S|1OT.-—A.-.y-eryjnysterious OC» currency took place at the passenger, railway, depot here on Thursday last AfewiuiuuUss' previous to the express train leaving the sta- tion for the, west, two persons,.one a.strang- er, the other'a resident oftVa towrjv named Jennings, while" standing On the platform, were fired SJ by some unknown person,eith- er from wjUiin or behind, the cars.?;The former individual receive.] but a slight wound, the ball just grazing bis arm; lodging in the side of the building; the latter, we are'&oV- ry to s«v, has been seriously hurt, lite ball having lodged in bis body, and at the last accounts was not extracted, and, there is lit- tle hope entertained of his .recover)'. From .this we may judge the weapon used to have been a double barreled pistrl or gun. The strangest part of tho affair is that no one saw the shot fired, or. has the slightest sus- picion where it came from, although every search was made previous to tho cars leaving London. The train was telegraphed to be delayed at Lobo, and a constable was des- patched to that place, but up to the latwt accounts, no clue had been obtained of the ajeaaainr —Tlm-mam* «o-faV,-U-.»u«Ufc4- in. Steam saw aim, ruagara runs, Near the head, of the Hydraulic Canal. MMIE iHbnrtlere would inform the inhabitant* vf X Niagara Ftl's nod vicinity that tbey have leased the al-ove Mill, and now offer to tbe public a £**! as- sortment of J CLEAR, SECOND A COMMON PINE LUMB2R,. , * cl ajl dimensions, : ^ . 'Oak, Elm; Button-}VooJ, Ash, and all kind* tf LUMBER AND TIMBER Generally uted for Hou-e and Carriage Building, a large quantity of Hkwu Psue Timber, from 16 to 70 feet iu length, and from 6 to-W-ftfcb.es la diameter. A GOOD QUALITY OK LATU Also kept on haul. Bills of Timber cut to order with dispatch at any season of the year, baling on baud at all yines a good supply of l « « . Tbe aboio bueine-* will bo done for Cash or good endorsed paper, a-„d who- ever pleasts to palrvul.-e th* Subscribers will find it dune pruiupby and on reasonable terms public patronage i» solicited '36tf A thace of W. A. 4 J. PHILl'OTT. . H oCSEi ETON, CARRIAGE, Ab PAINTING, abw Graining. mystery, which will, we doubt-not, be solved before long,and.the perpetrator brought to jwStiw.—Zow/on {G, W.) Times. MARRIED On the l«t last., by T. 0. Hnlstt. Esq, Jaraej Brad ; ll.T, vf St Catherines, 0 of the tame place W-, and Lucinda Ilatcbingen Painting. i.ORNAMENT Glailng and Papering done with nsalnees and dispatch. Glass an-l Bash of all I iioi, Wall Paper of »U kiud<, eotuiantly on hand and fur tale av.low prices , , • •. ' , pf^" The .*ub>criber baring utablisb*! hira»«lf one door aouth of Glover'* llotet, Niagara City, N. Y . re-"| I I1C U III dl s> flHO :U V m K i OITABXH Q3ET AffTTt: Insurance Companies, Merchants, Banks and Broker*, one after another i{ivt way under the prei- Jure of the timet. North., £ i i t . Wr<t .mi SoalL it u PANIC, PANIC, " Well." say iho.sa of en\v cirouuHtauce*. " what of all thatl What u that to HI .' ' Nay, but it i* something to yoo, for you and your* mujt cl'jt'tioJ. And what, with war abroad, and failal«|at borne, P-'AIF bar* {•> be rold at about one half the cost of their manufacture! and the object of thi* adreitbe- ineut U to tnake yon aware of the fact that W. B. BISHOP lias embraced this opportunity of purchas- ing very largely. In frrt, has filled hit iuitneufe store (the largeit in the State, with one exception) full of g«xl>, which, ("r rie!ine.««, variety and cbeapaesj, defy all competition; and be uv-j n-lfully refeni you I > bis price current, vtiica will bo f iunj to fully maintain hit old ti--tio, rix: that ha is determined in sell, and not be nndtrsold. '. Cloak, Shawl and Mantilla Department, Wherein uill be fouud all the novelties of the «evv>n, and I have thi* day reduced juy price, r> that \ou ean'pnrrhaae ju*t ai good a garment with *50 W you ccuul have dona with $100 last season. sTcicnHi-s —-f^ I Ipvw an erujlfe&s variety, and my prices are' fTAHE iubj;riber rejpeclfully' IhforinJ tncFifiteoiof JL his'*Uuj IIOKE"—tho Town of Nlagara—anJ tLj public generally, thai be keeps a good, supply ol tbo following articles constantly o"a 'hand for s / e , vis : the very best , i t EXTRA GENESEE FLOUR, ; . W'mciLCAX'T lili UEAT. also, itnproved Graham and Buckwheat Flour, - soLTrtf AND i-Nsovrao , CORN MEAL, OATe 4 CORN, CUOPPED STUFF, all usual soils of MILL FIED. AUo.agvod . article of )' GEXESEE FLOUR AT RETAIL, ' in lots**' 100 lbs or Iw*. Chtap<r than can btj/iad at ant/ o!Arr ulabUAmtnt i in t.vtu^ara City'. All Flour and >J£al»;i!d in roy Mill for ine AS'AlinANTED AS O'ooD AS RCrRESF.NTEt) BY ' Til!-. SKLLtH. "All F'our n*i Mral bcuvaj at niy Mill will l»e d-UvettJ •at the hnyen huo*)-, il 1WI :i>»'ir ovjr. witt.ia Niscir* City. All articles KIM at retail to l>» paid fvr octore UV- en Iroui the Mill. With tne c^iiiiai*nrem<n! of th» New Year I renew my J thar.Kalbc tbe the sery I1W11I pat.onaire received thus I hr. UaiiiiKadrst el»»» tn'ftler, Mt. B. »". 1'arVcr, aed j attentive bands; ao-J by irvvin* my own utidiviclrj atten- titxi, I !ivpa to nut lull »ali»l*clK>uto all »(,.. favoi ma with t v l r eu>toin. . 0. H. WlTJIh'R. ~~S&tt*Hoii BtVtgrUtrtrJan. 1. ISM . - it»ti3^e\ rxok •v r \|Tuii» XS«i«V Viwrhrr & Schell'.i Gtutral AdrrrtUlng Hente, Applrlon't UulUlnr, 34t & US Brvadiray. **&dm T3 0\ «fc» O. .JLpiatQyTT'TXHL. s / ,? Fiano Fort,©'Maa.ufatp.ry AND WARE P.QOM.Nos. 213 243,'.'-17 ind 249 Wesl Twehty-ei^tb «tr"vt. be- twe»n Vth'and 10th Avenues, New Yorh.' I'lanu- witu vbe Lilian, andsll the best modern itn- prvvcmcnis, tnarteiTlJie.best uiate'rtals, under our own. «uj<?rvijioir; a nnltenKnarantce given with every Pi- ano. J. A (J. F. biting prsotieil wer, unil msnulac- tariag t*ry Jargely, on furnish the host Pianos, th lower teruut'jau can be farnlsht-d any u t t - t , and it ia dtutdtdly tt«s b«st j lace to buy forcuh. Those desir- ing a ^it4 I'iany, and -one that will ?tand r.cd wear hell, taa't dj lettttthaa to eall en-J. i. L'.Fiscrier. G U O P X X s ' cto OO., Trinr- Bcliers- and Artbts* CqloriiiCB, iVv. :>00 Jiroadwit/, Xetc-Yo/k. Cash itiusic ah'tl Fiano Store or -HO.IJ.ACE WATERS, No, 213 Uroadway Nc\v Ysrk. Wm Tim i»•. v ^ ' VX I- On the Inl inst., by the same, Sl\&s J. Valentine, o( Orford, O.AY., arid Matilda Lott, of the larria place. On tbe 7th inst, by the asm*, James Collard, ol Ni- agara, C \V., and Susan Montigne, «f the tame place. On th* 7th inst., by th* same,. Hunrick Ribsr, of Niagara, and Joanna llyer.uf theiame place. ."*- ; " .. *'•• . * : ^ DIED. _ . - * - In this Tillage, on tie 12th inst.. IDA, daughter of Riley M.and Philinia Uodlard, aged one year and six months. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. NIAGARA FALLS POST OFFICE. T H!-; Mails at this O.-iue will arrive and close ai fallows until further notice. MAILS ARRIVE. Through mails from Altnny, arrive ».50 a. *. Western mails, via UUSAIO. ". 1HM x; is. Eastern way-mail, via Rnche*ter, " 14t5a. x. Northern ami Canada mails, " 14C »• ». . 4| _ w _ rr _^ T may du to thai they will be executed u>ti v ir Mtti«fuc- tion. ' / JOSEPU il. FRARY. Nug*rn Cjty, March 7, 1835,* - . . . . i -. . . i -- - School Notice. "VJ"0TICKi» hereby »;lvcn that agreeably, to a re- J.^ que.-t'ff fiflcen per»ons, w hoar a Irgnlly-entitlfi to tote In this District, a^eeting of tbe inhabitants of School District No. 2; m the Town of Niagaia, ttmt e,rv entitled to vilo nt District School Meetings, will be b^ld for the purpose of determining, by a vote uf ibe District, wb.vther an Union Free School'sbsllbs es- tablished therein, in'conformity with thj^pruviikms ol an act entitled "An Actti provide foj-threrfUblish- iBent of Union Free- Schools, p*.'?ed Jftuift 18, 18^,"— Said meeting will I shell at School Jlouse Nn. I,tn Third Street, on We^'nesday Evening,'March 21,•'35, nt 7| o'clock. jj;. ; The following is the law defining who ax* rotors : " Every male person of full sge residing in say School District and enti tle-l to hold lands in this Sute, whoowusor heirs real pr)pe"rty in such District, sub- ject to tax for Jiabool pHt.'xjJe.', and evsry resiJsnt t>f sneh Di:trict ( a.ut'>irii«>l to vote si Una iayetinj^nf the town (vj'toj'ich ?ach I»Uu ictisMtaated, arid whobjM puidany rate bill for Teacht rs' wages in such District within one year precedL.g t .or nbo owns any personal nrppetty l^s'blo to I* tuxed for School purposes insuch District, exceeding fifty dollars in value, exclusiveof i EMBROIDERIES, LACE O00DS AND HOSIERY ijuite as low—indeed, I a little loiser tn-tn Xlly- oKlier'*} tor instance, I have Silks from 2* CltoGi per yard, of the same qualities as *dd last year from Us to 12s. I have, also, a very elegant assortment of Mury, Antique, Brocade, Qtrjirt, Grvdezoric, and other cSilt* suitable for e'euing diiij.es. FRENCH MERINOS 1 Alltbs new shaJes and every quality, from -Is 9-1 up and at just hulf the pri.-e current last sea».<u. iriOUSELIIVE DELAItVKS At 10 cents per yaril that arc wi-'.l worth 3s. All wool De Laines, l^auliful quality and styles, Is "41 to Ai„ worth Ai to 6s. A beautiful assortment of PLAID MKR1NOS, Of t h e V f t qualities imjxjrted, from Is 6-1 to4s 9d per vardj tbo same qualities were soli freely last season at -Is to 9i. C A b l C O E X , It U nonsense to talk about. Who would think of wearine a sixpenny print, when Worst- ed Goods are so cheap 7 But to suit all partlus, I have a splendid SIACJC of French and American Prints, worth Imui 4 cents up. ° : PARAMETTA3 AND ALPACCAS,' A Tery large asiortoi'ent from 10 cents per yard, to the ve'ry fcut-t qualities iuip>ru i- CATAKAOT FUKNAOEi iL2.. r'pHE proprietor would inform the pubHv that't'asl- JL ings can be purchased cheaper at tho Niagara Fall* Furnace than ia Uutlalo or L->ckpo>t: Hoiue Cc^tinK". Cap$and Silli, Cotltmnf $• Front*, Machinery, fttizh i;!iot3, J'loits ana all Uindt Cltf If Cnsttnrs Made to Order- WILLIAM LANDRETH, Proprietor 0 PFTJaTTTTnr-TO—M-0 NOP-0 lrY~ MUSJ{: XT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. BTSTern way-msii, vis uansnilsigua, Every Satardav an eitra mail arrives from Buffalo a't t.OSr.U. MAILS CL'JSE. Northern and Canada wait* floss at ; J-3S a. w. Eastern wav-ravil, ri\ Rochester close* 7.3) i.. >s. .Western tniil, >**-BniTslo. " t.00 r. w. Eastern way-mail,via Canandatraa " SVik'.H. Through tuaU* WNav York & Allwny clos« 4 4i r. x Every Moodsy an extra mail Ui Butfvlo. c!os«* 6.15 i. M. XO MAILS ON SUNDAY. > .. Cy*-Thfl mails c!os» by It^il Rn\ti Time which .il 15 minutes faster thnn Ylllvge time. Ofice open from 7 A, M. to a P. M. Sund.