nova motors ltd. sona nter damage avalon ammars...

IE b s ..::u •t>ohcne Grund :All A 1!ing en nl1. :Pi10NE 19.16 ''c 'gr.ed IO oYe the , Ltd we art ORITE, W ARE, td. .. · ..... . VAUXHALL S2095 THE DAILY NEWS PRESENTS BELLINI anllable at Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 64. No. 66 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1957 , (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sona Avalon nter Damage ·$315,000 By DON HOYT Canaa1an Press Staff Wrjter iAINI JUHN, N.B. (CP)-A $315,000 damage lrousht against the British fre1ghter Fort involved in a January 14 Bay of Fundy with a harbor pilot beat, opens here May ac!ions, taken againit the freighter by of five of seven men lost when the boat have been consolidated Into one of the claims In a single trial. Llrl of 1-- ---· ---- ... , d t• •• !,·:or the pilot.! .. .. ' :····r, been I StatemPnt or claim by , ..• for the v!rtlms famlllrs .. maintain the and n"\!hs .. , ,.,,. 'l•s from \'lo- 1 .. . l1tlon m anll-cr!ll<lon reauiRt!on.•. ,... : .. , \'. The rlrr••ndant dcnle< 1\ab!llty and , . . ·r-rn 000 snys It was caU!ed b1· nediRence . .' .. ,, .. ,• .,., p. T;al·· on par! of the pilot boat. .. , '"-·-·'ro!< I LDIIT ,., .. , ,.,,.., who.•n It Mr. Barry said thRt If an app!l· , .• "' cation Is made to nchcquer ...... :: r .. conrt, the Hmlt of liability on, the · 1 ,., 1 ••. , •. , ship would $213;!100, ··' r·: , ... John· more than $100,000 than the damages Thr damages which can be claimed , : '• crHrl .ludJe are calculated on net tonnaRe of .'' the ve!sel plus engine room spRee. ,., 1·:·':r In admlr- were Rcheduled to ·' :•. oh,•n"P open here Frida)' behind clo!ed .: 1 ··! .llr W. Ar· i doors with the e:ocamlnallon of Cap- I tain Baxter Powell C.h!ef Of. . Withy !leer Kenneth SlaJl1) of the Fort ., r: the court I A\'Plon. c ,. :..,,., to join the Mr. Barry will be joined In hi· 1·':: H··-'•r r1!o1, A!socia- de'•:mce D! the Avalon by Jean 1 :• P""'" in the ac- Br\uet, an admiralty IRW1'er from ,,;,,, ,,; e!frct that Montreal who took part ln a tour- be ;usu!ed day transport department Inquiry •• , :!::er. the comt Into the here lR•t mnnth . a•<··' ,, t!rt•rmlne Ill Lawyn• rrprp•rnt!r>q thr plAin· ,,, !:eb ·:rr on the part tiffs are all lrom S1lnt John, N.H. ammars eetin it COMMANDER J, H, G. BOVEY, Canadian Naval Commander (Newfoundland), is shown presenting a set of mounted Car!bou antlers, gavel and ·block to F /L W. G . Davison, President of the Mess, in company with W fC G. R. M. Hunt, Commanding Officer RCAF Station Torbay, on March 15th. The antlers. gaYel and block were a gift from the Canadian Naval Commander ·and of HMCS A\'alon to the Officers' Mess at RCAF Station Torbay. The· new Mess was officially opened on Feb. lst.-(RCAF Photo). ----------------- ... ··---· u.s. Agrees Join overnment" Endeavor Find Solution To Mideast Situation By WILTON WYNN CAIRO (AP) U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold and lgypt-· ian President Nasser have scheduled a marathon meeting for to--day In an effort to fmd face-saving solutions to Middle East deadlocks. They arranged for talks to begin in mid-morning . Saturday at Nasser's resthouse in a park on theN ile eight miles north of Cairo. ThiH will continue through lunch and on into the afternoon. This second meeting between the two since !he Secretary-general arrived here early Thursday followed almost continuous se11ions friday between Hammarskjold and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzl. Altogether the two talked together more than 12 hours Thursday ana Friday. Hammarsk1old and Fawzi, both international lawyers, were ttek· ing to thread their way through such tangles as the Suez: Canal, the Gaxa Strip and the Gulf of Aqaba . W.\VTS SOU'TIO:\'S · ... ---- -·---------- ·-·-·-----·-··-·- ___ .. __ _ it :;\ml"jo::! dr;:;t w_;•:, 11'1 l'c:r·T pr.;h:r:•:. i11 p,,, r •. "l·' S:rp :S'i' on "nrl the 0( the (rll!l or <erring tc-2 ron>' lo .n It appeared Fnwzj •r.'\1· tlnr., which wou1r1 makr P:·e•itlrn: CO·Oper;;tive In Wr"r:n . eyes without seeming to surrender In Arab eves. On the' Canal. the prnh1rnt lo gunrRnlee thP. nf rnnol u;er; without stepping on Egypt'; 5()\'ercignty. . .. TO f.'\'D lll.flfl\.\Df: C11 thJ, t!1• Tn tn (lf,jl1. nn \' it:J :treP- t:•Hl<: ;llii n11"'llt i'= _,f"_)kir:z lrl A t"''>!;hr,· ;,\ thP r.o.!uh::.:h a fir nlln-hs<!izr··. li('J o! ,omr k:nrl nf llfr';";.' O':';;.j,i rn.:y wil1C"h in hi:: ''):1\\' t;;kl' that WtH;!rj t}P }p· On Palestine, Hammar<kjnld !• h"'i• F:c·.pt to .,. ,:,, '.h• ··.seeking peace within the frame- blor.k:lrle of l;rJrH ,!,:D:>in;( :n 2'''·crnmcnt on ranal P t work of the 1949 St1rz C;;na and the G:•!r o! opmen!• '" nn. The Baghdad Halts ac i In one meEtin'g, the pair talkrd may nnt a;::w to i• eon! with Hammarskjold U'<t· · On nf the ronal. t".;rn' ... 1"1 l'L , ally had 'UN undersecretLry Dr. Hom:nar•kiold is 'nr ln Lcrirl''"· I Shipping - B)' LLOYD McDONALD defence against· Communist If· Canadian Pren Mafl Writer grenlon, TUCKER'S TOWN, Bemuda, U.S, MEMBERSHIP UMITED (CPJ-The Bermuda conference The Baghdad Pact, joining Brit- slte wu used Friday tor a United aln, Turkey; Iraq, Iran anrl Pak!s- State1 announooment or Its will- tan, was set up to counter all ag. Ralph Bunche with him. and m'Jilrrn'"::'n d r-:2• ''''I"<'"' ,,,. -:-;, · ·•r would be lo mergt eltlstlna: Eu- Since the UNEF commander, the 1888 ron•. ti'., t:d'<!. · ., ropean assemblies 1 uch 11 the MajA1en. E. L, M. Bums, par- tlon to prnri•le for the nf m'r•d •,, n-.•ld•r·'''" en Western Union, the. In the ·maximum to!!; f•Jr <nmp '.;'"I nr•:·Jti.,n. Council of and the 1 ------ -----· ·-·-- --------- 1 ol bluish i not the ordinary cargo boats." lngness to join the military eom- gression. American participation zatlon for European Economic Co-operation, into lnclusl\'e assembly. Fourth Mill St. John' 1 harbor 1 No ship 1 have arrived since mittee of the Baghdad Pact - a W<luld be limited to the military ""' nnd Frida\' Wednesday, Eight veuell arrived step wh!c.h Britain warmly we\- comm!ttee-imtead of full moem- :..· .. :;.•:on tor the· 1 early this week after a 10 day corned u leading to closer co-op- bership-to cover only Commun- With Canada and the United States already closely connected For to this set-up through NATO and Claim Bowaters Causes Smoking Ca11cer I :o·,. I blockade diversion of otner eratlon ln the Middle East, 1st aggression. trade interests, Britain would !Ike to seE the North Americans sitting In such a European assembly, "1!, to break ships to open por!J on the south President Eisenhower's preu This provided "" ent•?r the por1," cout. secretary, Jamea Hagerty, mak- the biggest news o1 the day from "and those are XeRrby Bell hland remains cut ing the announcement lo eorres- conference headqual'U!rs where off from shore by Ice In Ccncep- pondents here, aald the decision Eisenhower and Macmillan held Canada's L. B. Pearson long has favored extension of NATO Into flel'ds · besides defence. ', ,lion Bay and shortages of fresh dld not com• from the Els· a meeting Friday on common de- oppose are considered acute. enhower-Macmillan talks. It had fence problems. Thoe two leaders The Island hu a population ol been decided upon at leut two also conferred alone before lllnch about 10,000. , weeks aio but was conveyed only on undisclosed matters. Dulles told the British fo:>.•lgn minister he welcomed any moves toward European Integration b•Jt hoped the Idea of a common m: · ket there would not Involve a high tariff union. Back ' Charge The wedding o1 moist, warm Thursday to the Baghdad Pact Britain's Foreign Secretarv SJ!\. wuU!east winds drll'lng the lee members and Frlme Minister wyn Lloyd and the U.S. Secre- hard against the or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of John Foster Dulles, Newfoundland and cllllled air over The announcement said tbe had a wide discussion chiefly re- the lcellelds has produced Its us United States had advised the lat!ng to European matters dur- :·:cu,·nR- CP :i(lrtors ha1le ;;:1 appeal ;, ·. .ncome tax iJ,.;,,·cJ against a depart· .; 'i .. 11 that they :(:('e:\ 0d $390,000 on eye· dur· · la.,t l 0 vears . ' C&>e opened on and is expect· :a i<st a bout two was non-taxable g;,in on shore!> ion Opticnl Limited. gorernment as- on what the lawyers describi ··secret commis· or "kickbacks". from S4,488 to a doctor since ua\ offspring-thick, dreary fog. act members of U.S. !ng which Lloyd was understood to Also disrussed by the foreign ministers was the question of Ger- man reunification. Dulles , and Lloyd also held a brief talk on Red Chlna but nei- ther slde would comment on what the discussion involved, FLIGHTS CANCELLED ' lo join the pact' 1 mll!tary have- expressed hope for United Trans-Canada Air Lines Dlshh lf Invited to do so. l'hls would States and Canadian participation were cancelled Thursday and Frl- I Washington to collaborate In a single European day at Torbay Airport here. Air. with o!Mr lii'OOps ln r common This Idea, long favored by Lloyd, lines oHicla\s were hopeful that northwest winds called for Satur- day will elear the fog and enable TCA to fly out the backlcg o1 pn senten. lf the northwestulle1 continue long enou11h they w!ll sweep clean Trinity Ind. Conc-eption Ban and St. John'• harbor as well 11 drJv. !nr the maln lcepack out to aea, The Ha\lfax-<Jwned aeallng ahlp Arctic Prowler dama11ed her n11' der hunting seals on the Jcefields eut rl Belle Isle. Sfle Ia beading for St. John'• fer repairs with 1 jury rudder. She Ia clue )leroe dur- lnr tiM! weekend, Other ships D! the aea\lng fleet IM! believed lo be kii1Jn11 ln the main seal herd but 'reports ol their C'ltchea have not been melved here alnce early lhla week, when the St. John'a-owned Algerine and Terra Nova claimed 3,000 seals each. ----- Garson States ··Lawyers Earn More· Than The ,Judges OTTAWA (CP) - JUitice Minis- Desp!t.e ina-easei In judges' aa!-1 Tile type o1 men wanted were ter Garson aald Frlday hlllh earn. aries last year, they had to be those under 50 sU!l iD active prac· !ngs of Canadhn lawyers make It prepared to accept less than half t!ce and "who are not slowing dlfilcult to obtain top calibre their lllcome •as lawyers and be down." Men who wanted a place judges. prepared lo work as hard, lo sl[)\V down were not suitable. He a!Jo told t:ht Common.a esU· The annual aalary of the chief Another difficulty wu that cor- mates committee, whlcb is study. justlce D! Canada ls $27,500 with poi'at!on law was more lucraUve Ina: hlt department's spending pro- other judges of the Supreme tourt than court work. WhUe corpora- rram, U!at the 1ovemment ls DP· o1 Canada receiving $22,500. The t!on lawyers made good judges posed to "piecemeal" implemen- chief justices or the provinces· get "we !Ike to get men on the bench tat!on d. D! the 118,500 a year, Supreme Court who are experienced In court." Fauteux conun!ttee on Canada'• judges $16,900 and county and dis- J, M, Macdonnell (PC-Toronto parole ay&tem, . . trlct court judges $10,500. Greenwood) sald he Is dlsap- Mr, Garson nld the type o1 men "It la quite difficult, even at pointed at the delay In !mple- most sUJtable for the bench are present salaries, to get men of mentlng' rec=mendations of the ','at their peak urn!na: poWer." high standing at the bar," he said. Fauteux committee. NewS ·In Review MONTREAL - CP- Bowater Corporation ol North America, Lid .. announced Friday tluw construction of the new Bowaters Carolina Cor· poration pulp mill at Catawba, S. C., is sc\lCil· uled to start this month Bowaters Carolina a subsidiary CJf Bowatcr of North America. I :--.'F\\' Y0T1f< (.\PJ - A '.'•": ' .. ••.p \,ron"' rl•l•· u( .•:\·e:l '"t"':) ': :r·.\ ,,,. .1..' tf) Sli t:vre [o: a rh·rct n.: l'f!IH'P.·· bet· ... rrn ci;;:q·ct T'1r of the ari')-IJJ cc.ncrr. '"'·I in p>rl: ! "l;m:: c3nt·er "It c.iti:notcn that on li!, ba-1!, one of 10 mer .1rn<•krr, th;m nr•n· wl1o <moke two paelcs a d!l sm)l.-·r<, and t:icre i• a dirt','! re \\'ill die o! lung cancer. \a(inn<hip lllP parJb!e risk among of lt:nl" r)nccr the amount is e<timaled at one out ol2'15 . • , snnkrd," the report . ! "The sum total ol sc!entlfle en i Tll'o snan<0rs or the sl\1dy: dence e.<tab!ishes beyond reason !·group, the American Cancer So-' able doubt that cl;p!'!!'t smoldnr lt . ! cit)' and the p.,,,rt A<YJ· i a causative factor in the rapid!, elation, Issued statements I increasing of human tp I thev harl not ,·et 5 tudlea nor eva!· idcrmoid carcinoma (uncer) 81 thp report. the lung." The announcement said the bill will have a capacity of 400 tuns of sulphate pulp daily and estimated rost is $38,000,000. It is sched- uled to be completed by the end of 1959. Out. put at the catawba plant will be sent to other Bowater mills. I The tobacco industry declared It said, however, that ltudlea m . 1 the report "app•P)ntly offers no dlcate "that e!garet mokln1 ea-a I evidcnel!." It said the re- not account for all eases" tllmtl I port relies heavily on statistics cancer. I San Francisco Suffers I of Earthquakes Army Equipment Display The Canadian Army has an- nounced that an Army Display team w!ll be touring Newfound- lr.nd durlng the 26th to 29th of March. SAN FRA.'<C!SCO (AP)-A ser- of energy released. Th. 1JCe kl ies of earthquakoes Ulat swayed Francl!co earthquake waa · ratlllt tall buildings for . half a minute 8.25. Friday caused Injury and property Persons on the llffi!nd ftocr damage over a 150-mlle area. the huge San Franclseo illttl'lll More than a do1.en person's were . tiona! airport mllled about teni bruised and cut when hurled fled as plaster fell. against walls or by falling Typical o1 the llljurles waa that obj.!cts. Buildlngs cracked, Plaster of Herman Schol H. lell dO'II"' ft;l.l. the elty hall stalrJ and brob hll Tumbling bOulders closed co&!· right foot One display will coru;lst of an tal highways, Thousands of per- ------- artillery fire control demonstration sons 5]lllled into the streeh. Goq, daimed a . between the put on by men of the 3rd Re;:l- Gas mains were severed. Scores ment Rgyal Canadian Hol'1!e Artil- of small fires broke out In San B1 JOf!EPR Mac.!IWEEN erency trom the dictator. crease, Engineering unions called with the hearing. \ery from. Debert, N.S. Francisco, which bore the brunt Clnlllln Pre11 Btalf Writer 8TRJKE PARALYBlB a phased strike, beginning Satur- "lt's not good," Brewster said In 1996 of an earthquake and fire Criticized By Board· Of Trade and f\everal firms "in fraud gol'ernment of to arrange a sale of shares to represent the tioney as capital whereas ·the tet-ei\'ed by the as a result of conspiracy was doctors and of two de- dOctors are ap- It wa1 ''Ike" and "Harold" A monster atrlke ll!'ejlt through day with 1,000,000 men and even- at one point. . The other display will be a which cost 600 lives. when the prealdent' rJ the Unit- d Britllh industry, bringing recol- tually lo affect 2,500,000, · demonstration .of winter environ- A painter working atop the Go\- Statea and lhe prime mlniater D! lecUona of the reneral strike <XI TEAMSTER INQUIRY ADAMS TRIAL ment clothing, and den Gate Bridge sald the span The Board of Trade Council lw Britain met under 1unny Bermuda 11128, Dave Beck, president of the Newspaper found the tenh. This dlsp\10' will be put "shook !Ike a tree in a gale." taken up with the Department ol aklea lo ber!n tbelr lslator!c eon- There waa one bright spot em b e r International murder trial o1 Dr. John Bod on by men of the 2nd Battalion The two maJor shocks, Uke the Transport the desirab!llty of pro. terence. In tbe week when trovernment and Union of Teamsters, . finally Adam , portly soch!tr physician, The Black Watch (Royal Highland one two rapid fte punch or a l'iding addlt!onal facUlties at lh1 President E Inn b o ·w er and ra\lw.., unJon leader 1 reported agreed to appear before a United just about as fascinating as e Regiment) of Canada, from Camp boxer, began at 11:45 a.m. The Jupiter Hotel ln Gander. Local "' Alde hot N S and International travellers oftall Prime Minister Maomlllan soon they have found a basla of States Senate investigating com- \flrlller mystery novel. n · · earth groaned audibly and tw!s- were deep 'In dlacuulon of the .ment of a threatened walkout that m!ttee--w!th his personal financial · The !56-year-<Jld doctor was In B h h di 1 ill b ted. Two lesser shocks occurred must spend 1 number of daya 111 Mld .., E ril l ot t ese spays w e open n hour b-'ore, and an bour af'-r this hotel, •. nd according to re!IOrta, we . ut pe . and oUler prob- wO!I]d nvolve 370,000 men. records. the priwner's dock In London's to the publlc ln order that they a "' "" !l.! ltl 1 b t br d lema dlat confront United Na- The, over· all crisla started The committee delved deeper Old Bailey, charged with k!lllng may see at first hand the latest the giant mld·day Jolts. amen es eave muc 0 e- Uona around the world. amon1 thlpyard ultll!ona, when and deeper into the flnanclal ac- 'an elderly woman-who remem- advancl!!! In training and wlhter Slx jury trials, one a murder •Ired. The Gull of Aqua-ba and the 2SO,OOO workmen closed 70 ablp. Uv!t!es of U.S. teamster officials. bered hltn ln her will-with mas- equipment ln use in the Canadian case, were hastily adJourned. Members specially singled ·out Bue1 CaiU! were lhe first toplca yards. The Uner Queen Mary was On the griddle was Fran.'· Brew- s!ve doses of drugs. AI The "knocked the pen off for the complete absence ol the fcur-day talks that "Ill be aulsted 011! of Southampton by ster, a vice-president Testimony a p p e are d to go my. the paper'' of the of com[ort lor pusen· followed by 1 eonferoence .between navy tuga, an11erin1 2,000 dock wbo admitted that union fum!! got against the doctor euly ln the These displays coo be seen. 'dur- lng machine at the of gers accompanied by in!ar.h anrl Macmlllan and Prime Mln!.rter Bt. woriler 1 who promptly joined the mixed U!J with horses and fockeys, week, w!tti giving. evidence lng the evening boUTs, In the Drill! California in · S;rn roung childre;. The Board of Laurent of Canada. mlpyard str!ken In the port. Beck said In a television Inter- 'of heavy But under mer· Hall, Buckmllfter'a Field, St. Francisco Bay. Dr. Perry' Byerly Trade Is bringing matter to While "Ike and "Harold" talked, In the absenc-e o1 Frlme Minis- vlfW tha\ he borrowed $.00,000 c!!ess and con· John's, on the 26th of March, .In reported. . the o! the Department ot UN ·83creti.T)'·General Dlll. Ham· ter Macmillan, ·Labor Minister from the union with nn inler,est. fronted with of the Grand Armouries nn the The two se1•erc were i Trans pori in nrcirr tn &!sure marMjold·waa Ill Cairo to aee lain Macleod strugg!o')d to COlle Powerful union thP treatment In own o! Morch .. anrlln thr. Corner." ratin;( or and !!'rminal bt'lldinl which Z,Uaa PNI!dent Nuser, aeek· with the walkouts In which unln!\1 Hoffa had been wrlt!n1. R nrtm .Armoune& on the 29th oi; on the Ric1l•'r !Cole which mea. I' planned for w:ll pro- ______ _, .!Dr. proelflnatloa rJ IIOIHiellll·. demanded a WI tie In· on a bribery charge 111 connecUon mitted. her memory. was wron1. . . sures by the amount vide all reasonable Hrvim. / ) ... .1 ·.•

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Page 1: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster



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BELLINI anllable at

Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 64. No. 66 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1957 , (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sona


nter Damage ·$315,000

By DON HOYT Canaa1an Press Staff Wrjter

iAINI JUHN, N.B. (CP)-A $315,000 damage lrousht against the British fre1ghter Fort

involved in a January 14 Bay of Fundy with a harbor pilot beat, opens here May ac!ions, taken againit the freighter by

of five of seven men lost when the boat sc111~, have been consolidated Into one disp~se of the claims In a single trial.

~n1 r~ Llrl of 1-- • ---· ----:· ... , d t• •• !,·:or the pilot.! ..

.. ' :····r, h~· been I StatemPnt or claim e~tP~~ by , ,· ..• :~~tion. roun~el for the v!rtlms famlllrs .. ···~ <bm~~e~ maintain the ~olll~l~n and n"\!hs .. , ,.,,. 'l•s rc'n~t·~ from ne~l!~ence an~ \'lo-

1 .. . ,~.; ~~r ·fi\'~ l1tlon m anll-cr!ll<lon reauiRt!on.•. ,... : .. , \'. r:t~~·n 2 • The rlrr••ndant dcnle< 1\ab!llty and , . . ·r-rn 1 ~ 1 00 000 snys It was caU!ed b1· nediRence

~', . .' .. ,, .. , • .,., p. T;al·· on th~ par! of the pilot boat. .. , '"-·-·'ro!< ~1 thr~e I LDIIT ~~~.000 ,., .. , ,.,,.., who.•n It Mr. Barry said thRt If an app!l· , .• "' ,.,.,.,~n w'~ow cation Is made to tl1~ nchcquer

...... :: r .. ~.~ ,~1~. conrt, the Hmlt of liability on, the · 1,., 1 ••. , •. , .lnlm;t~~. ship would approxi~ate $213;!100,

··' r·: , ... r;,n~!d John· more than $100,000 ~ls than the damages c!~lmed. Thr mR~dmum damages which can be claimed

, : '• crHrl b~· .ludJe are calculated on net tonnaRe of ~ .'' .,,.~rl. recently~· the ve!sel plus engine room spRee. .'r~ ,., 1·:·':r In admlr- P:>~llmlnarle• were Rcheduled to

·~: ·' :•. oh,•n"P r~·n· open here Frida)' behind clo!ed . : 1 ··! .llr .lu•ti~e W. Ar· i doors with the e:ocamlnallon of Cap­\~:·" I tain Baxter Powell an~ C.h!ef Of. . • R;:~· rurnc~s Withy !leer Kenneth SlaJl1) of the Fort ., .~ r: '·~'· the court I A\'Plon.

c ,. :..,,., to join the Mr. Barry will be joined In hi· 1·':: H··-'•r r1!o1, A!socia- de'•:mce D! the Avalon by Jean

1 :• :-.~ P""'" in the ac- Br\uet, an admiralty IRW1'er from ~· ,,;,,, ,,; e!frct that Montreal who took part ln a tour-

be ;usu!ed day transport department Inquiry ~~ •• , :!::er. the comt Into the slnkln~ here lR•t mnnth . ~ a•<··' ,, t!rt•rmlne Ill Lawyn• rrprp•rnt!r>q thr plAin·

,,, !:eb ·:rr on the part tiffs are all lrom S1lnt John, N.H.

• ammars J~

eetin it

COMMANDER J, H, G. BOVEY, Canadian Naval Commander (Newfoundland), is shown presenting a set of mounted Car!bou antlers, gavel and ·block to F /L W. G . Davison, President of the Mess, in company with W fC G. R. M. Hunt, Commanding Officer RCAF Station Torbay, on March 15th. The antlers. gaYel and block were a gift from the Canadian Naval Commander ·and Offi~ers of HMCS A\'alon to the Officers' Mess at RCAF Station Torbay. The· new Mess was officially opened on Feb. lst.-(RCAF Photo). -----------------... ··---·

u.s. Agrees Join

overnment" Endeavor Find Solution To Mideast Situation

By WILTON WYNN CAIRO (AP) U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold and lgypt-·

ian President Nasser have scheduled a marathon meeting for to--day In an effort to fmd face-saving solutions to Middle East deadlocks.

They arranged for talks to begin in mid-morning . Saturday at Nasser's resthouse in a park on theN ile eight miles north of Cairo. ThiH will continue through lunch and on into the afternoon.

This second meeting between the two since !he Secretary-general arrived here early Thursday followed almost continuous se11ions friday between Hammarskjold and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzl. Altogether the two talked together more than 12 hours Thursday ana Friday.

Hammarsk1old and Fawzi, both international lawyers, were ttek· ing to thread their way through such tangles as the Suez: Canal, the Gaxa Strip and the Gulf of Aqaba .

W.\VTS SOU'TIO:\'S ~ · ... ---- -·---------- ·-·-·-----·-··-·- ___ .. __ _ it :;\ml"jo::! rrrt:-~~'1,\' dr;:;t w_;•:, r,~ r:ln11 .'1in~ 11'1 t~P l'l1it,.1f~ahOr'l.!' l'c:r·T pr.;h:r:•:. i11 p,,, r •. "l·' S:rp T!:~ :S'i' ron•~r.!' on r"il~rl i~r "nrl ~n the ~i\[ll'e 0( the (rll!l or <erring tc-2 ron>' c.p~n lo .n n~

It appeared Fnwzj ,,·o~t• •r.'\1· tlnr., which wou1r1 makr P:·e•itlrn: Nas~er CO·Oper;;tive In Wr"r:n

. eyes without seeming to surrender In Arab eves.

On the' Su~z Canal. the prnh1rnt 1~ lo gunrRnlee thP. r!.~O\< nf rnnol u;er; without stepping on Egypt'; 5()\'ercignty.

Aq:1b~. . ~inn: .. TO f.'\'D lll.flfl\.\Df: C11 thJ, r.,:,~. t!1• r:~· rti~"'

Tn W~~lin:: tn (';;:~h:-~~~1 '.11~ (lf,jl1. h~\('. r~·('~f'!l:P<i nn ~l"!":f'l.[~ 0b1~r r~:~1nrP \' it:J ~hr ~:·m\;!:('(' ~ :treP- t:•Hl<: ;llii !"C~. n11"'llt Tbmmt~:·•kj<r'c.t i'= _,f"_)kir:z lrl A t"''>!;hr,· r!':'lh~~m ;,\ thP •r!!in~ r.o.!uh::.:h a '-:.;~e fir nlln-hs<!izr··. li('J o! ,omr k:nrl nf llfr';";.' O':';;.j,i rn.:y wil1C"h in hi:: ''):1\\' ,r·c:r~d t;;kl' ,,,~inn that WtH;!rj t}P r~"'rocnizrri }p·

On Palestine, Hammar<kjnld !• ~·r:,,· F.~.rp!', lr~:d h"'i• !r,~ ~~·· F:c·.pt to n~~nl::,lr .,. ,:,, '.h• t'"ir~ ··.seeking peace within the frame- blor.k:lrle of l;rJrH ,!,:D:>in;( :n •!t~. 2'''·crnmcnt on to 1 !~. ranal rl~•·l P t work of the 1949 armi!t'~. St1rz C;;na and the G:•!r o! Aq•:b~ opmen!• ~nrl '" nn.

The Baghdad Halts

• ac i In one meEtin'g, the pair talkrd E~~·pt may nnt a;::w to lh~t. '>:•''~' i• eon! t~J\'.~•·n• t~• ~o:r1 with Nas~er. Hammarskjold U'<t· · On tr~ qne~tinn nf the c.;r.~'. ronal. t".;rn' ... ,.·o~:at:on 1"1 l'L

, ally had 'UN undersecretLry Dr. Hom:nar•kiold is p1·~.,.i~~ 'nr ~ ln Lcrirl''"·

I Shipping - B)' LLOYD McDONALD defence against· Communist If·

Canadian Pren Mafl Writer grenlon, TUCKER'S TOWN, Bemuda, U.S, MEMBERSHIP UMITED

(CPJ-The Bermuda conference The Baghdad Pact, joining Brit­slte wu used Friday tor a United aln, Turkey; Iraq, Iran anrl Pak!s­State1 announooment or Its will- tan, was set up to counter all ag.

Ralph Bunche with him. hro~rJ•nin~ and m'Jilrrn'"::'n d r-:2• pl1;~n ''''I"<'"' ,,,. -:-;, · ·•r would be lo mergt eltlstlna: Eu- Since the UNEF commander, the 1888 tnn<t,,ntinnrl~ ron•. ~n· t~,·r,tt~hot:t ti'., t:d'<!. · ., ropean assemblies 1uch 11 the MajA1en. E. L, M. Bums, par- tlon to prnri•le for the fi\:n~ nf m'r•d •,, ~hn·.o: n-.•ld•r·'''" •~rl en Western Europea~ Union, the. tlc~ated In the ~ltoe':Tlo_n~_r:te!ti_~g, ·maximum to!!; ~nrt f•Jr <nmp '.;'"I nr•:·Jti.,n. Council of Euro~ and the Organl~ 1 ------ -----· -~------ ·-·-- ---------

~i!'.r 1 chunk~ ol bluish i not the ordinary cargo boats." lngness to join the military eom- gression. American participation

zatlon for European Economic Co-operation, into or~ lnclusl\'e assembly.

Fourth Mill ~1 !:~<~ St. John'1 harbor 1 No ship1 have arrived since mittee of the Baghdad Pact - a W<luld be limited to the military ~ 1 ""' nnd Frida\' seal·~ Wednesday, Eight veuell arrived step wh!c.h Britain warmly we\- comm!ttee-imtead of full moem­

:..· .. :;.•:on tor the· ~econd 1 early this week after a 10 • day corned u leading to closer co-op- bership-to cover only Commun-

With Canada and the United States already closely connected For to this set-up through NATO and

Claim Bowaters Causes

Smoking Ca11cer I :o·,. I blockade lo~d diversion of otner eratlon ln the Middle East, 1st aggression. trade interests, Britain would !Ike

to seE the North Americans sitting In such a European assembly,

"1!, r~11tpprrl to break ships to open por!J on the south President Eisenhower's preu This announcem~r!t provided .~, "" ent•?r the por1," cout. secretary, Jamea Hagerty, mak- the biggest news o1 the day from ;"·~,,c. "and those are XeRrby Bell hland remains cut ing the announcement lo eorres- conference headqual'U!rs where

off from shore by Ice In Ccncep- pondents here, aald the decision Eisenhower and Macmillan held Canada's L. B. Pearson long

has favored extension of NATO Into flel'ds · besides defence. ', ,lion Bay and shortages of fresh dld not com• from the Els· a meeting Friday on common de-

oppose t~there are considered acute. enhower-Macmillan talks. It had fence problems. Thoe two leaders The Island hu a population ol been decided upon at leut two also conferred alone before lllnch about 10,000. , weeks aio but was conveyed only on undisclosed matters.

Dulles told the British fo:>.•lgn minister he welcomed any moves toward European Integration b•Jt hoped the Idea of a common m: · ket there would not Involve a high tariff union.

Back' Charge The wedding o1 moist, warm Thursday to the Baghdad Pact Britain's Foreign Secretarv SJ!\. wuU!east winds drll'lng the lee members and Frlme Minister wyn Lloyd and the U.S. Secre-hard against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster Dulles, Newfoundland and cllllled air over The announcement said tbe had a wide discussion chiefly re­the lcellelds has produced Its us United States had advised the lat!ng to European matters dur-

:·:cu,·nR- CP •;~·, :i(lrtors ha1le

;;:1 appeal ;, ·. .ncome tax iJ,.;,,·cJ against a ~~. ~~ue depart·

. ; 'i .. 11 that they :(:('e:\ 0d $390,000

c~s· on eye· ~;e;cr:ptions dur· · la.,t l 0 vears . '

C&>e opened on and is expect·

:a i<st a bout two

was non-taxable g;,in on shore!>

ion Opticnl Limited.

gorernment as­on what the

lawyers describi ··secret commis· or "kickbacks". from S4,488 to a doctor since

ua\ offspring-thick, dreary fog. act members of U.S. wllllngne~s !ng which Lloyd was understood to

Also disrussed by the foreign ministers was the question of Ger­man reunification.

Dulles , and Lloyd also held a brief talk on Red Chlna but nei­ther slde would comment on what the discussion involved,

FLIGHTS CANCELLED ' lo join the pact' 1 mll!tary ~;<~mmlt- have- expressed hope for United Trans-Canada Air Lines Dlshh t~ lf Invited to do so. l'hls would States and Canadian participation

were cancelled Thursday and Frl- I ~rm!t Washington to collaborate In a single European a~sembly. day at Torbay Airport here. Air. with o!Mr lii'OOps ln r common This Idea, long favored by Lloyd, lines oHicla\s were hopeful that northwest winds called for Satur­day will elear the fog and enable TCA to fly out the backlcg o1 pn senten.

lf the northwestulle1 continue long enou11h they w!ll sweep clean Trinity Ind. Conc-eption Ban and St. John'• harbor as well 11 drJv. !nr the maln lcepack out to aea,

The Ha\lfax-<Jwned aeallng ahlp Arctic Prowler dama11ed her n11' der hunting seals on the Jcefields eut rl Belle Isle. Sfle Ia beading for St. John'• fer repairs with 1

jury rudder. She Ia clue )leroe dur­lnr tiM! weekend,

Other ships D! the aea\lng fleet IM! believed lo be kii1Jn11 ln the main seal herd but 'reports ol their C'ltchea have not been melved here alnce early lhla week, when the St. John'a-owned Algerine and Terra Nova claimed 3,000 seals each.


Garson States ··Lawyers Earn More· Than The ,Judges

OTTAWA (CP) - JUitice Minis- Desp!t.e ina-easei In judges' aa!-1 Tile type o1 men wanted were ter Garson aald Frlday hlllh earn. aries last year, they had to be those under 50 sU!l iD active prac· !ngs of Canadhn lawyers make It prepared to accept less than half t!ce and "who are not slowing dlfilcult to obtain top • calibre their lllcome •as lawyers and be down." Men who wanted a place judges. prepared lo work as hard, lo sl[)\V down were not suitable.

He a!Jo told t:ht Common.a esU· The annual aalary of the chief Another difficulty wu that cor-mates committee, whlcb is study. justlce D! Canada ls $27,500 with poi'at!on law was more lucraUve Ina: hlt department's spending pro- other judges of the Supreme tourt than court work. WhUe corpora­rram, U!at the 1ovemment ls DP· o1 Canada receiving $22,500. The t!on lawyers made good judges posed to "piecemeal" implemen- chief justices or the provinces· get "we !Ike to get men on the bench tat!on d. ~ommendatlons D! the 118,500 a year, Supreme Court who are experienced In court." Fauteux conun!ttee on Canada'• judges $16,900 and county and dis- J, M, Macdonnell (PC-Toronto parole ay&tem, . . trlct court judges $10,500. Greenwood) sald he Is dlsap-

Mr, Garson nld the type o1 men "It la quite difficult, even at pointed at the delay In !mple-most sUJtable for the bench are present salaries, to get men of mentlng' rec=mendations of the ','at their peak urn!na: poWer." high standing at the bar," he said. Fauteux committee.

Week'~ NewS ·In Review

MONTREAL - CP-Bowater Corporation ol North America, Lid .. announced Friday tluw construction of the new Bowaters Carolina Cor· poration pulp mill at Catawba, S. C., is sc\lCil· uled to start this month

Bowaters Carolina i~ a subsidiary CJf Bowatcr of North America.

I :--.'F\\' Y0T1f< (.\PJ - A .-•·.~. '.'•": ' .. ••.p \,ron"' rl•l•· (),'!~~tOJr~r ~~r.ntp u( .•:\·e:l ttil'n:i~t.;: '"t"':) ': :r·.\ ,,,. ,·~~::,:-;· .~c.·-:.nti.;.t~ .1..' tf) ~h~ir Sli

F:-:d~:: t:vre [o: a rh·rct f·,·"<c!;~"dl· n.: l'f!IH'P.··

ch~r bet· ... rrn ci;;:q·ct ~rrH:.:L1~ fl~d T'1r :-r~.nrt of the ~lUd~· ari')-IJJ ltrn~ cc.ncrr. '"'·I in p>rl:

! "l;m:: c3nt·er or~m·, rr.u.~h m~:·e "It i~ c.iti:notcn that on ~ li!, frcn:Jri\I:,·U'•·etoJ:;l;mP•'"mo.~~ tim~ ba-1!, one of er~r,v 10 mer ci.~;ll'r[ .1rn<•krr, th;m am·'n~ nr•n· wl1o <moke Ol'~r two paelcs a d!l sm)l.-·r<, and t:icre i• a dirt','! re \\'ill die o! lung cancer. ~ ~om \a(inn<hip b~t11crn lllP inrirl~nce parJb!e risk among non-~mall:er1 of lt:nl" r)nccr ~n~ the amount is e<timaled at one out ol2'15 . • , snnkrd," the report s~id. . ! "The sum total ol sc!entlfle en

i Tll'o snan<0rs or the sl\1dy: dence e.<tab!ishes beyond reason !·group, the American Cancer So-' able doubt that cl;p!'!!'t smoldnr lt

.! cit)' and the Americ~n p.,,,rt A<YJ· i a causative factor in the rapid!, elation, Issued statements sarin~ I increasing tnc!den~ of human tp

I thev harl not ,·et 5tudlea nor eva!· idcrmoid carcinoma (uncer) 81 u~tr.d thp report. the lung."

The announcement said the bill will have a capacity of 400 tuns of sulphate pulp daily and estimated rost is $38,000,000. It is sched­uled to be completed by the end of 1959. Out. put at the catawba plant will be sent to other Bowater mills.

I The tobacco industry declared It said, however, that ltudlea m . 1 the report "app•P)ntly offers no dlcate "that e!garet mokln1 ea-a

I ori~inal evidcnel!." It said the re- not account for all eases" tllmtl I port relies heavily on statistics cancer.

I San Francisco Suffers I

~~---~~Series of Earthquakes Army Equipment Display

The Canadian Army has an­nounced that an Army Display team w!ll be touring Newfound­lr.nd durlng the 26th to 29th of March.

SAN FRA.'<C!SCO (AP)-A ser- of energy released. Th. 1JCe kl ies of earthquakoes Ulat swayed Francl!co earthquake waa · ratlllt tall buildings for . half a minute 8.25. Friday caused Injury and property Persons on the llffi!nd ftocr • damage over a 150-mlle area. the huge San Franclseo illttl'lll

More than a do1.en person's were . tiona! airport mllled about teni bruised and cut when hurled fled as plaster fell. against walls or str~ck by falling Typical o1 the llljurles waa that obj.!cts. Buildlngs cracked, Plaster of Herman Schol H. lell dO'II"' ft;l.l. the elty hall stalrJ and brob hll

Tumbling bOulders closed co&!· right foot One display will coru;lst of an tal highways, Thousands of per- -------

artillery fire control demonstration sons 5]lllled into the streeh.

