focus · 2020. 12. 6. · freshie in focus 03 principal mr frank pikardt year 12 students are in...


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  • FOCUSF R E S H WA T E R S E N I O R C A M P U S ~ M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R I S S U E 1 0

    1018P H O T O G R A P H B Y

    M O N I C A B A L L E S T E R O S

















    P H O T O G R A P H B YN A T H A N I E L D U N W E L L

  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 03


    Year 12 students are in the process of preparing for their half yearly exams in the majority of their subjects. Again, I have been pleased with the amount of effort many of the students are putting in to their study. While they probably do not need reminding, their assessment tasks make up fifty percent of their HSC score so the upcoming exam period needs to be prepared for in a constructive manner. It is important to get the balance in one’s life right so the exam period is definitely a time to eat well, sleep well, exercise and study hard.

    This year as a school we have decided to change our focus around our global citizenship and charity program. For many years we supported a school in Tanzania by providing them with internet access and technology infrastructure. This had a profound effect on the school and the local community who will be eternally grateful to the Freshwater Senior Campus community. Our previous Principal, Mr. Brian Leonard, initiated that program and continued to administer it after his retirement. I wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge all his hard work and thank him for his support.

    Our charity focus moving forward will be both local and international. We will be supporting Bear Cottage and the Happy Days

    Cambodian Village. Both these programs are making a real difference to young people’s lives and I urge you to spend a little time researching what they already have achieved. Our Students Take Action (STA) team who are all volunteers do a wonderful job in raising money for these charities and use our mufti days as major fund raiserers. We will have two of these a Term and ask all students to bring in a donation on that day. Your support will be very much appreciated.

    We continue to have a really positive start to the year. I remain impressed with the general attitude of our new Year 11 group and on speaking to many of them, am delighted to hear how much they enjoy being at the school.

  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 04

    This means there is a personal accountability and responsibility for people to do the right thing for themselves and where there are deficits or shortfalls, develop a plan of action to address the problem. Personal leadership doesn’t involve wearing a badge or being elevated in status, but rather it is a frame of mind where confidence is visible, goals are identified and things are moving in the right direction. Attitude is positive, support is recognised, lifestyle and organisation is relatively tidy and the person is being driven by ambition and clarity of these factors combining to form an outcome. The half yearly exams will shortly provide to all students feedback on their knowledge of course work and skills in their subjects. Great people react to this and positively make changes, rebuild key sections of knowledge and make every effort to refine skills such as essay writing. In addition,

    a trajectory is set where improvement is tracked and monitored over time with milestones and points identified where the result of strategies and improvement measures have been implemented. People work best when they are accountable and I would advise all students to generate a relationship with a family member or close friend, where they can report back and discuss improvements from earlier interventions. These scheduled conversations should be reflective, supportive and positive. I would like to wish all students every success through the exam period and both students and families a happy Easter and look forward to another busy Term of school after the holidays.

    At an assembly earlier this year, I mentioned the concept of personal leadership.


  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 05

    Events such as these have a significant, cumulative impact on the teaching and learning in the classrooms through the conversations they promote around the dinner table. From my perspective, the students have transitioned beautifully into the their new school, making strong connections with their peers and teachers and demonstrating a high level of maturity in their diligent approach. Crossroads and the Week 11 activities have been designed to support this continued growth and give students an opportunity to meet and interact with others to achieve a common goal.

    Assessment tasks have began in earnest and will continue over the coming weeks so adhering to timelines and maintaining open dialogue is really important in these somewhat stressful periods. If you have any concerns or feel we may benefit from your sharing of information, please contact your child’s Year Advisor or myself regarding this. I hope you have an enjoyable, safe Easter and school holiday period.

    It was lovely to meet so many parents at the ‘Welcome to new parents” evening – the feedback from the teaching staff mirrored the positive tone I observed on the night.


