ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-01-20 [p...

< I c i 0 P w rJ EIGHT OCAL EVENItiG STAR MONDAY JANUARY 20 1908 r r STRANGE DISHES I Lions Flesh Tigers Meat and Baked Elephants Foot Lions flesh Is said to furnish a very good meal Tiger meat is not PO pala- table ¬ for it Is tough and sinewy In India nevertheless It is esteemed be 4 cause there is a superstition that it Im- parts ¬ R to the eater some of the tntlhrly and cunning that characterizes an- imal ¬ This notion is not of course t held by the followers of lirahma null ar Buddha whose religion forbids the eating of flesh E There appears to be considerable dif- ference ¬ P of opinion among authorities Z on the subject as to the merits of ele- phants flesh as an article of diet Uy- gome Jt is considered a dainty but tbfrre Isthe authority of at least one r European against it Stanley said that be frequently tasted elephants Uc h- and that it was more like soft leather and glue than anything else with sr which he could compare it Another explorer however declares that he i cannot Imagine how an animal so coarse and heavy as the elephant could k produce such delicate and tender llesh 4 o All authorities agree In commending rthe elephants foot Even Stanley ad- mitted ¬ that baked elephants foot was Y a dish fit for a king It is the greatest delicacy that can be given to a Kallir St Louis Republic 5 Sincerity- In life sincerity Is the sure touch- Stone of character The good and val uable man is he who strives to realize day by day his own sincere coucop lions of true manhood Thousands are Struggling to exhibit what some one else admires to reach the popular standard to be or appear to be re- Spectable and honorable but few make I it their aim to live thoroughly up to I their own individual convictions of what Is right and good f Carlyle well says At all turns a man who will do faithfully needs to F believe firmly If he have to ask at 4 t every turn the worlds suffrage if he I cannot dispense with the worlds suf- frage and make his own suffrage serve be Is a poor eye servant and the work committed to him will be misdone A Historic Golfer y The following entries in the accounts of James Graham marquis of Mont- rose S r when he was a student at the- f 74 University of St Andrews are quite in- Falstafflan vein Item for two goffe balls Josh Item my Lord taking aue drink in Jhone Gams before he went out and r W after be came from the golfe 45sh 4d Item to the boy who carried my I Lords clubs to the Held 3sh f With every allowance for change of 1q tariff the most completely refreshed 1 i- v giants of modern gold dwindle into abstemiousness beside that aIle drink London Athenaeum tt Crowded Out by Vain Man fi uI went into the office looking like a fright said the woman I didnt s have a chance to straighten my hat- s or pat my hair or anything 1 had in ¬ tended to primp going up In thv ele- vator ¬ i but there was a man standing before each mirror twirling his mus- tache ¬ and I couldnt even get a peep >I at myself New York Press i v1 I- i Hubbys Dislik- er y I r 4 rAA r r rti t Lcot- i Friend You have a nice little home j here in the suburbs but I should think your husband would dislike catching trains Mrs Suburbs He does He dislikes I h no much that he frequently neglects to catch the last train home at night New York Mall- s s Worry 4i 1L I- Z A I xd- cr YJ r l i i- y a p I it 1f f How did you lose your hair Worry t What did you worry about bout loving my hair Harper S lt 1- j TL r c 11 > 44 I- PAlATKA 15 PROSPEROUS Hon S J Hilburn Answers LeHardy- In Regard to Prohibition 7- f Palatka Fla Jan 20 i 0v- rdlr AV T Gary Pnsiaerit Marion County Anti aloun League Ocala i Horid- aUer I SiiI un to cit oi yur favor of the 12th inst enclosing a c > r Y- tf the Ocila Star isued Jan 19 19S eontaining an article from one C A LrHardy of this pity relative to the conditions here sine the wet and dry election which occurred in this coun- ty Sept jo 1907 0 i This article is so manifestly absurd i on its fare that I should not think your people would b > deceived by it- I enclose herewith certificates of the county clerk county tax collector and t city clerk showing that there has ben no increase in the tax levies for state city or county purposes in this county since the said election awl there is no I ground whatever for the statement of I Mr LicHurdy that taxes have been in- creased f i on hundred per cent As to the statement that the streets art being used for garden purposes it j seems foolish to me to notice such a i statement Never before in all our- I I history ins there bern such a forward I f movo in paving streets and sidewalks- and In the general improvement of our I city The contract has hron let and I the vitrified brick are on the trots to- p ne Water street ftIm Main to I i Laurel streets and to pavo Le mm I I