november is rotary foundation month... · page 2 district 9780 newsletter—issue 5—november,...

Page 1 In this issue… Topic Page DG Highlights 1 Just For Fun Ideas 2 Try A Survey 2 Working Smarter Ideas 3 Meryl’s Aquabox Update 3 Rotary Day Ideas 3 DGN Nominations 4 Rotary & The Ebola Crisis 4 Welcome New Members 5 Inner Wheel News 5 D9780 Podcasting Service 5 Value in being on Exchange 6 The Marathon Fellowship 6 Using Social Media 7 Creating a Facebook Page 7 Disaster Aid Update 8 Conference Update 8 Contact Updates 9 District Contact details 9 I was at a conference a couple of years ago, and I was talking to this guy about the night when the District Governor comes...yes, some of you may remember what’s coming next! So I won’t repeat what I’ve been saying in my talks around the clubs, except to reiterate that the Foundation is Rotary’s own charity, and one of the best ways we can identify with our great organization is to make the Foundation a personal charity of choice and regularly contribute whatever we can afford. Many of our clubs are making this easier by setting up systems where members can add a small amount for the Foundation when they pay for their meal each week, or simply collect and record small amounts on occasions when there are no meals. Other clubs hand out small money boxes which can be specific “Foundation” boxes (available in a few places) or simply cheap plastic “piggy banks” which can be topped up at home by members and handed in when they are full. Other clubs set up a culture where members make a donation to the Foundation on their birthday which is acknowledged (without specifying an amount) during the club’s “Fines session”. Other clubs have a “Foundation Information Event” during Foundation Month (November) and invite members to donate then. A number of clubs ask their Foundation team to calculate the amount given by each individual over the year, and provide each members with an individual report of the total in May so individuals can, if they wish, top up the amount to achieve “Centurion” status i.e. AU$100 per annum before the cut off date for donations to be recorded for each Rotary year. If they wish, individual Rotarians can manage their own giving to the Foundation by using Rotary Direct”. (see left) Start by logging into the “My Rotary” web site and under the “Rotary Foundation” tab, click the “Give” button, (Continued on page 2) NOVEMBER IS ROTARY FOUNDATION MONTH DISTRICT 9780 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ISSUE 05NOVEMBER, 2014 The Polio Plus program is our Foundation’s Number One Program.

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District 9780 Newsletter—Issue 5—November, 2014

In this issue…

Topic Page

DG Highlights 1

Just For Fun Ideas 2

Try A Survey 2

Working Smarter Ideas 3

Meryl’s Aquabox Update 3

Rotary Day Ideas 3

DGN Nominations 4

Rotary & The Ebola Crisis 4

Welcome New Members 5

Inner Wheel News 5

D9780 Podcasting Service 5

Value in being on Exchange 6

The Marathon Fellowship 6

Using Social Media 7

Creating a Facebook Page 7

Disaster Aid Update 8

Conference Update 8

Contact Updates 9

District Contact details 9

I was at a conference a couple of years ago, and I was talking to this guy about the night when the District Governor comes...yes, some of you may remember what’s coming next! So I won’t repeat what I’ve been saying in my talks around the clubs, except to reiterate that the Foundation is Rotary’s own charity, and one of the best ways we can identify with our great organization is to make the Foundation a personal charity of choice and regularly contribute whatever we can afford.

Many of our clubs are making this easier by setting up systems where members can add a small amount for the Foundation when they pay for their meal each week, or simply collect and record small amounts on occasions when there are no meals. Other clubs hand out small money boxes which can be specific “Foundation” boxes (available in a few places) or simply cheap plastic “piggy banks” which can be topped up at home by members and handed in when they are full. Other clubs set up a culture where members make a donation to the Foundation on their birthday which is acknowledged (without specifying an amount) during the club’s “Fines session”. Other clubs have a “Foundation Information Event” during Foundation Month (November) and invite members to donate then. A number of clubs ask their Foundation team to calculate the amount given by each individual over the year, and provide each members with an individual report of the total in May so individuals can, if they wish, top up the amount to achieve “Centurion” status i.e. AU$100 per annum before

the cut off date for donations to be recorded for each Rotary year.