Goq, daimed a . between the

put on by men of the 3rd Re;:l- Gas mains were severed. Scores ment Rgyal Canadian Hol'1!e Artil- of small fires broke out In San

B1 JOf!EPR Mac.!IWEEN erency trom the dictator. crease, Engineering unions called with the hearing. \ery from. Debert, N.S. Francisco, which bore the brunt Clnlllln Pre11 Btalf Writer 8TRJKE PARALYBlB a phased strike, beginning Satur- "lt's not good," Brewster said In 1996 of an earthquake and fire

Criticized By Board· Of Trade and f\everal

firms "in fraud gol'ernment of to arrange a sale of shares

to represent the tioney as capital

whereas ·the tet-ei\'ed by the

as a result of conspiracy was

doctors and of two de­

dOctors are ap-

It wa1 ''Ike" and "Harold" A monster atrlke ll!'ejlt through day with 1,000,000 men and even- at one point. . The other display will be a which cost 600 lives. when the prealdent' rJ the Unit- d Britllh industry, bringing recol- tually lo affect 2,500,000, · demonstration .of winter environ- A painter working atop the Go\-Statea and lhe prime mlniater D! lecUona of the reneral strike <XI TEAMSTER INQUIRY ADAMS TRIAL ment clothing, ~ulpment and den Gate Bridge sald the span The Board of Trade Council lw Britain met under 1unny Bermuda 11128, Dave Beck, president of the Newspaper J'I~Rners found the tenh. This dlsp\10' will be put "shook !Ike a tree in a gale." taken up with the Department ol aklea lo ber!n tbelr lslator!c eon- There waa one bright spot l.~e 1,~,000-m em b e r International murder trial o1 Dr. John Bod on by men of the 2nd Battalion The two maJor shocks, Uke the Transport the desirab!llty of pro. terence. In tbe week when trovernment and Union of Teamsters, . finally Adam , portly soch!tr physician, The Black Watch (Royal Highland one • two rapid fte punch or a l'iding addlt!onal facUlties at lh1

President E Inn b o ·w er and ra\lw.., unJon leader1 reported agreed to appear before a United just about as fascinating as e Regiment) of Canada, from Camp boxer, began at 11:45 a.m. The Jupiter Hotel ln Gander. Local "' Alde hot N S and International travellers oftall Prime Minister Maomlllan soon they have found a basla of ~~eiUe· States Senate investigating com- \flrlller mystery novel. n • · · earth groaned audibly and tw!s- ~

were deep 'In dlacuulon of the .ment of a threatened walkout that m!ttee--w!th his personal financial · The !56-year-<Jld doctor was In B h h di 1 ill b ted. Two lesser shocks occurred must spend 1 number of daya 111 Mld.., E ril l ot t ese spays w e open n hour b-'ore, and an bour af'-r this hotel, •. nd according to re!IOrta, we . ut pe . and oUler prob- wO!I]d nvolve 370,000 men. records. the priwner's dock In London's to the publlc ln order that they a "' "" !l.! ltl 1 b t br d lema dlat confront ~ United Na- The, over· all crisla started The committee delved deeper Old Bailey, charged with k!lllng may see at first hand the latest the giant mld·day Jolts. amen es eave muc 0 e-Uona around the world. amon1 thlpyard ultll!ona, when and deeper into the flnanclal ac- 'an elderly woman-who remem- advancl!!! In training and wlhter Slx jury trials, one a murder •Ired.

The Gull of Aqua-ba and the 2SO,OOO workmen closed 70 ablp. Uv!t!es of U.S. teamster officials. bered hltn ln her will-with mas- equipment ln use in the Canadian case, were hastily adJourned. Members specially singled ·out Bue1 CaiU! were lhe first toplca yards. The Uner Queen Mary was On the griddle was Fran.'· Brew- s!ve doses of drugs. AI The jolt~ "knocked the pen off for critlci~m the complete absence ol the fcur-day talks that "Ill be aulsted 011! of Southampton by ster, a ~amster vice-president Testimony a p p e are d to go my. the paper'' of the quoke-re~ord- of com[ort provision~ lor pusen· followed by 1 eonferoence .between navy tuga, an11erin1 2,000 dock wbo admitted that union fum!! got against the doctor euly ln the These displays coo be seen. 'dur- lng machine at the Univer~it'· of gers accompanied by in!ar.h anrl Macmlllan and Prime Mln!.rter Bt. woriler1 who promptly joined the mixed U!J with horses and fockeys, week, w!tti nur>·~s giving. evidence lng the evening boUTs, In the Drill! California in Ber~ly acro~s · S;rn roung childre;. The Board of Laurent of Canada. mlpyard str!ken In the port. Beck said In a television Inter- 'of heavy dosage~. But under mer· Hall, Buckmllfter'a Field, St. Francisco Bay. Dr. Perry' Byerly Trade Is bringing thL~ matter to

While "Ike and "Harold" talked, In the absenc-e o1 Frlme Minis- vlfW tha\ he borrowed $.00,000 c!!ess croB-e~am!natllln. and con· John's, on the 26th of March, .In reported. . the ~llcntion o! the Department ot UN ·83creti.T)'·General Dlll. Ham· ter Macmillan, ·Labor Minister from the union with nn inler,est. fronted with nn!eho'n).record.~ of the Grand Fall~ Armouries nn the The two mo~t se1•erc were glv~n i Trans pori in nrcirr tn &!sure th~t marMjold·waa Ill Cairo to aee lain Macleod strugg!o')d to COlle Powerful union vlco~·pres!dent thP treatment In h~r own han~. 1 2ath o! Morch .. anrlln thr. Corner." ratin;( or ~!{>tween f!v~ and .5 1~,the'new !!'rminal bt'lldinl which Z,Uaa PNI!dent Nuser, aeek· with the walkouts In which unln!\1 Jame~ Hoffa had been *rre~ted wrlt!n1. R nrtm t•'am\U~· ~d-jBrook .Armoune& on the 29th oi; on the Ric1l•'r !Cole which mea. I' i~ planned for r:anrl~r w:ll pro-

______ _, .!Dr. I· proelflnatloa rJ IIOIHiellll·. demanded a 10-per~nt WI tie In· on a bribery charge 111 connecUon mitted. her memory. was wron1. ~arch. . . sures aarth~tuakes by the amount vide all reasonable Hrvim.

/ ) ...


·~' ·.•

Page 2: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

I ' r· . j'· I '

. ' ··I .. '. t '

First K of C Motorcade Is Tremendous ·success


011 Sunday ,Man:h 17th, the flni venia of St. E{jwards, and the .ft of c. Motorcade tl'tr to be held Immaculate Conception, maklnll on 1111 ll1aJid wu 1 tremendou1 the traditional presentation of 1uetea. ud the u~euuv, 111d 1hamrock1. mtmben of t:one~ptloll Couacll St. Mlchul'l Church waa fll!ed No. 1110 taU tllll opportunity to to capacity (or the 1leven o'eloc~ expral IIDetrtlt tbankl and ap. Man which all member• of the precla\lon to all who helpid to motorcade attended. milt It 10. '11le St, Patrick's Day celebra· - A apecill upr~~o~Lon of thankl tloDJ were climaxed by a social Ia txteadtd to motor nhlcle own· whclh wu held hi St. Michael's en wllo 1114 thtlr whle!t 10 Pariah Hall for the membm qf buatifu111 dtcOnttd for tht oe- K. of C. and their ladle•. The 10. w!011, alld wbo tumed out iD clal cona!Jted of 1 card aame, 11Kh rreat numbers. dancinl and llnilna. There were

ODe hulldred and tllhty three violin •election• by Thomas Wlse­nhlelts took part In the most man and John Kent, and sonas by eolourful motorcade ever wltnes• Arthur Grant, Dr. Egan and Wm. fd by the clt!r.etia of BeU Iallnd. J. Kent. Music was suppllfd by

\!other Nature aeemfd to IW' !!cLean'• Orchestra which wu 11111 htraelf in her effort to lencl enjoyed by all prnent. a hrlpin& hand. when the· sun The txecutll'l and me;nbers of ahont brilliant!~·. maklnl Its flnt\· Conception Council ~o. 1930 appnranee in many nelu. \\'!shes to extend I 1peical note ·Till &litiPr which adorned the of thank• and appreciation to ~r.

lrtt top~ alon1 tht route of the I Mu Staru o! the DAILY NEWS, mntorcad~ ~parkled with 1plen· i Mr .. !ton Pumphrty of the E\'t­rlour. and tht 1traina of Irish 1 ninl Telegram and ~lr. Phonae mulle could be heard for miles' Hawcn of the Doaco ~ews, ~or all

t1 1 thl heJp they Jl'i! in publ!cizlni aroun . . . . the celebrations. This writer

A •peel&! futurt 111 thr day us, wishes to take thia opportunity to ~. rnl Jh~!lilah. richt. from the, utend to l!t·o. Howard Dyer and

auld aod rarr~ed b) Bro. BreD· 1 his harrl ,·orklns comr.1illee hurt· dn Slant. lint coniratulatlons on 1 aplendld

People In The New Mr. aPlrick Jackman, who was' ke)'. cuach. 11as a vis't

here on a visit to his parents. Mr. capttal during the pa:t to and Mrs. James Jackman, return· Mr. Bernord Dor]; ed to Goose Air Port last Tue!!-, patient at the Grac~ ' day. · . :Ius cast removed th·

Mr. Jack Rees II'U a recent vis·, is feelin~ f1r.e. 11

!tor to 1he capital . ; i ~lr. Alliin Burse1· . Mr. Ted Hussey, who is a PI·: :l•mg nicely tn • ~ity 11

!lent at a city hospitaJ, is over 1 Gcralrl :-\ugent 11.a1

operation and feeling fine._ . :!rom ho,pital ll"ednedc Mr. Boyd Davis was tn. St. : expect~d hot:te this w~:~

John's recently on a bustne~s. ·

tri~~- Harold Skanes left by heli·: Abandon Hope copter last Thursd~l' for the Grace Hospital where he is re·: ~lissing B ceivinll treatment. We wish him a OYS • I ' I

speedy recovery. 1 Hope for the • f Miss Regina Vlcke_rs, V.:ho ts at· James Rose and Ch~~ e,

tending the Memonal Untl"erstty' sonsof ~lr. and \! \e. in St. John's, !pent the weekend \and Mr. anct \!r< (; n. D here with her parents, Mr. and' of Scotia Rld"~· ~ 0[le Mu. Wm. Vickers. She !ral·elled 1 now been pr;ct,ic<i~} to and from the ISland 1'18 a1r. The two I'OUn' m i 1

Mr. Jack Whelan "·as in St.! Monda1· inorn"1·no e,n ~tlk . k b . ' . . ... () .,a John's dunng the wee en USI· 'hour GracP O\'Fr lh~ Ba" nes~. :up to !he tim~ r•[ ~oin; to

~!errill Crane, the 5-year-old son thev hare not h, d I C' C 1

• rear ed of Mr. an ~ rl ..• arence_ .rane. ·destination. ann 1t rs . II'U taken to a ctty holpt!al last' they el'er \\'ill now 1 '11!ursday. He went by hehcopter. i ham"t been ,n ~uo~ on

~lr. Albert Blackmore, wh~ hI side thr past cou~le ~~ ' I' patient at the' Grace _Hospltll, ' it is f~arrd they tr.ay hm Ia steadily lmprollng . h1s many: through the ice on tnin t friend! will be pleased tn learn. llJnd. · I


~lr. R. C. Winsor of Win! or k An i nlrn,:re >rarch ,,1

Compan_Y Ltd., was _her.e recently: planes of lhr RL'\fP •~i in the mterest of h~s firm. : all day Tur>na~ hn: Ia llfJ

Mr. Charlie Goobte who wa~ and the srarrll """ call!<! herl dotng bU!mes! returned b~ 1 Wednesda1· mnrnin• air to St. John's last Thursday. ' This s•rt h•pprr~n' hu

Miss !\larle Butler returned to gloom o1w 1 he whnle ·

H P D• k y Is Pipe Fitters engaged at operations underground. thecit y by E.P.A. Tuesday n:orn·. the sympalh' n! all &Ots

lc e ing following ·a weekend vls1t to the berearrd f<milie! in

• • Hon. ~lr. Pickersgill has arranged I A • her parent!, Mr. and !\ln. H. S. hour of sorrnw. ...... IO)'sr Ed tl w k nmversary Butler, Grammar St. ~!iss Butler -----... ~,Y' r/1. UCa JOfl ee ·for it to have priority. Mr. Fraser 11 1 stenographer with the House·.

K• . ·s k P' v~ states that he has had th• utmost . . ~I ll lwa' niS pea er .• . A s Ed d' f I . k ']] 1 u I d' Ch h hold Finance Corporation.. ' an'r app'

A 1pec1a! l"isitin& committee· job well done, In the plannlni and

•hadtd llr tilt Gr•nd JCnllht•l eamlnl out of the St. Patr!ck'a ralltd at the Deanery, and con-I Day Motorcade.

t tl War S backing rom ~ r. PIC ersgt n rote urc· Mr. Robert More of the ftrm of: . ' all matters relating to Bell Lsland. Price Waterhouse and Company,


• •

dl I A A . d With rcg:~rd to the alutrip, ~lr. . - arrt"ved h•re. from • .• lo_ntreal_ Wed·ll Returns

Til• Bell Iallnd K!wan!a Club I tractive window IP I'>)' I. I aoon F t t d th t h h t ' h bl d I t t II d Ca emy '

raser s a e a e opes o The 1lxth annoversary of the n•.sday morn1ng. He 1• regastered .1

mft for IU regular weekly dinner a1 I is use w n er 1e 1 re h th" f bl' ti · • , ..~ '11 wl I d na an• ave some Jng or pu tea on on I opening of the new United Church, at the Staff Ho•Jse. ,I

me~tinl In the Canadian Le •• on wt He aro 0 11 ar e • " 1 i · 1 i i th f t ' I I f I f t I d b..

BELL ISLAND-Part c patmg n t n e. near u ure. Bell Island, was observed Sunday, •11·5s Chrt'st1'ne \''h1'te, who ls 1, '.lan)·

'·1uo Rooms, We<lnuday evenlni. tre11 n ea · n ac . 0 1 1 b · f " ., ·' \larch 20th. The Prelldent Dr. lleve lhh 11 the year WI ahould The old-timers basketball team the province·w de ce e rattan o • , March 17. A rpecial urvice was working in St. John's, spent the. to ~lr. Rruhrn .\.

l I

t \'


_, n bl 1 1

N ~ Education Week, St. Edward's conducted at 7 p.m. with the junior weekend her• ... 1·th her parents,: cel"brat•d h1·,. 80th

R. J. E;zan, occupied the ch.r, 111 owen oom n1 D o. "' ia beiinnlni to show &lin& of be- A d B 11 I 1 nd made lt• C } 1 d · h · · t d ' " c c

d ca emy, e ! a , , l t an semor c om m at en ance. ~agistratc B. J. and ~!rs. White. nesr!ay. ~larch 20.

••'d a larae number of memben yar ,·>A I l .,_ I Cl b cominll a powerful team. They usual fruitful contribution to the ongra U a lOllS Large congregations were present ,_,1.55 Patra·ca·a Ft'tzgeralrl return· a retired urr,·t·,-~1 o'. wm In attendance. The foUow· A .... , our. oc:a ""'.rv ce u 1• play the Wabana Boys' Club teams f d at ion d to the h 1 · " "

,.,. K! 1

th Ll Club progress o e uc an at t e morn ng and eventng 1er- •• to St. John's ~!onday by E.P.A ... bana Ore and is !till IDI IIUfSt.l were liven 1 rta~.V you wan ana, e ons '·in turn each Tuesday night. On furtherance 11f the purpose to -- vices. The Minister, Rev. N. B. "" h k d lth d · · Kiwanlaa welcome. Mesm. A. 1{, the Cz.nadlan Legion, have pro· Tuesday night last, they pia~·erl which the week has been dedicat· CongratulatiOns to Mr. and Mrs. 1 Hodder, delivered a very lmpres· after spending t e wee en w 1 an en)oymg m~\1 · Robertaon, R. :\!ore. Honll Choni. \'lded leadermlp in many phues Kevin Power's team and won by ed. 1 Clarence Kent who celebrated !he sive ~rmon suitable to the occa· h~r parents, ~lr. a_nrl ~!rs. Frerl 1 A

1·ery h<•PP"

It wu announced tht.t plana have of our community llfe. a acott of 35·30. KHln'a tum 1.11 on Wednesday ~larch e the : 27th anniversary of thm wcddtng ion at the evening worship Fttzgerald. ~!iss Fitzgerald ts a Je~>e Gos>r. a been flnaliud for the Enter Ball, Cert11lnly there are thin&• we ln first place In the senior section. 1 parents and frie~ds o! the pupils' on ~larch 17. They were married I 5

• student at Ltttledale. :lander. hut no" to be held on April 29th. Lto 1tlll want, aome of them urgent. Ralph Pltt'a team will play t_he were i\lests of the s<:hool and ~·ere\' at St. Mlchat~'s Church by the This beautiful church which Mr. A. H. Robertson o( Toronto· Ontano, 11ho celetr1lel Michael'• Orchestra will !urnl1h And Iet'a rel'le\1' them Vt!ry quickly old-timers ne~t Tuuday nlint. lwarmh· welcomed b)" the S!!ter late Very ReHrend Dean Me· I command• an imposing 1!te on· is presently l"iisting the island. 1 day ~larch IR Gmaap 11\e mu•ic. Catrrinl wll\ bt done There Ia the dust-part of It Game time. Is 9.1:1 p.m. \Superior, the Sl!tera, and the lay· ·Grath. Davld1on Avenue was opened for Mr. Cla~1on Smith of Steers from her dau;hter E11ir1 by 1\lwanb llldlu. who art abo. from that dreadful "Scoura11e o! At tht: present time. the top 1 teache:-s. public worship on Palm Sunday in Limited is presently on the island Bernie P~r·ln ""' 11 l!.olnl marl'elous work on selllnl the Suue," ·and p::.rt. from our teams In the junior section are Throughout the many clamooms BELL ISLAND NEWS 1 1951. The Minister Rt that time doing businm for hi~ firm. ~!arch 20th Happ, Tickets for the Kiwanll mammoth road!. That dust Ia enough to captained by Gerald Barrett and rellglous projects were displayed, CONTit-IUED ON PAGE '16 the Rev. T. J. Pitt. ~lr. Joe Byrne, Bell bland hac· ntr. carrl aame. spoil the dl!position o! the most Val Whalen. nl the intermediate te~tlfylni to the emphasis placed ------------- · ·- ----- -------- --

Thr lUtit waa Mr. H. , .11entle of our ladies. Thank a noll- l!ct!~n E{j Walsh' team and Lewla on the truth! and their lm· r. Dir~t)'. \"ice-Pr~ident and ness, I do believe it ia ln hand. Bickford'! team are leading. In portance I! a guide to the better 1

c.ener;·l 'hnaaer Dominion Wz·l hen there is the FtrrY &fi"Vice. the 1enlor section Kevin Poll'e's life here and In the hereafter. 1 hAn& Ore. Th1 context o! hl1 · Or shoulrl I juat JB)" Fem·J-. team and Ralph Pitts teams are Specimens of actual &ehool work ' •r•'rrh w~~ ~.~ followa: rAt a~y ratt. ont finds 11 difficult out in front. Trophies will be pre· done by the pupils were made

~lr. rre1idcnt. Guest.!, Gentle· 1 tn d1~cun lhl• and 'rrmaln ca-lm. 1enttd 11 tha end of the basket·


available ao thai the parent! could mrn: ! Rut once asaln, I hope It i1 in hall auson to tb1 winnin11 teams aee clearly the attainment~ and

I lind this il m)· liftn appear· hand. ln each section. the shortcomings of their children ance before Bell hland Ktwr.nls. We netd water anrl IPWtrBIIP- A te~m from Memorial Unll•rr- 1tn the 1everal subjecl! of the, ... nd each time I have told acme- already noted u belnl In the si•y, under the direction of Mr. curriculum. Credit! and rrlt!cl~ms : th1n1 nf the then cLI.-rrnt condl· plr-nnlnK stHr. Doug Eaton Viii unable to make were clearly marked on the ln· lion of the rr.lne and soue from But we aho · want of our Pfll- . the trip to Bell Island la~t Satur· divldual papen. 1

that onto what )OU anll all c! Ul pit- I rl~y fol' thr basketball game which These formed a ba!ls whereon ahould no for the community. More to approvt, fewer to dia· ' waP scheduled to be played on the teachers and parent! could discuss

This ye;or of te5i, I am alood to approve; Waban a Boy•' Club ba!ketball1

1 the work ol the children and the be able to aay once more, the More "doers," . fewer "talkers:" courl. As 1oon u travel condl· ways and mean~ of securlnK lm· ', mint iJ In aocxl ahape. It Ia lm· More to ny "at can be donr," tiona improve lt is hoped lhat the provement where . the need wu • pro,·in& all ttte time. Oour men fewe-r to say "ll can't be done:" 1ame 1\'lll be played. I lndlcnted. ' art keeplnl It that wa)·, and I'm Mort to Inspire othen with Two new groups atarted last Grade~ VI, VII and VIII pupils \"er)' proud when I take vblton eonfldence, fewrr to throw "cold week and had a very 10od begin· held a very interesling debate on throullh the vr.rloua worllna: water" o~ anyone !~>king even nlni. Mr. Jerome Quinlan 11 the subject: "Homework 1hould be \ anu and sn mlnlnl method• one lliep an the right direction; lead o! the Art Group, while Mr. abolished." The matter and the i and bouaekHplni and safety con· More to 11et into the thick o[ Russell gives leaderahlp to the dellvery wtre •urprlslngly good 1clouaneu that would do credlt to th~~·· and "do aomethlng about Glee Club. The Art Group will for pupils of these gx:ades. Judging aay mlnlnl or11anlutlon. Ami it; fe't"er to 1lt on the sideline• meet each Wednesday at 4.115, waa difficult because of the gen· once 11e.ln, I Invite thll IJ'OUP to merely flndlnl fault, while the Glee Club meeta on eral 1tandard of quality, but by a ' a coaducted tour of 10mt cf our 'More to point out what'a rl~h~, Wednesdays at B.ltl. narrow margin the negative was I operation•. 1 do hope we can ll· fewer to keep harplnl on what 1 We, at the Waban1 Boys 'Club, awarded the victory. ran11 1 day when I wlll be ahle wron1: were sorry to learn that Mr. and Examples of the artlitlc work of to eonduct you. In apite of all the thlni• we Mra. Ken Stein are ltavlna Bell the pupils were exhibited In all

1 llelll\'l It 9.'11 In m)' first talk still want at· Wtabana, I uy to the Island. Ken hu been an ardent claprooma and showed exception­here, four yean liD, that I ex· Town Coundl, to the Service baalcetball enthuslut and wu our a! talent carefully directed. p~~d rreat confidence· In' the Club1, to our Union Locah, to flnt basketball coach. He has been Parents were given the oppor· future of Wabai\J. Now I am the merchants, and to the people a relullr attender at basketball tunlty of hearlna the choral lllflk· more conlldtnl rilan tl'tr of that of Bell Island In 1eneral- .con· games lll'lnl Ups to the boya and lng classes, the singing eluses and futurt. Wt art ach!fl"lnl the ton· ll'atulaUon• on what hu b!liin IC- refer~lnl numeroua James. He also Instrumental music both from n

111 el!j~lvll required to mue. eompl!lhed. Alld lood luck ln kll wlll be irutly mined. Mrs. Stein the orchestra and !rom Individual

Wabana an economic entity.· Wt )'our future •nduvolll'l. I f~l. cer· hu for some time liVe~ leadnhip student• of violin and plano. still don't know the extent of the taln ,)·our children and ycur chll· in our library durlDI homewok Altogether, it was a II'Ut aue· en, but we bave no reaaon to dl'eh 1, will look bacK on :your &esslons. We wish til em .e\·ery auc· cua and hell)ed lmmetiUrlbly to dellliL the continuance of th1 ore llf1tlme hen will! prl~e and with em and happlneu In their new bind more closely the bond, of biU laterally. Wt ara .ad will rMPec:t. location unity that exl!ta between the Sis-continua to eoncentrate on de- Mr. Dickey tns lntrodueed by Schoo.! curllnl leanu meet tach ten of Mercy and the parents of ,-elopllltnt "·ork, v.ith 1 view to I Robert Cohen a.nd thanked by Wedne1day afternoon and on Sat- puplls. previnl up aome 100,000,000 tona IMnar dHUihll. urday mornln11. oCach Dale Henry -------ol 11'1 ·rtservn J· do expl« we is particularly pleued with th1 F d } B--=1d 1 g "ill appreach that fli\ltl by the Sunday Semlces.. Dtlendanm of th"e teaml from the e. era Ull m tad If thU )'tar. 'l'ben·, normal ~· Academy• and also Jackson School. F W b dntlo,ment '!Qrk un '11\M~tllll ANGLICAN .The wlnnlni rink will play a or a ana llldl • ·rtMrvt fll\lrt, aa,aurllll UJ (7'hlrd Sunda~ in Ltnl) riDk from out.alde Bell llland be-llwua of a! ltut 10 Jtll'l · or• lt. Cyprlan'I-Reetor, Rev. T. fore too long. 111"!7 at dlt eumnl production !. smith. 11 a.m., sunl Euchar!Jt; The Boys' Club now hu an In· ratta. 2.110 p.m., !Iunday School and ter-communlcaUon 1yatem which

Nli"', rather than ,.ammer about Bible Clall; t5 p.m., Holy Bapt!am; 11 helplnll us greatly in our dally "·hat rou and ~·ou and othera not 7 p.m., !venoanJ and Sirmon. proaramme. The Intercom. was hl'!"t 1hould cln to Improve our st . .Mary'a _ 8.30 a.m. ,Holy ~iven to til by .Mr. ~r1e Car· lo\\·n, I \\'auld Uke to review what communion; 3 p.m., Evensoni ,ba~e. and we wish to olfer him

Mr. A. M. Fraser, Federal Mem· ber for St. John's East, hu an· nounced that a new Federal bulld· lng will be erected on Bell llland thl1 year.

This information !1 eontalned In

hu been doni. For, without be- and Sermon. i out· 1lncere thanks. r11mln1 complaisant. I believe wa VNlTED CHURCH We are Indebted to all thnse

a let\cr !rom Mr. Fraser to Mr. Addi!an Bown, m~mber of Board of Commissioners o[ Public Utll· lli~s. who wrote Mr. Fra~er hst • fall a~knig for information about lh~ puhlic huildin~t ~nrl ~n Air· ~trip lor !he Island. Mr. Fraser 1tatcs in hi1 l~tter that he h~s

ran. be· proud, l! not complet~l~ Minl.~ter, RH. N. B. Hodder. 11 who h~lp us at the eluh In our day .. tufled, with the pro11rm that

1 a.m .. Divine Worahlp: 2.30 'p.m., by d~y proKrammlnK. The Waban•

hJo\ hePn made In recent ~·ears. 1 sundav School; 7 p.m. Divine Boy1' Cluh la herr. to serve the Fll'lt nf all, we havt an active Worsh.ip. ' ' be~·l nl the community.

TcWll Cou_ncll which take a ill ra· SiaL I' iaTJON ARMY q~Gn,jblllt!u aerlcual;r. 4• I n· Senior Major Wall<~ce and Mrs. .ult, 1\"e have 1 cleanllnm about Pike, c,O.'!. 1 11 a.m., Holineu our ~truta and houslna which, • Meetina: 2 p.m.. sun~ay Schoel; few ) tars uo, could not have been 3 p.m., rrailt Meetilll; 11.30 p.m., IMI!tvecl. We no lnn_Jer h~ve Prayar Mutlnl; T p.m., Great Sal· llhMJI ud horau wpderlnl about vat!on Meetlna. lilt place. We have • plall for tha You m cordial!' Invited to 1ll futurt development of WabaDI., thOII urvicea We. llan had poaiUVt lttPI taken · ' ttwvd a witter and Mwtrale ai• _..;,.._____ · '

::t.u~.· ~'~:a ..=~J!1 ~~: ~odel Sweepstake II tlll'l, 0111 who h dettrmilled to For the ben•flt of people wish· help '11.1 with our Ylr!OUI a..U. lnl tc purchase Model SWiepatake

.u.l our clll!tlll, 1t II btcom- Uclt:eta. we may uy that they ue lal • trtal to drive around Bell on 1ale at Lawton's Drul Store. Iallld aa• '" aubatanUal JIIW. P'ltll'linl'• l'>rul !!torr, James Pow· ltetlitl Mini hui!t,, ftlt!er 11tu1" er (lllpernmkctl We1t Ml11n, the Jittly' Jllllltlll. lliJrovld ..... W'alnna Motor lupply , an~ tile

i.Dtf ·~ -· Ia -HI . a1- Alllla. '

Thre' e New aucceeri~d in persuadlnl the Hon . Mr. Winters to authorize the very neceuary bulldlnl for Bell h·

Mini' I ng Records . ' land; the IUm of fifty thouund

_ dollm hu bun provided for lt 'l'b1 month of March !a mlnlnl In the 1upp!ementary 11tlmatu

elrela IJ maklnll h!atory for Itself. which were tabled In· the Hou•• So far th!a month three new re- cf Commons on. Monday lut. It cord• have been 11tabllahed. The lJ Intended that the bul!dlni wlll first,. one wu on March 7, when have adequat• apace for a post the total production for the day office and lor customs. Mr. Lloyd reached a new all·tlme hlih of Hopkins, the dlltrlct architect at 13,068. This output wu exceeded. St. John's, hu been Instructed bY by 2M tons on Mareh 13, when the Mr. Winters to nea8tiate a alte total mined on that dale aoared to immediately ,with Mr. H. P. Dick·


13,320. Thla rtcord wu amuhed ey, Mana1tr of Domlnlo11 Wabana : &II Mmb 18 when thr mlnen Ore Limlttd. • . I

ea-mt up with 1U8a. -..h!eh Ia 48 con1truct1on of the new build toDJ more than tjat of Ma:eh 11. iD.I 1hould beaiD 1hortly u the I



Yon are waiting •till Springs' warm days to go Car Buying . . ..



"Your Dodge, Desoto Dealer "

dde Of


"meantime, hr 'aid, he has the m•lnr•

log~ters agrcci 1galn!t the Action gain a foothold in 1

logging indus ogg~rs paid their m o thE i\'clrfounrll 's Association Ja;t

L\\'.A .• he emph~~ized get certilicatinn fo·

of 1.950. anrl. emphatically drcl

prr cent o[ the men Jith ].\V.A. are "nOll' Jll their monrr back.''

lnornpslln declared that 10t certificatior., ai nnion in Newfound!

affected one way or



.. .... :15 ., II

Page 3: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

-Hope I


nPn ir!t : In \l.ill: · th~ Bn · ~r ~oin~ tQ t rto~htd It i! doubt

•tar~h .,111 RUtr and ) hut to no

'OS ~il!fd ~~n~.

lprninl hu ~ "·hnl1 Co{ all loti hmilit! in



' • )T


ded Significance l.n ·Loggers' Union Controversy d Of N.L.A. Calls . . Royal Commission









DIAL 91115 - 91116 !



.. ······ ········

Outlook for


~ 31')



11 4T a

llhs. Mu.

Ha!Jiu . . .. .. .. . :M Sydnt'l' ....... , .. 111 It, JC.nt'1 •

~Rowe Admits !Pentecostals To I

Educ. Department The followln1 1htement wu 11-

sued Jut nl1ht by Edueatlon Min· Isler Rowe:

It will be recalled that almost two y ~ rs 1110 the House of AJ. B M o ' C •embly pmed legl•l•tlon whereby Corner rook ag1strate s ourt !he Pentecostal Auemblles of New· · foondland were recognized u 1 PI S A man charged with drunk drlv· denomination In 10 far n the ap- · avers tage ing on March. 21st pleaded guilty In prcpriatlon of funds for education· ., , the Magistrate's Court yesterday a! purpoaes was concerned, 1 Festl"val Play morning. Constable Ron While

While It Is true under exislin1 • said in evidence that he was called lelfillat!on recognition of 1 de- The Amateur Players of Corner to the Torbay Road at R:40 p.m .. on nomination does not automatically Brook, directed by Mr~. Doris Thursday where a U. S. firetruck entitle that denomination to rep- Jones, ataged !heir Festival play was off the road. When he arrived resentatlon within the Departme!U "The Mousetrap", a my~tery lhril· an ambulance from the American of Education, yet the Government l~r by Agatha chllstte, in the cl). base was there and two of the at· has decided that since the Pente- lumbu~ l!all at Corner Brook on tendants' were moving the de­cotlal A11emblles now constitute Monday ar.d Tuesday, March lBth fendant from the cab of the fire approximately II% of tjle popu· and lSth truck .The man was taken to the !allan of Newfoundland, and In Review's of the produc!ion were hospital, and after being examined view. of the ever increaaing burden favourable and enthusiastic. St. by the doctor was discharged in· of respocsibll!ty, on officers rep- John's theatre goers will see this good physical condition. resenting other denominations in play during the Regional Drama Taken to the poliee station the the Department, It would be In· Festival, which opens on Monday, mao waa charged with drunk driv· the interest of the Pentecostal Apr!! lst· at st. Patrick's Hall lng, Magistrate O'Ne!ll reserved achoola, !11 particular, and of edu· Auditorium, when five amateur judgment at· the morning se·aslon cation In Jeneral to appoint an dramatic groups from St. John's to call a witness, The accused waa officer whose special responsl· Corner Brook and Grand Falls sentenced to 10 days, and lost his blllty within the department would w!ll compete for the Calvert Trap- license for 2 years. be the care and administration of h~. The plays wlll run from Mon- Allan Rosa was b~fore th~ court the PentecoBtal achooia of the day to Friday and will hfgln with 1 a~d was charged ~1th pamng a

I Prov!nce. the St. John's Players on Monday


. worthless cheque \slued at S,llo. , ln 1 order to meet this need 1 iliAhl, He p!eaned RUI!ty .. constable \\.ard 1

po1t ·hU been cre1ted a~ ·the a&· -------------- of the R.C.M.P. sa1d he intervieW· I

1ietant 1uperintenrlent level and be filled not later thRn the first I ed the dr.lendRnt ~nrl received a 1

__________ '!"'" _______ ..;lit 1.1 1spected that lhll put will of Au1u1t of the present year. state~cnt from him in which he

A.ttorney General

Announces Increase . In Jury fe,es



SLIPS A'J~ ..... Well •tyled and daintily trimmed

Choose from Catton • • Rayon

Jer'•ey • • • and Nylon


97c to 2.95


See our Window Display


Page 4: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

,. I





,' J


f f.

l ,",,I ,. ~' ' ~



f:. .f I' ' .,



. •. • \

I • . ... -·-· .... -- .......... -.... .

THE. DAILY NEWS· . N•wfoundland'a Only Morning· PafMr

Rlii.'r ~I.Jili'(.'JUPTION BATES

Ca11adi , ...... , , , ... , .... 110.00 per annu111

U'1lltd lin1dom and all rorelp CQuntrlea •.•.. 114.00 t~u annu!ll


A.utborl.nd 11 ncond cllll mall Poat OU!ce DepartmFnt. Ottawa,

Th1 DAIL'Y NEWS II a mOl'nln& PaPII eatabllai~ In 1894, and pub~ahed Rt tb1 ~IWI Bulldln11, ~~~~ DLICkwortt l;treet, St. Jolul'a, New!oundland, bJ Robllla011 • Company, Llmltrd.

MEMBER OF TBE CANADIAN PIES!! Tbe Canadian Preaa h exclualvely entl!JI!d

:C.. tbe Ull !ar repUblication of Ill IIIWI

lupatt:hea In Ulh paper credl(ed to It or t11 [he Associated Preu or Reuters and &lao the ocal newa published therein.

All Preu service and feature artlcln ' 11 till a paper are cop)·rl&llt and their reproductloo IJ prohibited.

• Men~ber Audit Bureau 01


----------------------~~------------SATURDAY,.II1ARCH 23, 1957

What Price The Fishery ? lt is expected that the introduction ot

U11employment insurance will add to the number of men who will look to the fishen· as their chief soul'ce of income. How ~vill thev fare? What, in fact, is the outlook io.r the fisheries?

Demand continues for the unique light­salted fish of Newfoundland. Much of this is made in driers tOday and very little on the flakes, Mqst of the bulk fish put up in the past few years has been heavy salted for sale to the Canadian mainland where it is cured to enter into competition with our own cured product In the Caribbean markets.

An increase in the sale of salt codfish must come from a higher production of light-salted but how much we can makt! to sell at a remunerative price remains ~ question mark.

of its military establishment. ·President Eisenhower should be sympathetic in this regard. But the effectiveness of the British plan will depend on the substitu­tion of highly trained technical corps for present ground forces. And this in turn will hinge upon the willingness of · the United States to impart some of its secrets in the development and use of guided missiles.

But It is enough to know for the mo· ment that there is an atmosphere of good fellowship at Bennuda and this augurs well for the success of the conference.

Net Good On The Ground

It has often been said of Trans-Canada Air Lines that it was the best in the air but not so gqod on the ground.

Our own experience of T.C.A. grouml

.In The News. By .iAYFARER


One of the dlsappoln'tlng thlnga about the Housu of Assembly In the past few years has been the failure of most ministers to make progre111 reports on their depart· ments when Uley are Introducing their estimates. Polley ata\ements are made, of course, frorii time to time. But generally they are related to special 'legislation or they consist of somewhat gen~ral reviews. But there are certain flelda In w h l c h lmportlnt changea have been occurring, In which challenging luuu occur, in which alternative routes con· found the planners. And the ob· llga!lon ought clearly to devoll'e upon hch departmental head to tell hls·own !tory In a report to the people when he Introduces his. departmental estimates.

• • •

polleiea and the things that re­main to be done to meet the wei· fare needs of the people. True, we get• news from time t'o time of apeclal projects, But what ia wanted Ia a summarlutlon of achievement and lntentlona,

• • • The present Minister of Health

hu lived with the problems of publtc health In Newfoundland for many )'ears. For the past sev- ~ era! yem until he left the Clyll iervlce for Ule broader field of

·party politics, he was Assistant Deputy Minister. He could make

·a reyort tlfllt would ably su,mmar· lze the tremendous progress that has been made In a very short time In the expansion of the healtb aervlces, That this pro­ll!'ell has sen·ed to make up only

.aome of the ground lost a~ a result of ·the financial inability in the. put to build up a com·

We shall aonn ha1:1r been a prehensln publlc health and has-province ol Canada lor eight pitalliation sen·lcc is a !act that years. That was the p·rrlod is not too widely recognized, deslgnalctl at the time the terms Here again there are problems, of union were made for a review largely of dispersal of population of the effects o[ cnlon upon this and lack of communications province. It may wen be regard· which complicate health service~. ed as a period long enough to and there Is always the pwblcm

/Justify a review of what hu of money. But the public might been done in the development of well wish to know what has been certain public service and what done and where we have yet to plans have been devhed or are · go, In mind for the future. These re· · ports to th.e people are also an Iecount of lndlvldualatewsrdahlp, The departmental heads should

• • • And so It might be with every

other department of the govern·



--= want to make them. The public should want to hear them.

• • • The present Minister o! Edu­

cation knows his subject ·well and has alreadr given proof of hla anxiety to overcome some of the major problems that confront hla department. He is quite capable o! giving the House an eloquent summary of what has been hap. penlng in education during the past eight years, the problems that have to be !aced today, and the alma of educationaL policy for the next few years,

ment. These reports ought to be B , 1 ' S 'k annual. But now that .we ~ave ntaffi S ffl e come to the end of the firSt eight ·Edson I w h I t yean of union, they have be~ome M B s I d n as I ng an .essential contribution to popu- ay e ett e Jar understanding of what has S • .I L 1. • TJ been done, what remains to be T A t H d I zgns .d. re UCill:ll g lfl t done, and what plans can be 0 ver an Icap A 'N . R . ' TT!''l E financed in the near future to Br GOEFFREY MILLER ezv ltSSUl ,, l f ~ l',U[ l' t! make our services bett~r., T~is LONDON (AP) _ ~egotiatou

BY PLTER EDSO~ ,2oes ~or roads ~or the l!shmg In· seeking to head off what could be dustr) • lor agnculture, for local Britain's worst labor walkout in

.,goverJ1111ent and ~any othr.r five ·ea Frida)' eported finding aspects of public policy, a ha)sls r;or aettli;g a shipyard -=-=--""~--_- -~--=-=,~__,;o.-=---_,_-'-_.-_'"'-.-- . .,

• • •

1\E,\ Washington r:orr~sponr!rnt

strike and averting orre on the rail· ways. \\'ASHl~GTOX-1:\'E.\)-Forty yrar' -~n t·: .. mrn:~

sian revolution began with a riot fnr more brr;,ri ;n In the case of frozen fillets, the problen1 is that too man~· plants ha\'e managed to keep going onl~· through injections of public funds. Some are still \'ery short o! working capital. The public invest­ment in the fresh fro7.en fish lndustr~·

began before confederation. It has con­tinued to the point where near!~· ten million dollars of new eapital ha\'e been poured into the enterprise without ~·rt ~ucceeding In fully \mderwriting it~ econom1·.

personnel in Newfoundland has been The presrnt ~llnister of Wrl· satisfactory. It may sometimes be diffi- hre is a man with an earnr>t and cult to get accurate information but we !ympathetlc Interest in the par-

d ticular problrms of his d~part-

• • •

\\'e hope that Pl'cry minister will take the n~ed o! ~uch re­pnrt~ to heart anct take advan'ta~e of either the debate on the Arl· rlres5 or, preferably, the Intro­duction of their departmental es· timates, to ~ummarize the achiri'P· ments, aim~ and problems of the ~en•ice~ they suprrl'ise. Thi! would add much to puhlic in­formation and much 1o the ll<e· fu!r.ess of the· legislature as the ~hie! public forum.

&1t · still hanging O\'er 1he troubled nation was a srries of strikes scher!u!rct to begin snow­balling today in key heary Jnd\1.1t· ries.

wa~ 111e lir;t revolution. Ill at ol'c:·Ihrrw I hr t '"' of moderate >ncia!ists "nd librr~.:·.

Lenin was in exile in Switzrrl;~nd al l'>r ·1me 1\ew York and Stalin wa:~ ll\ the fourth .' r·.1r ol

ha\'e always encountered courtesy an an men!. Welfare has be~ome a very anxiety to please,, lmport~nt suhjrrl. Too often Ill

This was the si1uation on th>; three labor fronts:

We cannot contend that this is in\'ari- nims Rre mlsundmtood, 'Here again there i! a thirst for in­

ably the case on the mainland and our fnrmation about the present stage

Shipyards - Cninn and ship­builders !i'ached a b~>is lor nc. ~otiating an end to the six-ct.-· slrike of '200,000 workers. Details were not rejl{lrted. The work·~rs a1•2rage S36.24 a week and l1n1·e rlemanded a 10-per~ent increase.