^ys'from 11 t* 1 P. M. J. F. MURDOCH, P. M Niagara Fat's, Maylt.lSSlj Cabinet Ware Manufactory. The *nbssriber,woald inf»rm the citirens of Niag- ara. Falls and vicinity, that he has taken the Shop next to Porter's Grist Mill, wherw he intends to manufacture all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE TO ORDER. H* alio civas.his particular attention to Making Ma- chine Models, and Patterns for Caitings. Old Furniture repaired and varnished. Mahogany, Black Walnut and Whit© Wood Coffins, made at a few hours notice day of night. I5T* Wanted two or three Apprentices. «, " CHARLES W. OLIVER. Niagara, Falls. March 12. 1554. 44tf_ Select School. To the ComrnunUy ai Sutpensiun Arldce, 4 . SCHOjIL for Lads and Misses will he nreuri "on j l x t h a hill," on the '.'7th M irch, inst. A libcr.vl pat- ronage is solicited on satisfactory ttnns ot tuition. Tha best of references can be furnished by MISS JAXE J. BAKER. Suspension Bridge, March 12, ISJJ. 4t41'* such « ia exempt from execution, an 1 no ot^er shall he entitled to .vote at any School District Meeting held in such District." • • WARE, T~5 TrETecT-oT- O. ri. " ! ~ J. F. MURDOOKT, J. F. TROTT. ,Nt».g»r» Falls, March ?, 18S5*. School District No. 2. J ',' 7 ftc Great Bargaiua Offered.. ri^IIE subscriber, desirous of dUpMiu'/ of a number J_ "f Buggies, lle'ary Wsgons, sad a" large stock of Harnesses, both s'npte arid double, re.«r*ctfully solicits an examination of .the same by thuse desiring to pur- chase. < •'«' Ths undersigned continoes the ilamtss Making h.uiine«s I Carriage Trimming arid Upholstering in all theirbranches, .ind keep.'on hand, or wilt make toor- dsr, every description of Light and Heavy, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Whlp^ Trunks-Carpet Bags, Ac, Ac P;irtlcnlar attention will b« given to CARRIAGE TRIMMI.\q-AND VPlloLS- TER1XG, and all orders in (Ms liae will bo execut- ed neatly and an short njtioeJ..Matrrasses_pf._llair, Straw, Manilla nnd Palm l>af", on Uarid or" mad* lo or- der. FirmsrSj Livery ProprieloN. Hotel Keepers, or others desiroiu of procuring nay K-irk in thenbive li:i« ot fausiue's ar c a^ured that U aiil be for their inter- est to call. 43tf JULIUS DEUTCHER. All I ask is an inspection. 1 have the most complete assortment In the city. FURXIS1IIXG GOODS, •. : N e w M e a t MarkeJ;. T nfe Sttb>cril>or would inform tltc ntizpiis of Niagara Kails, Suspension Bridies nnd vicini- ty, that he has oper.cdn Ment Market in the Brick Bl-.>ck South of the. Methodist Lburch, on First Streat, wbeie he will keep on hand the u«ual varieties c-f fresh rae^ts ssimgef', Lard, ia:, &•}'. ' . •• N." U. A,lTpareh*«M delivered at tha rcsidince of jhe purchaser, if re<iuired. 2lyt . , J. RURGARD. THE . Sl T MS(MUBERS g rente'l the new Steam Saw Mill at Cayu- ga Creek, are prepared to furnish Lum\>er ol all de- scriptions and on sh-irt. njtice. Tbt-y have now and will keep on hand thr usual variety of Edards, Sid- f^.^,*•F(ou^in^•, Ixith, ij-c. lliey are also utanufaetur- ing a prirna nrticlo of Shaved Shingles. All orders directed to us at'La Salle, Niagara coun- ty, N. Y., will receire prompt attention. CLARE & MACK. .LaSalle,Sept. C, 1851 17tf T UMBER. *~4 having rented t A the A. T A SURROGATE'S COURT heUln andfor t! Gcitut'r of. Niagira, w the S.irro^jts'.-" ofSco.' Villaseof Lock|orii on the 5lh iiywC February, j w Garden Bccds 1 Garden Seeds! J URT received s general assortment of tbe celebra- ted Shaker Gardes Seeds—vr*»RAM-iti what •they ara represented to bs, the most reliable Srsds put np tnT-Ifnitcd-StsUi, fur «xle_bjr the paper or lb. at the Broadway Fancy Store o i ^ " "" : ' 4ttf J P. * W. C. HULETT. D- 1655 • Present, THOS. M. WEIWTER. *- : ' • '-• - Sjrrt.eatev | j In the matter of tha appljvatiori of Wi'.ltsin F. S"s»«y j this administrator of Uhurles .Sic" .deceased, int«>-' t kti\ for authority to l»a«» or s«d the real e<ttt»'.«J thu sail intestate, (•>• the plyingut of his debts. On reading and Slins th* apjilieacion of .WtllUtr* F Sios, tli« admiaistrator'of-ntt-xiid singular the goods chnltcls i n l crClitsof Charics Sic<, late of the tears of Ni.igtra, deceased, intc.-titc, f^r nu'.hority to l-.:£«<\ or.ecll tbe rosl eiUto of lbs sail ir.te-ttatc, for Uie- piv/neut of fiis drbts. it is ordered that all pcrssns Of etery desciiption; n full stock, at prices to compare ' with tho tunes. CARPETS, I woulil invite e-peohi notiie to my stock of Carpets, Curtain Material and Upholstery Goods,all of which I am deiertaiucd to sell i,ff nt any p.ico ' 1 must close out that partnf my st'.x;k, and will make it an object to those who are in immediate want, or ei- j pect to want next sprinr. to purchase now, as I am ! determined to clo.-e up that branch of rav business. J ^ * All kinds of I5r*kcn Bank Bills' taken. For rates I resptctfnllv refer you to mv Bank Note List, daily corrected. ' W. B. BldUOP- 1MPORTANT NEWS RELATIVE TO HANKS. The bills oflhe/<A!oirint; li^nki are rtdeemrd at the J'ricej nametl btloir, jxiyablt in Dry Goodi, Carets, and Oil Cloths: j.,trt Ft~-V BsnW a: S-'c City Bink nf Cleveland Par Canal Disk '" - i'ar. Male ilniis of Indiana I'ar. State Bank "fOlim Pas. City BirA. Coiurubas, OT..->. ••-. W c Clintun BvnV. " - e^to Sandusky City Bir.k "• Par. IWnkof Cuclerille " ttis Newport .-'n r ct>- fnr-l, K'*rt;i<-Xv, 0to i,rwn i.'ouoly lSii]». NCT Y<>."<,-- ••;-,-•,• Ifo Jt.vnV .>r t."'i~n-^\-;!u\ t:i-liiii'a; .---..'• ... ' W.T Kxylii i<f:' Raul! ol PitfTiUi Far. . Iojf.asa .\!"r.i5y , .;.' •-..:.. .. -7$c. Kcntuciv BanV in.! Tc •»•. I" •.. Kentucky,. .- '^»c r.rir i. Ka'.ain-ts.<i> Rnilroai! ii-\:X. Mich*. 2J>e Mechsnira' iUi^ls. Mciii:>h:-t. Tennessee •••- t'ta Wrstfr'n vnd .-'.Mithern I'ifiVs t-irt broken Vsr. I "if The hi'gh-.-st price for M broken-Hank Bills. —1133,. . . \V. B. BISHOP, 211 M.in Street, BoSfrio N. Y GENERAL HARDWARE ESTABLlSHMErsT NIAGARA FALL3. F A S S i:T T. ct W A Iv E, keep con«!«ntly on hand a large stock of all articles usually kept in the above line, among which mav l« found ii choice soli-ctiun of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, together with every variety of sheif and heavy ILirdware. EDOE TOOLS of all kind*, including CARPEN- TER'S AND JOINERS' TOOLS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY and PAINT BRUSHES, Well nnd Cistern Pumps, Sash, Glass and Copper Ware Also, a variety of Parlor, Cook, Box and Sheet Iron Stoves, all warranted to givo satisfaction. Tbe .subscribers also carrv on : tho manufacturing of TIN, SHEET IRON arid J APANN ED WARE in'nil their branches. At this establishment 'may be found Leal Pij^i Hou-e Guttering"Hnd Spiuiinj.'Ac , Ac. All osders entrusted to'their care will be attended to with ne.itns.~i and dispatch. i'ti' Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. »*V" Paper Rigs,old Iron and Copper taken in *x- chsnge. •FASSETT.A WARE', . Oppi«itii the Cnt.tract Hotel. NIAOABA FAILS. Mav 17. 1654. V-OtffTTirgTAN'DlNU K» , comV.nalioo'ot SuTTS- JL\ de-ilcrs to keep up tbe pricts of noti-c«>pyright music, against liio interssts i l v . l i i . o CMoi^»,crs, »i;vl their rcl'o;alt>> extend t\> M?^\at«W tbe-courte-r'si of the trsde. ixi is rn.isin^ itnuien.-o -.aic*—having atnud:i3tnvide:.r% thntboiias publiccvuntsnar.s'caud snpp'rt, in liis ppp;»-utioii to the Great Mciwp)!y, and in his jffcrtsto litd-^siivis-'falcnt, and to ailopt the Natlufal ».'ur.-enc.v His .-t.«ck of American and Ecio- jiciu tauslc is imu'.e.Tc. *n 1 the catalogue yf his c«u 'puUicHtf-.-iiVU vne.of the lurvtet and h'eitttltrlttl in tho u'nlWdSadej. Il« h.t»a:?» maileo Orea|;Rcduc"- lK|Q la thtt,Wiccs pf Pun.y, iieluduors'and lustru- iriciilsot' aukind;. S;ijeri<.>r tcced f'J octave pianos for *175, ?-'i.X)^nd $2V5; interior of »s gocj quality, wnd instruments as strong and ;'S durnble nitSAOjo wbicn cos! sol'O. f'l.inos "f eft-ry v.irie'.y of style rind prico np to SH'OO, con:i>rl»iup tnjise i»f ten different m»nii- fact-irit.-: ain"!i^ thetc tbe C^ICWAVCI modern itcj-ior- elllosACE WAT-tt*' I'iA«oa aril the first preirfnun iEidian Pianos of T fiilbeit A Co's.make, (owners ef therFclian p-itsnl). t>cond-baad Piac"s at great bargaim. Prices from $S0 ty $1?0. Mctodeo'c.1 from fivcdiTcri'nl^jnufr'.ctofics, inoinding tl.e wcllkr.owa S. D. A II.. W. Sul'.h'a molo<Ie<jus, (tuntd the equal temporcmcut.) the bast nuvle in th« 1'nittrd States.— Price- 345, S)5, I^OO, SI 15, 8125. *>l J5. and 315l\— Smith Double Bank MeValcons S>00. iiarii I'utr.o* and Mt'odecn .gi/arunleid. The best terms t-> ttio trade school-,ic : l." percent discount to clergymen au>l churclic-. All orders promptly Attended to Music sent to all pnrto'of the country, ptst-rtvid, at the ro- du'.edrates. Gencnil an.t scicot c.-iiatogucs amVjcrrrd-- ule'if pricesof Pianos forwarded to any addre-s free of charge. . j:u40. Straw Goods, French -Flowers', &c. C ASH pitrehWerV are solicited toeraraiuc our Stock of di'HA\V (;.0(JUS, French Flower.'. .Ac, wtiich will be found superior 19 tbst of any other simi- lar house in this city. We shall recci\e. tbe coining seasi.n, per steamers, and of our onn manufacturer, tbe Uteit styles of BunueU, French lluwcrs tie. Ac;, which we nller CASH p-jtchnsers at greatlv reduced drkes. 1IOMBR A KETCHUM, 3u>40 64 & 65 John street, cir. William, New York. Old Established Cash Store. Opposite lite Falls Jfold. Niagara-FalTi. AT WALSH fc SON, hastes; trrovtly improved *r.d AMERICAN MSIDI01NAL01L. i I TS UK IU IN time since, r — While borihg'for salt water soms near Burksriile, Kentucky, the work >To OPIUM OR CALOMEL.—Most, of the Cough H'.'inmlics of the present day are com- posed lnrgely—of—-Pars-goric T _^LaudAnuin r Morphine, or some othe preparation of Opi- um, and'that U the reason why so few are benefittod by theiu iu •WlO long IUU. .. Tliw- powfrful Narcotic palliates *and ease's the Cough at first, bul.ali.ihe while the Pulino- nary Disease is becoming more deeply fast- ened on the lungs. It also constipates the bowels, disturbs the nervous system and in the end does more harm than good. There is one Cough Remedy, however, that is free from this objection. We are assured that Du. ROGKRS' Srnup OF LIVERWORT, TAR, AND CASCHALAOUA, does not contain a par- t cle'of TOpium or any of tiT"preJTSraliDn»i=-- This excellent Medicine dos not "dry up a cough, 1 " but entirely removes it by subduing the intlamrualioii and-other causes, which give rise to it. When Tubercles are form- ing, it checks their development and further progress ; or if ulceration has taken place it assist* the Lungs in throwing off the cor- rupt ma\ter, soothes them to healthy action. This Medicine, therefoie, is not a palliative, which only relieve* for'the time being, but is a thorough curative, as It' strikes at, the -very root of the disease, and bv removing this, removes at once and entirely all its re- mote and attendant consequencos.VTry it. r'pHE Copartnership formerly existing beiween Drs. JL Thomas and Davis, was mutually dissolved on tha 1st day of March, inst. —. A. THOMAS M. P . , P. S. Tho subscriber has opened » Dispensary at his dwelling, wbers he will prescribe for, Rnd give medicines to those who may favor hin with a call. 3i+ii : : - A , THOMAS, M n H A M S &, S H O U L D E R S , Warran- ted good at tha lowest market price, can bs had at tho store of W. F. EVANS. H O U S E K E E P E R S in want'ofgood CROCKERY WARE-are rsspcctfnlly plicitetl to an inspection of Wedgwood's latest style of Iron- stone China, pearl white Also, Amethyst Ware,|a new and beautiful article of Crockery, ju«t received andforsa'ehy W.F.EVANS. interested irj the estate of the !»id Charles Sie«, «lc- ) ^ t ri empbucJ, h.iv.nc .reached the depth of 155 feet j -j ceased,, fippcar bSfort thi SnrMgate nf theCouiity if t wcie asU)ni'he<lio'",n.l that thev hid arrived at a cavi-' Niagara, at his oE\{?, in the vilUgc of Lock p u t , ^ri ! \j i tl which thejn^rruraent refused to p enl.vrued their s'lirc, lwytn a^uviut • • !