ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-10-01 [p...

k I f e 1 It Y TWO OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY OCTOBER 11908 N l EVENING STAR- C L BITTINGER CO I C L Bittinger and R R Carroll Proprietors and Publishers- C L BITTINGER Editor and General Manager- R R CARROLL City Editor and Business Manager DEMOCRATIC TICKET President of the United States WM J BRYAN- t Vice President of the United States i JOHN W KERN I United States Senator DUNCAN U FLETCHER I Member of Congress 1st District- S M SPARKMAN I Presidential Electors- H P BAILEY- P W BUTLER GEORGE C MARTIN SAMUEL PASCO J Governor I ALBERT WV GILCHRIST Comptroller A C GROOM Railroad Commissioner ROYAL C DUNN v T < Treasurer- W V KNOTT I Secretary of State- H CLAY CRAWFORD Attorney General PARK M TRAMMELL state Supt of Public Instruction- WM M HOLLOWAY Commissioner of Agriculture- B E McLIN Justices of the Supreme Court WILLIAM A HOCKER THOS M SHACKLEFORD i Representatives- W D CARN of Ocala- L S LIGHT of Reddick County Judge JOSEPH BELL of Ocala Clerk of Circuit Court- S T SISTRUNK of Ocala Sheriff JOHN P GALLOWAY of Ocala Tax Collector- E L CARNEY of Ocala i Tax Assessor ALFRED AYER of Ocala Treasurer THOMAS E PASTEUR of Ocala Supt Public Instruction- J H BRINSON County Commissioners District 1 George MacKay Ocala District 2J M Mathews Flem ington District 3M M Proctor Pedro District 4N A Fort Lynne District 5W J Crosby Citra Members of School Board District IIsaac Stevens Ocala District 2B R BUtch Blitchton District 3J S Grantham Ft Mc ¬ Coy THE PROPOSED COUNTY FAIR We desire to again call the attention- of the people of Ocala and Marion county to the proposed county fair which if enough interest is manifested- it is suggested will be held in January 1909 in this city To that end a meet ¬ ing will be held Tuesday noon at Dr Guerrants veterinary hospital Oct 7 also another meeting In the evening at the courthouse so that all persons is the city who believe in county fairs I and propose to aid it will be present and help along the good cause This county fair business if properly taken- in hand can be made a desirable meet isg for Ocala and Marion county and to that end we trust we will all work We hope our people will remember the date and place of meeting and be on hand Matters of this kind so vital to all our material interests should claim the attention of our citizens and arouse them to the project with an enthus- iasm ¬ that will work success The editor of the Star takes pleasure in acknowledging an invitation to be present at the celebration of the 223th anniversary of the founding of the gov- ernment ¬ of the city of Pennsylvania- the occasion being from the 4th to the 10th of October The invitation is an elaborate work of art On the left cor ¬ ner is the well known picture of Will- iam ¬ Penn making a treaty with the Indians Following is a home a school house and the city market with its in ¬ dispensable town pump On the right- is a picture of the younger Penn be ¬ neath the United States flag and tha- tan the colony Underneath this Is a of the present twenty million dollar city hall building Philadelphia- will cover herself with glory next week George Blitch the pleasant gentle ¬ man that presides over the cash of the Commercial Bank knows all about pumping nickles as his little niece terms the counting of silver coin but when it comes to counting snakes he finds it a different proposition The other morning as he was going to open his collar box for a collar and gener- ally ¬ he can get the one he wants with ¬ out looking in the box but on this oc- casion ¬ he looked ere he reached and it was a good thing he did for judge his surprise tosee a good sized snake nicely coiled within the box The un ¬ expected sight so unnerved him that he had to call Mr Roland Blitch for aid to dispatch the reptile THOMAS J OWEN The folovlrg account of the burial- of the late Thomas J Owen of this tiny appeared in the South Deerfield- N H Press and will be of interest- to our people among whom lie lived so long and was highly esteemed A private funeral service was held over the remains of Mr Owens body in Boston for the comfort and consola ¬ tion of his sister Mrs Hewitt who I was unabl to accompany the remains- to their last resting place because of the sorrow that had come upon her by the recent drath of her little boy The Press says The remains of Thomas J Owen of Ocala Florida were brought to his old home at North Turner Bridge Sept 17 for burial The funeral was attended by Rev M K Markley of Turner Center also by Nezincot Lodge- F A M of Turner and Wilson Post No 17 G A R of North Turner Mr I Owen was born Jan 27 1S45 being the oldest of seven children born to I Jefferson and Mary Brown Owen He spent his boyhood days at North Turner Bridge with his father work ¬ ing in the sled factory When the war broke out he enlisted in the Sec ¬ ond Maine Cavalry Returning home- he married here He opened a gen- eral ¬ store at the bridg where ne did business for some time In the early 80s he went to Florida where he made his home until death He is surviv- ed ¬ by two sisters Mrs F L White of New Hampshire and Mrs Alfred Hewett of Boston by one son Samuel- J Owen of Boston and two daughters