nusa 2011 constitutional reference

The Students' Association 1. The Newcastle University Students' Association (hereinafter termed either N.U.S.A or Students' Association) shall consist of the whole number of students who are duly enrolled in the University of Newcastle as students proceeding to a formal award and who pay the Annual Fee for Membership of the Students' Association. 2. The governing body of the Students' Association shall be the Newcastle University Students' Association's Council of the University of Newcastle (hereinafter termed NUSAC), and the name “Executive” shall refer to the NUSAC Executive unless otherwise stipulated. OBJECTIVES 3. The objectives of the Students' Association shall be: (a) to represent the Students' Association and its members in all matters affecting its interests, now and in the future; (b) to promote the social and intellectual life of the Students' Association and its members; (c) to promote the interests of the Students' Association and the University; (d) to represent, protect and enhance the genera wellbeing of its Members; (e) to afford recognised means of communication between the Students' Association, its members and the University of Newcastle; (f) not to directly or indirectly support or condemn any political or religious creed or organisation excepting insofar as shall be necessary to achieve the objectives of the Students' Association; THE COUNCIL 4. The Newcastle University Students' Association's Council or NUSAC is the committee which is to manage the affairs of the Students' Association for the purpose of Division 1 of Part 4 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW). 5. NUSAC shall consist of: (1) Voting Members (a) Executive of the Students' Association – the President, Vice President, Clubs & Societies Officer, Education Officer, Welfare Officer and Media Officer shall be the Executive of the Students' Association; (b) The NUSAC Committee Conveners – Activities, Equity, Womens, Environment, Indigenous Students, International Students, PartTime Students, Transport, Queer and Postgraduate Students; (c) A number of Faculty Representatives determined according to the Schedule of the Constitution; (d) Specific Group Representatives (i) Student Residences Representative – one representative to be elected from and by the members of all on campus student residences and any annex thereof; (ii) Other Campus Representatives – one representative to be elected from and by the students of each Campus of the University, other than Callaghan; (iii) First Year Representatives – three first year representatives to be elected from and by First Year Students (as defined in the Rules and Regulations) of the Students' Association. (2) Official Members – (Non Voting) (a) The Returning Officer; (b) Immediate Part President; (c) the Student Member on University Council; (d) Any one other University Council Representative as the University Council may see fit to

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I'm calling this a 'constitutional reference' because it's not the 'authorised' version of the constitution, which is physically signed and then scanned back to .PDF and hence isn't searchable (which is really bloody useful). This is a copy of the text *typed* up by the 2013 NUSA president. Since it's typed, it's likely to contain typographical errors.


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The Students' Association

1. The Newcastle University Students' Association (hereinafter termed either N.U.S.A or Students' Association) shall consist of the whole number of students who are duly enrolled in the University of Newcastle as students proceeding to a formal award and who pay the Annual Fee for Membership of the Students' Association.

2. The governing body of the Students' Association shall be the Newcastle University Students' Association's Council of the University of Newcastle (hereinafter termed NUSAC), and the name “Executive” shall refer to the NUSAC Executive unless otherwise stipulated.


3. The objectives of the Students' Association shall be: (a) to represent the Students' Association and its members in all matters affecting its interests, now and in the future; (b) to promote the social and intellectual life of the Students' Association and its members; (c) to promote the interests of the Students' Association and the University; (d) to represent, protect and enhance the genera well­being of its Members; (e) to afford recognised means of communication between the Students' Association, its members and the University of Newcastle; (f) not to directly or indirectly support or condemn any political or religious creed or organisation excepting insofar as shall be necessary to achieve the objectives of the Students' Association; THE COUNCIL

4. The Newcastle University Students' Association's Council or NUSAC is the committee which is to manage the affairs of the Students' Association for the purpose of Division 1 of Part 4 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW).

5. NUSAC shall consist of: (1) Voting Members (a) Executive of the Students' Association – the President, Vice President, Clubs & Societies Officer, Education Officer, Welfare Officer and Media Officer shall be the Executive of the Students' Association; (b) The NUSAC Committee Conveners – Activities, Equity, Womens, Environment, Indigenous Students, International Students, Part­Time Students, Transport, Queer and Postgraduate Students; (c) A number of Faculty Representatives determined according to the Schedule of the Constitution; (d) Specific Group Representatives (i) Student Residences Representative – one representative to be elected from and by the members of all on campus student residences and any annex thereof; (ii) Other Campus Representatives – one representative to be elected from and by the students of each Campus of the University, other than Callaghan; (iii) First Year Representatives – three first year representatives to be elected from and by First Year Students (as defined in the Rules and Regulations) of the Students' Association.

(2) Official Members – (Non Voting) (a) The Returning Officer; (b) Immediate Part President; (c) the Student Member on University Council; (d) Any one other University Council Representative as the University Council may see fit to

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appoint; (e) The Director of Student Publications (DSP) who shall be elected by the NUSAC from the elected voting embers of NUSAC; (f) All six members of International Student Executive; (g) Such other persons as NUSAC may determine. TERM OF OFFICE

6. The elected members of NUSAC shall hold office from 1st January, following their Election, till 31st December of the same year (with the exception of the First Year Representatives whose term shall commence at the first NUSAC Meeting after their election and finish at the end of the second week in April the following year) or until their position is vacated whereupon a by­election will be held for a replacement.

7. Despite any other provisions of the Constitution, the provisions of the 2011 Supplement to the Constitution have effect.

PRESIDENT who shall be elected by the Students' Association

8. The President shall be paid such remuneration during her/his term of office as may be determined by the Annual General Meeting of the Students' Association held immediately before the commencement of the their term of office, which remuneration shall not be changed during their term of office, excepting CPI adjustments and wage case decisions.

9. The President shall: (i) be an ex­offico member of all committees established by the Students' Association; (ii) report to the Executive and NUSAC; and (iii) perform such other duties as NUSAC may determine. VICE PRESIDENT who shall be be elected by NUSAC from the elected Voting Members of NUSAC

10. NUSAC shall choose by secret ballot from its voting members a Vice President. 11.NUSAC shall fill any vacancies in the position of Vice President and may from the position

of Vice President, by a majority of vote, any voting Member holding such office. 12. The Vice President shall:

(i) in the absence of the President, exercise the powers and carry out the functions of President; and (ii) perform such other duties as NUSAC determine. GENERAL SECRETARY

13. The position of General Secretary has been replaced by that of the Public Officer – see Clauses 64 to 67:

EDUCATION OFFICER who shall be elected by the Students' Association

14. The Education Officer shall: (i) be responsible for the convening and chairing a Standing Committee within their portfolio to be known as The Education Collective, in accordance with al the provisions of the Constitution and Rules & Regulations of N.U.S.A.; (ii) be responsible for implementing policy on issues affecting education; (iii) be responsible for education research; (iv) perform other such duties as NUSAC may determine. WELFARE OFFICER who shall be elected by the Students' Association

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15. The Welfare Officer shall:

(i) be responsible for the convening and chairing a Standing Committee within their portfolio to be known as The Welfare Collective, in accordance with al the provisions of the Constitution and Rules & Regulations of N.U.S.A.; (ii) be responsible for implementing policy on issues affecting student welfare; (iii) be responsible for welfare research; (iv) perform other such duties as NUSAC may determine. MEDIA OFFICER who shall be elected by the Students' Association

16. The Media Officer shall be paid such remuneration during their terms of office as may be determined by the Annual General Meeting of the Students' Association held immediately before the commencement of their term of office, which remuneration shall not be changed during their term, excepting CPI adjustments and wage case decisions.

17. The Media Officer shall: (i) produce the Students' Association newspaper, called OPUS; (ii) the number of standard OPUS shall be determined by NUSAC providing at least eight (8) publications o OPUS shall be produced each year; (iii) ensure that the actions and services of NUSAC are published and made known to students. (iv) The Media Officer has complete editorial autonomy subject to censorship, by the Director of Student Publication (D.S.P) (v) The Media Officer is also responsible for any additional publications of the Students' Association as directed by NUSAC. (vi) The Media Officer is responsible for employment of staff and contributors to produce OPUS within the budgeting guidelines determined by NUSAC. CLUBS & SOCIETIES OFFICER who shall be elected by NUSAC from the elected voting members of NUSAC

18. (i) NUSAC shall, at its first meeting of the year and immediately after choosing a Vice President, choose by secret ballot from its voting Members a Clubs & Societies Officer.

(ii) NUSAC shall fill any vacancies in the position of Clubs & Societies Officer and may remove from the position of Clubs & Societies Officer any Member holding such office.

19. The Clubs & Societies Officer shall: (i) liaise with Affiliated Clubs & Societies on all Campuses of the University of Newcastle; (ii) convene a Clubs & Societies General Meeting in Second Semester; (iii) be bound by the Clubs & Societies Rules & Regulations of N.U.S.A.; (iv) perform such duties as NUSAC may determine. RETURNING OFFICER

20.NUSAC shall, at its first meeting, fill the position of Returning Officer who shall either be the Administrator or their nominee.

21. The Returning Officer shall: (i) conduct al elections for the Students' Association; (ii) conduct all elections at NUSAC Meetings EXECUTIVE

22. The Executive of NUSAC shall consist of the President, Vice President, Education Officer, Welfare Officer, Clubs & Societies Officer and Media Officer.

23. In the event of a casual vacancy in the Executive except for the position of Vice President,

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Clubs & Societies Officer, and upon resolution of NUSAC, a Returning Officer appointed by NUSAC shall proceed to conduct a by­election for these positions in accordance with the rules governing elections and Clause 31 of this Constitution.

24. The Executive shall be responsible for the implementation of NUSAC resolutions and the conduct of the Students' Association’s affairs between NUSAC meetings.

25.At any meeting of the Executive: (i) one half of the members of the Executive shall form a quorum provided that, should such half not be a whole number, the quorum shall be the next highest whole number; (ii) the President or in the President's absence the Vice President shall preside as Chair provided, however, that if the President and Vice President are both absent another Member of the Executive present shall preside. (iii) All members present shall have a vote and in the case of a tied vote the Chair shall declare the motion lost. COMMITTEE CONVENORS

28.All Committee Convenor shall be responsible for convening a standing committee within their portfolio which shall operate pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Students' Association and as far as possible shall meet at least once before each full meeting of NUSAC.


29. The Students' Association shall, commencing in the months of September an October each year, elect by secret ballot from among its own membership all Voting Members of NUSAC, PROVIDED THAT the election of the Executive (with the exception of the Vice­President and Clubs & Societies Officer who are elected internally by the Voting Members) shall precede by one week that of Faculty Representatives, Committee Convenor and Specific Group Representatives (with the exception of First Year Representatives who shall be elected in April of the following year). All elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Constitution and the Rules and Regulations adopted by NUSA.

30.Any member defeated in any election shall be entitled to stand in subsequent elections which they are eligible in accordance with Clause 6 of the Constitution.

31.Where the position of a voting member becomes vacant before the expiration of the Member's term of office, a by­election shall be held to fill that position within two weeks of the vacancy being acknowledged by a meeting of NUSAC. If there is insufficient time for the by­election to be conducted before the end of semester, the by­election shall be conducted as early as possible in the succeeding semester. The person elected shall hold office fr the remainder of the predecessor’s term of office

32.NUSAC may proceed to the dispatch of business notwithstanding: (i) the failure of an Electoral Group as defined in Clause 41(ii) of this Constitution to provide for its representatives on NUSAC; (ii) the failure of the Students' Association to provide for the full number of Executive Members allowed under Clause 51(1)(a); or (iii) any other vacancy on NUSAC. NUSAC MEETINGS

33. The first meeting of NUSAC in any year shall be within a period of fourteen (14) days before the beginning of Semester 1.

34. (i) The NUSAC shall meet at least once a month during each University Semester and at other times as may be determined by the NUSAC from time to time, provided however, that any voting Member of NUSAC may summon an emergency meeting to deal with any matter

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deemed to be urgent. (ii) All NUSAC meeting must be properly advertised. Meetings will be deemed to be properly advertised when written notice has been sent to all members of NUSAC. (iii) The Executive shall meet n behalf of NUSAC during the Christmas vacation. An emergency NUSAC Meeting may be called at any time during thus period in accordance with Clause 35(iii(. (iv) Any decision made by the Executive during this time MUST be reported at the next meeting of NUSAC. (v) If a properly advertised NUSAC Meeting fails to gain quorum, then the Executive can proceed without NUSAC ratification PROVIDED THAT the action is constitutional and is ratified at the next quorate NUSAC Meeting.

