notice of course withdrawal · 2020-03-02 · page 3 of 15 entry requirements include any...

Page 1 of 15 NOTICE OF COURSE WITHDRAWAL: This course was permanently withdrawn with effect from academic year 2018/19. Programme specification is published and available for continuing students only who should note the following: For cohorts completing in 2020/21 The following CI3xx modules have been replaced with the relevant CI6xx modules. CI301 CI601 CI304 CI604 CI320 CI620 CI350 CI650 CI328 will be co-taught with CI587

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This course was permanently withdrawn with effect from academic year 2018/19.

Programme specification is published and available for continuing students only who should note the following:

For cohorts completing in 2020/21

The following CI3xx modules have been replaced with the relevant CI6xx modules.

CI301 CI601

CI304 CI604

CI320 CI620

CI350 CI650

CI328 will be co-taught with CI587

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Course summary

Final award BSc (Hons) Digital Media

Intermediate award CertHE Computing, DipHE Computing, BSc Computing

Course status Validated

Awarding body University of Brighton

School Computing, Engineering and Mathematics

Location of study/ campus Moulsecoomb

Partner institution(s)

Name of institution Host department Course status



Admissions agency UCAS

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Entry requirements Include any progression opportunities into the course.

Check the University’s website for current entry requirements.

A-levels or BTEC

Entry requirements are in the range of A-level BCC–CCC (104–96

UCAS Tariff points), or BTEC Extended Diploma DMM–MMM. Our

conditional offers typically fall within this range.

We will generally make you an offer if your predicted grades are at

the top of this range. If your predicted grades are towards the lower

end of this range we may still make you an offer if you have a good

GCSE (or equivalent) profile or relevant non–academic


International Baccalaureate

27 points, with three subjects at Higher level.

Access to HE Diploma

Pass with 60 credits overall. Level 3 units in computing required. At

least 45 credits at level 3, with 24 credits at merit or above.


At least five GCSEs, subjects must include English language and

maths at grade 4 and a physical science at grade C.

Foundation degree/HND

Direct to years 2 or 3. HNC may also count towards direct entry.

For non-native speakers of English

IELTS 6.0 overall, with 6.0 in writing and a minimum of 5.5 in the

other elements.

Start date (mmm-yy) Normally September


Mode of study

Mode of study Duration of study (standard) Maximum registration period

Full-time 3 years 8 years

Part-time 6 years 8 years

Sandwich 4 years 8 years


Course codes/categories

UCAS code G456


Course Leader (or Course Development Leader)

Dr Andrew L. Blake

Admissions Tutor Dr Ali Hami

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Examination and Assessment

External Examiner(s)

Name Place of work Date tenure expires

Dr Andrew Bingham School of Computing, Teeside University

September 2019

Examination Board(s) (AEB/CEB)

Computing AEB/CEB

Approval and review

Approval date Review date

Validation September 20071 April 20152

Programme Specification January 20173 2017-184

The Programme Specification for BSc (Hons) Digital Media is applicable to the cohort starting the course in 2017-2018.

Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body 1 (if applicable): BCS (British Computer Society)

May 2015

May 20205

Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body 2 (if applicable):

Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body 3 (if applicable):

1 Date of original validation. 2 Date of most recent periodic review (normally academic year of validation + 5 years). 3 Month and year this version of the programme specification was approved (normally September). 4 Date programme specification will be reviewed (normally approval date + 1 year). If programme specification is applicable to a particular cohort, please state here. 5 Date of most recent review by accrediting/ approving external body.

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The aims of the course are:

To enable students to develop the abilities expected of any graduate, including being able to:

– think logically and imaginatively

– carry out research effectively using a range of methods and sources

– communicate clearly, in both spoken and written English, through different media including digital communication technologies and channels.

To instil a professionalism characterised by:

– the competent practice of appropriate professional skills

– an understanding of the theories and models that underpin the application of those skills

– the identification of appropriate technologies and methods necessary to commission, design and create digital media products and services that satisfy client and user needs

– an understanding of the context, including the ethical and legal imperatives, of professional work.

To produce graduates with:

– knowledge and expertise in current new media technologies, content creation, production and marketing techniques

– an understanding of underlying principles that will equip them to adapt their skills to future demands

To address the growing scope and pervasiveness of applications of digital media by providing a range of specialist modules, particularly at level 6.

Learning outcomes

The outcomes of the main award provide information about how the primary aims are demonstrated by students following the course. These are mapped to external reference points where appropriate6.

