old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspapers 7/catskill ny recorder/catskill...

—A - THE RECORDER Fid DAY. APRIL 13. '1928. »E0UND ABOUT THE COUNTY. C'UHXAVALLVILLE. = Lrutt week's -.8prliis-Uk«i weather caught :i chill on Sunday night ant! Monthly, for high winds and mow Hiiuntht enmc hgnlri, ^The Kev. F. W. Stlne. who had been our |astor for three years, has been Ht-ht to Ht-n^onvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Stln? made many rifends during their stay tiere. and best wishes go with them to their new "charge. . ^Congratulations to Oi!lK>rt Ir.glis wild bride, and may their future be as bright as their wedding day. sTIte Missionary Society met at the home of the president. Mrs. A.'A.Smith, last week Wednesday afternoon, and the Ladies' Aid Society met next day with •Airs. Ceorge and Mrs. Walter Hull. The eipworth League service was held at \V. S. Itorthwiek's rin Anril 5th. =Oettlng stuck In the mud and hav- ing to be drawn out Is a. common oc- currence here these "days. =Sldney Heynolds of Durham has been doing some painting for Mrs. E. J. Parks. :>•; = Lloyd Tompkins litis been laying a ehimney for Edgar Sherman, "and put- ling a roof on d barn for the Misses Arietta and Isabel Smith. =At the cemetery meeting on April 7th 0 . C. Sutton was re-elected presi- dent. George Hull director, and Arthur Proper superintendent of grounds. Our new pastor, the Lev. K. G. Glenn, preached his first sermon here on .Easter Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Smith wing .a solo and the choir rendered some special music. =Clarence Smith has been III. I am pleased to note that Miss Gertrude Sut- ton is improving. =A number of ladles met at the parsonage last Friday niiil got it In readiness, for the new minister and his family, who were to come this week. =The Founders' Day entertainment passed off very rnlcely, the children gave a pleasing entertainment, the music was tine and the collection amounted to over $15. =A grass fire at Shady Glen one day last week caused considerable ex- citement for a time, but fortunately was extinguished without its doing very '- in ueir damage. =We all are pleased to have Mrs: Clulrles Vincent nt home again, after a long stay with her jHirents. Mr. and Mr3.-Kinil P.usch. She nnd her little daughter are doing beautifully. £ =Away: Mrs. E. J. Parks and son Ferris. In Catsklll; Mrs. nnd Mrs. Ed- gar Sherman, tit A. Mlllett's. Acra: Su- pervisor W; S. Borthwick. attending a session of the Board irr-catsklll: Milo and Charles Vincent nnd W. C. Lntta, at the Dell sale in Norton Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tompkins, in Hensonville for tlte week-end. y =Visitors hele: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith of Catsklll, nt Edward Smith's; M i s s E v e l y n "VY'illiams of East Durham and Calvin" Borthwick of Union Uni- versity. Schenectady, nt AV. S. Borth- wick's: Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Latin, and son Ronald of Jefferson Heights and Italph Moore and family, at W. C. Lat- ta's; Airs. Deryl Itennie and. Ahram Sherman of New York, at Edgar Sher- man's: Mrs. Anna Smith of Catskill, at ^Clarence Smith's; Almeron Moore of '^Yoy. at Italpli Moore>; Miss Celia Palmer of Long Island, at Gideon Pal titer's; Kenneth Hlil of Monroe, Mich., ! find Miss Dorothy Stedman of Middle- burgh, at Lewis Hill's; Mrsy Emit jitiscii or Stone Bridge, nt ChhVles Vin- cent-'s-and Louis Zeilbeer's. , c DFRiIAM PEXTEIU / =The first woek in April, 192S. long will he remembered as so warm that tloors and windows were open and some people even let their llres out, but these were re-kindled on Monday, when the cold \vhve came back. Sfeiister Sunday wis bright, and^at feSO that morning more than a hundred persons gathered for the sunrise serv- ice on Point Lookout. East Windham, when the Hensonville Band rendered joyous music, while happy voices rang fryer": the valley. The Rev. S. A. Mac- Cormac of Acra delivered an excellent ; sermon, and it is hoped that the C. E. Jf. president will mnke this an annual gathering for Bach Easter morn. ^:We "surely are glad to have .our pastor, the-Rev. Oscar Lockett. come- back to Oak Hill Tor the fourth year, .•mil should - help him by attending church and by lending him our support at all times. -_ Sup!. Judson Moss has had the high- way scraped and has taken down the snuiv-fence. - —The East Durham company was called out recently to extinguish a lite at Shady Glen. House, but before it ar- rived on the scene the flames were put out. The engine got stuck in the mud at the foot of Wright's Hill and.was some-time getting out. =sA!r. anil Mrs. Vernon Hasklns have moved to Coxsackle, where the former has employment, and we all.regret to lose these-young people, as they always are ready to do good to others. Now we can think back and see what they have done. —Our community was saddened to learn that Mrs. Nilos Glffonl had passed away, her funeral taking place on April 4th at tlte residence of her daughter. Mrs. Allen Gibson of Wright Street. Sympathy is extended.to her husband, son and two daughters, besides other relatives. They formerly owned Elm Rest, the boarding house now con- dueled by Floyd Brand, who bought It from tin in M'vcr.al years auo. Mrs. Gilford was a woman of sterling eharac- icr. and she and her home always were pictures <•«' neatness. She was a mem- ber of the Oak Mill Methodist Church and its I .idles' Aid Society. -Mr. and Mrs. I. N*. Spencer. I»ren and -Audrey Shepanl and Mrs. Guy Mid- tuny wcte in Catskill last Saturday to Mvtho pietui-e, "40.000 Miles With Llnd- l>.-. u\\." -Company from the city wis at Max Fuepmann's Intely. -Miss Gladys Masking Is at homo, after having been for three months in Catsklll. helping take care of the Grand- view School dm inc the" serious lllness- nf her brother-in-law, Orson Traver. The latter will l-o able next \veek to go b:mk to his duties, for the first time since .January. Visitors: Mr. an.l Mrs. Henry Ilof- mt-ier and daughter Peachy of Lyn- tirook. I-. I., eitin.: their Easter din- ner at Henry Karkheck's and looking o\er their Hew home. I."- list Grnvo I'M. in. Duihani; Mr. and Mrs. M- i X, ibie >.f I'm t Ann. with the la'.l parents. Mi. ami Mi s. <". I! '*U< Inn chased near Oak Hjll. where »he passed a life nctlve^rtlome dutle* until 1919. at which time Mr. and Mrs. Clifford re- tired and had nincc made their Ironic with their soh-ln-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Alton I>. Gibson. Mrs. Gilford was a lifelong member of the Oak Hill Methodlsi Church nnd u consistent Christian. She leaves to mourn her departure her husband, one brother (B. F. Whltbeck of Amsterdam.) a sister (Mrs. Leora Travis of Coeymans Hol- low)', ti son Henry N. GlfTord "jf 'iVltr.l- ham) and two daughters (Mrs. Bertie T. Spalding of South Westerlo and Mrs, I/.ora V. Gibson of East Durham). Burial was in the family lot at Medusa. =Last Sunday the R e v . . 15. J. Van Valkehburgh gave a valuable messf.ge. followed by the Lord's Supper.-5 tid Mrs. Fox suing a solo very Impressively. The Rev. E. O. Glenn, the new 'Methodist pastor, filled hi* nppoluttnchts." nnd everyone welcomes hitn io oUr village. = Benjamin Monin passed nwuy on April 6th In the Albany Hospital. =On Monday evening the firemen had a business meeting In the hose house, with refreshments and cards after- wards. Last Friday the Auxiliary met there, and after the business session the ladles were treated to refreshments and a social hour. The members of lioth nrc very grateful to Mr. nnd Mrs. George Llbby for a .large bookcase given to the building for the Ubrary- to-be. =Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nelson antl son Robert of Ravcna, with Mrs. Nelson's parents.* Mr. and Mrs. Burton Snyder; Fred Meloy nnd friend of Rensselaer, with the former's broth- ers James nnd Charles: A. M. Allen and nephews. Renwlck nnd Boyd Allen of Tnnnersvllle. at J. H. Coventry's and George Allen's; Mr. and Mrs. Llnder- mann of New York, at Joseph Hoare's. • ««• 111! I V m.I. Id.. \ ]vi -. '• i a \\ .' > •••.. altv -• i d i!l:n •-.. S'i" I! • .! n!'.:!',:e; l>. -K . i i.n . ,1 |'.l | !•! U..:: I: \ s r in nil AM. CilToid, Mifi of \"i!. :. An: ii I'd. at li; v...iv. ;1 ft,.i .. I- '•s I...i n v.: Indian ;• \\ .;! •:« ;.V,d A i ' la l>.