objectives: investigate the real number system classify and compare numbers

Section 1-3 Explore Real Numbers SPI 12A: Order a given set of rational numbers TPI 12F: Explore various representations of Absolute Value Objectives: Investigate the Real Number System Classify and Compare Numbers Natural Numbers Real Number System Whole Numbers Integers Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers X y Real number line Coordinate Plane

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Section 1-3 Explore Real Numbers SPI 12A: Order a given set of rational numbers TPI 12F: Explore various representations of Absolute Value. Objectives: Investigate the Real Number System Classify and Compare Numbers. Real Number System. Irrational Numbers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

Section 1-3 Explore Real NumbersSPI 12A: Order a given set of rational numbersTPI 12F: Explore various representations of Absolute Value

Objectives:• Investigate the Real Number System • Classify and Compare Numbers

Natural Numbers

Real Number System

Whole Numbers


Rational NumbersIrrational Numbers



Real number line

Coordinate Plane

Page 2: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

Natural Numbers

1, 2, 3, …1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Whole Numbers

0, 1, 2, 3, …0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


. . . -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, … -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

Rational NumbersAny number that can be written

in the form where a and b are integers and b is not equal to 0.(Can be terminating, such as 6.27.. Or .. Repeating like 8.222….)

Irrational Numbers

Any number that can not be

written in the form of .(Nonrepeating & non-terminating)

Real Number System

Page 3: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers
Page 4: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

a. - 3

b. 3.28


d. .

Name the set of numbers to which each number belongs

Rational, integer



Rational (its repeating)

Page 5: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

1. Which set of numbers is most reasonable for displaying

outdoor temperatures? integers

ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 1-3ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 1-3 Practice: Determine the set of numbers that is reasonable for a given situation.

2. Which set of numbers is most reasonable for the number of

students who will go on a class trip? whole

3. Which set of numbers is most reasonable to determine the

height of a door? rational

4. Is the following statement true or false. If false, give a

counterexample. “All negative numbers are integers.”

False, because a negative number can be a fractionsuch as ½, which is not an integer.

Page 6: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

Comparing Numbers and Ordering Fractions

Inequality: mathematical sentence that compares the value of 2 expressions.

a < b a is less than b a > b a is greater than b a = b a is equal to b a b a is less than or equal to b a b a is greater than or equal to b a ≠ b a is not equal to b

-1 -1/2 -1/8 0 3/4 1

Compare a set of rational numbers using a number line and inequalities. Write -1/8, 1, ¾, -1/2, -1 from least to greatest.

-1 < -1/2 < -1/8 < ¾ < 1

Page 7: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

Step 1: Convert fraction by dividing numerator by denominator Step 2: Compare the decimals:

- the smaller number is the least (Pay attention to negative values)

Step 3: Convert back to fractions and write in order

Write 1/12, -2/3 amd -5/8 in order from least to greatest.

Step 1: Convert to decimal: 1/12 = .083 -2/3 = -.666666667 -5/8 = -.625

Step 2: Order decimals-.666666667 < -.625 < .083 Convert back to fraction-2/3 < -5/8 < 1/12

– = –0.75 Write each fraction as a decimal.

– = –0.583

– = –0.625


7 12


Write – , – , and – , in order from least to greatest.34

7 12


-0.75 < -0.625 < -0.583

Order Fractions by Converting to Decimals

Page 8: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

Opposites• Two numbers that have the same distance from zero on a number line but lie in opposite directions

• Example: 1 and -1, 450 and -450, -1/2 and ½

Absolute Values• The distance of a number from zero on a number line

• Written as a number enclosed by 2 vertical lines

• Example: |3| and |-3| both have a value of 3

Absolute Values

Page 9: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

-10 0 10


Modeling Absolute ValueIf you are at home and decide to take a ride on your motorcycle to your friends house, which is ten miles away. Your friend lives in the red house.

How many miles did you travel away from your home?

You and your friend decide to go to the store, the yellow house. How far is it from your friends house to the store?

Page 10: Objectives:  Investigate the Real Number System   Classify and Compare Numbers

Find each absolute value.

a. |–2.5| b. |7|

–2.5 is 2.5 units from 0 on a number line.

7 is 7 units from 0 on a number line.

|–2.5| = 2.5 |7| = 7

c. |5 - 7|

-2 is 2 units from 0 on a number line.

|–2| = 2

Practice Absolute Value