nurturing care for china’s orphaned children

University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Faculty Publications, Department of Child, Y outh, and Family Studies Child, Yo uth, and Family Studies, Department of 11-17-2007 Nurturing Care for China’s Orphaned Children  Janice N. C oon  Infant N urture Progr am, Half the Sky F oundation  , janice@halhesky .org Carolyn P. Edwards University of Nebraska - Lincoln  , [email protected] u  W en Zhao University of Nebr aska-Lincoln  , wen@halhesky .org  Jerònia Mun taner Gelabert  Infant N urture Progr am, Half the Sky F oundation  , jeronia@halhesky .org Tis Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Child, Youth, and Family Studies, Department of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications, Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Coon, Janice N.; Edwards, Carolyn P.; Zhao, Wen; and Gelabert, Jerònia Muntaner, "Nurturing Care for China’s Orphaned Children" (2007). Faculty Publications, Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies. Paper 57. hp://

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University of Nebraska - LincolnDigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - LincolnFaculty Publications, Department of Child, Youth,and Family Studies Child, Youth, and Family Studies, Department of


Nurturing Care for China’s Orphaned Children Janice N. Co on Infant Nurture Program, Half the Sky Foundation , janice@hal

Carolyn P. EdwardsUniversity of Nebraska - Lincoln , [email protected]

Wen ZhaoUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln , wen@hal

Jerònia Muntaner Gelabert Infant Nurture Program, Half the Sky Foundation , jeronia@hal

Tis Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Child, Youth, and Family Studies, Department of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications, Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies by an authorizedadministrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

Co on, Janice N.; Edwards, Carolyn P.; Zhao, Wen; and Gelabert, Jerònia Muntaner, "Nurturing Care for China’s Orphaned Children"(2007).Faculty Publications, Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies.Paper 57.h p://

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1Beyond the Journal •Young Children on the Web • November 2007

As the number of children orphaned or abandonedworldwide rises, we worry about their rights and welfare.Children without parents or loving guardians are vulnerableto neglect, poor health care, and diminished education. Manycome to live in institutions where they may experience a hostof long-term problems, including malnutrition, growth retarda-tion, sensory processing difculties, behavioral and attachmentdisorders, and cognitive and language delays (e.g., Rutter,Quinton, & Hill 1990; Judge 1999; Zeanah 2000; Beckett et al.2002). Yet, people are nding helpful solutions.

Half the Sky Foundation (HTS) conducts infant nurture and preschool enrich-ment programs that dramatically enhance the quality of life and the development oforphaned children living in Chinese state-run institutions. Launched as two small pilotsin 2000 by founder Jenny Bowen and agroup of American adoptive parents, Halfthe Sky ( operatestoday in partnership with the Chinese gov-ernment in 34 state-run welfare institu-tions in 12 municipalities and provinces.The foundation serves over 3,500 children

and adolescents, without regard to genderor disability, with funding from individual,foundation, and corporate donors world-wide. More than 12,000 children have ben-eted already from HTS programs. Thisarticle describes the programs for theyoungest children: infants, toddlers, andpreschoolers.

The Infant Nurture Program

In China’s social welfare institutions, one

caregiver may be responsible for feeding,bathing, and diapering 10 to 15 childrenin addition to carrying out many house-hold chores. The children assigned to acaregiver may vary from day to day, mak-ing a bond between child and caregiverimpossible. Children spend most dayslying in cribs or propped in wooden chairs,with little opportunity for stimulation orinteraction.

Janice N. Cotton, PhD, is program direc-tor for Half the Sky Foundation’s Infant Nur-ture Program. She has more than 30 yearsof consulting experience in early childhoodeducation with foundations, universities, andresearch institutions. E-mail: [email protected].

Carolyn Pope Edwards, EdD, is professorof psychology and child, youth, and familystudies at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. She is Half the Sky Foundation’s earlyeducation advisor and serves on the board ofdirectors. E-mail: [email protected].

Wen Zhao, PhD, is program director for Halfthe Sky Foundation’s Little Sisters PreschoolProgram. In addition to teaching high schoolEnglish in China, she has been a Head Startteacher and family child care provider inWyoming, and has taught preservice teach-ers at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.E-mail: [email protected].

Jerònia Muntaner Gelabert is a eld super-visor for Half the Sky Foundation’s InfantNurture Program in China. Born in Spain,Jerònia has worked more than 10 years as aMontessori educator and lived in China since1985. E-mail: [email protected].