35. The Public Officer shall give the following notice NUSAC meetings: (i) for every meeting during a semester, not less that five (5) clear days; (ii) for every meeting during vacation, not less than ten (10) clear days; (iii) for an urgent meeting, such notice as NUSAC may by resolution determine PROVIDED THAT such notice shall be not less than twenty four (24) hours/

36.A quorum at any meeting of the NUSAC shall be one half the number of voting members of NUSAC eligible to be present provided that, should such half not be a whole number, the quorum shall be the next highest whole number.

37.Any member of the Students' Association may move a motion to be presented at NUSAC meetings. The motion is to be seconded by a member of NUSAC at that meeting and debated and voted upon according to the NUSA Rules and Regulations. If it is not seconded by a member of NUSAC, the motion will lapse. Decisions will be based on a simple majority of voting members present.

38.At every meeting of NUSAC the first business of the meeting shall be to select from its voting member by a show of hands a Chair to preside over the remainder of the meeting. The President, Vice President or in their absence any Executive Member shall preside as Chair until the Chair proper is elected from the meeting. The Chair may move, second and vote on motions but must leave the Chair to speak on motions. In the event of a tied vote the chair must declare the motion lost.

39. (i) If any voting member of NUSAC is absent from three consecutive meetings of NUSAC without leave of NUSAC or dies or otherwise becomes incapable of carrying out duties, or tenders a resignation in writing, or ceases to be an enrolled student of the University, then that position of NUSAC shall become vacant and the position hall be filled in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

(ii) If three consecutive apologies have been received, a special leave of absence in writing must be sought for further apologies.

40.No member of NUSAC shall be an employee of NUSA except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, provided that employment by NUSAC under the rues governing student labour shall not make a student ineligible from membership of NUSAC.

REPRESENTATION 41. For the purpose of this Constitution:

(i) A “Faculty” shall mean a Faculty recognised as such by the University Council; (ii) An “Electoral Group” shall be defined as the total number of students enrolled in courses governed by Faculties within a Faculty, who are member of the Students' Association in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1 of this Constitution; (iii) A “Faculty Representative” shall mean a member of the Students' Association elected to NUSAC from and by an Electoral Group. (iv) “Committee Convener” shall refer to Activities, Equity, Women's, Environment, Indigenous Students, International Students, Part­Time Students, Transport, Queer, and Postgraduate Students Committee Conveners only as elected to NUSAC by the members of the Students' Association;

42. For the purpose of calculating the number of enrolments in each group, actual enrolments at

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the Commonwealth University Census date in each and every year shall alone to be taken into consideration, and the numbers so determined shall remain unchanged until the next determination is made in the following year.


43. Subject to this Constitution NUSAC shall have authority to do all things incidental and conductive to the attainment of any of the objectives of NUSAC and in particular without limiting in any way the generality of his Clause NUSAC shall have the authority:

(a) summon and conduct a General Meeting of the Students' Association's (b) make representation to the University on behalf of the Students' Association, its members or any affiliated body of NUSAC; (c) create and abolish various standing, or special committees and sub­committees to deal in specific areas providing always that they are convened by a member of the executive and providing also that they are subject to NUSAC ratification and approval; (d) delegate to any standing or special committee of NUSAC any matter for investigation and report; (e) appoint, remove and prescribe the duties of Non­Voting members pursuant to Clause 5(2)(f); (f) open a banking account or accounts and operate thereon, subject to he provisions of Clause 54; (g) purchase, lease, contract, or otherwise deal with property real or personal, and to maintain, furnish, alter, enlarge, repair, uphold or dispose of the same for the use and benefit of the Students' Association either gratuitously or for payment PROVIDED THAT NUSAC shall not deal with any real property save with approval of the University Council first obtained and upon such terms and condition as the University Council may determine in consultation with NUSAC; (i) invest monies in any authorised trustee investments and to vary and realise such investments; (j) make loans to students, affiliated Clubs & Societies, and employees on such terms and conditions as NUSAC may approve; (k) raise funds by public appeal or by such other means as NUSAC may determine and to accept any property, whether real or personal or any interest in the same by way of gift, bequest or otherwise, subject always to the approval of the University Council first obtained and upon such terms and conditions as the University Council may determine in consultation with NUSAC, and to use the same or any monies accruing thereto for any of the objects of the Students' Association; (l) borrow money and give security over any property or funds of the Students' Association, with the approval of University Council; (m) produce or authorise the production of any magazine, newspaper or other printed matter or media format on behalf of NUSAC and to provide this service either gratuitously or for payment; (n) co­operate and affiliate with any body having similar objective and to provide financial assistance to affiliated organisations providing that affiliation with any body external to the University shall have been approved by a simple majority of the membership present and voting at a General Meeting; (o) make, amend and repeal By­Laws not inconsistent with the Constitution; (p) submit at its discretion to a Referendum of Members of the Students' Association any proposal relevant to the objects of the Association; (q) set up or become a participating employer in a superannuation fund for the benefit of NUSA's employees; (r) make grants to finance the activities of NUSAC committees, subcommittees and publications; (s) make donations providing it is not inconsistent with the objects of this Constitution; (t) keep a Statement of Policies and By­Laws of the Students' Association and to amend these policies as the need arises, to be known as NUSA By­Laws; (u) secure good order at any function held under the auspices of NUSAC; (v) run any other such activities as the University Council may approve.

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44.NUSAC shall be accountable to the Students' Association and the University Council in all its actions, and shall be bound by resolutions passed at a General Meeting of the Students' Association.

(i) At a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, a simple majority can pass a censure motion against NUSAC, the NUSAC Executive or any individual Member or Members of NUSAC. (ii) Censure of NUSAC Members may be initiated by either NUSA or by a Special General Meeting or by NUSAC itself with regard to breaches by the Member of this Constitution or the Rules & Regulations, abuse of office, general negligence, failure to implement resolutions passed by a referendum or general meeting, failure to follow NUSAC motions' directives, or any other action which these bodies or persons have taken in the name of the Students' Association or in the capacities as the Students' Association officials. (iii) In order to dismiss members of NUSAC, a second general meeting must be called for not less than two (2) weeks after the first after the first. This meeting may censure or remove from office by simple majority of the Members present any or all Members of NUSAC that were censured at the first meeting, with the provision that no person may be so removed without having ten (10) days notice by mail of the meeting and that person's possible dismissal. (iv) Any person dismissed as described in Clause 44(iii) above cannot stand for any position until the next General Election. This condition holds in the event of a dismissal of the whole NUSAC in which case a general election will be held within a fortnight of the dismissal. The dismissed NUSAC shall hold office until the first meeting of the new NUSAC or NUSAC Executive (whichever comes first), and provided that all decisions f the dismissed NUSAC will be subject to ratification by the new NUSAC Members. MEMBERSHIP FEES

45. (i) The Annual Fee for Membership of the Students' Association shall be determined by the University council after report and recommendation by NUSAC through the University Secretary at or before a date to be fixed by the University Secretary.

(ii) Such annual fee shall be proportionately refunded to a student who after paying such feed has: (a) been awarded scholarship which covers the cost of the student's fee provided that such feed are paid by the scholarship prior to the refund; or (b) withdrawn from the course by the dates determined by the University, providing that a written application has been made to the Academic Registrar by the student concerned for a refund. (iii) For the avoidance of doubt, if, in respect of any year commencing 1 January, there is no report or recommendation by NUSAC or no determination by the University council, there shall be no Annual Fee for Membership of the Students Association in respect of that year. GENERAL MEETING OF THE STUDENTS' ASSOICATION

46.Meeting of the Students' Association shall be either Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings.

47. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Students' Association shall be summoned in the month of March or each year when NUSAC shall submit a report of its proceedings and an audited Statement of the Financial Accounts and the Balance Sheet for the past financial year.

48. Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Students' Association shall be summoned: (i) at the discretion of the majority of the Executive; or (ii) under the discretion of NUSAC; or (iii) within twenty­eight (28) days of the receipt of a requisition by the General Secretary, signed by at least fifty (50) Members and specifying the purpose which the meeting is requisitioned.

49. The Public Officer shale ensure that at least seven (7) days notice shall be given for any

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General Meeting or adjourned General Meeting which notice shall be displayed for the full seven (7) days.

50.At every Genera Meeting including a Special General Meeting, a quorum shall consist of one hundred (100) members. If, at any such meeting, quorum not be present within half an hour f the tie appointed fr holding the Meeting, the Meeting shall stand adjourned for a minimum of seven (7) days.

51. (I) If the President is absent, the Vice President shall that the President's place with exactly the same rights and responsibilities with respect as the Chair as the President has.

(ii) If the President and Vice President are absent then a Member of the Executive shall conduct an election for a Chairperson from the NUSAC Members present.

52. (i) Subject to this Constitution all questions submitted to a General Meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of the eligible voters present and voting. Each member present may cast one vote.

(ii) The Chairperson shall have the right to vote ad where there is equality of votes the Chair shall declare the motion lost.

53.Honorary Life Membership, upon recommendation of the NUSAC, may be conferred by the resolution f two thirds of those Members present and voting at a General Meeting of the Students' Association.


54.NUSAC shall have a current working account with a recognised Savings Bank which shall be called “The University of Newcastle Students' Association Account” with a minimum of two (2) Members of the Executive authorised to operate the account. There shall be paid to the credit of this Account:

(i) all monies received by the Students' Association as Membership fees; (ii) all other monies received by NUSAC. All disbursements of NUSAC shall be in the form of cheques which shall be drawn by any two (2) Members of the Executive, provided that payments up to $50.00 may be made out of petty cash.

55.No account of NUSAC shall be paid unless it has been approved for payment by the Executive and ratified by NUSAC and full details of every approval so given shall be entered in the Minute Books of the Students' Association.

56.NUSAC shall cause to be kept proper books of Account dealing with the finances ad property of the Students' Association and shall present to the Students' Association at each Annual General Meeting an audited Statement of Financial Accounts including a Profit/Loss Statement and Balance Sheet for the past financial year.

57. The Financial Year of NUSAC shall end on the last day of December. 58.At the Annual General Meeting an Auditor shall be appointed who shall be a registered

Accountant and shall hold office until the appointment of their successor. The Auditor shall be eligible for reappointment.

59. (i) The Auditor of NUSAC shall from time to time inspect and audit the books of NUSAC and shall audit the Annual Statement of Receipts and Payments and Balance Sheet and for these purpose, shall have access to all the books and financial records.

(ii) A copy of the audited accounts of NUSAC shall be submitted to the University Council within twenty one (21) days of receipt from the Auditor.

60.All Clubs & Societies receiving funds from NUSAC shall provide a financial account of the disbursement of such funds for inclusion in NUSAC's financial records

61. The Public Office shall have full access to NUSAC's financial records. 62.N donation to unaffiliated organisations or persons in excess of $200.00 shall be paid out

unless it has been ratified by the Students' Association at a General Meeting. ALTERATION TO CONSTITUTION

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63. The Constitution may only be altered;

(i) pursuant to a special resolution (as defined in the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW)) passed by the Students' Association; and (ii) if the alterations are approved by the University Council before or after the passage of the special resolution. PUBLIC OFFICER

64. There must be, at all times, a Public Office of the Students' Association appointed by NUSAC on conditions determined by NUSAC. NUSAC may also appoint one or more persons as acting or interim Public Officer(s):

(i) to undertake such functions, powers and obligations of the Public Officer under this Constitution as determined by NUSAC, during any period of that the office Public Officer is vacant or the Public Officer is unable or unwilling to act, for such period or periods or indefinitely as determined by NUSAC (but subject to any further determination by NUSAC); and (ii) if specifically authorised by NUSAC to do so (which authorisation may only be given to one person during a period when the Public Officer has been suspended), to undertake the functions, powers and obligations of the Public Officer as public officer for the purposes of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW), for the period of suspension of the Public Officer.

65.NUSAC may, subject to the terms of a Public Officer's employment contract (if any), suspend, remove or dismiss the Public Officer or any acting or interim Public Officer(s). If the Public Officer is suspended, removed or dismissed, the Public Officer's office as pubic officer for the purposes of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) is automatically vacated. The officer of any interim Public Officer appointed under Clause 64(ii), as public officer for the purposes of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW), is automatically vacated (and such officer of the Public Officer is reinstated) if the Public Officer is reinstated at the conclusion of the relevant suspension.

