ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1909-07-19 [p...

if tr q r n i > 0 5 ifr T il > k J 4r P t 1 I t- ill I 1 r 1 q Is 4 OCALA EVENING STARMONDAY JULY 19 1909 7 < I EVENING AR- c L Bittingcr and R R Carroll Editor and Publishers C L BITTINGER Editor- R I R CARROLL Business Manager A netv railroad from Qultman Ga c 1e to Tallahassee via Montlcello Is prac ¬ tically assured Judge W M Ingraham a leading citizen St Augustine died In that city Saturday aged u years The friends of Hon S J Hllburn of r Palatka are grooming him for a candi ¬ date for Frank Clarks seat In Con- gress ¬ Dr William Osler has reached the age of 60 and to be consistent should call In a friend with a bottle of chloro- form ¬ The revolution In Persia reads like a a chapter out of the Arabian Nights- It will probably result In the big gent Russia annexing the entire country 3r11 3 H WIengesI wife of the clerk of the circuit court of Alachua coun- ty ¬ died at her home In Gainesville Saturday She was In her sixtyfirst year 1 The prohibitionists of Bristol or rather Goodwin Va say they can prove 117 wet votes were Illegally east In the recent wet or dry elction If they can that oasis hi the desert will prove to be a mirage Major Healey the well known Vo lusia county politician Is dangerously L sick The doctors say his complaint- Is leakage of the heart The old mans whiskers never leaked no matter what his hears may do- w There Is another snarl In Tampa mil ¬ itaryclrcles Captain Moreno has been y relieved of the command of the post and Capt Max P Moritz appointed in his stead until the charges against the first named officer are Investigated The meeting of the orange growers 1 In Tampa next Thursday will not be of less Importance to the welfare of the growers than the previous meetings for the organization of the Florida Citrus Exchange which Is to have Its headquarters In Tampa- Mr I H M Hampton attorney oC Ocala will lead a large delegation from the Brick City for Shell Island In a few days divided between stags and p stagcsscs Crystal River News Gee The Stagess is an Important addition to Florida fauna Hon W A Blount of PensacOla who announced Saturday that he would make the race for United State t senator Is one of the bestUnown and most successful lawyers and public- men In the tate His attainments are t arc of the solid rather than thcahqwy 1 kind He will make the other candi- dates ¬ hustle and If elected Will be an honor to the state 5 The thermometer registered 104 in- S the ahade at Houston last Monday hut while tho average citizen was petition Ing providence for leave to pull off his skin and sit In his bones George 4 Bailey was sitting up to a redheaded Texas widow and sitting very close Norfolk Virginian George must be first cousin to the man who could go through Hades with 1 his overcoat on Adjutant General Foster of the Florida state troops is endeavoring to have a spur truck constructed from 4 Yukon a smallstation on the Atlantic Coast Line to the grounds of Camp Bryan at Black Point Since the camp- grounds k were established by the Flor- ida ¬ legislature this Improvement has I been contemplated but It Is only re ¬ 1 cently that the matter has been takcn up In an official way The Eustis team played the Ocala l nine Tuesday and Wednesday The first game resulted In a score of 1 to 10 in favor of Ocala and the second game 2 to 0 for Ocala The boys seems to go to pieces on Tuesday but Wednesday- they got on their mettle and what Ocala got was by hard workEustls- Lake Region1 > Well by the great horn spoon heres one Florida paper which doesnt blame It on the umpire Give the Lake f Region a medal Castro puts up a pitiful plea for a grave In Venezuela No doubt the government at the Caracas would wil- lingly ¬ grant It If he will furnish tho opportunity by dying Likewise we are confident the sooner the opportun- ity ¬ 4 ft given the greater the alacrity with which It would he embraced t Savannah News Its a safe bet that Castro Is at least as acceptable to the people of his own country as foreigners or those who truckle to them c The Japanese system of philosophy teaches that death Is the easiest means of escaping from the troubles of life and from statistics published in a French economic Journal It is seen that suicide Is omcthing appalling so far S as numbers are concerned In the Lan- dS S tho Chrysanthemum From 1890 to 1897 7000 cases were recorded from iL 1393 to 1902 there were SOOO In 1903 r the number exceeded 9000 and in 1901 It was 10000 Sixty per cent of the victims were men and 40 per cent wo- men ¬ 1 The National Educational Associa ¬ tion assembled In convention In Den ¬ ver officially pronounced against the high school frats The action was taken on the ground that the spirit of the frat was opposed to the spirit of democracy In the schools This action represents the national organization of of the school teachers of the United 1 r States It may therefore be taken for granted that it represents the collec- tive ¬ wisdom as well as the collective experience of the teachers from all 1 parts of the United States It is sig- nificant ¬ that the action taken was unanimous and that the resolution was adopted without debate The result here expressed Is the verdict of the v 1 general public in all parts of the a l country The greatest danger from th- frts Is that which comes from the t L establishment through their agency of I Roclar test In the schools The frat member has rrogated to himself spe- cial ¬ jso c1al glstjnctlons which some I teachers Tiave l boen foolish enough to q allow and othesstiIl more foolish to approve < 4v I POOR MEMORY FOR NAMES The teacher was trying to explain 1I the word transfiguration says Suc- cess ¬ b1 Dont you remember the trans fljoratlon on tbe Mountain she said d 1 i i J t fI it r r I Who was U who was transfigured and r changed In appearance on that oc sionT she asked hopefully AftejT moment of thoughtful silence n ker hesitatingly raised his hand 7 I cant just remember hisname- he said but he was up ther hunting and he went to sleep and fXpt twenty years