october 2019 - blclindsborg.orgabsent: carrie nelson, erica kruckenberg, matt stula, ken branch,...

1 October 2019 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” The Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” Luke 17:5-6 Dear Friends in Christ, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! There are times we need to move trees or at least cut them down, but have you ever tried to do so using the method Jesus describes here? Probably not! You might have been tempted to do this with your teenager who refuses to do anything or even with some other stubborn person of your acquaintance, but we generally do not simply command immoveable objects to move. Why is that? Because it seems impossible? Because we do not want to be thought a fool? Because we are afraid our faith is not strong enough? Or because such a move really does not seem necessary? We are certain- ly not above wishing for a certain immoveable object to more, nor are we above praying for it. In fact, we do pray for such things, as when we pray for a loved one’s cancer to be gone or pray for a certain weight to be lift- ed from our shoulders. But these things at least seem to be more necessary. In the story above, the disciples ask the Lord to increase their faith in response to his directive to forgive a per- son who has sinned against them seven times and repented seven times. They do not think they have enough faith to do that. Do you? We generally have trouble forgiving the first offense, let alone the second or third or seventh! Jesus is not telling the disciples to move trees in some miraculous way. He is telling his disciples and us that we have enough faith to forgive people again and again and again. If faith the size of a mustard seed (the small- est seed thought to exist in those days) is enough to move a tree that is firmly rooted in the ground, then Jesus’ followers have enough faith to forgive those who sin against them. If faith the size of a mustard seed is enough to do something unnecessary and impossible, then we have enough faith to do something necessary and possi- ble. And forgiving others is both necessary and possible. For this is exactly what Jesus has done for us. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ God forgives our sins, and many of them are sins we commit again and again and again. Whether it is our stubbornness or selfishness or greed or arrogance, God’s grace is suffi- cient to forgive us every time. Because God is so faithful to love and forgive us, we can love and forgive one another and others. All it takes is a little bit of faith, and this faith has already been planted in us in baptism. Actually, it is the faith of Jesus that has been imbedded within us. It is his faith in us that is enough to do what seems impossible to us—like forgiving sins that others commit against us. Let us pray. Lord Jesus, we thank you for the forgiveness you died to give us. Come and live in and through us, so that we might be more patient with the frailties and weaknesses of others and so that we might more read- ily forgive them, as we have been forgiven. Amen. In Christ’s Love, Joy, and Peace, Pastor Jim

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Page 1: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


October 2019

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” The Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard

seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”

Luke 17:5-6 Dear Friends in Christ, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! There are times we need to move trees or at least cut

them down, but have you ever tried to do so using the method Jesus describes here? Probably not! You might

have been tempted to do this with your teenager who refuses to do anything or even with some other stubborn

person of your acquaintance, but we generally do not simply command immoveable objects to move. Why is that? Because it seems impossible? Because we do not want to be thought a fool? Because we are

afraid our faith is not strong enough? Or because such a move really does not seem necessary? We are certain-

ly not above wishing for a certain immoveable object to more, nor are we above praying for it. In fact, we do

pray for such things, as when we pray for a loved one’s cancer to be gone or pray for a certain weight to be lift-

ed from our shoulders. But these things at least seem to be more necessary. In the story above, the disciples ask the Lord to increase their faith in response to his directive to forgive a per-

son who has sinned against them seven times and repented seven times. They do not think they have enough

faith to do that. Do you? We generally have trouble forgiving the first offense, let alone the second or third or

seventh! Jesus is not telling the disciples to move trees in some miraculous way. He is telling his disciples and us that

we have enough faith to forgive people again and again and again. If faith the size of a mustard seed (the small-

est seed thought to exist in those days) is enough to move a tree that is firmly rooted in the ground, then Jesus’

followers have enough faith to forgive those who sin against them. If faith the size of a mustard seed is enough

to do something unnecessary and impossible, then we have enough faith to do something necessary and possi-

ble. And forgiving others is both necessary and possible. For this is exactly what Jesus has done for us. Through

the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ God forgives our sins, and many of them are sins we commit again

and again and again. Whether it is our stubbornness or selfishness or greed or arrogance, God’s grace is suffi-

cient to forgive us every time. Because God is so faithful to love and forgive us, we can love and forgive one

another and others. All it takes is a little bit of faith, and this faith has already been planted in us in baptism.