66. For the purposes of this Constitution (other than Clauses 64 and 65) any reference to the Public Officer includes a reference to:

(i) any acting or interim Public Officer; or (ii) any two members of the Executive acting jointly as Public Officer. This Clause does not apply to the function power and obligations of the Public Officer under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW). Where a person referred to in Clauses 66(i) or 66(ii) (Substitute Public Officer) exercises functions or powers of the Public Officer, the Substitute Public Officer must person the related obligations of the Public Officer.

67. Subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), the Public Officer shall:

(i) be responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings f the Students' Association, NUSAC and the Executive; (ii) give notice of meetings and motions pursuant to this Constitution and any regulation made thereunder; (iii) attend to all correspondence of the Students' Association as directed by NUSAC and report on such correspondence to each meeting of NUSAC; (iv) keep or cause to be kept proper books of account in relation to the property and funds of the Students' Association pursuant to this Constitution and any regulation made thereunder; (v) receive or cause to be received al fees and other monies payable to the Students' Association by the University or other persons and bodies, and forthwith deposit the same with the Students' Association bank; (vi) present to each meeting of NUSAC a statement of receipts and payments since the date of the previous meeting;

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(vii) the Public Officer shall prepare and present to the Annual general Meeting of N.U.S.A., the budget for the ensuing year. (viii) the Public Officer shall present to the Annual General Meeting, the audited accounts of N.U.S.A (ix) the Public Officer shall present to the first meeting of NUSAC the proposed budget for the current financial year; (x) perform such other duties as NUSAC may determine. ADMINISTRATOR, FINANCE OFFICER AND STUDENT SERVICES MANAGER

68. There must be, at all times, an Administrator of the Students' Association appointed by NUSAC on conditions determined by NUSAC. The Administrator and the Pubic Officer may be the same person.

69.NUSAC may, subject to the terms of the Administrator's employment contract (if any), suspend, remove or dismiss the Administrator.

70.NUSAC may, from time to time, appoint: (i) a Finance Officer; and/or (ii) a Student Services Manager of the Students' Association on conditions determined by NUSAC.

71.NUSAC may, subject to the terms of the Finance Officer's or Student Services Manager's employment contract (if any), suspend, remove or dismiss the Finance Officer or Student Services Manager.


72. For the adoption of this constitution to be effective, the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 requires that the Constitution address each of the matters referred to in Schedule 1 of that Act. To satisfy this requirement, the provisions of the Adopted Provisions Of The Model Constitution, forming part of this Constitution, have effect.

73. If any other provision of this Constitution is inconsistent with any provision of the Adopted Provisions Of The Model Constitution, the other provision has effect to the exclusion of the relevant provision f the Adopted Provisions Of The Model Constitution.


1. Each Faculty shall be allotted at least one Representative. 2. The number of Representatives in each Faculty shall be calculated using the table:

EFTSU = 1 to 999 1 Representative; EFTSU = 1000 to 1999 2 Representatives; EFTSU = 2000 to 2999 3 Representatives; And every thousand EFTSU after that entitles an increase in representation by one. There will be no more than one Faculty Representative elected from any one School within a Faculty, except in the case where the number of Representatives a Faculty is entitled to exceeds the number of Schools with that Faculty.

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1.1.1 shall belong to and form part of the Executive as defined in the Constitution;

1.1.2 shall include rights and duties as defined under Clauses 8 and 9 of the Constitution and will be elected under the Rules and General Provisions of the Constitution;

1.1.3 shall be the official spokesperson of The Newcastle University Students' Association


1.1.4 shall generally supervise the work of the members of the NUSAC and the Administrator;

1.1.5 shall deliver an Executive Report at NUSAC Meetings;

1.1.6 shall write all correspondence of NUSAC unless otherwise directed by NUSAC or

NUSAC's appropriate Committee/s;

1.1.7 shall be the NUSAC representative on all University Council Committees unless otherwise directed by the NUSAC;

1.1.8 shall have power in matters of extreme urgency to act on behalf of NUSAC provided

always that such act is in accordance with NUSAC policy and shall not be binding on the NUSAC unless ratified by the NUSAC at the meeting immediately following any such act;

1.1.9 shall be entitled to reimbursement of telephone costs incurred by them outside the

NUSA Office providing a record of calls is maintained similar to that employed in the NUSA Office and upon acceptance of such record by the NUSAC;

1.1.10 shall work in the office at least twenty hours a week, ten (10) of which shall be for

interviews with students and shall include provision for night interviews for part­time students, these interviews to be arranged by appointment with the Administrator;

1.1.11 in matters outside their expertise including, but not limited to, items of a contractual

nature such as employment contracts, lease agreements, general contracts, engagement of legal, professional and general consultants and contractors, shall refer the matter to the NUSAC meeting and upon proper deliberation with NUSAC refer

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the matter to NUSA's Auditors and/or Honorary Solicitor for their advice as to which course of action is appropriate;

1.1.12 shall, in conjunction with the Administrator, Public Officer and Student Services

Manager and Finance Officer, be the only signatories of all sales tax exemptions negotiated by the Students' Association;

1.1.13 shall together with either the Vice­President, Public Officer, Administrator or

Finance Officer sign and authorise all purchase orders over $1 000.00 issued by the NUSA;

1.1.14 shall assume the position, duties and responsibilities of a member of NUSAC when

that position is vacated, but not their vote, between the time the position is vacated until a new person is elected providing that all decisions will be required to be ratified at the next NUSAC meeting;

1.1.15 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio.

1.2 Vice­President:

1.2.1 shall belong to and form part of the Executive as defined in the Constitution;

1.2.2 shall include rights and duties as defined under Clause 10 to 12 inclusive of the Constitution and be appointed under the Rules and General Provisions of the Constitution;

1.2.3 shall submit a quarterly report to NUSAC on the activities of all the Executive and

shall be required to move that NUSAC declare vacant any post where The Executive have not discharged their duties in accordance with the relevant clauses in the Constitution and these Rules and Regulations or adhered to properly constituted NUSAC motions and directives;

1.2.4 shall assist the President in the execution of their duties;

1.2.5 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio.

1.3 General Secretary:

1.3.1 The position of General Secretary has been replaced by that of the Public Officer – see clauses 64 to 67 and SECTION 8;

1.4 Clubs and Societies Officer (CSO):

1.4.1 shall be elected by NUSAC, be a voting member of NUSAC and belong to and form part of the NUSAC Executive as defined in the Constitution;

1.4.2 shall prepare a budget for the year for the Public Officer for budgeting purposes

fourteen (14) days prior to the NUSAC budget sitting;

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1.4.3 shall table at each NUSAC Meeting a written report in respect of activities pertaining to their portfolio;

1.4.4 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

1.4.5 shall perform any other duties as NUSAC may from time to time direct;

1.4.6 shall generally oversee, along with the Public Officer, the Clubs and Societies financial submissions and loan requests, check their accuracy and legitimacy prior to payment and regularly report to Finance and NUSAC Meetings.

1.5 Education Officer:

1.5.1 shall be elected by NUSA, be a voting member of NUSAC and belong to and form part of the NUSAC Executive as defined in the Constitution;

1.5.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing a standing committee within their

portfolio to be known as the Education Collective in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and Rules and Regulations;

1.5.3 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on issues affecting education;

1.5.4 shall table a written report of policy, Activities, Plans of the Education Collective to

each meeting of NUSAC and prepare articles for publication in Opus;

1.5.5 shall be responsible for all Austudy enquiries;

1.5.6 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

1.5.7 shall perform any other duties that NUSAC may from time to time direct. 1.6 Welfare Officer:

1.6.1 shall be elected by NUSA, be a voting member of NUSAC and belong to and form part of the NUSAC Executive as defined in the constitution;

1.6.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing a standing committee within their portfolio to be known as the Welfare Collective in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and Rules and Regulations;

1.6.3 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on issues affecting student welfare;

1.6.4 shall liaise with welfare providing university and community groups and lobby and run campaigns regarding disability issues, safety on campus, student accommodation, affordable childcare and other welfare issues as determined by the Welfare Collective;

1.6.5 shall lobby Government and run campaigns highlighting the need for students to be provided with a liveable income;

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1.6.6 shall table a written report of policy, activities, plans of the Welfare Collective to each meeting of NUSAC and prepare articles for publication in OPUS;

1.6.7 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

1.6.8 shall perform any other duties that NUSAC may from time to time direct.

1.6 Media Officer:

1.7.1 shall belong to and form part of the Executive as defined in the Constitution;

1.7.2 shall include rights and duties as defined under Clauses 16 to 17 inclusive of the Constitution and shall be elected under the Rules and General Provisions of the Constitution;

1.7.3 shall edit OPUS and an Orientation Handbook as the primary duty and further,

assume editorial responsibility for all other student publications with power to co­opt editorial assistance on any publication but subject always to the Director of Student Publications (DSP) for censorship veto;

1.7.4 shall produce at least eight editions of OPUS, at a standard acceptable to NUSAC, at

regular intervals;

1.7.5 shall ensure that arrangements and provisions are made for the reporting of all NUSAC meetings and general meetings of NUSA;

1.7.6 shall produce any notice, material or editorial which is required by and directed by

NUSA to be published in OPUS or other in­house produced publication;

1.7.7 shall submit a report on the state of progress and activities of OPUS to NUSAC meetings when directed by NUSAC;

1.7.8 shall co­operate with the DSP at all times, to whom the Media Officer is always

immediately responsible and always subject to DSP supervision, direction, control and censorship veto;

1.7.9 shall enlist any paid or unpaid assistance from NUSA Members or be entitled to

request for staff to assist in their duties, subject to NUSAC approval and the provisions of Section 9.8 of these Rules and Regulations;

1.7.10 shall investigate, promote and supervise any other types of print media activity that

may be useful to NUSA;

1.7.11 shall maintain as high a level of local produced content in each edition as possible and to this end, they shall be entrusted with the provision of payments for contributors, the rates of which shall be set by NUSAC in its first meeting for the year and published by them in the first OPUS publication following this meeting;

1.7.12 shall, within one month of their election, provide NUSAC with a list of proposed

publication dates for the ensuing year, the dates of which are to be spread throughout

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the semester periods in the University year, to be approved at the first NUSAC meeting, and published by the Media Officer in the first OPUS publication following this meeting;

1.7.13 shall, together with the DSP, provide NUSAC with advertising rates for advertisers

for the ensuing year which shall be subject to NUSAC approval at its next meeting;

1.7.14 shall ensure that material to be published is presented to the DSP for approval prior to the publication date;

1.7.15 shall, if approved by the DSP, put in an official order with layout to the printer;

1.7.16 shall assist the Public Officer in the drafting of the Media budget and ensure that

compliance with the Students' Association's budget is achieved;

1.7.17 shall, within seven (7) working days of distribution of each issue of a general student publication, record in an advertising register all advertising in that issue and arrange for invoicing the advertiser, together with the assistance of the Administrator, providing always that such duties are listed within the Administrator's job description;

1.7.18 shall, as well as OPUS and an Orientation Handbook, produce special publications

as directed by NUSA for such purposes and at such times as it may see fit;

1.7.19 shall be responsible for mailing of exchange copies of all publications of NUSA and for receipt and filing of reciprocal copies of publications of other universities;

1.7.20 shall, as an editor of general student and special student publications as defined in

Section 9.7 of these Rules and Regulations, be directly responsible to NUSAC;

1.7.21 shall be empowered to appoint or dismiss their own student labour or recommend to NUSAC the creation of such positions as they deem necessary for the efficiency and production of NUSA's publications on conditions subject to these Rules and Regulations;

1.7.22 in the capacity of editor of a publication of NUSA for which the net production costs

exceed the amount of the grant bestowed for this purpose or the revenue generated through advertising or the like, shall make an immediate report to NUSAC and shall not continue production until approval to continue has been granted by resolution of NUSAC and generally comply with Section 9.3 of these Rules and Regulations;

1.7.23 shall, in addition to their co­editors, make themselves conversant with these Rules

and Regulations;

1.7.24 shall, on no account, ever receive commission on advertising revenue from any student publication, and shall be paid in accordance with Clause 16 of the Constitution and/or an NUSAC approved expense allowance or bonus;

1.7.25 shall work twenty hours per week;

1.7.26 shall not print or cause to be printed a publication until approved by the DSP;

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1.7.27 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

1.7.28 shall perform any other duties that NUSAC may from time to time direct.

