offline feb

IT News | Gadgets | Software & Stuffs Vol. 1 No. 2 Feb. 2014 GUARANTY NETWORK LIMITED FREE Nnebisi Road, opposite First Bank, Asaba, Delta State Tel: 08064317183, 07037184660 No 79A Old Market Road Onitsha, Anambra State Tel: 08064317183, 07037184660 Looking Online For oday, more people than ever are giving online dating a try in countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Mauritius, TMozambique, Uganda, Botswana, Ethiopia, Namibia, Angola, and many others. The 2 Best Online Dating Website in Africa LOVE? 8 Maximize your Social Networking Experience. continued on pg. 4 Tips & Tricks

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February Edition of Offline Newsletter. The entire theme focused on the "LOVE" zone, since Feb14th was lover's day.


Page 1: Offline feb

IT News | Gadgets | Software & Stuffs Vol. 1 No. 2 Feb. 2014



Nnebisi Road, opposite First Bank,Asaba, Delta State

Tel: 08064317183, 07037184660

No 79A Old Market RoadOnitsha, Anambra StateTel: 08064317183, 07037184660

Looking Online For

oday, more people than ever are giving

online dating a try in countries such as

Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Mauritius, TMozambique, Uganda, Botswana, Ethiopia,

Namibia, Angola, and many others.

The 2 Best Online Dating Website in Africa

w w w. w 3 m e d i a . c o m . n g


8 Maximize your Social Networking Experience.continued on pg. 4

Tips & Tricks

Page 2: Offline feb

Editor Charles C. Iloka

Asst. Editor Flora Awele Utti

Contributors/Writers Obiora Nzobiwu

Design W3 Media

Agbor Deborah Okafor

Abuja Obiora Nzobiwu

Lagos Franka Onyemelukwe

ou don't have a date on Valentine's Day. It's no big deal. It's just like any other day. The only Ydifference is, you may just

feel a little down that you're dateless. But fret no more because you're just as fabulous as those attached folks out on dates that night. In fact, you may even be more awesome than they are. Here are ways to beat the Valentine's Day blues.

Hang out with family. This seems to be a great retreat to any depressing occasion that you don't want to or can't partake in. Sitting on mom and dad's couch, for instance, will be so comforting. Top it off with a cup of cocoa and you'll just reminisce about the times you were young and could care less for Valentine's.

Ladies, Pick your best guy friend and make him take you out. Yes, I'm suggesting that you fake it. If you don't have a man at the moment, use a boyfriend doppelganger. You can still hit the restaurant and bars for the fun Valentine's Day specials, and no one will be the wiser.

Remember that being single is fabulous. Being single IS fabulous! There's no lying there. Who wouldn't want the paragon of choice and the endless opportunities? The world is your oyster.

Make yourself hot and hit a bar solo. Who says you can't go out by yourself on Valentine's Day? Make yourself look adorable, step out of your house, and check out the local bar. Sit at the bar, chat with the cute bartender, or meet someone new. Anything is possible.

Give yourself a makeover. Maybe it's not Valentine's you have an issue with. Perhaps it's you? Not to make you feel bad, but maybe all you need is a little bit of a revival? Plan for a new look. Get a haircut, style yourself anew, and change things up.

Chat with other lonely friends online. Your computer is your friend. Turn it on and see who else is home on Valentine's Day. It's always nice to know you're not the only lonely heart home. You're not alone!

Don't care. It's only a day. It'll be over in no time. Just let it pass by and try not to think about it one bit.

Have a fling. Enough said.

Enjoy yourself. No matter what you do on this day – or any day for that matter –

always enjoy yourself. You may not have that "other half" that attached people have, but does that mean your life is any less fabulous? No way. To each their own, and love your life. <

editor ialOffline Newsletter | Page 02

do you know?




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Published and Printed by W3 Media Ent, C/O Readetechs Ltd, Avanti Plaza, Asaba Delta State.Telephone No: 07031237804, 07032828844

Tips to beat the Valentine's Day blues

Charles C. Iloka


Address:C/O Readetechs Ltd.Avanti Plaza, West-End Asaba

Tel: 0703282884407069291218

Page 3: Offline feb

uring a discussion with Dolapo Oni, DBolanle Olukanni

and Michelle Dede on the Boy & Girl Talk Marriage section on Moments With Mo show, Big Brother star Uti Nwachukwu said the reason why he and most men can't marry women in the Nigerian entertainment industry is because the women sleep around with big men and they know it.

