oa iflt nmaa i sociedypepple and s j done thoseo i · t ji- tf y s- oa d c 1 t 4 + s f r s j 1 r...

t JI- tF y S- oA d C 1 T 4 + s f S J r 1 r 669- f ij VV a i Jf I SOCIEDYPEPPLE AND EVEN1- i 1 By MISS B NELLIE BECK TclepboneNo v a aA a a a iAAAMAAM = < < PENSACOLA BAY Twas there In the harbor at At the close of a summers day The ships of many nations Safe at their anchor lay The sun in its downward Shed its glittering rays t Across the decks of the vessels As they rode on the glistening waves Who stars that at evening sriine Are obscured by the gathering cloud WhIle the rumbling of the thunder With the lightning clashes loud i Tis another stormol the tropics That rushes In Lashing the waves in its anger Dealing destruction each blast gat Ip when the storm abated And tie nightr gave way to day The fleet lay safely at anchor la Pensacolas Bay WILL Peneacol Fla WHY MEN ARE BALD We were In the society of many curates and old maids at an English tea party The conversation had turned on the question Does the wearing of hats make men bald One grave and unworldly old curate closed the discussion- by saying Not hats dear friends but shirts Now you will have notic- ed that a man takes off his shirt over his head thereby dragging the hair out by toe roots whereas a woman here three teacups Book v EDUCATOR ATTENDINGPRESBTERY Prof Lt W of the Florida State College Tallahassee who has in the city as delegate to the presbytery left Saturday morning for home Prof Buchholtz not only one of the leading educators of tie state but Be is a acoJarly gentleman withalla G rmaiisi loye of an proficiency in inuslc For several terms tie served as su- perintendent of instruction for HIlls borough county and regularly as the campaign came one heard much talk talk about ousting that old Dutchman but somehow nothing definite could ever be urged against to the intelligent buyer pays 16 buy FOOTWEAR at this store The newness of styles grow better every year Nothing here stands still always press ing forward The only real competition we have is our endeavor of yesterday Our new styles for Men Women and Children are now on exhibition Call and see them You welcome to look buy if you please 150 to 500 PAIR LACE and for Ladies and Children Tan Black and White 25 35 50 and 75c pair MEYER CO FEET FURNISHERS FOR FOLKS 102 South Palafox S- LFLQBIPA CURIOS Live and stuffed set ahell- OraJaga wood and palm souvenirs iBTery decrptlo- nmr C N McClur- J0rs Hwuwi luIWIng 1 Ewt w l f ia I r I1t 4 iQ1 t tif t S KLINE f 1905 J 1i r I J openedand Ig fi yn droppedBrown fI PRoM Bu t n iI i j t1 t Jr fit t l 1j t Lc- m t f I ti ttti t 4fn i l f i l L C GAUZE HOSIERY I ii i 0 V- f i tl oi Y t I i It 2 y i i A- Z 55 t t idi j course- r 1 i turf at E 1 r 7q April 2 S kj j Thc 3 i J tin I I IL wh- it varicty and our T 1 spring t cj are 4 I i SHOE tir T trsst t 4 t y- t s ¬ < > + > > < < > > hfpi out his Dutch accent the politicians tried hard to convince the people that it was absurd as superintendent of American schools man who cant talk plain American language Hut somehow the people especial- ly the Tampa people always that despite foreign accent Prof Buchholtz only spoke more than his native opponents but taught his teachers how to teach cor- rectly Mpreover they were obliged- to admit that under his superinten dency the public schools of Hllte county were lifted from the ordinary grade to the very foremost in Florida public instruction Miss Eliza Gold who has been se- riously ill for several weeks is improved and expects to be able to resume her duties on Monday- MR AND MRS STODDARTS BEAUTIFUL AZALEAS Mr and Mrs Alexander Stoddart who recently came down from their northern residence on Hudson near New York city are at their beautiful ont Stoddart avenue East HilL j Visitors in tha cIty especially those recently from a cold climate should not fall to see the Stoddart place and those who love the beautiful in the floral kingdom and who does not will be especially repaid by a view of the magnificent Azaleas that are now In their perfection and lend added glory to that always attractive place Mr and Mrs Stoddarts Azaleas are not only the largest bushes In all this section of the country but their wealth of perfect pink blossoms are as rare as are beautiful and f pnn of the most attractive sights in or near Pensacola ROSENSTEINFRENKEL- The wedding of Miss Evelyn Fren d Mr Archie Roaensteln will take Monday evening April 17 The ceremony will be folowed by a large reception at the residence of the brides mother Mrs M Frenkel 520 West Gregory at 830 Pjensacola Chapter United Daugh- ters of the Confederacy will meet afternoon at 4 oclock at the residence of the president Miss Leila j Reese IN JAKIN OF MR J J FLOWERS Mr J Mr and Mrs Floyd Rust Smith left Friday for Montgomery to attend the funeral of thW cousin Mi1 T Flowers of that city who expired fery suddenly in Jakin Ga Friday morning at 6 The body was taken to his home in the burial took place Saturday evening at 5 tocIbck Mr Jones and Mr and Mrs Smith are expected to return this morning A PEFINITIQN A lecturer in one of his talks on the manners and customs of- hjgh sAcjety said Too often society Is struck a tell- ing blowby such an answer as an el country sQuIre once made to an inquisitive young blackboard behind him and scrawled upon it four immense letters IL