of the red river baptist association

Seventy-Second Annual Session OF THE RED RIVER BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 1920 HELD WITH THE EMMETT CHURCH, Clark County, Arkansas, October 8-9-10, 1929

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Seventy-Second Annual Session





Clark County, Arkansas,

October 8-9-10, 1929


Report of the Seventy-second Session of the

Red River Baptist Association The Seventy-Second Session of the Red River Baptist As·

sociation was called to order by our Moderator, P. T. Dunlap. Bro. Smart read part of 43rd chapter of Isaiah. Prayer by Bro. Forbes. Another song. Then Bro. Walters preached tlie in­troductory sermon. reading the 6th chapter of Isaiah. Theme. "God's Call to Heroic Service." Session closed for noon.

Afternoon the Association came together by singing; Mod­erator called for Association Letters. J. M. Thomn, W. A. Forbes and C. G. Elliott appointed to read letters.

Churches and Messengers. Arkadelphia-H. L. Winburn, J. D. Bledsoe, H. J. P.

Horne. Shiloh- Represented by Letter. Okolona- Represented by Letter. Beirne- J. C. "Ballentine, J. R. Culp. Southfork- S. K. Huffman. G. H. Wells. Beech s•reet- A. W. King. Mrs. J. M. Melburn. Sweet Hill-E. H. Acuff, T. R. Saunders. F.mmett- Mrs. J. M. Thomas, W. A. Callaway. Bouahton- E. Delau~hter. Sidnev Frombey, W. L. Britt. Pre!Ocott- W. A. Forbes, C. P. Walters, Dr. Hesley. WheE.>l~n-W. E. Phillips. Mrs. W. E. Phillips. E. Wood. S.ycamnre Grove- .T. H. Smart, W. M. Sublet. DeGray- A. C. Terrell. Plea~ant Hill-Sidney Smith. Ruby Dell Langley. Richwoodo;-R. S. Brown, W. T. Hollingshead, J. M. Neal. Harmony- R. M. Cagle. Mt. TJcthel- J . F.. Armstrong, Thelma Bishop, S. M. Craw-

ford. Unifv-.T:tlT'P~ Mf.dlnck. T. A. Horne. Lakeview- J. W. Webh. D. C. Smith, Green Wilson. Mis~ioniP'Y Hrove-:-L. 0. Harris. E. J'. Wingfield. The lp~fers beinll nnisbed the clerk called the roll and the

"Uoilernt -,r dP<'l""eci the hody ready for organization. NomiTJatirms for Moderator-W. P. Walters, P. T. Dunlop,


2 Red River Baptist Association

Clerk-J. D. Bledsoe. P. T. Dunlop was elected Moderator and J. D. Bledsoe, Clerk.

Visiting brethren wf're recognized-Bro. Lile from Pu­laski County; Bro. Dorris from Orphans Home, Monticello; Miss Una Roberts. representing State Work for Women; Bro. Dorris spoke on Orphans Work. Bro. Lile on Christian Edu­cation; Bro. Compere spoke on Baptist Advance. Motion to adjourn until 7:00 o'clock.

Friday Night Session. The Association came together by singing and prayer,

Brother Forbes being recognized by the Moderator, read the report of lhe Associational Board. It is· as follows:

Report of Missionary Board. Report of Missionary Board of Red River Association,

1919-1!l20: First of November your Board employed Bro. D. P. Cagle f,1r the £'nsuing year on a salary of !!!125.00 per mont'l He workc·rl nin£' rno'ltho; and resi~rned July 1st. The amount of labor ll<l heo;t we cotJld find f\Ut from him is. he prea<'hed RO times. kPPnin~t np the services at Antoine. GerliCield. De· light and othPr nlRces. 'IS Cttrtis. C.nrdon. C.raysonht. Camps and Blaclr Rr:>n"h. One Stmrlay Scho"l orttanized and one Pasior spr·nred in a p~storless church. Afier Bro. Cagle re­sittned Rro~. Horne Fllictt and Forbes did some free work to heln thP wnrk alonJt. The Missionary has been hindered hy these f:;cts. The order of· this Association made at Beth­lehem that the Miso;ionary go only to destitute places, and pastorless chur<'hes. He also t11rned aside from his regular work to Pid in the 7!l Million Drive. This created some fric· tif"'n . However the board was not responsible for this.

lResoectfHIIv suhmitted-P. T. Dunlop. H. J. P. Horne, Charles G. Eliott. J. M. Thomas. J. D. Bledsoe. James Med­lock. W. A. Forbes.