>'v. - •. • i a Mi . Ci.'To; .1 had y. id. Of Wl.: GOSHEN STREET. =Vincent Savine passed over our street one day last week, nnd called on some of his acquaintances. He stated that he and Mrs. Savine nrc employed on a farm in Oneonta; that bey came with the bakery truck nnd expected to return in the 'bus. =Arthur A'lnlng has been around, to sell shares toward building the com- munity hall In Hensonville. "Art." who Is one of the largest stockholders, is al- ways on the job when anything big" Is going on. =William Mead drew the milk again hiost of last week over our street to Jewett for Mr. Traphagen. Our roads at times are terrible, and we surely are In need of a good one. =Miss Ada Hupernan has resumed her studies, after a week's Illness. =Charles Waterman has built a brooder-house for his baby chicks, hop- ing to do quite a business this year. His daughter assisted him, ns she Is handy with hammer and saw. He drove his horse to Hunter after some iumber early last week, and his son made a ; trip the same day, accompanied by his uncle Ira.'to deliver an order .of eggs, this making 160 dozen they'had sold in Hunter within n week. No, their hens did not lay them nil—they pur- chased sonic from neighbors to help out and this did not supply the demand of their three customers. = =William Reynolds has one of the best radio sets in this neighborhood, and he surely enjoys it. =Mrs. I, N. Hapemanhas re-organ- ized her Lnrkin Club. —Harold Mead jr. observed his first birthday on[April 4th. Among his pres- ents was a cake bearing one candle, made and presented byvjiis aunt, Mrs. Mary Mead. =Blanclie Waterman recently re- ceived a letter from Aunt Karrio of the Dairymen's League News. She thinks It pretty nice to be able to write and receive letters of her own. =Mrs. May "Traphagen was on the sick-list lately. =We all were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Jacob Turk of Windham. =Lewis Cate arid William Reynolds recently sold some potatoes to Franjc Reardon of Jewett. =Last week Thursday little Helen Mead was badly stung by wasps. Her mother left the house for a few min- utes, meanwhile a wasp crawled up the little one's sleeve and stung twelve times. Mrs. Mead applied mud and soda to-the wounds, which were badly swollen and must have been very pain- ful. - =Mrs. Harrison Coons entertained a lady guest over Easter. =A doctor was called again lately for Mrs. Alice Cate. - _ = Friends regret to learn of the severe Illness of Mrs. Katz. who has managed The Beech wood for several years. =Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Bartholo- mew made a bushiest; trip-to Henson- ville last week Tliursday,_niul found the roads in a sinkable" condition.- They were stuck three times' in the mud. Some of pur—people leave their cars near the state road so as to be sure to not get fast. sMrs; Harold Mead and children were for part of lastjveek with her mother- in-law. doing sowing for the-little folks, while her husband worked at Mr. Hart- stein's sap-bush. One day he gathered twenty barrels of sap alone. -=Seympur Bartholomew began send- ing his milk to the creamery on April Sth. He now has three new milch cows. -=Mlss Nellie Pangmnn had among her birthday presents a basket contain- ing six R. I. It. baby chicks presented by Miss Eunice Atwater. Mrs. I. N. Hapeman has received some more hats. = Mrs. Minga Waterman and daugh- ter were calling on Mrs. Ada Bartholo- mew nnd Mrs. Martha Mead last Sun- day, while his uncle Ira was visiting with her Husband. = Frank Parker Is in a terrible rheu- matic condition, but, however, does his chores with help. sIsidore Hapeman jr. assisted M. C Drum last week. - =Onr read was worked last Satur- day to make it passable for vehicles. = Wll'l.ini Mead recently conveyed his wife "tfellie state road to meet her sis- ter. iTtss Riley, with Whom she went to be for a short time at her home In Spruccton. -.The Misses Violet nnd Kstclla Hape- man visited part of Saturday afternoon with their little friend. Blanche Water- man, just walking away unknown to their parents. = Ray tMiiil was drawing milk tin's week, as Mr. Mead is attending court. = Mr. Hartstein's new hen-house was Mown four feet off its foundation dur- ing the wind storm on April 7th. George Peck. James McKean of Hensonville and another man were en route for Paul Pancman's last Sunday afternoon. l»n* were obliged to have their car near Mr. Hapem.in's and walk the i. st of the way. " Miss -i.la I lapeman :i! heme for Easter. Miss If;.-el Kaihy | li..;i with In r-fata.T. are' ..Mr- Ada : R.irth< la st ) .;\-ons her.- t done, after being ill out o<" l a .il'b. A bii tVat.iy i .'i: !>! M i i'.ir.'.:r.'.in I,oner ol t;.. ir .l.ui.: y,i a n d M i s . i making several improvements to their property by adding <dectrl?lty and lay- ing new floors, and he hopea to bujld a garni?*. =Away: David DuBols. in Windham, bringing back news of a man's being found dead in the creamery pond; I. N. Hapeman. in Catsklll: Mrs. Jan-st Hahcr. In Kingston: Mr. nnd Mrs. James Catty, in Hensonville at a lodge meeting. ' HEltVEV STREET. = Easter Sunday was brlghi-antl cool, nnd the C. E. S. sunrise meeting at Point Lookout was well attended by about a hundred nnd fifty interested Worshipers. A very interesting pro- gram was given—the Rev. G. F. Wells of Windham made the opening prayer, the Rev. S. A. MacCormae of Round Top and Acra gave an excellent address. Mrs. Clarence Arnold of Acra sang a solo, there was singing by the Acra Juniors, nnd Mckean's Orchestra of Hensonville furnished the instrumental music At the' close of the service everyone was served with hot cross buns and had a very happy time. = Raymond Webster is' helping the Durso brothers In painting their house, which looks very nice. =WIlliam Blank Is assisting Mrs. Lillian France with her farm work. =Our cross-roads seem to be : In a terrible condition, with deep ruts and sink-holes. = Last Sunday night the mercury dropped to the freezing |>oint. and on Monday there were snow squalls. sMr, Margraf was through the place recently calling on old friends. =Our teacher. Miss Whe.it. for the vacation was with her parerrts. in Sidney Center. : =Others away: Mr. and Mrs. Leroy France; in Hensonville; Miss Elizabeth France. In South Gilboa: Newman San- ford. In Catsklll,.courting: Mrs. New- man" Sanford and Mrs. Lown. at George Hull's for the Ladles' Aid Society meet- ing: = People here: Miss Charlotte Olm- sted, at home for the week from her school In West Coxsackle: George Washington of Cairo, calling on old neighbors; Fred DeLeMater of Dur- ham, Mrs. Clarence Arnold of Acra. the Misses Nell and Matie Jones. Junior and Donald Sutton of West Coxsackle, John Olmsted and son Donald. Mrs r Adelbert Utter of Schenectady, with the plmsteds: Mr. Gngc, Miss Grace Has kins and Mrs. Utter, with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Woodworth; Nell Fowler and family of Catsklll, at the France Fnrm; Mrs. Harris, at the same place; Albert^ Durso. who is attending New York University, for the week-end with Ills mother, Mrs.Jtose Durso—r—_ i LITTLE lVESTKILIi.-, =Fishertnen were quite numerous along our streairis last Saturday. =Mrs. Hervey Peckham was called "recently to the home of her parents, air. and Mrs. Isaac Rappleyea, by the ill- ness of her mother, \viio was suffering from gall-stones. Her condition now is much Improved. =pn March 31st the last of the West Side sewiss'bees this season took place at Mrs. Clara Rappleyea's, with- quilt- ing in the afternoon, then fifty-one per- soris partaking of a delicious supper and enjoying same's, music, ote. They were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peckham, C ,a r- ence Van Valkenburgh and family, Rob- ert Wright jr., Miss Corinna Truesdell, Osmer Newcbriib, Mr. and Mrs. W'Hliam Dibble, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Howard, Mrs. Delina Barnum. Mrs. Rappleyea, the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hand, Mrs.-"Elsie Howard and children, John Rappleyea arid family, airs. Jacob Way- man and son Louis, the Misses Ida^and Lillian Tompkins and brother Raymond, the Misses Ethel and Elsie Jaeger and brother Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Wardell Martin and son AVelton, Clifford and Arthur Moseman, ^fi\ and Mrs. Clarence Truesdell and son Gleason, Miss Mad- eline Truesdell, Mrs. Wesley Hand. Mrs. Ethel Newhnll, her daughter Ciarice and son Warren of Lexington. =Fred Sutton of Mosquito ;Point is helping Leo Barnum and Raymond Sut- ton in their sugar camp. -=Sotne of our people went to the auc- tion at John RehzTs, Prattsville, arid reported cows as hying!ng $125 a head. - =A doctor was called lately for Mrs. Raymond Sutton, who is much out of health. ~-_ . =Miss Marie Rappleyea of Mosquito Point, who has been ill for several weeks, has been given a sunshine box. Many friends wish her speedy recovery. =Away: Mrs. Clara Rappleyea, with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Tennis Rap- pleyea of Big Westkili, who is cleaning and re-decorating the house on her father's estate: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moseman. in Grand Gorge;- Mrs. Em- mett Hand, Mrs. Clara and Mrs. John Rappleyea, in Roxbury: Mrs. John Jaeger, with New York relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln'Joslyn and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dclamater, in Hunter on business; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trues- dell. with the lattor's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coager of Johnson Hollow, bringing Mrs. Trucsdell's sister Nellie home with them for a few days. = Visitors here^ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Madden of Grand Gorge, with her par- ents.