nutrition and wellness unit 4 your active lifestyle tonja bolding lakeside high school revised...

Nutrition and Wellness Unit 4 Your Active Lifestyle Tonja Bolding Lakeside High School Revised Frameworks 2008

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Page 1: Nutrition and Wellness Unit 4 Your Active Lifestyle Tonja Bolding Lakeside High School Revised Frameworks 2008

Nutrition and Wellness

Unit 4

Your Active Lifestyle

Tonja BoldingLakeside High School

Revised Frameworks 2008

Page 2: Nutrition and Wellness Unit 4 Your Active Lifestyle Tonja Bolding Lakeside High School Revised Frameworks 2008

4.1 Define terms related to physical fitness

1. aerobic activity – physical activity that works your heart and lungs

2. anabolic steroid -an artificial hormone used to build a more muscular body

3. anaerobic activity -an activity in which the muscles are using oxygen faster than the heart and lungs can deliver it

4. balance -being able to control the muscles and stay upright as one moves his body; same as coordination

5. body composition –the percentage of different types of tissues in the body such as fat, muscle and bone

6. Body Mass Index (BMI) – a calculation of body weight and height used to define if one is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese

7. carbohydrate loading – a technique used by endurance athletes to trick the muscles into storing glycogen for extra energy

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8. cardio-respiratory endurance – how well your heart and lungs can keep up with your activity

9. coordination – being able to control the muscles and stay upright as one moves the body; same as balance

10. electrolytes – sodium, chloride, and potassium which work together to help maintain your body’s fluid balance

11. endurance – the ability to keep working your muscles without becoming overly tired

12. energy balance – the point at which the energy from the food you eat equals the energy your body uses

13. fad diets – weight loss plans that are popular for a short time and often are based on misinformation, unusual requirements, and promise immediate weight loss

14. flexibility – the ability to move your muscles and joints through their full range of motion

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15. intensity – the speed and power of movement during physical activities

16. physical activity – using your muscles to move your body17. physical fitness – having all the energy and ability to do

everything you want and need to do in daily life18. sedentary – being physically inactive19. strength – power to work your muscles against resistance20. target heart rate – the range of heartbeats per minute at

which the heart muscles receive the best workout;60-90% of maximum heart rate

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4.2 Explain the six components of physical fitness (having all the energy and ability to do everything you want and need to do in daily life)

1. Body composition (the percentage of different types of

tissues in the body such as fat, muscle and bone)

body fat percentage muscle mass bone density

Along with a low fat diet, exercise is a key factor in achieving and maintaining a healthy body composition.

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2. Cardio-respiratory endurance (is how well your heart and lungs can keep up with your activity)

Aerobic activity (physical activity that works your heart and lungs) is especially good for building cardio respiratory fitness.

The goal of aerobic exercise is to increase your heart and breathing rate to safe levels for an extended time.

Most experts recommend holding these raised levels for 20-60 minutes. walking, jogging, in-line skating, bicycling,

swimming laps

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3. Balance/Coordination (being able to control the muscles

and stay upright as one moves his body)

A good sense of balance can help avoid falls. Activities include: ice skating, roller skating,

bicycling, pilates, yoga

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4. Flexibility (is the ability to move muscles and joints through their full range

of motion)

A high degree of flexibility helps prevent injury to muscles that control movement of the joints

Females generally have the potential for greater flexibility than males.

Stretching exercises can help

increase flexibility.

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5. Muscle endurance (the ability to keep working the

muscles without becoming overly tired)

It is important to develop all your muscle groups. Muscle burns fat.

6. Muscular strength (power to work your muscles against


usually measured in terms of how much weight you can lift strong muscles allow you to move more efficiently weight training develops strength and lean muscles can help you avoid some sport related injuries

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Anaerobic activities (an activity in which the muscles are using oxygen

faster than the heart and lungs can deliver it) build muscles need to perform tasks such as lifting and running. Helps with symptoms of arthritis and osteoporosis They cannot be sustained long enough to help increase

cardio respiratory fitness. They are used to build power and speed.

heavy weight-lifting, sprints, jumping rope

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Get fit with F.I.T.

