nurul zawarni binti zaim

PERPUSTAKAAN UMP U 1111 I Iffi Ill I I 11111 U II 0000072622 I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and .quality for the award of the Degree of Civil Engineering. Signature: Name of Supervisor Date............. PUPU5TAKAAN 1 - 1 NVERSfl1 MALAYSIA PAHANG 61709ttn No. Panggan -m - Tarikh 210 la 29 MAR 2013

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Drainage conditions during shearing will affect the strength parameters of soil significantly. If the sample is drained and slow shearing takes place, pore pressures will not develop and the test is called a “drained test.” However, if the sample is not allowed to drain and/or shearing occurs quickly, pore pressure is developed in the specimen and the test is called an “undrained test” (see p. 95 of the Lab Manual). In soil mechanics, effective stress decreases as pore pressure increases. In the CU-bar triaxial test discussed in this report, draining did not occur during shearing, and therefore pore pressures increased and the effective stress decreased relative to the total stress. In other words, the strength parameter of the samples decreased. The fact that the drainage valve was closed during loading makes this an undrained soil experiment as opposed to drained.


Page 1: Nurul Zawarni Binti Zaim


U 1111 I Iffi Ill I I 11111 U II 0000072622

I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my

opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and .quality for the

award of the Degree of Civil Engineering.


Name of Supervisor



61709ttn No. Panggan


- Tarikh

210 la 29 MAR 2013

Page 2: Nurul Zawarni Binti Zaim


Clay can be categorized as a troubled land. Low soil strength and height of the

pressure forces applied to be among the main factors why care must be taken into

account when making plans to build something on that site. Because of this problem, a

study of land on the basic characteristics of soil and soil stress to be done. This project

contributes to the engineering analysis features that meet the requirements of the

National Lime Association as the limits of plasticity index and the percentage of land

after land sieve analysis. Many attempts have been made to study examples of suitable

land as a sample. Overall, the test results against plastic index and sieving the soil are

likely to correspond to the increase in soil strength. From the requirements required by

the National Lime Association, land in Pekan, Pahang fit to undergo the process of

improving the strength of the soil. Pekan clay more than 90% passing 0.075mm sieve

and plasticity reaches more than 10%. Based on soil plasticity chart, Pekan clay

identified as clay with medium plasticity level. Based on Eades-Grim test, the

percentage of lime obtained from the experiments is 4 percent and a maximum pH

obtained was pH 11.8. This test shows the results of obtained pH value give almost the

same value from 4 percent to 12 percent mixture of lime. Tests on the stress of clay soils

after treatment with lime showed clay in Pekan, Pahang is 116 kPa.

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Tanah hat boleh dikategorikan sebagai tanah yang bermasalah. Kekuatan tanah Yang rendah dan ketinggian daya tekanan yang dikenakan menjadi antara faktor utama

mengapa ketelitian perlu diambil kira tatkala membuat perancangan untuk membina

sesuatu di atas tempat tersebut. Disebabkan masalah mi, satu kajian tanah terhadap ciri-

ciri asas tanah dan tekanan tanah perlu dilakukan. Projek mi menyumbang kepada

anahisis kejuruteraan ciri-ciri yang menepati kehendak National Lime Association seperti

had keplastikan tanah dan peratus pelepasan tanah setelahmembuat analisis pengayakan.

Banyak percubaan telah dilakukan untuk mengkaji contoh tanah yang sesuai dia ambil

sebagai sampel. Secara keseluruharmya, daripada hasil ujian terhadap had kepalastikan

dan pengayakan terdapat besar kemungkinan tanah tersebut sesuai untuk proses

peningkatan kekuatan tanah. Daripada kehendak yang diperlukan oleh National Lime

Association, tanah di Pekan, Pahang sesuai untuk menjalani proses peningkatan

kekuatan tanah. Tanah hat lebih 90% melepasi' ayakan 0.075mm dan mencapai tahap

keplastikan lebih dan 10%. Berdasarkan carta keplastikan tanah, tanah hat di Pekan

dikenalpasti sebagai tanah hat yang mempunyai tahap keplastikan sederhana.

Berdasarkan ujian Eades-Grim, peratus kapur yang diperolehi dari proses ujikaji ialah 4

peratus dan pH maksimum yang diperolehi ialah pH 11.8. Ujian mi menunjukkan hasil

apabila nilai pH yang diperolehi mencatatkan nilai yang lebih kurang sama dari 4

peratus ke 12 peratus campuran kapur. Ujian terhadap tekanan tanah menunjukkan tanah

hat Pekan, Pahang adalah 116 kPa.