-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moseman; Fred Howard of Beech Ridge and Albert Chamberlin of Westkili, nt William Dib- ble's; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moseman and Miss Bertha Hare, at the same house, the latter staying for some days there ;tnd at Mrs. Delina Barnum's; George Moseman and son Elwin and Harold Ives of Prattsville, at Allen Moseman's; Er- ncst-Barnum and children of Lexington. Mrs. Elizabeth Lasher of Westkili. on Easter Day with Mtv. Delina Barnum; Frank Joslyn, doing horseshoeing: Ten- nis Rappleyea and family of Lexington. Mrs. Ada Rappleyea. her .son Fe'nton and daughter Marie from near Roxbury. John Rappleyea nnd family. Mrs. Elsie How- ard and children of this place, dining on April 1st with Mr. ami Mrs. Emmett Hand and Mrs. Clara Rappleyea to help the latter celebrate her birthday. was held at the home «»f her son-lii-Iaw. Alton D. Gibson of Wright Street on April Sth. the Rev. Oscar Lockett ofllci- atlng. using as Ids text words found in Matthew 5:4, and closing with an appro- priate pocir f»y Thomas Hastings. There were many beautiful flowers, showing the love and esteem lti which the de- ceased was held, and numerous out-of- town relatives were in attendance. The beaters were her son Henry, her son- in-law.. Alton Gibson, and tho four grandsons. Raymond and Dorvllle Gil- ford. A. Wright Gibson and Howard Spalding. Interment in Medusa ceme- tery. Sincere sympathy Is expressed to her husband, son and two daughters. =On Saturday In Athens occurred the marriage of Clifford Matthews of this place nnd Miss Margaret Loek- wood of Lambs Corners, the ceremony performed by the Rev. Mr. Kiel, a for- mer pastor In ~ Lambs Corners. The bride looked charming in pink georgette crepe, nnd was attended by Miss Harriet Spalding, who wore blue embroidered georgette .crepe, nnd the groom's best man was the bride's brother Philip. The young people started Immediately on a short motor trip and will before their return visit the groom's cousin. Mrs. Ivan Hana of Illon. N. Y. Mr. Matthews has been employed by Stan- ley Ingalls for, a-number of years, tlte bride is a member of our C E. Society, and has been its secretary recently. A host of friends extend to them hearty congratulations. They will commence housekeeping In the rooms in Wilbur Cornell's dwelling recently vacated by- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tryon, and as thev Villi he the third couple to start house r keeping, there recently, they had better call it ""Honeymoon Cottage." =Twenty-slx people from here at- tended tho sunrise service on Easter morning nt Point Lookout, under the direction of the Catsklll Mt. Christian Endeavor Union. It was such a suc- cess that it will no doubt be an estab- lished custom hereafter. Tho sermon by the Rev: Mr. McCormac was uplift- ing and there was music by a five-piece orchestra from Hensonville: Places represented were Freehold, Acra, Hen- sonville, Wlndharii, Mitchell Hollow. Durham. Potter Hollow. Purling. Corn- wallvilte. Oak Hlil. Coxsackle. Catsklll, Hyde Park and Norton Hill. =1 am glad to report that the Rev. Arvid Lakeberg Is returned to us for another year. He preached very ap- propriately last Sunday afternoon. The C. E S. meeting that evening was led by George Layman sr. and there was a duet by Mrs. Lloyd Tryon and Mrs. Al- bert Bacon, and one by Mrs. Stanley Ingalls nnd Miss Leona Ingalls. r . =Last Friday a riuriiber of Invited guests spent a-.pleasant evening with Mr. arid Airs. Miller Spalding and Miss Harriet Spalding In coloring eggs arid arranging them in gay baskets, which were delivered by the Junior C. E. mem- bers last Saturday afternoon to those In tho neighborhood who do not keep hens. During the evening games were played and refreshinehts served. =Mrs. Elmina Morrison entertained some ladles at tea last Saturday, when a most enjoyable time was spent. =A. Matthews, .local butcher, has started on his Spring schedule route. =Mrs. Elizabeth Burnett passed her ninety-fourth milestone on April 9th; and is in her usual robust health, I am glad to say. Best wishes to hor. =Mrs. Anna Bell's auction was well attended, and things brought good" prices. =Mlss Margaret Bacon of Lambs Corners is assisting Mrs. Mcrrltt Elliott. =Floyd Bear with his tractor is doing sonic plowing for Herman Becker on Mapie avenue. ,=iirs. George Layman is suffering from a very sore eye. =Alfred Hunt has employed a young man from Letch worth Village, Rock- land Co. * . =SupL Stanley Ingalls Has a number of men workimr on the road, while others are employed by Contractor George Williams on the Coxsackie- Greenville highway. =Away: Mrs. Stephen Joy, this week with her brother and sister, in Al- bany; Misa.. Kathryn Gardner, with relatives in Jersey City and Nutley. N. J.; Mrs. Anna Bell and grandson. Ernest Bell, on Sunday In Medusa, call- ing on Mrs- Ida Mackoy. who is very ill: Floyd Bear arid family, recently with his uncle. John Bear, in Schohorie; John VerPIank and Omar Stanton, on busi- ness in Albany; Miss Viola Bear and sister. Mrs. Stewart L. Chace of Hilton. N*. Y-. on Monday with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hulbert, in Uriton; L. H. Powell and family, on Sunday with Everett Palmer.. South Westerlo; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond In- galls. for the week-end in Athens with their uncle and aunt, Mr. und Mrs. John Bouton; Mrs. Leon Maine. in.Alhany on Saturday: Mrs. Horace Hunt and niece. Miss Laura Bishop of Cairo, this week in New York, guests of^ Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Hunt. = Visitors: Miss Violet Tryon of Hyde Park, with her parents, Mr. and Airs. ..Ezra Tryon; Hay ward Morrison- arid family of Delmar. for the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Elmina Morrison; -Mrs. Stewart L. Chace of Hilton, N. Y-. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bear; Merritt Mabieof Fort Ann.-N. Y.. with his mother. Mrs. Stella Mabie: Ar- thuFGransburyand family of Athens, on Sunday with his parents. Mr. and .Mrs. John Granshury. with whom Miss Myrtle remained for the week? Ernest Tryon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haight. all of Delmar. with Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell the first of the week; Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd Parks of Cornwall- ville. John A. Smith and family of Oak Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Bouton of Ath- ens, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond In- iralls of this place, all entertained re- cently by Mr. ami Mrs. Edgar Ingalls. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Hempstead of Tbayers Coiners and Dewey Cornell "f Rcnsselaervillo. for an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cornell: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Frank Bell and family, all of Westerlo. at Albert Bell's on Sunday. "= Away: Mrs. Will Van Dyhe. Tor the wevK-erid at^Feura Bush; Atrani Rlvenburgh. Lewis Co!e, Mr. und Mrs. D. Gilford antl Miss Meda Smith. In Albany liot Monday; Ross Stewart and family. In Durham on Sunday. = Visitors: Clemmy Day of Purling, at Lewis Cole'c; Miss Beatrice Clapper frohi' Long Island, and Ml«s Florence Wood from Oneonta, at home Tor their Easter vacation: Manley Bouton and family, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cole. *•• RE.\SSELAEItVILLE. =Our nice Spring weather has taken a bad cold. =Orant Becker of Castleton Is assist- ing D. E. Swart again. =rPIoase remember tho drama. "Barns- vllle.Spruces Up." When? April 13th- Where?_ lb Conklyn Hall. All are wel- come. ^Nathaniel Teed, who had been with relatives 'since returning from the South, arrived at home on Monday night =Mrs. Irons nnd son Arthur went to see the broken bridge at Schoharie last Friday, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Becker were in the same village recently. =Several persons from here attended tlte sale3 at Elmer Sherman's and Billle Jetts's and report that everything sold well. =Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanton Shnfelt sr. are moving back to their home In this place. = Mrs. Wm. J. Wisert. wife of an of- ficial of the New York Central RR.. has come from the city, by her phy- sician's orders, to Mrs. E. S. Palmer's Wlhlwood Farm, where she and her husband have passed their vacation for five Summers, and where they are very popular. ,==VisItors: Mr. and Mrs. Irvlri S. Baker-and daughter Marian of Albany, at Frank Swart's; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swart and daughter Ruth of that city, callers at the same home and dinner guests of Charles Smith, taking Lewis Smith back to the city with them: Prof. Arlington Swart nnd son Lawrence and sister, Airs. TcnSle" Baitholts, or Roch- ester, for tiielr vacation with Mrs. Hor- terise Swart: Edward Bryant, '\vhb Is at school In Orlskany, over Sunday with I1I3- parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bry- ant;* Charles Oswald of Massachusetts, to see his mother, Mrs. Charles Oswald; Stanton Shurelt Jr. of Albany, at Frank Swart's: Alton ami A!mon Barber of Delmar; Mr. and Mrs. "Wilson Becker of Schenectady, and Mr. and Mrs. Anko Prins of Castleton, with their mother, Mrs. J. Irons; Miss Ruth Bailey, at home from Coblesklll. Ji_ ^VIJiDHA3L Catsklll was d h.er \ .i< a - ;d : is!