Gaining physical fitness involves 3 key factors:1. Frequency-how often you exercise

start 3 days a week increase to 5-7 days a week

2. Intensity- (the speed and power of movement) how hard you exercise

in the beginning keep your pulse at about 60% of your maximum heart rate

build up your heart rate to 70-80% of your max

3. Time (duration)-how long the exercise sessions last about 20 minutes when beginning work up to 60 minutes

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4.3 Describe how physical activity (using your muscles to move your body) promotes fitness

Most experts agree physical activity

plays a key role in achieving and maintaining good health. Exercise can affect your appearance by

altering your posture, movement and weight. Exercise can help reduce the risk of

developing several diseases including osteoporosis, some cancers, diabetes and stroke.

Teens who exercise have improved self-control, self-esteem and body image, greater alertness and better school performance.

Worksheet-Assessing Activity Goals

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4.4 Identify different types physical activity as aerobic or anaerobic

walking running weight lifting sprints power lifting bicycling skating volleyball

swimming jumping rope basketball football push ups sit ups baseball tennis














anaerobic anaerobic


Worksheet-Physical Activity for Physical Fitness

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4.5 Describe excuses people give for being sedentary (being physically inactive)

Excuse: no time/too busy

Solution: find a convenient time, work into schedule

Excuse: gym too expensive

Solution: slowly acquire home gym equipment, walk, run, ride bike

Excuse: no room for home gym equipment

Solution: community resources-church, work, school

Excuse: too tired

Solution: exercise will provide energy, get more sleep

Excuse: hate exercise

Solution: do something you like

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4.6 Describe factors to consider when choosing physical activities

1.Types of activities outdoor recreation: biking, in-line skating,

running, walking, hiking, canoeing

indoor recreation: dancing, stair climbing, videos and classes, jump rope

team sports: football, basketball, volleyball

individual and partner sports: tennis, handball, racquetball, swimming, rowing

lifestyle activities: walking to work or school, mowing the lawn, vacuuming, raking leaves

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2. Age Weight lifting is not recommended for younger

teens because it can damage the growing bones. Muscle strength and endurance can be achieved by

using your own weight as resistance. Ex. push ups

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3. Fitness Level Before you begin an exercise program,

measure your level of fitness in each of the health components.

You should consult your physician before beginning a strenuous activity.

Target heart rate (the range of heartbeats per minute at which the heart muscles receive the best workout;60-90% of

maximum heart rate) let you measure your initial fitness level and monitor your progress in a fitness program.

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Finding Your Target Heart Rate

1. Use the formula to calculate your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR), which is the highest speed at which your heart muscles are able to contract: 220 minus your age= maximum heart rate

You should never try to reach your MHR.

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2. Use this formula to determine your target heart rate:

MHR times .6 (60%)=_____ beats per minute MHR times .9 (90%)=_____ beats per minute

This is the range will help you to maintain physical fitness.

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Measuring Your Heart Rate/Pulse

Your heart rate or pulse is the number of times your heart beats per minute.

Find your pulse with your index finger. Count the beats for 15 seconds. Multiply this number by 4 This is your resting heart rate.

An average resting heart rate for a moderately fit teen or adult is about 70 beats per minute.

Someone who has been training for several months may have a resting heart rate of about 60 beats per minute

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4.7 Summarize ways to fit physical activity into your daily life

1. Choose activities you enjoy. You will be more likely to stick to your exercise

program if you enjoy it. Variety can help keep an exercise program enjoyable. Different activities also help develop different

components of fitness.

2. Choose a convenient time. This will increase your likelihood of following

through with your exercise program. Make it a part of your daily schedule.

Worksheets-I’d Like to be more Active Worksheet-Words to Exercise By

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4.8 Identify ways to keep physical activity safe and healthy

Your exercise program should include 3 phases for each session.

1. Warm-up: prepares the muscles and increases the heart rate

lasts 5-10 minutes gradually increase your heart rate ex. stretching, walking

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2. Work-out: the main part of the activity Should last at least 20 minutes Vary so you don’t get bored

3. Cool down: helps the body get ready to stop exercising

last about 20 minutes stretching can increase flexibility and prevent

stiffness and soreness allows the heart rate to slow down allows the muscles to push more blood toward

the heart to prevent dizziness

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Nearly everyone can be at least

moderately active, regardless of age or

physical limitations. Many activities that promote good health are

free and require no special equipment. To achieve good health in the teen years

try to accumulate at least 60 minutes of

moderate activity daily.