stroet from the St Johns river to the I railroad at the union depot This work is being executed and must bp- I completed by May which means im I mediate paving with vitrified brick for j ragout one mile in this city Mr Le ¬ Hardy operated a small business on upper Lennon street near the point i where those outrageous dives were lo sated before the election and his state ¬ I ment that prior to said wet and dry election he had done a business of two thousand dollars per month makes everybody laugh who reads his arti ¬ cle I do not see how it was ever pos- sible ¬ for him to have done any such a business Mr Jesse Hagan who oper- ates ¬ a business of the same kind in the same block says that his business- has greatly increased since the elec- tion ¬ Of course 1 do not know what the hOOkS show but so far as I am able to see Mr LeHardy is doing as I good a business as he ever did If the net and dry election has hurt him- in his business it is perhaps due to the fact that he is prevented from selling a certain class of goods as he has been indicted for selling intoxi- cating ¬ liquors Of course I do not know to what extent this indictment has hurt his business The values of real estate have not I in my judgment within the last ten years bean so high not property in j tineAi- r dent of the A < L Railway Co has moved to this city and is buying real estate extensively and has bought a brick block at a price greater than j it could have been bought prior to the said wet and dry election The Ke it ing Block has been bought at a price far in excess of what Mr Keating give for it a year ago There have been no sacrilices in property Our town- is well filled with people and it is with difficulty that people procure residences here Both business and residence buildings are going up and there has not been a failure of any merchant since the wet and dry elec- tion ¬ withstanding the fact that we- t have had on us a great panic Very truly yours- S J Hilburn Palatka Fla Jan UO 1908 I hereby certify that since the wet and dry election in this county there has been no increase of the taxes for State and County purposes in Putnam County A S Willard STATIC OF FLORIDA PUTNAM COUNTY I Joseph Price Clerk of the Cir- cuit ¬ court of Putnam County Florida I and Clerk of the Board of County I I Commissioners who have exclusive i power to levy taxes for state and county purposes in Putnam County do hereby certify that since the wet and dry election held in this county wherein the sale of intoxicating liq ¬ uors wines and beers was prohibited no taxes have been levied and I am not aware of any necessity for increasing- the I levy for IOS which will be made some time next summer I Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day of January A D 1903 Seal Joseph Price Cierk Circuit Court T J N Blaekwell City Clerk of the I City of Palatka Florida do hereby I certify that the Levy for City Taxes for the City of Palatka for the years 1906 and JtO are exactly the same there has been no increase in the levy for the past two years as will be shown by the Ordinances which are of record in my office Given under my hand and official seal this 20th day of January 1908- J N Blaekwell Seal City Clerk ADDITIONAL LOCAL- K of P meet Monday night t Odd Follnvs meet Tuesday evening If you neod electric wiring or re- t airing of any kind phone 300 I I Mr G W Kass of Macon Ga is j a guest of the Ocalt Howe Pen Condon has a line of iuw cu er bicycles Tor rent I Large a srtment of CTT GLAS and CHINA at Postoffice Drugstore Dont fail to see our big line of Ocala post cards in colors Ocala Ns Co A gas jet is needed at the bottom of the steps leading to the courthouse basement The boiler in the courthouse base- ment has been safely railed off from intrusion- Mr I Richwine the Levon farmer and trucker was in town today and re ¬ ports everything bloming in his sec tion Joe Sicker representing the J G Lippman commission house of New I York is in town interviewing our truckers Fayette Miller the cattle man of Martel was in town this morning and I brought a two year old steer that dressed OH pounds net I I Mr Van Houten of Gaiter was in I yesterday and made his record good with the Star which he has tak- en ¬ since its establishment twelve years ago- town I Fred L Smith of Clarksville Tinn who is spending the winter at Weir Park was in town Saturday with two of Clarence Smiths children FOUND An Overcoat on last oven ing on South Third street Owner can get same by paying for advertisement and proving property W A Moor head FOR SALECheap for cash one threehorse power coal oil boiler and engine also one complete saw rig for cutting wood Cause for soiling cant use it in my crippled condition P McCIymonds Among those who dined at the Montezuma yesterday were C C Rawls Stephenville Q I Roberts W- I Gooner and H Borden Palatka Mrs M