oil offloading system description


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Oil Offloading System descriptionThe Oil Offloading System includes: An Oil Loading Terminal (OLT) consisting of a deep water buoy and mooring system, with its offloading hoses/hawsers to be installed between the offloading buoy and the shuttle tankers. Oil Offloading lines (OOLs) to be installed between the FPSO and OLT.

Figure 1. Simplified sketch of the offloading system via buoy

The primary oil export system consists of a Single Point Mooring (SPM) Buoy. Tandem offloading from the FPSO is the back-up solution to be implemented whenever the primary system is not operational. Tandem offloading is excluded from scope of this document.The minimum functional requirements for the OLT are as follows Oil Offloading Lines (OOLs): Two Bonded mid-water suspended hoses connection for crude oil transfer from the FPSO to the OLT. OLT: Catenary Anchored Leg Moored (CALM) Buoy moored to seabed by means of a passive anchoring system and providing:- Anchoring and weathervaning capabilities to export tankers- Support to the OOLs and the transfer piping- Support to the OFFLOADING HOSES and the tanker HAWSERS OLT Mooring System: steel anchoring lines in a semi-taut configuration connected to suction anchors. OFFLOADING HOSES: rubber, reinforced, double carcass hose string transferring crude oil from the OLT to the export tanker. Tanker HAWSERS two circular braided 100% nylon grommet, polyurethane encapsulated with cast galvanised SPM thimbles at each end including accessories in compliance with Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).

The system shall be capable of offloading crude oil with minimum rates of 7500 m3 per hour to ensure transfer of one million barrels parcel in 24 hours. The offloading system design shall facilitate offloading operations being carried out during both day and night time. The minimum design life of the system shall be 25 years without dry docking, with the exception of mooring chain, steel wire and all joining links to 30 years design life. The system shall be capable of mooring VLCC tankers of opportunity in the size range between typically 160,000 DWT to 340,000 DWT with 1 - 2 million barrel storage vessels.The OLT shall be capable to moor export tankers ranging in size between SUEZMAX (typically 140000 DWT, 1.0 million barrels storage capacity) and VLCC (typically 350 000 DWT, 2.0 million barrels storage capacity).

The relevant standards for Offloading systems are OFFSHORE STANDARD DET NORSKE VERITAS DNV-OS-E201.

The SPM buoy is located about 2 km away from the FPSO. The SPM mooring anchor locations have been carefully selected to ensure avoidance of geo-hazards on the seabed.

General ConfigurationThe OOLs are made of 20 ID bonded flexible hoses. A double lazywave configuration is obtained by adding buoyancy modules to a large middle section. The final OOL configuration is described below.The OOLs full deployed length is 2301m. The distance between Buoy and FPSO OOLs hang-off points is 2050m. The nominal hang-off angle from vertical is 30deg.

DecommissioningOnce the economic life of the Libra Field has been reached, the field will be abandoned. The field will be abandoned in accordance with the widely accepted abandonment practices and procedures provided by the Brazilian government also along with the International conventions pertaining the oil and gas projects.Each well will be plugged mechanically and cemented to ensure no hydrocarbon is released into the environment. Most of the subsea installations will be removed from the site with the help of work class ROVs and recycled as much as possible. Seabed surveys will be carried out to check that any part of equipment remains in place. Subsea flowlines and manifolds would be purged and flushed until hydrocarbons levels are undetectable and abandoned in place. Risers would be running degreasers, chemicals and CO2 through the lines down to the reservoir. Then they would be disconnected from the templates and the production headers. The umbilicals from the field development will be recovered to the surface alongside the SDU (Subsea Distribution Unit). All subsea installation remaining such as the manifolds, templates and Xmas trees would be recovered to surface after being washed through.Surface Facilities would be shut down, and remove all crude oil from the platform. Then it will be towed out of Libra field for assessment. If the platform is in good order, it will be reused on another field or scraped and sold.

