north county leader 09 november 2012

A registered newspaper at the G.P.O. We deliver We Deliver The ONLY Local Newspaper with the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certification Your Quality Local Newspaper The Biggest Circulation Of ANY North County Newspaper 9th October 2012 Volume 19, Issue 31 Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Tel: 8•400•200 • [email protected] Supported by: During the month of October we will be collecting OLD IRISH COIN/NOTES FOREIGN CURRENCY, EURO and STERLING Your money can be returned to any Ulster Bank All funds raised will be donated to Special Olympics Ireland Rotary International in Ireland supporting Special Olympics Ireland Currency Collection Ireland Political commentators that have spoken to the County Leader have expressed the view that, should the Minister be removed from office, there would be no chance that any subsequent Minister for Health would deliver Primary Care Centres in the North County, as they would have cost the careers of two government ministers. County Mayor Cian O’Callaghan (Lab) has called on his party leader, Eamon Gilmore, to seek for the removal of Reilly from office. Many residents feel that this would have a detrimental effect on the Primary Care Centres being delivered here, and such demands for his removal from office by local politicians would be viewed harshly by the electorate. This view was endorsed by Dennis Barry, President of St Finian’s Conference of St Vincent de Paul in River Valley, Swords, who was in no doubt about the value of a Primary Care Centre in Swords and the part played by Dr Reilly. Barry, who is used to dealing with the hardship of people, told the County Leader, “In my area, the population is getting older, and in the medium future, a Primary Care Centre would be a great help. I’d love to see something like this happening, with care on your doorstep, without having to travel long distances.” He went on to defend the role played by Dr Reilly when he said, “I can’t see anything wrong with him looking after his constituency. He was elected by the people to look after our concerns. All constituencies with a minister are normally well looked after. I’d safely say that if he goes, then the Primary Care Centres will definitely go, as it is a really hot potato and would be dropped imme- diately.” Councillor Anne Devitt (NP) was scathing of the actions of Mayor O’Callaghan. She told the County Leader , “I believe that the mayor represents all the people of Fingal and he should not have made that statement in his capacity as mayor. People are angry with him for making such an opportunistic and populist call at this time.” Devitt has sympathy with the Health Minister, when she said, “It’s quite clear that a town like Swords needs a Primary Care Centre, or maybe two. The way the debate is going, as to whether Reilly went about it correctly, suggests that Swords doesn’t need one. The public perception that neither Swords nor Balbriggan have the popu- lations that deserve a Primary Care Centre is very far from the truth,” said Devitt. She was confident that the Taoiseach would do the right thing in relation to Reilly. “I think that Enda Kenny will realise that there are outside forces trying to discredit the Minister. People are playing the man, not the ball, and I fear that anyone taking over from Dr Reilly will distance themselves from all projects associated with him, including the Primary Care Centres for Swords and Balbriggan. This would be a retrograde step,” she concluded. Meanwhile, representa- tives in Balbriggan feel that a Primary Care Centre in the town will be of enormous benefit. President of Balbriggan Chamber of Commerce, Kevin Tolan said, “As a Chamber of Commerce, we also welcome the employment that will accrue as a result of construction of the centre.” “It is unfortunate that Balbriggan’s name has been used as a ‘political football’ in recent weeks. It should be remembered that in 2007, Balbriggan was identified by the previous Government as being a necessary location for a Primary Care Centre. The current census figures show that the need is now even greater. Minister for Health James Reilly TD has thankfully continued to recognised the need in Balbriggan for a Primary Care Centre, and the sooner it arrives the better, for the Balbriggan area and its population.” The closest hospitals to Balbriggan are Beaumont Hospital and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, and neither of these locations have a direct public transport link to or from Balbriggan. At present, public Healthcare is provided by the Medical Centre, which was formally a public house and is far too small to cope with the existing population,” he concluded. Primary Care Centres At Risk Of Being Lost Forever T he ongoing controversy surrounding the location of Primary Care Centres in Swords and Balbriggan is causing great political discomfort for Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly. However, the general consensus from people in the area is that the centres would be welcome additions to the North County and a terrible shame if they were lost. By Patrick Finnegan James Reilly TD Swords Youths Receive Awards On Wednesday October 3rd last, the Community Gardai and new Superintendent of Coolock Garda Station, Ronan Galligan, came together to award certificates to all the volunteers of Swords Youth Group who were recently involved in the Alcohol Misuse & Knife Crime programme. The certificates were presented by the Superintendent. Following the presentation, the young people and the Gardai ventured into Garda headquarters in Harcourt St and Tara St. Fire Station, where they had an opportunity to have a bird's eye view of how the Communications section of the Gardai works. They also were shown how a 999 call is processed and the follow up process of it. It was a busy, but educational day of fun, that was enjoyed by all. Earlier this year, the group came together for two evenings to partake in this programme. Its aim was to break down barriers and challenge attitudes between the young people and the Gardaí, therefore creating an opportunity to build up positive, sustainable relationships between both groups. The idea for this origi- nally came from local community Sergeant, Kevin Toner. The programme was devised by the Gardaí due to the increase in knife crimes around the locality. Members of Swords Youth Services were presented with certificates at a ceremony at their new building in Swords recently. The awards were presented by Garda Superintendent, Ronan Galligan. Pictured at the event are Shauna Hunt, Leanna Hunt, Garda Pamela Harte, Erinn Murtagh, Ryan Reddy, Shannon Lowndes, Superintendent Ronan Galligan, Shanika McCormack, Erin Dolan, Rebecca Hickey, Hannah Reel, Josh Reel, Sgt. Kevin Toner and Garda Dongdong Zheng. President’s Award For Three North County Recipients T hree people from the North County have received Gaisce Gold Awards from President Michael D. Higgins for outstanding community work and signifi- cant personal achievements. Seventy Gaisce Gold Awards were presented to young people north and south who excelled and achieved their goals at a ceremony in Dublin Castle. Tomás Bell (20) from Portmarnock was among the winners. He’s a scout leader with Portmarnock Scouts who covered the full distance of The Kerry Way in five days. He already holds both a Bronze and Silver Gaisce Award. A member of the Reserve Defence Forces, he has just achieved his lifelong dream of securing a place in the Defence Forces. Nadine Lattimore from Baldoyle, who is visually impaired, was also an award recipient. She represented Ireland on the Shot Putt team at the recent Paralymics in London. She achieved silver and bronze Gaisce awards over the years as her eyesight began to fail. Nadine holds the Irish female shot putt record. She sings in her local gospel choir and has completed an Enable Ireland programme in Assistive Technology. The third North County recipient is Shona O’Donoghoe (21), a primary teacher from Donabate. She spent her summer helping with the St Vincent de Paul Summer camp for children in Sunshine House, Balbriggan. She set herself the challenge of learning Italian and walked part of the Camino de Santiago Pilgrim Route. Gaisce, the President's Award, is presented to modern day heroes and heroines aged between the ages of 15 and 25 years who achieve personal goals in different types of activities including community involvement, personal skills, physical recreation and adventure. Pictured here is Tomas Bell, from Portmarnock Scout Club proundly displaying his Gold Gaisce Medal. Cllr. Anne Devitt

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North County Leader 09 November 2012


Page 1: North County Leader 09 November 2012

A registered newspaper at the G.P.O.

We deliverWe Deliver


ONLY LocalNewspaperwith theISO9001:2008 Quality Certification

Your Quality Local


The BiggestCirculation

Of ANYNorth CountyNewspaper

9th October 2012 • Volume 19, Issue 31 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 • [email protected]

Supported by:

During the month of October we will be collectingOLD IRISH COIN/NOTES


Your money can be returned to any Ulster Bank

All funds raised will be donated to Special Olympics Ireland

Rotary International in Ireland


Special Olympics Ireland CurrencyCollection


Political commentators that havespoken to the County Leader haveexpressed the view that, should theMinister be removed from off ice,there would be no chance that anysubsequent Minister for Health woulddeliver Primary Care Centres in theNorth County, as they would havecost the careers of two governmentministers. County Mayor Cian O’Callaghan (Lab)has called on his party leader, EamonGilmore, to seek for the removal ofReilly from office. Many residents feelthat this would have a detrimentaleffect on the Primary CareCentres being deliveredhere, and such demandsfor his removal f romoffice by local politicianswould be viewed harshlyby the electorate.This view was endorsedby Dennis Barry,President of St Finian’sConference of St Vincentde Paul in River Valley,Swords, who was in no doubt aboutthe value of a Primary Care Centre inSwords and the part played by DrReilly.Barry, who is used to dealing with thehardship of people, told the CountyLeader, “In my area, thepopulat ion is gett ingolder, and in the mediumfuture, a Pr imary CareCentre would be a greathelp. I ’d love to seesomething l ike thishappening, with care onyour doorstep, withouthaving to t ravel longdistances.” He went on todefend the role played byDr Reilly when he said, “Ican’t see anything wrong with himlooking after his constituency. Hewas elected by the people to lookafter our concerns. All constituencieswith a minister are normally welllooked after. I’d safely say that if hegoes, then the Primary Care Centreswill definitely go, as it is a really hot

potato and would be dropped imme-diately.” Councillor Anne Devitt (NP)was scathing of the actions of MayorO’Callaghan. She told the CountyLeader , “I believe that the mayorrepresents all the people of Fingaland he should not have made thatstatement in his capacity as mayor.People are angry with him for makingsuch an opportunistic and populistcall at this time.”Devitt has sympathy with the HealthMinister, when she said, “It’s quite

clear that a town l ikeSwords needs a PrimaryCare Centre, or maybe two.The way the debate isgoing, as to whether Reillywent about i t correctly,suggests that Swordsdoesn’t need one. Thepubl ic percept ion thatneither Swords norBalbriggan have the popu-lat ions that deserve aPrimary Care Centre is very

far from the truth,” said Devitt.She was confident that the Taoiseachwould do the right thing in relation toReilly. “I think that Enda Kenny willrealise that there are outside forcestry ing to d iscredi t the Minister .

