of would j i j - chroniclingamerica.loc.govundressed linens of superior quality and very eheap,...

F. & M. TAYLOR XTAVE received and are now offering for sale STILL ANOTHER SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, large portion of which has been purchas- ed late in the, season, and consequently at greatly reduced prices. Our stock is very large and complete, and we flatter ourselves will give satisfaction to those who have not yet purchased their summer supply. We have a fine assortment of materials for Viseltes, &c., such as wide black and changeable silks, lure satins, silk netts, laces, fringes, Sfc. Fine jaconet lawns, such as sold early in the season for 25, 37 and 50, arc now sold for 16, 23 and 37; a full assortment of other lawns, some as low as 8 and 10 cents per yard, of good styles and fast colors; beautiful organdy lawns for from 12 to 16 cents per yard Bcrage de'Jaines as low as 12 cents; a fine assort- ment of beragos, tissues, metalic tissues at great- ly reduced prices French monslain, black, bine, apple green. Pink and corn color; bine, green and pink French ginghams; a fine assortment of other ditto; French chintzes for childrens 1 wear, Mourning goods in great variety 7 , such as black bombazines, black alpacas, silk and cotton warp, either with or without lustre ; black lawns, ging- hams, tissues and berages; also a very fine article of plain and damask black silk grenadine In housekeeping materials, our slock is heavy, viz: 11-4 and 12-4 Barnsley sheeting, pillow case lin- ens, damask table napkins, damask tabic linens, toilet covers, Marseilles quilts, cambric dimity, embroidered muslin for curtains, Richardson’s undressed linens of superior quality and very eheap, piano and table covers, ladies 1 and gentle- men silk and gauze merino under-vests, Swiss Nansook marlins, jaconet and cambric do; barred, striped and lace do, bleached and brown cotton sheeting, the best makes of cotton shirtings, white and colored French drill. A very large variety of Hosiery, viz: white, black, slate, embroidered, Sfc. , some very fine lisle thread hose. A general assortment of pic net, lislo, kid and other gloves. Bonnet ribbons in large variety, some beautiful white corded and watered. Parasols, some figured and lined, a fine article : do large size for plain ladies. Osnaburgs, blue domestics, pant stuffs, and all other goods usually kept in our line. those who have purchases yet to make, we flatter ourselves we can offer them very great inducements, at least we shall be happy to shew them our stock. Wo will also name a large lot ol carpeting and floor oil cloths, which we otfer low. Alexandria, June 26, ISSO. TRUSTEE’S PUBLIC SALE OF GOOSE GREEK LAND. BY virtue of two decrees of Charles Coun- ty Court, silting as a Court of Equity, the undersigned, as Trustee, will sell belore the Court Mouse door, in Port 'Tobacco, on I MONDAY, the 22d day JULY next, be- | tween the hours of two and five o'clock, the tract of Land inherited by Mary F. Neale; from her mother Mary C. Neale ; anil also , that tract of which the late Dr. Francis Neale died seized— both together constitu- ting the farm upon which the said Dr.! Francis Neale lived and occupied at the lime of his death, called and known as “¦Goose Creek,” and containing six hun- dred and fifty acres . (650 acres,) more or less. This Farm has upon it a comfortable : r Dwelling , Barns , Stables and the necessary out-houses. lt> is well watered, heavily timbered, and convenient to navigation. The Land is in a high state of cultivation and yields abundantly the usual products of the county. It lies six miles, from Pori Tobacco, and is convenient to j church and mill. Terms.—Four hundred dollars cash on the day of sale, or ratification thereof, and the balance in three equal annual instal- ments, to be secured by bond ami security to be approved by the Trustee, bearing in- terest from the day of sale. Upon the pay- ment of the whole of the purchase money, the Trustee is authorized to convey to the purchaser or purchasers the title of the said Mary F. Neale and the late Dr. Francis Neale to the above dessribed premises, free and unencumbered of the widow’s dower interest. N. STONESTREET, June 26, 1850. Trustee. The Union will insert the above once a week till sale, and send bill with certificate of publication to this office. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF LAND. | IN pursuance of a decree of Charles Conn-; ty Court, as a Court of Equity, I will sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in Port Tobacco, on ; TUESDAY, the 23d day of JULY next, | the following tracts or parts of tracts of Land, to wit: Saturday's Work , Fortune Enlarged , Part of Hawkins Smith's Ford ,' Pail of Fortune's Retreat , —containing al- together, 286 ACRES, more or less. These Lands w’ere the pro- perty of Richard Mankin, deceased, are | situated in the neighborhood of Allen’s Fresh and adjoining the farms of William Nevitt, and Francis II Digges. The soil is of a superior quality. Any person desiring fur- ther information can examine the Land, or apply to me. Terms of Sale; Four hundred dollars of the purchase money will be paid at (he | expiraiion of six months, and the residue of the purchase money in three equal biennial .payments of two, four and six years, the purchaser giving bond with security to be approved by me, for the payment of the pur- chase money, with interest thereon from the day of sale. sale will lake place between the hours of 2 and 4 o’clock, P. M. ROBERT S. REEDER, je 19—ts. Trustee. FRUIT fc CONFECTIONERY. —Just re- ceived and for sale a supply of fresh Oranges, Figs, Prucns, Raisins, Almonds, Pican and Palm Nuts, Currants, Citron, Candy and Kisses; also a fine article of French Candies. may 13. E. W. DAY 8f CO. C’ ITY-MADE BOOTS fe SHOES.—Just. received and for sale Gentlemen’s superior calf Boots and Shoes, fine articles of Ladies and Gaiter Shoes ; also Ladies 1 Morocco and Kid Slippers and thick soled Shoes, piay 15. E W DAY Sf CO NOTICE. IN pursuance of the Proclamation of the -*¦ Governor, and in conformity to the Act of the General Assembly of Maryland, pas- sed at December session, 1849, entitled, | kt An Act to provide for taking the sense of j | the people upon the expediency of calling ! a Convention to frame a new Constitution : and Form of Government for this Slate, and I to provide for the election of Delegates to such Convention ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That an election will be held at the usual places of holding elections in the several election districts in Charles County on the First Wednesday (being the 4lh day) of Sep- tember next, for the purpose of choosing four Delegates to represent said county in the Convention “to frame a new Constitu- tion anil Form of Government,” which is to meet at the City of Annapolis on the first Monday of November, 1850. J. R. ROBERTSON, Sheriff. June 26, 1850 —if. i _ PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber, as agent for the heirs of the late Richard Gardiner, will sell at public auction, (if not previously disposed of at private sale,) in the town of Port To- ; barco, on TUESDAY, the 16ih day of JULY next, if fair, if not, the next fair day i theteafler, the Farm of the said deceased, containing 420 ACRES, more or less. This farm is distant about 6 miles from Port Tobacco, in the direction of Middletown. Most of the land is in a good slate of cultivation, producing kindly all the staple crops of the county. The improvements upon the land g | j||A are a Dwelling House and all * iUM l * ie necessary out-houses. A ; further description is deemed unnecessary, as persons wishing to purchase can view the premises. Terms of Sale : $,50 cash on the day of sale; one third of the balance on the Ist January 1851, and the residue in payments, of one and two years from day of sale, to be secured by bond bearing interest from day of sale. Possession to be given on the ; January 1851. WM. A. GARDINER, june 26—3 t. Near Biyuntown, Aid, SPRINGFIELD FOR SALE. HN THE FIRST TUESDAY (the 16th) in JULY COURT (if fair, if not, the next fair day thereafter,) I will sell at Pub- | lie Sale, at the Court House door, in the ! town of Purl Tobacco, to the highest bid- j der, (if not previously disposed of at private 1 sale,) the above-named FARM. lying in ; Piccawaxen and bordering immediately on the Wicomico river. The above