Coffield Chicago J H Knob lock Martin J B Peck Reddick J A Xelson High Springs and C T Higgins Clearwater Rev C C Carroll spoke Sunday to a good sized audience at Oklawaha J church The building was crowded Ho spoke on temperance and the dry silo When through he asked every voter who would vote the dry ticket- to give him his hand Every man in the building did so Tho congregation- also I raised 7 for the Marion County AntiSaloon League Messrs W D Carn and W T Gary wore called for last night in the tent mooting The object was to get ourj public school to adjourn so the child- ren I could go in the election procession- and sing This morning the school board declined to suspend school as the parents of the children favored both sides of the question- COMFORTING u i WORDS Many a Florida Household Will Find Them So To hav the pains and aches of a had back removed to be entirely free from annoying dangerous urinary dis ¬ orders is enough to make an ykidney I sufferer grateful To tell how this great change can be brought about j will prove comforting words to hun ¬ dreds of Florida readers- A Oerting seaman of 419 L St Pensacola Fla tells how to do it He says From experience with Doans Kidney Pills I can strongly recommend them to anyone in need of a good med ¬ icine for the kidneys Kidney com ¬ plaint and backache caused me suf- fering ¬ at intervals for years The first- or second attack I did not mind but as time went by they grew worse and at times laid me up I could hardly walk and it was a difficult matter to i straighten after stooping while the kidney secretions were irregular and unnatural Doans Kidney Pills cured- me From personal experience I know that this remedy can be depended upon- to fulfill the representations made for it For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo I New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and- o tY df other WANTED Cheap ror cash a small piece of colored tenement property close in Address Ajax care Star e1 SAITO SAYS JAPANESE SHIPS Are Not in Six Thousand Miles of the American Coast Tokio Jan 20Vive Admiral Saito- in an interview with the Associated Press declared that no vessel of the Japanese fleet was any nearer the Pal ti coast or America than Yokusu ka The declaration was brought forth by repeated reports of sinister designs- of Japan regarding the American Meets visit to the Pacific WATCHED FIFTEEN YEARS- For fifteen years I have watched- the workings of JLJucklens Arnica Salve and it has never failed to cure any sore boil ulcer or burn to which it was applied It has saved us many a doctors bill says A F Hard of East Wilton Mo Twentyfive cents- at Tydings Gos drug su re- ASSESSMENT NOTICE- Al persons having real estate or per- sonal property in the city of Ocala will please returned the same fo assessment as required by law on or before the first day of February 1908- H C Sistrunk Tax Assessor for the City of Ocala January 20 1908 NOTICE Thirty cloys from Tate or TL rear therafter as practicable the town council will receive bras for all of the unfinished sidewalks on Oklawaha av- enue Fort King avenue Fox Lane Say street AVatula street Tuscawil- la street Y itula street Magnolia street Main street South street Ex- position ¬ street and any other street mentioned in cement sidewalk ordi- nance ¬ v Specifications on file in town clerks office Said council reserves the right to reject any or all bids Ocala Fla Oct 9 1907 J D Robertson Attest President City Council- H C Sistrunk City Clerk In the Circuit Court of the ifth Judi- cial ¬ Circuit of Florida In and for Ma- rion ¬ CountyIn Chancery- The Passumnsic Savings Bank a Cor ¬ poration Under the Laws of the State- of Vermont Complainant vs Mrs E B Brockington Defendant Order for Constructive Service- It is ordered that the defendant here- in ¬ named towit Mrs E B Brocking ¬ ton bo and she is hereby required to Appear to the bill of complaint in this ause on or before Monday the 3rd day of February 1908 It is futher ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week for eight consecutive weeks in the Ocala Star a newspaper published in aid county and state This 4th day of December 1907- S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla By H B Foy Jr D C Hocker Duval- Complainant Solicitor FRESH FISH AND OYSTELS- I am keeping a full stock of fr sh and salt water fish and oysters which I re- ceive ¬ daily and guarantee to be fresh and good I also carry a complete line Of fresh pleats beef pork sausage etc and country produce and respect- fully ¬ ask a share of your patronage anti guarantee satisfaction EMI31 ATM MEAT MARKET L Casminski Proprietor ADMINISTRATORS NCTC2 lO Creditors n re Estate of John dins ler Deceased Notice is hereby given to all creditors legatees distributees and nil other persons having claims or demands against the estate of John Kinsler