People are p lay ing theman, not the ball , and Ifear that anyone takingover f rom Dr Rei l ly wi l ldistance themselves fromal l pro jects associatedwith him, including thePrimary Care Centres forSwords and Balbriggan.This would be a retrogradestep,” she concluded.Meanwhile, representa-

t ives in Balbr iggan feel that aPrimary Care Centre in the town willbe of enormous benefit. President ofBalbriggan Chamber of Commerce,Kevin Tolan said, “As a Chamber ofCommerce, we also welcome theemployment that will accrue as aresult of construction of the centre.”

“It is unfortunate that Balbriggan’sname has been used as a ‘politicalfootball’ in recent weeks. It shouldbe remembered that in 2007,Balbriggan was identi f ied by theprevious Government as being anecessary location for a Primary CareCentre. The current census figuresshow that the need is now evengreater. Minister for Health JamesReilly TD has thankfully continued torecognised the need in Balbrigganfor a Primary Care Centre, and thesooner it arrives the better, for theBalbriggan area and its population.”The closest hospitals to Balbrigganare Beaumont Hospital and Our Ladyof Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, andneither of these locations have adirect public transport link to or fromBalbr iggan. At present , publ icHeal thcare is prov ided by theMedical Centre, which was formally apublic house and is far too small tocope with the existing population,”he concluded.

Primary Care Centres AtRisk Of Being Lost Forever

T he ongoing controversy surrounding the location of Primary Care Centres inSwords and Balbriggan is causing great political discomfort for Minister forHealth, Dr. James Reilly. However, the general consensus from people in the

area is that the centres would be welcome additions to the North County and aterrible shame if they were lost.

By Patrick Finnegan

James Reilly TD

Swords Youths Receive AwardsOn Wednesday October 3rd last, the Community Gardai andnew Superintendent of Coolock Garda Station, RonanGalligan, came together to award certificates to all thevolunteers of Swords Youth Group who were recentlyinvolved in the Alcohol Misuse & Knife Crime programme.The certificates were presented by the Superintendent.Following the presentation, the young people and theGardai ventured into Garda headquarters in Harcourt Stand Tara St. Fire Station, where they had an opportunity tohave a bird's eye view of how theC o m m u n i c a t i o n ssection of the Gardaiworks. They also

were shown how a 999 call is processed and the follow upprocess of it. It was a busy, but educational day of fun, thatwas enjoyed by all. Earlier this year, the group cametogether for two evenings to partake in this programme. Itsaim was to break down barriers and challenge attitudesbetween the young people and the Gardaí, thereforecreating an opportunity to build up positive, sustainablerelationships between both groups. The idea for this origi-nally came from local community Sergeant, Kevin Toner.

The programme was devised by the Gardaí due tothe increase in knife crimesaround the locality.

Members of Swords Youth Services were presented with certificates at a ceremony at their new building in Swords recently. The awards were presentedby Garda Superintendent, Ronan Galligan. Pictured at the event are Shauna Hunt, Leanna Hunt, Garda Pamela Harte, Erinn Murtagh, Ryan Reddy,Shannon Lowndes, Superintendent Ronan Galligan, Shanika McCormack, Erin Dolan, Rebecca Hickey, Hannah Reel, Josh Reel, Sgt. Kevin Toner andGarda Dongdong Zheng.

President’s Award For ThreeNorth County Recipients

Three people from the North County have received Gaisce Gold Awards fromPresident Michael D. Higgins for outstanding community work and signifi-cant personal achievements.

Seventy Gaisce Gold Awards were presented to young people north and southwho excelled and achieved their goals at a ceremony in DublinCastle. Tomás Bell (20) from Portmarnock was among thewinners. He’s a scout leader with Portmarnock Scouts whocovered the full distance of The Kerry Way in five days. Healready holds both a Bronze and Silver Gaisce Award. Amember of the Reserve Defence Forces, he has just achievedhis lifelong dream of securing a place in the Defence Forces.Nadine Lattimore from Baldoyle, who is visually impaired,was also an award recipient. She represented Irelandon the Shot Putt team at the recent Paralymics inLondon. She achieved silver and bronze Gaisceawards over the years as her eyesight began tofail. Nadine holds the Irish female shot putt record.She sings in her local gospel choir and hascompleted an Enable Ireland programme inAssistive Technology.The third North County recipient is ShonaO’Donoghoe (21), a primary teacher fromDonabate. She spent her summer helpingwith the St Vincent de Paul Summer camp forchildren in Sunshine House, Balbriggan. Sheset herself the challenge of learning Italianand walked part of the Camino de SantiagoPilgrim Route.Gaisce, the President's Award, is presented tomodern day heroes and heroines aged betweenthe ages of 15 and 25 years who achieve personalgoals in different types of activities includingcommunity involvement, personal skills, physicalrecreation and adventure.

Pictured here is TomasBell, from PortmarnockScout Club proundlydisplaying his GoldGaisce Medal.

Cllr. Anne Devitt

Page 2: North County Leader 09 November 2012

02 09.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

AdvertisingTel: 01 8400 [email protected]

North County LeaderLeader House,North Street, SwordsTel: 8 400 200

Contact Us: Advertising Sales Manager ......Sue Griffiths

Advertising ...............................Derek O’Mara

Editorial ....................................Patrick Finnegan

Jennifer McShane

Printers.....................................MCP - Navan

Published by ............................Seel Publishing Ltd.



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County Mayor, Cian O'Callaghan is pictured raising theGreen Flag for Transport at Rush and Lusk EducateTogether National School. Also pictured is local councilor,Ken Farrell, with members of the Green school committee

Chicago’sPaddy Is A TrueSwords ManPatrick Savage is a truly gregarious Americangentleman, with huge family connections toSwords. Recently, he returned to the town tomeet up with his many cousins, and while hewas here, he contacted the County Leader toexplain how he came about having so manycousins. His passion and love for the area is veryapparent.

go to USA in the earlyyears of the 20thcentury. He went withhis best friend, JohnMcGrane from Turnpikein Swords. Henry wouldeventually marry John’ssister in Chicago. “Wealways had cousinscoming to our homefrom Swords nearlyevery year. In 1978, Ipaid my first visit hometo Swords. JC’s dad, JoeSavage, held a party forme and I discovered somany relations that Idecided to embark onbuilding a family tree,”he said. He set aboutthis onerous task withgreat gusto, and in theprocess, uncoveredcousins all over theplace. Paddy becamefriends with well-knownlocal man Des Becton,who is Chairman of theSwords Tidy Townscommittee, and theirfriendship developedthrough their associa-

family tree can tracerelatives down as far as5th cousins.In fact, Paddy was thewinner of this year’s

Swords Voices competi-tion for his story andclaimed the BrigidBrowne Perpetual Cupin the process. He wasa professional athletics

Patrick, or Paddy as helikes to be called, isfrom Chicago and isrelated to the very well-known Savage andMcGrane families inSwords. In fact, he is asecond cousin of the

well-known and muchlamented businessmanJC Savage. Heexplained, “My grand-father, Henry Savage,who was a brother ofJC’s grandfather,Robert, left Swords to

tion with both familiesand the SwordsHeritage Centre.“Bernadette Marks wasa great help to me with

research and dates,”said Paddy. He has afile dating back to 1820for the Savage familyand to 1840 for theMcGrane family, and his

coach at DePaulUniversity in Chicago,the largest CatholicUniversity in USA withover 25,000 students.

He retired fully in 2011and one of his athletes,Matt Graham, recentlywon the 10km-road racein Dublin.“I’m looking to buy aplace in Swords,because I have so muchfamily here. My wife,Melissa, is fromChicago and lovescoming here as much asI do. I feel a greataffinity with Swordsand you never know, Imay decide to take upcoaching again,” saidPaddy.

Paddy Savage (right) holds the Brigid Browne Perpetual Cup for winning the SwordsVoices competition. He is pictured here with Des Becton and local historian, BernadetteMarks at Swords Museum in Carnegie Library

Page 3: North County Leader 09 November 2012

03North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper09.10.2012

Inside the issue


TV presenter, pop star, classical pianist,mother, Myleene Klass introduces her stun-ning Winter update collection forLittlewoods Ireland.