• I ctistomeis and the public, tilt they h.ivr ipreived the laruot and nM-t varifrt KkM>t'.inci]tuf tiooilsovcr t\rfniUHtto tnitplace which xili lie sjii'l si fw~\\ !<>«- pr.ci-k «s mint er.rnr.^ the atteti'.inn of purchaseni witbingto oLUin the best Roods and latest ilv Irs. RICH FANCY GOODS. Ladies' Dies* IJIK^IS in st r e»t variety; Kii'!»i^s, r. tnmt •plrr.did assortment, I.-vwr.s. Ileljines, PopTins Alpacas, (»in»h.Mn«. Prints, Hoiscry.Olisvcs, I/ti-c's'.V Kmliniidrrio Groceries—A complete andchoive Rssortiucnt »i flto- ?(•«. chniv-r thvn the chfn|>est, »^>mp:i»ii:i Su»ars. R. F. HibbaEd's Celebrated Wild Cherry For'Nervous Wfthiess'tt Qenvral lJebilily ri^H'^.is t:io tnont pVasant renie»'«v Wr.nvn t» t!i» j r-'pr-.- _L *t<r. Il is » ;w>irnl corrector <>l »'»; "..,• ai»l assimi- lates irt" alllbeactivs in^rh'r.crr i>( lile Fur tljsiscfsia is ia a PnnAeta. In all the f.i'iai << thatrtireciss-asc il lias Lut niistcty, Offlll the thousands iu.it have talcer/it. irt nn^htv cimplvin?dt!iat iiVi Wcelved txi benefit. H.it all -.re nmle tivejourt in tie Ide-Ktvin; t-wcarv ol the WILD CtUUlRV BITTERS. In a nervous,' irtitililc terii|yr'a. uicr.t II est isalwsys a ;iuui:>ii st-tc r-f the liter, *fl(ta wact nt n piope.r LJi:."•-1y secretion, '.:•.;' rcnieily i.» happ.ijjr adVptrtt Virrmo'v* thisdifSiulty.stnd vnder tho myn-pa- thttic ai-tiici octweca t:io dii{,'?ini^ organs and r.i rvnus systs-m iiannonii'Us. It civ.-« fue ^rr. essrgy.to the d.- j;tsti\r oinitf. ami a'iays rcrvvis e: e lability, wiii-.out any lax i:;»jr, tnu avimal fuirtii'iis '•< •'•• ;>r»--,;oj gi j !j)i- ieatstrcng'.h. It is natare's own remedy. • • ] .». ~X K im» .m \ I'lrter Co.. Ncvr-YorV. VJI atli'.rlril f-irr.car'; cas. CotV.-es. epices, Rirc. 116li*scs. Svtups. etc, Bool* nnd Shoes—A fill ai.d rompinc sur'irticcr.t ol perform itsof- I Ito>iis ai«l £b,iesjust reccite.1. compnsins:''.veo' kind ard Fen prro] V.igmsi .guat-ly. st grgjUly reduced prices ft.mila-t yesr. ' ". >,. ,„_ r^.'t'nesa'x.liU'l nmH-»y_iiiMiIil(rfeii(ls ai.d lh<> paMic nfWTIy. lli.st ibr* will endtM"DT^O=siS~ffe-U>au-laiQr, I »?<v thi« the.Sfth itay Apvtl next, nl \i) o cspex in joe tcreix» l, ', lee, l'rc.-ciuly a :njuid -if A ot Jhat day, then and there to show can vs why auli»»r- j to etude fiom the orifice, and 'in withdrawing the au- ~., , ily should not be given to the said adssuiistnilor U, gtr . it rose in n jot. with tremr-nd ..nt f.vce. to the I J ^ „,^ ( jenW.by the *sy of ,trai C ht forward <Ir.i!in a; lease or s*ll K> much of tho real estate of too saM ! height of ujorelhaniO feet. An analysis t-l the liquid I inTaria'l.'j orTcrinittliem a'la'r|{o vansitr of rijoice U-.»ods Charles Fie.', deceased, a.« s -all be Bec-s«ar.y *^> pay i decided it to'be the most n>l«!ile -il, and possessing ' at the lowest prices. M. WALSH & SON. his debts'. I'lPER A SHBLDON, I properties of a lii«l}lv inedic-ii nature. j Niagara Falls, Sept. 13.1651. lStl - 4t40 ;—- Attocicys,—,__%,__:-_ XU J'lIYSLCJANS, I " ~ 7 r ~ : "Nlagar aFal lB-Machine- Shop.— ILL YS- 1 >inc Apple.Cheese, a fine article for.tbCi.tablo just received and for«sale by . W'F." EVANS. i fresh Butter and desirable articles always on prices by. E g f f S j the*o hand at the lowest W. P. EVANS - G rockery, and Glass Ware, n large supply on hand and will bo sold cheap, by AT. F. EVAN3 - P.ORK iHBEAlV.S in the*i iianl -*- times is a cheap article of food, brbo had of Vf. F. EVANS. lavdesspj Miller, a t'errnin physician and chemist ot i;rc;it nbility of Rochester, says : 1 do horeby certify that 1 have analysed the cele- •*•'•'"' * •*"•'* *''•'. "'"I f~n1lh»j il f^nS|jpt\fhit|i Yellow and Hrown Nnpths. pfi«stssing rare medical which ii 8Ucd with NEW ANT)^KCj*0_AKT FURNI- | prnpertips. It »l«o cmUins Sulphuret of AIura*ni, TURK of every description : cna«istmj; of Sofnsrl^wife.- I'iliciu Acid, A^pfetltsiWr-UkthftH—Lfurther state tha'.. _ in? tlfasies. Tables, Divans, Rnreans, Ottomans, Tcte- ) I know tho properties r.f the bituminous oils which «re TO HOL'SE AND HOTEL RrTEPElti*'.*^"' ~U.-OUOiWMAN\ uu MAIM ttjur.r.T, oppisite the Cataraet, \i\f a Isse IVrrehmise QTEAM ENGINES, SAW M r^J ^ines, all sizes, made and put in j ,nn.j.i;«« w.ru rhr.ip fnr cash. £ttiiD u-l'eto?, Ricking, Purlnr, Plain sad t'aocy Ch.iin, Tea boards and Dining Tables, Ac. Ac- Every article usually kept by rimilar establishnients may be found nt his Rooms, and at prices fs low as they can be procured eltexh?re. Carefol attention is jriren to the msnnfoctuHng department, and none Vnt the besk of workmen are employed The public are invited to eall and ciimino his ifoclr. before purchasing. - - —NraoAits-FAtttrMny-lr^T-lSS*'-: —— ARE YOU INSURED! NATIONAL ritOTECTIOX FIRE AND MARINE ^BX'RANCK COMPANY, .SARA*r»»CA.SVRlNr,s. CAFlTAL.ST.O.CKAND_SCS.PJ.VS, $'211,000. 1N- ftiord in this csiuntry, and in Asia, Africa, Germany, Kranis and Italy, nnd that this American Oil embra- ces rare qualities which are not found in tha bitturoin- ous oils found In thi' or any othereonntrie*. I consid- er the jtmcrtenn fi" novel, and dsserrinjf the atten- tion of the enrious and the scientificic. It i*, indeed, a valuable medicine, and of r;re*t value to its proprie- tors. LEWIS O MILLER, M. D., Pructicaf iisul vina/yticcf Chemiet, 0 ——• .—Rtxhn*«r r -.V. JT..., I AMP OIL. 4-* ever sold In ElTORTthO ntOH RillbROAt) COMPANIES,— The New York Central Railroad, .as RISO 1 other wiTjpnnie*, «reioroeUm«4 made to • naffer severely in the lose of baffg»ge,though on lh6 Central road ca»e» of low ire quite rare. Yesterday a case came to light vtbich " Krill etplain 6ur rneanir g. Some Ume tine* • a traveler, whose baggage ^wJ'bcen misoar- —-tied hy-som*royilcrioiis.Bgonct,was very olamorons in hU demand for a setUemerjL— The ooriijvariy UUposed to settle the matter amicably, paid the demand of the value of the lost trunk, 1100. Yesterday the raisung trunk turned up, and upon opening it, not over $10 in value was found. -—Albany Ttoucfipl, lOf/V , ;»1 i r ._, Ai mi> —'——'.; ' kcnr>«R-or-^*wo-l*Ani-tsi."^A-_^upftlch ' frolTBorarfif'Mar-cb Oth says: \ " At 8^uth Qanllntr, Worcester County, on "Wednesday night, two elderly Nie*, shtera, --of.the UU Ahn*r-Kncdaod..a.n_infidel,_were murAler^ed in the house where, they lived \ afoncj JU Is supposed, hy pcnone who w^ere '" after money. From the* aptwarince of their beads they TuLTteeTr ocsTOrwIlh-clnU^d stones until life wa^Mtinct. Tbe bouse wa» then completely ransacked. A Vagrant -^Frenchman has- been-arreted on.aojpiciop. of having comn;itted the deed, seeW— —'"• * • ' — ' The best for 8s \H>T •.rjsllon thU place, by W. F. EVANS. r^OLlDeN SYKUP, H floe. Article for VT Past Cakes, by W. F. KVANg. APPLES. 'A Bne artlcln by the W. F. EVANS, APPLES t A barrel 01 barrel or bushel, by T O TEA DRINKERS. Tiptop Imperial JL Ten just received, also first rata soon* Hyson Slsle Fire and Marine Imtiranfr Company. OF HAKRISDUROH. PA. * CASH CAPITAL, toCO.OOO. HARTFORD CITY FIRE INSCUANCK COM'Y. CAFITAI RTOCK^HOO.OOI, CA*K Pctr-itrs, ^79,000 The undersiKnedi Agont f>r the above reliable nl- stitntions will taVn Vire Risks on Real ^nd rer^nal I'mparty, en a» favornV.lo trrrai as other re?l«>nfiblo j Ounpinics. Tbo patronage of the public is respect- fully «ollcited. I'tr*"* OSce, Post Ofiw Bntldiat;, Faspcnrion Bridge, New York. AUOUSTTS g. RROOK^, Actnt. L. W. MYERS, Surveyor. lOtf Tsa for U per lb., by W. F. EVANS. B ucktrhcat Flonr. * choice arti- er* 4«st received and for sale bv W. F. EVANS. pod Pi«h, Cod Fish. A yj riiof Gtorces Banks Cod Fiih.thsl feredlntWiaarketat EVANS' "acin fresh sup- best ever cf- CASH STORK. Rurninff Flnid, CAMPHENK'A JL> ALCOHOL, a r»d anlclekepl wnstanlly bn band hv Vf. F F.VASS. D ried Apples-Peaches, themes and Citrc;8, RaUiM and Koflba Currents.at tb« l»» est market price *oy W: T^EVANS. 1855.] Winter Arrangement; [1855. Erie 8u Ontario Rail Road, r^B^sS STEAMER ZIMMERMAN. Csrs leave Sntpeniloo Bridp Station, C. "v?., at 10 A. M , eorifie^tinit at Nia^tra with .STEAMER Z1MMEUMAN, CAT TAIN MILLOT, For TnrcTitn, arrlvinr three honrs sooner than bv any other mote. OF.O B. REDFIF.I.D, So'p't. For "the core of Long Diseases, Liver Complaints, foDglu^Dyipepii.-v, Piles, Rheumatism, Cutaneous Af- fections, and all Inflammatory Diseases, and when used externally it nevrr fails of curing Barns, Scalds, Cats, Brui-cs, Sprains, Cancers, Tumors, Ac. {r(f" For fall pajtfrularx and directions, see pAs^P^- 1 lel. IT IS NATURES 0'>V:\.REMEDY^ Price, One Dollar per bottle: Six Bottles for five Dollars. TUTTLE A MOSES, Aubnrn, N. Y.. Oeners Ag-nts for New Yoik, Michigan and Canada West For sale by A. N. Allen A "Co, Niagara Falls, asd W 11. Wallace, Suspension BridBe.-N.-Y. 33m3 W. H. WsTLLAGE. D KV G-G-IST-it A F O T H E O A Ii Y- .'usynnsion Eridet, N, Y. W I L D respectfully inform the ptM'sthslhehas constantly fnr sale, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, .OL'ASS-WARE. DYE STUFFS, and all thi mrst apj rosed Patent Medicines of the day. Also, Brushes Superior Co- logne, Lavnn-lsr and Rose Waters, L'ibin's snd others i.iclcs, or any thing in the Hardware line, willdo well Perfomes end S.