Brother Forbes read the report on Associational Mis­sions. It reads as follows:

Report on Associational Missions. There have been but very few conversions reported in

the past two years by our Missionary. There bas been but little co-operation given our Missionary. In view of these conditions, we submit the following recommendations:

1st. The election of a strong man as M~ssionary to lead


Red River Baptist Association 3

us in our work, and that he be paid a living salary, and be furnisher] with a means of conveyance.

2nd. That a sufficient per cent of our 75 Million Fund be deducted to enable U'i to care for our Associational Mis­sion work, and that we be given credit for same by our State Secretary, and asking whatever aid from the State Board needed to carry on our work.

3rd. That our Missionary represent all our organized work:

Report of Treasurer.

Expenditures. Balance on note and interest from last year .•...... $ 96.02

1.00 93.41 10.40

Mailin~ Minutes ......... - .......•.....•.....•.••... Minutes Fund ..................................... . H. F. Mission .............•.....•................... D. P. Cagle ....................................... . May 6th. paid bank ...........................•.... September 20th. paid bank ......................... . May 6th. paid bank ...........................•.... Interest on note ..............................•.....

1.266.15 58.00 90.00 14.00 28.03


Balance ................................ $

Receipts (),.tnher 1:\. Cash for Association .................... $ DP('f'mher 10. Horrowecl Money ................... . n .. ,.emher 10. Arlcpflplnhia First Church •........... O('tober 13. Cash Collection at Association ......... . (),.toher 1;\. Cash . .T. T. CaJ{Ie ....................... . Octr-ber 24. Shiloh. Cash .......................... .. OrtohPr ?! Holl~rwood. Cash ..................... . (),.tnh<>r 2A. 1\ft. Olive. Cash ....................... . February 2. MissiC'nary ........................... . Fl'hrMry 2. Unity Church ........................ .. Ff'hrnarv !i, Svcamore Church ..................... . F!"hrttarv. 5. P. T. DunlOp ......................... . Ff'hrmiry 5. Harmony Church ..................... . Ff'hrnary 5. Cash. Mt. Bethel Church ............. .


206.50 250.00 101.!i0

36.65 5.00 3.50 1.00 3.!i0

36.76 15.00 27.14 1.60 3.30 7~'l0


4 Red River Baptist Association

February 28, Prescott Church ••..•.......•..•.....• March 3, Note on bank ...•.....•...........•......

Orphanage October S, Texarkano~ Col. ....•..•....•........•.. October 3. Monticello Col. ................... ·~ .... . October 3, Home Mission ....•...•....•.•.....•.... October 3, Foreign Mission ...................... .. October 3. State Mission ...•.•....•................. October 3. Minute Fund ...•..............•.......•• October :1. Minute Fund .......................... .. March 3, Cash, E. P. Aldridge ..................... . March 8. Cash. Beech Street Church ............... . March 12. Sycamore Church ...................... .. March 1tl. DeGray Church ....................... . March 17. Arkadelphia First Church ............ . April 9, Arkadelphia First Church .... • ....•...... April 9. Deli~ht Church ........................... . Anril 20. F.mmett Church ......................... . Anril 22. TTnlty 'Church .......................... .. .4tnri1 24. Mt. Rethel Church ....................... . Anril ?.4. Mt. Olive ChurC'h ......................... . May 10. c~u~h. Arbdelnhia First Church ......... . June 9. Gash, Arkadelohia First Church .......•..•. May 10. Sweet Hill Church ...................... .. July 8. Borrowed money ....•....•................ .Tuly 12. F.mmett Church .......................... .. .TnJy 12. Beech Street Church ..................... . September 1. Unity Church ....................... . September 1. Mt. Bethel Church ................... .