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1.1 Intro 1

1.2 Problem statement


1.3 Objectives 4

1.4 Limitation 4

1.4.1 Scope of work


1.4.2 Testing


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2.1 Lime 6

2.2 Properties 6

2.3 Lime Modifies Clay Soils 7

2.4 Lime Fixation In Clayey Soils 8

2.5 Effect of Lime, Moisture and Compaction on 9

a Clay Soil

2.6 A Quick Test To Determine Lime 11

Requirements For Lime Stabilization

2.7 Lime Permanently Stabilizes Clay Soil 12

2.8 Lime Stabilization of Clayey Minarels 14

2.9 Field study 15

2.10 Design of Reliable Lime-Stabilized 17

Pavement Layer

2. 10.1 Mixture design 18

2.11 Compaction 21

2.12 Strength and deformation 22

2.13 Soil Stabilisation with Lime for Road 26


2.13.1 The trial programme 28

2.13.2 Result of the test 29

2.13.3 Conclusion 30

2.14 Benefits of Lime Treatment 30

2.14.1 Research Methods and Materials 31


3.1 Lime stabilization mix design and testing 36


3.2 Methodology 37

3.3 Testing 38

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3.3.1 Initial Soil Evaluation 39 Liquid Limit Determination 39 Plastic Limit 40

3.3.2 Determine optimum lime content using 42

Eades and Grim pH test.

3.3.3 Standard Proctor test 44

3.3.4Cure and Condition the Unconfined 46

Compressive test (UCT) specimens

3.3.5 Unconfined compressive strength test 48


4.1 Introduction 49

4.2 Determination of suitability for Lime 50


4.3 Eades-Grim test 52

4.4 Optimum Moisture Content and Maximum 53

Dry Density of the Lime-treated soil

4.5 Determine the Unconfined Compressive 56

Strength test (UCS) of the Cured and

moisture condition specimen

4.6 Benefit of soil improvement 60


5.1 Conclusion 62

5.2 Comparison 63

5.3 Recommendation 64


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Comparison of the results of compaction and 22

California bearing ratio tests carried out on

kaolinite, monmorillonte and quartz with those

obtained when these materials were treated with

optimum lime content

2 Bearing capacity of the subgrade on the 34

experimental road.

3 Atterberg Limit result 50

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1 Graph of Unconfined Compressive Strength versus 10

percentage Hydrated Lime.

2 Unconfined compressive strength of 23

montmorillonite with various additions of lime.

3 Unconfined compressive strength of kaolinite and 24

quartz with various additions of lime.

4 Young's modulus of kaolinite with various 26

additions of lime

5 Graph of E-modulus of the lime stabilized subgrade 29

versus day.

6 Bearing capacity of samples, 1 hour after treatment. 32

7 Bearing capacity of samples, 3 days after treatment. 33

8 Bearing capacity of samples, 28 days after 33


9 The Elastic Modulus changes as a function of time 35

on the experimental road.

10 Methodology 37

11 Testing 38

12 A little soil sample of Liquid Limit 40

13 The soil that been rolling on hand due to Plastic 42


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Identify each bottle with the lime content 43

Record the pH for each lab lime-treated slurry 44


Soil mixture sample in the airtight. 45

Soil in the mould of standard proctor test. 46

Capillary soaking process. 47

Soil sample ready to be test. 48

Semi-log graph for particle size analysis 51

Graph of pH versus lime content 52

Graph dry unit weight versus moisture content in 53

percent for soil only.

Graph dry unit weight versus moisture content in 54

percent for soil improvement

UCS mode failure: Splitting failure 57

Stress-strain curve 58

Mohr' circle graph 59

Comparison of Beaumont clay and Victoria clay with 61

Pekan clay.