>»p« Hair Oils. Hair Dyes and Fo- j to call before buying elsewhere, made*, Tooth Pewiters, P*?le« and Washes, and many other qlegant articles for tbe toilet Extracts uf Strawberry, Tine Apple, Japirelle-Pesr, Lemon. Ac , ;o>l running ngines fur Grist Mills, Mill (tearing, Ac |'^"Saw Mill Engines repaired and put In good wuiking-order. x '- - -20tf ' J, II. JONES. Flour and Feed Store. ri"sHE undersigned would announce to the poblicthat JL he has taken the sU>re recently occupied by Messrs Hawes. Clark A Race, in Canfiefd's BlocTc. on Main Street, when- he intends to keen on band all kinds of Flour, Meal, Oats, Corn and MUl-Feed, which he will sell as cheap v« can be bought elsewhere. T ^4 > ^^a*'^ t '^^32tf • ... -IRA-COOK— O L A R K A N D RA.OE, \rilOLISAU AND RETAIL DEALB8AIS GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS, SALT, WATER LIME. FEED OF, ALL KINDS, FLOUIi AND NfEAL. Oats by tbe 100 bushels, or in larger.or smaller qnan- lilies. Also. , - , POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS, IIAMS,.rORK,. . •SIOAP AND CA.Hnu:^. rariT or- ALI-IEISO*-— ' J^<ff All patkngts delivered olihe buyers', foiue. Store No. 5 Frontier Mart, Niagara Falls. ltf H E W H A R D W A R E STORE. '"|"*IIE sariscribers are just owning a Hardware St«ire A. at SUSPENSION BRIDGE, where thjv will steep on hanTigi'iCIasjnru^tr.tcf ' ejT - - - HARDWARE AS*!) MECHANICS' TOOLS, nf all kinds Tin, Sheet Iron »n4 O'pjwr Ware Made to order at '.he sbortMt n.it'iw, and kept on baud — Also a full assortment of CwokinrJ Parlor and Box STOVES, Sclf-Regnlfitin? Sheet Iron Stoves. Ac,, Ac. Per.-ons wishing to purchase any nf tht above art- KL\US- II. F. UitBAKD: iirar S n - 1 fixe yc.-srs -?it!i a chronic 0ie»'»n of tbe Lives—MI ir.urt.ii' is In!:-' incapacitated ti> v'o any Uvlily :v!-ir. nr any ^':^l oes» I'..- tic itnintoo-iaco »f unroll if.U t'smiiy — frcm.cot- ly co:.ftncl in (>--ii, and often lur uiomhs lo^i-thcr irrths h->u»» I M9Vrcd,inut'h friMiiricliiiUy ardsevere !».»s.(uile The disease hif'iod the »*.!! ol ruy several physicians; I fell nit;irc list sir-klrg t" drcvy,' ant tbe I'C.il lrnpr« sn- lertnincd bv :ny friinJs nn.i myself of recovery .upiring, a friend scut n» R F. HiUliARD'S WILD OlfriRRV iliVi'KKS. I t'.ilicieil thv directions; tie ctie<-t was venter) J. ; the.pvn devr.-aied. my appetite and N^wfls tcc.itnc regnlatcd; in shurt my ernaeiared hotly Invj^or- 1 cjid I sin cnaliloi' tTiiiwr at my lra-Je. 1 aiu:rriio " I l..r ti),t.-^_ m km .".ntc I" ynur II:V.III:-\I ,r iHT yua'will aicrp; my Luiohl'i thanks: bottici will eject a permanent <-jre. 1 thin's a fow ruora CORNKLIUS HOCGHTALI.NO. —E£ji.3:CtC-Ea'.l3trir.Bj:tilc ^- Prfparsd.and s/>M by t l i s i i x o s c >\ IIXILSB, sJJobn wrcrt, >•*>« -Vrkt m»d-iy \>:ufi^ila and Dealers ia the cojr.try. Any per...in rcinittins lo >;s liy rr.nil. fiveitn'lara will r«- n \ e hv l..\nros »n l..»'.t'.ct free of cxlra rhvrgc '.••'s.-.y part ol \l.r I <-..ic*i futst-s. .• - . A. N. Al.LKN t UROTRSR, Aecn'ts New York. Nivrara I's" lyi: Dr. Win* 55. Kicc* n AVINd jK?rman»ntly lvested at. Niagara Falls, tender.- his professional services ns allotrcrpath- IC Fhy-ician and Surgion. t>i tho rcsUJcntS of the vil- lajeof Niagara. Fells nnd mi^hH-vrir.^ country. Dr. R. also would remind the public thjivhehas had an ex- I«ricnre or five years in the practice of mcilicirx, the last two yesrs "f which in the vicinity of Boston, Jls«s', w'nore a faVnrablij opportunity was affonlcd.for H tli.,r,,n^i» »ludv~,4^-l„v«;wil.'> Mnr^oi^i^ca for rmiLio * AUGUSTUS S: HHCJOKS, AT-TORNEy^C0 R UNS c ELLi^^ CST OBoe ever ike ro«l 0»<»*. XTOTICK. Alt persons bavinit j — -IN tilt^ThrV?, j<nT*t*xftiFTu£ yjsrTsii->-f Nlsgara, ijecsssea? are .rcorissSesl w P'.»? ft,t _ , ••,*?8 prnp-rly. verified, U lb*'n»*" Nlarara, FeVs «\ 19JS. 40tf fir fUtorinr pastry, Jellies, Ice', Ac. Sponge, Indel- liVe sn',1 W riling Ink svnd St jl^nrry, Shonlder Pra- ce' r Trusses, and many other erncles tbo pnl.lie want; sr.d pufp»»e to sell as ehcsp as any honorable compet- itor. irjf*"* I'hyiVeisn's rre«criptW<iis and Family Recipes compounded from the best materisli and with the at- ta^steare, Phyiiclaae would find it to their ietere^ to call and examine, as he has a largs stock and c\n sell i-heap. Suspeosion Bridge, May 31. 1SSL tf WINDOW SASHfitBUND MANUFACTORY JIMS' 2VerfA «/ Each ttlartd lirid^L CUT.— f -"7~7~, , " 1, *-' M '''''''''''''''''Sw*a»e*'aw»''awawa NKW J-tiu«Tr-Th« Governor U% vetoed tho billnathonslng the Ncw»rV PUnk Road CorafvanT to'construct * bridge acroM th« Paasaio" rfw, Also, the, bill »ulhori»fug she purchase of ihtMh h'tjridrwl corriwof VVsb- ater's nri*bridg<^ dtclioBarJrV t? > U MJ lbft icbool dUlrlots ofUiAaUt*. -**.%> '"•» " .*»*? HH l o w ' a ^ a i i V v " o V « before the - "*'' -ay «f JUJT cast. - * ~ C. H. riPKR,'Awmialrtrslot. X^XrVDEL. A NY qa\aUl> of FresK Lima ef tiprttr 5*aJRy,_ T ^ a s W t T ^ h a s r f ^ M s e ^ H a ^ «rtJtHaWlw» Ai FUcaraJalU, Xay 34, VS&4 R.' TVNI*, at hi* Now £<.•*». to which ths |rr*>U of tbe Franklia Bookfit.-**have been runjyed, opt<wite> |AnC*t< araetliouse, wk^re all debts das I'IH ky •» ol firm Till be •trfKr^rTyTSr O. H. HACKSTAFr. eeules!. it th*y have st and m>v.t /Mfc.l ll..:ii« Jjrilirr. -'••" -• •• ' " • ••••• " • -• »,' 5 • i> ^*t°l . -'• V„ Rot»ffs<.n, CRlbs A Vnre-;, Detroit t-l'.E.^ereasoa, Msirsra F*llf. De •. C, If -re^f^i^tofr^tWr^V^^ £ -~'-<-•>•">.< •• '.• •• Livingston, New York. , -^^T^JOOtV-ftnrt-^IlQe T -StOri), T=a-0R0L : «f-A-eO. AJ* Re thai th*y have fitted op a cotnirvyDotts shop 34 Just re- Nlsjrara Falli, Jsnnsry 3, 1SSS W ALL PAPKRI WALL PAPRRI . . . ,. iwWiW«rw»r^--«t^»rwt!^ rawr, Win Ivw Sbs4el, Cnrtain Fixtures A ^ . t e r ™». BB V. * " . " ^ rtc t* ' riVl. ??? Ufore offered In this market. Call and see at A. N. ALLEN k BOTHER, ' Mala Street, Niagara Fells. N T\ AMOS 0. WOOrsRCTT, A T T 0 t t « » * j O T CO-tTMiLtOR AT LAW 13TA1 ee'Ued M &« «B4«r»istcd vi.. iDiisolutlon. . v j* -SkcT0TWilto-we«wV»fi»e*-UsaLla4_«na-^JU.AJL i\ R..QL0YBR, le this daj diseohed hs mntnal cotiM»\,.. ••MVJ^ tit- * ' . REftftKN OLOVER, ItTrWS E. OLOVKR- Kiartri Ctly, Msrtal, 1W5. Ildebu del to sad by tb« Hi« 0m will be .LEWIS E OL0TEE with the tatcst \n-\ mo«t approved machinery fir the wienura«i>ir« of WINDOW- BLINDS, -WINDOW SASH, DOORS and*M0LDINUS of all styles. AH of which will be ccnttsntly kept on hand, for tf koltsalt ?*£n Z?3"*— ;w^-M^.r^^JarrST£S.tA rar^sf* --*- ^^, l"t?* Jobi of all kin Is attended to en the shortest notice. . .1. IL LOOMIS A CO. Niagara City, Doc.20, ISit, ly32 " J. (r. CIUL1)S it CO. FORWARDING A COMMISSION MKRCHANTS, CUSTOM llocsr. IISOXCBI, - - United Statu Bonded H'arJiouse. * f \3T Advance* tna<lc on C^niitfnmeoLs Duties Paid,' Produce Bought »/>l ffoVl, Ac , Ac r i e a r s o - r r.TOS.Mit. Fl'SPRKSION RRIDOR. N I A 0 X n \ C O , N. V, RKraacMras:— A V. R Hotchki", R"\, GwleOr, Niagara Districtt Rrofi«ort A Crocker, Oi<repv|.|IUI, Searf A Co^ Boston I Ororre Steel, Esij, Chl "J*. B. Particular attention will lie £iven to •liscas- of the eyes an lehronlediccAses penerally. 0B!cc on Cherry street, a few doors east nf Main Ol5ce hours specially from 8 to 9 A. M. from I to 1 V. .V. . Niagara Falls, Ar.g P, '51. I3tf iTLoD'CiT;*?" 1-APEU OOMTANrY, '•• MANCHK5TKR,-N. n . - ••. • _ • Store 2 r) Bfekmatl titrrei, Nuc York, TTMin'flfori'rW r^ycr Cortipeiijo, n corpor.illf>n c.«-~ A. tablishisl under the lar.s t.f NCTV Hnmj»=hire,with a capital of three hundred thousand dollars fnf the purpose of Manufacturing all kir.'D hnd qu.ilities of Paper and 1'ape.r H.ir.;ini«, are now rculy to exCeote orders. Thoy have .erected ths . w s t spacious nnl convenient liuiMingt and proviijej thciosclvc* aith mschir.isrT" ef-ehn-n»**l imp'ovp.l-,»'nUr«otion 1 inelml-. ine; the Patent Printing Ma<hine*qf \Vtn. M. ,%ir, formerly <3 Newark, N J. This ounpapy Wing th« only crocem In the tojntry 'which inanufactnrM its own paper for haagings, will be jblotb icsnrc a trni- form qnalty and . to keep op to tho high'sl^r.dxrl of evcellcnce which they have adrrptcd, Icatirc thereby satisfaction lo those who may wish to patronise them. Parties wishing to order pill be promptly futxbhed with all the grade of paper hangings. Travcllujr, agrnte. will present samplo cards fit ex- amination if desired. . -ltf ClolhCiiffi <MoTiihfsr~~" rAMKS WADDKLL.FASIUON ABLE TAILOR. f/ wnul'l atn'j'incoito the public" thst lie hsj just. -i|<r.ed a F.\«hUir,able Clothing E«t.vblishtvtr.t at I ._ % r JVo. 2 Frontier.. Mnttjy Wher« be will keep a Is'rc* sad rsrici MACV 'of Gro- lUmen's F.imishing Gi-r Is suitable fur tho season. Hi is alvi prepared to >ranur.vttme Clololng to or- der, .in a totscmr style, and warranted to jive wtii fseliin. . :. .... -' .* He invites an inspection of hit goo.).., cpnfidenl that •1ie,csh' civ's sMis/nitlon in every pnrtic'iilsr , J A MRS WADDELL S.VL 3(t f —11. f.;, i ,i i i i • i ..I . 7* tf. vrTV.iii, ami m the-tans? r»v<Ti'AV.6 R n a ! OLA7.EDSASH, aal BLIND TRtMMINOS aK waji on hand and'for saU; th«r "will also attend to the Painting and Hanging of Blinds If d*»lr«d. All promptitude.. In a entire-saUsfkc*. tioa llallders would do well to call and examine for theraKtves. E. CROUCH,! WM. JQNRS.' :. Oct- 25". j4|f_..; ,,,-•• . E. P/BUtLER. •• II - i - n » - i i II inmr-«i - -. J. • . . -^ ^_^._. . - 1)1 ILDINO HiT> FOR SALE. The nsH-mgn- 4j-eaEaa.MChokiI^»iidifjL<>«s Far Sale (a Ni»g- eraCity, near t>x Toll «aw, wTJcFW-SSart-Tirl-ng time lo pareons bulkiinc «n them. Triee from 4250 lo |3jg, . _U*St0 £ W. O. BUCHANAN.' riPEH h SHELDON, Attarntea and (ounecllors at Law, It* 7, Brlels ItV»jlc, efpeslte BHdfe i\r**.\ W 0: « PIP**, , nayirVst. B. 51BLX>0lt Ur^ ^ Je **.$ -T-^ A» ?•*• 11. C. (ULE, •' ;—;—i—-__ME*,i«a IX au. styea or . READY MXbE"^tDTRTNf4. \\ ANp OESfS FURNISWlJlo OOODS, OF SUPE- •- •< =' ' UlOR tJUALlTYj '. \\_ ~*Ll!r*'C*»tBlog-saads.t9_me>snre, anA warranted sa- llsfacuvryi^' ':• V * '• '•••; Ifttf, C-ipt, eiKti Ftrair Good*, S*n large qvnrJUirr. v " ' -i.'d.'U ALE, oprwslte t'aUract HeVso, rf A/ayt4, J«e.--tf-.^-NlagaeaFa)W Jfc - •\rOTICE. NMIe* h herehy flren Otkl aa appll- JJi_^«Uoiri srill be made to the l.*pi«l»tnre of th* State"cT"Ne""rYtrr'epaM"*t^^ »Kfe «f coitdlng' a Foot BrMga over Ui« Niagara Rl*er, betwvnthe Niagara Vail* snd Intern signal Oppotitttht Drue Stort i\- Pas'. QJF(f,'Syt*pe*ticn lirldgt'. T HE subtcrirtr Vers Jo Ktcrn his thinltt lo tbe pqblla for the liberal eapport ho l a . received. ar.d tsTies ifiis eppoftonil v W. eu\\ tbvtr altrtrt'sra tn a— ne-t anisnpricT Ictcr R60T?.-?HOES-^ BCPRKRS of all klml* snt!>he«, rtwensed from tae t>csk m«nu- f»cti;rer in tho country, anl rliicri he.will sell'lt the, Unc-kpossible prjecf., ^-/-sjrinj done,at '.he ehortoa natWand in the Vest wrsaner.-'-' \" 1 -——- --. • ;F TyyayrKTrANn—• 7TT O. Fe. HINOKIiKYi . coaxaa.or jrtsaaa* A^a,rilrjn:ai|Errat iir PI*-«. rei,v « 4 if* *trf MMia^fe^' iVrUraV,. i *»>?«t< -. N . .-• •.,, ^ «ii, 11 ******* SLpVlit FLOUR! FLQURU >-pItEj ItB'flWefsiirVed as vie t tbe »eJe'ase*nc.y foMVT*!fl«c»v ofC. n. WiTMRR*S KXTfiA f.OetLY Pli'VB, itdlsform IhepubiicSkM T « p * ( . w » ViPf KwisUsK srcnM leforro t"iepubiicSkst I ven a*»4 kM (of sale at J4itB faldre 1 1 ! .: Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 8/Niagara Falls NY Gazette/Niagara Falls NY...the ball just grazing bis arm; lodging in the side of the building;