  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 06

    Student numbers at Homework Club on Mondays have increased, as they have most afternoons. This is a positive sign that students are taking advantage of the school resources available; checking in and clarifying with teachers to draft practice responses and best prepare for their examinations. Ms Chetty, our new librarian has been busy introducing herself and offering students targeted help in their subject areas. Consequently, we wish to remind Year 12 that our librarians are a wonderful resource as they can direct students to a range of wide and extension reading, as well as new technological learning tools. HSC examination rules were explicitly addressed to Year 12 during last week’s assembly in preparation for their half yearly exams. It is vital that students abide by

    these, especially in terms of not carrying mobile phones on their person. Students need to remember that having their mobile phone in an exam could jeopardise and disqualify their responses. With the first half yearly exam being English, on Thursday 29th March, students will then have the Easter long weekend before exams resume in weeks 10 and 11. We advise students to use the four day break over Easter wisely, so as to do their overall personal best. That way they will feel deserving and justified in relaxing, resting and recharging over the school holidays in readiness for Term 2.

    Year 12 are approaching a busy time in their HSC year with half yearly exams scheduled to start in Week 9.




    Y E A R 1 2 A D V I S E R S

  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 07


  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 08

    They have done so by joining their interest groups enthusiastically attending their year meetings and actively supporting their Year Advisers and those who perform musical items as well as building the ranks of the STA group. We are very pleased with their participation and energy.

    Our Year 11 students are now starting to receive the first of many Assessment Task notifications. At Freshwater we believe in ‘chunking’ which involves breaking assessment work into small tasks. In so doing, seemingly ‘huge’ assessment tasks can become manageable. To help with these, students are encouraged to utilise the school library to complete their work in a supervised, supported environment. The Library is open from 7am until 5.15pm each day so that students can make use of the resources at their disposal. Our lovely teacher librarian Ms Chetty, is also very happy to help all students with their studies, so we would love our Year 11s to introduce themselves to her and ask for help when it is needed.

    Our Year 11 Crossroads program is coming up in Week 11. There are three compulsory in-school days where students learn about a range of issues affecting their wellbeing. We are very much looking forward to our celebration days too! All Year 11s will be heading to Long Reef Surf day on Thursday 12th April and Luna Park fun day on Friday 13th April. Both days will provide the students with the opportunity to meet other students in the year group, to unwind from a big Term 1 and to have fun!

    We would like to welcome Mr Edwards to our Year 11 team. Ms White has had a great time meeting you and, while happy to hand the reins to Mr Edwards, will still be around to support you as needed - you can’t get rid of her that easily!

    Thanks so much for making my short stint as one of your Year Advisers so much fun - you are a joy to be around. Ms W

    It has been wonderful to see Year 11 establishing themselves as contributing members of the school community.




    Y E A R 1 1 A D V I S E R S

  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 09


  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 10

    This is a great opportunity for students to work on their organizational and study skills. If this is proving to be difficult, then accessing support at school is easy. Our new librarian, Karuna Chetty is willing and able to assist with the ‘how to’ of study and exam preparation. If students haven’t been in to the library recently and met Ms Chetty, now is the time! Mr Mortimer is also great at helping students create achievable goals and study plans. Call in to the admin office and make a time to meet if you think you could benefit from this. Your teacher is also a great resource for seeking feedback and clarification of content.

    In the final week of Term (9th- 13th April), Year 11 will complete their ‘Crossroads Program’. This is a mandatory program for students in Years 11 and/or 12 in NSW government schools. It extends on student learning in PDHPE.and is designed to help senior students address issues of health, safety and wellbeing at a time when they face

    significant changes and challenges in their lives. An exciting program has been organised with numerous learning activities and guest speakers. The week will culminate in some opportunities for the group to undertake some co-curricular activities as a whole year group.

    Any student who is unable to attend the five days of the program will need to complete alternate coursework in order to attain the DEC mandated requirements of the Crossroads program. Please ask your son/daughter to contact their Year Adviser or myself for further information if this is the case.

    As I write this I can’t help but be amazed by how fast this Term has passed. Already we have Year 12 preparing for a significant assessment period during the half yearlies.



  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 11

    It is sometimes difficult for students to continue to manage their time commitments along with the demands of school which can impact on student performance and behaviour both at school and in the home environment. Now is the time for putting in place some positive strategies to ensure that stress and poor working memory do not interfere with achievement. Some strategies include: • Having adequate sleep, a nutritious

    diet and moderate exercise which will contribute to optimal health levels. Having a half hour study break and taking a walk or light jog will allow students to become more energised and focused so that the next work block is effective.