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You don’t have to set aside a 60 minutes exercise period. 4-15 minute time slots ride your bike, shoot baskets, sweep, mop, rake leaves

Once you start feeling the benefits you will want to be more active.

You can change your goal to try to achieve total fitness which includes and exercise program, eating nutritious foods

and healthful lifestyle behaviors.

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4.9 Describe how physical activity affects nutrient needs

Most athletes can meet their energy needs by eating extra calories from a wide selection of nutritious foods. 50-60% of calories from carbohydrates no more than 30% of calories from fat the remaining 10-15% from protein

An athlete who burns more calories through exercise than he or she takes in through food will lose weight. It is important for athletes to maintain an energy balance (the point at

which the energy from the food you eat equals the energy your body uses)

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Maintain Current Weight

food intake physical activity

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Gain Weight

food intake

physical activity

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Lose Weight

food intake

physical activity

Worksheet-Calorie CountingWorksheet-Keep Energy Intake and Output in Balance

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4.10 Discuss food and beverage strategies for peak performance

bagel banana peanut butter orange & apple juice low fat milk, cheese, yogurt

fruit salad wheat toast w/jelly grilled cheese sandwich baked potato w/ broccoli and


Foods: Athletes need to choose foods high in carbohydrates, moderate in protein and low in fat.

Video- Eat to Win: Nutrition for Athletes

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Some athletes need more energy than they can comfortably take in though food.

Some try carbohydrate loading (a technique used by endurance athletes to trick the muscles into storing glycogen for extra energy)

Athletes eat a diet moderate in carbohydrates for a few days. During the 3 days prior to an event a high carbohydrate diet is consumed coupled with a decrease in training intensity.

Problems such as water retention, digestion distress, muscle stiffness and sluggishness are common with this practice.

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Athletes that are diabetic are especially likely to have problems.

For most athletes, attempts to increase glycogen stores are NOT needed.

The best advise is to continue daily vigorous exercise, eat carbohydrate rich foods, and include a rest day now and then. The rest will help build up the glycogen you


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Beverages Drinking enough liquid may be the most

important critical aspect of sports nutrition. Dehydration can cause increases in body temperature

and heart rate.

Performing athletes may not feel thirsty because exercise masks the sense of thirst. Sweating during moderate exercise causes you to lose

1 quart of water per hour. Vigorous workouts can cause a 2-3 quart loss of water

per hour.

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Athletes should drink even if they are not thirsty.

To avoid dehydration, drink water before, during and after an event.

The American Dietetics Association suggests the following plan for fluid intake: 2 hrs. before event: 3 c (24 oz) water 10-15 min. before: 1-2 c (8-16 oz) water 10-15 min. intervals during: ½-1 c (4-8 oz) water after the event: 2 c (16 oz) water for every

pound of body weight lost during the event

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Water is the preferred liquid for fluid replacement. Cold water (40%) helps lower body temp and

empties from the stomach more quickly. The carbohydrates in some sweetened drinks can

pull water from the body into he digestive tract, causing cramps.

The carbohydrates in most sports drinks are designed to be easily absorbed to prevent such cramping.

Caffeine and alcohol increase body water loss and should be avoided.

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In addition to water, athletes lose sodium when they sweat. Athletes that compete in events lasting 4 or

more hours may benefit from sports drinks that contain electrolytes (sodium, chloride, and potassium which work together to help maintain your body’s fluid balance)

Salt tablets are not recommended because they worsen dehydration, impair performance, irritate the stomach and may cause severe vomiting

Worksheet-Power for Performance Worksheet-Ready for Anything

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4.11 Distinguish between facts and myths about sports nutrition

Myth: Special foods, drinks and pills will safely make an athlete stronger and/or faster.

Fact: A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle can make an athlete stronger and/or faster.

