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Silver information

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According to T.A.P.S regulations, we are not allowed to use this information or references in our promotional leaflets as it could imply that we are making

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No information stated or referenced should be considered as medical advice for dealing with an health concern. You should always consult your health

care professional for individual guidance on specific health issues.


What is Ionic Colloidal Silver?

Ionic colloidal silver is a completely natural, liquid mineral supplement. The term “colloid” refers to a substance that consists of ultra-fine particles suspended within a liquid solution.Colloidal silver consists of submicroscopic particles of silver, held in suspension in ultra purified water by a tiny electrical charge. When ingested, these tiny particles of silver travel throughout the body like any other mineral before being excreted through your normal channels of elimination.

What does 'ionic' mean?

An ion is an atomic or molecular particle having a net electric charge. Scientific data (we got more than 180 references to studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the ionic form of colloidal silver) indicates that it is the positively charged ions that give colloidal silver its power to support the body's natural immune response.

Ionic colloidal silver has the ability to interact with the cellular membranes in the same way as other important complex ions, such as vitamin B-12 or chlorophyll; these and many other important nutrients are complex ions.However, so-called “true colloids” (particles of silver in their metallic form) cannot interact with cellular membranes very well – they exhibit very low bio-availability and -activity and are about 1000 times less effective than bio-energised ionic colloidal silver.

Why do you call your silver “bio-energised”?

The water we use to produce our products is gone through a special process that gives us ultra-purified, laboratory grade water at about 0.1 micro-semens. It is well known that silver needs this extremely pure water as a base. What is not as widely known yet is that water has fascinating properties that can offer further benefits in addition to it being free of contaminants.

The amazing powers of ionic colloidal silver are combined with the subtle energy properties of water that has been energised using the Grander Living Water technology.

The purpose of this technology is to regenerate and sustain water's naturally coherent, highly ordered molecular structure.

Laboratory research and field applications around the world repeatedly validated the effectiveness of the Grander technology:

➢ The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences➢ The Institute for human ecology and environmental medicine in Moscow➢ Dr. Horst Felsch, German state certified chemist➢ Dr. Manfred Bruck (on behalf of the Austrian Association for consumer information)

Grander energised, “living water” features high oxygen levels and has, according to the research mentioned above excellent bio-energetic properties.

Vibrational Medicine

Going beyond the Newtonian, mechanistic model in science, the new Einsteinian viewpoint of vibrational medicine sees the human being as a multi-dimensional organism made up of physical / cellular systems that are in a dynamic interplay with complex, regulatory energetic fields. Scientists such as Dr. Richard Gerber, MD, James L. Oschman PhD, Dr. Masaru Emoto and many others scientifically grounded experts are able to explain the seemingly abstract concepts of human energetic systems. Technology has now evolved to the point where we can observe and interact with these energetic aspects of life.

Some of our products incorporate vibrational essences because of these new, and far-reaching insights into the body mind relationship.

What size are the silver particles?

The bio-energised silver particles of our products are .0001 micron in size or less (1 nanometre or less). The particle size is very important, because the smaller the particle size, the more anti-microbial killing power, superior absorption, distribution throughout the body. To help you to understand how tiny these particles are:Human hair is about 100 microns wide, a typical red blood cell is only about 7 microns wide, most bacteria

are between 4 and 15 microns wide. A virus, on the other hand, can be as small as .01 micron. Our particle size is many times smaller than that of a tiny virus.

What is ionic colloidal silver used for?

Silver has been used for its healing and infection fighting properties since the time of ancient Egypt. The evidential benefits of silver to support your immune system has a 90 year documented medical history and attracts the attention of scientists and medical researchers to this day. Scientific and medical journals have published many new findings on its health properties. (Let us know if you want some of these references).

Ionic colloidal silver is considered to be one of the most powerful natural infection-fighting agents and is widely used as a mineral supplement to support your body's immune system and to accelerate natural healing and detoxification. Externally, silver is known for its excellent antiseptic and healing properties for skin conditions.

Who can benefit from Ionic Colloidal Silver?