    • Create a bedtime routine that can be maintained for at least a month. This might involve a warm shower, hot milk, or reading a novel for 10-15 minutes. After about a month, the brain will associate this routine with sleep.

    • Trying to develop a good wake sleep

    cycle by maintaining a dark bedroom environment when going to sleep and bright light in the morning.

    • Turning electronic devices off before bed. The blue light that is emitted from iPhone, iPad, laptops and television actually slows the release of melatonin. This is the hormone that helps bring on sleep.

    • Developing a realistic home study plan to work towards the achievement of set tasks. Try putting in place the 5 P’s - Prior preparation prevents poor performance.

    • Consider meditation or muscular relaxation whilst preparing for sleep. Five minutes of stillness and silence can restore the body quicker than anything else. Guided meditation routines can be downloaded from the internet or YouTube.

    • Avoiding caffeine or caffeinated products in the mid to late evening.

    It is a busy time of the year for both Year 11 and Year 12. Year 11 are settling into the routine of assessment tasks while Year 12 is preparing for their half yearly examinations.



    The issues being discussed range from domestic disputes to a feeling of depression. When I ask why they don’t want their parents to know the response is usually one of two reasons;“they will freak and they wont understand”“I don’t want to upset them”

    Young people, like adults have the right to privacy and confidentiality in a therapeutic session and while they understand that there are some issues which I can’t keep confidential I always encourage them to speak to their parents. Occasionally students are surprised by the positive response of their parents

    Open communication with young people is essential but something which is developed over years not months. Some of the following strategies may be of use in trying to reconnect with your child.It’s sometimes easier to talk in the car or

    when there is a distraction rather than 1:1Try not to over-react even if you are tempted to scream and shake them.Always keep the communication channels open. Let them know that while you might not like their behaviour that you do love them and that despite their beliefs to the contrary, you are not spending nights plotting how to make their lives a misery.

    Year 11 and 12 is a difficult time for our students . Research tells us that one of the most important factors in resilience is connection and open communication with at least one other person. Ideally that person is a parent.

    Spike MackaySchool CounsellorRegistered Psychologist

    “Please Don’t Tell My Parents”This is often the request from students that I see.




  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 12

    UPCOMING CAREER EVENTS• Year 11 will be invited to attend a local

    Tertiary Options Expo at ICMS, Manly on Friday 25th May, period 3. Attendance will be voluntary. More info to come.

    • Year 12 will all go to the HSC and Careers Expo at Fox Studios on Thursday 31st May, period 2 and 3. Transport will be provided to and from.

    • University of Melbourne – we seem to have an increasing number of students every year who consider this University. On Wednesday evening 6th June, Monte Sant’ Angelo in North Sydney will host an information evening for UM and VTAC* 6-8.30pm book now at (*Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre)

    • Getting to Know Nursing, Tuesday 6pm 22nd May, School of Nursing, Notre Dame University, Darlinghurst. Find info at [email protected]

    NSW Police Force have created a new website explaining the various ways a potential employee can seek recruitment.

    Australian Defence Force Gap Year 2019 is now open for application. Find details about jobs and application process online ath t t p s : / / w w w. d e f e n c e j o b s . g o v. a u /s t u d e n t s - a n d - e d u c a t i o n / g a p - y e a r

    Need a TAX FILE NUMBER? apply online atht tps: / / Indiv iduals/Ta x - f i le - n u m b e r / A p p ly - fo r - a - T F N /

    FRIDAY YEAR 12 CAREER HUBS NIGHTHubs provide an ideal opportunity to invite guest speakers in from industry to talk about Careers and options for Life after the HSC. Recently a Paramedic spoke about his career pathway and the types of jobs paramedics carry out, the stress, risks and emotion involved, the training process and job satisfaction level. Early next Term, a university psychology student is going to visit to talk about ‘What is Psychology’. This is an area many Year 12 students believe they want to study in the future so it would be good to hear more.