If they wish, individual Rotarians can manage their own giving to the Foundation by using “Rotary Direct”. (see left) Start by logging into the “My Rotary” web site and under the “Rotary Foundation” tab, click the “Give” button,

(Continued on page 2)



The Polio Plus program is our Foundation’s Number One Program.

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District 9780 Newsletter—Issue 5—November, 2014

JUST FOR FUN IDEAS Remember to send DG Geoff fun activities you’ve tried in your club. Here are some more:

* The 50/50 ticket draw: Have two tickets drawn in a “raffle” and there are different "contests" or feats to accomplish before you win the "pot" e.g. the first to inflate a balloon, build a pyramid of cards, sink a putt, say a tongue twister or a myriad of other fun tasks. Which Banner are We Talking About? One member has to research a Rotary banner on display and give a series of facts about the club. Members have to guess which banner is being talked about.

The Banner Quiz - Each week, a member researches one of the Rotary banners on display in the club and asks quiz questions about the banner with multiple choice answers for the more difficult questions e.g. Hold up the banner and ask...

In which Country is this club located?

Does this club meet... - (A) In a City / (B) In the Country (C) By The Sea How many members do you think they have? (A) less than 20/ (B) 20 to 40 (C) 40 to 60 (D) More than 60

Mystery member: This is a game where members have to guess the name of a member who would give a particular answer to one of the questions below. Give each member an A4 piece of paper with one of the following 4 questions printed in each quarter of the page (or make up your own questions). Ask members to write their name above each question and then write a very brief answer to each of the questions - without making it too obvious that it is their answer, and without revealing their answers to anyone else. Tell them to fold the sheets in quarters so answers cannot be seen. Collect all the sheets and cut them into quarters so that each answer ends up on separate piece of paper (i.e. a quarter of an A4 page). Each week, the Sergeant or Fun Director chooses one of these sheets at random and reads out the question and the mystery member’s answer. Members have to guess who it is for a simple, inexpensive prize. Possible questions...

-The best job I ever had was… -The worst project I ever worked on was… -The riskiest thing I ever did was… -The most trouble I ever got into was… Once the answer is guessed, if the member is there, they might like to elaborate on their answer (or not!)

then “Ways to Give” and download the “Rotary Direct Enrollment Form”.

Our District has a team of hard working Rotarians available to assist clubs in various aspects of Foundation work and giving. This team is chaired by PDG Brian Trenery and altogether, it manages eight key aspects of Foundation work.

The Alumni/ Associates Coordinator is DGN Stephen Lamont from Kardinia, and he promotes and manages the collection of records of Rotary Alumni and Associates in the District, facilitates access to these records, and encourages clubs to draw on these people as a source of possible members, speakers and as a basis for celebrations.

The District Fundraising Coordinator is PP Peter Simons from Portland, who manages the promotion and organization of annual giving programs in the District including the Centurion scheme, the Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) program, Endowment Giving, Major Giving Advice, giving to the Permanent fund and management of Paul Harris Society records for the District.

The Grants Sub Committee, chaired by PP Jerry Leech of Mt Gambier Lakes manages the promotion and implementation of District Grants, Global Grants, Vocational Training Teams (VTT), and monitors the appointment, promotion and work of Peace Fellows and Scholars in our District. The Peace Fellowships and Scholarships Coordinator is PP Jenny Acopian and she manages the promotion of the Rotary Peace Fellowships and Scholarships programs in the District, and coordinates visits of scholars to District clubs. The Vocational Training Team coordinator is President Martin Hill of Ballarat, who is responsible for promoting Vocational Training teams and coordinating their activities in our district.

Our Polio Plus Program Coordinator is Robert Netherton of Naracoorte who manages the promotion of Polio eradication programs in the District, as well as monitoring fundraising for Polio Programs.

Finally, our Stewardship Sub-Committee, chaired by PDG Eddie Loughlan, monitors document collection and the financial records of Rotary Foundation activities in the District, ensures records are audited correctly, deals with reports and the resolution of issues related to the misuse of Grant funds, and related legal matters.