Anyone who➢ needs ongoing support for their immune system➢ is susceptible during the ills & chills season➢ needs to enhance the natural immune function of the eyes, the nasal and oral cavity➢ has skin conditions where its natural immunity is compromised

A small sample of diseases against which colloidal silver has been used, according to historical medical texts

acne, allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, blood parasites, bubonic plague, burns, cancer, candida, cholera, chronic fatigue, colds and flu, conjunctivitis, diabetes, gonorrhea, hay fever, herpes, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, lyme disease, malaria, meningitis, parasitic infections both viral and fungal, pneumonia, rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat, shingles, skin cancer, staph infections, stomach ulcers, strep infections, syphilis, toxemia, trenchfoot, numerous forms of viruses, warts and more

Silver deficiency and your health

Silver, like all other minerals play important roles in the body – if the levels we need are not sufficient there will be consequences in the long term.

It has become increasingly difficult to obtain all the essential nutrients we need through our food and diet: The world's soils have become depleted through modern farming methods and increased population demands, the foods grown on these mineral depleted soils now thus have less nutrient content.The situation is then aggravated by the use of over-processed and fast foods.

One of the earliest studies that reported on silver content in foods was conducted by R.A Kehoe of UCLA, back in 1940. This study showed that an average daily intake of fruit and vegetables would provide between 50 -100 mcg of silver as a trace element.

By 1975 the amount of silver found in our diet was so low that it became necessary to use picograms (one trillionth of a gram) as the unit of measurement instead of micrograms (one millionth of a gram). According to Snyder, W.S, the average daily intake of silver has been estimated to be only 70 pg / day. This immense drop in silver content of our foods could explain that many researchers have found indications that silver indeed

plays an important role in our health and immunity, and deficiency in silver could impair our immune system.

Robert O. Becker, MD and medical researcher, noticed a correlation between low silver levels and illnes: He found that people with low levels of silver (determined through hair analysis) were sick more frequently and their illnesses lasted longer than people who had higher levels of silver. Other researchers such as Dr. Gary Smith and Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom of the Karolinski Institute in Sweden confirmed the correlation between low silver levels, sickness and immune deficiency; especially in relation to cancer.

Ionic colloidal Silver and the immune systeme

In his best selling book The Body Electric and other publications he writes that silver was not just killing disesae-causing organisms but also stimulating immune response in humans and accelerates the healing of injured tissue. He discovered that cancer cells could be changed back to normal cells when directly treated with electrically generated silver ions.

Dr.Gary Smith, cancer research scientist, found out that if there is enough silver in our system, cancer cells – which are mutated cells, dedifferentiated back to normal cells. He suggests that lack of silver in our diets may be at least partially responsible for the increases in cancer we see today.

Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom of the Karolinsky Institute in Sweden has been using silver in his cancer treatments for years and claims great success

Research dating from 1909 to the present day indicates that presence of silver ions:

➢ Stimulates white blood cell production and effectiveness thus boosting the body's ability to attack cancers and pathogenic microorganisms. (eg.Journal of the American Medical Association, 1909 & G. Jansson G. Harms-Ringdahl M. Department of Radiobiology, Stockholm University1993)

➢ “Primes” white blood cells to go on the offensive against harmful foreign invaders. (eg.A. Remes, DF Williams:”Neutrophil Polarization and Immunoelectrophoresis Assays in the study of complement activation by biomaterials”, Biomaterials, Aug 1991)

➢ Stimulates red blood cell production, thus boosting life-giving oxygenation of the body's cells, tissues and organs. (Publications of the recent researchers T. J Berger, A..A Marino and J.A Spadaro)

➢ Stimulates the reticulo-endothelial system (RES), which helps the body to purge itself of harmful toxins and wastes. (M. Fabroni, Haematologica)

➢ Stimulates the production of ROS (reactive oxygen species), used by white blood cells to help the body rid itself of toxins and foreign invaders through oxidation. (Thurman & Gerba, 1989)

How does silver work?

The most accepted theory was discovered by Dr. Larry C. Ford who discovered during his independent research at the UCLA Medical Labs 1988 that colloidal silver acts as a catalyst. Colloidal silver carries a very light positive electrical charge, and most infectious microorganisms apparently carry a negative electrical charge – so when ionic colloidal silver is ingested, or when you apply it topically, it attracts directly to the microorganism because of the opposite electrical charge. Ford also noticed that most microorganisms have an enzyme receptor site on their outer shell that they use for respiration and energy production. Silver ions fit perfectly over these enzyme receptor sites and are believed to stop the enzymatic action and thus stop the pathogenic microorganism from being able to respire.

However, viruses are not like bacteria and fungi – they don't “breathe” like bacteria or fungi and have no respiratory enzyme for the silver particle to attach to. Some researchers found out that silver has the ability to produce, or to stimulate in the body a hydrogen peroxide reaction, which in turn kills the pathogens.

Recent research with even smaller micro-particle-size silver or “nano-particle” silver (such as bio-energised colloidal silver), indicates that the particle size are so tiny that pathogens are actually able to absorb them, just as they absorb other micro-nutrients- thus these micro-particles appear to kill larger pathogens from the inside out. This theory was published in the Journal of Nanobiotechnology (June 29, 2005 edition) in which it was demonstrated that very tiny “nano-particles” of colloidal silver were absorbed by the AIDS virus and were able to stop the virus from replicating by attaching to its DNA.

Chronic degenerative conditions & silver

Numerous medical studies have been conducted which reveal the fact that infections can be involved in many forms of chronic degenerative disease. One medical expert, Dr. Garth Nicholson, MD, a molecular pathologist, has revealed that many forms of acute illness and chronic degenerative disease often have underlying infections caused by the mycoplasma.Mycoplasmas are extremely small pathogens, almost only detectable with sophisticated medical technolgy called DNA-PCR testing.Mycoplasmas are capable of “burrowing” deep within the tissues and cells, from where they do their destructive damage – they are often referred to as “stealth pathogens”.

Other top mycoplasma researchers agree with Dr. Nicholson and confirm his findings: They believe that the mycoplasma pathogens are one of the chief causative agents in almost all forms of chronic degenerative conditions such as alzheimer's disease, arthritis, crohn's disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, diabetes, and more.

➢ Dr.Erik Enby, Peter Gosch & Michael Sheehan: “The hidden Killers” - the role of pleomorphic

microbes in chronic degenerative diseases, including cancer.

➢ Dr. Harold Clark: “Why Arthritis?” - the role of mycoplasmas & other stealth pathogens in causing rheumatoid arthritis.

➢ Doug A. Kaufmann, Dr. David Holland, MD:”Infectious Diabetes” - insights into type 2 diabetes as a fungal infections

➢ Nadine Wooley:”How to beat Multiple Sclerosis” - how the author cured herself of MS

➢ Dr. M. Paul Farber:”The Micro Silver Bullet” - documents how Dr. Farber used colloidal silver to cure his Lyme's disease

➢ Dr. Alan Cantwell, Jr., MD:”The Cancer Microbe” - insights into the cancer microbe connection

➢ Dr. William G. Crook, MD:”The Yeast Connection Handbook” - the role of fungal infections in causing chronic degenerative conditions

Dr. Darryl See treated patients with mycoplasma infection for several years at the Center for special immunology and also at the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Clinic at UC, Irvine. According to him he has seen patient's DNA-PCR tests turn from positive to negative with the use of very small particle colloidal silver of .0001 micron or smaller.

Colloidal Silver's antioxidant properties

A study on colloidal silver was published in the International Journal of Neuroscience (volume 117, issue 3, March 2007, p. 387-400)

This study suggests that colloidal silver may be beneficial as an option to help protect against cellular damage caused by chemotherapy and even in cases of Alzheimer's and other chronic degenerative diseases characterised (in part) by free radical damage to brain cells:

➢ The study infers that CS may have an previously unrecognised protective antioxidant effect on all cells of the human body.

➢ The study implies that CS may be able to help mitigate the damage to brain cells that results from oxidative stress caused by excessive free radical activity during the course of chronic degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, anyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) and low brain oxygen levels due to stroke or other conditions – this ids due to very powerful antioxidant qualities which are believed to quench the oxidative stress.

➢ This study demonstrates that in vitro, CS does not present any brain cell toxicity at all but appears to be neuro-protective.

➢ The study infers that CS has the potential to help mitigate the destructive effects of chemotherapy on healthy cells – it was postulated that the free radical quenching qualities of CS may also slow the growth of cancers associated with free radical damage.

