north and south korea media

North Korea By Talia and Crystalle

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Page 1: North and south korea media

North KoreaBy Talia and Crystalle

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Page 3: North and south korea media

Political State

Family dictatorship.

Single-party state.

Most secretive societies in the World.

Relies on food aid for foreign countries.

At war with South Korea.

Maintains Worlds largest standing armies.

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Media Institutions

Media in North Korea is most strictly controlled in the world.

The government molds the information of the press to what suits them best, controlling what goes to and from the country.

The Korean Central News Agency is the only source of information provided for all media outlets.

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Freedom of Speech Laws

The role of the press is to…

‘serve the aim of strengthening the dictatorship of the proletariat, bolstering the political unity and ideological conformity of the people and rallying them behind the Party and the Great Leader in the cause of revolution’.

The previous leader, Kim-Jong-il, wrote a guide for journalists that advices that ‘newspapers carry articles in which unfailingly hold the president in high esteem, adore him and praise him as a great revolutionary leader’.

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High degree and strictly enforced by the Government.

Media dictated by the Government towards political propaganda and promotes personality of leaders.

Radio and television censorship…

Pre-set to receive only Government frequencies and sealed to prevent tampering with equipment.

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90% of air-time on international news broadcasts is propaganda.

North Korean famine was admitted within propaganda to be solely a ‘food shortage’ due to bad weather.

Posters used to correct actions of everyday life.

Leaflets sent to South Korean soldiers criticising South Korean government and praising North Korea.

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Internet Coverage/Social Media

Internet use restricted to internet café’s or hotels, mainly for tourists.

Intranet (Kwangmyong) set up by the Government which promotes their country.

Made first entry into social media in 2010:

1. Facebook

2. Twitter

3. Flickr

4. Youtube

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Citizen Journalism


Lee Jun, hid a flash drive of photographs and videos he took whilst in North Korea.

Japanese journalists would with North Korean citizen journalist to document life beyond choreographed scenes.

BBC documentary.

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Comparison to South Korea

Korea first divided in 1945 after the world war 2 into South and North Korea.

Here are some facts about the difference between North Korea and South Korea: