november 20, 2015 introducing - tiferes bais yaakov...freshie-senior party a great way for the...

December 22, 2015 Asara B’Teves - Half a day of school **NEW DATE** November 30, 2015 P.T.A Grades 10 & 12 - Dismissal at 4:35 Our Dessert Reception for women and girls will be held on Motzei Shabbos, December 19th. See Flyer Inside for details 1 Tiferes Today November 20, 2015sVolume 7 / Issue 2 Introducing T his month an exciting new initiative was introduced to the school called Project US. Project US was created by a group of five high school students. While in camp during the summer of 2014, these five friends were talking about the war going on in Israel, and decided that girls should be uniting not only during hard times, but also on a regular basis. Thus, the creation of Project US – United Sisters. Every month a short video is sent out to all participating schools, focusing on one aspect of unity or a specific middah. The idea is to get girls from all over North America working together. Headed in Tiferes by Meirav Stopnicki and Tamar Walfish, Project US was broken out with a video presentation and rainbow cookies – symbolizing how we are all part of the spectrum that is Klal Yisroel. And we have the ability to unite Klal Yisroel not just in in times of pain, but in times of joy as well. Tiferes is proud to join with many other girls’ schools throughout North America and be part of this journey to achieve achdus in our time! Calendar Corner December 1, 2015 P.T.A Grades 9 & 11 - Dismissal at 4:35 December 9, 2015 Chanukah Chagiga December 10 - 14, 2015 Chanukah Vacation Save the Date Project US November 27-28, 2015 Shabbos Tiferes

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  • December 22, 2015Asara B’Teves - Half a day of school

    **NEW DATE** November 30, 2015P.T.A Grades 10 & 12 - Dismissal at 4:35

    Our Dessert Reception for

    women and girls will be held

    on Motzei Shabbos,

    December 19th.

    See Flyer Inside for details


    Tiferes TodayNovember 20, 2015sVolume 7 / Issue 2


    This month an exciting new initiative was introduced to the school called Project US. Project US

    was created by a group of five high school students. While in camp during the summer of 2014,

    these five friends were talking about the war going on in Israel, and decided that girls should

    be uniting not only during hard times, but also on a regular basis. Thus, the creation of Project US

    – United Sisters. Every month a short video is sent out to all participating schools, focusing on one

    aspect of unity or a specific middah. The idea is to get girls from all over North America working

    together. Headed in Tiferes by Meirav Stopnicki and Tamar Walfish, Project US was broken out with

    a video presentation and rainbow cookies – symbolizing how we are all part of the spectrum that is

    Klal Yisroel. And we have the ability to unite Klal Yisroel not just in in times of pain, but in times of

    joy as well.

    Tiferes is proud to join with many other girls’ schools throughout North America and be part of this

    journey to achieve achdus in our time!

    Calendar Corner

    December 1, 2015P.T.A Grades 9 & 11 - Dismissal at 4:35

    December 9, 2015Chanukah Chagiga

    December 10 - 14, 2015Chanukah Vacation

    Save the Date

    Project US

    November 27-28, 2015

    Shabbos Tiferes

  • 2 3

    Melava Malka

    The GRADE 9 MELAVE MALKA, held at the home of Mrs. Abraham, was a hockey theme organized by

    Perlita Azulay and Yakira Berger. The girls came dressed in their hockey gear, ready for a team game of

    FE FI FO FUM and a tasty meal of pizza, fries, and hot pretzels from an authentic hot pretzel machine.

    Each girl got to take home picture mementos of the night as she enjoyed using the mini photo booth.

    The night came to a winning success with Divrei Torah by Rena Dayan, Chaya Drookman and Rabbi


    The Lipner home was the site of the Grade 11 MELAVE MALKA. Organizers Adina Halbert and Sarah

    Soberano arranged the perfect Oriental gathering, complete with sushi, noodles and sweet ‘n sour

    chicken, and Chinese jump ropes as a take home keepsake. Of course everyone came dressed the part

    in their beautiful Kimonos. All the girls enjoyed a fun game of races that included eating whip cream

    and blowing bubbles, and listening to the Divrei Torah of Annaelle Gabay, Shira Rom and Rabbi Feigen-


    The GRADE 12 MELAVE MALKA was held at the home of Mrs. Wise, and arranged by Esther Rubinoff and

    Sarah Shick. Our Senior Spies all came dressed for the part with their trenchcoats, eyewear and Sher-

    lock Holmes hats. Pizza and salad was served, and a mysterious and entertaining game of Guess That

    Person was played. Everyone was given a pair of spyglasses as a memento and enjoyed hearing words

    of wisdom from Sarite Davis and Rabbi Feigenbaum.

    The GRADE 10 MELAVE MALKA, annually held at the Feigenbaum home, was a “campy” affair that had

    girls donning sweatshirts and taking home their own marshmallow souvenirs. Organizers, Perri Kurtz

    and Fagie Rubinoff, arranged an evening that included freshly grilled hot dogs and three different

    types of French fries, a FE FI FO FUM game with camp themed questions, and a Parsha trivia game put

    together by Hadassa Landau and Sarah Zahavi. The evening ended off with yummy s’mores and Divrei

    Torah by Perri Kurtz and Rabbi Feigenbaum.

