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Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: Energy and Substance Transfers at Interfaces

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Developments in Hydrobiology 131

Series editor H. J. Dumont

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Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: Energy and SubstanceTransfers at Interfaces

Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Limnology and Oceanography held in Nantes, France, October 1996

Edited by

J.-C. Amiard, B. Le Rouzic, B. Berthet & G. Bertru

Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, volumes 373/374 (1998)

Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISBN 978-94-010-6216-9 ISBN 978-94-011-5266-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-5266-2

Printed an acid-free paper

AII rights reserved © 1998 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1998

No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.

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Hydmbioiogia 373/374, v-vii, 1998. f.-c. Arniard, B. Le Rouzic, B. Berthet & G. Bertru (eds), Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: Energy and Substance Transfers at Interfaces.


Preface ........................................................................... .

List of participants ................................................................. .

List of Sponsors ................................................................... .

Invited Lectures Man and river interface: multiple impacts on water, and particulates chemistry illustrated in the Seine river basin





by M. Meybeck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 Mechanisms for internal loading of phosphorus in lakes

by K. Pettersson .............................................................. 21-25

Session 1: Methodologies and Modelling River ecosystem modelling: application of the PROSE model to the Seine river (France)

by S. Even, M. Poulin, J. Garnier, G. Billen, P. Servais, A. Chesterikoff & M. Coste. . 27-45 Forecasting of water quality in lakes: a predictive use of a one-dimensional model. Application to Lake Bourget (Savoie, France)

by B. Tassin & B. Vin90n Leite ................................................ '. 47-60 Comparison of Neutron Activation Analysis and ICP-MS used for river water pollution control

by G. Pinte, M.A.R. Veado, A.H. Oliveira, M. Khalis, A. Ayrault & G. Revel........ 61-73

Session 2: Interface between Medium and Living Beings Fate of plant detritus in a European salt marsh dominated by Atriplex portulacoides (L.) Aellen

by V. Bouchard, V. Creach, J.C. Lefeuvre, G. Bertru & A. Mariotti ................. 75-87 Benthic influence on the metabolism of a shallow tropical lagoon (Lagoa da Barra, Brazil)

by J.-P. Carmouze, B. de Farias, M.e. Bernardes & KN. Kuroshima . ............ ... 89-100 Afforestation with Eucalyptus globulus and leaf litter decomposition in streams of northern Spain

by J. Pozo, A. Basaguren, A. El6segui, J. Molinero, E. Fabre & E. Chauvet .......... 101-109 Short-term effect of nitrogen enrichment on the microbial communities of a peatland

by D. Gilbert, e. Amblard, G. Bourdier & A.-J. Francez .............. ..... ..... ... 111-119

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Role of fish communities in particulate organic matter fluxes between salt marshes and coastal marine waters in the Mont Saint-Michel Bay

by P. Laffaille, S. Brosse, E. Feunteun, A Baisez & J.-e. Lefeuvre ................. 121-133 Nitrate reductase activity of phytoplankton populations in eutrophic Lake Aydat and meso­oligotrophic Lake Pavin: a comparison

bye. Mallet, M.E Charpin & J. Devaux..................... .................... 135-148 Influence of oyster culture on water column characteristics in a coastal lagoon (Thau, France)

by N. Mazouni, J.-C. Gaertner & J.-M. Deslous-Paoli .... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . 149-156 Laboratory experiments on trophic relationships and remote detection between two ciliates and Cyclops vicinus vicinus

bye. Rabette, A Thouvenot & N. Lair .................................... ...... 157-167 Spatial and temporal distribution of chironomid larvae (Diptera: Nematocera) at the sediment-water interface in Lake Abbaye (Jura, France)

by V. Vemeaux & L. Aleya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169-180