O\\'n thoughts on this subject find con- of nevelopment or welfm firmation in a trenchant pnragraph in i-=:c~·:::ac::::iiiEi·:::IIIE::iik::iiiiiii~iiili:iliiliiC.:::ili~iil~:i:liiE:::iiill The Printed Word, a news:letter publish· ed in Toronto.

There is, it must be said, a deplorable absence on the. part of some T.C.A. office personnel of what might be called "cus­tomer consciousness."

Wh 0. h A s • Talks re:~ume ~!onda,· but. mean-Of t ers re aying ~~m~hi;~:~;~ike stili !hUts down

••~•r.::.~•l'!:i::IIKl1Ji:ll•::t::l•a•c:c::~~~mm.c::~•u:• RaUroads - Union ~nd gnl'rrn-'• -~ '"" 'I 'I ,.. C' C. ment reached agreement for a

EXCRL'CIATINGL\' FUNNY words she lives, unwearied by fi1•e per cent wage lccrea~,~ for TOY' time, as youna and as lovely as 370,000 railroad workers, erasing

(Montreal Gazette) when Stevenson first saw her. the tilreat o! a strike, The work- Their leadership of the ,;rrcmcl. rnt111!rr rn ,,.

ttle pro\'isional, ctcmocratic ton•rnmrnt ~~·t ::f1

Kerensk)·, was l'ight months lat<'T.' In 1his period, from now until the laic,- :.nil 11-r·;r:. ·~

people will be reading and wrilin~ and C\prr: :112 r, >rnt d~<l the past four decades of Rus:ian commu111•m.

A period of 40 years i;n't n lone li1nr tn hi<lof' who wa~ an arult in World \\'ar I c~.·n rpn·rmhcr :~! rel'o!ut.ion.

There ~re old Bnishcvik1 who lnnk P"l :n lilrr1 "'' alive and in power. Ali of 1hcm oprrale R< tl1011;h 1~ they are the rez.l leaders of 1be ma~ses ;.nrl hon· t!a.; f)}

But the third gener~tion i; now ~'roll'ing nr un:!rr Today, what is considered the mo;t si~nif1rar.: f>rl <iw~1 sian rel•olu!on of 40 rears ago is U1at it hn' r.·c: rroi,ri'J Soviet man.

Ther~ has to be a limit to the amount of money that go\'ernm\nt can employ to prime an~· industry and a good, hard look at the needs of this enterprise with a view to restoring it to successful independence without the r\eed to make new calls on public funds is clearly needed.

The seasonal subsidiary fisheries also ha\'e a bearing on the size of the fishing population. 'The scarcity of herring in Fortune Bay for the past three winters has had a serious eff11ct on the economy of that area. Turbot is an uncertain com­modity because of market instability. Salmon seem to become scarcer every year. The fortunes of lobster fishermen 'depend on quantity since l'eady and re· munerati\'e markets txisl for all the,v

'The Printed Word sets It down to monopoly. But we have found tiome­times even greater discourtesy among the airport staff of some American airlines. It l.s all in pretty sharp contrast to the ex· cessive attention that one received in the earlier days of commercial flight.

In his old age Mr. Gladstone, Stevenson'a later lot was cast In ers had demanded a 10-per-cent in­whlie still Prime Minister of · otter parts of the world and he crear<!. Their wage now a1·erages Great Britain, was to be seen in never 31lW her again. But after from $20.02 to $30.60 week!;·. the toy shops ol the Str&nd. ·ne he was dead, one of hi~ del'oted Manufacturing - About 2,500 .... wu looking for a toy he hat! readers, J. A. Hamerton, made ()()() worker~ want ~ 10 per c•nt known long yean before. But a literary pilgrimage, retracini( lncrc~sc to their $.16.24 werk!;· :w­he could not find it. "Why is it the route that Stevenson hot! erage wage, Ther threatrr.--:d to that when we get a good thing t;.ken on his journey. At Pont begin grantl311y dosin~ down 4,­we do not stick to It?" he aai<l de Montvert he met a French- 300 automobile, al'iatinn. d~ctrical at last. "Now l recollect an ~X· man who was also ~ readPT nr machine tool and other factories cruclatingly funny toy which )'OU Stevenson. He was a "fresh- in Britain. One million were set wound up, Dnd it danced about . faced man about sixty, with a to >tri~·~ todny.

Basically sav those 11i1o are rinses! oiHrrrr< rf It! ;;cene, the R~ssia·n people sHit h<..l'e the same nlrl Ru;<an , ' the same old Russian qualities.

It is never safe to generalise on matters of this kind. There is need on the main· land, however, for management to give more attention to' training staff in the rudiments of custom,er courtesy,

produce. Sf fh F T d This brief appraisal of the chief pro- reng Or Q ay

duct~ of the fisheries does not tend io ----------------­suggest that man~· more fishermen run B\' F.AHl. L. DOl'G!.ASS tind stead,\' emplo~·ment Until the fre~h RJ:SPO:.iSIBILIT\' OF GREAT GIF'I'!l fish and ~alt cod markets impro1·e and AlexAnder GrllhRm Bell, while •till 1 very youn~ since these are the phases of the industry man, was working on his first experiment wl1h tho in which alone real scope for expansion telephone. He asked his teacher, Jo1eph Henry, exi!its, it is clear that close review and ''What would you advise me to do; publi~b th•

reault of these experiments and let othera work better co-ordination of effort Rre l't!· them out, or attempt to aolve the problem by· quired. aell~" 1

The fisheries ha1·e a future but we ''You have the serm of a great Invention," IAiti cannot build it bv the use of more public Joaeph'Henr)', "Work at it youmlf.'' ftmds for expanding production except Then are, of coune, very few aeniu~e• in the

population at luge. A man like Alexander Graham in the c.ase of loans for driers at strategir~ Bell or Thorn .. Edlr.on or Albert Ehatein make points. For it! permanent prosperity the d!acoverlea enouah to keep seoneratlona oiKientlsh industry must find the means within It- . ·and worken busy. But, of courae, the aamP bairlc aelf. S~ientific research of the kind to be facts of character operate w\th these men u undertaken at Valle\'field can help. A tar w\tt the ordinary run of us. They bave no tx·

. • , . . emption from the unyielding prlnclpln of th1 more aggressive marketmg polley IS need~. un11·erae. They muat obey the princlplea which ed. But one thing that is indispensable underlie aU achlevemmt. 1a a far greater measure of co-operation There can be· no doubt about the special 11lfta among suppliers and exporters to lower of. the genlua, but probRbly many a 11enlua lan­coets at all st•ges of production through suhhea and dies without achieving anythln11 J>&.

· . cauae he wr.s not willl,nl[ to work, did not hav~ the elimination of costly overlapping of PAtience to hold out to the end, or wasted the 0\"erheads and the general improvement aubrtance of hla moral character In play and dil•l· or marketing actlvlti~s. patlon.

· The llrnluft hRs the same quiilltlea you and 1

N.ot Too Apa_rt hRve only Jn grcRIPT quanti!)', L'pon him and ua r,~t• thr. rP~ponalblllty for careful, diligent utillza. tion o! cap~city.

In a most comical way. 1 have short white beard." Of course The a1·erage wage an:' lhc ln· watched the liltle nigger many he said to Hamerton you mu.;t creases clemanctcd go farther in and many a time, but lately 1 have read r..bout Cl~risse and Britain than would their r'\'' have heen looking everywhere tn what Ste1·enson hnct IITitten equh·alent< tn the l'nited State~ get one. I, •~ked at the about her? Cia·ri>se was stiil berau;·.~ of thp lower livin~ ""'!'. !lhops ln the St•,·and and else- living ln the neig-hborhood. Sh~ 'l'hert• \\'n< hopr that the indu;t­where, anrl' they show me other tlad settled in another town, ~mt ti~l wnikott! could be heatletl off. thin~s, !Jut not the funny ni.I:· wa1 married, wilh ::. •izJbl 1• fam- The >lliph~rc! wurhr.< are nwm­ger I recollect, 1o I han gin·n il)'. Would u'amerton like to sre ber< nl the giant ('onfetlerat:on nl up my Kearch In de.;p~ir." It her photo~raph7 Tl:e photog1·aph S!•ipln:il~ing and Enginr·'rin~ \'n­mlght seem a sad thing that ~!1'. wal proourPd. lbmerton look- ion, ll'hl('h :•k> i • m.0<1ernuntl•ng c;J~ddone could not have fonnd. ed .at it, with Ste1·cn;o11's de- tl:,. indu<trial \\'Jlkouts. the little di>ncing nigger, which L'!Cription in mind. He onlv Pro;pN·Is of an imminent .• ettle­he remembererl hal'lng watchetl hoped that Stevenson him;eli. men1 in the shipyanl cti•pute l'Oulct many a time. But If he had been had he retraced his own steps affect .union plans In shut down SliCCiiSsful in hil search, and If afteq- so mr.ny years, would flal'e all ma.lor manulactunn~ plants b;· the toy ha.d been brought home declined. to see a photograph of April. 6. . and wound up and set going up- Clari!ISe, The past j 3 not la15e, RESULT OF INFLATIO:"i on the stately drawing-room floor, It is ai truly wonderful as the The 5lrikes and threat• of strike~ would it have seemed u "ex· present it once mirrored. But arise from .mo~nting _inflation and cruclatlng!y funny" as he had re· the face of the present changes the ecOIH>mic di~locatiOn; that fo!­membered it~ PerhapJ he might The mirror h best left with ii~ lowerl ' the dosing of the Suez have been rather disappointed, first Jmpressinn~. It is perhaps Canal. . Riter r.II. The little toy might just as well th&t Mr. Gladstone The conlerenc.~ betl\'een <htp· have been Jald ulde, with some never found his little dancing bu!idN~ and unlnn leader~ at the puzzlement over the way it did man ln the toy shops of the labor mini~!~· re~nl!o2d .'r'?m stre~· not ff!!m much funnier than the Strand, and that W. H. Huctsoi1 U?<l.l negotJahon! b~· mm1.1try oftJ. "other things" they h1d aho1m ne1·er saw what, han h~ppened C1*· 1 .· .•. , him. Thh search after thlnga to the old Georgian_hou!e which A ~m~LPr hut '1tal ~tn e 1n the once known, IT)ing to find them iud bren • haunt of an~ient b1g se~port rn Southampton also again, bellel'inll th&t they would peace, and that Robert Louis appearer! to be breaking up. be just u ttley- are rememberecl Stevenson ne1·er ftet foot again ~loorin~ gangs anct lng rrc\1'! -that h likely to be an expert· In Pont de Montvert 'l·a!ked out Thursday In prote•f ence ftl wistful lf the thing can· · against the use or navy lng~ to not be found, as It h unsathfy· Th C di get the 81.000-ton Qt.-een :.lary un-1 if 't 1 f d Th der wa,• lor New York. -~~~ I I oun . e natur· e ana an The •hip_vard "'Orker• on .<tr1'ke -..t, W. H. Hudson, In hU later · ' " • c

yeara, used to· think back upon R d c !n thf' national walkout claimed a line old Georgian hoUJe that e fOSS that overhaul work on the Queen atood In a suburb of Lcmdon ,It Mary had not been cOm'Jlleted, Un-was a very old-looking red·b;lck Soct'ety ion !l..lgs refused to handle the bulldln11. ,.j:t l!lood in a rreat liner, 11arden, sheltered by old o&k LIST OF MISSING PERSQNS About 1.500 docker~ In So.nth trees. The area· all about was MISSING PERSONS-TWO hamptonvnten unanlmnmlv to carv h 1 t h • • : · on nnrmal work gan·g~ ·anrl n2. c ani ng, even R I e time he .SAWCZYK, Thomas, anr! w1fe "cr.< ar- el'T"'cled to r•turn to

knew this olrl house. Rows of :\1 lk B ! J ... ' ' .. .,... " . 1 a. nrn n amne, Kam!onkR, . wnrk torl~,. new houses were risln~ on the Poland E M' h 1 s · ( · ·

They may be oick of or bored by ron•.muni,m. Th'y rra; \'ate!;·! by the lir~ thcl' h:<~·r h•·rn !•c:rl revolts in East Germa~y. Poland ;.nc! ll•Jn•;~1T. B::: :i• themselves are not considered re"dy for ,, llli•·d w.nlutt•Jl.

Since World War ![ much h:Js hrcn n:.-.rL. n: RP:a·!

cal and educ<..tional advJnres. It h;1s ltrt•n -<::n:P·1 · · that the more edu~ated Russians would >onn hr rr•;,,:, :n

their Communist ma.<tcrs. Two f"cts are said 1o make thi< 11n1Jc:.r

. The first i! the rigid uisripline in I:.,,

edtlcrJtioncd ~y,tt•m. ]>('nplt' nt'ertrd joh..: l11 !:1~·. :--:.dr:::1 ntll .~~Jhmit to ('ommuni~t di~l·ip\iHt' I':! II h~' ··:~ u·,· n ~::1 ;,nivcrsitit•s Rnd tli~ir m~ans of !ill':Jlu•od d, .. ,.,,,.,: Thl: down lnteile1'1i1J] rt·lo!l.

Also, higher edut·:~tion in it,t'lt i' lll•l : : ag:~inst uppre~ .• ion. It J> n'cJ]!l'c! lh:,t 1111· "': ···· 1''' ,.: :h• were as highly educ~tett as ~llv ltt·upl•· :n I•"' 1' :c ,p.:e they ful!OII'~d !!:tier and ~•:h:nittL·cl Itt -'·'·' •: ': .• : .. :·!:.:'.

ldt':~os that communb:m hnl\ hr(loll eh:t11gi:1~ p.rr:r 1r.~r:~· · ··

death of Stalin-are now sPPn tn hr h:b:'rl "'"" 01. r•'1' TP:Jii1''· There was no.cte-Stalini7::.tion allm111l: :hP . ' speech to the Party Congress a year ago--;lnd 11H·r·: hll b<tn Sl<i!inization since, say Russian ana!y.,l;

There hal'e been certain internal ch.1n;;r· 11i'r·". the T'lie ncwl\' announced progrr.m to rlrcentr~l:!r r .. ::t·,: r( ·

terials anrl industrial procluction i; ron-icir~··rl ,,f "'" "' ' H i• taken to mean that the Ru•si•n !t·Hlrrs ''" '"'"'"' they cZII!not control everything from ~!n<rn<l'

' ! 1 - t ; 1 ',1 ~I Tnternr~.tionalh·, rnmmuni~m is·c('Jn .... ir\rrrrt p1c 'J ,, ·

Stalin. Its greale.~t probiPm today i; vrn " f:><''" 1'"'f'· there is a different ~ituatlon in ewr:: rn•:nlr' __ p,•,n.J Yugoslal'ia and Ea~t Germany. -----------St. Mary's AYPA Notes

The 342nc: meeting nf St. ~lary's A.Y.P.A. was held on Monday night last. The meeting was strictly a business meeting; tqe main business being that of the election of of!i· cers for this year.

--- I '•l'l"ic prorr~rlrrl w11!~ t1; # Fi'' · '

rr.;;ttll'?rJ tl~ l'ni,(l"l•

Prrt.irlrn!--- ,,~rlr::~~~ n.rcnrrlint! ~rcrr:;r;· -­

Dilll'rltnn. Corrr~pnnd·.n; ;;;

brth Wr11· . 11 \'in• !'rc'>rlrnt-\\a!la !'ublicit)· Secrelar)

Fint repnrls from Bermuda ~uggest that b,v their own desire and perhaps· under the influence of the oolmv clin1al~ of th@ island~. Mr. Macmillan 'and Mr. !isenhower have found themselveB not too far apart on whaloeecls to be done to kMp the peace in the Middle East.

ltl'f'P~ nearby, Offers were be· Germa~y. nq: Jc ae aWZin !On) Perfect weathH ~-clpe~ .. h!g_li~-A MOTOR~lAN.'S FAREWELL ir!g mad, to the owner tn sri! SlDOR, Tana.•i & Hrehor. Emi- TURNA, Jan or John. Born May

(Toronto Globe &. Mall) his propert.'·· which W~! IPS bil( l(l'ated tn Canada 1AQ7 !rom Bukn- 1. 18tl6 In Czechns!n1·akia. Addrrs<

The meeting was openecl by Rei', R. R. BablJ, who tonk )lrvotinns. alter whirh the minutes of 1he pnl'inus meeting were read. Thr rP.ports for the past ;-rar wnc ~il'rn by thr .<rcrrtary, (!Jranne Sp~rkr>), and the rrc~>urcr 1 !lnn An~~!). After the.~~ had hrrn ap­prol'ed by the membe'S, thr U'11al business was discussed. Rev. 'l>abb then gave a very moving talk on where we would be If the A.Y. went "on the rocks", and if we didn't have capable and ef!lclenl offiei!r~ to keep our organization going. The talk brought us all to our sense5, so much so that somr of the memtwrs spoke !Jrirfly on 1he subject, at the same time \'Oil'· ing ever)'one's opinion. We thl'll

Of course, thia conference is bound to roam the whole field of world affairs of which the Middle East is only a slngle it alJo a very important phase; But if al"eement can be reached with ~pect to tht futur1 operation of Suez: and the JICurity of Iarael, there is little likelihOOd ~ Jl'Yt differences in other ireu.

The United States it already well aware of t;he rtuons why Bri~ mUJt plan for 1 rteluetioc at tht eott iD ma ·w~ money

Mr. Rus~ell Herb!!'! Wlbon rrtlred th! other Is 1 new. city blnck. But he wina, Rumania. Enq: Theordnr lMO: DeBul!ion St., Montreal. Enq: d ! would nol sell. When Hudson Sidnr (brotherl Cermany ~!aria Turnova, Czechoslol'~kia.

I)' r. ter 38 year~ o! hard work, He llot his pic· UsP-d tn vi;lt the hnmr, he founrl SOBOTA, Alfr)!rl, horn' 193~ In TEODORCZYK, Janina (nee Bo· ture In the. papers and follr or fiv• paral!'apha It a haunt. nl ancient peace. A Poland. Addreu 19~2: Edmonton, browska). Born 1923. Enq: Mme. o! a atory-not becauu Russell Herblll't Wlllon Ia quarter century had paued alnce Alberta. Enq: Roman Mnyk AI- Marla Bobrowski (mother) USSR. a vulUy Important penon but bt!CIUH he Wll the I.ut he Wllo!l there. But he waa &!era. ' VOGNOVICH, Milan, born July l,OOOth employee to retln uader the perulon plan wlae, when he raid, "I have never SOKOL, Feodor, born 1900 In 18, 1006. Addreu 1939: Edmonton, of the Toronto Tracllit Commlulon. We think . ventured to revltlt that •wert Ukralna, Emigrated 1924 went to Alta. Enq: John Vojnovlc (cousin) Ruaa Wilson made more new1 than that. To many, spot, nor, aOUiht to ,know what Sawtchewan. Enq: !van Vasal!. Yugoslavia. bl• job would tlave 1eemed repetittou1 and thallk· • hal been done to lt. To bring jevll.ach Sokol, (father) USSR. W ALUSER, Jackob. Enq: Mrs.

the palt back again Into the STOBERB Mr a. Mrs Wilhelm Lieska Martin Waluser. leaa: For twelve years he was a motormaiJ on the present, otherwise than In mem· Born in Kropiwna Wolodarsk' WRZYZCZ, Mr. Marian. Emlgrnt­Klnll St:r~ line, for 18 yeara he worked the Bloor ory, c&n 'become almost a cruelty. USSR. 1953 in Ed~ontnn, Alta: erl from Germany to Canada 1947. Street run, But the worda of :Ru.11 WilJon upon In the pain It lnfllct.s even the Enq: Mrs. Erna Nowabranez (nee Enq: Andres Showrcnek (friend) !Wa retlrellltllt are a monument to the dliJ!lt~ happy memory may be Injured, Stober&) Que. Ont. ~rs to steam into Southampton an;! to bl found In the lltLrl.a o( ordinary men, tlley Rllbert !Auia Stevenaon, In his SUKUP, Francluk. Llat address: ZEEHAGEN, Adell. Last ad. dock without as&istan~ from tugs. ll'l proud lftd nfrllhlnr words 111 an a1e dom· tnvel! Wl!h a !Ienke; tbnhl~h 114 Euclid St., Tornntn. Enq: RoR dre~s: ~3 QueP.n St.· W., Toronto. The combination of nation-wide lnated by tile cult o! cynlclam duodenal ulceTs lh~'mountalnoua town,1 of P'r~ncP, lie Sukupova (mother I. Enq: Oti1 HeuP.. Germ~ny. ;trik,1 in the railw~;-. ~hipbuilrl-and tranaqulll.llt' pllla R Wll 0 1 k d J8 tell! how h~ cam~ upon lh~ TORVIK. Karl. Emigrated from ZIVAI'IOV!C, Bozidar. Emlgr~\ ins and hea1:· manuhcturin~ in· .l.. · UM 5 n °0 e. i. eharll!l111 Clarisu. ~he wu the Norway to Canad~ Nol'. 19~1. Enq: ed to Canada 19~2. Lut a~dress: duatries would confront Britain JW&I'I of wan .. UUt In the feel and Kid: lt tMtle.maU! at 111 hotel 1t Pont Mrt. I Zaclwia•en (siater) Nor· Dept. of Ls.bour, Hoatel, Ajax, Ont. \\'llh l~ eravest labor hour ~ce WU I lot Itt fwl." . _ .... _.!. _ • -•- 1!1 :HODt'YII't. II!., ltn'I!IIDII'I '11'17. , Enq: Andrea Burtro (.friend) ~· till 11eneral o1 31 )'UFJ a1o.


'd ddre

month~ a~o whrn tl:, raprd Buriapr,t. h buildings ancl '!au thousan•l~. you wrrr penicillin anct Fplin:

with blood p!asn

the refu~ecs cam~ JCI'DIS the 1\lbntic ..

through your Rerl to greet them ~nrl

Gander, at Halifax, at New York and

thele lo•t souls you were thrre. weeks a!:o. when fire

Cove, Bonal'ista Ba home of ~liehael La

the livP.s of four o! h1 live year oict boy. t

and a three month there. Through :'>

your Red CroSJ at Tickle Hubou what cnmfort ,·ou

Lanes and mnrle. th with clothing, berld


Spring Sale

$ A

Look at home person

Page 5: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

'.:;; \


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(I I t'

1, :, 1 • ,•: •!lip.

p,. . l 1 r II!·' r j\'

Cross President No, gentlemen, I can assure you

that the cost of "admlnhtratlon" In the Red Crcu Is neglliable In re· latlon to production. I believe I could go further and uy that, in

• War Amputees Meet·

, my opinion, lt Ia far too lew-

d R Cl b due, I think, to fear of criticism Through the courtesy of Com·

d t from outside. The aecret of the mander Ga'rrett, Diltrict Admini· resses 0 ary U low cost of administration in the atrator of the Department of Vet. Red Cross is volunteer labour. erans' Affairs, Mr. Gecrie Ash, 97o/c-I think that Is the official Welfare Officer In the depart· figure-of all Red Cross work Is ment, acted as projetticnlst In the

-. following is an Address delivered by Mr. Fred I , the result of volunteer services. showing of a fine programme of ···~ .;dent olthe Newfoundland Division of the Can-~tlonal Council of the Canadian Having got started on Red CrD!s cclOO' films r.t the March meet·

i. riC>· . th 1 kl 1 h ti Red Croll Society, for the New- II wish I could go on all after· lng of the Newfoundland Branch R"'-i Cros~, at e regu ar ":ee Y unc eon mee ng foundland Dlvll!cn In 1967 Is noon, 1 would like to tell you 1 of t:ae war Amputations of Can·

•1 ~:.Johns Rotary Club on Thursday, March 21st.. $112,000, Tbl• repreaentl _the cost about our pl~na for the. future. ada held In their clubroom In the

·;~ t,,1 ~01n~ to talk today . of malntalnlna exlltlni 1er~lces Newfoundland hu-lock,~ng fo~ HMCS Cabot. r~£ Rrct Cro~~- I am goln1 fortunate people, without thou&ht plua an eaUmated deficit on the the right word, perhaps modest The bu!riness meetlni. under ·~~~~ \"lll'H Red Crou. of who they are or wily they are flnt alx montha operation of the will do-Newfoundland has th.e direction of President Cyril . B. ·.or! ~~o whrn the watera aufferina. · Red Croll Outpoat Hoapltal- 1t moat modest Red Cross aervices In Carter. disposed of many matters ;;,,nh ~ra ~nd the Enill•h Every Rotarian here today II carbonear of 1ome fll,OOO. An Item all Canada. We should have at of Interest to the disabled vctenn. · rMr anct poured o~er the a member of Red Croa-not be· that cannot be accurately forecast leaat 6 Out Post Hospitals, where: Of prime impC'rtance was the lay· · ~~ Holland and Enaland, cause you aupport Red Crou with Ia the cost of Dlaaster Services. aa we have only one, and that un·· lng of p]ans regarding resolutions t:norr.1• ol thousanda of I money or work-but because of Prevloua experience auagesta. that der construction. We should have to be Introduced at the coming ·'"": thrir homrs, and their the way you think and the way relief for the vlctlma of amall- a full scale Red Cross Blood' Domlolon Convention to be held ;~.i r~rr~ trm~ they pol· you act, u Rotarians. lesa than four family-fires, ship- TriJlalUsion Service. We. have In the City of VIctoria, British

· ,,,~ wrrt thPrP. throuR,h I I wonder If any Rotary Club in wreck and flood will amount to at nol!'e. We &houi.Q be contnbuting Columbia, In the autumn. . , ,,,,,_ ~r":roundland 1 the world hu a finer record of leaat •1S,OOO in 19S7-and actual to the relief of suffering a;nonsst A report of the Key Tag Ser· . to t!tr North East achievement In the relief of hu· expenditure to date ls abo~e aver· peopl..e-and there are mllltons of vice, of which Comrade Hurll~y . r:.,,.,; llrhPI fu~d wn man aufferlni than the Rotary Club age. . them less fortunate than we are. A)'re !3 the Newfoun~land chatr·

,.,, r,r,::.l than an~ other of St. John'-the T.B .• Anocla· That amount• to $97,000 and en Instead, we ln ~ewfoun.dland are man, showed that this sell sup­'~~ 1 ;.narb ~nn the whole lion, 1ponaonhlp of the Cancer top of this we must face unfor· absorbln~ funds from the National J porting project Is meeting with I

than ~:1.000.000 I~ all, Society, the Sunshine Camp and seen emergencies. One of these Is Red Cross Society -w~lch could be.l outstanding success throughout the •1,.ri ,.,c~· thP Red Crou t:rlpplcd Children, entettalnment !the co1t of the refugee transit cen· used for lntcrnRttonal Relief Dominion. And In Newfoundland,'

'. :•·:rr Tlm1u~h )·our Red at the SRn, therapy at the llfental 'j Ire at Gander, re~ponslblllty for work. thanks to the co-operation of th~ I ·:•· .1\o• ri• ~~multurAI sue. hu now auumed. be building Red Cross agamst the the Jllinlslcr of Publlc Works and If: !.:·. ,r. r.: i<ll'oi. bcddi~R· lum·lHo1pltal, and now the Safety Lea· which the Newfoundland Division -?lost Important of all we_ should Provincial Government, throuch I

· : -•~·" r all yott sent With this background of human· In approving the budget for day when it rna)' become the only the actl~e support of Bill Y&b3ley, fi1 ,,. lh··•..antb of Dutch ltarlan work it h not aurprlslng Red Crou expenditure in New· means of communication left on i Registrar of Motor Vehicles, thr.

' .. ~ r_r0~le. . to find that out of five past pre· foundland the Canada!an Red earth. That may seem an exagget"ll· service has received generoUs aup-1 .• ~.,n::l• oJtrr. ~hrn earth· sldents of the Red Cross In New· croll Society autcmatlcally under· lion. port from the public.

_,.,rd thr lont~n lslf~ of !oundland-and there are only five wrltea It, juat 11 lt underwrites In 1944 I entered Greece as a Patron o! the Newfoundland • • 1.: r! t:~.·crc. demolishing past presidents-two, Darroch Mac· the coat of any extra financial bur- member of the British Forces re· Branch, His Honour, the Lleuten-1 · ::• ., ,,: '"'c hundreds and allllvray and the late Billy Allen, den-auch aa Gander, - which lleving It from the Germans. ant Go~ernor, Sir Leonard Outer· f1


~ -~rN~ • homeles-you were Rotarians and a third, Sir they ask us to auume. Even If not Greece is a country very like bridge, Is to present to the branch·~-:.\'"' Th: ... ~h your Red Leonard Outerbrldge, Is an honour· one cent was raised for the people Newfoundland. It Is not able to two !'ramed portraits of Hrr: ,,., r~r· ,,ird . food and ary member of your Club. Nor 11 of Newf()\lndland Red Cron ser· d f It Majesty, the Queen, Md the Duke I ·,,,, ~"·~.-.c ho5pllals, diesel' It aurprlalng that you ahould en· vlce1 would eontlnue through 1957 ~~~la~roon~g~hfeoopeo;fe ar~ ~~~ of Edinburgh. Arrangemen~ arc i

tertaln a Red Crou speaker dur· on the acale budgeted !or. Newfoundlanders, proud and !,1de- being made for their presentation ; •• , ,,~·.,, 1 :ne )'OU were In ·-; .... c• ,-cmfnrll to the . -~~--~;· 11r ;ick and the

... i.:.w:c: lip list! of the ·. ,,,:<·· r :1~ !ooct pRrcels

lng March. .I mention thla becaun I pendent-cussedly so perhaps. The at a 3Uitable func~lon. I It !1 nice to be able to report would like you to knew that we occupying force, the Germans, It was with deepest sympathy

that the Red Cross movement In have never been been pressed by could not afford to feed the cl~ll· that the branch chronicled the Newfoundland Is stronger today the Canadian Red Crou ·Society ian population. When we arrived deuth of Jimmy Moore, a double than It ever has been before. With -and I don't believe we ever wlll they were In desperate condition, leg Amp and a Veteran of the 42 Branches, 10 Centres and Red limit our aervlcea to the but at least they were alive. They First World War, who passed away

:'.r 11. ~-~ :n~ was orer in Cross representation In another amount we raise 'by public 1ub· owed their lives to the Jnterna· recently at the General Hospllill. · .. : ·'·'' ,. : hrhi_n~ to help 4~0 communities we have been In· scrlpUon In Newfoundland. Red tiona! Red Cross which all through Comrade Roy Spencer of For­; :·, ···• ''·. mtntmile the I vlted Into almo1t every home In Cro1a alwayl places the need first, the occupation had be'en shipping tune, who was undergoing tre&t­

.. · 1 r 1\Mran people. the Province. We have more volun· and heaven knows, the need !or In food to Athens, and using neu· ment at the General Hospital, was .,- · .. : : rr-tramed the teer workerR than we can afford Red Croll aervlces cannot be tral-Swedlsh and swiss_ Red a welcome" vis!tor, and although : ::, · ' "' Sorirt~·. Your I to provide employment for, and. greater In any part of Canada Cron worken to distribute 11 fair· il bit shaken up ls a result of

.... :. · ':' the hundmls the Junior Red Cross has an enroll· than they are right here In New· 1 multiple di>&billtles, is now well ;-jC~· . '";! and orphan·, mcnt of 50,000 school children. 1 foundland. y. on )he road to recovery. ':c· y, •· took them from . lhink that I can conlldently pre- I ha~e often heard It 1aid - by You have 11atched events In 1

1 . .

· •· "· ::rl.i•. _anrl from. th~ · nict a record response to "the 19~7 people who ha~e ne1•er seen a Red Hungary. United :-.lations oboerv· Many subJects of special inte_r· .. , ... , :. · · \ n:t provtdrd • c~mpaign for funn~. to continue Croll budget. and perhaps have ers have not he en allowed e1·cn est _to all war amputees were _dl!·

··· ,- · ' · :rrril th;m Into I and broaden Red Cross work In\ even aald It m)·self before working to. enter the country. but Red cu.~.ed ann appropnal• •ctlons ;· · ' "' · ·:lrlrrn. ' 011 IIRI'e :-\ewfoundland. in Red Cross-that far too much, cross workers, and Red Cro>s sup· taken to dispose of them. •,' .:- · · r .111~ hopr. I Prrsonall~· I tblnk it is a grrat jts spent on •·anmlnlstralion" In'; plies, have been able to move frre· The committee to arr<znge !or

, I •nrl ~rmrr n! • crrdlt to :-\rwfoundland !hat the Red Crou. 1 don't quite know what· ly. Red Cross is an ir.tcrnai!Onal the celebration of our Reunion .. · · "':' prr>rrt_ when I symbol and Idea of the Red Cross they mean by "administration" l~onguage whlcheven the Russian~ and Dinner, which h the hign

:,, ' ., '· ,.,, hi! polio '"IC- :can command this kind of sup- and I don't think the)' do eilher. understand. point of our social actilities, han ~port from our ppople. Certainly 1 can uy, !rom practical expcrl· . · 1 8 1 d t 1 y pia l and It Is

· -,,, ':._,when th• Ru~· It suggests that rrnsonable pres· ence both In the Red eros! and Last night I \Ia~ t~lktng 0 a rea Y 0 a " ·,:r ;: -•Pr>l. hlastlngl peril\· and Improved welfare •er·jtn bullneu that Red Cross ad· young man who owes his ll!e to ~i~t~ci~f1\e~ethoante 1~i\~:a~·:~/~~~: • ... ~.· 1ml ~~~~~~hterinK i ,·ices" ha1•e not spoilt us. Com· ministration' l1 a miracle of econ· Red Cross. He was !hot down 1 ~ Comrade George Chalker is con­:c··:· rc• you "·rrc there 1 paulon lor othen !1 an lncreu-~ omy. I Alger!a during the last war, an venor. ·The decision to hold the w.:;;!it" :lnd ~pllnt~ ~nd 1tng, rather than diminishing, force Could you, In your business, dl· taken prisoner. He had only ~hat Reunion in the summer months,

-.,:h :•lood pluma and I'" Newfoundland. re<:t the efforts of eo Branches he stood ~ ln. It was Red Cro~s Instead of the late fall as has I think vou are all !amlllar with and control 4•n field repreaenla· that Issued clothes to him in t e • w ! r g Red Crou been customary, met 1\i!h unanl· •

1~r rrf~::rrs rame 1trnm· the general activities of the Red tivea throush a single manager pr soncr 0 war ca e, 1 mous approval. This deviation is I :~' -' 1_1anttr, )'OU were Croll In Newfoundland. They vary plua· a aecretary7 That Is what food parcels that kept him 8 lvhe h 1 1 1 \

ib"h 'our Red Crou: from Loan Cupboard•, which loan the Red Croll does. Could you and hopeful, and It was ~~~oug mo3t E.cceptilhle, and by o d ng I "!: I) :rrrt lhPm Rnd offer sl•k room •qulpment, wheel train •1\11 nursea, direct the ef. th'l! Red Cross that hl.ll fam Y r~· at a time when the weatherman f St ' ~ IN\/ 1 d f hi That mans Is In a more congenial mood, will

r.;nr!rr. 3t Hall ax, at · chairs crutches and all the rut, forts ol 20 Baby Clinics, Issue ce ve news 0 m. 1 f th have removed' much of the uncer-\ a: \r~· York an

1d Beaton. tn W~U Baby Clinics, which catch alellroom auppllu to over 1,000 name ': ~~~ Te~pl::~tr~t 1~ ~hi~ tnintv Incidental to the approach I

thrH lo~t sou I appelr· them before they are alck, train· homea annually 1upervlse relief to er, 1 0 ar an, 8 1 ·. t

~~~ w~re th~re. lng Swlmmlni Inatructora 11 the the victim of' two firea dally, room today. 0 wm er.

. J

into your hom.e

-w-ith ne-w- slipcovers!

• Spruce up your home for Spring and Summer • , •

;ive winter-weary furniture bright new life with r.ew

slip covers. We cove: the furniture situation with a

1plendid assortment of ready-made slipcovers, or if

you prefer them custom-made, we have a grand selec­

tion of pretty Chintz to select from. Wonderful fabrics

, , , wonderful colors , .. for every taste. Come .•

make your selection soon.

Ready • Made Slipcovers For ready-made slipcovers with that custom-tailored IO<lk ~top in a; The Ro al Storl!i end see the new arrivals. We have. th~m or roun_

d ~ re back 3 cushion Chesterfields end two chairs tn both pla:n enl sq ad f . t and fancy three cushion stu~io lounge covers coors en ancy prtn s • , • end day bed covers.

Fancy patterns on ground shades of wine,

Plain 5hadcs of wine,

green and tom!, for


•r:k! a~o. when fire •true) moat practical method of reducing through a alngle Reg!Jtered Nurae? I do not know what the future ·The Preslrlenl in cl0sing spoke I

, '.,.,.(._ Bo~1vlsta Bay, ra7. the aufferlnK from drownlnl ac· That Ia what the Red Crosa does. holds for any ol us, but 1 do know nl the gre~ot ple..,;·,tre he felt in , .:'~~ of ~l:chael Lane an~ cldenll to the tralnlnl ol Home could you produce for 10 to 1~ thll. If we keep the Red Cron I having such a lar~e turnout, a 1 -' .11•1 of four of his chll

1 Nurses, from hospital visiting to thouund major dotblnll Items strong In Newfoundland and striking evidence of the Interest I

grey, gr~en end toas'·sa.3 DO Chesteffield · and two 1

~hair1 for only ............ :

Chesterfield rmd two s4 9 I 00 Choirs. Only i

~;'r ~~·ar old bo~·. twins. o the traclna of mlnlnll peraons, per year, employing a alngle cut· throughout the world, our future of the members. The Newfound· 1:. a I hrce month bah~- from the manufacture of clothing ter7 That Ia what the Newfoum!· "111 contain at least one star of land Branch Is now In lls eighth

:hr~r. Through Nor<~ Mul· for both lou! and overaus relief land Red Croll does. Could you hope year and ever since its first meet-'.o~:. ~·cl Crou reprea~n· to the care of out-of-town pa- keep tab1 on 110,000 children ' ing in 1950, Justalned lntere,t in a. 1.L.:lr Harbour )OU tlents awaltlna hoapltallz.atlon in throu1h three paid assistants? Its activities ilas developed a fine • b1 rom fort ~-ou could St. John'•· . That Ia what the Junior Red Cross spirit of comradeship.

L"'' 'n~ mnde their lot Perhaps the question that will. does. In 19~7 could you provide . In case of fire, unless the blatz~ . '-~ c 'h:n~. beddtnll and .Interest you most Ia, just why II lodginll plus three meals dally, II_~~ ~mfll t~~ia(;l:a~h~eflr:xtd: -------

' .I

the Newfoundland Dl~lalon appeal· wlthserv lee and transportation, g~rtr:ent ~~ouid b~ called. The During his first few months, a !!:: , .· :, : mur Red cross, lni for $100,000 this year, and for .2.116 per day? That Is the co~ I P vera e erson doe~ not always 1 baby should have medical super- I'

, i;H what It Is. how_ can It justify auch an expend!-~ at Devon House-In ~ct, a ll\t~e rcaliz: t:e dangtr of fire- eating .. • 1·ision, either by the family doc· •rtnJI qualifications lure more than the coat ecame e fi rl If • 1 tor or the well-baby clinic so , 1n thr Red Cross. V~ry simply, the answer Ia this.\ Red Crou Hostel Is not nnly self j ~~rough ~ails or d~01: 8 ~0 ' ol~~; jthat his health and general 'pro- , .• . a hrart that llrges The budset approved, at the ~upportlni but makes a tiny pro· hl.ll~~~·ere : wren I~ t gre~s may· be carefully checked. .

~~~~~~:~·~'~"l~!e~r~in~g~o~f~l~e~•~~~~·n;v~em~br~r~m~e~el~l~ni~O~l~l~h~r~N~a~·~·f~lt~.~~~~~~~~~~~l~ll~~n~gs._l?~~le~s~~~~--~-·~~~~~-~-.--~-~~-~-~~-~-~~~~-~--~-~ - -~ 't SPECIAL

CARPET MATS Regular Value

sS.oo to s40~oo Remnantl - Discards - Cancelled Samples


Sale Climax Prices


18'' X 27" 36" X 7211

27" X 36'' 27'' X 7211

27" X 54" 54" X 7'2"

look at these low prices, then think of all the rooms In your home that could use that exta Rug. Stop for this special, Buy In person at ... : ..... 1


We also have a few' Remnants of

9 x ·12 ft. BROADLOOMS

at w;


J •

I~ '!f i ~.~

il:i ~

Day Bed Covers Studio Lounge Covers h Colorful covers for your doybcd. c

Very special value in three cus ion Pretty floral designs on ground shades ' Sty le studio lounge covers. Ground d S 't

d of grey, green, wire an toast. ecure ., shades of wine, toast, grey an green, _h __ "

I d · one at cur lc.w price. printed in colorful flora estgns. ~PEC!Al EACH


$10.25 $4.75

·custom Tailored S lipcovers If you prefer to have your Chesterfield covers made-to-measure, we h~ve 0

splendid assortment of Chintz from which to ch?ose ..•.. charm1ng fabric5 that will spark any decorative scheme you have In mtnd.