Actually, it is the faith of Jesus that has been imbedded within us. It is his faith in us that is enough to do what

seems impossible to us—like forgiving sins that others commit against us. Let us pray. Lord Jesus, we thank you for the forgiveness you died to give us. Come and live in and through

us, so that we might be more patient with the frailties and weaknesses of others and so that we might more read-

ily forgive them, as we have been forgiven. Amen. In Christ’s Love, Joy, and Peace,

Pastor Jim

Page 2: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


New Synod Staff Announced

The election of a new bishop becomes a time of transition and gives us the opportunity to take a breath, look at

what we have been doing and what we might do in order to fulfill the purpose and mission to which God calls

us now, in this day, in this synod, through this call. Since all synod staff are co-terminus with the bishop (and

therefore everyone’s position ends on August 31) this is also true regarding staff positions. This transition is a time to assess; what staffing is needed to support the priorities of our work together as a

synod, the funding available for those staff positions, and the best persons to take on the changing roles. In

conversation with the executive committee of the synod council, I proposed the following staffing structure

with some basic responsibilities outlined. Additionally, the following people have accepted these new posi-

tions which will begin September 1.

Bishop’s Associate (full time) - Rev. Dave Whetter

Congregational transitions

Leadership development

Congregational support

Preaching, teaching, visiting congregations Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Relations and Mission Support (part-time) –

Rev. Christyn Koschmann

Connecting congregations to the mission of the synod

Mission support

Mission interpretation Director for Communications (full time) – Tim Anderson

Designing and maintaining the synod website

Producing the synod e-newsletter

Coordinating AV at synod events

Relator to synod ministries teams and committees Synod Administrator (full time) – Dawne Bockelman

Office management

Event planning and coordination

Roster and candidacy coordinator Directors for Evangelical Mission (two half-time positions funded by the ELCA) –

Rev. Donna Simon (Kansas City)

Rev. Kendra Nolde (St. Louis)

Congregational Vitality

New Ministries

Area Ministry Strategies

This staffing structure reduces the synod staff the equivalent of a ¾ time position. I appreciate your patience as

the new staff works together to make sure we are serving the synod as effectively as possible. I also want to express my appreciation for the leadership of Bishop Roger Gustafson, Bishop’s Associate

Keith Hohly, and synod administrator Sandy VanTuyl and pray God’s blessings on their next endeavors.

While change can be challenging and difficult, it also presents us with new opportunities. I look forward to

exploring those new opportunities with you and am excited to work with the new staff.

The Rev. Susan Candea, Bishop-Elect

Central States Synod, ELCA

Page 3: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


KICK 2019

Our KICK "kick off" day was September 11 and we had a great time! Children got to

sing about Jesus, play ice breaker games, make crafts, and play at Swensson park! We

are grateful for the many people who work to make KICK possible and for all of the

support from the churches! Thanks also to the Smoky Valley Community Foundation,

the McPherson County Community Foundation, and Thrivent for KICK grants.

Dear Bethany Lutheran Church

Thank you for your kind and generous donations towards the

Lutheran World Relief School Kits. On Sunday, September 8

we packed 150 kits. They have been delivered to Trinity Lu-

theran Church of Salina Kansas. In mid-October they will be

shipped overseas.