Session 3: Interface between Nutrients and Physical Medium A wetland managed for agriculture as an interfacy between the Rhone river and Vaccares lagoon (Camargue, France): transfers of water and nutrients

by P. Chauvelon ........... ............ ................................... ..... 181-191 Sediment-water exchanges of ammonium and phosphate in intertidal and subtidal areas of a mesotidal coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa)

by M. Faldio & e. Vale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193-201 Phosphate mobility at the sediment-water interface of a Mediterranean lagoon (etang du Mejean), seasonal phosphate variation

by E. Gomez, M. Fillit, M.C. Ximenes & B. Picot................. ............... 203-216 Wetland effects on water quality: input-output studies of suspended particulate matter, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in Grand-Lieu, a natural plain lake

by L. Marion & L. Brient ...................................................... 217-235 The input of nutrients by the Rhone river into the Mediterranean Sea: recent observations and comparison with earlier data

by T. Moutin, P. Raimbault, H.L. Golterman & B. Coste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237-246 Seasonal and spatial trends of nitrogen and phosphorus loads to the upper catchment of the river Vilaine (Brittany): relationships with land use

by S. Moreau, G. Bertru & C. Buson ............................................ 247-258

Session 4: Interfaces between Pollutants, Medium and Living Beings Fate and effects of micropollutants in the Gironde estuary, France: a multidisciplinary approach

bye. Amiard-Triquet, S. Altmann, J.-e. Amiard, e. Ballan-Dufrans;ais, P. Baumard, H. Budzinski, e. Crouzet, P. Garrigues, E. His, AY. Jeantet, R. Menasria, P. Mora, e. Mouneyrac, J.E Narbonne & J.E Pavillon .................................... 259-279

Particulate organic matter composition in the Estuarine Turbidity Maxima (ETM) of the Seine River estuary

by L. Bodineau, G. Thoumelin, V. Beghin & M. Wartel ........................... 281-295

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Influence of the level of oxygenation in sediment and water on copper bioavailability to marine bivalves: laboratory experiments and translocation experiments in the field

by H. Hummel, P. Magni, e. Amiard-Triquet, F. Rainglet, R. Modderman, Y. van Duijn,


M. Herssevoort, J. de Jong, L. Snitsevorg, M. Ytsma, R. Bogaards & L. de Wolf..... 297-310 Characterisation of marine zooplankton alkaline phosphatase activity in relation to water quality

by D. Jamet & G. Boge ...... .................... ....... .................. ... .. 311-316

Session 5: Fluxes at Interfaces The lead content of atmospheric aerosols above the eastern channel: seasonal variability and solubility in a coastal seawater

by M.-L. Bertho, K. Deboudt, P. Flament & E. Puskaric ........................... 317-332 Biological components from the Seine estuary: first results

by P. Mouny, J.e. Dauvain, e. Bessineton, B. Elkaim & S. Simon.......... ........ 333-347 Sediment phosphorus and internal phosphate flux in the hydroelectric reservoir of Bort-Ies-Orgues, France

by V. Ruban & D. Demare ..................................................... 349-359 Impact of a flood event on the biogeochemical behaviour of a mesotrophic alpine lake: Lake Bourget (Savoy)

by B. Vin<;on-Leite, P.-E. Bournet, X. Gayte, D. Fontvieille & B. Tassin..... ..... .. 361-377

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Hydrobiologia 373/374: ix, 1998. J.-c. Amiard, B. Le Rouzic, B. Berthet & G. Bertru (eds), Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: Energy and Substance Transfers at Interfaces.



Since the First International Joint Conference on Limnology and Oceanography in Marseille (June 1989) was highly successful, it was decided to continue in the same vein. Thus, a Second Congress was held in Evian, France in May 1993. The Third International Congress on Limnology and Oceanography was held in Nantes, France, October 7-9,1996, hosted by the Cite des Congres.

The Congress was organized round the main theme 'Interfaces - Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: Energy and Substance Transfers at Interfaces' , split into five sessions:

- Methodologies and modelling. - Interface between medium and living beings. - Interface between nutrients and physical medium. - Interfaces between pollutants, meduium and living

beings. - Fluxes at the interfaces.

