6 i peoplewill talk you - university of...

V e H r r- q r r 6 EIGHT OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY OCTOBER 1 1908 I t Best Prompt ServiceI Lowest Price Buy from the BLUE WAGONSOC- ALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION- And Proposed Charter of the Estero Fruit Company- The undersigned intending and pro- posing ¬ to organize a corporation under thl general laws of Florida in relation- to corporations for profit hereby make and publish the following arti- cles ¬ of incorporation and proposed charter viz I 1 The name of the corporation- shall be Estero Fruit Company and I its principal place of business shall be- at I Martel in Marion county Florida 2 The general nature of the busi- ness ¬ to be transacted by the corpora- tion ¬ is to own lease or otherwise ac- quire ¬ orange lemon and grape fruit groves and real estate sell encum- ber ¬ lease or otherwise dispose of the j same grow buy and sell oranges lem- ons grapefruit and other citrus fruits and deal generally as fruit and produce growers and dealers own lease or rent and operate boats trams tramways I and other means of transportation for private purposes and for purposes of I the business of the company as may- be necessary and proper in carrying on the business aforesaid and deal generally in real estate 3 The amount of capital stock au- thorized ¬ is the sum of fifteen thou ¬ sand dollars which will be divided into one hundred and fifty shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each and will be paid in as follows By a conveyance to said corporation- by Messrs Ray Clark Collier of a certain orange lemon and grapefruit- grove situated at or near Estero in Lee county Florida the just and true valuation of which is hereby fixed by the Incorporators at the sum of ten thousand dollars and the remainder of said capital stock will be paid in by- a conveyance to said corporation of certain tools implements and machin- ery ¬ now owned by the incorporators- and in labor and in cash to an amount and value of not less than the sum of five thousand dollars to be agreed upon at the first meeting of the stock holders hereof 4 The term for which the corpora ¬ tion shall exist Is fifty years it The business of the company shall be conducted by a president a + vice president and general manager and a secretary and treasurer which said officers shall be elected at an an- nual ¬ meeting of the stock holders on the first Tuesday in December of each and every year The officers who will conduct the business of the company until those elected at the first annual meeting shall be qualified are Dan ¬ iel A Clark President H M Hamp- ton ¬ Vice President and General Man- ager ¬ and Walter Ray Secretary and Treasurer C The highest amount of indebted ¬ ness to which the corporation can at any time subject itself is the sum of twentyfive thousand dollars 7 The names and residences and number of shares subscribed for by each subscriber are as follows Daniel Clark Martel Florida 50 shares- H M Hampton Ocala Florida 50 shares Walter Ray Martel Florida 50 shares- In Witness Whereof the parties hereunto set their hands and seals this the 27th day of August A D 190S D A Clark Seal H M Hampton Seal Walter Ray Seal State of Florida County of Marion Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority Daniel A Clark- H M Hampton and Walter Ray to- m < well known to be the parties de- scribed ¬ in and who executed the fore ¬ going articles of association and pro ¬ posed charter and acknowledged the execution thereof for the uses and purposes therein set forth and ex- pressed ¬ Given under my hand and seal oT office this the 2nd day of September 190S Joseph Bell County Judge Marion County Fla Notice of Application Notice is hereby given that on the 30th day of September 190S the un- dersigned ¬ will apply to the Governor of Florida at his office in Tallahassee- for letters patent upon the foregoing proposed charter proposed charter D A Clark Walter Ray- H M Hampton- In r the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judi- cial ¬ Circuit of Florida in and for Marion County In Chancery Lewis E Ponce Complainant vs Mi- Ibol E Yonce DefendantOrder for Constructive Service It is ordered that the defendant herein named towit Mab > l E Yonce be and she is hereby required to appear to the bin of complaint tiled in this cause on or before Monday the 7th Day of December 1908- It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week for eight consecutive weeks in the Qcala Star a newspaper published in said county and state This 30th day of September 190S S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla JH I Anderson HM Hampton Complainants Solicitors > I FREE IS QUITE FRISKY Love Letters of a Man of Eighty Eight Years to a Woman- of TwentyFive- New I York Sept Eightyeight I winters have not blown the efferves ¬ cent bubbles of romance and courtship from the remarkable frame of John I Washington Free a malt machine in ¬ ventor A pleasantfaced Missouri girl of 25 summers Nellie B Lickli der listened to the honeyed words of the aged swain swain left her old home near Kansas City and strange- ly ¬ I enough really learned to love a man who had bridged a lifetime of two men But shf awakened abruptly when he attempted to wed her in typical soulmate style through a spiritualistic medium and with her realization she seeks 50000 damages for a broken heart Incidentally she will show the court 200 love letters full of promise oaths of loyalty and pictures of bliss in California ranches and in Southern I summer homes Until the suit was filed Free lived- at the Gilsey House He is now at the Breslin while Miss Licklider has apartments in a hotel three blocks away Throb