1.8 Meetings

1.7.1 Executive shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines herein described in these Rules and Regulations: comprise of all of the NUSA Executive as defined in the Constitution and decisions in line with NUSA policy and recommendations to NUSAC shall be made on the basis of simple majority at an Executive Meeting providing quorum is reached and subject to NUSAC ratification and approval; meet at least once prior to each NUSAC Meeting to consider, co­ordinate and recommend policies at the next sitting of NUSAC; ensure that all Members of the Executive are performing their respective duties and responsibilities as laid out in the Constitution and these Rules and Regulations; ensure that all NUSA directives, policies and motions are adhered to, that all the provisions of the Constitution and Rules and Regulations are complied with and cause remedial action where warranted, and that all items covered by Section 1.9.1 to 1.9.12 inclusive of these Rules and Regulations as well as all the provisions affecting any Members individually as contained in the Constitution and Rules and Regulations (ie. jointly and severally) are complied with; ensure any other duties that NUSAC may from time to time direct are carried out.

1.9 Executive, General Conditions:

1.9.1 shall have autonomy in the day to day running of their portfolio providing their actions are consistent with NUSA Policy;

1.9.2 in their actions, shall be subject to the scrutiny of the Executive collectively and

NUSAC collectively;

1.9.3 shall deliver a written report to each NUSAC meeting and such reports shall be provided to the Public Officer or nominee, one week prior to the scheduled meeting;

1.9.4 shall be available at least ten (10) hours per week in the NUSA Office;

1.9.5 shall maintain within the NUSA Office accurate files and records of their activities;

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1.9.6 shall, if subpoenaed by a Member of NUSA in writing and giving a minimum of seven (7) days notice, provide a written report to be circulated among Members of that meeting;

1.9.7 shall, as a group, represent a standing committee with the President (and in their

place, the Vice­President) chairing the meeting, or any other Member nominated by a majority of the NUSA Executive, in the event that the President or Vice­President cannot attend;

1.9.8 shall make recommendations to NUSAC and may in cases of extreme urgency act on

Policy, providing that any such act of the Executive shall be reported to the NUSAC meeting immediately following any such act;

1.9.9 shall execute NUSAC directives with regard to contracts, agreements or authorities

by ensuring that these documents are only signed by the President and one other Executive Member, providing always that items of a financial nature shall be signed by the Public Officer and the President;

1.9.10 shall list and make available to NUSAC a detailed schedule of their duties and


1.9.11 shall ensure that copies of all correspondence under the NUSA letterhead must bear the signature of the President or the Public Officer;

1.9.12 shall perform any other duties that NUSAC may from time to time direct.

1.9 International Student Department Executive, General Conditions:

1.10.1 shall consist of: the International Students Executive Officer (voting); the six elected International Student Executive members (voting); any other International Student who has registered with the International Students Executive Officer (ex­officio non­voting);

1.10.2 shall as a group represent a standing committee with the International Students

Executive Officer chairing the meeting, or in their absence any other member nominated by a majority of the International Student Executive;

1.10.3 shall make recommendations to NUSAC pertaining to their portfolio;

1.10.4 shall have financial autonomy on items once approved in the budget by NUSAC; in

consultation with the NUSA Administrator or their nominee; and in the event that there is a disagreement between the International Student Department Executive and the NUSA Administrator then the matter shall be resolved by NUSAC;

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1.10.5 shall list and make available to NUSAC a detailed schedule of their duties and responsibilities;

1.10.6 quorum for the International Student Executive shall be no less than five (5) voting

members of the International Student Executive;

1.10.7 shall meet at least once prior to each NUSAC and be minuted by the NUSA Committee Secretary;

1.10.8 shall include in their budget wages for the members of the International Student


1.10.9 shall perform any other duties that NUSAC may from time to time direct. 1.11 NUSAC, General Conditions

1.11.1 if a member of NUSAC vacates their position within ten (10) academic days before a vacation break or during a vacation break (thereby making it difficult to conduct a by­election) the President shall assume that members portfolio providing that all decisions are ratified at the next NUSAC meeting and that elections are held in accordance with the Constitution as soon as semester opens.


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2.1 Activities Convenor

2.1.1 Shall be elected by NUSA and be a voting member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

2.1.2 Shall assist NUSAC in developing activities as NUSAC may see fit;

2.1.3 Shall ensure that Activities of NUSA are properly advertised;

2.1.4 Shall liaise with the Union's Activities Coordinator;

2.1.5 Shall be responsible for the general organisation of O'Week, Autonomy Day and

other activities and shall be entitled to deputise assistants and employ student labour to assist in these functions providing that the provisions of Section 9.8 are adhered to;

2.1.6 Shall submit to a NUSAC Meeting their proposals and budgets at least one month

prior to the date of the event;

2.1.7 Shall (14) fourteen days prior to the NUSAC budget sitting, give to the Public Officer a plan of activities and budget for each activity for the year;

2.1.8 Shall table at each NUSAC Meeting a written report in respect of forthcoming

activities and completed activities;

2.1.9 Shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio. 2.2 Environment Convenor:

2.2.1 shall be elected by NUSA and be a voting member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

2.2.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Environment Collective within

their portfolio in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and its Rules and Regulations;

2.2.3 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on Environment Issues;

2.2.4 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

2.2.5 shall table at each meeting of NUSAC a report of Policy, Activities and Plans of the

Environment Collective and prepare articles for publication in each issue of Opus. 2.3 Equity Convenor:

2.3.1 shall be elected by NUSA and be a voting member of NUSAC as defined in the

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2.3.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Equity Collective within their portfolio in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and its Rules and Regulations;

2.3.3 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA Policy on issues affecting Women on

Campus and work towards highlighting problems peculiar to Women as well as highlight issues of Access and Equity and working to solving these problems;

2.3.4 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on part­time students’ rights and

conditions and advocating that adequate services are available to part­time students;

2.3.5 shall table written reports on issues affecting their portfolio and prepare articles for publication in Opus;

2.3.6 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

2.3.7 shall table a written report of policy, Activities and Plans of the Equity Collective to

each Meeting of NUSAC and prepare articles for publication in OPUS. 2.4 Indigenous Students Convenor :

2.4.1 shall be elected by Indigenous students of NUSA and be a voting Indigenous member of NUSA as defined in the Constitution;

2.4.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Indigenous Students Collective within their portfolio in accordance with all provisions of the constitution and its Rules and Regulations;

2.4.3 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on issues affecting Indigenous students on campus and work towards highlighting problems particular to Indigenous students as well as highlight issues of access and equity and working to solve these problems;

2.4.4 shall not receive monies for Opus contributions within their portfolio;

2.4.5 shall table a written report of policy, activities and plans for the Indigenous Students Collective to each meeting of NUSAC and prepare articles for publication in Opus;

2.5 International Students Executive Officer:

2.5.1 shall be an International Student;

2.5.2 shall be elected by NUSA and be a voting member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

2.5.3 shall be responsible for convening and chairing the International Students

Executive within their portfolio in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and its Rules and Regulations;

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2.5.4 shall ensure notice of each International Student Executive meeting is given to all members;

2.5.5 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on International Student Issues;

2.5.6 shall table at each meeting of NUSAC a report of policy, Activities and Plans of the

International Students Executive and prepare articles for publications in Opus;

2.5.7 shall liaise with Overseas Students Associations;

2.5.8 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

2.5.9 shall liaise with the International Students Department of the University of Newcastle.

2.6 Part­Tine Students Convenor:

2.6.1 shall be elected by NUSA and be a voting Member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

2.6.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Part­Time Students Collective

within their portfolio in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and its Rules and Regulations;

2.6.3 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on part­time Students' Rights and

Conditions and Advocating that adequate services are available to part­time students;

2.6.4 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

2.6.5 shall table at each Meeting of NUSAC a report of Policy, Activities and Plans of the Part­Time Students Collective and prepare articles for publication in OPUS.

2.7 Queer Convenor:

2.7.1 shall be elected by NUSA and be a voting Member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

2.7.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Queer Collective within their

portfolio in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and its Rules and Regulations;

2.7.3 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on queer issues;

2.7.4 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

2.7.5 shall table at each meeting of NUSAC a report of Policy, Activities and Plans of the

Queer Collective and prepare articles for publication in each issue of Opus. 2.8 Transport Convenor:

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2.8.1 shall be elected by NUSA and be a voting Member of NUSAC as defined in the


2.8.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Transport Collective within their portfolio in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and its Rules and Regulations;

2.8.3 shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA policy on Student Transport and Liase with

Transport Committees of the Universities and with Government Transport Authorities to obtain adequate Public Transport for students

2.8.4 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

2.8.5 shall table at each meeting of NUSAC a report of Policy, Activities and Plans of the

Transport Collective and prepare articles for publication in each issue of Opus. 2.9 Women's Convenor ­ who must be a woman

2.9.1 Shall be elected by NUSA and be a voting member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

2.9.2 shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Women's Collective within their

portfolio in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and its Rules and Regulations;

2.9.3 Shall be responsible for NUS and NUSA Policy on issues affecting Women on

Campus and work towards highlighting problems particular to Women as well as highlight issues of Access and Equity and working to solving these problems;

2.9.4 Shall table written reports on issues affecting their portfolio and prepare articles for

publication in OPUS;

2.9.5 Shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

2.9.6 Shall table a written report of policy, activities and plans of the Women's Collective to each meeting of NUSAC and prepare articles for publication in OPUS;


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3.1 Student Member on University Council:

3.1.1 shall be elected by NUSA, be a non­voting, ex­officio Member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

3.1.2 shall be responsible for liaison on matters of common interest between the

University Council and NUSAC;

3.1.3 shall make representations when required to the University Council on behalf of NUSA;

3.1.4 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

3.1.5 shall report to NUSAC on activities of the University Council.

3.2 The Director of Student Publications (DSP):

3.2.1 shall be elected by NUSAC, be a non­voting, ex­officio Member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

3.2.2 shall be solely responsible to NUSAC for all aspects of the publications of all

journals, magazines, handbooks, etc. and all other material including all publications mentioned in these Rules and Regulations, including but not limited to the official journal of NUSA which shall be titled "OPUS", and an Orientation Handbook;

3.2.3 shall make themselves conversant with all the Rules and Regulations pertaining to

student publications;

3.2.4 shall, on no account, ever receive commission on advertising revenue from any student publication but may receive normal payment for articles independently contributed to publications in accordance with general NUSAC contributor rates from time to time but shall not receive payment for editorials, columns, etc. contributed in their capacity of DSP or Editor/Co­editor;

3.2.5 shall be responsible for the management of all publications specified in Section 9.7

of these Rules and Regulations and under the editorship and control of the Media Officer, such management to include circulation, publicity, public relations, financial control and censorship;

3.2.6 shall be the official censor of all student publications;

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3.2.7 shall, in the event of a dispute between any Editor and the DSP concerning censorship, have the final decision providing that the Editor may appeal as specified in 3.2.17 of these Rules and Regulations;

3.2.8 shall approve the final content of each issue of a publication and approve the copy

prior to production;

3.2.9 shall: supervise generally the production of all general student publications and provide NUSA with rates for advertising; prepare, in conjunction with the Media Officer, Finance Officer and Public Officer, a properly drawn up budget of Income and Expenditure for their term of office, such budget to be the basis of a grant by NUSA general funds to student publications, and such budget to be prepared immediately after being elected and fourteen (14) days before the budget sitting of NUSAC;

3.2.10 shall, in conjunction with the Media Officer, Public Officer and Finance Officer,

prepare a properly drawn up statement of income and Expenditure for a period as directed by NUSAC from time to time;

3.2.11 shall be responsible to the Students' Association for all budgetary control of general

student publications;

3.2.12 shall, within their duties of censorship, peruse all initial draft copies intended for publication by NUSA prior to the Editor ordering proof copies from the printer, delete any material in the form of print, photograph or illustration or any other material intended for publication which they deem unsuitable for publication in accordance with the Rules specified in 3.2.14 and ensure that Section 3.2.15 of these Rules and Regulations is complied with;

3.2.13 shall delete material if they deem it: libellous, seditious or obscene; subject to the National Security Regulations or Defence Provisions of the Commonwealth;

3.2.14 shall ensure, together with the Editor/s that they abide by laws relating to libel,

defamation, copyright, contempt of Court (to the extent that this relates to discussion of matters of sub­judice) and the inclusion of the printer's and publisher's names and generally abide by laws restricting freedom of speech;

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3.2.15 shall be subject to NUSAC decision if they are unwilling or unable to act as specified in section 3.2.13 of these Rules and Regulations or perform any of the duties listed in this document;

3.2.16 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

3.2.17 shall be subject to a decision of the NUSA Executive in the event that the Editor/s

make an appeal against the DSP's decision and, if the appeal is upheld by NUSAC, the NUSAC decision is binding on all.