1.0 Subsea manifold & Structure installation1.1 IntroductionSubsea manifolds and structures have to be secured to the seabed which can be achieved by several different foundation types. Depending on the soil type suction cans, gravity foundations or piling can be used as foundation. Sometimes the foundation will be split from the actual manifold if the structures become very heavy, also leveling devices can be used between the foundation structure and the manifold to ensure acceptable verticality. A protection structure can be part of the design when the manifold is placed in fishing areas or when placed close to a platform.If the manifold or subsea structure is consisting of multiple modules such as a foundation structure and leveling structure TENDERER will use the same method for installing those structures except for suction can foundations as they need extra ROV work to ensure full soil penetrations of the cans.1.2 PreparationAt first a thorough analysis will be performed to check for clashes, maximum allowable rigging height, maximum loads in air, maximum loads through the splash zone, maximum loads at maximum waterdepth and deck strengths.

Typical FMC Manifold with Suction Can Foundation and Protection StructureSpreader beams, strongbacks, appropriate rigging and seafastening including possible grillage will be designed and fabricated. Deck plans will be made to optimize the number of manifolds or structures per trip.The manifolds or structure to be installed are being lifted from a cargo barge or supply vessel or alternatively are being lifted from the deck of the installation vessel, depending on factors such as transportation, available onshore cranage, logistics and expected maximum loads. 1.3 InstallationThe manifold and structures will be cut loose from its seafastening and the crane will be hooked up to the lifting rigging. All relevant checks will be performed after which the lifting can commence. The crane will maneuver the manifold away from the vessel and start lowering. When close to the seabed the crane will stop and all necessary checks such a position, orientation, seabed obstruction will be performed by ROV. The manifold or structure will then be lowered in active, passive or no heave compensation mode, depending on the requirements onto a foundation structure, leveling structure or straight on the seabed depending on the design. Installation of Structures for Pyrenees Project by the Jascon 25Once landed the manifold or structure will be checked for verticality and orientation and final inspections will be carried out by ROV. The rigging can now be retrieved to the surfaceIf applicable TENDERER refers to the suction can section of this document. Sometimes the manifold or structure is piled to the seafloor; for piling TENDERER refers to the piling section of this document if applicable.2.0 Umbilical installation2.1 IntroductionUmbilicals are typically used to provide electrical and hydraulical connections for subsea systems as well as data transmission and providing small quantities of fluids such as methanol or MEG. An umbilical consists of various hoses, albeit plastic or steel, surrounded by a steel armor and a plastic protection layer on the outside. An umbilical typically ends in a UTA but can also connect straight into an SDM/SDH. Lengths of umbilicals can vary between some 100 meters to many kilometers. Depending on the length, diameter and weight a suitable transportation method is chosen, typically this is either on reels (vertically stored) or on baskets/carousels (horizontally stored). The umbilical is laid using horizontal or vertical tensioners; the selection of the lay system depends on the umbilical characteristics and the equipment availability. The product needs to be carefully assessed for minimum bending radii, crush loads, friction factors and fatigue to ensure the chosen equipment can install the umbilical safely.