in Every Line The letters cover a period of two i years They are a curiosly interesting- mass I of throbbing documents a throb- in almost every lineall in the palsied I handwriting of the aged nonogena- rian and indicating she maintains in her suit for breach of promise that this gay old boy as she fondly called him easily spanned the 53 years dis- crepancy ¬ in their ages with senti- ments and declarations afire with youths love and devotion I Thtst > she read in part to a reporter- half abashed that she should have so easily have fallen a prey to the old mans wiles but nevertheless pro- testing ¬ that she bore him a fervent and faithful love which she petulantly remarked had been broken up by his miserable spiritualistic ideas Rare- ly ¬ however have the letters of an 88yearold man to a budding girl of robust health but strongly sentimen- tal ¬ found their way into print Honeyed Words Won Her Whatever Frees merits as an in i ventor may be his love notes to Miss j Licklider make him distinctive He won her love with glorious tales ot his inventions which Uncle Sam needed his ranches his New Hamp- shire ¬ estates his popularity with wo ¬ men none of whom even remotely ap ropached his own little Nellie and shewtll she felt for it like all of us do sometimes- He forced me to care for him the young woman bitterly said today He spread his blarney so thick I couldnt- see I anything or anybody but him But I I liked to hear to hear it He would I tell me he would never be oldthat i persons should live to be 200 years and that he never knew love or wrote love letters until my magnetism and kisses brought him hack to the days before the war Now he has spoiled it all and wrecked my dreams of Ute future and ruined my trust in man Spook Wedding Breaks Match Almost three years of a constant courtship in which letters flowers presents and confidences were exc- hanged terminated in Buffalo Aug I last when the aged gallant tried to marry Miss Licklider with a spiritual- istic ¬ medium a Mrs Crosby on Oak I street officiating Sqme of the letters follow I J Gilsey House June 16 1907 Good Little Nellie Every hour I think of you Surely as the big hall clock sounds the hour I grow weary and sad because you are not here I wish there were no clocks Then I would not be reminded of my age But my little girl Im not old am I My father lived to be 102 years old I As long as man loves he wont die- I can never die when I have you Ill J live longer than you Nellie and am j not worrying about our happiness I Kisses and hugs and wishes for good luck for me and for you JOHN W June 30 1907 Nellie My Dear Outside the rain- is deluging the streets Everywhere it is dark and gloomy The beautiful month of roses closes with a shroud- its hopes of a cheerful summer What- can I do on such a day The gloomy exterior brings back your hazel eyes and slender frame I love so well more forcibly than ever I must tell you How I would love t o sit down and I have a good chat Oh how well I know a few hugs would not hurt us I and Nellie you know a few of those kisses from your cherry lips would bring back the magnetism I need such much JOHN W Picture Would Not Talk Another letter dated May 12 was as follows My Good Nellie One of the great I faults I find with your picture is that when I put it under the electric light and asked it a question it would not answer So I thought I would make it answer- I watched so that no one would see me and kissed it And yet it would not speak So I put it up and will wait until I see the one that will I speak Gilsey House Sept 4 1907 Little GirlI am sitting here all i alone this evening and thinking how nice it would be if you were here We could sit in the rocking chair and could have a real good time- I will draw a plan for a little home We could live in It I think the place to live is New York City AII I you will see in the description of the Gilsey House there are so many places- to I go to And then I thought you I could content yourself to be at home- so that we could read and chat to ¬ gether You could have your typewriter in one side of the room and I my rolltop desk We could chat and work- I am studying to see whether I had better send this Old Woman No Rival Good Nellie She is gone Thanks Ito everybody for Im glad She came j People Will Talk You KnowA- nd 4 thats the reason why Dr Pierces Family Medicines are advertised so little now ade s They have made hundreds of thousands of cures in the past 40 years and some of the grateful people whom they have restored to health are to be found almost everwhere Theres scarcely a hamlet that dont contain tfJ > some Look them up Interview them They are living walking active advertisements For Dr Pierces Family Medicines i 1 1 You can believe your neighbors Therefore ask them What cured them will very likely cure 10 g t C if similarly afflictedonly give them a good fair trial- s Jj It a good sound common sense policy to use medicines only of KNOWN COMPOSITION and which contain < krfe neither alcohol nor habitforming drugs The most intelligent people and many of the most successful conscien- tious ¬ 9 physicians follow this judicious course of action The leading medical authorities of all schools of medi- cine f endorse the ingredients composing Dr Pierces medicines These are plainly printed on wrappers and ti 4 attested under oath Theres no secrecy an open publicity squaredeal policy Is followed by the makers We have a profound desire to avoid all offense to the most delicate sensitiveness of modest women for whom we entertain the most sincere respect and admiration Ve shall not therefore particularize here concerning the symptoms and ailments INVALIDS HOTEL and- SURGICAL incident to the sex for which Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription has for more INSTITUTE than 40 years proven such a boon We cannot however do a better service BIIFFAIO N Y to the afflicted of the gentler sex than to refer them to Dr Pierces Common Sense- A model Sanitarium with every equip ¬ Medical Adviser a great family doctor book of 1000 pages bound in cloth and given ment of experienced and appliance skilled and a complete Specialists Staff for awaJ gratis or sent postpaid on receipt of 31 onecent stampsto cover cost of mail- ing ¬ the treatment of the most difficult cases only or 21 cents for paper covered book All the delicate ailments and matters- of Chronic ailments whether requiring about which even woman whether young or old single or married should know but Medical or Surgical treatment for their cure Send two stamps to above address which their sense of delicacy makes them hesitate to ask even the family physician about for THE INVALIDS GUIDE BOOK are made plain in this great book Write for it Address WORLDS DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION R V Pierce M D Pres 663 Main Street Buffalo N Y to buy stock in my invention She is- oldvery old and disagreeable Isnt- it awful to be oldt You are away from meway out in Missouri and I have no one to hug and kiss me It might not have tired me if I could have squeezed her a bit When we utnt out for lunch she would say Dont walk so fastIm sort of old Think of that Remember how fast I we walk dont we Lifo is nothing without the greatest thing in life mutual love Real love makes you happy and every one else glad Im thinking of you every atom of times remains JOH W Dec 10 190- 7NellieDo you like fat people I dont I hate them Cheer up Nellie i for Ill soon join you You are almost i perfectly built but not quite stout I enough Were going to California where Ill plant ten acres of pump- kins = melons and squashes to fat you up I dont like a scrawny woman Nellie send me your measurement I neck wrists length ojr arms ankles allyou know exact too for Im go ¬ ing to surprise you JOHN W A Dream Shattered- Dec 31 1907 Dear Nellie Dear I will give you aI little idea of the way I want to live Say we live in Oakland Cal Wo wilt have a little ranch fifteen or twenty miles from Oakland and drive out there each evening We will leave a nice family on the ranch and have j some game fresh chickens eggs and j other things that are fresh and we will stay there as long as we want- to i and when we are tired of this kind of life we can go to another little ranch- I am selling stock all over the coun- try and the lady that is in the linen room at the Gilsey House said today that she would take 100 shares if I would let it go at 1 a share She is a fine lady but weight 175 pounds She is a little too heavy How much do you weigh I will wait until the 9 oclock mail- to see if I get a letter from my little girlI wrote you to give me a full meas uer of yourself but Nellie dear you did not mention the measure of your arm or the size of your waist nor how much you measure about the waist- I wish you would send me same I have an object in this I went to church Sunday and then came home and had some good strawberries each strawberry I ate I thought of your rosy lips Yours JOHN W Even Fortune Teller Knew April 13 190S My Little Good Girl 1 went to a fortuneteller yesterday The medium said that I was about to be bothered with my business that I was much- in love with a tall queen like a girl- in Missouri and that I would not live- long if I did not marry herYou know Nellie that means you She told me about my family You know my father was a Scotchman He said said that my father lived to be 102 years old and that I would live longer My best wishes and good luck to you and me JOHN WASHINGTON FREE Pres- ident not of the United States My Little GirlSoon Ill be wealthy dear In my invention have invested 200000 Now in selling that stock suppose it goes to 10 a share Why Id soon be worth 2000000 I would- have to give my lawyers 50000 and the rest would be ours Thats why Im working Ill be a millionaire Ill have plants at Buffalo New York and Chicago You can run them for us Good luck for you and for me- JOHN W Blots for the Kisses July 30 190S Nellie My Good Little GirlDont- worry about me My daughter is well fixed She married into a wealthy family Another thing Nell dont mind these blots every blot means four kisses Dont I always mark kisses by crosses when I make a blot Do you like to call me Dear old boy- I like it it makes me frel young again Use that term always dear Im selling more tock and the rays of sunshine are breaking over the cloudy horizon Good luck for you and for me JOHN W ARE YOU ONLY HALF ALIVE People with kidney trouble are so weak and exhausted that they are only alf alive Foleys Kidney Rem ¬ edy makes healthy kidneys restores lost vitality and weak delicate people- are restored to health Refuse any but Foleys Sold by all dealers t i ° ° T t 11 1 71 I I V if S CL rrS HackaChtt O I foil JY r ri it N r I Corrects J Lfc lli tt J1 l t j l 1 1i1 1 m ti tl ffi tj Irrcpularitiea s tJ fj Do not rsk havin- girents I Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Diaeaaa- T beyond toe reach of medicine No medi < i do mure > fiber 1 FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS I i BELLEVIEW 1 r The writer was so busy last week preparing for examination that he i forgot to write he is very sorry and therefore some of the news will be J very old to the readers in town He will try not to forget in the future I J Mr A L Nott wno has been con- fined to his bed for the iast few days j with the dengue fever is up and about again j Mr M A Dudley our hustling mer chant who was married a week or i two ago seemed to know his biz