- r Mildl ed. mew is one o f t h e !.-> t her paperinu 1 Winter ana. still - la Am a? M 7: !• lb • v.) T, up XOUT0N HIM,. — Those who attended the pageant given in the Greenville Methodist Church on Sunday evening were very much pleased with it. i=Miss Lena Bishop of Limbs-Cor- ners has been papering for Mrs. Susie Beers this last-week. = Floyd Tryon. who recently under- went an operation at the hospital, is not so well at present, being confined to his bed again. Mrs. Burdetto Bear on Monday re- ceive,! the sad news of the death of her brother. Howard Story, at the Albany f'ity Hospital on Sunday nigh!, after many months' illness. Sympathy is e\i< tided to the ivre.ivid family. --The iianoy House h.15; sum quests M: •. Antoipi tie Gai dm i tnrni d horn.- fiom Germantowi Kiarsds.in. Gardner O.tra'ndei with her. as his pan-nts, Mr. Hairy IV Osltander arc spend > v t\s in Washington. D <" Mrs A lie. i" '/. iceatnitii. bo.i: Ml s. H-.i: ;•• }'•• .-. s. i s t h - en- : . !'.\ e s il> N i l Uei lle'.i'e. Vile fiit;. •,-.;: . t Mi -. Nil" STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK \ W B&IT WM YOUii O city ha ( ( in •.. C ' I S 1 an: M a f 1 . e - ca- rs. w In .1 PP.KSTOX HOLLOW. —Our town was saddened last Satur- day by the death, of Michael Murphy, aged alniiit seventy years and one of our oldest residents, who had been con- fined to a wheel-chair for about four % ears, and two weeks ago was taken to his bed. He leaves his wife and a son (Harold). Mrs. E, R. Ormsliee is back from Oak Hill, where she had been for some time. = Nelson Abrams has moved into Mrs. Roc's house in this village. « POTTER HOI.LOW. - Ten members of our Christian En- <Vnvor Society attended the sunrise meeting ::t East Windham on Sunday, and were very glad they Went, even if they had to lrrrve l.oni.- so early. - J.iy Mahely was at home from l.om: 'sland for a f- \> dais last week, and returned on Monday, accompanied ;>y his son Wallace. While here h" ic\it<-d his friends ar.d neighbors to partake of a steam.••d-clam supp< r. Will Van V a l k e n b m -:li h i s h a d t o ll.l '. - olle of he. < ilW s kiia d I". Clapper. i-hooM-maker, his re- turned home. =There was baptism at the Easter service in tho Methodist Church orr Sunday morning, and an appropriate serhionby the pastor, the Rev. Geo. F. Wells, .^-o =_Ori Monday there was a drop to sixty degrees of the Sumriierlike tem- perature which prevailed last Week, and which was enjoyed by roads fuli of mo- torists and all In general wlr^. were busy, house-cleaning being taken up. =The trout season opened on Satur- day, and the streairis were lined with fishermen. —Beginning with April 2d, we have two mails dally each way between Hun- ter and Windham. =The High School play, "The Decease of Henry." given on April 4th, drew a full house and was highly praised. The proceeds go to the Windham library fund. ^Thompson Bros, have put a Eteel celling In the Munson & Ferris store, and now Vinlrig & Son are painting it. =Mr. arid Airs. Leoriard Marquot are residing in"W'lndbam,' where ho is em- ployed-by H. B. Moore. =StanUa* Ormsbee's funeralwas held on Wednesdayin the Methodist Church, Ashland, death coming to him at the age of seventy-nine, after he had long suf- fered from cancer. A good man has gone from this life, and sympathy is extended to his family and friends. =Jacob Turk's sudden death was a shock to all/ He was a lifelong resi- dent of this place, a veterinarian and decorator,, who worked up to the time of his decease. The funeral was con- ducted by the Rev. Geo. F. AVells at tho house last Friday; burial in Wind- hanr cerhetery. Mr. Turk was seventy- seven years ofaage and a highly respect- ed man who leaves a host of friends to mourn with the bereaved family. =Mrs. Wallace Cairimer's funeral was largely attended, at the house on Sat- urday; interment in the "Windham cemetery. A gloom was cast over out- village in this great Joss, and much sympathy is felt for the husband; son and sister. =Ur. H. F. Weinauer states that it will be ten days yet before he Is located in towii. =AWK>-: Mrs. Addie Biakeslee, In Albany" with lief son Clarence: Mrs. Edwin CrandclT, in Catskill on Satur- day; irarold B. Moore and family, for^ some lime Willi friends in New York. Visitors: C. D. Jump of Henson- ville, a business caller: Mr. and Mrs. M. Iv. Howard and Mr. and Airs. Franklyn Clark, all from Connecticut. In town last week: Melvin Wier and fnrhlly, here lately: Arthur Davis and family of Hartford, Conn., at Easter With his mother, Mrs. Cora Davis, Mill street: Miss Ethel Turk of Pleasant Valley, for Easter with the Misses Hilda and Fanny Jewell. 'Mill street: Allen Makely and family of Hensonville. with Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Cook, South street: Miss Emma Patterson, for the Spring vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson. Main street: Mrs. Charles Brandon! and son from Jersey City, at their house on lower Main street for a week: Miss Marjory Tnllmadgc of New York, with her father. B. t. Tallmadge. for Easter Day: Mrs. Emma Bee of Catsklll. and her sister. Mrs. George Smith of Ashland, last week •ens with Gordon "Cnmmer, South street: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ives of Ashland, called here by the death of her aunt. Mrs. Wallace Grimmer; Miss Edna Brainard, celebrating Easter at home; Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hitchcock. Charles Ford of Ilion and Miss Nancy Morilz of Mohawk, with friends in town. I S your crankcasc ready for spring?" Thai is the question every Socony man is asking the motorists at his station. It is a vital question, for winter driving means diluted, dirty oil.-Diluted, because the use of the choke ih cold weathef lets ex- cess gasoline seej) down into the crankcasc. Dirtyi because dust from the air gets into the oil through the air intake. Let the Socony man drain thecrankcase now. Let, him flush it out with Soconjr Flushing Oil, and refill with Socony Motor Oil. It takes only a few minUteo and costs only two or three dollars, depending on the amount of oil you need. No charge for-the service; you pay only for the oils. Important. Your car represents an in- vestment of hundreds of dollars. Poor gasoline or motor oil can ruin that invest- ment. Standardize on Socony, backed by fifty-four years of refining experience. f 0 V 1 I I I I M 1 Socony Motor Oil and Gasoline must pass 13 rigid tests before they reach your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK jr*C**f**4*^04******& Desirable Real Estate FOR SALE BUNGAI0W—Five Booms and Bath, Hardwood Floors, Fire- place, Electricity and Gas, Vapor Heat. large lot on good residen- tial street; price reasonable. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, nearly new, Modern Improvements, on good residential street. This place can be bought on easy terms; owner leaving town. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE on Thomson Street, Catskill; Modern Improvements, large Lot. Reasonable price. THREE TWO-FAMILY HOUSES, Modern Improvements. Can be bought right. Wot S!iorj> Kallroad Time TiiMe.' ootxo Nor.™ I ootxo sfunn Catskill Albany I Catsklll Wwhawkcn •7.2." a rh...M."> a m | iV.'U a ni...:>.l- a m Ml..-vS a m.r.tlo P M I *S,01 ,i m..»: ,V..-i p m...4.37 p in | •S.21I a m.. 11.18 n in •t.-M p m...r>,2.* :> m | lo.SO h m.,.2.4.1 i» m •rl.ol p m...7.2rt n m | 2..V! p m...*>.Wt p m 8.1.1 p tn.. .f.-"-a p tn I '.Vi". p in.. .8.4.1 p m lo.n p m..ll.4\* p to I *6.41 p ni..to.J.-, p ni 7.11.37 p rn..l-.."0 a W | •Daily. 7. Sir.idn.v nnlr. " - Real Estate Insurcmce - ^ATSKILL,N.Y % Phone 275 -<.-<- ItniUori TU»rr Tialtrnsd Time Tnr>lc. cotNO Nonrn | ooisr. rorrn t'rtt*kili Alliany | Catsklll New York 7.".:i .1 ni...S..V a in ! *i..< 5 '> :i M..12.1C (i in IiVlT :i m. .11.'JO n r.i I T..V! .1 m . . t o . » n rti rll.-M a in...!.'•> p ni } *:>.>;- a r,i..iJ."l p ni 1.41 p ni...2..V» p m i'lo.r.s n in...J.'«> p m 7.1. t<> ti in... til p io j'l.'.i" - . p M....l-"rt p ni kta-."> p ni....*.a*' p m i'l'-."-*' p m....".l.1 p ni •*.4i', p T-.i..." " p m ! .t.."*1 ii ni...""'* |i m r...1T p m.. .7."I p ni i 7.". I»i p ra.. .f.rt> ;•> ni ?.7.rt p in ,-S.l.l p in : i"i"i p I-.1...P di p ni ! "S.C7 p tii..l-."o a rn • Dally. 7, Sunday only. I.i^f fofrr—rti;- fr..-ai (",-it-V!l! R.W p. ni c-n wcck-il.iys, "!.(*'> p. m. on Sundaj-s. Navigation Resumed—Fast Freight Service CATSKILL EVEIVIIVG LINE, INC. New York to Catskill, Athens, Coxsackle A Sloanirr Yr.-nes »tv York at . V. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Dcpnrls front np-rl\rr Inndlnc* for Nrn York on Snndaj, Tnrsday nnd Thnr?<!ay. Our \o\v York Terminal Is Tier 13, North llivor, TvMori Is noar Cnrlstopricr Sf, Trlcplirtnc Calskill 37. A. I.KII0Y ST0HY, Agent, CafsVlll, V; T. ; Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspapers 7/Catskill NY Recorder/Catskill NY...Miss Evelyn "VY'illiams of East Durham and Calvin" Borthwick of Union Uni