This is an expanded version of an articleappearing in the November 2007 issue of Young Children.

Photographs © Half the Sky Foundationexcept as noted.

Nurturing Care for China’sOrphaned Children

Janice N. Cotton, Carolyn Pope Edwards,Wen Zhao, and Jerònia Muntaner Gelabert

All the children whoare held and lovedwill know how to loveothers. . . . Spreadthese virtues in theworld. Nothing moreneed be done.

— Meng Zi, c. 300 BC

© Anto Titus

© Joey Chung

© Zhen Yang© Robert Churchill

© Felix Alim

© Zhu Difeng

© D

a n n y

Z h a n

© Hector Joseph Lumang

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2Beyond the Journal •Young Children on the Web • November 2007

Primary caregivers

Half the Sky’s Infant Nurture Program begins with thepremise that children’s needs for care and stimulation mustbe consistently met in the context of a close, caring relation-ship. HTS carefully selects and hires women from the com-munity to serve as primary caregivers or zumu (Chineseword roughly meaning granny or grannies ). Zumu lovinglyprovide care and education to a consistent group of two tofour children at least seven hours a day, six days a week,until the children move on to preschool or are adopted.

Zumu preparation. Each HTS zumu participates in asix-day training program in the theory and practice ofrelationship-based care (Edwards & Raikes 2002; Honig2002). They digest ideas from international research onbrain development, child development, and the importanceof responsive caregiving (see “Professional DevelopmentProgram for Infant Caregivers,” p. 3). Because adult control is an essential part of Chinese edu -cation and socialization (Ho 1988), zumu are comfortablewith traditional Chinese forms of childrearing that reinforceinteractions in which the child follows the adult. During HTStraining, they discuss and practice combining traditional

care with new concepts. Zumu hone their observation skillsto focus on the child’s interests and on responding in waysthat follow the child’s lead. They discuss how this new stylestill leaves them in charge, but in ways that better addressa child’s developmental needs. For example, zumu knewthe value of playing games and talking with babies, but theybelieved adults should plan the activities and set the pacewithout individualizing for each child. In HTS training, theydiscuss how to promote development not only by leadingbut also by responding to the child’s vocal and physical

signals of inter-est, pleasure, ordiscomfort.

Putting train-ing into action. Thezumu work in play-

rooms with large, openspaces for crawling andwalking, low shelves forstoring developmentaltoys, and long safetymirrors with grab bars

attached. Each zumu surrounds herself with her chil-dren and puts her learning into practice. You might seeone zumu holding and talking softly to an upset child,another repeating a baby’s babbling, and still anotherencouraging a baby to crawl by dangling a toy just out ofreach. An on-site supervisor and eld supervisors whovisit regularly support the zumu’s work.

Changes in the children

Children who once lay in beds all day with dull expres-sions now jump with joy when they see their zumuarrive in the morning. They reach for toys to explore,and they babble and laugh . Zumu document theirbabies’ progress in anecdotal notes and photographsthat become part of the children’s memory books. Thememory books go with the children when they transi-tion to preschoolor to new homes, ifadopted, and serve

as a precious source ofautobiographical infor-mation, identity, andfond memories. Dramatic changes areespecially noticeable inchildren with disabili -ties. Many zumu believethat children with cere-bral palsy are hope-lessly handicapped.Perceptions change as

they work with the chil-dren, lose their fear, anddevelop condence. For example, MeiLing,a child with cerebralpalsy, progressed frombeing nonreactive,nonspeaking, and non -walking at 20 months,when introduced to her

Zumu hone theirobservation skills tofocus on the child’sinterests and on

responding in waysthat follow thechild’s lead.

Zumu documenttheir babies’ progressin anecdotal notesand photographsthat become part ofthe children’s mem-ory books.

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A team of Chinese and international early child-

hood educators and physicians provides six daysof initial training for Half the Sky infant caregivers.The teacher educators discuss current practices andthinking in attachment-based early care and educa-tion with the caregivers, exploring how to successfullyblend new and familiar methods. Infant caregivers (zumu) are typically selected fortheir interest, character, and emotional characteris-tics, and for their capacity to bond with and nurturethe development of very young children. Most zumucome to the program without formal training in earlychildhood education or infant development.