when- he got married for he has been down in bed with the dengue fever for tin last few days Mrs Dudley has been taking care of the store in his place hence the above mentioned compli- ment We hope he will soon be up about again There is to be a match game in baseball between Belleview first and Lon first Saturday week in our little town It is expected to be a close as each side has some good players Mayor Joseph Millsom and good wife made a business trip to the Brick City Monday last to get some furni- ture for their newly purchased house the Terrell cottage- We are glad to see some of the Brick City people riding around our little city in their autos They cause quite a sensation among the school- children i or at least their far sound- ing horns do- Ve j are glad to state that Mr and Mrs OBryant and son Mr Edward j Armstrong alias Little Eddie is in out little town again Mrs OBryan and Eddie were with us last winter They will reside during the winter months in Mayor Millsoms little cot tage lately purchased by him from i Mr Lewis Terrell We were all surprised and pleased- to see Dr Alfred Abshire and wife I formerly of this place but who moved- to Palatka a year ago come back to- t see all of his Belleview friends and I his children Every one was pleased- to see him again as he was one of the old settlers He will stay with his daughter Mrs Ida Harrell We i hope he will decide to stay longer with jus Mr Everett and family arrived here Monday last The writer does not i knew where he came from We under- stand ¬ that he now owns all the prop ¬ erty that Mr L W Drew owned in I and around the City of Oaks We hope he will be satisfied with his I purchase- Mrs I G B Washburn and charming daughter arrived home Monday night from Saronoc Lake N Y where they I have been spending the summer with I their relatives We are glad to see them I We are expecting more winter vis- itors ¬ this year than usual as the cli ¬ mate here is goodand the hunting is fine Mr Joseph Gross has been confined to his bed since Friday last with den- gue ¬ fever We hope he will soon re- cover ¬ I I wonder what makes Billie so happy nowadays Find the answer I Mr Felix Schneider of Ocala broth- er of our assistant school teacher l Miss Elsie Schneider was in town Sunday and Monday He came down- to I visit his sister I We are having some pretty warm I weather for the time of the year I guess we can welcome Mr Jack Frost I with the same kind of clad hand that- I the coal dealer does north I Longlegs I WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS i Have you neglected your kidneys Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your i kidneys and bladder Have you pains- in loins side back groins and blad- der Have you a flabby appearance- of the face especially under the eyes j Too frequent a desire to pass urine- If so Williams Kidney Pills will cure i you Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore i I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I Automobile drivers and motorcr cle riders take notice Must come- down to the time limit on speed or arrested The limit is not to exceed- ten miles an hour and in approaching street crossings or corners to slow- down to a speed that will make it I perfectly safe for pedestrians and ve I hides to avoid collisions or accidents W C Bull City Marshal yI The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years has borne the signature of and has been made under his per ¬ 7 sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health f S Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment t What Is CASTORIACas- toria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare gone Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It c contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S + I The KM You Have Always Bought r In Use For Over 30 Years TWK CCNTAUM COMPANY TT MURRAY TReCT NEW YORK CITY I I KodolF- or Dyspepsia and Indigestion I If you Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Gas on I the Stomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn I etc a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly I I Kodol supplies the same digestive I juices that are found in a healthy stomach Being a liquid it starts digestion at once Kodol not only digests your food I but helps you enjoy every mouthful- you eat You need a sufficient amount of good wholesome food to maintain I strength and health i But this food must be digested thoroughly otherwise the pains of indigestion and dyspepsia are the result When your stomach cannot do its work properly take something to help your stomach Kodol is the only thing that will give the stom ¬ ach complete rest Why Because Kodol does the I same work as a strong stomach and I does it in a natural way So dont neglect your stomach Dont become a chronic dyspeptic Keep your stomach healthy and strong by taking a little Kodol You dont have to take Kodol all the time You only take it when you need it Kodol is perfectly harmless t- Our GuaranteeG- o to your druggist today and get a dol ¬ lar bottle after you have used the entire contents of the bottle If you can honestly say that it has not done you an good return the bottle to the drugglstand he will refund your money without ques ¬ Lion or delay We will then the drug- gist ¬ Don hesitate all drueplsts know that our guarantee Is good This offer ap- plies ¬ to the larce bottle only aDd to but one a family The large bottle contains y times us much as the fifty cent bottle Kodol is prepared at the laborator- ies ¬ I of E C De Witt fc Co Chicago 1 I SOLD BY THE ANTI MONOPOLY DRUGSTORE OCALA FLORIDA t- AR t FOLEYSHONEI TAR FOLEYMIONETMDTAR for cJilldrtnt safe ur H plate etonstht cough andhalaluajs t 1 r r

