ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-03-19 [p...

n V J i t St THE OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY MARCH 19 1908 FIVE r y- 1L J OCALA OCCURRENCES I Masons meet this evening u Lyceum enf Ttiiniri nt tonight Try Hiawatha Lik Dairy butt r I milk < lHivcr < < l ivry morning Mr 1l S ValII of Hill nghlIfI I is a jjiUKt of tin Ocnlu Hous- Tt I lr CI I lIn of > i is a guest of the Oiht Hoiisi- Oysl I rs in ill styles S < TV tl on three minutes notice at the Elks CarP Tlu Hiawatha Lak Dairy will fur riinh you irf cold buttermilk every morning Mr F 1 OHara of laiksonvill was in the city today Mr M FishI Is in NVw York buy- ing ¬ spring goods Miss Ruth HanM rs of North < iro lina is a gUtSI of th < O ala House Use Ilanks Chill Tonic Cuaran- t Irico 2J wnts Sold by all drug- gists n Mrs Arthur Hardik of Marte- lvas a guest of the Ocala House yes- terday ¬ Mr and Mrs L L Hortn and baby of York wore quests of the Ocala House today Th Womans Home Missionary So ¬ ciety will meet in the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 3HO FOR RJ5NT Two story house fur- nished ¬ liS North First street near ex 7 > rcss office Mrs F M Strunk Come to the Ocala News Co and see- the latest novelty Ocala in a sea- shell a A line little son was horn a few Jays ago to Mr and Mrs Fred Buhl at Shady Have you seen the new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents There is time to see the pictures at I the Berlin Theater ths evening before I going to the lyceum entertainment at I the armory- R I C Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen- If you take health and accident in ¬ surance with M D Wilson your ben- eficiary ¬ I will be insured on same policy- A I bright little son was born a short time ago to Mr and Mrs Geiger who reside next to Mr Gottlieb on South second street Mrs P W Spellman went up to Jacksonville last night to attend to some business and will return tomor ¬ row A pound of paper and two packs of envelopes to match all of the very best quality 60c at the Postoffice Drugstore- Go to see A Christmas Adoption- the Berlin Theater this evening before Will be a welcome counteraction to the weather The Variety Store has bargains all the time particularly next Monday- and Tuesday See advertisement on sixth page Miss Tillle Cook recently with the Klein Hoffman has gone to Rich ¬ mond Va to accept a position with a large dry goods house in that city I The Berlin Theater has put in elec- tric ¬ fans which keep a constant cur ¬ rent of cool air through the roots and Counteract the rapidly increasing warmth of the weather Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran- teed ¬ Price 2F cents Sold by all drug- gists ¬ The staunch and handsome little boat which Messrs Tucker and Math- ews I are building will soon be ready to I launch It has beautiful lines and will I be both swift and safe BERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER I NTIRE CHANGE Of PROGRAM EVERY 04Y Program for this Evening A CHRISTMAS ADOPTION STOLEN BY GYPSIES Open Promptly at 3130 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents- I I M WOOD PROPW- allace Building Opposite Methodist Church JUST RECEIVED Neufchatel Pineapple Sweitzer Brick Limburger Brie and 1 Camembert Cheese in tin i Shredded Codfish Boneless Her ¬ ring Shrimp Clams and i Deviled Crabs 1 Three pound cans Tomato Soup 10 cents a can Salt Mackerel No 1s and 2s These are a few specialties- and remember we have a I full line of Groceries to select from and you will find prices and quality right I TEAPOT GROCERY- MR HORNE OPERATED ON Mr Lo Horn was operated on in Jacksonville yesterday by Drs Drew and Ileggie