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UCS - Unconfined compressive strength

CBR - California Bearing Ratio

ASSHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

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Ca - Calcium

Ca(OH)2 - Calcium hydroxide

CaCO3 - Calcium Oxide

H - Hydrogen

kPa - Kilo pascal

O - Oxygen

- degree Celsius

°F - degree Fahrenheit

w - Water content

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A Atterberg Test Result Soil only 67

B Atterberg Test Result Soil +Lime 68

C Standard Proctor test Soil + Lime result 69

D Standard Proctor test Soil result 70

E Unconfined Compressive Strength test 15% water content result 71

F Unconfined Compressive Strength test 20% water content result 72

C Unconfined Compressive Strength test 25% water content result 73

H Calibration chart 74

I Sieve analysis test result 75

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Soil is the base of any structures as building will stand firm on it. Normally, a

base must be strong, can resist failure and able to support huge load of a structure. This

is why, before any constructions work can be done, analysis and study must be applied

to the soil in order to know the condition of the soil. The soil will give problems and

difficulties to engineers as soil can present in many types, properties and strength. The

variety of the soil is the factors that cause some soil to undergo excessive settlement,

collapse, and have distinct lack of strength.

Soft clay soil can be categorized as problematic soil. The low strength and high

compressibility characteristics the soil had are the major reasons why a careful design

analysis should be taken for any structure built on it. Due to these problems, soil

investigation on the basic properties and shear strength of the soil must be carried out.

Clay is one of the three principal types of soil, the other two being sand and

loam. A certain amount of clay is a desirable constituent of soil, since it binds other

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kinds of particles together and makes the whole retentive of water. Excessively clayey

soils, however, are exceedingly difficult to cultivate. [1]

Clay stiffness presents resistance to implements, impedes the growth of the

plants, and prevents free circulation of air around the roots. They are cold and sticky in

wet weather, while in dry weather they bake hard and crack. Clods form very often in

clayey soils. Clays can be improved by the addition of lime, chalk, or organic matter;

sodium nitrate, however, intensifies the injurious effects. In spite of their disadvantages,

the richness of clay soils makes them favourable to the growth of crops that have been

started in other soil.

Soil improvement is usually an alternative to the provision of a structural

solution to a practical problem, such as provision of retaining wall or buttresses,

thickening of road pavements or increasing the extent of foundations. In the case of clay

soils, chemical improvement is commonly most effective since it can be used to change

the nature of the material. Chemical means can be used tostrengthen the soil, but also to

remove its sensitivity both to water and its subsequent stress history.

Lime in the form of quicklime (calcium oxide - CaO), hydrated lime (calcium

hydroxide - Ca[OH]2), or lime slurry can be used to treat soils. Quicklime is

manufactured by chemically transforming calcium carbonate (limestone - CaCO3) into

calcium oxide. [2]

Hydrated lime is created when quicklime chemically reacts with water. It is

hydrated lime that reacts with clay particles and permanently transforms them into a

strong cementitious matrix. Most lime used for soil treatment is "high calcium" lime,

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which contains no more than five percent magnesium oxide or hydroxide. On some

occasions, however, "dolomitic" lime is used.

Dolomitic lime contains 35 to 46 percent magnesium oxide or hydroxide.

Dolomitic lime can perform well in soil stabilization, although the magnesium fraction

reacts more slowly than the calcium fraction. Sometimes the term "lime" is used to

describe agricultural lime which is generally finely ground limestone, a useful soil

amendment but not chemically active enough to lead to soil stabilization. [2]


Clay is a material with low strength and markedly affected by water but it can be

relatively strong in dry condition. If water is added to clay, it will behave as plastic or

flow like liquid. Soft clay normally has very high percentage of clay fraction. Because of

its low permeability, dissipation of excess pore pressure in soft clay is slow. This

phenomenon creates a lot of problem at construction site in Malaysia, so the

improvement of soil is needed.

Lime provides an economic and powerful means of chemical improvement, as

demonstrate by the dramatic transformation that is evident on mixing lime with heavy

clay. The traditional used of lime stabilization is in the treatment of clay subgrades to

create improved road foundations without the need for large quantities of imported

granular aggregates.

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The problems at site are sometime unlike sand, silt and loam soils, clay soils

have small, densely packed particles that are difficult to penetrate. Once the soil is

penetrated with water, it holds onto it for a long period of time. In general construction

problems in this deposit are insufficient bearing capacity, excessive post

construction settlement and instability on excavation and embankment forming.


Pekan clay soils need to do the improvement method. A research had been done

to know the suitability and the effectiveness of the improvement method. The objectives

of this study are:

a) To determine the soil strength with adding of hydrated lime to the clay


b) To check the properties of the clays before and after treatment on

plasticity index.

C) To determine the optimum lime content required in the soft soil at Pekan.