Jan Michael

Page 4: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


Thursday October 3, 2:00 pm, FH

Leader Nancy Lundblad

Hostess Sarah Circle

Program Salina Rescue Mission

Executive Director, Chad Young

Spec. Offering Salina Rescue Mission

Items Needed: deodorant, toilet paper, & canned fruit

Thursday November 7, 12:00 pm, FH

RSVP to Office Catered Luncheon in Fellowship Hall

Leader Elly Ostlind

Hostess Miriam Circle

Program Thank Offering Service

Spec. Offering Thank Offering

Page 5: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


October Birthdays & Baptisms Jerry Webster 10/01

Robert Carlson 10/03

Chloe Jones 10/04

Ella Patterson 10/04

Lillian Nelson 10/05

Anders Peterson 10/05

Janet Monson 10/06

McKinley Johnson 10/07

Landvis Ferm 10/09

Isabella Fanning 10/10

Elwin Bergstraesser 10/11

Lesley Ferm 10/11

Marlin Johnson 10/12

Duane Kelley 10/13

Rhea Mader 10/13

Carter Couchman 10/14

Mary Train 10/14

Brooke Bengtson 10/15

Sarah Crouse 10/15

Crystal Gengler 10/15

Trey Lindsey 10/15

Olivia Peterson 10/16

Kent Blomberg 10/17

Eli Olson 10/17

Conner Smith-Bolin 10/17

Phillip Youngquist Jr. 10/19

Marilyn Cooper 10/21

David Cummings 10/21

Karna Humphrey 10/21

James E. Nelson 10/21

Jane Anderson 10/22

Karna Peterson 10/22

Isaiah Ruble 10/22

Anne Wallen 10/22

Ava Brunsell 10/23

Ervalene Johnson 10/24

Irene Nielsen 10/24

Avery VanDerWege 10/24

Lars Peterson 10/26

Debra Erickson 10/27

Jayne Norlin 10/27

Joel Woodard 10/27

Marvin Anderson 10/28

James Attleson 10/28

Gail Gustafson 10/29

Ethan Peterson 10/29

Linda Branch 10/30

Phyllis Kelling 10/30

Miriam Strasen 10/01

Wanda Esping 10/03

James W. Nelson 10/05

Toni Haukom 10/06

Leland A. Nelson 10/06

Irene Bengtson 10/07

McKinley Johnson 10/09

Alan Leaf 10/09

Ron Rolander 10/09

Dwight Hopp 10/10

Paul Hanson 10/11

Michael DuMars 10/13

Danielle Greene 10/13

Clarice Eckstrom 10/16

Brad Johnson 10/16

Avery Larson 10/17

Bertil Malm 10/17

Teagan Miller 10/17

Joshua Elliott 10/18

Charles Malm 10/18

Erik Rasmusson 10/18

Justin Kelling 10/19

Dale Swanson 10/20

Anders Peterson 10/21

Lillian Nelson 10/22

Ryan Dreier 10/25

Diesel Dauer 10/26

Isabella Fanning 10/26

Carol Pearson 10/26

Jerry Webster 10/27

Paige Clark 10/30

Lana Clark 10/30

Becky Chambers 10/31

Sarah Crouse 10/31

Nadine Kelling 10/31

David & Rachel



Matt & Karen



Greg & Erica 10/09

Mike & Becky



Erik & Holly 10/20

Paul & Robin



George & Cristina 10/31

Page 6: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


Church Council. August 14, 2019 Absent: Car r ie Nelson, Er ica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harr is

Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Mer le Larson, Ter r i Nelson, Amy Roraback,

Elly Anderson, Dan Norden, Jan Michael, Kathey Bengtson, Pastor Strasen, Mary Parker,

Steve Gustafson.

Minutes and Financial

The minutes of the July meeting were reviewed. It was MSC to approve the minutes as

written. The financial report attached was reviewed. Contributions during July were

approximately $5,700 greater than budgeted due to multiple one-time contributions.

Expenses for July were approximately $773 under budget. Income YTD is approximately

$4,100 greater than budgeted. Expenses YTD are approximately $8,000 under budget,

which leaves us NET $12,100 ahead of budget through the first seven months of the year.

Total income for July 2019 was approximately $6,100 greater than July 2018. Total expenses

for July 2019 were approximately $407 less than July 2018. It was MSC to approve the

financial report as submitted.