de- ceased to present the same to the un- dersigned ¬ administrator within one year from this date Geo Giles As Administrator Estate of John Kinsler Dated Ocala Fla Dec 21st 1807 FISH AND OYSTFR I am now receiving dally fresh sup plies cfr Jish and oysters I will take care of your orders and give you the best I also carry a nice stock of pork and beef choice meats at living prices Give me a share of your business I E Tompkins the last stall on the right City Market Notice of plication for Leave to Sell Minors Lane Notice is hereby given that en the llth day cf February A D 1903 I will apply to Honorable Joseph Bell County Judge in and for Marion County State of Florida at his office in Ocala in said County for an order authorizing me as Guardian of the minor heirs of the estate of Talulah J Groover deceased to sell at private sale the following property belonging- to said estate towit Southeast quar ¬ ter of section 12 Township 13 south- of Range 19 east said lands belong ¬ ing to the estate of the said Talulah- J Groover deceased to be sold for the best interest of said minor heirs I This llth day of January 1908- I Oscar Groover Guardian 4 COLORED PEOPLES DEPARTMENT I J M Deas Reporter j REPUBLICAN CONVENTION- The j I republican voters of precinct- No I 1 were called to order in Mitchells I I hall at 12 oclock today V P Wil ¬ son was elected chairman and H C I Groves secretary After stating the object of the meeting fortyone per ¬ son took their oath of qualification before Notary Public Haile The chair- man ¬ named the committee on nomina- tions ¬ j and upon the report of the same the following named persons were elected delegates to the county con- vention ¬ to be held in Ocala Jan 25 Hon H C Groves Yo P Wilson A C Rackett F K Powers F P Gad son W M Ponder S M Gibbs J H Dickerson F C TV Williams L C Smith R H Coleman J M Deas J P Holly D M Jones T J Anderson George Giles W W Spann NOTICE- The following persons nave keen ap ¬ pointed to act as inspectors and clerks- at the special election to be held January 21st A D 1903 as provided by Article 20S deneral s Statutes Ocala District 1 Box A to NHen ¬ ry Livingston So L Bitting and Baxter Carn and W W Clyatt clerk Box from M to ZM M Little L 5 Beck- J F Crawford and J P Galloway clerk Roddick District 2H M Sher ouse Porter Hull M H Rou and R D Rou clerk- Flemington District 3F E Smoak- J K Mixson C H Gray and W D Mathews clerk Cotton Plant District 4J H Hud Kens Charles Miller John Parker and- C R Veal clerk 1 Romeo District 5J T Hutchens- J V Nettles T M Morgan and Wes- ley ¬ Nobles clerk Camp Izzard District GJohn Bragg 1 R D Stokes G C Turner and W L Jordan clerk t Shady Grove Dist 7J M Doug- lass ¬ H W Douglass Frank Moses and J M Coin clerk Summerfield District SJ L Huff A D Mitchell R C Billups and J E Branch clerk Lake Weir District W E Mc Gahagin G A Scott J S Driggers- and J M Blair clerk Moss Bluff District 10A M Hig- gins A J Snell M II Morrison and- J V C Pillians clerk i Grahamville District l1P L Duri soe L M Graham J B Gore and I Robert Holly clerk Salt Springs District 12J F Fa lana W P Williamson H W Mc Cray and IT T Sleap clerk Fort McCoy District ltT S Gran than H C Martin A J Albritton and R A Hogan clerk Orange Springs District 14I T Hall D M Waldron L T Matchett I r and W F Jordan clerk Linadale District l5C A Mc Craney J B Booth J A McCraney- and R B Irvin clerk Citra District 1GW A Rcddick George Townsend W H Harrison and Stewart Rainey clerk Anthony District 17A R Griffin I C D Souter Carl Priest and George Pasteur clerk Martin District 18Vm Knoblock I L F Teuten H M Knobloek and P B Livingston clerk z Stanton Dist 19R A Kelsey T B Smoak W C Black and Frank Lytle clerk- Blitchton I District OJim II Bad- ger ¬ I Robt W Ferguson W J Willis ind J M Butch clerk I Polleview District 21D E Stroble Jno H Ashworth Joe Whisenant and- T K Slaughter clerk I McIntosh District 22T S Cam ¬ eron J Preston Wiley J So Thomas I and W E Allen clerk Pedro District 23R J Perry R L Clayburn R L Lewis and P A Snow clerk- Dunnellon District 24 Walter Ed- wards ¬ I George Bridges Jas S Moody and J M Barksdale clerk Candler District 25J Y McKin- ney J M Marshall P A Fort and I Tom Pritchett clerk j Sparr District 2G Stephen Civila- W D Eminisor J W Colbert and Da- vid ¬ Grantham clerk Eureka District 27P U Milligan R W Dixson L V Marsh and Jasper- J Brinson clerk Levon District 2W R Munroe Charlie Lucius Will Freeman and J Y Hicks clerk- Kendrick District 29Y V Chap pell C C Priest Jr W E Nix and Peter Loose clerk Martel District 30Henry Seckin ger AY V Weathers Archibalt Cuthell and L H Pillans clerk Fairfield District 31D B Payne J A Thomas B S Jennings and R A Scott clerk Geiger District 32E A Smith J I Whittington S A Neal and D R Zetrouer clerk S T Sistrunk Clerk Board cf County Commissioners- By H D Palmer D C V t