S V youngman he resumed asked the country squire what those letters meant at the foot of an Invitatloa The squire with a little chuckle an swered They mean Rush in Shake hands Victual tfp anti Put Brown Book A FINE ENTERTAINMENT The entertainment given Frica night in Library Hall by members xi the Epworth League of the Gadsden street M E church was well attended The first number Nearer My God to Illustrated by Miss Flossl Boyer and Miss Edith Luske sung by Mr R Q Owsley was ex tremely beautiful and a fair indIcation of the chajacter tif the whole program whiqh has been published all the parts of which were good Miss Alma Price of Cincinnati who directed the entertainment did some very gracefuf posing in The Swedish layer which very good ot cor- rectly great- ly A the me i ti y keL Pla Tuesd SUDDENDEATH T rl sand 09 loci Io o sad journey R i r1y Here the leCturer tUrned to P- eA f Th and Was land to have 4 WDCMEE11t4GV a c Twhence GQQP Western man- S The F z ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + MANAGER T1MBERLAKE- IN THE CITY Mr J C S Timberiake the former popular manager of Hotel Is in the en route from a brilliant- ly successful season at Palm Beach where he successfnlly conducted Ho tel Hibycus near the Royal Ponciana- on the exclusive east side Mr Timberiake will join Mrs and Miss Tfmberlake in Gulfport Miss for a brief rest before going to Mont eagle of the most beauti- ful and picturesque mountain summer resorts In the country which opens 3uhe 1 and which lie will manage Mr and Mrs Timberlake and their attractive daughter have just return- ed from a delightful tour of Cuba where they went at the close of on East Coast the ladles proceeding direct to Gulfport where they Tfll await Mr Timberlake MR AND MRS MCMILLAN ENTERTAlN FbR THEIR FRIENDS MRi AND MRS CULTER Mr and Mrs 5T Cuyler McMiHa- nenterlainedtvery delightfully aboard the Florence Withefbee Saturday with a trip on tie Trater In honor of Mr and Mrs J H Culter or Louisville Ky wfiohaye spert the winter In PensAcbla They Scruised tip the Sound about fifteen jadles and went ovep to they enjoye cambia T i d ih evcItttg 1 II d- t tl l or t 1 1 c itSti ii mine the- e sd bea h where t tkeboat S rz- ¬ ¬ ¬ > + fish with s alfcsd pick- les a sweet course and was served by a corps ot servants carried on the trip which included a cruise among thfiji battleships numer- ous snap shots prnrarlpus odd and at- tractive scenes secured The bay was but all were good sailors In addition to the host and hostess ana the honorees among those aboard were Mrs Mur- phy wife of Boatswain Edwin Mur- phy of the If SS Iowa Mrs Sondley and Miss Hazej Soiidley of Huntsville Ala and their hosts Mr and Mrs W Weekly Mrs li L Maye and her guest Miss Dot Clark of Indidna Dr and Mrs Sylvester Glenn and daughter Miss Nellie Glenn and their guests Bey W F Wade and Miss Wade of Evergreen Ala Mrs Julia Buchere Miss Mary Robinson of Louisiana guest of Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Fannie Hall and daughter Miss Katie MIs Mary Frater Miss Josle Roberts Miss Katrine Laney and Miss Annie McMilkn JEWISH WOMEN COUNCIL FINE PROGRAM MONDAY NIGHT The Council pf Jewish Women will hold their Monday night in the the Progress Club and the literary and musical program arranged is one of the best ever given- It includes a violin solo by Mr Max Heinberg song by Mrs David Harri son formerly Miss Esther Rosen stein piano solo by Miss Stone and vocal duet by Mr and Mrs Ike Hirsch man f Mrs David Harrison will read her own paper on Professional and Club Women Miss Emilia Shulmans piper on Women in the Home and the Commu- nity will be read by Mrs Lep Myer THE NAVAL RECEPTION SATURDAY As the houseboat Everglades TaIl ed to arrive as expected the reception that was to have been given aboard was transferred to the Country Club and from 330 to 6 oclock last even ing there was a throng of youth beauty fashion and respects to the charming hostesses largely ladies of the navy assisted by a corps from local society The club rooms were beautifully decorated with flowers and the Amer- ican colors and delightful were during the evening The affair was quite Informal and the mingling of civil Jhilitary and na val social life lefto new and the renewal ol old Acquain- tances that enjoyable MISS MORRIS GIVES A FANCY Miss Gipsey Morris who leaves ht for her home in Atlantaclose a most with a dress dance for her junior class afternoon Ibvel af fairFifty children all in fancy dress make an attractive at but when in addition to appro pilate costume to each dancer they dance as gracefully as to they are Irreslstable and many flowers for the cliildren added to their pleasure in the pogfry mo RECEPTION or ENTERTAlNMEflt COMPLETE without ICE CREAM In Faiicy Forms Pianos Tuned AND REPAIRED CASES REFINISHED- We Have Expert Repair Men and Tuhers The Glut fir HusicHouse how ieri eggS c ee were ugh w Wee R vBC parlorS I of 18ylng refresh- ments making of was DRESSDANCE to- n fancy tha any- time f re p H S s SOL MONiS ok I t J 0 I i PRICgSRIG i fl H ettr S ery Sat- urday sup- posed I NOV I Thtie ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + < Creams for yv Receptions We can furnish Creams inaay quan- tity rhbulk And te best and Smpplh est Cream In Will take en- tire charge pf aad serve refreshments at Our ervlcp un- equaled Tactile w lice