Donabate CentreStill Closed To Community

Klass Fashion

Local River Valley resident and politicalactivist, Joe Newman has hit out at the stateof the footpaths on Forest Road in Swords.He spoke to the County Leader about howtheir poor condition could potentially causeaccidents.

Newman Blasts State OfSwords Footpath

Awards Ceremony ForSwords StudentsThe annual Awards Ceremony for thestudents of Loreto College, Swords, tookplace recently.

See story on page 5

There appears to be no end in sight to thelegal and insurance difficulties that haveseen the state-of-the-art all-weather hockeypitch in Donabate closed to the public for ayear. See story on page 5

See page 13

See page 13

Portmarnock ChessClub are looking toattract new players tothe club with weeklymeetings taking placeevery Thursday.Juniors are allocatedthe 7.30pm slot, whileadults play at the latertime of 8.30pm.Theclub is in its 40th yearand now hosts up to30 players of all levelson a regular basis. Forfurther informationcontact 087-2774854.All are encouraged toattend the club nightwith rooms situated inthe Sports and LeisureCentre inPortmarnock.

The Balbriggan ICA (Irish Country Woman'sAssociation) hosted a High Tea and Talk onSaturday recently at High Street Hall in aid ofWorldwide Suicide Prevention Day. There was asteady stream of traffic through the doors asmembers and their friends enjoyed a chat oversome tea. The assortment of fresh homemadecakes on offer would make your mouth water, atestament to the great culinary skills of the group.A great way to spend a morning chatting withfriends while raising funds for a cause that is inmuch need of funding during these challengingtimes.

Fingal Chamber Choiris back in action afterthe summer break. Itmeets at St George'sNational School inBalbriggan onMondays at 7.30pm.The programme thisseason will include aTV programme for RTE

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is hosting newsocial clubs at Rivervalley Community Centre,Swords, on Mondays from 10.30am to 12.30pm.The clubs provide an informal, flexible and funopportunity for people with dementia and theircarers to meet with other carers in a supportedenvironment. There is no charge to attend andtea and coffee are available. For more informa-tion, contact 8022200. All are welcome to attend.

1 in December, Haydn'sSt. Nicholas Mass anda programme of musicfor Christmas. Thoseinterested in joiningthe choir should beable to sight sing to areasonable standardand have relevantchoral experience.Please contact 0872909536 if you want tobe involved.

Tea And Talk In Balbriggan

Local ChamberChoir is Back

Alzheimer Clubs In Swords

Chess ClubSeeks NewPlayers Police Issue

Warning AfterPaint MishapPolice in Australia putout a public safetywarning on Facebook -after a driver and hispassengers ended upwhitewashed. The man,and his friends weredriving in a Sydney carpark, with a 25-litrebucket of white paint onthe back seat, whenthey were in a minorshunt with another car.Nobody was hurt butthe bucket flew open -sending white paintflying over the car andits occupants. Officersposted: "Safety tip ofthe week. Always putthe paint in the boot!”


Rush WomanIn E-CarInitiative Sandra Flavin from Rush is one of only 21 e-carambassadors who have taken part in a majorinitiative to promote awareness about electriccars across the country.Sandra works as an Environmental EducationOfficer with An Taisce's Green-Schoolsprogramme, which involves raising awareness

about the benefits of sustainable travel forschools and supporting children and their fami-lies to make greener travel choices. She believesin a more positive environmental legacy, wants to use the e-car to make make her mileagegreener and promote eco-awareness around thelocal schools. Speaking to the County Leader, she said: “I planto really promote sustainable energy now that I’llhave the car for a year. I want to try and integrateit into the school programme more and promotethe importance of it to local students.”Sandra visited Rush/Lusk Educate Togetherschool on Friday, October 5th last to explain thepurpose of the car to the students. “I really owethe fact that I was chosen as one of the 21 e-carambassadors (out of over 12,000 applicants)down to the students. When I was submitting my

application, I included some artworksthat the children designed. It was their interpretation of the ‘Cars of the Future,’ which I think won thejudges over!” The school also celebrated the achieve-ment of their fourth Green Flag for

making school travel more sustain-able. There was a special flagraising ceremony attended by theCounty Mayor, Cian O’ Callaghan.The school was awarded this flagfor their green travel efforts over

the last school year, which hasresulted in an increase in the number ofchildren who walk, cycle and park ‘nstride to school, rather than using theprivate car for the journey.

Charity Fun Run In Malahide Back again for its second year,the Third Age 5km Fun Runtook place recently atMalahide Castle. Thefundraising event was organ-ised by the charity Third Age, acommunity organi-sation whichpromotes the valueof older people andtheir contribution tosociety. The rain stayedaway as manysupporters and localfamilies came out at11am to walk, jogand run the beau-tiful 5km circuitroute aroundMalahide Castle.Third Age has anetwork of over1,000 volunteersthroughout theNorth County andbeyond helping theolder community asbefrienders, tutorsand advocates. All

monies raised will helpsupport the Senior Helpline.Every €10 raised allows avolunteer to spend 20 minutes

on the phone with anotherolder person for support andcompanionship. Speaking tothe County Leader, Third AgeCEO and founder, Mary Lallysaid: “We had 240 partici-

pants this year and arehoping to exceed the€4000 raised in 2011.”Participant Eoin Bradywon in a time of 17:17and the first lady overthe line was IreneGorman at 19:36. Allparticipants were given aThird Age t-shirt and agoody bag.To show the importanceof interaction betweendifferent age groups insociety, a special awardwas presented to thefirst team with threefamily generations tocross the finish line. Theprize went to the Flynnfamily - Granddad Hugh,son Warren, wifeVanessa and daughterChloe. The Third Age Run was held recently at Malahide Castle. Pictured

are CEO of Third Age, Mary Lally with race winner, Eoin Brady.

By Celine Quinn

Environmental Education Officer with An Taisce's Green Schoolsprogramme, Sandra Flavin is pictured beside her new E- car at Rush andLusk Educate Together National School.

Events of Fingal EnterpriseWeek 2012Last week’s hugely successful FingalEnterprise Week gave a much needed boostto businesses in the NorthCounty.

See page 8

Page 4: North County Leader 09 November 2012

04 09.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Pat O'Brien (Pat O'Brien Safety) andSuzanne Doyle (Safety Solutions)

Ray Byrne (Nifast), Triona Bulfin (CPL) and Stephen O'Hanlon (CPL)Sheila Byrne (Nifast) and Mary Carroll (CareerConsultants)

Garret Roche and Siobhan Kinsella (bothfrom Nifast)

Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast), Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), AnneHeraty (CEO, CPL/Nifast) and Gerry Fitzmaurice (North County Leader)

Anne Corrigan (Customer Relations Manager, AIB), SueGriffiths (Sales Manager, North County Leader) and LuciaO'Riordan (Branch Manager AIB, Swords) Paul Kent and Pauline Bohan (both from Nifast)

Jock Jordan (One4All) and Siobhan Kinsella(Nifast)

Franco Tamani (Grand Hotel, Malahide) with Garret Roche(CPL)

Alan Spain (S & S Office Interiors), Tony Lambert (CEO FingalDublin Chamber) and Stephen Peppard (Fingal County Council)

Kevin McDermott (Nifast), James Cameron (IAM) and DerekDonohoe (Nifast)

Cormac Sarsfield (C&G Logistics), Ciaran Corcoran (WCAArchitects) and Stephen Lam (WCA Architects)

Lisa Willmont (Nifast), Cathal McGrattan (Nifast) and John Lambert(Print Logistics)

Conor Loughran (Nifast) with Paul White (FleetTransport Magazine)

Eileen Timmons (Crowne Plaza, Northwood), Andrea Fitzgerald(Fingal Home Care) and Aoife Slevin (Independent HealthcareTrading)

Declan Beatty and Ann Ryan (both fromDublin Bus) Jim Walker, Siobhan Kinsella and Cathal McGrattan (all from Nifast)

Kelly Nolan (CPL), Laura Rea (CPL) and Catherine Brady (DCU)

Brendan Hanratty (Peninsula) and WillieDillon (WDS Security) Rebecca Walls and Audrey Prior (both from Nifast)

Page 5: North County Leader 09 November 2012

Rush ATM Service Essential Local TD Alan Farrell (FG) has assured residents that AIBis hopeful that its 24 hour ATM facility in Rush will beretained. He told the County Leader: “I know Rush resi-dents are concerned about the future of the 24 hourATM service on Rush Main Street following the plannedclosure of their Branch. I would now like to inform themthat following numerous talks with the managementand several representations to my office, I remain veryhopeful that the town will retain its ATM. "Regional Director of AIB Dublin North and West, FergusHopper, has also stated: “It would be a shame for Rushto lose the only ATM that is available to the public 24hours a day, and also for neighbouring Lusk whichrelies on this as its closest on-street automated cashfacility. I believe a 24 hour access ATM machine isessential for the town and I will continue to representRush to both the management of AIB and any relatedagencies that are involved in this process,” he concluded.