Mr Horne has been trou- t ¬ t bled for some time with an abscess funning within the skull just back of the ear and this was removed The operation was successful Mrs ITorne- is I with her husband Mr Horne many friends here hope he will make a speedy recovery I FIVE DOLLARS FOR INFORMATION- I will pay f for the name of the persons who took seven white and j three blue Dutch hyacinths from my t lot in Greenwood cemetery said flow- ers ¬ I being taken between March 10th and 11th and March 14th and 15th I C R Tydings 0 LYCEUM TICKETS ON SALE Tickets for the LaDellFoxConcert Co at the armory Thursday night are now on sale at the Ocala News Coy store HOUSE FOR RENT I A sevenroom residence in good lo- cation ¬ entirely rebuilt with bath city I and cistern water good corner lot Will be ready for occupancy about April 1st Apply to F W Ditto NOTICE I Beginning Sunday March 15th we will charge 10 cents for ice cream sodas chocolate and fruit sundaes milk shakes and egg drinks- AntiMonopoly Drugstore Hunter Drug Company- T W Troxler- A PORCH SCREEN- Is an article of comfort these warm lays You need one and can find- it at Mclver MacKays They are imported and pretty designs in green yellow and drab As soon as you see them you will feel like buying one Come and look at them BUSINESS IS BUSINESS I Walls are never too cracked and I broken for me to finish in an A No 1 i style with Alabastine All colors and tints I J A Morris Jr Decorating thats my business HORSES FOR SALE i t For sale a first class pair of young black well matched driving mares gentle and will also work single App- ly to J M iMetTort City OLD RAGS WANTED- The I Star office wants old rags 1 must clean cotton rags but any color will do WANTKD HO nhn wanted to chop wood at Cornell Fla Also ten teams Apply to Northern it Southern Com- pany ¬ Cornell Fla or to M J Roess t Ocala Fla Gt WANTS POSITION An experienced man in the mercan- tile ¬ business and general stores and eornmissarys wants a position ns man- ager ¬ for a commissary or countfy store Can give bt st of references as to reliability and competency Apply I at this office FOR SAII1 line Kentucky bred horse with harness and buggy also double harness awl secondhand sad- dle ¬ I heap for cash The horse is a I family animal kind and gentle Apply- to Dr J F Webb 122 North Second street Ocala Fla Electric smoothing Irons tne finest thing ever Invented for the home Ev ¬ ery woman should have one In the house Call and see them at Tucker 1 Mathews electrical store i AT THE ARMORY THIS EVENING Th LalJllFox roncrt Co will appear at the armory tonight and should bf tract by a good audience This < X llnt company consists of Miss Mariitta IaDell read r Mr- e 1 g Fox violin Miss H1tita May r < mu fonl soprano and Miss Majorie Knglih jiarist and accompanist Ail ha pro fd thir ta hnt hfllr many I iJIT r riitiv uiclicic > s in ill jarls of I illt union and not only th regular lyrcuiii Mibseribirs lint all of oir po- j t 1Cir dcsiiv to jjtss an r veiling of- punly I iiiistM riijoynifiii should set and hat liein- A hading Florida mwspaptr says Miss Marietta LalJell is an artist of rare ability awl lU r reeiiations of child life ar th best on th platform today Mr C org Fox th violinist captivated th audience in his first iMinibtr and held them throughout- the evening No such violinist as Mr Fox has vcr appeared in our city Miss JrthL Crawford sings with pieinliil expression and artistic taste THE HOLDER PHOSIHATE CO- A I new phosphate company has been organized the Holder Phosphate Co by Mr Edward Holder of Ocala with I headquarters at Inverness where two I I big plants will be erected as fast as the material can be got on the