2.2 PreparationIn the preparation phase the selected lay equipment will be further analyzed to ensure a safe and appropriate solution. Deck layouts and detailed schedules will be prepared to make the installation as optimal and robust as reasonably possible. All necessary calculations and assessments will be performed. Close contact and short communication lines between STG and umbilical manufacturer will exist throughout the preparation and installation phase to ensure a smooth and safe installation. Prior to the offshore phase all required vessels, equipment, installation aids and product will be transported to the mobilisation site and final checks will be made.2.3 InstallationFirst a pre-lay survey needs to be conducted to check if the lay route is clear and as per scope. If any debris is found this needs to be removed. Once all is clear the first end UTA will be guided through the system typically using the crane or trolley and tuggers. Now the UTA is situated in the work area and all necessary work such as attaching mudmats or cobraheads and functionality checks can now commence. Depending on the congestion of the field, the minimum installation bending radius and the water depth the first end UTA will either be connected to a lay down wire and anchor or it will be lowered vertically. If lowered vertically the UTA will be attached to a structure on the seabed after being uprighted by the crane prior to hook-up. The umbilical lay can start and is typically monitored during lay. When the umbilical reaches its end the second end UTA will be guided to the tensioner using the crane or trolley and tuggers. Prior to opening the tensioner final functionality checks will be performed to ensure the umbilical is in working order. The A&R wire will now be connected to the second end UTA end the tensioner can be opened. The second end can now be laid down. After the lay down of the umbilical the final surveys will be conducted. STG has extensive experience in laying umbilicals as can be seen from the photographs throughout this section which were taken on Jascon 25.The SMS has been developed to assist staff to perform their duties safely by providing the necessary information, advice, recommendations and instructions. The objective of the SMS is to establish the strategy for implementing best practice processes and operations throughout Sea Truck Group Ltds business. The various manuals that make up the SMS provide greater detail on how the objectives of company Policy statements are achieved in a safe, efficient and consistent manner. The effectiveness of the SMS can be measured in the following ways: Compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, standards, codes and guidelines to which the company subscribes; Protection of the environment; Mitigation of both business and operational risks; Safeguarding safety and well-being of employees; Customer satisfaction; Operational improvements; and Community and public perception. The Sea Trucks Group Ltd SMS has been developed to comply with the International Maritime Organisations (IMO) International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.With over 900 IMO resolutions, 60 International Labor Organisation (ILO) conventions and recommendations, 87 International Electro technical Commission (IEC) standards, 206 International Standards Organisation (ISO) standards and countless local rules and regulations applicable to ship building and operations the only method open to achieve mandatory compliance is by way of systematic management. Sea Trucks Group Ltd has developed a SMS that has been awarded Interim International Safety Management Code certification by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) on behalf of the Gibraltar Maritime Administration. Over the next few months Sea Trucks Group Ltd will systematically roll this out to the fleet. Sea Trucks SMS incorporates the need to comply with multiple flag administration, port state and legislative regimes. It is imperative that this system is continuously reviewed to keep up with changes in applicable laws, regulations, rules, codes and guidelines. For instance, as part of Sea Trucks Groups preparations for operations in Australia, the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Department reviewed, and are now actively monitoring National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA) requirements and guidelines. .

11. INSTALLATION11.1. Installation of SPM Mooring and AnchorsInstallation of the SPM can proceed either before or after the construction of the subsea and pipeline infrastructure, as the respective locations of the mooring leg foundations have been chosen with appropriate exclusion zonesThe base case of offshore installation has the suction anchors and the mooring legs pre-installed before the Buoy arrival at the BSWA field.After a pile is installed, a settle-down period shall be determined against the interim holding capacity as specified by the foundation designer. The pre-laid mooring lines will be wet-parked on the seabed for some months before the final hook-up to the SPM Buoy.Installation of the three OORs would make use of typical flexible pipe installation vessel (Fig. 11.2) and will involve carousels instead of reels, as the lengths of over 2 km each cannot nearly be accommodated on a reel. The three OORs will be installed one after the other, starting with the lower one. It is proposed to lay from SPM to FPSO, like for Bonga Main, as that will involve lesser pull-in forces at the SPM. The pulling-in at SPM end can be accommodated using SPM onboard winch. Preliminary analyses indicate, at the FPSO end, a pull-in winch is required with some 150 T capacity (see Fig. 11.3).Figures 11.3 shows details of the pulling-in action, which in the case of Bonga Main involved a sheave attached to the hull above the attachment location in order to guide the wire/ chain from the topsides winch location through the short I-tube mounted at an angle to the flexible pipe end. Figure 11.4 and 11.5 shows typical end-fitting of the OORs and connections at the FPSO and the SPM buoy sides, respectively

Requirements for Maintenance and Repair9.3.1 General requirement for Maintenance and RepairThe design shall allow for maintenance and repair works to be performed.9.3.2 Critical itemsThe design of all system is for 25 years without planned maintenance or any repair.However, contingencies shall be provided to allow some maintenance and repair of the criticalitems defined hereafter.Critical items are defined as all items and their components, which are subject to wearing and/orfailure (in normal or accidental conditions), and which will require to be inspected and accessedduring the life cycle of the EGINA field for IMR purposes.Critical items include but are not limited to: All connection systems between lines and all their parts, including lubricants, sealing,straps, bolts and nuts Sacrificial anodes Design shall allow for recovery / reinstallation of roller bearing during field life Design shall allow for recover /reinstallation of anchoring lines tensions sensors Design shall allow for recovery of main winch for maintenance onshore if neededIn practice, in order to identify critical items, a detailed FMECA shall be completed. For thispurpose, detailed knowledge of product design criteria, product weak points, uncertainties of thedesign tools, uncertainties in the specified design data, level of innovation in the product,background of manufacturing process and performance (NCR) and finally installation hazard shallbe employed.The FMECA shall cover the whole life of OLT, i.e. design, manufacturing, installation and service.In case preventive maintenance would eventually be required, CONTRACTOR shall fully assessfor all critical items: the spread, frequency of intervention and the elements to be maintained.The design of all critical items shall allow for inspection.CONTRACTOR shall state clearly, which elements could either be maintained or repaired in-situor fully replaced in accordance with COMPANY specifications.CONTRACTOR shall establish the different scenarios of maintenance and repair, in order to fullythe impacts on the design. Normal operating conditions and accidental conditions shall beconsidered in these scenarios.