CUT DOWN THE CAPTIONS Referring to the proposition of the I TimesUnion to shorten the name of Jacksonville to Jackson and abbrev- iate ¬ r the names of some other cities the Tampa Tribune perpetrates the I following atrocity- We I would surely not count it ill if I Jacksonville should drop its rule and sporting under shorter namt pursue Its certain path of fame I Abbreviation is the fad and journal- ism I has it bad so why not dare it no I its worst and cut all syllables save the first Let Jacksonville become plain Jack no knocktr dare that name attack- its brief nntJ sweot and catchy too but what would other cities do Would Miyes and Tyler chortle when they saw their city listed Pen Would It please Uncle Henrys eye to ice Miami cut to Ml Or Walter Thompson smile in glee to lost the West and hold the Key Twould suit Polk county better far It has a Law then why not Bar McCrearys burg would save some pains by shortening its name to Gains whileheres a laborsaving rap make Apalachicola Ap The HarrisBittinger town would grow as rapidly if known as 0 Let atka slide henceforth Its Pal like- wise ¬ ahassee make it Tal What sweeter name than simple Kiss for Garden City home of bliss And for a city free from taint what more appropriate than Saint Let Punta Gorda have its Pun and Dunnellon be ever Dun Let Picnic take its own dear Pie and MIcanopy shrink to Mic Why use the whole blamed alpha- bet ¬ Why make the postal experts fret And as for UP why call us TamwO woudnt can a single There is more catarrh In this sec- tion ¬ of the country than all other dis- eases ¬ put together and until the last few years was supposed to be incur- able ¬ For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pre- scribed ¬ local remedies and by con- stantly ¬ failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proved catarrh to ue a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio i the only constitutional cure on the market It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful- It acts directly on the blood and mu ¬ cus surfaces of the system They o fer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by drug ¬ gists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation TUNNEL UNDER HUDSON WILL BE OPENED TODAY New York July 19The south tubes of the Hudson and Manhattan Railroad company commonly known- as the McAdoo tunnels running under the North river from the Hudson ter ¬ minal buildings to the Pennsylvania- Erie and Lackawanna railroad sta ¬ tions will be completed and ready for operation on that day but failure on the part of the car builders to deliver sufficient equipment makes it possi- ble ¬ to operate then only that portion- of the line from thoIIudson terminal buildings to the Pennsylvania railroad station Get DeWitts Carbolized Witch Ha ¬ zel Salve when you ask for It There are a great many imitations but there- is just one original This salve is good for anything where a salve is needed- to be used but is especially good for piles Sold by all druggists CURTISS AEROPLANE WRECKED New York July 18 Alexander Williams a frightened amateur sit ¬ ting like a wooden man went up at dawn yesterday in Glenn H Curtiss aeroplane which hovered a monnnt In midaid then crashed to earth The beautiful craft in which Cur ¬ tiss made his remarkable flight yes ¬ terday was totally wrecked and the wouldbe aviator was lifted uncon ¬ scious from the twisted frame his left arm broken his left thumb dislocated his body bruised and his brain reel- ing ¬ His injuries are not serious The accident occurred on Hempstead Plains Mineola where Curtiss has been giving demonstrations Look over our line of toilet prep- arations ¬ Wo arc quite proud of the fine stock Pcrfumon powders and soaps of the liner grades Typings Company FOR SALEProtographs of the 37 horses that were shot and buried July 7th The size of the pictures which were taken in front of the courthouse- and as the animals lay dead in the trenches is 10x12 Price 50 cents To be had of Tompkins Cobb ti II- IE The Proof is in the BREAD- If you are not using- it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively in Ocala I MARTIN CARN 7 b DON CARLOS IS DEAD v Pretender to the Spanish Throne and t Made More Useless Trouble than j Any Other Man in Europe j Rome Italy June 19Don Carlos pretender to the Spanish throne died yesterday at Varese in Lombardy He i had been III a long tim with apoplexy H was born at Laybach Australia- on March 20 154- SDISTINGUISHED I LADY DEAD Mrs J Addison Hayes Daughter of j Jefferson Davis I Colorado Springs July 19Mrs J J Addison Hayes daughter of the late J Jefferson Davis president of the Confederacy died last night at her t home In this city alter an illness of several months REVSFGALE The Rev S F Gale A M D D a resident of Jacksonville for twenty > ix y an = died at his residence in that I city Fridiv evening Dr Gae was for tventythr years superintendent for Florida and sometimes Georgia Ala- bama and Xorth Carolina of Congre- gational ¬ home missions organizing and establishing upon a permanent basis over one hundred churches During these years he has been one of the best known clergymen in the Southeastern states For several years he had been in declining health and since February he had been confined to his bed Dr Gale was born in Plainfield Vt February 11 lS2 He was prepared fjf college at Barre Academy Barre Vermont r tf 4t < ct t r 1 iE 1 4 v 1 1Z < 4- z 1- A i 0 YOUR AlIEARAXCE Will not suffer If you have to weai spectacles They are improving to most peo- ples ¬ looks when fitted by 0112 who understands how Your eyesight is too precious to neglect You owe them all the at ¬ tention and care that they may need j They Jet Careful Attention Here DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office hours 9 to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical office ami laboratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block DUCHESS DE CHAULNES- TO WED PRINCE MURAT Paris Tub 18A report that the Duchess de Chaulnes formerly Miss Theodora Shonts of New York whose husband died April 24 190S