50.00 250.00

14.00 13.00 5.20 5.20

12.60 32.25 2.00

29.16 25.00 3.50

11.17 58.32 29.16

6.00 35.00 15.00 14.55 5.50

29.16 29.16 78.00 66.70 25.00 50.00 15.00 14.00

Ry CAsh from Mt. Bo'fhel .. : . ....................... . 4.00 32.50 16.00 21.25

'Ry Cash from BouJ{hton .......................... .. Ry Cash from Mt. Olive ...•........................ By Cash from Shiloh ............................. .

October 10, 1920, balance



$404.70 less $45.32 stilt due bank .................... $ 359.3R

Ren'lrt of C. G. F.lliott meetinll at Curtis: Worked 14 days. preached 22 sermons. received into the church two. by ban· tism. one by statement. two by letter. anrl ten under w<~t,.h


Red River Baptist Association 5

care of the churcll; collected $10.50 for State Missions; or­ganized a Sunday School with 35 enrollment. Respectfully submitted. C. G. Elliott.

Report of Bro. Horne: Preached 33 times ana visited several churches in the Association. Respectfully submitted, H. J.P. Horne.

Motion to adjourn until Satur~ay 9 o'clock.

Saturday Mornin£ Session. The Association came together by singing and prayer led

by Bro. Elliott. The report on Christian Education was read by Bro. Smart. Discussed by Smart, Horne, Forbes, Walters and othe,.. Report adopted and is as follows:

Report on Christian Education. The day has past when our peeple need to seek an op­

portunity to educate. The opportunities are here. We have our free ~chool system and our state schools.

But tbe training that is most vital to Baptists is the train­ing received in our Baptist Schools. Therefore, we recom­mend to our Baptist folks the Baptist Schools .of our state. And whenever possible we should patronize and support them. J. H. Smart, J. W. Webb, Committee.

Report on Foreign Missions.

Therc.>port of Foreign Missions was read by Bro. Forbes, and discussed by Miss Una Roberts and others. Report was adopted. It reads thus:

The Baptists are doing mission work in Af·riea, Italy, China, Japan, South America and Mexico and Rownania. To the sever:ll fields this year has been sent 100 men and women. Several of the F. M. Board of the S. B. Convention are on a tour of our several mission fields. Four families and trained nurses and single women have been sent to Africa. Four families and several single persons have been sent to South America. Seven families, one woman doctor and one man doc­tor and several single women have gone to Central China. Four families, three doctors and several single women went to interior China.

Thirteen families, several nurses and many single wom­en have gone to North China. Eight families, two teachers, three doctors and several single women went to South China.


6 Red River Baptist Association

Five families, three teachers and single women went to Ja­pan. For all the fields 197 missionaries, $308,250. For need­ed property, $1,872.750. For annual maintenance, $2,000,000. In all is needed $4,181,000. W. A. Forbes, Jas. Medl~k.

Report on Uterature. Report on Literature read by Bro. Forbes. Discussed by

Bro. Forhes and adopted. It reads: The religious and all other good papers are means of

propagati:lg knowledge. The printed page and the public platform .1re the chief vehicles of civilization.

For Baptists in this state the Bible, the AdvaMe, the Ar­kansas Bnptist, Home Field and other good papers, are re­commended. W. A. Forbes, Green Wilson.

Report on Obituaries. The report on- Obituaries was read by Bro. Huffman and

adopted. This report occupied a special page for our dead. We, your committee on Obituaries, report the following:

Those who have died since the meeting of the last Asso-ciation:

Arkadelphia-Mrs. R. G. Edwards. !Beirne-Mrs. S. C. Shaver. Boughton-Mr. J. M. Morrow. DeG1·ay-Miss Eula Dell Pieree. Hollywood-Mrs. Mattie Ray, Mrs. Margaret Ballew. Lakeview--Hugh MeCalvin. Mission and Grove-Mrs. Roxie Harnard. Pleasant Hill-Wilmer P. Norton, J. B. Langley. Riehwoods-Henry Evans. Shiloh-A. F. Wells. Sycamore Grove-Mrs. Harriet Burch.