Informational Reports

Pastor's report is attached. 4 Sunday services, 2 wedding counseling meetings along

with visits to residents of Bethany Home and Assisted Living. Pastor Strasen continues to

work on updating our membership list. Anniversary Committee - confirmation reunion

weekend coming up on August 17. Amy asked for help from council to set up downstairs

prior to 5:30. Discussion to move potluck from park to Fellowship Hall following service on

August 18. Amy will discuss with her committee. Call Committee -They have completed the

lengthy Ministry Site Profile to submit to Synod. It was reviewed by Council and will be

submitted as written once the financial committee fills out requested financial information.

Christian Education -Rally Day coming up on September 8. Bouncy House, snacks,

assembling school kits upstairs. August 25, Swede Sunday-Stuga sandwiches. Old Business

Do we need to look at IT part time paid position?

Discussion on size, layout and quantity of weekly bulletins

Bethany College Sunday, October 20 with concert at 2:00 New Business

Sunday School teacher installation, September 8, 2019.

Activate Nominating Committee for October 27 elections. Nominating committee-

Donna Ruble, Trampas Miller, Alexa Reed, Nate Woodard, Bill Ferguson and Aaron Esping.

Next Executive meeting, September 3 at 4:00 and the next Council Meeting, September

11 at 8:00 in the old library.

Respectfully Submitted, Kathey Bengtson: Recording Secretary

Page 7: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


Page 8: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy



Have you ever wondered how Stephen Ministers (Caregivers) and people with significant

needs (Care Receivers) meet up with each other? That question could be answered in

more than one way.

For instance, our Stephen Leaders have had training and have been given a “road map” for

seeking out people who need somebody to walk alongside them when they are going

through a rough patch and then matching them with well-trained Stephen Ministers. The

seeking process relies on referrals from many sources—the pastor, the Stephen Ministry

team, and individuals in the congregation who are concerned about someone else or who

want some help for themselves.

Names that surface from any of these sources must find their way to our Stephen Leaders

in charge of referrals. At Bethany Church they are Jim Nelson and Donna Ruble. A good

thing to remember before mentioning someone as a referral is to get permission to do so.

It’s as easy as saying, “I know you are having a difficult time new. Would it be okay with

you if I asked a Stephen Leader to talk to you about having a Stephen Minister?”

If the answer is yes, you would tell Jim or Donna or any other Stephen Leader (Holly

Johnson, Willis Larson, or Sharon Palmquist) and they would take it from there. If a

Stephen Minister is available, meaning he or she does not already have a care receiver,

and would be an appropriate match for the individual, then the process for beginning a

caring relationship can begin.

Another answer to the opening question is much broader and has a faith dimension that

cannot be overstated. I believe the Holy Spirit is at work in Bethany Church in everything

we do, including Stephen Ministry. How else would we know who needs our care? And

how else would we have Stephen Ministers to help them? When Stephen Ministers meet

new care receivers, they don’t go alone. Jesus is beside them every step of the way and in

the center as a model for everything they do. Stephen Ministry is too big for us to do by

ourselves. We rely on the Holy Spirit and the guidance that has sustained us at Bethany

Church for twenty plus years. Thanks be to God! - Sharon Palmquist

Page 9: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


Bishop Younan

Visit to Bethany College

Sponsored by

Religion Department and Campus Ministry of Bethany College

Bishop Emeritus Munib Younan is coming the Bethany Col-

lege campus in October to share insights regarding Christian/

Muslim relationships. Bishop Younan is the Lutheran Bishop

Emeritus of Jordan and the Holy Land and has most recently

served as President of the Lutheran World Federation. His wis-

dom and experience will certainly provide our students and facul-

ty, as well as, community members and area clergy with an unparalleled opportunity to

engage in religious and political reflection on communities of faith in the Middle East.

Students, faculty, clergy, PMA’s and members of the community are invited to a buffet

dinner on Thursday, October 10 at 5:30 p.m. in Lindquist Hall where Younan will speak.