05North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper09.10.2012

5 weeks - €40 includes entry toour casting agency for film, theatre & commercials

All students will appear in annual shows in Olympia & Dundrum theatres.Classes starting soon in Dunshaughlin Co Meath.

Contact Linda on 087 941 4470 for further details

Newman Blasts StateOf Swords Footpath Local River Valley resident and political activistJoe Newman has hit out at the state of the foot-paths on Forest Road in Swords. He spoke tothe County Leader about how their poor condi-tion could potentially cause accidents.“The narrowness and poor surface of the foot-path on the Forest Road, from the traffic lightsat the entrance to River Valley up as far asBoroimhe, is appalling,” he said. “It poses agreat safety hazard to women and children inprams in particular. This is a very busy road andis used by vans, trucks, as well as carsaccessing the nearby shopping centre. Thefootpath on the western side of the road is nice

and wide, but it disappears as you head downthe road. You have no option, but to cross tothe narrow path, without a pedestrian crossing. You certainly need your wits about you,” said Newman. The County Leader spoke to a path user, whohad no doubt about the hazardous condition ofthe footpath. River Valley resident, NaoimhBooth Kirwan, said, ”I regularly use this pathand at times it’s quite overgrown and I have towalk on the road where the path is very narrow.I’d never walk here at night - it’s far toodangerous. It is impossible for people withbuggies and if two come together, then one hasto step on to the busy road. It’s impossible. Ialways cross over to the wider section, whenI’m coming up the road and am conscious ofthe dangers this brings,” she said.

Joe Newman is pictured with River Valley resident,Naoimh Booth, who feels that the narrow pathway on theForest Road is a safety hazard

Swords Lions Club were recently presented with a cheque by Father Ted himself. Theywere the happy recipients of a cheque for €300 which was raised at a recent fun night inthe Carnegie Court Hotel. The Club President, Mr. Maurice Kealy, said that he was verygrateful to all who contributed on the night. Pictured at the cheque presentation are, ErinGeraghty (Mrs Doyle), Mark Rentzke (Swords and District Lions), Andrew Fettes (FatherDougal), Michael Wilson-Green (Father Ted) and Dan Carey (Father Jack)

Donabate Centre StillClosed To CommunityThere appears to be no end in sight tothe legal and insurance difficulties thathave seen the state-of-the-art all-weather hockey pitch in Donabateclosed to the public for a year.The all-weather pitch, which had beeninstalled as part of the DonabatePortrane Community Centre complex,was seriously damaged due to heavyflooding last October. According to theCounty Council, the pitch at that timewas still in the ownership of CountyDublin VEC, whose insurers are still innegotiation regarding its replacement.The Council is in regular contact with theVEC concerning progress with thematter, but says it has been “disap-pointed” that the facility remains closed. The council said, as well as the commu-nity being deprived of the facility, itsclosure is having a knock-on effect onthe funding of the Donabate PortraneCommunity Centre. The local authorityexplained: “Aside from being a delayedamenity to the schools, various clubsand entire community of Donabate andPortrane, the pitch is intended as arevenue generator for the community

centre, which still, unfortunately,requires substantial annual subventionfrom the council in order to stay in oper-ation.” This has caused great disap-pointment to the locals as they sorelymiss the use of the sports facilities. The €1.1m all-weather pitch is locatedbeside Donabate Community Collegebuilding, and was a joint venturebetween the council and County DublinVEC. The scheme included the construc-tion of a new water-based synthetichockey pitch, with flood lighting, spec-tator barriers, ball stop netting, andother associated works. The facility wasaimed at providing a boost to PortraneHockey Club as well as providing localprimary and secondary schools with useof the pitch during school times. Therehas been no indication given as to whenthe centre will be fit to re-open.

Interested In Volunteering?Are you interested in giving somethingback to the community? If so, thenFingal Volunteer Centre OutreachProgramme may suit you. Every month,the Fingal Volunteer Centre OutreachProgramme visits Balbriggan Library toprovide information and opportunitiesabout volunteering in the North County.

Page 6: North County Leader 09 November 2012

06 09.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


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Cancer Walk In River ValleyA cancer walk will takeplace in Rivervalley onSaturday, October

13th. The ‘Valley Walk’starts at Peacock’s Pubin Rivervalley.

Participants are askedto meet at 1.30pm withthe walk starting at2.30pm. The walk issuitable for all fitnesslevels. Refreshments,raffle and entertain-

ment will take placeafter the walk inPeacock’s functionroom. Sponsorshipcards are available oryou can make a dona-tion on the day. Forfurther information,contact MargaretHarris on 087-2213605.

Ballyboughal PitchAnd Putt WinnersThe Sunday winner was Mary Terry with a net48 and the runner-up was Vince Walker, with anet 49. The McDonnell Cup 3rd round was heldin Laytown and the winner was Frank Hughes,with a net 54, with the runner-up Martin Cullenon net 57. The scramble winners were RonnieDelaney, Sue Browne, Jim Gallagher and MaryTerry on gross 47.The Sunday 36 hole scramble winners wereJames Browne, Frank Hughes, Tommy McCannand Mary Terry, Gross 66. The McDonnell Cupfourth game away to Ring Commons will takeplace on Saturday, 13th October at 3pm. Meetat the club at 2.15pm for lifts.

Craft FairIn SwordsSwords Senior Citizenswill be holding a CraftFair at the SeniorCitizens’ Centre onChapel Lane, Swordson Friday, 19th Octoberat 11am. All arewelcome to attend.

Designer DayIn MalahideVincent’s in Malahidewill have an upcomingDesigner Day featuringbrand-new and designerclothes, gifts and muchmore on October 20thfrom 12 noon. All arewelcome.


Lusk ScoutsWant YouThe Tuesday Night CubSection of the Lusk Scoutgroup are looking for newleaders. If you think youcan spare the time andyou want to help and havesome good fun too, cometo the meetings onTuesdays at 7:30pm tohave a look and maybeget involved.

AvalancheSurvivorMarriesRescuerAn avalanche survivorhas married the moun-tain rescue guide whosaved her life – on themountain where shewas nearly swept todeath. Soldier NenadPodova unearthedTatjana Rasevic after shewas buried under tons ofsnow on the peak of amountain in Serbia. Nowthe pair have tied theknot – 6000ft up thesame mountain wherefate first brought themtogether.

SERBIAWacky World


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Page 7: North County Leader 09 November 2012

07North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper09.10.2012


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Crystal Reid and Graham Perry held their wedding reception at the Clarion Hotel DublinAirport on Friday last, 5th October. Crystal also held a party at the hotel later in the nightto celebrate her 30th birthday. Crystal and Graham are pictured here with Graham'sparents, Noel and Frances Perry and Crystal's father, Eugene Reid.

BallyboughalChoir MembersNeededBallyboughal ChurchChoir will resumerehearsals thisW e d n e s d a y , 1 0 t hOctober at 7.30pm inthe Church of theA s s u m p t i o n ,Ballyboughal. Newmembers are requiredto ensure the group cancontinue to serve theparish. For more infor-mation, contact Ronnieon 085-1743748

Fingal Probus ClubSeeks MembersThe Probus Club is a club specifically designed forretired professional and business people. They arealways keen to have new members join and all youhave to do is come along to the meetings on the firstor third Wednesday of the month to the HarpLounge in the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords at

11am. The club is very actively involved in charitywork for St Francis Hospice in Raheny and othercharities. A typical year’s programme involves talkson specialised subjects or matters of current inter-ests and also visits to places of scenic and/orhistoric interest.The club provides the ideal platform for those whowould appreciate and value increased socialcontacts in their retirement and the opportunity ofmeeting others in similar circumstances.

MalahideYouth ClubThe Foróige Youth Clubis back after theSummer break. Theyouth club is for open topeople in Secondaryschool and is a club thatis organised by theyouth themselves.Come along onThursday nights from8 . 0 0 p m - 9 . 3 0 p mupstairs in MalahideLawn Tennis Club.


Gospel ChoirIn SwordsDo you love to sing?Come and join thelocal Gospel Choir. Itmeets every Tuesday8-10pm at ApplewoodCommunity Centre inSwords. Come along tobe part of the newlyformed choir. Theywould love to haveyou! Those interestedshould contact Dave [email protected].

World’sYoungestGran – at 23Rifca Stanescu, aRomanian woman,was 12 when she hadher first child Maria.Rifca had married ajewellery seller whenshe was 11 and hewas 13. They elopedbecause she fearedher father wantedher to marry anothervillage lad. Sheurged her daughternot to follow herexample – but Mariagave birth to son Ionwhile only 11. Rifcasaid: “I am happy tobe a grandmotherbut wished more forMaria.”

