october 14

October 14, 2013 On average, how many times a day do people check their smartphones? A. 43 B. 57 C. 64 D. 101 E. 110

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  • 1. On average, how many times a day do people check their smartphones? A. 43 B. 57 C. 64 D. 101 E. 110
  • 2. A (18-20 correct): 3 B (16-17 correct): 10 C (14-15 correct): 10 D (12-13 correct): 4 F (less than 12 correct): 0
  • 3. When we finally started our research papers two months before the end school, my writing had improved.
  • 4. Marty enjoyed his first years of college.
  • 5. The person who left crumbs on the table should wipe them up.
  • 6. Beth lives on the next street or she might live two streets over.
  • 7. Check your grade to make sure you are moving on to the next portion. If you have a D or F, you cannot continue to English 71/72. You will receive an e-mail by Friday telling you your grade (including Essay #2). You can check your grade at any time on Engrade. Your grade goes on your transcripts for English 83R.
  • 8. If you have earned a spot in 71/72, you get more work! We are continuing to accelerate! You are striving to build your reading and writing skills to the entry level of English 101A. Entrance into English 101A is in no way guaranteed!
  • 9. Just showing up and doing the bare minimum will not get you into English 101A Trying really hard and putting in a lot of time will not get you into English 101A Getting into English 101A requires that you learn the necessary critical reading and thinking skills and can demonstrate them in your writing Thats all entry into English 101A is based on! Your grade in the class does not matter! How much (or little) we like you does not matter!
  • 10. I will show up for class I will do the in-class and homework assignments I will study for quizzes I will put a lot of time (24 hours a week outside of class) into my work
  • 11. I will come to class every day. I will come to class prepared to learn, to understand what is being taught to me, to question what I dont understand, and to seek help when I need it.
  • 12. I will do the inclass and homework assignments. I will understand assignment directions, how they fit into short-term and long-term lessons, and what the expectations for completion are. I will figure out how to get the time I need to devote myself to the work. I will understand why I am completing the assignment and practice the skills the assignment entails until Ive mastered them (no matter how long doing so takes). My goal is not to get credit for the assignment, but to better my skills as much as possible.
  • 13. I will study for quizzes. I will understand the material the quiz is based upon and know what skills will be required of me, how the quiz will be formatted, and what my time restraints are. I will understand the concepts central to the quiz and how they fit into my broader educational goals. If I do not do well on the quiz, I will seek help to learn the material because I understand that the grade is not important to my academic success, but the skills I was tested on are.
  • 14. I will put a lot of time (24 hours a week outside of class) into my work I will prioritize my time to work effectively. I will make the most of my in-class time to understand assignments and what is expected of me in my outside assignments. I will create the environment I need to concentrate and be successful. I will complete assignments thoroughly for my own gain and persevere even when the work is hard. I will not give up on assignments that seem difficult, but will instead seek help or accept that the struggle is what makes my learning path worthwhile.
  • 15. **Note: Change in office hour/lab time on TuesdaysI will be in the lab from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. from now on
  • 16. A run-on sentence occurs when two sentences (or sometimes more) are incorrectly presented as a single sentence, without any punctuation between them. RUN-ON The computer was old it needed to be given away. CORRECT The computer was old. It needed to be given away. RUN-ON I went to the store I forgot to get the flour. CORRECT I went to the store, but I forgot to get the flour.
  • 17. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 18. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 19. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 20. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 21. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 22. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 23. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 24. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 25. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 26. A. B. Run-on sentence Correct
  • 27. There are three ways to fix a run-on sentence: 1. Put a period (.) between the two sentences. 2. Put a semicolon (;) between the two sentences. 3. Put a comma (,) and a FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) between the two sentences.
  • 28. RUN-ON The concert was supposed to begin at 8:00 it actually began at 9:30. CORRECT The concert was supposed to begin at 8:00. It actually began at 9:30.
  • 29. RUN-ON Computer technology is improving computers are getting cheaper. CORRECT Computer technology is improving; computers are getting cheaper.
  • 30. RUN-ON The apartment is dirty the kitchen appliances are broken. CORRECT The apartment is dirty, and the kitchen appliances are broken.
  • 31. A comma splice consists of two sentences incorrectly joined with only a comma. COMMA SPLICE Susan liked the aroma of coffee, she never liked the taste. CORRECT Susan liked the aroma of coffee, but she never liked the taste.