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-01-20 [p EIGHT].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00749/0134.pdf ·

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Lions Flesh Tigers Meat and BakedElephants Foot

Lions flesh Is said to furnish a verygood meal Tiger meat is not PO pala-table


for it Is tough and sinewy InIndia nevertheless It is esteemed be

4 cause there is a superstition that it Im-


R to the eater some of the tntlhrlyand cunning that characterizes an-


This notion is not of courset held by the followers of lirahma nullar Buddha whose religion forbids the

eating of fleshE There appears to be considerable dif-


P of opinion among authoritiesZ on the subject as to the merits of ele-

phants flesh as an article of diet Uy-

gome Jt is considered a dainty buttbfrre Isthe authority of at least one

rEuropean against it Stanley said thatbe frequently tasted elephants Uc h-

and that it was more like soft leatherand glue than anything else with

sr which he could compare it Anotherexplorer however declares that he

i cannot Imagine how an animal socoarse and heavy as the elephant could

k produce such delicate and tender llesh4 o

All authorities agree In commendingrthe elephants foot Even Stanley ad-


that baked elephants foot wasY a dish fit for a king It is the greatest

delicacy that can be given to a KallirSt Louis Republic


Sincerity-In life sincerity Is the sure touch-

Stone of character The good and valuable man is he who strives to realizeday by day his own sincere coucoplions of true manhood Thousands areStruggling to exhibit what some oneelse admires to reach the popularstandard to be or appear to be re-

Spectable and honorable but few makeI it their aim to live thoroughly up to

I their own individual convictions ofwhat Is right and good

f Carlyle well says At all turns aman who will do faithfully needs to

F believe firmly If he have to ask at4 t every turn the worlds suffrage if he

I cannot dispense with the worlds suf-frage and make his own suffrage servebe Is a poor eye servant and the workcommitted to him will be misdone

A Historic GolferyThe following entries in the accounts

of James Graham marquis of Mont-roseSr when he was a student at the-

f74 University of St Andrews are quite in-

Falstafflan veinItem for two goffe balls JoshItem my Lord taking aue drink in

Jhone Gams before he went out andr

W after be came from the golfe 45sh 4dItem to the boy who carried my

I Lords clubs to the Held 3shf

With every allowance for change of1q tariff the most completely refreshed1 i-

vgiants of modern gold dwindle intoabstemiousness beside that aIle drink

London Athenaeumtt

Crowded Out by Vain Manfi uI went into the office looking like a

fright said the woman I didnts have a chance to straighten my hat-

s or pat my hair or anything 1 had in ¬

tended to primp going up In thv ele-


i but there was a man standingbefore each mirror twirling his mus-tache


and I couldnt even get a peep>I at myself New York Press

i v1I-

i Hubbys Dislik-er

yI r4 rAAr




i Friend You have a nice little homej here in the suburbs but I should thinkyour husband would dislike catchingtrains

Mrs Suburbs He does He dislikesI h no much that he frequently neglects

to catch the last train home at nightNew York Mall-


s Worry


1L I-

Z A Ixd-cr

YJr l

i i-






f How did you lose your hairWorry

t What did you worry aboutbout loving my hair Harper S

lt 1-


r c

11 > 44



Hon S J Hilburn Answers LeHardy-

In Regard to Prohibition7-

f Palatka Fla Jan 20 i 0v-

rdlr AV T Gary Pnsiaerit MarionCounty Anti aloun League Ocala i



SiiI un to cit oi yurfavor of the 12th inst enclosing a c > r Y-

tf the Ocila Star isued Jan 19 19Seontaining an article from one C A

LrHardy of this pity relative to theconditions here sine the wet and dryelection which occurred in this coun-ty Sept jo 1907 0

i This article is so manifestly absurd i

on its fare that I should not thinkyour people would b > deceived by it-

I enclose herewith certificates of thecounty clerk county tax collector andt

city clerk showing that there has benno increase in the tax levies for statecity or county purposes in this countysince the said election awl there is no I

ground whatever for the statement of I

Mr LicHurdy that taxes have been in-


i on hundred per centAs to the statement that the streets

art being used for garden purposes it j

seems foolish to me to notice such ai statement Never before in all our-I

I history ins there bern such a forward If movo in paving streets and sidewalks-and In the general improvement of our


city The contract has hron let andI

the vitrified brick are on the trots to-

p ne Water street ftIm Main to I

i Laurel streets and to pavo Le m m I

I stroet from the St Johns river to theI railroad at the union depot Thiswork is being executed and must bp-


completed by May which means imI

mediate paving with vitrified brick for j

ragout one mile in this city Mr Le ¬

Hardy operated a small business onupper Lennon street near the pointi where those outrageous dives were losated before the election and his state ¬


ment that prior to said wet and dryelection he had done a business oftwo thousand dollars per month makeseverybody laugh who reads his arti ¬

cle I do not see how it was ever pos-


for him to have done any such abusiness Mr Jesse Hagan who oper-ates


a business of the same kind inthe same block says that his business-has greatly increased since the elec-