ge nowtstnblwljed by

-fle if t W f e ^ ^ Mf^mUvti^fJhi] ftwlMW AmeH^tJa Congrei alaquowWJTt$Sl7hrHfeu of tba -Metfif UwepoundV rraquo tltpound to titt

For oreiy ntigVe letter-in rnatiuscrfto or paper bull of anybull WmfinliWh Inforiiutton shall be araquoked for or cotptnuuicated in wrishyting or by ranks or signs conveyed in the innij for Buydistance between places in the United States not exceeding tlirwo tfioiisand miles hteoceuts and for any distance egt ceedfng lluee thousand milks ten cents

And ora double letter there shall bo charged double the rates above specified and for a r9ble letter treblelaquothose rotes

and for a quadruple letter quadruple those rites Iand eVery letter or parcel not exceedshying half an ounce in Wight shall be deemed a single letter-and every additional weight

mdashof lets than half anounco shall becharggd with an additional single postage and upshyon all letters paving through or irOhe mail of the Uuited States excopting such as are to or-froma foreign country the postages a above specified shall blaquo prepaid except upon Utlaquotand^pjwkage^ad^reused to officersef the goVernnont on official biwiuess which iballbesp -marked on the envelope And from and after the first day of January eighteen hundred and fifty-eir the Postmasshyter General may TPquire postmasters to place postage stamps upon all prepaid letters upon which such stamps may not have been placed by the writeis _ ---

And all drop-lettert or letters placed in any post office not for transmission through the mail but for delivery only shall Tgte charged with postage at the rate of one cent each and all letters which shall hereafter be advertised as remaining oyer or uncalled for in any post office shall be charged with one cent each in addition to the regular postage both to be accounted for as other postages now are mdash

SKO 2 Arid be it further enacted That it shall not be lawful for any postmaster or other person to aclt any postage stamp or stamped envelope for any larger sum than that charged therefor by the Post Office Deshypartment and any person who shall violate this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof laquohall be fined in any sum not less than ten norSnoro than five hundred dollars This jtct to lake effect and be in force from and after the commencement of the next fiscal year aflerits passage Provided That noshything herein contained shall beMgt con tilled as to alter the laws in-relation to thefrankshying privilege

SEC 3 And be it further enactedIhni for the greater security of valuable letters postshyed for transmission in the mails of trie Unishyted Statestho Postmaster General be and hereby is authorised to establish a uniform

plan for tho registration of such letters on application of parties posting the same and lo require the prepayment of the postage as well iTs a registration feo of five cents on laquoverv such letter or packet to ba accounted for by postmasters receiving the same in such manner as the Postmaster General -shall direct Providtd however That uch registration shrill not bo compulsory and it shall not render the PostOffice Department or its revenue liable for the loss of such let-ters or packet or ilia cotrt^nts-thereo

Approved March 3 1855

rTvro -MBB S|1OT-mdashA-y-eryjnysterious OCraquo currency took place at the passenger railway depot here on Thursday last AfewiuiuuUss previous to the express train leaving the stashytion for the west two personsone astrangshyer the othera resident oftVa towrjv named Jennings while standing On the platform were fired SJ by some unknown personeith-er from wjUiin or behind the carsThe former individual receive] but a slight wound the ball just grazing bis arm lodging in the side of the building the latter we areampoV-ry to slaquov has been seriously hurt lite ball having lodged in bis body and at the last accounts was not extracted and there is litshytle hope entertained of his recover) From this we may judge the weapon used to have been a double barreled pistrl or gun The strangest part of tho affair is that no one saw the shot fired or has the slightest susshypicion where it came from although every search was made previous to tho cars leaving London The train was telegraphed to be delayed at Lobo and a constable was desshypatched to that place but up to the latwt accounts no clue had been obtained of the ajeaaainr mdashTlm-mam laquoo-faV-U-raquoulaquoUfc4- in

Steam saw aim ruagara runs Near the head of the Hydraulic Canal

M M I E iHbnrtlere would inform the inhabitant vf X Niagara Ftl s nod vicinity that tbey have leased

the al-ove Mill and now offer to tbe public a pound asshysortment of J CLEAR SECOND A COMMON P I N E LUMB2R

cl ajl dimensions ^ Oak Elm Button-VooJ Ash and all kind tf

LUMBER AND TIMBER Generally uted for Hou-e and Carriage Building a large quantity of Hkwu Psue Timber from 16 to 70 feet iu length and from 6 to-W-ftfcbes la diameter

A GOOD QUALITY OK LATU Also kept on haul Bills of Timber cut to order with dispatch at any season of the year baling on baud at all yines a good supply of l laquo laquo Tbe aboio bueine- will bo done for Cash or good endorsed paper a-bdquod whoshyever pleasts to palrvul-e th Subscribers will find it dune pruiupby and on reasonable terms public patronage iraquo solicited


A thace of



mystery which will we doubt-not be solved before longandthe perpetrator brought to jwStiwmdashZowon G W) Times

MARRIED On the llaquot last by T 0 Hnlstt Esq Jaraej Brad

llT vf St Catherines 0 of the tame place

W- and Lucinda Ilatcbingen

P a i n t i n g iORNAMENT

Glailng and Papering done with nsalnees and dispatch Glass an-l Bash of all I iioi Wall Paper of raquoU kiudlt eotuiantly on hand and fur tale avlow prices bull bull

pf^ The ubgtcriber baring utablisb hiraraquolaquolf one door aouth of Glover llotet Niagara City N Y re-|

I I1C U I I I d l sgt f lHO U V m K i O I T A B X H Q3ET A f f T T t

Insurance Companies Merchants Banks and Broker one after another iivt way under the prei-Jure of the timet North pound i i t Wrltt mi SoalL it u

P A N I C P A N I C Well say ihosa of env cirouuHtauce

what of all thatl What u that to HI Nay but it i something to yoo for you and your mujt blaquo cljttioJ And what with war abroad and fai lallaquo |at borne P-AIF bar bullgt be rold at about one half the cost of their manufacture and the object of thi adreitbe-ineut U to tnake yon aware of the fact that

W B BISHOP l i a s e m b r a c e d th i s o p p o r t u n i t y o f p u r c h a s shying very largely In frrt has filled hit iuitneufe store (the largeit in the State with one exception) full of glaquoxlgt which (r rieinelaquolaquo variety and cbeapaesj defy all competition and be uv-j n-lfully refeni you I gt bis price current vtiica will bo f iunj to fully maintain hit old ti--tio rix that ha is determined in sell and not be nndtrsold

Cloak Shawl and Mantilla Department Wherein uill be fouud all the novelties of the laquoevvgtn and I have thi day reduced juy price rgt that ou eanpnrrhaae jut ai good a garment with 50 W you ccuul have dona with $100 last season bull

sTcicnHi-s mdash-f^ I Ipvw an erujlfeamps variety and my prices are

fTAHE iubjriber rejpeclfully IhforinJ tncFifiteoiof JL his Uuj IIOKEmdashtho Town of NlagaramdashanJ

tLj public generally thai be keeps a good supply ol tbo following articles constantly oa hand for s e vis the very best i t


also itnproved

Graham and Buckwheat Flour bull - soLTrtf A N D i-Nsovrao CORN MEAL OATe 4 CORN CUOPPED STUFF

bull all usual soils of MILL F I E D AUoagvod article of )

GEXESEE FLOUR AT RETAIL in lots 100 lbs or Iw

Chtapltr than can btjiad at ant oArr ulabUAmtnt i in tvtu^ara City

All Flour and gtJpoundalraquoid in roy Mill for ine ASAlinANTED AS OooD AS RCrRESFNTEt) BY

Til- SKLLtH All Four ni Mral bcuvaj at niy Mill will lraquoe d-UvettJ bullat the hnyen huo)- il 1WI igtraquoir ovjr wittia Niscir City All articles KIM at retail to lgtraquo paid fvr octore UV-en Iroui the Mill

With tne c^iiiiainremltn of thraquo New Year I renew my J tharKalbc tbe the sery I1W11I patonaire received thus I hr UaiiiiKadrst elraquoraquoraquo tnftler Mt B raquo 1arVcr aed j attentive bands ao-J by irvvin my own utidiviclrj atten-

titxi I ivpa to nut lull raquoaliraquolclKgtuto all raquo( favoi ma with tvlr eugttoin 0 H WlTJIhR ~~SampttHoii BtVtgrUtrtrJan 1 ISM -

itraquoti3^e rxok bullv r |Tuiiraquo XSlaquoilaquoV

Viwrhrr amp Schelli Gtutral AdrrrtUlng Hente Applrlont UulUlnr 34 t amp U S Brvadiray

ampdm T3

0 laquofcraquo O J L p i a t Q y T T T X H L s

F i a n o F o r t copy M a a u f a t p r y AND WARE PQOMNos 213 243-17 ind 249 Wesl Twehty-ei^tb laquotrvt be-tweraquon Vthand 10th Avenues New Yorh

Ilanu- witu vbe L i l i a n andsll the best modern itn-prvvcmcnis tnarteiTlJiebest uiatertals under our own laquoujltrvijioir a nnltenKnarantce given with every Pishyano J A (J F biting prsotiei l wer unil msnulac-tariag try Jargely o n furnish the host Pianos t h lower teruutjau can be farnlsht-d any u t t - t and it ia dtutdtdly ttlaquos blaquost j lace to buy forcuh Those desirshying a ^it4 Iiany and -one that will tand rcd wear hell taat d j l e t t t t thaa to eall en-J i LFiscrier

G U O P X X s c to O O

Trinr- Bcliers- and Artbts CqloriiiCB iVv gt00 Jiroadwit Xetc-Yok

Cash itiusic ahtl F i a n o Store or

-HOIJACE W A T E R S N o 2 1 3 U r o a d w a y N c v Y s r k

Wm Tim i raquo bull v ^

VX bull I-

On the Inl inst by the same Slamps J Valentine o( Orford OAY arid Matilda Lott of the larria place

On tbe 7th inst by the asm James Collard o l Nishyagara C V and Susan Montigne laquof the tame place

On th 7th inst by th same Hunrick Ribsr of Niagara and Joanna l lyeruf theiame place

- bull bull bull

^ DIED _ - -In this Tillage on t ie 12th inst I D A daughter of

Riley Mand Philinia Uodlard aged one year and six months



TH- Mails at this O-iue will arrive and close ai fallows until further notice

MAILS ARRIVE Through mails from Altnny arrive raquo50 a Western mails via UUSAIO 1HM x is Eastern way-mail via Rncheter 14t5a x Northern ami Canada mails 14C raquobull raquo

4 |_w_rr_^T

may du to thai they will be executed ugttivir Mttilaquofuc-tion JOSEPU il FRARY

Nugrn Cjty March 7 1835 bull bull - i - bull i -- bull bull -

School Notice VJ0TICKiraquo hereby raquolvcn that agreeably to a re-J ^ que-tff fiflcen perraquoons w hoar a Irgnlly-entitlfi to tote In this District a^eet ing of tbe inhabitants of School District No 2 m the Town of Niagaia ttmt erv entitled to vilo nt District School Meetings will be b^ld for the purpose of determining by a vote uf ibe District wbvther an Union Free Schoolsbsllbs esshytablished therein inconformity with thj^pruviikms ol an act entitled A n Act t i provide foj-threrfUblish-iBent of Union Free- Schools ped Jftuift 18 18^mdash Said meeting will I s h e l l at School Jlouse Nn I t n Third Street on We^nesday EveningMarch 21bull35 nt 7 | oclock j j

The following is the law defining who ax rotors Every male person of full sge residing in say

School District and enti tle-l to hold lands in this Sute whoowusor heirs real pr)perty in such District subshyject to tax for Jiabool pHtxjJe and evsry resiJsnt tgtf sneh Ditrict(autgtiriilaquogtl to vote s i U n a iayetinj^nf the town (vjtojich ach IraquoUu ictisMtaated arid whobjM puidany rate bill for Teacht rs wages in such District within one year precedLgtor nbo owns any personal nrppetty l sblo to I tuxed for School purposes insuch District exceeding fifty dollars in value exclusiveof i EMBROIDERIES LACE O00DS AND HOSIERY

ijuite as lowmdashindeed I a little loiser tn-tn Xlly-oKlier tor instance I have Silks from 2 CltoGi per yard of the same qualities as dd last year from Us to 12s I have also a very elegant assortment of Mury Antique Brocade Qtrjirt bull Grvdezoric and other cSilt suitable for eeuing diiijes