is engag- ed ¬ to Prince Joachin Iurat is being circulated here in spite of the strong denials of the princes father FOR RENTTwo furnished rooms for light housekeeping on first floor all conveniences Also one nicely fur ¬ nished bedroom on second floor one half block from A C L depot Apply 34 Oklawaha avenue FPN BARGAINS- An tightincn Westinghouse electric- fan that is positively guaranteed to burn only three cents worth of elec- tricity ¬ in ten hours steady running See them at once II W Tucker tho electrical supply man The best pills made are DeWItfs Little Early Risers the famous little I liver pills They are small gentle pleasant easy to take and act prompt- ly ¬ They are sold by all druggists KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I Conventions held every Mon- day evening in Castle Hall oycr pcysers store A cordial welcome to visiting knights Sidney Haile C C Chas K Sage K of R and S p 1 0 0 F Tulula Lodge No 2S filib I O O F meets ev cry Tuesday evening- in Yonges Hall Visiting brothers al- ways ¬ we Iconic W C nianehard X u M M Little Secretary 1 OCALA AE3IE NO 1814 F 0 E Meets every first and bird Wednesday even- Ing at S13 oclock Visiting brethren always welcome F W Ditto President- W C Moore Secretary OKLAWAHA TRIBE NO 41 I O R M Meets Thursday evenings at 730 at onges Hall W Gray C of K A M 1mF Dunn Lodg- er r J = fi7 19 meets in the- Y temple on the first and v third Thursday even- ings ¬ of each month Visiting brothers cordially invittd J A Bouvier W M W V Wheeler Secretary OCALA CHAPTER NO 13 R A M Rozrular convocations of tb ° Ocala riapUr Xo 12 R A M on the 4th I Friday in every m ntli at S p m X L Gottlieb H P Jake Drown FTj rHary OCALA LODGE NO 236 fI e BPOEM- cct second Tuesday evening in each month- S until October Visit- ing ¬ brethren always welcome Bradford Webb Exalted Ruler Stephen Jrvctt Secnaiy I I FORT lUNG CAMP 1WcrW4 No 14 Next regular monthly meeting ivill be held Friday evening Aug 13th at 730 oclock in Yonges Hall Visiting sovereigns are always welcome M M Little C C Chas K Sage Clerk I W 4 SUNDAYS HOLIDAY SLAUGHTER TwentyOne Dead and Many More Injured During the Afternoon- and Evening BArlin July 19Four persons were killed and more than a dozen others I were Injured as the result of the ex- plosion of a motorcycle and the fire which followed durine a cycle race at the old Botanic gardens last night I Cincinnati 0 July 19A gasoline launch carrying a pleasure party re- turning from an outing up the river capcjzpd On Coal Haven Ky on the Ohio river three miles east of the city last night Five persons were drown ¬ ed and four others were rescued by rivermcn- Xcw York July at4Ten j ° ron- were drowned yesterday afternoon- two of them little girls when the ex- cursion ¬ sloop Roxana carrying 22 passengers was capsized by a sudden squall on the lower bay The lead are all Scandinavians The captain of the Roxana and twelve survivors were picked UI by the tug lamon Utica X Y July 19C V Shap nell aicd sixtyeit of Onieda pres- Ident of the National Casket company Ava 5 Instantly killed and his wife and two sistersinlaw possibly fatally in- jured ¬ in an automobile accident near Canastota last night Dover X J July 19Mrs William Hardin of Patterson X J was killed in an automobile accident near here tonight Her husband was driving the car and was slightly injured as were two younger sons AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH- The hot weather and the absence from the rio of a large number of people is very much In evidence at the services of the various churches and while this holds good at the First Bap ¬ tist church the services yesterday- were well attended The pastor Rev H E Gabby took for his theme the Banner of God and founded his re ¬ marks on a portion of the COth Psalm He gave a very interesting count of tle origin and meaning of oanners among the armies of thr world also spoke of the varlqus tribes of the children of Israel being designated by their banners while in the wilderness But of Gods Banner he said it stood for liberty freedom and victory and that it floats higher and stands for more to the human race than any worldly flag that ever was known ilr Gabby expositions and illustrations ore apt and beautiful anti several of the congregation remarked that it was the best sermon of the series that the reverend gentleman has preached since he came here and that each sermon is better than its predecessor all of which speaks well for the place he has al- ready ¬ established in the hearts of his people Several members of the choir being absent Mrs Will Coin presided at the organ while the other places were filled by Mrs E H Mote and Mrs Van Hood Mrs Mote sang a solo before the sermon Xearer Mv God to Thee arranged to the beautiful Scotch air of Robin Adair In its vet notes deep pathos and beau- tiful ¬ rendering it was one of the most exquisite gems ever heard in the Bap- tist ¬ church CE CREAM II t made in this way e t Stir a package I i t S JELLO i ti bl ICE CREAM I Powder I into a quart cf milk rnd ri fret ze it That can Le dune in nlamt ten minutes There nothing to add for I s the powdtr supphS every J I f thini and theic ii no ca uk I I ling or anything eLe to do I UI Yon will Lave two quarts cf delicious ice cream for the I usual coit of two dishes 2 fzckcgca tsr Z5 certs- niuetjited I Itecipc Look Fee- LeR The Genestc Pcrc Food Co NY t WHAT EVERY MAN KNOWS 1niJ- tJTll I I 7 JiJiL I jJ I I That every woauu kaowra th- atCANDIES I Are the Best theWorid Her first cholceher last cholcennd her choice I at all time- sFAVORITES MY I TTD IOU TU oni male nn exceptional gift pac1inie I I For Sale b- yTWTROXLER I I I I I EquitableL- ife I Assurance Society 01 The United States STRONGEST IN THE WORLD t l MISS FLORIDA COXDOX Resident Agent LE SUEURROUSEL- ocated i on North Main St I near government building Reasonable rates by the week or month Firstclass f table board and comfortable- rooms i Mrs Rossie LeSueur Proprietress I Phone 77 Ocala Fla l BEAUTIFY YOUR LAN or 1 Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Very Latest