One hundred and seven oral and poster presentations were proposed to 250 attendees originating from 18 countries. Probably as a consequence of the proposed topic, presentations in the field of Oceanography mainly concerned estuarine and coastal areas, with a special interest in salt marshes and empoldered zones. In the part devoted to continental waters, the attention was focussed on hydrodynamics, biogeochemistry and ecology of wetlands and alluvial zones in hydro systems of the main French rivers (Loire, Rhone, Seine, etc.). For both salt and fresh waters, numerous presentations took into account sedimentary particles, either deposited or suspended. The sediment-water interface and fluxes between these compartments is a common concern for both limnology and oceanography: sorption-desorption of heavy metals, degradation and allocation of organic matter, fluxes of nutrients, particularly phosphorus. In most of the presentations, the biological compartment was approached indirectly and often at the species level only, although environmental stress and disturbances concern the biological communities as a whole.

The congress organizers and editors hope that discussions about these different topics may be a source of future cooperation between European marine and freshwater scientists.

Manuscripts selected by the Scientific Committee and finally proposed for publication were reviewed by the editors and several anonymous reviewers, to whom the editors offer their grateful thanks.

The organizing committee would like to thank all public agencies, offices, and private companies that contributed to the conference and supported the publication of this volume.

On behalf of all participants, I thank Henri J. Dumont, Editor-in-chief of Hydrobiologia and Rene Mijs, Kluwer Academic Publishers, for their interest in the production of this special volume.


CNRSIUniversite de Nantes 1, rue Gaston Veil

F-44035 Nantes Cedex France

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Hydrobiologia 373/374: xi-xiv, 1998, ],-C. Amiard, B. Le Rouzic, B. Berthet & G. Bertru (eds), Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: Energy and Substances Transfers at Interfaces.

List of participants

ALGERIA ARAB Lamia, Alger MENASRIA Reda, Alger

BELGIUM BILLEN Gilles, Bruxelles BRION Natacha, Bruxelles SERVAIS Pierre, Bruxelles

BRAZIL OLIVEIRA A. H., Belo Horizonte

CANADA BOURGET Edwin, Quebec COSSA Daniel, Montreal GAGNE Jean-Pierre, Rimouski HUDlER Eric, Rimouski PELLERIN-MASSICOTTE Jocelyne,

Rimouski PHAM Thanh-Thao, Montreal PINEL-ALLOUL Bernadette, Montreal PLANAS Dolors, Montreal VINCENT Bruno, Rimouski

IVORY COAST CECCHI Philippe, Bonabe 01

FRANCE ADAM Christelle, St Paul-lez-Durance ALEYA Lofti, Besancon AMBLARD Christian, Aubiere AM lARD Jean-Claude, Nantes AMIARD-TRIQUET Claude, Nantes ARAUJO Moacyr, Toulouse ARRIGNON Jacques, Compiegne AWERBUCH Nathan, Paris BARTHELEMY Dominique, Toulouse BAUDET Joseph, Nantes BAUDlN Jean-Pierre, St Paul-lez-Durance BELAMIE Rene, Lyon BERARD Annette, Thonon BERTHO Marie-Laure, Wimereux BERTRU Georges, Rennes BESSAT Frederic, Perpignan

BLANC Paul, Thonon BODlNEAU Laurent, Villeneuve d'Ascq BOGE Gerard, La Garde BOISSON Jean-Claude, Vaulx en Velin BONIN Daniel, Marseille BOUCHARD Virginie, Rennes BOURDIER Gilles, Aubiere BOURNET Emmanuel, Noisy-Ie-Grand BOURRAIN Xavier, Orleans BRIENT Luc, Rennes BRIGAULT Sandrine, Bouguenais BROSSE Sebastien, Rennes CANN Charles, Rennes CAPBLANCQ, Toulouse CARMOUZE Jean-Pierre, Montpellier CARRIAS Jean-Frans;ois, Aubiere CAZAUBON Arlette, Marseille CHARPIN Marie, Aubiere CHARRIER Christophe, Vaulx-en- Velin CHAUVELON Philippe, Aries . CHAUVET Eric, Toulouse CLARET Cecile, Le Bourget-du-Lac CLAVIER Jacques, Plouzane CLEMENT Bernard, Rennes COIFF ARD Samuel, Rennes COSTIL Katherine, Rennes CREACH Veronique, Rennes D'ELBEE Jean, Biarritz DALIGAULT Patrick, St Laurent-de-T. DANIEL Herve, Rennes DARTUS Denis, Toulouse DAUTA Alain, Toulouse DAUVIN Jean-Claude, Paris DAVOULT Dominique, Wimereux DEBOUDT Karine, Wimereux DEROUX J. M., Ales DESCHAUX Pierre, Limoges DESLOUS-PAOLI Jean-Marc, Sete DEVAUX Jean, Aubiere DION Patrick, Pleubian DOMAIZON Isabelle, Aubiere