F R E N C H M E R I N O S 1 Alltbs new shaJes and every quality from -Is 9-1 up

and at just hulf the pri-e current last searaquoltu

iriOUSELIIVE DELAItVKS At 10 cents per yaril that arc wi-l worth 3s All wool De Laines l^auliful quality and styles Is 41 to Aibdquo

worth Ai to 6s A beautiful assortment of

PLAID MKR1NOS Of t h e V f t qualities imjxjrted from Is 6-1 to4s 9d per vardj tbo same qualities were soli freely last season at -Is to 9i

C A b l C O E X It U nonsense to talk about Who would think of wearine a sixpenny print when Worstshyed Goods are so cheap 7 But to suit all partlus I have a splendid SIACJC of French and American Prints worth Imui 4 cents up deg

PARAMETTA3 AND ALPACCAS A Tery large asiortoient from 10 cents per yard to the

very fcut-t qualities iuipgtru i-

C A T A K A O T F U K N A O E i iL2

r p H E proprietor would inform the pubHv thattasl-JL ings can be purchased cheaper at tho Niagara

Fall Furnace than ia Uutlalo or L-gtckpogtt Hoiue Cc^tinK Cap$and Silli Cotltmnf $bull Front

Machinery fttizh iiot3 Jloits ana all Uindt


If Cnsttnrs Made to Order-WILLIAM LANDRETH Proprietor

0 P F T J a T T T T n r - T O mdash M - 0 N O P - 0 lrY~


BTSTern way-msii vis uansnilsigua Every Satardav an eitra mail arrives from

Buffalo at tOSrU MAILS CLJSE

Northern and Canada wait floss at J-3S a w Eastern wav-ravil ri Rochester close 73) i gts

Western tniil gt-BniTslo t00 r w Eastern way-mailvia Canandatraa S V i k H Through tuaU WNav York amp Allwny closlaquo 4 4i r x Every Moodsy an extra mail Ui Butfvlo coslaquo 615 i M

XO MAILS ON SUNDAY gt Cy-Thfl mails cosraquo by It^il Rnti Time which i l 15

minutes faster thnn Ylllvge time Ofice open from 7 A M to a P M Sund^ysfrom 11


Niagara Fats Maylt lSSlj

C a b i n e t W a r e M a n u f a c t o r y The nbssriberwoald infraquorm the citirens of Niagshyara Falls and vicinity that he has taken the Shop next to Porters Grist Mill wherw he intends to

manufacture all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE TO ORDER

H alio civashis particular attention to Making Mashychine Models and Patterns for Caitings

Old Furniture repaired and varnished Mahogany Black Walnut and Whitcopy Wood Coffins made at a few hours notice day of night

I5T Wanted two or three Apprentices laquo CHARLES W OLIVER

Niagara Falls March 12 1554 44tf_

S e l e c t S c h o o l To the ComrnunUy ai Sutpensiun Arldce

4 SCHOjIL for Lads and Misses will he nreuri on j l x t h a hill on the 7th M irch inst A libcrvl patshyronage is solicited on satisfactory ttnns ot tuition

Tha best of references can be furnished by MISS J A X E J BAKER

Suspension Bridge March 12 I S J J 4t41

such laquo ia exempt from execution an 1 no ot^er shall he entitled to vote at any School District Meeting held in such District bull bull


J F TROTT Ntraquograquorraquo Falls March 18S5

ideg School District No 2

J 7


G r e a t Barga iua Of fered r i^I IE subscriber desirous of dUpMiu of a number J_ f Buggies lleary Wsgons sad a large stock of Harnesses both snpte arid double relaquorctfully solicits an examination of the same by thuse desiring to purshychase bull lt bulllaquo

Ths undersigned continoes the i lamtss Making huiinelaquosI Carriage Trimming arid Upholstering in all theirbranches ind keepon hand or wilt make toor-dsr every description of Light and Heavy Harness Saddles Bridles Martingales Whlp^ Trunks-Carpet Bags Ac Ac Pirtlcnlar attention will blaquo given to CARRIAGE TRIMMIq-AND VPlloLS-TER1XG and all orders in (Ms liae will bo executshyed neatly and an short njtioeJMatrrasses_pf_llair Straw Manilla nnd Palm lgtaf on Uarid or mad lo orshyder FirmsrSj Livery ProprieloN Hotel Keepers or others desiroiu of procuring nay K-irk in thenbive liilaquo ot fausiues arc a^ured that U aiil be for their intershyest to call


All I ask is an inspection 1 have the most complete assortment In the city


bull N e w M e a t MarkeJ

Tnfe Sttbgtcrilgtor would inform tltc ntizpiis of Niagara Kails Suspension Bridies nnd vicinishy

ty that he has opercdn Ment Market in the Brick Bl-gtck South of the Methodist Lburch on First Streat wbeie he will keep on hand the ulaquoual varieties c-f fresh rae^ts ssimgef Lard i a ampbull bullbull

N U AlTparehlaquoM delivered at tha rcsidince of jhe purchaser if reltiuired

2 ly t J RURGARD

THE SlTMS(MUBERS g rentel the new Steam Saw Mill at Cayushy

ga Creek are prepared to furnish Lumgter ol all deshyscriptions and on sh-irt njtice Tbt-y have now and will keep on hand thr usual variety of Edards Sid-f^^bullF(ou^in^bull Ixith ij-c l l i e y are also utanufaetur-ing a prirna nrticlo of Shaved Shingles

All orders directed to us atLa Salle Niagara counshyty N Y will receire prompt attention

CLARE amp MACK LaSalle Sept C 1851 17tf

T U M B E R ~4 having rented t

A the A

T A SURROGATES COURT heUln andfor t Gcitutr of Niagira w the Sirro^jts- ofSco

Villaseof Lock|orii on the 5lh iiywC February j w

G a r d e n Bccds 1 G a r d e n S e e d s

JURT received s general assortment of tbe celebrashyted Shaker Gardes SeedsmdashvrraquoRAM-iti what bullthey

ara represented to bs the most reliable Srsds put np tnT-Ifnitcd-StsUi fur laquoxle_bjr the paper or lb at the Broadway Fancy Store o i ^


D - 1655 bull Present THOS M WEIWTER - bull -bull - Sjrrteatev |

j In the matter of tha appljvatiori of Wiltsin F Ssraquolaquoy j this administrator of Uhurles Sic deceased intlaquogt-

t kti for authority to lraquoalaquoraquo or slaquod the real elttttraquolaquoJ thu sail intestate (bullgtbull the plyingut of his debts On reading and Slins th apjilieacion of WtllUtr F

Sios tlilaquo admiaistratorof-ntt-xiid singular the goods chnltcls i n l crClitsof Charics Siclt late of the tears of Niigtra deceased intc-titc f r nuhority to l-poundlaquolt orecll tbe rosl e iUto of lbs sai l irte-ttatc for Uie-pivneut of fiis drbts it is ordered that all pcrssns

Of etery desciiption n full stock at prices to compare with tho tunes

C A R P E T S I woulil invite e-peohi notiie to my stock

of Carpets Curtain Material and Upholstery Goodsall of which I am deiertaiucd to sell iff nt any pico 1 must close out that partnf my stxk and will make it an object to those who are in immediate want or e i - j pect to want next sprinr to purchase now as I am determined to clo-e up that branch of rav business

J ^ All kinds of I5rkcn Bank Bills taken For rates I resptctfnllv refer you to mv Bank Note List daily corrected W B BldUOP-

1MPORTANT NEWS RELATIVE TO HANKS The bills oflheltAoirint li^nki are rtdeemrd at the

Jricej nametl btloir jxiyablt in Dry Goodi Carets and Oil Cloths

jtrt Ft~-V BsnW a S-c City Bink nf Cleveland Par Canal Disk - iar Male ilniis of Indiana Iar State Bank fOlim Pas City BirA Coiurubas OT-gt bullbull- W c Clintun BvnV - e to Sandusky City Birk laquo bull Par IWnkof Cuclerille ttis Newport -nrctgt- fnr-l Krtilt-Xv 0to irwn iouoly lSii]raquo N C T Yltgtlt-- bullbull--bullbull Ifo JtvnV gtr ti~n-^-u ti-liiiia ---bull WT Kxyliiiltf Raul ol PitfTiUi Far

Iojfasa ri5y bull - -7$c Kcntuciv BanV in Tc bullraquobull I bull Kentucky - raquoc rrir i Kaain-tsltigt Rnilroai ii-X Mich 2Jgte Mechsnira iUi^ls Mciiigth-t Tennessee bullbullbull- tta Wrstfrn vnd -Mithern IifiVs t-irt broken Vsr

I if The high--st price for M broken-Hank Bills mdash 1 1 3 3 V B BISHOP

211 Min Street BoSfrio N Y


F A S S iT T ct W A Iv E keep conlaquolaquontly on hand a large stock of all articles usually kept in the above line

among which mav llaquo found ii choice soli-ctiun of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY together with every variety of sheif and heavy ILirdware

EDOE TOOLS of all kind including CARPENshyTERS AND JOINERS TOOLS PAINTS OILS PUTTY and PAINT BRUSHES Well nnd Cistern Pumps Sash Glass and Copper Ware Also a variety o f P a r l o r Cook B o x and S h e e t Iron S t o v e s all warranted to givo satisfaction Tbe subscribers also carrv on tho manufacturing of TIN SHEET IRON arid J APANN ED WARE innil their branches

At this establishment may be found Leal Pij^i Hou-e GutteringHnd SpiuiinjAc Ac

All osders entrusted totheir care will be attended to with neitns~i and dispatch

iti Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to raquoV Paper Rigs o ld Iron and Copper taken in x-

chsnge bullFASSETTA WARE

Oppilaquoitii the Cnttract Hotel N I A O A B A F A I L S Mav 17 1654

V-OtffTTirgTANDlNU KraquocomVnaliooot SuTTS-J L de-ilcrs to keep up tbe pricts of noti-claquogtpyright music against liio interssts i l v l i i o CMoi^raquocrs raquoivl their rcloaltgtgt extend tgt M^atlaquoW tbe-courte-rsi of the trsde ixi is rnisin^ itnuien-o -aicmdashhaving atnudi3tnvider thntboiias publiccvuntsnarscaud snpprt in liis pppraquo-utioii to the Great Mciwp)y and in his jffcrtsto litd-^siivis-falcnt and to ailopt the Natlufal raquour-encv His -tlaquock of American and Ecio-jiciu tauslc is imueTc n 1 the catalogue yf his claquou puUicHtf--iiVU vneof the lurvtet and heitttltrlttl in tho unlWdSadej Illaquo htraquoaraquo maileo Orea|Rcduc-lK|Q la thttWiccs pf Puny iieluduorsand lustru-iriciilsot aukind Sijeriltgtr tcced fJ octave pianos for 175 -iX)^nd $2V5 interior of raquos gocj quality wnd instruments as strong and S durnble nitSAOjo wbicn cos solO flinos f eft-ry viriey of style rind prico np to SHOO conigtrlraquoiup tnjise iraquof ten different mraquonii-fact-irit- aini^ thetc tbe C^ICWAVCI modern itcj-ior-e l l losACE WAT-tt IiAlaquooa aril the first preirfnun iEidian Pianos of T fiilbeit A Cosmake (owners ef therFclian p-itsnl) tgtcond-baad Piacs at great bargaim Prices from $S0 ty $10 Mctodeoc1 from fivcdiTcrinl^jnufrctofics inoinding tle wcllkrowa S D A II W Sulha mololtIeltjus (tuntd the equal temporcmcut) the bast nuvle in thlaquo 1nittrd Statesmdash Price- 345 S)5 I^OO SI 15 8125 gtl J5 and 315lmdash Smith Double Bank MeValcons Sgt00 iiarii Iutro and Mtodecn giarunleid The best terms t-gt ttio trade school-ic l percent discount to clergymen augtl churclic- All orders promptly Attended to Music sent to all pnrtoof the country ptst-rtvid at the ro-duedrates Gencnil ant scicot c-iiatogucs amVjcrrrd--uleif pricesof Pianos forwarded to any addre-s free of charge j u40

Straw Goods French -Flowers ampc

CASH pitrehWerV are solicited toeraraiuc our Stock of d i H A V ( 0 ( J U S French Flower Ac

wtiich will be found superior 19 tbst of any other simishylar house in this city We shall reccie tbe coining seasin per steamers and of our onn manufacturer tbe Uteit styles of BunueU French lluwcrs t i e Ac which we nller CASH p-jtchnsers at greatlv reduced drkes 1IOMBR A KETCHUM

3ugt40 64 amp 65 John street cir William New York

Old E s t a b l i s h e d Cash Store Opposite lite Falls J fold Niagara-FalTi

AT WALSH fc SON hastes trrovtly improved rd


time since r mdash While borihgfor salt water soms

near Burksriile Kentucky the work

gtTo OPIUM OR CALOMELmdashMost of the Cough Hinmlics of the present day are comshyposed lnrgelymdashofmdash-Pars-goricT_^LaudAnuinr Morphine or some othe preparation of Opi-um andthat U the reason why so few are benefittod by theiu iu bullWlO long IUU Tliw-powfrful Narcotic palliates and eases the Cough at first bulaliihe while the Pulino-nary Disease is becoming more deeply fastshyened on the lungs It also constipates the bowels disturbs the nervous system and in the end does more harm than good There is one Cough Remedy however that is free from this objection We are assured that Du ROGKRS Srnup OF LIVERWORT TAR AND CASCHALAOUA does not contain a par-t cleof TOpium or any of tiTpreJTSraliDnraquoi=--This excellent Medicine dos not dry up a cough1 but entirely removes it by subduing the intlamrualioii and-other causes which give rise to it When Tubercles are formshying it checks their development and further progress or if ulceration has taken place it assist the Lungs in throwing off the corshyrupt mater soothes them to healthy action This Medicine therefoie is not a palliative which only relieve forthe time being but is a thorough curative as It strikes at the