Methods r > vj r > << 1 f1 i < We have just received one of the famous Jdea t Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which i does the work perfectly If you will favor us with your patronage guarantee to give you back the Mower in better condition than the day you bought- it It will be sharp and st sharp I longer than jhe < old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced ¬ I workman with a file or au emery wheel > r r 14 c 1- iijLTc j- f W 1 Next time your Mower needs sharpening i < ip I bring it in or notify us and we will f 1 d iP 7 D j make it cut so nicely it will surprise you MARION HARDWARE CO i3- J 1 I I A BROBDIGNAGIAN BATRACHIAN WInsted Conn July 18 Former High Sheriff Chesterfield C Middle brooks whose bungalow at at High ¬ land Lake stands partly over the lake- on stone and cement foundations was awakened at 4 oclock yesterday morn- ing ¬ by loud noises which he says shook his bungalow like an earth tremor He says that after the household- had been shaken out of a sound sleep- he not waiting to dress went out sid to ascertain the cause of the noise He found he says that a monster frog had its bed directly un- der ¬ the bungalow The frog weighed fully six pounds he says and every time It croaked the bungalow crack- ed ¬ and shook Mr Middlehrooks has bought an anchor strong rope and enough red fiannel to baita hundred hooks and will try to save his property by cap ¬ turing the bullfrog SEEDS IN STACKS Wile be Issued by Congressmen to Their Constituents Washington July la Members of I Congress are in high feather over two r I announcements just received from Secretary of Agriculture Wilson as I follows I 1 Hereafter the congressmans an- nual ¬ quota of garden seeds will be 20000 packages instead of 12000 2 Hereafter the congressmans an- nual ¬ allotment of flower soecs will be 2000 packages instead of 500 I AN UNREASONABLE HUSBAND Tifton Ga July ISJohn Canacly a negro at Lake Wane has his sec- ond ¬ I wife and the two wives have borne Canady 28 children All are now I living and the oldest is between 18 and 19 There are five twins and three triplets in this family At Ash burn a few lays ago a colored wom- an ¬ went to the office of a prominent lawyer and told him that after she had borne 25 children for her husband he wanted to leave her She wanted to know what to do to keep him ELECTRIC SMOOTHING x IRONS ON TRIAL- I I will place an electric smoothing- iron in your home on a few days trial upon quest at my office or by card- or phone They are the the greatest little thing in the home especially In hot weather Connect the cord with one of your light drops and in a few minutes the iron is hot No smoke- or dirt and Htat only where it is wanted II W TUCKER SKILLED PAINTING- I am prepared to take any Job of painting no matter how large or how small 01 how fine the work desired may be I have rhe material brushes and knowledge to paint and do it I right Houses painted Inside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address P O Box 135 or lave word- at the Star office K W Fillyaw Ocala Flat tf 3 CENTS FOR 10 HOURS RUNNING- How is that This Is not an auto- mobile ¬ hut one of those new 8Inch Westinphousc rlTtric fans that I have just received Let me place one or two of them in your home or on your desk H W Tucker the elec- trical ¬ supnly man WATCH FuR THE RED WAGONS- The Florida Pa eking Ice Company- now has its delivery wagons on the streets retailing Ice The company Is also shipping from the plant and selling to the trade in quantities See the companys ad elsewhere in this issue The Ice Is made from pure distilled water and Is firstclass LOSTTWO COATS I On road from U ala to Wllliston A black sack coat on the cork screw order and a light tan coat with stripe with Masonic badge pinned on Will pay reasonable reward for their return to the Star office in Ocala or to J K Harrison Wllliston Fia I HOUSES FOR RENT Modern cottages all conveniences- well located and new Apply to Jos- eph ¬ Bell at court house HOUSE FOR RENT- A new sevenroom house for rent on Daugherty street Apply to A G Gates TYPEWRITER BARGAIN- For 10 spot cash secondhand Call graph typewriter worth fully J25 want the room Apply immediately I Star rL1 4 > Washington Seminary i North Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and JQay School for girls and young ladles Boarding department strictly limited to insure re ¬ fined home life Classes divided into small sections to secure personal In- struction ¬ Vacuity of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages In Mus i is Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vassar Wellesley Randolph Macon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 9 1909 Catalogue on ap V- plication L D SCOTT EMMA B SCOTT Principals 4 3 V ARE YOU A r cir iui 1- Wff Qt I M- If s 4 F IFfAPSY4P t- w a M- s4 q ii t aID 1P 1 you are I can help you to throw off the chains of slaverya- nd become a free man a home owner I have many homes city and country smal medium priced and large that I can sell you cheap for cash or nearly- as cheap on most liberal terms a small payment down and Just a little more each month than you would pay in rent with the addition of 8 Interest F W DITTO Real Estate and Fire Insurance Ocala Florida 4 j J i pSftTinis WTirefquipmentI- BQLTEDON f 1 CLINCHER QD CLINCHER911 11- 1q W J WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TIRES AS 1 WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO 1 REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES J OCALA IRON WORKS OCALA FLA SOL tI C KNIGHT LANGLe- ading Vehicle Dealers- of Central Florida I t l- J AH IMMCISC stock ot Reliable Wagons Biggies CarLs4 and Carriages carried at all Uses r d Harness Sallies Lap Robes Whips and all items 1 carried by a firstclass boise II this bio bOBgat ii fiai j titles from the factories and always in stock at the very lowest prices We can save yoi money OB your pircftases Jretfeey f lane tr saalL- Ageits for most of the leafing and best sakes of- wafois ail lIg- giesKNIGHT LANG North SIdeYS nare OCALA FLOUIA I t e L1 C