3.3 Voting Members of International Student Executive:

3.3.1 shall be elected by NUSA , be a non­voting, ex­officio Member of NUSAC as defined in the Constitution;

3.3.2 shall be voting members of the International Student Executive;

3.3.3 shall liaise with and assist the International Students Officer in matters pertaining to

International Students;

3.3.4 shall, if deemed necessary by the International Student Executive, be elected as Project Officers at the first meeting of the International Student Executive, and execute duties pertaining to that project.


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4.1.1 Collectives and Committees can be formed in accordance with Clause 43 (c) of the Constitution.

4.1.2 A Register of Collectives and Committees shall be maintained by the Honorary

Secretary in accordance with their duties listed in these Rules and Regulations and include as a minimum:

* the name of the Committee * the Committee voting Members * the name of the Committee Convenor (as defined in the

Constitution) or Office Bearer officiating the meeting * Committee type, ie. whether standing committee or special

committee * date committee commenced * date committee ceased to exist * purpose for which it was created.

4.1.3 Collectives and Committees can only be created or abolished by NUSAC in

accordance with the Constitution together with these Rules and Regulations which shall be clearly minuted at the NUSAC meeting, with the same being recorded in the Register of Collectives and Committees by the Public Officer or nominee.

4.1.4 A Minute Book of each Committee must be maintained for all meetings of

Collectives and Committees by the General Secretary or nominee and updated after each meeting.

4.1.5 The Minute Book shall be made available to any NUSA Member, providing

reasonable notice has been given and providing that same does not leave the NUSA Office.

4.1.6 Committees formed shall be referred to as either:

* Standing Committee, or * Special Committee.

4.1.7 Collectives shall be all Collectives formed by NUSAC and controlled by a NUSAC

Convenor as described under Clauses 5.(1)(b) and 26 of the Constitution.

4.1.8 Committees shall be all Committees formed by NUSAC other than Collectives.

4.1.9 Membership of the Education Collective shall be: the Education Officer; other Executive Members ex­officio;

Page 31: NUSA 2011 Constitutional Reference all Faculty Representatives of NUSAC; any Member of NUSA who expresses an interest in being a member of the Education Collective, and registers their name and address with the Education Officer and Public Officer or their nominee; the President who shall be an ex­officio Member in accordance with Clause 9 of the Constitution.

4.1.10 The Education Collective shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines

herein described in these Rules and Regulations: develop policy recommendations to NUSAC in relation to all matters pertaining to Education; co­ordinate on Campus all campaigns of NUS in conjunction with the

Activities Committee and Public Officer; perform any other duties as NUSAC may from time to time direct.

4.1.11 Membership of NUSA Collectives shall be:; other Executive Members ex­officio; any Member of NUSA who expresses an interest in being a member of the Collective, and registers their name and address with the Convenor and the General Secretary; the President who shall be an ex­officio Member in accordance with Clause 9 of the Constitution.

4.1.12 Quorum for all Collectives shall be three, with the exception of the International

Students Executive where quorum shall be five.

4.1.13 All Collectives shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines herein described in these Rules and Regulations: develop policy recommendations to NUSAC in relation to all matters

pertaining to the portfolio of the Convenor; perform any other duties as NUSAC may from time to time direct.

4.1.14 The Collectives shall have the power to co­opt as many other individuals as they see fit providing that such shall not exercise a vote.

4.1.15 Any appointed Member of a Collective who has been absent without apology from

two consecutive meetings of the Collective shall be deemed to have resigned from that Collective.

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4.1.16 The Convenor shall give at least forty­eight (48) hours notice of Meetings (not including weekends and public holidays) of the Collective.

4.1.17 Meetings of any Collective shall be convened by the Convenor at least once between

consecutive ordinary meetings of NUSAC, providing that NUSAC can waive this requirement at any NUSAC Meeting if the need arises.

4.1.18 Appointed Members of a Collective excluding the Convenor, may receive monies

for OPUS contributions.

4.1.19 Membership and the Rules governing Committees shall be identical with the Rules enumerated above for Collectives but providing also that they can be formed or disbanded throughout the year at any NUSAC Meeting.

4.1.23 The life of any Committees lapses at the end of the current NUSAC term of office

and must be re­established by a new duly elected NUSAC. 4.2 Collectives, Committees and Their Functions

4.2.1 Environment Collective shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines herein described in these Rules and Regulations: policy recommendations to NUSAC in relation to all matters

pertaining to Environmental issues;­ordinate an awareness week campaign in conjunction with the Activities Collective, promoting issues of concern at the time; any other duties as NUSAC may from time to time direct.

4.2.2 Finance Committee: shall consist of:

* President (ex­officio) * General Secretary * Vice­President * Two duly elected NUSAC Members, not Executive * Finance Officer (ex­officio); shall meet between the first and second meetings of NUSAC for the purpose

of reviewing the budget for the ensuing year for presentation at the second NUSAC meeting; shall meet at least once prior to each NUSAC Meeting to consider the

financial affairs of NUSA; shall present for approval at each ordinary NUSAC Meeting a statement of Accounts for Payment;

Page 33: NUSA 2011 Constitutional Reference shall present revisions to budget for the current year for adoption by NUSAC; shall approve the timing of Committee expenditure in light of the cash flow projections; shall, in conjunction with the Executive Committee, be able to approve

expenditure up to $500.00. This must be ratified by NUSAC at the next Meeting; shall perform other duties as NUSAC directs from time to time.

4.2.3 Queer Collective shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines herein

described in these Rules and Regulations: develop policy recommendations with regard to Queer issues; co­ordinate an awareness week in respect of Queer issues and problems, promoting services available to the non­heterosexual student community; perform any other duties as NUSAC may direct from time to time.

4.2.4 International Students Department shall, in addition to complying to the general

guidelines herein described in these Rules and Regulations: develop policy recommendations with regard to International Student issues; execute campaigns and activities with regards to International Student issues; shall approve payment for work done by voting International Student Executive members. Payment shall only be made if the international Student Executive has approved the task, the hours, member to be paid, and the Administrator has been informed prior to commencement of work; co­ordinate an awareness week in respect of International Students' issues and

problems; perform any other duties as NUSAC may from time to time direct.

4.2.5 Part­Time Students Collective shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines herein described in these Rules and Regulations: develop policy recommendations to NUSAC in relation to all matters

pertaining to Part­Time Students; co­ordinate campaigns to promote working students’ rights; perform any other duties as NUSAC may from time to time direct.

4.2.6 Transport Collective shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines herein described in these Rules and Regulations:

Page 34: NUSA 2011 Constitutional Reference develop policy recommendations to NUSAC in relation to all matters pertaining to Transport affecting students; co­ordinate campaigns to promote student needs with respect to transport; perform any other duties as NUSAC may from time to time direct.

4.2.7 Equity Collective shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines herein

described in these Rules and Regulations: develop policy with regard to Equity issues; co­ordinate campaigns to promote student needs with respect to equity issues; perform such other duties as directed by NUSAC from time to time; make recommendations to NUSAC on matters affecting the Equity portfolio.

4.2.8 Women's Collective shall, in addition to complying to the general guidelines herein described in these Rules and Regulations: develop policy with regard to Women's issues; co­ordinate Blue Stocking Week in conjunction with the Activities Collective and the Public Officer; publish their statement for Blue Stocking Week with assistance from the Media Officer; perform such duties as directed by NUSAC from time to time.


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5.1.1 shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution;

5.1.2 shall be empowered to nominate, subject to the approval of the NUSA Executive, a deputy or deputies who shall generally assist the Returning Officer and act in the Returning Officer's absence;

5.1.3 shall approach the Electoral Office with a view to gaining assistance in conducting

all general Elections of the Students' Association;

5.1.4 shall refuse to endorse printing of a policy statement or campaign material until such time as offensive or defamatory content is corrected but subject to appeal by the candidate to the NUSA Executive for final resolution;

5.1.5 shall call nominations for, arrange and supervise the conduct of elections and

by­elections whenever directed by NUSAC;

5.1.6 shall organise and conduct referenda;

5.1.7 shall arrange for the preparation of the necessary rolls in conjunction with the Public Officer;

5.1.8 shall arrange for preparation and counting of ballot papers;

5.1.9 shall be responsible for the safe custody of ballot boxes and papers;

5.1.10 shall decide whether or not a vote is informal and if so, ensure that the vote is not


5.1.11 shall be responsible to NUSA for the conduct of any election unless otherwise delegated in accordance with the Constitution and these Rules and Regulations;

5.1.12 shall ensure that all the provisions of the Constitution and these Rules and

Regulations regarding elections are complied with;

5.1.13 shall submit to NUSAC a report on all elections conducted at the next meeting of NUSAC following the counting of the ballot;

5.1.14 shall authorise, by initialling, the original policy statement and or campaign material

of each candidate and ensure that each copy carries that signature before copies are run;

5.1.15 shall ensure that the provisions of the electoral act are generally complied with;

5.1.16 shall be responsible for the preparation of an Election Slip that: contains these Rules and Regulations of NUSA pertaining to the running of elections;

Page 37: NUSA 2011 Constitutional Reference contains notice of a policy statement of one foolscap page as specified in

5.3.13 which must be received before the close of nominations; includes a declaration by the candidate to be subject to these Rules and Regulations; is signed by the nominee in the presence of the Returning Officer or their

Deputy and countersigned by the Returning Officer or Deputy; shall be the official receipt or acknowledgement for the acceptance and validation of the nomination form subject to all of the above conditions being met; shall be the official scrutineer's authority to be present at the counting of


5.1.17 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio;

5.1.18 upon completion of all conditions stipulated in 5.1.15, shall take a copy of the document for the Returning Officer's file.

5.2 Elections

5.2.1 Elections may be either NUSA Elections or NUSAC Elections. 5.3 NUSA Elections can be one of three categories:

5.3.1 NUSA ­ Annual General Election.

5.3.2 NUSA ­ By­Election.

5.3.3 NUSA ­ Delegates to National Union of Students (NUS).

5.3.4 All NUSA Elections shall be held in accordance with the General Rules listed in the Constitution together with the Rules and Regulations stipulated hereunder.

5.3.5 The Returning Officer will be responsible for calling for all nominations at least

seven (7) days prior to the scheduled date of the closing of Nominations in a notice stating:

a) The purpose of the Election; b) The number of positions to be filled; c) The description of each position; d) Any restrictions upon the eligibility as contained in the Constitution or these Rules and Regulations; e) The closing date of nominations; f) Date and venue of Elections;

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g) The necessity of candidates to be familiar with the Constitution and these Rules and Regulations relating to Elections, a copy of which is

to be received upon submission of a nomination form.

5.3.6 Notice of Elections and calling for nominations shall be put on the NUSA notice boards, near the entrance of the Huxley Library, Auchmuty Library and Shortland Building, by the Returning Officer seven (7) days prior to the closing date of nominations.

5.3.7 In the event that a NUSAC position becomes vacant outside of the period set aside

for annual NUSAC elections, the period for receiving nominations will remain open for five (5) academic days from receipt of the first nomination. The fact that nominations are open must be advertised on Campuses from receipt of the first nomination.

5.3.8 Elections must be held no less than ten (10) academic days after the closing date for

nominations and no more than twenty­eight (28) days after the closing date for nominations.

5.3.9 The Returning Officer shall on the day after the closing date of nominations publish

a list of candidates together with the names of the proposer and seconder, in the same places as described in section 5.3.6, together with a description of any previous NUSAC positions held if the candidates so desires, the date of the Elections, the hours of polling and location of polling booths.