(Continued from page 1)

TRY A SURVEY - FOUNDATION Here is a sample survey that Clubs may wish to use to discover member’s opinions and experiences with Rotary Foundation issues.

ANONYMOUS SURVEY—ROTARY FOUNDATION Instructions: Select/ tick/ circle your responses, fold the sheet, hand to collector.

1. Tick the following activities you would like our club to use to assist members to give to the Foundation: Provision of Foundation Money Boxes_____ Keeping a tally of donations given when paying for meals _____ Adding an agreed amount (e.g. $2.00) to the Dinner fee and allocating that to each member’s annual Foundation donation____ Providing members in early May with a record of what they have already given to the Foundation over the year so they could “top it up” for “Centurion” status_____Have an annual “Foundation night” with a guest speaker and an opportunity for members to make a gift _____ Not do any of these—encourage members to give privately______

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District 9780 Newsletter—Issue 5—November, 2014


* Coordinate a Rotary Day wine and cheese tasting event. Offer vintages from various Rotary years, and share highlights from the corresponding year

when introducing a new bottle for tasting.

* Publicize one of your club’s service projects on the anniversary of its inception, and designate this day as a Rotary Day. Create a news release about your club’s role in the project, a timeline, and a summary of results, and send it to local media.

* Purchase a full - page advertisement in your local newspaper, encouraging your community to celebrate Rotary Day.

* Conduct a Rotary Day seminar focused on volunteerism. Invite representatives from community groups , and offer tips and ideas about project development, management, and networking. Invite an inspiring speaker to encourage those who serve others.


Some clubs in our and other districts are now trialling the “WAVE Small Business package” which is a free accounting package available at: If it proves to be adequate for the needs of clubs, our district could promote it as a district “standard” and we would then have a supply of “experts” who can assist those just getting started with accounting packages. We wouldn’t make it compulsory, but we would like to reduce costs for clubs, and reduce the number of options out there so we can provide more assistance. We invite accountants and treasurers to download the package, try it out and provide us with some feed-back. Send feedback to our District Secretary, Derrick.



MERYL’S AQUABOX UPDATE Here I am receiving a cheque for another Aquabox from President Kaye Beresford at the Rotary Club of Drysdale—just one of many received over the last month as our District clubs continue to be very generous and supportive of this worthy cause. Other donations we know about have come from the Rotary Clubs of Naracoorte, Bayside Geelong, Kardinia, and Corio Bay. We’ve confirmed $16,790 in donations to date.

Degree of extra assistance required

Club member support

Aligned with Rotary goals

“Other” support already given

Flow on Potential: How many lives can this particular “cause” potentially and realistically touch?

No real flow on

1-10 10-15 50-100 >100

Little or none

<10% Not really Already Strongly supported


Moderate 10-30% Slightly or indirectly

Fairly well supported






Significant 30-60% Good Match

Not much other support

Large >60% Special RI project

No other support known



Has your club every spent long periods of time trying to make decisions about which projects to support or whether to support a project at all? Thanks to the work of Rotarian Mark Seller, the Rotary Club of Highton saves time in this matter by using a “Matrix for Establishing Rotary Support For Causes” (below). For each cause your club is considering, rate the cause against the various headings on the Matrix, and select the project that has the most number of hits in the yellow coloured sections. According to this matrix, the “best” projects for support would be those that require a large amount of extra assistance, that have over 60% of support from club members, that are really aligned with Rotary’s goals, that aren’t receiving any support from other groups and have the possibily of positively affecting a hundred or more people. Pretty hard to argue with that. We’d be interested in reports from clubs that give this matrix a try.


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District 9780 Newsletter—Issue 5—November, 2014


2017-2018 In accordance with the 2013 Bylaws of Rotary International Article 13, Section 13.020.4, the Rotary Clubs of District 9780 are invited to submit suggested candidates for the office of District Governor 2017 – 2018.

Suggestions in writing must be with the Nominating Committee Chair, PDG Chris Sims either by post to P.O. Box 322 Torquay 3228 or e-mail [email protected] or delivery by hand to 19 Sandhurst Cres Jan Juc 3228 no later than 6.00pm SATURDAY 31st January 2015.