Knowledge and theory On successful completion of the course the graduate should be able to:

1. Understand the structure of software and data

2. Understand the software and communication components of computer systems, particularly those pertaining to digital media

3. Function as a digital media professional, with understanding of professional, legal and ethical issues in new media industries

4. Understand the commercial and marketing context for applications of digital media

5. Apply the principles of human-computer interaction in a user-centred design process, to create rich and accessible user experiences

6. Apply creative practice and knowledge of current standards to the production of digital media artefacts

Skills Includes intellectual skills (i.e. generic skills relating to academic study, problem solving, evaluation, research etc.) and professional/ practical skills.

Intellectual skills

7. Research and analyse problem situations; model the requirements of possible solutions before implementation

8. Evaluate the extent to which technological and organisational solutions, processes and techniques are effective

9. Learn and apply new technologies, tools and methods

10. Reflect on learning and communicate effectively to a range of audiences through writing, speaking and presentation media

11. Identify ethical issues in the exploitation of technologies and work within professional, ethical and legal constraints

6 Please refer to Course Development and Review Handbook or QAA website for details.

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Professional and practical skills

12. Work effectively in teams, plan projects and manage time

13. Design, develop and evaluate user-centred systems

14. Research, design and implement digital media systems, including websites, multimedia applications and digital artefacts

QAA subject benchmark statement (where applicable)

The QAA benchmark for computing, 2007 -


Accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered IT Professional.

Accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purpose of partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer.

Accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT for the award of Euro-Inf Bachelor Quality label on behalf of EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education e.V) as satisfying the outcomes of First Cycle Programmes specified by the Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Accreditation Criteria for Informatics Degree Programmes.


Learning and teaching methods

This section sets out the primary learning and teaching methods, including total learning hours and any specific requirements in terms of practical/ clinical-based learning. The indicative list of learning and teaching methods includes information on the proportion of the course delivered by each method and details where a particular method relates to a particular element of the course.

The information included in this section complements that found in the Key Information Set (KIS), with the programme specification providing further information about the learning and teaching methods used on the course.

Learning and teaching strategy and methods

Full-time students normally study 60 CATS points each semester. The standard model of weekly teaching for a module is a one hour lecture outlining the scope of the subject and a one hour tutorial or practical class. Some modules are taught in two hours of studio classes, combining formal teaching with demonstrations and practical work. Other modules are undertaken through mainly independent learning, directed through occasional lectures, workshops, presentations and crits.

Students learn independently during the academic year, through guided activities such as reading, practical skills development and completion of assessed coursework. For each module, they are expected to spend on average 5-6 hours per week on independent study.

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At level 4, in semester 1, module CI164 is taught through small group tutorials (6-10 students) facilitated by the students’ personal tutor. Students are supported through the induction process for the course, acquire the study skills necessary for succeeding as an undergraduate, and practice professional skills relevant to their award.

At level 6, the individual project accounts for 40 CATS points. Students work independently and are supported by a supervisor who they meet regularly to discuss issues relating to their project. The project enables students to extend and deepen their knowledge and skills within the field of their award and to practice the self management of a major intellectual and practical challenge.

Placement learning

The optional sandwich placement for full-time students is undertaken between Levels 5 and 6. Learning is based in a workplace: the placement is managed by the Faculty of Science and Engineering Placements Unit and supervised by a member of academic staff. Module CI282 is used to assess placement learning: the assessment includes reflection on the placement and how it has helped the student to develop professionally.


Teaching and learning requires the use of computer-mediated communication and management of content, by students and staff. Extensive use is made of studentcentral, the university’s Managed Learning Environment (MLE) for delivery of learning and teaching material, and as a communication channel. Online submission and assessment are used where appropriate. In addition, some modules make use of a range of e-learning tools such as websites, social media and blogs. A number of modules, particularly those involving learning web technologies, are supported by online resources and open source software. Students are provided with access to these through the module areas on studentcentral and social bookmarking tools.

Students are provided with a workspace on the itsuite web server, allowing students to publish work online as part of the assessment for several modules. They are encouraged to use social media to network, to follow leaders in the digital media industries, and to develop and manage their own professional presence online.


Assessment methods

This section sets out the summative assessment methods on the course and includes details on where to find further information on the criteria used in assessing coursework. It also provides an assessment matrix which reflects the variety of modes of assessment, and the volume of assessment in the course.