5.3.10 All candidates must ensure that they personally receive a copy of these Rules and

Regulations relating to Elections from the NUSA Office by signing a confirmation of receipt slip otherwise their candidature will be declared invalid.

5.3.11 The Returning Officer will be responsible for the declaration of results within 48

hours of the Election and shall put results on the NUSA notice boards upon determination of results.

5.3.12 Nominations for Elections must be given in writing to the Returning Officer or their

deputy by 4:00 pm on the advertised closing day, which must be signed by the proposer, seconder and nominee and may include a 4" by 4" (maximum) photograph of the nominee (candidate) to be displayed on their policy statement and the candidate is requested (optional) to attend a candidate meeting in the NUSA office at 4:00 pm on the closing date of nominations.

5.3.13 Each candidate must have a policy statement of not more than one foolscap page

length, the contents shall be subject to the scrutiny of the Returning Officer who shall not approve same unless:

­ the policy statement complies in all respect with the provisions of the Constitution or these Rules and Regulations; or

­ it is not libellous, seditious, or obscene;

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But the Returning Officers decision shall be subject to appeal to the NUSA Executive provided that such appeal is made within 48 hours after the Returning Officer's decision.

5.3.14 Each candidate's policy statement must appear in the publication OPUS in the issue

immediately preceding the elections, and if this is not possible due to OPUS production schedule then NUSA will co­ordinate an Election Publication containing these policy statements. Such an election publication will be made available at least five (5) academic days before the commencement of elections.

5.3.15 Candidates may receive copies of their respective policy statements and or campaign

material up to a total of 500 A4 sheets or equivalent value. Adhesives or materials for the placing of posters shall be supplied by NUSA.

5.3.16 The Returning Officer will not be eligible to propose or second any nominations.

5.3.17 The proposer and seconder must be eligible NUSA voters to nominate a candidate.

5.3.18 A candidate may not withdraw their nominations after polling has commenced.

5.3.19 If the number of nominations do not exceed the number of positions the nominees

will be declared elected.

5.3.20 If the number of nominations are less than the number of positions the nominees will be declared Elected and new nominations called for the remaining positions.

5.3.21 The Returning Officer will reject any nomination not complying with the conditions

specified in the Constitution or Rules and Regulations.

5.3.22 The order that names appear on a ballot slip for an Election shall be determined by lot.

5.4 Polling Booths shall be established at the entry to Union Buildings and Libraries and or

such other places as the NUSA Executive determine from time to time.

5.4.1 A locked and sealed container must be provided for the collection of votes at each polling booth.

5.4.2 The Returning Officer will be required to ensure that each booth is staffed by their

assistants during polling hours.

5.4.3 Polling hours shall be from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm on Wednesday and 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on each of the other three days at the NUSA Office Polling Booth, and whatever additional hours determined by the NUSA Executive. The NUSA Executive may determine the hours for any other Polling Booths.

5.4.4 candidates in the Election shall be excluded from each polling booth unless

permission is granted by the Returning Officer. 5.5 Voting

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5.5.1 The voters name will be checked off the roll against the voters student ID Card and

the supervisor of the roll will initial the ballot slip before handing it to the intending voter, and mark off the roll.

5.5.2 The voter shall be entitled to vote for each candidate in order of preference using

Nos 1,2,3, etc. however, a clear indication of preference of one candidate only using either the number "1", a tick" ", or a cross"x", shall be not termed an informal vote.

5.5.3 Where more than two candidates are contesting more than one position the first

preferences, primary votes for each candidate will be counted and those 3 exceeding the quota in part 5.5.4 declared elected.

5.5.4 The quota of votes required will be calculated by dividing the total number of formal

votes by a number one greater than the number of positions to be filled. Then by increasing the result by one, disregarding any remainder.

5.5.5 The ballot papers of a candidate so elected shall be then transferred as outlined


a) if more than one candidate has more votes than the quota on the first count, the papers of the candidate with the most primary votes shall be distributed first, then those of the candidate with the next highest number of primary votes and so on. If two such candidates have an equal number of primary votes, their papers shall be both distributed before the totals of the continuing candidates are next examined, so that the order of distribution shall be irrelevant;

b) during the allotment of preferences, the Returning Officer shall ignore preferences recorded for a candidate already elected or excluded and shall scrutinise the voter's next available preference for a continuing candidate;

c) the exhausted ballot papers of the elected candidate (ie those showing no further preference for a continuing candidate) shall be then set aside as finally dealt with;

d) the number of votes received by the elected candidate in excess of the quota (called the surplus) is divided by the number of unexhausted ballot papers credited to them. The result to three decimal places shall be called the Transfer Value for those votes. If the removal or exhausted ballot papers causes the transfer value to be greater than one, the votes shall be transferred at full value, ie at a transfer value of one;

e) the number of preferences directed to each candidate shall be multiplied by the transfer value and this figure added to the number of votes credited to each such candidate, ignoring fractions;

f) a number of ballot papers equal to each number calculated under part 5.5.5(e) shall be selected at random from the ballot papers of the elected candidate which direct a preference to the continuing candidate, and transferred to the continuing candidate;

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g) the remaining ballot papers of the elected candidate shall be set aside as finally dealt with and they, along with the exhausted papers, shall be the papers by which the elected candidate was elected;

h) if a candidate achieves a quota by the above transfer they shall be elected and the surpluses transferred as above, except that only those papers transferred to the elected candidate in the last transfer shall be considered, ie the Transfer Value is the number of surplus votes, divided by the number of unexhausted ballot papers transferred in the last transfer;

i) after the first count, candidates surpluses shall be transferred in the order in which they received their quotas, and if two candidates receive a quota at the same count, the procedure set down in part 5.5.5(a) shall be followed;

j) after distributions other than those resulting from the first count have been carried out, the ballot papers which are said to have elected the candidate from which that distribution was made will be: (i) all the elected candidates ballot papers not transferred at the previous count, (ii) newly exhausted ballot papers; and(iii) papers left over after the random selection.

5.5.6 a) The procedure outlined in 5.5.4 shall continue until all vacancies are

filled or until no more candidates, receive a quota. In the latter case, the candidate with the fewest votes credited to them at that time shall be excluded, and their ballot papers transferred at full value according to the next preference for a continuing candidate recorded on them. Exhausted ballot papers shall be set aside as finally dealt with. If this results in a candidate receiving a quota, that candidate shall be elected and the surplus transferred as in rule 5.5.4, otherwise the next lowest candidate shall be excluded, and so on.

b) Where two candidates are equal and lowest on the poll and one must be excluded, the one who received the lowest number of primary votes shall be excluded. If the candidates are equal in primary votes also, the candidate to be excluded shall be determined in some random fashion. These shall be done in the presence of two members of NUSA, preferably the candidate's scrutineers, who shall sign a statement to the effect that the Returning Officer complied with this rule.

c) Such transfers and exclusions shall continue until sufficient candidates have achieved quota, or until all candidates in excess of the number to be elected have been excluded, in which case the remaining candidates shall be declared elected.

5.5.7 The principle shall be, one member, one vote, and accordingly each member will be

entitled to vote only once in each group of elections as outlined in the Constitution and in the event of any member being, but for this paragraph, qualified to vote in more than one faculty then such member must elect and specify to and as the Executive may require the qualification on which they rely for their right to vote.

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5.5.8 Each candidate shall be entitled to have one (1) scrutineer present at the counting of the votes for the position. The Returning Officer may exclude any one without the official "election slip" authority of the candidate.

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5.6 NUSAC Elections

5.6.1 NUSAC elections will be held at the first NUSAC meeting following 1st January, to elect from the NUSAC voting members a Vice­President, a Clubs and Societies Officer, a Director of Student Publications, and a NUS Liaison Officer and then at such time afterwards should a vacancy exist.

5.6.2 The Returning Officer for this Election will be the Administrator or their nominee

and the result of the ballot will be simple majority of eligible voters present. In the event of a tied vote the result shall be drawn from a hat.

5.7 International Student Executive Elections

5.7.1 International Student Executive Elections will be held at the first International Student Executive meeting following 1st January.

5.7.2 The International Student Executive shall determine an Executive structure

comprised of the International Student Executive Officer, ordinary voting members and Project Officers if deemed necessary.

5.7.3 The International Student Executive shall elect from the voting members Project

Officers as determined by the International Student Executive.

5.7.4 The Returning Officer for this election will be the Administrator or their nominee, and the result of the ballot will be simple majority of eligible voters present. In the event of a tied vote the result shall be drawn from a hat.

5.8 Practices Forbidden

5.8.1 No Person shall in connection with any election:

1) Directly or indirectly incur any monetary expenses other than those permitted under 5.3.12 of these regulations;

2) Use any good which directly advocates a vote for a ticket or individual in connection with the election, with the exception of printed material as specified in 5.3.15;

3) Engage in electioneering or display any poster within three metres of a polling booth during any election.

4) Record a vote to which the voter is not entitled.

5) Interfere with any ballot box, ballot paper, electoral roll nomination.

6) Engage in any dishonest practice relating to the election, including tampering with the policy statements of any other candidate and including the dissemination of a publication of libellous, fallacious and erroneous material or public statements of the same. This in no way legitimises any dishonest practice which is not specifically stated in these regulations.

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Interpretation of this clause is the role of the Returning Officer and in the case of any appeal, the NUSA Executive shall make the final decision.

5.8.2 Only those persons enrolled as a member of NUSA shall campaign on behalf of a

Candidate. Any person found campaigning who is not enrolled as a Student of the University of Newcastle shall result in the said Candidate being disqualified at the Returning Officer's discretion.

5.9 Disputes

5.9.1 The Returning Officer shall hear and determine any disputes which may arise in the connection with the running of the elections or allegations that any person has infringed or attempted to infringe these Regulations.

5.9.2 In the event of the Returning Officer finding evidence in support of such an

allegation, the Returning Officer must:

1) Disqualify the candidates in question, or

2) Order a new election, or

3) Refer the matter to the NUSA Executive for decision, or

4) Take such action as the Returning Officer thinks fit.

5.9.3 Any dispute or allegation must be brought to the attention of the Returning Officer within 5 days of the offence occurring.

5.9.4 Any person concerned may appeal to the NUSA Executive against the decision or

act of the Returning Officer provided that such an appeal is made within 48 hours and further provided that this does not span one weekend or public holiday.

5.9.5 The decision of the NUSA Executive will be final.


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SECTION 6 MEETINGS 6.1 General Meetings of NUSA

All meetings of NUSA will be conducted in accordance with Clauses 46 to 53 inclusive and general provisions of the Constitution.

6.1.1 Any movers of motions that require any business to be taken to a General Meeting

shall assist the Public Officcer in arranging that General Meeting ie; Booking of Courtyard, PA System, Attendance Sheets, etc.

6.2 Meetings of the NUSAC

6.2.1 All NUSAC Meetings will be held in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 33 and 40 inclusive and General provisions of the Constitution and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations hereunder.

6.2.2 Notice of Meetings shall not be deemed to have been given unless either:

a) notice in legible scrip of some kind, specifying the date, time and place of such meetings have been placed in a clearly visible position on the

NUSA Notice Board in a clearly visible position on the wall of the NUSA's Office at least 5 days prior to the scheduled date;

b) at least 5 days, (or shorter if the Executive deem so) notice in writing

including an agenda, is given to each member;

6.2.3 Quorum at Meetings If quorum is not present thirty minutes after the time the meeting was called, the meeting may be adjourned until such time as may be determined by the members present.

6.2.4 Chairing of Meetings

A chairperson (chair) will be selected in accordance with the provisions of section 38 of the Constitution.

6.2.5 Agenda at Meetings

After the Election of a chairperson the next item of business shall be the adoption of the agenda for the business. Any amendments to this agenda during the course of the meeting will require the chairpersons approval.

6.2.6 Any Member wishing to have a discussion included in the agenda shall give seven days notice in writing to the Public Officer and no member shall introduce for discussion at a meeting a subject which has not been included on that agenda without the express permission of the chairperson.

6.2.7 Any member proposing to rescind a motion passed at a previous meeting must give

seven days notice to the General Secretary for inclusion on the agenda.

