ob insights chap 1

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  • 7/29/2019 Ob Insights Chap 1


    CHAP # 1

    Organizational Behavior- systematic study of the actions and attitudesthat people exhibit withinorganizations

    Systematic study - the use of scientific evidence gathered undercontrolled conditions and measured and interpreted in a reasonably

    rigorous manner to attribute cause and effect

    Determinants of Employee Performance

    Productivity Absenteeism Turnover

    Organizational citizenship

    Discretionary behavior

    Not part of an employee's formal job requirements Promotes the effective functioning of the organization

    Examples of Organizational Citizenship

    Helping others on one's work team Volunteering for extra job activities Avoiding unnecessary conflicts Making constructive statements about one's work group and the

    overall organization

    Job Satisfaction

    Theres a link between satisfaction and productivity. Satisfaction appears to be negatively related to absenteeism and

    turnover. Managers have a humanistic responsibility to provide their

    employees with jobs that are challenging, intrinsically rewarding,and satisfying.


    Consciously coordinated social unit Composed of two or more people Functions on a continuous basis to achieve a common goal Characterized by formal roles that define the behavior of its


    Contributing Disciplines

    Psychologyseeks to

    measure,explain,and changebehavior


    people inrelation totheirfellowhumanbeings


    focuses ontheinfluence ofpeopleon oneanother

    Anthropologyis the

    study ofsocietiestolearn abouthumanbeings andtheir

    Politicalscience is

    the studyof thebehavior ofindividualsand groupswithin a

  • 7/29/2019 Ob Insights Chap 1


    activities politicalenvironment

    Goals of Organizational Behavior

    Explain, predict, and control human behavior

    Challenges and Opportunities for OB

    Typical employee is getting older More women and minorities in the workplace Global competition is requiring employees to become more flexible Historical loyalty-bonds that held many employees to their

    employers are being severed

    Responding to Globalization

    Increased Foreign Assignments Working with People from Different Cultures Coping with Anti-Capitalism Backlash Overseeing Movement of Jobs to Countries with Low-cost Labor

    Managing Diversity

    Workforce diversity -organizations are becoming a moreheterogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, andsexual orientation

    Diversity Implications

    Managers have to shift their philosophy from treating everyone aliketo recognizing differences and responding to those differences inways that ensure employee retention and greater productivity.

    Improving Quality and Productivity

    Quality management Process reengineering

    Quality Management

    1) Intense focus on the customer2) Concern for continual improvement3) Improvement in the quality of everything the organization does4) Accurate measurement 5) Empowerment of employees

    Process Reengineering

    Evaluating process in termsof contribution to goals

    Inefficient processes thrownout and new systemsintroduced

    Redefines jobs and requiresmost employees to undergotraining

  • 7/29/2019 Ob Insights Chap 1


    OB Insights-Improving People Skills

    Improving Customer Service - Empowering People Working in Networked Organizations - Stimulating Innovation and