properly is very desirable on account of its beautiful location and its superior water advantages. It is very healthy,and is abundantly wood- ed. Fish, Oysters, Crabs, &c , and every description of Wild Fowl, can be taken with little trouble in their season in almost any abundance. Its convenience to the different - markets; and indeed with a little improve-j merit, it would make one among the finest Farms in that section of country. Its ad- vantages also are such that it would make a first-rate grazing farm. Its soil is also peculiarly adapted to the growth of the three great staples of our county, Corn, Wheal and Tobacco. This Farm contains , 500 tic re S) more or less. Perms. s>2so cash, to be paid on the day of sale; upon the residue of the pur- chase money I will give a credit of one, two,: three, four and five years, for which bonds! and secuity (to be approved by the sub-; . scriber) for each instalment, will be requir- 1 ed, to bear interest from the Ist day of January next, at which lime possession will be given to the purchaser or purchasers ;; and upon payment of the last instalment, the subscriber will execute a good and suf- ficient deed for the land. Tide indisputable., person wishing to purchase the above property at private sale , will please i call on the subscriber; nr communications addressed to me, at Port Tobacco, (post paid,) will meet with prompt attention. 11. A. NEALE. May 29, 1850. Is. The. St. Mary’s Beacon will insert the above 4 1 times and send bill to this office. J. M. OREM. WM. S. HOPKINS. OREM Se HOPKINS, MERCHANT TAILORS, and Wholesale Dealers in Cloths, Cassi- mercs, Vestings and Tailors' Trimmings. 230 Market St. N. W. Cor. of Charles, BALTIMORE. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality. One price only. (Xjr’Cloth rooms up stairs—Entrance, south end ; of the store, on Charles street, oct 10—ly. $l5O REWARD r IMIE subscriber will give the above men- -*• tinned reward for the apprehension of t slave MOSES, so that 1 get him again. Moses was purchased of Wilson Dent about July last, and ranavvay shortly after that time. He is supposed to be lurk- ing about the neighborhood of Allen’s Fresh, i He is about twenty-eight years of age ; five feet, eight inches high , stout built ; com- plexion tawny. WM. H. WILLIAMS. Charles Co. May 8, 1850—tf. SHERIFFALTY. ; TTMIE undersigned respectfully offers himself to 1 JL the Voters of Charles County, as a candidate for the next Sheriffalty, and solicits their support. ! uct 12—tf. ARTHUR D SMOOT, NOTICE. r |MIE undersigned Commissioners, ap- pointed to lay off and assign the widow’s dower in the real estate of James Bailey, deceased, hereby give notice to all concern- ed, that they will meet on the premises on , (Thursday, 11th day of July next, and pro- j cecd to execute the duly of their commis- | sion. HENRY R. HARRIS, JOHN H. DIGGES, ANTHONY B. SIMMS, VV. F. LANCASTER, F. MATTHEWS. June 19, 1850.—4 t. PROCLAMATON. State of Maryland to wit: Whereas, Pursuant to the provisions 6T an act of the General Assembly of Mary- land, passed at the December session there- of, in the yearofourLord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, entitled, “an act to provide for the taking the sense of the peo- ple upon the expediency of calling a Con- vention to frame a new Constitution and Form of Government for this Stale, and to provide for the election of Delegates to such Convention,” an election was held in the j several counties, Howard district and the I city of Baltimore, on the second VVcdnes-; day of May last, for the purpose of ascer- taining the sense of the people as to the ex- j pediency of calling a Convention of Dele- gates to frame a new Constitution and Form of Government for this Stale ; And.whereas, the returns of the number of ballots cast at' said election for and against a Convention I and blank ballots have been examined and accurately counted by the persons required by the said act to count the same, who have ¦ certified, that upon counting and casting up said ballots, it did appear to them that a i majority of legal voters of the Stale as shown , by said returns, are in favor of a call of & ; Convention : Now, Therefore, I, Philip Francis! Thomas, Governor of the Stale of Mary- j land, in obedience to the requirements of; the said Act of Assembly, do, by this, my j proclamation, order and direct that an elec- ! lion be held in the several Counties, Howard | District and the City of Baltimore, on the I first Wednesday of September next, for Dele- j gates to a Convention to frame a new Con- stitution and Form of Government for this Slate, in such manner and under such regu- } lations as are provided in said act of As- | sembly. |< Given under my hand and the Great [seal] Seal of the State of Maryland , at the City of Annapolis, on tins twelfth day of June, in the year of our Lord one t thousand eight hundred and fifty. i PHILIP F. THOMAS, Governor. i John N. Watkins, Secretary of State, jy 3 3t. j; REMOVED! REMOVED!! j. \ \ 7"E ha' c now taken the Store formerly occu-j THE FERRY SLIP, ALEXANDRIA, VA., where wc shall be happy to sec our old customers ami friends generally from Maryland. Wc have just laid in a large supply of Groceries, Liquors, Ac., consisting, in part, of the following articles, viz ; 75 bags Java, Laguyra, Rio Coffee, 25 hhds Port Rico and New Orleans Sugar 25 hhds and bbls New Orleans Molasses 20 half-chests G. P., Imp. Black and Y. H. Teas 100 bids Kush Run, Monongahela Rye Whiskey 200 bbls common and rectified do 15 casks and | casks French, Peach, and Domestic Brandies 10 casks Port, Maderia and sweet Wines 10 casks Holland and domestic Gin 400 socks fine, and ground alum Salt | 10.000 llis middling and shoulder Bacon 100 boxes sperm, adamantine and mould Gandies 100 boxes variegated, Castile, yellow and brown Soap 25 bbls and kegs No. 1 Lard | 2000 lbs, loaf and crushed Sugar 10000 Principe and Havana Cigars. Also. Powder and Shot, Dye-Stuffs,Spices, Win- dow-Glass, Putty, Starch, Rice, &c., &c., all of I which we will sell on the most accommodating i : terms for cash, or to punctual customers on time. I Qj’We will pay the greatest attention to the | (SALE of all kinds of PRODUCE, as agents, and ; warrant to get the highest market prices for the same. LANCASTER & GARDINER. Alexandria, Va., June 19, 1850. INSOLVENT’S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors of William J- Stewart, that a personal dis- -1 charge hath been granted to said debtor, and that I the third Monday of July next, being the first i day of our county court succeeding this date, hath | been set apart for the final bearing in his case, when i Ids creditors may attend and shew cause, if any | they have why a final discharge shall not be grant- i ed said debtor. R. H. MITCHELL, Clerk j February 27, 1850. Charles County Court, t INSOLVENT’S NOTICE. I^T OTICE is hereby given to the Creditors of J_ i Francis L. Goodrich, that a personal dis- j charge hath been granted to said debtor, and that the third Monday’ of July next, being the first day ofour i county court succeeding this date, hath been set j apart for the final hearing- in his case, when bis ! creditors may attend and shew cause, if any they have why a final discharge shall not be granted said | debtor. R. H. MITCHELL, Clerk ! April 10, 1850. Charles county court, j CASH FOR NEGROES. i i | r IMIE subscriber wishes to purchase any : ! number of likely NEGROES for the, New Oileans and Georgia markets. Persons I having negroes for sale will find it to their (advantage to call on me before disposing jof them, as lam at all times in market. 1 will give more money for negroes than any one now in market or may come in here- i after. | Communications addressed to me at Pis- cataway, Md., or at Washington, D. C, w ill meet with prompt attention. G. VV. BRANDI’, Agent for Wm. 11. Williams. may 22—3m. Pailllslllffs, Glass, Ac.