1.4.1 Scope of work

Scope of works is plan based on the study requirement. Every testing need to

Provide the sample of the soft soil. The sample will be used is clay soil at Pekan,

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Pahang. The lime to be used in this research is hydrated lime. By identifying the

engineering properties of soil that will be analysed, the matters need to be considering

are the colour of the soil and particle size in order to fulfil the criteria for soil


1.4.2 Testing

The need for finding the optimum lime content, the Eades-Grim test need to be

done. In the test, we only consider hydrated lime with different percentage of content to

be mix with the clay soil. The constant pH level and the less of hydrated lime content

will be selected as the optimum lime content for the clay soil.

By using the optimum lime content, the proctor test done to know the optimum

moisture content and maximum dry density of the clay soil. The moisture content with

different percentage in 5 percent, 8 percent, 10 percent, 15 percent, 20 percent and 30

percent are to be tested by mixing with the soil and optimum lime content.

The curing process are done by wrapping the specimen in plastic wrap and seal

in air tight, moisture proof bag. Cure the specimens for 1 4days at 40°C ± 5°C. After that,

place the cure specimen on the porous plate in contact with water before testing.

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2.1 Lime

Calcium hydroxide, traditionally called slaked lime, is an inorganic

compound with the chemical formula Ca(OH)2. It is a 6olourless crystal or white powder

and is obtained when calcium oxide (called lime or quicklime) is mixed, or "slaked"

with water. It has many names including hydrated lime, builders lime, slack lime, Cal,

or pickling lime. It is of low toxicity and finds many applications, including for food.

2.2 Properties

When heated to 512 °C, the partial pressure of water in equilibrium with calcium

hydroxide reaches 101 kPa, which decomposes calcium hydroxide into calcium oxide

and water. [1]

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Ca(OH)2 -p CaO + H20

A suspension of fine calcium hydroxide particles in water is called milk of lime.

The solution is called lime water and is a medium strength base that reacts

with acids and attacks many metals. Lime water turns milky in the presence of carbon

dioxide due to formation of calcium carbonate:

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 -* CaCO3 + H20

Calcium hydroxide crystallizes in the same motif as cadmium iodide. The layers

are interconnected by hydrogen bonds.

2.3 Lime Modifies Clay Soils

On many construction sites there is a need for short-term soil modification to

temporarily strengthen the working area. The benefits of modified soils include:

1. Making clay soils friable and easier to handle.

2. Providing a working-platform for subsequent construction.

3. Reducing plasticity to meet specifications.

4. Conditioning the soil for further treatment.

5. Spot treatment of spongy subsoil areas.

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After initial mixing, the calcium ions (Ca++) from the lime migrate to the surface

of the clay particles and displace water and other ions. The soil becomes friable and

granular, making it easier to work and compact. At this stage the Plasticity Index of the

soil decreases dramatically, as does its tendency to swell and shrink. The process, which

is called "flocculation and agglomeration," generally occurs in a matter of hours. Small

amounts of lime, suchas 1% to 4% by mass of dry soil, can upgrade many unstable fine-

grained soils. With heavy clay soils, additional lime may be necessary for these

purposes. Modification improvements are generally temporary and will not produce

Permanent strength in clay soils. [4]

2.4 Lime fixation in clayey soils

Previous work in stabilization of clayey soils with lime has shown that small

amounts of lime considerably improve workability but contribute little to strength,

whereas larger amounts of lime also improve the strength and bearing capacities of these

soils. This suggests the possibility that lime added to soil must first satisfy an affinity of

the soil for lime, an affinity referred to as lime fixation.

In some clayey soils the addition of flyash with the lime caused an even more

significant gain in strength. The research described in this paper was undertaken to

determine whether lime fixation does occur, and if so, to determine the mechanisms

involved and the amount of lime utilized.

Samples of six natural clayey soils were mixed with varying amounts of lime (0

to 12 percent), cured two days at 100 percent humidity and 70 Fahrenheit temperature,

and subjected to Atterberg limits tests. Similar mixes were compacted at optimum

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11-1 oisture content to standard proctor density and tested in unconfined compression after

7 and 28 days moist curing. Curves of lime content versus Atterberg limits and lime

content versus unconfined compressive strength indicate that when the plastic limit

increases, with small amounts of lime, the strength remains relatively constant, whereas

with larger amounts of lime the plastic limit remains constant and strength increases.