Myth: Anabolic steroids (an artificial hormone used to build a more

muscular body) are safe to use to add muscle mass. Fact: There is no fast, safe “quick fix” to add muscle mass. Myth: Caffeine increases endurance during exercise. Fact: It increases fluid loss and heart rate, can cause

headache insomnia and nervous irritability. Myth: Vitamin B15 will improve efficient use of oxygen in

aerobic exercise. Fact: Ruled illegal by the FDA, unsafe for human use.Worksheet-Myths That Can Lose the Game

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4.12 Explain why suggested body weight varies for individuals

There are several ways to determine whether your weight is healthy:

1. Body Mass Index (BMI) (a calculation of body weight and

height used to define if one is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese)

BMI does not measure bone, fat or muscle

Underweight BMI under 18.5Healthy Weight BMI 18.5-24.9Overweight BMI 25-29.9Obese BMI 30+

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2. Skin fold test uses calipers to measure the thickness of folds of skins on various places of the body.

thickness in mm Age 16-2945 10.86 13.37 15.38 17.29 18.810 20.211 21.512 22.813 23.914 24.915 25.916 26.817 27.718 28.5

19 29.3 20 30.0 22 31.4

thickness in mm Age 16-29 24 32.6 26 33.8 28 34.9 30 35.9 32 36.9 34 37.8 36 38.6 38 39.4 40 40.2 45 42.0 50 43.6 55 45.0 60 46.3 65 47.6 70 48.7 75 49.8 80 50.8

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3. Bioelectrical impedance measures the

body’s resistance to a low energy

electrical current. Lean tissue conducts electrical energy fat

does not. The measure of resistance is then

converted to a % of body fat.

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American College of Sports Medicine Body Fat Chart

Female (under 40) 16%-28% Fitness 20%-35% Health

Male (under 40) 5%-15% Fitness 8%-22% Health

►If a person falls above these guidelines, he or she would be considered obese.

Female (over 40) 16%-33% Fitness 20%-38% Health

Male (over 40) 5%-18% Fitness 8%-25% Health

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FAT FACTS You can start seeing the upper row of abdominal

muscles with a body fat percentage of 15%. To have “6-pack abs,” one must have a body fat percentage no

higher than 9.8%.

Men need to maintain a body fat percentage of at least 5% for health reasons. A layer of fat surrounds all the body’s organs in order to protect

them. Without this fat, the organs become susceptible to impact injuries.

Women need a body fat percentage of 15% to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle. The longer a woman is lower than 15% body fat percentage the

less likely it is that she can become pregnant. The hormonal imbalances can cause psychological diseases such

as anorexia and bulimia.

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4. Waist to Hip Ratio: waist measurement divided by hip measurement=ratio

Adult women ratio should be no higher than 0.08 Adult men ratio should have no higher than 0.95

Fat stored in the abdomen seems to pose a greater risk than fat stored in the buttock, hips and thighs.

Men and older women are more likely to accumulate fat in the abdominal area.

“apple shaped” body Younger women more often store excess fat in the hips and thighs.

“pear shaped” body

Worksheet-Personal Profile Worksheet-Evaluate Your Weight

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4.13 Describe healthy ways to achieve and maintain appropriate body weight

Stay active Remember to change up your workout

periodically to prevent boredom Vary food choices

Make wise and healthy food choices Moderation is the key

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Avoid crash or fad diets (weight loss plans that are popular for a short time and often are based on misinformation, unusual requirements, and promise immediate weight loss)

Atkins Grapefruit Diet Hollywood Diet 3 Day The Zone Diet Cabbage Soup LA Weight Loss Mayo Clinic Diet

►“If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.”

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Ten Signs of a Fad Diet

1. Promises a large or fast weight loss (more than 1-2 lbs/week) 2. Does not include suggestions to consult with your doctor or a

registered dietitian 3. Encourages you to eliminate food groups (such as grains) or

eat from a limited selection of foods 4. Offers rigid menus that don't consider your likes, dislikes and

lifestyles 5. Neglects active living or lifestyle changes 6. Provides far fewer calories than what is needed for an

energized, healthy lifestyle 7. Contradicts what most trusted health professionals say 8. Depends on special products, supplements or treatments 9. Has miraculous claims 10. Relies on testimonials and anecdotes rather than scientific


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4.14 Identify careers related to exercise and fitness

Personal trainer Yoga/Pilates instructor Aerobics instructor Health club owner/operator Dietician P.E. teacher Corporate wellness director