q 5- j I Jf all k r NEOPO LIT evfi tasted I J ensacca banquets eta city KlRdy trttMJte 1 40 S P p 99 9 i aou- I J- L k 1- i f O I f RICKSVANDV FANCY MpjJJDSV recep- tions Linche i I t 1 < > < COMPLEXION DAYS USE SATINOLA THE UNEQUALED BEAUTifiER remove tan pr sallowness and restore beauty j Is a new dlscoyery guar- anteed and money refunded Jf it falls to remove tie worst case of Freckles Pimples Liver Spots Blackheads and Disfiguring Eruptions in 20 days Af- ter these defects are removed the skin will be spft clear healthy and beautl ful Price 50 cents and 100 drug- gist or mall Mrs W L Oury writes Little Rock Ark Sept 3 1904 For three years I was troubled with pimples sppts tried every- thing advertised for skin disease ith relief until the past few weeks have used Satinola with marvelous results My complexion has been changed Aff a smooth beautIful pink j without blemish I shall always keep J National Toilet Co Paris Tenn Sold in Pensacola by all leading dealer i r tion as illustrated in the following numbers v I Eighteen of them all in costume by little Miss Avis Smith danced Flower Dance Spanish Dance in costume 1 The Sailors Pn the Shore a group oance by twelve little girls and boys in costume led by Miss Laura Avis Smith I Sailors Hornplpe by Miss Miriam J Milkmaids Jig by Miss Miriam Blount Miss Ila Louise OBrien and Miss Avis Smlth all wearing couquet little Sunbonneta and aprons Highland Fling Miss Ila Louise OBrien Bat Dance Miss MIriam Bloun- tTheMlnueftev danced couples in costume with powdered hair and patches was very beautiful They were Cecil Smith and DorOthy Reeves Joseph Rouhla and Dorothy Moreno and Janie Knowles Charles Chunn and Kath leen Gonzalez Bowen Gonzalez and Willie Blount and Grace Reilly Little Miss Grace Bonar a three yearold tot in an pleated frock of pink with pink wings was truly a in The Fairy Dance In addition to these there were the usual round dances and her little pupils patrons will welcome Miss Morris when she returns next season LIBRARY WITHDRAWS- IN FAVOR PUBLIC SCHOOL At the business meeting held Friday afternoon the Pensacola Library Asso- ciation decided to1 withdraw from the library contest In favor of the public school As the Library now has about all the books included In the would be unnecessary to duplicate them A f Mrs W B Wright and her guest Mrs Parker of New York and Mrs Marschali wife of Lieut Marschall were Capt Cowless guests at lunch- eon aboard the S Missouri It is said that Lord Beresfprd lord high admiral of the British navy will reach about April 15th and will be a guest aboard Colonel Thomp sons houseboat the Everglades Dr C Lewis DIehl of Loulsyille Ky who arrivetf Thursday an has been visiting Mr and Mrs George- P Wentworth on his return from a at Ponce Park and Other ppiais on the East Coast expects to leave to- day noon for home Mrs E Meade Wilson who haVieen confined to her home for a week ixc more by a severe cold is greatly Im- proved i i Mr R J Sublette father of W Sublette and Mrs Wnu RwiJohn son of this city Is here fqr few days as thefr guest He will tills week to his home in Tennessee Mrs S S Cramer who has been seriously ill is much better Mrg John Page and two chlldrjeri left Friday night Jar their future Jiorae Birmingham Mrs Mv Condon left Friday Hlghtlm a visit to herr son in Birmingham V- W Mrs ME Chansey of MobQe ana Mrs Xtebone of New Orleans are li- tk ecity vlsltiagr their sister Frank Cramer Mrs W BL ow of St Louis arriVed in ta city Friday mpralng wIll spend several weeks aereutie- gmestof her another Mrs R IO3j Tke 8tk grife of High school fis- Baras leaaier gaY a Wen paftroalzai- excarsi i oaia has Saturday TC TO Y a i r 11i1 Ii5j J Iiiifj i I SATINOLA t bl ckh I VI I oUt I iIi my home i t lIed I MIss DR Louise OBrlen I l lounL r I tsh I by six eh par Mary accor and and friends I contest Jt S iPens cola season R Jet rn 4 Irs and e t f- i id i tRiO t tg- EW applications will Sanola dancedhe Keys r ean marches V S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + > > = + + + Done and Tarry T 3 P i7 J 1 NMaa IFlt r y i 1 0 I v J Seen tIeard and Among Thoseo GCnie + > benefit of the High School Library The day was enjoyable though the was rather rough and man un accustomed paid the usual Imploring thecapialn to Do stop the boat and let me die with the result that once ashore they clear heads and voracious appe- tites awaiting them Mr and Raphael Church Miss Lame Mr Clarence Church Cincinnati who came to see the fleet left Friday for Alabama where Lame recently inherited a few thousand dollars worth of property The children of that good woman Mrs Adele Davenport who passed away Friday after long suffering have sincere sympathy of all who knew her as that blessed gift of God the best earthly friend a mother Mr and Mrs John E Stillman en Mr and Mrs John C Avery and their guest Mrs Jackson Lieut and Mrs J I Bryan Mr and Mrs John Beriham Mr J M Roberts and Capt U S dinner evening Mrs Elizabeth Tankard and have arrived in the city on a visit to friends in tie fleet Mr and Mrs C W Lamars baby daughter was quite sick yesterdayS but nothing serious anticipated Mr and Mrs Julius Oerting are the happy parents ofa little son the fifth 3 7 The Excelsior Flinch will meet qn Wednesday afternoon wita Mrs J C Pebley on East HIll I Mr M E Batts efficient road mas ter of ttie L N and