Colloidal silver and depression

There have been reports of people who have found colloidal silver to be surprisingly effective against some forms of depression, feeling mentally dull or lethargic. Colloidal silver researcher Darrel Tichy points out that there is indeed some medical research that might explain these experiences- according to Tichy this research demonstrated that a small amount of the mineral silver is needed by the human body to effectively process certain B – vitamins, particularly B-12, which is the body's energy and stamina vitamin. Vitamin B-12 deficiencies have long been known to result in lethargic and depressed physical and mental states and now, B-12 deficiencies (at least some) have been linked to low levels of silver in the body (so if the body is deficient in mineral silver, it may not be effectively process and utilise vitamin B12).

Colloidal Silver and candida yeast infections

There are numerous success stories regarding the use of CS against candida yeast infections, including vaginal yeast infections. The use of CS taken internally in conjunction with a yeast and sugar free diet often brings quick results, even in stuborn cases. The use of beneficial microorganisms, such as lactobacillus acidophilus is also recommended.

What the experts say

These quotes are from health professionals about colloidal silver and its use from a variety of sources, some go back to the early 1900's. They are published for educational purposes only to give you some insights on colloidal silver's properties according to these health experts. In no way should these quotes be used as an endorsement for the use of colloidal silver for purposes not approved by Medsafe. Always consult your health professional for individual guidance.

“Today, many antibiotics are losing the battle with germs. Fortunately, the best germ killer, which was discovered over 2000 years ago, is finally getting the proper attention from medical science – natural silver. I sincerely recommend that everyone have electrically generated colloidal silver in their home as an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal agent.”

Dr. Joseph Weissman, MD, board certified immunologist and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California Medical School

“Taken internally, colloidal silver can be used to fight infection. It has been shown to be effective against more than 650 disease causing organisms, including Escherichia coli (E coli) bacteria and the fungus Candida albicans.Topically it can be used to fight fungal infections of the skin or nails and to promote the healing of burns, wounds, cuts, rashes and sunburn. It can be used on toothaches and mouth sores, as eye drops, and as gargle to fight tooth decay and bad breath. It can also be used as sterilizer and can even be sprayed on air conditioning filters and air ducts and vents to prevent germs from growing.”

Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balsch, CNC and James F. Balch, MD p. 66

“Thanks to the eye -opening research, silver is re-emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half -dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic.”Science Digest, 'Our Mightiest Germ Fighter' by Jim Powell, March 1978

“ Silver is such an efficient bactericidal agent that our great grandmothers put silver dollars in fresh milk to keep it from spoiling at room temperature....Silver has been employed in human health care in the search for immortality since the days of the Chinese alchemist 8000 years ago. Many feel that silver is in fact an essential element, not because it is required for an enzyme system, but rather as a systemic disinfectant and immune system support.”

Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures by Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS

“I was told I had second and third- degree burns on my face and third-degree burns on my hands...the very next day my mother brought me colloidal silver, with directions to use it externally and internally as frequently as possible, because it assists in growth of new tissue. She had learned from Dr. Young that silver's positive electrical charge counters the negative charge of a damaged body area, bringing it back into balance and enabling the body to regenerate and heal itself. Mom sprayed undiluted colloidal silver onto the burned areas, and I took it by drops under my tongue...My mother applied the silver many times a day. It was absorbed into my skin instantly. It felt cool and tingling and loosened the tension on my face, hands and fingertips...After only one day of treatment with silver, it was obvious the healing was happening very rapidly. New tissue and skin grew back at an accelerated pace. The swelling of my head diminished rapidly and the breathing apparatus came off almost immediately. The plastic surgeon told me I was healing twice as fast as any burn patient he had ever seen in his long career.”“Thanks to the eye -opening research, silver is re-emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half -dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic.”The pH Miracle: Balance your Body, Reclaim your Health by Robert O. Young, PhD p. 137/138

“Applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with astonishingly successful has the advantage of being rapidly fatal to parasites without toxic action on its host. It is quite stable. It protects rabbits from ten times the lethal dose of tetanus or diphtheria toxin.”Colloids in Biology and Medicine (1919) by Alfred Searle, founder of the giant Searle Pharmaceuticals firm

“Dr. Marchial-Vega has had considerable clinical experience with a colloidal silver preparation that contains between 20 and 25 parts of silver per million parts of water. This preparation has proven effective in patients with HIV in quickly resolving pneumonias due to pneumocytis, streptococcal, staphylococcal, klebsiella and fungal infections. In the hospital, the therapy is administered by a special nebulizer as well as orally.”'Physicians Guide to natural health products that work' by James Howenstine, MD p.262

Frequently asked Q & A in regards to dosages & common applications:

Q: If I take 25 ml of colloidal silver daily could my immune system still get compromised?