Thus, the plastic limit is indicative of the amount of lime fixation in clayey soils. Further

correlations show that the amount of fixation is proportional to the type and amount of

2-micron clay present and is independent of the adsorbed cation present. [5]

As a result of the unconfined Compressive strengths, kaolinitic and

montmorilloflitic clayey soils were found to be well stabilized with lime alone, whereas

ill jtic- chioritic clayey soils require additions of flyash to obtain significant gains in


2.5 Effect of Lime, Moisture and Compaction on a Clay Soil

In an effort to use economically material otherwise unsuitable for subgrade

construction, the state of Virginia is in many instances adding a small percentage of lime

to improve such material. This project investigates the change in engineering

characteristics of a typical clay soil when different amounts of hydrated lime were


The testing program consisted mainly of studying the effect of three variables-

percent lime, moisture content, and compactive effort by fabricating California Bearing

Ratio (CBR) specimens and obtaining values of CBR, density, and swell. In addition,

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Atterberg limit determinations were made on the soil containing different percentages of

]line. [61

The trends shown by this study are:

a) The plastic properties of the soil were improved appreciably by the addition of

hydrate lime.

b) Addition of hydrated lime materially increased the strength of soil as measured

by the California Bearing Ratio method.

c) Increases in compactive effort were more effective on lime-treated soil than on

untreated soil.

d) For the natural soil, the values of California Bearing Ratio as molded were

generally greater than those of California Bearing Ratio soaked for 4 days, but

with the addition of lime the situation was reversed and the California Bearing

Ratio - soaked values observed were greater than those of California Bearing

Ratio as molded.

e) Although the increase in lime content increased the California Bearing Ratio as

molded, the change was not a pronounced as for California Bearing Ratio


The addition of hydrated lime reduced the swell percentage of the clay soil


g) The California Bearing Ratio test on natural soil and soil-lime mixture using

varying compactive effort and moisture content indicated that strength is a

function of both density and moisture content. [6]

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2.6 A Quick Test to Determine Lime Requirements for Lime Stabilization

The use of hydrated lime, CaOH2 for modifying, upgrading, and stabilizing soils

is increasing greatly. This means highway laboratories have had their work loads

increased, and in many instances, more than doubled for a particular job. Before the

advent of the use of lime, the laboratory was finished with testing when a soil was

classified as unsuitable. Now the same soil is tested and retested to find the percentage

of lime required to bring the soil within specifications. [7]

In most cases the percentage is determined by compressive tests, Atterberg limits

tests, or both. The reaction of lime and soil can be described as a series of chemical

reactions. The results of these reactions are expressed as a change in the plasticity, swell,

shrinkage or compressive strength of the soil.

Therefore, a quick or simple test is needed to show the amount of lime required

to react chemically with a soil to bring about these physical changes to an optimum

degree. Laboratory tests, involving mineralogical, physical and chemical characteristics

of untreated and lime treated soils have proven that pH tests can be used to determine

the optimum lime requirements of a soil.

The soil-lime pH test is performed as a test to indicate, the soil-lime proportion

needed to maintain the elevated pH necessary for sustaining the 'reactions required to

stabilize a soil. The test derives from Eades and Grim. Performance tests are normally

conducted in a laboratory to verify the results of this test method.

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_L /_

Eades-Grim test is a method to know the pH level of soil reacts with lime. This

method describes the determination of the actual lime content of a lime-treated soil using

the pH method. Determinations are based on comparing the pH of a lime-treated soil to

the pH of a similar untreated soil at various known percent lime content.

This test method will not provide reliable information relative to the potential

reactivity of a particular soil, nor will it provide information on the magnitude of

increased strength to be realized upon treatment of this soil with the indicated percentage

of lime. This test method can be used to estimate the percentage of lime as hydrated lime

or quicklime needed to stabilize soil.

2.7 Lime Permanently Stabilizes Clay Soils

In contrast to lime modification, lime creates long-lasting changes in soil

characteristics that provide structural benefits. Lime is used in stabilizing and

strengthening subgrades (or sub-bases) and bases below pavements. Non-pavement

applications for lime treatment include building foundations and embankment


Lime stabilization chemically changes most clay soils:

1. Markedly reduces shrinkage and swell characteristics of clay soils.

2. Increases unconfined compressive strength by as much as 40 times.

3. Substantially increases load-bearing values as measured by such tests as

CBR, R-value, Resilient Modulus, and the Texas Triaxial tests.

4. Develops beam strength in the stabilized layer and greatly increases the

tensile or flexural strength.