The information included in this section complements that found in the Key Information Set (KIS), with the programme specification providing further information about how the course is assessed.

All modules conform to the School’s current assessment policy as specified in the document CMIS Assessment Policy.

A variety of assessment methods are used on the course to assess students’ knowledge and skills. These methods include:

Written exam / viva voce exam demonstration of knowledge, understanding and analytical skills; assesses whether students have achieved the learning outcomes

Written assignment, including essay

demonstration of skills in analysis, evaluation and communication

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Report demonstration of skills in analysis, evaluation and communication

Portfolio demonstration of the ability to apply knowledge, problem analysis and problem solving, integration of techniques to carry out tasks, competence in the use of tools and content creation

Project output

demonstration of intellectual skills in research ability, problem analysis and problem solving; solution building and evaluation; demonstration of practical skills in information and interaction design, integration of media, visual presentation and content creation

Oral assessment and presentation demonstration of knowledge and communication skills

Coursework schedules are published at the start of the academic year to ensure that students are able to plan their time in order to manage the completion of assessments to deadlines.

Award learning outcome Assessment methods Compulsory or mandatory modules


of credits

1. Understand the structure of software and data

Written exam, portfolio

CI112, CI114, CI135


2. Understand the software and communication components of computer systems, particularly those pertaining to digital media

Written exam, portfolio, oral assessment and presentation

CI112, CI114, CI108, CI135, CI136


3. Function as a digital media professional, with understanding of professional, legal and ethical issues in new media industries

Presentation, report, project output



Portfolio, report CI237 10

Portfolio, report CI350 20

4. Understand the commercial and marketing context for applications of digital media

Presentation, report, project output

CI165 20

Portfolio, report, project output

MK298, CI237, CI264 50

Written exam, portfolio, report

MK397, CI350 40

5. Apply the principles of human-computer interaction in a user-centred design process, to create rich and accessible user experiences

Portfolio, report, project output, written assignment, presentation

CI138, CI141, CI165


Portfolio, project output



6. Apply creative practice and knowledge of current standards to the production of digital media artefacts

Portfolio, report, project output, written assignment, oral assessment and presentation

CI108, CI135, CI138, CI141, CI165, CI174


Portfolio, report, project output

CI237, CI264 30

7. Research and analyse problem situations; model the requirements of possible solutions before implementation

Written exam, portfolio, report, project output, written assignment, oral assessment and presentation

CI108, CI135, CI138, CI141, CI165, CI174


Written exam, portfolio, report, project output

MK298, CI222, CI237, CI264


Written exam, portfolio, report, project output

MK397, CI301, CI350 80

8. Evaluate the extent to which technological and

Portfolio, report, oral assessment and

CI141, CI165


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organisational solutions, processes and techniques are effective

presentation, written assignment, project output

Portfolio, report, project output

CI237, CI264 30

Written exam, portfolio, report, project output

MK397, CI301, CI350 80

9. Learn and apply new technologies, tools and methods

Portfolio CI108, CI135, CI174 60

Written exam, portfolio, project output

CI222, CI264 30

Portfolio, report, project output

CI301, CI350 60

10. Reflect on learning and communicate effectively to a range of audiences through writing, speaking and presentation media

Portfolio, report, oral assessment and presentation, written assignment, project output



Portfolio, report, project output

CI237, CI264 30

Portfolio, report, project output

CI601, CI350 60

11. Identify ethical issues in the exploitation of technologies and work within professional, ethical and legal constraints

Portfolio, report, oral assessment and presentation, project output

CI141, CI165


Portfolio, project output CI237, CI264 30

Portfolio, report, project output

CI601, CI350 60

12. Work effectively in teams, plan projects and manage time

Presentation, report, project output

CI165 20

Written exam, portfolio, report, project output

CI222, CI237, CI264 40

Written exam, portfolio, report, project output

MK397, CI301, CI350 80

13. Design, develop and evaluate user-centred systems

Portfolio, report, project output, written assignment, presentation

CI108, CI135, CI138, CI141, CI165


Portfolio, project output CI264 20

14. Research, design and implement digital media systems, including websites, multimedia applications and digital artefacts

Portfolio, report, project output, written assignment, presentation

CI108, CI135, CI138, CI141, CI165


Portfolio, report, project output

CI237, CI264



Institutional/ University All students benefit from:

University induction week

Student Handbook: the University and you

Course Handbook

Extensive library facilities

Computer pool rooms

Email address

Welfare service

Personal tutor for advice and guidance

Course-specific Additional support, specifically where courses have non-traditional patterns of delivery