Mrs Batts ex pect to leave about April 15 on a leisure trip through the West visit fc St Louis they will go to visiting all the points of in- terest In Colorado then to Salt Lake City and late to San Francisco and the Grand Canyon planning to return about middle of June 1 Mrs IL Matthews who has spent the winter with her daughter Mrs M E left Saturday noon fOr her home in Nashville Tenn to the re gret of the many friends of both la- dies Miss Bessie Kelly of Mobile who Is now visiting her sister Mrs Wright goes Tuesday to spend a Miss Sallie Wright 1 i Hon Stephen R Mallory made his official call on Admiral Evans Satur- day morning going put on the revenue I MrsLouis Parker of New York ar rrred Friday evening from Mobile on a visit to Mrs W B Wright and after Dinner a number of friends called to her j Mrs L S Brown and little son Hen- ry Wrighfc Brown escorted by Mr Brwnr returned Saturday morning from Louisville Ga where they spent several weeks visiting Mr Browns relatives in the interest of Mrs Jiealth And it is very gratifying to her many friends to learn that though not yet as robust as could he desired Mrs Browns health Is greatly improved 1 Mrs Collier and Miss Murphy of Montgomery are expected to arrive this morning to spend the day with Mrs Annie A Dooley seeing the war fleet and1 the famous men behind the guns Mrs Robert McCaskell of Freeport Fl is the lovely guest of Mrs Frank MariEton during her stay in the city Mrs McCaskell Is a to the Sabbath School Convention now meet- Ing in the Presbyterian church and has captivated the hearts of all who have been so fortunate as to meet her by her grace and charm of manner t Wouldmt It be perfectly dear of President Castro to bring his navy and outside the harbor for a few days One can almost hear the now reigning admiral Jovially tog o ilm X blanket Castro come on in and break a bottle before you slppl adding after a pause as he said ChilliansTlf dont accept i ahem the Gulf will smell ofgarllcIn the morning Demand Blue Ribbon Lemon and VanillaExtracts They are absolutely pure great strength gro- cerhas them j Horehound Syrup I- ImmediaEely relieves hoarse croupy cough oppressed rattling rasping and Henry C Stearna druggists Saullsburg Wis writes May I- 2ariS01i I have been selling BaT lards Horehound Syrup for two years and have never had a preparation that better satisfaction I no- tice thafiwhen I sell a bottle they coma tack for more I can fecommeiid 25c 50c 100 NOTICE 1 Launches Freddie Riera and Stella TrlH ran excursions every tea 19- aiimatea to and from battleships San 4ayfro lM to 500 p IB Pare 2Sc NOTICE NOT DRIVE THE ROAN U E Rl BONr 12 llors 1b fe i Mrs an th COwles Nat FrI- day i j i After- a Denver th I or week with I l I d Camp megaphon smash the mouth ot the to 1 and of dIm t breathing laS g1ejl It t 4 WI A AYtKtJPFRAN5 PAftK 01 daugh- ter have 4 into MIs5is the APRIL 4 AJ RE1rnNGEL- > ¬ ¬ ¬ + ¬ > + > + + + > + > > + BEAUTIOLA1ATITI- OLA s ifc only taimless preparation that obliterates r all traces of care worry illness exposure and age Ten to years fall like face one weeks treatment Not a or bfemisa irmains tcTtcll the tory after using Beactiola One veek Beautiola endorsed by the Medical Fraternity and expert Derma women yosthfal at forty or fifty as the were at twenty lengthening their career before least It never fails to permanently re iove theworstcases of brown liver spots freckles scars smal- lpox pittins deep wrinkles and disfiguring eruptions PRICE 50 CENTS At nil Drug Stores or Direct E R BERRY CHEMICAL CO ST LOUIS MO FOR BEAUTY BOOKLET FREE IF WE HAVE IT IT IS THE BEST WE ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT FRESH GROCEIES TELEPHONE ORDERS PROMPT DELIVERY 9- So if you are all partTculai about the things you eat and tie we can please you PURE GOOD HEALTH The Food The Store that Feeds Store Phones 78 and 480 the People IFouF Easter Oxfords you gettea em that good think twice before you swap tot jus old Shoes Second fc that when you select your Shoe for our stqcjt for summer wear that you will get clean freght rightupt- otheminoteinstyle and make and a guarantee of positiye comfort Pair at Three Dollars Others at 5250andup to Pretty socks and stockings jPlS 25 and 50 cents TOM SHOE StORE Palafox Street Peiisacola GRAND 1 MILLINERY OPENING I Monday and- v 5- we 4 a wP t question the prettiestand Vellest line of and Goods ila and in and whether she In J l 7 tenSsbuying ior Yi- sad always fresh ex- pound MAnE IN ONE after t l iSts beautiful cd professional JLt blackhC 1ds SEND or ate pro d 6ame1 MEAN SolCahn CO Pure M NVAVMO VVW4 V Exercise sec money Rt a i TrY 5 ril J- iT l I J1 S MO T T Ov l1l- it t 0 tJ i i lt t T esdayJ- J it i f i t p M ri i w n1f acola to f v t k 4 1 i t i i i 1 f c Milinery Company I tt t tc t j t i 81 m it- w ij want b I preHJ I j- fA1tC R co T t c a 30 cen r tcY NIMHS- J iii a t J all prices Ai rU18I A i Jf L fi GroctJrs Joj1 1 cx f fi I- f t t- i1 t c f 11 ama t1ciromthe wriniClej line cverierc It has JV- S S iae yet ndiiqught good y kiiow VV I PbciTVO I J 4 I I I PattetuThits J11Irny I 5 eveiV w- et come 4 4 S 2 I IJ QJa TEST is WHAT WE HA yE- I Lad i9e It- V tIng Canjy you somethjigcjod and aPpetI7ig 4 30 centj pound facage Sweets at jtDLEvS CANbIESVceiit pound U GER LDS I w1 FaNCy Pen co1as 2 T- L ¬ > + > > > + + < < < > > < < < + >