—Linseed Oil, Litharge, Chrome Green and Yellow, Spanish jBrown, White Lead, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 Glass, l Putty. WM BOSWELL & CO. 1 may 3 HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 'T'HE subscribers would respectfully inform Iho A citizens of Charles and the adjacent counties, - that they arc receiving a large and well selected stock of goods in their line, embracing every article requisite for Builders, of the very best quality, of improved styles and at prices that cannot fail to please. Their stock of Shovels, Spades, 4-prong ] Forks, Hay Forks, &c., are very desirable, being . made ol the finest cast steel and finished in the best manner. They keep all sorts of Carpenters’ * 'Pools, such as— Planes; Saws, very superior; Bench Axes; Hatchets; * Augers, best quality; Auger Bits; Adzes; Braces ( & Bits; Bench Hammers, &c. &c. Amongst their stock also will be found cast steel mill and cross-cut Saws; American do do; Ame- cican pitt and other do; Log, Cart, Trace, Halter, j Dog and other Chains; ivory Knives with plated , Forks; Table, Pen and Pocket Cutlery of all grades; Razors from 12 1-2 cts. to $1 each; Scis- | sors and Shears of all qualities; well and cistern Pumps; Lead Pipe; Wove Wire of assorted , widths; Cast Steel in bars; American Blister j Steel; Files; shoe and horse Rasps; handsaw Files; woof. Rasps; wood Files; warding and oth- J er Files; Scales to weigh from 1-2 ounce to 240 pounds; patent Balances; Steelyards; Counter Scales; Shovels and Tongs, fine quality and com- mon; Pols, Ovens, Skillets, Griddles and all oth- er castings; Plough Castings and Screws of as- sorted makes, with an extensive assortment of light goods not usually found in Hardware stores, such as— Hair, dusting, tooth and shaving Brushes; Comb Cleaners; fancy Soaps; metal, lasting, agate and other Buttons; Combs; Pins; Needles; worsted Cords and Tassels; Blacking; Ink; Steel Pens; Straw Whisps; Bird Cages and Nests; Ink Stands; Slates; Slate and Lead Pencils, a great variety; Hooks and Eyes; Fishing Lines and Hooks; Virginia Fish Hooks of superior quality; Shaving Boxes; Shaving Cream; Fancy Boxes; Spittoons; Tea& Coffee Canisters; Sugar Boxes; tin Dressing Boxes; Matches; Suspenders; cot- ton and Manilla Rope; hemp and cotton Twine; Flutes and Violins; Violin Strings of the best quality, and a thousand other articles both fancy and staple, which they offer at wholesale and re- tail upon the best terms. Their motto is, “Small profits and quick sales.” CREIGHTON & McNAIR, While Frame Store, King Street, Alexandria, Va., May 1, 1850. D. a S. BLACKLOCK, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Commission Merchants, (At the Ferry Slip,) ALEXANDRIA, VA., HAVE received direct from New York and other markets, an extensive and well selected stock ol GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, PAINTS, &c. <Scc. all of which have been pur- chased upon the best terms from Importers and Manufacturers, and we feel confident that we can sell to country dealers as low as they can purchase ; the same goods for in any market, and would re- spectfully invite their attention to our stock before they make their spring purchases, as we are deter- mined to sell low for cash or to punctual customers. 50 hluls and bbls N. Orleans, Porto Rico, Cuba and St. Croix Sugar 25 boxes and bbls loaf and crushed do. 20 bbls powdered and clarified do 40 hhds and bbls N. Orleans and P. R. Molasses .lava, Rio, Laguyra and St. Dom. Coflee 20 half chests gunpowder, young hyson and im- perial Tea, part of a very superior qualify 1 5 half chests black Tea, part superior 33 boxes and butts Tobacco, various sizes and qualities 15,000 Principe Segars, of favorite brands 30,000 American do 15 kegs Garrett’s 2d quality Scotch Snuff in bottles 2 bbls do do do in bladders 35 jars scented Rappee Snuff 3 kegs Marlinequc do 25 reams fools cap and letter Paper 80 do wrapping do 40 boxes mould Candles; 25 boxas adamantine do 40 brown and yellow Soap 30 Castile and fancy do z s ks sr* alum ri ** 500 bushels G. I. do 8,000 lbs. hams, shoulders and sides Bacon 10 tierces and bbls sperm, train and paint Oils 10 baskets salad Oil, quarts and pints 100 kegs pure While Lead 10 boxes Chrome Green and Yellow 30 cans Chrome Green, ground in oil; Paris Green, Verdegries, Red Lead, Litharge, Red and Yel- low Ochre, Spanish Brown, Venetian Red, Umber, &c. | 50 doz paint and whitewash Brushes ! 20 doz stove do ' 200 doz Mason’s challenge Blacking 15 doz painted Buckets; 10 doz horse do 3 Half-Bushels !30 Brooms and Whisps (30 Hingham and flour Boxes 75 nests iron and wood bound ware 25 gross Matches in wooden boxes 25 doz “Brooklyn’’ Mustard 5 cans English do also in bottles 5 bags Pepper and Pimento; 3 bags Race Ginger 10 boxes ground Pepper in papers j 5 kegs do Ginger 100 lbs Nutmegs and Mace : 2 cans Cayenne Pepper j 5 boxes do do in bottles I 25 mats Cassia ! 100 lbs Cloves, pure ground Spices, &c. 1 25 boxes Colegate’s Starch : 85 kegs Indigo, Alum and Copperas ! 1 Sup. Curb. Soda for bread 10 Sal. Soda; 16 do Salt Petre ; 5 tierces superior Rice 60 doz Leading Lines and Bed Cords 15 coils grass and hemp Ropes for leading lines | 2000 galls, pure Cider Vinegar, &c. &c. We have also in store a large stock of Wines and Liquors, which wc will warrant to please, con- j sisting, in part, of 40 J and | casks .Maderia, Port Serry, Sicily Ma- i deiru, Lisbon and other Wines, part very old and of a superior quality ;30 baskets Champagne (qts and pts) of favorite- brands 5 bbls Peach Brandy 1 25 bbls Apple do ! 60 bbls “Alleghany” rectified Whiskey 20 “Gibson’s” old Whiskey, superior 15 “old family’’ do of 1843 35 old Monongahela Rye Spirits 50 mountain and other brands of old rye Whiskey, some of which is equal to any in this or any other market. 20 bhls N. E. Rum; 20 bbls country Gin 20 bbls and £ casks American Brandy, 15 bbls Cordial 25 4 and $ casks Cognac Brandies, dark and pale and warranted pure, &c. &c. U. & S. BLACKLOCK. Alexandria, Va., April 24, 1850. - OAAIbs. LARD— Just received and for sale , OUU by [may 8] WM. FERGUSSON. I ¦ ¦ J TJEMP and VANILLA ROPE, assorted sizes, 1 JLI just received and for sale by ! may 20. LEWIS WEEKS DUVALL & IGLEHART, No. 78 Light Street Wharf, , BALTIMORE, j WOULD respectfully call the attention of the ( people of the lower counties to their general assortment of GROCERIES, which they will i sell at vert low prices for cash or to punctual customers. We name, in part, Coffees of all grades, Teas of every variety, Molasses and Syrups of all kinds; Sugars, N. 0., P. Rico, Cuba, clarified, loaf, * crushed, pulverized and powdered ; Spices of all varieties; sperm, adamantine, mould and dipt Can- dies; brown Soaps, Bacon, Fish, Flour, sperm and j common Oils, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars. LIQUORS of all kinds, viz : J. Henessy & Co., Pinet, Castillon & Co., Martell & Co., Otard, Du- ] puy & Co., pale and dark Brandies, various vinta- 5 ges, part very old ; Gin, Scotch ; old rye and com- ] mon Whiskey; some very superior Wines, south ] side Madeira, pale Sherry, Sicily Madeira, Port, Champagne and Claret Wine; Cordials of all kinds, ] some very superior,—together with many other articles not named, all of which we will put at ] such prices as will give satisfaction. All we ask {; is for persons to give our goods and prices a trial; anything not as represented the money will be re- ; turned. We also sell all kinds of Produce. Any busi- ness entrusted to us will be strictly and promptly attended to. i Baltimore, April 24, 1850.—6 m NEW STORE. THE subscriber is now opening at Owensville, Charles County, Md., a large and well select- ed stock of NEW GOODS, comprising all the ' varieties of a well assorted country store, viz: Dry Goods , Groceries , Hardware and Cut- \ lery , Bools and Shoes , Crockery , Sad- dlery, Medicines , Hals and Caps , Sta- tionery, Millinery , Sfc. sc. His stock of DRY GOODS are of the latest ; styles, and embraces nearly every variety for Ladies and Gentlemen’s wear, viz:—in part—Silks, embroidered Muslins, a beautiful assortment of Patterns, plain white goods, plain and satin-striped Barages, Silk Tissues, Linens, Lustres, Alpacas, Moussclines, Lawns, fancy Plaids, Ginghams, Ca- licoes, &c.—also, Cloths, Cassimeres, Linen Dril- lings, Tweeds, &c. Being accustomed to selecting goods for a fash- ionable city trade, he feels assured he understands how to appreciate the tastes of the most fastidious. All persons in want of goods will please give him a call, as he is determined to sell at prices that can- not fail to please. He will sell for cash and all kinds of country produce, rags, &c., and on short lime to punctual dealers. J. H. MONROE. Oweksville, April 24, 1850.