  • 54

    Mishmeres ShabbatonChessed Activity Period

    Shabbat Project Toronto Challah Bake!

    TBY’s Mishmeres Reps, Gabi Froom, Leah Friedmann, Devorah Hyman, Maya Milevsky, Yael Encaoua

    and Sarah Haber, were privileged to go to the Mishmeres Shabbaton in Monsey, NY. Over 150 girls,

    from 45 different schools, gathered for a Shabbos to come together, give ideas and share inspiration

    to further Ahavas Chinam in their schools. The theme of the Shabbos was ‘The Scope of Your Influence’

    - that we don’t realize how one word, one smile, can really affect someone, and how far it actually does

    go. Every school presented its way of doing Mishemeres, and the girls came back with loads of ideas

    and programs on which they can’t wait to start working! Over the Shabbaton they were zoche to hear

    from our very own Rabbi Feigenbaum and Chevi Garfinkel. They discussed the power of speech and

    how the girls have a great responsibility to use the gift of Mishmeres to its fullest. Nothing describes

    it better than the girls’ own words - “We all feel like we gained a much deeper understanding of what

    it means to do Mishemeres and can’t wait to share all that inspiration and ideas with everyone else!”

    On Tuesday October 27th, Chessed had its kick off Activity Period! To start off, all the girls gathered in

    the Gym and played a game. The game taught the girls that when you do chessed, not only do you

    help someone else but you also help yourself. How? Because when you help people, you make them

    feel great, but you also feel amazing afterwards. The Activity Period continued with a video put togeth-

    er by this year’s Chessed Heads and organizers of this Activity Period, Leah Berman and Shira Cohen.

    The video gave an explanation about each chessed organization, what they do and how one can get

    involved. It also featured girls in Tiferes speaking about the different chessed activities they participate

    in and how much it means to them. Lastly, each girl filled out an information sheet and signed up for

    what she wants to participate in this year. Each girl walked out of the Activity Period with a sweet cup-

    cake, and an even sweeter desire to join the ranks of those actively involved in Chessed.

    On Tuesday, November 10th, during Activity Period, Tiferes was vis-

    ited by the COR’s Rabbi Tsvi Heber (Director of Community Kosher).

    He spoke to the school about the main concerns of Kashrus in our

    community and in particular the main Kashrus concerns of most

    High School girls today. He discussed topics such as “ordering spe-

    cialty coffee drinks in coffee shops”, like Starbucks or Second Cup,

    and of course the “truth behind the slurpee/slushies”. The students

    were able to have their questions answered, and following the pro-

    gram the students were left with a deeper understanding behind

    the problems that can easily occur when one goes to a non-kosher

    establishment to enjoy a sweet treat! It truly is not as simple as a

    latte order!

    Continuing with tradition, Tiferes sent all its students to help set up for the annual Mega Challah Bake!

    Shlepping, folding napkins, setting tables and much more – the girls did whatever necessary. In differ-

    ent shifts spread out over two days, Tiferes girls joined with volunteers from all over Toronto to create

    a magnificent event.

    COR Activity Period

  • Rosh Chodesh Kislev Big ‘N Lil Sister

    On Tuesday, November 3rd, all the students of Tiferes made their way excitedly to the Gym to meet their

    Big and Little sisters! Headed this year by Malka Erlanger and Chavi Marder, Big ‘n Lil Sisters is an old Tife-

    res ‘tradition’ where each of the girls gets set up with a ‘sister’ in a different grade. Every Thursday morn-

    ing is Big ‘n Lil Learning, and there are different activities throughout the year that will hopefully help

    create long lasting relationships between sisters. When the girls arrived in the Gym, they were greeted

    with coffee, wafers, and a name card for each girl. Every card had a sound or song on it which had to be

    yelled out loud until each girl found somone in the chaos who was yelling the same thing as she was.

    A super noisy – but super fun ice breaker activity! When everyone found their sisters and settled down,

    they then received a packet with a group of conversation starters with their sister, with questions such

    as “Who would you want to meet from Torah history and why?”, “What’s your favorite subject?”, “Choco-

    late or vanilla?” etc. After that the activity finished off with a game of Mr. and Mrs. to see how well every-

    one got to know their sisters during the activity. All sisters are looking forward to many more bonding

    activities with their sisters in the future!!

    Shabbos Tiferes

    6 7

    On Thursday – first day of Rosh Chodesh, we had a beautiful

    Rosh Chodesh Kislev program. We started by showing a fun and

    informative video discussing our theme for this month - “What’s

    In Your Toolbox?”. This refers to the talents, skills, and qualities

    Hashem gave to each of us that serve a purpose in our lives,

    and when used in the right proportions will make us wonderful

    Jews and allow us to properly work on our middos. We felt that

    it was important that we realize what talents we have so that we

    know what mitzvos and opportunities we could excel in. After

    the video, we began our super fun and DIY activity. WE MADE

    ICE CREAM! Using ice, salt, milk, sugar, and vanilla the whole school teamed up into their Big ‘n Lil Sister

    families to make their very own ice cream. Everyone had an amazing time and enjoyed their homemade

    vanilla ice cream. Then we moved into the gym for a waffle treat created by this month’s Rosh Chodesh

    Heads, Tziporah Levi, Chaya Berger and Gabriella Edell. All in all a wonderful start to Kislev!!!