Report of Sunday School Committee

The Committee on Sunday Schools reported, read by Bro. Horne. Motion to adopt report. The .report follows:

We, }our Committee on Sunday Schools, beg leave to make th~ following report: God commanded that we gather the men, 'Vomen and children together, and the stranger with­in the gates to learn and fear the Lord our God, that we search the Scripture and meditate on His law day and night.


Red River Baptist Association 7

We therefore recommend: 1s't-That each church member be a membet· of the Sunday School. 2nd-That each Sunday School have a home department giving equal opportunity to each member for self-development. Signed, H. J. P. Horne.

Motion to adjourn to 1:30 Saturday afternoon.

Saturday Afternoon Session. Orphans Home read by Bro. E. H. Acuff. Motion carried

to adopt. We. your Committee on Orphans Home Work, beg hiave

to make the following report: There are two Baptist Orphan Homes in the State. One at Monticello under the leadership of Bro. W. F. Dorris. wh'ich has at present about 61 children, and the other at Texarkana under the direction of Bro. T. H. Carter, which has between 25 and 30 children. This orphan­age work is very dear to us, and we should be very enthu­siastic a•bout it, In this work we to a certain extent become mothers to the motherless, and fathers to the fatherless. Let's remember them in much prayer and support the worx with our mea.J'\, E. H. Acuff, J. C. Ballenline, Bro. Hol1ingshead.

Report on Nominations ·Repc>l't on Nominations was read by Bro. J. H. Smart and

adopted. Following is the report: We recommend that the next session of the Red

River Association be held with the Missionary Grove Church, Nevada County, and that Bro. Sidney Smith preach the intro­ductory •H•rmon; W. A. Forbes, ·alternate. E. Wood, J. H. Smart W. T. ~ollingshead.

Report on Temperance

Report on Temperance read by Bro. Forbes. Spoken to by Bros. Webb, Thomas, King and others. The report was adopted.

These one-two parties in this country-liquor and anti­liquor. fhis question has been made a political question for years. The passage of the Constitutional amendment exclud­ing liquo1· from the U. S. was a God send and the result in many ways of the W. C. T. U., and also one of the benefits growing out of the war.


8 Red River Baptist Association

The Jiqpor question has behind it vast sums of money in both political parties of the present presidential campaign.

We would recommend the exclusion from our church every pe!·son who would frequently drink or sell or encour­age its u~e or manufacture the same. Every one of us should stand by the Volstead Act---by no means vote for any candi­date for office who is on the whiskey side. A. W. King, S. M. Crawford. J. W. Webb.

Report on Ministerial Education. The Ministerial Educational report was read by E. De­

Laughter. Report was adopted after some discusssion. Fol­lowing , l'i the report:

Few reports are more important than the report now offered for your consideration. The future hope of our churches lies in the leadership of our ministry. Our preach­ers are feeling more and more the need of better training. ' This being an age of specializing along every line of life. There ar~ a number of ministerial students now in Ouachita College dependent upon the denomination for help.

Therefore we recommend that this Association support them, not only with their good will and prayers, but with their money. E. DeLaughter, Chairman, R. M. Cagle. Green Wilson.

Moti'lr. by W. A. Forbes to take a collection Sunday morning ~t the close of the preaching service.

Report on Home Mi881ons.

Bro. Walters read the report on Home Missions. After some in•eresting discussions the report was adopted. It reads as follows:

Our Home Board works in co-operation with our State and district As11ociations and local churches. It helps both in raising funds and aiding in conducting the work.

Our Board this year in mountain school work has cared for 38 schools, 224 teachers and 6,152 studenb;. In the past four yearo; these mountain schools have given to the world 350 preachers, 200 lawyers, 225 doctors, 30 nurses, 30 mis­sionaries and 2,500 teachers, besides many girls and boys have returned home to become home-makers.


Red River Baptist A6sociation 9

Our Home Board work in evangeH6m has been great, un­til there are now some 50 evangelists and singers. Last year, through our evangelistic forces there were 12,203 saved, and 2.336 volunteers for missionary service. This department was organized in 1913.

Our Home Board organized what is known as the Church Building Department in 1912. The purpose of this depart­ment is tu aid in the building of houses of homeless church­es, of wh1ch there are 4,000 in the Southern Baptist Conven­tion.