Suggestions are to be submitted on the District 9780 Official Candidate Form signed by the Club President, Club Secretary with the signed agreement of the suggested candidate and supported by a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club.

The qualifications, responsibilities, requirements and duties of the Governor are clearly defined on pages 19-22 of the Manual of Procedure 2013 and in the document, “Lead Your District: Governor” which can be downloaded after typing the title into a search engine. Attention is also drawn to the matters of protocol outlined in the Bylaws of Rotary International, Article 13 – Nominations and Elections for Governor on pages 171 – 176 of the Manual of Procedure 2013.

Additional information to assist potential candidates is available from District Governor Nominating Committee Chairman, PDG Chris Sims and/or the District 9780 website

Information available includes:

District Governor 2014-2015 Overview of Competencies

Becoming Governor of District 9780 – A guide for Potential Candidates

District 9780 Official Candidate Form

District Election Guidelines

Any Past President who will have served a minimum of seven years as a Rotarian at the time of taking office and who would like to learn more about the role, requirements and responsibilities of the office of District Governor should contact PDG Chris by e-mail on [email protected], or by phone on 5261 6448, or 0439 209036.

ROTARY INTERNATIONAL STATEMENT ON EBOLA CRISIS Rotary continues to closely monitor the latest developments, and work with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other partners to respond to both polio and Ebola. Fighting disease is a priority of our members, who have organized countless projects around the world aimed at educating and mobilizing communities to prevent the spread of major diseases such as polio, HIV/AIDS, and malaria.

While our response to Ebola continues to evolve, much has already been accomplished:

* Through our investments in the polio eradication infrastructure in Nigeria, the government was able to help stop the outbreak of Ebola. The polio surveillance network – used to monitor cases for polio – is being employed to identify and track suspected Ebola cases and has contributed to Nigeria’s successful response. It is important to remember that Nigeria is still one of three polio endemic countries, and we must continue our efforts on eradicating polio to prevent new outbreaks.

* Rotary leadership continues to reach out to Rotarians in affected regions to determine how we can strengthen our response. Additionally, Rotary has created a working group to review the results of our findings, and help guide our outreach efforts.

* In addition to our global organizational plans, Rotary members are being mobilized on the ground to help prevent the spread of Ebola and other major diseases. The Rotary Club of Monrovia, for example is working directly with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Liberia to enhance local support for Ebola patients, health workers, and support personnel. Rotarians are soliciting funds to buy locally available items, providing much needed transportation, tracking potential Ebola cases, and supporting the reintegration of those who have recovered from the virus. Funding for the Monrovia project will also be used for local vehicle repair, fuel, medicine, mattresses, buckets, and other supplies. The Monrovia club has asked for donations of gowns, gloves, face masks, shoe covers, plastic boots, and, sadly, bodybags.

* To donate through the Monrovia Club, follow these steps:

* The website for contributions is

* Once connected click the ‘Donate’ button

* Enter Project Number which is 25-2014-15

* Enter Project Year which is 2014-15

* Click on ‘Find Project’

* Click on ‘Donate Now’ (lower right hand side)

* Proceed with payment details

* Acknowledgement and tax deductible receipt will emailed to the donor immediately

* Funds will be transferred to the Monrovia Ebola account on a monthly basis.

? 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018


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District 9780 Newsletter—Issue 5—November, 2014

INNER WHEEL NEWS Inner Wheel Australia is part of one of the largest Womens’ Worldwide Organisations. Originating in Manchester in the UK 90 years ago, wives of Rotarians at that time had the vision to start up friendship clubs and help those less fortunate.

The first club outside of UK was chartered in District 9780 in Ballarat, closely followed by Bendigo. The Inner Wheel however has different district boundaries to the regular Rotary clubs. These two clubs are actually in the A60 District for Inner Wheel clubs.

Sadly, Ballarat handed in their charter after 70 years of service, although Inner Wheel is still thriving in Bendigo and has recently celebrated 75 years of Service and friendship to the area. The Bendigo club is still one of the major clubs for our District.