    For all our Year 12 students wanting to do an apprenticeship after the HSC, we will be visited by a representative from The Master Builders Association to talk about what an apprenticeship looks like these days and application processes.Late in Term 2 we will aim to invite a representative from The University of Notre Dame to talk courses but also about their very popular Early Entry Application process.




  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 13

    ALOHA,A huge thank you to the many students that are making use of the library to study and engage with literature. Recently, I had the pleasure to talk to a few Year 11 students about the various ways you can study and what resources are available to help you study. Be sure to remember there is more you can do to help you learn even after you have completed your homework for classes.A few tips include:

    • Organise your study space – HAVE A SPACE

    • Use flow charts and diagrams – VISUAL learning

    • Practice on old exams – KIENSTIC learning

    • Explain your answers to others – AURAL learning

    • Organise study groups with friends• Use your time wisely• Take regular breaks• Snack on brain food• Plan your exam day• Drink plenty of water• Don’t compare yourself to others

    Please remember I am always here to assist you in getting organised and completing assessment tasks.

    Well done to the many students who have also fallen in love with reading again. Reading promotes creativity, analytical thinking, an extensive vocabulary and enjoyment. Please be sure to check out the new and exciting books you can borrow from the library.

    Titles include:• We Were Liars by E.Lockhart• The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas• Everything,Everything by Nicola Yoon• The Selection by Kiera Cass • The Chosen by Chaim Potok• Scratch: Writers, Money and the Art

    of Making a Living by Manjula Martin• And MANY, MANY more...


  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 14

    Congratulations are in order for many of the 2017 HSC Visual Arts students who have had artworks selected for Artexpress in a range of exhibition venues. Artexpress is the series of exhibitions of works selected from those achieving high mark ranges during the HSC marking process. Maya William’s work is currently on display at the Art Gallery of NSW. Painting submissions produced by Isabella Kalucy and Max Mayer-Rayment can be viewed at The Armory, Homebush Bay. Jordan Pusic and Claire Gaspar have their works exhibited at the Hazelhurst Gallery in Gymea. Claire’s series of paintings caught the attention of the Artexpress co-ordinator who facilitated

    the purchase of the work for the William Wilkin’s Collection. Georgia Salleh and Isabella Seeto had their artworks chosen to be displayed at the Express Yourself Exhibition held annually at Manly Regional Gallery. The $5,000 Theo Batten Youth Art Award prize was split between Isabella and Kyle Levett of St Pauls Catholic College. This is indeed an extraordinary achievement.

    Sandra SvilansHead Teacher Creative and Performing Arts








  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 15

    2018 has indeed been a busy time for Visual Arts students and teachers. Year 12 are immersed in the production and refinement of their Bodies of Work. To clarify student understanding and to gain insight into the qualities which are valued by HSC Examiners, a series of Visual Arts excursions were organised. Students visited the Grace Cossington Smith Gallery where they were able to view works produced by 2017 students who achieved positions amongst the top 10 students in the state. The trip continued to the Hazelhurst Gallery in Gymea where students viewed Artexpress. This is an annual exhibition of 2017 HSC works, this year works produced by two Freshwater Visual Arts students

    were on display. Students also visited the Brett Whiteley Studio. Brett Whiteley is an artist Year 12 study in preparation for the HSC exam. It was insightful to observe and examine the significance of the studio to Whiteley’s practice and observe a range of small and large scale drawings, paintings and sculptures. Viewing artworks face to face offers students deeper insight and understanding of artists’ intentions and outcomes. Excursions are also organised for Year 11 later in the year.

    Sandra SvilansHead Teacher Creative and Performing Arts


  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 16

    NBSC FRESHWATER GIRLS OPEN WATER POLOOn Thursday 15th March, the Freshwater Girls Open Water Polo team went out to Ryde Aquatic Centre to compete in the CHS Sydney North Metro round robin competition. It was a hugely successful day with the girls winning all of their round robin games, semi-final and went on to dominate the grand final against Mackellar Girls Campus 5-1. It was also the first time Freshie have entered a Water Polo team into this competition which Mackellar Girls have dominated for a number of years.

    Thank you to both Shannon Cooper and Melinda Ward for accompanying, supporting and coaching the girls all day long, the girls loved and appreciated having you there by their side to victory!