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-07-19 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03222/00207.pdfR CARROLL Business Manager A netv railroad from Qultman Ga c ... Russia

if tr q r n i >

0 5 ifrT il > kJ4r P t1 I t-

illI 1 r 1 q Is




c L Bittingcr and R R CarrollEditor and Publishers




R CARROLL Business Manager

A netv railroad from Qultman Gac

1e to Tallahassee via Montlcello Is prac ¬

tically assured

Judge W M Ingraham a leadingcitizen St Augustine died In thatcity Saturday aged u years

The friends of Hon S J Hllburn ofr Palatka are grooming him for a candi ¬

date for Frank Clarks seat In Con-gress


Dr William Osler has reached theage of 60 and to be consistent shouldcall In a friend with a bottle of chloro-form


The revolution In Persia reads likea a chapter out of the Arabian Nights-

It will probably result In the big gentRussia annexing the entire country

3r11 3 H WIengesI wife of the clerkof the circuit court of Alachua coun-ty


died at her home In GainesvilleSaturday She was In her sixtyfirstyear


The prohibitionists of Bristol orrather Goodwin Va say they canprove 117 wet votes were Illegally eastIn the recent wet or dry elction Ifthey can that oasis hi the desert willprove to be a mirage

Major Healey the well known Volusia county politician Is dangerously

L sick The doctors say his complaint-Is leakage of the heart The old manswhiskers never leaked no matter whathis hears may do-

wThere Is another snarl In Tampa mil ¬

itaryclrcles Captain Moreno has beeny relieved of the command of the postand Capt Max P Moritz appointed inhis stead until the charges against thefirst named officer are Investigated

The meeting of the orange growers1 In Tampa next Thursday will not be

of less Importance to the welfare of thegrowers than the previous meetingsfor the organization of the FloridaCitrus Exchange which Is to have Itsheadquarters In Tampa-


H M Hampton attorney oC

Ocala will lead a large delegation fromthe Brick City for Shell Island In afew days divided between stags and

p stagcsscs Crystal River NewsGee The Stagess is an Important

addition to Florida fauna

Hon W A Blount of PensacOlawho announced Saturday that hewould make the race for United State

t senator Is one of the bestUnown andmost successful lawyers and public-men In the tate His attainments are

t arc of the solid rather than thcahqwy1 kind He will make the other candi-


hustle and If elected Will be anhonor to the state

5 The thermometer registered 104 in-

S the ahade at Houston last Monday hutwhile tho average citizen was petitionIng providence for leave to pull offhis skin and sit In his bones George

4 Bailey was sitting up to a redheadedTexas widow and sitting very closeNorfolk Virginian

George must be first cousin to theman who could go through Hades with

1 his overcoat on

Adjutant General Foster of theFlorida state troops is endeavoring tohave a spur truck constructed from

4Yukon a smallstation on the AtlanticCoast Line to the grounds of CampBryan at Black Point Since the camp-groundsk were established by the Flor-ida


legislature this Improvement hasI

been contemplated but It Is only re ¬

1 cently that the matter has been takcnup In an official way

The Eustis team played the Ocalal nine Tuesday and Wednesday The first

game resulted In a score of 1 to 10 infavor of Ocala and the second game 2to 0 for Ocala The boys seems to goto pieces on Tuesday but Wednesday-they got on their mettle and whatOcala got was by hard workEustls-Lake Region1 >

Well by the great horn spoonheres one Florida paper which doesntblame It on the umpire Give the Lake

f Region a medal

Castro puts up a pitiful plea for agrave In Venezuela No doubt thegovernment at the Caracas would wil-


grant It If he will furnish thoopportunity by dying Likewise weare confident the sooner the opportun-ity

¬4 ft given the greater the alacrity

with which It would he embracedt Savannah News

Its a safe bet that Castro Is at leastas acceptable to the people of his owncountry as foreigners or those whotruckle to themc

The Japanese system of philosophyteaches that death Is the easiest meansof escaping from the troubles of lifeand from statistics published in aFrench economic Journal It is seen thatsuicide Is omcthing appalling so far


as numbers are concerned In the Lan-dSS tho Chrysanthemum From 1890to 1897 7000 cases were recorded from

iL 1393 to 1902 there were SOOO In 1903r the number exceeded 9000 and in 1901

It was 10000 Sixty per cent of thevictims were men and 40 per cent wo-men



The National Educational Associa ¬

tion assembled In convention In Den ¬

ver officially pronounced against thehigh school frats The action wastaken on the ground that the spirit ofthe frat was opposed to the spirit ofdemocracy In the schools This actionrepresents the national organization ofof the school teachers of the United

1 r States It may therefore be taken forgranted that it represents the collec-tive


wisdom as well as the collectiveexperience of the teachers from all

1 parts of the United States It is sig-nificant


that the action taken wasunanimous and that the resolution wasadopted without debate The resulthere expressed Is the verdict of thev