Recently, new Inner Wheel clubs have been chartered in Hamilton and Warrnambool. This is strengthening the movement.

The Objects of Inner Wheel

To promote true fellowship To encourage the ideals of personal service.

To foster international understanding

Clubs meet once a month and members attend District meetings three times a year. Each club promotes their own fellowship, assists Rotary wherever there is a Rotary club nearby, and raises funds locally and internationally.

For the past 13 years, members have been passionate about raising funds for Cord Blood stem cell research, and have raised over $2m ,and given out 37 grants to researchers working in major centres e.g. Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Each grant is usually around $65,000. for which these researchers are most grateful, and they are now achieving amazing results.

Members do all of this while having fun.


This month we welcome some new members to clubs in District 9780. To Rotary Club of Wendouree Breakfast: Rod Unmack, classification IT Consultant, joined the club on 9 July Elissa Ritchie, classification Community Health Services, joined the club on 15 October. To the Rotary Club of Warrnambool Daybreak: Geoff and Julie Grec & Angela Runganga. To the Rotary Club of Nhill: Kay Frost To the Rotary Club of Portland Bay: Ms Helen Sparrow - (re-inducted), Jacinta Brown, Clare Holt, and Beth Rundell. Thank you to Rotarian Don Allen for this suggestion of having a new members segment. Feedback is always great to get from our members. Please advise us of any other new Rotarians that have been inducted recently. FOOTNOTE: Can all Secretaries and Rotarians please ensure that the email addresses of all new members are uploaded onto the District Clubrunner Site or their own Clubrunner page, as there are a number of current members who seem to be not receiving their District based emails. We rely on the accuracy of email addresses for our District to work effectively. Contact us if you need assistance.

Did you know that D9780 has its own podcast website? This District PR initiative replaces Rotary Radio, and is a series of “rotary coversations” that are recorded and uploaded onto the website, covering a wide range of topics and issues. This service is available for your Club to use as a PR tool – simply contact Podcast Co-ordinator, PP Tony Stewart: [email protected] to arrange to have a “conversation” with him about your projects or

events, or anything else Rotary related. You can download the podbean app onto your Iphone, android or tablet, which means you can listen to the podcasts at any time that suits you. Simply type... into your web browser (you will need to have Chrome on your device), right click on the Rotary Conversations image, and click on “Display on home page”. Happy listening!

Pres Glenn Fraser (Nhill), with new member, Kay Frost & Helen Woodhouse Herrick

“Cord Bears” being sold by Inner Wheel

to raise funds for stem cell research.

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Being an Exchange Student can be one of the most thrilling times in a young person’s life. The three young people in the photo below are an example of how the exchange can have lasting effects.

This year, on the 4th of October, Rachel Preston received the Queen’s Scout Award at Government House in Victoria. Rachel’s brothers Lachlan and Alex are also awardees from previous years.

Their Mum, Rotarian Deb Robertson is a founding member of the Rotary Club of Alfredton, and also a member of the District 9780 Youth Exchange committee.

To achieve this prestigious award, a Venturer Scout must be able to set goals; plan progress towards those goals; organise themelves and others; and maintain the determination to overcome difficulties and complete the task. They must also have achieved the Venturing Skills Award and complete the requirements in four award areas:

1. Adventurous Activities – demonstrates that the Venturer Scout is challenged in initiative, expeditions an outdoor adventures.

2. Community Involvement – activities centred on citizenship, community service and caring for the environment.

3. Leadership Development – involvement in Unit management and leadership courses and studying different vocations.

4. Personal Growth – self development through expressions, ideals, mental pursuits and personal lifestyle.

These young people all agree that it has been their youth exchange experiences and training that have helped them to be one of the very few Venturer Scouts to achieve this significant award. The presentation is made by the Governor and Chief Scout of New South Wales, as a representative of the Queen, at Government House.

Paris is certainly one of the most vistited cities in the world for lovers, and next year the lovers of marathons are invited to go to Paris for the 11th annual Marathon of the ‘Marathon Fellowship of Rotarians. Paris is certainly one of the most charming cities in Europe. Art and culture, shopping and museums, magnificent buildings and modern architecture characterise this city. Hardly any other city in Europe has similar attractions to visitors from all over the world. The magnificent boulevards thronging with people from different cultures shape the face of this historic but also young, vibrant city.