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6.2.8 Any member of NUSA may subpoena a NUSAC member for a report (verbal or written) by giving a minimum of seven days notice to such NUSAC member prior to the next meeting, circulating same to all members and arrange for such business to be listed on the agenda on the forthcoming meeting.

6.2.9 Order of Business and General Conditions

i) Welcome and apologies ii) Election of chairperson iii) Adoption of the agenda iv) Confirmation of minutes of last meeting v) Business arising from such minutes vi) Question time of 15 minutes (Extendable by resolution by another 15

minutes) vii) Correspondence viii) Business arising from correspondence ix) Accounts for payment

x) Executive reports xi) Business arising from Executive reports xii) General business

6.2.10 General Conditions of Meetings

All apologies shall be in writing giving explicit reasons for the member's absence and bear the date and signature of the member.

6.2.11 All meetings shall be open to members of NUSA, provided that any matters which in

the opinion of NUSAC members should be dealt with in camera may be so dealt with.

6.2.12 The Administrator or their nominee selected from the staff pool shall attend all

meetings and take full minutes of such meeting.

6.2.13 If NUSAC so decides that an NUS extraordinary resolution shall be voted upon by the General membership it shall be decided by ballot system over two days (being two of Tuesday; Wednesday or Thursday) during which time, or before, at least one public debate on the subject shall be held by NUSA.

6.3 Manner of Conduct of Business

6.3.1 Speaking at Meetings

6.3.2 The chairperson shall be heard without interruption.

6.3.3 Every member desiring to speak shall address themself to the chair.

6.3.4 Where two or more members desire to speak the chairperson shall nominate the member who first indicated such desire.

6.3.5 Only one item of business shall be before the chair at any one time and only one

speaker permitted to speak.

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6.3.6 Any member proposing a substantive motion shall be required to have the motion seconded by another member prior to delivering it in writing on the approved motion paper to the chairperson before a vote is taken.

6.3.7 Any person having the right to speak shall have the right to move or second

motions or amendments to motions.

6.3.8 A motion shall be decided on the voices, or, if requested by at least two members, or the chairperson by a show of hands. A secret ballot shall be taken if at least 4 members demand. The chairperson shall have a vote and in the case of an equality of votes, the motion is deemed lost.

6.3.9 If the motion is lost, a reply shall be allowed by the member who proposed a

substantive motion but not to any member who has moved an amendment or a procedural motion.

6.3.10 Any member wishing to move an amendment to either a successfully voted

substantive motion or substantive motions in progress must propose or re­submit a fresh substantive motion and this proposed motion will be required to go through the procedures outlined in sections 6.3.1 to 6.3.9 inclusive and the previous passed substantive motion is deemed to be rescinded if this new amended motion is passed.

6.3.11 If the chairperson wishes to move, second or speak on an substantive motion, the

chairperson must leave the chair for the duration of the debate on the motion under discussion.

6.3.12 A member may move at any time that a "strict order of debate" be followed and if

carried shall not permit anyone to speak more than once on the motion and the chairperson may at their discretion impose a time limit on all speeches during "strict order of debate".

6.3.13 No member may speak on any motion after it has been put by the chairperson and

the vote taken, and no further discussion will take place on a motion that has reached the stage of section 6.3.9 of these Rules and Regulations.

6.3.14 If the member giving notice of a motion is absent, any member present may move

such a motion.

6.3.15 A motion may be amended or withdrawn by the mover with the consent of the seconder. But if such is the case, any member present may take up the motion or amended motion at that meeting provided it is seconded.

6.3.16 Any motion or amendment not seconded shall not be further discussed but shall be

recorded and the mover retains their right of explanation.

6.3.17 Any visitor (NUSA member or otherwise) may be heard if a motion to this effect is carried by a simple majority.

6.3.18 The chairperson shall interpret any portion of the NUSA Constitution or these Rules

and Regulations where the meaning of any such section is obscure provided that their interpretation may be dissented by a majority of NUSAC voting thereon.

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6.4 Procedural Motions

6.4.1 General

6.4.2 All procedural motions shall be put forthwith without debate excepting only an explanation as to the meaning of the procedural motion by the chair or the chair's delegate. All procedural motions can be put without being seconded.

6.4.3 Previous question "that the motion be not now put at this meeting" This motion

can only be moved upon a substantive motion or after the disposal of an amendment to a substantive motion. The mover of either motion has no right of reply. If carried, the substantive motion or amended motion cannot be brought forward at the same meeting, if lost the motion currently debated before the meeting must be voted upon without further discussion or amendment. The chairperson has discretion as to whether they will allow the previous question to be moved although the previous question may be debated.

6.4.4 Closure "that the motion be now put at this meeting" This motion can be moved at

any time. It is carried by simple majority. If carried, the chairperson must put the substantive motion and/or amendment motion being considered without further delay except that the mover shall retain their right of reply.

6.4.5 "Proceed to Next Business"

This motion cannot be moved while a person is speaking or by a person who has moved, seconded or spoken on the motion under discussion or be debated upon or amended. If carried, this motion requires the meeting to proceed to next business.

6.4.6 "That The Motion Lie On The Table"

This motion may be moved by any member present. It can be moved on a substantive motion and/or amendment to a motion. This procedural motion can be moved at any time. It is carried by a simple majority. If carried, the chair must put the substantive and/or amendment motions being considered without further delay except that the mover shall retain their right of reply.

6.4.7 "Adjournment of Meeting"

This motion can be moved at anytime. It is carried by simple majority. If carried, the chair must put the substantive and/or amended motions being considered without further delay except that the mover shall retain their right of reply. This motion must be passed nominating time, place and date of the adjourned meeting and if no date is fixed it shall be the next ordinary meeting of the NUSAC. If the adjournment relates to a "special" sitting than only adjourned business can be discussed.

6.4.8 Foreshadowed Motion.

Any member may move a foreshadowed motion while another motion is being debated which will be read out by the chairperson as soon as it is received. The chairperson has discretion as to whether or not they will allow debate on this motion as at the same time as the motion currently under debate. When the original motion is resolved, the chairperson shall immediately put the foreshadowed motion to a

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vote, provided that in the chairperson's opinion, there has been sufficient debate on the foreshadowed motion.

6.5 Points of Order

6.5.1 General Any member may at any time rise and address the chairperson on a point of order, providing that they state immediately they are taking a point of order, confine their observations directly to the point of order, and is taken immediately the breach of order occurs. The speaker so called should be given the opportunity to explain but any new matter must not be introduced or the point of order not be debated. The chairperson's ruling on a point of order is final, conclusive and not debatable.

6.5.2 Points of Information

Points of information may be given by any member and they must be relevant to the discussion. The chairperson has discretion whether or not to allow a point of information.

6.5.3 Interpretation

Any member may ask for an interpretation on any matter arising during debates relating to the Constitution and/or Rules and Regulations, provided that such interpretation shall only be given by the chairperson unless the chairperson directs the question to some other person.

6.5.4 Dissent: "That the chairperson's ruling be upheld" Notwithstanding anything

previously stated in these Rules and Regulations, the ruling of the chairperson may be challenged by the above quoted motion. On such a motion moved and seconded, the chairperson shall vacate the chair. The mover of this motion shall speak, the chairperson shall reply and the motion shall be put to vote without further debate.


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7.1.1 ensure that all the provisions contained in the Constitution, including but not limited to Clauses 54 to 62 inclusive, as well as contained herein in these Rules and Regulations are complied with;

7.1.2 ensure that NUSA becomes an participating employer in any Superannuation Fund

set up for the benefit of its employees whether Award Superannuation or other;

7.1.3 ensure that all Fixed Assets of NUSA be under the direct control of the Public Officer, who shall be responsible to NUSAC for their safe keeping and will be assisted by the Administrator, providing that such duties are listed within the Administrator's job description;

7.1.4 purchase, replace, rent, lease, hire or dispose of capital assets of NUSA as

determined by NUSAC Resolution on recommendation from the Finance Committee and ensure depreciation rates charged against revenue is appropriate from time to time in consultation with its auditors;

7.1.5 ensure that, in matters outside NUSAC's expertise, including but not limited to items

of a contractual nature such as employment contracts, lease agreements, general contracts, engagement of legal, professional and general consultants and contractors, NUSAC, upon proper deliberation, refer the matter to the University Secretary and/or Bursar for advice, as to which course of action is appropriate but providing always that NUSAC reserves the right thereafter to seek outside professional advice if it deems it necessary and will communicate such determination by way of letter to the University Secretary/Bursar.


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SECTION 8 RIGHTS & DUTIES OF THE PUBLIC OFFICER 8.1 Public Officer: 8.1.1 shall include rights and duties as defined under Clause 67 and its sub­clauses of the Constitution and shall be appointed under the General Provisions of the Constitution; 8.1.2 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure that all

necessary arrangements are made for meetings of the Students' Association and meetings of NUSAC, subject to the provisions contained in the Constitution and in accordance with these Rules and Regulations;

8.1.3 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), draw attention to all letters requiring a NUSAC resolution at each meeting whilst out­going correspondence shall be delegated at NUSAC meetings providing that all outward correspondence under the letterhead of NUSA must bear the President's or the Public Officer's signature as evidence of approval; 8.1.4 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure the maintenance of an accurate and indexed record of all NUSAC meetings and other meetings of NUSA and all Committee meetings; 8.1.5 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), be responsible for preparing the Agenda paper for all NUSAC and other meetings of NUSA and shall ensure the preparation and circulation of notices of all NUSAC/NUSA meetings in accordance with Clause 35 of the Constitution and these Rules and Regulations; 8.1.6 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure the distribution of copies of all minutes and reports to all Members of NUSAC and other persons as NUSAC may direct from time to time, such duties to be performed within ten (10) days of such meetings; 8.1.7 Shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure that an up to date computer list of all Members of NUSA such list to contain details considered relevant by the NUSAC; 8.1.8 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), make available, upon request, to any Member of NUSA a true and correct copy of the Constitution and these Rules and Regulations; 8.1.9 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), keep a separate record of NUSA Policy which shall be extracted from confirmed minutes and recorded into a “Register of Policies”; 8.1.10 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure that an Attendance Register is kept for all NUSAC meetings; 8.1.11 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), prepare and submit on behalf of NUSAC a report of NUSA's activities to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and prepare the Agenda, circulate the venue and arrange for auditor tenders and any other requirements stipulated in the Constitution with regard to the AGM and these Rules and Regulations; 8.1.12 shall, together with the President, maintain the By­Laws in accord with decisions of NUSAC and circulate copies of changes to the By­Laws to NUSAC Members;

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8.1.13 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any) and in conjunction with the President, prepare a list of all resolutions made by NUSAC which require action, but upon which no action has been taken and to keep a register of outstanding motions that require further action. Details of this register are to be tabled at the first meeting of the newly elected NUSAC; 8.1.14 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), be responsible for informing NUSAC in the event that any Member ceases to be a Member of NUSA and at the first meeting of NUSAC shall verify that all Members are entitled to assume their position by virtue of being a Member of NUSA; 8.1.15 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), and in the event that a NUSAC Member is no longer a Member of NUSA or resigns their post, move that the position be declared vacant and new elections be called; 8.1.16 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure the maintenance of accurate and updated records of all Committees and Sub­committees formed by NUAC together with the name of the Executive Member or Committee Convenor in charge of the Committee or Sub­committee and comply with SECTION 4 of these Rules and Regulations; 8.1.17 shall be assisted by the Administrator in all matters pertaining to their portfolio and included within the duties listed above, providing that such duties are listed within the Administrator's job description; 8.1.18 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure the maintenance of an updated register of NUSAC Members which shall show as a minimum: Name Address and/or Telephone Number Position held Date appointed (elected) Date ceased (vacated) and list them in the register in the following order: Executive NUSAC Committee Conveners Faculty Representatives Group Representatives Official Members as listed in Clause 5(2) of the Constitutional 8.1.19 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure that at the first NUSAC meeting of the year an NUS Liaison Officer and Small and Regional Campus Liaison Officer are elected from amongst NUSAC Members; 8.1.20 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), present at the first NUSAC meeting details of all outstanding motions that require action that are listed in the register in accordance with Section 8.1.13 and these motions shall require either ratification or rejection by the incoming NUSAC; 8.1.21 shall maintain a “register of Changes” of By­Laws in accordance with Section 9.10.1 of these Rules and Regulations; 8.1.22 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), fulfil such other duties as are specified in the Constitution or in these Rules and Regulations; 8.1.23 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), co­ordinate the financial affairs of NUSA on behalf of NUSAC and be assisted by the Administrator and Finance Officer employed by the Students' Association in the performance of their duties; 8.1.24 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any),be chairperson of the Finance Committee;