"Most celebrity women in the entertainment industry have had to sleep with one big man or the other to have the comfortable life they live. Its common knowledge".

He said whenever he hangs out with his friends and they talk about getting married to actresses, that most times the men say never because they've met these actresses in private places with these big men.

blogl istOffline Newsletter | Page 03

on >> Proposed Cyber Crime bill?he proposed Cyber-Crime bill which is Tbefore the House of

Reps is quite shocking? For insulting someone online, you can get a 5year jail term. They are now trying to clip the wings of n e w s s i t e s , b l o g s , readers/commenters and users of social media?

A 10 year jail term or a fine of N20million or both is been proposed for anyone who engages in child pornography.The bill is also seeking the death penalty for any person who is found guilty of hacking into Criminal Nat iona l Informat ion Infrastructure or any

EFCC Press Release

n undergraduate Ao f t h e

University of Ibadan, 28-year- old Orowo Jesse Omokoh, has been a r r e s t e d b y t h e Economic and Financial Crimes Commission for allegedly obtaining N i n e t y T h o u s a n d Dollars ($90,000.) from one Mrs. Jette Jacob, an Australian based in

issues | comments | gist

on >> Undergraduate In EFCC net over $90,000 romance scamJohannesburg s ince November 2012. Five days af ter Omokoh arrived and took up residence with her, Jacob was found dead in her apartment with some of her valuables missing. Af te r the inc ident , Omokoh reportedly fled South Africa and returned to Nigeria.

The South African Police which is investigating the mysterious death are suspicious that Omokoh

has a hand in the demise of Jacob.

On March 15, 2013, the EFCC received a petition from Richard Stanford of A u s t r a l i a n F e d e r a l Police, asking for help to track Omokoh, alleging t h a t t h e N i g e r i a n defrauded Jacob to the tune of $90,000 in a dating scam.

The Commission swung i n t o a c t i o n a l m o s t immediately but the

suspected fraudster had been elusive until a few days ago when he was nabbed. He has already made useful statements while efforts are on to track his accomplices.

The suspect would be arraigned in court as soon a s inves t iga t ion i s completed.

Wilson UwujarenAg. Head, Media & Publicity3rd February, 2014 <

Mich said.He merely stated the obvious. To each his own!

Peejay said.Uti, go and marry and stop making excuses. As for those actresses allegedly sleeping around. God is watching U!

Soul said.I'm here forming good girl

on >> Why women in entertainment find it difficult to get married Bonario Nnags Said.He's saying the truth The other while watching a Nollywood movie which a prominent actress who most people wish they could be like is in. A friends told me how he met her and a politician at Indonesia.

Gbenga said.These actresses are sharks.No brain to think, carried away with societal egos and association. Feeling of wanting to belong. Buying hand bags of 1.5m to showcase.Who can you invite to your show/school to talk about m a r r i a g e a m o n g s t Nigerian actresses?

Cintetic said.Na dem sabi. Even if dey marry, the marriage no dey last. Oh my omo sexy is d only celebrity that still has her marriage in tact.

Ijeoma Okafor said.So many of the ladies out there have had to sleep with someone before finally sett l ing their husbands. If you ain't cool with it Uti, go get a virgin. Like you have’nt slept with girls. Make we hear abeg.

Faith Ojo said.And how's that a secret he. Just stated the obvious. Think about it after you have acted a dozen of movies that u re being paid less than nothing doing, and you now become a popular figure it is only natural for them to sleep with these "big men" to keep up. It doesn't still make it right though.

Rayner Sylvester said.Its hustling, leave those girls alone. What about we guys that has more than two to three girlfriend. Tto

me, I don't think there's any big deal about that if you love her go ahead and put the ring on her finger. When the problems comes is when she's legally married to you and she still flirt around then you can take any action.

