of central christian church (doc)church office or rev. rebecca. christine kennedy as she returns to...

the Clarion Of Central Christian Church (DOC) Our church family 2-3 Blessing of the animals 4 Reconciliation 8 Rebecca’s revelation 10 Joyful noise 11 calendar 15 Inside this issue October 2020

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Page 1: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

the Clarion Of Central Christian Church (DOC)

Our church family 2-3

Blessing of the



Reconciliation 8

Rebecca’s revelation 10

Joyful noise 11

calendar 15




October 2020

Page 2: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

Our Church Family……… Please report items for Our Church Family to the church office and to Rev. Zelensky

Please remember the following in your prayers:

“God calls Central Christian Church to be a welcoming and open faith community where Christian

love, action, and discipleship unite.”

Vision Statement of Central Christian Church (DOC),

Terre Haute, IN

Everyone who has been affected by the wildfires in the Pacific Northwest, including those of us

at CCC who have family and friends who live in that part of the country.

Scott Chaffin’s Uncle John as John recovers from a serious motorcycle accident he had several

months ago.

Phil Ewoldsen’s grandson, Ayden Clikeman, as Ayden tested positive for COBVID-19.

Frank & Sharon Crist as Frank recovers from rotator cuff surgery.

Rick Dennis & his family as Rick’s brother, Joe, is at the end stage of COPD. Please pray too

for Joe’s partner, Mike, their sister, Cheryl, and Joe’s two sons.

Kim Faught as she searches for answers and treatment for ongoing pain and extreme fatigue.

Please pray also for Kim’s mother who is also dealing with health concerns.

Linda Cole’s friend, Lily Garzon. Lily is 30-years-old and was in a medically induced coma after

suffering an aneurysm. Please pray for Lily as medical staff determine if there is brain damage

and as she faces a long recovery.

Susan Goode’s mom, Carol Goode in Phoenix, AZ, as Carol recovers from having her gall

bladder removed & a hysterectomy. Please continue to pray for Susan as she is now in a boot and

hopes to be driving soon.

Ron & Donna Hofmann as Ron now needs oxygen at night.

Mary Ellen Jackson as she continues therapy for her broken shoulder.

Page 3: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

Lil & Sue Chaffin

Scott Chaffin

Diana Chavis

Jim & Betty Croften

Sue Coffin

Tasheem Feliciano &

Missy (his mother)

Rich & Joy Kennel

Rachael & Shelly Manning

Vivian Marsh

Brittany Perez

Nancy Pickel

Russell Rogers

Wayne Studey

Colleen Sutliff

Valinda Titus

Sarah Westfall

Due to Patient Privacy Laws,

hospitals are no longer able to

contact pastors if a church

member is admitted for

treatment. If you or a loved one

is in the hospital, please call the

church office or Rev. Rebecca.

Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump.

Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from abdominal hernia surgery.

Dr. Margaret Pappas & her family. Margaret was the physician of a number of CCC folks over

the years and she has been diagnosed with Frontal Temporal Dementia.

Karen Sagraves as she has cataract removal surgeries the end of September and beginning of


Lois Schultz as she has rehab/physical therapy for tears in her shoulder.

Paula Switzer’s daughter-in-law, Lindsey, as she recovers from surgery to remove cancer from

her tongue.

Leatha & Mechell Waugh & family as they continue their adoption journey with their two foster


Two people who are very close to the Zelensky’s who are receiving treatment for cancer:

Stephanie Burton and Noel Hutchcraft.

Congratulations to Alanson Hammond who was one of 6 sixth-graders who received the August

Kindness Award at his school! This award was given to those students who were deemed

considerate, courteous, helpful and understanding to others. Way to go, Alanson!

Our Church Family cont………

Page 4: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

On Sunday, October 4, immediately after worship, we will have our Blessing of the Animals - virtually this year! Church members and friends are invited to send the names and/or photos of their pets to Rev. Zelensky at [email protected] any time before Friday, October 2 to be included in this special service.

CCC is extremely blessed to have many generous members and friends who are always willing

to give whatever they can in support of our ministries and outreach ventures. As we have very

limited space to store things, however, please do not drop off items at the church if they have

not been requested. Too many times things are left outside the church doors and/or inside the

building without any explanation or even a note saying who left them. This just adds more

work for our staff who then have to find a way to get them to Goodwill or put them in the trash.

Thank you for understanding and for your help with this matter.