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Page 1: 6 I PeopleWill Talk You - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00962/0327.pdfe H V r r- q r r 6 EIGHT OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY OCTOBER 1 1908 I t Best Prompt

Ve H r r-






BestPrompt ServiceI

Lowest PriceBuy from the




Phone 34


And Proposed Charter of the EsteroFruit Company-

The undersigned intending and pro-posing


to organize a corporation underthl general laws of Florida in relation-to corporations for profit herebymake and publish the following arti-cles


of incorporation and proposedcharter viz


1 The name of the corporation-shall be Estero Fruit Company and I

its principal place of business shall be-


Martel in Marion county Florida2 The general nature of the busi-


to be transacted by the corpora-tion


is to own lease or otherwise ac-


orange lemon and grape fruitgroves and real estate sell encum-ber


lease or otherwise dispose of the j

same grow buy and sell oranges lem-

ons grapefruit and other citrus fruitsand deal generally as fruit and producegrowers and dealers own lease or rentand operate boats trams tramways I

and other means of transportation forprivate purposes and for purposes of I

the business of the company as may-

be necessary and proper in carryingon the business aforesaid and dealgenerally in real estate

3 The amount of capital stock au-


is the sum of fifteen thou ¬

sand dollars which will be dividedinto one hundred and fifty shares ofthe par value of one hundred dollarseach and will be paid in as followsBy a conveyance to said corporation-by Messrs Ray Clark Collier of acertain orange lemon and grapefruit-grove situated at or near Estero inLee county Florida the just and truevaluation of which is hereby fixed bythe Incorporators at the sum of tenthousand dollars and the remainderof said capital stock will be paid in by-

a conveyance to said corporation ofcertain tools implements and machin-ery


now owned by the incorporators-and in labor and in cash to an amountand value of not less than the sumof five thousand dollars to be agreedupon at the first meeting of the stockholders hereof

4 The term for which the corpora ¬

tion shall exist Is fifty yearsit The business of the company

shall be conducted by a president a+ vice president and general manager

and a secretary and treasurer whichsaid officers shall be elected at an an-


meeting of the stock holders onthe first Tuesday in December of eachand every year The officers who willconduct the business of the companyuntil those elected at the first annualmeeting shall be qualified are Dan ¬

iel A Clark President H M Hamp-ton


Vice President and General Man-ager


and Walter Ray Secretary andTreasurer

C The highest amount of indebted ¬

ness to which the corporation can atany time subject itself is the sum oftwentyfive thousand dollars

7 The names and residences andnumber of shares subscribed for byeach subscriber are as follows

Daniel Clark Martel Florida 50shares-

H M Hampton Ocala Florida 50

sharesWalter Ray Martel Florida 50

shares-In Witness Whereof the parties

hereunto set their hands and sealsthis the 27th day of August A D190S D A Clark Seal

H M Hampton SealWalter Ray Seal

State of FloridaCounty of Marion

Personally appeared before me theundersigned authority Daniel A Clark-H M Hampton and Walter Ray to-

m < well known to be the parties de-


in and who executed the fore ¬

going articles of association and pro ¬

posed charter and acknowledged theexecution thereof for the uses andpurposes therein set forth and ex-


Given under my hand and seal oT

office this the 2nd day of September190S Joseph Bell

County Judge Marion County FlaNotice of Application

Notice is hereby given that on the30th day of September 190S the un-


will apply to the Governorof Florida at his office in Tallahassee-for letters patent upon the foregoingproposed charterproposed charter

D A ClarkWalter Ray-H M Hampton-


the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judi-cial


Circuit of Florida in and forMarion County In Chancery

Lewis E Ponce Complainant vs Mi-Ibol E Yonce DefendantOrder forConstructive Service

It is ordered that the defendant hereinnamed towit Mab >l E Yonce be andshe is hereby required to appear to thebin of complaint tiled in this cause onor beforeMonday the 7th Day of December 1908-

It is further ordered that a copy ofthis order be published once a weekfor eight consecutive weeks in theQcala Star a newspaper published insaid county and state

This 30th day of September 190SS T Sistrunk

Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co FlaJH I Anderson HM Hampton

Complainants Solicitors




Love Letters of a Man of EightyEight Years to a Woman-

of TwentyFive-



York Sept EightyeightI

winters have not blown the efferves ¬

cent bubbles of romance and courtshipfrom the remarkable frame of John I

Washington Free a malt machine in ¬

ventor A pleasantfaced Missourigirl of 25 summers Nellie B Licklider listened to the honeyed words ofthe aged swain swain left her oldhome near Kansas City and strange-ly

¬ I

enough really learned to love aman who had bridged a lifetime oftwo men

But shf awakened abruptly whenhe attempted to wed her in typicalsoulmate style through a spiritualisticmedium and with her realization sheseeks 50000 damages for a brokenheart Incidentally she will show thecourt 200 love letters full of promiseoaths of loyalty and pictures of blissin California ranches and in Southern I

summer homesUntil the suit was filed Free lived-

at the Gilsey House He is now at theBreslin while Miss Licklider hasapartments in a hotel three blocksaway

Throb in Every Line

The letters cover a period of two i

years They are a curiosly interesting-mass


of throbbing documents a throb-in almost every lineall in the palsied I

handwriting of the aged nonogena-rian and indicating she maintains inher suit for breach of promise thatthis gay old boy as she fondly calledhim easily spanned the 53 years dis-


in their ages with senti-ments and declarations afire withyouths love and devotion I