-very root of the disease and bv removing this removes at once and entirely all its reshymote and attendant consequencosVTry it

r p H E Copartnership formerly existing beiween Drs JL Thomas and Davis was mutually dissolved on tha 1st day of March inst

mdash A THOMAS M P P S Tho subscriber has opened raquo Dispensary at

his dwelling wbers he will prescribe for Rnd give medicines to those who may favor h i n with a call

mdash 3 i + i i - A THOMAS M n

HA M S amp S H O U L D E R S Warran-ted good at tha lowest market price can bs had

at tho store of W F EVANS

HO U S E K E E P E R S in wantofgood CROCKERY WARE-are rsspcctfnlly plicitetl

to an inspection of Wedgwoods latest style of Ironshystone China pearl white Also Amethyst Ware|a new and beautiful article of Crockery julaquot received andforsaehy W F E V A N S

interested irj the estate of the raquoid Charles Sielaquo laquolc- ) ^ tri empbucJ hivnc reached the depth of 155 feet j -j ceased fippcar bSfort thi SnrMgate nf theCouiity i f t wcie asU)niheltlionl that thev hid arrived at a cavi- Niagara at his oE in the vilUgc of Lock p u t ^ri j itl which thejn^rruraent refused to p

enlvrued their slirc lwytn a^uviut bull bull bull I ctistomeis and the public t i l t they hivr ipreived the laruot and nM-t varifrt KkMgttinci]tuf tiooilsovcr trfniUHtto tnitplace which xili lie sjiil si fw~ ltgtlaquo- prci-k laquos mint errnr the attetiinn of purchaseni witbingto oLUin the best Roods and latest ilv Irs

RICH FANCY GOODS Ladies Dies IJIK^IS in streraquot variety Kiiraquoi^s r tnmt bullplrrdid assortment I-vwrs Ileljines PopTins Alpacas (raquoinraquohMnlaquo Prints HoiscryOlisvcs Iti-csV Kmliniidrrio

GroceriesmdashA complete andchoive Rssortiucnt raquoi flto-(bulllaquo chniv-r thvn the chfn|gtest raquo^gtmpiraquoiii Suraquoars

R F HibbaEds Celebrated Wild Cherry

ForNervous Wfthiesstt Qenvral lJebilily ri^H^is tio tnont pVasant renieraquolaquov Wrnvn traquo tiraquo j r-pr--_L tltr Il is raquo wgtirnl corrector ltgtl raquoraquo bull airaquol assimishylates irt alllbeactivs in^rhrcrr igt( lile Fur tljsiscfsia is ia a PnnAeta In all the fiiai ltlt thatrtireciss-asc il lias Lut niistcty Offlll the thousands iuit have talcerit irt nn^htv cimplvindtiat iiVi Wcelved txi benefit Hit all -re nmle tivejourt in tie Ide-Ktvin t-wcarv ol the WILD CtUUlRV BITTERS In a nervous irtitililc terii|yra uicrt II est isalwsys a iuuigtii st-tc r-f the liter fl(ta bull wact nt n pioper LJibull-1y secretion bull rcnieily iraquo happijjr adVptrtt Virrmov thisdifSiultystnd vnder tho myn-pa-thttic ai-tiici octweca tio diiini^ organs and ri rvnus systs-m iiannoniiUs It civ-laquo fue ^rr essrgyto the d-jtstir oinitf ami aiays rcrvvis e e lability wiii-out any lax iraquojr tnu avimal fuirtiiiis bulllt bullbullbull gtrraquo--oj gi j j)i-ieatstrcngh It is natares own remedy bull bull


raquo ~X K



Ilrter Co Ncvr-YorV V J I atlirlril f-irrcar

cas CotV-es epices Rirc 116liscs Svtups etc Bool nnd ShoesmdashA fill aid rompinc surirticcrt ol

perform itsof- I Itogtiis ailaquol poundbiesjust reccite1 compnsinsveo kind ard Fen prro] Vigmsi guat-ly st grgjUly reduced prices ftmila-t yesr

gt bdquo_ r^tnesaxliUl nmH-raquoy_iiiMiIil(rfeii(ls aid lhltgt paMic nfWTIy llist ibr will endtMDT^O=siS~ffe-Ugtau-laiQr I raquoltv


theSfth itay Apvtl next nl i) o cspex in joe tcreixraquo l lee lrc-ciuly a njuid -if A ot Jhat day then and there to show can vs why auliraquoraquor- j to etude fiom the orifice and in withdrawing the au- ~ ily should not be given to the said adssuiistnilor U gtr it rose in n jot with tremr-nd nt fvce to the I J ^ bdquo^ (jenWby the s y of traiCht forward ltIriina lease or sll Kgt much of tho real estate of too saM height of ujorelhaniO feet An analysis t-l the liquid I inTarialj orTcrinittliem alar|o vansitr of rijoice U-raquoods Charles Fie deceased alaquo s -all be Bec-slaquoary gt pay i decided i t tobe the most ngtllaquoile -il and possessing at the lowest prices M WALSH amp SON his debts I lPER A SHBLDON I properties of a liilaquollv inedic-ii nature j Niagara Falls Sept 131651 lStl - 4t40 mdash- mdash Attocicys mdash____-_ XU JlIYSLCJANS I ~ 7r~

Nlagar a F a l lB-Machine- Shopmdash ILL YS-

1gtinc AppleCheese a fine article fortbCitablo just received and forlaquosale by


ifresh B u t t e r and desirable articles always on

prices by

EgffS j theo hand at the lowest W P EVANS -

Grockery a n d Glass W a r e n large supply on hand and will bo sold cheap by


P O R K i H B E A l V S in thei iianl -- times is a cheap article of food brbo had of


lavdesspj Miller a terrnin physician and chemist ot ircit nbility of Rochester says

1 do horeby certify that 1 have analysed the cele-bull bull bull bullbull bull I f ~ n 1 l h raquo j i l f ^ n S | j p t f h i t | i

Yellow and Hrown Nnpths pfilaquostssing rare medical which ii 8Ucd with N E W ANT)^KCj0_AKT FURNI- | prnpertips It raquollaquoo cmUins Sulphuret of AIurani TURK of every description cnalaquoistmj of Sofnsrl^wife- Iiliciu Acid A^pfetltsiWr-UkthftHmdashLfurther state tha _ in tlfasies Tables Divans Rnreans Ottomans Tcte- ) I know tho properties rf the bituminous oils which laquore

TO HOLSE AND HOTEL RrTEPElti^ ~U-OUOiWMAN uu MAIM ttjurrT oppisite the Cataraet if a Isse IVrrehmise

QTEAM ENGINES SAW M r^J ^ines all sizes made and put in j n n j i laquo laquo wru rhrip fnr cash pound t t i i D

u-leto Ricking Purlnr Plain sad taocy Chiin Tea boards and Dining Tables Ac Ac-

Every article usually kept by rimilar establishnients may be found nt his Rooms and at prices f s low as they can be procured eltexhre Carefol attention is jriren to the msnnfoctuHng department and none Vnt the besk of workmen are employed

The public are invited to eall and c i i m i n o his ifoclr before purchasing - -mdashNraoAits-FAtttrMny-lr^T-lSS- mdashmdash




ftiord in this csiuntry and in Asia Africa Germany Kranis and Italy nnd that this American Oil embrashyces rare qualities which are not found in tha bitturoin-ous oils found In thi or any othereonntrie I considshyer the jtmcrtenn f i novel and dsserrinjf the attenshytion of the enrious and the scientificic It i indeed a valuable medicine and of rret value to its proprieshytors LEWIS O MILLER M D

Pructicaf iisul vinayticcf Chemiet 0 mdashmdashbull mdashRtxhnlaquorr-V JT

I AMP OIL 4 - ever sold In

ElTORTthO ntOH RillbROAt) COMPANIESmdash The New York Central Railroad as RISO

1 other wiTjpnnie laquoreioroeUmlaquo4 made to bull naffer severely in the lose of baffgraquogethough

on lh6 Central road caraquoeraquo of low ire quite rare Yesterday a case came to light vtbich

Krill etplain 6ur rneanir g Some Ume tine bull a traveler whose baggage ^wJbcen misoar-mdash-tied hy-somroyilcrioiisBgonctwas very

olamorons in hU demand for a setUemerjLmdash The ooriijvariy UUposed to settle the matter amicably paid the demand of the value of the lost trunk 1100 Yesterday the raisung trunk turned up and upon opening it not over $10 in value was found -mdashAlbany Ttoucfipl lOfV

raquo1 i r_ Ai migt mdashmdashmdash kcnrgtlaquoR-or-^wo-lAni-tsi^A-_^upftlch

frolTBorarfifMar-cb Oth says At 8^uth Qanllntr Worcester County on

Wednesday night two elderly Nie shtera --ofthe UU Ahnr-Kncdaodan_infidel_were

murAler ed in the house where they lived afoncj JU Is supposed hy pcnone who w ere after money From the aptwarince of their

beads they TuLTteeTr ocsTOrwIlh-clnU^d stones until life wa^Mtinct Tbe bouse waraquo then completely ransacked A Vagrant

-^Frenchman has- been-arreted onaojpiciop of having comnitted the deed

s e e W mdash mdash bull bull mdash

The best for 8s HgtT bullrjsllon thU place by W F EVANS

r ^ O L l D e N S Y K U P H floe Article for V T Past Cakes by W F KVANg

APPLES A Bne artlcln by the W F EVANS

APPLES t A barrel 01 barrel or bushel by

T O TEA DRINKERS Tiptop Imperial JL Ten just received also first rata soon Hyson

Slsle Fire and Marine Imtiranfr Company OF HAKRISDUROH PA



The undersiKnedi Agont fgtr the above reliable n l -stitntions will taVn Vire Risks on Real ^nd rer^nal Imparty en araquo favornVlo trrrai as other rellaquogtnfiblo

j Ounpinics Tbo patronage of the public is respectshyfully laquoollcited

Itr OSce Post Ofiw Bntldiat Faspcnrion Bridge New York

AUOUSTTS g RROOK^ Actnt L W MYERS Surveyor lOtf

Tsa for U per lb by W F EVANS

Bu c k t r h c a t F l o n r choice artishyer 4laquost received and for sale bv


p o d Pilaquoh Cod Fish A yj riiof Gtorces Banks Cod Fiihthsl f ered ln tWiaarketa t EVANS a c i n

fresh s u p -best ever cf-


Rurninff Flnid CAMPHENKA JLgt ALCOHOL a r raquo d an lc lekepl wnstanlly bn band hv Vf F FVASS

Dr i e d Apples-Peaches themes and Citrc8 RaUiM and Koflba Currentsat tblaquo lraquoraquo

est market price oy W T^EVANS

1855] Winter Arrangement [1855

E r i e 8u On ta r io R a i l Road

r^B^sS STEAMER ZIMMERMAN Csrs leave Sntpeniloo B r i d p Station C v at 10

A M eorifie^tinit at Nia^tra with


For TnrcTitn arrlvinr three honrs sooner than bv any other mote OFO B REDFIFID Sopt

For the core of Long Diseases Liver Complaints foDglu^Dyipepii-v Piles Rheumatism Cutaneous Afshyfections and all Inflammatory Diseases and when used externally it nevrr fails of curing Barns Scalds Cats Brui-cs Sprains Cancers Tumors Ac

r(f For fall pajtfrularx and directions see pAs^P^-1


Price One Dollar per bottle Six Bottles for five Dollars

TUTTLE A MOSES Aubnrn N Y Oeners Ag-nts for New Yoik Michigan and Canada West

For sale by A N Allen A Co Niagara Falls asd W 11 Wallace Suspension BridBe-N-Y 33m3


usynnsion Eridet N Y

WI L D respectfully inform the ptMsths lhehas constantly fnr sale DRUGS MEDICINES

CHEMICALS INSTRUMENTS OLASS-WARE DYE STUFFS and all thi mrst apj rosed Patent Medicines of the day Also Brushes Superior Coshylogne Lavnn-lsr and Rose Waters Libins snd others iiclcs or any thing in the Hardware line willdo well Perfomes end Sgtraquoplaquo Hair Oils Hair Dyes and Fo- j to call before buying elsewhere made Tooth Pewiters Plelaquo and Washes and many other qlegant articles for tbe toilet Extracts uf Strawberry Tine Apple Japirelle-Pesr Lemon Ac

ogtl running ngines fur

Grist Mills Mill (tearing Ac | ^ S a w Mill Engines repaired and put In good

wuiking-order x -- -20tf bull J II JONES

F l o u r a n d Feed Store risHE undersigned would announce to the poblicthat JL he has taken the sUgtre recently occupied by Messrs

Hawes Clark A Race in Canfiefds BlocTc on Main Street when- he intends to keen on band all kinds of Flour Meal Oats Corn and MUl-Feed which he will sell as cheap vlaquo can be bought elsewhere

T ^4 gt ^^a^ t ^^32t f bull - IRA-COOKmdash

O L A R K A N D R A O E r i l O L I S A U A N D RETAIL D E A L B 8 A I S


F L O U I i A N D NfEAL Oats by tbe 100 bushels or in largeror smaller qnan-lilies Also -


J^ltff All patkngts delivered olihe buyers foiue Store No 5 Frontier Mart Niagara Falls l tf