THE RECORDER F i d DAY. APRIL 13. '1928. •


C'UHXAVALLVILLE. = Lrutt week's -.8prliis-Uk«i weather

caught :i chill on Sunday night ant! Monthly, for high winds and m o w Hiiuntht enmc hgnlri,

^ T h e Kev. F. W. Stlne. who had been our | a s t o r for three years, has been Ht-ht to Ht-n^onvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Stln? made many rifends during their stay tiere. and best wishes go with them to their new "charge. .

^Congratulations to Oi!lK>rt Ir.glis wild bride, and may their future be as bright a s their wedding day.

sTI te Missionary Society met at the home of the president. Mrs. A. 'A. Smith, last week Wednesday afternoon, and the Ladies' Aid Society met next day with •Airs. Ceorge and Mrs. Walter Hull. The eipworth League service was held at \V. S. Itorthwiek's rin Anril 5th.

=Oett lng stuck In the mud and hav­ing to be drawn out Is a. common oc­currence here these "days.

=Sldney Heynolds of Durham has been doing some painting for Mrs. E. J. Parks. :>•;

= Lloyd Tompkins litis been laying a ehimney for Edgar Sherman, "and put-ling a roof on d barn for the Misses Arietta and Isabel Smith.

= A t the cemetery meeting on April 7th 0 . C. Sutton was re-elected presi­dent. George Hull director, and Arthur Proper superintendent of grounds.

— Our new pastor, the Lev. K. G. Glenn, preached his first sermon here on .Easter Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Smith wing .a solo and the choir rendered some special music.

=Clarence Smith has been III. I am pleased to note that Miss Gertrude Sut­ton is improving.

= A number of ladles met at the parsonage last Friday niiil got it In readiness, for the new minister and his family, who were to come this week.

= T h e Founders' Day entertainment passed off very rnlcely, the children gave a pleasing entertainment, the music was tine and the collection amounted to over $15.

= A grass fire at Shady Glen one day last week caused considerable ex­citement for a time, but fortunately was extinguished without its doing very

'- in ueir damage. = W e all are pleased to have Mrs:

Clulrles Vincent nt home again, after a long stay with her jHirents. Mr. and Mr3.-Kinil P.usch. She nnd her little daughter are doing beautifully.

£ = A w a y : Mrs. E. J. Parks and son Ferris. In Catsklll; Mrs. nnd Mrs. Ed­gar Sherman, tit A. Mlllett's. Acra: Su­pervisor W; S. Borthwick. attending a session of the Board irr-catsklll: Milo and Charles Vincent nnd W. C. Lntta, at the Dell sale in Norton Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tompkins, in Hensonville for tlte week-end. y

=Vis i tors he le : Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith of Catsklll, nt Edward Smith's; Miss Evelyn "VY'illiams of E a s t Durham and Calvin" Borthwick of Union Uni­versity. Schenectady, nt AV. S. Borth-wick's: Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Latin, and son Ronald of Jefferson Heights and Italph Moore and family, at W. C. Lat-ta's; Airs. Deryl Itennie and . Ahram Sherman of New York, at Edgar Sher­man's: Mrs. Anna Smith of Catskill, at

^Clarence Smith's; Almeron Moore of '^Yoy. at Italpli Moore>; Miss Celia

Palmer of Long Island, at Gideon Pal titer's; Kenneth Hlil of Monroe, Mich.,

! find Miss Dorothy Stedman of Middle-burgh, a t Lewis Hill's; Mrsy Emit jitiscii or Stone Bridge, nt ChhVles Vin-cent-'s-and Louis Zeilbeer's.

, c DFRiIAM PEXTEIU / = T h e first woek in April, 192S. long

will he remembered as so warm that tloors and windows were open and some people even let their llres out, but these were re-kindled on Monday, when the cold \vhve came back.

Sfeiister Sunday w i s bright, and^at feSO that morning more than a hundred persons gathered for the sunrise serv­ice on Point Lookout. East Windham, when the Hensonville Band rendered joyous music, while happy voices rang fryer": the valley. The Rev. S. A. Mac-Cormac of Acra delivered an excellent

; sermon, and it is hoped that the C. E. Jf. president will mnke this an annual gathering for Bach Easter morn.

^:We "surely are glad to have .our pastor, the -Rev . Oscar Lockett. come­back to Oak Hill Tor the fourth year, .•mil should - help him by attending church and by lending him our support at all times. -_

— Sup!. Judson Moss has had the high­way scraped and has taken down the snuiv-fence. - —

—The East Durham company was called out recently to extinguish a lite at Shady Glen. House, but before it ar­rived on the scene the flames were put out. The engine got stuck in the mud at the foot of Wright's Hill a n d . w a s some-time getting out.

=sA!r. anil Mrs. Vernon Hasklns have moved to Coxsackle, where the former has employment, and we all .regret to lose these-young people, a s they always are ready to do good to others. Now we can think back and see what they have done.

—Our community was saddened to learn that Mrs. Nilos Glffonl had passed away, her funeral taking place on April 4th at tlte residence of her daughter.

M r s . Allen Gibson of Wright Street. Sympathy is extended.to her husband, son and two daughters, besides other relatives. They formerly owned Elm Rest, the boarding house now con-dueled by Floyd Brand, who bought It from tin in M'vcr.al years auo. Mrs. Gilford was a woman of sterling eharac-icr. and she and her home always were pictures <•«' neatness. She was a mem­ber of the Oak Mill Methodist Church and its I . idles' Aid Society.

-Mr. and Mrs. I. N*. Spencer. I»ren and -Audrey Shepanl and Mrs. Guy Mid-tuny wcte in Catskill last Saturday to Mvtho pietui-e, "40.000 Miles With Llnd-l>.-. u\\."

-Company from the city w i s at Max Fuepmann's Intely.

-Miss Gladys Masking Is at homo, after having been for three months in Catsklll. helping take care of the Grand-view School dm inc the" serious lllness-nf her brother-in-law, Orson Traver. The latter will l-o able next \veek to go b:mk to his duties, for the first time since .January.

Visitors: Mr. an.l Mrs. Henry Ilof-mt-ier and daughter Peachy of Lyn-tirook. I-. I., e i t in.: their Easter din­ner at Henry Karkheck's and looking o \ e r t h e i r H e w h o m e . I . " - l i s t G r n v o I'M. in. Duihani; Mr. and Mrs. M- i X, ibie >.f I'm t Ann. with the la'.l parents. Mi. ami Mi s. <". I! '*U< Inn

chased near Oak Hjll. where »he passed a life nct lve^rt lome dutle* until 1919. at which time Mr. and Mrs. Clifford re­tired and had nincc made their Ironic with their soh-ln-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Alton I>. Gibson. Mrs. Gilford was a lifelong member of the Oak Hill Methodlsi Church nnd u consistent Christian. She leaves to mourn her departure her husband, one brother (B. F. Whltbeck of Amsterdam.) a sister (Mrs. Leora Travis of Coeymans Hol­low)', ti son Henry N. GlfTord "jf 'iVltr.l-ham) and two daughters (Mrs. Bertie T. Spalding of South Westerlo and Mrs, I/.ora V. Gibson of East Durham). Burial was in the family lot at Medusa.

= L a s t Sunday the Rev. . 15. J. Van Valkehburgh gave a valuable messf.ge. followed by the Lord's Supper.-5 tid Mrs. Fox suing a solo very Impressively. The Rev. E. O. Glenn, the new 'Methodist pastor, filled hi* nppoluttnchts." nnd everyone welcomes hitn io oUr village.

= Benjamin Monin passed nwuy on April 6th In the Albany Hospital.

= O n Monday evening the firemen had a business meeting In the hose house, with refreshments and cards after­wards. Last Friday the Auxiliary met there, and after the business session the ladles were treated to refreshments and a social hour. The members of lioth nrc very grateful to Mr. nnd Mrs. George Llbby for a .large bookcase given to the building for the Ubrary-to-be.

=Vis i tors: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nelson antl son Robert of Ravcna, with Mrs. Nelson's parents.* Mr. and Mrs. Burton Snyder; Fred Meloy nnd friend of Rensselaer, with the former's broth­ers James nnd Charles: A. M. Allen and nephews. Renwlck nnd Boyd Allen of Tnnnersvllle. at J. H. Coventry's and George Allen's; Mr. and Mrs. Llnder-mann of New York, a t Joseph Hoare's.

• ««•

111! • I V m.I.

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I: \ s r in nil AM. C i l T o i d , Mifi of \ " i ! .

: . A n : ii I 'd. a t l i ; v . . . i v . ; 1f t , . i .. I-' • s I...i n v.: I n d i a n ;• \ \ .;! • :« ;.V,d A i ' l a l>.>'v. - •. • i a Mi . Ci. 'To; .1 h a d y.

i d . Of

Wl. :

GOSHEN STREET. =Vincent Savine passed over our

street one day last week, nnd called on some of his acquaintances. He stated that he and Mrs. Savine nrc employed on a farm in Oneonta; that bey came with the bakery truck nnd expected to return in the 'bus.

