nzlead business overview

NZLEAD Business Overview Page | 1 NZLEAD Business Overview

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Post on 10-Nov-2014




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This is an overview of the NZLEAD business. Ironically I spend so much time on the main NZLEAD community website ( that I haven't had much time to set up my own business site. Watch this space but, in the meantime, this is to give you an overview of why I do what I do, how I do it and who I am.


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NZLEAD Business Overview

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Welcome to the ’business’ side of NZLEAD.  NZLEAD is, first and foremost, a social media based HR community. Our passion is connecting HR professionals from NZ and around the world to collaborate and share knowledge. We are about 3,000 people strong and growing. You can find us on twitter, LinkedIn, google+, instagram, Tumblr and in real life (IRL).

Secondly, we provide training and consulting for HR, L&D, OD and Recruitment practitioners on how to use social technology to enhance people practices. We’re working in an ever changing world. Global competition is getting more fierce, technology is connecting us in ways we’ve never seen before, creating greater transparency and need for authenticity, and, as new generations come into the workforce, expectations of work are changing.

Attracting and retaining fabulous, talented people is becoming harder and more crucial. This is a challenging time for businesses and HR professional alike. But, where do you even start?

That’s where we can help you. Starting with getting to grips with how social technology impacts on your organisation, right through to embedding it into the way you do things. 

We put together this guide to tell you the why, what, how and who of achieving this.

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Why use social technology for HR practice

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You might think it’s risky, time consuming, your business doesn’t allow it, it has no value, there is a lot of useless information, it’s not real work, it’s just for your personal life. Right? Did we miss anything? 

So why would you bother with social technology? Well, it does actually make your life a whole lot easier, particularly when it is used well. Here are some of the ways it can help you:

• Access to free resources which can save you money.

• Saves you time as your people can create and curate their own communication and learning content.

• Integrates learning into day to day work, saving you time and money on training.

• Allows you to connect and communicate with the parts of your workforce for whom this is a natural way of communicating (and helps you recruit them!).

• Manages your risks better by educating your people how to use social technology in a way that aligns with your culture.

• Increases communication between leaders and employees, creating greater alignment to strategy and purpose.

• Facilitates greater problem solving and innovation, in turn, helping deliver a greater experience to your customers.

The people that you are lookng to recruit and retain are already using social technology. To compete and excel in this ever changing environment, you need to be on top of, and ahead of, it.

Using social technology is not an option anymore it is an integral way of doing business.

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What we do

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“To realise the opportunities that social technology create,

you’ve got to create an environment where people

have the opportunity to interact, the motivation to do so and the skills to effectively

use it.”

Learning and Development

Recruitment & Employer Branding

Internal communications

What we do is get to the bottom of what you are trying to achieve, look at how your existing culture supports social technology, and design something that works for you. It’s not so much about the technology, but the ‘way you do things’ and how that supports what you’re trying to achieve.

To realise the opportunities that social technology create, you’ve got to create an environment where people have the opportunity to interact, the motivation to do so (what’s in it for them) and the skills to effectively use it. This is a tripod, if one part is missing then it’s not going to work. We can help you work on that tripod.

There are three key areas we focus on with social technology and workplace culture: Learning & Development,  Recruitment & Employer Branding and Internal Communication.

NZLEAD Business Overview

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NZLEAD Business Overview

Social learning is about building a scaffold to support the integration of work and learning. Learning is not a separate entity to working but is a continuous, social experience. This includes:

• Learning as problems occur and immediately applying that learning.

• Extracting and sharing learning from work.

• Sharing learning with others in your business.

You cannot mandate the use of social technology. We use coaching, facilitation and design techniques to enable social learning within your organisation. 

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Learning & Development Recruitment & Employer Branding

To represent a truly authentic and transparent employment brand the messages should come directly from your employees. We focus on developing strategy and enhancing your culture to support this. This includes:

• Involving your people in growing your workforce.

• Creating a ‘social’ environment where people can be their true selves at work and portray that externally.

This can complement your social media marketing strategy. 

“We focus on developing strategy and enhancing your culture to support this”

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An effective internal communication strategy starts with what you're trying to achieve, followed by how you're going to execute. Finally, how social technology enables this communication. This includes:

• Cross team, and inter-team, communication and collaboration.

• Co-ordination of work efforts.• Two-way communication between


Where leaders are already using social technology to connect, communicate and collaborate, external to the organisation, this represents a significant opportunity to encourage two-way, internal communication. 