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8.1.25 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure that proper books of account are kept win which all financial activities of NUSA are to be clearly recorded in accord with modern accounting principles and procedure; 8.1.26 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), and together with the Finance Committee, prepare and present to NUSAC at the first NUSAC Meeting after the Annual General Meeting (AGM) a properly drawn up budget for the ensuing year, which budget shall state the basis on which it is drawn up; and shall include detailed estimates and working of all anticipated items of income and expenditure for the ensuing year and to be assisted in this by the Finance Officer; 8.1.27 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), supervise and ensure all items listed under Clauses 54 to 62 inclusive, of the Constitution, are adhered to; 8.1.28 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), present a financial report prepared by the Finance Officer to each NUSAC Meeting and other meeting NUSAC shall from time to time direct; 8.1.29 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), generally oversee, along with the Clubs and Societies Officer, the Clubs and Societies financial submissions and loan requests, check their accuracy and legitimacy prior to payment and regularly report to Finance and NUSAC Meetings; 8.1.30 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), present to the Annual General Meeting 8.1.31 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), answer all correspondence in relation to the financial affairs of NUSA; 8.1.32 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), supervise and ensure compliance with the NUSA Financial Procedures Manual, to be assisted in this by the Administrator and Finance Officer; 8.1.33 shall, in conjunction with the President, Administrator, Finance Officer and Student Services Manager, be the only signatories of all sales tax exemptions negotiated by the Students' Association; 8.1.34 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), keep such bank accounts as specified in the NUSA Financial Procedures Manual; 8.1.35 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), generally supervise the Media Officer in matters of finance and budgets concerning publications of NUSA; 8.1.36 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), keep the books and records of NUSA open for perusal by any Member of NUSA, provided that reasonable notice has been given and no books or records shall be removed from the NUSA Office; 8.1.37 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), be responsible to NUSAC for all assets of NUSA and shall keep a register of all fixed assets of NUSA and shall supervise and be assisted in this by the Finance Officer, providing always such duties are listed within the Finance Officer's job description, and shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), ensure that all debts to NUSA are collected and all debts incurred are paid and generally safeguard the assets of NUSA, and shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any), together with the Finance Officer ensure that all forms of insurances are provided over the property and assets of NUSA as well as ensuring that all taxation, industrial awards and conditions of employees and statutory requirements are complied with

8.1.38 in matters outside their expertise, including but not limited to, items of a financial contractual nature such as employment contracts, lease agreements, general contracts, engagement of legal, professional and general consultants and contractors, shall refer the matter to the NUSAC meeting and upon proper deliberation with NUSAC refer the matter to NUSA's Auditors and/or Honorary Solicitor for advice as to which course of action is appropriate;

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8.1.39 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio; 8.1.40 shall, subject to the terms of the Public Officer's employment contract (if any),

perform any other duties as NUSAC may from time to time direct. END OF SECTION EIGHT

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9.1.1 NUSAC shall select at its first meeting of the year from within the duly Elected NUSAC voting members, an NUS Liaison Officer, who shall chair a Committee, made up of all NUSA elected NUS Representatives and shall ensure that the committee meets at least once between each ordinary NUSAC meetings, and such committee is to make recommendations to NUSAC on NUS matters, publicise NUS Activities and disseminate NUS information through publications and reports;

9.1.2 shall be responsible for NUSA Liaison with the Executive and Constituent members

of NUS on matters concerning NUS and its constituents;

9.1.3 shall submit to each ordinary meeting of NUSAC a report of NUS Activities which are of concern to the NUSA and publicise same and disseminate NUS information;

9.1.4 shall, together with other NUSA NUS Elected Representatives, be entitled to attend

NUS Conferences upon NUSAC approval and for those who cannot attend the NUSAC will appoint a representative in their place;

9.1.5 shall ensure that all delegates to conferences or information exchanges publish a

report of the conference etc in the issue of Opus immediately following the conference and ensure that no payment is made for writing these articles;

9.1.6 shall not receive monies for OPUS contributions within their portfolio.

9.2 Small and Regional Campus Liaison Officer

9.2.1 NUSAC shall select at its first meeting of the year from within the duly Elected NUSAC voting members, a Small and Regional Campus Liaison Officer.

9.2.2 shall be responsible for NUSA Liaison with other Small and Regional campuses and

represent Newcastle on the Small and Regional Liaison Committee;

9.2.3 shall submit to each ordinary meeting of NUSAC a report on the Activities of Small and Regional Campuses and disseminate information regarding Small and Regional Campuses;

Grants to Collectives, Committees and Publications of NUSA

9.3.1 NUSAC may at its discretion:

a) grant monies to its Collectives and Committees;

b) grant monies for the production of any publication of NUSA to finance these activities, provided always that such application for a grant by the collective, committee or publication is supported by a detailed budget and it gains approval of NUSAC.

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9.3.2 NUSA shall not be liable for any expenditure incurred by any collective, or committee or for the production of publications of NUSA in excess of the grant conferred by it under 9.3.1 above providing, however, that NUSAC may approve such expenditure which, to the satisfaction of NUSAC, the cost overruns are proved to be honestly and fairly incurred in pursuance of their objectives and duties, and make payment of any such excessive expenditure when and if funds are available.

9.3.2 At the request of NUSAC, the Public Officer together with the Convenor or

publication representative, shall provide information to NUSAC on the amount of grant advanced to them and the balance still outstanding, variations to budget and explanations on incurred or expected cost overruns.

9.4 Grants to Affiliated Organisations

9.4.1 The Rules regarding grants to affiliated organisations are subject to a separate document titled "Clubs and Societies Rules and Regulations".

9.5 NUSAC Representatives on University Committees

9.5.1 NUSAC shall ensure that the NUSAC representatives on all University Committees shall be bound at all times by the provisions of the NUSA Constitution, NUSA Rules and Regulations and directives at NUSAC Meetings from time to time.

9.6 Honorary Solicitor

9.6.1 NUSAC shall appoint an Honorary Solicitor from time to time on the recommendation of the NUSA executive who shall be lawfully qualified and registered solicitors or barristers and will provide legal counsel for the benefit of NUSA.

9.7 Student Publications

9.7.1 Student publications published under the Auspices of NUSA shall refer to either "General Student Publications" or "Special Student Publication".

9.7.2 General student publication refer to:

i) the official journal of NUSA which shall be titled "OPUS";

ii) an Orientation Handbook and Alternative Handbook.

9.7.3 Special student publications refers to any other publication (than above) which

NUSAC may from time to time resolve to publish and included but not limited to Newspapers, Gazettes, Journals, Handbooks, Journals, Newsletters etc.

9.8 Student Labour

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9.8.1 Student labour will occasionally be sanctioned if the following conditions are met and only after approval of NUSAC has been obtained:

i) voluntary assistance has first been sought;

ii) the duties are not already covered under the duties and responsibilities of the NUSA Executive and/or employees providing that a case can be put to the satisfaction of NUSAC for requesting student labour assistance by the said NUSA Executive and/or Employee;

iii) the authoriser can justify to NUSAC such usage;

iv) the student labour required is generally advertised for all members;

v) the hourly rates comply with NUSAC approved rates from time to time;

vi) all students comply with the various government statutory regulations regarding employees.

9.9 Interpretation

9.9.1 Should there be any inconsistency between these Rules and Regulations and the NUSA Constitution, the provisions of the NUSA Constitution will prevail and the interpretation on an issue shall be based on the provisions of the Constitution firstly as if the Rules and Regulations did not exist, and then secondly to the Rules and Regulations.

9.9.2 These Rules and Regulations are generally regarded as directives on the workings of

NUSAC and may be changed at any time by NUSAC, providing always that if any of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations are inconsistent or contradict the NUSA Constitution, the inconsistency or contradiction shall be declared null and void.

9.10 Changes to the By­Laws

9.10.1 Any changes to these By­Laws shall be entered into a "Register of Changes" by the Public Officer or nominee and this register shall as a minimum show:

i) the clause reference changed;

ii) the description of the change;

iii) the date and motion reference authorising the change;

and at least once every year, prior to the first sitting of the newly elected NUSAC, all these changes shall be reflected in a copy of a new By­Laws document, clearly indicating the date of amendment, and to be tabled at the first meeting of the newly elected NUSAC for adoption or rejection.

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1. Members liabilities (from clause 9 of the Model Constitution)

The liability of a member of the Students' Association to contribute towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of the Students' Association or the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up of the Students' Association is limited to the amount, if any, unpaid by the member in respect of membership of the Students' Association.

2. Resolution of disputes (from clause 10 of the Model Constitution) 2.1 A dispute between a member and another member (in their capacity as members) of the Students' Association, or a dispute between a member or members and the Students'

Association, are to be referred to a community justice centre for mediation under the Community Justice Centres Act 1983.

2.2 If a dispute is not resolved by mediation within 3 months of the referral to a community justice centre, the dispute is to be referred to arbitration. 2.3 The Commercial Arbitration Act 1984 applies to any such dispute referred to arbitration.

3. Disciplining of members (from clause 11 of the Model Constitution) 3.1 A complaint may be made to NUSAC by any person that member of the Students' Association:

(a) has refused or neglected to comply with a provision or provision of this Constitution, or

(b) has wilfully acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Students' Association. 3.2 If NUSAC decides to deal with the complaint, NUSAC: (a) must cause notice of the complaint to be served on the member concerned, and (b) must give the member at least 14 days from the time th notice is served within which to make submission to NUSAC in connection with the complaint, and © must take into consideration any submission made by the member on connection with the complaint. 3.4 NUSAC may, by resolution, expel the member from the Students' Association or suspend the member from membership of the Students' Association if, after considering the complaint and any submissions made in connection with the complaint, it is satisfied that the facts alleged in the complaint have been proved and the expulsion or suspension is warranted in the circumstances.

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3.5 If NUSAC expels or suspends a member, the Public Officer must, within 7 days after the action is taken, cause written notice to be given to the member of the action taken, of the reasons given by NUSAC for having taken that action and of the member's right of appeal under clause 4 of these Adopted Provisions. 3.6 The expulsion or suspension does not take effect: (a) until the expiration of the period within which the member is entitled to appeal against the resolution concerned ,or (b) if within that period the member exercises the right of appeal, unless and until the association confirms the resolution under clause 4 of these Adopted Provisions, whichever is later.

4. Right of appeal of disciplined member (from clause 12 of the Model Constitution) 4.1 A member may appeal to the Students' Association in general meeting against a resolution of NUSAC under clause 3 of these Adopted Provisions, within 7 days after notice of the resolution is served on the member, by lodging with the Public Officer a notice to that effect. 4.2 The notice may, but need not, be accompanied by a statement of the ground on which the member intends to rely for the purposed of the appeal. 4.3 On receipt of a notice from a member under clause 4.1 of these Adopted Provisions, the Public Officer must notify NUSAC which is to convene a general meeting of the Students' Association to be held within 28 days after the date on which the Public Officer received the notice. 4.4 At a general meeting of the Students' Assoication convened under clause 4.3 of these Adopted Provisions: (a) no business other than the question of the appeal is to be transacted, and (b) NUSAC and the member must be given the opportunity to state their respective cases orally or in writing, or both, and

(c) the members present are to vote by secret ballot on the question of whether the resolution should be confirmed or revoked. 4.5 The appeal is to be determined by a simple majority of votes cast by members of the Students' Association.

5. Proxy votes not permitted (from clause 33 of the Model Constitution) Proxy voting must not be undertaken at or in respect of a general meeting.

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6. Postal ballots (from clause 34 if the Model Constitution) 6.1 The Students' Association may hold a postal ballot to determine any issue or proposal (other than an appeal under clause 4 of these Adopted Provisions). 6.2 A postal ballot is to be conducted in accordance with Schedule 3 to the Associations Incorporation Regulation 2010.

7. Custody of books etc (from clause 39 of the Model Constitution) Except as otherwise provided by this Constitution, the Public Officer must keep in his or her custody or under his or her control all records, books and other documents relating to the Students' Association.