1 general public in all parts of thea l country The greatest danger from th-

frts Is that which comes from thet L establishment through their agency of

I Roclar test In the schools The fratmember has rrogated to himself spe-cial


jso c1al glstjnctlons which someI teachers Tiave l boen foolish enough to


allow and othesstiIl more foolish toapprove < 4v



The teacher was trying to explain1I the word transfiguration says Suc-


b1 Dont you remember the transfljoratlon on tbe Mountain she said

d 1

i iJ t fI it r

r I

Who was U who was transfigured and rchanged In appearance on that ocsionT she asked hopefully AftejTmoment of thoughtful silence n kerhesitatingly raised his hand 7

I cant just remember hisname-he said but he was up ther huntingand he went to sleep and fXpt twentyyears


Referring to the proposition of the I

TimesUnion to shorten the name ofJacksonville to Jackson and abbrev-iate


the names of some other citiesthe Tampa Tribune perpetrates the I

following atrocity-We


would surely not count it ill if I

Jacksonville should drop its rule andsporting under shorter namt pursueIts certain path of fame I

Abbreviation is the fad and journal-ism


has it bad so why not dare it no I

its worst and cut all syllables savethe first

Let Jacksonville become plain Jackno knocktr dare that name attack-

its brief nntJ sweot and catchy toobut what would other cities do

Would Miyes and Tyler chortlewhen they saw their city listed PenWould It please Uncle Henrys eye toice Miami cut to Ml

Or Walter Thompson smile in gleeto lost the West and hold the KeyTwould suit Polk county better farIt has a Law then why not Bar

McCrearys burg would save somepains by shortening its name to Gainswhileheres a laborsaving rapmake Apalachicola Ap

The HarrisBittinger town wouldgrow as rapidly if known as 0 Letatka slide henceforth Its Pal like-


ahassee make it TalWhat sweeter name than simple

Kiss for Garden City home of blissAnd for a city free from taint whatmore appropriate than Saint

Let Punta Gorda have its Pun andDunnellon be ever Dun Let Picnictake its own dear Pie and MIcanopyshrink to Mic

Why use the whole blamed alpha-bet


Why make the postal experts fretAnd as for UP why call us TamwOwoudnt can a single

There is more catarrh In this sec-


of the country than all other dis-


put together and until the lastfew years was supposed to be incur-able


For a great many years doctorspronounced it a local disease and pre-


local remedies and by con-


failing to cure with localtreatment pronounced it incurableScience has proved catarrh to ue aconstitutional disease and thereforerequires constitutional treatmentHalls Catarrh Cure manufactured byF J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio i

the only constitutional cure on themarket It Is taken internally indoses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful-It acts directly on the blood and mu ¬

cus surfaces of the system They o

fer one hundred dollars for any caseit fails to cure Send for circulars andtestimonials Address F J CHENEY

CO Toledo Ohio Sold by drug ¬

gists 75c Take Halls Family Pillsfor constipation


New York July 19The southtubes of the Hudson and ManhattanRailroad company commonly known-as the McAdoo tunnels running underthe North river from the Hudson ter ¬

minal buildings to the Pennsylvania-Erie and Lackawanna railroad sta ¬

tions will be completed and ready foroperation on that day but failure onthe part of the car builders to deliversufficient equipment makes it possi-


to operate then only that portion-of the line from thoIIudson terminalbuildings to the Pennsylvania railroadstation

Get DeWitts Carbolized Witch Ha ¬

zel Salve when you ask for It Thereare a great many imitations but there-is just one original This salve is goodfor anything where a salve is needed-to be used but is especially good forpiles Sold by all druggists


New York July 18 AlexanderWilliams a frightened amateur sit ¬

ting like a wooden man went up atdawn yesterday in Glenn H Curtissaeroplane which hovered a monnntIn midaid then crashed to earth

The beautiful craft in which Cur ¬

tiss made his remarkable flight yes ¬

terday was totally wrecked and thewouldbe aviator was lifted uncon ¬

scious from the twisted frame his leftarm broken his left thumb dislocatedhis body bruised and his brain reel-ing


His injuries are not serious Theaccident occurred on HempsteadPlains Mineola where Curtiss hasbeen giving demonstrations

Look over our line of toilet prep-


Wo arc quite proud of thefine stock Pcrfumon powders andsoaps of the liner grades TypingsCompany

FOR SALEProtographs of the 37

horses that were shot and buried July7th The size of the pictures whichwere taken in front of the courthouse-and as the animals lay dead in thetrenches is 10x12 Price 50 cents Tobe had of Tompkins Cobb

ti II-


The Proof is in theBREAD-

If you are not using-

it now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively inOcala




Pretender to the Spanish Throne and tMade More Useless Trouble than j

Any Other Man in Europe j

Rome Italy June 19Don Carlospretender to the Spanish throne diedyesterday at Varese in Lombardy He i

had been III a long tim with apoplexyH was born at Laybach Australia-on March 20 154-




Mrs J Addison Hayes Daughter of j

Jefferson DavisI

Colorado Springs July 19Mrs J J

Addison Hayes daughter of the late J

Jefferson Davis president of theConfederacy died last night at her t

home In this city alter an illness ofseveral months


resident of Jacksonville for twenty> ix y an= died at his residence in that I

city Fridiv evening Dr Gae was fortventythr years superintendent forFlorida and sometimes Georgia Ala-bama and Xorth Carolina of Congre-gational


home missions organizing andestablishing upon a permanent basisover one hundred churches

During these years he has been oneof the best known clergymen in theSoutheastern states For several yearshe had been in declining health andsince February he had been confined tohis bed