Maintenance Operation and maintenance (O&M) make up around 25-30% of the cost of energy for offshore wind turbines. A major contributor to this amount is the large number of failures that forces the wind turbine to stop producing power until the damage has been repaired (Wiggelinkhuizen, Verbruggen, Braam, Rademakers, Xiang, and Watson 2008). Some failures are severe failures of major components, where the direct costs to spare parts and vessels are large, but also the indirect costs caused by lost production are large because of a large number of days to mobilize a crew with the required spare parts and vessel and additional days to finish the repair. These failures are not expected as the design life of these components often equals the life of the wind turbines, and these failures are rare. Another critical source is a large number of failures of minor components that have significantly smaller design life than the entire wind turbine. The repair itself is often relatively cheap, but associated downtime can make up large costs, especially if repair is delayed by bad weather. Also the failures of minor components can be critical if they result in serial damage to larger components. 1.1 Condition based maintenance In order to reduce the costs to O&M the number of failures can be reduced by using preventive maintenance strategies, where repairs are performed before an actual failure see e.g. (Walford 2006). For condition based maintenance repairs are decided based on the actual condition of the components. This requires understanding of the origin and development of the different failure types, and research is going on it this area see e.g. (Faulstich, Hahn, Jung, Rafik, and Ringhandt 2008) and (Giebhardt 2004). Many components are exposed to deterioration precesses e.g. fatigue, wear, corrosion, and erosion, and eventually this leads to failure. An understanding of the source of damage and development of failure can be combined to an appropriate damage model that can be used to plan repairs in advance.


Troya Offshore respects the host community where it operates and the environment that sustains them. Our priority includes maintaining worker and public safety at all times and caring for the environment before, during and after construction. To assess the impact of the Offshore Structures and associated subsea facilities and its ancillaries on the environment and find out if there is potential for significant negative environmental effect. An evaluation of Environmental issues that show how the projects activities could affect the plants, animals, fish, water, soil or air are called environmental impact assessment (EIA).a. Identify potential environmental impacts that may result from project activities and measures that must be taken to deal with these impactsb. Engage community members to help identify and scope issues that need to be considered to understand the project potential impact.1.0 IMPACT ASSESSMENT

Environmental Impact AssessmentTroya Offshore is aware that protection of the environment is a responsibility of the project management. The environment is of paramount importance. Every employee must undergo environmental awareness training, which is part of the induction training programme. Environmental awareness for the preservation of water, air and land, flora, and fauna shall be discussed from time to time in regular HSSE meetings as well as scheduled environmental training.Waste Disposal AssessmentWaste Disposal is another area of importance to the management because if not properly managed will have great negative impact on the environment. This would be managed by engaging the services of Waste Disposal Company to be in charge of all generated waste both onshore and offshore. Oil Spill Impact AssessmentA contingency plan would be set up contingency to deal with potential minor spills of oil and other liquid waste. The spills which we believe have the potential to occur will be in conjunction with maintenance activities or equipment failures (waste oil, hydraulic oil, AGO, flushing, etc.) and be of minimum size (less than a barrel). To respond to these spills there will be an environmental contingency response container on site (normally a drum) filled with Hidry oil absorbent. In addition if the spill becomes waterborne there will be 150 ft long boom on site to prevent the spill from spreading.Sea Floor disturbance.Seafloor disturbing activities include anchoring of drilling rigs, mooring of the floating production, storage and offloading vessels, and installation of subsea facilities such as manifolds flowlines and risers. These activities re-suspend bottom sediments, crush benthic organisms, and produce turbidity.