Mrs Emerson Packard of Ayer Mass and Mrs Joseph D Lewis of Penn splvania To eulogize him seems need- less ¬ among his old neighbors and friends Mr Owen was always honest end upright in every way None knew him but to love him named him but to praise He was always proud- to come to the good old state of Maine his native state as much as he loved his Southern home and friends His answer to all was if he had his life to live over again he never would leave Maine He was an honored member- of Wilson Post No 17 G A R until he went South when he withdrew and joined the G A R in Florida Since then he has held the highest office In the order being its department com- mander ¬ He also was a member of Nezinscot Lodge No 14 F A M of Turner He was commander of the local camp of Ocala G A R for many years and a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Odd Fel ¬ lows For all Mr Owen has been gone from his old friends a long time they will miss him much SAVED BY SENTIMENT- Two Live Teddy Bears Escape from the Knife of the Butcher Fargo N D Sept 9Big Crowds surrounded the Taft party wherever it stopped yesterday in its course over the Great Northern Railroad through Minnesota and North Dakota The six ¬ teen speeches which Mr Taft delivered through the day and evening worked sad havoc with the voice he started- out with in the morning arid last night it was again in a bad condition- The day had two features the Grand Forks N D meeting and the Fargo rally last night In both places tre ¬ mendous crowds were out and in each city the candidate made three speeches- The Fargo meeting included the striking feature of a huge barbecue- Ten steers and twenty sheep furnished food for the multitudes The feast was participated in by thousands of excur ¬ sionists who had come from as far as 45 miles distant- It was just dark when the Taft spe ¬ cial reached the end of its days run and the people of Fargo were out in force toextend the welcome A torch ¬ light procession made picturesque by the squad of mounted cowboys with their characteristic yells escorted the Ohioan through the town and out to the fort It had been planned that bear meat should be a part of the feast but the two black bears captured sometime- ago and fattened on nuts for the oc ¬ casion calmly looked on at the feast- of which they were to have been a part They were chained to a table at which the candidate stood to eat his bread and meat and drink hot coffee The bears were saved because of the sentiment that it would never do to have the candidate eat up the real Teddy bears as they were designated- by a large sign over them- A CORRECTION- Editor Star Please give me space- in your paper to make an explanation- as to a certain report that is circulated- in Anthony as follows Some one has said that I went on my boys bond for him to carry a pistol and that I made an affidavit that the boy was twentyone years old I hereby de ¬ nounce the party as an infamous liar I did 110t go on his bond neither would- i I go on a bond for anybody to carry a j pistol T P Jones Anthony Fla Sept 30 A SHAKING UP- I May be very well so far as the trusts are concerned but not when it comes I to chills and fever and malaria Quit I the quinine and take a teal cureDal lards Herbine Contains no harmful drugs and is as certain as taxes If it I duent cure you got your money back i Sold by AmiMonopoly Drugstore I WILL ENFORCE THE lAW I j Property Owners are Requested to ake Notice Under and by authority of the I Health Ordinance passed by the city I council of Ocala August 2d 1S95 all property owners and agents are here- by ¬ notified to cut and remove beyond the city limits all weeds from the sidewalks and from their premises and vacant lots within five 5 days from date hereof or they will be arrested and dealt with as per the provisions- of Section 39 of the above ordinance Penalty for failure to comply with this demand not less than 35 or more than 300 or imprisonment not less than one or more than thirty days or both at the discretion of the mayor This I means business so do not overlook it By Order of the City Board of Health By E Van Hood President Ocala Fla Sept 23 190- SMILLINERY Ladies desiring stylish and upto date millinery hats renovated or in j fact anything in the millinery line would do well to write Miss Louise j Hooper 521 West 135th street New York City or leave orders with Mrs j J R Moorhead Phone 256 R D FULLER DENTAL SURGEON Office Oicr Munroc S Chambliss Bank I OCALA FLORIDA I TERMS CASH J E CHACE DENTAL SURGEON I Rooms 9 10 and II Second Floor Holder Block I OCALA FLORIDA l TERMS CASH i I L F BLALOCK I Dental Surgeon I Office Over Commercial Bank I Phone 211 Office Hours8 to 12 a m1 to 5 pm TERJIS CASH SIMOLTONS ARE SCARCE- At Republican Headquarters But the I Democrats Have Enough and I Then Some I New Vbrk Sept 30Confidence on the part of the treasurers and du- biousness J on the part of the chairmen j of the two parties was the tone of the statements received yesterday rela ¬ tive to the financial condition of the democratic and republican campaigns Chairman Hitchcock of the republi- cans ¬ I says The situation is embar- rassing to say the least while Treas- urer Sheldon is quoted as saying j Dont let the multitude