Thtst > she read in part to a reporter-half abashed that she should have soeasily have fallen a prey to the oldmans wiles but nevertheless pro-testing


that she bore him a ferventand faithful love which she petulantlyremarked had been broken up by hismiserable spiritualistic ideas Rare-ly


however have the letters of an88yearold man to a budding girl ofrobust health but strongly sentimen-tal


found their way into printHoneyed Words Won Her

Whatever Frees merits as an in i

ventor may be his love notes to Miss j

Licklider make him distinctive Hewon her love with glorious tales othis inventions which Uncle Samneeded his ranches his New Hamp-shire


estates his popularity with wo ¬

men none of whom even remotely apropached his own little Nellie andshewtll she felt for it like all of usdo sometimes-

He forced me to care for him theyoung woman bitterly said today Hespread his blarney so thick I couldnt-see


anything or anybody but him But I

I liked to hear to hear it He wouldI tell me he would never be oldthati persons should live to be 200 yearsand that he never knew love or wrotelove letters until my magnetism andkisses brought him hack to the daysbefore the war Now he has spoiledit all and wrecked my dreams of Utefuture and ruined my trust in man

Spook Wedding Breaks MatchAlmost three years of a constant

courtship in which letters flowerspresents and confidences were exc-hanged terminated in Buffalo Aug

I last when the aged gallant tried tomarry Miss Licklider with a spiritual-istic


medium a Mrs Crosby on OakI street officiating

Sqme of the letters followI J Gilsey House June 16 1907

Good Little Nellie Every hour Ithink of you Surely as the big hallclock sounds the hour I grow wearyand sad because you are not here Iwish there were no clocks Then Iwould not be reminded of my ageBut my little girl Im not old am IMy father lived to be 102 years old I

As long as man loves he wont die-

I can never die when I have you Ill J

live longer than you Nellie and am j

not worrying about our happinessI Kisses and hugs and wishes for goodluck for me and for you JOHN W

June 30 1907Nellie My Dear Outside the rain-

is deluging the streets Everywhereit is dark and gloomy The beautifulmonth of roses closes with a shroud-its hopes of a cheerful summer What-can I do on such a day The gloomyexterior brings back your hazel eyesand slender frame I love so well moreforcibly than ever I must tell youHow I would love t o sit down and

I have a good chat Oh how well Iknow a few hugs would not hurt us

I and Nellie you know a few of thosekisses from your cherry lips wouldbring back the magnetism I needsuch much JOHN W

Picture Would Not TalkAnother letter dated May 12 was

as followsMy Good Nellie One of the great

I faults I find with your picture isthat when I put it under the electriclight and asked it a question it wouldnot answer So I thought I wouldmake it answer-

I watched so that no one would seeme and kissed it And yet it wouldnot speak So I put it up and willwait until I see the one that will I

speakGilsey House Sept 4 1907

Little GirlI am sitting here all i

alone this evening and thinking hownice it would be if you were here

We could sit in the rocking chairand could have a real good time-

I will draw a plan for a little homeWe could live in It I think theplace to live is New York City AII

I you will see in the description of theGilsey House there are so many places-toI go to And then I thought you

I could content yourself to be at home-so that we could read and chat to ¬

getherYou could have your typewriter in

one side of the room and I my rolltopdesk We could chat and work-

I am studying to see whether I hadbetter send this

Old Woman No RivalGood Nellie She is gone Thanks

Ito everybody for Im glad She came


People Will Talk You KnowA-nd


thats the reason why Dr Pierces Family Medicines are advertised so little now ade s They havemade hundreds of thousands of cures in the past 40 years and some of the grateful people whom theyhave restored to health are to be found almost everwhere Theres scarcely a hamlet that dont contain tfJ


some Look them up Interview them They are living walking active advertisements

For Dr Pierces Family Medicines i

1 1 You can believe your neighbors Therefore ask them What cured them will very likely cure 10g t C

if similarly afflictedonly give them a good fair trial-



It a good sound common sense policy to use medicines only of KNOWN COMPOSITION and which contain <

krfe neither alcohol nor habitforming drugs The most intelligent people and many of the most successful conscien-tious


physicians follow this judicious course of action The leading medical authorities of all schools of medi-cine

fendorse the ingredients composing Dr Pierces medicines These are plainly printed on wrappers and ti4 attested under oath Theres no secrecy an open publicity squaredeal policy Is followed by the makers

We have a profound desire to avoid all offense to the most delicate sensitiveness of modest women forwhom we entertain the most sincere respect and admiration Ve shall nottherefore particularize here concerning the symptoms and ailments


SURGICALincident to the sex for which Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription has for more

INSTITUTE than 40 years proven such a boon We cannot however do a better serviceBIIFFAIO N Y to the afflicted of the gentler sex than to refer them to Dr Pierces Common Sense-