Dr Gale was born in Plainfield VtFebruary 11 lS2 He was preparedfjf college at Barre Academy BarreVermont

rtf 4t <

ct tr 1

iE 14 v1 1Z<



Ai 0


Will not suffer If you have to weaispectacles

They are improving to most peo-


looks when fitted by 0112 whounderstands how

Your eyesight is too precious toneglect You owe them all the at ¬

tention and care that they may needj

They Jet Careful Attention HereDR D M BONEY

Eyesight SpecialistOcala Fla

Office hours 9 to 12 a m and130 to 430 p m Optical officeami laboratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary



Paris Tub 18A report that theDuchess de Chaulnes formerly MissTheodora Shonts of New York whosehusband died April 24 190S is engag-ed


to Prince Joachin Iurat is beingcirculated here in spite of the strongdenials of the princes father

FOR RENTTwo furnished roomsfor light housekeeping on first floorall conveniences Also one nicely fur ¬

nished bedroom on second floor onehalf block from A C L depot Apply34 Oklawaha avenue


An tightincn Westinghouse electric-fan that is positively guaranteed toburn only three cents worth of elec-tricity


in ten hours steady runningSee them at once II W Tucker thoelectrical supply man

The best pills made are DeWItfsLittle Early Risers the famous little

I liver pills They are small gentlepleasant easy to take and act prompt-ly


They are sold by all druggists

KNIGHTS OF PYTHIASI Conventions held every Mon-day evening in Castle Halloycr pcysers store A cordial

welcome to visiting knightsSidney Haile C C

Chas K Sage K of R and S

p 1 0 0 FTulula Lodge No 2Sfilib I O O F meets ev

cry Tuesday evening-in Yonges Hall Visiting brothers al-


we IconicW C nianehard X u

M M Little Secretary


Meets every first andbird Wednesday even-

Ing at S13 oclock Visiting brethrenalways welcome

F W Ditto President-W C Moore Secretary


Meets Thursday evenings at 730 atonges Hall W Gray C of K

A M1mF Dunn Lodg-err J =fi7 19 meets in the-

Y temple on the first andv third Thursday even-ings


of each month Visiting brotherscordially invittd J A Bouvier W M

W V Wheeler Secretary


Rozrular convocations of tb ° OcalariapUr Xo 12 R A M on the 4th

I Friday in every m ntli at S p mX L Gottlieb H P

Jake Drown FTj rHary


NO 236fIe BPOEM-

cct second Tuesdayevening in each month-


until October Visit-ing


brethren always welcomeBradford Webb Exalted Ruler

Stephen Jrvctt SecnaiyI


1WcrW4 No 14

Next regular monthly meeting ivillbe held Friday evening Aug 13th at730 oclock in Yonges Hall Visitingsovereigns are always welcome

M M Little C CChas K Sage Clerk

I W 4


TwentyOne Dead and Many MoreInjured During the Afternoon-

and EveningBArlin July 19Four persons were

killed and more than a dozen others I

were Injured as the result of the ex-plosion of a motorcycle and the firewhich followed durine a cycle race atthe old Botanic gardens last night I

Cincinnati 0 July 19A gasolinelaunch carrying a pleasure party re-turning from an outing up the rivercapcjzpd On Coal Haven Ky on theOhio river three miles east of the citylast night Five persons were drown ¬

ed and four others were rescued byrivermcn-

Xcw York July at4Ten j °ron-were drowned yesterday afternoon-two of them little girls when the ex-


sloop Roxana carrying 22passengers was capsized by a suddensquall on the lower bay The leadare all Scandinavians The captain ofthe Roxana and twelve survivors werepicked UI by the tug lamon

Utica X Y July 19C V Shapnell aicd sixtyeit of Onieda pres-Ident of the National Casket company

Ava 5 Instantly killed and his wife andtwo sistersinlaw possibly fatally in-


in an automobile accident nearCanastota last night

Dover X J July 19Mrs WilliamHardin of Patterson X J was killedin an automobile accident near heretonight Her husband was driving thecar and was slightly injured as weretwo younger sons


The hot weather and the absencefrom the rio of a large number ofpeople is very much In evidence at theservices of the various churches andwhile this holds good at the First Bap ¬

tist church the services yesterday-were well attended The pastor RevH E Gabby took for his theme theBanner of God and founded his re ¬

marks on a portion of the COth PsalmHe gave a very interesting count oftle origin and meaning of oannersamong the armies of thr world alsospoke of the varlqus tribes of thechildren of Israel being designated bytheir banners while in the wildernessBut of Gods Banner he said it stoodfor liberty freedom and victory andthat it floats higher and stands formore to the human race than anyworldly flag that ever was known ilrGabby expositions and illustrationsore apt and beautiful anti several ofthe congregation remarked that it wasthe best sermon of the series that thereverend gentleman has preached sincehe came here and that each sermon isbetter than its predecessor all of whichspeaks well for the place he has al-


established in the hearts of hispeople

Several members of the choir beingabsent Mrs Will Coin presided at theorgan while the other places werefilled by Mrs E H Mote and MrsVan Hood Mrs Mote sang a solobefore the sermon Xearer Mv Godto Thee arranged to the beautifulScotch air of Robin Adair In itsvet notes deep pathos and beau-tiful


rendering it was one of the mostexquisite gems ever heard in the Bap-tist



CE CREAMII tmade in this way

e t Stir a packageI

i t S JELLOi ti bl



into a quart cf milk rndri fret ze it That can Le dunein nlamt ten minutes

There nothing to add forI s the powdtr supphS every JI f thini and theic ii no cauk