S1.SO 51.75 and ·s2.20

I 7 01 'C''M"aa"GI'd•~ l,..!.i"c H'!~~

Page 6: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

i :' I.


. ' ,I I I



' ' !'>

't: : Ji 'y: .

• i.

''' If' i

t ~ " ~I' ' ' ~ ' ~ ' ' f i

' ' ' ' '

'·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::~~==========--==~::----------------~------~TH~E~D~A~IL!Y~N~E~W~S,~S~A~TU~R~D!AY~,~M~A~RC~H22~~ • 3. 1951

PERSONAL:cHit~CHAr1 J,O~ D Tangy · Apricot .. Pecan Bread

Is . Tasty ,With Cream Cheese Nl/UE IN TWNiliG · tho''"""'·"""''"'''""" 'll

Mill SoDLa Snetrrove, dauibler of lllnea !l'lra. Hunter waa unable el. Mr. and lln. H; .B. Sntllrove, to attend; Member• wbo have 'Q-en Strawberry 'Manh Road, entered look!~ forward, to Mr-.· Hunter'• lilt Graet HotPital School of nun- talk wUI be pleased 'to know thlt 1111 on Monday, March 18th. ah1 will alv. It on Monday. ·

ON BtJ81NltSS CURLING LUNCHEON Hr. J. J. Thompaon, pruldent The· annual clo sl n 1 day

~ _the Newfoundland Lumber- luncheon of the Ladlu Curllni IQNI'I Union Ia vllltl.lll the city rlnk will be held on Tuuda)·, April cvj..bull.lleu &lid 11 realatmd at· 2nd., the' executive of th1 club t1r1 Ntwfoundlllld Hotel. deelded at a meet1n11, which wu • • • held at the club room o! the rink

PJOII FOITUNE on Friday mornln11. All playlnl ...... Bow:ard Like of Fortune Ia membera and auoclate member• ~ pre11nt vllltl.lll the city on bua·~· are Invited to attend th!a annual l!leu. 11et to&elher and prize 111vln1. Clos-·

. . ·. - lnl bonsplela will be held both ~~GUTULATIONS mornlnl and a!ternoon, aM Mn . ._,Jr. and Mra. John Butt or St. Harold Mitchell, who for many Jol\rl'l. 11'1 recelvlns the conlll'alu· )'earl was an actl\'e member o! the J,Jtlol\1 of their !rienda on the elub, will dhlrlbule the prizes. ~lrlh of a dauahter at the Grace Pla)·era are Rsked to aee that their }Jo,pltal on Sunday, March 17th. names an poated for these 1amea.

~~INED QOME IIROOM POINTS . ¥r. Carmen Mew1, Glenridse A points match will be held at Cr~at, returned to the city by i the ladlea eurllns club on Tuea· T

1C.A. ·on Wednuclay after takln11 1 day, March 26th. Known 11 the

f. apeelal eoune In outboard mar· Lester Broom polnta, winner& wUI l!'e work at 1'eterborou1h, Ontario. receive apeclal curllnl broom1.

R£610S.\L o"iiAMA FESTIVAL THANK YOU­: '/1- meetln~ of the Regional\ Mrs. Pearl Barrrtl o! 1,8 Penny·

~ama Feall1·al committee waa well, who !ell and fractured her

· ld lilt night to finalize plans Rrm on February 17th i! now much r the 19:17 re11lonal fe!tlval which Improved. She would like to ex·

"'!Pna .In St. John'• on April 111. press her th'anlu to the gentle· \t. St. Patrlck'a Hall Auditorium. I man who so kindly came to her

- Rid and took her to her home, l'IIO'I BROCK\'ILLE and to lho!e who later took her

'." ~lr. and Mrs, W.\\'rir, who mol'·\1 to the ho•P. it<!. Also she wl&hes to '~'d to St. John's from Brock1·11!e, Pxprus her thank! to the many ,Ontario, arP lll'ing at 21 Shea kind friends who nid 10 much to Street. Mr. Weir h the ronlractor I make her comfortable at her home. 'Mr the Roman Catholic Hlih! ___,;_ ~hool which i~ beinll erected on ON HOLIDAY Bona1·enture Avenue. Mr. and Mu. Herbert Outer· ' · bridge, King's Brid~e Road, are at 'LE" FOR GRA~D FALLS present spending a holiday on the · 'lr. and ~If!. Fred Noseworth1·, ~hlnland, and in the United State!. 'who are l'isiting the city, return· I -''d to their home al Grand Fall! !BRIDE AT BIRTHDAY PARTY 'br the express on Thursday, and A beautiful lady in her weddinll 'plin to leave Grand Falla tomor- JOWII came to the Ellubeth Nur· '14iw to apend a holiday In Florida. sery School on Friday morninll, · · - when little Kim Brigham, (dauJh· •mmNG PORT UNION ter of Major and Mra. John Brill· CRISP, FLAKL STICKS of tender-meated fish are compl imented b,· the color and flavo o! a t t.· When

Mw Sadie Penney, who left ham Torbay Road), celebrated her t f h f k . h . 1 J r as ' sauce. 'lim recent!~· to villi relative• at fourth blrthday with 1

party In you earn 15 . 5 lC. s Wit a Slmp e shrimp sauce lightly laced 'ijith dry sherry or lemon juice, you've got a gour-

.~rt Union, plana to leave there achool .Of course the beautiful met-style roam dtsh that offers satisfaction plus. t~ay furT~onto. \~y ~• really a birthday c~e.~------------------~--~-~---~-~---~-~~~~~~~----~-and the children were dellihted

'IIETlJI~l:D HmiE to be able to eat her dren. NEW PRINTED PATIERN EASIER• rASTER MORE ACCURATIE ~lr. and ~Irs. Harold '1'. Durdle·

·oy Elliston and thtlr )·uun& son, "-=tlo wrre l'itiltinll the city return·

REJOICING IN BIRTH OF SON ~lr. and Mra. Bernard Duffy ol ~---------­

Montre3l are rejolclni in the birth of a nn born at St. Mary's Ho .. pita! on Mmh 19th. Mn. Du!fy was formerly PeUY Cooper, R.N.,

· fd home Jut wtek. While here Mr. Durd!e recell·ed medical treat·

·m[nt. .. 'E:\'GAGE~1E~T o! thl! city.

The enga~emenl ~~"a! recently announced of ~!ercede!, youngest . dau~r.ter of ~Irs. Thomas Walsh,

1. 1 M '1

:2a Puree Al"enue, to ~!r. Chutes M th t follett, !On of ~lr. and ~ln. Harry I on y ee Ing ·~ollett, ~Iundy Pond Road. I

Rf.Tt:R~ED TO ciTY Cochr e St . ~lr. \\'tllJam Pennel', ll'ho spent an I

the winter wlt!l rel~tii'P! at Port t:nion, returned to the city laat


. ' I

C.,Afloi19S6" lr•k Gnko. DittrillolM ., NtA Sorri<o, loc. ~ 11

THE STORY: Pawnee City Ia any · T' h. ·-··--belns built In Kan&aa to receive You'~o~~~k~.?.mmg on t e train. cattle herda driven from Texas

1 The foreman went off and

to the new railroad ·line. Chad talked to his men. With the re· Morgan and Joe Jagger have suit that they were soon gathered uaed atolen gold to construct a around the s~loon tent. Any hour hotel and 1lockyards at the later ~!organ, hi~ Na1·v gun towntrite, " . strapped about his waist, went

I o I to the tent saloon, v • • •

pee an read is perlPrt pedally when accented wltb whipped cream chee~e and DUll

BY GAYNOR MADDOX :(cup) chop""~ """ . I r-<1 "''an•· 2 _One of, the best tea-bread re·, beaten. well; 1'• cup.1 r;;ilk· .

CIP\!S we v_e come across. tn a long real l'\c11' Orican>-tl'pe ' lime Is thts duclless apncot-pecan 2 lable>poon 1 salad· oil. bread. The tart-swf'.!t tang pf, Preheat o\'rn t j;t)

molasses blends happily with the'. Sift toocthrr fn ~ h. k' · t d t · ' .. ,11, a 1n~ aprtc? s an nu s. 1 salt and sugar ,\~ ·

Thts Is not a fresh-from the nuts to dr 1 ·10' "r drl apne<Y.t b d It -~ '- d ' . . • c lent, lr1

oven rea . ne<"U5 "'stan one! thoroll"hi" ,0 th·t · d t d 1 th

, " . · ' each ay . o e~ op t; proper con-' separate """ fl.,.,,~ I

conmtency for ctllng. Good for. apricots are '"" 0,;. an afternoon party, It c<~n be wat~r •nrl br.,n; 1 • ·, ·•

t ' th' 1' . • 0 ~ '

01' cu tn tn s tees, Into immediatelr ~n~ drl' be ·

hearts w!Lh a cookie cutter and pin~. l · · lor1 spread wtth shipp;!d cr-eam cheese · flavored with a little grated !em· Beat to2clhc~ c~=~. rr.:Jk on rind. se~ anrt 0il. Pour mto ~O,'Jr

Duche!s Apr!cot-Petan Bread i ture and <llr hri•klr unlil·~ (Yield: Z loans) I Pour inl() l\\n 'sm<ll · ·

P'our cup! si!ted all-purpose I loaf pans (E 1 ,~l':xl·, nour; 5 teaspoons baking powder; bake 45 mir.ul~s. 1 teaspoon slat; l.'.. cup sugar; 'I Cool: wrap •nrt •tn~ cup chopped dried apricots; 1 can day befnrc cutt'n~. ---------- -------------------. l! The pony tat! "Ji !oo'I

glamorous Ill the r1enir,1 il

Bnefs ; are studdffi wit~ br:C:an\1. • :·ed with one o! the ~" bu.d1

I --i ~e\·er use A r"''Jge or

~!any \\'omen find a clear pol· puff that t< so!td. T\'.e,e m i5tl best for •'working" hands, but be bought in packagr lor 1 clear poli>h caU~ [or particularly rents. well shaped and car·~d·for nail.;, I -~ Clear polish is u~u:tlly more flat·. Pu\llng •pb,hr• nl ~·1:1 tering to old hands, as it groom; 1-er in the hair :u: e~e.11~i :!

i them without ora win~ tllO much a\· and tan be mmt attmtil·e ;t ' tention to them. well.

. NEW YORK-Joann Connelly and hair styl~st Anouge, both of New York, are ~hown with their Venus Award'' trophies following the presentation at

International Beauty Show. Anonge·, creation °! Connelly's hairdo e~rned for him the top ~pot tn

supreme world styling contest.-(IS. Phnto't.

Eli. w. Rogers SAYS-

. · " r1ncrll WP have R pnhrY "htrn h . f . ur drat ·

u·,••tor ~~ could co~t as little as .$415.00

lf you're plannlns to make a . puddlng with suet, keep I!Uet In the refrlKerator unUI It is thor­ouihly chilled, and It wUI ehop 111ore .eully,

The prairie was lush and ver· dent. The buffalo grass had done II'Cl! with the continual rai!a of the past two weeks. ·

(To Be Continued)

"THE FOG WILL LIFT" There's a hazy web of vel1•et foil .. , surrounding hill'and dale,, hiding golden rays of &un , , , that shine to no avail , , . there'• a strange and ~hostly quiet .. , punctuated hy the sound . , , of the steady beat ol footsteps . , . as they echo from the ground .. it's a m6rning cloaked in mys­tery . , , it chills me to the bone , .• for circumstance has ordered me . , , to travel all alone • , . , I confess I'm somewhat frighten· I'd , • , of the things I cannot ~ee , , . and imagination does Its best , • .'to further worry me .• , specters going on their way . .• pass by me in the mist , . , as If in search of freedom !rom ... a force they can't resist .•. but on I go with faith and hope .. , that sets m)· fears adrift ... for drep in~ide my heart I know , , • thal soon the fog will

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_SER\'ICES TheCoatOfti~e. BEST LOVED HYMNSIJesus: Hm.nan And There Is· Room For You From out the tanal•d tllread1 a1 · DeVIlle BY REV. DR. FRED sASS

1 For It can be none other than He.

love and bate, , I Nl.\GABA FAW. 1It was through Him that Gad 1111~. The Jold r:J. lau1hter and the Jray o Jesus, I have promised - ) I! you and I find 01melves out·: H1s mo1t orient and prenlnl,

011 \IUra, 1 To Jerve Thee to the end; BY WILLIAM E. GILROY, D, D, i side o! the Kln1100m o! God now i lnvltalion. And what rtbutfJ Hi Fate wea,vea the cloth tram whi~h B Whether one be Orthodox, Unt. 1 and at the end oL the road, it will 1 sufr<Jred! He was de5t)lsd ~ad

'COCHRANE STREET we all muat cut e Thou for ever near me, tarlan, Humanl~t or o! sli:epUeal, be because we have refu&ed to ac·l rejected of men. Yet ho'lf ~ Kev. W. L. Lanallle, B.A., Min· The eoat of life to wear ln later My Master and my Friend: opinion concermn11 Jesus of Naza. 1 ctpt 1 !ol'ing and presslng invita·. less He was! North and South,

.. • CHHEIJR.4L Isler, Dr. D. K. Petera, L.T.C.L., years, I shall not fear the battle reth,'there Is no doubt about the, Uon .. This was the thouJh\ our: East and West, He went, ullin• Ho\1 rommunlon; 11 a.m .. Organ tat and Choirmaster H, Oun not to ~hoo11 the color Df ). I{ Thou url by my side, I plain statoement al the New Testa- 1 Lord lave expression to in the Ute lost and the dead, tbe poor

· · 11 a.m., Matlu Mornln11 Worship, Nursery Clau the woo!: Nor wander from the pathw~y ment. i stOry He told at the Pharisee's and the rich, ti'~ blind and the · rrr~rhH. the Rev. v.l and Junior Con11reaalion; 2.30 1 Our1 but to aew the eloth 111 pro- I If Thou will be my Guide. 1 Many passages make It cl~ar 1 dinner table. (Luke U:22J The sl~hl . zirted. 0 unmat.dlld. !J

·, RI'<'IM n£ st. Michul'a p.m., Sunday School and Btble 1 per ahape, I 1 that in the belief. of those II hoI man at his. side had ju~t said,: heroism and toil, seelrlnl, IJI_d , 43 p.m, supdll' School,, Clauea; 7 p.m., El'tnlnll· Worship. I To Ute Umea needle and the I 0 let me reel Thee near me: i knew and heard H1m,_ He was not ''Bies~ed 11 he that shall HI bread seeking rl~ht on to the Cron •.. - anrl CJI.B.'C.; 4-lll· The Minister will be the preacher thread of daya. , Ju~t ·• Son of God tn the sense in the Kingdom of God" hal'ing Ha 1 ~ ~·ou thou11ht ltf Hlm .~

Hapti<nl and Church· I at both servlceL We may tmbrolder It with woml· ~ The world is ever near; that we. are all children of God, in mind, doubtless, the gQOd and thi.~ way~ My own mind nel.e · m El·rn,onR and Ser- I'Otll dreams. I I see the sights that dazzle, T!J:e belief w_as .clear that He was. the godly. Jesus caught up the and staggers when t try LA pi.e-

lJI Ph ;· ThP Rei' J. •I. 'TOPSAIL·MOV.\"1' PEARL· Or atlch It wltb ambltlon'a allveryl The tempting sounds I hear; untque in H1s !tie and mission. 'remark and in His o·.~n wonderful ture it. His immen[oe aboun. PttiC r · ' GLE.\'DA!.E skein; My foes are ever near me, It was P;,onounced In the words· parabolic way, declarecl, "Yes,, Today Jesus works In_ innumer-

lt•rlrr.• Topsall-11 a.m., Mr. M. Bart·' Or we may dye It with ()Ur bit·, Around me and within, of Peter:· Thou _art the, Christ, I and there is no reason why e1•en· 1 able 1i1·es. He works 1n .'Brltaia, · \\r~.l.•'· Tuesday, Frl· lett; 2.30 p.m .. Sunday School; 7' · ter tears, i But, Jesus, draw Thou ner.ror the Son of the llvrng G_od. (Mal· I one and an)'ODe should not have; in Europe, in America, ill ~!a,

• 30 nod p.m. The ~llnlster. ; Or rnake It loose lG eover fault.! i A hlld ' thew 16.:16.) 11 that blessing. The Kingdom is; in Canada, In Afri~•. ·anti In all

5 1 •ucrla~ . . a.m.: "e · · 1 nd 5 e my soul from !in. A d t 1 d fi !'- """' Ilion J J d I ~lount Pearl·Glrndale-11 a.m .. ! • or pa n. .n 1. s mos e m "' e~,_s 'readu. God. has been at great! the isles of the au. e!IUI -'l't

;i! a.m. Thun 1)', .30 'B•" .. d ,_ '· th 1 t th• G p 1 o •· The Minister; 2.30 p.m .. Sunda)' i .., e.ery ay we must put IJ1 a "' tn e pro ogue o < as e , pains to prepare it, 1 kingdom of I :'iazareth. the sun ne1·er """ oa '"'m 11 n,,r.: ~l~nda\· CAn· School. The sen•icea at ~!aunt · atltch, 0 let me hear Thee speaking of John (John 1:1-3), .. · .. 'rellowship, jo~·. and satisfaction. 'I His labours. He nel'er alumbera. · r ,f tht R.\'. ,,m.: Tuu- Purl are beini held In the Church A I00

1d1lny· action or, percha11oe, a In accents clear and still, ~re Jesus is .ldenll,fied ~;~th: The admission moreover Is not by He is no leisured globe trotter d·

•nn :-aturdll' 8 a.m.; I former!~· u~ed by thr Anglican . , Abo\'e the storms of pussion, the ete;na~. creative \\ ord. In I cosily ticket, social status, Intel- d:easing gatherings here and. th.eN . · • 1 ~ 1 m . Thursday I Con1ruation, and the Sunday And neither tears nor pray era nor The murmurs of self-will; the beg1nnmg WJI~ the Word, and 1 lectual attainments, racial qualifl·: then hurrying on, He dtala t.. ' ' • · ·· ' School meeh In the Amalaamated any &hears can rip · o speak to reassure me, the Word was with God,.. and the i cations - a d not even by ethical· limatelv and bides with ncb ~·

1, n . T d . 'School. Those daUy atlfchea that we have To haJten or control: Word was God." Just all that' achiewnent. Admission Is by ac·: dividuii soul. There was a tiJ11t .,, .. rn n). ues I),: put ln. mystical, philosophical statement· ceptance of an invitation. ' 11·hen He was \h.a Christ ol ~

, .. , .. ,rdRy .5·30 p.m.: 1 And we muM wear throu1h aU 0 speak, and m&ke me listen, means few w~d dare to say, I And this thought runs aU, locality. But on the Cron He M-r 01 ·: Frtrl&)' 7.30 the year1 to eome Thou Guardian of my soul. It leads us mto aU the mys\l:!ry' through the . pages ol the New: came not 110 much unlverul u

,~ r"' Pl~nn~: Frida)'~~ Presbvterinll The cloak we· fuhlon fr;m thh C71 what God Is and the meaning • Testament. 1t is the one sure I ubiquitous. TCI!!ay he u ev111· cloth of fate: . 0 Jesu~. Thou hast ]YI'omlsed, C7l dh·inity, In the men) pas~port for the Kingdom of God, I where. He is beside you II

\•·'IL'oq ~rtr C'BN. So let us atlteh. It atron1 1\Jl.h h be f w lli g t h I 1• .. llf:\!ORIAL SCHOOL 1 To all who follow Thee, ave en ar more l n o: "Father. Thy Son has invi~~d me, though you wero! the w o e wor . ST. ANDREW'S faith and love • That where Thou art In glory sPeC'Ulate concerning the nature of I and in His Name I am come." lit is beyond all lmaglnlnt, a•d

- : ~~ p.m.. Sunda~· 1 Minister:' Rev. Allan MacArthur And Jl'lOdly deeda before It Ia too God, and to assert almost violent. As 11·e take lh• o!ory of the morn- most be)·ond it. In thl.s, t~~. t , 1 There ~hall Thy servant be; I • o Old, M.A.; Presb)•tery Deaconess: ate. Y thoelr oW!! dogmas, than to de·, ing and the beauty of the evtnlng, He who t~ so buoy h~~ tuu 1M I)--A 'm · Evensona anti Miu Evelyn B. Walker; Orianlst: Behy Trotwood And, Jesus, I have promised pencl upon and trust the aimpler 1 :10 must 11e take Him and His 1 thn117ht for )'OU a~d 111t. . :

!llr. Robert MacLeod. To sen·e Thee to the end; words ~!Jesus a )'out God as "Our !Invitation. John three and sixt~en I This story al•o •~•ure.o 11~ lll•t 11 a.m., Divine Worahlp; 11 a.m., Our J {} 0 give me grace to follow, Father, an~ H1s appeal to His, Is not EXhortation but invitation. I there is room lor )'OU ~no Ill~ 111

·:~;.~fl'.' !.: AI.!. M\GlLS Church School: 7 p,m., Divine Wor· D Uence My Mr.ster and my Friend. Amen. hearers to ftnd God through all I As we stand in sight a! Good Fri· 1 the Kingdom. :0.1\r~rle nf miraelt<

Hoh ' 1mmunion; 11 a.m., <hlp. Worahlp with ua. Free all· that Is best in human fatherhood day and Easter let us ask our.' He for wh~m the wnrld hu 110

'~'''· 2.30 p.m., Sunday tinza, (Matthew 7:9-11). I think that selves whether we have definitely I room has made room l~r th~ "'hal~ · ~ 41 ? m. Catechl~m; 8.30 Monday-3.11! p.m., W.~I.S. AUX· · ~ne ddy 1 th~·YUNlld chUd Js one of. the mos. t impres· i ACCepted the invilation not m~rely I 1'. o·lrl. Jt w•1 II'" srrl'ant in .'h•

!!.SO p.m., 111"•1' . .· we come me Into hil ho~. Af. SIVe .statem~nts m the whole his-· in 1 lormal way by sending a ~~t- story who told the M~~ler ~~t . . Tu;ada)·-Utl p.m., Kirk Ladtu' ter announc!nz my arrival to his 8 e h Sh tory al religious thought. Iter - but by coming. Somt will·, there was still room. It waa tilt

1.' ·.\"cur.ctatton of the Guild; 3.11!. p.m., Guild Kindergar· mother, he aeated hlmaell on I 15 op een What I think is understressed In, ask, "Can it be so simple as all! s~rvant of Man who told God that r.,,ic "H) l-7.30 a.m., ten: 4.1~ p.m., C.O.C.; UO p.m., J\ool at my feet, Look!~ up It ~onnet'tlon with John's prologue this? It can, and it is, although~ there was still room. It wu

··. ~c:·c. I Explorers' Expedition. me, he uked: "How ll esua to- concernill'g the eternal nature and: like all true simplicay it is costly! amazing how all durins his mh1Ls· -- 7.30 a.m., Holy ) Wednesday-7 p.m., Sr. C.G.I.T.; day~'' I uaured him that I had \V divinity of Jesus is the clarity with 1. to Him who gi·•es the in1•italion! trv Jesus could flnd room., He

R r m .. E1·en,on11 and ,7.30 p.m., communicant'' Clau; every reasol\ to believe that every. f/•teS \\'hich• the. prologue as!~rts w~)h ~But 5ome will nsk, "Must I there· I· found· room lor the !IItle ehildrea, !8.111 p.m., St. Andrew'a Dramatic thin( IUa quite well with Jesua. equal defm1tenes.1 the humamt)·, for.~ put asirle my Intellect ancl room for \!-.~ blind men, room. for

A a.m .. Holy Com·· Socle!\: . It wa~ evident that the cltlld IS· C7l Jesus, "The Word was made l reasoning?" Not ail all. God de·' the crn\\'d£. Allwa)'s and evl!ry· I Frirl~~·-4.30 p.m., Jr. C.G.l.T.;: sociated. me with Chrht and felt flesh. and dwelt among us." I sires vou to bring your intellect: where He wa~ laying, "Don't keep

. 10 1 11. Hoi)' Cnmmun· ·'I p.m., Junior Choir: B p.m., Jun·, that I lll·ed 10 cloae to Him th~t In the knowledge of Jesus as and rour reasonin~ !Jrult1• into I them blck. Tl:ere Is room £or l;:r .. E~' •oni and Sermon., ior Choir, fo:~~~l:;:,v• flrat-hand Informal· One who ''dw,~lt amen~ them"': the Kingdom. You"bring th'em in, all." Bv Hi' death on the Croll

• 5 SHOULD PARENTS OBEY se!s those moral qualities which the disciples "beheld H1s glory, thel' cannot bring yeo in. It is He opened t'·,, Kingdom of Hh· ST \IARY'S QL'EEN'S ROAD in fch u~blle:perl~nee h exceed· CHILDREN? ' command resp!et and love. . the glory as of the only begotten written o! the Kingdom, that tlie' ven to all beli~vers. And what a_n

u: Hoo.~ Communion: 11 Minister: Re\', James A. Gold:, th:t b ll g.blld hen weth~~ll~~ -- 2 - To call every act of wrong- I of the Father, full of 11race and kings of the earth do bring t."teir 1 innumerable host hu alre•~•· 2 30 p.m., Sunday smith, B.A. Organbt: Min Barbara ' 11 111~1 e may n ° BY FULTON J, SHEEN doing a •·guilt~omplex" and to, truth." .1


glory and honour into it; It Is, entered ln. F~>r over ninteen I)~D· ~~~ r ..-1, Bible Clan: '

1 L. Role. 11 a.m., Dl~ine Worship; 1 ll~ 1 v I example ol. Chrlat. If one accvpted uncritically make It abnormal Ia to deny that' There Is no mistaking the di· nowhe~ suggested that such glory i turies they have been strnm!11•

Bw •m and Churehinl 11 a.m., c.O.C.; 2.30 p.m., Church .:t"eu,Jt lliauata Ul to watch our 1ome of the educational and psy· we are responsible· tor our mis- · vinlty that th~y ·saw in Him .. Yet: and honour bring them in. Jesus i through the gnte•, an~ •till th~r~ 63• 1 p.m., E1·enaon1. School. Worship with us. P W~m th e. h d ~holog!cal theories current In the deeds. But tG deny responsibility: lh?Y knew H1m in the reahl!' of' Christ is God's invitation, God'5 1 [, room. ,II, h11m~n nr7,ninti~"

Sr""'r'' __ find 1 OSt w 0 let 'Ill to ay, world, the answer would have to is to deny freedom. s~wer ·, Hl, earthly U~e. as one who hun-! Word to you and to me. Come m11.<t n' r··~~--it,· limit i:< n:lm· ~l.' )l;;rch 271h-11 a.m •

1 GLEND.4.LE-MOVNT PEARL m k nth ua aomkthlnt that will I be in the affirmative, On the covers never have a guilt-complex': gered and thlr5ted, was weaned· let us J!nler lnta Hi! J<in~rlom. . orr•. :"\nt '" the Fin~dr, n( r.nd.

r-~~urroon I specially for ?oll'llster: Rev. Jamea A. Gold·. ha~ e be em/!" ;:d Jti:T ~e


b!!is of the!e false ideu, oeduca. but who wants to have all that i and even tempted, went Into the I But while It i• !imple for u•. 11 T:1or, i• rflo.1m H1·.1' rom:orlin~ PJp::•'. i 30 p.m .. El'ensonz smith, B.A. Presbytery Duconrs!, ·it ~ t e~ ~en• lJ :~ k>r mr!de tora and juvenile delinquents rottenness underneath~ . mountain to rest and pray, con· i was and Is cn;tlr lnr Him. In ,nrJ -trcn~t1roin: thi' rh~11;ht i ::

, MIJI Evel)·n B. Walker. 2.!0 p.m., Clod ~nl inll ~ ~ h would support the thesi~ that 3 -Freedom does n()t mean the tlnulng even all night "In· pra)'el this story .(LI!ke 141 we are re- Tho w~rld thn11~ht thH nn In• 1 ll;·,·h 29---1 p.m., Hoi)') Church School; 7 p.m., Di1·ine Wor· ~omoe~tp of ~!· ~~ c';!j uje eae I parents should never exercise right to do whatever you please, to God" (Luke 6:12). . minded o! the oea~orne«, ann un. Cro.•• it had final!~· rl'll'h•rl ~II

. i.30 fl.m., E1•enaonz ship. Worship with U!. HI · m 1 ~)' h se Yd th•J, authority over tho.!lr children, but i but the right to do whatev~r you .The relationship o! the human tiring ob<>d:en<·e of the Sen·~nl. rhr:st', <"iaim• an•\ pl·o:eo:;ion<. . I Wednesda~·-4.30 p.m., C.O.C. Chlri~~me ~ylll :~ llan 'rather o~ey the cltlldren In au 1ought. Freedom Is related to law to the divine in Jesus is emph: We !ee the •~rv~nt in thr .tor,· flu! not .<n: nn tho rro" He enter-

rtf' l'Hr: A/!CENSION inl 1 1 way e ma e 1 !II•· things, The Fourth Commandment 1 and to, truth. "The truth will sized in that ref~rence to Hls slandinl( repealed l''ll<lff•. h~11n~ en intn ~ lan:·~n·« f~r he~·onc!

· "''llrl-GII"ds!t Salva':on Jrmy I Man people want to 11 J 111 would th~n read: ''Father ant!: make you fl>ee". Freedom tG do "prayer to God." He did not pr; his enthusiasm chilkd, hurry;n: · ~n.l'ihin~ e1·r1· ~r'1i~vPd hP.fJr~. m Hn!~· Communion: 11 ~-~ 1:1 Th f~lal qUf tl ~,/ ew~ Mother, obey thy children." i whatever you please Is I physical to Hlmsoelf . .He prayed to God the Into the sll'l'~'' I and lanr< or th~ On lhp c·,,,., Hr flun~ "''"" tho

. .P 2.30 p.m., ~unday! th: le Rim lll 1u1°1n ' Some would ar~ue that parents: not a moral right. It Is Identical Father. greM city.'" c~ll thP. h1.1man flot- l'cr~· rlnnn nr thr hc~rt nl r.nd. •

: ~ ~ Evensong. : Y e should obey chlldro?n: 1 ll'ilh iicrnse ann anarchy, whlcn For me, at least, thl! lmpene· sam and J~ls~m. hurrytn~ In h1s hP~rt h 2 rnnuzlt In hnld '·•n · \larrh 27-7.30 p.m., I TEMPLE CORPS. "F d M Sh 1. - Be~ause if thPy do not, in ·Urn, by r~a~lion, creates Com. trable mrst.ery is not solved by m~ster to tell him .th"t t!J"t" '' thnu<anrl 11nr'.ds. ~'• 'lll'"· th•"~

SJl1'ingdale Stmt ee y eep" children will ne1·er love them m1•n!sm or the right to do what. 1 the dogmatic concluslona of the. i still room, lhll•, !mplyino: hi• i~ rnnm. T!1e fo"r i• n11 th~t 1'1• F':(,QI\flf:LD BriJadler W. and ~ln. Oakley, when they grow up. 70 love. ver you m•1st. Commums'll is ologiam. Wit at does !mpres, me: eageme1s to ~n out rigoin. \l'o mril' ,~:;,~point '"· h111 th~t w~

~1" .. '11nrlay School. Corps Officers. 11 a.m., Holinen The 8PCA aubmlta the follow· means to give pleuure; and to rc· j the forcible organlzatir,n of a i~ the impact upon the disciples, see him hurrying ;~\nn~ th• tbn· m".'' rliqppmnt llin1 .

I Service. (What'~ the matter with in1. apt quotation from tbt work; fuse to gll'e plea.mre Is not to be! chaos creared by lalse liberty or 1 ancl upon the world, of the di- gerous highwar~ and down the be- I lto"r Til~· we1cnm• 1nir·•

'I TII0.\1.~$' 1L ld tl R II 1 ') 2 30 p m of Willa Hoev, I loved. Parents who do nnt gil'f .: licen~e. . i 1,nlty. of the ~!aster in His hu· wildering byways In a senrch lor T;,~t ra'.l< mr. In Th••. . 1,c o me e a on. : . · ., , 1 Iii d · 1 1\•,:• Communion: 11 Sundny School; 7 p.m., Evangella- "If 101o-. thou hut for Me," the. children what they like will be i 4 - Autr.oritarianism may be man e an mm stry. gueHs for hi! mast·~r·~ tab'~. 1. To P"rrect hope, and pr~re and

~,.,., :cz Prayer. Pr4!aeher, I tic Service (The Seape Goat). Muter aald- penalized later on In life by be:ng based either on force or on love. The glory that they beheld was What a Mroic, sell-lorgetting trust, •' r. Lrue. Broadcut,) Brigadier w. Oaklev will be the "And by My tPirlt would be on liked. · . · i When there Is love, there is no a glory full af grace and truth. tager servant - Jesus Christ! For earth and heaven abnv~.

P m. Sunday School speaker at both uri·tces. A warm wholly led 2 - Because if parents do not feeling that authority is impos-ed. In an awareness o! that divinity ,''·~·: 4 p.m., Holy~ welc~me ·awaits you at the "House Thia one com~and 1 leave JOur obey children, b.ut rather insist on; The ~an who loves. a wo"man gives t~ey might well ·have become a

r hurrhlnas: 8.30 o! Friendship," love to ahow ' obedience, the parents will deve·. her g1fts, but under no constraint, little group, unmindful o! their . l'r•.1er. Pruchrr: To be 1 lllln th~t w11 , lt>P In children a guilt-complex, I except the constraint of affection. fellowmen, lost Jn amazement-and

.: • ., Broadcast CJON CITADEL CORPS. ereaoe tr and every gullt~ompltx·ls abnor·: Because I love the authority of adoration, Instead, they saw in ''I·'·' • t'/ll'llCH · Adam's Avenue (off Princt of If you ~o, 111 ld d d mal, I! parenh insist when a boy i Christ In the Church, I ne1'2r feel "the man, Christ Jesus" (1 Tim· .

c ,., l'idi ' Walta Street) you epty w.. wou 0 an hu stolen a bicycle that: "Thou under constraint, bot I do feel the olhy .2:5) a. ~rast~r and SY EUGENE CABSO:\' BLAKE God . r: 11 1, 1h'·' 1111h lilm1 .. an~ Hoi.'· Communion. Br. Captain A. S, and Mrs. Prlt- You~~e~ed •M;~ • ..,... Shalt not sto3al" or "Y~~ pay bac~ ·pull and th~ thrill of Jove. bringing rehgton mto d.11ly life . D. D. ' ju<tir:nror •II .: '

.. • E D. Kendall. chett, Corp a Olficeu. 10,30 p.m., what you have stolen , the bo) 5 - What is so wrong about I and character, through the cnm- 11 ~~ ~:..· \:o-;IJ HIS :-; HICN s . . 1 ,. ri th' h '· · ,·r'IIOOL CHAPEL Prav•r Service·, 11 a.m., Hollneu will thereby develop a taboo, a deve\l)p!ng a sense of inferiority~ manding poll'er of lo'"'· in hrii·- ,' · · · · • · " • nme h•• • ell 1"17

P .. " r ~~~· ,. Think you He allllltd out hia up r • d 1 hlbltl •h' . Wh 1 l'tt'- d h 1 mony with th Jo, d .. 1 ·""d thr <1~111 took tum up, ~nrl ~~ mei'P1y • P'"'" uid11lon wh1rh,

1-r 'Jnday School Service !(Vital Chrlatlanity); 2.30 human sheep, s c -e.o an an n on \\,len en everyone ! a I ""go '. t en r '" •n g,,re n <1\0II'rd him all thp kingrlnm< oi Lhr .;~•·. <eric, onh to increu• ,, ' cr.<: p.m., Sur~day School and Bible Will ruin hi1 1ubre life. Later on .war starts between the cnnflictlng God as the source and power of the wo ld . 1 f 1 ) - f . of ·r 1i•i0!1 '"<!

iH It\ That thy alone th1 benefit he will be obDged to Bo to a psy. egotists. John the Baptist when salvation. r tn ~ m~.~·::m 0 lmf. 011 r . con '":nn e • .' '· S'-Morninll Pr&flr Clau; 7 p.m., Evangelistic Servlee ahould reapT I cltoanalyst to '""I rid of the guilt· he saw· Our Lord coming' said' In and beyond the glnrv Wa< the and said kl him, lo you I w'.ll p~tnotl.;m, Jead:n% p!'{)p!r to lUll· •''· •':.rt•pt Saturday, II a.m.; (Two vttal quealiona: "Whence Not 101 HI• lovinl Mart tneom· com 1 x .~ . "I t d . H • 1 · Gospel and th ·i i 1 ~1\'e all th,, authonty ~nd thm pos• th~t Am~man~<m And Chru· . P;•~er, ~Ianda)", Tuesday Came Ye?" "Whither Bound?" A d 11 pe ' mus, ecrease, e must D· k : e comm ~ 5 on ° glor); In: it ho1< been deli,errrl to llamty are. alter ~11. the ume

·'·' at S.30 p.m.; Ltnten 0 dial welcome Is extended to via- pane a I - Because parents would lncrea~oe , Pride bring! ruin; the rna e 1t~ pewer ,known throughout me and 1 ill' it to \\'hum 1 will th ll'tdnt!da:r and Frldar at c11 r d f 1 nda to worahlp at tbe Hla feathered folk and furred, thereby destroy tlte freedom of more the ego becomes filled with the world. The divinity, the glory If ' th e ll h' 11· r'"~· If 1 h 1 the ...;.

H ' ora an r e both ll'llt and mnall th hlld T b I t d lf th 1 kl 1 Ink It that the dlsclpl b you, en, wl wors 1P me, or m''SP e IPI P, on ..... - 'IY Communion Wed· Citadel Corpa. , - e c · 0 e ree means o o se. • · e more qu t Y t s s. es s.ftw ecame a shall be all your!." And Jesus. trary that whate\'er were the

. 1r1 Frida)· at 10 a.m. __ · So If Hla will WId do and prt- whatever you .please, But every still is true that children. should very practical reallty ln a mes- answered him, "It Is written, you 1 mixed motives o! some Ill thoie •T rHL'RCH-Lenlen Scrv· DUCKWORTH STREE"l' , c~pta lt:tep, command Is a .restraint of an honor their father and the1r mol· sage, .a life, for men everywhere. shall worship the Lord )'0\lr God, 1 who voted to insert ttt1 warda "it ''""' HI 7.30 .m. Sr. Captain E. Duffett, Captain We II feet! Hll lhii'P. Isolation Dllllbert). To den:and o! her. ~ It most become for us toQay.l•nd him only shall Y0\1 aerve.'" I is a good thing to be !'l~e~

R. Bower!ng, Corps Officers. 11 the, child thai\ hde tell you II heth~r I Luke 4:5-8. RSV. regular!)' that the natioll Is ua .. r am Holiness Serl'lce· 2 30 p.m. ' Remember that hollneu Is not fl)r not he jo ne a gang and st?'e p } 8~ What Js H Almost all Americans except God Even when we are •ost S~n.da)' School: 6.1S p.m:. Younl th: :·•y to Chrbt, 'tut Chrlat II an aut.omt>blle, wi~out giving him' sa m II eaven I tire Communi•ts, uree 'that the I patriotic, it is load to l'l!llllmW

G ".n: STRF:f.T People'~ sall'atlon ~leetinl con· thAtt•ah~ to hollnm. Athe rdJg!ll ttoln imok~ thet ~lfth: __ L"k fl I ~t'!lte is or.;anized to 8erve the in· I that God is n1·er all natlona alld I• . d • s l ~ rV moen mrn ansller 0 )OUr I e, t t f ' th . d" 'd I . . . th u ~· ,,,, nr \\'or~hip. Preach· dueled by the Ca rts: 1 p.m., R · · 1. .· 1 t' d rl lArd thou hast been lavorable un. 1 eres s o man, at m 1\'1 ua that H1~ children art 1n ,. a .

f r. \'1pond. B .. ,., B.D. vation Meetlna. All rare welcome ' ~:sc:i:~ i~f 1 (~1: \'~;i/nh~rti:; to thy land: 1

I d h 1 man i~ comidNed ~s more impor: At this time of great pO'!I'er lbr · f1 ·~ ran 1 Tell 7Uihl tn joill In •·orahlp with ua at N I 1 ct b th C t't U ·1 Thou hast brought back the e•p. rea ~omew ~re <> a rklg tant and of mnre ult1mat• l'•lu• the American nation, aU el, UJ •

l•or,; Broadcast Radio Durlcworth Street Corps. Ofe8 r~~~r~e~~ co~·nll'l~ ens 1 11 on ° , thity of Jacoo. ' • , ~hat fo~owe~ !tis ma~te.r, 1· • than hi.' nation. In fact,. one nl need to ;-em e-mber that. alth~ CB\', 1 t 1m., Nursery De- - : 4 _ 8 'f th 1 d Thou hast forgiven the lnquity of lister, 11 ho \\ ent 111_ Hilt a mk 1 oor bas~c .eontenhons uun!l .~~ we ha\'1' been ~~~aUy bit ISH 11! . 1~ th• Common Room·, MUNDY POND . t be etcha~se h'tld e pabretnl~ . 0t th)• people 1 ~an. Said the mmtster to the ltotahtanan1sm 1s that tl1e lndll't- 1 this ;ood land, God Is just 1111!

