november 8, 2013 bell work: pick up worksheet-kellogg- briand pact, 1928. read and answer questions...

Download November 8, 2013 Bell work: Pick up worksheet-Kellogg- Briand Pact, 1928. Read and answer questions on back. Also, copy CRASH acronym from the board

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November 26, 2013 Place phones in box on TV cart. We will be watching Pearl Harbor today. This is for a grade…if you fall asleep you get a zero for a grade.


November 8, 2013 Bell work: Pick up worksheet-Kellogg- Briand Pact, Read and answer questions on back. Also, copy CRASH acronym from the board. April 1, 2014 Today is test day! Take a few minutes to study! Get a set of flashcards from my desk and partner with someone and quiz each other. When you are done please put them back in my basket! After test you will do Chapter 18 vocab...use World History book page 546. You will turn this in when finished. November 26, 2013 Place phones in box on TV cart. We will be watching Pearl Harbor today. This is for a gradeif you fall asleep you get a zero for a grade. November 14, 2013 Put phones in box on TV cart Study for Chapter 18 test. After test you will do Chapter 19/20 vocab (WWII) using the American Republic book. Starts on page 584 November 13, 2013 Put phones in box on TV stand. Pick up study guide from back tablebegin working on this. America the Story of Us video-WWII Chapter 18 Between Two Fires Section 2 p U.S. & League of Nations President W. Wilson wanted the US to assume a greater role in world affairs Americans weary of war and foreign entanglements Wilson thought it was the cornerstone of lasting peace Unemployment in the U.S. Workers did not see wages rises as fast as production of goods 1930, stock market crashed- Great Depression By 1933, more than 13 million Americans, of the nations workforce New Deal Newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), believed the federal government had to aid the stricken economy and provide relief for the unemployed Put people back to work- building roads, dams, bridges, homes and parks Social Security & unemployment insurance provided Kellogg-Briand Pact U.S. took steps to prevent a future war International conference U.S. signed treaty with Japan & Great Britain limiting naval ships 1928, denounced war as a means of settling disputes Dust Bowl Economic effects of Great Britain Lost position as a leading economic power in the world Borrowed from U. S. American & Japanese captured British overseas markets because factories were old and outdated Factories closed, by 1921, 2 million out of work General Strike 1926, coal miners on strike for higher wages May 4 th, transport workers, dockers, public utility employees, and workers in building trades walked off jobs December, 1926 coal strike ended Commonwealth of Nations Great Britain held onto most of its empire 1931, Parliament passed Statute of West minister establishing voluntary association linking Great Britain and its former colonies on equal basis Popular Front 1934, Fascist groups rioted in Paris-kill several people Communists appealed to leaders of the Socialist party Leon Blum-Socialist leader, becomes Prime Minister. Popular front in power for one year. France & future wars Did not want another war Supported League of Nations Tried to create alliances to contain Germany Signed the Locarno Treaties with Germany, Italy, Belgium, and Great Britain to assure lasting peace Maginot Line Added insurance against future German invasion 200 miles long stretch of concrete bunkers and trenches between France and Germany Belgium undefended The Maginot Line Fascist Dictatorships Section 3, Pages November 11, 2013 Grab worksheet from back table How did Hitler come to power? Read article and answer questions on back. You will also do the activity on the bottom of the sheeta propaganda poster! Crayons and markers will be out for you to color. Fascism philosophy Formed by Mussolini Glorification of the state, single party system with strong ruler, & aggressive form of nationalism Gave state absolute authority Defended private property, some gov. regulation, & class structure Nations cause at all cost, even in war II Duce The Leader Italy slipped into hard time- lira declined, price of bread rose, shortage of coal Mussolini offered to please everyone Blackshirts, Mussolinis followers King of Italy named Mussolini prime minister, & ended democratic rule Fascists used brutal tactics to win political advantage, Mussolini called himself ? Italian Support for Mussolini Mussolini established a corporate state in Italy Fascists arrested, assaulted, & murdered anyone who speaks against them Majority supported Mussolini, prevented Communist revolution Rekindled feelings of patriotism & nationalism Weimar Republic Treaty of Versailles limited size of Germany military & required formation of democratic government 1919 to 1933 Germany had a democratic republic 1920 nationalist army tried a coup detat Germany must pay reparations $35 B Brownshirts Hitler formed with young veterans & street thugs Hitler went to prison, wrote a book on how he blamed Jews & Communist for German defeat Forced German voters to back Nazi party Hitler suspicious had 100s killed or shot 1930, Nazis in Germany/ Reichstag Won a large number of seats in the multiparty called Reichstag Hitler backed by politicians & became chancellor Reichstag legislative lower house Depression/Hunger continued Reichstag-voted for Hitler to deal with Communist threatNazi Gov. took over! Nuremberg Law Stripped Jews of citizenship & right to hold public office, students could NOT go to school & Jewish businesses destroyed Jews arrested, shot, or sent to concentration camps KRISTALLNACHT Jewish refugee- Herschel Grynszpan Hitler s response Problems did not end at dawn 7,500 businesses 180 synagogues 90 Jews killed Hundreds injured Thousands terrorized Third Reich Hitler called der fuhrer The Leader Called his government Third Reich Should last 1000 years, must restore Germanys military, ignoring what treaty? Flooded Germany with propaganda to stress importance of military & devotion to the nation & leader Ages 6 to 18 molded to accept Nazi ideas Hitler and Art Brought all intellectual and artistic activity in Germany under his control. Imposed new ideas for art Germanys most talented artists flee Germany Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Walter Gropious, and Arnold Schoenberg. Hitler uses Propaganda praising Nazi cause. November 12, 2013 Place your phones in the box on my TV cart. Bell work: Chapter 18 graphic organizer. Use your book and notes to do this activity. The Soviet Union Pages New Economic Policy NEP- Major industries under government control Some private business remained privately owned Lenin announced this plan Lenin vs Marx Marx- classless society Lenin- pyramid with party boss at top and peasants on the bottom 1922 communists changed name from Russia to USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Trotsky & Stalin Trotsky- permanent revolution, believed when uprising happened all over the world would Socialists build an ideal society Stalin-build socialism in a single country, Soviet Union should concentrate on growing strong first Comintern Communist International, organization of Communist parties from all over the world Goal was for other countries to overthrow governments by legal or illegal means Stalin dissolved this in 1943 to win approval of Western Allies during WWII Five Year Plan Stalin put in place, demanding sacrifices from the Soviet Union people Concentrated on building heavy industry Was a success, spur industry Transformed Soviet Union into an industrial power. Was third largest in the world. Stalin & opponents Brutal dictatorships- encouraged workers to spy on each other & children on their parents Assassinated high party officials, turned on old Bolsheviks because they were associated with Trotsky PURGE-remove anyone who threatened his leadership Used psychological torture to break the will of people Stalin & The Arts Promoted new literary style Writers & artists created a new reality showing Soviet heroes & achievements while nothing mentioned about terror Anyone who violated this faced exile or imprisonment