november 2015 by geneste. presentation on haiti ask the class what they know about haiti

PRESENTATION ABOUT HAITI La Perle des Antilles Pearl of the Islands November 2015 By Geneste

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Map of Haiti


Page 1: November 2015 By Geneste. Presentation on Haiti Ask the class what they know about Haiti


La Perle des Antilles Pearl of the Islands

November 2015By Geneste

Page 2: November 2015 By Geneste. Presentation on Haiti Ask the class what they know about Haiti

Presentation on Haiti

Ask the class what they know about Haiti

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Map of Haiti

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What we will explorePopulation Square miles9 Departments Climate Flag Money President

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Did you know?

Facts about HaitiDid you know that Haitian was the first Black country to get its independence?Did you know that Haiti help US fighting in 1779?

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Names for Haiti

HispaniolaQuisqueya ou BoyoHaytiHaiti

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The name Haïti (or Hayti) comes from the indigenous Taíno language which was the native name given to the entire island of Hispaniola to mean, "land of high mountains. In French, Haiti's nickname is the Pearl of the Antilles (La Perle des Antilles) because of its natural beauty.

Where did the name Haiti came from?

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Independence Day

Independence 1804 from Francea. Squash soup (national dish)

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GourdeHaitian Money

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a. Food b. Musicc. Gamesd. Sports

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Citadelle Laferrière

Citadelle Laferrière, is the largest fortress in the Americas, and one of the eight wonders of the world[26]

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La Citadelle Next

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a) Catholicsb) Protestants c) Baptistsd) Muslimse) Mormons

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Natural Resources

a) Bauxiteb) Sugar Canec) Cocoad) Gold

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Presentation on HaitiResponses

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May 18 Flag Day December 25 Christmas Easter

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Jean-Jacques DessalinesJean-Jacques Dessalines,  (born c. 1758, West Africa—died October 17, 1806, Pont Rouge, near Port-au-Prince, Haiti), emperor of Haiti who proclaimed his country’s independence in 1804.Dessalines was brought to the French West Indian colony of Saint-Domingue (Haiti) as a slave. He worked as a field hand for a black master until 1791, when he joined the slave rebellion that broke out in the colony amid the turmoil caused by the French Revolution.

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Toussaint L’Ouverture

Born into slavery on May 20, 1743 in the French colony of Saint Dominque, L’Ouverture was the eldest son of Gaou Guinon, an African prince who was captured by slavers. His godfather, the priest Simon Baptiste, for example, taught him to read and write. In 1802 Napoleon dispatched his brother-in-law, Charles Leclerc, to capture L’Ouverture and return the island to slavery under French control.  Captured and imprisoned at Fort de Joux in France, L’Ouverture died of pneumonia on April 7, 1803. 

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Jacques Sauveur Jean

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Dieudonne Larose

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Michelle Martelly

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Nemours Jean Baptiste

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Food Rice Plantains & Griot Fish Lalo

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Pain Haïtien (Haitian Bread) Ingredients • 2 packages active dry yeast • 1½ cups warm water • ¼ cup honey • 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil • 1 teaspoon salt • ¾ teaspoon ground nutmeg • 4 cups flour • ¼ teaspoon instant coffee • 2 Tablespoons milk

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Presentation on Haiti

Procedure 1.Preheat oven to 350°F. 2.Dissolve the yeast in a large bowl in warm water. 3.Stir in honey, oil, salt, nutmeg, and 2 cups of the flour. 4.Beat until very smooth, about 1 minute. 5.Gradually add enough of the remaining flour to make a stiff dough. 6.Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface; knead until smooth, about 5 minutes. 7.Place in a greased bowl, cover, and let rise in a warm place until about double in size, about 50 minutes. Punch down on dough. 8.Press in greased jelly roll plan (about 15x10x1-inch). 9.Cut dough into about 2½-inch squares with a sharp knife, cutting two-thirds of the way through the dough. 10.Cover and let rise until double in size, about 30 minutes. 11.Dissolve the instant coffee in the milk and brush over the dough. 12.Bake until the bread is golden brown, about 35 minutes. 13.Break the bread into squares to serve. Makes 2 dozen squares

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Presentation on Haiti

About ME

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Men Soccer Team

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Women Soccer Team

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Catherine Flon

Catherine Flon was the goddaughter of Jean Jacques Dessalines and played a huge role in the Haitian Revolution as a nurse. She is not really remembered and ...

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Bauxite Miningbauxite in Miragoane

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Gold Mining

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Important Dates

1492–1697 Spanish Rule1750–1784 French Rule1788–1790 French Revolution1790–1791 Slave Resistance 1791 Haitian Revolution 1791–1792 Revolution Builds 1792–1796 Upheavals1796–1801 Toussaint L’Ouverture in Power1801–1802 General Leclerc1802–1803 Final Years1804–1805 Haitian Independence

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Folklore Singers

Yole Derose Singer

Wife and HusbandAnsy Derose

Singer, Author Composer Interpreter


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References Resources Avengers of the New World the story of the Haitian Revolution by Dubois Haiti Profile. (2011). International Debates, 9(2), 4-10. Regan, J. (2004). Haiti: Nearly Half of Populations Hungry. NACLA Report On The Americas, 37(4), 44-45. McIntyre, T., Hughes, C. D., Pauyo, T., Sullivan, S. R., Rogers Jr., S. O., Raymonville, M., & Meara, J. G. (2011). Emergency Surgical Care

Delivery in Post-earthquake Haiti: Partners in Health and Zanmi Lasante Experience. World Journal Of Surgery, 35(4), 745-750. doi:10.1007/s00268-011-0961-6

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Final Thoughts

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