H E W H A R D W A R E S T O R E |IIE sariscribers are just owning a Hardware Stlaquoire A at SUSPENSION BRIDGE where thjv will

steep on hanTigiiCIasjnru^trtcf ejT - - -HARDWARE AS) MECHANICS TOOLS

nf all kinds Tin Sheet Iron raquon4 Opjwr Ware Made to order at he sbortMt nitiw and kept on baud mdash Also a full assortment of CwokinrJ Parlor and Box STOVES Sclf-Regnlfitin Sheet Iron Stoves Ac Ac

Per-ons wishing to purchase any nf tht above art-

K L U S -

II F UitBAKD iirar S n - 1 fixe yc-srs -iti a chronic 0ieraquoraquon of tbe LivesmdashMI irurtii i s In- incapacitated tigt vo any Uvlily v-ir nr any l oesraquo I- tic itnintoo-iaco raquof unroll ifU tsmiiy mdash frcmcot-ly coftncl in (gt--ii and often lur uiomhs lo^i-thcr irrths h-gturaquoraquo I M9Vrcdinuth friMiiricliiiUy ardsevere raquoraquos(uile The disease hifiod the raquo ol ruy several physicians I fell nitirc list sir-klrg t drcvy ant tbe ICil lrnprlaquo sn-lertnincd bv ny friinJs nni myself of recovery upiring a friend scut nraquo R F HiUliARDS WILD OlfriRRV iliViKKS I tilicieil thv directions t ie ctielt-t was venter) J thepvn devr-aied my appetite and N^wfls tccitnc regnlatcd in shurt my ernaeiared hotly Invj^or-

1 cjid I s in cnaliloi tTiiiwr at my lra-Je 1 aiurriio I lr ti) t -^_

m km

ntc I y n u r IIVIII- I r iHT yuawill aicrp my Luiohli thanks bottici will eject a permanent lt-jre

1 thins a fow ruora


mdashEpoundji3CtC-Eal3trirBjtilc ^ -Prfparsdand sgtM by t l i s i ixosc gt IIXILSB sJJobn

wrcrt gtbullgtlaquo -Vrkt mraquod-iy gtufi^ila and Dealers ia the cojrtry

Any perin rcinittins lo gts liy rrnil fiveitnlara will rlaquo-n e hv lnros raquon lraquotct free of cxlra rhvrgc bullbulls-y

part ol lr I lt-ici futst-s bull - A N AlLKN t UROTRSR Aecnts

New York Nivrara Is

l y i

Dr Win 55 Kicc nAVINd jKrmanraquontly lvested at Niagara Falls tender- his professional services ns allotrcrpath-

IC Fhy-ician and Surgion tgti tho rcsUJcntS of the vil-lajeof Niagara Fells nnd mi^hH-vrir^ country Dr R also would remind the public thjivhehas had an ex-Ilaquoricnre or five years in the practice of mcilicirx the last two yesrs f which in the vicinity of Boston Jlslaquos wnore a faVnrablij opportunity was affonlcdfor H tl i r n^iraquo raquoludv~4^-lbdquovlaquowil gt

Mnr^oi^i^ca for rmiLio

AUGUSTUS S HHCJOKS AT-TORNEy C0RUNScELLi ^ CST OBoe ever ike rolaquol 0raquoltraquo

XTOTICK Alt persons bavinit j mdash

-IN tilt ThrV jltnTtxftiFTupound yjsrTsii-gt-f Nlsgara ijecsssea are rcorissSesl w P raquo f t t _ bull bull 8 prnp-rly verified U lbnraquo

Nlarara FeVs laquo 19JS 40tf

fir fUtorinr pastry Jellies Ice Ac Sponge Indel-liVe sn1 W riling Ink svnd St jl^nrry Shonlder Pra-cer Trusses and many other erncles tbo pnllie want srd pufpraquoraquoe to sell as ehcsp as any honorable competshyitor

irjf IhyiVeisns rrelaquocriptWltiis and Family Recipes compounded from the best materisli and with the at-ta^steare Phyiiclaae would find it to their ietere^ to call and examine as he has a largs stock and c n sell i-heap

Suspeosion Bridge May 31 1SSL tf

WINDOW SASH fit BUND MANUFACTORY JIMS 2VerfA laquo Each ttlartd lirid^L

C U T mdash

f - 7 ~ 7 ~ 1-MSwaraquoeawraquoawawa mdash

NKW J-tiulaquoTr-Thlaquo Governor U vetoed tho billnathonslng the NcwraquorV PUnk Road CorafvanT toconstruct bridge acroM thlaquo Paasaio rfw Also the bill raquoulhoriraquofug she purchase of ihtMh htjridrwl corriwof VVsb-aters nribridglt^ dtclioBarJrV t gt U M J lbft

icbool dUlrlots ofUiAaUt -gt bullraquo raquo


l o w a ^ a i i V v o V laquo before the- -ay laquof JUJT cast - ~ bull C H riPKRAwmialrtrslot

X ^ X r V D E L

ANY qaaUlgt of FresK Lima ef tiprttr 5aJRy_ T ^ a s W t T ^ h a s r f ^ M s e ^ H a ^ laquortJtHaWlwraquo

Ai FUcaraJa lU Xay 34 VSamp4

R TVNI at hi Now poundltbullraquo to which ths |rrgtU of tbe Franklia Book fit- have been runjyed optltwitegt |AnCtlt araetliouse wk^re all debts das I I H ky bullraquo ol firm Till be

bulltrfKr rTyTSr O H HACKSTAFr


it thy have st and mgtvt

Mfcl l l i i laquo J j r i l i r r bull -bullbull -bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull -bull raquo 5 bull igt ^ t deg l -bull V bdquo Rotraquoffsltn CRlbs A Vnre- Detroit t - l E ^ereasoa Msirsra Fllf De bull C If

- r e ^ f ^ i ^ t o f r ^ t W r ^ V ^ ^ pound - ~ - lt - bull gt bull gt lt bullbull bull bullbull Livingston New York - ^ ^ T ^ J O O t V - f t n r t - ^ I l Q e T - S t O r i )

T = a - 0 R 0 L laquo f - A - e O AJ Re thai thy have fitted op a cotnirvyDotts shop


Just re-

Nlsjrara Fall i Jsnnsry 3 1SSS


i w W i W laquo r w raquo r ^ - - laquo t ^ raquo r w t ^ r a w r Win Ivw Sbs4el Cnrtain Fixtures A ^ t e r traderaquoBB V ^ r t c t r i V l Ufore offered In this market Call and see at

A N ALLEN k BOTHER Mala Street Niagara Fells N T

AMOS 0 WOOrsRCTT A T T 0 t t laquo raquo j O T CO-tTMiLtOR AT LAW 13TA1

eeUed M amplaquo laquoB4laquorraquoistcd

vi iDi isolut lon v j -SkcT0TWilto-welaquowVraquofiraquoe-UsaLla4_laquona-^JUAJL i R QL0YBR le this d a j diseohed hs mntnal cot iMraquo

bull bull M V J ^ t i t - bull REftftKN OLOVER

ItTrWS E OLOVKR-Kiartr i Ctly M s r t a l 1W5

Ildebu de l to sad by tblaquo Hilaquo 0 m will be

L E W I S E O L 0 T E E

with the tatcst n- molaquot approved machinery fir the wienuralaquoigtirlaquo of WINDOW- BLINDS -WINDOW SASH DOORS andM0LDINUS of all styles AH of which will be ccnttsntly kept on hand for tfkoltsalt

poundn Z3mdash w^-M^r^^JarrSTpoundStA rar^sf - - - ^ ^

lt Jobi of all kin Is attended to en the shortest notice 1 IL LOOMIS A CO

Niagara City Doc20 IS i t ly32



- - United Statu Bonded HarJiouse f

3T Advance tnaltlc on C^niitfnmeoLs Duties Paid Produce Bought raquogtl ffoVl Ac A c

r i e a r s o - r rTOSMit FlSPRKSION RRIDOR N I A 0 X n C O N V RKraacMrasmdash A V R Hotchki R GwleOr

Niagara Districtt Rrofilaquoort A Crocker Oiltrepv||IUI Searf A Co^ Boston I Ororre Steel Esij Chl

J B Particular attention will lie poundiven to bullliscas-elaquo of the eyes an lehronlediccAses penerally 0Bcc on Cherry street a few doors east nf Main Ol5ce hours specially from 8 to 9 A M from I to 1 V V

Niagara Falls Arg P 51 I3tf

iTLoDCiT 1 -APEU OOMTANrY mdash bull bull M A N C H K 5 T K R - N n - bull bull bull _

bull Store 2 r) Bfekmatl titrrei Nuc York TTMinflforirW r^ycr Cortipeiijo n corporillfgtn claquo-~

A tablishisl under the lars tf NCTV Hnmjraquo=hirewith a capital of three hundred thousand dollars fnf the purpose of Manufacturing all kirD hnd quilities of Paper and 1aper Hirinilaquo are now rculy to exCeote orders Thoy have erected ths w s t spacious nnl convenient liuiMingt and proviijej thciosclvc aith mschirisrT ef-ehn-nraquol impovpl-raquonUrlaquootion1 inelml- ine the Patent Printing Malthineqf Vtn M i r formerly lt3 Newark N J This ounpapy Wing thlaquo only crocem In the tojntry which inanufactnrM its own paper for haagings will be jblotb icsnrc a trni-form qnalty and to keep op to tho highsl^rdxrl of evcellcnce which they have adrrptcd I c a t i r c thereby satisfaction lo those who may wish to patronise them Parties wishing to order pill be promptly futxbhed with all the grade of paper hangings

Travcllujr agrnte will present samplo cards fit exshyamination if desired -ltf

ClolhCiiffi ltMoTiihfsr~~ r A M K S WADDKLLFASIUON ABLE TAILOR bull

f wnull atnjincoito the public thst lie h s j just -i|ltred a FlaquohUirable Clothing Elaquotvblishtvtrt at I

_ r JVo 2 Frontier Mnttjy Wherlaquo be will keep a Isrc sad rsr ic i MACV of Gro-lUmens Fimishing Gi-r Is suitable fur tho season

Hi is alvi prepared to gtranurvttme Clololng to orshyder in a totscmr style and warranted to j ive wti i fseliin -

He invites an inspection of hit goo) cpnfidenl that bull1iecsh civs sMisnitlon in every pnrticiilsr


mdash 1 1 f i i i i i bull i I bull

7 tf

vrTViii ami m the-tans rraquovltTiAV6 R n a OLA7EDSASH aa l BLIND TRtMMINOS aK

waji on hand andfor saU thlaquor will also attend to the Painting and Hanging of Blinds If draquolrlaquod All

promptitude In a entire-saUsfkc

tioa llallders would do well to call and examine for theraKtves E CROUCH

bull bull WM JQNRS Oct- 25 j 4 | f _ - bull bull E P B U t L E R

bullbull II - i - bull n raquo - i i II i n m r - laquo i - - J bull - mdash ^_^_ -

1 ) 1 ILDINO HiTgt FOR S A L E The nsH-mgn-4j-eaEaaMChokiI^raquoi idi f jLltgtlaquos Far Sale (a Niraquog-eraCity near tgtx Toll laquo a w wTJcFW-SSart-Tirl-ng time lo pareons bulkiinc laquon them Triee from 4250 lo | 3 j g _ U S t 0 pound W O BUCHANAN

riPEH h SHELDON Attarntea and ( o u n e c l l o r s at L a w I t 7 Brlels ItVraquojlc efpeslte BHdfe ir W

0 laquo P I P n a y i r V s t B 51BLXgt0lt U r ^ ^ Je $ -T-^ Araquo bullbull

11 C (ULE bull mdashmdashimdash-__MEilaquoa IX a u s t y e a o r

READY M X b E ^ t D T R T N f 4 A N p O E S f S FURNISWlJlo OOODS OF SUPE-bull- bulllt = UlOR tJUALlTYj _ ~LlrCraquotBlog-saadst9_megtsnre anA warranted sa-llsfacuvryi^ bull V bull bullbullbull

Ifttf C-ipt eiKti Ftrair Good Sn large qvnrJUirr v bull - i d U ALE oprwslte taUract HeVso

rf A a y t 4 J laquo e - - t f - ^ - N l a g a e a F a ) W Jfc -

bull r O T I C E NMIe h herehy flren Otkl aa appll-JJi_^laquoUoiri srill be made to the lpilaquolraquotnre of th StatecTNerYtrrepaMt^^ raquoKfe laquof coitdlng a Foot BrMga over Uilaquo Niagara Rler betwvnthe Niagara Vail snd Intern signal

Oppotitttht Drue Stort i- Pas QJF(fSytpeticn lirldgt bull

THE subtcrirtr Vers Jo Ktcrn his thinltt lo tbe pqblla for the liberal eapport ho l a received

ard tsTies ifiis eppoftonil v W eu tbvtr altrtrtsra tn amdash ne-t an i snpr icT Ictcr R60T-HOES-^ BCPRKRS of all klml sntgthelaquo rtwensed from tae tgtcsk mlaquonu-fraquoctirer in tho country anl rliicri hewill selllt the Unc-kpossible prjecf ^--sjrinj doneat he ehortoa natWand in the Vest wrsaner-- 1

- mdash mdash - -- bull F TyyayrKTrANnmdashbull 7TT


coaxaaor jrtsaaa A^arilrjnai|Errat iir PI-laquo fraquoreivlaquo4 if trf MMia^fe^

i V r U r a V i raquo gt laquo t lt - N -bull bull ^ laquo i i 11

SLpVlit FLOUR FLQURU gt-pItEj ItBflWefsiirVed as vie t tbe raquoeJeasency foMVTfllaquocraquov

ofC n WiTMRRS KXTfiA fOetLY P l i VB itdlsform IhepubiicSkM T laquo p ( w raquo ViPf KwisUsK srcnM leforro tiepubiicSkst

I ven araquo4 kM (of sale at J4itB faldre

1 1

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Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