< -- GOWER STREET no o y eir c rcn. u nsls Sick man· "D I'OU h th t d I . d . , d ' h' . h' Ill ,_ f 't .,unday School, Stnlor l!t. Lieut. C. and Mra. Pike, • on being oOe)'ed they will 'thereby Thou hast covered all their sin. I r . · 0 • •• ~ar 8 ua man 1 ~ epme ?• 15 . ng ,. w P"'l' no avon es. ~ Cll!! ancl Young People' a Corpa Offietra. 11. a.m., Hollnua Servicea of ;worship will be con· become authorit'arian, and . what Thou hast taken awa)' all thy sc .. ~~hm~~: at the door·. ,, l ful fr~dom and hls nrhtrul Selfishness, however much .~· C!~n:, 34!1 p.m., Chureh Meet1n1: 2.110 p.m., Sunday School; dueled at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., un·l.!tas caused all politic~! mlscltief wrath: Is it' 5• replied the-man. What respons1bl1It~. lightened, will lead ua to thl 4to

' C.s•s; 7 p.m., Divine 11.111 p.m., Youna People's Salva. der the direction of tha Mlnlater, )in the world If 11 be not author!. Theu hast turned thyself from the , · . • , Despite th1s a~treement there is, cadent luxury t?at bas bMJI the PreAcher: Rev. F. !. VI· Uo11 Meetlnz wnducted by tht Ca· Rev. F. E. Vlponcl. At thi Morning tarlanlsm' Just 8 few more con· flercell<!ss o! thine anger. Th~: IS my dog, said the min· among us In our time, the ancient downfall of• empl!'!.o in til, p~st.

,!A .. RD. Subject ''What dell; 7 p.m., Salvation Meetln1. A Strvlce Mr. Vipond will take u cessions ~~ authoritarianism like Turn us, 0 God of our salvation, ister. He folloWed me. here. He temptation to idolatry-to m~kr For_ God ha• founded tht .worl<i. o.n ~''r Arrnmpl!oh." warm weleome awalta you at the his aubject "How Can I Tell Right obedience to parents, and the· And c.ause thy indignation toward


does not know what th1s room I~ the ~atio_n o11r. ~uprPmr. nlu~ and just1ce ann H" kmgdom 11 a lnn1· ,. . -- Mundy pond Corp'. From Wrong." The Boy Scouta and world will soon be Fascist (\\'~. us to cea5e, like, but he know; hi• m~<tPr,: '? 1\or.<hlp l.t m place e>! .God A dam ~>f love.

,.;irJHr;r: SI'RF.ET -- Cuba will be in attendance. Thia do not sav "communist" because' Wtlt thou be angry with us for II hom he lol'(~< ,nnd.trus~< ~ncl who lively !~llh In Gnd, ll'lto " ahnr~ -------' Ror I ' ~I·K,·m Jl ' uoUNT PE •RL GLEND •LE lervlce will· be broadcut over Ra I th h . . th b . C I ever• I h~s ne\ er lallrd him, ts m here, the nahnn ~nd "bo\'e ~ll nRtiDn<, S} I k ... " • ' ·"· ... " . " . ' ey w 0 argue In e a 01 e ns· . rl h t ·t b . h h' " t b h 1 llpwrec s

. ,. •r.rl Chnlrm~~ler: Mr. Captlln William lvany corpa dlo Station CBN. In the even!nz/ hlon are already Fello\1'-Traveler, Wilt thou draw out thv ;~nger to ani d c 11 anks 0 ch 1111t 101 · 1 appearh, 0 e I ~ nn Y way dto ~···:

"n'm>n ' I Mr Vipond will take ll hi sub- 5 B • :11. all •eneratiMs' . o nnt r.n\1' 1\ a heaven ' .sure oth patPIOII•m an Jn· , 1, 1 officer. 11 a.m., Hollne!.~ Serrlce; I' · I - ecause comrrutnu< II' I 1 • • • • • • lik,., What 1 do know i~ that . dil'lrlua' tiber!. 1 M1· little boat for mAn~ !11~1 r .lorntn2 \\'or.~hip and 2 30 p m Sundav School· 81~ ject, "What Doe& Prayer Ace om· 1 develop an InferioritY compk!x in, Wtlt thou not qu1cken 11< !~am: J '· s .· " Lo, c! , Th ;, ) · r , _ h' h 1 rl • T~urrl on lite mi~ht1· .~ 1 ·

•.''<rr>>lion Srrmon- bv I p. m Op~·n Air· 7 p m S~lvation I pll<h." The mu!lc wll1 be und~r 'the child Nothin~ more quickly I That lh,l' people nlnY rrjnice. in ° esus, h my .: "' !o_ur ""'; ~ :'. IS I te ...,E rl~t"' 0• ut·~l \\' ~~ . PR 'Th• sail• are palche'd th'e ~~~t Ia

~··. '1'h• Simr Prnhlem i Mre.iln~ ' ' ., the direction of Mr. Dou~!Rs 0!· 'inlerloril~~ the child thAn t;, be the-e? (''"rr t ~rr ~''"i~'"12 anc 1"" ~ 11ni "P1 "1 ~ahs er 'f t b nt't'a~, worn ' ' !· .Jn P m. Sundav Srhnnt[, A ~nrrlial welcome awaila )OU •l mond, L.R.A.M. The Minister of obll~ed Ia. look up to his pnrcnts, Shew 11.1 thy mrrl'y, o LOin, or met, r"n.l l • " ennu~ . tea ethnr a;, ~ve o_~enT ~.n tre atle N" cr~w on' boarrl hut n,,

' l"lo • . r G St t Ch h I I it . . A d l lh I' t' am no a r;ur n "n o e ~~ uri\'! In • PMI' cmp a-' ,. . 1 ., ann Clas• in I all city .c:.orp• ower reP urc s nv mg a< supenor to hlm~el£, As a nnterl n gr~n 11< Y sa'" 1nn. 1 ~r " ·. 1 ·, · . ld 0 f h 'on 1 1 ref of Aorrow (Toundetl lomiJrnhin· 7 • • ' people to aend In QUP.!tlOn! on life n t ·n· "il'h h ld . I w111 hrar what God Lhp L~~rn ·~mrs : nnt~omer) 13 < ~nen liOn 1n lhP WI ernrss. ne n t ~ . ,.. p.m .. r..v~n. · · e Ilea or 831 · Y s ou 111) • us the<c !lnP< · temptation• wh1ch h fRc~d h~d to Not 10 far away from lan~.

, P Th• Lenten Stnry in and rrllglon. The questions may children obev me because I have 11111 ~peak: I .. · • · · e · In the nawniu aer tr"' pil~l ,.'~ ~ripturP. Cnme And Jehovah'l' concern Bible Interpretation, moral a lew gray ·h,ir, in my. h~d"? For he will <peak pearc unlo hi~ \l;h:Jtrr~ ~~rt~ "'"1rln ~bol'r, ~ Gpr~ci<Pdlv hlnth tlw re!Rtlon<htp Reach In Him 1 raiiOii•ed llan~ . 'n:~ hi' I h I ' lb'llt I It I b 't . p. pl d t hi . l . crP pa tn~ • l:n.mnwn, \}I •Oo ~n t e DilliOn! • • -

ll .... mn. n 1 ~ ehureh; , . •mes, a person 1 rnpons 1 Y n Is JUPPI' or P ~~s ~nd not tn· eo e, an " ' "'" s. A long et~rnity of Jove In hi ar bl~ Jr•. · 1, 11 of Lookin« down from highe.ll htal'!ll ' ""'r 1~o~~n~ P~npl~s' rellnw. W ltuesse~ community ant! national life or ferior beings wh1ch make the; But let t~em not turn ftRain to Form~d for 1·hr )(oorl' ~Inn•: , S•tRn ~ff!rin~ hi'm thcu~w,/ ancl He is kt~pinJt WAlth o'er me:

the Lecture Hall. VI.. perannal problema of many klnda. world. The ego was meonl to be I foil.>· And fa'th hrholrl< th nl·in~ h~ · th 1 • . r 11 th t' r th , W•ll He know~ the rla111troua ltran1m are welcome at Mr. Vipond will do hil best to deal develo!)l!d and unfolded, not to be S•Jreh• h1s .<alva lion. is nl~h them Tran~i~\erl tn that ha;plr~ 1phert'." e·a~t~ ';;\~lv \, 11~n~l~ ·:~/rlow~ · 11rter~. ·

Tbt 11at1 are JCINGDO!l HALL, wltb theae queaUona In the liihl of curtailed; sell • expression Is al· that fear him, bt-l s 1 · 1 h. J . Fe~r nol+l will romt 111 tl!r•e . 48 'JIM!'U ..4.11171111 the mind of ,Chrl1t. The quettlona ways right and self-repression· !I That glory may sw~ll in our land. North Cauter lcavln~ F~!ll~lt ~rr · A ~ n .w~r~h IP. 1 ~··u~l Enter nnw t~• narrow rhan11el,.

Dflht Wtek: ll 11.m., Bapllam. Bt~lbtt. whlrh may be mailed or placed on always wrong, Mercy and truth are met togeth. Mar. 19, dur st. John'~ Mar. 21. 1':!'\l Y .was th r~m~nre e pr n One Yet anoth~r nef of pain, p.m., Curtis Fellow- 28:111; 1 p.m., Public Addr111: "Of· lbt offerln11 platea need not carry lf ~very one thought correctly on er: 1 3 this world . a t e , Is only · ·see my pilot-throw the Ufe lilt,

!HI Acceptable Sacrlfleer,"-Heb. a alrnature If the persons present· this subjec:t, this article could end Righteousness and peace have sa~;o~t~fa;j 0;~er lPavlnr.'st. John lfo;hom ultimate lo}al!y Is due- Every inch of cable 1tral11. • 18:111,11!; B p.m., Blbl1 Sludy :"How ln1 them desire to remain anony· heroe ancl be classified as satire. kissed each other. N.B., Mar. 28, due st. John'a April I · lh t eviJI of the He will ateer tbe boat homeward, J'ehovah'l Wltneftla View Their moua. On1 Monday evenlni at 81 But unfortunately, !lOme re/uta· Truth sprlngeth out of the earth: 1. sa !lin~ April 2. n e .recen r on :Rebuke tbe 'lfind and ealm tiM tu, Mlnlster,"-1 Pel, :1:1. o'clock' a Lenten Service will be J tlnn' o4 these fal~e assumptions is And righleousms~ hath I looked • Refriger3 tion. P.led%e ~0 d'!h:. flag dc~de • w~~~~ Brina the shipwreck ure to )woo.

Thursday, March' 2&-7.30 'P.m., heltl In the .Lecture Hall lor Pray-, nec~ssary, . down from henven. . . un er 0a 1 .. 1~rj ~. -all·~- nee bour Public Bible Spe~ldng CIR!<: "MI"· ~r; 'Bible Study ~nd Mtdilatlon. I- Love nf children fnr partnls Yea, lhr. Lord shall g\1·e that · .. 11 noll rea s. P c P. e 11 ~ ·AimDit !6.rt'-He rescued 111,, latry School Shvant": 8.30 p.m., ThP Youni.'Penplt's Union· will dnp~ not dPpend on \\'hPther t,h<:'Y' . Which Is ~oorl: ,• .· I RlghtPOII~ne~~ shall_•o \)l!fort.hlm. ito the •• ~·~ ~ the u_n'!!~ n~·i:~ . MA!l.THA !. 'BUTLER Mlllillry Dlvelopmerit elm: "Tiuo-lmi•l ill tlll mvlce. Everybody Jlil't 1\'R)' to el'ery Wl5h or the I An? Ollr land !hall >teld her In· I' And ·shall mak~ ht.~. ! 1 ) ~f :~"'. IC' It ttl theri~tio: under Topiail; March :!0, IIS7. era tie !Jpallalon''-In. 80.4,&. welcome. child, but whether the parents pos· crease. · way to II alk lii. ' \\-Inch tt stan s-<>ne

the ~ltristianman f\

' .

Page 8: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster


• •




... ·,

• IDITOl'S NOTt:: 1111 ha1IJ Coalldl eoaalm ol a Judie, 1

Ndlliliilll, ..,... dftf,...., I IIWIPIJIU .¥Jior, I womeD'I edllor . 1M- wri&en. lad! .rUdt II I 11UU1WJ ol Ill aclual CIM ~rj. · ftl c.-1 NfiiU • ,rAil• till' lun lleel dealt wiUI 117 ,.. 4 r:w. 11•dll 1114 eoauelon. · ·

FAMILY COUNCIL ••...•••• , ton that be l1 male in& any "aacri; EDNA V.-:-M)' hwblnd told mt lice" lor his children. He Ia rather

to hne Uliclt aHall'l. uslnsthem u a ncrlllce so that he Cal')' V.-1 had no Intention ol can pursue hl• uninvolved, lrre-

bruklq up our home. aponslble affairs, with them aa an • • • . f excuse or not accepting the con·

EDNA V.-A. .lillie o1·er a year sequentea of his actions. The 110, aner 1 marrta1e ol 12 yeara, "home" he provides for them Is not' llll' husband told me he 1n1 beml only a poor one, II 11 not even 1 81falthful to lilt. He sald he fell real one, for It lacks the emotional •r marrilae wu not "worklnl binder o£ love. •t" and adviled mr to 10 ahead ls Edna faultless 'In thls allalr? and do u be wu doing. Hardly. She evidently felt that she

I didn't clo u he advised. but I was dolni the decent thlnl by stay· did decide to busy m)·aell wlth civic ln(i clear ol tlllclt affairs and try· ~o~ soc:al acti\·itiu. While dolnl lna to occupy herself aa profl!ably aome I'Olunleer work, 1 met a bach· Ql possible. But she had the (ireatel' .:lo:· ~t m): own aae and both beinll respoMib!llty of trying to aave her lon~ly, '~~'! became 1reat !rlenda. mArriage and her home lor her own

;\ow thll man has uked me to


uke as well as her children's, She m~rry him and I nnt to do so. !s wrong to head toward the dl· lm.~:me my surprlu when my hus- 1orce court without puttlria up a ~nd Pid that under no circum- light lor her marriage, stantes "·ould he constder a dl· Edna should realize her husband 1·orce! He u~·a he wants to krep needs help-her help as well as re· our _home toJether for the chU·

1Uglous and psychological guidance.

dren s u,ke, but what kind ol a :Her husband's Idea~ on marrlaae home tan we 8.1\·e them under these are absurd and childish, te7"1ay the Circumstance•. lust. Both 1he and Cary can profit

• • • by marriage counseling. ·

CARY V.-"M,· wi!e do!l not Th C d' mention that ~htn I told her I e ana Ian was ~lnl unfaith lui. I also told I her I had no intention o[ breaking: Red Cro~s .


.. '

,. <,; A'

~ .. '• ..

up our home. I am the child of II '-'

dtro!'('l'd p.~rents and I know how S • Mrtl it is on the rhildren. I am I ociety willin~ to make ~acrilice~ lor their~· ' • <Dally News Photo) sake and 1 think Edna should ~. LIST OF MISSISG PERSONS New p~ultry feed hoppers are now being used at the Government Demonstration Fann at Mount Pearl. Thev are too. . The following perMns Are sought a hang g t d h h ld 40 lb f f d A • :'\nerthelru, I Am not the kind


. In Canada by thelr relalil'es or , ~n. ype an ~ac 0 s s. 0 ee · 5 the hens eat from the circular hopper a constant supply is ol man who cheata. 1 had tn let friends mamtamed by grav1ty feed, consequently one titling of these hoppers will last a week and there is no problem in Edna know what 1m going on and , ARBEAU. Cyril M.. age 11. keeping the poultry from upsetting them. wh~re ahe 'to~. I ~It she had a Born Blisslleld,N.B. Address 19~1: I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-riiht lo the same freedom and 695 Spadtna Ave., Toronto. Enq: pril·ilr&tl 1 waa ta~ing. Not many Mrs. Mable Ward, New Brunswick , CARROLL, ~ec!l James. Last ·Av&., Vancouver, B.C. Enq: Cana· GAS~AS, Zenon.Bom 1923-~4 JAHODA, Josef. Born July 27, . men would behave 11 1 dld and 1 (sister). I known Address. 282 Parellt Ave., dian Red Cross. ln Latvta. Emigrated to Canada 1n 1930. Emigrated 1947. Address feel that Edna should hal'l ap- BAKAN or BACON, Vasil! or Windsor, Ont. Enq: CRnadlan Red DOWOSHAYA, Nick. Born 1916 1941. Enq: Relatives in Latvia. 1950: Quebec, Enq: Tyfarova Elis· preciated my honesty. Bill. Emlgratert to Canada 1927·28 Cross. · In Kopczyncl. Last address: Fort G L I G 0 R YEVITCH, Vtdossav. ka, Czechoslovakia.

As a matter of fact, 1 cannot po~ from Poland. Enq: Mrs. Anna Tou· • CERNIK. Vlntlmll Joseph. Born William, Ont. Enq: Alex Dowosha· Last known address: 1468 Bulllon, I KELDERMAN, J rr n Hendrlk sibly Jupport two househfllds, ao aoupova (nee Bakan) USSR Nov. 10, 1924 In Pardublce, Czech. ya (brother) Alberta. Montreal, Que. Enq: Vellmir Glu· Herman. Born April 8, 1875, in En·


divorce is out of the question, (daughter), Emigrated from England to Can· DU~1A, Aleksa. Emigrated lo sica, Yugoslavia. . schede, Holland. Last known ad· The only solution Is !or Edna to BARSZCZEWSKI, Anatoly, lut ada. 1951. Enq: Mrs. Mllada Puch· Canada 1949-~0. Enq: Dmytro HATTLMANN, Franz and fam· dress: Aron, Sask. Enq: W. J. Kel· consider benell as free aa 1 am. known addrm White Rl1·er, Ont. ln(ier (alsterl Switzerland, Duma (brother) U.S.A. lly, Born 21.9.18 In Pisek. Emlgrat· derman, Quebec.

• • • Enq: Irene Hewitt (friend) U.S.A. DANEFF, Koala V. Last known FRITZ, Josef. Born In Selz, Rus· ed to Canada 1953. Enq: Dr. W. H. KOZAK, Kat.1nyna. Born 1900 THE COU~CIL-Behlnd Cary'a BEREZOWSKI, Piotr. Born 18110 address: 163 Davisville St., Toren· sla. Last addrm: Saskatchewan. Molitor, Germany. ln Poland. Last heard from in

pose, ln the mirror ol hla own In Wawrynow/Czortkow. Last ad· 11l, Ont. Enq: Kosta Danell (lather) ·Enq: Fred Bechler (friend) Sask. IDRNIAK, Mike. Born 1B22 ln 1930. Enq: Stephen Bachniuk •m••''"'"· of o "!~• opl•lt", , dm" N"'by, Snk. "'" J" ''""''· ' FULOP, Mlob"l. Loot oddm• Ko.,,t.,ko, Ulaoi,., Emtgntod to (b"th"l U.S.A. ' responsible father, an "honest" Berezowskl (nephew) German)'. DAUNAZKAS, Wladlslaw or VIa· Hamtllon, Ont. Enq: Anna Fulop· Liinada 1B30 with parenta. Enq: KWAPISZ, Jakub. Emigrated to and lair huaband ls a desperately I _BOGDANOVIC, Sveta. Born 1909 dlalav and wife Anna. Emigrated (mother) Yugoslavia. Steve Kurywchak,(lriendl Sask. canada 1917. Enq: Karol Hruszc· frightened man, lleelns from emo- ln Crnjevac. Yugoslavia. Last ad· from Germany to Canada. Enq: FURST, Jullua (Iarmer), Last HO~T, Albert l'lctor. Born 1833 zak (relatlve) France, tiona! Involvement with hla wile 1 dress: RR No. 2, Port Arthur, Ont. Konstantln Kllmovich, U.S.A. known addren: 1928 Commercial ~~ CoHntry, England, Last known LABOFFSKI, Nicolai (professor) or anybody else. I Enq: Radmlla Bogdanovlc, YUIIO· DJOUNITCH, Ljoublsho, or John Dr., Vancouver, B.C. Enq: G. 1\fen· · f1 dress; 11

2 John St. St., Fort Wll· Last ltnown address: Vancouver,

can· should 1el rid ol the Uluf- alavla. DUKE; Lul addreu:. 1933 W. 2nd zel (brother) Germany. 1 am, Ont. Enq: Nellie Bach (ala· B.C. Enq: Urll Nazarof! (cousin) t er) England. Rlo de Janeiro.










'IOTE-Feeds are stocked at our Southside \\'arehou;e (opposite St. '1an·'s Church). Contac: the Sa\ea Department or MR. HAROLD HALLliH Y. Special Feeds Representatil'e - Dial 80351





•••••••••••••••••••••••••• a •~ •~ • • ra •1r• • .r• •11 • a • • •~ • ENTER THE PURINA STARTENA Attention Dairy Farmers!


YOU may win THIS REYNOLDS ALUMINUM HOUSE erected and fully e quipped with


1,000 POCKMAN LAYER CAGES-and the ready· to -lay pullets to fill them !

Thls year someone In Eastern Canada Is going to be the proud owner of a 1,000-bird Reynolds Alu"!!num Cage Layer House, fully equipped with Packman Cages and the ready-to-lay pullet! to ftll them , , , and it won't cost hlm a cent I That someone might be you I Take a !hot at it. Drop In and a1k for an entry fonn. Enter. the Purina Super Chick Startcna Sweep!taket-no "atrings", · no fee, nothing to buy, nothing to wrlte except your name and addreu. ·

~ome on In and get an entry form. It won't take more than a minute to get the ,mic:ulan and fill out the form I



• . The Store With ·The Ch·a·ckerboard Sign WLL• ........................ ... · .•••••• ··~. •·•1!1.~~- .•••• , ••••• ~

~ , , I '







SPECIAL WITH PELLETS This Is a specially prepared feed under a brand new formula • , , tried and proven to be of a very high quality. Now seMing , at Ayre's Store

· ·Department at competitive ptices.

Page 9: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster




I •



' , and f Cl





tock Market. Report OLIR BOARDING FC'U~~ With MAJOR HOOPLE Sand Rlv Sherr1tl

lOOO lll'o 11 11 ~~ 68,i 17.5 67.5

' ' . f\', LL1:-1~G •total 1 Cody-Ret-a )20 5.2 SCI 50 -1 Gr&Dduc IJQ 600 Ill ~ +lO

• ,,, 1 uJ•U•• rnu l"o!n Lllle 100 11.'\ 1 t -1 Gn)'nlr. Jl7l M 50 60 -s , 1 "''"'' -l!hrt~ !I COiamae !00 ID 0 r 0 t;u\cb 1~110 11 17 17 -1\\

..... _ "'' UMIPII mar\td ·-I c Bell a »Sl 11 11 ll OuU L014 .100 11 ··,· ,:, ;,,d<n4. ,.,--E-rt"'to ', C Colli••• 1100 :M 31 :M Ounlllr W I~ 20\\ 10iio t 'o\

en c Cod 000 11 ll 111 uuonor wto :1610 13\o ' 13\\ 13~i i'lol I C Denlooll SI:U I~ 21~1 21% Gw!Ulm lJOOO ll ll\\ 14 +I

.,1., HI I• Lo• OonO'p , C Del wto · 19:0 ll\1 3\\ 31\ + 1'1 Hard Rock ~00 I S I t "" t:< C Dloc<~vorr 100 Ill IS II H Hor-Mia bOOO 17 M 17 +

.• J' u 11 It C Foo u Jl3 Ill llO Huau uoo ll 17\\ ll\1 + It :l'• 11111 •I I t'O Arrow 1000 21 20 21 - It Hndwar 12WO tl 1<1 1 -3

:· ,, ,,, 141 I~ 10 ' C Guarana !.100 1 ICI'I + \\ I Heath 300 11 IS II 1 1 II• :l C Halll~·oll IIllO ll II I -l · lhva ::lOG I 7\\ 711 - II

, 1:•"• o•, n>< - \4 , Con ·Hawoy 100 31! 31! 31.1 + 0 I Hclllnur W Ul\l :Ill\ 111'11 1 . "' ,. ~ + II Can M 8 l HI'! ~~~ Ill> - t,\ llc)'lo 100 l60 ~~ liD + l

1-., 1"• :l'• !111- I> 1 C Maohtr 1.10 13 ll I Hud Boy 110 11il4 7111 7111 - V• ., :• :~ ~ I Coo Ntl\lo IUD 2Q 11 li -1 I!Uih-l'am 1100 li\'11 2i 21 -1 ,, :"' :•1 114 I C North! on• 1~10 11 ll 13 -! lnd Lake ~. l3 1211 U

"' ,., : •. " 1115 'I c lll'd Pop zm I 11 11 ·~ lnoplullon 200 71. 7J 73 +I ·' • I c llucrL u;~J l3l 13<1 m -1 lnL Nl•kol 1110 1100\l 101'• \o - v. .,, '·' :lt{l tiO 1 1 con Sud 'sn :JU 1.\0 4.\ lnt Ran !3D 3 3ll 3D -3

·~ A , C Tul!liiL 731! 3 21 30 +2 lrioh Cop 2211 12 137 liD -~ ~, · J'l ::•, 3'i - 1.\ Conwell\ 4~5 1500 ~7.\ 8Dt'l -+ 2l Iron Ba)' l..liJ 310 l6Q 3.&0 +3

• • ,. • tJ -\ cop Corp 10:!0 II II 11 1 J Wollo 6112 31 1 31 t 1 1; :ru, !l'' - '' 1 Ccpcrrlll ~400 4 4 4 +.5 Jacobull 367l 115 11 4

1 1111 rop,.nd 7!ll U1l 3U 3 ·n + ll Jolllcoe :1.3100 __ \2 10 2D I ; I Caul•• BJIOO 61 82 112 Jaburko ~ 1 1

... <ll, ,,, Cou~~ 'l:)r) U !2 12 oHet ilOO U 4 4.3

01 II + 1,,. Cap-Mon 1!00 21 ~!'I 11\\ -11;' Joyo mpl 1.100 "r.l 17 II -

1·, 1: " 3 -I C'ro\nor 11!1:!0 \1 II 1~\\ - ll Jan1mltl\ 1000 111'1 18 11 -l ' ~·' 7J 1 t:: Cro"'pat 13")0(1 1tl %8 1'1 + 11 Jcwny 15267 n T. H

;., ll ·I Cuoco WOO 0 19 II Krnvlllo 27000 13 12 ll\1 II 1: ,., lt -2 n:u·rlna ·~ 1! 2! 1~ K•:r Add 2.30 11~~ 15\1 l~"-' .1.1 ll2 -3 Oolno ~ 3 I 13 +1 K\lombl 100 :10 0 220 -~

,. ,, 1 l n·Muan 3~:o u•; ~~ ,a -I Kilen> ~1o o · 13 11 11 -4 \· Ill -2 0. Cnur 100 4! II 14 -l Klrk Hud 31110 II 17 IT - II

!:1 2.'0 l D• Cnur wto 1211 II I 1 Klrk Min 1200 101 00 0 -r. I n·r.:rtono ll:\1 II 14 4 II Kirk Town 20 18 ll ! -.1

. . ', !~' :ut -I Doln'lo • N! 00 10 1 -1 I..Dbradcr 1!.1 $111 ll\1 11\1 - !1 I II -1 n:1dtm !In I~ ll II -1 Loko Cln llO 1:13 1:'2 1:13 + 1

" 1r. Nl ll<lm• :10 $'31\ 3 3\0 + Vo Lako Lln& 00 1 l I l .• '1

•h '~ \ 11.1 ,,

: l \ ~~1

0 '

11'> • II llono'~a 6"00 13 20 :II + L o,u 100 111'1 1111 16\~ M .S • lluv.n 5700 13 10 ~~·; -11 L Shoro 50 110 llO flO -10 !00 -1 ' Eaol Mol 1:00 l!i 111 Ill +I !AIIch ll.l 71 11 79 -1

! • ''' ' E&H ~ull l ''I 113 Ill ;l !Anccurl lliiO l1 lOll lOll 11•; <I Mrl llD" 31 ~ !0 L L Loc 170 ~~ 24! :13!

11 E~ ~\ Min '\'".'" ~,. ,,". 3,., Lomua lN4 1~ !~ .a'-' . ~. , n•1 r,, Ed 1 ~r 100 :!0 30 :a Lor:~. do le6a<l 153 147 1!1 4

o- ·, Q'IJ '~ -25 F.'~· 'rh ,.... ,.1 ,, "'3 -1 Lorado W11 5el0 1~ no 2:1 t ~ ) I El Pt,·llo)' 4100 11 11 !1 -1 Louvlrt 000 17 T 7 \H

:l -1 f.l ~,1 11'"' 'I 'I '' . L)'ndhll lllD l ~~~ ~~~ -I> ;., ~·, - 1> Eurt~l lOlli~ ll 7! II +11 L)'n> 10000 lO 1 1

~A ll .. 2 : J':'<nl -'\\ f\1 :'In _,, 3 Macdon 155 5 I 5 -J , " li Fn.ltCIT1 1W 13,1'11 H 1 1r. !.~I.AJ -1 ~acf!e 3SO 12 12 2

'' ''

~ 1 1-'a:-,da)' l"I~A -~,n 21~ 2·n .q ~b.d.eod 21::10 20 IU 117 1 ~"-\ r~-, "'"' 7J~, 170 180 53 + 2 ~bt11en 600 17.5 70 70 -s

., 1! Fr<l K\r~ lr'IJ I l! ll· -l MOKnol :100 1\\ I I "'l ~ ~ -! Flo C'>n 31 1!70; 6!.1 1!70 -10 Monon! lJ 1:100 I :U 11 - II.

' • \1 Fronroour m 12 '!'• 1111 .... MorillO !02.1 1.1 17 37 I l l Frchllt,,.r , '111\ ':'!1!, 2"1, 2"''1 Marcoft ~00 u 111~ 1 +

·' 71 Froh ~•bo o •~o 10 10 Mortllmo 1.!00 11 113 171 · 1 Ill· •! <l>'•~·ln 1.1'' l 2 21 + 1'1 Morlln llOO I 1'1 1111 -I> I ~-' ]j~ Galk!!'no 1.'~\11 11 12 12 -3 Mil)''brun 1966 ~ 55 s.5 -2 : : • liD nrra M'n., so II ! 11 "• "- II Me1nmo :u 171\\ 71\\ 7111 - 14 1 c·o 05 -1 r. .. !rl•n 61l'l 9<l 110 9<l -1 Mcl>on 1100 ll :II 21 , ''' G'ant VI! 7011 1110· 113 Ill MeMar 1000 11 1311 1!11 -111

·:~ '• f.:J :n -I ntonn U :"10 14 ll ll - Mc\Vol 000 31 l9 31 + 1 4 4 • tl":~'~ ....... , ·~n 12 12 1 Montor 1100 , 11 13 H .;.

.,, o 12 Gal4 F.oJlo ~ 10 II\ 10 + MorrlU 120l 1110 111 1110 11 1"11 Jon '. I nn'c1 :\1"" '1,n 13'\ 1:\~ I~' Mldrim 2350 ~ 50 6-4 +S

9l I -• Guh llou•o ~0 I ~! 1 1 l! Mllllkon 17110 !U 20l liD ' ' 305 • I · Grob llouoq lOO 16 1!\\ II Min Carp &1.1 IIIII 11\1 18¥• - ~ H ·U M • , ~ol 13 -1 Grandinoo 7:00 1ll 19 11 +1 In En. - til :zs :u -

I \\\\\\\ t\\\\\~\t\%


Min-Oro Ma"l Mllltl·M Nama Cr Not Expl Nealon Noll a Ne1 Lab New Al.-rr Srow Ath !\'ew B~ri Sew Cal :\'ew Deihl N D lckon N Fortune N Gald>uo N Geld,,, N Harrt N IIIJh Sew Juon ~· Ktlort Newlund N :\hn N Mlndo N M~\omo Newnor St~w Rouyn N Senator New Ta



1 ~ ' • ~ ~· • 'I -+ ! ~

37o.;,OO ~0 ~~ ~ ::: I !000 60 !I I -2 ~ 11 ll " 2

.!&lOO 11 11\1 14\\ -111 ~(i() ~J 23 2J + ;.~

!000 1! 70 70 -! 120 " 13 !3\; - \1

350,! ~~ 47 I& l !000 + ill 9\1 il'a +II 110037 37 37

Jl!aO !9 ll 13 !Oil liD 110 uo

I 00 II 11\1 'IV.-111 oo 111 ~~> 111m

100 1!11 1111 1!\1 + II lOOO :Ill :!' ll

3700 211 ~ I 3000 II I! 11

11110 ll 1111 '14'1 -1100 10 :17 37 -1

000 lXI • g Ill 17 ll {1 ... 1 100 1~\\ 12 12 1000 10 I i -\1 ,

3000 l9"a II II - I'J I !50 711 7\\ 1\\

000 23 23 23 · +I

. ~' .: '''"' Sorlartlc Sormrtal Norpax Norl)·nc Nor Inca N Rank Nrtnsp Nortn Can Norv:ll\1 Nudul Oha1k11 O'Br1tn ornma O'u Rara O'Lc:ar)l Opem Orf'!M:ldl 01hil:o Pac E11l Pamour Param1q Parbec J'arl1u Pater Payma~t Perron P1ck Crow Pioneer

rom a

:;·.3 s ,=:. ~u so - ~-ooo sv. m s11 ~s1 m m m

10300 \It l:U 1211 -1-!~1 Ml 50 ~· 3() &II 11'1 .,,.,

114.! 127 121 177 ... 19'17 100 713 78~ -1 1100 11<> 11<> 1eo

:oo :n l 2 -1 o :H'.I ~11 !41'. - +'

1000 a•.; m ·~ IONI ~ !I !I +I 1.100 liV. 10\\ 11 '- II

iQO 10 ~ :M ll ~ !.5 :tl

l\?0 Ill 1011 11 !1100 !! 31 3 -

2000 2!1 :IIIII II sooo g 1 •-on !'lO ~~ 4! ~

1000 91'1 1\\ 11'1 l!OO I m TI'J 1.!00 17 1M II -1 lllO 10 60 60 -1 :130 Jill 11\\ 1111

111!03 !l 1:1 '5 + 1 1110 llj) 11 I -S

\100 10 130 1!

1'.\l:,\·Ura Placrr PCJ1' l\OU Pr Bartl Frnton Pronto ...-1.1 Jlr"OI Air PUrd.ex. Quo Chlb Quo Cop Quo Lib Qui L!th Qu1 Man Q Melli! Qwataa QuomcJJI Radiore Rolllnllo Rife E Jloyrock Raupu Ilia Rup Roth• Rock. \loin Rowar. Con• Ryan or St M.J.chul lan Ant

Watch the trucks.roll by next time you're out. You'll see plenty of. GMC Money-Makers, in every size, doing almolit every truck· inl1 job you ~n think of. Lots of new ones to admire and SOil,l.8

that ate getting on in years now-but that's proof that these trucks can really take it; mile after money-saving mile. And the really big point about the world's. widest ran~te of trucks is that GMC's are almost custom-designed for the job you have~ mind. •


Ask about engines. , • 6's, VS's and a complete range of diesels. Ask about transmissions, rear axles. You'll find, that, whatever you mention, GMC offers a larger and better choic~ l So see your GMC dealer • , • soon!

&tl MJ.ler SU Stand SliCD41 Slocan VR Stdcona St:anrck Starralt Stuloy illtep ll Slurj:eon Sud Cont Sulllun S)'IDanlt.l 1andem aun:anla eck·H em11 ThomL Tiara TombW orbit OW II 1Jlt...Shnr · ~ E1tella Ua Kino Upp Can Vandoo Ven!Urfl VIeD Vlolam Walt Am Werner W Malar Wl\lroy w::1 wu Winch W1odard Wooda:rn Yale Lead \'ellortx Yk Be1r Yukeno bnrnac Zulapa


16l.l 13 ll !.1 -'l lSOIIl4

25l>l 71 7 7l tl 1000 u 12 12 6Sro ~ II lS tl

ll15.1 460 140 460 t D iOQ., \12 11 1\IIJ

10001 II 6~ Ill\\ l»'o\ ll l'o

81! ~ 3l;; Jl I 1000 ll\1 lll> 1311 - II 100 345 3-W 3A 0

:UOO '-'! II HI +~ 7110 11\1 II II :10)0 13 11 11 -I600 72 l7l 172 -

200 330 :ll 3.\ :.600 1 10! 112 +I 1!00 1 11 21

:me 31 31 3.1 + \0 200 38 111 36 -n

lOO ll ll ll - II ~ ~ ~1 ~ •I 11100 16 I I

""" !1.1 m 1 -1110 73 10 71 +1

6!00 II ll 11 10)0 134\1 :14\\ 3\t,\ + ~

:96000 :1!1 211 'II - \1 \10() 115 170 174 -1 ~ Ill •

lOOO 2l 11411 2l + 4.100 11 11 11

1100 m 11 7 300 ~ \110 'I

:100 9 I I lOOO llll ll ll - II 21100 U 101 101 -1 ~ 30 10 l -t:l l00l11Ul

\100 110 Ul liD 10001 I I zoo 29 19 19 - II 170 113 Ill! ll

Gupo Cop dl UJ :cV. :u Pota 10 195 m n~ 10 Pend Ort &00 281 215 27! -!0

lllO 911 i 111 + 11 Yukon Con :1000 ll\ lll ll + l ~ •;r~ ii-Aa ;~~ _, Acme G.. 1ooa

01~a5 11 11 -1 ooo 71'> 711 7lol{- II Ala l!OO 70 61 70 -

700 1110 71 79 .._ I AP Cono l':J lZ\1 l3 11\1 + 11 lO Am Ltdue 600 .n u .u -1

t~ 76ol 7!0 l&l + 1 AI!Chor lOO H ll H + l II! m ;l ll BaUoy I A 400 m~ m HI + 1\ I

900 1:1 l:tl l2l I Bon!! -os -• 715 11' 1 ~ 14 11 11 - \0 Ca\ollo ~ •• ' ~ J 00 1!8 • 133 136 -1100 14 l3 40 Cal E4 :110 f7!1 27V. 711> - 1\

~00016 , IIJ10 18

211 _ 11 ·•l Ca\von Con 100 '-'10 m l!D •• I c 011 Ldo soo m :no 37 l! m m 110 c on L wto 10 211 2111 26

100 63 61 ll _, cs 011 wll 63<15 :u :>SO 10 -10 110 203 • 200 :tl C.S PolO ~~ 710 7ll 710 +10

lO :1 20 0 Cdn All Oil llO 610 \IJ \IJ -l I .l!lt 1m ll'o\ + II C Br Emp 152 70 Ill 1511 ~1

10000· 135 13 IS -3 C Cblo!laln 1200 140 Ill l3l -~ !00 70 70 70 -l c Colllor1r, 300 15\1 l\1 lll

5 9 Pt7 tl7 -2 C Ococa •1• 3900 148 140 147 -1 1!0 L!l 110 1.13 -1 Cdn O.v 12m 11! 15 710 lO

!900 61 116 61 +1 C Ex Gu 200 ~o 645 130 +l %.500 1~ 15 l + C !Iusky 36 117!> 1711 1711 22-800 3.1 30 3l I> II Cdn PL 77!1 288 231 2M

758~0 ~ 29 11, l3 5 1 Can1duu ~40 70 70 70 l»J 10\1 !D\1 10\1 I Caruo Not lll 190 l\10 1110

5<1 12 II 1: - It I Conoo 011 1331 .130 JO 32 +1 1~ :U l l -2 I Coot F."l'l 10 39'\ 3" 39\

< SO 10 SO Nick lllm 100 m :rr :rr -5

.... ' . .

Make it I

pay ••• with a

Blue-Chip Mo~ey-Ma~er


, .