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Page 1: oA IFlt NMaa I SOCIEDYPEPPLE AND S J Done Thoseo I · t JI- tF y S- oA d C 1 T 4 + s f r S J 1 r 669-f ij Jf VV a i I SOCIEDYPEPPLE AND EVEN1- i 1 By MISS B NELLIE BECK TclepboneNo

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a aA a a a iAAAMAAM




PENSACOLA BAYTwas there In the harbor at

At the close of a summers dayThe ships of many nations

Safe at their anchor lay

The sun in its downwardShed its glittering rays t

Across the decks of the vesselsAs they rode on the glistening waves

Who stars that at evening sriineAre obscured by the gathering cloud

WhIle the rumbling of the thunderWith the lightning clashes loud


Tis another stormol the tropicsThat rushes In

Lashing the waves in its angerDealing destruction each blast

gat Ip when the storm abatedAnd tie nightr gave way to day

The fleet lay safely at anchorla Pensacolas Bay

WILLPeneacol Fla

WHY MEN ARE BALDWe were In the society of many

curates and old maids at an Englishtea party The conversation hadturned on the question Does thewearing of hats make men baldOne grave and unworldly old curate

closed the discussion-by saying Not hats dear friendsbut shirts Now you will have notic-

ed that a man takes off his shirt overhis head thereby dragging the hairout by toe roots whereas a womanhere three teacupsBook v


Prof Lt W of the FloridaState College Tallahassee whohas in the city as delegate to thepresbytery left Saturday morning forhome

Prof Buchholtz not only one ofthe leading educators of tie state butBe is a acoJarly gentleman withallaG rmaiisi loye of an proficiency ininuslc

For several terms tie served as su-

perintendent of instruction for HIllsborough county and regularly as the

campaign came one heardmuch talk talk about ousting thatold Dutchman but somehow nothingdefinite could ever be urged against

to the intelligent buyer

pays 16 buy FOOTWEAR

at this store Thenewness of styles grow

better every year Nothing

here stands still alwayspressing forward The only realcompetition we have is our

endeavor of yesterday Our

new styles for Men

Women and Children are now

on exhibition Call and see

them You welcome to

look buy if you please

150 to 500PAIR

LACE and

for Ladies and Children

Tan Black and White 25 3550 and 75c pair



102 South Palafox S-

LFLQBIPA CURIOSLive and stuffed set ahell-

OraJaga wood and palm souvenirsiBTery decrptlo-nmr C N McClur-J0rs Hwuwi luIWIng 1 Ewt

w lf



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t S KLINEf 1905J


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7q April 2










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> >

hfpi out his Dutch accent thepoliticians tried hard to convince thepeople that it was absurd assuperintendent of American schoolsman who cant talk plain Americanlanguage

Hut somehow the people especial-ly the Tampa people alwaysthat despite foreign accent ProfBuchholtz only spoke more

than his native opponents buttaught his teachers how to teach cor-rectly Mpreover they were obliged-to admit that under his superintendency the public schools of Hllte

county were lifted from theordinary grade to the very foremost

in Florida public instruction

Miss Eliza Gold who has been se-riously ill for several weeks is

improved and expects to be ableto resume her duties on Monday-


Mr and Mrs Alexander Stoddartwho recently came down from theirnorthern residence on Hudsonnear New York city are at theirbeautiful ont Stoddart avenueEast HilL j