In Paris during 2005 - on the occasion of the centenary of Rotary, around 200 Rotarians from all over the world took part in the first Rotary Marathon. This event was planned with a lot of enthusiasm by the then District Governor, Jean-Claude Brocart (District 1700). What was intended as a one-time action has established itself as a fixed annual event. A year later at the Berlin Marathon, the IMFR (International Marathon Fellowship of Rotarians) was founded. Since that event in Paris, Rotarians from around the world meet once a year for a special marathon event.

To commemorate this special event 10 years ago, the Paris Marathon is on again next year. The event is planned for the weekend of the 10th to 12th of April, 2015.

You will find detailed information and the registration forms at the group’s homepage:

Ralf Ludewig, Germany

IMFR President 2014-2016


L-R Lachlan, Rachael (with certificate) and Alex Preston

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District 9780 Newsletter—Issue 5—November, 2014

SOCIAL MEDIA– HOW TO GET THE BEST OUT OF IT FOR YOUR CLUB Create your Facebook page as an organisation

and NOT as a person – you need LIKERS rather than FRIENDS.

Always have at least two people in your Club with administrator status to share the posting. Make sure that if one person is not able to maintain the page, the other has access and will do posts.

Let pictures tell your story. A few words and powerful images will have more impact than lengthy prose.

Have only one club page, people get confused when there is more than one, and it looks unprofessional.

Post regularly – at least once or twice a week. Social media is an immediate communication channel and your followers will disappear if you don’t regularly give them something to LIKE

Facebook does not deliver every post to all LIKERS of your page. If you want to increase the VIEWINGS, LIKES and COMMENTS around your posts you need to BOOST. This involves paying a small amount (minimum of $6) to transform the numbers of people who see your post from perhaps 100 to several thousand.

Visit the District 9780 Facebook Page and LIKE it, to be kept up to date with all the happenings across the district.

CREATING YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE Much is said about the need for good PR and for Clubs to find ways to promote the work they do in their local communities and across the world. Where do you start to create a PR message to share with your target audience?

You can use banners and create billboards. You can wear bright colourful shirts when out and about at work in your local community and you can hand out brochures when cooking up sausages on your Club BBQ. You can write press releases and send them to your local newspapers – some regional areas of our District have much more success than the city based in Clubs in this because more money is needed to pay for any information to be printed. You can use your Club websites to promote yourselves, and you can make videos and upload them to YouTube. You can create social media pages to reach out to the widest possible audience. There are many ways to let your community know about the work of Rotary and, more importantly, invite them to join in the work you do.

Start at the beginning...

Create a PR plan for your Club and request a budget from the Board. Set some goals around what you want to achieve, from a PR perspective. If the role of PR is not represented on your Club Board, then it needs to be.

Think about the projects and events your Club will be involved in, and the charities your Club will be supporting. Plan to use these activities as a basis for promoting your Club.

Do you have someone in your Club who loves taking photos or a Club Photographer as a member of your PR team? Good PR is made better with quality photographs, especially if you are using social media to promote your Club.

Using Social Media...

The best thing about Social Media is that it’s free! You can easily create a Facebook Page to share information about your Club. D9780 has 59 clubs, and 46 of them have a social media presence.

If you need assistance in creating a page for your Club, contact [email protected]

The Rotary Club of Alfredton are a great example of “Branding “ your club. They post numerous posts, not only about what they are doing but also promoting other clubs and the District as well. Well done, team!

Graphs like the one above show us how far our posts have reached, and give us more knowledge and important data in what grasps the attention of those who “like” our pages. Posting is so important, but also the content is as equally important. It cannot be just a “me-me” page boasting about money given away by the club or equally self-serving posts.

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District 9780 Newsletter—Issue 5—November, 2014



More updates from Disaster Aid Australia will be provided as they come to us on this calamitous event that has seen hundreds killed, but first, it is timely to provide some background about us, what we do, what we plan to do, and, how you can help us in our work … as volunteers in Rotary.