A: No substance can keep you perfectly healthy forever, e.g. even if you would take a prescription antibiotic drug every day, sooner or later you could still get sick with an infection – there are said to be more than 20.000 cataloged pathogens in existence. Individual antibiotic drugs are effective against 5-15 different pathogens, broad spectrum antibiotics are very effective against 20 to 30 or more pathogens. Colloidal silver is said to be effective against up to 650 different pathogens (Jim Powell, Science Digest 1978).But sooner or later you may still get sick.The vast majority of silver users take small amounts of it daily – they report that they suffer far fewer winter ills and chills than before and when they do catch one, they experience a reduction in the duration and intensity of symptoms.

Q:I heard that people increase their dosage of colloidal silver considerably when they are fighting an active condition?

A: For a powerful boost 40 ml, 3 to 5x per day may be taken for 3 to 5 days often works well. If you are taken a large dosage like that, it is recommended to drink 8 glasses of pure water (not at the same time as the silver is taken) and to supplement with a pro-biotic such as a natural yoghurt.

Q: Can I take CS for a serious infection such as pneumonia or bloodpoisoning?

A: When you are really sick or you are not getting well, go to a doctor immediately, seek his/her guidance and follow their instructions – this is common sense, that is what doctors are trained to do. Many people have found that taking a powerful boost of colloidal silver (40 ml, 3 to 5x per day for 5 to a maximum of 10 days) can complement & support the medical treatment they are receiving.

Q: What about taking high concentrations / large dosages of colloidal silver for long periods of time?

A: Some people think more is always better. We don't agree: Daryl Tichy, an independent colloidal silver researcher from Brigham Young University, finds it unnecessary and questionable to take high concentratons/ dosages of colloidal silver (from 30ppm up to 200ppm, 500ml per day). There is no medical literature proving that long -term use of high concentrations and large doses are completely safe.It is`widely agreed that collidal silver is taken for acute conditions, 40 ml, 3 to 5x per day is all that's needed when taking a high quality, high-tech silver such as our product, for 5 days to a maximum of 10 days. Children take ½ the adult dose.

Q: What's the recommended daily mineral supplementation dosage?

A: As a daily mineral supplement, 10 ml once daily is sufficient. Children take ½ the adult dose.

Q: I have a chronic condition; can I take CS to support my body's natural immunity?

A: As always, we recommend the individual guidance of a healthcare professional. Generally, good results have been achieved taking 15 to 20 ml, once to 3x daily. Chidren take ½ the adult dose.

Q: Can CS help my sore throat?

A: It has been found helpful to gargle with about 25ml of colloidal silver six or eight times a day and to swallow after each gargling. Another method for stubborn sore throats, customers recommend lying on their backs and take a good amount of CS into their mouths and hold the liquid there for as long as possible, slowly letting it run down the throat a little at a time to keep the silver in direct contact with the affected area. They spray a bit more once the CS is drained to maintain the contact for about 15 minutes. This process may be repeated for up to four times. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.

Q: What about earaches?

A: Always consult your health professional first. Excellent results have been achieved by placing 3 drops of CS in the offending ear by lying on the opposite ear for 15 minutes in order to let the CS thouroughly drain into the inner ear. Process can be repeated after 6 to 8 hours

Q: Can I use colloidal silver on my eyes?

A: Colloidal silver is safe and effective to support the natural immune defences of your eyes. Simply put 3 drops directly into the eye, 3 or 4 times a day. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.

Q: Can I use it for my blocked nose?

A: We had excellent feedback about our antiseptic, hypoallergenic nasal spray applicator. 2 to 3 sprays per nostril, 3 to 4 times a day is sufficient. The internal use of bio-energised colloidal silver is also recommended.