Our Home Board has helped the negroes of the South, which number 9,500.000, of whom 3,018,000 are Baptists. We have furnished them 35 missionaries.

Our Home Board is striving to reach the 4,000,000 we have in the South of every nationality on earth. Our Home Board is O:oing splendid work among the 300.000 Indians in this couJJ·~ry, half of whom are in the South.

In 1886 the Home Board entered into their work in Cuba which ha·; a population of 2,000,000, with 230,000 of these as foreigners.

The Home Board begun our Canal Zone work in 1905 and we now have eight churches and missions there.

We recommend Mission Study Classes in all of our churches on our Home Mission work, and also the reading of the Hom<! and Foreign Field, and Training For Leadership by Maud Powell. Your Committee.

Motion to adjourn until 7:30.

Saturday Nirht Session. Ass:>dation came to order by singing, Pray~r by Bro.

Horne. Ht>port of Women's Work was read by Miss Thelma Bishop. After an excellent discussion by Miss Bishop. Mi11s Roberts and Mrs. Patterson, the report was adopted. Amonp, other thi:1gs the women did, in' the separate session, was the elt>cting c..t Miss Jessie Mae Earle as leader of the Young Peo­ple of om· Association. A motion was unanimously carried ing and service, that this training and service makes stronger this. work.

Motion to incorporate in the Minutes the various reports of the Women's work. ·

We, your committee on Women's Work, submit the fol­lowing rtJport:


10 Red R1ver Baptist Association

At the last Association Mrs. W. S. Jones of Prescott was elected A.;sociational Superintendent, but found it impossible to accept. At the Board meeting during the State Convention Mrs. L. C. Patterson of Arkadelphia was appointed superin­tendent.

The number of societies in the Association are as follows: W. M. s .. 8; Sunbeams,5; Girls' Auxiliaries, 2; and Royal Am­bassador'!, 1.

Kno-. mg that these organizations are a means of train­ing and service that this training and service makes stronger church members, and developes the church financially and spiritually, we recommend: 1st-That the pastors encourage Woman''! Work and insist on organization of the young peo­ple. 2nd-Since real efficiency comes thr~mgh interest and knowledg~. that these organizations take and read Home and Foreign Fields, Royal Service and our State papers. Thelma Bishop, Mrs. W. E. Phillips, Mrs. J. M. Thomas.

Report on State Missions. Report on State Missions, read by Bro. S. K. Huffman.

Hepo1·t adopted, and is as follows: Your committee would like to impress on this body, and

through .vou and the churches of the Association the great importanl't> of our State Mission work. Many of us have lived to see that work develops from small beginning to where it now stands-touching in a helpful way every phase of King­d'Om work. In former times "State Missions" was confined to strictly mission activities; the other phases of Kingdom work, slll:h as religious education and benevolences each be­ing considered a separate phase of the Lord's work; and each having its board to look after its interests. But in recent years, in order to lessen the somewhat cumbersome mach­inery necessary to carry on the work, and· in order to abbre­viate the Associational conflicts in interests that would arise the denomiation in the state decided to place the entire du­ties or t!lese several boards in the hands or one executive board or committee. Since this arrangement has been made, friction in the work has virtually disappeared. Now, there­fore, "Stute Missions" is an expression that covers: Mission proper. RP.ligious Education and Woman's Denominational Benevolences, Orphans Home, Old Ministers Relief, etc.

On account of the recent "75 Million Campaign,'' a great advance has been made in all activities of Arkansas Baptists,


Red River Baptist Association 11

but the movement is too recent for us to have in hand finan­cial statistics to show what has been and is being accom­plished.

It seems to those who have studied this forward move­ment that H is destined to accomplish great good in the spread of the Gospel. We would therefore urge on our people to co-operate in the work of State Missions. S. K. Huffman, J. R. Culp, Committee.

Motion carried to adjourn until 9 o'clock Sunday morning.