Archie Said.He's just being factual. Please don't blame him. Its what we all know. Even the so called musicians find it difficult to get settled with them. Reasons best known to them.

Ijeoma Ogbonna Said.True ta lk . After we finished school, and those ones they called “crazy” are the ones marrying up a n d d o w n , m y s e l f included!!lol, Na for dat ur h o u s e w e y u d e y , pretending to be a good girl u go find husband? <

and virgin while I'm buying asoebi every other day. I have three weddings to attend tomorrow!!! You can imagine. And the brides have been around too and very much and have bleached. Yet, na them find husband. If Mr right is not showing up soonest, I will contact Dencia, then I will start aristo waka.

Johannesburg, South Africa, in what is known as a romance scam.The suspect allegedly met the Aussie on a dating site and struck a sizzling romantic affair that necessitated him moving to Johannesburg in 2013 to link up with his lover.

O m o k o h a l l e g e d l y arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa on February 4, 2013, to meet with Jacob who had been in

Comments & Reactions

BONARIO NNAGS said.Hehehehe in OBJ's voice "I just dey laugh"I guess if those engaged in cyber crime are to be sentenced to death, corrupt politicians should be stoned to death or burnt alive.

Igor said.Hacking into our criminal na t iona l i n fo rma t ion database is a treasonable offence. Edward Snowden will be lucky to get a life sentence if he is caught by the American authorities .However,I prefer life

sentence to death sentence. On the other hand, I am fully in support of the sentence, with respect to the child pornography aspect of the law.

AB said.GOOD! also Mr. President should seek death penalty for corrupt practice too, s u c h a s m o n e y embezzlement of public funds and other.

Olu OmoFayemi said.What will happen to those that steal millions and b i l l i on do l l a r s f r om di fferent government accounts Oga GEJ? Na ma jo r i t y pun i shmen t regime we dey now! This

president is clueless and unimaginative at all. May God save the masses and may the poor be blessed through the right ways.

Ms Abi said.I am actually extremely happy to hear this news. For the past month i have watched different shows on television here in the USA (MTV, comedies, even movies) and one statement i keep hearing is about a Nigerian prince and how they want your bank account details and all sorts of embarrassing things. Thank you Mr. President!!!

Anonymous said.Mr. President. You. Are

very sick and off point for this. If our government is not greedy, selfish and. Useless, all of this would. Not be rampant. Create job employments and spend the

country money in the rightful places, all of this would not be available. Most people do it to make ends meet and. Survive. <

Cyber Café Users

Comments & Reactions

8 Online Reading @

computer network that would lead to loss of lives

- Uti Nwachukwu

Orowo Jesse Omokoh

Page 4: Offline feb

coverOffline Newsletter | Page 04

Tips to Succeed at ONLINE DATING

ccording to a

recent , most Ap e o p l e a r e

s t a r t i n g t o g e t

comfortable with online

dating. However, some

minor mistakes are still

what keeps people from

meeting the person they

so badly deserve. Online

dating can be fun and

easy if you know the

tricks of the trade. Read

these helpful dating tips

and you could be the

busiest person on the

block in no time

S e l f - E v a l u a t e . B e

honest with yourself

about the kind of person

you're looking for. Don't

s e t t l e ; h o w e v e r ,

understand that the

saying you can't judge a

book by its cover can be

very true. If you can't

find anyone interesting

in the current profiles,

understand that new ones

appear daily on popular


Adver t i s e . Pu t up

s e v e r a l r e c e n t

photographs of yourself -

- in both indoor and

outdoor light, also a

variety of full body shots

as well as close ups of

your face. If posting a

photo online makes you

uneasy, consider using a

private photo sharing

s e r v i c e s u c h a s

Using the 'teaser image'

feature you can modify

your photo to give an

idea of what you look

like without someone

being able to actually

identify you. You can

show your original photo

to someone after you

screen them and decide

that you are interested.

Play the field. Don't put

all of your focus on

online dating. Don't

seem so desperate that

the internet is your last

and only hope to find that

someone special. For all

you know the right

person is out at the

library, coffee shop, or

buying groceries. You

have to be positive and

think that way as well.

People are not attracted

to desperation.