Q: Can I use for my toothache and bleeding gums?

A: Once you can feel a toothache, the damage to the tooth has been well underway for some time so you always need to see your dentist. Bleeding gums can be a sign of chronic plaque that needs professional attention as well.However, for acute conditions, it has been reported that holding a mouthful of colloidal silver in your mouth for 10 minutes at the time can help to eliminate gum problems. Others add CS to their water pik device to get it under the gumline, others spray their toothbrush each time they used it, to keep it hygenic.

Q: Can CS be used on toenail fungus & athletes foot?

A: We recommend individual guidance by a health professional.In regards to the assistance of CS it is recommended that people soak their affected toes in a glass bowel lid for 15 to 20 minutes daily and to continue it for the duration of the time it takes for the new toenail to completely grow while the affected area is being gradually clipped off. Additionally the intenal use of CS is also recommended.

Q: Can CS ease my itchy scalp?

A: Absolutely worth a try – simply use the spray bottle to apply a fine mist onto the affected area, preferably after having washed it.

Q: Will help CS skin conditions where its natural immunity is compromised?

A: We have had wonderful feedback on all sorts of skin conditions, from teenager break-outs to cuts to chronic conditions. We recommend our colloidal silver gel, cream and spray applications.

Q: What about burns?

A: Spray colloidal silver onto the affected area of a minor burn, and repeat as needed to soothe the pain. Dr. Magraff at Washington State University showed that silver can work fantastically to to prevent and assist the healing of skin infections associated with burn victims. It is used in burn centres worldwide. However, you must always see your doctor for potentially serious, or severe burns.

Q: I heard CS can help with digestive disorders & candida yeast infections?

A: Always consult your healthcare professional with undiagnosed symptoms. Colloidal Silver has been found to assist stomach ailments and candida yeast infections, especially in conjunction with pro-biotics, such as lactobacillus acidophilus.

Q: Can I get argyria?

A: First of all Argyria has never been associated with the use of modern, high quality, properly manufactured and controlled ionic colloidal silver when used with common sense and as directed:

Argyria is a cosmetic skin condition, where silver is deposited in the dermal layer and makes the skin appear grayish when exposed to sunlight. Even though unsightly, this condition is not associated with adverse health effects.

The EPA has to our knowledge no record on file of any person having contracted argyria through the use of properly manufactured and controlled, high quality, electrically generated liquid colloidal silver. All their records on file appear to date to the 1930's and earlier - and these cases were linked to the ingestion of crude silver compounds, silver powder and the intravenous injection of silver compounds or it refers to a very few people who took excessive, unreasonable amounts and concentrations (from 50 ppm up to 500ppm, up to 500ml or more per day for weeks or months) of self made, poor quality silver formulations / brews.

Nevertheless, common sense should always be used in taking anything. Using extremely high concentrations or large amounts of Colloidal Silver for prolonged periods of time is not sensible, necessary nor recommended.

It seems that, for some reason, there is an effort to blur the distinction between electrically generated

colloidal silver and the chemical forms of silver that have been known to cause argyria in the past.Food for Thought:If properly made, high quality colloidal silver causes argyria, as critics claim, where are all of the victims, compared to the millions of colloidal silver users in the world?

Self made silver versus Bio-energised Colloidal Silver

There are lot of sites who offer apparently quality colloidal silver generators for a "bargain price"...All we can say is that you get what you pay for - and sometimes not even that...We had over the years lots of people coming to us with samples of there self made colloidal silver in order for us to test it: More often than not we discovered that the silver had already started to agglomerate and tiny particles could actually be seen in the solution....the ppm often showed to be completely beyond the strength (eg. 50 ppm) these people were expecting to drink....

What's the problem

Many of the cheaper priced generators are questionable in regards to the quality of silver they produce (many experts refer to them as 'mud-makers'.Do you know for sure what particle size (this determines the quality of your silver) the generator is capable of producing?

What technology is being used to charge the particles?

Do you have water that is pure enough to produce highest quality colloidal silver - distilled water we bought from supermarkets wasn't quite pure enough as you would it expect it to you have the right equipment to test the purity of your water?