worry We have enough money both for immedi- ate ¬ and future ourposes Chairman Mack of the democratic committee declared We need mon ¬ ey the situation is fast becoming ser ¬ ious However We are better off than our republican neighbors Treasurer Ridder stated that the bank balances might be larger but there would be something left over on November third WOMAN INTERRUPTS POLITICAL SPEAKER- A well dressed woman interrupted- a political speaker recently by con- tinually ¬ coughing If she had taken Foleys Honey and Tar it would have cured her cough quickly and expelled- the cold from her system The genu ¬ ine Foleys Honey and Tar contains- no opiates and is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers DAVID S5 WOODROW REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENT- SRooms 27 and 28 Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA- The man who waits tor a proven producing proposition before invest ¬ ing will always pay every cent the stock is worth Its the man who takes- a chance on the ground floor that real- ly ¬ gets the cream Always investigate- and act with due caution but you will lose out entirely and every time if you wait for a cinch Equal parts of I nerve and common sense will be found- a dose and combina- tion very palatable a ¬ hard to beat- If you want to buy a home in Ocala- I can offer you one of the very few places on the market on O lawaha avenue Frontage is 96 feet and the lot runs back 480 feet House is one story I containing five rooms kitchen and bathroom city water gas electric light and modern plumbing stable and servants house in yard Price 2300 half cash and balance spread- over three years- If you want to build a store build ¬ ing to rent I have a lot on Fort King avenue between the Fittman building- and j the new building just erected by Guerrant Carmichael Frontage is 43 feet by 110 feet deep The building- now on it is old but rents for enough- to pay interest on the investment Price is 350- OAKRIDGE I I lots on the Shady Grove hard road and within the city limits- can be bought for 75 to 90 100 feet front by 125 feet deep We cash and 1 per week Free deed in case of I death No taxes to pay until 1909 Map I and prices on application I WOODMAR This property is on the most beautiful lake in Florida on a bluff which rises from 25 feet to 75 feet above the level of the lake The- A jr L railroad runs between the edge- of the lake and the bluff Four years ago when I platted this property and offered to sell lots I was laughed at I by many and the word fool more than once dropped in connection with i this property Try and buy back for me the lots I have already sold and come and see me I have raised the i prices once and will raise again until another Mr Flagler sees the beauties- of the place and then he can have it if he will pay the price The streets- are i all planted to shade trees and wat j er works installedgood water too I Buy a lot now You can buy on terms but you cant buy them at a discount j Map and prices on application i HOUSEBOAT WILL TRY TO SAIL AROUND HATTERAS She Is a Floating Palace But Only Draws Three Feet and Will Be Tossed Like a Chip New York World Yachtsmen who have sailed the world over in quest of recreation and I health are deeply interested in the proposed plan of Edward Becker treasurer of the Equitable Engineer- ing ¬ Company of No 60 Wall street- to tail from New York to Florida in his houseboat Najme the most splen- didly ¬ equipped and costliest craft of its kind in America if not in the world Although the boat draws little more than three feet of water Mr Becket says there will be no danger when it I leaves the inland route in Virginia- and rides on the Atlantic around Cape Hatteras and thence along the coast- to Florida in tow of an ocean going tug It is planned to start ear y in October and the winter will be spent J or the Miami River I The trip will be a coninuation of t the honeymoon from which Mr and Mrs Becket returned recently after an extended European tour Mrs Becket was Miss Sonia Isabel Tripler a daughter of the late Charles E Trip ¬ let one of the pioneers in the develop ¬ ment of liquid air as a commercial i factor She is pdpular in society in I New York and Paris I Up to the time of the recent pur- chase t of the Najme from the heirs of George C Taylor the eccentric mil lionaire of Islip L I considerable mystery surrounded the boat It was built for Betsy Head housekeeper for the aged millionaire and whose home one the Long Island estate vied with the owners mansion in magnificence j Yachtsmen who have seen the I Najme at its present anchorage off West One Hundred and Twelfth street I have expressed themselves as amazed i l by its luxuriant fittings Her graceful lines trim masts and burnished j brasses suggest at first glance that the craft is a yacht Closer inspection however reveals her to be a house- boat without power She is 98 feet on the water line and has a 30foot I beam The Cigarette owned by an English millionaire and the Ever- glades ¬ i owned by Col Thompson I this city are the only houseboats in the world which exceed the Nejme in length but neither has more than half her beam The Najme is far more spacious than many a summer villa The in- terior ¬ I