Page 5: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from


During the Virus scare, I have been doing a lot of reading. I came across a bit of interesting

information. When Amazon sells an E/Kindle Book to a customer, it monitors if the customer

reads the book and what parts. (How they do this, I have no idea!) From the Bibles that they

sell, Amazon has determined that the most read verses are not the expected scriptures, but

PHILIPPIANS 4:4-9! If you have time, give it a read and email me why you think it is so

popular today.


Will Hine

[email protected]

Observed on the first Sunday in October, this day calls the Church to be the

universal, inclusive Church. The day was first observed by Presbyterians in

1936, adopted by the Federal Council of Churches in 1940, and shortly

thereafter observed in Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren churches.

World Communion Sunday offers congregations a distinctive

opportunity to experience Holy Communion in the context of the

global community of faith. The first Sunday of October has become a

time when Christians in every culture break bread and pour the cup

to remember and affirm Christ as the Head of the Church. On that

day, they remember that they are part of the whole body of believers.

Whether shared in a grand cathedral, a mud hut, outside on a

hilltop, in a meetinghouse, or in a storefront, Christians celebrate

the communion liturgy in as many ways as there are congregations.

World Communion Sunday can be both a profound worship

experience and a time for learning more about our wider community

of faith.

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Worship in

the Park

Page 7: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from


27, 2020

Page 8: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

by Rev. April Johnson

It has been 20 years since we proclaimed our anti-racist and pro-

reconciliation identity. We keep trying it on to see if it fits. Over and over

again, we find that it does. On September 27th and October 4th, we will

receive the special offering for Reconciliation Ministry in congregations.

This year’s theme is fitting for our response to the sustained unrest that has

propelled the many to engage in social activism in small towns and major

cities. The Rocks Are Crying Out: Show Up, Speak Up, Stand Up, based on Luke 19:36 -40, reminds

us that like those first century disciples following Jesus into Jerusalem, we must lift our voices to

acknowledge the divine message and the divine messenger that is Christ with us. We are the ones

to break the silence of oppression and suppression of human dignity based on the color of a

person’s skin or their nation of origin.

The harmful impact of systemic racism has been lain bare in the health disparities of those

impacted by the novel coronavirus, compelling us to ‘speak up’ naming the conditions that

unjustly impact poor, black, and brown communities.

The extra-judicial treatment of black and brown bodies has compelled many to ‘show up’ in

peaceful protests to affirm equitable treatment by law enforcement and to affirm human dignity

for ALL.

We, too, are compelled to ‘stand up’ to witness to Christ’s profound love on behalf of those who

are without hope because of historic economic oppression and wealth disparities in our


Your generosity to Reconciliation Ministry strengthens the work and witness of congregations to

be the vicarious presence of Christ where we serve. Your giving promotes programs that provide

anti-racism and pro-reconciliation education and resources such as our “Choose Your Own

Adventure” online bible study created by Disciples Peace Interns. Your giving promotes inclusive

worship and relationship-building through programs such as One Bag of Tea conversation starter

program. As well, your generosity funds grants that fuel advocacy like the Beloved Community

mapping project of Greater Kansas City that connects congregations to community needs. Your

generosity strengthens our voice to shout “Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed are WE, the ones who come

in the name of Lord!” We thank you in advance for your generous giving on Sunday, September

27th and Sunday, October 4th to Reconciliation Ministry!

The congregation of Central Christian Church (DOC), Terre Haute will bless our gifts for the

Reconciliation Special Offering on Sunday, October 4.

Page 9: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from


Briley Schodlatz has been in the Boy Scouts since early elementary

school, and now he is working towards becoming an Eagle Scout.

Briley contacted Rev. Zelensky and members

of the Board months ago with his Eagle

Scout proposal: re-building our church


In order to fulfill the requirements for Eagle

Scout, Briley had to research everything

involved with this project and now he must

supervise all the building.

Briley has sent a list of materials and images/pictures of what he plans to build. He estimates

that the total cost will be $3,000. If you would like to help Briley with the cost of

materials for our new playground, please send your gift to the church and indicate

that it is for the “Playground.” Briley has assured us that any money given for this project

that is not needed, will be returned to the church.

Thank you, Briley, and good luck!!

Donation to Playground

Many of our God Squad youth have grown up at Central Christian Church. Over the years they enjoyed the playground on our church grounds. The playground was a victim of age and weather and became unsafe. The youth have been sad that their younger church friends are unable to enjoy the playground. One of our youth, Briley Schodlatz, has taken on the

task of re-building the playground as his Eagle Scout Project. September 27, some of our youth presented Briley with a check for $200,from funds they have raised, towards the playground project. They have also pledged their support in helping with the construction of the project. Thank you to

these generous young people!