In addition, students on this course benefit from:

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(e.g. distance learning and work-based learning) include:

The school’s Student Support and Guidance Tutor, who provides support throughout level 4 and in exceptional circumstances for level 5 and 6 students

School, course and module areas on studentcentral

The help and guidance of the Faculty Placement Unit in finding an optional paid placement between levels 5 and 6; support from the Placement Unit and an academic supervisor during the year working in industry

Watts Building computer suite and studios with access to specialised hardware and software

Research Informed teaching

Teaching is informed by high quality research. In the 2008 RAE the school Results indicated that 65% of the submitted research outputs in Computer Science and Informatics were internationally renowned or world leading. The Interactive Technologies Research Group is a group of staff and students in the school with interests in designing and developing useful and usable interactive technologies, whether these are conventional desktop systems or newer technologies such as computer games, mobile phones and interactive television. This research informs teaching of human-computer interaction, multimedia and web design.

Industry links

The city of Brighton & Hove has a vibrant regional digital cluster supported by Wired Sussex. Students benefit from our contacts with digital media professionals with an international reputation, who give guest lectures, set coursework briefs, and advise on course development. Students can participate in several local groups and benefit from a programme of events and talks related to the digital industries. This gives digital media students at Brighton unique opportunities for professional development to enhance their employability.

Education for Sustainable Development

The University of Brighton is committed to the principles of sustainable development.

The University Sustainability Policy’s Key Principles are inherent in the topics covered and the teaching approach adopted on this course, centred as it is in a user-centred approach to design. Open technologies and standards are used where appropriate; the principles of universal and accessible design are built into the course. The capabilities described in these principles are developed in students i.e.

- critical thinking and problem solving

- a participatory, value-driven and inter-disciplinary approach

- understanding local situations and global implications

- action-orientation

These are all required attributes for working as a reflective, ethical digital media professional.

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This section includes an outline of the structure of the programme, including stages of study and progression points.

The main aim of the course is to produce graduates who are equipped to fill a number of different roles in the digital media industries – in web and multimedia production, digital marketing, educational software, or UX design, for example. The ethos of the course is to combine a sound foundation in the technologies and industry standards underlying the creation of digital media; knowledge of the commercial and social contexts in which digital media artefacts are used; and competence in practical production skills and user-centred design.

LEVEL 4 - students study a broad foundation of computing and digital media subjects covering the following areas –

foundation in programming and scripting languages

digital technologies

production of digital graphics, web pages and multimedia

user-centred design methods

professional, legal and ethical issues

social, economic and cultural context of new media industries

academic and professional skills

Students begin to establish an online professional presence by creating a blog, online CV and portfolio, to showcase work. The portfolio is required in level 5 for placement applications.

LEVEL 5 – students apply their foundation knowledge to more specialised areas of digital media production, including –

audio and video production

3D graphics and animation

multimedia and website design and development

They study the first module of a two-year marketing curriculum, delivered by Brighton Business School; and methods for planning and managing digital projects. Students carry on developing their portfolio and work in small groups to create a multimedia showcase to promote their work online to potential employers.

LEVEL 6 – students progress direct from level 5, or may choose to spend a year on placement in industry (see below). The curriculum in the final year consolidates and deepens the marketing focus of the course through a second Business School module and a specialised module in digital marketing. Students work independently to plan, research and carry out a major project, which strengthens and extends their knowledge and skill in a chosen area. Students also study a further 40 CATS points of elective modules that explore more specialised areas relevant to a career in digital media.

At all levels of the course there are opportunities for students to engage with the local digital media sector, either through talks from visiting speakers, or through extra-curricular meetings and other events taking place in Brighton & Hove.

Students who successfully complete the three years of study combine specialist knowledge with a broad competency in relevant technologies and production methods, equipping them to start a career in digital media working in a variety of roles.

Optional industry placement

Students are encouraged to spend a year working in industry between levels 5 and 6. The Faculty Placement Unit supports the process of finding a placement starting in level 4. A Placement Conference is held during Induction Week for students progressing to level 5 and direct entrants. The Placement Unit supports students throughout the year, helping them to prepare a CV, to find and apply for jobs.

Students undertaking the placement year study CI282 or CI235, through which they can gain 20 CATS points of credit for successfully completing the placement. This is assessed through coursework in which interns reflect on and document their experiences and professional development.