woodwork even to the galley is of mahogany Below the man deck ars four large staterooms with two I baths a commodious diningroom a salon and a readingroom The latter I three apartments combined with a wide hall can be turned into a ball ¬ room by removing portieres which otherwise separate them I Forward on the boat are the kitchen- or galley two staterooms one for the I chef and the other for the maids and quarters for the crew which consists- of I I four men and a cabin boy On the upper deckthe second story of this I palatial boathouseis the sun prome- nade ¬ along which are boxes filled with flowering plants They are in view of the owners suite which was designed by E Cochrane Johnstone a Scotch shipbuilding expert and to whose ingenuity the yachtlike appear ¬ ance of the Najme is due The owners suite consists of a sa- lon ¬ I a spacious bedroom and a tiled I bathroom equipped with hot and cold salt water or fresh water A spacious fireplace which is fed with logs is installed in the salon I Mr Becket purchased the thirty fivefoot mahogany launch the Syra with the Najme as a tender The I launch will tow the houseboat down the Raritan Canal through the Dela- ware ¬ River and into Chesapeake Bay where a tug will take up the journey around Cape Hatteras to Miami Flor- ida ¬ Among the modern appliances- with which the Najme is fitted Is a sulphuricetherhydrogen searchlight the first of its kind operated by a storage battery of 110000 candle candlepower George C Taylor built the Najme several years ago from plans drawn br himself The Najmes lines were first staked off with ropes on the lawn of the millionaires Long Island estate He employed expert craftsmen en- gaged ¬ I from abroad to carry out his ideas They were instructed to defer from even driving a nail unless if was with the sanction of Mr Taylor or Betsy Head Shipbuilders estimate- the cost of the Najme at more than 200000 When the boat was finished Mr I Taylor found he could not get it to the bay to launch He had a canal dug from the lawn to the inlet a dis- tance ¬ of half a mile and in this man- ner ¬ i floated the boat It was moored I to a dock at the end of the canal I after one trial trip and thereafter was j never used Betsy Head it was said in the neighborhood had tired of the I costly whim in which she had been In- dulged ¬ by the eccentric millionaire The houseboat was kept ready for oc cuparcy nevertheless but only a few p < isonal friends of Mr Taylor were pel mitted to go on board I Mr Becket has refitted the boat in thr most luxurious manner compatible i with good taste He plan later to in- stall i an engine which will drive the boat at a speed of from six to seven miles an hour SHE LIKES GOOD THINGS i I Mrs Chas E Smith of West Frank- lin ¬ Maine says I like good things and have adopted Dr Kings New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine- i because they are good and do thpir work without making a fu = about it j These rainless purifiers sold at all I drugstores 25c- ROOSEVELT i WILL NOT REPLY I He Probably Does Not Find it Easy I i to Answer Mr Bryans Latest i Letter I Washington Sept 30 President i Roosevelt will make no reply to Bry ans open letter The only announce j ment to be made at the White House regarding the matter was Secre- tary Loeb state that tHe president feels that inasmuch as Mr Bryans let- ter ¬ is simply an attack upon him ptr j sonally there is no reason why he should answer it I MARRIED MAN IN TROUBLE I A married man who permits any member of his family to take anything 1 except Foleys Honey and Tar for couchs colds and lung trouble is guilty of neglect Nothing else is as good for all pulmonary troubles The genuine Foleys Honey and Tar con tains no opiates and is in a yellow package Sold by all dealers r 1 RHEINAUERSClo- thing Department f V Stetson Hats Stetson Hats > jL Banister Shoes Crossett Shoes- The > Standard in Hats and Shoes 1I Just receivefijall shapes the latest styles and < X i f Reduced prices on j < Clothing Negligee Shirts and Underwear I Rlielnauer Co j j- I i- tr i A z M 1- s WfJU It > > 1jk I < i t FALL ANNOUNCEMENT j You are cordially invited t t- Our I to attend I Fall Millinery Opening vtf I- Tuesday on y p and Wednesday- the > 1 1- I sixth and seventh days- of October Nineteen hundred and eight MISS MARY AFFLECK Ocala House Block I Ocala Florida l I IKpty S uo- r x JiJ- y J j- OUR Y Y X i FALL OPENING s y We invite the ladies to call a I i inspect our line of FALL and WI f TER MILLINERY on X t Tuesday and Wednesday s i October 6 and 7 V It No trouble or expense has b I spared this season in selecting eve 1 thing of the most uptodate St- and i Fashions You will be sure ei i find just what you want in the ex S site lines we will exhibit on the at s dates 2- X HAYCRAFT DeCAU V Y Y t y Y XKK X XXXX X- MRS L J I MINNIE A BOSK Announces the Fall Opening an I play of the Latest Creations I FRENCH PATTERN Hi t AND BONNETS- And If Uptodate Millinery Nos Wednesday and Thursday Octc8 I U H I FRESH MEATS AND ETABLES Western BeefJVeal Florida SFed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham JUTS Pork Sausage CabbageJRutabagas lips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes ash Onions W P EDWRDS Phone 108 City M E ff