Advance registration is needed; the cost of the dinner is $12.00.

Although lunch is served through the cafeteria service at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, October

11, an RSVP is also needed as space is limited in the Levin Room. To sign up for these

events please email your name and congregational or institutional affiliation by

Wednesday, October 9 to [email protected]

Thursday, October 10

5:30 p.m. Dinner in Lindquist Hall, RSVP required

7:00 p.m. – Panel discussion in Lindquist Hall on the topic of interfaith

approaches to immigration and borders

Friday, October 11

10:30 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. – Bishop Younan, Chapel Talk

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Lunch in Levin Room, RSVP required

1:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. – Bishop Younan's Public Address in Pearson Chapel,

Mabee Welcome Center

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.– Younan meets with interested individuals,

Mabee Welcome Center.

Page 10: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy




Several books were recently added to our nonfiction section, representing a variety of


World War II was winding down 75 years ago, and the past few years we have been read-

ing and reflecting on those years. We now have two books for just that purpose. One is

Post War Europe Through the Eyes of Youth by Alice Carlstadt Nelson, and the other,

written 50 years after WWII, is 50 Years Ago - In the Depths of Darkness: Days of Re-

membrance April 26-May 3, 1992 by Max Krause and published for the U.S. Holocaust

Memorial Museum.

Islamic Imperialism: A History by Efraim Karsh was added to inform those of us who

know relatively little about Islam.

The remaining titles speak for themselves.

From Jocks and Socks to Maalox by Bill Carlson, former director of Bethany Home.

Saved from Addiction by Chad T. Young.

What Ministers Wish Church Members Knew by Jan G. Linn.

Ordinary Saints: An Introduction to Christian Life by Robert Benne.

Further Along the Road Less Traveled: The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth

by M. Scott Peck, M.D.

A Match Made in Heaven: A Collection of Inspirational Love Stories by Susan Wales and

Ann Platz.

The Augustana Story by Maria Erling and Mark Granquist.

Earth Trek: Celebrating and Sustaining God’s Creation by Jeanne Meyer.

Living With the Devil: A Meditation on Good and Evil by Stephen Batchelor.

Help My Unbelief by Fleming Rutledge.

Page 11: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy



February 8, 1945 - A new wall is

to be built 6’ east from the tower.

This will eliminate 2 rear pews.

July 7, 1945 - 300 hand fans

were purchased for pews. Old fans

will be donated to the funeral


August 12, 1945 - Resignation of

Ruth Hultquist– Peterson was ac-

cepted. She has taught many years

at weekday church school.

October 4, 1945 - Pastor Smith

reports 60 children are enrolled at

week day church school.

September 11, 1946 - Church

Council voted to have the Mexican

sandburs scraped from the church


December 2, 1946 - August L.

Johnson will be contracted to re-

shingle the church. He will be

paid .85 cents per hour.

January 22, 1947 - Bethany will

publish a monthly paper for three


Page 12: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy



Bethany College Sunday

October 20, 2019

Join us for church & 3 pm concert

College Choir

Chapel Choir

Handbell Choir

Dr. Mark Lucas, Choir Director

Dr. Hentus Van Rooyen, Handbell Director

Page 13: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


October 2019 Christian Education Page Thanks to all who brought school supplies for

LWR school kits; 150 kits were assembled.

Thanks to Jan Michael for organizing this


Thanks to all who are serving in our Sunday

School Department this year!

Superintendents – Krista Harris and Angela Oestmann Barber

3, 4 and 5 year olds – Lesa Larson & Jan Michael

1st//4th - Joyce Peterson & Amy Roraback

5th//8th – Isaiah Fabrizius & Taylor Krueger

Sr. High -Erica Kruckenberg & Ericka Lysell

Opening Music – Lori McKinney

We are using the Spark Classroom curriculum for ages three through 8th grade; this series walks

through key Old Testament and New Testament Bible stories each year, in a two-year cycle. The

Old Testament stories are presented in the fall quarter and the New Testament stories are pre-

sented in the winter and spring quarters.

