nyngan solar 1 plant

1 Nyngan Solar Plant Community Consultative Committee June 2014 Date: 04 June 2014

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Page 1: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant

1Nyngan Solar Plant

Community Consultative CommitteeJune 2014

Date:04 June 2014

Page 2: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant



> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014


1 Welcome and introductions




Review previous minutes

Overview of project status (AGL and First Solar)

Project planning

Construction community fund

6 Next meeting and close

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> Presentation title

> Author

> Date (Verdana 10pt)

Review of previous minutes

Page 4: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


2. Review actions from previous meeting

Action item CCC meeting Status

AGL to to include WBHO contacts on website. April 2014 Closed

AGL to speak to GM of Bogan Shire Council and ask him to nominate someone to assist in administering the fund.

April 2014 Closed

AGL to provide application weighting guide that has been used for other projects.

April 2014 Open

AGL to send an example application form to CCC.

April 2014 Open

AGL to update the Construction Community Fund Guidelines based on discussion and circulate to CCC for approval.

April 2014 Closed

AGL to progress the shopfront display. April 2014 Open

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 5: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


2. Confirmation of April 2014 minutes

› Any comments to the April minutes?

› Accept as accurate record of meeting?

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 6: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


> Presentation title

> Author

> Date (Verdana 10pt)

Overview of project status

•Adam Mackett (AGL)

•Michael Law (First Solar)

Page 7: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


2. AGL overview of project status

Current progress on the Nyngan Solar Plant:

› Federal budget 2014 will not impact delivery of the AGL Solar Project (Nyngan and Broken Hill)

› Project remains on track for completion in June 2015

› Planned worker ramp-up for solar plant construction

› Connection works are progressing towards planned cut-in on 2 Aug 2014

› AEMO generator registration application

› Communication works SCADA

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 8: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


2. AGL overview of project status

Current progress on the Nyngan Solar Plant connection:

› Main 132/33kV transformer delivery on 5 May 2014.

› Planning for 132kV cut-in works on 2 Aug 2014.

› 132kV transmission line – cleared, poles installed and stringing commenced

› 132kV Switchyard – primary equipment installed, secondary works progressing. Essential Energy (EE) planning to commence commissioning in July 2014.

› 132kV Substation – main 132/33kV transformer installed

› EE is progressing their quality assurance inspections

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 9: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


2. First Solar overview of project status

Current progress on the Nyngan Solar Plant

› Installation of posts commenced in late April. Up to 19,000 of the 150,000 steel posts have been installed

› Installation of the tilt brackets and tables has commenced

› Site clearing has been completed

› The first 38,000 of the 1,350,000 panels will be delivered by 12 semi trailers in the coming weeks

› Electrical works to commence in mid-June

Nyngan Solar Village

› Construction of Solar Village complete. Some specific items to be completed.

› Approximately 80 residents in Village.

› Number of residents expected to double with the commencement for the electrical works.

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 10: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


2. First Solar overview of project status

Local community and employment

› Sponsoring the Nyngan Tigers and Bogan Bulls.

› WBHO has been engaged for the civil, structural and electrical works.

› WBHO has advertised for labour jobs in the Western Magazine in the week of Monday, 26 May. This ad will run for approximately 3 weeks.

› As of Monday, 26 May, the Joint Venture between WBHO and Probuild Civil has inducted 162 personnel. Over 40% of these jobs are local/regional

First Solar Contacts:

› Louis Thiros, Project Director

› 0477 008 366 [email protected]

› Michael Law, Construction Manager

› 0417 369 921 [email protected]

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 11: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


2. First Solar overview of project status

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 12: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


2. First Solar overview of project status

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 13: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


> Presentation title

> Author

> Date (Verdana 10pt)

Project Planning

•Adam Mackett (AGL)

Page 14: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


4. Project planning

Nyngan Plant Launch

Launch planned for week starting 21 July

› Ray Donald (local)

› Kevin Humphries MP (NSW), Minister for Land & Water

› Rob Stokes MP (NSW), Minister for Environment

› Mark Coulton MP – federal

Solar village

Worker ramp-up Western mag

Community Feedback

Any comments or questions from the CCC or observers?

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 15: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


Construction Community Fund

•Helena Orel (AGL)•Adam Mackett (AGL)

Page 16: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


4. Community Fund

Update on Community Fund:

› The first round of the Construction Community Fund was advertised on Monday, 6 May and closed on Friday, 31 May.

› 13 applications received by Bogan Shire Council.

Next steps:

1. Panel to meet and review applications

2. Panel to forward their recommendations to AGL for approval

3. AGL to notify applicants the outcome of their application

4. AGL to organise a cheque presentation event

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

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Next meeting and close

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5. Any other business

Questions from observers?

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 19: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


5. Next meeting’s agenda

What would you like to discuss at the next meeting?

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014

Page 20: Nyngan Solar 1 Plant


5. Next meeting

AGL is a major sponsor of the Nyngan Ag Show – Saturday, 2 August 2014

Date: Friday, 1 August 2014

Time: 5pm – 7pm

Venue: CWA Hall

> Nyngan Solar Project

> AGL Energy

> 4 June 2014