Each student is visited at their workplace by an academic supervisor at least once during the placement year.

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Level Semester




Design for digital media


Introduction to web development


Working in the Digital Industries


3D Animation and Modelling


A practical introduction to databases


Introduction to programming



Human-computer interaction


Creative design lab



3 out of 4 options:

CI263 3D Compositing CI221 Time-based media

CI227 Web technologies

CI240 Interactive multimedia development


Website design and development


Principles of marketing


Project planning and control



Portfolio project 2

Sandwich year assessed by CI282 Placement Learning or CI235 professional Experience & Learning

Optional (choose 4)




The individual project


Marketing applications


Digital post production

CI304 Usability evaluation

CI328 Internet games design and



CI320 Intellectual property law

and IT

CI350 Digital Marketing



M = Mandatory (modules which must be taken and passed to be eligible for the award)

C = Compulsory (modules which must be taken to be eligible for the award)

O = Optional (optional modules)**

**Optional modules listed are indicative only and may be subject to change, depending on timetabling and staff availability

Level7 Code Status Module title Credit

4 CI108 C Design for digital media 20

4 CI135 C Introduction to web development 20

4 CI165 C Working in the Digital Industries 20

4 CI174 C 3D Animation and Modelling 20

4 CI112 C A practical introduction to databases 10

4 CI114* C Introduction to programming 10

4 CI138 C Creative design lab 10

4 CI141 C Human-computer interaction 10

*CI177 Programming (10 credits) can be used to replace CI114 by students transferring from a BSc (Hons) Computing course at the start of semester 2. These students would on entry have been enrolled on CI101 Programming (20 credits).

7 All modules have learning outcomes commensurate with the FHEQ levels 0, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. List the level which corresponds with the learning outcomes of each module.

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5 MK298 C Principles of marketing 20

5 CI263 O 3D Compositing 20

5 CI221 O Time-based media 20

5 CI222 C Project planning and control 10

5 CI227 O Web technologies 20

5 CI237 C Portfolio project 2 10

5 CI240 O Interactive multimedia development 20

5 CI264 C Website design and development 20

5 CI282 O Placement learning 20

5 CI235 O Professional experience & learning 20

6 CI301 M The individual project 40

6 MK397 C Marketing applications 20

6 CI304* O Usability evaluation 20

6 CI314 O Digital post production 20

6 CI320 O Intellectual property law & IT 20

6 CI328 O Internet games design and development 20

6 CI350 C Digital marketing 20

* Where a single-length module is co-taught with the first semester of a double-length module students may not take both.

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Award type Award* Title Level Eligibility for award Classification of award

Total credits8 Minimum credits9 Ratio of marks10: Class of award

Final BSc (Hons) Digital Media 6 Total credit 360 Minimum credit at level of award120

Levels 5 and 6 (25:75) Honours degree

Intermediate BSc Computing 6 Total credit 300 Minimum credit at level of award 60

Not applicable

Intermediate DipHE Computing 5 Total credit 240 Minimum credit at level of award 120

Not applicable

Intermediate CertHE Computing 4 Total credit 120 Minimum credit at level of award 120

Not applicable

*Foundation degrees only

Progression routes from award:

Award classifications Mark/ band % Foundation degree Honours degree Postgraduate11 degree (excludes PGCE and BM BS)

70% - 100% Distinction First (1) Distinction

60% - 69.99% Merit Upper second (2:1) Merit

50% - 59.99% Pass

Lower second (2:2) Pass

40% - 49.99% Third (3)

8 Total number of credits required to be eligible for the award. 9 Minimum number of credits required, at level of award, to be eligible for the award. 10 Algorithm used to determine the classification of the final award (all marks are credit-weighted). For a Masters degree, the mark for the final element (e.g, dissertation) must be in the corresponding class of award. 11 Refers to taught provision: PG Cert, PG Dip, Masters.

Document revised: July 2015 Page 15 of 15


The examination and assessment regulations for the course should be in accordance with the University’s General Examination and Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses (available from staffcentral or studentcentral).

Specific regulations which materially affect assessment, progression and award on the course e.g. Where referrals or repeat of modules are not permitted in line with the University’s General Examination and Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses.

1. The course regulations are in accordance with the University's General Examination and Assessment Regulations and the CEM undergraduate modular framework

2. Students who meet the University requirements for an ordinary award will be awarded a BSc Computing.

Exceptions required by PSRB These require the approval of the Chair of the Academic Board