ROMANIAWacky World

Page 8: North County Leader 09 November 2012

08 09.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Pictured at the Enterprise Week 'Bridging the Gap - The Skills Needs of Industry' seminar,hosted by Fingal Dublin Chamber at the Grand Hotel, Malahide on Tuesday 2nd October lastare, Peter Cosgrove (Director of CPL), Professor Brian Norton (DIT), Siobhan Moore(President Fingal Dublin Chamber), Joe Harford (Fingal Enterprise Board), Oisin Geoghegan(Fingal County Enterprise Board) and Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber).

Pictured at the Fingal Women in Business Speed Networkingevent at Roganstown House Hotel are, Ciara Conlon(Productivity Coach), Eve Bulman (Fingal County EnterpriseBoard) and Tara Shortall (Home Instead Senior Care)

The County and City Enterprise Boards organised Ireland's first ever 'National 50+ Enterprise Day'today under the theme 'Succeeding in Your Start Up', to encourage more Over 50s to set up their owncompanies. Pictured at the event are, Oisin Geoghegan (CEO Fingal Enterprise Board), Eoin Conroy(Innovo Training and Development), Minister for Small Business, John Perry, Jill Aston (Bagsitt),speaker Lar Burke, entrepreneur John Shortt (Life-Cycle) and Joe Harford, (Fingal Enterprise Board).

Pictured at the Dublin Food Chain eventat Keelings, St Margarets are, PaulHoran (Bank of Ireland) and CarolineKeeling (MD of the Keeling Group).

Food For Thought. Keogh's Crisps from Oldtown werethe winners of the Fingal Enterprise Award. Picturedat the awards ceremony are, Deirdre Roche (Bank ofIreland), Tom Keogh (Keoghs Crisps) and OisinGeoghegan (CEO Fingal County Enterprise Board)

Pictured at the final event of Enterprise Week entitled, 'My BiggestChallenges' at the Marine Hotel in Sutton are Oisin Geoghegan (CEO,Fingal County Enterprise Board), Michael Dawson (Founder of the GiftVoucher Shop), Sarah Carey (Presenter, Newstalk), Mark Beirne(Bank of Ireland), Tom Keogh, (Keogh’s Crisps) and Paul Brady(President, Howth Sutton Baldoyle Chamber of Commerce).

Pictured at the Fingal Women in Business SpeedNetworking event at Roganstown House Hotel are, FionaTaylor (Butterfly Gifts), Lisa Wallace (Childcare Providers),Shereen Allin (Nead Óg Design) and Geraldine Gleeson(Village Interiors Garristown)

Pictured at the Dublin Food Forum event, which was hosted by FoodCentraland Keelings at St Margarets are, Caroline Keeling (MD of the KeelingGroup), David Keeling (MD of Keelings Retail, Ireland), Joe Harford(Chairperson Fingal County Enterprise Board), Oisin Geoghegan (CEO,Fingal County Enterprise Board), Joe Keeling (CEO and founder of Keelings)and William Keeling (Managing Director of FoodCentral).

Pictured at the Fingal Women in BusinessSpeed Networking event at RoganstownHouse Hotel are, Eve Bulman (FingalCounty Enterprise Board) and DeirdreRoche (Bank of Ireland)

The hugely successful Fingal Enterprise Week gave a much needed boost to businesses around the North County. The programmeof events throughout the week perfectly catered for those looking to start their businesses as well as those already in existence. One of the event highlights of the week was the ‘Fingal Enterprise Awards,’ which saw Keogh’s Crisps, based in Oldtown, emerge as

the winner of the award. Speaking about the winners, Oisin Geoghegan, CEO of Fingal County EnterpriseBoard said: “We are delighted to welcome the emergence of innovative companies like Keoghs Crisps,this year’s winner of the Fingal Enterprise Award. This company is one to watch in the future.”The importance of the North County as a major and growing hub for the food sector was highlighted atone of the most important gatherings of Enterprise Week for businesses involved in Ireland’s food sector.The Dublin Food Forum was hosted by Keelings and FoodCentral in St. Margaret’s, close to DublinAirport. The theme of the event ‘Growth, Innovation and Collaboration in the Food Industry’ was stressedby the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD, who spoke of the importance ofexport growth and maintaining and creating employment in the food sector. Other highlights included: ‘Bridging the Gap’ in the Grand Hotel in Malahide. This was a ContinentalBreakfast with Fingal Dublin Chamber and the National Recruitment Federation. Special guest speakersexamined the area of skills shortages in industry. Following this, the eagerly anticipated ‘Business StartUp Bootcamp,’ took place. This was is a full day bootcamp designed for start ups and aspiring entrepre-neurs and was a great success. Then, on the final day, the ‘My Biggest Challenges’ workshop took placewith three successful entrepreneurs at the Marine Hotel at Sutton Cross. Nicola Byrne from 11890,Michael Dawson from the Gift Voucher Shop and Tom Keogh from Keogh’s Crisps all revealed how they

overcame their biggest chal-lenges. This annual businessevent had its most successfulweek so far , wi th recordnumbers attending each event.

Pictured at the final event ofEnterprise Week entitled, 'My BiggestChallenges' at the Marine Hotel inSutton are, Nicola Byrne (Founder of11890) and Enterprise winner, TomKeogh (Keogh’s Crisps).Events of Fingal Enterprise Week 2012

Page 9: North County Leader 09 November 2012

Welcome Them Home For Christmas Get your home prepared for the festive season with some of our great offers shown below!

0909.10.2012 North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Page 10: North County Leader 09 November 2012

Welcome Them Home For Christmas Get your home prepared for the festive season with some of our great offers shown below!

10 09.10.2012


Think fire-hued tones of gold,orange, terra-cotta, and red togive an instantly cosy feel to aroom or home. Not sure youwant colours this intense?Even the softer tones ofyellow, gold, brick, and rustwill have a similar warmingeffect. Are you stuck withwhite walls? Go for warmtones in furniture, rugs, andaccessories.


Whether you light a fire in thefireplace or just set candles onthe coffee table, this flickeringlight reflects intimacy, warmthand a truly cosy, Christmasatmosphere that is perfect forthose long chats over theChristmas period. Thoughlighting a fire requires basicsafety precautions, you andyour family will appreciate theglow and ambience a f ireprovides.


Set cosy warm throws nearchairs and sofas. These notonly offer lovely colour orp a t t e r n , b u t t h e y w i l l b ec l o s e a t h a n d t o s n u g g l earound chilly knees and feet.Fest ive throws are a lso aw o n d e r f u l a d d i t i o n t obedrooms. There’s nothinglike all sitting under a warmt h r o w w a t c h i n g y o u rfavourite Christmas movie.


Dig out your family photoalbums or play Monopoly bythe f i re . Roast marshmal-lows, pop popcorn or deco-rate your Christmas tree! Allthese act iv i t ies areChristmas memory makersthat the ent i re family cancosy up to . The cheer fu latmosphere wil l definitelyuplift your festive cheer thisChristmas.


Fill your home with the warmscents o f w inter – apple ,cinnamon or pine. Candles,food, and scented sprays area few of the many alterna-t ives for adding soothingscents to your space andthey will give your home acosy Christmas feeling too.


Why not make a day out toone of the parks in the NorthCounty area? Get the wholefamily together and spend a

day col lect ing Pine Conesand gathering Holly. Onceyou have collected a suitableamount bring it home andplace it around the house onwindow sills, coffee tablesand on the mantlepiece. Ifyou have some left over youcould place them in a smallbasket and create your ownfestive pot pouri. This is alsoa great reason to get all thefamily out in that crisp airtogether.


B a n i s h t h e s i l k f l o r a larrangements of tulips anddaffodils. Instead, put out

big baskets of birch logs,pine cones, or cosy fleecepillows. The choice is yourswhen it comes to Christmasdecorations; mini Santa’s,snow globes - even thesesmall touches wil l make aroom feel season festive.


Place candles around theroom. If you do not plan onl i g h t i n g a f i r e p u t t h e mi n s i d e y o u r f i r e p l a c e .Candles will instantly createa c o s y C h r i s t m a s a t m o s -phere. Scented candles are agood investment becausen o t o n l y w i l l t h e f l i c k e rc r e a t e a n w a r m g l o w i n gatmosphere, the scent willenhance the Winter mood. Ify o u p l a n o n p u r c h a s i n gscented candles make surethey have a spicy or citruss m e l l . S c e n t s s u c h a sCinnamon or P ine are thebest for Winter time.


T h e s o f a s a n d s e a t i n ga r r a n g e m e n t s s h o u l d b ebased around the source ofl ight or heat in the room.Arrange the sofas facing thefireplace. Even if you’re notplanning on using the fire-

place for fires, candles willsti l l create a warm atmos-phere, a lways assoc iatedw i t h C h r i s t m a s t i m e . Y o uwill definitely want to makesure you have enough foreveryone, especially if yourextended family are cominghome for Christmas too!


Cotton, l inen and s i lk aregreat mater ia ls to use ascushion covers during thes u m m e r b u t a s s o o n a sWinter arrives Velvet, Satinand other materials with a“fuzzy feel” are your bestbet. Their texture and feel isassociated with Christmas.