    Our Shabbos Tiferes Heads, Gila Serman, Rebecca Assor and Sarah Zahavi have announced our up-

    coming Shabbos Tiferes at a L’kovod Shabbos assembly. The excitement of the girls was palpable as

    the theme of “RABBOS MACHSHAVOS B’LEV ISH” was announced and the girls found out that Chevi

    Garfinkel would once again be our guest speaker. Grade 9 and 12 students are busy preparing Divrei

    Torah, food, decorations and exciting programs for a fun and inspiration-filled Shabbos. See next issue

    for details and pictures!

  • Picture Day

    Monday, November 16th, saw the entire Tiferes Bais Yaakov looking especially put-together! What was

    the occasion? It was Picture Day! Each girl got her individual photo snapped, and every grade had the

    opportunity to take both serious and funny grade photos. Once each grade had its photos taken, the

    entire school got together to take the annual Tiferes school photo!

    The senior class heard from representatives of Binas Bais Yaakov, Bnot Torah (Sharfman’s ), Levavi Bais

    Yaakov, Neimos, Stern College, Tomer Devorah, and Touro College, when they visited the school these

    past two months. In the upcoming month they will also hear from Darchei Binah, Machon Ra’aya, Mi-

    chlalah, Midreshet Eshel and Midreshet Tehilah. Seminary interviews begin at the end of November.

    Senior sweatshirts have arrived!

    Freshie-Senior Party

    A great way for the Freshies and Seniors to get to know each other - the Freshie-Senior Pizza Party was

    a rousing success! With activities including Divrei Torah, an ice-breaker game and a kumzitz,the Freshies

    and Seniors schmoozed and bonded over pizza, fries and salad. A special thank you to the Marder fam-

    ily for hosting the event!

    Sensitivity Training

    For this week’s Activity Period, the organization Yachad came to

    speak to the Tiferes girls. The goal of Yachad is to ensure that

    all members of the community feel welcome and comfortable

    despite any differences they may have. After all, we really are the

    same, we all belong to one Jewish nation. The girls participated

    in 3 separate activities to further their understandings of how

    other people may feel. In the first activity, 5 volunteers were cho-

    sen and each tried to read a paragraph with 5 lollipops in their

    mouths. The girls then discussed how frustrating it is when you

    are trying to say something but can’t articulate the words. The

    second activity involved 6 volunteers. 5 of them bombarded the

    last one with all sorts of things - one petting her back, one feeding her, one giving her something to

    smell, one blowing a whistle and one shining light in her eyes. The volunteer to whom this was being

    done was obviously agitated and moving strangely to break away. Yachad then explained that often

    some people feel this sensory overload constantly. Imagine living and performing regular tasks under

    that pressure! Lastly, each girl was given different labels to put on their foreheads with questions such

    as “ask me if I am okay” or “ask me if I need the washroom”. The girls all walked around asking each other

    whatever their label read. It was so frustrating to hear the same question repeatedly. They then dis-

    cussed how hard it must be for the people that are ‘labelled’ with a special need, to keep hearing every-

    one talk to them in the same manner, asking the same things. The girls were all left with a very powerful

    message and are excited for some after school Yachad programs.


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  • Alumnae News

    Staff News

    Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Ribacoff on the marriage of their

    daugther Kimchit to Eliyahu Shaliach Tzibur

    Mazel to Rabbi and Mrs. Feigenbaum on the birth of a granddaughter

    Mazel Tov to Doctors Jeremy and Cora Burt on the birth of a baby boy

    10 11

    Megan (Ler ’13) and Yanky Flusberg on the birth of their baby boyArielle (Lugassy ’12) and Yossi Rosenblatt on the birth of their baby boyLeah (Hytman ’12) and Menachem Weiss on the birth of their baby boy

    Esther (Edery ’08) and Adam Ohayon on the birth of their baby boyMeira (Zacks ’08) and Shaya Samet on the birth of their baby boy

    Kimchit (Ribacoff ‘13) to Eliyahu Shaliach Tzibur on their marriageLeah (Halbert ’13) and David Axelrod on their marriage

    Keep In Touch! We want to hear from you!Do you have a great idea? Want to be more involved?

    Celebrating a Simcha? Take a moment to send us an update

    about where you are and what you are up to.

    Email Sarah Rechnitz at [email protected]

    Mazel Tov!

    Mazel Tov!

    The Senior Class of Tiferes Bais Yaakov presents

    A Dessert Reception

    For Women and Girls

    Guest Speaker: Mrs. Devorah Vale

    Student Video * Senior Choir * Silent Auction

    Motzei Shabbos, December 19th, 2015

    7:30 p.m.

    85 Stormont Avenue

    $36 for 2/$5 each additional attendee

    Please RSVP to Mrs. Wise at 416.785.4044 x232


    Email us at [email protected]