• '

Cnt L•d J.:.&l ~ m '93 Charter OU 71'il ~ 2:11 »l +I Com-o 42CrO •1 11 ll -1 C Al~enbte ;nl.O 13 13 1l C D"l'" 1:;.oo 6 H II C M,c Mar l"'l -110 4t1 lll I Con l'ro~ 500<1. IQII 1011 It,\ + 111 c ~-.. t Polo ;0;10 Ill 11 11 Hi Cree Oil :100 iTO fTD fTO Cree "to 0:10 :Ill \Ill 25.1 +I Dome ElPI 1100 IIJ\0 lllO in6 t ~ Dl.lvex UOO ! Forltl 11111 Ill 110 - H Gcn Ptlo 100 S\110 DO 1130 +I Or 6w G 1110 lJI ll 1tl -Hl&h Crut 21100 lll • • -1 Hl&hwood \1000 S1 n II Homo OU · A :au Ill" 17 1m + Home OU B 1TJI 111\0 lMO 11' + 14 Jupl!or 110 :zLI . SO :ID -& Kn>r 011 JOOO t to t Lib Pole • \1111 I I' -Ll Prta 1100 11 .It 1& - II Mallra111 10500 711\t 141 tiJ · M• rtrald 11100 1 lll lll Mt4al !Delo 3110 m 'ITI Mer Polo lll Sl~ 1~ I~ Mldcon :170 II & I - -\Ut Mldc011 1700 111 Ill 1lJ -Mill OIY 'IL)O l\1 • l\1 -1 N BrUtol 700 70 II II N B Dom 2200 t 11 11 N Chamb 110 110 Jll • 1 N Coni +1100 II • • N Ou EJ[]>I\10 1111 Ul 111 -1 • Nortllco1 7SO 10 110 ID -1 NC Olio 11100 .1Z1 Ill II +ll NCO WI 100 D II M -1 NCO pr d tJffi\t 'lt"MI!II lrll Northld 100 II II II 011 Sleet 13300 ll 1m lJ -l Po< Ptt. 1'67 IIIII 1N Ill Pon Weot 7b00 46 . & & +l Pueo lllvor 710 $1!~ 11141 1111 - II Ponna pr 1600 :!» 1D \1111 I Poruv 0\lo 110 Ill! l\01 Ill -t Polnl1 1\0 l 1. 1 • PI\Jlllpo &Ia Ul Ill lll +I Pan!lor 11100 110 ID e + Provo 011 4W :MI :Ill MO :..1 R .. r 'l:xpl 11100 11 mil 11 - It Rlchwll d Ill 11 Ill -1 RoroUta 110 11~ 11141 11111 + • Jloyal\la pr 10 PI • l\1 Sapphira 1!00 IU . Ul 1.. • Sopph ~•bo 0 rro 711 711 -1 Scum 1- 2Pl • ., Stcur ,.,_ UOO 6111 II e +II Tn CAl 1000 10 II e -1 Tnno Caa Ill }lit 11J 11J -1 Trtod 011 l~ Til! TrO Tnt -• Un Olio to110 m :Ill 1D'1 +f VI!Jcon ZlSO ~ II II tll Wespoe ~ 11 1% n W MoyJI\U 1000 I' US 21 W DecaiLa ZUt 1T II ftl -1 W O.e on, t1100 to 11 11 W lAo.. :1110 10 100 I -1 W Noeo J:111M \IS 110 - +" v •• c.. 1.100 lJ Ill ll l

Carb Dl!houolo J.lOO l\1 • II +l

Mont NS Comm Imp Jlcyol Tot·Dom


MO~mi .... +" 11 ua " N .., - f"IIIJ _,

llD IIIII 46 II 46 II 71XI .. 1111 • +1 rn m 11 n11 11111



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Page 10: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster


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~~H~E~DA~I~LY~~~S-A~T~UR~D~AY~·~M~AR~CH~. ~10~----~~--~------------------~--~------------~--------~~~~~------~~--::.:_:::::::=~~~:-===~~------~~~~~~ec_~~~:!.~~ ~ -_ T~iji~~ -.. ~ __ ··. Jil~~~~~:::.. I--~~-~~~~~ ~:~~~:~~-


-------~---uo sa,a o~t-CIC Nen US-TOJ If UllllenUDJ. I.~IWI aacf Weat1111. 1.15-llualea.l Clock. I.C»-IIorulq DtvoUona. 1.11-Prornm Prrriew. UD lou._ of tilt Bonllr. I~Tv~ Thll WHk.

lO.OG-J&allul Mmhpaa&. 10.16---CBC News. &.Ud lrllllle oa a Mellhow Nile. 11.DG-JatrodueUoa to t 1

OrcbUtri. 'U.»-.J1111lor f'arla. lUll lllerld, R eart PrOif'IIS. U.C»-ADIIOUactr'l Cholet. l%.30-MIIIICII Protn m, ·\1.45-&11 Divll Shew. - 1.110-Doyle B11UeUa.

L 1.30-CBC New• 1Dd Weatllu. U5-Jillliult. 1.110--Btllllp Club. 1.1&-Soullda Fun Club. Ul-Off tht 1\tcord. 2.U-!lll•lcal Proanmme.

• J.OG-"'orld Cnureh New1. . 3.1~Sptaktl'l Choice.

UO-lluliul Matinee. UO-Hulltbn Hour. 4.30-CBC Nll\'1, 4.35- -Grand ''all! Pmenll. 5.00-Musltal ProRram. 3.30-Chlldrrn '1 lill'ln&• Pr!)o

anm. 11.00-1 ntemmo.

. 11.2~Prorram Preview 11.30--Supper Guest 8.43-Mwlcal Pro&nm 7.00-l'BC New1 and Weathll 7.1.\-~fid. Sporu Roul'lllup. 7 3~Hymn• of Pralu. U:I-Doyle Bulletin r.1~ This !1 m~· Story. 8.30--Hall!ax Theatre. U~Rovlna Reporter. I.~Pralrle Sehooner.


MONDAY It'• pe..feetlr 1

delitl.tlul ... and dellt'htlully

pe.feet! ~ ~., ' .,


I Travel Talk

ACIO!I 1 South

AmtriUI COWl Icy

B Tropical fruit, 1 Mflhlcal bird 1~ Anbl.anl\ll! 11 !kill\ 14 0l'ltlk letter 15 PtrfDITIIIIICI nHole 11Comt In 18 Vllftezut!an

DOWloJ' l Pte! . % Paradi.!e ~Hire 4 Baneath & Fortune I Dlaltc-ta 7 Anchor I -PYlt 1 \Vrlttu 21 Wipe out

10 Of the tar 30 Gnel!c 11 Roman orator 31 Encounter· 18 LaundrY · ~S Memoranda

47 Worthlm (Blb.)

48 Town In Oklahoma river · ·

21 Tr•~•1 23 Of&an o!


l!lllchlnt 35 Un!old :o Artle.IJ · 40 Abate 22 Great artel'll# 43 Stage 1\'hl!per

~o Halt ~!Indian wel1ht 5~ War 10d o!

It Dlltant ~4 Front 4~ Denomlna• Greece

~~Educational group (ab.) 27 Smell!nl


2Umltatd tiona ZB 1nhabllantJ 46 Pull

21 Entry 1.11 a led&er

12 Kltchan tool 34 Cll)' In

Mt.wchuatlll 38 Vacation IPDt 17 Opposed II Rll'!:e 81 In addition 41 Plaee •~ Roman

coddeu HLampr~·· 48Attl:ll u Heanll

IOddtn 83 Optntti! U Facto!')' ·

worker BIDHd

&1 rood reclmt 88 Enameled

mt!tl Utxlattd 80Ftm!nlnt

: appellation · 11 Heal Ill nmll I

I I" p Ill



[l'l J1' Ia>



!» I'"

!"' lfl




IIATUIIDAY, MARCH Zl 11.00-!llon\e Crhtu. UG-Weatera. Ut-Lih La Worth Lhlal, UI-Oh Suuauh. Ut-IIICIIUOI. UG-RoUday llaach. 1~81-Perry Como. Ut-Dll!leylaa4,




:·-:;/, ~~-

te.M-Tt be untuned, lUI-To k aanouaced. 1U6-Greaten Sporlt 'Ihrllla. 11.10-Newa. 11.18-JuUelte. 11.30-Lale Show,

St:XDU, MUC'R U 1 lUG-Colllllry l'alendar.



~:~ po

1"1 J7


li . I" j1 ~ jill

IB ~'~· r

_, I;, II' zo Zl. -~~~~ !II


JlD :;:,?~ !1' 110

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~}i II.. I" ijll &;, 'il E.'-/-' ~/.? ~


I'J ~/, "' ~ j5l /f.·,




1.30-Fisllllnl Word~. Z.OO-Thla I• the Life. %.30-Penpectlve. s.oo-clllua'a Forum, I.SG-Bloadle. 4.M-You art Tllere. i ,,3t.-Liule. Uh-Ne~u Malulne. 11.38-My Hero,





8.05--Burna l AUea, UG-Father .lno'n Beat. UG-Pecembtr Bride. '7.38-Rltchle Thea\re of Stara. I.DG-Ed 8ulllnn Show.

i UG-AU Slu Tbeatre.

I UG-Show\lme. lUG-TV Theatre •.

: lUe-Jualor Matnlne.

II t.30- B BC Tr an serlpt!e-n-. ----11.-liO--_T_o_r_on_t_o _S_y_m-ph_o_n_y -P-op•,

8.~11--L'BC Newa. 7.30-Mrlod!u and Memoriu.

11.&0-Tht l.ate !lbo".

1 10.00-lmperial E110 Hock•1· 8.00-CBC New1. 11.30--0rgan Music. B.O~Reslonal· Wulhu.

· \2.00-CBL' f\a!lonal New• 11.15--ln Reply. , Sl'!'\D.\\', MAIICB U 8.30--UN 011 the Record.

I U5-~!Plorlles !or Meditttloll. U~Re1loael Wtatiler. MO-Rcglonal Weather. U~Nott1 a11d Com111ent.

:o:o c •• ,.,, .•• ,

f '"i~ng legs I Ot ••• -sc:o...:


- IDlY lltl£ ·lllfiMA lllJ .. - ~ •11111111*'""' ...........



Last Time Today "HAJJI . BABA''

U~Proiram Summm. t.OO-Liltlt Sympholill. 9.1.5-~laslc 1.1usle Bal. UO-CBC Stase. 11.30-CBC Ne\1'1, IO.SG-Nnd. Ptol!'&mmt frDm Lon i U~Po1t Mark U It don.

\D.3G-Neighbourly N•n lM~Muaical Prouam. 10.45-Marltlme Gardener. 11.00-Concert · o.l FavDurltu 11.00-Two Winutt Sllenct. 11.00-Gower Street United

Church. . . 12.18-Proaram Hl&hllght• . 1.18-Recltal by Peter Browne. UG-BBC Ntwl. U8-Suad., Ml1ceUaay. 1.1»-The Concerto." I.~Harmony HarboUI. 1.29-DomllliOII Tlmt SlrnaL 1.30-Folk Son1• lor Youn1 2.45-Meet Your Wntherman. li.OO-ln Hh Service. 3.30--CBC New1. 3.33-Capltot Report. '-00-Re!lgloul Period. 4.30-Toronto Symphony Popa. 11.30-Canadlan Scenn. 11.00-Crlllcally Spuldnl.


8.30-Bob Lewla Show. 11.31-N!ld. Newt. 5.38-Weather. 8.45-Fhherman'• News and ron.

cut. 7.00-Nnd. New• and Sparta. 7.0:1--Local Weather. 7.1~anadlan New• and Sport& 7.30-Round the World New1. 7.3~Complete Weather Round-

up. 7.4~Good Newa. 8.00-Nfid. Newa. S.O~Weather. 8.~0-Shlpplne Report. 8 2~Kiddlu Corner. 8.30-Nlld. Newa and WPather. 8.4:1--Mornlna Merr~·Go·Round, 9.00-l'rol'inclal New1, 9.0:1--Juke Bor Revle1•. 9,30--Nell'l In a Minute. 9.31-Juke Box Review. 9,65--Doctor Mac.

, 10,00-News In A Minute. 10.00-!'l'ews, ~artln'• Corner.

~ IO.I~The Homelnwners.

NOW' PLAYING_ 1 10.30-!'l'ewJ, We.•tern Hit Parade

11.30-NIWI Ia I Minute. 8.00-Radio Bible Class. ,lu onday 11.31-Top Twent~ Tune.~. 8·30-0rol Robert.!l. · ·

1.0{ -Locat and National' Head· 9.00-The Peoples Gospel RoUI. line Newa. - 9.30-Frank & Ernest.

• I



. "Wo:ln:S:S--;1118 . l.05-Weather roreca~t: 9.45--Showeu of Bleulnga.

1.33-Edltorlai Comment. iri:OO-o:>-~~:·ald, Old Story

FRED ASTAIRE IN TAYLOR IN "GIANT''' 0.\" "DADDY LONG LEGS'' Alter more than three yean i.n A ~hocking;; of

'--- . production, the George Ste~ens pens to women in , UO-Sportl Rel'lew. 1.4~Art Baker's Notebook. 10.31J- Laymcn'a Hour. ~londay marks the eager!) awatt· Jilmization of "Giant" is now play· wi~hout men-is lu!d


ed ,"Daddy Long Legs" at the Corn· I' ing at the Paramount Theatre .. fymg effect in Columb.'ill 2.00-News, Bob l..eWll Sllow, 11.00-Rcvival Echoea. · ,,00-Prov!nclal News. 11.30-Th!s !s My Stury. wall Theatre. Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson , "Women's Prison,, 11

4.05-Caslno. 12.00-B!ble Talks. Fred Astalre and Lesl~e Caron and James Dean star. , i ~Ianda>· at the Sl~ appear together for the first time I F!lined on an epic 1cale · com· I ' · 1 ,,30-New• In A Minute. 12.80-News, in l~e 20th Century·Fox musical mensurate with the nol'el's locale, m PJoduced b)' Bryan U1-t!ncle B!ll Show. 12.3~Canada at Work. verswn o! a long·beloved story I the vast empire o! Texas "Giant" a e .such mut:~n pict~re MO-Newl, Record Shop 1.00--Sporta Review

~.30-r.:ews In a Minute. l.l~Your Sunday Serenade. classic which has been modern·~· . 1' · 1 sensatiOM as "Can ran . ~.31-The Record Shop. 1.80-Newa.

. d 1• t Including 1s more than a regtona story o catraz" anol .. 8 h' Cit) (Ze n every respec • Texas and Its people • it is rl'- • 1 .. · e. In~ the production !n CinemaScope and the I po~tedly essentially '~ ·stirring. 1 l•o som, lhe n~w l'olumbll handsome hues o! colour ~y De I. chronicle n! three decades of ca;ts a searchmg li~ht

6.00-News and Weather. 1.4~How Christian Science 6.0~Bulletln Board. ~. Heals

Luxe.- . . . emotiOnal prol1lc:cs with' 6.10--Nation•l Newa. 2,00-Rotary. No less 1te!lar ligures than 'Amencan f~mtly hf~ and the ~ro· lion·~ pen:tcntia1i1,,, '' 5.1:1--Sporl! Paratlr. 2.30--M~slc Unlimited. 6.211--Provlnelal New1. 4.00-LIItheruc Hour. T , 1 d Th lma Ritter co- found hurr.on emotwn.< g~oer.ted from until t'1e . , erry .• oore an e 1 1 th bl l our chang . · lllterr.JI 1

h St l II UO-JGuelt Artlel 6.30--Jlm Arne~ e- ory e er. 5.00--The Eternal Light. stnr with the veteran dancemaster ?U 9 e pro ems 0 · burlrl up in:u llar;,in·•

, Astaire and the dark, petite, ~~· rng. t·~~~. . . . . bl:rling _ne1· .. •paper 1

' ,

8.411--Green Gold. ~.30-E~hoes 11 Eventide 7.00--Newa. 5 QO....NeWI.

'chanling )'OUng favourite, Leshe (,elllge St~lens. llho cj!re~t.Prll Bo~sl!ng r.n all,t_r

7.01-Frank Parker Show. 6.10--Rotary Spotlight. 7.15--Eddy Arnold s:ww 6.1:1--Ave Maru Hour.

Caron. Astalre Js ca5t as the mil· · lh". ftlm. and pr~1 dueed It •' tth men's Pris11n'' _,:m ld, Iionaire· who befriend~ an orphan·, Henry Gtnsberg, rs responslbiP tor ,Jon Stcrlin::. _I' I~ 1 •; 011


~·rench girl but 'Cn lhe condition !Urn ~cr~en masterp1rce~. as. Totter. l'h) l:b Th·:·t .. sbe never k~ow the Identity of her, ::sh',r•e." ,".4. Pl~ce. !,n The .. s'.ln.' , ll'ilfd Dufl. J~ 1 .,, 1.~;i~~ ,, '7.30-Newa. 6.411--~ews.

7.411--Rlght to Happlneu. 7.00--r~hurch Service. 8.00--Ncwl 8 00-Th G . E 8,01-Gun Smoke. ' e reat scape.

benefactor. The disparity of their 1 Talr. O! The ,T011 n and I lk 1

the nrurut~r 'li;Jrt· , -

'ages would 1etm to preclude ro·, me.mher ~lama. 1 \\omen·, •rct:rr 11 of , ' T .,. 8.30-Muslc.

8.30-News, Top en 1 unel. 9.00-Moments ~r PeriL ; mantic involvement, but don't bet\ "Gi~nt" has bceomc onr nf thr tent•ary 11 h:ri1 hnJ'rs . on it-especially if you remember. most Pl~erlv a•.l'aited mut'nn pic and 1\r:,ncn -•rp r•ttl] 1nl,

, "Daddy Long Legs" as a nnl'el turr, ertr ·10 be produced. Th" ~nll!lr1=>1 1· 1::: l1 ''-oil r;,1 ·

I r 1912), l play r 1914), and the cxcitrmenl that began with \l'~r- rly ~I tiH' 111 " 11' 'no frqJe

9.01-Let's Sing a H)·mn. !l.30-Til!s is the Story. 8.111--Salv~tion Army. 9.4:1--News 9.411--Doseo News. , 10.00--Theatre Royal.

10.01-Shi!lelagh Showtlme. 10.30-Bob Hope. I origmal frlm versmns. rn 1919 'ner Bros.' announcement that ·~ rlu,p til '"'d '0! •a :(silent) Rnd 1931 (talktc) .. Who, Ge~r"P Ste,·ens was to fiim the each othc·r. lr·a:,, t•1 l~c I can forget the last, with Warner 1 Edna" ferber best-sellin~ novrl ~mu:~tu.r~ or • rnan 1:

10.30--Barn Dance, New1. I l" OO-"" , H 1 10.411--Newa. ~. .-ewL ousepar y, 1 1.00-Sportsca~t. 2.00--Queen .and Si~n Of!.

SUNDAY, ~lARCH 24 ! 11.111--Club 590, and Newa. Baxter and ,Janet Gaynor? Th~ con· I gained in ever Increasing mumtn- me~ 5 ~>r'c, """ t:,. e>l cept of do!,ng an up·to-date musical tum as the months of production of .n tn:.rnl~"" "1~,, ne>t 8.30-Breaklast Var!clies, Nen : 1.00-Closedown. l'ersion of the work Ia In the ume slowly became yean. j . I~ her dm e to _retai~ 8,00-Chlldren'l Story Hour.

8.30-Newa. B.lta-Breakfast Time Vumtta 8.411--Salval!on Army. D.OO-Newa. 9.01-Volce of Prophecy. 9.30-Sun day School o! the AJJ

10.00-New•. 10.01-Famlly Bible Hour. 10.30-Party Line. lO.,~Muslcal Show. 11.00-Newa. 11.01-Chapel for Shut·ln1. \2.00--Newa. 12.Dl-Melodlously Yours. 12.30--World News Summitry, 12,4:1--Spotllght on a Star. 1.00--Newa. 1.01-Longine'a Symphonette. 1.30--News Roundup. 1.411--Soogl of the Sea. 2.00-NeWI, 2.01-Beat from Britain, 2.30-~lullcal Showcau, Nen ,,31-B!lly Graham. 5.00-Newl, Wayne Klns Show. !1.31-Guy Lombardo. 11.00--Provlnclal Summary .. 6.1~Newsreel. 6.30-L!h with the I.~·onl, 7.01-~lr. District 'Attorney. 7.30-~fld. New& Review. 7.4:1--Parliamenl Hill,


10.00-Tell us a Story. 10.1~Story Time. 10.30-0rgan Music. 10.4:1--BBC Choral Society. 11.00-St. Thomu Anglican

Church. 12.1~-Mus!cal Moments. 12,30-News Calendar. 1.00-C!ose Down. Weather Fore·

cast. MO-Rad!o Kids Bible Clm. ~.30-Radlo Edltlnn of the Bible. 5.4~Great Ad1·enture. 6.00-~!uslcal Moment.. ' 6.30-Your Favourite Hymns. 7.00-Re!lgious Service from

Wesley United Church. 8.1~Hospltal and Other Reportl.

tradition of many Broadway sta~:e . drs.trc poi\N, l!i<\ . successes-"Oklahoma!" which Wll !lome of the screen's mnst U· ~oes to 11ork on a tnr derived from "Green Grow the . citing stars will be seen in "Giant." playerl hy lli<• Tlm•.•r. Lilacs.'' and "Carousel," from I Elizabeth Taylor, oft·spcken as the soon rn a _'tat'_' ~I !hock "Llliom.'' for example. most beautiful woman in the II'Orld 1 brulal ond un[reling

Taking a rtory memorable for plays the lead role of Leslie Bene 1 \1 arned h1 rr»••n D .. iu charm!nl! romance, warmth and diet. Rocli ~Judson. the popular' that tile ml 1• 1n a h;c wit, adding the production gran· actor who won acclaim In "The, Lup1no _nrlerthe!r•s , deur of ClnemaScope and colour, Magni!lcent Obstsslon," portrays · unrelenltng hrrur.r!ing o! a caat of truly great performers Miss Taylor's husband, Bick. HE is !ortu1~ate won"" un:1! !h! ·

and tha wiurdry of integrated the ruler of a vast empire of land, d~ath s door. \\hen 1!:11 song and dance, this new "Daddy and cattle. I k1cl<s and fotally injur!l Long Legs" emerges as one of the term woman Pl1>oner, i: . strongtst of film potentials. Early James Dean, who rose _to ~~~r- . to learn the truth abJ'Jt reports al! Indicate they are fully dam In his very first .. mollon ~IC· alley," the _g1r1', eel! real!zed in this offering produced ture, "Ea~t of Erten, lor wh1ch of 1t, and not. by Samuel G. Engel, directed by he also won an Academy . Award 1 ~ . . _ .

Jean Negulesco and written anew nomination, stars as Jett Rtnk, an 1 ~ h:s !.up inn 1' ream:~ from the Jean Webster novel by ambi!iQUS and hard working ranch.~~ 1 ~_ 1 c pn<on ~·.ermr. Phoebe and Henry Ephron. har.d who by sheer energy and de- .. er rng anc (,[o lblee.

Ten 10nga have been composed termination turns a small piece ~I not nn::;le:"'''· m frr., · fOr the film by Johnnv Mercer, pro pert-· into a fulfillment of IHs !rolets. ~~lb., T

1 ot

1trr Pl·~~

, h 1 · 1 t lth t' . A d · • ·f · h or una e ~tr ·,., 1o.-e de;tl tuneam1t . )'riC s w "0 ca ·. ~re:.m or riC es. I l! th . 1 .· . " V 0 U S emy Award 10ngs, Broadway 1hows l 0 e. -'~1'''' 11'' ~rtol;m - t j II Omen' Prl><lll ' . and many a mov1e a~d pop·song o 1

SATURDAY, MARCH 2! , his credit. There are two .elem. ents --- • '_l'rill•·_n_ fnr ~-~e .•rrm_ 6.00-Nation~-1 Anthem d-- i of dance In the f!lm-A~ta1re's own 1 \l'iliJur , nrl .t:H' llr-1\ HI ,

Sign On. an number• and some partn1erlng ~iss CapJ•tol Pr',an" "'"' rt,,,.1,,: h• B.O:I-Sundial. Caron, created ~Y Mr .• ong egs. I Soilrr ;n" '"' rcn·::c•1 h:-8.30-Newa and Weather. him~ II and Davtd Robel, oth~n- I Fay tor Collln;n:a P:u~r••

bAllets for Min Caron - chorea· •• -.- • - ,_, •••• ,., ·-

B.OD-Newa, Parade of Hits. R.OO-~ewa, Familiar Favourites. I 9.31-My Pn)•er wu Answered.

S.OO-Robert Q. Lewla. graph~d by the renowned French' ·- To· .1 --.}' 8.30--Teresa Lre.· I UU cilrectoNLar of the llallrt5 de 8.4:1--ln The Mood.

P.OO-No School Today. Paris, Roland Petit, in who.<e com· 9.~:\---Fort Laramie. I pany ~-lin Car~n danced le~t year.: "THF. KF.TTLES I :'I' THE Pranr D.4i>-Doaco New1.

10.00-London !itudio Melodlu. 10.31-Symphony of Slrin;s. 11.00-World New• Summm•. 11.1.5-Golden Sane tu~ry. 11.30-Houuparty, New1. 1.00-Queen and S!&n Off .•

VOCM 11:\Tl'RDAY, MUCH, II ----

6.30--Breakfast Club. 7.30-News. 7.5:1--News. 8.00-Breaklut Club. 8.30-Hll of the Day. 9.30-The Bll Six Prouam.

10.00--Newa. · lO.O~Keyboard Capen. 10.30--Kiddlea Proll'am. 11.00-Childl'en'• Proar•m. 11.30--Reddy'a Variety .• , 12.00-News. 12.0~Popular Mu1le. 12.30-News, 12.3~RambUn' with Records. 1.15--Sportsc ut. 1.30-Newl. U~Ramblln' with Records. 2.011--Newa. 3.00--Dollm 011 Parade. 4.00--News. 4.011-- Rainbow Ranch. ,,5:1--Newa. 5.00---~!~lody ~!an 6.00--N~w• and Weather. H.O,_,IIP10<1y Man. 6.1 ~Sportscast. 6.20-Melndy Man. 6.4~News. 7.00--Ralnbow Riddles. 7.111--Hanlc Snow.· 8.00-Top Tunes of tht Week. 9.4!'>-News.

10.00-We~ tern Hit Parade. 10.30-Hymns lor E\'eryone. 10.4,_:-;'eWI,

10.0:\---Teen Time. Alrudy rair,ln~ mom~ntum 11 a 1 07.ARKS" t'a:lrer. ":· 10.5!'>-\'0US Musical ll'orkshop. I national dar.ce craz_e h tht "Siu11- i . f,rg;,·ent· , 12.00-Hillbilly Matinee. loot" dance improm~d by Astalre I ~on11 wntn• ha'" a belief th•t the intu ~' l'' !J1r, 2.00-The Richard. 'to 1 IOnl o! Mercer's. . cHta:n melodte~ are 1n ''hat 1,1ey and p:J'-' rr. \I;_• '·t

2.30--Eddie Fisher, I .. : t~rm a "hit gro01·e." That there IS humil!ly of ,.,, c:l :oo:, 2.t~World New1. MiN Moore Ia nen a~ Asta1re! I n!!o a "hit groore" in mol'ir5 1< inllurmc ,,, 1 ··:·,,: "'''

3.00-Boxlng, : nlere and rollea• roommate of 1·mpre.1!irel\' drmonstrater! by "The - th · I• H · 1 1 • pre§~ton , r~J'.1;:~ 11~ " .: 8.30-S!ee~ N~ Mon. '1lliu C_•,ron. Mill Ritter I eut II Kettle1 in L11e .oza·,.ks.'' -new l'ni· • r I I .... m-:n. 4.00-World Newa. Astalrt a eauat e NUellf1. versa\. International comedy w- TI!Olt;f!T "_'lR THEn

•-O~What'a My Line. 1hrrlng Marjorie ~lai~ ann Arthm i Th,.e ~~~-' !,,, G:ol Ub-N.W. University RHiiW·


Hunnicutt at the Cap1tol ,Thtatre. world', <hin 1 n~ li!b lng Stand, p · This is the eighth picture ba,~d.

8.00-Newl. rayer bv U·I on the merry adventur~s' ----- ------ -8.011-Jack Benny. I' •nd misadventure~ of the prodlR-11.30-So They Say. - ious Kettle trihe !IDee the ftlm m 1!.00-Parada of Hill. Lord Juu1, U I haw bun nlf. 'which they made their first appe3r·

'6.30-Sport. Today. I~ and thoul!hl only of my own: :nee, "The E~g ar.d I," in which !!.~Final Edition. IJPirilual ill• and left othen . to' they weren't the ·main charJcters 7.l~Strange. •tumble on without Thee, !orgtve I but just about •tole thr. show. 7.33---Saturday Nishi Count.ey me, and lead me this day to those 1 All that rrallv need bt !aid

Club. that Thou art yearntne over that about ''The Ketties In the Ozarks" 11.00-TreBilii'Y Bandstand. I may Jhow them the way. is that it 11 still very rlelinit~ly in I 8.30-Mulic For Saturd11y. the groove. Judging from the gales , 9.00-Grand Ole ()pry, Opp, BcWrlBI• of laughter which greet the hrlar· ! 9.3().....Jimmy Wakely, 2.~port1 Pale. lou~ incident~ in the nrw romerl)·

10.00-World New1.' 2.~New1. as thCI' unfold on thP screen. the 10.90--Nlihl Train. ' 3.00-Studlo Sixty. public. finds ilw Kettles a! ftmny 12.00-World Newa. 4.00-World New1. today as 1\'hen they mnde 111~1~ . 12.~Fiyn& 'Til Two. 4t.O:I-Amerlcan Adventure. film bows in all th['ir z;,mness , 1.00-World News. 4.30-Conversatlon. some half do1.en yr:m. ago. 2.00-World New• and Sign Of!. 11.00-World News. A.! th~ ti!le promi>~s. ~Ia Kettle ' lh

!\.~Sunday Spurts. and her brood inl'adP the Ozarks I I!IU~'DAY, !IIARf.IJ 24

B.!ll'r--Nation.t Anthem and On.

~.1.5-Serenad~ in Blue. :n the n~w pirlure. They go ther_e I SliD 1 5.30-Face the Nation. to visit Po's brother, Sedg11 rck

6.00-Sunday Musicalr. Kettle, who Is played by Arthur!' 9.00--World New~ and Weather,: 9.0~unday Mornin11 Serenade.

'10.00-Catholic Hour. 10.30--Hehrew Hour. 11.00-Protestant Ch;pel Hour. 12.00-World News. 12.011--0pera House, 1.00-Book' RPI'iew. 1.1!'>-Boslon Symphony, 2.00-0n a Sund~y Afternoon. 2 2~Adventures in Science.

6.:l0-Sporls Toduy. , Hunnicutt, 1 welcome nel!'comer to 6.4~-Final Edition. :the •erie~. Ma, the kid~ and the 1

7.1 :\-~litrh MillPr Sholl·. I audience discover. that there is an 1 8.00-Greatrst Story Ever. Told. extremely close kinship between 8.30--Ed Sullil'an. Pa and "Uncle Sedge," Its mn!t 9.00-Sunday Playhouu. obvious manifestation beinl an al· 9.30-Sunday Session. leriY to worlc in any form.

1 10.00-World News. Of eourn this picture. likr a!!: 10.30-Hollywood Music Hall. , it. predecmors. is domin_aterl by: Th• Birth of 11 11.00-Muslc Just For You.. n f ld ~o1n .1 12.00-s!"" Of!. 1 the turty per~ona 1 y o IU • O the ·-cosion ar:

•" ·, u Ma. _ She'• in ~~~·ond~r!ul form n ~ ~=c=-------------:__=======- 1 and Jivu her lana il .•peeial trut [ Arrivals of N

r • z *-STAR~*

. by lifting her VMCI _1n ~ont and : City. : doinl a apot of danc1~1 111 an U·: cilil 11 well 11 amu•1n1 lullb!IIY ' 'Phont 3031

i ~pa~rt~y~u~q~u~en~e.;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;~

'A --· .----~----~.,~-==·==~ ::..~'"" --,,GEORG£ -TAYLoR ·' STEVENS'...,;_ •or.~


DEAN ' ~ .~~t::r.---........ ~.~~. ...



1\'EI'IlNG-ADllLTI , ••.• UI CHILDREN,,.,,,, .. M.e

MA11NIU-ADULTI ... 7k, CBILDIIN ......... Ue.











MATINEE~ADULTS ...... 5k. CBU..DREN ....... %5c.



WT TIMES TO-DAY: 2.30 p.m. & 8·45



"SCREECH" I d Monday

Box Office open ~I ay 6221. at Theatre - Phone 6(Jc

1 00 SEATS MONDAy ot .

rinc ·e Fro ng Mi 48-4

11-in yrsterd:r~· the Cr· are the Jliew Champ~ Intmollege Basketb31l. lint time that the Prin

won the honours for t rears and greRt crrdit

coach Frank Carter _ on bringing lhe Itt

College. hundred lana wrr•

~ all through the of the game a~ St. the Collegians ~arty and then mo,·ed inlo lead but the Coll~gia and tied the score a into a !11·e point

St Bon'• was unable to

big blow to the Bluegol the Jut minutes of r

then they lost their icnrr lid p\aymaker Tony ~.!

the game that the mrted to hit th~ twin Sl Bon's soarinR b

end of the first hal! Colleglam held a se · over the Bluegolds

reading 28·21. and Stlrling Hoddin"­top scorers in the

!bey swished the twi points each. Boh next for tht Call polnh In the ha I!

had four with Bert Warr harinR St. Bon'• B. ,,JCl•UI• ball for !il'e

Ed. Murph)' had th with J. Bambrick


Page 11: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

"- .• r:

!__. j: ·! T. fl : ~






IDCe a es e From Behind g Minutes To 48-43 Over SBC

(/wmtJion311!ip Irn Five Years; Trm,r .Umming Top Soorer ~:·:!~cr of Wales made a comeback with less than

.. , left in the game yesterday to overtake St. c.wt 011 to a 48-43 win to cop the 1957 Senior .~ .. Basketball Crown. ·

rhlmpiomh!p •--=::------------1~' trJd rhanilng Bantam Hockey .,,_. Thr C~llcgiana, . . ·

1 '" rn ~'(lint lrad at . l~' •('(enrl hatr. ~"' Barons ·., ""~r a ~tronR comfo · 1

~,,., ·' hrlwrcn the 5CC·

~'< ~: R"n·~ wrre out :-,1-l '"·' from there -'·n "'' thrrr minutes ,, ,,,.t 11 wa~ a basket

In Fifth o::·.:c t·•rt~in ,,!u An·

.• .... r .. n£ basket terday e"eninK the Barons moved "J:,. ~t•rl1n~ Hoddinott I into fifth place in the ll:!aioe stand . ., ,,, ":th ~n in 1urance I m~rs as they dumped the cellar '~: :·.,.,rrl b) Rob Bad·j dw~lling <Aluaars 5 to 2, ·,, ~ 11 arrl , \\ !cks was the big gun for the

In Bantam Lea11ue a~Uon yes-

. ·: ,, -'·' 1 1r:n" was the : Bnro~s. banging In three of his 1 , " .• , Rlua·~o!d~ u the: team a live goals, while teammates

.~;.! 10 makr 1 lim· I Terry Hal~ and Allan Lethbridge ·' :hr :1nt gamr o[ each counted singles while Mike

'"'" :h•· Blucgolds O'Keefe counted rar both the Coug. .• :~·r.: h1 nine points ours marker~. Two of the Barons

,,. , •;-:c:trct ti~ht back goal' came in the first perlod while ·,,. ,r, :hal ~a•·r them ilh-:! Cougours managed only oh. · I Barons added another In the 1ec­., ~ ,,.:r:~~,- lh~ Col-: ond to the Cougours one to make

1-, .,. \n l:hamp~ of 'thr 1core at the end o! the 1econd ·~n :r,r Ra,kttb.lll. It period Baron• 3 and the Coogoura


THE ABOVE PHOTO shows the championship Prince of Wales senior. basketball squad wh:ch copyd th~ · · · of 48 43 Reading from left to nght, front row. Intercollegiate honours vesterday agamst St. Bon s b~· a score · ·

Bert Warr Herb Hamlyn Dave Bugden Dave Ward. (Back row: George Dyce (manager), Walter Andrews, AI A d I <C t) s't. 1' H dd' 'tt B b B clcock Dave Lawrence Frank Carter (coach). and Mr. ex n rews P.p . , 1r mg o mo . , o a ' . • · Shelburne McCurdy, ~rincipal ~f Prince of w'ales Co!lcge.-(Datly News Photo).

Guards Down Feild To :Holy Cross A.A.


onors I Macpherson Topple Holy Cross By 45~34

Macpherson Academy chalked was top with three points wbUe · up their firat win In-senior High

1 Finne)' sank one basket while-Pat

School Basketball yesterday after-~ Hurley and Whelan nnk a tree noon on their home ~ourt u they throw each for the Holy Croll

. took a 45-34 win over the Holy aeven poln!Jl. · . Cro!s. I In the second half Jim Brown

Led by twenty-two point.! by ace led hls team to v!etory 11 be took bali handler Jim Brown the Mac· the rebounds of the Holy Crou pherson held on to a twelve point basket and laid them back In be­lead at tile end of the first h;,i{ sides colle~ting aeveral 'polntJ on with the ~~reboard reading 19·7. corner-i:ourt shooting to run an In the s~ond half the Macs kept Individual second half score of their wide margin at game time ejghteen pointa. The other acoren with a ele1·en point difference for Macpherson In the tecond half with the ~<:oreboard reading 45- were Clayton .Parsons. with four 34. points while Brett Pugh and. San

Jim B'rowne of the ~!acs w.;s Brown collected two each. For the the big gun in the second hail a; Holy Crf\55 Pat Hurley was the he started to hit his stride as he big gun in keeping the Crusad~ra potted the leather for a total of in the r;.ce for the win as he eighteen points whlle being held swi.~hcd the nets for eleven polnta down to four points in the first while Finney was next with seven half. !\ext to Brown in the scar- points. Evans picked up five point& ing parade was Pat Hurley o[ lor the \\'est End in the second Holv Cross who swished the twines half while Baxstrome accounted !or ·a \()tal of tweh·c points while for four points . next in line was Finnev of thr. Macphenon Crusaders who potted the leather :B. Pugh . . • • !or nine points.

1 .r. Brown ..

Dave Moore and Stan Brown 1 D. ~too• .. lead the Macpherson squad in 'It~: C. Panons scoring in the first half ;15 they S. Brown .. found the Holy oro.1s basket tor two field baskets eflch and a free Holy Cro~s


1 4 ~

4 '5 19

throw while Jim Browne and Cia-.--. P. Clear)· . . ~ ton P~rsons sank the leather 1 ~- Hurley . . . • . . 1 twtce for !our pomts each. Breit

1 !<.:vans . . . . . . . • 0

Pugh picked up the other point· WMlan 1 1 for Macpherson as he sank a free Baxstrome 0 1 throw. ' · Finney . . 2

For the Holy Cross Pat Clrary: 7

2n!l. Totll 2 ~

12 22 0 ·~ 4 R 2 7

26 4~ '

n II ~

0 ~ 7


~ 12 ~ 1 4

• 34 ·. ·•· ~.,-.r :hal the Prince 2 .

.. ;,r ~~·honours !or the In lhe final period Baron& coun-1 E. B. ' l T J s ' ·CHEDULE FOR !iU:'oiDA.Y, Pee Jfl ee Hoch-ey ... ,. •nd nr•t rrtd!t ~~ t~d two more marken to make t op y er"eS a ,~,. F:ar.k Carter and the final score read Barons 5, and! n er 0 "' e . ~ 't "-1 ,· 1\l.o\RCH 24TH. I • I . .· r· .•

. , h:~~ .• ~n 1 the tltie.the C<JuKoura 2. Three penaltie•l .,!' (Double Knockout serlul A W1n And A 1e Bowling League

, '!!c:r I ll'rre handed out in the game, two , .-crc:td !an• wrre on. to the Cougaurs and one to the F' p ' d L d D 'd F' l 'A liP)'' 1 anri 2: '

. I' :~."•'il~h the rlyinlt RaronR, Is Mike O'Keefe went off J.rst erw eu Bel ·es lX; . • • 2.30-L. Gom-F. Hall VI. Mur-

•.: -~, t•=nt a' ~t. Bon'a in the first period {or trlpplnl, Eugl·Ulld SL>oores Brace II CNR DomiDIOll phy-.Jone!. ' ' v I Two games were played in the. the Briton ll~t. . :'• Col:r;;ian.• earl)· In 1 and Tom King, also of the Coug. v J. Pow~·N. \\aim s. Pee We• Hockey League yester- In the ,.,c~nd game Hood. fight· "·= ·t.rr. m<wrd Into a . ours in the lint period for elbcw· Two big goal, In the lint period , where Young was on the spot to Sen·es Concludes . ~~e<lrns-~~af~. Ken day afte"rnaon both in the :-lavy: ing desperately for the last playoff : .. , ~u: lhr Collegian& · InK. Whl!r Eric Gregor)', goalie ga1•e the nod to the Guard~ last· do the damage to make the score 3 lo-Stmd psJon·k ar e vs. ·: Dil·ision u HG<Jd and York 1 spot, saw. their playoff hopes fade

h d 1 l th B t I d g t t I h I t h f! 1 I ne Y· ac ·man. : ' 1 h id t 2 t 2 t· 1r.' :.r~ 1 e ..core an or e arons ne m n er o wo r. g I to move no t e na s at the end or the second 2·1. • h B. Jackman-7\taloney Vl.j fougl]l grimly for the last pia'!·: as ~ tey 11ere e a .a a t_e ., "''' • li•c point lrad! minutes for tripping. The penalty against St. Bon's !or the Boyle

1 Two quick goal~ by Warren

1 T0n1g { ,1 11 G 1 off bert-:1 . In the ftrst game the: agam,t the Repulse 11ho 111th the

bl · d b Fit g ld R f h d ·' 0 oy· a way. · • · · d lnt second ! B'~ • 11·a• una e to rut' wu sen~ Y z era · e · Trophy series u t e Blue and 1 Englan took the pressure a[[ the 1 All 3 d 4. • Briton nosed out the York • to 1 smg .. ~ po1nt mo1e o j eretu for the game were Wl!son White squad took a 5-3 win aver Guard! early In the period but the 1

• The annual System Bowling n;J __ Fft~ger~ld-Carey vs. Power-: 3 and tn the second Hood and: place w_ilh. !3 points, _while H_ood :o ~.:0• to tht B!ueaolds

1 Butler and Ralph Chancey. the Feild!ans ln the third game of Feild came back to make the game Week sponsored by the Rccre~IIOn I · Power i Repul~z battle to 1 2 to 2 tie. • ma:ne~ 1n .rtfth place 1\'tth 1_0 pomts

•• CJO: :n:nutr! of the :Sut games are scheduled for a best of three Jemi-finals. again worrisome for the Blue and. Centres of the Canadian :-<atwnal Gosse.'R~a!l J!ICkman-~ Barry Fraser'! thre goal per·, an~ l~l!h JUSt one_game m_ l\1nd : '·~'' :Mt their •coring thi~ morning at the Forum. Both teams filtered .the last White. England beat ~vans at the. Railways 0 pene4, acroos Canada on Noftall. · vs. formance lead the Briton to' wl~tch they m_ust 1_1111 to get tnto ~

;':11maker Ton)' ~!an- And this e1-en!ng the Bantam game of the seml·flnalJ la!t night 2.13 mark of the penod when he. ~!arch 17th, and Includes today, 315-Keels-~orril vs. Tverard-· their eleven win in 13 start~ a!. lhtrd place t1e with both Vlctor.l

ill ~·m~ that the Prinre League All Stan will play a return at the Stadlum'on an even keel, was parkeB In front of the Feild' ~!arch 2:\:d. Canadian National r~· · ard-O'~rien. ! they ni>Sed out the sixth place: and Vanguard, and thus forctng a . ·a~tr. :o hit the twines mat~h with the Blue Blade!. The I as beth had taktm !mpres!lve wins goal and picked up a shot from I pl'esentattves. here ln St. Johns Kel!v-Woods vs. Maunder. I York having to br

2ak out from 1 play?~ for the _last p~ayof~ spot

~·. B,,"·' snarln1 back· I Star went down to defeat at the o\'Cr each other. '!'he Guards took John Sweetland. Twenty four sec· will be roll!ng tonight at Holy Coady. II

11 t

0 occasions to get provtdmg that etther Vtctor;, 11ho

• . . hand~ or the Blue Blades Jut week the first .win !11 the semi-final~, ond~ laier Cy Hoskins tried to Cross and St. ~at's bcwling lanes .\lle•·s 6. 8 e on w .· has tw0 games m hand or Van· '.·.".· ~! tht hril hair o! and will t1: out to 1et revenge this a. acore ol 8-S and then I score but Evans made the save,.· and from the stx teams competing · 5 ~nd · , ·

1•1. .lh ehard fought \\ln.. guard whn hHe four game~ in

h ld . k , d ba k h b h l k d I f I th t 2.00-1\adden-0 Retily Mur-1 . Fra~er gave the Bnton an ear· hand Jose all tb,ir rcm~:l'ing ~~ .. rmn~ e a seven 'ller . tlie Fell came c . to pull t e ut t e rebound was p c e up· local offic als are hope u at a 1 phy-Doo!ey. . .. 1., lead at 5_00 minutes of the . ·

•''H rhe Blueaolda with . upset by downing the Guards by by England and he slapped it 1 least one crf the five-man teams 1 h F ' game.1. rea dina 21!-21. Tony Comm All StarS a score of 6-1 .Hundreds ol ·fans 1 home to give the Guards a 4·1lead.l1 can run off with President Donald .