—6 m COSTUME HALL, Corner of Pratt st. and Centre Market Space, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. THE Proprietors of the above establishment would respectfully inform the citizens of Carles and the adjoining counties, that he has received from Europe, the Pall and Winter Fashions! Together with a rich assortment of Goods adapted to the coming season, consisting of superfine French, German and English cloths, castor beavers, pilots, and pelitot coating, a new article for oversacks and business coats. Also, a splendid assortment of French and English Cassimeres and Doeskins, of the most desirable styles imported this season. Rich Vestings! Wc have, and are constantly receiving, new styles of vestings, consisting ofplain and figured silk and woollen velvets, figured and striped cashmeres, silks, satins and valcncias, of all shades and colors. Our Custom Work Is cut and made in the best manner—and as regards style and workmanship, is warranted to give entire satisfaction, and at greatly reduced prices. Ready Made Clothing! Persons in want of ready made clothing, arc par- ticularly invited to call and examine our stock be- fore purchasing elsewhere, as we manufacture all qualities of Fashionable Clothing, And our assortment of that article is at all times large, which offers to purchasers a great inducement of procuring an article of a quality which cannot be obtained in any other clothing establishment in the city. We have on hand and arc constantly manufactur- ing Garments of Every Variety, from the best in the most improved styles, for fall and winter wear, consisting ofsurlout, sack and pelitot Overcoats, of all colors, qualities and sizes, from $2 50, 4 50, 1 75, 5 50 and upwards. Boys’ Sack and Overcoats ! A large assortment of boys’ sack and overcoats, 20 per cent, less than the usual prices. Superfine frock and dress coats made from German and French Cloths, in the latest fashion. A large stock of tweed coats, pants and vests. We have a large assortment of Tweed Frocks and Sacks, a new article. Forest sacks, for stormy weather Pantaloons, from suder fronch doeskins. Black and fancy cassimero Pants. Of every variety of shade and color, alsl, 1 50 1 75, 2, 2 50; 3, 3 50 and upwards. Vests, Made from rich velvets, satins, cashmeres and Va jencias, and at all prices. (Jj’Remember the Name and place, corner of Pratt st. & Centre Market Space, nov 21. H. H. COLE. To Clergymen, Postmasters, Teachers of Sabbath Schools, Book Agents, Stu- dents, and Heads of Families. EMPLOYMENT. A GENTS ARE VVANTED to sell Sears’ AND POPULAR TICTORIAI. DESCRIP- TION OF the United States, Treasury of K.NOWKEDGE, PICTORIAL FAMILY ANNUAL, and other useful publications. nun of enterprise and lad, this 'business offers an opportunity for profitable 1 employment seldom to be met with. There is not a town in the Union where a right honest and well disposed person can fail selling from 50 to 200 volumes, according J to the population, j particulars of the principles and {profits of the agency will be given on ap- J plication, either personally or by letter.— 3 The postage must in all cases bo paid.— . Please to add.css ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, j 12R Nassau at , New York )*¦ 10 Im. C. G. WILDMAN, OF the late firm of C. G. Wildman St Co., is now receiving and offers for sale a large and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, all of which have been purchased from importers and large dealers, and upon the most advantageous terms. He therefore feels well assured that he can sell to country dealers as low, if not lower than the same goods can be purchased in any market. Ho most respectfully invites his friends and fonnei customers and all dealers in Dry Goods to call and examine his slock at No. 3, on King, west of Fair- fax street, where may be found, in part, For Ladies* Wear, 10 pieces eup. black and blue-black silks 20 figured and glace do 10 •* Coraline, printed and figured foulard do 10 fancy Colored bar gc 5 sup. metalic do 10 linen do 5 all wool French delaines 15 plain and figured silk and mohair lustres 20 linen and changeable 20 plain, colored and striped do 10 silk and linen poplins 4 silk tissue 5 silk warp and silk finish black lustres 5 embroidered lawns 40 patent Bohemian dress paterns 40 plaid, striped and checked muslins 50 book, Swiss and mull do 50 jackonct and thick cambrics 1000 yards thread Swiss, cambric, bobbin and cot- ton lace edgings 2000 French, British and domestic ginghams 5000 sup. low priced lawns 5000 calicoes, from 6to 12 cents 2000 bonnet and cap ribbons (cheap) 2 pieces fine gauze flannel 50 dozen linen and linen cambrick handkerchiefs 75 kid, silk, lisle-thread and cotton gloves 200 silk and cotton hosiery 20 extra heavy and thin night caps 10 French worked and mourning collars Parasols and parasolets, all colors For Gentlemen’s Wear. 5 pieces sup. twilled black French cloths 10 black, blue, green and brown French and English cloths t 20 black and fancy cassimeres 10 French doulas, a new article 20 fancy summer cloths and tweeds 5 sup. white drillings 10 plaid and striped do 10 plaid and striped linens 20 fancy cottonades; 30 do nankeen 20 repka cord; 3do Wellington do 6 crotin cloth for boys’ wear 6 sup. black satin vestings 20 merino and fancy silk do 30 plain and figured Marseils do 50 Barkley’s, Grey’s and other superior ma- kers’ Irish linens 50 white and colored silk handkershiefs 5 white and fancy colored bossed linen do 6 dozen black and colored sattin and other stocks 5 black and fancy colored si It cravats 2 sup. magic do 5 black and colored kid gloves 20 silk and lisle-thread do 10 shirt collars 50 sup. and common suspenders 10 do do for boys 30 bleached, brown and mixed half hose For Servants’ and Family Use. 10,000 yards 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4. 10-4 and 12-4 bleached shirting and sheeting 15,000 3-4, 7-8, 4-4 and 5-4 brown do 5,000 3-4 and 7-8 heavy and good osnuburga 1,000 No. 1, 2 and 3 linen burlapse 3,000 Penitentiary plaid cottons 2,000 heavy brown twilled do 2,000 shirting stripe 2,000 striped and figured wool and cotton carpetings 300 dozen spool sewings, &c. &c. persons in search of goods at the lowest prices will not forget No. 3, as that is the place to find bargains and save money. U. G. WILDMAN. Alexandria, Va., April 10, 1850. CHARLES H. DRURY, (Hollingsworth street, corner Pratt street, head of the Basin,) BALTIMORE, HAVING completed his establishment, with Foundry connected for making his own cast- ings, is prepared to furnish all varieties of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND CASTINGS , made to pattern of the best material. The following is a list of PLOWS kepi con- stantly on hand:—Davis, of (he different numbers for cast and w rought shares ; S. & M., Chenowith, Wiley, 2 & 3 furrow, No. 0, No. 1 & 2 Hill-side. No. I & 3 Connecticut, Beach improved (or Posey) with common Davis cast share. Self-sharpener or Wrought Share. Cultivators , Wheat Fans , Harrows , <sc. Corn Cultivators, plain and expanding; Tobac- co do.; Wheat Fans; Corn Sheller, with double t hopper; Old Vertical and Virginia Sheller; Har- rows ; superior Pennsylvania-made Grain Cradles; Revolving Horse Rakes; Cylindrical Straw Cutlers. Horse Powers , Threshing Machine , and Grist Mill. 1 Horse power Grist Mills, a very useful and sav- ing article, and coming into general use ; Horse i Power and Threshing Machines—of these 1 need not say anything, as wherever they have been in f use any time they are preferred to all others. Small size Power and Thresher. C. H. Duurt will this year make a smaller size Power and Thresher—price of Power, $100; ’I Thresher, SSO; Band, $10; or, when purchased , together, $ 160. , j Persons in want of Implements made of the very best material, and put together in the strongest and 1 1 best manner, to answer the purpose for which they I arc made, are invited <o call on the subscriber. s C. H. DRURY. ; Baltimore, June 5, 1850. I INSOLVENT’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the Creditors of Joseph Welch, that a personal dischargo i hath been granted to said debtor, and that the third j Monday of July next, being the first day cf our I county court succeeding this date, bath been set apart for the final bearing in bis case, when his creditors may attend and shew cause, if any they have, why a final discharge shall not be granted said - debtor. R. H. MITCHELL, Clerk April 10, ISSO. Charles county court. HATS. —Silk, Guayaquil, Pedal Straw, Soft Fur and Pahnlcaf Hats, for sale by may l - WM BOSWELL St CO