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Internal Communications

NZLEAD Business Overview

“You cannot mandate the use of social technology. We

use coaching, facilitation and design techniques to

enable social learning within your organisation.”

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How we do it

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We’d love to chat to you about what you want to achieve and the value that NZLEAD can bring to your business, of course, with no obligation.

Based on this discussion we can recommend next steps. Sometimes this is kicking right into things, sometimes this is going into more detail. 

Here are some of the ways we go about helping you create fabulous social learning, recruitment or internal communication using social technology:

• Creative facilitation with your team to determine what you are trying to achieve and why. We can help you get to the bottom of this. 

• Building a business case for change, including data and case studies that are specific to your organisation.

• Designing your social technology strategy and supporting you to execute it. Aligning marketing goals, HR goals and business goals. 

• Facilitation of communication between, and among, team members. Using customer/ supplier relationship methods and HBDI (Hermann Brain Dominance Indicator) personality coaching. 

• Writing your social technology policy in a way that fits your culture and enables what you're trying to achieve. 

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How we do it

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• Training on how to use social technology. Whichever tools are going to fit your needs.

• One-to-one coaching for individual needs, including your social community leaders.

• Leadership coaching on the use of social technology as a leadership tool.

• Social analytics. We can help you with what information is going to give you the most insight into how your social strategy is performing.

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Who we are

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Amanda’s background is in organisational development (OD) and learning & development (L&D). This means she puts a unique view on using social technology and can help you really embed it into what you do.  She fell into the social space after designing a leadership development course using free resources found through the internet. It made her think. Instead of feeding people information, what if we enabled them to find that information themselves? This led to an experiment delivering leadership training through social media, a foray into twitter as a learning tool, and the birth of NZLEAD, a social media based HR community, at the start of 2013.

Amanda began the business side of NZLEAD at the end of 2013 with a belief that social technology provides greater authenticity, transparency, connection, communication, collaboration and power for change. This is her vision:

“I want the world of work to be a better place. One where people are treated with kindness, appreciated for their strengths and give back to the world”.

She now does two things in her day job. Grow the NZLEAD community, and provide consulting and training to businesses wanting to use social technology to enhance their culture and business practices.

When she’s not doing NZLEAD related things, She’s baking, reading novels, working on the boat (a very in need of TLC, 1975 Hartley 16), and practicing yoga.. Her goal is to do a handstand. But she’ll start with changing the world of work first. 

Amanda Sterling, Director

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Who we are

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This is a highly connected and collaborative world and we practice what we preach. This works for your benefit.  We actively work in the 'people cloud'. This is where people with particular skills converge to work together on projects.

We work with a talented bunch of consultants from NZ and around the world. If there is a project that would benefit from someone who specialises in a particular area, we can either refer you to them or work with these people so you are getting the maximum benefits from both our skill sets.

When we scope out what you're after we can discuss which options are going to work best for you.

The ‘people cloud’ of talent that we tap into

Some of the great skill sets we can tap into:

• Internal Communications


• Integrated advertising and social

media marketing 

• E-learning and gamification


• Employment Relations and HR


• Leadership development 

• Engagement surveys, action

planning and implementation

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What people say

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I asked Amanda to facilitate our Intro to Social Media and Social Presentation for NZATD (NZ Assoc of Training & Development) Auckland because we needed a professional and an expert in this field who could motivate and inspire our members into understanding the importance of social media and social learning. Amanda did all of that and more! Her presentation was relevant to our members, and at a level that they not only understood, but were inspired to take action.

Michele Childs, Development Advisor, Bupa Care Services, Auckland

NZLEAD Business Overview

Angela Atkins, General Manager, Elephant HR, Auckland

Amanda not only presented at our Elephant HR Advisors Conference about using social media as an HR tool, but also ran a social media campaign for us. Her presentation inspired many of the 75 attendees to start using SoMe for their HR development. She also organised our twitter discussions which resulted in us having a blow by blow of the conference, and with people following from the UK, Ireland and Australia. She was professional, knowledgeable and we'd highly recommend her if you're thinking of doing anything on SoMe and are unsure!

Alex Hagan, CEO, Kienco, Melbourne

Amanda was a speaker at our recent Strategic Workforce Planning conference in Wellington, and spoke about using social media for innovation and cultural alignment to strategy, something she speaks to with intellect and passion. If you don't know Amanda or #NZLEAD yet, I recommend that you get in contact.

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Contact us

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You can contact Amanda directly, on any of these options, to talk about how social technology can help you enhance your people practices.

[email protected]

Amanda Sterling