Visitors in tha cIty especially thoserecently from a cold climate shouldnot fall to see the Stoddart placeand those who love the beautiful inthe floral kingdom and who does not

will be especially repaid by a viewof the magnificent Azaleas that arenow In their perfection and lendadded glory to that always attractiveplace

Mr and Mrs Stoddarts Azaleas arenot only the largest bushes In all thissection of the country but theirwealth of perfect pink blossoms areas rare as are beautiful and fpnn

of the most attractive sights in ornear Pensacola

ROSENSTEINFRENKEL-The wedding of Miss Evelyn Fren

d Mr Archie Roaensteln willtake Monday evening April 17The ceremony will be folowed by alarge reception at the residence ofthe brides mother Mrs M Frenkel520 West Gregory at 830

Pjensacola Chapter United Daugh-ters of the Confederacy will meet

afternoon at 4 oclock at theresidence of the president Miss Leila

j Reese


Mr J Mr and MrsFloyd Rust Smith left Friday forMontgomery to attend the funeral ofthW cousin Mi1 T Flowers of thatcity who expired fery suddenly inJakin Ga Friday morning at 6

The body was taken to his home inthe burial took

place Saturday evening at 5 tocIbckMr Jones and Mr and Mrs Smith

are expected to return this morning


PEFINITIQNA lecturer in one of his

talks on the manners and customs of-hjgh sAcjety said

Too often society Is struck a tell-ing blowby such an answer as an el

country sQuIre once made to aninquisitive young

blackboard behind him and scrawledupon it four immense letters IL SV

youngman he resumed askedthe country squire what those lettersmeant at the foot of an InvitatloaThe squire with a little chuckle answered

They mean Rush in Shake handsVictual tfp anti Put Brown Book

A FINE ENTERTAINMENTThe entertainment given Frica

night in Library Hall by members xithe Epworth League of the Gadsdenstreet M E church was well attended

The first number Nearer My Godto Illustrated by Miss FlosslBoyer and Miss Edith Luskesung by Mr R Q Owsley was extremely beautiful and a fair indIcationof the chajacter tif the whole programwhiqh has been published all theparts of which were good

Miss Alma Price of Cincinnati whodirected the entertainment did somevery gracefuf posing in The Swedishlayer which very good

ot cor-rectly




me i






T rl sand

09 loci

Io o

sad journey


i r1y

Here the leCturer tUrned to







to have


















Mr J C S Timberiake the formerpopular manager of HotelIs in the en route from a brilliant-ly successful season at Palm Beachwhere he successfnlly conducted Hotel Hibycus near the Royal Ponciana-on the exclusive east side

Mr Timberiake will join Mrs andMiss Tfmberlake in Gulfport Missfor a brief rest before going to Monteagle of the most beauti-ful and picturesque mountain summerresorts In the country which opens3uhe 1 and which lie will manage

Mr and Mrs Timberlake and theirattractive daughter have just return-ed from a delightful tour of Cubawhere they went at the close of

on East Coast the ladlesproceeding direct to Gulfport wherethey Tfll await Mr Timberlake


Mr and Mrs 5T Cuyler McMiHa-nenterlainedtvery delightfully aboardthe Florence Withefbee Saturday witha trip on tie Trater In honor of Mrand Mrs J H Culter or LouisvilleKy wfiohaye spert the winter InPensAcbla

They Scruised tip the Sound aboutfifteen jadles and wentovep to they enjoye





evcItttg 1 IId-

t tl lor t1 1 c

itSti ii


the-e sd

bea h where

t tkeboat








fish with s alfcsd pick-les a sweet course and wasserved by a corps ot servants carried

on the trip which included acruise among thfiji battleships numer-ous snap shots prnrarlpus odd and at-tractive scenes secured

The bay was but allwere good sailors In addition to thehost and hostess ana the honoreesamong those aboard were Mrs Mur-phy wife of Boatswain Edwin Mur-phy of the If SS Iowa Mrs Sondleyand Miss Hazej Soiidley of HuntsvilleAla and their hosts Mr and MrsW Weekly Mrs li L Maye and herguest Miss Dot Clark of Indidna Drand Mrs SylvesterGlenn and daughter Miss Nellie Glennand their guests Bey W F Wade andMiss Wade of Evergreen Ala MrsJulia Buchere Miss Mary Robinson ofLouisiana guest of Mrs HutchinsonMrs Fannie Hall and daughter MissKatie MIs Mary Frater Miss JosleRoberts Miss Katrine Laney andMiss Annie McMilkn


The Council pf Jewish Women willhold their Monday nightin the the Progress Cluband the literary and musical programarranged is one of the best ever given-It includes a violin solo by Mr MaxHeinberg song by Mrs David Harrison formerly Miss Esther Rosenstein piano solo by Miss Stone andvocal duet by Mr and Mrs Ike Hirschman f