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-10-01 [p TWO].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00962/0321.pdf · 2009-05-15 · District 2B R BUtch Blitchton ... A SHAKING UP-I May


f e






C L Bittinger and R R CarrollProprietors and Publishers-

C L BITTINGEREditor and General Manager-

R R CARROLLCity Editor and Business Manager


President of the United StatesWM J BRYAN-

tVice President of the United States



United States SenatorDUNCAN U FLETCHER I

Member of Congress 1st District-S M SPARKMAN

I Presidential Electors-




J Governor I


ComptrollerA C GROOM

Railroad CommissionerROYAL C DUNN

v T < Treasurer-W V KNOTT


Secretary of State-H CLAY CRAWFORD

Attorney GeneralPARK M TRAMMELL

state Supt of Public Instruction-WM M HOLLOWAY

Commissioner of Agriculture-B E McLIN

Justices of the Supreme CourtWILLIAM A HOCKER


Representatives-W D CARN of Ocala-L S LIGHT of Reddick

County JudgeJOSEPH BELL of Ocala

Clerk of Circuit Court-S T SISTRUNK of Ocala

SheriffJOHN P GALLOWAY of Ocala

Tax Collector-E L CARNEY of Ocala

i Tax AssessorALFRED AYER of Ocala

TreasurerTHOMAS E PASTEUR of Ocala

Supt Public Instruction-J H BRINSON

County CommissionersDistrict 1 George MacKay OcalaDistrict 2J M Mathews Flem

ingtonDistrict 3M M Proctor PedroDistrict 4N A Fort LynneDistrict 5W J Crosby Citra

Members of School BoardDistrict IIsaac Stevens OcalaDistrict 2B R BUtch BlitchtonDistrict 3J S Grantham Ft Mc ¬



We desire to again call the attention-of the people of Ocala and Marioncounty to the proposed county fairwhich if enough interest is manifested-it is suggested will be held in January1909 in this city To that end a meet ¬

ing will be held Tuesday noon at DrGuerrants veterinary hospital Oct 7also another meeting In the evening atthe courthouse so that all persons isthe city who believe in county fairs

I and propose to aid it will be presentand help along the good cause Thiscounty fair business if properly taken-in hand can be made a desirable meetisg for Ocala and Marion county andto that end we trust we will all workWe hope our people will remember thedate and place of meeting and be onhand Matters of this kind so vital toall our material interests should claimthe attention of our citizens and arousethem to the project with an enthus-iasm


that will work success

The editor of the Star takes pleasurein acknowledging an invitation to bepresent at the celebration of the 223thanniversary of the founding of the gov-ernment


of the city of Pennsylvania-the occasion being from the 4th to the10th of October The invitation is anelaborate work of art On the left cor ¬

ner is the well known picture of Will-iam


Penn making a treaty with theIndians Following is a home a schoolhouse and the city market with its in ¬

dispensable town pump On the right-is a picture of the younger Penn be ¬

neath the United States flag and tha-tan the colony Underneath this Is a

of the present twenty milliondollar city hall building Philadelphia-will cover herself with glory next week

George Blitch the pleasant gentle ¬

man that presides over the cash of theCommercial Bank knows all about

pumping nickles as his little nieceterms the counting of silver coin butwhen it comes to counting snakes hefinds it a different proposition Theother morning as he was going to openhis collar box for a collar and gener-ally


he can get the one he wants with ¬

out looking in the box but on this oc-


he looked ere he reached andit was a good thing he did for judgehis surprise tosee a good sized snakenicely coiled within the box The un ¬

expected sight so unnerved him thathe had to call Mr Roland Blitch foraid to dispatch the reptile


The folovlrg account of the burial-of the late Thomas J Owen of thistiny appeared in the South Deerfield-

N H Press and will be of interest-to our people among whom lie livedso long and was highly esteemed Aprivate funeral service was held overthe remains of Mr Owens body inBoston for the comfort and consola ¬

tion of his sister Mrs Hewitt who I

was unabl to accompany the remains-to their last resting place because ofthe sorrow that had come upon herby the recent drath of her little boyThe Press says

The remains of Thomas J Owen ofOcala Florida were brought to hisold home at North Turner BridgeSept 17 for burial The funeral wasattended by Rev M K Markley ofTurner Center also by Nezincot Lodge-F A M of Turner and Wilson PostNo 17 G A R of North Turner Mr I