Oct. 6 Abram’s Call Genesis 12:1-9

Oct. 13 Abraham and Sarah’s Visitors Genesis 17 -18

Oct. 20 Isaac’s Blessing Genesis 25

Oct. 27 Free from Slavery/The Red Sea Exodus 5, 14

Adult Forums are offered each Sunday in Fellowship Hall, at 9:05.

Oct. 6 Film “From Paris to Pittsburg”

Oct. 13 TBA

Oct. 20 Dr. Beth Mauck, Bethany College Sunday

Oct. 27 Mike & Rose Marie Wallen All Saints' Day in Mexico (Dia de los Muertos)

KICK, Wednesdays, 3:30 – 5:45 pm began on Sept. 11th; 55 children are enrolled.

KICK pet blessing – All members are invited to bring their pet to the KICK pet blessing, Oct. 2,

at 5:45. Bring your pet in a cage or on a leash for a special blessing.

The following help is still needed: A spring meal coordinator - 5:00-7:00 for 7 weeks (there

will be servers/dishwashers to help also). Leading a class, playing board games or legos, 4:45 –

5:45 weekly for 6 or 7 weeks. Dishwashers- help twice a semester , 6:00-6:45. Dessert bakers-

bake desserts twice a semester.

Submitted by Joyce Peterson, Christian Ed Director, 227 2201, [email protected]

Page 14: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy



8:00 a.m. Ushers Mike & Barb Losik

10:30 a.m. Ushers Karl & Wanda Esping

Dan & Katie Hawkinson, Eric & Erica Kruckenberg

Acolytes 10:30 am Clara McElroy & Christina Reyes


8:00 a.m. Ushers Ervalene Johnson & Julie McCullough

10:30 a.m. Ushers Mark & Nancy Lysell; Daryl & Marie Shields

Matt & Karen Clark

Acolytes 10:30 am Taytum Reed & Riley Johnson


8:00 a.m. Ushers Ron & Jan Michael

10:30 a.m. Ushers Ron Rolander, Dan Norden, Bruce Harding, Alan Leaf,

Dirk Durant, Brandon Nelson

Acolytes 10:30 am Per & Torsten Nelson


8:00 a.m. Ushers Susan Lundstrom & Cindy Copple

10:30 a.m. Ushers Nate Woodard, Warren Webster, Merle & Terri Nelson

Shannon Everhart, Joel Woodard,

Acolytes 10:30 am Hudson Gustus & Nicholas Dreier

Sacristans: Ann & Richard Johnson

Altar Guild: Maurine Johnson & Karen Carlson

Offering Transfer: 8:00 a.m. Elly Anderson & Marlin Johnson

10:30 a.m. Krista Harris & Terri Nelson

Communion Ushers: James W. Nelson, Er ica Kruckenberg, Dan Norden, Carr ie Nelson

Ushers: Please hand out bulletins, count the attendance accurately, and help to collect the of-

fering. IF you are unable to serve on your scheduled date, PLEASE CONTACT SOMEONE IN

THAT CATEGORY AND MAKE A TRADE. Please call the church office by noon on Thursday so

that changed information can be included in the bulletin.

Page 15: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Sept. 30 8 am Yoga, CLC

11 am Staff

4 pm Executive Committee

7 pm Boy Scouts

1 7 pm SMV Men’s


7 pm Faith Bible

Study, MLR

2 3:45 pm KICK, BLC

5:45 pm BLC Bells

6:30 pm Confirmation

7 pm Men’s Choir

3 2 pm W/ELCA, FH

6:30 pm Stephen

Ministry, MLR

4 10 am Svenska



6 pm Wedding

Rehearsal, Sanct.

5 7 am Men’s

Bible Study, FH


4 pm Wedding


8 am Worship/


9 am Forum:

9 am Adult Bible Study

9:45 am Coffee

10:30 am Worship/


11:30 am YG Fund-

raiser , FH

7 8 am Yoga, CLC

11 am Staff

6 pm Finance Committee.