A model Sanitarium with every equip ¬ Medical Adviser a great family doctor book of 1000 pages bound in cloth and givenmentof experienced

and applianceskilledand a complete


for awaJ gratis or sent postpaid on receipt of 31 onecent stampsto cover cost of mail-ing


the treatment of the most difficult cases only or 21 cents for paper covered book All the delicate ailments and matters-of Chronic ailments whether requiring about which even woman whether young or old single or married should know butMedical or Surgical treatment for theircure Send two stamps to above address which their sense of delicacy makes them hesitate to ask even the family physician aboutfor THE INVALIDS GUIDE BOOK are made plain in this great book Write for it Address WORLDS DISPENSARY

MEDICAL ASSOCIATION R V Pierce M D Pres 663 Main Street Buffalo N Y

to buy stock in my invention She is-

oldvery old and disagreeable Isnt-it awful to be oldt You are awayfrom meway out in Missouri and Ihave no one to hug and kiss me Itmight not have tired me if I couldhave squeezed her a bit When weutnt out for lunch she would sayDont walk so fastIm sort of old

Think of that Remember how fast I

we walk dont we Lifo is nothingwithout the greatest thing in lifemutual love Real love makes youhappy and every one else glad Imthinking of you every atom of timesremains JOH W

Dec 10 190-7NellieDo you like fat people I

dont I hate them Cheer up Nellie i

for Ill soon join you You are almost i

perfectly built but not quite stoutI

enough Were going to Californiawhere Ill plant ten acres of pump-kins


melons and squashes to fat youup I dont like a scrawny womanNellie send me your measurement I

neck wrists length ojr arms anklesallyou know exact too for Im go ¬

ing to surprise you JOHN WA Dream Shattered-

Dec 31 1907Dear Nellie Dear I will give you aI

little idea of the way I want to liveSay we live in Oakland Cal Wo wilthave a little ranch fifteen or twentymiles from Oakland and drive outthere each evening We will leave anice family on the ranch and have j

some game fresh chickens eggs and j

other things that are fresh and wewill stay there as long as we want-to


and when we are tired of this kindof life we can go to another littleranch-

I am selling stock all over the coun-try and the lady that is in the linenroom at the Gilsey House said todaythat she would take 100 shares if Iwould let it go at 1 a share

She is a fine lady but weight 175pounds She is a little too heavyHow much do you weigh

I will wait until the 9 oclock mail-to see if I get a letter from my littlegirlI

wrote you to give me a full measuer of yourself but Nellie dear youdid not mention the measure of yourarm or the size of your waist nor howmuch you measure about the waist-I wish you would send me same

I have an object in this I went tochurch Sunday and then came homeand had some good strawberries eachstrawberry I ate I thought of your rosylips Yours JOHN W

Even Fortune Teller KnewApril 13 190S

My Little Good Girl 1 went to afortuneteller yesterday The mediumsaid that I was about to be botheredwith my business that I was much-in love with a tall queen like a girl-in Missouri and that I would not live-long if I did not marry herYou knowNellie that means you

She told me about my family Youknow my father was a ScotchmanHe said said that my father lived tobe 102 years old and that I wouldlive longer

My best wishes and good luck toyou and me

JOHN WASHINGTON FREE Pres-ident not of the United StatesMy Little GirlSoon Ill be wealthy

dear In my invention have invested200000 Now in selling that stock

suppose it goes to 10 a share WhyId soon be worth 2000000 I would-have to give my lawyers 50000 andthe rest would be ours Thats whyIm working Ill be a millionaire Illhave plants at Buffalo New York andChicago You can run them for usGood luck for you and for me-

JOHN WBlots for the Kisses

July 30 190S

Nellie My Good Little GirlDont-worry about me My daughter is wellfixed She married into a wealthyfamily Another thing Nell dontmind these blots every blot meansfour kisses Dont I always markkisses by crosses when I make a blotDo you like to call me Dear old boy-

I like it it makes me frel youngagain Use that term always dearIm selling more tock and the rays ofsunshine are breaking over thecloudy horizon Good luck for youand for me JOHN W

ARE YOU ONLY HALF ALIVEPeople with kidney trouble are so

weak and exhausted that they areonly alf alive Foleys Kidney Rem ¬

edy makes healthy kidneys restoreslost vitality and weak delicate people-are restored to health Refuse anybut Foleys Sold by all dealers

t i°°

T t 11 1 71I I V ifS CL rrS HackaChtt

O I foil JY r ri it N r I CorrectsJLfc

lli tt J1 l tjl 1

1i11 m ti

tl ffi tjIrrcpularitiea

s tJ fj Do not rsk havin-girentsI Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Diaeaaa-

Tbeyond toe reach of medicine No medi < i do mure > fiber1FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS