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Page 1: OF WOULD j i j - chroniclingamerica.loc.govundressed linens of superior quality and very eheap, piano and table covers, ladies 1 and gentle-men silk and gauze merino under-vests, Swiss

F. & M. TAYLORXTAVEreceived and are now offering for


DRY GOODS,• large portion of which has been purchas-ed late in the, season, and consequently at

greatly reduced prices. Our stock is verylarge and complete, and we flatter ourselveswill give satisfaction to those who have notyet purchased their summer supply.We have a fine assortment of materials for Viseltes,

&c., such as wide black and changeable silks,lure satins, silk netts, laces, fringes, Sfc.

Fine jaconet lawns, such as sold early in the seasonfor 25, 37 and 50, arc now sold for 16, 23 and 37;a full assortment of other lawns, some as low as8 and 10 cents per yard, of good styles and fastcolors; beautiful organdy lawns for from 12 to16 cents per yard

Bcrage de'Jaines as low as 12 cents; a fine assort-ment of beragos, tissues, metalic tissues at great-ly reduced prices

French monslain, black, bine, apple green. Pinkand corn color; bine, green and pink Frenchginghams; a fine assortment ofother ditto; Frenchchintzes for childrens 1 wear,

Mourning goods in great variety7, such as black

bombazines, black alpacas, silk and cotton warp,either with or without lustre ; black lawns, ging-hams, tissues and berages; also a very fine articleofplain and damask black silk grenadine

In housekeeping materials, our slock is heavy, viz:11-4 and 12-4 Barnsley sheeting, pillow case lin-

ens, damask table napkins, damask tabic linens,toilet covers, Marseilles quilts, cambric dimity,embroidered muslin for curtains, Richardson’sundressed linens of superior quality and veryeheap, piano and table covers, ladies 1 and gentle-men silk and gauze merino under-vests, SwissNansook marlins, jaconet and cambric do; barred,striped and lace do, bleached and brown cotton

sheeting, the best makes of cotton shirtings, whiteand colored French drill.

A very large variety of Hosiery, viz: white, black,slate, embroidered, Sfc. , some very fine lisle threadhose.

A general assortment of pic net, lislo, kid and othergloves.

Bonnet ribbons in large variety, some beautifulwhite corded and watered.

Parasols, some figured and lined, a fine article : dolarge size for plain ladies.

Osnaburgs, blue domestics, pant stuffs, and all othergoods usually kept in our line.

those who have purchases yet to make,we flatter ourselves we can offer them very greatinducements, at least we shall be happy to shewthem our stock. Wo will also name a large lot olcarpeting and floor oil cloths, which we otfer low.

Alexandria, June 26, ISSO.


BY virtue of two decrees ofCharles Coun-ty Court, silting as a Court of Equity,

the undersigned, as Trustee, will sell belore

the Court Mouse door, in Port 'Tobacco, on IMONDAY, the 22d day JULY next, be- |tween the hours of two and five o'clock, thetract of Land inherited by Mary F. Neale;

from her mother Mary C. Neale ; anil also ,that tract of which the late Dr. FrancisNeale died seized— both together constitu-ting the farm upon which the said Dr.!Francis Neale lived and occupied at thelime of his death, called and known as

“¦Goose Creek,” and containing six hun-dred and fifty acres . (650 acres,) more or

less. This Farm has upon it a comfortable :r Dwelling, Barns , Stables and

the necessary out-houses.lt> is well watered, heavilytimbered, and convenient to

navigation. The Land is in a high state ofcultivation and yields abundantly the usualproducts of the county. It lies six miles,from Pori Tobacco, and is convenient to jchurch and mill.

Terms.—Four hundred dollars cash on

the day of sale, or ratification thereof, andthe balance in three equal annual instal-ments, to be secured by bond ami securityto be approved by the Trustee, bearing in-terest from the day of sale. Upon the pay-ment of the whole of the purchase money,the Trustee is authorized to convey to thepurchaser or purchasers the title of the saidMary F. Neale and the late Dr. FrancisNeale to the above dessribed premises, freeand unencumbered of the widow’s dowerinterest. N. STONESTREET,

June 26, 1850. Trustee.The Union will insert the above once a week till

sale, and send bill with certificate of publication tothis office.

TRUSTEE’S SALE OF LAND. |IN pursuance of a decree of Charles Conn-;

ty Court, as a Court of Equity, I willsell at public sale, to the highest bidder, at

the Court House door, in Port Tobacco, on ;TUESDAY, the 23d day of JULY next, |the following tracts or parts of tracts ofLand, to wit: Saturday's Work , FortuneEnlarged , Part of Hawkins Smith's Ford ,'Pail of Fortune's Retreat ,—containing al-together,

286 ACRES,more or less. These Lands w’ere the pro-perty of Richard Mankin, deceased, are |situated in the neighborhood of Allen’s Freshand adjoining the farms of William Nevitt,and Francis II Digges. The soil is of a

superior quality. Any person desiring fur-ther information can examine the Land, orapply to me.

Terms of Sale; Four hundred dollarsof the purchase money will be paid at (he |expiraiion of six months, and the residue ofthe purchase money in three equal biennial.payments of two, four and six years, thepurchaser giving bond with security to beapproved by me, for the payment of the pur-chase money, with interest thereon fromthe day of sale.

sale will lake place between thehours of 2 and 4 o’clock, P. M.

ROBERT S. REEDER,je 19—ts. Trustee.

FRUIT fc CONFECTIONERY. —Just re-ceived and for sale a supply of fresh Oranges,

Figs, Prucns, Raisins, Almonds, Pican and PalmNuts, Currants, Citron, Candy and Kisses; also afine article of French Candies.

may 13. E. W. DAY 8f CO.

C’ITY-MADEBOOTS fe SHOES.—Just.received and for sale Gentlemen’s superior

calf Boots and Shoes, fine articles of Ladies andGaiter Shoes ; also Ladies 1 Morocco

and Kid Slippers and thick soled Shoes,

piay 15. E W DAY Sf CO

NOTICE.IN pursuance of the Proclamation of the-*¦ Governor, and in conformity to the Actof the General Assembly of Maryland, pas-sed at December session, 1849, entitled,

| kt An Act to provide for taking the sense of j| the people upon the expediency of calling !a Convention to frame a new Constitution :

and Form of Government for this Slate, and

I to provide for the election of Delegates to

such Convention ;

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thatan election will be held at the usual placesof holding elections in the several electiondistricts in Charles County on the FirstWednesday (being the 4lh day) of Sep-tember next, for the purpose of choosingfour Delegates to represent said county inthe Convention “to frame a new Constitu-tion anil Form of Government,” which is to

meet at the City of Annapolis on the firstMonday of November, 1850.

J. R. ROBERTSON, Sheriff.June 26, 1850—if.

i _


THE subscriber, as agent for the heirs ofthe late Richard Gardiner, will sell at

public auction, (if not previously disposedof at private sale,) in the town of Port To-

; barco, on TUESDAY, the 16ih day ofJULY next, if fair, if not, the next fair day itheteafler, the Farm of the said deceased,containing

420 ACRES,

more or less. This farm is distant about6 miles from Port Tobacco, in the directionof Middletown. Most of the land is in a

good slate of cultivation, producing kindlyall the staple crops of the county. The

improvements upon the landg | j||A are a Dwelling House and all*iUM l * ie necessary out-houses. A

; further description is deemedunnecessary, as persons wishing to purchasecan view the premises.

Terms of Sale : $,50 cash on the dayof sale; one third of the balance on the IstJanuary 1851, and the residue in payments,of one and two years from day of sale, to

be secured by bond bearing interest fromday of sale. Possession to be given on the ;January 1851.

WM. A. GARDINER,june 26—3 t. Near Biyuntown, Aid,


in JULY COURT (if fair, if not, thenext fair day thereafter,) I will sell at Pub- |lie Sale, at the Court House door, in the !town of Purl Tobacco, to the highest bid- jder, (if not previously disposed of at private 1sale,) the above-named FARM. lying in ;Piccawaxen and bordering immediately on

the Wicomico river. The above properlyis very desirable on account of its beautifullocation and its superior water advantages.It is very healthy,and is abundantly wood-ed. Fish, Oysters, Crabs, &c , and everydescription of Wild Fowl, can be taken withlittle trouble in their season in almost anyabundance. Its convenience to the different -markets; and indeed with a little improve-jmerit, it would make one among the finestFarms in that section of country. Its ad-vantages also are such that it would makea first-rate grazing farm. Its soil is alsopeculiarly adapted to the growth of thethree great staples of our county, Corn,Wheal and Tobacco. This Farm contains ,500 ticre S) more or less.