ground and the stork performed Mr H D Dassett of Flora City who has been I with the Bradley Phosphate Co for a number of years and seventeen years- in the phosphate business will have the general management of the busi- ness ¬ Mr Hassett is one of the most practical phosphate men in the state He knows the business from beginning- to end and his advice and knowledge- is in great demand The companys of- fices ¬ will be at Inverness The new company is in addition to Mr Ho- lders ¬ I other important phosphate in- terests ¬ and does not affect them He I will continue to reside in Ocala Mr Holder is one of the most successful I individual miners of phosphate in the I hard rock district and his holdings in phosphate lands are very valuable I I OPENING OFFICES IN OCALA I The Southern Phosphate and Devel- opment ¬ Co of which Mr John W Pearson is general manager has leased offices in the Merchants block and will shortly furnish and open them for business The other officers and di- rectors ¬ of this company Messrs S E Hopkins president and Howard B Tuttle director of Naugatuck Conn and Edw P Gorton of Chicago direc ¬ tor spent ten days in Ocala with Mr Pearson returning home a few days since The company is one of the strongest in the phosphate field They have just completed a big modern plant operated by electricity and will shortly build two others having pro ¬ vided the power for them at Floral City and will build another at Inver- ness ¬ i CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS- As April is the month for setting- out chrysanthemum plants all orders should be in by April 1st Those de ¬ siring plants can leave orders with Mrs W H Clark phone 112 25 plants for 1 CAN LIVE ON CANDY I I I Chocolate Creams and Peanuts Would Keep You Alive says Prof Olsen Prof John C Olsen Ph D United States Food and Drug In- spection ¬ Chemist in his lecture on- Pure Foods and their Ircpara lion among1 other things said Ii I twas shown that twothirds of I a pound of peanuts and twothirds I of of chocolate a pound creams i contain sufficient nourishment to I feed an adult 24 hours A diet of I this kind would not he expensive compared with the cost of other I I foods I I I WE HAVE IT Eat r a t 1I rv LI I ft1f- i A r t1 I Peanut i I ChocolateF- or l Health Strength I FOR SALE BY T1 W TROXLER At Security and Promptness t- Are two devils of our banking business to which we give careful attention for our own and cus- tomers ¬ benefit And we invite your deposits tor the good we can do you along these lines The Munroe Chambliss Bank INCORPORATED OCALA FLORIDA HADNT FAR TO GO Dead Body of W S Prningle Found in the Road Near Paradise Gainesville Fla March 14Thrd- oul body of V S Pringle was found in a road in the woods near Paradise four miles front here shortly after the noon hour yesterday Pringle was very prominent and had been for years connected with C V Chases timber interests WILL CLOSE OUT BUSINESS Mr Victor Martinot will close out the business of the French Bakery one of the oldest established businesses in the city doing a baking and general grocery business Mr lartinot is not certain just yet what his movements- will be He will probably take things easy fur a few months and visit with friends in Chicago pall t of the time and to which city his sister Miss Margaret Martinot will go to have her ears treated It is Mr Martinofs intention to build a stone or brick building on the vacant lot which he still owns north of the building which- he recently sold to Mr Clyutt in the near future I DEMONSTRATION TOMORROW I Tomorrow afternoon Friday from 2 to f oclock Mr Hunter of the gas company will give a practical demon- stration ¬ of the