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DORIOZ J. Marcel, Thonon DUCLOS Yves, Paris EVEN Stephanie, Fontainebleau FAUVET Guillaume, Le Bourget du Lac FAYOLLE Stephanie, Marseille FEUILLADE Mauricette, Thonon les Bains FEUILLADE Jacques, Thonon les Bains FLAMENT Pascal, Wimereux FONTVIEILLE Dominique, Le Bourget-du-Lac FOSSATI Odile, Montpellier FOULQUIER Luc, St Paullez Durance FRONTIER Serge, Villeurbanne d'Asq FUSTEC Eliane, Paris GAGNEUR James, Toulouse GARNIER Josette, Paris GAUDY Raymond, Marseille GAYTE Xavier, Le Bourget-du-Lac GERET Florence, Nantes GILBERT Franck, Marseille GILBERT Daniel, Aubiere GOLASZEWSKI Genevieve, Paris GOLTERMAN Han, Aries GOMEZ-HERNANDEZ Elena, Montpellier GONZALEZ Jean-Louis, La SeynelMer GOULEAU Dominique, l'Roumeau GRARE Sonia, Rennes GREGOIRE Alain, Le Bourget GREINER Isabelle, Paris GREMARE Antoine, BanyulslMer GRIMAUD Daniel, Tours GUERLESQUIN Micheline, Angers HAURY Jacques, Rennes HORN Michel, Saint-Germain La Blanche Rerbe IDLAFKIH Zabid, Paris IRACE Sandrine, Paris JAIRY AYcha, Paris JAMET Jean-Louis, La Garde JIGOREL Alain, Rennes J OURNEL Blandine, Villefranche-sur-Mer KHALIFA Abder, Saint-Nazaire LAFF AILLE Pascal, Rennes LAGADIC Laurent, Rennes LAIR Nicole, Aubiere LAS COMBE Claude, Pierre-Benite LE BEC Claude, Sete LE GALL Jean-Yves, Rennes LE NORMAND Catherine, Chatou LE ROUZIC Bertrand, Rennes LECAT Camille, St Leu la Foret LECLERCQ Stephanie, Villeneuve d 'Asq LEGLISE Lionel, Metz

LEITAO Maria, Angers LEROY Jean, Dijon LOQUET Nicolas, St Valery:Somme LUCAS Yves, La Garde LUCAS Fran~oise, Rennes MARMONIER Pierre, Le Bourget-du-Lac MARTIN Jean-Fran~ois, Orleans MARTIN Eric, Villeneuve d'Asq MARTIN Christian, Besancon MARTIN Delphine, Douai MASSERET Estelle, Aubiere MASSON Nathalie, Metz MAUREL Philippe, Toulouse MAUREL Alain, St Paul-lez-Durance MENNERAT Marc, Jouac MERLE Christophe, Villeurbanne MEYBECK Michel, Paris MEZIANE Tarik, Dinard MICHALET Anne, Villeneuve d'Asq MIGON Christophe, Villefranche-sur-Mer MOREAU Christophe, Nantes MOREAU Samuel, Rennes MOTAMED Bahram, Caen MOUNY Pascal, Paris MOUTIN Thierry, Marseille OUBELKASSE Mohamed, Tours PALES-EsPINOSA Emmanuelle, Nantes PATTEE Eric, Villeurbanne PAUC Henri, Perpignan PAVILLON Jean-Fran~ois, Paris PELTE Thomas, Thonon PETIT Daniel, Villeneuve d'Asq PETIT Muriel, Toulouse PICOT Bernadette, Montpellier PIERRE Jean-Fran~ois, Vandoeuvre PINTE G., Gif-sur-Yvette PITOIS Frederic, Rennes PLANTE-CUNY Marie-Reine, Marseille POGGI Robert, Nantes POULIN Michel, Fontainebleau PRYGIEL Jean, Douai RABETTE Chantal, Aubiere RAINGLET Florence, Nantes RAVAIL-LEGRAND Brigitte, La Rochelle RESTITUITO Fran~oise, Orcet REVEL Gilles, Gif-sur-Yvette REYES-MARCHAND Patricia, Jozerand ROCHE Bernard, Bastia ROMANEIX Christian, Periers ROSTAN Jean-Claude, Villeurbanne RUBAN Veronique, Bouguenais