Disaster Aid Australia (DAA), is a Rotary Club project that began in 2010 (as a company limited by guarantee, and, with full Deductible Gift Recpient

(DGR) status for tax deductibility for donations) and is a member of the over-arching body known as Disaster Aid International (DAI). Other members of DAI are Rotary Club projects in Malaysia, UK & Ireland, USA and soon, from other countries.

The chairman of DAI is David Langworthy (a member of the Endeavour Hills Rotary Club in D9820 Vic.) who is also deputy chairman of Disaster Aid Australia. Much of the administrative work of DAI is done through the DAA office in Dandenong (SE Melbourne) kindly donated by an Endeavour Hills club member.

DARTs – Disaster Aid Response Team members –are a vital part of our organisation. We have highly trained Australian volunteers (many are Rotarians) who have worked in Haiti, Sudan, Pakistan, the Philippines and Malaysia delivering aid to those often in desperate need. They work with locals (including NGOs, government and other agencies, and Rotarians) as they rebuild their lives and communities after disasters.


Not long ago, landslides and flash floods triggered by massive monsoon rains killed hundreds in northern India, (Jammu & Kashmir) and Nepal. Reports in Associated Press said, "Five days of incessant rain (in the area) has seen the worst flooding in more than five decades." Some Rotarian friends in India sought help, and DAA sent in aid materials to Mumbai for distribution by the locals. They were advised that it is unsafe to send their DARTs into many of the affected areas, so they directed their aid efforts to the provision of materials, and to training locals in the Mumbai precinct. However, they are working on the ground in Nepal, where DAI's Deployment Manager (and Rotarian) Ed Cox is now based.

For more information, please go to: and like their page to keep up with all the current happenings. Contact link is here for Disaster Aid Australia. Facebook page link is here, please use these to find out more..


A number of District Rotarians have already registered for the District Conference in March, and some of the most popular accommodation spots have been booked out. However, plenty of rooms are still available in the area. Please check out the Accommodation page on the Conference Website for the latest details on places available:


There are a number of local families who are happy to host Rotarians—if you are interested in that kind of accommodation, again please contact our team.


The speakers and program is almost complete—check the Program page on the Conference website for details. Our Friday night speaker is Jonathan Welch , the founder of the “Choir of Hard Knocks “and a high profile Rotarian who will talk about how we can ignite our passion for Rotary.


On the Saturday morning of the conference week-end, Presidents and President Elects will each have a special breakfast at a local restaurant—a time to network with your peers in your year . Look out for details in the D9780MAIL and also on the Conference website.


We remind clubs that we want one photograph of all or most club members looking happy for our District Roll Call and another 9 or 10 photos of your club members involved in typical activities of your club. Please send them now to our our District Secretary.

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Gary C.K. Huang (CorrinaYao)



Geoff James (Meryl) 25 Pekin Rd, Maryborough Vic 3465 PH: 03 54605474 M: 0407 684 619 Email: [email protected]


Derrick Marsden 32 Menzies Drive, Daisy Hill, Vic 3465 PH: 03 54605924 M: 0487 392 233 Email: [email protected]


Trevor Lea (Pam) 11 Service St , Lake Wendouree Vic 3350 M: 0419 009 104 Email: [email protected]


Pauline Stewart (Tony) Email: [email protected]






Derrick Marsden Email: [email protected]

DG Newsletter Editor: Karen McCarthy


10th of each month (November copy due—Nov. 10th)


We aim to publish around the 15th of each month,

CONTACT UPDATES Here are the latest changes to the printed version of the District Directory. Please keep sending us any changes as they are noticed. Remember that an up-to-date digital version of the Directory in PDF format can always be viewed and downloaded from the District Clubrunner Website.


Page(s) Corrections 41 & 87 Corio Bay President email should be: [email protected] 48 Portland: Email [email protected] 55 Warracknabeal – Change of Make up Venue To: Creekside Hotel, 4 Scott Street, Warracknabeal – Wednesday 6.30pm 91 Cobden – Secretary – Graham Marchant New Email: [email protected]