The total area affected is about 23ha.The FPSO will be moored using a total of XX anchors, clustered in three groups of three, The areal extent of seafloor disturbance caused by anchors and anchoring are related to the size and configuration of the anchor and mooring system, the length of the chain or mooring lines that may rest on the bottom, and the swing arc that a chain could have as a result of current or winds.

An additional area of seafloor will be disturbed by the installation of subsea production facilities, such as manifolds, trees, umbilicals, flowlines, injector lines, and riser bases.The seafloor in the project area is expected to consist of soft bottom benthic habitat. The main concern with regard to potential impacts is the placement of anchors in areas such as hard bottom communities or chemosynthetic communities. These areas are associated with elevated densities of epifauna and fishes, and are considered relatively rare and ecologically important.Anchor scars and footprints created during the project will likely remain on the bottom for months to years (EG&G Environmental consultants, 1982; shinn et al, 1990,1993).Anchor scars and pattern will eventually disappear as sediments are redistributred by currents and benthic organisms.

Presence of structures (including Noise and Lights)

Offshore structures and the associated noise and lights are a source of impacts in the marine environment.Over time the FPSO, risers mooring cables umbilicals will devklop an attached community of epibiota.Bukinda Mbainga et al (2007) studied biofopuling communities on offshore structures in the Gulf of Guinea.During the first two years , an assemblage of barnacles, sponges, sea weeds, hydroids, bryozoans, and oysters begins developing.Corals also colonized between the sea surface and about 50m depth. The development of a mature , climax fouling community typically requires several years on newly exosed hard substrates.

The phase 1 development subsea layout includes eight, four well manifolds as well as accoiated flowlines, risers and umbilicals. The presence of these structures on the seafloor will likely attract fish and epibiota.

Some marine mammals may avoid areas around offshore production facilities due to noise. Others might be attracted to fish populations around the structures.

Low frequency noise from offshore production activities can be detected by marine mammals, however the noise id relatively weak in intensity and the animals exposure to these sounds would be transient.

Operational Effluent dischargesThese include produced water, completion and workover fluids, sanitary wastes, domestic wastes and othe miscellaneous effluents.Quantities will be low levels during initial production, but may reach a maximum levels. Produced water discharges would affect water quality near FPSO by adding hydrocarbons, trace metals, and biochemical oxygen demand to the environment.Studies indicate that produced water has low intrinsic toxicity(OGP, 2005), with limited environmental effects.

The results of ecological and human health risk asseements indicate that constituents in produced water discharges present very little , if any , toxological risk to the biota or to humans eating fish or shellfish from the area.

All solid waste genretaed during development and production will be incinerated or transported to shore for disposal.Disposal of trash and devris in the ocean is prohibited by MARPOL.The FPSO and drilling rigs will operate under Waste Managemnet plans to ensiur adhetence to MARPOL.

Platform equipment typically are powered by natural gas or diesel engines that emit air pollutants including nitrogen oxide(NOx) Carbon monoxide(Co), sulphur dioxide(so2), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well as particulate matter(PM) and greenhouse gases(GHG) such as CO2 and CH4. Underr certain conditions , some of these gases are known to degrade to form different compounds , and these degradation products and transformation processes are important in the context of problems such as global warming and acidification.Air pollutants emissions from the FPSO are expected to be rapidly diluted and dispersed in the offshore atmosphere. There may be some decrease in air quality within sevreal meteres around these emission sites. However, no detectable impacts on air quality in offshore Brazil are expected based on the relatively small quantities of pollutants emitted and the distance to shore.Annual GHG emissions for Brazil in 2011 were estimated to be approximately 15 million metric tons of CO2( source). Brazils emission represents less than o.1% of global GHG emissions

Offshore platforms and support vessels must comply with MARPOL annex VI, which sets limits on sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone-depleteing substances including halons and chlorofluorocarbons.During decommissioning, the FPSO and subsea facilities would be removed. Removal of subsea facilities and dragging of anchors during removal operations would physically disturb the seafloor and benthic communities. These impacts would be similar to those of installing the facilities.

Due to the use of an FPSO instead of a fixed platform, it is expected that there would be no need for explosives during decommissioning. Explosives are often used to severe the legs of conventional platforms(MMS,2005) and are the main source of impacts during decommissioning, with the potential for killing or injuring fish, marine mammals, and sea turtles.A decommissioning plan will be developed at the end of the project life and is expected to include any appropriate environmental safeguards.