  • 32. A comma splice consists of two sentences incorrectly joined with only a comma. COMMA SPLICE My son is based in Korea, hell be home for Thanksgiving. CORRECT My son is based in Korea. Hell be home for Thanksgiving.
  • 33. A comma splice consists of two sentences incorrectly joined with only a comma. COMMA SPLICE The domestic cat is a great pet, its a ferocious hunter. CORRECT The domestic cat is a great pet; its a ferocious hunter.
  • 34. There are three ways to fix a comma splice: 1. Put a period (.) between the two sentences. 2. Put a semicolon (;) between the two sentences. 3. Put a comma (,) and a FANBOYS between the two sentences.
  • 35. COMMA SPLICE The Department of Homeland Security was created in 2002, it is responsible for the protection of the United States within its own borders. CORRECT The Department of Homeland Security was created in 2002. It is responsible for the protection of the United States within its own borders.
  • 36. COMMA SPLICE Our car trip across the country was exhausting, it was also exciting and educational. CORRECT Our car trip across the country was exhausting; it was also exciting and educational.
  • 37. COMMA SPLICE Antibiotics have been widely used, they arent as effective as they used to be. CORRECT Antibiotics have been widely used, but they arent as effective as they used to be.
  • 38. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library he wanted to be well prepared for the interview. There were never two people more different than Arnulfo and Hadley, they have been best friends since the second grade. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner they had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation. The audience members jumped to their feet and would not stop applauding, I was very proud that I had started the Drama Club. Frank set the tray of ice cream cones on the passenger seat to his right, the children would be delighted with his
  • 39. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library. He wanted to be well prepared for the interview. There were never two people more different than Arnulfo and Hadley, they have been best friends since the second grade. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner they had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation. The audience members jumped to their feet and would not stop applauding, I was very proud that I had started the Drama Club. Frank set the tray of ice cream cones on the passenger seat to his right, the children would be delighted with his
  • 40. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library; he wanted to be well prepared for the interview. There were never two people more different than Arnulfo and Hadley, they have been best friends since the second grade. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner they had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation. The audience members jumped to their feet and would not stop applauding, I was very proud that I had started the Drama Club. Frank set the tray of ice cream cones on the passenger seat to his right, the children would be delighted with his
  • 41. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library, for he wanted to be well prepared for the interview. There were never two people more different than Arnulfo and Hadley, they have been best friends since the second grade. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner they had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation. The audience members jumped to their feet and would not stop applauding, I was very proud that I had started the Drama Club. Frank set the tray of ice cream cones on the passenger seat to his right, the children would be delighted with his
  • 42. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library; he wanted to be well prepared for the interview. There were never two people more different than Arnulfo and Hadley, but they have been best friends since the second grade. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner they had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation. The audience members jumped to their feet and would not stop applauding, I was very proud that I had started the Drama Club. Frank set the tray of ice cream cones on the passenger seat to his right, the children would be delighted with his
  • 43. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library; he wanted to be well prepared for the interview. There were never two people more different than Arnulfo and Hadley, but they have been best friends since the second grade. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner. They had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation. The audience members jumped to their feet and would not stop applauding, I was very proud that I had started the Drama Club. Frank set the tray of ice cream cones on the passenger seat to his right, the children would be delighted with his
  • 44. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library; he wanted to be well prepared for the interview. There were never two people more different than Arnulfo and Hadley, but they have been best friends since the second grade. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner. They had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation. The audience members jumped to their feet and would not stop applauding; I was very proud that I had started the Drama Club. Frank set the tray of ice cream cones on the passenger seat to his right, the children would be delighted with his
  • 45. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library; he wanted to be well prepared for the interview. There were never two people more different than Arnulfo and Hadley, but they have been best friends since the second grade. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner. They had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation. The audience members jumped to their feet and would not stop applauding; I was very proud that I had started the Drama Club. Frank set the tray of ice cream cones on the passenger seat to his right. The children would be delighted with his
  • 46. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lelands motorcycle is his prized possession he had to sell it in order to pay his college tuition. Because Olivia had never been surfing, she took lessons she felt ready to tackle the waves. When we returned home, all the clocks were blinking, the power had gone off and come back on while we were away. Alex balanced her baby brother on her hip, almost three, he was becoming too big for her to carry. Paolo has thinning hair, glasses, and stooped shoulders everyone thinks that he is a librarian he actually is a meteorologist at an Antarctic research station.