Check back. Check a

few times a week to see if

anyone new has shown

up that may interest


T h o u

s h a l l

n o t

8 Read More @

stalk. Do not hound the

same person over and

over, send them a

message or two and after

that leave them alone if

they don't return your

c o n t a c t - - t h e y ' r e

probably not interested.

Keep it positive.

When writing things

about yourself tell

people what kind of

person you are

l o o k i n g f o r. B e

humorous and upbeat,

but be clear about what

your interests are and the

type of individual you are

interested in. If you won't

date a smoker, a drinker,

someone with children,

make that clear (but not

rudely) in your profile.

Keep in mind that some

smokers, drinkers, single

parents may still (for

w h a t e v e r r e a s o n s )

contact you.

Do your homework.

Some of the online dating

websites are becoming

more sophisticated in the

way they match up

people, but that does not

mean that they cannot

make mistakes. Always

check someone out for

yourself (Google, etc.)

before you accept a date

from them. Just because

an emotionless computer

thinks you may be a good

match for someone does

not mean that you are.

Look their profile over

and email/call them a few

times before making the

decision to meet.

Interview. Always have

a phone conversation

with a match before any

initial meeting. Be highly

cautious of anyone who

does not want to speak on

the phone

b e f o r e

mee t ing ,

or comes

up with


ated excuses as to why

they cannot meet you.

Have no further contact if

a match does this.

Caution. Be cautious

with the information that

you provide a potential

match. Do not give

specific details about

where you live or where

you are employed.

Detect Liars /


Ta k e n o t e o f a n y

discrepancies in the

d e t a i l s t h e p e r s o n

provides you -- it's

usually an indication that

the person is misleading


Play it safe. Always

have the f i rs t few

meetings and dates in a

public place and always

let a relative or friend

know where you are

going and who you are

meeting. Never invite

someone to your home

during an initial meeting.

Do not drink heavily and

do not allow anyone but

the waiter or staff and

yourself near your drink.

Have a safety net. Have a

friend or relative call or

text you during your

initial meeting to see if

you're fine.

Fraud is everywhere.

Be alert to red flags, such

as a person repeatedly

canceling meetings,

asking for money, or

pressur ing you for

personal information or

sex (including nude

photos) early in your

acquaintanceship. Cut

off contact completely if

any of these occur.

Keep an open mind. Be

optimistic and upbeat,

but be realistic that even

the most accurate profile

and photograph does not

always correlate to real

life chemistry between

two people. Sometimes

two individuals simply

w o n ' t c l i c k , b u t

sometimes they will.

Good luck! <

Address:No. 43 Anwai road, Asaba,

Delta State.Tel: 07066730196


Page 5: Offline feb

eports culled from Linda Ikeji’s blog states that online retailers Konga and RJumia are at war! Konga is alleging that

Rocket Internet, parent company of Jumia has hijacked all look alike name to and registered it to divert traffic to their own site,

Rocket Internet registered for Cote D’Ivoire, for Cameroun, for Libya, for Mauritius and for Morocco. Others include: for Malawi, for Seychelles, for Saint Helena, for Kenya and for SA.

What this means is that Rocket Internet has effectively deprived them of the benefit of domain localisation. The look alike sites were reportedly registered in June 2012 by Arnt Jeschke on behalf of Rocket Internet GmbH in Dublin.

Konga is now claiming that this development is affecting its effectiveness in over eleven countries including Nigeria, where it's major customers are. The only option that they may have left would be to buy the domain names from Rocket Internet, for which, should Rocket Internet decide to sell at an exorbitant price, Konga may not be able to operate in that country as Konga.

Meanwhile Jumia claims that Konga also registered a look alike name which redirects to Konga claims they have since dropped the name.

In internet business, this practice is called cyber squatting and many countries haves enacted a law against it. Konga founder, Shagaya, is said to be exploring means to seek legal redress against

Order Now!!!Call: 08063846554

coverOffline Newsletter | Page 05

The Two Best Online Dating Websites in Africa.

s is the case with most African countries, the majority of Apeople meet their romantic

partners via the traditional methods of friends of the family, mutual friends, organizations, work, or school, etc; however, like in Nigeria, the dating landscape as a whole is changing. With each passing day, online dating is becoming more common.Should you decide to sign up for the online dating sites we recommend, be sure to read member profiles carefully as you might come across a lot of fake profiles.