Perms. — s>2so cash, to be paid on theday of sale; upon the residue of the pur-chase money I willgive a credit of one, two,:three, four and five years, for which bonds!and secuity (to be approved by the sub-;

. scriber) for each instalment, will be requir- 1ed, to bear interest from the Ist day ofJanuary next, at which lime possession willbe given to the purchaser or purchasers ;;and upon payment of the last instalment,the subscriber will execute a good and suf-ficient deed for the land. Tide indisputable.,

person wishing to purchase theabove property at private sale , will please icall on the subscriber; nr communicationsaddressed to me, at Port Tobacco, (postpaid,) willmeet with prompt attention.

11. A. NEALE.May 29, 1850. Is.

The. St. Mary’s Beacon will insert the above 4 1times and send bill to this office.



and Wholesale Dealers in Cloths, Cassi-mercs, Vestings and Tailors'

Trimmings.230 Market St. N. W. Cor. of Charles,



READY-MADE CLOTHINGof Superior Quality. One price only.

(Xjr’Cloth rooms up stairs—Entrance, south end ;of the store, on Charles street,

oct 10—ly.

$l5O REWARDr IMIE subscriber willgive the above men-

-*• tinned reward for the apprehension of

tslave MOSES, so that 1 get himagain. Moses was purchased ofWilson Dent about July last,and ranavvay shortly after thattime. He is supposed to be lurk-

ing about the neighborhood of Allen’s Fresh,

i He is about twenty-eight years of age ; fivefeet, eight inches high ,

stout built ; com-plexion tawny.

WM. H. WILLIAMS.Charles Co. May 8, 1850—tf.

SHERIFFALTY.; TTMIE undersigned respectfully offers himself to

1 JL the Voters of Charles County, as a candidatefor the next Sheriffalty, and solicits their support.

! uct 12—tf. ARTHUR D SMOOT,

NOTICE.r |MIE undersigned Commissioners, ap-

pointed to lay offand assign the widow’sdower in the real estate of James Bailey,

deceased, hereby give notice to all concern-ed, that they will meet on the premises on ,(Thursday, 11th day of July next, and pro- jcecd to execute the duly of their commis- |sion. HENRY R. HARRIS,



June 19, 1850.—4 t.

PROCLAMATON.State of Maryland to wit:

Whereas, Pursuant to the provisions 6Tan act of the General Assembly of Mary-land, passed at the December session there-

of, in the yearofourLord one thousand eighthundred and forty-nine, entitled, “an act to

provide for the taking the sense of the peo-ple upon the expediency of calling a Con-vention to frame a new Constitution andForm of Government for this Stale, and to

provide for the election of Delegates to suchConvention,” an election was held in the jseveral counties, Howard district and the Icity of Baltimore, on the second VVcdnes-;day of May last, for the purpose of ascer-taining the sense of the people as to the ex- jpediency of calling a Convention of Dele-gates to frame a new Constitution and Formof Government for this Stale ; And.whereas,the returns of the number of ballots cast at'said election for and against a Convention Iand blank ballots have been examined andaccurately counted by the persons requiredby the said act to count the same, who have

¦ certified, that upon counting and casting upsaid ballots, it did appear to them that a

i majority of legal voters of the Stale as shown ,by said returns, are in favor of a call of & ;Convention :

Now, Therefore, I, Philip Francis!Thomas, Governor of the Stale of Mary- jland, in obedience to the requirements of;

the said Act of Assembly, do, by this, my jproclamation, order and direct that an elec- !lion be held in the several Counties, Howard |District and the City of Baltimore, on the Ifirst Wednesday of September next, for Dele- jgates to a Convention to frame a new Con-stitution and Form of Government for thisSlate, in such manner and under such regu- }lations as are provided in said act of As- |sembly. |<

Given under my hand and the Great •[seal] Seal of the State of Maryland , at ‘

the City of Annapolis, on tins twelfthday of June, in the year of our Lord one tthousand eight hundred and fifty. i

PHILIP F. THOMAS, Governor. iJohn N. Watkins, Secretary of State,

jy3 3t. j;

REMOVED! REMOVED!! j.\ \ 7"E ha' c now taken the Store formerly occu-j ’

THE FERRY SLIP, ALEXANDRIA, VA.,where wc shall be happy to sec our old customers

ami friends generally from Maryland. Wc havejust laid in a large supply of

Groceries, Liquors, Ac.,consisting, in part, of the following articles, viz ;

75 bags Java, Laguyra, Rio Coffee,25 hhds Port Rico and New Orleans Sugar25 hhds and bbls New Orleans Molasses20 half-chests G. P., Imp. Black and Y. H. Teas100 bids Kush Run, Monongahela Rye Whiskey200 bbls common and rectified do15 casks and | casks French, Peach, and Domestic

Brandies10 casks Port, Maderia and sweet Wines10 casks Holland and domestic Gin400 socks fine, and ground alum Salt

| 10.000 llis middling and shoulder Bacon100 boxes sperm, adamantine and mould Gandies100 boxes variegated, Castile, yellow and brown

Soap25 bbls and kegs No. 1 Lard

| 2000 lbs, loaf and crushed Sugar10000 Principe and Havana Cigars.

Also. Powder and Shot, Dye-Stuffs,Spices, Win-dow-Glass, Putty, Starch, Rice, &c., &c., all of Iwhich we will sell on the most accommodating i

:terms for cash, or to punctual customers on time. IQj’We will pay the greatest attention to the |

(SALE of all kinds of PRODUCE, as agents, and; warrant to get the highest market prices for thesame. LANCASTER & GARDINER.

Alexandria, Va., June 19, 1850.


NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors ofWilliam J- Stewart, that a personal dis-

-1 charge hath been granted to said debtor, and that Ithe third Monday of July next, being the first iday ofour county court succeeding this date, hath |been set apart for the final bearing in his case, when iIds creditors may attend and shew cause, if any |they have why a final discharge shall not be grant- ied said debtor. R. H. MITCHELL, Clerk j

February 27, 1850. Charles County Court, tINSOLVENT’S NOTICE.

I^TOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors ofJ_ i Francis L. Goodrich, that a personal dis- jcharge hath been granted to said debtor, and that thethird Monday’ ofJuly next, being the first day ofour icounty court succeeding this date, hath been set japart for the final hearing- in his case, when bis !creditors may attend and shew cause, if any theyhave why a final discharge shall not be granted said |debtor. R. H. MITCHELL, Clerk !

April 10, 1850. Charles county court, j


| r IMIE subscriber wishes to purchase any :! number of likely NEGROES for the,New Oileans and Georgia markets. Persons

I having negroes for sale will find it to their(advantage to call on me before disposingjof them, as lam at all times in market. 1will give more money for negroes than anyone now in market or may come in here-

i after.| Communications addressed to me at Pis-cataway, Md., or at Washington, D. C, w illmeet with prompt attention.

G. VV. BRANDI’,Agent for Wm. 11. Williams.

may 22—3m.

Pailllslllffs, Glass, Ac.—Linseed Oil,Litharge, Chrome Green and Yellow, Spanish

jBrown, White Lead, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 Glass,l Putty. WM BOSWELL & CO.1 may 3


'T'HE subscribers would respectfully inform IhoA citizens of Charles and the adjacent counties, -

that they arc receiving a large and well selectedstock of goods in their line, embracing every articlerequisite for Builders, of the very best quality, of ‘improved styles and at prices that cannot fail toplease. Their stock of Shovels, Spades, 4-prong ]Forks, Hay Forks, &c., are very desirable, being .made ol the finest cast steel and finished in thebest manner. They keep all sorts of Carpenters’ *'Pools, such as—Planes; Saws, very superior; Bench Axes; Hatchets; *

Augers, best quality; Auger Bits; Adzes; Braces (&Bits; Bench Hammers, &c. &c.