Mrs David Harrison will read herown paper on Professional and ClubWomen

Miss Emilia Shulmans piper onWomen in the Home and the Commu-

nity will be read by Mrs Lep Myer


As the houseboat Everglades TaIled to arrive as expected the receptionthat was to have been given aboardwas transferred to the Country Cluband from 330 to 6 oclock last evening there was a throng of youthbeauty fashion andrespects to the charming hostesseslargely ladies of the navy assisted bya corps from local society

The club rooms were beautifullydecorated with flowers and the Amer-ican colors and delightful

were during the eveningThe affair was quite Informal and

the mingling of civil Jhilitary and naval social life leftonew and the renewal ol old Acquain-tances that enjoyable


Miss Gipsey Morris who leavesht for her home in Atlantaclose

a most with adress dance for her junior class

afternoon Ibvel affairFifty children all in fancy dressmake an attractive at

but when in addition to appropilate costume to each dancer theydance as gracefully as

to they are Irreslstable andmany flowers for the cliildren addedto their pleasure in the pogfry mo




ICE CREAMIn Faiicy Forms



We Have Expert RepairMen and Tuhers

The Glutfir HusicHouse

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Creamsfor yv

ReceptionsWe can furnish Creams

inaay quan-tity rhbulk

And te best and Smpplhest Cream In

Will take en-

tire charge pf aad serverefreshments atOur ervlcp un-equaled Tactile


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removetan pr sallowness and restore

beauty j

Is a new dlscoyery guar-anteed and money refunded Jf it fallsto remove tie worst case of FrecklesPimples Liver Spots Blackheads andDisfiguring Eruptions in 20 days Af-ter these defects are removed the skinwill be spft clear healthy and beautlful Price 50 cents and 100 drug-gist or mall

Mrs W L Oury writes LittleRock Ark Sept 3 1904 For threeyears I was troubled with pimples

sppts tried every-thing advertised for skin disease ith

relief until the past few weekshave used Satinola with marvelousresults My complexion has beenchanged Aff a smooth beautIful pink

j without blemish I shall always keep

J National Toilet Co Paris Tenn Soldin Pensacola by all leading dealer

i r

tion as illustrated in the followingnumbers


I Eighteen of them all in costumeby little Miss Avis Smith danced

Flower Dance

Spanish Dance in costume 1

The Sailors Pn the Shore a groupoance by twelve little girls and boysin costume led by Miss Laura AvisSmith

I Sailors Hornplpe by Miss MiriamJ

Milkmaids Jig by Miss MiriamBlount Miss Ila Louise OBrien andMiss Avis Smlth all wearing couquet

little Sunbonneta and apronsHighland Fling Miss Ila Louise

OBrienBat Dance Miss MIriam Bloun-tTheMlnueftev danced

couples in costume with powderedhair and patches was very beautifulThey were Cecil Smith and DorOthyReeves Joseph Rouhla and Dorothy

Moreno and JanieKnowles Charles Chunn and Kathleen Gonzalez Bowen Gonzalez and

Willie Blount and GraceReilly

Little Miss Grace Bonar a threeyearold tot in an pleatedfrock of pink with pink wings wastruly a in The Fairy Dance

In addition to these there were theusual round dances andher little pupils patronswill welcome Miss Morris when shereturns next season


At the business meeting held Fridayafternoon the Pensacola Library Asso-ciation decided to1 withdraw from thelibrary contest In favor of the publicschool

As the Library now has about allthe books included In thewould be unnecessary to duplicatethem


Mrs W B Wright and her guestMrs Parker of New York and MrsMarschali wife of Lieut Marschallwere Capt Cowless guests at lunch-eon aboard the S Missouri

It is said that Lord Beresfprd lordhigh admiral of the British navy willreach about April 15th andwill be a guest aboard Colonel Thompsons houseboat the Everglades

Dr C Lewis DIehl of LoulsyilleKy who arrivetf Thursday anhas been visiting Mr and Mrs George-P Wentworth on his return from a

at Ponce Park and Other ppiaison the East Coast expects to leave to-day noon for home

Mrs E Meade Wilson who haVieenconfined to her home for a week ixcmore by a severe cold is greatly Im-proved

i iMr R J Sublette father of

W Sublette and Mrs Wnu RwiJohnson of this city Is here fqr few daysas thefr guest He will tillsweek to his home in Tennessee

Mrs S S Cramer who has beenseriously ill is much better

Mrg John Page and two chlldrjerileft Friday night Jar their futureJioraeBirmingham

Mrs Mv Condon left Friday Hlghtlma visit to herr son in Birmingham V-

WMrs M E Chansey of MobQe anaMrs Xtebone of New Orleans are li-tk ecity vlsltiagr their sisterFrank Cramer

Mrs W BL ow of St LouisarriVed in ta city Friday mpralng

wIll spend several weeks aereutie-gmestof her another Mrs R IO3j

Tke 8tk grife of High school fis-Baras leaaier gaY a Wen paftroalzai-excarsi i oaia has Saturday TC