advantage economy j and cleanliness in cooking with gas TIlt demonstration will be made at the Central National Bank building and all the ladies of Ocala and the gentle- men ¬ too who are interested are cor- dially ¬ invited to attend the demonstra- tion ¬ At the Berlin Theater tomorrow af- ternoon ¬ and evening Miss Eloise Smoak will sing that popular song You with iflustratons and accom- paniment ¬ This will be a treat you cant afford to miss Fred Powell who has been in At- lanta ¬ four weeks under the treatment- of Dr Calhoun writes his mother Mrs E J Clinard a card today in ¬ forming her that a slight operation has been performed on his right eye it being the one that has been totally without sight for some time He says- it did not give him any pain and now- i the eye feels comfortable- FOR TAX ASSESSOR- I I find that the citizens of Ocala de- cide I for themselves what candidate they will support and electioneering- them 1 has little or no effect From the handsome vote that Ocala has given I me my assessments must he fair and j just I fully appreciate this support I and indorsement and hope that you will favor me with it again in the May I election Alfred Ayer I I You can get a pound of firstclass linen writing paper and two packages- of envelopes to match for 50 cents at the Ocala News Co- I LINCOLN HEIGHTS CASINO There will be a grand entertainment with plenty of music and refreshments and games of all kinds with good or- der ¬ t assured tonight Thursday at the Lincoln Heights Casino Ike Simmons proprietor Come out all and have a good tone OH no Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new remedy an improvement on the lax- atives ¬ of former years as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take It is guaranteed Sold by all rulers I OPEN EVERY NIGHT Th Lincoln Heights Casino tin OIK I t fIOrd POT Ics amusement place in j < > cala of standing and merit will be j open every evening henceforth Al- l i ays amusement refreshments and t perfect odcr 1utronixe the casino j as it lakes inon y to Ii Mp it Ui Jko- Si I 11111 ons ji oprietur GIVEN UP TO DIE I P Sjifjrol 1101 X Virginia street j lvansvill Ind writes For over live i y ftrs I was troublMl with kidiuy awl bladder fftlon which caused me much pain and worry I lost flesh and was all run down and a year ago had- to abtndon work entirely I had three 1fth l > st physicians who did me no I good and I was practically given up to die Foleys Kidney Cure was recom- mended ¬ and the first bottle gave me great relief and after taking the sec- ond ¬ bottle I was entirely cured Why not let it help you Sold by all dealers FOR SALE AT ONCE l 6 SHOW CASES 1 LARGE COFFEE MILL 1 OIL TANK 2 PAIR SCALES 2 LARGE STORE LAMPS And a number of other bargains MARTiNOTS BAKERY HCIVERS MACKAYi FUNERAL DIRECTORS C Undertakers and Embalmers U E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN s I Undertakers k Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All Work Done by Licensed Em- I Imera and Fully Guaran- teedPHILLIPS i C J Contractor and Builder i flans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South TfcirdSteet Ocala Fla Phone 30 J 0 l Veterinary SurgeonOf- fice opposite Tompkins Livery Stable E P GUERRANT YS IcE I- I d 11 I Best Quality 1 Prompt Service Lowest Price 1 j Buy from the BLUE WAGONSOC- AIA r ICE AND PACKING CO j MEFFERT TAYLOR ji- fJ Phone 34 tI- I si a li- I J Itr 1i I I I I t 1I i it 4- 1t t FRIEND TO FRIENDT- he personal recommrndations of peo pie who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy have doue more than all else to make it staple article of tride and commerce ottt a Urge part of the civilized world I I jO