=Arthur A'lnlng has been around, to sell shares toward building the com­munity hall In Hensonville. "Art." who Is one of the largest stockholders, is al­ways on the job when anything big" Is going on.

=Wil l iam Mead drew the milk again hiost of last week over our street to Jewett for Mr. Traphagen. Our roads at times are terrible, and we surely are In need of a good one.

=Miss Ada Hupernan has resumed her studies, after a week's Illness. —

=Charles Waterman has built a brooder-house for his baby chicks, hop­ing to do quite a business this year. His daughter assisted him, ns she Is handy with hammer and saw. He drove his horse to Hunter after some iumber early last week, and his son made a;

trip the same day, accompanied by his uncle Ira.'to deliver an order .of eggs, this making 160 dozen they 'had sold in Hunter within n w e e k . No, their hens did not lay them nil—they pur­chased sonic from neighbors to help out and this did not supply the demand of their three customers. =

=Wil l iam Reynolds has one of the best radio sets in this neighborhood, and he surely enjoys it.

=Mrs . I, N. H a p e m a n h a s re-organ­ized her Lnrkin Club.

—Harold Mead jr. observed his first birthday on[April 4th. Among his pres­ents was a cake bearing one candle, made and presented byvjiis aunt, Mrs. Mary Mead.

=Blancl ie Waterman recently re­ceived a letter from Aunt Karrio of the Dairymen's League News. She thinks It pretty nice to be able t o write and receive letters of her own.

=Mrs . May "Traphagen was on the sick-list lately.

= W e all were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Jacob Turk of Windham.

= L e w i s Cate arid William Reynolds recently sold some potatoes to Franjc Reardon of Jewett.

= L a s t week Thursday little Helen Mead was badly s tung by wasps. Her mother left the house for a few min­utes, meanwhile a wasp crawled up the little one's sleeve and stung twelve times. Mrs. Mead applied mud and soda to-the wounds, which were badly swollen and must have been very pain­ful. -

=Mrs . Harrison Coons entertained a lady guest over Easter.

= A doctor was called again lately for Mrs. Alice Cate. - _

= Friends regret to learn of the severe Illness of Mrs. Katz. who has managed The Beech wood for several years.

=Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Bartholo­mew made a bushiest; trip-to Henson­ville last week Tliursday,_niul found the roads in a sinkable" condition.- They were stuck three times' in the mud. Some of pur—people leave their cars near the state road so as to be sure to not get fast.

s M r s ; Harold Mead and children were for part of lastjveek with her mother-in-law. doing sowing for the-little folks, while her husband worked at Mr. Hart-stein's sap-bush. One day he gathered twenty barrels of sap alone.

-=Seympur Bartholomew began send­ing his milk to the creamery on April Sth. He now has three new milch cows.

-=Mlss Nellie Pangmnn had among her birthday presents a basket contain­ing six R. I. It. baby chicks presented by Miss Eunice Atwater.

— Mrs. I. N. Hapeman has received some more hats.

= Mrs. Minga Waterman and daugh­ter were calling on Mrs. Ada Bartholo­mew nnd Mrs. Martha Mead last Sun­day, while his uncle Ira was visiting with her Husband.

= Frank Parker Is in a terrible rheu­matic condition, but, however, does his chores with help.

s Is idore Hapeman jr. assisted M. C Drum last week. - =Onr read was worked last Satur­

day to make it passable for vehicles. = Wll'l.ini Mead recently conveyed his

wife "tfellie state road to meet her sis­ter. iTtss Riley, with Whom she went to be for a short time at her home In Spruccton.

- .The Misses Violet nnd Kstclla Hape­man visited part of Saturday afternoon with their little friend. Blanche Water­man, just walking away unknown to t h e i r p a r e n t s .

= Ray tMiiil was drawing milk tin's week, as Mr. Mead is attending court.

= Mr. Hartstein's new hen-house was Mown four feet off its foundation dur­ing the wind storm on April 7th.

— George Peck. James McKean of Hensonville and another man were en route for Paul Pancman's last Sunday afternoon. l»n* were obliged to have their car near Mr. Hapem.in's and walk the i. st of the way.

" Miss -i.la I lapeman : i! h e m e f o r E a s t e r .

M i s s I f ; . - e l K a i h y | l i . . ; i w i t h In r - f a t a . T . a r e '

..Mr- A d a : R . i r t h < l a s t ) . ; \ - o n s h e r . - t d o n e , a f t e r b e i n g ill o u t o<" l a . i l ' b .

A b i i tVat . iy i . ' i : • !>! M i i ' . i r . ' . : r . ' . in

I , o n e r o l t ; . . i r . l . u i . : y,i a n d M i s . i

making several improvements to their property by adding <dectrl?lty and lay­ing new floors, and he hopea to bujld a garni?*.

= A w a y : David DuBols. in Windham, bringing back news of a man's being found dead i n the creamery pond; I. N. Hapeman. in Catsklll: Mrs. Jan-st Hahcr. In Kingston: Mr. nnd Mrs. James Catty, in Hensonville at a lodge meeting.

• • • '

HEltVEV STREET. = Easter Sunday was brlghi-antl cool,

nnd the C. E. S. sunrise meeting at Point Lookout was well attended by about a hundred nnd fifty interested Worshipers. A very interesting pro­gram was given—the Rev. G. F. Wells of Windham made the opening prayer, the Rev. S. A. MacCormae of Round Top and Acra gave an excellent address. Mrs. Clarence Arnold of Acra sang a solo, there was singing by the Acra Juniors, nnd Mckean's Orchestra of Hensonville furnished the instrumental m u s i c At t h e ' close of the service everyone was served with hot cross buns and had a very happy time.

= Raymond Webster is' helping the Durso brothers In painting their house, which looks very nice.

=WIll iam Blank Is assisting Mrs. Lillian France with her farm work.

=Our cross-roads seem to be : In a terrible condition, with deep ruts and sink-holes.

= Last Sunday night the mercury dropped to the freezing |>oint. and on Monday there were snow squalls.

s M r , Margraf was through the place recently calling on old friends.

= O u r teacher. Miss Whe.it. for the vacation was with her parerrts. in Sidney Center. :

=Others away: Mr. and Mrs. Leroy France; in Hensonville; Miss Elizabeth France. In South Gilboa: Newman San-ford. In Catsklll , .courting: Mrs. New­man" Sanford and Mrs. Lown. at George Hull's for the Ladles' Aid Society meet­ing:

= People here: Miss Charlotte Olm­sted, at home for the week from her school In West Coxsackle: George Washington of Cairo, calling on old neighbors; Fred DeLeMater of Dur­ham, Mrs. Clarence Arnold of Acra. the Misses Nell and Matie Jones. Junior and Donald Sutton of West Coxsackle, John Olmsted and son Donald. Mrsr Adelbert Utter of Schenectady, with the plmsteds: Mr. Gngc, Miss Grace Has kins and Mrs. Utter, with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Woodworth; Nell Fowler and family of Catsklll, at the France Fnrm; Mrs. Harris, at the same place; Albert^ Durso. who is attending New York University, for the week-end with Ills mother, Mrs.Jtose Durso—r—_ i

LITTLE lVESTKILIi . - , =Fishertnen were quite numerous

along our streairis last Saturday. = M r s . Hervey Peckham was called

"recently to the home of her parents, air. and Mrs. Isaac Rappleyea, by the ill­ness of her mother, \viio was suffering from gall-stones. Her condition now is much Improved.

= p n March 31st the last of the West Side sewiss 'bees this season took place at Mrs. Clara Rappleyea's, with- quilt­ing in the afternoon, then fifty-one per-soris partaking of a delicious supper and enjoying same's, music, ote. They were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peckham, C , ar-ence Van Valkenburgh and family, Rob­ert Wright jr., Miss Corinna Truesdell, Osmer Newcbriib, Mr. and Mrs. W'Hliam Dibble, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Howard, Mrs. Delina Barnum. Mrs. Rappleyea, the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hand, Mrs.-"Elsie Howard and children, John Rappleyea arid family, airs. Jacob Way-man and son Louis, the Misses Ida^and Lillian Tompkins and brother Raymond, the Misses Ethel and Elsie Jaeger and brother Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Wardell Martin and son AVelton, Clifford and Arthur Moseman, ^fi \ and Mrs. Clarence Truesdell and son Gleason, Miss Mad­eline Truesdell, Mrs. Wesley Hand. Mrs. Ethel Newhnll, her daughter Ciarice and son Warren of Lexington.

= F r e d Sutton of Mosquito ;Point is helping Leo Barnum and Raymond Sut­ton in their sugar camp.

-=Sotne of our people went to the auc­tion at John RehzTs, Prattsville, arid reported cows a s hying!ng $125 a head. - = A doctor was called lately for Mrs. Raymond Sutton, who is much out of health. ~-_ .

= M i s s Marie Rappleyea of Mosquito Point, who has been ill for several weeks, has been given a sunshine box. Many friends wish her speedy recovery.

= A w a y : Mrs. Clara Rappleyea, with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Tennis Rap­pleyea of Big Westkili, who is cleaning and re-decorating the house on her father's estate: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moseman. in Grand Gorge;- Mrs. Em­mett Hand, Mrs. Clara and Mrs. John Rappleyea, in Roxbury: Mrs. John Jaeger, with New York relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln'Joslyn and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dclamater, in Hunter on business; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trues­dell. with the lattor's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coager of Johnson Hollow, bringing Mrs. Trucsdell's sister Nellie home with them for a few days.