The water we use for our range is of laboratory purity, about 0.1 – 0.0 micro-semens, the purity o 3x distilled water but instead of being completely robbed of oxygen, our water is actuall oxygen enhanced. The purity is important if you want to have the best silver there is - and this is not to speak of its energetic, coherent molecular structure .

We believe there are some high quality generators available, but why bother and have a big expense (not to speak of the right additional water purifying / energising equipment when you can obtain the best possible quality silver for a very very affordable price for hassle free, peace-of-mind use??

Self made silver versus Bio-energised colloidal silver

This is a transmission electron microscope photo of CS poorly made samples of home made colloidal silver, photos were made at 100,000 power magnification.

This is a transmission electron microscope photo of our CS.The typical particle size is in the range of .0001 to .000.5 um. Magnification is 100,000 times. Notice the uniformity of particle shapes. Also note the particles are separate rather than agglomerated. There are basically 2 different sizes.shown. This is very high quality ionic colloidal silver.

Microbiological challenge tests for antimicrobial properties by direct inculation on Bio-Engised Ionic Colloidal Silver by Origin Health Ltd

Cultures were maintained in accordance with the recommendations of the Curator of the Culture Collections Centre NZ Communicable Disease Centre of New Zealand and Laboratory Services quality control systems.

The following organisms used in the test:

1/ Staphlococcus aureus (ATCC - 6538)2/ Escherichia coli (ATCC - 8739)3/ Candida albicans (ATCC – 10231) Escherichia coli

ATCC Recovery Level (cfu!l nl) Staphylococcus aureus Test Organism Number: 09N25814

Job Number: 09NR011616 Candida albicans

Dated: 15 April 2008

Recovery times:1 minute 4 minutes 8 minutes and 12 minutes


Out come of tests: On all tested Organisms listed above, there was a full kill rate within 4 minutes with no signs of re-growth within 12 minutes with Bio-Colloidal Silver from Origin Health Ltd

What dosage is best?

Each person's body assimilates and catalyses minerals differently; due to this bio-individuality, a dosage that works for one person may have a different level of effectiveness for another:

Important: Please keep in mind that the following information is strictly anecdotal. The “Incremental Daily Dosage” method (decribed below) has been used for decades by health professionals to determine how much colloidal silver to use in any specific instance, is an excellent way to use colloidal silver. No claims of medical or scientific validity are being made, and the feedback presented should be used for informational purposes only. This report is no attempt to perscribe or practice medicine in any way, shape or form. Your health care decisions should always be made under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

The “Incremental Daily Dosage”

During the 1980s health professionals re-discovered this well established method that had already been used in the past: They observed how the patient's body reacted to the daily dosage of colloidal silver being given, and then adjusted the daily dosage in small increments, accordingly. If symptoms were not subsiding quickly enough, the dosage and/ or concentraton of colloidal silver would be increased. A starting dosage might be 20ml, per day. If no relief of symptoms is experienced at that dosage fairly quickly, then the dosage would be increased by 20ml, 2 -3 x per day.This dosage level would be maintained until improvement was noticed within 4-7 days. For a powerful support: 30-40ml, up to 3x per day but only for 4-7 days. If ongoing support is required: 5 -10ml once daily.

Herxheimer's Effect

If a person takes too much colloidal silver at once, it could result in the Herxheimer's reaction, which occurs when there is too large of a die-off of infectious micro organisms in a too short time span: Symtoms of this reaction may be headaches, muscle aches, nausea or diarrhea and are said to be caused by toxins being released by millions of dying pathogens which overwhelms the body's

ability to process the dead pathogens and the toxins they release.If this would occur the health professional would simply reduce the dosage given until the Herxheimer's symptoms subsided.

Nano – particle silver The particle size of silver in a colloidal solution is expressed in terms of a measurement known as microns or nanometer: A micron is 1.000 nanometers and 1 nanometer equals .001 microns.

Nano – particle colloidal silver has a particle size from .001 down to .0005 microns (or slightly smaller yet), which is five ten-thousands of a single micron – this is incredibly small, for example many times smaller than a tiny virus.

To compare these sizes in relation to the human body: A human hair is about 100 microns wide, most bacteria are between 4 and 15 microns wide, a typical red blood-cell is about 7 microns wide and a virus can be as small as .01 micron.