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Doneand Tarry

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Seen tIeard and Among

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benefit of the High School LibraryThe day was enjoyable though the

was rather rough and man unaccustomed paid the usual

Imploring thecapialn to Dostop the boat and let me die withthe result that once ashore they

clear heads and voracious appe-

tites awaiting them

Mr and Raphael Church MissLame Mr Clarence Church

Cincinnati who came to see thefleet left Friday for Alabama where

Lame recently inherited a fewthousand dollars worth of property

The children of that good womanMrs Adele Davenport who passedaway Friday after long suffering have

sincere sympathy of all who knewher as that blessed gift of God thebest earthly friend a mother

Mr and Mrs John E Stillman enMr and Mrs John C Avery

and their guest Mrs Jackson Lieutand Mrs J I Bryan Mr and MrsJohn Beriham Mr J M Roberts andCapt U S dinner


Mrs Elizabeth Tankard andhave arrived in the city on a visit

to friends in tie fleet

Mr and Mrs C W Lamars babydaughter was quite sick yesterdaySbut nothing serious anticipated

Mr and Mrs Julius Oerting are thehappy parents ofa little son the fifth3

7The Excelsior Flinch will meet qn

Wednesday afternoon wita Mrs J CPebley on East HIll


Mr M E Batts efficient road master of ttie L N and Mrs Batts expect to leave about April 15 on aleisure trip through the West

visit fc St Louis they will go tovisiting all the points of in-

terest In Colorado then to Salt LakeCity and late to San Francisco andthe Grand Canyon planning to returnabout middle of June


Mrs IL Matthews who has spentthe winter with her daughter Mrs ME left Saturday noon fOr herhome in Nashville Tenn to the regret of the many friends of both la-


Miss Bessie Kelly of Mobile who Isnow visiting her sister Mrs Wrightgoes Tuesday to spend aMiss Sallie Wright 1

iHon Stephen R Mallory made his

official call on Admiral Evans Satur-day morning going put on the revenue


MrsLouis Parker of New York arrrred Friday evening from Mobile ona visit to Mrs W B Wright and afterDinner a number of friends called to

her j

Mrs L S Brown and little son Hen-ry Wrighfc Brown escorted by MrBrwnr returned Saturday morningfrom Louisville Ga where theyspent several weeks visiting MrBrowns relatives in the interest ofMrs Jiealth And it is verygratifying to her many friends tolearn that though not yet as robustas could he desired Mrs Brownshealth Is greatly improved


Mrs Collier and Miss Murphy ofMontgomery are expected to arrivethis morning to spend the day withMrs Annie A Dooley seeing the warfleet and1 the famous men behind theguns

Mrs Robert McCaskell of FreeportFl is the lovely guest of Mrs FrankMariEton during her stay in the cityMrs McCaskell Is a to theSabbath School Convention now meet-Ing in the Presbyterian church andhas captivated the hearts of all whohave been so fortunate as to meet herby her grace and charm of manner t

Wouldmt It be perfectly dear ofPresident Castro to bring his navyand outside the harbor for a fewdays One can almost hear the nowreigning admiral Joviallytog o ilm X blanket Castro comeon in and break a bottle before you

slppl adding after a pause as hesaid ChilliansTlf dontaccept i ahem the Gulf will smellofgarllcIn the morning

Demand Blue Ribbon Lemon andVanillaExtracts They are absolutelypure great strength gro-cerhas them j

Horehound Syrup I-

ImmediaEely relieves hoarse croupycough oppressed rattling rasping and

Henry C Stearnadruggists Saullsburg Wis writes May I-

2ariS01i I have been selling BaTlards Horehound Syrup for two yearsand have never had a preparation that

better satisfaction I no-tice thafiwhen I sell a bottle theycoma tack for more I canfecommeiid 25c 50c 100


1 Launches Freddie Riera and StellaTrlH ran excursions every tea 19-

aiimatea to and from battleships San4ayfro lM to 500 p IB Pare 2Sc



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BEAUTIOLA1ATITI-OLA s ifc only taimless preparation that obliterates r

all traces of care worry illness exposure and age Ten toyears fall like face one weeks treatment Not

a or bfemisa irmains tcTtcll the tory after using Beactiola Oneveek Beautiola endorsed by the Medical Fraternity and expert Derma

women yosthfal at forty or fifty as the were at twenty lengthening theircareer before least It never fails to permanently reiove theworstcases of brown liver spots freckles scars smal-

lpox pittins deep wrinkles and disfiguring eruptionsPRICE 50 CENTS At nil Drug Stores or Direct






So if you are all partTculai about the things you eat and tiewe can please you


The Food The Store that FeedsStore Phones 78 and 480 the People

IFouF Easter Oxfordsyou gettea em that good

think twice before you swap tot jus old ShoesSecond fc that when you select your Shoe for ourstqcjt for summer wear that you will get clean freght rightupt-otheminoteinstyle and make and a guarantee of positiye comfort

Pair at Three DollarsOthers at 5250andup to Pretty socks and stockings jPlS 25and 50 cents

TOM SHOE StOREPalafox Street Peiisacola


OPENINGI Monday and-

v 5-

we 4 a wP t question theprettiestand Vellest line of


ila and

in and whether she InJ l 7tenSsbuying ior Yi-

sad always fresh ex-




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30 centj poundfacage Sweets atjtDLEvS CANbIESVceiit pound


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