Broad topics covered in the initial training

Responsive caregiving and infant attachment

• De nition and importance• How caregivers can provide responsive care

Brain development

Child temperament

• Identi cation of traits• Strategies for supporting different traits of infants

Child growth and development

• Typical developmental characteristics• How to promote development

Health and safety

• Practices for keeping children and caregivershealthy• Creating and maintaining a safe environment

Observing and documenting growth anddevelopment

• Writing anecdotal notes and taking photographs• Creating memory books

Training methods• Small- and large-group discussion• Lecture• Direct work with children

Adapted from For the Children: Half the Sky Foundation’s Guide to Infant Nurture and Preschool Educationin China’s Social Welfare Institutions, ed. K. Evans (Berkeley, CA: Half the Sky Foundation, 2003), 34

• Observation of children and other adults working

with children• Problem solving• Case study analysis• Individual and small-group re ection

Other professional developmentopportunities

The activities that follow expand on the course’sbasic information and give students opportunitiesto explore new areas. Field supervisors visit eachsite regularly, serving as mentors and coaches for

the zumu and the on-site zumu supervisors. Zumulearning communities meet regularly with on-sitezumu supervisors to focus on team problem solvingand explore new topics about promoting children’sdevelopment.

• Field supervisors visit each site regularly, servingas mentors and coaches for the zumu and the on-site zumu supervisors. Zumu learning comunitiesmeet regularly with on-site supervisors to focuson team problem solving and explore new topicsabout promoting chidren’s development.

• Supervisors share with zumu individual training

modules, prepared by the program director anda team of international educators, that expandon the information in the initial training or presentnew information.

• National and international physicians and physicaland occupational therapists provide on-site train-ing in working with children with special needs inlarge or small-group settings, according to a pro-gram’s needs.

• The program director regularly sends resourcematerials to program sites for individual and groupstudy, discussion, and re ection.

• Supervisors meet annually to share success sto-ries, solve problems, learn new information, andbe inspired for another year of work.

Professional Development Program for Infant Caregivers

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zumu, to smiling, crawling, and standing with support at 28months and speaking at 29 months. When she reached 32months, her zumu wrote,

It is now a year from the time I rst met MeiLing. She can walkabout 10 meters and stand on her own for one minute. Shetrusts the other caregivers and will play holding anyone’shands. She understands my instructions. She is no longer the

shy girl who shut herself off from others but is instead a happyand cheerful little angel who helps adults and younger chil -dren. I now believe these special children can have happy andcolor-lled lives, just like the healthy children.

This example shows how much catch-up developmentand learning can occur in infants and toddlers in institu-tional group care once they receive individualized, stimulat-ing attention organized on a primary attachment model ofresponsive caregiving.

The Preschool Enrichment Program

Half the Sky’s preschool enrichment and interventionprogram serves children two to seven years old. Children inmultiage or same-age groups of 10 to 12 take part (ve daysa week, about ve hours a day) in specially designed class-rooms. The classrooms are equipped with furniture paintedin soothing and harmonious colors and are stocked withart and constructive materials, toys, and role-play propsmatching the children’s developmental levels and interests.

Teachers and blended practices

The preschool curriculum is based on the Chinesenational educational guidelines and infused with elementsinspired by the Reggio Emilia approach as well as by devel-

opmentally appropriate practice (Bredekamp &Copple 1997; Evans 2003; Rinaldi 2006). For example, according to the 2001 ChineseGuidelines for Kindergarten Education, laoshi (theChinese term for teacher or teachers) are required todevelop plans to promote musical appreciation and creativ -ity. In China, repetition is the primary method for teaching

young children songs and dances. In the HTS classroom,however, learning a song may be part of a larger projectinvolving observation, art, movement, drama, and dance. The goal of blending educational philosophies and prac-tices is to bring together the educational wisdom of dif-ferent countries and provide vulnerable children with abetter chance to reach their potentials in China, a societyundergoing rapid social, economic, and educational change(Hulbert 2007). The society needs workers and leaders withdifferent skills and dispositions from those looked for in the past. The entire educational system has entered a periodof rapid growth and innovation accompanied by a struggleto forge an identity that bridges “colonial and communistpasts with a promising and yet uncertain future” (Hseuh,Tobin, & Karasawa 2004, 1).

Teacher training.

HTS laoshi participatein a three-week train-ing course in whichthey learn to apply theHTS curriculum withinthe welfare institutionswhere the HTS class-rooms are located.