Owen was born Jan 27 1S45 beingthe oldest of seven children born to I

Jefferson and Mary Brown Owen Hespent his boyhood days at NorthTurner Bridge with his father work ¬

ing in the sled factory When thewar broke out he enlisted in the Sec ¬

ond Maine Cavalry Returning home-he married here He opened a gen-eral


store at the bridg where ne didbusiness for some time In the early80s he went to Florida where he madehis home until death He is surviv-ed


by two sisters Mrs F L White ofNew Hampshire and Mrs AlfredHewett of Boston by one son Samuel-J Owen of Boston and two daughtersMrs Emerson Packard of Ayer Massand Mrs Joseph D Lewis of Pennsplvania To eulogize him seems need-less


among his old neighbors andfriends Mr Owen was always honestend upright in every way Noneknew him but to love him named himbut to praise He was always proud-to come to the good old state of Mainehis native state as much as he lovedhis Southern home and friends Hisanswer to all was if he had his life tolive over again he never would leaveMaine He was an honored member-of Wilson Post No 17 G A R untilhe went South when he withdrew andjoined the G A R in Florida Sincethen he has held the highest office Inthe order being its department com-mander


He also was a member ofNezinscot Lodge No 14 F A M ofTurner He was commander of thelocal camp of Ocala G A R for manyyears and a prominent member of theKnights of Pythias and of the Odd Fel ¬

lows For all Mr Owen has been gonefrom his old friends a long time theywill miss him much


Two Live Teddy Bears Escape fromthe Knife of the Butcher

Fargo N D Sept 9Big Crowdssurrounded the Taft party wherever itstopped yesterday in its course overthe Great Northern Railroad throughMinnesota and North Dakota The six ¬

teen speeches which Mr Taft deliveredthrough the day and evening workedsad havoc with the voice he started-out with in the morning arid lastnight it was again in a bad condition-

The day had two features the GrandForks N D meeting and the Fargorally last night In both places tre ¬

mendous crowds were out and in eachcity the candidate made three speeches-

The Fargo meeting included thestriking feature of a huge barbecue-Ten steers and twenty sheep furnishedfood for the multitudes The feast wasparticipated in by thousands of excur ¬

sionists who had come from as far as45 miles distant-

It was just dark when the Taft spe ¬

cial reached the end of its days runand the people of Fargo were out inforce toextend the welcome A torch ¬

light procession made picturesque bythe squad of mounted cowboys withtheir characteristic yells escorted theOhioan through the town and out tothe fort

It had been planned that bear meatshould be a part of the feast but thetwo black bears captured sometime-ago and fattened on nuts for the oc ¬

casion calmly looked on at the feast-of which they were to have been apart They were chained to a table atwhich the candidate stood to eat hisbread and meat and drink hot coffeeThe bears were saved because of thesentiment that it would never do tohave the candidate eat up the realTeddy bears as they were designated-by a large sign over them-


Editor Star Please give me space-in your paper to make an explanation-as to a certain report that is circulated-in Anthony as follows Some one hassaid that I went on my boys bondfor him to carry a pistol and that Imade an affidavit that the boy wastwentyone years old I hereby de ¬

nounce the party as an infamous liarI did 110t go on his bond neither would-

i I go on a bond for anybody to carry aj pistol T P Jones

Anthony Fla Sept 30


IMay be very well so far as the trustsare concerned but not when it comes


to chills and fever and malaria QuitI the quinine and take a teal cureDallards Herbine Contains no harmfuldrugs and is as certain as taxes If it

I duent cure you got your money backi Sold by AmiMonopoly Drugstore


j Property Owners are Requested toake Notice

Under and by authority of theI Health Ordinance passed by the cityI

council of Ocala August 2d 1S95 allproperty owners and agents are here-by


notified to cut and remove beyondthe city limits all weeds from thesidewalks and from their premises andvacant lots within five 5 days fromdate hereof or they will be arrestedand dealt with as per the provisions-of Section 39 of the above ordinancePenalty for failure to comply with thisdemand not less than 35 or more than

300 or imprisonment not less thanone or more than thirty days or bothat the discretion of the mayor This


means business so do not overlook itBy Order of the City Board of Health

By E Van Hood PresidentOcala Fla Sept 23 190-


Ladies desiring stylish and uptodate millinery hats renovated or in j

fact anything in the millinery linewould do well to write Miss Louise j

Hooper 521 West 135th street NewYork City or leave orders with Mrs j

J R Moorhead Phone 256


Office Oicr Munroc S ChamblissBank I





Rooms 9 10 and IISecond Floor Holder Block





Dental Surgeon I

Office Over Commercial BankI

Phone 211Office Hours8 to 12 a m1 to 5 pm



At Republican Headquarters But the I

Democrats Have Enough andI

Then SomeI

New Vbrk Sept 30Confidence onthe part of the treasurers and du-biousness


on the part of the chairmen j

of the two parties was the tone of thestatements received yesterday rela ¬

tive to the financial condition of thedemocratic and republican campaigns

Chairman Hitchcock of the republi-cans


I says The situation is embar-rassing to say the least while Treas-urer Sheldon is quoted as saying j