The writer was so busy last weekpreparing for examination that he i

forgot to write he is very sorry andtherefore some of the news will be J

very old to the readers in town Hewill try not to forget in the future I


Mr A L Nott wno has been con-fined to his bed for the iast few days j

with the dengue fever is up andabout again j

Mr M A Dudley our hustling merchant who was married a week or i

two ago seemed to know his biz when-he got married for he has been downin bed with the dengue fever for tinlast few days Mrs Dudley has beentaking care of the store in his placehence the above mentioned compli-ment We hope he will soon be upabout again

There is to be a match game inbaseball between Belleview first andLon first Saturday week in our littletown It is expected to be a close

as each side has some goodplayers

Mayor Joseph Millsom and goodwife made a business trip to the BrickCity Monday last to get some furni-ture for their newly purchased housethe Terrell cottage-

We are glad to see some of theBrick City people riding around ourlittle city in their autos They causequite a sensation among the school-childreni or at least their far sound-ing horns do-

Vej are glad to state that Mr andMrs OBryant and son Mr Edward

j Armstrong alias Little Eddie is inout little town again Mrs OBryanand Eddie were with us last winterThey will reside during the wintermonths in Mayor Millsoms little cottage lately purchased by him from

i Mr Lewis TerrellWe were all surprised and pleased-

to see Dr Alfred Abshire and wifeI formerly of this place but who moved-

to Palatka a year ago come back to-t see all of his Belleview friends andI his children Every one was pleased-

to see him again as he was one ofthe old settlers He will stay withhis daughter Mrs Ida Harrell We

i hope he will decide to stay longer withjus

Mr Everett and family arrived hereMonday last The writer does not

i knew where he came from We under-stand


that he now owns all the prop ¬

erty that Mr L W Drew owned inIand around the City of Oaks Wehope he will be satisfied with his

I purchase-MrsI G B Washburn and charming

daughter arrived home Monday nightfrom Saronoc Lake N Y where they

I have been spending the summer withI their relatives We are glad to see

themI We are expecting more winter vis-itors


this year than usual as the cli ¬

mate here is goodand the hunting isfine

Mr Joseph Gross has been confinedto his bed since Friday last with den-gue


fever We hope he will soon re-cover


I I wonder what makes Billie sohappy nowadays Find the answer

I Mr Felix Schneider of Ocala broth-er of our assistant school teacher

l Miss Elsie Schneider was in townSunday and Monday He came down-toI visit his sister

I We are having some pretty warmI weather for the time of the year Iguess we can welcome Mr Jack FrostI with the same kind of clad hand that-I the coal dealer does northI



i Have you neglected your kidneysHave you overworked your nervoussystem and caused trouble with your

i kidneys and bladder Have you pains-in loins side back groins and blad-der Have you a flabby appearance-of the face especially under the eyes

j Too frequent a desire to pass urine-If so Williams Kidney Pills will cure

i you Sold by the AntiMonopolyDrugstore




Automobile drivers and motorcrcle riders take notice Must come-down to the time limit on speed orarrested The limit is not to exceed-ten miles an hour and in approachingstreet crossings or corners to slow-down to a speed that will make it

I perfectly safe for pedestrians and veI hides to avoid collisions or accidents

W C Bull City Marshal


The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has beenin use for over 30 years has borne the signature of

and has been made under his per¬7 sonal supervision since its infancy

Allow no one to deceive you in thisAll Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health fSInfants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment t

What Is CASTORIACas-toria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregone Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It c

contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Wormsand allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationand Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates theStomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleepThe Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend



+IThe KM You Have Always Bought r




KodolF-or Dyspepsia and Indigestion

I If you Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Gas onI the Stomach Belching Sour Stomach HeartburnI etc a little Kodol will Relieve you almost InstantlyI

I Kodol supplies the same digestiveI juices that are found in a healthy

stomach Being a liquid it startsdigestion at once

Kodol not only digests your foodI but helps you enjoy every mouthful-

you eatYou need a sufficient amount of

good wholesome food to maintainI strength and healthi But this food must be digested

thoroughly otherwise the pains ofindigestion and dyspepsia are theresult

When your stomach cannot do itswork properly take something tohelp your stomach Kodol is theonly thing that will give the stom ¬

ach complete restWhy Because Kodol does the

I same work as a strong stomach andI does it in a natural way

So dont neglect your stomachDont become a chronic dyspepticKeep your stomach healthy andstrong by taking a little KodolYou dont have to take Kodol allthe time You only take it whenyou need it

Kodol is perfectly harmless t-

Our GuaranteeG-o to your druggist today and get a dol¬

lar bottle after you have used theentire contents of the bottle If you canhonestly say that it has not done you angood return the bottle to the drugglstandhe will refund your money without ques ¬Lion or delay We will then the drug-gist

¬Don hesitate all drueplsts know

that our guarantee Is good This offer ap-plies


to the larce bottle only aDd to but onea family The large bottle containsy

times us much as the fifty cent bottleKodol is prepared at the laborator-


I of E C De Witt fc Co Chicago 1



for cJilldrtnt safe ur H plate etonstht cough andhalaluajst