Preparation and ongo-ing support are criti-cal components of thesuccess of the program.

Through theory and direct work with children, laoshibegin a transformative process of professional and per-sonal change (Zhao et al. 2003; Zhao 2007). They learnstrategies adapted from the Reggio Emilia approach forfostering children’s intellectual development by focus-ing on group belonging, project learning, and expressingthe self through multiple symbolic languages, includingdrawing, painting, speaking, singing, dancing, and dra-matic play (Edwards, Gandini, & Forman 1998). Theirpractice covers skills of observing, curriculum plan-ning, instruction, and documentation through anec-dotal notes, memory books, and project panels (see“Professional Development Program for PreschoolTeachers,” p. 5).

Putting theory into action. HTS laoshi receiveongoing supervision and professional developmentthrough regular site visits by eld supervisors, by com -municating about work issues on an HTS Web site, and

Learning a songmay be part ofa larger projectinvolving observa-tion, art, movement,

drama, and dance.

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Professional Development Program for Preschool Teachers

Candidates for preschool teacher (laoshi) are selectedfor their interest in the Half the Sky (HTS) program andtheir desire to be part of it. They have a preschool teach-ing certi cate, or other early childhood training, and teach -ing experience. Thus, they come to the program with pro-fessional knowledge and skills that provide the foundationfor learning about HTS methods. A Chinese early childhoodeducator with advanced degrees from the United Statesteaches the initial three-week course.

Classroom instruction and discussion(weeks 1 and 2)

• Introduction to Half the Sky programs

• Introduction to the preschool program as relationship-based education inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach

• Characteristics of children living in institutions

• Attachment theory

• Brain development

• Providing an enriched environment and relationship-based education for children who are abandoned,orphaned, and/or institutionalized: What are the similari-ties and differences between relationship-based edu-cation and the laoshi’s previous learning about earlychildhood teaching practices? How can a laoshi appro-priately and constructively blend familiar and newapproaches to practice?

• The laoshi’s role in the HTS classroom

• Facilitating children’s development and learning: thelaoshi’s role

• Improving the learning and socialization environment ofthe children—the laoshi’s role

• The relationship between the cognitive, emotional, andsocial development of children

• Observation strategies for responsive teaching practice

• Documentation of teaching and learning for both chil-dren and adults

Hands-on practice with children (weeks 1 and 2)

• Building a relationship with an individual child

• Writing a daily child observation

• Planning an activity to conduct with the child

• Implementing the activity plan with the child

• Grouping the children of the various trainees togetherand beginning to plan child-centered group activities

Adapted from For the Children: Half the Sky Foundation’s Guide to Infant Nurture and Preschool Educationin China’s Social Welfare Institutions, ed. K. Evans (Berkeley, CA: Half the Sky Foundation, 2003), 67–144 .

• Implementing teaching plans with the group of children

• Documenting the progress of children engaged in theactivities

• Planning teaching for the next day based on children’s

engagement in the present day’s activities

Refection (weeks 1 and 2)

• Discussion of the day’s experiences working with thechild/ren

• Discussion about improving the quality of teacherobservation

• Review of laoshi-child interactions using videotapes andphotos

• Review of the anecdotal notes and consideration aboutturning them into nished documentation that makes vis -

ible the children’s and adults’ learning processes• Discussion and self-evaluation in small groups; evaluat-

ing and sharing ideas for improvement of documentation(in the large group)

• Studying and discussing the laoshi’s experiences withtheir individual children

Practicum (week 3)

• Mornings: Teaching practice with children

• Afternoons: Re ection, planning, and documentation

Follow-up professional development opportunities

• Frequent eld visits by eld supervisors to provide pro -fessional support and help for each HTS teacher

• Weekly journal entries, shared with the program directorand eld supervisors

• Weekly online professional discussion of speci c top -ics, generated by either teachers from different sites orthe program director, based on the issues raised in theweekly journals

• Teachers’ Web site as a daily Internet learning opportu-nity for all HTS teachers across China

• Biweekly online professional development for HTS pre-school eld supervisors

• Annual HTS conference to exchange and enhance pro-fessional experiences and networking for HTS preschoolstaff across China

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by sharing weekly professional journals with their peersand other HTS staff. These experiences help them managethe most difcult challenge in their teaching practice—dealing with new educational concepts that are culturallyand philosophically foreign to them. In Chinese education, a clear shicheng (teacher-student)boundary is accepted; the typical classroom emphasizes

adult authority and structured delivery of lessons to a largegroup of children. HTS laoshi bravely embrace the chal-lenge of a blended practice by pro -viding opportunities every day forchildren to voice their thoughts