Page 10: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

Rebecca’s Revelation

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Sunday, October 4, 2020 is World Communion

Sunday. Every year on this particular Sunday, many Christians around the globe and from many

different denominations celebrate communion as part of worship. Unlike Disciples of Christ, millions of

Christians do not celebrate communion/Eucharist/the Lord’s Supper every week, which makes this day

all the more special.

The Disciples’ theological understanding and practice of weekly communion was one of the biggest

factors in why Jeff and I decided to become a part of the Christian Church (DOC). Like many Disciples,

I firmly believe that we can do without (almost) everything else, but as long as we have communion,

we’ve had church!

I have always deeply appreciated World Communion Sunday and the infinite ways Christians observe

this day. I especially love, though, how our observance and celebration of World Communion Sunday at

CCC has grown and evolved over the years.

As our annual Creation worship series concludes on this day, it is appropriate on World Communion

Sunday to give thanks for the sacred gift of Earth! Earth provides and blesses us with bread and cup,

the elements that symbolize Jesus Christ with us at the table.

The sacred gift of Earth also reminds us that we share our planet with all peoples AND all living things.

How providential that this is also the Sunday when hundreds of DOC congregations – including us -

gather and dedicate a Reconciliation Special Offering as a support and commitment to the justice

ministries of our anti-racism/pro-reconciling ministry of the church. God intends for all human beings to

live in a world free of racism and injustice.

AND, as we gather around the table of Christ, rejoicing that all human beings are the beloved children of

God, we also rejoice in all living creatures whose home is also Earth…like our pets! Thus we have our

Blessing of the Animals also on this Sunday which is closest to Saint Francis of Assisi Day. (Google him

if you don’t know who he is.)

As we look forward to World Communion Sunday this year, please read elsewhere in this Clarion for

Carol Sloan’s worship article about communion during the pandemic and details on how we will Bless

the Animals in 2020.

Many blessings and peace to you,

Rev. Rebecca Zelensky

Page 11: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

A Joyful Noise Life is different in 2020. This doesn’t mean we can’t laugh at how we are coping with those differences. As I listened to others talk during our “Ladies Lunch”, at Board meetings, Worship Team meetings, and at other times when we have reached out to each other, I became aware that I was hearing “A Joyful Noise” coming from those participants. It just seemed to be something that needed sharing.

As Disciples of Christ we celebrate communion every Sunday. I remember the first Sunday we had virtual church. We were just getting ready to sit down in front of the computer when I suddenly remembered that we needed communion. Doug and I had purchased a package of six small bottles of grape juice. I remember thinking that we really only needed one bottle. I gave one to our neighbor to use for her church’s quarterly communion service. The other five were just a waste. Shows you what I know! I have come to the conclusion that Jesus used bread because that was what was available and handy after they ate their supper. We at Central have done the same. Thus the story of everyone’s resourcefulness in times of being physically apart begins.

Dianne Mansfield is Central’s communion bread baker. Every month she creates the small loaves of bread that we use during our communion service. When I asked her what she uses for communion she said she creates bite sized bread balls using the communion bread recipe. “They are great with honey and butter.”

Sherrie and Greg Mansfield win the “Easter Sunday” award. Greg made a loaf of bread, using the church recipe, and they had wine and bread for communion that day, “Because after all, it was EASTER!” Other weeks they have used goldfish crackers, potato chips, wheat thins, and tortillas. The cup has been orange juice, water, or coffee.

Theresa Vaughn said she almost always uses an oyster cracker with milk or water, and Marilyn Fisher usually has a twinkie. Frank and Sharon Crist generally use a Ritz cracker and grape juice. The Sunday after Lauren’s baby shower they shared a leftover cupcake. My favorite is the Sunday they had a “Square Donut.” At one of the “Ladies Lunches,” Susan Edmondson and Marsha McQueary both commented that they had used a fortune cookie. Susan has also used a piece of banana, grapes, or a saltine cracker with water, milk, or decaf coffee with pumpkin creamer.

Doug and I always have grape juice since we have a bountiful supply. The bread is always an adventure. Homemade cinnamon rolls, scones, molasses cookie, bagel pieces, or pumpkin bread. No, I don’t bake them. Our neighbor does and she shares.