    Congratulations to the following girls on becoming Sydney North Metro Champions

    Aysha Whyte, Campbell Reimer, Charlotte Ward, Dakota Stuart, Hayley Sparkes, Izzy Pamp, Jade Speight, Jenna Ohagan, Jess Warden, Julia Altenburger, Mia Lieberman, Nellie Scarrabelotti, Sienna HearnNBSC Freshwater vs. Galston High School – Win 16-0NBSC Freshwater vs. Killara High School – Win 15-0NBSC Freshwater vs. NBSC Mackellar Girls Campus – Win 6-0(Semi) NBSC Freshwater vs. Burwood Girls High School – Win 18-0(Grand Final) NBSC Freshwater vs. NBSC Mackellar Girls Campus – Win 5-1.

    NBSC FRESHWATER SWIMMING CARNIVALThe 28th February saw a beautiful day for a swimming carnival! All students and

    teachers had a great day with lots of fun and competitiveness throughout the afternoon.

    Thank you to all the students who came and competed and to the Student Leadership group for their support for the PDHPE staff on the day. Big thank you as well to all the staff who assisted these carnivals are not possible without the support and dedication of the Freshie staff.

    The following students were named age champions.16 Years Girls Age Champion – Sienna Hearn16 Years Boys Age Champion – Vishesh Kalra17 Years Girls Age Champion – Victoria Cuthbert17 Year Boys Age Champion – Jasen Winny (2nd year in a row)

    A special mention and thank you to our outstanding photographer Nathan Butler (Year 11) for his spectacular photography skills capturing all of the fun and exciting moments from the day!

    SYDNEY NORTH BOYS OPEN FOOTBALLMassive congratulations must go to the following students on not only being selected in the Warringah Zone Boys Open Football Team but also into the Sydney North Boys Open Football Team.

    These six Freshwater students were selected out of approximately 150 students from all of Sydney North for a team of 16.Max BalardCalem NieuwenhofFinn AshtonTom OpieLevi KayeHarry McCarthy


    NBSC FRESHWATER CHS KO SPORTS PROGRESSRound 1 Boys Open Basketball - NBSC Freshwater 42 vs. Normanhurst Boys High School 30 (Win)Round 2 Girls Open Touch Football - NBSC Freshwater 7 vs. Barrenjoey High School 4 (Win)Round 1 Boys Open Touch Football - NBSC Freshwater 12 vs. Mosman High School 1 (Win)Round 2 Boys Open Touch Football - NBSC Freshwater 7 vs. Killara High School 2 (Win)

    IMPORTANT UPCOMING SPORTS DATESSydney North Girls Open Football Trials – Term 1 Week 9, Monday 26th MarchSydney North Swimming Carnival – Term 1 Week 9, Wednesday 28th MarchSydney North Girls Open Netball Trials – Term 1 Week 11, Thursday 12th AprilNBSC Freshwater Cross Country Carnival – Term 2 Week 1, Friday 4th MayNBSC Freshwater Athletics Carnival – Term 2 Week 3, Wednesday 16th May

    2018 NBSC Freshwater Girls Open Water Polo Team

    2018 NBSC Freshwater Girls Open Touch Football Team

  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 17KEY DATES TERM1 2018

    M O N T U E S W E D T H U R S F R I

    MAR 26-30WK 9



    APR 02-06WK 10



    04 05 06

    APR 09-13WK 11


    10 11 12 13

    APR - MAY 30-04

    TERM 2WK 1




    DATE: Thursday, 27 September, 2018TIME: 7pm (be there by 6 for the Ferris Wheel)

    PLACE: Crystal Palace, Luna ParkGUESTS: FSC Yr 12 students and parents

    COST: $145pp – tables of 10.PAYMENT DETAILS:

    FSC CONTACT: Janelle White (email: [email protected])


  • F R E S H I E I N F O C U S 18

    A | 153 Harbord Rd, Freshwater NSW 2096T | (02) 9905 2634 E |

    @freshiesenior @freshiesenior @freshwaterseniorcampus

    F E E L F R E E T O C O N N E C TW I T H U S