Amongst their stock also will be found cast steelmill and cross-cut Saws; American do do; Ame-cican pitt and other do; Log, Cart, Trace, Halter, jDog and other Chains; ivory Knives with plated ,Forks; Table, Pen and Pocket Cutlery of all ‘grades; Razors from 12 1-2 cts. to $1 each; Scis- |sors and Shears of all qualities; well and cistern ‘Pumps; Lead Pipe; Wove Wire of assorted ,widths; Cast Steel in bars; American Blister jSteel; Files; shoe and horse Rasps; handsawFiles; woof. Rasps; wood Files; warding and oth- Jer Files; Scales to weigh from 1-2 ounce to 240pounds; patent Balances; Steelyards; CounterScales; Shovels and Tongs, fine quality and com-mon; Pols, Ovens, Skillets, Griddles and all oth-er castings; Plough Castings and Screws of as-sorted makes, with an extensive assortment oflight goods not usually found in Hardware stores,such as—

Hair, dusting, tooth and shaving Brushes; CombCleaners; fancy Soaps; metal, lasting, agate andother Buttons; Combs; Pins; Needles; worstedCords and Tassels; Blacking; Ink; Steel Pens;Straw Whisps; Bird Cages and Nests; InkStands; Slates; Slate and Lead Pencils, a greatvariety; Hooks and Eyes; Fishing Lines andHooks; Virginia Fish Hooks of superior quality;Shaving Boxes; Shaving Cream; Fancy Boxes;Spittoons; Tea& Coffee Canisters; Sugar Boxes;tin Dressing Boxes; Matches; Suspenders; cot-ton and Manilla Rope; hemp and cotton Twine;Flutes and Violins; Violin Strings of the bestquality, and a thousand other articles both fancyand staple, which they offer at wholesale and re-tail upon the best terms. Their motto is, “Smallprofits and quick sales.”

CREIGHTON & McNAIR,While Frame Store, King Street,

Alexandria, Va., May 1, 1850.

D. a S. BLACKLOCK,Wholesale and Retail Grocers and

Commission Merchants,(At the Ferry Slip,)


HAVE received direct from New York andother markets, an extensive and well selected

stock ol GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS,PAINTS, &c. <Scc. all of which have been pur-chased upon the best terms from Importers andManufacturers, and we feel confident that we cansell to country dealers as low as they can purchase ;the same goods for in any market, and would re-spectfully invite their attention to our stock beforethey make their spring purchases, as we are deter-mined to sell low for cash or to punctual customers.50 hluls and bbls N. Orleans, Porto Rico, Cuba and

St. Croix Sugar25 boxes and bbls loaf and crushed do.20 bbls powdered and clarified do40 hhds and bbls N. Orleans and P. R. Molasses.lava, Rio, Laguyra and St. Dom. Coflee20 half chests gunpowder, young hyson and im-

perial Tea, part of a very superior qualify1 5 half chests black Tea, part superior

33 boxes and butts Tobacco, various sizes andqualities

15,000 Principe Segars, of favorite brands30,000 American do15 kegs Garrett’s 2d quality Scotch Snuff in bottles2 bbls do do do in bladders35 jars scented Rappee Snuff3 kegs Marlinequc do25 reams fools cap and letter Paper80 do wrapping do40 boxes mould Candles; 25 boxas adamantine do40 “ brown and yellow Soap30 “ Castile and fancy do

z s“ks sr* alum ri **

500 bushels G. I. do8,000 lbs. hams, shoulders and sides Bacon10 tierces and bbls sperm, train and paint Oils10 baskets salad Oil, quarts and pints100 kegs pure While Lead10 boxes Chrome Green and Yellow

30 cans Chrome Green, ground in oil; Paris Green,Verdegries, Red Lead, Litharge, Red and Yel-low Ochre, Spanish Brown, Venetian Red,Umber, &c.

| 50 doz paint and whitewash Brushes! 20 doz stove do

' 200 doz Mason’s challenge Blacking15 doz painted Buckets; 10 doz horse do

3 “ Half-Bushels!30 “ Brooms and Whisps(30 “ Hingham and flour Boxes75 nests iron and wood bound ware25 gross Matches in wooden boxes25 doz “Brooklyn’’Mustard5 cans English do also in bottles5 bags Pepper and Pimento; 3 bags Race Ginger10 boxes ground Pepper in papers

j 5 kegs do Ginger100 lbs Nutmegs and Mace

: 2 cans Cayenne Pepperj 5 boxes do do in bottles

I 25 mats Cassia! 100 lbs Cloves, pure ground Spices, &c.

1 25 boxes Colegate’s Starch: 85 kegs Indigo, Alum and Copperas

! 1 “ Sup. Curb. Soda for bread10 “ Sal. Soda; 16 do Salt Petre

; 5 tierces superior Rice60 doz Leading Lines and Bed Cords15 coils grass and hemp Ropes for leading lines

| 2000 galls, pure Cider Vinegar, &c. &c.We have also in store a large stock of Wines

and Liquors, which wc willwarrant to please, con-

j sisting, in part, of• 40 J and | casks .Maderia, Port Serry, Sicily Ma-i deiru, Lisbon and other Wines, part very old

and of a superior quality;30 baskets Champagne (qts and pts) of favorite-

brands5 bbls Peach Brandy

125 bbls Apple do! 60 bbls “Alleghany”rectified Whiskey20 “ “Gibson’s” old Whiskey, superior15 “ “old family’’ do of 184335 “ old Monongahela Rye Spirits50 “ mountain and other brands of old rye

Whiskey, some of which is equal to any inthis or any other market.

20 bhls N. E. Rum; 20 bbls country Gin20 bbls and £ casks American Brandy,15 bbls Cordial25 4 and $ casks Cognac Brandies, dark and pale

and warranted pure, &c. &c.U. & S. BLACKLOCK.

Alexandria, Va., April 24, 1850.

- OAAIbs. LARD—Just received and for sale, OUU by [may 8] WM. FERGUSSON.

I ¦ ¦

J TJEMP and VANILLA ROPE, assorted sizes,

1 JLI just received and for sale by! may 20. LEWIS WEEKS

DUVALL & IGLEHART,No. 78 Light Street Wharf, ,


WOULD respectfully call the attention of the (people of the lower counties to their generalassortment of GROCERIES, which they will isell at vert low prices for cash or to punctualcustomers. We name, in part, Coffees of all grades,Teas of every variety, Molasses and Syrups of allkinds; Sugars, N. 0., P. Rico, Cuba, clarified, loaf, *crushed, pulverized and powdered ; Spices of allvarieties; sperm, adamantine, mould and dipt Can-dies; brown Soaps, Bacon, Fish, Flour, sperm and jcommon Oils, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars.

LIQUORS of all kinds, viz : J. Henessy & Co.,Pinet, Castillon & Co., Martell & Co., Otard, Du- ]puy & Co., pale and dark Brandies, various vinta- 5ges, part very old ; Gin, Scotch ; old rye and com- ]mon Whiskey; some very superior Wines, south ]side Madeira, pale Sherry, Sicily Madeira, Port,Champagne and Claret Wine; Cordials of all kinds, ]some very superior,—together with many otherarticles not named, all of which we will put at ]such prices as will give satisfaction. All we ask {;is for persons to give our goods and prices a trial; •anything not as represented the money will be re- ;turned.

We also sell all kinds of Produce. Any busi-ness entrusted to us will be strictly and promptlyattended to. i

Baltimore, April 24, 1850.—6 mNEW STORE.

THE subscriber is now opening at Owensville,Charles County, Md., a large and well select-

ed stock of NEW GOODS, comprising all the 'varieties of a well assorted country store, viz:

Dry Goods , Groceries , Hardware and Cut- \lery , Bools and Shoes , Crockery , Sad-dlery, Medicines , Hals and Caps , Sta-tionery, Millinery, Sfc. sc.His stock of DRY GOODS are of the latest ;

styles, and embraces nearly every variety forLadies and Gentlemen’s wear, viz:—in part—Silks,embroidered Muslins, a beautiful assortment ofPatterns, plain white goods, plain and satin-stripedBarages, Silk Tissues, Linens, Lustres, Alpacas,Moussclines, Lawns, fancy Plaids, Ginghams, Ca-licoes, &c.—also, Cloths, Cassimeres, Linen Dril-lings, Tweeds, &c.

Being accustomed to selecting goods for a fash-ionable city trade, he feels assured he understandshow to appreciate the tastes of the most fastidious.

All persons in want of goods willplease give hima call, as he is determined to sell at prices that can-not fail to please. He will sell for cash and allkinds of country produce, rags, &c., and on shortlime to punctual dealers.

J. H. MONROE.Oweksville, April 24, 1850.—6 m

COSTUME HALL,Corner of Pratt st. and Centre Market Space,


THE Proprietors of the above establishmentwould respectfully inform the citizens of Carles

and the adjoining counties, that he has receivedfrom Europe, the

Pall and Winter Fashions!Together with a rich assortment of Goods adaptedto the coming season, consisting ofsuperfine French,German and English cloths, castor beavers, pilots,and pelitot coating, a new article for oversacksand business coats. Also, a splendid assortment ofFrench and English

Cassimeres and Doeskins,of the most desirable styles imported this season.