We have always prided ourselves on being a diverse group at Central Christian and I have to hand the “Diversity Award” to Bonnie Wilson and Beth Duley. Here we go! Bread or crackers: Graham, Ritz, Matzo, and Goldfish. If you don’t like those then you can try muffins, pop tarts, fortune cookies, scones, soft tortilla, potato chips, tiramisu, biscuits, pizza, pierogis (I had to look that one up. They are stuffed dumpling type things), cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, steak, waffles, toast, and WAIT hamburger. Whew! That is just the “bread” list. Apple juice, wine, coffee, diet coke, water, lemonade, diet Pepsi, mocha milk coffee, cranberry juice, and V8 round out the “cup” list.

Those who have kept the lights burning and our services going at the church have been using prepackaged communion cups with a small wafer on the top. I think everyone who has tried them will agree that those “Communion Gizmos” (not my title) are not the best-tasting, but they get the job done!

Diversity is a good thing! It is also what often brings us together as a whole. Someday this too shall pass, and we will be able to physically share together again. Until then, don’t be afraid to be a little creative.

Songs of Joy,

Carol Sloan

Worship Team Chair

Page 12: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

2020-2021 Slate of Nominees

Officers: Current: Nominated:

Moderator Roger Schultz Bonnie Wilson

Vice Moderator Bonnie Wilson Roger Schultz

Secretary Shelly Manning Shelly Manning

Treasurer Bobby Shipman —-

Ministry Chairs:

Worship Carol Sloan —-

Education Andrea McColl Andrea McColl

Koinonia Fellowship Shannon Giles Shannon Giles

Koinonia Evangelism Kim Faught Kim Faught

Outreach Andrea Todd Andrea Todd

Faith & Giving Beth Truax —-

Property Brenda Waltermire Scott Chaffin

Communications Melanie Hurst Theresa Vaughn

** With the restrictions imposed by the COVID19 pandemic, Central cannot have an in-person congregational meeting. Therefore, we will conduct an electronic congregational vote for the purpose of approving the slate for the 2020-21 Board Officers and Ministries Chairs. This vote will be done by email and votes are due back no later than Sunday, October 11, 2020.

Email votes to church office: [email protected]

Voting is reserved for members and associate members of the congregation only.

There are several vacancies. If you feel called to serve in one of these vacant positions, please contact Rev. Rebecca Zelensky or Bonnie Wilson.

Page 13: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

Elders: Term Ends

Mary Beth Ripple 2022

Roger Schultz 2022

Mary Beth Mullen 2022

Bobby Shipman 2022

Phil Ewoldsen 2022

Beth Truax 2023

Kim Faught 2023

Dianne Mansfield 2023

Jr. Elders

Violet Vaughn

Kolar Schodlatz

Deacons Term Ends Jr. Deacons

Carol Sloan 2021 Lexi Zelensky

Randy Todd 2021 Briley Schodlatz

Lisa Mankin 2021 Parker Schodlatz

Rick Dennis 2021 Caden Craffits

Shannon Giles 2021 David Bennett

Chavez Phelps 2021 Sara Zachariah

Kathy Iliff 2021

Deb Herndon 2021

Alex Todd 2021

Susan Goode 2023

James Wimsett 2023

Marie Wimsett 2023

Carolyn Pickel 2023

Joyce Swoveland 2023

Brad Steele 2023

Laura Steele 2023

Ancy Zachariah 2023

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Page 14

7 :: kathy ocampo & joe west

8 :: ray & mary beth ripple

9 :: marsha & bill mcQueary

1 :: Joy Clikeman

5 :: Terri Cole

5 :: Richard Willey

8 :: Melissa wilson

10 :: kyle volkers

10 :: sandra lang

10 :: laura steele

17 :: tom russell

18 :: Dalton gonthier

19 :: ray ripple

20:: dinah vasbinder

23 :: rebecca zelensky

24 :: brian dooley

24 :: marie norman

27 :: frank stewart


28 :: brock gonthier

30 :: mary jo brown

30 :: colton minger




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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 Reconciliation


5 Bible Study

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 Bible Study

13 14 15 16 17

18 19 Bible Study

20 21 22 23 24

25 26 Bible Study

27 28 29 30 31

October 2020

Page 16: Of Central Christian Church (DOC)church office or Rev. Rebecca. Christine Kennedy as she returns to the doctor after finding another lump. Bill & Marsha McQueary as Bill recovers from

Phone: 812-877-9959




Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

4950 East Wabash Ave

P.O. Box 3125

Terre Haute Indiana


We’re On The Web


Worship Services

9:30 AM

(Nursery for Infants & Toddlers

Open 9 AM -12Noon)

Sunday School for

all ages 11 AM