Of course 1 do not know whatthe hOOkS show but so far as I amable to see Mr LeHardy is doing as I

good a business as he ever did Ifthe net and dry election has hurt him-in his business it is perhaps due tothe fact that he is prevented fromselling a certain class of goods as hehas been indicted for selling intoxi-cating


liquors Of course I do notknow to what extent this indictmenthas hurt his business

The values of real estate have notIin my judgment within the last ten

years bean so high not property in jtineAi-rdent of the A < L Railway Co hasmoved to this city and is buying realestate extensively and has bought abrick block at a price greater than j

it could have been bought prior to thesaid wet and dry election The Ke iting Block has been bought at a pricefar in excess of what Mr Keating givefor it a year ago There have beenno sacrilices in property Our town-is well filled with people and it iswith difficulty that people procureresidences here Both business andresidence buildings are going up andthere has not been a failure of anymerchant since the wet and dry elec-tion


withstanding the fact that we-t have had on us a great panic

Very truly yours-S J Hilburn

Palatka Fla Jan UO 1908I hereby certify that since the wet

and dry election in this county therehas been no increase of the taxes forState and County purposes in PutnamCounty A S WillardSTATIC OF FLORIDA

PUTNAM COUNTYI Joseph Price Clerk of the Cir-


court of Putnam County FloridaI

and Clerk of the Board of CountyI

I Commissioners who have exclusivei power to levy taxes for state andcounty purposes in Putnam Countydo hereby certify that since the wetand dry election held in this countywherein the sale of intoxicating liq ¬

uors wines and beers was prohibitedno taxes have been levied and I am notaware of any necessity for increasing-the


levy for IOS which will be madesome time next summer I

Witness my hand and official sealthis 20th day of January A D 1903

Seal Joseph PriceCierk Circuit Court

T J N Blaekwell City Clerk of theI City of Palatka Florida do herebyI certify that the Levy for City Taxesfor the City of Palatka for the years1906 and JtO are exactly the samethere has been no increase in the levyfor the past two years as will beshown by the Ordinances which are ofrecord in my office

Given under my hand and officialseal this 20th day of January 1908-

J N BlaekwellSeal City Clerk


K of P meet Monday nightt

Odd Follnvs meet Tuesday evening

If you neod electric wiring or re-tairing of any kind phone 300 I


Mr G W Kass of Macon Ga is j

a guest of the Ocalt Howe

Pen Condon has a line of iuw cuer bicycles Tor rent


Large a srtment of CTT GLASand CHINA at Postoffice Drugstore

Dont fail to see our big line of Ocalapost cards in colors Ocala Ns Co

A gas jet is needed at the bottom ofthe steps leading to the courthousebasement

The boiler in the courthouse base-ment has been safely railed off fromintrusion-



Richwine the Levon farmer andtrucker was in town today and re ¬

ports everything bloming in his section

Joe Sicker representing the J GLippman commission house of New I

York is in town interviewing ourtruckers

Fayette Miller the cattle man ofMartel was in town this morning and I

brought a two year old steer thatdressed OH pounds net I


Mr Van Houten of Gaiter was in I

yesterday and made his recordgood with the Star which he has tak-en


since its establishment twelve yearsago-



Fred L Smith of Clarksville Tinnwho is spending the winter at WeirPark was in town Saturday with twoof Clarence Smiths children

FOUND An Overcoat on last ovening on South Third street Owner canget same by paying for advertisementand proving property W A Moorhead

FOR SALECheap for cash onethreehorse power coal oil boiler andengine also one complete saw rig forcutting wood Cause for soiling cantuse it in my crippled condition PMcCIymonds

Among those who dined at theMontezuma yesterday were C CRawls Stephenville Q I Roberts W-I Gooner and H Borden PalatkaMrs M Coffield Chicago J H Knoblock Martin J B Peck Reddick JA Xelson High Springs and C THiggins Clearwater

Rev C C Carroll spoke Sunday toa good sized audience at Oklawaha J

church The building was crowdedHo spoke on temperance and the drysilo When through he asked everyvoter who would vote the dry ticket-to give him his hand Every man inthe building did so Tho congregation-also


raised 7 for the Marion CountyAntiSaloon League

Messrs W D Carn and W T Garywore called for last night in the tentmooting The object was to get ourjpublic school to adjourn so the child-ren


could go in the election procession-and sing This morning the schoolboard declined to suspend school asthe parents of the children favoredboth sides of the question-