Without further ado, here are our thoughts and reviews on the two best online dating sites in Africa (regardless of what country you are in) so that you can get started on searching for a potential significant other in this fine continent. is by far the best online dating site in Africa. No other site has achieved the delicate balance between quality and quantity like this site has. To be honest, it is really the only site you need in Africa as all the other sites just don't come close.To h a v e t h e f u l l m e s s a g i n g functionality and to appear higher in the search results, you will have to buy a Gold or Platinum subscription. The

AFROINTRODUCTIONS.COM:few extra bucks you pay per month is usually worth the results you get. Remember, your love life, like your career and education, is one big investment that, when successful, will pay off in the end.Just like the real world, there will be men or women who you will not click with or who don't respond to your messages (or just disappear). There are women or men who might only be

interested in helping you to part with your money. That is life. Just keep sending out messages and reach out until you find the person you are looking for and get success. As is typical with online dating, expect a response rate of around 1-10% depending on how good your profile is. (Response rate = people who will respond back to you to whom you sent an introduction message).

BADOO.COM: A massive worldwide online dating site launched in 2006, Badoo is an OK option for Africa. It doesn't have near t h e s a m e q u a l i t y a s

Badoo works on the “freemium” model, which means that it is free to sign up, but you have to pay for upgraded features. The site operates in over 180 countries., which is why I would not focus on it as a starting point for your search. It is hard to tell what profiles are real and what profiles are fake on this site.

Nigeria’s Top Online RetailersAt WAR!



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Page 6: Offline feb

hardwareOffline Newsletter | Page 06

Tips and tricks for speeding up your Android devicen d r o i d s m a r t

phones and tablets Acan become slow

and sluggish over time. These

easy-to-follow tips will help

make your device run like


You may have noticed over the

past few months that your once-

speedy Android device has

slowed down considerably.

Simple tasks such as switching

between apps or returning

home are proving more

troublesome than before, and

you are now experiencing lag in

all the wrong places. Things

don't have to be this way,

however.These simple tips and tricks can

help speed up your device and

make it perform like new:

1. Uninstall or disable unused

apps.Your device has a limited

amount of internal storage and

the less free space it has the

slower it will perform. If you

have filled your device with

photos, music, or apps, it is

recommended to free up space

by either uninstalling unused

apps or moving files to cloud

storage services like Dropbox

or Google Drive.Uninstalling apps can be

done by going to Settings,

opening the Apps menu, and

selecting the app you wish to

u n i n s t a l l . P r e l o a d e d

applications from carriers or

manufacturers that cannot be

unins ta l led , known as

bloatware, can at least be

disabled and hidden from the

app drawer using this

method.On smartphones and tablets

that include expandable

storage you can also move

apps to the microSD card. To

do this, enter Settings, go to

the Apps menu, click the app

you wish to move, and select

the "Move to SD card"


2. Clear app caches.Cached data can build up

o v e r t i m e i n y o u r

applications and affect the

performance of your device.

Deleting individual caches

can be done in the Apps

menu, but a number of free

programs are available

through the Google Play

store that can automate the

process. Some of the most

popular ones include App

Cache Cleaner and Clean

Master, both of which are

available for free.

3. Limit widgets and live

wallpapers.Many people would argue

that widgets are one of the

benefits of using an Android

device. They can be helpful

for finding information

quickly without having to

open an app, but at the same

time they can eat away at

battery life and slow your

device.Reducing the number of

widgets, especially data-

i n t e n s i v e o n e s l i k e

Facebook, will help your

smart phone or tablet run

more smoothly and last

longer. You can remove

widgets from the home

screen by long-pressing the

one you wish to delete and

dragging it to the top of the

screen.Another cool Android

feature is the option to use a

live wallpaper as your

background. Like widgets,

however, live wallpapers can

slow down your device and

drain the battery. You can

also change your wallpaper

with a long press on the home


4. Disable animations.A hidden settings option in

Android will give you access

to commands you may have

never known existed. Go to

Settings, About Phone, scroll

down to Build number, and

tap it seven times. You will

now have access to developer

options. These special

settings allow you to do a

variety of things, but they are

meant for advanced users and

shouldn't be changed unless

you know what you are

doing.One tweak that could speed

up your device is disabling

an imat ions wi th in the

operating system. To do this,

o p e n S e t t i n g s , g o t o

Developer options, and scroll

down to the Drawing option.