Bare hardwood or tile floorsmay be great for summer,but they can feel downrightuninviting in winter. Switchto area rugs to give toes aw a r m e r f e e l u n d e r f o o t .Though patterned area rugscan be purchased, regularcarpet ing can a lso be cuti n t o c u s t o m s i z e a n d t h eedges bound to make inex-pensive area rugs in any sizey o u d e s i r e . Y o u c a n a l s om a t c h t h r o w s a n d c o v e rcolours together.

With the family flying home and everyone coming together forChristmas, you’ll want to have the house looking picture perfectfor those long awaited get togethers. As Christmas approaches itmeans its time to start thinking about fun and different ways todecorate your home for the festive season. This shouldn’t be ancostly and time consuming job - it should really perk up yourChristmas spirit. It should be easy and affordable. Here are sometips and ideas to create the perfect Christmas rooms.

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Page 11: North County Leader 09 November 2012

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Welcome Them Home For Christmas Get your home prepared for the festive season with some of our great offers shown below!

1109.10.2012 North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Page 12: North County Leader 09 November 2012

12 09.10.2012

Welcome Them Home For Christmas Get your home prepared for the festive season with some of our great offers shown below!

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Page 13: North County Leader 09 November 2012

13North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper09.10.2012

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Klass Fashion

Pictured at the annual Loreto School, Swords awards day are the 6th Year Committee,with Vice-Principal, Michael Behan and Principal, Veronica McDermott.

Awards Ceremony ForSwords StudentsThe annual AwardsCeremony for thestudents of LoretoCollege, Swords, tookplace recently. This eventwas held to acknowledgethe great achievements ofstudents in their summerexaminations and also tothe 3rd and 6th yearstudents who performedso well in their recentJunior and LeavingCertificate exams.The awards presentationmarks the secondaryschool’s traditional startto the school year. It hasbeen a tremendous yearfor the local students. Thisyear, a remarkable 14Leaving Certificatestudents gained morethan 500 points in theirLeaving Certificate and 14students also got five A’sand over in their JuniorCertificate.The ceremony also sawthe presentation of

badges to the class repre-sentatives and 6th yearLeadership Committee.The 6th year Committeeassists the teaching staffin organising variousschool events. To markthe end of the successfulday, the annual openingschool Mass was held inSt Finian’s Church, RiverValley.

TV presenter, pop star, classical pianist, mother – with an already impres-sive list of credentials at the age of 34, Myleene Klass has now also estab-lished herself as a talented fashion designer, as she introduces her stun-ning Winter update collection for Littlewoods Ireland.Myleene’s new collection will allow you to give your wardrobe a stylish andaffordable update, with everything from stunning party wear to seasonalstaples. She is pictured here wearing a stunning Bustier Maxi Dress. “Fromsizes 8 to 20, women should feel confident that the clothes flatter and fittheir shape as well as make them stand out. I hope women of all shapes,sizes and ages feel confident and beautiful in these creations,” she says. Itwas fun to step the glamour and glitz up a notch for the party season aswell as consider different shapes for the colder months and all the dresseshave been designed with a woman’s shape in mind.”

Klass FashionKlass FashionKlass FashionKlass Fashion

Lusk Foróige Club Lusk Foróige Club hasreopened for the new termand new members arewelcome to join the club.The club is for all young

people aged 12 and overfrom the area. They meeton Wednesdays from 7.30- 9.00pm in Lusk NationalSchool Hall and provide a

social space for youngpeople to meet with theirpeers and get involved ina variety of activities.Anyone interested involunteering to help runthe club are also encour-

aged to come along.Volunteering is a greatway to get involved in yourlocal community and tohelp young people in thearea to develop their skillsand talents. For furtherinformation please contactBryan Gavin, ForóigeRegional Youth Officer on0868519630.

Monster ShocksNew YorkThe body of a mysteryanimal, which waswashed up on a NewYork beach, has sparkeda wave of conspiracy .Online debates speculatewhether the ‘monster’ isa pig, a dog, a giant rat orsome kind of mutant. TheNew York ParksDepartment insists theanimal is a pig bloated bybeing in the river – but itappears to have toesrather than hooves.

USAWacky World

Page 14: North County Leader 09 November 2012

14 09.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


Tanya Farrell, Swords“It doesn't really shock me. I think

stories like these are the norm now,it's what people expect from politicians

and it’s upsetting. I think the frame-work for these expenses and

allowances should be changed.”

John Carroll, Swords“They shouldn't be able to claimexpenses while the Dail isclosed. I think people want tosee this changed.”

Rachel Donohue, Swords“I get annoyed when I hear thingslike this. The money can be spentbetter elsewhere. It makes me angrybut I suppose I can't or don't doanything to change it. It is disheart-ening for people, we feel powerlessto change it.

Liz Higgins, Swords“I think the money could be usedin hospitals, for care of elderlypeople, in schools and help for thedisabled. I'm very disappointed inthis government, particularly as Ivoted for Labour.”

Ruth Grafton, Balbriggan “It is disgraceful. The government should

pay expenses only for the days that theTDs and Senators are actually working,

like every other individual in employmentaround the country. If any company rantheir organisation like our government,they would not be in business for long!

Declan McKenna, Swords“If I don't work I don't get paid. These

allowances and expenses are anongoing problem. It’s no different tothe previous government, they're all

the same. It's very discouraging, withthe current economic state, especially

for the younger generations.”

T his week it has been reported that TDs and Senatorsclaimed a total of €750,000 in allowances and expenses forthe month of August, when the Oireachtas was in recess. The County Leader took to the streets to speak to locals to asktheir opinion on the matter. Here is what they had to say:

With reporters Celine Quinn and Pierre Vandevelde

Sid Baldwin, Lusk“This should not be allowed -there are definitely things thatneed to be changed. It's more ofthe same with this government,with their mandate for change intheir election campaign I hadreally expected somethingdifferent.

Shauna White, Swords“I think it is disgraceful. We're paying somuch in taxes and they're claimingallowances while on their summer break.They should be making some cuts also.They are talking about taking away ourstudent grants if the Household Chargehasn’t been paid! I think the moneybeing claimed by TDs in expenses couldbe better spent in other areas.

David Toolin, Swords“Nobody should be able to claim

expenses or allowances when theyare not working, I am not


Liz Darcy, Swords“I think they should be all thrown

out. They're lining their ownpockets. At least the Fianna Fail

government used money to lookafter old age pensioners."

Tomas McCann,Ballyboughal

"They are getting too much money.They should use their own wages

for travel expenses and accommo-dation. If they're bringing in morecuts for us, they should be doing

the same."

Regina McCann, Artane"They are preaching to us that weneed to tighten our belt and areimposing new charges and taxes onus. It's shocking that they areclaiming so much when the Dail isn'teven in session. It's going to beanother tough budget in December as well.

David Malone, Howth"I don't agree with it. It's unbe-lievable. But I still think thisgovernment is definitely animprovement on FF government."

Anna McGowan, Swords"They shouldn't be able to claimexpenses while on the summer break.I can't claim expenses when I'm notworking"

Vincent Peters, Skerries"Why not? It goes with the job, it's there

for them to collect. They have a very hardjob. I dont know if it's right, it might beunfair to claim expenses for travel andaccommodation if they aren't working,but I believe they are at work in Augustin their own constituencies. I think they

do more work outside of the Dail."

Lorraine O'Rourke,Swords"It is disgraceful. Look at everyonein the country working hard andgetting cuts to their wages. Itwouldn't make any difference whois in office, politicians are all thesame."

Miriam Carvin, Swords"It's awful. I'm not fussed myselfabout it because I'm not surprisedanymore. I do think this governmentis an improvement but there needsto be less of these allowances."

Catriona Farrell, Swords"They get far too much. I am not

surprised at all, I didn't expect it tobe any different this time round, all

politicians are the same"

Patrick Lally, Raheny"I'm absolutely disgusted. Claiming

expenses when they are on holidays -it's just not on. They're not living in the

real world. A lot of people are strugglingout there to pay bills and get kids backto school. These politicians think theyare untouchable, there's no justice. "

Brian Kinseally, Dalkey“It is an abomination, I am disgusted

by these claims. A revolution is neededin this country. I'm a very proud

Irishman, I find it unbelievable that acountry like Ireland has found itself in

this situation.

Andy Whelan, Swords“They shouldn’t be claiming such

expenses. We voted them in, it’s ourown fault. We should have the

power to make changes to their entitlements to allowances during

the summer break.”

Glen Matthews, Swords“My personal view is TDs and all politicians

should be paid alot more, so we can getthe right quality of people to govern the

land. But I think this coalition governmentis the same as previous governments on

this issue, I didn't expect it to be anydifferent. I can’t claim allowances and

expenses on my holidays!

Ann Duffy, Swords“I'm not surprised. They get all theirexpenses the year round, why shouldthey get them in August when theDail is not in session? They're in it forthe themselves. This government isno different to Fianna Fail govern-ment. I’m not impressed with them.

Jacinta Maniar, Glasnevin“I think nothing has changed verymuch. It’s the same routine - politi-cians are telling us to tighten ourbelt but aren't doing the samethemselves.”

Lucielle Dore, Skerries“In other professions such as careworkers, they cannot claim expenseswhen they're off work. This govern-ment has not made enough changes tostop spending on such allowances.”

Helena Cole , Swords"They shouldn't be getting paid theseexpenses while they are on holidays.We're in a mess because of thesepoliticians. There are too manyallowances and expenses for TDs, andnow there is talk of reducing childbenefit. "

Page 15: North County Leader 09 November 2012

15North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper09.10.2012


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North CountyClassifiedsFor SaleWHITE communion dressfor sale €30.Tel. 085 1406165GO-KART 2 seats plussafetybar, 4 brand newtyres. €150. Tel. 35387248347022" PHILIPS televisionsuitable for PC and Sky.€20. Tel. 353872483470SOFA, 2 armchairs &multipurpose footstool/storage box, length200cms, height 90cms,depth 100cms overall,seat measurements width50cms, depth 52cms. Tel. 086 2068532TELEPHONE/Hall desk,pull out seat, pull outwriting tray with a drawer,shelf and a press, can alsouse a storage area underseat, w 91cm h 74cm d 40cmTel. 086 2068532WINGED sofa and twoarmchairs to match,yellow and brown clothcovering clean, very goodcondition. Must be seen,€295 ono. stripe tele-phone table mohogany,rope edge style €20 ono.Adjustable ironing chair€10 ono. Breakfast barchair mahogany style €15ono. stainless steel cdrack €6 ono. Balbriggan. Tel. 086 8433601

WALLET LOST, brownleather, business cardwith contact details in it.Lost between Ardcianpark and Kilshane crossTuesday October 2th,around 8.45 am. Tel. 086 0264262

1.3 LITRE , Nct 03/13, Tax07/13, E/W, Immob,Cradle system built in, AirCon, C/L, , Built in Cdplayer and radio, SpareTyre and foam fix kit punc-ture, Mechanically sound,Engine a looked over by amechanic,€5100. Tel. 086 1247897


This year, for the first timeever, organisers of theEuropean BusinessAwards have introduced anew video element to theirawards and a brand newonline public votingsystem. The companyvideo with the highestnumber of votes forIreland will automaticallyget through to the nextround of voting andbecome a NationalChampion.Swords business HomeInstead Senior Care areasking supporters fromaround the North Countyto visit the BusinessAwards website, viewtheir video and vote forthem. The public votetakes place from now until17th October. In additionto the public vote, a panelof expert judges will beviewing the videos andwill award NationalChampion status tobetween five and twoother organisations fromIreland. Speaking to theCounty Leader, the ownerof Home Instead SeniorCare in Swords, Tara

Shortall, said: “We arehoping that the public willget behind us and takesome time to view ourvideo and vote. Webelieve our submissiongives us an opportunity to

explain our backgroundand highlight why we aresuccessful, despite thecurrent economic condi-tions.” Log and get votingfor them today! TheNational Champions willbe announced inNovember 2012.

Get Voting

ICA CraftsDisplayThe Irish Countrywomen’sAssociation (ICA) will beexhibiting a display ofcrafts from 15th to 27thOctober at BalbrigganLibrary. Call to the libraryfor further details.

Garristown AGMThe Annual GeneralMeeting of GarristownCommunity Council willbe held in GarristownCommunity Centre onThursday 11th October at9.00pm. All are welcome.


North County Livingby Jennifer McShane

Full Of Heart

Pat Kelly is a true representative of all that iswonderful about the Lusk community. In the firstof our County Living series on our local TidyTowns, Pat sat down to tell us exactly whatinspired her to get involved with Lusk’s now verysuccessful Tidy Towns.Pat Kelly is somewhat famous around Lusk. Hername is now synonymous with Tidy Towns andher involvement in what is one of the upcomingtowns in the North County.Pat moved to Lusk in 1962 and says it took quitesome time to adapt to this quaint, small ruralvillage after the hustle and bustle of a busyLondon life. “I arrived in Lusk when things verymuch moved to a slower pace of life. I’ve beenlucky to see it evolve from a small village to theenergetic town it is today.” She notes how evenin the early days the friendliness of the locals wasapparent. “The people were so welcoming andfriendly and that certainly hasn’t changed in allthe years I’ve been here.”It was in 1980 that the idea of Lusk entering thenational Tidy Towns competition was raised andPat, who is the current PRO, joined in 1983. “Mychildren were growing up and had finished theirexams and I now had time to devote my energiesto the organisation.” After astaggering 29 years as amember, I asked Pat whatmotivated her to join in thefirst place. “I’ve always reallyloved Lusk,” she said. “Myinterest in joining the TidyTowns stems from a need toensure that our communitylooks it’s very best. I also loveto meet and interact withpeople, so Tidy Towns was aperfect opportunity to doboth.”It is clear upon meeting Patthat she truly enjoys being a part of the localcommunity. She is chatty, lively and contains anhistorian's knowledge about Lusk’s Heritage.Her energy is instantly infectious; I am eager togo and see these sights for myself! She is alsoequally humble about the amount of her owntime given to the Tidy Towns. Each of the localgroups are run solely by volunteers, who gener-ously devote much of their time and energies forthe benefits of the wider community. Pat saysshe doesn’t see her work with the group as asacrifice of her time, but rather something shejust enjoys doing regardless. “The people ofLusk have always greatly supported our endeav-ours and the positive feedback we get hasalways spurred me to do as much as I possiblycan.”Though clearly very modest, it is quite anachievement, both for Pat and the other membersof the Tidy Towns, to have devoted so many self-less years to the whole community. She repeat-

edly acknowledges that the town's achievementsare down to the group as a whole unit; eachworking together for the better of the town andits people. She was particularly pleased to seethat one of the committee’s stalwarts, John Flynnbeing honoured with a Tidy Towns Hero awardthis year. “It was a testament to both his andindeed everyone else's great work throughoutthe years.”Pat has been kept busy over the years and enjoysher family life immensely. She has five childrenand eight grandchildren and will reach anothermilestone in her life this year as she celebratesher 50th wedding anniversary. Indeed, this coin-cides with her arrival in Lusk. She is an avid fanof photography and a member of the Luskphotography group. She collects photographicmemorabilia of various sights around Lusk andother places, all of which will be passed on to herchildren and grandchildren. A keen traveller, shehas been to America, Budapest, France, Veniceand Scotland amongst other places and hopes tocontinue to do so in the future. “I had never trav-elled until I arrived in Lusk and really saw much ofthe world as a result. Travelling and working withthe various groups is a fantastic way to get to

know the locals and I’ve madesome great friends downthrough the years.”As a key holder of Lusk Towerfor the past 20 years, Pat hashad a unique opportunity tobefriend visitors from aroundthe world - something whichshe thoroughly enjoys. “I’veseen many visitors come andgo, and have kept in touch withsome. We already have visitorsbooked in for tours next year. Ithink some are initiallysurprised at the amount that we

get, but I love it and it’s my chance to inform themabout the rich heritage of the area.” Lusk is a very tight knit community and Pat is inher element at the heart of it all. She says shehas had a very happy life and is utterly content tobe living in what she says is something of a“hidden gem” in the North County. She is eagerto praise the town she is proud to call her home.“It’s been wonderful to see the town grow andflourish from this sleepy little village to a fullblown, thriving community.” As one of the longstanding residents, Pat is full of stories, but findsit difficult to pick out one particular high point asthere has been so many. “Lusk is just a greatcommunity to be part of and I just want to thank everyone involved for all their hard workand commitment. “A gregarious person by nature, Pat is the idealambassador when it comes to Lusk. “It’s reallybeen great fun. I still get a quiet buzz from thetown, even after all these years.”




Pat Kelly


PRO and Secretary of Lusk Tidy Towns

“Lusk is just agreat communityto be part of and

I just want to thank everyoneinvolved for alltheir hard work

and commitment.”

Page 16: North County Leader 09 November 2012

16 09.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

County Clubbers Is Now Online

Barry Stewart,Stephen O'DonoghueKamil Wrzesczc, Kararzyna Babik,

Harchy Wolvyewicz

and also on Facebook!Pics: Derek O’Mara

County Clubbers wasback in Swords lastweekend at Rouge night-club. The crowd were ingreat form and happy topose for a few snaps!

Michelle Judge & Jen Quinn

David Barken & Martina Conway

Dan O'Grady &Lizzy Biggins

Denise Byrne, OwenNorton & Linda Byrne

Sabrina Sullivan, DennisHartnett & Niall Sullivan

Joe O'Donnell & Marc Smith

Eneq Ionela & Cheryl Doyle

Fiona Flynn, CiaraConnolly, Elaine O'Gara.

Fiona Whelan, Lisa Kearns& Laura Ashmore

Denise Matthews& Ciara Darcy

Jake Williams& Matt Dunne

David Killeen, Tracy Bannon, Sarah Foy & John Hickey

Louise, Kim, Sharon & Martina Brown

Susan Dennehy, Anna Kane, StephenMarkhan & Stephen Burke

Mary & Clare Collins

Page 17: North County Leader 09 November 2012

17North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper09.10.2012

The Old School House



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Page 18: North County Leader 09 November 2012

Fingal County CouncilPermission sought to build new single storeyextension to rear with attic conversion aboveand two new Velux rooflights to front andrear together with internal alterations at 39Forest Walk, Swords, Co. Dublin for Mr. TimHanlon. The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of the Planning Authority during itspublic opening hours, and a submission orobservation in relation to the application maybe made in writing to the Planning Authorityon payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00)within the period of 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the Planning Authorityof the application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought by the Board ofManagement of Scoil Padraic Cailini toconstruct four new permanent classrooms inlieu of existing temporary classrooms alllocated to the rear the existing school atScoil Padraic Cailinin, Portrane Road,Donabate Co DublinThe planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of Fingal County Council (Swords)during its public opening hours. A submis-sion or observation in relation to the applica-tion may be made in writing to the planningauthority on payment of the prescribed feewithin a period of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authority of the appli-cation, and such submissions or observa-tions will be considered by the planningauthority in making a decision on the appli-cation. The planning authority may grantpermission subject to or without conditions,or may refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilWe, The Board of Management, wish toapply to Fingal County Council for planningpermission for a development at St Teresa’sPrimary School, Hampton, Balbriggan, Co.Dublin. The development will comprise of anew 171m_ single storey standalone exten-sion to include two 80m_ classrooms withen-suite toilets and a connecting corridor(these will replace 2 existing rented prefabswhich will be removed from elsewhere on thesite). It will also include a covered walkwaybetween the existing school and theproposed extension and all ancillary worksincluding connecting into existing servicesetc. The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of Fingal County Council, FingalCounty Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co.Dublin during its public opening hours of9.30 to 16.30 Monday – Friday. A submissionor observation in relation to the applicationmay be made to the Planning Authority inwriting on payment of the prescribed fee(€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks begin-ning on the date of receipt by Fingal CountyCouncil of the application.

Fingal County CouncilI,Darren Bently intend to apply for PlanningPermission forA. 1 ∏ storey detached dormer bungalow,B. Detached double garage,C.Waste water treatment system,D.All associated site works on site atWimbletown,Ballyboughal, Co Dublin.The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of Fingal Co Council during publicopening hours.A submission or observation in relation tothe application may be made in writing to the

planning authority on payment of aprescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt bythe authority of the application and suchsubmissions or observations will be consid-ered by the planning authority in makinga decision on the application. The planningauthority may grant permission subject to orwithout conditions, or may refuse to grantpermission.

Fingal County CouncilI, Michael and Laura Housely intend to applyfor Planning Permission for,A.two storey extension to side.B.all associated site works at No 66AThe Chantries,Balbriggan Co Dublin.The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of Fingal Co Council during publicopening hours.A submission or observation in relation tothe application may be made in writing to theplanning authority on payment of aprescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt bythe authority of the application and suchsubmissions or observations will be consid-ered by the planning authority in making adecision on the application. The planningauthority may grant permission subject to orwithout conditions, or may refuse to grantpermission.

Fingal County CouncilWe Mr and Mrs W Murray intend to apply forPLANNING RETENTION for development atthis site, 51 Hawthorn Park, Swords, Co.Dublin. The development consists of the construc-tion of a 5 sq.m. single storey ground floorrear extension with 1 no. velux roof windowto the rear private garden space of theexisting 2 storey semi-detached dwelling. The planning application may be inspected,or purchased at the offices of Fingal CountyCouncil during its public opening hours. Asubmission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made in writing to theplanning authority on payment of theprescribed fee €20 within the period of 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt bythe authority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought for the demolition ofexisting garage to side of existing dwelling &the construction of a single storey replace-ment extension to side of existing dwelling @3 Miller’s Lane (also known as 42 Miller’sLane), Skerries, Co. Dublin for Ian McGloughlin. The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during thepublic opening hours and a submission orobservation in relation to the application maybe made in writing to the planning authorityon payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros),within the period of 5 weeks, beginning onthe date of receipt by Fingal County Councilof the application.

Fingal County CouncilWe, Martina Wogan & Peter Boyd, wish toapply for Outline Planning Permission for aResidential Bungalow property atWimbletown, Ballyboughal, Co.DublinThe planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during thepublic opening hours and a submission orobservation in relation to the application maybe made in writing to the planning authorityon payment of the prescribed fee (20euros), within the period of 5 weeks,

beginning on the date of receipt by FingalCounty Council of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission sought by ClodaghHarvey for the construction of a one and aone and a half storey extension to the sideand rear, relocated vehicular entrance andwaste water treatment system at RoseCottage Newtown, Naul, Co. Dublin. Theplanning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices ofthe planning authority during its publicopening hours and submission or observa-tion may be made to the authority in writingon payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros)within the period 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authority of this appli-cation.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is requested for a newsingle-storey Dwellinghouse (140sq/m)along with new Biocycle wastewater treat-ment system and all associated siteworks.At:- Racecourse Commons, Lusk, , Co.Dublin.. Signed:- Mark Dennis.This planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of Fingal County Council, County Hall,Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between thehours of 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. Asubmission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made in writing to FingalCounty Council on payment of a fee of €20within the period of five weeks beginning onthe date of receipt of the application byFingal County Council.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is requested for a newsingle-storey extension to side & rear ofexisting Dwellinghouse along with all associ-ated siteworks. At:- 22 Curran Park,Balbriggan , Co. Dublin.. Signed:- DorisRooneyThis planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of Fingal County Council, County Hall,Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between thehours of 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. Asubmission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made in writing to FingalCounty Council on payment of a fee of €20within the period of five weeks beginning onthe date of receipt of the application byFingal County Council.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission sought for the demoli-tion of an existing single-storey garage torear and erection of a new free standinggym/playroom, store and toilet to the rear ofthe existing dwelling/back garden togetherwith all associated drainage and site worksat No.22 Portmarnock Grove, Portmarnock,Co. Dublin. Applicant: R. O’Sullivan. The planning application may be inspected,or purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of the planning authority during itspublic opening hours. A submission orobservation in relation to the application maybe made in writing to the planning authorityon payment of the prescribed fee, €20,within the period of 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the authority of theapplication, and such submissions or obser-vations will be considered by the planningauthority in making a decision on the appli-cation. The planning authority may grantpermission subject to or without conditions,or may refuse to grant permission.

18 09.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are

FREENorth County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper

are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas:

Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny,Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy,

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Adverts must be supplied by email [email protected] by can also post your advert on a disk toNorth County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

PLANNING Next Issue:Tuesday,



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Recent published deathsfrom the North County

HICKEY (Malahide) - Raymond; deeplyregretted by his lovingwife Brifget, daughterLaura, Jennifer and Emer,sisters Maura and Emer,sons-in-law Viv and Luke,grandchildren Emma andEvan, relatives andfriends.

SHEAHAN (nee Cassidy) -- Jennifer (Skerries, Co.Dublin and formerly ofClontarf) - surrounded byher loving family, she leftus after a long illnessbravely borne in thewonderful care of thestaff at The Bon SecoursHospital, beloved wife ofDon and loving mother ofDaniel and Sophie, lovingdaughter of Jack and thelate Maureen, treasuredsister to David, Susan

(Burton), John andSarah (New-York);She will be muchmissed by her lovingfamily, parents-in-law,sisters-in-law,brothers-in-law,nieces, nephews,grandniece and manyfriends.

O'CONNOR(Holmpatrick,Skerries, Co. Dublin) -- George L (peacefully)in the wonderful careof the staff ofMoorehal Lodge,Drogheda, to the greatsadness of his lovingwife and best friendDympna, his daughterKeeva, sons Georgeand Eoin, dearly lovedgrandchildren GeorgeOg, Stephanie,Fionnán, brother Pat,sister Betty, son-in-law Andy, daughters-in-law Edel and Lea,sister-in-law,nephews, nieces,neighbours and largecircle of very goodfriends.

MANSFIELD (Skerries, Co. Dublin)- Noel Thomas; sadlymissed by his wifeLaura, children Elka,Fiona, Paul and Davidand their partners,grandchildren, brotherTony and extendedfamily.

PRIOR (Magee)Rita, aged 97 years(formerly ofMalahide, Corlough,Ballymote andStaghall, Co. Cavan) -at the Tara winthropNursing Home,Swords; she will besadly missed by herchildren Paddy,Pauline and Austin,her grandchildrenPamela, Paul,Brendan, Jane,Eleanor, Sarah,Debbie and David andby her six great-grandchildren.

Miracle PrayerDear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you formany favours. This time, I ask you for a very specialone. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it withinyour broken heart, where your father sees it. Then inhis merciful eyes it will become your favour and not

mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promisepublication and favour will be granted no matter how

impossible. Never known to fail. D.K

Page 19: North County Leader 09 November 2012

19North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper09.10.2012

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20 09.10.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


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