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SANCHEZ Nathalie, Paris SAURIAU Pierre-Guy, L'Houmeau SCHANEN Olga, Paris SIME-NANGO Telesphore, Aubiere SOGON Stephane, Meudon STOESSEL Jean, Metz STORA Georges, Marseille T ALEB Rabah, Orleans TASSIN Bruno, Noisy-Ie-Grand TCHEUKAM TOKO Denis, Le Havre TEXIER Herve, Caen THOMAS Pierre, Saint-Nazaire TOUTAIN Joseph, Mt-St-Aignan TROCCAS Olivier, Rennes VERAN Marie-Pierre, St Paul-Iez-Durance VERNEAUX Valerie, Besancon VEZIE Chantal, Rennes VIN<;:ON-LEITE Brigitte, Noisy-Ie-Grand VIVIER Jean-Paul, Rennes WAHYUDI Imam, St Nazaire

GERMANY LIEBEZEIT Gerd, Wilhelmshaven MOLL Andreas, Hamburg

IRELAND WILSON James, Dublin 2

ITALY LA HURA Virginia, Napoli RAVERA Oscar, Venezia RICCARDI Nicoletta, Venezia SPEZIE Giancarlo, Napoli MARKOS Ruzena, Ispra

MOROCCO All ABDELAALI Nruma, Marrakech ALAOUI-MHAMDI Mohammed, Fes ALIFRIQUI Bouchra, Marrakech

BADRI Abdel-Jalil, Marrakech BOUALLAM Samira, Marrakech BOUHADDIOU Abderrahim, Fes CHEGGOUR Mohamed, Marrakech ID-HALLA M., Agadir MAAMRI Abdellatif, Oujda MOUHRI Khadija, Marrakech SAADI EL HASSANI Amina, Marrakech SEDKI Azzedine, Marrakech TIFNOUTI Abdelaziz, Marrakech


PORTUGAL FALCAO Manuela, Olhao FERNANDEZ Paulo, Evora PESSAO Fernanda, Monte de Caparica

SPAIN ABOAL Marina, Murcia


MARTINEZ-TABERNER Antoni, Palma de Mallorca MOYA Gabriel, Palma de Mallorca RAMON Guillermo, Palma de Mallorca

SWEDEN PETTERSON Kurt, Norrtaje STROMBECK Niklas, Norrtalje

SWITZERLAND MAZOUNIE Nabila, Lausanne VERNET Jean-Pierre, Versoix



U.S.A. SIMENSTAD Charles, Seattle

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List of sponsors

Ministere de l'Education Nationale, de l'Enseignernent Superieur et de la Recherche Ministere de l'Environnernent Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres

Conseil General de Loire-Atlantique Ville de Nantes

Agence de l'Eau Loire-Bretagne CEMAGREF Intitut Fran<;ais de Recherche pour Ie Developpernent en Cooperation (ORSTOM)

Cornite de Pilotage Environnernent de l' Universite de Nantes Universite de Nantes

Credit Mutuel