Next, turn off the Window

animation scale, Transition

a n i m a t i o n s c a l e , a n d

Animator duration scale.

This will disable animations

that occur when you open,

close, and switch between

apps. Although the interface

will look less polished, there

should be less lag in

performance. <

Page 7: Offline feb

softwareOffline Newsletter | Page 07

Ad-SenseFun Games forMobile & PCs

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- a must have in every home.

To order, Call:

07031237804 or

08125433166Space Invadersish test of skill.A few new power-ups have also been added. The laser will instantly eviscerate any balls you aim it at. Another will load the frog's mouth with three cannon balls that will fire at once in a spread shot, bashing through anything in their way. You'll also find PopCap's usual lighthearted sense of humor here.Once you've hopped through the story mode you'll unlock a couple bonus modes with a higher difficulty level: Iron Frog Gauntlet and Heroic Frog. There are also fun challenge levels that require you to achieve a certain score before time runs out. <

if a gap leaves, say, a yellow ball on either end they will snap together and potentially create another match.Zuma's Revenge could be called Zuma Comes Back for Seconds, as it plays just like the original but adds loads of new levels. There are a few new features, but they don't change the game significantly. My favorite new addition are boss battles at the end of every area of the island (oh yeah – Zuma's Revenge takes place on an island). These challenges break up the action and put the frog at the bottom of the screen where he must fire balls at the devil on top. The usual lines of balls get in your way, though, creating a

h a t e v e r d e a l PopCap made with Wthe devil seems to

b e w o r t h i t , a s t h e publisher/developer's string of fun casual games continues with Zuma's Revenge. The original was released back in 2003 and moved 17 million copies, but we're only now getting a sequel. You'll find the same core gameplay with flashier graphics, new power-ups, and a few new game modes. If there is a complaint to be made about Zuma's Revenge it's that the game is maybe too similar to the original. But more Zuma will likely be welcome to most gamers, this one included.If you are not one of the 17 million people who have played Zuma, this is a match-three game with a twist. You control a spinning frog who fires colored balls from his mouth at a long line of marbles slowly snaking towards a pit of despair. If the chain reaches the pit, it's game over. So our hero, the frog, must spit balls at the snake, creating matches of at least three same-colored balls and eventually clearing the board. Making a match will leave a gap in the chain, which creates an opportunity for combos. Same-colored balls are attracted to one another, and

Zuma's Revenge Review

Angry Birds Reviewn Rovio Mobile's popular g a m e , A n g r y B i r d s , Imulticolored chickens take

on the properties of bombs when pushed to the limits by egg-stealing green pigs. Explosive chickens, adorable as they are, would be pointless without big buildings to topple, and Angry Birds provides more than 200 of them, with more added all the time. You can thoroughly demolish anything from stone castles to glass houses as you punish those evil, egg-stealing pigs.To play, you simply load up a

yolky payload directly below.You always receive the chickens in a particular order, which diminishes some of the strategy. Even though some chickens can be used to set up chain reactions, like using a burrowing hen to soften up a building's stone exterior and then following up with a ticking explosive chicken to blast out the walls--you don't get to do this if you don't get the chickens in this order.

Angry Birds has some minor issues, but most of the time, you won't notice because you'll be too busy trying to squish pigs and make full use of your chicken arsenal. The game's weapons, physics, and varied levels are really quite excellent, and they make this military-farm-complex a whole lot of fun. <

chicken in your slingshot, pull back while setting your angle, and let go to start the destruction. Angry Birds' gameplay is incredibly easy to understand, and the visual payoff for blowing stuff up is consistently impressive. Blue chickens split up in midair for a spread effect; heavy bomb chickens explode and send structures flying; and egg-laying hens let you deliver a

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