  • 47. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lelands motorcycle is his prized possession, but he had to sell it in order to pay his college tuition. Because Olivia had never been surfing, she took lessons she felt ready to tackle the waves. When we returned home, all the clocks were blinking, the power had gone off and come back on while we were away. Alex balanced her baby brother on her hip, almost three, he was becoming too big for her to carry. Paolo has thinning hair, glasses, and stooped shoulders everyone thinks that he is a librarian he actually is a meteorologist at an Antarctic research station.
  • 48. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lelands motorcycle is his prized possession, but he had to sell it in order to pay his college tuition. Because Olivia had never been surfing, she took lessons. She felt ready to tackle the waves. When we returned home, all the clocks were blinking, the power had gone off and come back on while we were away. Alex balanced her baby brother on her hip, almost three, he was becoming too big for her to carry. Paolo has thinning hair, glasses, and stooped shoulders everyone thinks that he is a librarian he actually is a meteorologist at an Antarctic research station.
  • 49. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lelands motorcycle is his prized possession, but he had to sell it in order to pay his college tuition. Because Olivia had never been surfing, she took lessons. She felt ready to tackle the waves. When we returned home, all the clocks were blinking; the power had gone off and come back on while we were away. Alex balanced her baby brother on her hip, almost three, he was becoming too big for her to carry. Paolo has thinning hair, glasses, and stooped shoulders everyone thinks that he is a librarian he actually is a meteorologist at an Antarctic research station.
  • 50. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lelands motorcycle is his prized possession, but he had to sell it in order to pay his college tuition. Because Olivia had never been surfing, she took lessons. She felt ready to tackle the waves. When we returned home, all the clocks were blinking; the power had gone off and come back on while we were away. Alex balanced her baby brother on her hip. Almost three, he was becoming too big for her to carry. Paolo has thinning hair, glasses, and stooped shoulders everyone thinks that he is a librarian he actually is a meteorologist at an Antarctic research station.
  • 51. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lelands motorcycle is his prized possession, but he had to sell it in order to pay his college tuition. Because Olivia had never been surfing, she took lessons. She felt ready to tackle the waves. When we returned home, all the clocks were blinking; the power had gone off and come back on while we were away. Alex balanced her baby brother on her hip. Almost three, he was becoming too big for her to carry. Paolo has thinning hair, glasses, and stooped shoulders, and everyone thinks that he is a librarian he actually is a meteorologist at an Antarctic research station.
  • 52. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lelands motorcycle is his prized possession, but he had to sell it in order to pay his college tuition. Because Olivia had never been surfing, she took lessons. She felt ready to tackle the waves. When we returned home, all the clocks were blinking; the power had gone off and come back on while we were away. Alex balanced her baby brother on her hip. Almost three, he was becoming too big for her to carry. Paolo has thinning hair, glasses, and stooped shoulders, and everyone thinks that he is a librarian. He actually is a meteorologist at an Antarctic research station.
  • 53. Write everything you know about The Power of Habit. What is Duhiggs thesis? What are some of his main points/ideas? What examples does he use and how do they fit into his theories? 1:30 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 7:30 :00 :30 3:30 7:00 8:00
  • 54. Are we responsible for our habits? At what point in the habit are we responsible? If our habit is part of an addiction, do we have control over it? (If not, who do we hold responsible?) 1:30 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 7:30 :00 :30 3:30 7:00 8:00
  • 55. Link
  • 56. Link
  • 57. A. B. C. D. E. New Schedules Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences Reviewing The Power of Habit Discussion about responsibility in habit How to annotate
  • 58. A. B. C. D. E. New Schedules Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences Reviewing The Power of Habit Discussion about responsibility in habit How to annotate
  • 59. Read and annotate Chapter 9 from The Power of Habit Be ready for a reading quiz on Wednesday Create one quotation sandwich (a complete paragraph) using a short section of the chapter Post to the blog by Thursday at 11:55 p.m.; respond to at least two students by Sunday at 11:55 p.m.
  • 60. Meat: sentence that contains the quotation Top piece of bread: at least one sentence to introduce the quotation Bottom piece of bread: at least one sentence to explain or comment on the quotation (usually the majority of the paragraph)
  • 61. Meet in Computer Commons A