Rich Vestings!Wc have, and are constantly receiving, new stylesof vestings, consisting ofplain and figured silk andwoollen velvets, figured and striped cashmeres,silks, satins and valcncias, of all shades and colors.

Our Custom WorkIs cut and made in the best manner—and as regardsstyle and workmanship, is warranted to give entiresatisfaction, and at greatly reduced prices.

Ready Made Clothing!Persons in want of ready made clothing, arc par-

ticularly invited to call and examine our stock be-fore purchasing elsewhere, as we manufacture allqualities of

Fashionable Clothing,And our assortment of that article is at all timeslarge, which offers to purchasers a great inducementof procuring an article ofa quality which cannot beobtained in any other clothing establishment in thecity.

We have on hand and arc constantly manufactur-ing

Garments of Every Variety,from the best in the most improved styles,for fall and winter wear, consisting ofsurlout, sackand pelitot

Overcoats,ofall colors, qualities and sizes, from $2 50, 4 50,1 75, 5 50 and upwards.

Boys’ Sack and Overcoats !

A large assortment of boys’ sack and overcoats, 20per cent, less than the usual prices.

Superfine frock and dress coats made from

German and French Cloths,in the latest fashion.

A large stock oftweed coats, pants and vests. —

We have a large assortment of

Tweed Frocks and Sacks,a new article. Forest sacks, for stormy weather

Pantaloons,from suder fronch doeskins.

Black and fancy cassimeroPants.

Of every variety ofshade and color, alsl, 1 501 75, 2, 2 50; 3, 3 50 and upwards.

Vests,Made from rich velvets, satins, cashmeres and Vajencias, and at all prices.

(Jj’Remember the Name and place, corner ofPratt st. & Centre Market Space,

nov 21. H. H. COLE.

To Clergymen, Postmasters, Teachers ofSabbath Schools, Book Agents, Stu-

dents, and Heads of Families.EMPLOYMENT.


TION OF the United States, Treasury of

K.NOWKEDGE, PICTORIAL FAMILY ANNUAL,and other useful publications.

nun of enterprise and lad, this'business offers an opportunity for profitable

1 employment seldom to be met with. Thereis not a town in the Union where a righthonest and well disposed person can failselling from 50 to 200 volumes, according

J to the population,j particulars of the principles and{profits of the agency will be given on ap-

J plication, either personally or by letter.—

3 The postage must in all cases bo paid.—. Please to add.css

ROBERT SEARS, Publisher,j 12R Nassau at , New York

)*¦ 10 Im.


OF the late firm of C. G. Wildman St Co., isnow receiving and offers for sale a large and

well selected stock ofSPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS,

all of which have been purchased from importersand large dealers, and upon the most advantageousterms. He therefore feels well assured that he cansell to country dealers as low, ifnot lower than thesame goods can be purchased in any market. Homost respectfully invites his friends and fonneicustomers and all dealers in Dry Goods to call andexamine his slock at No. 3, on King, west of Fair-fax street, where may be found, in part,

For Ladies* Wear,10 pieces eup. black and blue-black silks

20 “ figured and glace do

10 •* Coraline, printed and figured foulard do

10 “ fancy Colored bar gc5 “ sup. metalic do

10 “ linen do5 “ all wool French delaines

15 “ plain and figured silk and mohair lustres20 “ linen and changeable20 “ plain, colored and striped do10 “ silk and linen poplins4 “ silk tissue5 “ silk warp and silk finish black lustres5 “ embroidered lawns

40 “ patent Bohemian dress paterns40 “ plaid, striped and checked muslins50 “ book, Swiss and mull do50 “ jackonct and thick cambrics1000 yards thread Swiss, cambric, bobbin and cot-

ton lace edgings2000 “ French, British and domestic ginghams5000 “ sup. low priced lawns5000 “ calicoes, from 6to 12 cents2000 “ bonnet and cap ribbons (cheap)2 pieces fine gauze flannel50 dozen linen and linen cambrick handkerchiefs75 “ kid, silk, lisle-thread and cotton gloves200 “ silk and cotton hosiery20 “ extra heavy and thin night caps10 “ French worked and mourning collars

Parasols and parasolets, all colors

For Gentlemen’s Wear.5 pieces sup. twilled black French cloths

10 “ black, blue, green and brown French andEnglish cloths

t20 “ black and fancy cassimeres10 “ French doulas, a new article20 “ fancy summer cloths and tweeds

5 “ sup. white drillings10 “ plaid and striped do10 “ plaid and striped linens

20 “ fancy cottonades; 30 do nankeen20 “ repka cord; 3do Wellington do

6 “ crotin cloth for boys’ wear6 “ sup. black satin vestings

20 “ merino and fancy silk do30 “ plain and figured Marseils do50 “ Barkley’s, Grey’s and other superior ma-

kers’ Irish linens50 “ white and colored silk handkershiefs

5 “ white and fancy colored bossed linen do6 dozen black and colored sattin and other stocks5 “ black and fancy colored si It cravats

2 “ sup. magic do5 “ black and colored kid gloves

20 “ silk and lisle-thread do10 “ shirt collars50 “ sup. and common suspenders10 “ do do for boys30 “ bleached, brown and mixed half hose

For Servants’ and Family Use.10,000 yards 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4. 10-4 and 12-4

bleached shirting and sheeting15,000 “ 3-4, 7-8, 4-4 and 5-4 brown do5,000 “ 3-4 and 7-8 heavy and good osnuburga

1,000“ No. 1, 2 and 3 linen burlapse

3,000 “ Penitentiary plaid cottons

2,000 “ heavy brown twilled do2,000 “ shirting stripe2,000 “ striped and figured wool and cotton

carpetings300 dozen spool sewings, &c. &c.

persons in search of goods at the lowestprices will not forget No. 3, as that is the place to

find bargains and save money.U. G. WILDMAN.

Alexandria, Va., April 10, 1850.

CHARLES H. DRURY,(Hollingsworth street, corner Pratt street, head of

the Basin,)BALTIMORE,

HAVING completed his establishment, withFoundry connected for making his own cast-

ings, is prepared to furnish all varieties of


made to pattern of the best material.The following is a list of PLOWS kepi con-

stantly on hand:—Davis, of (he different numbersfor cast and w rought shares ; S. & M., Chenowith,Wiley, 2 & 3 furrow, No. 0, No. 1 & 2 Hill-side.No. I & 3 Connecticut, Beach improved (or Posey)with common Davis cast share. Self-sharpener or

Wrought Share.

Cultivators ,Wheat Fans , Harrows , <sc.

Corn Cultivators, plain and expanding; Tobac-co do.; Wheat Fans; Corn Sheller, with double

t hopper; Old Vertical and Virginia Sheller; Har-rows ; superior Pennsylvania-made Grain Cradles;Revolving Horse Rakes; Cylindrical Straw Cutlers.

Horse Powers , Threshing Machine ,and

Grist Mill.

1 Horse power Grist Mills, a very useful and sav-

ing article, and coming into general use ; Horse

i Power and Threshing Machines—of these 1 neednot say anything, as wherever they have been in

f use any time they are preferred to all others.Small size Power and Thresher.

C. H. Duurt will this year make a smallersize Power and Thresher—price of Power, $100;

’IThresher, SSO; Band, $10; or, when purchased, together, $ 160.

, j Persons in want of Implements made of the verybest material, and put together in the strongest and

1 1 best manner, to answer the purpose for which theyI arc made, are invited <o call on the subscriber.

s C. H. DRURY.; Baltimore, June 5, 1850.


Notice is hereby given to the Creditors ofJoseph Welch, that a personal dischargo

• i hath been granted to said debtor, and that the thirdj Monday of July next, being the first day cf our

I county court succeeding this date, bath been setapart for the final bearing in bis case, when hiscreditors may attend and shew cause, if any theyhave, why a final discharge shall not be granted said

- debtor. R. H. MITCHELL, ClerkApril 10, ISSO. Charles county court.

HATS. —Silk, Guayaquil, Pedal Straw, SoftFur and Pahnlcaf Hats, for sale by

may l - WM BOSWELL St CO