. Shor~·Crans aw VI. rtz·· !!rat period, Farrell converting a In the •arne between Hood and S i I! H ddl tt • 1 zell-\\ alter&. pass from Vic Parsons tied it up ft • a~., I r na o no • turned out last night for the rub- The two goal lead was cut down Gordon's trophy. ~.15-Mer..dus-~leadu 1 v1. Fur-

1 1 t 1 for tlte York at a.oo Rcpul;e,. Danny Corcoran opened

n, ~orers in the first I p • S d ber match but a two goal lead In I thirty six seconds later when Carl 1 From St. John's have come tn·; long-Neary R 0 1

the sconng mtdwa'' through the ~ >.-iahed the tw!nu raCtJCe Ufi ay the lint period apelled the down· I Brown, after his forwards moved! trio:!s from Canadian National ~is-' . minute! Fra.~er again put Br ton; first period, a.•sisted by Stan Co9k ~':nt• each. Bob. Bad· • fall for the I)ouble Blues. 1 the rubber into the Guarcts zone trict Stores, D1>cks No. 1 ( Cl\'ll · out f~ont 2 to 1 wtth- hi! second


to ~i,·e Repu!r~ an uri)' lead mt for the Co!lea!ana -- The Guard~ held a 2.0 lead at picker! up a loose puck ncar the Service Champions); Audit Dept.,. J d • ' c }j unassisted marker at 10·10 and 1 Hood right strongly, were reward· ;><>:~:, In the h~lf while Tha St. John'a Commercial All· the encl of the llrst frame and in i bluel!ne and let go a screened Car Shops and Accounting Depart-; .Ja JCS llf ng t••o minute! Gushue bange~ In 1 en a> Ronnie Simms b~nged In an

had. four wtth Da"e Slara will hold a workout tomor-1 the second period only. one goalj shot that beat Skirving for a 4-2 ·men!. All score~ will bt> air mail-! • Parson! rebound for the tiel~ I:: 1 unassisted mar~cr to tic the score ~~:1 \\~rr ha1in1 t11·o rowmom ln11 at nine o'cl~k and 1 wa1 scored when the Feild came score. I en to the Personnel D~artment at. Sta l-eo Thi Wfeek I gGal to enrl the f!r't period wtth 1 to 1, to round out the ~coring .

. s .. Bnn I B. McGuire coach Terry Trainor requeJtl -that! through to make It 2·1. It WBI In I The Guard• relea~ecl the two : ~!ontreal for final judgmg. I' r~ s " I York 2 anrl riton 2. lin the first period Repul!<!. took ·'• b, ~ f~r fire point&. all players lined below turn out the early minute~ of the third I goal margin t.wo minute!· later, Jn bl'e 5econd period Fr~scr Ute lead again early in the second ' k \!urph)· ha_d three to lor the practice 11 this will be the pertod that Guards moved ahead I during a minute pressure play on c 1• R I 1 The coming week i~ the last gRI'e r!ton the lc_ad once again I period as Stapleton banged in

.-.:h •1 Bambrtck hll'lnl final pradlce betou 'the All-Star 4-1 on two qulck goala, then the the Feild zone when Cy Hoskins: ~ur Ing esu ts i wc~k for fixtures at the Ladies : with jurt two mtnutes gone tn' Cook's rebound to give nepul~ I

·o " . jaquad Ia picked. Feild came back to make It a 4-2 1 picked U.,:J a loose rubber and fired ; e 1 curling Club. : the period on!)' to have ~arrell · 2 to 1 lead. Hood applied the . ,.'r~, n · h_al! .1t ns Ed. I The !ollowinl l! requested to game. The Guards Mnt ahead at/ it hard Ia beat E1•ans all the wRy. 1 The fixtures h~gin with the Le!·, tie it up again at 7.00 mmutcs pressure as the prriod war~ o"

· · .. ~nl "ho " 1d tht attend the workout tomorrow the 1even minute mark to make to give the Guard' the lead 5-2. I RESUL.T.S 01~E CAPTAINS ltrr Brooks points match on Tues·l assisted by Rhodte ~rew~r .to nnd ll'cre rell'arded a! Hickey r·~' ·•· u he &eore ten momtn1: Goal, Plnsent and An· It ~-2 and midway In the period The last goal of the g_ame came . PR 5 dav. · make the score 3 to 3 and wtth ~cored th~ tieing goal on. a play · "T;.~n~ ~hnnin1 ned drewa; Defence, Bryant, Bruce, the Feild scored again to have the at !hi!' midway mark of the period: Rtd, Olvl&ion Green Oivlllon The !llurray Bonspiel will be llc!J than two minutes left in tlte • by McCarthy. Hood started to

··" ,onb other St. Bob Snow, Turner, Murph)', !tt a~orcbcard read &-3. ~hen Howie Young, digging deep R. ~oudey T. s_. Clift. p~ayed on Wednesday, the 27th. ga mePat DeBurke conl"ertcd press in the dicing m()me~ts ~ ;,._ .'hr_ ~~ond hal! Breen, T. Holihan, E. Baroon, Warren EnJland wu the top tn .the G11ards ~omer, sent the rub- (Skip) g (Sktp) 7 , when the city slickers will meet! VIc Young pas~ Into tin net to. lhe ~arne, throll'mg e1·erythm1 at

;· •;~ "ho equalled D<lwnton; Forwards, Gerry and oJ~ acorer of the ilme u he pushed .ber aero!! the goalmauth 111here A. Moore R. Templeton the baymen. This game usually I beat York Goalie Brain Gibbons· the Repulse net, but were robbed ~hn ,op :r.corer, Alex Gu!lll'er,St an Breen, Mike Holl·l the rubber past Bob Evans !or two Gordon Breen moved !~ ~o slap. R. C

1oupland T. Stenta!or~ • creates much interest among the


as Briton outshot York 20 to 13.! a{ tb~ win by .. the great goal-te"d· 'Ao.t~ttcd 111

• for the han, All Breen, M. Emaley, Dillon, I goal! and both came wlth!n less a backhander to get Sktmng un-1

C. \\ agncr L. Stead I curleT; and members are looking : Donnolly playing his first g\me ; ing of J()hn \1 msor tn the net for ; , Bert "arr •n_d Meaney, Hampton, Pittman, Field, than one minute. The other Guards prepared to make the scoreboard While Olvlslon Blue Dlvl&lbn i forward to a good dav of curling. · in the net for the Briton in the· thr Repulse.

~-~~;~ collrctPd fi\~ Ryan, ,Hard!na-. Youden, Aapel, I goals were scored by Bob Chaulk, read 5-3, whim !toOd until the J. :-.o~ris J. Stoneman. Thursday morning ~nd afternoon ab!ent of regular team goalie 1 ~ext game~ arP. ~cheduled for Bob Badr~k !Joy, Yfaod, Wilkln1, Feaver, Ma· I Ralph Rowaell and Cy Hoskln!.

1f!nal buzzer sounded, enabling the (Skip) 6 (Skip) 19 1the Edith ~!arshall broom bonspiel plaved 1 great game in.guard!ng; this mormng at the Stadtum.

minute~ lrft in tht honey, Fltzpatr!~k. The Feild iOall were scored by 1 Guards to move; into the finals W. Allan E. J. CoJke ; will be held, and on Friday, the ~:::.· ::.:.::.....::..::~~~-..::..---=-------·~ n! St. Bon'a went Howdle Young, Carl Brown and against1 Sth.l Bon sd for h the clt1y C. I. :\Ierner G.\ 'G!Pannou. Brett Trophy will be gi1·en to the E h • b •t• T •ght a·l B rt w k Church Club Gor on Breen. champ ons p an t e Boy e P. Dobbin ~. etten I winner~ a! the day's games. The X I I I 0 n 0 n I 1 ~'-:na~t 1~rr aan

1 Six penalt!e1 were called In the Trophy laurels. Sllurday, March 23rd. I first a~d second stones will play

fo: St. Bon~. IC;~~ n lin L same with each tum belnK blown . LINEIUPS 9 p.m. Red Dlv!slon VI. Blue i in the morning and the third atones tht Colieglans OW g eaane down for three each, Only one Division. • and skips will play during the kl

pc:na of the B!Utiolda l"l- penalty flKured In on the •coring GUARDS - R. Skirvlng, ~[. Rinks for Inter-divisional play afternoon. .~n exhibition game Ls scheduled Noel Vinicombe, . Frank Oa er, am a one hand book MONDAY, MARCH U and again It was the team which Howell, J. Sweetland, R. Sparkes, both sertior and junior are now t<J be held at the St. John's Mem- Frank Fardy, Btll R)'an, Dav• lbtr. 1,am Captain Alu 8eetlo11 A Wll a man lhy that came through. D. _Woolgar, C. Hoskins, R. Chaulk. posted on the bC>ard together 11'lth s p ' J T aria! Stadium this evening with Murphy, Gus Lawlor and Roll lro'td on I run-in to tie 1.15 p.m.-Alley• 1 and Z: 'l'he Guards act their flrat lOll of R. Rowsell .. W. England, F. North, I the schedule of games. SkipS ' t. at s rs. 0 Memori .. l University squad meet- Meaney. . It 43-U The Col!ealan• St. Mary'• VI. Queen's Road. the 11ame at ~.1h6 of

1kthe flrdst Ph~lr- C. lvany, L: Benson, F. Morrissey, of all rinks are respo!UIIble ior lng an all-sl&r team from the St: The game Wll! be refereed ·b!

•n-. • d •· !od ~hen Bob C au score w t e · ks h d R • J k ls Bon's Athlett'c A·•odatlan. two officials of the St. Jo~.~ ln:l bil Stirlln1 Hod· "-J'I • an "· ~ A. Pearre. having complete rin on an CCClVC ac e ~ · f f d ww :n 1 rtbound to ut Wesley vs. St. Thomas'•· teammate Warren England was for all scheduled games. Skips T'ht Memoriills have been seen A55oclahan, o Re erees an out front 44-43./ec. Ut p.m.-A1Jey1 a and &: . sit tina out a two minute tripping FEILDIANS - R. Evans, C. are as follows:- Tomorrow morning d 11 a.m. at . !" a.etio~ ~everal time! thi! 8eason: .!UTI at 7 o dock aharp.

Bob Badeo(k made It Kirk vs. Gower Street. penalty. · . :Brown, L. Cooke, M. Burt, F. ! Red Dil'ision: , St. Patrick's Hall Schools the ltn exhJbttiol! games and they co!"·. • hr broke from centre US JI.III.-Aller1 lud z: The first 1oal of the game came i Cook,, J. Randell, G. Bree_n, E. 1 Scnior-N. Rockwell, R. Kent, members of the St. Pat'• ·Junior prise a aquad. star-studded wtth 1 Sr HJIY]I School

up 1 ~,; then Bert Warr Coellrane St. I'J, Cathedral. at the ~.18 minute mark when Max· Du!fett, H. Young, G. Phtlltps, H.! R. Goudey, J. Laws. ·Hockey team, 1957 Champions, wt\1 senior and jumor ,hoekey league,, 1 o ~ 1 lr>m the rillht court to Aller• 1 and 1: Howell relayed the rubber to Bob Ryan, D. Clarke, E. Squirrs, R. 1 J . J J h on A J . receive soul·enir jackets I~~- The St. Bon s wtl! be mAk· 1 G T .,thtr tn th• buket for 1 Salvation Army va. Geor11e St. Chaulk deep In the. Feild' zone. Parsons, A. Piercey, Langan, Du~~~~rC \vago;:~· ~- \\'ell•: .


, An invitation is exten.ded to all·.: ing their fi~!_t appcara~ce in out·.. arne omorrow; 111rirh the Co!!e.(lans Seclioe I Chaulk took possen1on mo1ed out Blue Division: ex-pupils and supporter• to attend .<tde competttton thts e1enln.g and. . .

~r.111 thr final whiltle. 7,15 p.m.-Alleya 3 aad 4: front puslni two Feild players and, Senior-H. Maddick, F. Wylie,. thil ceremony. 1 the team Is reported _to ha~e Iol5:. The lnvttalton Basketball Hr· 1t0rn in tht came was Kirk vs. St. Thom11'1 (1) let· ao a backhander that beat Children do not always develop H H A 1 In connection with the above of talent. The team 11 compmed tes at Hoi)' Cro1s Gym wllich wu

of S1 Bon•1 who 1.31 p,m.-.~lera 1 and z: E1•an• for the first marker. The to a certain pattern in height and j C. all, · nge · A C will all members of the Jacket al some of the stars of yesterda:' I Stheduled to be held tomorrow • ~ints wbl!e Gower St. v.~. Queen'a Road. Guard• moved ahead 2.0 at the weight. Hereditary characteristics . Junlor-R. Baggs, · ox, J. Fund Committee are requ~sted to alo~g with several of the St. Bon's, aUernoon hn ~en postponed UA·

, w11 Stirlinr Hod· Alle;u I aad 1: eleven minute mark when Cy may make a dlflerer.ce ,of several Burgess, ~!. H~wie)'. kindly make .returns to cr.airman jumor pla~·eu. . I tll Thursday mg)lt of next week tbr Colle&ians wba ac· St. Mar~'• vs. St. T'homu'1 (Z) Hosklna tJklnll the puck Inside I Inches in children of the same age. Green Dills!on. Ank Murphy on or before sunday Coach Doug. Eaton laot ntght: when the Guards and the Army mt~n polnta. 1.41 p,m.-Alle11 3 and 4: the Feild bluel!ne let ao 1 bullet· I Balanced meals, dally dose• of Senior-1. Brett, H. Carter, morning. . released his lineup for tonight's: 7278th ~eet. The winn~ of thla

TIONII Oothrane St. v1. WeJley, drive which rebounded off Evam vitamin D and adequate exercise T. S. Clift, J. Chievers. Any ex-pupil who has not c~· game which Wll be aa follows: game Wilt ~lay St. ·Bon 1 !or the Snn offer c:oni!'IIU· where Ralph Rowsell wu on the and real wll help children to Junlor--J.. Dobson, R. Atwllll tributed to the Fund and wishe! Memorlala:-Goa!, C. Wells; df- Championship. The St: Bon'• have ~ PriDm of WIIH St. Bo.n's . Prach"ce apot to hook It over Evan• for tht keep healthy and develop twrmal· H. Wylie, C:. Forbes. to do 50 may pass along his con· fence, Clyde Greene, Ed. Browne, yet to meet a defeat 1n the lUlu

tht 18S7 Cron Tbllr seeond ·aoal of the game. - ly White Division: trlbutlon to a member of the Cyril Greene and Lloyd Cooke; and whichever team ma~ea the 11111 dtlfn'ed a~d the Only one goal was scored In the ' Senlor~G. Bearns, A. Foster, Committee llrted below or to any forwards, Bob Redmond, Bill finals will have to beat them twic1

toniFitalatlona to TomorrOW }0 ·A.M. aeeo11d 1tanu ind th!1 nme 1hort· J. Herrick, J. Norris. mem)ler of the executive of the Drover, Roy Parsons, Maurice Col- to take the honoura. . Caner and DIIDIIer ly before the midway mark when One of the camp counsellor's Junior-H. Ainsworth, K. Patrician Assoclatlon. The Com· bert, Ron Healey, Rolood Clarke, Tomorrow afternoon instead. of

'll'!th Capt, Ala The st. Bon'• Seniors will hold Howle Young beat Ron Sk!rvinl dutlea Is to see that the children C!Brke, V. Sundstrom, C. .I. mlttee membm are 11 follows; M. Volse~ and D. Clarke. the regular Invitation .series pme Barkock, 8tlrlinl 1 pJ'Ietlce tomorrow mornlng at from close-ln. The puck. was sent get adequate rest. The excltem~nt Merner. Ray Walsh, Jim Maher, A1f Con· St. Bon s:--Goal, Fanny Bre~- the Senior ffigb School Lee1111e Ward Jkrt Warr tan o'cl«k and all memben of the from the bluellne by Gordon Breen and extra activities at camp make oaptalna wlll contact ·these nars Jim Fagan Stan Fowler, nan; defence, Jack Walsh, Abtc will have a fixture acheduled with

Hub Ham!yn' tHm art requeated to make 1 to 'Bud Duffett In the Guard• end It· very necessary that the youni· skips to se that they know their JerrY Connolly, Ed. Keaney, Jim Cerew, Frank O'Grady and "R~k" the St. Pat's and Holy Cro111 fae-Dne 11\ldiiJI, ' I"Pte!al effort to altencl. 10ne. Duffett llapped It out front sten have sufficient sleep. rinks. Browne, Ank Murphy. Hudson; forwanh, Cyril Power, lng off.




Jaycees Sweepstake DOLLAR B.ILL •,''



One Thousand Dollar &ILL.

Tickets 10c each.

On sale in · C!ty Stores.





. ·;.,·. 1,.

Page 12: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

f . ~

! I '


' . . ' \ \i

,:; ' 'i'

... ' I


I 1 -I I I , I




All the features that will appeal to tht most discriminating

homemaker art found in thtst smart and stylish .Chrome

Kitchen and DlneHe Sets. AHrac1ive colour combination and

paHtrns, sturdy c:onstruc1ion for long service, e~enslon leaf

and completely washable plastic upholstery with matching

table tops.

The New






Hm II a combination 'o! quality leaturea ancs modern dulill that will win the heart of an1 hom• maker. Thla factory bull t RanEe con· forma to the lateat atandarda of ufety and service; featurins a brceu pot type burntr, durabla white enamel finish and pclilhed ateel top. Available with choice of warmlni closet or hillh •heU and with or without forced draft


The Great Eastern Oil ' .

Company, Limited



Eaat atarted the ball rolllnl for the defenae today by taklnl three apade Wcu. Then he made a aerl· oua mistake by leadlni the quee11 o.! clubs Instead of his fourth beat.

I South won with the kinl and I did a· little point countlnr. His ! problem was Ia. pick up the· queen I of trumps and the normal play

would be to try to drop II. But, Eaat had · ahown nine polnti in apadu and at least two more polnh in cluba. With the queen of hearts he would have opened the biddlni.

Therefore, South laid down l.he klnl of hearts, continued with the jack and when West played low lie let It ride for a au~c~nful fin· ene. Good play by South but a nice aulat by Eut.

WilT 610.8 u "QU • J83 .10 85

l'f oa 'I'll sa 6.1U "A IDU • Q7 •uu

IAS'f !D) 6AK.Q "4. .IOUU. .QJH

t!OUTH .754

· "lt.18U • AX' .AK

No one vlllntrab!\ la.d ' loalll WM& Nenll Fau 1 " Pan 2 " Pau 4 " Pau PUI Pan

Optninl l"d-.6 Z

I w~nt to thank the many, read· ers who ha1·e railer! attention to my error of January 18. Dummy held the 'ingleton queen of dia· mends and df(!arer ace·king-amall. He could make his slam by cash·

I ing the queen and thendiscard ing two club! on the ace and,king. Dummy 1hould have held a low diamond and Ea1t tht queen ao that only one discard could be


taken. Then Larceny Lou's de!enu ! would hal'e beaten the hand.

The error Is really the fault of , the gremlins who nlat only 111 . plague bridge writer!. One must ~ have put that queen In dUII\ftl~· : while I lle'J!I. -------


FRIENDS , I! you promise a hostess to eheclt 1 with your bujband when she ill·

vites you to a party, be IUI't to call her back the aame day, Put­tine of1 calllnr fnr aeveral daya lea\·e• tht hosteu not knowlnr whether or not 1M will have to


. lnvl~ Klmeone else to tait your place.

Whcn.,er you promlae to "call I right bact" bt IUrt to do 10,

I Spectator Shoe ·To Play ~ew Fashion Role This Spring

,. '


I -

1 That perennial favorite, the

1 leatb~r spec~tor, hu returned to 1•the !ashlbn staee thla 'Prinr to 1 play il.! original roll plua a whole

new repertoire. For women will be wearinr not

. on!~ the classic •mooth-and bllck­

. leather brown-anrl-while or blHk· and-white ap!ctators that 1n u-ith 5hirtwaist dre!ses and aweater­a"d-!kiM outfits, but also s~ht­or and IJli!Ctltor·t)'Jll! JhiiiJ tltat co with e\·u·ything In the ward·

' robf-vtn ·evening dl'fHel. 1 NtW shades ~ belle luthers .


1 such u flu, nourat, alld und· . bark combined with whi~ v.ill be : amomr the most popular tJI. the i new eolor combination•.

Tb~re will alJo be many leather 'oomblnationa.

There will al.!o be man, leaiher C)!)mbinatlons Oil the new pastel! !Uch u prlmrn~ .yellnw · Rn~ mayve wuts: w~ut~. 1nrl murh ~r;w with both whitP and black,

' Cre' bel~e ann llitht lll'aV will ' hr .~·~en in ~ome n! the mo1l hsh· I ionable ~pectaton . 1 Shoe ~tylist.1 hav~ Also m~de ' th~ most o! tl1e r>pportuni\y nffPr· 1 en by the !pectatnr tn combinP

11eather texture~ Allch ~~ !month or ~rair.•2d leather and ,uede, anr\

1 eithrr of these with patent or with , ~rained leRther. ! In all it~ venions, nld and ne1v, 'and in all combinations ~ lealhrr textures, the ~peclator will ha\'oe a new ,oft look which cr>me~ frnm thr new ,~:love-soft anrl sup­ple leAther~. Other points nf i~· terc1t in the new ,,peetatnrs wiU hi' the lengthener! I~ ann ' nu. TO\\ er - Rnd !Ometimes hlgher­ltlcked leather h-eel.

Therp will be ~ctators 11'1\1! T-straps, lnsl~p ,,trAps, an<l two. eyelet ties. Many flatl and moe· ·cuins will have a IPe'ctator look and leather eYtenlnR shoes will of. ten display .!,he traditional spectat.. or medallion ·in rhinestones. The apeclator' s perforatlona may be lll'llied aroond the top r/. the shoe and down lb! heel Rnd some\lme! the m~allinn ma~ bf placed as•·mmetrically nn the In~.

, The 1.m ,pectator, will ~ lady­illke, elesant, and l'!rv practical •----------------------------------..1 I ~r wear all day loll1 4nd-ift '" I act~~e. veral0111-lll tile ll'l'lllill '-·



\\.)..'.-\~I'll "'1~\.'>l.~ \.\'E.~. 'l. \JI..)I)'C;'RS'IPI~ S'\-\~'S OOl"''E. ~IJ't.~

~ ru\.\. I C"VtR t*~!l '1'\,\. l ;o.\,'.1, "10 'r\\0\( •. 1'1'-I">S

Sl !PBINGDALE !iT. yut, Efficient Service

DIAL %0!7

,\1\T SHOP 114 BOND ST.

picTURE FRAm:!'IG \\'a ter Colour and Oil paJntiDI5 painted on

rtQIM!St by Poul DIAL 8005-t

A complete line of AUTO ACCESSORIES

always In !lock

Dl.U 90141

Parts [Wh



THE FINEST CAKES and PAS M.ade 1.11 N ewfo\lnd

Bill O'Chlpa DIAL %668

~daii~t. In PER~!AJiiE:OO.Tll.

180 r.\TRfr~ ST. DI~L 2302





Page 13: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

y NEWS, SAnJRDAV, MARCH 23, 19.57

Welding Building Materials Electricians Gift Shops Meat Markets Radio-TV Repairs --............................ ·~-------------- ~------------- --------------------------------

!j ~PRI'I;nALE ST. !I!'- W1cirnt Ser1•iet

ni.\L zm

lRT ~HOP , m so:o;n sT.

F!C:TRE FRA~IL'iG ~-~~~r C<llm1r and Oil rl:~~lnol pai:~ted 011

... -,,H ~~- rJul Parson•. - ' ni.\L ~~&ns~


' ro:r plrle lint ol ~l T1~ -~crESSORIES - a'·n•l In 'tocll

Ill \1. 901U



Complete up-to-da~ sm·ice. Memmeetlflr Road

DIAL 7161


Complete Church Fumlah· lnr• and Rella!eu• Artlclea .

DIAL 6552 186 WATER !!T.

Cleaning Compounds

Newloundland'a Cl~aneat word. Obtainable at .


26 Hour Service for Repa!n -to Motors, Generators and

Hou1ehold Appl!ancn DIAL me


Gifts, Games, Toya, Novelties. Coute'1

Cards for all occulona DIAL 4265

Electrical Appliances Grocers BAINE JOHNSTON---,

COMPANY, LID. A1e11ey Departme11t

261 Water 8& • Dial 2101 YOUR FRIGIDAIRE



You Choice ol \l·hat you need DIAL 8160



Wiring Materlala, Wire and I Hardware Stores Cabl~s, Moton, Starter1,


Lampl, Switches, Llahtlnl Flxturu, etc.

WAREHOUSE PRINCE II IT.. c 'LL. "' .... , & co I DIAL 50!5 , 1 ,-, ''·'''" •





opp. c_:-; ~· . j DIAI,196~ ......_ __ _

Z48 • %U DUCKWORTH liT El ' . I s . .DIAL ZUI i ectrtca efVI(e

Parts [Whole] Contractors JONES ELECTRIC---, U PRESCOTl' ST.



Nfld. Armotur•

Workl 38

1 Bambrlcll ..,. ... _.:.,_; Stre~t

!'1111 7111·2


Dial m1


C.,KES and PASTRIES )!•dr ln Newfoundlalld

R111 O'ChlJII 111.4.1. %161



MODERN BOME!I Mo!lerniJ.ins. Remodelllnl,

Repair Work . H LeMmhant Roa4.

DIAL 19211




Customs Brokers P. F. COLLINS

m Nt:W GOWER liT.


DIAL iOU · 1041

!lpeclallah In Motors, Generator&, Steam Irons and all Hounhold AppUancu


REPAIRS Opp, Navy Dock Gate.

&01 W .UER !!T, DIALS!&&


HOWSE OF FLOWERS I Servin St. John'• from ! location.:



Fruit Stores

Distributor& for Sunbeam I Electrical Appliances,

1 Sportlni Goods and Sports-, wear for all occasions.

DIAL fi018

Heating D. C. BISHOP-----,


DIAL 8317

Complete Plumblni and · Hutln1 Service




Hearing Aids



Complete up-to-date , ~feat Market

Mill Supplies W.M. NOSEWORTHY-­



418 WATER ST. DIAL 5126

Oils, Lubricating J. H. ROBERTS LTD.--•

Sole Agent. In ~ewfoundland for


Sold all over Newfoundland I

I----DIAL 2368 I



Advice for ever)' paint job. I'

Complete up·t~>-datr. atock. For fast ~rrvice call 80198. 1




APP.LIANCES. DIAL 3001 to S005



Jh41e, T.V., App1Jazu·e ed otl !urner :R1p1ir1.

DIAL 11109 .Yialap anl!ll BolfiiJ'I ftll'l'.



&ptciallsts In Autn Rad!01. DIAL 7448 I

Real Estate .~. W. BROWN----,



'PHONE %005




DIAL 7351 · 23398

Pianos and Organs Re~ruiting A. L. COLLIS ----,

Plano and Organ Showroom: TOPSAIL ROAD

Dial 490ZA

Factery: \Vater St., Hr. Graee. P.O. Box 358



Anseo Cameras and Fllma, Expoture Meters, Flash Guns,

Enlarger Accessorlu. DIAL 3071

Photography G.\ !lUND'S STUDIO--~


J)JAfo 2958





DIAL 8021H

FLY WITH THE R.C.A.F.­For full information



AIR FORCE Recruiting Unit: 177 WATER ST.

FOR A REAL Jo'lJ1'(TRE See l11e NAVAl,

1\ EC ltlll'l' lNG OH'It'Eit AT

1~3 WATI\R ST. fll.o\1. KO~ti8


Now i! the time to ha 1·e your .1


Two Locations~ · OS WATER ST.

opp, BDwrings and Steers. i


FRE!!BIE _ ' With Free Tricolour Flashllte .


217 New Gower St.

Stationery ,,, J. Dt:SSE LDUTED --

A complPI• Statlontr.\' D~part· mrnt in 11nl!! unit dultrl~d !rl l!\l:!tt

H1• 1PNI11 rf'!'llliumPnl• Df lc· ; 1 rh:. 'a S•~!·.rn·ic~: ~lll111. r.~f'f.l":

Ltr:m pr11·prlrf'r1. All L·o.mhin•tl'.'' p;ark• a~d ton\:ll"lopu rrllo·wrapptl'f

F:nor and C'CliLMIPr Obpln 1·n1ll ~ " uoc-1.:. Enqlulrl,. .. -.;o\h'1ted from

tt1• tradt. rHAL ·~1111 ---- ---·--·

Stoves R. W. B.~RNES ----.



• , Immediate D~li\·ery

DIAL 92718

TRASK FOU!'\DRY LTD.-362 ·WATER ST. ~!anu!acturers of



Taxicabs A-1 TAXI-----­

CALVER AVE. DIAL 3150 • 5i76

Anywhere, Any place, Any time.


ACE and SUPER TAXI ----,


ACE or SUPEr. TAXI 111.\l, ;,_\g~ . 67:111

Tires --............ _ .... __ EMPIRE FRUIT STORES -l Home Industries

Wed~lng Photos, Porlra\tt ! and Commercl•l Photography j

---------- MARSH.-\LL \IOTORS ~-I ' Delicatessens


For the Freahleat Fruit !.111 Town call , , , ,


1U Pdrlrk Slrnt, Dial %852

Ll 178 Duckworth Ill., Dial 3911

2 Locatlona:

M"'ri•::,lo !" !'!:~ 1!.\!>E~"Tll­

IEn r\TIIIfl !!T. 01.\L 2311


oPEN ~~~l'Y~~~ WEEK Fire Insurance TIImn -----.

TUD\''S KtJT 6 KUilL ~our_ r.~~~ permaDtllt. e.~uuon ~nd uperlenca,

Plu1 quality illlfldlutl.

*11l:U\'MEmNG IOlD DIAL QH -----Shops

:C ~rRI:"\C;II,\U: IT,

~~':' 1.\l.ISTS JN ALL, Rlr_\'('LE m;PAIRS

DI,,L U71


LAMBERT'S COUGH !!\'RUP I ~•n be obtained at


DIAL 1201


~1. Clare An.. , Dial 6933 I Lonr'a Bill and

Quetnla Road • , Dial %487 T.A. Bulldlnr, -Durkworlh St. , . Dial Sl54

ng Materials Dry Cleaning D.\\I'E, LTD.

ilAII' n nd TOPSA;L ID

hr &II your BuildlJIJ ltqulremutl eaU 11111- 11111


Covering St. Jolul'• with Faat, !Ule!ent l!ervlee. 1• RAJULTON A VI.


CROSBIE CO., LTD. ----; Altntl for



Fish Stores CITY FISH SHOP --.,...---~


DIAL ma Service, Quallly, Variety


Packlna, CraUng, Shlpplnl Expertl, In Local Mov!na

Aientl for Allied Van Llne1. T. C. HIBBJI1 ManaJer

)tea, 66!5; urflce 90181

N 0 N I A llometh in-~-Spf-c-la·l-~fo-r -~o-m-t'-1 one Sjleclal. Whlt could bf' I nicer than a hanrimade knit- 1 ted nr II'OI'eo artJeJe from : Ne11la. I

Nfld. K1te! Dial 8448 1



101 WATER 8T. When selecting a Diamond Rln8 1ee our private Diamund , Boo!h. I





Paper- Products THE LAWRENCE ---,

NFLD. CO., LTD. Nl':w Location:

2t8 · Zl1 DUCKWORTH ST. Paper and Paper Product..




!:leclrit M~~t S~w1 DIAL 2UI

Service Stations PALMER'S -------,



DIAL 3518

FISK TIRES i Guaranteed against Cvt.s i

Blowout~. Bruise.<, Under Inflation. Call i

MARSHALL. MOTORS I Water St. Dial 800Jl



Tailor-made Slip Covera DIAL 84411

DIAL 4502 I Publishers R:ii~~~~-s-TA-r-ro_N _ __,J Used Cars Meat Wholesale CAMPBELL'S ME,o\T ~lAHKET

nrprC'"enllnr I!Yr.n~DE !'ODD l'nDDUCTI

IN't:. COQKt:D MF.~'f~ IIX!'On'f PACKt:n.~ LTD, rout.rn'i rnuDuns !lRACII'S KOSI!r;!l rnnl1t!rr~ WH\'TES !'~CI'lNG CO~!l'hN\' ' PnltK •nd l!EEF' PlHH1Ur:TS __ I ~PRONE~ llU • I JAn li'ATEI' ~

VE..'I/TURE PUBLICATIONS­Commercial PubHshlng and

Adl'ertlsing. Ma~azincs. Pamphlet!, Brochures, Company

Newspapers, Pro~ram~ DIAL 2287 P.O. BOX E·5U2,

Radio· TV Repairs

I Grean arirl Oil Ch~nru. Auto Acces5orie1.


DIAL 80301





Royal Hams and Bacona Pork cuts and Carcua Sausages and Puddine•

DIAL 4752


-All work Guaranteed !or Fast Service,

CALL 7313 or 6401Z 90 CAMPBELL AVJ;.

Cor. l!llubtlh & Covt Ret. 1 GREASING, WASHING,

SIMONIZING our . Speclallly. DIAL' 90086


' ron " cAR You CAN 1


DIAL 3015

W ood .. (oal Delivery



We Gl ve the Fastest Servlca In St. John'•




YOUR B u s I N E s s


And Telephone Numbers



On This E-Z

Reference Page

DIAL 2177-8-9

Designed For Our Readers' Convenience • •

Page 14: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

·'' -,.

. ':

- ' '

;t,-_ ' ' . '

'if .-1

r:· l .

i I .,

U· I • : I


Publishe'd By Authority

Newfoundland GREAT EASTERN OI.L I Services & IMPORT co., LTP.'.

Radio, 'I'elevislon, Waaben, Refrigerators, Deep Freezen

PASSENGER NOTICES \ Eleetrt!c Ranges, · BAY RUN PLACENTIA BAY . Floor Pollaben,

I Gramophones, Regular 9 a.m. train leaving Publle Addrcs1 Systems,

1St. Johns Monday, March 25th.· Tape Recorders.

I wilt make connection at Argent!a I REPAIRS ANil SERVICE 'with !\T.V. Burin for the Bay Run ! 5 LINES Placentia Bay. I DIAL 3001 to 3005


PLACENTIA BAY ·. jan26,ly

· M t V Ll I have been suspended is published in Tht following li•t of persons whose licences to ope rate o or en c I!'! • ' ded accordance with the provisions of the . Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 94 _of ~he1 ~ev;s:~.;tatutes, 1 95~~e~~ho~fe~ictl~n

Regular 9 a.m. train leaving 1 '-----------­St. John's Wednesday, :\!arch,----------

, 27th. will make connection at ; ----------.

Thompson, John P .....•••...•. Mount Sclo Road Brren .. w(Uitus J. . ........... Valley Read, Blackhead Road R'·an Jolm .' ....... , ........... Mount Pearl, St. John's We&t ~i~~nald. Jac:tson V. . ....... Pepperrcll, A.F.B. Pike. Hay'll·ard C. . ............ South Dildo, T.B. HardlnJ, ErneJl H ............• Blackmarsh RlDd 1\enned)', Wayne E. . ......... Pepperrcll, A. F. B. Brown, Jamu B. . ............. 263 Le:1.farchant Road Power. F~rrus . : . ......... : . ... St. Jo~~ph"r, Salmonler

Nama Addrua Data af Suap. er 0 0 ' of c.c. Code.

24 months 223 & 221 3 months 281

12 months 223 12 months 222 6 months 223

12 months 2!!3 12 months 223 12 mont11s 223 6 months 223

12 months 222

Argcntla with r.tV. Burin for. NO COWN PAYMENT the West Run Placentia Bay. EASY TERMS

I Now ts tt.~ time for your· SPECIAL ACCEPTANCE : new

Gasoline, and other restricted 1 • TILE or LIN OLEUM cargoes fnr forwarding via Ar· ~ . FLOORS. genUa and :O.!.V. ":llarlor!ta" for· Aha MINOR REPAIRS regular portss South Coast scr- 1

· ('ALL 1•ice will be accepted at the Rail· I Cabot Construction way Freight Shed Tuesday, : ~lmh 26th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • and Supplies Ltd.

.\rbms. Julian \\' ............. , . P~pperrcll. A. F. B. CAhill, f:llward ..............•. Top Battery Read Dunne. Gregory ................ ~luncly Pond Road

Jan. 14/:17 Jan. 16/:17 Jan. 11/:17 Jan. 16q~7 Jan. 9/:17 Jnn. 28/~7 Jan. 23/~7 Jan. 2Bi07 Jan. 1M17 Jan. 2/~7 Jan. 23/07 Jan. 28:~7 Jan. 11/~7 Jan. 2/~7 Jan. 30/~7

12 months 223 12 months 223

3 months 221·2

I Clal 5658 Duckworth St. 1'1• ~ _A Aft~r lwurs call . -~DlA!f £Ill I MR. JAMES ADAMS, 7931H

RATIONAL \L-----' .\uc~lnlr~lc. Wallace G ......... G~odrldce Street Rrld. Robin .. , ................. 98 Watcriord Bri~Be Road Fllzllalrlek. John .............. Southside Road "est :'1-lurphy, William J ............. Paradise, C.B. Burke. Thomas' F. . ............ Colliers, C.B. Chafe, Rebert A ............•.• Ridge Road, Hln!ns Line Ollnr. Jamcs R ................. Rldqe Road, Hlnlns Line Bennrtt, \\'illlnm J ............ · &~II Island :o\u;:-~nt. ~lichtel .......... : ... Empire A\'enue Brc:man. Gerald J ............. 136 Queen's Road Fit:;:~r~ld. P~trlck .... , ....... Portugal Col'e Road FlriT'Inl:. W~ltrr ........ , ........ Jersey Side. P.B. \\':lclan. :\llch&el G ...... , , . , , , . Colliers, C.~. Ril'l. G11ido L ................. Happy Valley. Labrador Pr11:1t. Rnhrrt H. : ..........•.. Pepperrell, A.F:B. o·nrilly. Harold J ...... , ...... Fraser Place , Hill:cr. DoM!tl . . ............. 40 Prince nf "ales Street

12 months 223 12 months· 223 24 months 222 6 months 223 3 months 281 3 months 2Bl 3 months 221·2

12 months 223 12 mont\ls 223 12 months 223 12 months 222 3 months 221·2

18 months zn 12 months 222 12 months 223 12 months 223 3 months 28!