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-03-19 [p …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00799/0531.pdfn V J i t St THE OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY MARCH 19 1908 FIVE r 1L y-J

n V J i tSt



Masons meet this eveningu

Lyceum enf Ttiiniri nt tonight

Try Hiawatha Lik Dairy butt r I

milk < lHivcr < < l ivry morning

Mr 1l S ValII of Hill nghlIfI I

is a jjiUKt of tin Ocnlu Hous-



lr CI I lIn of > i

is a guest of the Oiht Hoiisi-


rs in ill styles S < TV tl on threeminutes notice at the Elks CarP

Tlu Hiawatha Lak Dairy will furriinh you irf cold buttermilk everymorning

Mr F 1 OHara of laiksonvillwas in the city today

Mr M FishI Is in NVw York buy-ing


spring goods

Miss Ruth HanM rs of North < irolina is a gUtSI of th < O ala House

Use Ilanks Chill Tonic Cuaran-t Irico 2J wnts Sold by all drug-gists n

Mrs Arthur Hardik of Marte-lvas a guest of the Ocala House yes-terday


Mr and Mrs L L Hortn and babyof York wore quests of the OcalaHouse today

Th Womans Home Missionary So ¬

ciety will meet in the Methodistchurch Friday afternoon at 3HO

FOR RJ5NT Two story house fur-nished


liS North First street near ex7 > rcss office Mrs F M Strunk

Come to the Ocala News Co and see-the latest novelty Ocala in a sea-shella

A line little son was horn a fewJays ago to Mr and Mrs Fred Buhlat Shady

Have you seen the new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

There is time to see the pictures at I

the Berlin Theater ths evening before I

going to the lyceum entertainment at I

the armory-



C Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen-

If you take health and accident in ¬

surance with M D Wilson your ben-eficiary

¬ I

will be insured on same policy-



bright little son was born a shorttime ago to Mr and Mrs Geiger whoreside next to Mr Gottlieb on Southsecond street

Mrs P W Spellman went up toJacksonville last night to attend tosome business and will return tomor¬


A pound of paper and two packs ofenvelopes to match all of the verybest quality 60c at the PostofficeDrugstore-

Go to see A Christmas Adoption-the Berlin Theater this evening beforeWill be a welcome counteraction to theweather

The Variety Store has bargains allthe time particularly next Monday-and Tuesday See advertisement onsixth page

Miss Tillle Cook recently with theKlein Hoffman has gone to Rich ¬

mond Va to accept a position witha large dry goods house in that city


The Berlin Theater has put in elec-


fans which keep a constant cur ¬

rent of cool air through the roots andCounteract the rapidly increasingwarmth of the weather

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran-teed


Price 2F cents Sold by all drug-gists


The staunch and handsome littleboat which Messrs Tucker and Math-ews


are building will soon be ready to I

launch It has beautiful lines and will I

be both swift and safe





Program for this EveningA CHRISTMAS ADOPTION


Open Promptly at 3130 P MAdmission 10 Cents

Children 5 Cents-



allace Building Opposite MethodistChurch


Neufchatel Pineapple SweitzerBrick Limburger Brie and


Camembert Cheese in tini

Shredded Codfish Boneless Her ¬

ring Shrimp Clams andi

Deviled Crabs1

Three pound cans Tomato Soup10 cents a can

Salt Mackerel No 1s and 2s

These are a few specialties-and remember we have a


full line of Groceries toselect from and you willfind prices and quality right




Mr Lo Horn was operated on inJacksonville yesterday by Drs Drewand Ileggie Mr Horne has been trou-



t bled for some time with an abscessfunning within the skull just back ofthe ear and this was removed Theoperation was successful Mrs ITorne-isI with her husband Mr Hornemany friends here hope he will makea speedy recovery



I will pay f for the name of thepersons who took seven white and

j three blue Dutch hyacinths from myt lot in Greenwood cemetery said flow-ers

¬I being taken between March 10thand 11th and March 14th and 15th I

C R Tydings0


Tickets for the LaDellFoxConcertCo at the armory Thursday night arenow on sale at the Ocala News Coystore


A sevenroom residence in good lo-


entirely rebuilt with bath city I

and cistern water good corner lotWill be ready for occupancy aboutApril 1st Apply to F W Ditto


Beginning Sunday March 15th wewill charge 10 cents for ice creamsodas chocolate and fruit sundaesmilk shakes and egg drinks-

AntiMonopoly DrugstoreHunter Drug Company-T W Troxler-


Is an article of comfort these warmlays You need one and can find-

it at Mclver MacKays They areimported and pretty designs in greenyellow and drab As soon as you seethem you will feel like buying oneCome and look at them

BUSINESS IS BUSINESSI Walls are never too cracked andI broken for me to finish in an A No 1

i style with Alabastine All colors andtints I J A Morris Jr

Decorating thats my business


For sale a first class pair of youngblack well matched driving maresgentle and will also work single App-

ly to J M iMetTort City



Star office wants old rags 1

must clean cotton rags but any colorwill do

WANTKD HO nhn wanted to chopwood at Cornell Fla Also ten teamsApply to Northern it Southern Com-pany