Dont let the multitude worry Wehave enough money both for immedi-ate


and future ourposesChairman Mack of the democratic

committee declared We need mon ¬

ey the situation is fast becoming ser ¬

ious However We are better off thanour republican neighbors TreasurerRidder stated that the bank balancesmight be larger but there would besomething left over on Novemberthird


A well dressed woman interrupted-a political speaker recently by con-tinually


coughing If she had takenFoleys Honey and Tar it would havecured her cough quickly and expelled-the cold from her system The genu ¬

ine Foleys Honey and Tar contains-no opiates and is in a yellow packageRefuse substitutes Sold by all dealers




SRooms 27 and 28 Holder Block


The man who waits tor a provenproducing proposition before invest ¬

ing will always pay every cent thestock is worth Its the man who takes-a chance on the ground floor that real-



gets the cream Always investigate-and act with due caution but you willlose out entirely and every time if youwait for a cinch Equal parts of

I nerve and common sense will be found-a dose and combina-tion

very palatable a ¬

hard to beat-

If you want to buy a home in Ocala-I can offer you one of the very fewplaces on the market on O lawahaavenue

Frontage is 96 feet and the lot runsback 480 feet House is one story


containing five rooms kitchen andbathroom city water gas electriclight and modern plumbing stableand servants house in yard Price

2300 half cash and balance spread-over three years-

If you want to build a store build ¬

ing to rent I have a lot on Fort Kingavenue between the Fittman building-and


the new building just erected by

Guerrant Carmichael Frontage is43 feet by 110 feet deep The building-now on it is old but rents for enough-to pay interest on the investmentPrice is 350-



I lots on the Shady Grovehard road and within the city limits-can be bought for 75 to 90 100 feetfront by 125 feet deep We cash and

1 per week Free deed in case ofI death No taxes to pay until 1909 MapI and prices on applicationI

WOODMAR This property is on themost beautiful lake in Florida on abluff which rises from 25 feet to 75

feet above the level of the lake The-

A jr L railroad runs between the edge-

of the lake and the bluff Four yearsago when I platted this property andoffered to sell lots I was laughed at

I by many and the word fool morethan once dropped in connection with


this property Try and buy back forme the lots I have already sold andcome and see me I have raised the i

prices once and will raise again untilanother Mr Flagler sees the beauties-of the place and then he can have itif he will pay the price The streets-are


all planted to shade trees and wat j

er works installedgood water too I

Buy a lot now You can buy on termsbut you cant buy them at a discount j

Map and prices on application i


She Is a Floating Palace But OnlyDraws Three Feet and Will

Be Tossed Like a Chip

New York World

Yachtsmen who have sailed theworld over in quest of recreation and I

health are deeply interested in theproposed plan of Edward Beckertreasurer of the Equitable Engineer-ing


Company of No 60 Wall street-to tail from New York to Florida inhis houseboat Najme the most splen-didly


equipped and costliest craft ofits kind in America if not in theworld

Although the boat draws little morethan three feet of water Mr Becketsays there will be no danger when it I

leaves the inland route in Virginia-and rides on the Atlantic around CapeHatteras and thence along the coast-to Florida in tow of an ocean goingtug It is planned to start ear y inOctober and the winter will be spent J

or the Miami River I

The trip will be a coninuation of t

the honeymoon from which Mr andMrs Becket returned recently after anextended European tour Mrs Becketwas Miss Sonia Isabel Tripler adaughter of the late Charles E Trip ¬

let one of the pioneers in the develop ¬

ment of liquid air as a commercial i

factor She is pdpular in society in I

New York and Paris I

Up to the time of the recent pur-chase


of the Najme from the heirs ofGeorge C Taylor the eccentric millionaire of Islip L I considerablemystery surrounded the boat It wasbuilt for Betsy Head housekeeper forthe aged millionaire and whose homeone the Long Island estate vied withthe owners mansion in magnificence j

Yachtsmen who have seen the I

Najme at its present anchorage offWest One Hundred and Twelfth street I

have expressed themselves as amazed i

lby its luxuriant fittings Her gracefullines trim masts and burnished j

brasses suggest at first glance that thecraft is a yacht Closer inspectionhowever reveals her to be a house-boat without power She is 98 feeton the water line and has a 30foot I

beam The Cigarette owned by anEnglish millionaire and the Ever-glades

¬ i

owned by Col Thompson I

this city are the only houseboats inthe world which exceed the Nejme inlength but neither has more than halfher beam