= Visitors here^ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Madden of Grand Gorge, with her par­ents.-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moseman; Fred Howard of Beech Ridge and Albert Chamberlin of Westkili, nt William Dib­ble's; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moseman and Miss Bertha Hare, at the same house, the latter staying for some days there ;tnd at Mrs. Delina Barnum's; George Moseman and son Elwin and Harold Ives of Prattsville, at Allen Moseman's; Er-ncst-Barnum and children of Lexington. Mrs. Elizabeth Lasher of Westkili. on Easter Day with Mtv. Delina Barnum; Frank Joslyn, doing horseshoeing: Ten­nis Rappleyea and family of Lexington. Mrs. Ada Rappleyea. her .son Fe'nton and daughter Marie from near Roxbury. John Rappleyea nnd family. Mrs. Elsie How­ard and children of this place, dining on April 1st with Mr. ami Mrs. Emmett Hand and Mrs. Clara Rappleyea to help the latter celebrate her birthday.

was held at the home «»f her son-lii-Iaw. Alton D . Gibson of Wright Street on April Sth. the Rev. Oscar Lockett ofllci-atlng. using a s Ids text words found in Matthew 5:4, and closing with an appro­priate pocir f»y Thomas Hastings. There were many beautiful flowers, showing the love and esteem lti which the de­ceased was held, and numerous out-of-town relatives were in attendance. The beaters were her son Henry, her son-in-law.. Alton Gibson, and tho four grandsons. Raymond and Dorvllle Gil­ford. A. Wright Gibson and Howard Spalding. Interment in Medusa ceme­tery. Sincere sympathy Is expressed to her husband, son and two daughters.

= O n Saturday In Athens occurred the marriage of Clifford Matthews of this place nnd Miss Margaret Loek-wood of Lambs Corners, the ceremony performed by the Rev. Mr. Kiel, a for­mer pastor In ~ Lambs Corners. The bride looked charming in pink georgette crepe, nnd was attended by Miss Harriet Spalding, who wore blue embroidered georgette .crepe, nnd the groom's best man was the bride's brother Philip. The young people started Immediately on a short motor trip and will before their return visit the groom's cousin. Mrs. Ivan Hana of Illon. N. Y. Mr. Matthews has been employed by Stan­ley Ingalls for, a-number of years, tlte bride is a member of our C E. Society, and has been its secretary recently. A host of friends extend to them hearty congratulations. They will commence housekeeping In the rooms in Wilbur Cornell's dwelling recently vacated by-Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tryon, and as thev Villi he the third couple to start house r keeping, there recently, they had better call it ""Honeymoon Cottage."

=Twenty-s lx people from here at ­tended tho sunrise service on Easter morning nt Point Lookout, under the direction of the Catsklll Mt. Christian Endeavor Union. It was such a suc­cess that it will no doubt be an estab­lished custom hereafter. Tho sermon by the Rev: Mr. McCormac was uplift­ing and there was music by a five-piece orchestra from Hensonville: Places represented were Freehold, Acra, Hen­sonville, Wlndharii, Mitchell Hollow. Durham. Potter Hollow. Purling. Corn-wallvilte. Oak Hlil. Coxsackle. Catsklll, Hyde Park and Norton Hill.

= 1 am glad to report that the Rev. Arvid Lakeberg Is returned to us for another year. He preached very ap­propriately last Sunday afternoon. The C. E S. meeting that evening was led by George Layman sr. and there was a duet by Mrs. Lloyd Tryon and Mrs. Al­bert Bacon, and one by Mrs. Stanley Ingalls nnd Miss Leona Ingalls. r . = L a s t Friday a riuriiber of Invited guests spent a-.pleasant evening wi th Mr. arid Airs. Miller Spalding and Miss Harriet Spalding In coloring e g g s arid arranging them in gay baskets, which were delivered by the Junior C. E. mem­bers last Saturday afternoon to those In tho neighborhood who do not keep hens. During the evening games were played and refreshinehts served.

=Mrs . Elmina Morrison entertained some ladles at tea last Saturday, when a most enjoyable time was spent.

= A . Matthews, .local butcher, has started on his Spring schedule route.

=Mrs . Elizabeth Burnett passed her ninety-fourth milestone on April 9th; and is in her usual robust health, I am glad to say. Best wishes to hor.

=Mrs . Anna Bell's auction was well attended, and things brought good" prices.

=Mlss Margaret Bacon of Lambs Corners is assisting Mrs. Mcrrltt Elliott.

= F l o y d Bear with his tractor is doing sonic plowing for Herman Becker on Mapie avenue.

, = i i r s . George Layman is suffering from a very sore eye.

=Alfred Hunt has employed a young man from Letch worth Village, Rock­land Co. * . )«

=SupL Stanley Ingalls Has a number of men workimr on the road, while others are employed by Contractor George Williams on the Coxsackie-Greenville highway.

= A w a y : Mrs. Stephen Joy, this week with her brother and sister, in Al­bany; Misa.. Kathryn Gardner, with relatives in Jersey City and Nutley. N. J.; Mrs. Anna Bell and grandson. Ernest Bell, on Sunday In Medusa, call­ing on Mrs- Ida Mackoy. who is very ill: Floyd Bear arid family, recently with his uncle. John Bear, in Schohorie; John VerPIank and Omar Stanton, on busi­ness in Albany; Miss Viola Bear and sister. Mrs. Stewart L. Chace of Hilton. N*. Y-. on Monday with their grandpar­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hulbert, in Uriton; L. H. Powell and family, on Sunday with Everett Palmer.. South Westerlo; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond In­galls. for the week-end in Athens with their uncle and aunt, Mr. und Mrs. John Bouton; Mrs. Leon Maine. in .Alhany on Saturday: M r s . Horace Hunt and niece. Miss Laura Bishop of Cairo, this week in New York, guests of̂ Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Hunt.

= Visitors: Miss Violet Tryon of Hyde Park, with her parents, Mr. and Airs. ..Ezra Tryon; Hay ward Morrison-arid family of Delmar. for the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Elmina Morrison; -Mrs. Stewart L. Chace of Hilton, N. Y-. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bear; Merritt Mabieof Fort Ann.-N. Y.. with his mother. Mrs. Stella Mabie: Ar-thuFGransburyand family of Athens, on Sunday with his parents. Mr. and .Mrs. John Granshury. with whom Miss Myrtle remained for the week? Ernest Tryon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haight. all of Delmar. with Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell the first of the week; Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd Parks of Cornwall-ville. John A. Smith and family of Oak Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Bouton of Ath­ens, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond In-iralls of this place, all entertained re­cently by Mr. ami Mrs. Edgar Ingalls. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Hempstead of Tbayers Coiners and Dewey Cornell "f Rcnsselaervillo. for an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cornell: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Frank Bell and family, all of Westerlo. at Albert Bell's on Sunday.

" = Away: Mrs. W i l l Van Dyhe. Tor the wevK-erid at^Feura Bush; Atrani Rlvenburgh. Lewis Co!e, Mr. und Mrs. D. Gilford antl Miss Meda Smith. In Albany liot Monday; Ross Stewart and family. In Durham on Sunday.

= Visitors: Clemmy Day of Purling, at Lewis Cole'c; Miss Beatrice Clapper frohi' Long Island, and Ml«s Florence Wood from Oneonta, at home Tor their Easter vacation: Manley Bouton and family, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cole.


=Our nice Spring weather has taken a bad cold.

=Orant Becker of Castleton Is assist­ing D. E. Swart again.

=rPIoase remember tho drama. "Barns-vllle.Spruces Up." When? April 13th-Where?_ l b Conklyn Hall. All are wel­come.

^Nathaniel Teed, who had been with relatives 'since returning from the South, arrived at home on Monday n i g h t

=Mrs . Irons nnd son Arthur went to see the broken bridge at Schoharie last Friday, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Becker were in the same village recently.

=Several persons from here attended tlte sale3 at Elmer Sherman's and Billle Jetts's and report that everything sold well.

=Mr . nnd Mrs. Stanton Shnfelt sr. are moving back to their home In this place.

= Mrs. Wm. J. Wisert. wife of an of­ficial of the New York Central RR.. has come from the city, by her phy­sician's orders, to Mrs. E. S. Palmer's Wlhlwood Farm, where she and her husband have passed their vacation for five Summers, and where they are very popular.

,==VisItors: Mr. and Mrs. Irvlri S. Baker-and daughter Marian of Albany, at Frank Swart's; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swart and daughter Ruth of that city, callers at the same home and dinner guests of Charles Smith, taking Lewis Smith back to the city with them: Prof. Arlington Swart nnd son Lawrence and sister, Airs. TcnSle" Baitholts, or Roch­ester, for tiielr vacation with Mrs. Hor-terise Swart: Edward Bryant, '\vhb Is at school In Orlskany, over Sunday with I1I3- parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bry­ant;* Charles Oswald of Massachusetts, to see his mother, Mrs. Charles Oswald; Stanton Shurelt Jr. of Albany, at Frank Swart's: Alton ami A!mon Barber of Delmar; Mr. and Mrs. "Wilson Becker of Schenectady, and Mr. and Mrs. Anko Prins of Castleton, with their mother, Mrs. J. Irons; Miss Ruth Bailey, at home from Coblesklll.