Sunday Morning Session. Report of Finance Committee was read by Bro. Calla­

way. Report is as follows: We, the Finance Committee, report the following:

Minutes and Clerks .................. $ 50.00 A~sociational Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106.70 Home Missions ......... - . . . . . . • . . . . . 5.00 Foreign Missions ..........•.... - . . . 5.00 State Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Orphanage .......... - . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 11.75

$180.55 Amount paid ........................ 144.00

Motion to adjourn for Sunday School and preaching till 2 o'clock in the afternoon. After an interesting hour study­ing the 5unday School lession, Dr. Townsend preached. The Doctor s )erned to he at his best, preaching an excellent ser­mon. Immediately a collection was taken for Associational Missions. amounting in cash and pledges to $155.00. The ses­sion closed till 2 o'clock.

Sunday Afternoon Session.

The Association came together by singing and a prayer by Bro. Smart. Bro. Smith read the report on Young Peo­ple's Work. The report was discussed by Bros. Smith, De­Laughte!". Horne and others. The report is as follows: our work lies wi1h our young people, and thpt the en­the following: Realizing our need of greater efficiency all along the line of Christian endeavor and· that future hope of


12 Red River Baptist Association ------------

our work lies with our our young people, ilnd that the en­listing and training of the young people, teaching the obser­vance of t•ll things in the commissionrest with the churches of Jesus Christ; therefore, we recommend, 1st-That every church, :ts far as practicable, have a Baptist People's Union. 2nd-That as churches we align our work with all that is in keeping with the Commission using all help fostered through our Baptht cause for this purpose, the Sunday School Board furnishin~ valuable aid to this work. Respectfully submitted·, Sidney Smith, R. S. Brown.

Motion to ask Miss Earle and Mrs. Patterson to keep an account of their expenses for the coming year.

This resolution of thanks was offered: Resol'Ved, that the thanks of this body are hereby expressed to the members of this church and- their friends, for the magnificent enter­tainment given us during the meeting of this Association.

Resolved1 that the clerk be authorized to have a suffi­cient number of the Minutes printed and distributed to meet the needs of this Association, and th11t he be allowed $15.00 for his o;orvices.

The motion to adjourn the session to meet with Mission­ary Grove.

Annual Report of W. M. U. Annual report of W. M. U., for year ending October 1,

1920 to Arkadelphia First Church:

Amount Contributed to 75 Million Campaign by W. M. S. and Junior organizations ................ $3,696.62

Other objects, fncluding value of Orphan's Home Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 438.96 Grand Total ................................ 4,135.58

Officers for ensuing year: W. M. S.-Mrs. J. H. Crawford, President; Mrs. R. W.

Fordyce. Secretary; Mrs. J. M. Ad'ams, Treasurer. Number member!'. 93.

Junior W. M. S.-Mrs. P. D. Frisby, President; Mrs. Carey Gardiner, Secretary; Ms. J. M. Herbert, Treasurer. Number members, 34.


Red River Baptist Association 13

R. A.-Alfred Lile, President; Lewis Cooper, Secretary; Harvey Shackleford, Treasurer. Number members, 24.

G. A.-Virginia Allison, President; Myrtle Shaver, Secre· tary-'trea.surer; Mrs. W. S. Johnson, Counsellor. Number members, 20.

S. B.-Edwin Earle Nowlin, President; Eleanor Allison, Secretary; Mrs. J. C. Wallis, Leader. Number members, 50.

Church Name Postorfice Arkadelphia-H. J. P. Horne .................... Arkadelphia

H. L. Winburn ...................... Arkadelphia H. L. Winburn ..................... -AFkadelphia C. E. Dicken ........................ Arkad~lphia A. M. Croxton ...................... Arkadelphia J. D. Bledsoe ........................ Arkadelphia C. G. Elliott ...................... Arkadelphia F. P. Turner ........................ Arkadelphia W. P. Langley ...........•........ Arkadelphia T. K. Ward ........................ Arl·:.~delphia N. R. Townsend .................... Arkadelphia R. R. Fleming ......•............... Arkadelphia

RPech St1·eet-A. W. King ....................•....... ·Gurdon RouJ(hton-F.. DeLaughter ............••........•... Boughton Fmmett-.T. M. Thomas .................••........... Emmett Hollywood-G. G. Preson ................••..•... Hollywood Missionary Grove-J. W. WingfieJr! .............•.... Prescott Sycamore Grove-J. H. Smart ........ - .............. Gurdon Unity---L. E. Burns .............................. Arkad~lphia Prescott~W. A. Forbes ............................ Prescott