Many a Florida Household Will FindThem So

To hav the pains and aches of ahad back removed to be entirely freefrom annoying dangerous urinary dis ¬

orders is enough to make an ykidneyI

sufferer grateful To tell how thisgreat change can be brought about j

will prove comforting words to hun ¬

dreds of Florida readers-A Oerting seaman of 419 L St

Pensacola Fla tells how to do it Hesays From experience with DoansKidney Pills I can strongly recommendthem to anyone in need of a good med ¬

icine for the kidneys Kidney com ¬

plaint and backache caused me suf-fering


at intervals for years The first-or second attack I did not mind butas time went by they grew worse andat times laid me up I could hardlywalk and it was a difficult matter to i

straighten after stooping while thekidney secretions were irregular andunnatural Doans Kidney Pills cured-me From personal experience I knowthat this remedy can be depended upon-

to fulfill the representations made forit

For sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo I

New York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the name Doans and-



WANTED Cheap ror cash a smallpiece of colored tenement propertyclose in Address Ajax care Star



Are Not in Six Thousand Miles of theAmerican Coast

Tokio Jan 20Vive Admiral Saito-in an interview with the AssociatedPress declared that no vessel of theJapanese fleet was any nearer thePal ti coast or America than Yokusuka The declaration was brought forthby repeated reports of sinister designs-of Japan regarding the AmericanMeets visit to the Pacific

WATCHED FIFTEEN YEARS-For fifteen years I have watched-

the workings of JLJucklens Arnica Salveand it has never failed to cure anysore boil ulcer or burn to which itwas applied It has saved us many adoctors bill says A F Hard ofEast Wilton Mo Twentyfive cents-at Tydings Gos drug su re-


Al persons having real estate or per-sonal property in the city of Ocalawill please returned the same foassessment as required by law on orbefore the first day of February 1908-

H C SistrunkTax Assessor for the City of OcalaJanuary 20 1908

NOTICEThirty cloys from Tate or TL rear

therafter as practicable the towncouncil will receive bras for all of theunfinished sidewalks on Oklawaha av-

enue Fort King avenue Fox LaneSay street AVatula street Tuscawil-la street Y itula street Magnoliastreet Main street South street Ex-


street and any other streetmentioned in cement sidewalk ordi-nance



Specifications on file in town clerksoffice

Said council reserves the right toreject any or all bids

Ocala Fla Oct 9 1907

J D RobertsonAttest President City Council-

H C Sistrunk City Clerk

In the Circuit Court of the ifth Judi-cial


Circuit of Florida In and for Ma-rion


CountyIn Chancery-The Passumnsic Savings Bank a Cor¬

poration Under the Laws of the State-of Vermont Complainant vs Mrs EB Brockington Defendant Order forConstructive Service-It is ordered that the defendant here-


named towit Mrs E B Brocking ¬

ton bo and she is hereby required toAppear to the bill of complaint in thisause on or before

Monday the 3rd day of February 1908It is futher ordered that a copy of

this order be published once a weekfor eight consecutive weeks in theOcala Star a newspaper published inaid county and state

This 4th day of December 1907-

S T SistrunkClerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla

By H B Foy Jr D C

Hocker Duval-Complainant Solicitor


I am keeping a full stock of fr sh andsalt water fish and oysters which I re-


daily and guarantee to be freshand good I also carry a complete lineOf fresh pleats beef pork sausageetc and country produce and respect-fully


ask a share of your patronageanti guarantee satisfaction

EMI31 ATM MEAT MARKETL Casminski Proprietor

ADMINISTRATORS NCTC2 lOCreditors n re Estate of John dinsler Deceased

Notice is hereby given to all creditorslegatees distributees and nil otherpersons having claims or demandsagainst the estate of John Kinsler de-

ceased to present the same to the un-


administrator within oneyear from this date Geo Giles

As Administrator Estate of JohnKinsler

Dated Ocala Fla Dec 21st 1807

FISH AND OYSTFRI am now receiving dally fresh sup

plies cfr Jish and oysters I will takecare of your orders and give you thebest I also carry a nice stock of porkand beef choice meats at living pricesGive me a share of your business IE Tompkins the last stall on theright City Market