J i _


Catsklll was

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XOUT0N HIM,. — Those who attended the pageant

given in the Greenville Methodist Church on Sunday evening were very much pleased with it.

i=Miss Lena Bishop of Limbs-Cor­ners has been papering for Mrs. Susie Beers this last-week.

= Floyd Tryon. who recently under­went an operation at the hospital, is not so well at present, being confined to his bed again.

— Mrs. Burdetto Bear on Monday re­ceive,! the sad news of the death of her brother. Howard Story, at the Albany f'ity Hospital on Sunday nigh!, after many months' illness. Sympathy is e\i< tided to the ivre.ivid family.

--The iianoy House h.15; sum quests

M: •. Antoipi tie Gai dm i tnrni d horn.- fiom Germantowi Kiarsds.in. Gardner O.tra'ndei with her. as his pan-nts, Mr. Hairy IV Osltander arc spend >vt\s in Washington. D <"

M r s A lie. i " '/. i c e a t n i t i i . b o . i : Ml s. H-.i: ;•• }'•• .-. s. i s t h - e n - :. !'.\ e s il> N i l U e i lle'.i 'e.

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PP.KSTOX HOLLOW. —Our town was saddened last Satur­

day by the death, of Michael Murphy, aged alniiit seventy years and one of our oldest residents, who had been con­fined to a wheel-chair for about four % ears, and two weeks ago was taken to his bed. He leaves his wife and a son (Harold).

— Mrs. E, R. Ormsliee is back from Oak Hill, where she had been for some time.

= Nelson Abrams has moved into Mrs. Roc's house in this village.

• «

POTTER HOI.LOW. - Ten members of our Christian En-

<Vnvor Society attended the sunrise meeting ::t East Windham on Sunday, and were very glad they Went, even if they had to lrrrve l.oni.- so early.

- J.iy Mahely was at home from l.om: 'sland for a f- \> d a i s last week, and returned on Monday, accompanied ;>y his son Wallace. While here h" ic\it<-d his friends ar.d neighbors to partake of a steam.••d-clam supp< r.

W i l l V a n V a l k e n b m -:li h i s h a d t o ll.l '. - o l l e of h e . < ilW s k i i a d

I". Clapper. i-hooM-maker, h i s re­turned home.

= T h e r e was baptism at the Easter service in tho Methodist Church orr Sunday morning, and an appropriate s erh ionby the pastor, the Rev. Geo. F. Wells, . ^ - o

=_Ori Monday there was a drop to sixty degrees of the Sumriierlike tem­perature which prevailed last Week, and which was enjoyed by roads fuli of m o ­torists and all In general wlr^. were busy, house-cleaning being taken up.

= T h e trout season opened on Satur­day, and the streairis were lined with fishermen.

—Beginning with April 2d, we have two mails dally each way between Hun­ter and Windham.

= T h e High School play, "The Decease of Henry." given on April 4th, drew a full house and was highly praised. The proceeds go to the Windham library fund.

^Thompson Bros, have put a Eteel celling In the Munson & Ferris store, and now Vinlrig & Son are painting it.

=Mr . arid Airs. Leoriard Marquot are residing in"W'lndbam,' where ho is em­ployed-by H. B. Moore.

=StanUa* Ormsbee's funera lwas held on Wednesday in the Methodist Church, Ashland, death coming to him at the age of seventy-nine, after he had long suf­fered from cancer. A good man has gone from this life, and sympathy is extended to his family and friends.

=Jacob Turk's sudden death was a shock to a l l / He was a lifelong resi­dent of this place, a veterinarian and decorator,, who worked up to the time of his decease. The funeral was con­ducted by the Rev. Geo. F . AVells at tho house last Friday; burial in Wind-hanr cerhetery. Mr. Turk was seventy-seven years ofaage and a highly respect­ed man who leaves a host of friends to mourn with the bereaved family.

= M r s . Wallace Cairimer's funeral was largely attended, at the house on Sat­urday; interment in the "Windham cemetery. A gloom was cast over out-village in this great Joss , and much sympathy is felt for the husband; son and sister.

= U r . H. F. Weinauer states that it will be ten days yet before he Is located in towii.

= A W K > - : Mrs. Addie Biakeslee, In Albany" with lief son Clarence: Mrs. Edwin CrandclT, in Catskill on Satur­day; irarold B. Moore and family, for^ some lime Willi friends in New York.

— Visitors: C. D. Jump of Henson­ville, a business caller: Mr. and Mrs. M. Iv. Howard and Mr. and Airs. Franklyn Clark, all from Connecticut. In town last week: Melvin Wier and fnrhlly, here lately: Arthur Davis and family of Hartford, Conn., at Easter With his mother, Mrs. Cora Davis, Mill street: Miss Ethel Turk of Pleasant Valley, for Easter with the Misses Hilda and Fanny Jewell. 'Mill street: Allen Makely and family of Hensonville. with Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Cook, South street: Miss Emma Patterson, for the Spring vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson. Main street: Mrs. Charles Brandon! and son from Jersey City, at their house on lower Main street for a week: Miss Marjory Tnllmadgc of New York, with her father. B. t. Tallmadge. for Easter Day: Mrs. Emma Bee of Catsklll. and her sister. Mrs. George Smith of Ashland, last week

•ens with Gordon "Cnmmer, South street: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ives of Ashland, called here by the death of her aunt. Mrs. Wallace Grimmer; Miss Edna Brainard, celebrating Easter at home; Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hitchcock. Charles Ford of Ilion and Miss Nancy Morilz of Mohawk, with friends in town.

IS your crankcasc ready for spring?"

T h a i is the question every Socony m a n

is asking the motorists a t his station.

I t is a vital question, for winter driving

means diluted, dirty oil.-Diluted, because

the use of the choke ih cold weathef lets ex­

cess gasoline seej) down into the crankcasc.

Dirtyi because dust from the air gets into the oil through the air intake.

Let the Socony man drain thecrankcase

now. Let, him flush it out with Soconjr

Flushing Oil, and refill with Socony Motor

Oil. I t takes only a few minUteo and costs

only two or three dollars, depending on the

amount of oil you need. No charge for-the

service; you pay only for the oils.

Important. Your car represents an in­

ves tmen t of hundreds of dollars . P o o r

gasoline or motor oil can ruin tha t invest­

ment. Standardize on Socony, backed by

fifty-four years of refining experience.


0 V

1 I


M 1

Socony Motor Oil and Gasoline

must pass 13 rigid tests

before they reach your car.



Desirable Real Estate FOR SALE

BUNGAI0W—Five Booms and Bath, Hardwood Floors, Fire­place, Electricity and Gas, Vapor Heat. large lo t on good residen­tial street; price reasonable.

SIX-ROOM HOUSE, nearly new, Modern Improvements, on good residential street. This place can be bought on easy terms; owner leaving town.

EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE on Thomson Street, Catskill; Modern Improvements, large Lot. Reasonable price.

THREE TWO-FAMILY HOUSES, Modern Improvements. Can be bought right.

W o t S!iorj> Kallroad Time TiiMe.' ootxo Nor.™ I ootxo sfunn

Catskill Albany I Catsklll Wwhawkcn •7.2." a rh...M."> a m | iV.'U a ni...:>.l- a m

Ml..-vS a m.r . t l o P M I *S,01 ,i m..»: ,V..-i p m...4.37 p in | •S.21I a m.. 11.18 n in

•t.-M p m...r>,2.* :> m | lo.SO h m.,.2.4.1 i» m •rl.ol p m...7.2rt n m | 2..V! p m...*>.Wt p m 8.1.1 p tn.. .f.-"-a p tn I '.Vi". p in.. .8.4.1 p m lo.n p m..ll.4\* p to I *6.41 p ni..to.J.-, p ni

7.11.37 p r n . . l - . . " 0 a W | •Daily. 7. Sir.idn.v nnlr.

" - Real Estate — Insurcmce -^ATSKILL,N.Y %Phone 275

-<.-<-I tn iUori TU»rr Tia l trnsd T i m e Tnr>lc.

cotNO Nonrn | ooisr. rorrn t'rtt*kili Alliany | Catsklll New York

7.".:i .1 ni...S..V a in ! *i..<5'> :i M..12.1C (i in IiVlT :i m. .11.'JO n r.i I T..V! .1 m.. to.» n rti

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?.7.rt p in ,-S.l.l p in : i"i"i p I-.1...P di p ni ! "S.C7 p tii..l-."o a rn

• Dally. 7, Sunday only. I.i^f fofrr—rti;- fr..-ai (",-it-V!l! R.W p. ni

c-n wcck-il.iys, "!.(*'> p. m. on Sundaj-s.

Navigation R e s u m e d — F a s t Freight Serv ice


New York to Catskill, Athens, Coxsackle

A Sloanirr Yr.-nes » t v York at .*» V. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Dcpnrls front np-rl\rr Inndlnc* for Nrn York on Snndaj , Tnrsday nnd Thnr?<!ay.

Our \ o \ v York Terminal Is Tier 13, North llivor, TvMori Is noar Cnrlstopricr Sf,

Trlcplirtnc Calskill 37. A. I.KII0Y ST0HY, Agent, CafsVlll, V; T. ;

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