C. P. W11:Lers .......................... Prescott P'Pas!lnt Hill-SidnPy !':mith .......................... C11rti.•

Arkadelnl1ia 500 3R S. 'R. C. Series Reech Street 60 9 S. B. C. Series Beirne 30 4 S. B. C. Series Bethlehem 66 5 S. B. C. Series Boul(hton 158 9 S. B. C. Series DeGray 95 5 S. B. C. Series Emmett 6 S. B. C. Series Harmony 30 4 S. B. C. Ser1es Ho1lywood 41 3 S. B. C. Series Lakeview 45 3 S. B. C. Series Missionar:y Grove 40 3 S. B. C. Series Shiloh 49 4 S. B. C. Series


14 Red River Baptist Association

Pleasant Hill Prescott Richwood Southfork Sycamore Grove Unity Whelen Springs Mt. Bethd

56 200

59 59 44 37 80 75

4 13

5 5 5 3 4 5


1. Reading of Letters. 2 Organization. 3, Reception of Petitionary etters. 4. Reception of Visitors.

S. B. C. Series S. B. C. Serie~

Landmark B. S. B. C. Series S. B. C. Series S. B. C. Series S. B. C. Series S. B. C. Series

5. Reports of the Ac;o;ociational Mission Work. 6. Stat~ Missions. 7. Chn~tian Education. 8. Literature. 9. Orphanage.

10.-S. S. 11nd H Y. P. U. Work. 11. Woman's Work. 12. HomE' Mis'lions. 13. Foreign Missions. 14. Temperence. 15. Obituaries. 1ft Nominations. 17. FinancE'.



Churcl-t Pastor and Postoffices. Clerk and Postoffice S. S. Supt. and Postoffice

Arkadelphia H. L. Winburn, Arkadelphia R. D. Hall, Arkadelphia J. E. Daniels, Arkadelphia neech Street Earl Herrington. Gurdon H. E. Powell, Gurdon T. H. Jones, Gurdon Pt'irne E. DeLaughter, Boughton S. C. Shaver, Beirne Mrs. Mary Bacon, Beirne Bethlehem D. W. Cornish, Murfreshoro C. W. Measles, Murfreesboro A. J. Thomas, Murfreshoro Boughton A. P. Blaylock, Boughton T. J. Lamb, Boughton T. W. Daniels, Boughton DeGray Sidney Smith, Ellis. C. L. Dunlop, Arkadelphia W. J. Bledsoe, Arkadelphia Emmett J. D. Bledsoe, Arkadelphia W. A. Gallaway, Emmett Geo. P. Carnes, Emmett Harmony · Sidney Smi-th, Ellis. J. T. Cagle, Curtis Charles Henson, Curtis Hollywood W. E. Jordan, Hollywood J. N. Carter, Hollywood Lakeview J. A. Sheets, Arkadelphia Green Wilson, Lakeview J. W. Webb, Lakeview Missionary Grove E. DeLaughter, Boughton Maud Wingfield, Boughton J. W. Wingfield, Boughton Mt. Bethel Sidney Smith, Ellis J. E. Armstrong, Arkadelphia Roy Crawford, Arkadelphia Shiloh J.D. Bledsoe, Arkadelphia M. C. Welch, Arkadelphia Z. T. McMullen, Arkadelphia Southfork J. H. Smart, Gurdon R. 0. Reynolds, Gurdon R. 0. Reynolds, Gurdon Sycamore Grove J. H. Smart, Gurdon J. H. Gullick. Gurdon John Smart. Gurdon Unity M. F. Langley, Arkadelphia L. E. Burns, Arkadelphia C. R. Patterson, Arkadelphia Richwoods J. H. Smart, Gurdon N. A. Smith, Curtis R. S. Brown, Curtis Prescott C. P. Walters, Prescott E. P. Powell, Prescott L. M. Steed, Prescott Pleasant Hill 0. C. Hicks, Arkadelphia Snow Langley, Curtis Jeff Norton, Curtis Whelen Snrina~

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