Notice of plication for Leave to Sell

Minors LaneNotice is hereby given that en the

llth day cf February A D 1903 I

will apply to Honorable Joseph BellCounty Judge in and for MarionCounty State of Florida at his officein Ocala in said County for an orderauthorizing me as Guardian of theminor heirs of the estate of TalulahJ Groover deceased to sell at privatesale the following property belonging-to said estate towit Southeast quar ¬

ter of section 12 Township 13 south-of Range 19 east said lands belong ¬

ing to the estate of the said Talulah-J Groover deceased to be sold forthe best interest of said minor heirs

I This llth day of January 1908-

I Oscar Groover Guardian




J M Deas Reporter






republican voters of precinct-NoI 1 were called to order in Mitchells

II hall at 12 oclock today V P Wil ¬

son was elected chairman and H CI Groves secretary After stating theobject of the meeting fortyone per¬

son took their oath of qualificationbefore Notary Public Haile The chair-man


named the committee on nomina-tions


and upon the report of the samethe following named persons wereelected delegates to the county con-


to be held in Ocala Jan 25Hon H C Groves Yo P Wilson AC Rackett F K Powers F P Gadson W M Ponder S M Gibbs JH Dickerson F C TV Williams L CSmith R H Coleman J M Deas JP Holly D M Jones T J AndersonGeorge Giles W W Spann


The following persons nave keen ap ¬

pointed to act as inspectors and clerks-at the special election to be held

January 21st A D 1903as provided by Article 20S deneralsStatutes

Ocala District 1 Box A to NHen ¬

ry Livingston So L Bitting and BaxterCarn and W W Clyatt clerk Boxfrom M to ZM M Little L 5 Beck-J F Crawford and J P Gallowayclerk

Roddick District 2H M Sherouse Porter Hull M H Rou and RD Rou clerk-

Flemington District 3F E Smoak-J K Mixson C H Gray and W DMathews clerk

Cotton Plant District 4J H HudKens Charles Miller John Parker and-C R Veal clerk


Romeo District 5J T Hutchens-J V Nettles T M Morgan and Wes-ley


Nobles clerkCamp Izzard District GJohn Bragg 1

R D Stokes G C Turner and W LJordan clerk t

Shady Grove Dist 7J M Doug-lass


H W Douglass Frank Mosesand J M Coin clerk

Summerfield District SJ L HuffA D Mitchell R C Billups and J EBranch clerk

Lake Weir District W E McGahagin G A Scott J S Driggers-and J M Blair clerk

Moss Bluff District 10A M Hig-gins A J Snell M II Morrison and-J

VC Pillians clerk

i Grahamville District l1P L Durisoe L M Graham J B Gore andI

Robert Holly clerkSalt Springs District 12J F Fa

lana W P Williamson H W McCray and IT T Sleap clerk

Fort McCoy District ltT S Granthan H C Martin A J Albrittonand R A Hogan clerk

Orange Springs District 14I T

Hall D M Waldron L T MatchettI

r and W F Jordan clerkLinadale District l5C A Mc

Craney J B Booth J A McCraney-and R B Irvin clerk

Citra District 1GW A RcddickGeorge Townsend W H Harrison andStewart Rainey clerk

Anthony District 17A R GriffinI

C D Souter Carl Priest and GeorgePasteur clerk

Martin District 18Vm KnoblockI L F Teuten H M Knobloek and P

B Livingston clerk zStanton Dist 19R A Kelsey T

B Smoak W C Black and FrankLytle clerk-


District OJim II Bad-ger


I Robt W Ferguson W J Willisind J M Butch clerk

I Polleview District 21D E StrobleJno H Ashworth Joe Whisenant and-T K Slaughter clerk

I McIntosh District 22T S Cam ¬

eron J Preston Wiley J So ThomasI and W E Allen clerk

Pedro District 23R J Perry RL Clayburn R L Lewis and P ASnow clerk-

Dunnellon District 24 Walter Ed-



George Bridges Jas S Moodyand J M Barksdale clerk

Candler District 25J Y McKin-ney J M Marshall P A Fort andI

Tom Pritchett clerkj Sparr District 2G Stephen Civila-W D Eminisor J W Colbert and Da-vid


Grantham clerkEureka District 27P U Milligan

R W Dixson L V Marsh and Jasper-J Brinson clerk

Levon District 2W R MunroeCharlie Lucius Will Freeman and JY Hicks clerk-

Kendrick District 29Y V Chappell C C Priest Jr W E Nix andPeter Loose clerk

Martel District 30Henry Seckinger AY V Weathers Archibalt Cuthelland L H Pillans clerk

Fairfield District 31D B PayneJ A Thomas B S Jennings and RA Scott clerk

Geiger District 32E A Smith JI Whittington S A Neal and D RZetrouer clerk S T SistrunkClerk Board cf County Commissioners-

By H D Palmer D C V t