Cornell Fla or to M J Roess t

Ocala Fla Gt


An experienced man in the mercan-tile


business and general stores andeornmissarys wants a position ns man-ager


for a commissary or countfystore Can give bt st of references asto reliability and competency Apply

I at this office

FOR SAII1 line Kentucky bredhorse with harness and buggy alsodouble harness awl secondhand sad-dle


I heap for cash The horse is aI family animal kind and gentle Apply-

to Dr J F Webb 122 North Secondstreet Ocala Fla

Electric smoothing Irons tne finestthing ever Invented for the home Ev¬

ery woman should have one In thehouse Call and see them at Tucker

1 Mathews electrical store



Th LalJllFox roncrt Co willappear at the armory tonight andshould bf tract by a good audienceThis < X llnt company consists ofMiss Mariitta IaDell read r Mr-

e1 g Fox violin Miss H1tita May r

< m u fonl soprano and Miss MajorieKnglih jiarist and accompanist Ailha pro fd thir ta hnt hfllr many I

iJIT r riitiv uiclicic > s in ill jarls of I

illt union and not only th regularlyrcuiii Mibseribirs lint all of oir po-j t 1Cir dcsiiv to jjtss an r veiling of-


iiiistM riijoynifiii should setand hat liein-

A hading Florida mwspaptr saysMiss Marietta LalJell is an artist of

rare ability awl lU r reeiiations ofchild life ar th best on th platformtoday Mr C org Fox th violinistcaptivated th audience in his firstiMinibtr and held them throughout-the evening No such violinist as MrFox has vcr appeared in our cityMiss JrthL Crawford sings withpieinliil expression and artistic taste




new phosphate company has beenorganized the Holder Phosphate Coby Mr Edward Holder of Ocala with

I headquarters at Inverness where two I

I big plants will be erected as fast asthe material can be got on the groundand the stork performed Mr H DDassett of Flora City who has been I

with the Bradley Phosphate Co for anumber of years and seventeen years-in the phosphate business will havethe general management of the busi-ness


Mr Hassett is one of the mostpractical phosphate men in the stateHe knows the business from beginning-to end and his advice and knowledge-is in great demand The companys of-fices


will be at Inverness The newcompany is in addition to Mr Ho-lders


I other important phosphate in-


and does not affect them HeI will continue to reside in Ocala MrHolder is one of the most successful


individual miners of phosphate in theI hard rock district and his holdings inphosphate lands are very valuable




The Southern Phosphate and Devel-opment


Co of which Mr John WPearson is general manager has leasedoffices in the Merchants block andwill shortly furnish and open them forbusiness The other officers and di-


of this company Messrs S EHopkins president and Howard BTuttle director of Naugatuck Connand Edw P Gorton of Chicago direc ¬

tor spent ten days in Ocala with MrPearson returning home a few dayssince The company is one of thestrongest in the phosphate field Theyhave just completed a big modernplant operated by electricity and willshortly build two others having pro ¬

vided the power for them at FloralCity and will build another at Inver-ness

¬ i


As April is the month for setting-out chrysanthemum plants all ordersshould be in by April 1st Those de ¬

siring plants can leave orders withMrs W H Clark phone 112 25plants for 1




Chocolate Creams and Peanuts

Would Keep You Alive says

Prof Olsen

Prof John C Olsen Ph DUnited States Food and Drug In-


Chemist in his lecture on-

Pure Foods and their Ircparalion among1 other things said Ii

I twas shown that twothirds of I

a pound of peanuts and twothirds I

of of chocolatea pound creamsi

contain sufficient nourishment toI

feed an adult 24 hours A diet ofI

this kind would not he expensivecompared with the cost of other I

I foodsI





rv LII ft1f-i





I ChocolateF-


Health StrengthI FOR SALE BY



Security and Promptness t-

Are two devils of our banking business to whichwe give careful attention for our own and cus-


benefit And we invite your deposits torthe good we can do you along these lines

The Munroe Chambliss BankINCORPORATED



Dead Body of W S Prningle Found in

the Road Near ParadiseGainesville Fla March 14Thrd-

oul body of V S Pringle was foundin a road in the woods near Paradisefour miles front here shortly after thenoon hour yesterday Pringle wasvery prominent and had been foryears connected with C V Chasestimber interests