I I ling or anything eLe to doI UI Yon will Lave two quarts

cf delicious ice cream for theI usual coit of two dishes

2 fzckcgca tsr Z5 certs-niuetjited

IItecipc Look Fee-

LeRThe Genestc Pcrc Food Co N Y





7 JiJiLI jJI


That every woauu kaowra th-


Are the Best theWoridHer first cholceher last

cholcennd her choiceI at all time-


male nn exceptional gift pac1inieI


For Sale b-





I EquitableL-


Assurance Society

01 The United States




ocatedion North Main St

I near government buildingReasonable rates by the

week or month Firstclassf table board and comfortable-rooms

i Mrs Rossie LeSueur ProprietressI Phone 77 Ocala Fla




Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the VeryLatest Methods r

> vj r>

<<1 f1 i

<We have just received one of the famous Jdea t

Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially builtfor the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which idoes the work perfectly If you will favor us withyour patronage guarantee to give you back theMower in better condition than the day you bought-

it It will be sharp and st sharpI

longer than jhe <

old style way which is usually done by inexpe-



I workman with a file or au emery wheel >


c 1-



W1 Next time your Mower needs sharpening



I bring it in or notify us and we willf1 d iP 7D j make it cut so nicely it will surprise you





WInsted Conn July 18 FormerHigh Sheriff Chesterfield C Middlebrooks whose bungalow at at High ¬

land Lake stands partly over the lake-on stone and cement foundations wasawakened at 4 oclock yesterday morn-ing


by loud noises which he saysshook his bungalow like an earthtremor

He says that after the household-had been shaken out of a sound sleep-he not waiting to dress went outsid to ascertain the cause of thenoise He found he says that amonster frog had its bed directly un-


the bungalow The frog weighedfully six pounds he says and everytime It croaked the bungalow crack-ed


and shookMr Middlehrooks has bought an

anchor strong rope and enough redfiannel to baita hundred hooks andwill try to save his property by cap ¬

turing the bullfrog


Wile be Issued by Congressmen toTheir Constituents

Washington July la Members ofI Congress are in high feather over two r

I announcements just received fromSecretary of Agriculture Wilson as

I followsI 1 Hereafter the congressmans an-


quota of garden seeds will be20000 packages instead of 12000

2 Hereafter the congressmans an-


allotment of flower soecs will be2000 packages instead of 500



Tifton Ga July ISJohn Canaclya negro at Lake Wane has his sec-ond


I wife and the two wives haveborne Canady 28 children All are now

I living and the oldest is between 18

and 19 There are five twins andthree triplets in this family At Ashburn a few lays ago a colored wom-


went to the office of a prominentlawyer and told him that after she hadborne 25 children for her husband hewanted to leave her She wanted toknow what to do to keep him




will place an electric smoothing-iron in your home on a few days trialupon quest at my office or by card-

or phone They are the the greatestlittle thing in the home especially Inhot weather Connect the cord withone of your light drops and in a fewminutes the iron is hot No smoke-or dirt and Htat only where it iswanted II W TUCKER


I am prepared to take any Job ofpainting no matter how large or howsmall 01 how fine the work desiredmay be I have rhe material brushesand knowledge to paint and do it

I right Houses painted Inside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress P O Box 135 or lave word-

at the Star office K W FillyawOcala Flat tf


How is that This Is not an auto-mobile


hut one of those new 8InchWestinphousc rlTtric fans that Ihave just received Let me place oneor two of them in your home or on

your desk H W Tucker the elec-


supnly man


The Florida Paeking Ice Company-now has its delivery wagons on thestreets retailing Ice The company Is

also shipping from the plant andselling to the trade in quantities Seethe companys ad elsewhere in thisissue The Ice Is made from puredistilled water and Is firstclass


I On road from U ala to WlllistonA black sack coat on the cork screworder and a light tan coat withstripe with Masonic badge pinned onWill pay reasonable reward for theirreturn to the Star office in Ocala orto J K Harrison Wllliston Fia



Modern cottages all conveniences-well located and new Apply to Jos-


Bell at court house


A new sevenroom house for renton Daugherty street Apply to A G



For 10 spot cash secondhand Callgraph typewriter worth fully J25want the room Apply immediately



rL1 4 >

Washington Seminary i

North Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and JQay School forgirls and young ladles Boarding department strictly limited to insure re¬

fined home life Classes divided into small sections to secure personal In-


Vacuity of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages In Mus i

is Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vassar Wellesley RandolphMacon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 9 1909 Catalogue on ap V-

plication L D SCOTT EMMA B SCOTT Principals 43


ARE YOU A rciriui 1-

Wff Qt IM-







s4 q ii t

aID 1P 1

you are I can help you to throwoff the chains of slaverya-

nd become a free man a home owner I have many homes city and countrysmal medium priced and large that I can sell you cheap for cash or nearly-as cheap on most liberal terms a small payment down and Just a little moreeach month than you would pay in rent with the addition of 8 Interest

F W DITTOReal Estate and Fire Insurance Ocala Florida

4 j Ji

pSftTinis WTirefquipmentI-


f 1











ading Vehicle Dealers-of Central Florida

I t l-

JAH IMMCISC stock ot Reliable Wagons Biggies CarLs4

and Carriages carried at all Uses r d

Harness Sallies Lap Robes Whips and all items 1

carried by a firstclass boise II this bio bOBgat ii fiai jtitles from the factories and always in stock at the verylowest prices

We can save yoi money OB your pircftases Jretfeey flane tr saalL-

Ageits for most of the leafing and best sakes of-

wafois ail lIg-giesKNIGHT LANG



teL1 C