--·~~~ . liimiJlWHII We Specialize In

SKATE SHARPENING and making your old Shoes


Duckworth Strut, C!al 6898

We serve you right. !eb26,1m

W!~cltn. R!~h~rd P ............. R!d'!e Road. H!qgins Line B~k~r Frrd G. _ ............... 49 Gra\'e! Street

. Jan. 29/~7 Feb. 1/:17 Jan. 10/~7 Jan. 10/~7 Jan. 14/~7 Feb. 1/:17 Feb. 4/57 Feb. 4/57 Feb. 12/~7 Dec. 29/~ Feb. am Jan. 18/~7 Feb. 13/~7 Feb. 8/37 Feb. 20/~7 Feb. 18/:17 Feb. 19/:17 Feb. 28/:17

2.4 months 222 6 months 221-2 & 221·1 6 months 223 Hanlo~. .John .1. . ...•••..•••.. 39 Prince'~ Street

:\l~rrer. Ed~nr T ............... Bay Roberts

Curtis 'A' I,~ading Schoolbo)r Curling 1

Thr 1 hird rounri o! the School· · !l<w l'11rlin~ Bon>~icl ~l~ycd y•~· ~ 1 rrda,· ~~ w('urt!~ Academy 'A' ! rlrfr~-1 'lac~htr!on Academy 'B' 1n rr'T1ain the only un~eler-ted rink in the hon1plel. Skip Bob ~lcl'ar1hy of Frlld 'B' tram 1\'ti'P all nut to de!eal J!m Hnnley of ~t.~ Bon's b,- a narrow mareln. Sklr ('nllin~ ·of :O.Iacpherson 'A' came: hack r-gain t.·oni Thunday's win I 1 o senre o\'cr Skip Feltham or Cur· th ·f,', The scores:

Cu:-ti~ A 1 Rockwelll 12; Mae­p~~·son B 1 Kn!ghll 3. ~!acphmon A fColllnsl 7; Cur-

1 tis B <Frlthaml 3. Feild B 1McCarthy) 7: Sl. Bon'J 1

1 Han!~)' l. 8. A!trr tilree draws the follow!nll .

are the standings: P W L

Curti' A .. .. .. .. 3 3 0 ~h~phrr>on A ...... 2 2 0 rmtis B .. .. .. .. 2 1 l rtol!rl B . • . . . . . 3 1 2 Sl. Bon's ........ 3 1 2 :\llcphenon B . . . .3 1 2 Ftild A .. .. .. ..2 0 2

Ph-1· will resume at 4.30 P.M. on uc;ua·,. 11i1h the fol!ow!ne draw:

Feiid A n. }'el!d B. CurtiS A \'1. Curtis B. ~brphruon A \'1. Macpherson

B. E1c:-St. Bon'1. Succe~in~ draw~ Ia complete

the rnund robin will bt played on TuMdl'' through Frida~· ne~t "'·eek. · It seems likely that m ord~r to postpone the provincial playoff thN R second round robin will bt played among the local pchoolboys and Bell Island and ramer Brook pla)·lni olf In the ilro,·incial.

llr,·il's T01nr ;>ialional Monu· ment. m northeastern Wyoming, hrst national monument estab­li~hrd In 1he United Stales, ob­Jerrcd 11~ :10 anniversary In 19~8. ------ --·------

CARL WINSOR. lmurance 197 Water St. Dial 6040


~ Red Cross Line




Fort Avalon . . . . March 19 Fort Hamilton .. Marell 28 .P'ort Avalon . . , .Aprll 11

I'ROM IT. JOHN, N.l.s Fort Avalon .... March 21 Fort Avalon .. , .Aprll13 FROM RAJ.IF.U:: Fort .,valon . . . . March 2e Fort Hamilton .. March 30 Fort Hamilton , , .. April 8 Fort Avalon . , .. April HI


ST. JOHN'S TO BALIF.U:: Fort Hamllton . , 1\!arch 20 Fort Hamllton .... April 3 .P'ort Hamilton ... April 18

TO NIW YORKt Fort Hamilton .. March 20 Fort Avalon .... March 30 Fort Hamilton ... April 13 Fort Avalon .. ..April 20

· TO PHILADELPHIA: Fort Avalon .. , . March 30 Fort Avalon .. ..April 20

\'null wiU eaR Newfoll!ld· lan~ Outpor1• •• ladaeemnt ollerL •tCall• C"tner Brook 1Ub-1ect lee C1•nd .tt on1.

'1 Arce'Ptl rerrt .. ratloll UrJIO.

W. Q, MDort Dial 5890 2Gn


WATER !IT. EA!IT llaiUu !lalllt Jobll. N .B. New !ork M011treal


SATURDAY, March 23t 1 .. 12 a.m.-cHILDREN'S .



St. Bon'• All-Stan w. Memorial Unlveulty,


SUNDAY, March 24t 110·11 a.m.-ST. BON'S PRACTICE



MONDAY, March 25:


St. Bon's v1. Guard1

larllarl Halrdrtllll'l

WANTED L• nn th111 Tradll II


LTD. Monolon, N. I.

Ra&urn llare l1yond 100 · Mlltl Rafvndad.


' , ... , ... - . - '

the First Regiment, 8th CANADIAN HUSSARS ( Princen Louise'•)

Canada's oldest eaval:y regiment - the 8th PrlnceSI Lou!Je's (New Brunsw!clc) Hunan, has been chosen to become the First Regiment, Sth Canadlan Hussars (Pr!nceu Lou!Je'1) of the RegUlar Army. For l llmlted number of young men, here Is an OPJlO'I"' tunlty to serve in an regiment that hu Its rootl In the Maritima and that willlllllce Ill headquarters at Gagetown, N.B.

--~-----------------, ARMY RECRUITING ST"\TION,' J

431 Water Btreet St. John'a, Nfid. I Tel l-OIN .

WI!Mvt cet1 or llilllt«!!ew. ~ Mnol 1111 fon!i&tr "*'-"• '" .. ,.,leo 11


hi tM Pint ltthNIIf, II~ C1 ..... !.1 HYIMn (Prl- l.ewiM'I), .

I N~mt .... , ..... ____ ... ,.. ........................... ll-ltiiiiiHINIIIUIIIIfHIOttiiiH- I 1 AGar~ ................... · ........... "-"''''" .. '""""'"'""''"''""'"'"'''''''''''''"- I I Ctty/Ta~ ................ ""''"-'"' .. "'"""'":'~'""'''"''"'"""'"'"''""'"'""'"' I L

,,~ •.. ,,,,,,,,;,,,, .......... _. ........... ; .. ,,,,,,, ......... Ttltphone .. ·....................... J -----~-~--~--~------~


OFFICE SPACE .... M.f ' Furnished


' Qualified Embalmers

' Cadillac Hearst

DIAL 2321

393 DUCK·





All new Tiled Floors,

Vanatlan Blinds,

Heat and Light


Centrally located,

suitable for Doctors,

Lawyers, etc.

Apply to

Ryan Supply Company

127 QUEEN'S ROAD mar21,6!




CUPS 1. Applications arc invited for three positions In the T.e~hni_cian

rank at this Station. Salary, depend1n11 upon quahhcat!On&, to begin at some point In the scales:

ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN, L.......... ... . !207D·l~D-2S50 ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN, 2.. ...... . ..... $2610-120·2970

Positions carry annual vacation· leave of three werks, ade-­qu~tc sickness leave and pension benefits with a five day, AT YOUR thirty-seven and a half hour week. ·



2. Duties-To assist biologists In fisheries refiearch work; no previous experience being necessary as full training In the work wll! be given at the Station.

3. Qualtflcatlons desired-Grade xr with. good !landing,, !n· tclligence, Initiative, good physical cond1t1on and the ab1hty to work at sea when necessary.

4. Applications, giving age, any previous working experience, educational and other qualifications and the names and addresses of at least two references (not relatives) should be sent to the Director, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Biological Station, St. John's. Applicants ~hould Include certified copies of their Grade X and Grade XI marks. These records will be returned and all appl!cants will be notified when the positions have been fll!ed. Applications are in­vited from students presently completing this Grade XI and cons!deraton, If necessary, would be given t()..ho.ld!ng the position open until the end of the present academic year.






Lister Marine, Blackstone Marine AND

Stationery Engines 3!--1 to 750 H.P., in addition to their present well kncwn


Contact us for Marine Auxiliaries

Marine Engines, and Lighting Plants


Clayton Construction Co., Ltd. . WATER STREET, ST. JOHN'S 'PHONE 61 58 · 7783


I '


Secretary Wanted FOR


St. John's Company Applicants must have speed 1n

and ·Typing.

Please reply givins full particulars· to

BOX 2 clo DAILY NEWS m20,4l

THE UNITED CHURCH ACADEMY. CHANNEL (A Modern Building with Five Classrooms,

T eo~hers lie om. Auditorium, etc.)

Requires Teachers •

A PRINCIPAL-with Teo~her's Grode Four preferred. A KINDERGARTEN TEACHEi\-with Teacher's Grad1

One or higher, preferred. . And Two TEACHERS for Elementary Grades-with

Teacher's Gro~e One c r Higher, preferred, Duties to begin September 3, 1957.

. All opplicotic.ns, stating teaching Grode, e1•

perience end references to be sent ot earliest dele to REV. G. L. MORGAN, Chairman,

United Church !!cord o{ Education, Channel. m20,41


Requires Teachers . for:


e GRADE II end PA::lT OF Ill.

. e GRADE V.





Interested Teachers please apply to: MR. Y. P. SMALL,

Secretary Amolgomoled Board of l:dvcotion, . . Lew1sporte

Wanted To Rent In St. John's - period April 1 to

30, 1957, Furnished Self Ccntamed


For family of two adu1h and two childre

Replies should be forwarded to:

Dominion Wabana Ore Ltd. WABANA, BELL ISLAND


CLOTHES make the man if CHAFt

• WM.l.m~Hif't'Tail A HOLD'WORTH ST.



Tllis series will Firtl 20 numbers Same numbers

· Prize for eoch Rules printed on For information Cards for these






Page 15: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster

rs· to










e Ltd. )

KINSMEN· paper BINGO-S,rlas 1 .


MR. CHARLES WALSH, 195 Gower Strttt, St. John's.

SERIES 2 and· 3 Th1! ~~cie~ will begin immediately. . F"'' 21J numbers will appear on Monday. Somt numbers will apply to both 11ri11s. Prize for each series. lults r'inted on 11ach card. For ;,; Jrmotion Dial 7269. . Cord• lor these series r.ow on salt at SOc. tach.

(ord< "ow available at th11 following Storess

t.l • '1:\\~STA:Iill THEATRE PHARMACY Fll\'• ORl'G STORE (all Branchn)

ITII•·· llRl'C; !'iTOR!: COCHRANE HOTEL !U 1'11.\R:IUC\' EUZABETH DRUG!I ,, 0\l r. T. McMURDO and CO. ~ 1'11.\R"ACY F'RADSHAM'8 SUPER· ., rii,RMACY MARKET




111 onn; !ITORE STORE 1< F 111\TIT'S C'AUL'!! GROCERY '

rr. •TfiR E FETtDU\' BOWLISG ''' ll4t·r. ~TORE ,,LLEYS



NO OAMILI I-lUI For lojuality Clunlnl t·~ll

COUSINS Nfhl. Lttl.



DIAL 5155


To be held at

Munn Nlotors Ltd. -~foday, March 23rd 1957


P.O. 10X


At 3.30 p.m.








1951 FARGO 1,1 TON TON


Vehiclea over $400,00 can ite financed.

No R11erve. Munn Moton will not be on the11 unltl.

unn Nlotors Ltd·. ETT AVE, lin~ ILACKMARSH !lOAD . ---- ... ..,--· ·-i United Church A.cadamy


rtquir" tht following

TEACHERS for aubjects In grad" 8, .. 10,.11.

'CArWin to carry out gamn programme and subjteta In Gradtt "l and 8.

TEACHERS fer Gradtt 3, _., 5•ncl '6. Apply· .


A GIRL to aul.t a Cook, Willing to live ln.

Apply MRS. FORD,

Government Hou.-, with rtferenc111,

'Phone 6307 for appointment.· ---



. I


~ o. 4 3\ 9

Worth $\000.00


TO-NIGHT Christ Andrews' Rhythm Kings.

DIAL 90069

Buy some to-day. They're· on !ole at your neighbour­

hood store or 'Phone 5782 (9 • 1 2.30) Daily.

.N-OTICE .. The Monthly General Meeti~g of the SP.C.A. will be h11ld In the, Board Room, Deporiment of Educalion, Fort William, at 8 p.m. on TU~SDAY, 26th March.

Members of the public ore cordially Invited to attend.


Hon. Sflcretary DAHCINI AJftl DIHitl tlaln\Y IN UNIOUI AND INTIIIAft AYMOSPICIU ~-------------------

---..-.IW.&AY. -·· ... -·_,.. .. ,, FOR SALE

Extendve Lionel Eledrlr Train . outfit comprising 4 engln\a, 1ft cars, 2 tranaformen, 100 ft. track and many accenorle1.

Sn1ilh ("'oroiUI


Red Flub Furuce by American: Rarllator Co. Approx. 000 ft. radia· ~ .\ion. Price $12MO.



'Ph~ne 3749L I PosiTION wANTEc-a~-.------ married man. A position Bl · I driver, chauffaur, salesman,

WANTED TO BUY caretak~r. gardener or ware· hl)llae clerk, have years ex·

BIRCH pe-rlenct !n above work, but would consider any thing,

LUMBER Cen aupply Jood references If you llav• 10methlng to

1 ·offer, pleau dial ft534-H . ll lnche1 liP. Contaet Ul for

Prlc11 and Apee!J!catlonl NEWFOUNDLAND

HARDWOODS LTD. repull Road l!t. J'ollll'l · DlaJmo-mt

: P:OR IALI-Ont 1951 Aut! In. ~edan In 1plendld running rendition, new battery .and anow tlrH, body and Interior In 1ood conditlnn, will sell for $190.00 or will exchange for bh111er car. For demon· 1tratlon, dial M34-H.

Wanted to· Buy I'OR sALe-on. dlnett-.-,;;j~--and four ehalrs-:vtahogany

I I k f d flnl~h. little used. Selling at am 00 lng ct' cups an a bargain. Pleue 'phone

aucers and tea platts In the __ 2_40_8·_F·----::---:----:--I CASH PAID FOR: Comlca,

"PHEASANt' potttrn "Nor!- magazlnea, pocket books, ai:· ' cordlom, guitars, viollna,

tdke" Japanese chin~. Hove 11um, typewriters, men's clothes and foDtwear. Jn'hn

you any to ••II. If 10, please ·D. Snow, 11 New Gower St.

rlr {I 907.53 bttwHn 6.30 and· mal'20'1m PIANO, ORGAN TUNING and

Repairing, Single Tuning Six Dolim. Wm. HOPLEY, 10

7.30 p.m. any night.

·For Fast Taxi Servie.e


Dial 2424 • 2410 QUEEN'S ROAD

0Jin I a.m. to I a.m. Ja118,lt



REQUIRED For tw~ months work


out of Town.



or 'PHONE 5191


SHIP OWNERS WI lfl DDW..1YiWd lo do

aU V:w1m lutallatl• utiiJIIn,

Carnation St.. 'Phone 2819-L. oct1,1m.


tNIURANCB-Iawrlng Broth­er L!mlted lnlurance Depan· ment-FU'e, ftUtomob!le. Mar­Ine ancl all Casualty llnH. Telephone ~166 or 11167.

DIPINDAILI JIIIRI INSUR·. ANCI-Don't rilk yO\K' valu· ablea to "aave" 1 few dollaA. Our flir·rate, reliable polley,

. l!vu tmmedlatlt oroteeUcn. 'l>hon1 8931 or writ. I. J. Lacey, P.O. Box ft06. rept,tf

Cenlact ITAN .I'OWLEit, R• aouf bu!ldinl, for Fire Auto­mobile and Plat. GilliS ln1ur· anee. Claiml promptlJ lllttl· td. 'Pbon1 51131-P.O. BoJ ea.

lOBIIIIT DI\WI A ION, l'lirtt and Autumoblle In•u:anl!l. Be 11ft. be aure, ln1ure. Tell!' phone 2882. P.O. Box 811 Royal Bani Chambera, St. JQhn'L

'Agtnls Wanted - Me~lt TO MEf\1 WHO WOUL.C

SPI NC 5c ... to 1ecure a Bus· iness Oppo.·tur.lty 11'orth Thouunds or Dnlian. r.!ake huae CASH PROfl'fS, Ju~t showing and taking easy or· den from every family. Just like a DE PART ME :-IT STORE. Show ol'er 250 items



YHI! CENTRAL BAR!UIIl SHOll We art now , operating 1!x chairL You can be assured of the PQJSible •ervlce. plus the Jeut poulble wait· in1. 24 New Gol'ier Street, opp. A•lelalctt MC\Iorl. If you prefer app 'i~tment urv!ce Phone 11231 A

Wall Washing WALL WASHING-Walls cl111t

ed by new m~rhlne. Resulta perfect; uve1 paint.-New· Method Rug and Wall Clean­ers, Freshwater Road, 'Phone 111033. ag25.1m


NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN· ERS. Rug1 and Carpet 1 made to 1nnt Llkr new. Von Schrader nror.e~s adds year• to life of rues Cleaned In home or at our plant Phone 91033. Nrw Mfthod Rug Cleaners, Fres~water Road.

Beautician MONA RYAN Beauty Salon, T.A.

Bui!Jing, Duckworth Slreet, specializing In all methods permanent waving, tlnting and· cuting, Open Tuesday and Thursday nights, a!~ operaton. Dial· 5477 for t.ppolntrnenl


WBST END COAL SERVICI . (W. Snow) Co a~ !1.00 bag; 3 bags f~r $2 711; 4 bag• for $3.50; ~ bags tor !6.75. For quick del!ve:y dial 92959-A, 29 Pear~e Av,.m:e. Janll.lm.

WINTER TIR&S an 1111, ls-I and 16 inrhes. Regular $16.50. 1\nw $12.~0. 7.60 by 15, e ply, r~gular S22.00; nnw $17.50 . Tubrs S2.00-Used Tir~ Sales, . 86 Hamilton St. feb2B.lm

---------~----· -·- i

"INVEST IN REST." Shop com­fortably. We specialize In re­pairing and reconditioning all types Springs and Mattres.se1. Guaranteed work. Mattresae1 for back ailment• a specialty. 'Phone e449 or 3661, Standard Bedding Company, Ltd., !'lower Hill. fcb20,tf

.i11150l'ol <iUITARS - Ha1.1tr . Button Stop Accordeons anc1 Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­phones, Boosey Ciarlneta.­Charle~ Hutton &. Sons. P.O. feJ3.eod"

I ------· ·-· ------- --

I KIPPS H.ERII TABLETS-. a natural L;;x 11!VP. Qukk safe relief from ctisromfnrt n! cnn~tlpation, h:lwu~ncss. 3~c., $1.00. At all diltgglsts.







'Phone 92718

Nfld. Darts Association. (EASTERN DIVISION}

' The annual meeting will bt held at th1 Rain·

bow Room, Bennett. Brewery, WEDNESDAY,

March. 27th, at 8.15 p.m. •harp. I

·----·-·---- ------·-- ·---Clubs or Leagues wishing to affiliate

with the E.D.N.D.A. mu'lt apply for entry by

March 31st, 1957, and show proof; stati1tics;

of running a series before April 30th, 1957. Electrical


Max Hawk;ns Electrical Contractor

'Pho11e 90446 m23,25,26,28,30


FOR SALE 1951 Vanguard

Sedan $250.00

In good condition,

licenced for 19i7.

Dial 6892F



COrlrRACTOR lnslallatwn and Rrpalr•

to all ty~f~ system•.

Representatives for Clubs or leagues

wishing to affiliate with the E.D.N.D.A. may attend this mttting.

- I· ,• PETER O'MARA, Stcretary·Treasurtr


: _____ _ ClTlr:: or arr. JoaN'•



TENDERS ore requested for the work of laying con· crete curb and gutter and performing ouxlllay work . in a number of City streets .

I Work must be done in accordance with speeifica-1 tions which ere available ol the office of the City


, Tenders will close on WEDNESDAf, April 17, at' 9.00 a.m. Bid! in seale-d envelopes marked

, b d II tb 0

"Tender for concrete cur an guttc.r mus e c.~-'Phqne 5578F 48 FOREST ROAD II posited AT THE OFFICE OF THE C ·:. CLERK not later than the time mentioned. ~----------------~~·


The lowtsl or any tende1 not ne:e!sarily aw~pt!d. E. B. FORAN, City Clerk.


Four Door Sei:fan ~--1 .

With Radio and Heeter.

'Phone 4207 or 2024 during bu5iness


, Aho Jlll!CR JUS!lS an~ KI~DLINr.

-For the llES'f In F'UEL CALL

Coady's Coal Dial 4249 6 !PI!NCIR ST.



ONE LARGE SAFE ,J. & ,J. T" lnr

l"or Porticulors-DIAL 2378 m ~r22, 23, 2.~. 2R,27, 28

1 9 5 5 PREFECT



C:XPER:ENCED STENOGRAf1 1ER Apply litcting experience and soklry expe~ted to:-


--------- ---- -·

Bidgood's Wholesale


• IS



. Stenographer R,quired Female 1. Application~ ne inl'!ted lor a poaillon aa 8TEN1'if0Gi 1\UAPRI,~

at thi1 st,tion. Salary, depMd1n1 upon qua ea O!ll, .., be&ln at ~orne point in the scale $2220·231D-2400-%ft20.214.0. Position carrie! annual ncatlon leave of three 'l'etks, de­ljU&te sickness lea,·e and pension benefit• 'llith a wori: WHk of five dus of aeren and one-half boun each. ·

:a. DUTIES-To handle correspondence afnd typ~~ftte1111n " .. o~ of aclentl!ic staff, to Include Lypinc o repo ... , or " manuscriptJ.

3. Ql'.\!.IFIC\TJO:\S-r.rarlr XI wilh ~non sl:nri\tn"J:, tLh'om· mr.rcial Course, inlrlligenrt and ab1hty to wor., Wl " o en.

4. Anpliration.o, ~il'in' A~r. compltlf arldrc!s, t~ucational qualific:~ion~. with • ~rrt1fir.d. cop)' _n.r r.rad~ Xl marks, copio~ of an)· •v;ul•blr lommr.rcld c~rllhcates and lht name! •nd adc!rcssr~ nf two rclrrencc tnot ula\li'PI) ahould he 'en.t to th~ Dirrclnr, r"i~hrrir~ nescorch Bo•rrl n[ C•nada, Jl!oloJI· ral ,Sial ion,. W•tcr Slrecl East, St. John·,, Thc!i>. record• will hP returned And Ril •pplicari!A w1ll br. nollfied when tht position haA ho.en filled. Application~ Aro. inl'ited frnm atudtnU prt!enlly completinK their Commtrcial Cnu~se and ronAidtration .. if nece!sHy, would be I:IVtn t" ho_ld1n1 thl po~itien open until the end of the present academic year.



FO·R· SAL.E 1 - 1953 MfTEOit SEDAN

in good condition.·

Fe~r further· particulars plea11

'PHONE 4064 . WI UVI •. qlll.llllt)' of broD-" nm Lllllti oa wt · J. V. DAWI LTD.

of essential doth!nc for every man, woman anrl child. Also somplete lines o! color!ully displayed '1\'al~hrn. stainless atael cutlery. household ap­pliance•, •unue, etc. The moat advanred maney·mak· . lnl Sale• Qutlit even hown. Tulnl orde~• wUI be · fun, eall}'-plua Ill ynur peraonal clothlnl nu:t. Write today, Dtpt, 1081, l!l.AKHV.4,LKER , co ... P.b. 1~1 m, Mont.rul, Que,

CORPORATION handling yur· round necc~sltlcs •olrl to Atores, offic~s. factories, etc., requires part·tlme r~prc.~ent· Ation. Protected territory, 207, commission paid week· ly on orders 'received plus repeats. Complete sales equipment luppl!ed,' Th!a Ia no Cly by nl11ht proposition and a car is M~entlsl. De· tails from Certl!!Pd F.lrr.trlr 1

Baird Motors Ltd A.lliad Construction Co.,. Ltd. llldrieal Ce•tnnor DIAL Httl

" No fir• when we wire" Peb28,lm


· Company, Cnmmerclal Park, nunrl~~- Ont. marl 6,19,20,21,22,23



. ,•


. '

Page 16: Nova Motors Ltd. Sona nter Damage Avalon ammars against the ~a~t or Eastern Macm!llan. · tary of St~te. John Foster


·• ...


'' '' I I

' I ,'I ,.

. i i

. :f I

l \

l :I 'l '' \' ' ' ' >: l:.


[ ; I


M'IL'LEY'S =======·"


... ·. . '. .•. ..... .,


REG. sl.oo PAIR .FOR • t


.· c PAIR


Waterfront Directory

AT THE ~~~tt SIGN Steamship


ON DRY DOCK AND CQ OOK Newfoundland leaving Boston The S.S. Cabot Strait, the M.V. ~IMITUII March 19 ·and Halifax March :1.3,

Codroy, and the tus Peel, thesP due St. John's March 25. Sailing thre1! are slated to remain on dry again same day for Liverpool dock until the end of this month. Green Thumbs Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool

ON DOCK March 20, due St. John'& March . s.s. Berylstone is loading a cargo Roscoe A Fillmore 4.00 26. Leaving for Hallfax and Boston I Df Grand Falls paper but had to d H March 27, due Hallfax March 29 atop loading yesterday due to bad Cana ian ome and Boston April 1. Leaving Bos-westher. 'J;'he ship is in charge of Gardening the ton April 2 and Halifax April 6, CaptainG oldie and when loaded due St. John's April B, sailing for will sail for Texas. and New Or· Year 'Round Llverpool Aprll 9. · leans.

1 A, B. Cutting ............. 2.50 Newfoundland leavihn'g Llve~1po1o21 S. s. Kyle will have annua over· I April 5, due St. Jo n s Aprl .

haul, The Kitchen Garden Book Leaving for Halifax and Boston s. S. ~onla will have propeller Stringfellow Ba;·r and April 13, due Halifax April 1~

blade adjusted. and Boston April 18. Leaving Bas· M. v. Henry W. Stone and the Stella Standard ...... · 5.75 ton April 19 and Hallfax April :1.3,

tug c~o. 1222 are moored up. Popular Gardening Ideas due St. John's April 25. Sailing AT HICK~AN'S for Liverpool April 26.

AT CROSBIE & CO. LTD. An Area Hnnd-Book 2.50 :Sova' Scotia leaving Liverpool M. V. Colin II, which was towed . The ModElrn family April 24', due St. John's April 30.

from Placentia by the M.V. Philip· Salling for Halifax and Boston Lake h moored up ... · ........ 'I Garden Book May 1, due Halifax May 3 and

M.V. Western Explorer and the Roy E. Biles ....... .' ... 1.69 Boston May 6. Leaving Boston . whaler Olaf Olsen are moored up

1 , d d May 7 and Halifax May 11, due

for the season. I lawn an Gar en St. John's May 13. Sailing for

1 M.V. Norma Conrad, in charge Throm & Kannmeishi 3.25 Liverpool May 14. 'of Captain Blackmore, havmg rc·1 1 G 'd Newfoundland leaving Liverpool 'pairs. The Homeowners Ul e May 10, due st. John's May 17.

· AT STEERS LTD. . • L d • for Halifax and Boston The Norma Gladys, in charge of · 0 an scapmg May 18, due Halifax May 20 and

Capt, Charles Kean, h having re· Amelia Leavitt Hill ...... 3.00 Boston May 23. Leaving Boston' pairs. L d • th May 24 and Halifax May 28,' due '

M. v. Lindy Barbour Ia moored nn sca~1ng e st. May 30. Salling agal!J same day up. · Home Grounds for Liverpool. · The N. and C. Ralph h moored FURNESS RED CROSS up. · L. W. Ramsey ... .......... 4.00 :rort Hamilton leaving New

AT BOWRING BROS. LTD. landsraping Your York March 26, Halifax March 30, M. V. lnverleigh in charge of due St. John's April 1, leaving

Captain Thornhill, from Louiseurg Own Home April 3 for Halifax only. via Burin with a cargo of coal for Alice L. Duston ........ 3.95 Fort Avalon leaving St. John, Bav Roberts, Is Ice bound at this N. B., March 21, Halifax March port and will sail for Bay Roberts Tu~asurY of · 26, due St. John's March 2&. leav· when the lee barrier moves off. American Gardens !ng March ao for Philadelphia and

AT HMC DOCKYARD - New York via Port aux Basques. MV Seabeacon, Marlnus and In· M. Fitch and F. F. , NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS

vesti~ator II are moored up in· Rockwell 9.50 Bedford II in port, awaiting definitely. change in lee conditions.

MV Christmas Seal wlll soon be o· k & ( L d Belle Isle II awaiting change In getting ready to 5ail on the, T.B. : IC 5 0 t ice ~onditions.

, services about -the first or second ' 1 ' Bedford leaving Halifal! ~!arch week in April. . The Booksellers 26, due St. John's March 28, rail· AT GREAT EASTERN OIL CO. Jng March 29. The M. and S. Johnson of which Belle Isle leaving Halifax March

Joseph Rogers Ia the master is 1 'PHONES 2008. 3191 _ 4425129, due St. John's April 1, sailing

BE L L I S LAN D N. E w s ~:~;~gt; tga~~~~alfr~~~~~a~~ ~~e~:~ Carbon monoxide is a d;;gerous I A~~~;~rd le~vlng Hal!( ax April 2, days, gas that is invisible, odorless and due St. ·John's April 4, salling

AT AYRE & SONS LTD. . tasteless, and kills withouf wnrn· April 5,'

, . •. . . of T~:p~ ~~~ ~oi::~~rha~~n~h~~~~ I ~~~e~.taf~in: ~locsa:d re~~~~~e th~~: , 5, Bd~~e i:.leJ~~~~~n~p~~~~~~x ajFt~

S A • • · L • B }i '1 era! overhaul preparatory to tak· fumes may cause· the driver 1 April 9.

Au~umatic port chvlly . eglon ow ng I ing freight for the usual Trinity death. Bedford leaving Halifax April Bay ports. 10, due St. John's April 12, saillng

" BELL ISLAND-Hockey, as far Bowlin& at the Legion Alleys MV Norman Batstone, in cha~ge BIRTH April 13. Exchange For II Bell Island Is concerned, IUie hu been going ahead with such I of Capt. Wm. Collins, ha\'ing gen· CLARKE STEAMSHIP co. . took a queer turn this month. The leaps and bounds that we are find· era! overhaul to eventually take , 'North Pioneer in port, awaiting

ll'! b two aamea for the All-Newfound· ing it difficult to keep up the pace. freight. DUFFY-Born at St. Mary~ change in ice conditions. Yi a ana laild Section "B" Championship, On MarciL 16 we had our usual MV Robert J. Knickle, In charge Ho!.plul, Montreal, on Marcb North Coaster In port, awaiting

which were to be played In the St. Palrlck's Day Bowling, of Capt. Sam Blackwood, having 19th tdo Mr. and Mrs. Bernard change in ice condition~. The Aulun Telephone Company Bartlett Memorial Arena iut week We' had four team1 bowl ln the repairs. Duffy, a son. l\1rs. Duffy was ' North Coaster leaving Halifax

Limlttd announced recently that !lad to be postponed when the ice morning, Trophiea were given for T·he Marjorie In'kpen, In charge forrmrly Peggy (AJOper, R.N. o! March 26 due St. John's March 29, they will spend 51.~00,000 on new ~lockade prevented the ferry Kip. the hiRheat three games on each of Capt. Geo. Blackwood, having St. John's, sailing M'arch 30. telephone facilities during the cur· awo from operating and the Grand alley. We must admit that we were repairs. I •North Pioneer leaving St. John, rent year. Falls team would not come here a bit diaappolnted In the scores. FLYNN-Born at St. Clare's N.B., Mar. 26, due St. John's Mar.

Bell lslnnder~ are pleased to 'by a\r. Seats for both games were Evelyn Rose had the highest three single, 20~. A. French rolled a !l!ercy Hospital, on ~larch 20, to 30, sailing April 1. l~arn that the) are included In I sold out II week ahead. on alleys 1·3 with a total of 607. nice single on 3-4 alleys, 22~, but !l!ary (nee Jackman) and :'-l'orth Coaster leaving Halifax this exp~nditure, and wll! have the I The Bell Island team plans on Close behlndw as Betty Kent with lost out to Mabel Parsons who roll· Nichola! Flynn, a daughter. April 2, due St. John's April o&,

long all aited automatic exchange :going to Gander this week·end a70. Myrtle Nolan had the highest ed a three game score of ~7~. (Stillborn). sailing April 11. in September a~d If delivery Ia not 'for 1 two-game exhibition serlu single, 248. MIXED DOUBLES Wellandoc leaving Montreal Apr. dela)·e~. the ·~stem should be In with the Gander team. Thl! Ia Ia On alleys 3-4 Kay Jarvis had the The Mixed League bowled on FUNERAL NOTICI! 17, due St. John's Apr. :1.3, sailing operation by the end of 19~7. keep the team !n conditio~ in cue highest three 11~9, with Evelyn Saturday night and the scores are ---- ; Apr. 2~.

the Papertown team decides to Rees. next in order~S~. as follows: TREIJS--The funeral of the Gulfport lea\'lng Montreal April Scene Of Robbery come in here to finish the series In the early afternoon games G. Gosse • . . 189 199 ~13 601 late Mrll. Susanna Treils will 26, due st. John's April 30, sailing • ,'before it is too late In the seuon. Je2an Gray won on alleys 1·2 with C. Picco , , . . 100 123 f21 040 take place to·day at 2.30 p.m., ~lay 2.

H,re h an exterior view ol A time limit Is expected to be set ~3 • and on 3-4 Carol LeDrew had Jena Jackman 200 201 229 630 from t'he Queen's Road Presby· Novaport leaving Montreal April C)·rll Moakler's appliance store on wh~n the Section "B" I! nail the highest three, 1192. Mildred Rita Bursey .. 170 134 188 492 terian Ohurch, to Mount Pleasant , :.ray 6, due St. John's May 11, sail· on Bell Island, scene of 1 daring are to b~ played on Bell hi:md. Martin had 1 single of 2Zll. c~metery. ing May 14. 5800.00 robbery on sunday night. This year Bell Island iced an We played five players to 1 team T. Buller , ... 264 11~ 229 608 !NGAGEMENT GuUport leaving Montreal May Thieves entered tne building on all-Bell Island team for the Senior ~~t~e ~~i~ game, ~s ~~~re WRI very J. Rees , , .. , 162 143 117 422 ____ .... ~ .. --- --· -·-- 15, due St. John's May 20, sailing busy Town Square by breaking a "B" se: ies and the . way things e er1nce n e averages. Julia Hickman 163 208 174 545 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh, May 22. g]us In the door. Besides the turned out, stiffer opposition WBI Mary Nolan had the highest on Emmie Skanes 82 162 195 439 28 Pearce Avenue Place, an· • Refrigeration. $800.00 there was approximately met than would ordinarily be en· alleya l·2--4M, A. Atkins highest Trophy, Lena Packman (ladles) nounc1 the engagement of her 5100.00 in small notes in the countered In the Senior "B" dlvi· T. Butler (men). youngest daughter Mercedes, to •fe, but thl• was rtot taken ap- alan. That is history now and to build up Its hockey elub than D. Jackman .• 109 217 109 >&35 Charle! Follett, i.-lde!!l son of, Children do not always develop puently It was unnoticed. Severnl many local fans' are not happy is B~n· Island .Right now tbe Bell J. McLean · · 192 16~ 182 ~39 ~!r. and Mrs. Harry Follett, of to a certain pattern in height and ch~ues weTe removed from, the over many of the outcomes. Island All.Stara are 100% local Madeline

137 144 395 Mundy Pond Road, both of the ' weight. Hereditary characteristics safe, I!Jild throv.11 around the floor. Next season may see a complete and II a team ara equal and In Stoyles · · · · 114 city. may make a difference of several Nothinll else 11 missing, The bue· new 1et·up !n lical hockey. One many casea superior to any one- Bonnlt Bown 164 116 175 '55 Inches in children of the same age. ment of ttle Carbaae bulldlnl!, ·thing is certain and this hockey town team !n the province. Balanced meals, daily doses of next to where /Mr. George car· town made every effort to keep If it becomes necenary to build P. Coxworthy 140 134 . 1Z1 ~ vitamin n and adequate exercise liage, proprietor of carbale's from doing so-if other towns In· a stronger Bell lllland team In 'A. Proudfoot 1Z7 147 207 481 IN MEMORJAM and rest wil help children to Suptrmarket stores 1 lot of hls! slat on building up hockey clubs order to stand a chanc1 of win· Ste!la keep bealthy and develop normal· stiX'k w1s aho broken In llld tome 1 with import~~, there-is no town In nlnt the champlona!ilp It will not Ptoudfoot .. 148 200 2011 M4 MURPHY ly. of tt.~ alack wa1 atolen. the. province In a better position be Bell llland'a fiult. Rose Dawson 145 173 1~0 4681

Trophy, Stella Proudfoot (ladie•J f on1 of the camp counsellor's J k M L ( ) In lo~!ng mamory D a e c ean men · duties b to see that the children

Th i t d fr t CAROLIN'! MURPHY, e ce preven e us om ge · : get adequate rest. The excitement ti t t at b i Who· diad March 23, 1950. ng our aecre earns us ness ' and extra activities at camp make men and •alesladles in tha News. May the Sacred Heart of it very necesury that the young·


Movi,es catch

Action in Color

• on I he !l'orlrl' s

w:.iii_. ..... popular morie m

BROWNIE M ~ CAME Here's the camera that makes movies simple as sncps~otl at a lower·than·ever price avery larr.ily can c'lord. Come how easy it is! You just aim and shool lor really w full-color movies, indoors and out. No beller time then for personal movies- the world's favorite mo,ie maler ;1

bigger, better buy than ever!

. WITH f; 2.7 LENS ................... .

TOOTON~S L Distributors lor KODAK m

made by

means made just right

Made in Northamptomhirc, Englml, oy craftsmen who are masters of their trade-and etocked by leading stores throughout Newfoundland.


T,..n.e'"lulri•t: PAJlKE~ & MONI'.OE Ltd., HI'] Waur Strut, St. Jo',.

However, they bowled Monday II· Jesus have mercy on her sten havt sufficient sleep. ternoon and tlle men (ol course) 1oul. _____ ::..__....:_ __ __:_ ___________________ _ ia the modem .

atyl~d key·in·knob

11ve you top ptrformance which . showa tbat you na~e the beat.

This ~oinmon pasaa1e latch by Weiser hu ~II the euentla!l of the w~~~~r C6mpany -:­auptr!or destrn and ald!led technique to1ethtr with



Dramatic Beauty

for your home I

Typical'. of Walser'• Jdv~nctic: design Ia the wideb •~claimed

. "Lockinr· by !o'noo movement" shown heJ'.e In thla bathroom or bedroom· lock. 1t simplifies lock·. ing and ellminat~• accidental loclloul,l.



. I . '

.. ,

I nsartld by har son, Wll· II 1m.

paid. "Don't they always?" The ladleawo n two points. Below II a list of teams and acorea:

Salesgir!l 'jijjiiiijjiijiiijiijijiijii= Mary Whalen •• 202 20~ 188 593 j Lena Jackman • • 168 183 207 ~~8 Jean Chafe , , •• 169 163 130 462 Shirley Warren., 187 1~ 211 ~63 Emmie Skanes . , 193 211 138 M2

Trophy, L, Jackman. Bualnewnen Cyril Moakler. . • 1:56 162 183 501 Pat Myers .•••• 178 m 159 462 Len Kent , , .. , . 196 160 206 562 John Simon .. .. 82 172 167 421 Gordon Martin . , 107 269 167 543

Trophy, L. Kent. Now comes what we consider the

most important bit of bowling news this year. Tli'e GRAND1 MOTHERS are going to have an afternoon all to themselves and bowl for a trophy, When the list of teams has been compiled we shall be delighted to 1end ll along,

Good Morning, .Neighbor · PlaM CODifdtr Ill ~ tUI ••• your frindl -atlp.bcm. lf - caa htlp you ID u' _, wllil ,our IIIMinDct pre hi_, jut call ...


Te.,ple lutldlng, Dud.woM~ Sl IUol 10l71• 1716


In mtf'!1Dry of my mothar,


who diad Much 23, 1956. Yet agaln· we hope to meet

her, Wmen the day of life is fled, And in heaven with joy to

gree-t her There no farewell tears are


ln1trt1d by htr dau;111ar, Calhtrll!t Williams and grandchildren, Altx, Olga, Harold;



At the

we ·vAUXH


oung lead gam HALIFAX (CP) herself off to h after going

his friend, has h deferred.

in city po MacManus Fri

coun~el Peter O'Hr court ~ln. Fo:>l'eli

sailor la~t fall "' was at f•'a. Both in the Canadian

she married the se ~uble her n3\'~·

~·!l'es. She h l ~ m she was 16. she cn~\·i~~ed

of Weiland, Bass, o! Barrie.

\!Ia! her own cou!in . of her~elf.

,,T API)Rn!F.:"'T 1 friend and sh!pmatr st•l'?d at t~Pir aoart royal!~'. Thrn last ll'as drafted to anot ll'ent to sea. Bas• slav at t~e "partm ~Irs. Fo·\\'~ll tnM

not actu•fh· )!r~. 1 cnu•in WhP. had

children. ~ln. Fn to Ontario to 11nrk.

on papers German, Intend~ to ollongtlme

1 powerful