A Project on Love

A preschool class of four- to six-year-olds at the Xinyang welfareinstitution celebrates a classmate’s

birthday with a cake and gifts—anew experience for the children. Indiscussing why they might honor aclassmate in this way, the childrenare at a loss. They say only thatit’s great to get presents and thatbirthday cake tastes good. Whenasked to create pictures showingfriendship, the children draw cakes, presents, hearts, andsuch. They know the symbols for love and friendship buthave little personal experience in the emotions or under-standing of the concepts.

As part of a long-term project to learn more about loveand friendship, the laoshi guides the children in friend-ship-oriented activities, discussions, and art projects. Thelaoshi models thoughtful, caring behaviors and encour-ages children to express openly their feelings for oneanother. Gradually, the children begin to use words andactions to communicate positive feelings and share per-spectives with one another. At the end of the school year, three classmates, Ming-Ming, Aili, and Futian , are leaving Xinyang, with its HTSpreschool, to go back to their hometown institutions andstart primary school. At the goodbye party, the other chil-

dren are glum. They are even reluctant to eat the beau-tiful cake. Instead, many cry, telling the three departingchildren how much they will miss them. MingMing hastaken great care in preparing a book about his time withhis friends as a goodbye gift for them. BaoBao gives herfavorite stuffed animal to Aili. Others also give the depart-ing children special gifts. From their behavior, the laoshiknows that the children are grasping the meaning of loveand friendship.

and make decisions; but they also encourage afamiliar collectivism, harmony, and order in theclassroom. Laoshi build skills in reecting on theirpractice and become self-directed learners. One wrote,“I like to think more now by asking more questions whenI watch a child playing. I often ask myself, how can I makethe activity more creative and rich with materials for the

children; how can I make children happier when they learn?It makes me to want to read and explore more.”

Changes in the children

When the children rstenter Half the Sky pre-school programs, they oftenshow the affects, behaviors,and learning impairmentswell documented in chil-dren living in institutions(e.g., Rutter, Quinton, & Hill1990; Zeanah 2000). Laoshitrack children’s growththrough physical and cogni-tive assessments, observa-tion and anecdotal notes,and behavioral outcomes,including the transition toelementary school (Dole et

al. 2003; Zhao et al. 2003; Zhao 2007). After spending timein the program, the children begin to smile, show interestin toys and materials, show attachment to their laoshi, andpore over the displays of photos and children’s artwork on

the classroom walls and in the pages of their own and theirclassmates’ memory books. They engage eagerly in proj-ects that follow their interests, stimulate complex and con-structive play, and foster strong relationships with peers. For children whose lives and experience have sufferedsevere fragmentation and disorganization, project workhelps create threads of connection in thinking and planning(Hundeide 1991). In one example, children ages four to sixin an HTS preschool program conducted a long-term proj-ect on the meaning of love and friendship. When the proj-ect began, the children showed little ability to share, coop-erate, play together, or show affection to one another. Muchlater, it was clear to the laoshi that the children not only

grasped the concepts of love and friendship but were expe-riencing the emotions (see “A Project on Love”).


Can listless infants and toddlers in institutions begin tothrive simply from intervention by loving caregivers whoencourage attachment and provide attention that followsthe babies’ interests and initiatives? Can preschoolers with

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the behavioral and developmental issues typical of childrenwho have lived for several years in an institution respondto and benet from an enrichment program providingchild-centered play and activities? Can the Reggio Emiliaapproach be culturally translated to make good sense inwelfare institutions in China? Can it be applied to enhancerelationships with children at risk for attachment difcul-

ties, making them secure enough to reenergize their learn-ing and development? Can intervention programs be takento scale and sustained over time?

The answer to allthese questions turnsout to be a resound-ing yes. Half the SkyFoundation’s programsin China spark catch-up in the developmentof young children liv-ing in social welfareinstitutions. They doso through the partner-ship of caring peoplewho continually reex-amine their goals andnegotiate perspectiveson behalf of a conceptthat is essentially inte-grative, holistic, andhumanistic.


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learning inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy: Professionaldevelopment experience within the Chinese context. Innovations in

Early Education: The International Reggio Exchange 10 (4): 9–16.

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