The Najme is far more spaciousthan many a summer villa The in-terior

¬ I

woodwork even to the galleyis of mahogany Below the man deckars four large staterooms with two I

baths a commodious diningroom asalon and a readingroom The latter I

three apartments combined with awide hall can be turned into a ball ¬

room by removing portieres whichotherwise separate them I

Forward on the boat are the kitchen-or galley two staterooms one for the I

chef and the other for the maids andquarters for the crew which consists-of



four men and a cabin boy On theupper deckthe second story of this I

palatial boathouseis the sun prome-nade


along which are boxes filledwith flowering plants They are inview of the owners suite which wasdesigned by E Cochrane Johnstone aScotch shipbuilding expert and towhose ingenuity the yachtlike appear ¬

ance of the Najme is dueThe owners suite consists of a sa-

lon¬ I

a spacious bedroom and a tiled I

bathroom equipped with hot and coldsalt water or fresh water A spaciousfireplace which is fed with logs isinstalled in the salon I

Mr Becket purchased the thirtyfivefoot mahogany launch the Syrawith the Najme as a tender The I

launch will tow the houseboat downthe Raritan Canal through the Dela-ware


River and into Chesapeake Baywhere a tug will take up the journeyaround Cape Hatteras to Miami Flor-ida


Among the modern appliances-with which the Najme is fitted Is asulphuricetherhydrogen searchlightthe first of its kind operated by astorage battery of 110000 candlecandlepower

George C Taylor built the Najmeseveral years ago from plans drawn brhimself The Najmes lines were firststaked off with ropes on the lawn ofthe millionaires Long Island estateHe employed expert craftsmen en-gaged


I from abroad to carry out hisideas They were instructed to deferfrom even driving a nail unless if waswith the sanction of Mr Taylor orBetsy Head Shipbuilders estimate-the cost of the Najme at more than

200000When the boat was finished Mr

I Taylor found he could not get it tothe bay to launch He had a canaldug from the lawn to the inlet a dis-tance


of half a mile and in this man-ner

¬i floated the boat It was mooredI to a dock at the end of the canalI after one trial trip and thereafter wasj never used Betsy Head it was said

in the neighborhood had tired of theI costly whim in which she had been In-


by the eccentric millionaireThe houseboat was kept ready for occuparcy nevertheless but only a fewp < isonal friends of Mr Taylor werepel mitted to go on board

I Mr Becket has refitted the boat inthr most luxurious manner compatible

i with good taste He plan later to in-stalli an engine which will drive theboat at a speed of from six to sevenmiles an hour


I Mrs Chas E Smith of West Frank-lin


Maine says I like good thingsand have adopted Dr Kings New LifePills as our family laxative medicine-

i because they are good and do thpirwork without making a fu = about it

j These rainless purifiers sold at allI drugstores 25c-




He Probably Does Not Find it EasyI

ito Answer Mr Bryans Latest

i LetterI Washington Sept 30 Presidenti Roosevelt will make no reply to Bryans open letter The only announce

j ment to be made at the White Houseregarding the matter was Secre-tary Loeb state that tHe presidentfeels that inasmuch as Mr Bryans let-ter


is simply an attack upon him ptrj sonally there is no reason why heshould answer it I


A married man who permits anymember of his family to take anything 1

except Foleys Honey and Tar forcouchs colds and lung trouble isguilty of neglect Nothing else is asgood for all pulmonary troubles Thegenuine Foleys Honey and Tar contains no opiates and is in a yellowpackage Sold by all dealers



RHEINAUERSClo-thing Department f


Stetson Hats Stetson Hats> jL

Banister Shoes Crossett Shoes-


Standard in Hats and Shoes

1I Just receivefijallshapes

the latest styles and < X

i fReduced prices on j<

Clothing Negligee Shirts and UnderwearI

Rlielnauer Coj j-










I<i t



You are cordially invited tt-


Ito attend IFall Millinery Opening vtf



p and Wednesday-



1 1-


sixth and seventh days-

of October

Nineteen hundred and eight


Ocala House BlockI Ocala Florida



IKpty Suo-

rx JiJ-y






We invite the ladies to call a Ii inspect our line of FALL and WIf TER MILLINERY on Xt

Tuesday and Wednesday si October 6 and 7VIt No trouble or expense has b I

spared this season in selecting eve 1thing of the most uptodate St-

andi Fashions You will be sure ei

i find just what you want in the ex Ssite lines we will exhibit on the at s

dates 2-









Announces the Fall Opening an Iplay of the Latest Creations




Uptodate Millinery Nos

Wednesday and Thursday Octc8




Western BeefJVeal Florida SFed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham JUTS PorkSausage CabbageJRutabagas lips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes ash Onions

W P EDWRDSPhone 108 City M