Mr Victor Martinot will close outthe business of the French Bakery oneof the oldest established businesses inthe city doing a baking and generalgrocery business Mr lartinot is notcertain just yet what his movements-will be He will probably take thingseasy fur a few months and visit withfriends in Chicago pall t of the timeand to which city his sister MissMargaret Martinot will go to haveher ears treated It is Mr Martinofsintention to build a stone or brickbuilding on the vacant lot which hestill owns north of the building which-he recently sold to Mr Clyutt in thenear future


Tomorrow afternoon Friday from2 to f oclock Mr Hunter of the gascompany will give a practical demon-stration


of the advantage economyj and cleanliness in cooking with gasTIlt demonstration will be made at theCentral National Bank building andall the ladies of Ocala and the gentle-men


too who are interested are cor-dially


invited to attend the demonstra-tion


At the Berlin Theater tomorrow af-


and evening Miss EloiseSmoak will sing that popular songYou with iflustratons and accom-


This will be a treat youcant afford to miss

Fred Powell who has been in At-


four weeks under the treatment-of Dr Calhoun writes his motherMrs E J Clinard a card today in ¬

forming her that a slight operationhas been performed on his right eyeit being the one that has been totallywithout sight for some time He says-it did not give him any pain and now-

i the eye feels comfortable-


I I find that the citizens of Ocala de-

cideI for themselves what candidatethey will support and electioneering-them1 has little or no effect From thehandsome vote that Ocala has given

I me my assessments must he fair andj just I fully appreciate this supportI and indorsement and hope that you

will favor me with it again in the MayI

election Alfred Ayer



You can get a pound of firstclasslinen writing paper and two packages-of envelopes to match for 50 cents atthe Ocala News Co-


There will be a grand entertainmentwith plenty of music and refreshmentsand games of all kinds with good or-

der¬ t

assured tonight Thursday at theLincoln Heights Casino Ike Simmonsproprietor Come out all and have agood tone

OH no Laxative Fruit Syrup is a newremedy an improvement on the lax-


of former years as it does notgripe or nauseate and is pleasant totake It is guaranteed Sold by allrulers I


Th Lincoln Heights Casino tin OIK I

t fIOrd POT Ics amusement place in j

< > cala of standing and merit will bej open every evening henceforth Al-



ays amusement refreshments andt perfect odcr 1utronixe the casino j

as it lakes inon y to Ii Mp it Ui Jko-

SiI11111 ons ji oprietur


P Sjifjrol 1101 X Virginia streetj lvansvill Ind writes For over livei y ftrs I was troublMl with kidiuy awlbladder fftlon which caused memuch pain and worry I lost flesh andwas all run down and a year ago had-

to abtndon work entirely I had three1fth l > st physicians who did me no

I good and I was practically given up todie Foleys Kidney Cure was recom-mended


and the first bottle gave megreat relief and after taking the sec-


bottle I was entirely cured Whynot let it help you Sold by all dealers






Undertakers and Embalmers


Undertakers k

Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All Work Done by Licensed Em-

I Imera and Fully Guaran-



C JContractor and Builder


flans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South TfcirdSteetOcala Fla Phone 30 J 0



fice opposite

Tompkins Livery Stable


IcE I-





Best Quality 1

Prompt ServiceLowest Price 1


Buy from the






Phone 34tI-









t 1I iit 4-




he personal recommrndations of peopie who have been cured of coughs andcolds by Chamberlains Cough Remedyhave doue more than all else to make itstaple article of tride and commerce ottta Urge part of the civilized world I