7 pm Property Committee

7 pm Boy Scouts

8 2:30 pm Library


11:30 CVB Village

Tours Luncheon,


4:30 pm Out-


7 pm SMV Men’s


7 pm Faith Bible

Study, MLR

9 3:45 pm KICK, BLC

5:45 pm BLC Bells

6:30 pm Confirmation

7 pm Chancel Choir

8 pm ChurchCouncil

10 9 am Piece Artists


11 10 am Svenska



12 7 am Men’s

Bible Study, FH


13 8 am Worship

9 am Forum:

9 am Adult Bible Study

9:45 am Coffee

10:30 am Worship

530 pm MS/HS Youth


14 8 am Yoga, CLC

11am Staff

7 pm Boy Scouts

15 1:30 pm Visitation


7 pm SMV Men’s


16 9:30 am Sarah Circle

3:45 pm KICK, BLC

6:30 pm Confirmation

7 pm Men’s Choir

7 pm Miriam Circle

17 9:30 am Naomi


7 pm Hyllningsfest

Worship, BLC

18 10 am Svenska

Vänskapsgruppen FH

4 pm Paul Tegels


6:30pm SMV

Men’s Choir


19 1 pm Wheat-

land Brass

2 pm Swedish


3 pm Organ


20 8 am Worship/


9 am Forum:

9 am Adult Bible Study

9:45 am Coffee

10:30 am Worship/


3 pm BC Concert,

530 pm MS/HS Youth


21 8 am Yoga, CLC

11am Staff

7 pm Boy Scouts,



7 pm Faith Bible

Study, MLR

23 3:45 pm KICK, BLC

5:45 pm BLC Bells

6:30 pm Confirmation

7 pm Men’s Choir


2 pm Rebecca


6:30 pm Stephen

Ministry, MLR

25 10 am Svenska



26 7 am Men’s

Bible Study, FH


3 pm Philip Hett


27 8 am Worship /


9 am Forum:

9 am Adult Bible Study

9:45 am Reception

10:30 am Worship /


11:30 am Potluck

5:30 pm MS/HS Youth


28 8 am Yoga, CLC

9 am Handy Man,

Kitchen Clean

11 am Staff

7 pm Boy Scouts,



30 3:45 pm KICK, BLC

5:45 pm BLC Bells

6:30 pm Confirmation

7 pm Men’s Choir


Bishop’s Convocation – Pastor Jim out of office.

Page 16: October 2019 - blclindsborg.orgAbsent: Carrie Nelson, Erica Kruckenberg, Matt Stula, Ken Branch, Krista Harris Present: James Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Merle Larson, Terri Nelson, Amy



320 N MAIN








THE BETHANY BEACON A monthly publication of Bethany Lutheran Church, Lindsborg, KS 67456

Church: (785) 227-2167 [email protected]

VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE: http://blclindsborg.org

Bethany Church Staff

Rev. James E. Strasen [email protected] Butch Gibson Building Manger [email protected] Melanie Barnett Administrative Assistant [email protected] Joyce Peterson Christian Ed [email protected] Genevieve Bishop Organist [email protected] Leah Ann Anderson Men’s Choir [email protected] Steve Gustafson Chancel Choir [email protected] Lori McKinney Children’s Choir [email protected] Miriam Strasen Bell Choir [email protected] Carolyn Gibson Financial Secretary [email protected]

Bethany Church Council

Elly Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227-2684

Ken Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-906-0465

Steve Gustafson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620-755-2497

Krista Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214-808-9729

Erica Kruckenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . .214-693-6903

Jan Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-906-0132

Carrie Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 785-643-6148

James W. Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-906-0222

Terri Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-667-4045

Dan Norden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-819-2367

Mary Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227-2623

Amy Roraback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227-8430


Kathey Bengtson (Sec.) . . . . . . . . 620-242-7560

Marlin Johnson (V.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227-3920

Merle Larson (Pres.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227-7046

Matt Stula (Treas.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 913-485-0444