Why the particle size in your colloidal silver matters:

Many people believe that a high ppm level designates the strength of colloidal silver or they believe the ppm refers to the number of silver particles in a solution.

However, 1 ppm of colloidal silver means that 1 milligram of silver deposited in 1 litre of water: 1mg/l. So ppm is a measurement of the overall weight of silver in a litre of water, not the number of silver particles.

What is important to know is that it is how finely divided the total silver content is, (e.g. how many tens of millions of tiny sub-microscopic particles are available), that ultimately determines the potential effectiveness of colloidal silver.

Our colloidal silver particle size goes down to .0005 microns.

What is so special about nano or micro -size particle silver?

It is well known that colloidal silver is a mineral supplement which has the unique property that it can disable many of the pathogenic microorganisms it comes into contact with -a fact that has been reported by numerous studies at some of the world's leading medical universities and laboratories. Furthermore, colloidal silver researchers believe that the new nano-silver particles can support the body in getting rid off the mycoplasma infections that medical experts link to chronic degenerative conditions.

Many highly trained medical experts such as Dr. Garth Nicholson, MD, of the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Newport Beach, California, now think that mycoplasma are one of the chief causative factors involved in many forms of chronic degenerative disease such as Arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, Cancer, Chrohn's disease, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Heart disease, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Type l Diabetes and many other chronic degenerative conditions.

Mycoplasma are extremely tiny and almost undetectable, unless special medical technology called DNA - PCR testing equipment is used. Mycoplasma are often referred to as 'stealth pathogens' because they are burrowing deep within the tissues and cells: Dr. Nicholson:”These tiny microorganisms do not have rigid cell walls like most bacteria; instead they possess fluid lipid outer surfaces like tiny jellyfish, and because of this they can squeeze, bend and move into tight spaces....”

There are other prominent medical researchers who agree with Dr. Nicholson, for example:

Dr. S. Ching Lo, senior researcher at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, believes that the various mycoplasmas are causative agents in numerous illnesses such as Parkinson's disease, Wegener's disease and the ones mentioned earlier.(Ref. Nexus Magazine, volume 8, number 5 August / September 2001)

D.J. Fletcher of the famous San Diego Clinic says:”Practitioners here have seen evidence that mycoplasma are highly active in 80% of their cancer patients and are also involved in the auto-immune process, playing a role in conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis”

Dr. Charles Engel, of the US National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland stated at an NIH meeting on February 7, 2000:” I am now of the view that the probable cause of Chronic fatigue syndrome, Fibromyalgia and other forms of chronic degenerative conditions is the mycoplasma..”

Dr. Maurice Hilleman, chief virologist for Merck Sharp & Dohme, stated according to Nexus Magazine that mycoplasma is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most

people throughout the world.

The use of Colloidal Silver against mycoplasma is still in theoretical stages, however, since 1998 it has been reported that medical practitioner's such as Dr. Darryl See, former co-director of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Clinic at the University of California at Irvine have experienced remarkable results in treating mycoplasma infections with nano size particle silver. Dr. See states he has witnessed the DNA -PCR tests of many of his patients with known mycoplasma infections turn from positive to negative with the usage of micro / nano silver particles. (Ref. Arthritis and Infections: The Hidden Link, Health Sciences Institute, Vol. 2, #10, April 1998).

It appears that nano particle silver kills larger pathogens from the inside out – this thesis has come about a study published in the Journal of Nanobiotechnology (June 29, 2005 edition), in which it was shown that the tiny nano particles of colloidal silver were absorbed by the AIDS virus, and were able to stop the virus from replicating by attaching to its DNA. Theoretically, there is hope that nano silver may be of help against the hard-to-reach viruses such as Epstein Barr virus, various herpes viruses, shingles, and the debilitating human papilloma virus and cytomegalovirus.

Please note: A Nano-particle can be absorbed at a much higher level by the human body, for products that contain only natural ingredients this is not a problem, but is not recommended for products that contain chemicals.

Important note: The information in this article should only be used for informational purposes. Nothing stated here should be used as medical advice for dealing with a health problem. Origin Health Ltd. does not assert or recommend that colloidal silver is a 'cure' or to be used as a 'treatment' for any disease or medical condition. You should always consult a health professional for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease.